#omori writing
mccnstruck · 1 year
GASP !!!
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hehe, as a thank you for 100 follows i will be opening up requests for writing AND drawing !! here are some guidelines:
- i will be open to writing...
genshin -
romantic / platonic
x reader
project sekai -
romantic / platonic
x reader / x character
omori -
x character
- i will be open to drawing...
almost any character! i will however not do any romantic art (i can draw ships i think??), and i cannot draw anything that's not human. sorry !!
here's some rules and more serious stuff
i can and will delete anything that doesn't follow my rules or makes me uncomfortable.
obviously, no nsfw, no dark content, etc, etc. if you want a full rules on what i dont allow on my blog its in my carrd.
it's definitely gonna take me some time to fulfill your request !! im a busy person, with school and life in the way, and as much as i want to i cannot just produce best quality works in a snap.
rules are subject to change, so make sure you check this page before requesting!!
i think thats mostly everything, and thank you so much for your support !! please let me know if anythings confusing, and have a amazing day !! <3
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lilandetime · 1 year
My Best Friend
(A Kel Poem)
My best friend doesn't speak much.
Maybe a couple quiet words, here or there.
I never minded, though.
His actions always showed his feelings.
Though, lately, I wish he would.
I wish I could read his emotions.
I wish he'd tell me why I never see him smile anymore.
Why his eyes are always downcast.
Why he won't...
... Play with me anymore...
My best friend doesn't speak much.
That's just a fact I have to live with.
Until then, I won't give up my support.
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Maverick x Kel ship stuff umu - 🌌 Anon
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"Huh? Maverick? What're you doing here?" Kel had just finished a basketball game at the park, and he didn't think anybody was watching... that is until his gaze landed on Maverick, who had been sitting on the sidelines. The surprise was gone even further when Maverick claimed that Kel was exactly the man he wanted to see, and before Kel could ask, Maverick took his hand and began to blab on about something fashion-related as he was planning to bring him to Othermart. Kel was very confused, but hey, maybe this was just a random friend experience? As platonic things seemed... maybe the blush on their faces gave away that maybe things weren't 100% like that. Maverick rarely let go of the other's hand.
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delilahirina · 1 year
Once upon a time there was a gloomy midnight, cursed, plunged in the deepest purples and reds, while I was looking, on my bed with a sheet printed with basketballs, weak and tired, many photo albums, full of memories, while my eyes had not slept for a long time and my dark circles had become painful...
As I was nodding off, almost taking a nap, something I had sworn I would never do again, suddenly there was a tapping sound, as of someone knocking softly, banging on my front door.
"At this hour?", I muttered, "No, it can't be, there can't be anyone at this hour, it must be just the wind...just that and nothing more".
I distinctly remember it was in the bleak December; and every dying ember left its ghost on the ground.
I anxiously looked forward to the next day, and the day after that, until the end of my days. From my albums came the relief of grief, grief for my rare and radiant friend, named Sunny, once a whole person, full of life, strange but overwhelmingly happy...now, in the ground, under a coffin, now nameless here and forever more.
And the silky, sad, uncertain whisper of each orange patterned curtain of those stupid basketballs...I shivered, filled me with fantastic terrors never felt before; so now, to calm my heartbeat, I kept repeating....
Suddenly my soul grew stronger; then I hesitated no longer, and carefully made my way down my darkened house, avoiding bumping into the stair railing, and grabbed the knob of my front door, and peeked out part of my face, feeling the cold night air crashing against my features.
"'It's Hero, my parents, they want to come in the house. Yes, that must be it. It's that and nothing more."
"Hero?" I said, "It's 3 o'clock in the morning, Hero, why are you coming home at this hour?" here I opened the door wide... darkness and nothing more.
