#once I get to actually finish more chapters hehehe
morningstargirl666 · 2 days
Hey, just finished my re-read of TBBW and am looking forward to new chapters, any idea of when they will be posted? Keep writing and rocking!
Oh thank you! ✨❤️✨ I've had several asks like this over the past several months and my answer has always been different lol because I always end up writing more.
Not sure how up-to-date you are with what's happening with TBBW so I'll explain: the editing I talked about doing in the end notes of the last chapter I posted? Yeah, kinda turned into a full rewrite.
I started writing TBBW in 2020 and I like to believe my skill as a writer has grown a lot since then and not only that, but the story has grown too. It's evolved into something so much greater than I ever thought it would be. Originally, it was gonna be like 20 chapters? And it wasn't going to be a full canon rewrite, there was going to be time jumps instead, moving onto season 4 quickly - there was no damon murder arc - it was almost a completely different fic. The story that it is now, the one posted on AO3 isn't even a full canon rewrite, more a canon divergence --- but what I'm writing right now certainly is.
I lasted until chapter 5 before I started adding new chapters. As the chapter count stands right now (43, no longer 35) I know its not set in stone because if I've written 8 new chapters already and I'm only on chapter 30, I'm bound to write more by the time I'm done. Elijah, Kol and Rebekah are much more central to the story, with their own flashback chapters and character arcs weaved into the subplots. I've slowed down the Klaroline development even further so it feels like you're there with them, getting to know them, slowly falling in love with them as they are each other. Sam and Kiera are now much more developed and well-rounded characters, with conflicts with Klaus. The Mystic Falls gang are more present, and you get to see Caroline's relationships with her friends and Tyler evolve and twist and strain and bind tighter, depending on the situation.
This rewrite has dozens of new scenes (at this point I've lost count how many), dozens more of extended scenes and dialogue (I'm currently writing chapter 30, which will now be entirely klaroline, set after the 20s decade dance when Klaus drives her home) and the word count is continuely rising. I actually broke google docs and hit the word count limit so I've had to split the rewrite into two docs: PART 1 (Chapters 1-21) and PART 2 (Chapters 22-43? 45? Who fucking knows at this point). I'm on about 280/290k rn overall. And although I'm writing chapter 30 currently, I haven't actually finished 30 chapters --- I've only completely finished around 25 and many of them need editing once this rewrite is finished.
I'm hoping I'll be finished by Christmas, my present to you all. But I can't garrentee it. Whenever the update comes, it's going to be posted all at once and you will be able to devour it to your hearts desire. The new chapters, which I guess were originally going to be chapter 36 and 37, are drafted out a little bit but I gotta admit stuff doesn't really start happening till the end of 37, as I'm basically starting a new subplot arc. It's mostly canon and/or filler stuff to start with, so not that exciting. I doubt they'll take long to finish once the rewrite is done, but I make no promises. After that, I'll be back on my bullshit of regular chapter updates, hopefully. Then the fun really begins.
Whatever the case, when this update lands, I'm hoping to blow your socks off. Jury's out on whether that'll happen, but I guess we'll see.
(It's going to be awesome, hehehe)
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askthe-r-m-au · 2 months
Oh golly gee willakerz! It's that time again!!
I can't write for shi-
Also finally this is the part where Voz is introduced so I can answer some things about his existence-
[The Ring-Misstress | Chapter 3: The project]
There was about 1 more day until the big launch of The Amazing Digital Circus computer game. The recently promoted Co-Ringmaster had lay awake in her bed the night before. All this combined with the constant looming need of an exit was a whole lotta pressure. It's probably the exact opposite on Caine's end...
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Within the circus walls, outside of bounds was Caine. He, too, had been up all night (but for a few more reasons). They had much less time than he thought they would. He may have to continue adding the finishing touches throughout the week. Hopefully, it shouldn't be too much trouble. I mean, he does have Pomni to help him and- POMNI! HE'D NEARLY FORGOTTEN TO WAKE HER UP!
