#on certain missions he's treated Sahota to high class dining and 'movie spy' activities like it
Watch alert 🚨weewoo weewoo🚨 watch spotted in your Vic piece
Marking the third watch we've seen with him! I wonder how many he has in total. And if there's any sentimental reasons behind his snobbery over them.
-⌚anon (ps the art looks awesome as ways, and your riot kings redraw really shows how much you've developed!! idk any better way to describe it than the characters interact with each other in a more natural way? Regardless, what a way to celebrate three years! Congrats again!)
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Yeah! :D
he probably has about half a dozen? It's not a huge collection, but he likes a good watch, especially in older styles. There's some sentimentality to the watches, but it's mostly just because it's something nice and shiny he allows himself to collect. Even with the huge compound he could store things at, Vic is kind of a minimalist. Still, he likes to dress nice when he's not in the field
And thank you!! :D it's super fun to do redraws and compare them with old art 🥰🥰
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