Deep in that darkness, looking out into the empty street, hearing the little creaks of the flow of electricity powering every house in this cursed town, I stood there wondering, fearing, doubting, imagining things no mortal dared to dream before, a ghost, a creature, anything inexplicable to the human; But nothing was happening, but the silence was unwavering, and the stillness gave no sign, and the only word I managed to utter from my mouth was the whispered word, "Sunshine?" This I whispered, and a cursed echo, a resonant, haunted echo from the darkness of the night, beyond the trees, murmured the word, "Sunshine!"... only this and nothing more.
I went back to my room, slamming my door shut, running, with beads of cold sweat running down my forehead, my soul on fire, feeling my body tensing and my breath quickening, and my eyes bloodshot as I locked my room, when, soon I heard again a knocking somewhat louder than before.
"Surely," I said, "surely it must be some drunk wanting to play a prank, surely it's some person, Kim, someone, wanting to punish me for not saving Sunny, probably it's nothing, yes, it must be that, just that and nothing more."
Here, I walked down towards the living room, my hands shaking, and flung open the door expecting some infamous, Mephistophile creature, when, with much flapping and effort, in came a majestic raven from the holy days of yore. A plumage black as night, and pupils as black as Sunny's. Not for a minute did he bow, not for a minute did he pause, but, with arrogance and elegance, interrupted in my home, ascending to my room, and finding himself in my room dimly lit by the night lamp I own, he perched on an old photograph with my group of friends, right next to my bed... he perched, sat down and did nothing more.
Then this ebony bird seduced my sad fancy to smile, by the grave and severe decorum of the countenance he wore, I could see him, I could see him.
"S-Sunny," I said, plunged into the deepest madness and delirium, "It's you! I-I knew you couldn't have died, I knew you would come back to me" I said in tears, almost sobbing at the sight of the raven's black eyes, as I tried to erase from my memory his crushed body and non-existent head on the hospital parking lot floor "Sunny! Say something, please, please, please say something, I need you, I don't know what to do, Basil was murdered and Aubrey hasn't left her house. Please, what can I do, say something." Forgetting that crows couldn't talk, I don't know what I expected, even if this crow was Sunny, he obviously couldn't answer me, when, unexpectedly, the crow uttered: "Nevermore".
I was amazed to hear the voice of this raven, it was identical to the voice of my beloved Sunny, and not only that, this ungainly bird spoke so clearly, the mere fact that it spoke was wonderful, however, its response held little meaning, little relevance in my eyes, for we cannot help but agree that no human being alive has ever been blessed to see a bird with the countenance of his beloved, in his own room, and have it answer him with a word such as "Nevermore".
And the raven, sitting placidly and solitary in the picture frame, said only that one word, as if his soul in that one word was poured out. Nothing more did he utter, not a feather did he flutter, nor did his beak gesticulate, nor did his eyes move....
Until I barely murmured "Sunny, you don't know how happy I am...thank you, thank you for coming back, promise me you'll never leave again, that you won't fly away again like my hopes." Then the bird declared, "Nevermore."
Startled by the answer so aptly delivered, I smiled, trying to make sense of the answer "Sunny" I said, "You are so sweet, so beautiful, in spite of all that happened you came back, but please, say something else" then I pondered. He jumped off the roof, wanting to end his life, and whatever was tormenting him would stop him at that moment, and so he can only exclaim the word "Nevermore".
But the raven kept seducing my sad fantasy to smile, to smile at its soothing presence, so similar to that of my beloved, and so, I stood on the edge of my bed, moving my head to one side like a curious labrador dog, looking at the beautiful bird and the open door to the darkness.
Then, letting myself sink into the soft mattress stamped by those damn basketballs, I started thinking.
I was thinking, thinking fiercely, thinking about what this ominous bird of yesteryear, possessed by my departed beloved, my gangly, ghastly, emaciated, ominous bird of yesteryear with the voice of my extinct sunbeam wanted to say as it squawked "Nevermore."