The ringmaster quickly pulled out his WackyWatch.
☆Ah, it's only been 5 minutes...☆
☆5 MINUTES!?!☆
Gadzooks, he'd better hurry if they wanted time to prepare for tomorrow.
Making his way towards her door, he couldn't help but realize. After the other day, he'd felt awfully strange. Maybe it was the unfamiliarity of Bubble not being there. He'd never thought that he could ever let a virus in under his watchful eyes. How long had Bubble been like that? Had he just gotten infected by something sometime before or something else? Something about his absence made him uneasy...
Buuuuut now was not a good time to think about all that! He couldn't spend time thinking about such silly things when they had such important matters!! He had such to to and- Okayy... get ahold of yourself, Caine! What is wrong with you today??
He took a quick breath and reached his hand to the door (witch was very shaky when did that happen???).
Okay... you can do this...
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Pomni jumped from her bed, startled at the fact that Caine actually used the door for once. Not that she minded.
♧Oh- uh- morning, Caine... wh-♧
The ringmaster cut her off impatiently.
♧Huh? Hold on, what're you-♧
She looked up at Caine and back down at herself, recalling the last few days' events.
♧Oh... alright, one sec.♧
☆Great!! Meet me out here. I have something I wanna show you!!☆
She grabbed her hat and cane, sitting on a small shelf next to her bed, and headed out to where Caine said he'd be.
♧Alright... what's up?♧
☆I'm glad you asked!! See, I've been working on this for a while now, and I thought it'd be great if we could work together to finish up on my most recent project!!☆
He snapped his fingers, and in front of Pomni stood a little model. Closely resembling her old jester outfit, but more green instead of red, except for the additional party hat. Which was also lined with teeth?? Eh, it makes sense if Caine designed it.
Other than that, he looked... rather adorable. The little guy opened his eyes, taking in his new surroundings as Caine began to speak.
☆This little Fella is Voz. Or a V.irtual O.ffspring Z.imulation!☆
♧Wait, doesn't that start with a- nevermind...♧
☆I know, I know, it just rolled off the tongue more. Aaaaanyway, this little guy will be able to get along with the other players, as well as help the rest of us with minor tasks! Or, yaknow, just do other kid stuff.☆
♧Such as..?♧
☆A- well, let's ask him!! Cmon, little buddy, say hello!☆
Voz took a big gasp of air before attempting to speak. Except his words came out all glitchy and distorted. You could hardly make out what he was saying.
[H- h- ɛl·l -o¿ -lo-?]
Voz covered his mouth, and another tiny gasp escaped. Pomni looked at Caine in confusion.
☆Heheh... so maybe he can't speak... b-but that's where YOU come in!! Your job is to help program him, you can start by giving him a voice!☆
Pomni looked down at Voz then back up at Caine.
♧Well how? I don't even know what he's supposed to sound like.♧
☆Well... what do YOU think he sounds like??☆
Pomni thought for a second. She thought long and hard. She hardly remembered anything about children herself. She turned to look at Voz one more time.
Out came the voice of a little boy, around 6 or 7.
He gasped and covered his mouth again. But this time in surprise rather than shame.
Pomni's eyes lit up. It actually worked.
Caine flew in right beside Pomni, nearly shoving into her.
☆Welcome to the circus, little fella!! I'm your creator Caine, and this is your Co-creator, Pomni!☆
Caine gestured towards himself, and then his Co-host.
Voz Looked at the two standing together. First Caine, then Pomni. Caine, then Pomni. Caine, Pomni. He softly spoke up once again.
[...Papa? Mama?]
The pair looked awkwardly at each other then back at the child infront of them.
☆Oh my stars how could I forget? These things adapt to the first thing they see.☆
☆I'm pretty sure that's a kid thing, just go with it.☆
She looked back down at Voz, who stared back, anticipating an answer.
♧I... yaknow what? Sure. Just- you can call us that.♧
He looked up at his "Parents" with huge eyes. His smile almost stretched all across his face. He didn't need to say anything for the two to know he meant "thank you".
♧Heh, you're very welcome-♧
Before she could finish, Voz ran up to the both of them and hugged their legs.
Pomni and Caine accepted his embrace. Looking down at their new project, all that dead from before? Was gone.
Maybe this wouldn't be so hectic after all.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
I procrastinated alot-
Expect chapter 4 in like...
20 years
Anyway yall know the drill, ask them stuff, ask ME stuff, and... uh-
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truths33k3r4 · 8 months
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CHAPTER 20 - Concealed Concern
Raphael’s head was halfway into his shell.
“ DUDE. Are you actually serious right now??? HOW LONG? How long have you been in pain?? “ Leo shout-whispered as his hold on Raph’s arm loosened a tiny bit.
Raph smirked as his head re-emerged from his shell.
“ How long has Don been alive again? “
Leo’s glare penetrated his brother’s body like a hyper-focused laser. ( From 17 years of being the oldest sibling he’s mastered the art of “ the death glare… “ ) His grip still held fast to Raph’s right arm, but it was withheld in pressure. Even so, Raph was still very much CAUGHT.
 This wasn’t a new feeling for him, especially as a sibling of four brothers. Many a time he would be doing something that might have been a little sneaky, like playing on the family’s gameboy under his blankets way past bedtime, and one of his goody-goody brothers, ( usually, mostly, always Mikey ), would rat him out.
He was used to being in trouble.
Not only with simple obedience failures, but also…
with the selfcare kind..
Raph’s never liked doctors. It doesn’t even matter that he’s never had an appointment with one. 
 The tv shows the brothers would watch when they were kids would tell their feeble-minded audience that “ Doctors help people! There’s no point to be scared! If you ever feel sick, going to the doctor can really help! “. 
Even at the age of 6 years old, Raph knew that was a load of bull. Any time the first aid kit made an appearance, it usually caused more harm than good. The scrapes and bruises that he and his brothers would earn would heal on their own. There was no need for lame bandaids with cartoon characters on them and that awful stinging solution. Worst case scenario, you get a scar out of it. Oh the horror.
Sensei would drill into his brain how he should care for his body. Be a good steward of it or whatever. 
‘ “ Be careful, my son. Always wear your helmet. “ ‘
‘ “ Where did this bruise come from?? “ ‘
Raph stopped that last little memory dead in its’ tracks.
‘ Heheh~ Yeah, I ain’t goin’ there. ‘
Raph flinched as his mind returned to his body, once again looking into the eyes of his seething older brother. He was saying something. 
Leo seemingly finished his tirade, landing his face into a questioning glare with his eyebrows raised.
Raph braced himself.
“....... Could ya repeat that?... “
He didn’t even need to blink before he was being pulled through the door into the hallway. Thankfully, Leo had switched his grip to Raph’s left arm this time.
The door closed behind them. Leo’s hand tightened around Raph’s wrist. The crimson-clad turtle didn’t have to look at his brother to know he was glaring again.
“ WE ARE NOT DONE, RAPH. I know you don’t love the idea of being patched up, but you gotta GET OVER IT. Hiding your injuries isn’t just wrong, it’s IMMATURE. “ 
‘ Oh heeere we goooo. ‘ Raph mentally rolled his eyes.
“ DON’T START, DUDE. I’m so DONE with this. One would think you’d be over this by twelve, but maybe that’s giving you too much credit. “
Raph’s fists tightened. 
Leo apparently felt his brother's muscles strain in his arm, cause in one quick motion, his wrist was pulled up against his will. Leo’s eyes widened as they landed on the cut sliced into his brother’s knuckle. 
Leo’s ice blue eyes, normally cool and tame, burst with a spark of red. 