But the bird did not utter another word, the raven did not utter another sentence, and stood there, watching me, dimly illuminated by the orange lamp, a bird with the countenance of my beloved represented in that photograph on which I was sitting, ready to return to school after a hard summer, now unable to see a summer again, a bird whose dead eyes now slaughtered my heart. With this doubt, I stared at the bird, as I felt my head burn with a thousand doubts, observing the shadow the bird cast on the wooden floor of my home, a black that reminded me of a hole, a hole into which my beloved fell, and from which he may come out nevermore.
Then, it seemed to me, the air became thicker, perfumed with the pretty scent of tulips that my beloved was expelling as he walked, with a tired but beautiful face, and then, in desperation, I grabbed the face of the raven from its banks.
"Sunny", I cried, "Say something else, I will do anything, I will play with you, I will give you everything you ever wanted, we will go on adventures, everything will go back to normal, we will return to happiness, but please, say something else" And then the raven said a prayer word I feared: "Nevermore".
"Sunny!" said I, "I'll be good, but please tell me something! Where did you come from, where did you appear from, why did you do it, in heaven there is happiness and cherubs and angels?" And then the raven said: "Nevermore".
"Sunny!" said I, "Death was...immediate? Death is not so bad? Death made you happy? What's after death? Were you happy when you died?" and then the raven said words that devastated me: "Nevermore".
"Sunny" said I, plunged into the deepest despair, looking for some other question, something else that could answer me, when defeated, and knowing what I would probably answer again... "Will we ever be happy again? Will there be no more deaths? Is Aubrey going to live? Will Hero live? Will I live? Will we ever get over you leaving? ...Are you happy?" And then the raven answered, with what seemed more forcefulness, more mercilessness, but at the same time, analyzing his face, he looked sad, he looked resigned, he looked defeated, while he said his phrase: "Nevermore".
I fell resignedly to the floor, as my eyes, briefly glittering, plunged back into the deepest darkness, watching my shadow cast by the orange light of my room, mingled by the shadow of the raven, and the shadow of my beloved trapped in the bird, seemed to pierce my heart. And from the blended shadows, I looked deep into the darkness of that compound shadow, injecting my eyes into the darkness, until I seemed to see a hole in the center of reality, in the center of my soul, and any hope I had was swallowed up by that hole, as I said to myself, Aubrey will die. Hero will die. You will die. You will all die. And the light was in my soul, nevermore.
And the raven with the spirit of my beloved, who never flutters, still sits in the frame of the old photograph, looking at me every night until the end of my days, without eating, without drinking water, impassive, unbeatable. And his eyes look like those of an angel dreaming, and the light of the lamp above him casts his shadow on the floor, with my soul trapped in that shadow, while I understand. They will all die. I loved him so much. Oh, I loved him so much.
And my life will be held in the shadows.
And my body will be swallowed by the underworld.
And my soul swallowed by that shadow of that raven with the soul of my beloved, will be raised.... nevermore!
Adaptation of The Raven, by Edgar Allan Poe
Original art by @madnopost in Twitter and Instagram, as well as Your Time AU, in which this story is based. written by me
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lilac-gold · 1 year
Hi there! I saw you were taking OMORI one shot requests/ideas, and I absolutely loved the Hero character analysis you wrote a while back especially all your thoughts about Hero & Kel’s brotherly relationship & how that was affected by the fight they had after losing Mari so I wondered: would you be willing to write a one shot about that, please? I think you have such great ideas about Hero & Kel as brothers that would make an amazing story (plus platonic & family relationships are really underrated I think), but no worries if you don’t vibe with that. Thank you so much! Cheers!! 💕
Aww, thank you so much! I love analysing characters, and Hero's one of my favourites. I'm so glad you enjoyed reading it!