Somehow his grip on Raph’s arm tightened again, making the crimson-clad brother question if his skin was turning blue underneath the sleeve of his hoodie.
Leo started to shake.
‘ Ohhh cruditsky.. ‘ Raph tried to think of something to calm Leo down. FAST.
“ Dude, it’s not that bad.. Just a scratch. I grazed it on a brick, I’m fine. “
He could sense every stress chasm in Leo’s body starting to bubble under his skin. He recognized the clench of his brother’s jaw as he fought tooth and nail to not say something he would regret.
Raph could just see the words repeating in Leo's head, the ones he would hear Leo practicing with Sensei in his study after having a big fight with one of his brothers:
' " A fool utters all his words but a wise man keeps them IN. " '
That nice little memory decided to end itself as soon as a growing tension began spreading up his arm. It seemed all the anger in Leo chose to target Raph through his vice-like grip rather than through any words spoken through his mouth.
He braced himself for the echoes of Sensei’s sermons through his big brother’s lips. 
The shaking stopped.
There was no longer a hand clutching his wrist. 
The sound of footsteps echoed in Raph’s ears as he opened his eyes to face.. No one..
‘ W- What? What just happened??? ‘
He really couldn’t believe it. There was nothing! Not a “ Raph you idiot “, or “ WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU “ or even a simple “ I’m telling Dad. “
.. Nothing.
The last echoes of footsteps faded into silence. Raph remained at the front of the door looking down the hall in the direction his brother, ( his oldest, calmest, strongest brother ), stormed off.
Raph stroked the back of his neck, racking his brain for any shred of what Leo had said back in the Medbay.
He growled.
‘ Stupid brain- Stupid thoughts tryin’ to mess with me…Thanks to YOU I totally ZONED OUT while my brother grilled me...’
Raph shook his head and moved his hands back into the pocket on his hoodie, but not before he also caught sight of the scratch adorning his left knuckle. The blood had clotted and was now a dark, muted red. 
“ This is all YOUR fault. “ Raph whispered to his hand, using his other to point accusingly, “ If you had STAYED in my hoodie none of this woulda happened. “
He shoved it back into the pocket with far more force than needed, as his other twisted the knob on the door to the Medbay.
The bright lights made Raph have to squint as he entered the room. 
‘ Ok.. Bring Lotus to bed, wrap up my dumb hand, and….
… apologize to Le- ‘ 
Raph froze as his breath caught in his throat.
There in front of him, clutching onto the sides of the surgical table for support, stood Lotus. Her body was shaking badly as her arms tried to keep herself upright.
Lotus slowly turned her head to face Raph.
The light in her eyes was dimming rapidly.
Raph’s eyes grew wide in panic as he watched Lotus’ body start to sway.  His own body went on override and didn’t ask permission as it shot past the doorway, extending his arms as far as they could go.
With a loud clatter and shuffle, Raph found himself knelt down on one knee with Lotus flopped lifelessly into his arms. His heart was racing as his mind finally caught up to his body. 
Lotus stirred and slowly raised her head to face Raph. Her eyelids hung low with exhaustion as her chest rose and descended in huffs. 
‘..T- th- thanks.. “ She gasped in between breaths.
Raph’s eyes darted back and forth as he tried to figure out what to do.. What to SAY.
Or maybe
Raph’s racing mind decided to stop for a second.
He looked down at the now unconscious Lotus in his arms.
 He himself was FIGHTING against the urge to give his own tirade about how stupid Lotus was being, pushing herself too much, and not caring for her own healt-
‘......... What the heck, irony?... ‘
Raph briskly looked over Lotus to make sure she was alright. It seemed that he caught her in the nick of time, barely saving her head from slamming into the side of the surgical table.
Raph kept his mouth shut as he lifted himself and Lotus off the ground, beginning the trek back to the brother’s nook.