Of course I can! For clarification, do you mean something that would focus on their relationship a little before and all the way over the 4 years succeeding Mari's death? :]
Thank you for the request! I look forward to writing it <33
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annelostshoe · 1 year
I cried because of Omori
I cried because of Omori, not because of the final duet but because of the neutral and bad endings. Because of what would happen after these endings, because what already had happened to them and what would happen to the characters who remain there after everything had happened. All the damage that had happened, all the damage that would happen and all the damage that would never be undone by any amount of time. All the guilt was and would be felt by them, that was caused by a lack of closure and caused by a lack of the truth. The fact it would never get better from there on and that what happened right there would never be good. The fact that they would never get to properly heal their wounds because of what had happened that day. All the things that hadn't happened yet and all the things would never happen. Knowing their grief would consume them until nothing was left and that it would never let them move on from it or what had happened, knowing they would never be happy again no matter how hard they tried. With Kel, Hero and Aubrey, knowing characters we loved and care about would forever be affected by this and would change for the worse, thinking this was all their fault when it was out of their control, blaming themselves for everything that happen, thinking if they noticed this or that it wouldn't had happened, thinking if they hadn't done what they did this could had been avoided when it's far from the truth, watching them falling back into bad habits or doing things they wouldn't done before, having to watch them be self-destructive. yet again even with characters we didn't get to see that much would be affected by this too one way or another. Like Sunny's mom and Polly, they were supposed to protect someone and they failed, they couldn't do the one thing they were supposed to do. Sunny's mom couldn't save her daughter and couldn't even protect her one and only son, imagine how that would be from her pov not being able to protect the two people she was supposed to. To make it worse it was her own children too and not lets not forget Polly who was watching and taking care of someone else's kid, a kid who ended their own life when she wasn't watching him. I even can't imagine how this felt for anyone of them, to lose another one of friend after the fact you thought everything was getting better after a couple of years, to lose both of your children within a couple of years of each other to suicide or for a child you were supposed be watching, end up killing himself when you weren't watching him. Thinking about this is what made me cry not the final duet
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tammarp · 2 years
hi, very quick request :)
looking for an omori rp!! only going to have open a few spots right now but ive been replaying the game and it's killing me again so i have to rp something lol
– i am literate to novella, though i usually like sticking around literate to adv lit, meaning two to three paragraphs per reply. im more than happy to go higher, though! im comfortable getting like a two messages' worth relatively quickly if needed, but a lot more than that will take a little longer
– i am willing to play any of the main cast !! preferably id like it to be set in the real world, maybe something post-canon or au :)
– i would also absolutely love to play multiple characters each and have like. the whole main gang in a plot?? that would be super fun :) but not required!!
romantic ships:
– hero x mari (ill play either)
– sunny x kel (ill play either)
– sunny x basil (ill play sunny)
– just request others!! im down for most (as long as they're not like adult x minor, that's a no)
– literally anything tbh i love all of these characters
– hero and kel?? begging <3 ill play either
– sunny and basil. they do something to my brain as best friends fr
– kel and ANYONE i just wanna play kel </3
just dm if interested!! thanks :)
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fishtank12 · 1 year
Intro !
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hi! i’m cat ^^ (she/he)
reqs are open!! i will figure out how this app works i swear
new to tumblr lol.. but i write!
writing abt:
genshin impact
probably omori.. (not sure yet)
will write:
mostly anything, i’ll take reqs lol
ships! (any!)
will not write:
age gaps
x reader
fetish content..
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jackivist · 1 year
I have posted only my OMORI works for the 30 Day Writing Challenge I did during April. I'll post the works in other fandoms slowly (I need to format things.)
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perishsongchatot · 2 years
Here’s a post good-end Sunny-centric fic where Sunny finally takes the steps to heal after the events of OMORI. Hope you enjoy!!
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zipsunz · 1 year
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good morning kelsey nation ⛹️‍♂️🏳️‍🌈
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candyskiez · 2 months
I love when characters have an idea about them having a Role in a narrative. I love when characters view themselves as The Hero who needs to Fix Everything, even at the cost of their own life or health. I love when characters view themselves as villains, as two dimensional Things in a story and not a person who can change and grow. I love when characters view themselves as side characters without agency or personalities. I love when characters are Wrong about what their role in the narrative is. I love when the narrative actively acknowledges how much this can fuck a person up. I love when characters base their morals or world view off of fiction and view the world through that lens. I love when characters view themselves as fictional. I love when characters think the world operates off of fictional rules. I love when characters have Feelings about being fictional!!!
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lilandetime · 1 year
Everything is Going to be Okay
Please pay attention to the content warnings. None of this is fun.
Sunny's heart pounds as he jolts up from his sleeping bag.
What time is it? It's certainly still the middle of the night.
He sits up, a bad feeling in his gut.
Maybe he was still feeling the effects of that steak.
But, maybe…
It was something else…
He stands.
He has to check on Basil.
As Sunny cautiously walks to Basil's room, he calls out for him.
… Well, he less called out, and more shakily whispered his name.
Sunny puts his hand on the doorknob.
Why were his hands shaking?
Sunny opens the door.
He steps into the dark bedroom, illuminated only by the moon's eerie glow.
The only other living soul in this room was Basil.
Simply staring out of the window.
As Sunny closes the door, Basil flinches, turning to face him.
"Ah… Sunny… it's… just you…"
… Sunny wants to wave to his friend. But stops himself.
"I'm glad you came… It's… it's so good to see you…"
Basil's breaths shake. The room's silence is suffocating.
"... It came to you that day… the day Mari died.
When… when Mari fell…"
Basil tries to force a smile.
"You… you couldn't have done it. It was Something behind you, wasn't it?"
… Sunny tries to force his words out. But they fail to leave his throat.
"You're a good person, Sunny. I know you're a good person!
A good person wouldn't do something like that…"
Basil shakily exhales.
"After all this time, you've finally come back for me…"
He averts his eyes.
"But tomorrow… you're going away…"
The words burst from Basil's throat, as his voice breaks.
"That's mean, Sunny! That's so mean!"
He yells through tears, pulling at his hair.
Creeping through the shadows…
"A… ah… there's…"
Under Basil's feet…
"There's Something all around us, now…"
Up Basil's body…
"Can you see it, Sunny..?"
Around his waist…
"There's no way out of this, is there?"
Sunny backs away.
He turns, wanting to run, wanting to get help.
But Something lingers at the door. Causing his legs to freeze up.
He turns back, only to see two blue eyes staring into his, as Basil had gotten close to his face.
"Where are you going? Stop trying to leave me-!"
Basil's body breathes with panic and desperation, as Sunny barely has room between Basil and Something at the door.
"S-Stop it!
Stop it! Stop it! Stop it! Stop it! Stop it! Stop it!"
Basil repeatedly screams, shaking his head.
Basil opens his eyes.
He quickly backs away to the center of the room.
"I don't… want to be… alone… not again…
You can't… leave me… again…"
Sunny takes a few steps towards Basil, his body shaking.
"No… You wouldn't leave me…"
Basil smiles.
"That's not like you, Sunny! It's Something behind you again, isn't it?"
… It's spreads to each corner of Basil's room. Its mouth wraps Basil's waist.
"Ah-! There it is now!"
Basil's hand reaches to his end table.
"Can you see it?"
His fingers curl around the handle
Of a pair of sharp, shiny garden shears.
He points it in front of him, and yells out.
"Stay away! Stay away from Sunny!"
Basil breathes heavily.
"I'll protect you no matter what, Sunny. You can count on me..!
When Something killed Mari…"
Basil's hands shake.
"When Something ruined all of my photos…
I didn't say anything… I didn't want people to think it was you, Sunny."
… Again, Sunny failed to speak.
"Sunny… Sunny wouldn't do something like that…
Don't worry, Sunny. I'll save you again!
Something behind you… I'll get rid of it once and for all!"
… Sunny tries to leave.
But there it is again. Something behind him. Forcing him to back towards the shaking, armed Basil.
"Sunny… Don't be scared…
I'm scared, too, but…"
Basil tries to smile.
"This is for the best.
Everything is going to be okay."
Basil grips his shears tight.
Something herds Sunny close to the flower boy.
"... Is going to be okay…"
Sunny's breaths accelerate. Faster…
Basil's eyes pour with tears.
Sunny can't concentrate. He tries to calm down.
Take a deep breath…
… But he can't. He chokes on his lungs.
"There's no other way out of this, is there?"
… Immediately, Sunny snaps to attention, as a blade sinks into his shoulder.
"Ghk-!" He fights the urge to yell, trying to shove Basil away.
Sunny tries to focus… block out all of the little things…
But as Basil's eyes stare into his, as his shoulder stings in pain, he feels like wants to throw up.
Sunny barely avoids Basil's blades.
Sunny tries to persist… but his legs continued to shake.
Basil's shears scrape his arm.
Sunny tries to grab them, but Basil avoids him.
"Sunny… am I selfish for doing this?"
Sunny is stabbed in the arm. He retaliates with a punch.
"S… sunny… do you hate me?"
Sunny once again tries to grab Basil's shears. But he's thrown into a table, as the legs of it break and the flower pots crash down on him. … There's a snap within him.
"Stop it…"
Sunny struggles to stand, as he's stabbed again, just barely missing any organs. He shoves basil away.
"Stop struggling… I'm so tired…"
Sunny breathes heavily. His mind was a mess. His heart was pounding out of his chest.
Why was this happening?
His fear dissipates, and turns into pure stress.
Basil was going to kill him. This isn't a fight. It's survival.
Sunny tries his hardest to get away, getting in as many punches as he can.
"Please stop it…"
Basil can't be talked down. He had to get those shears away from him.
Sunny grabs Basil as he's almost stabbed again, turning them against him in panic.
"Why..? Why won't you stop?!"
Sunny grabs Basil by the arms, and shoves him against the wall.
Basil breathes heavily. He stares into Sunny's right eye.
"I see it…"
As Sunny's hand moves to grab his shears…
… Half of his vision goes black.
Sunny holds his hands against what used to be his right eye, stumbling back. His left moves, to see the blood dripping from Basil's shears. And feels the blood dripping from his eye.
As Sunny collapses, Aubrey is jolted awake in the living room, by the loud heavy thump of his limp body hitting the ground.
"What was that?"
As Sunny collapses, Basil's eyes widen, now seeing the red pooling under him.
"Sunny? S… Sunny?!"
Aubrey stands, stretching, before heading to the hallway.
"I… I just killed my best friend…. I just killed my best friend."
This sends Basil into a panic, as he drops to his knees, screaming.
Aubrey arrives at Basil's bedroom door. "Basil-? Are you okay in there?"
Basil breathes heavily…
"My best friend is dead…"
His mind starts racing. And the old voice returns.
Why are you putting it off?
Everyone you love is gone.
Do it.
Basil opens the shears. He points them towards himself.
"I'm… I'm coming in, okay?"
Aubrey opens the door.
And that moment is when it happens.
First she hears the squelch. Then the snip of the garden shears.
Then she sees the pouring red.
"A…" Aubrey screams in terror of the scene before her.
Two of her friends on the floor, not yet dead but not alive.
Polly had heard the scream, she runs to see what happened.
"What's going o-" she sees Sunny and Basil, gasping.
"A…Aubrey..! Wrap their wounds in anything you can find, I'm going to call an ambulance!"
Aubrey doesn't move for a second, before running into the room, grabbing the sheets and blankets from Basil's bed, trying to stop the bleeding the best she can.
"S… stay with me, please..!"
She breathes heavily, tears flowing from her eyes.
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daily-basil · 4 months
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Cool plant fact 🌿 ~
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template if you want
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pey-up · 3 months
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You know damn well it'd be the most angsty one shots you'd ever read
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lilac-gold · 1 year
don't mind me taking this as a writing request so i have an excuse to obsess over him more <3
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