‘ You know what... Maybe it’s a good thing Leo wasn’t here to see this… ‘
That's it for this chapter!! :) Can't believe I've already reached 20 chapters in ' the Strength in Weakness"... Man, has time flown. :)
Thank you to everyone for reading and commenting, and just being so kind and encouraging. :)
To God be the glory!
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callsigndragon · 1 year
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Tasting the Ashes | Ch. 36: The night we lost it all ✍️📲
Word count: 2.5k
warnings: alcohol, mention of babies (duh), gINA (deserves a warning), cute stuff and the angst starts here pals.
A/N: WE'RE BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACK. okay okay i have this story P L A N N E D to the minimum, i'm just struggling to find time to actually sit down and finishing it- but we're getting there heheh
Also if anyone wants to be added to the tag list to not miss any chapter (we're on the final part, babes) let me know in the comments!
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It doesn’t take long for the guys to get to the pub, all eager and excited to spend a night celebrating the arrival of the two younger Bradshaws. The place invites people to feast with its dim light and cozy atmosphere; it’s the place they go when the Hard Deck is closed. 
Bradley approaches the bartender, ordering a round of beer for all his family. Beers keep coming, all gathering around a joyful Bradley and a teary-eyed Goose. One is delighted by this new stage of his life, not only as Carole and JJ’s father, but also as Hen’s future partner. The other one can't believe that he’s finally a grandfather. He really thought this day would never come. 
Once all of them have beers in their hands, they stand in a circle around Bradley, raising them and toasting for the new dad and the new babies of the family. 
“We’re gonna be doing this again in a month once Maeve is born?” Bob jokes, patting Jake’s back. 
The soon-to-be dad for the second time only smiles, sighing happily. “Man, I can't wait to hold my little princess.” 
Bradley laughs, knowing that feeling. Even though Jake is a father already and loves Liam with his whole soul, that feeling of wanting to have your newborn is so bad that you have to keep waiting for a bit longer... That’s a feeling they're always going to have. Even though they are dads already. 
Not that Bradley is thinking about having more babies. 
"I'm fearing for whoever gets close to Maeve when she's older," Bradley jokes while placing an arm over Jake's shoulders. "That poor girl won't be able to date until she's in her thirties." 
"It hasn't even been born yet, don't talk about dating!" Jake whines at the image of his own future. 
"Well, let's forget about that and have fun!" Mickey says. And before the group dissolves into smaller ones, Bradley clears his throat, catching everyone's attention. 
"I have… some news to share with you." 
Reuben leaves his beer on a nearby table, reading himself for the news that, most likely, will flip the family's world upside-down. After all, there's been a tendency for that since Red showed up in their lives. "What is it, Rooster?" 
Bradley’s grin couldn't be bigger when he announces the recent news. "Hen has finally given me a chance! We're going out on a date once her c-section is healed." 
Goose fist bumps proudly and laughs in his very own fashion. “I knew she was the one for you, son.” 
“Let’s not get ahead of ourselves. It’s just a date.” 
Jake smirks, licking his lips before teasing Bradley. “The last date brought us here, to celebrate the birth of your two kids.” 
“It wasn’t even a date.”
“Then only God knows what can result from that date.” Ice quips, earning a smack in the head from Slider. “Well, old glories. Let’s go play some pool.” 
“You still know how to do that, Admiral?” Mav raises a defiant eyebrow while chuckling. 
“Prepare yourself, captain. I’m going to beat your ass.” 
Bradley and Jake watch as the old men leave for the pool table. Those four hadn’t been able to have a proper conversation in years and now? Now they have so much catching up to do. And all of them are really happy that the problem is finally solved. 
Mickey, Bob, and Rooster leave to play some darts. And Jake, Reuben, and Javy, as designated drivers, stay behind and watch them have a fun time. 
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Gina’s plan starts right now. She had been following Rooster all day, and hoped to approach him once he was left alone. But this stupid family is like a package deal, you want one? You have to get them all. 
And that’s not making her job easy. 
Lucky for her, once they reach the pub and after their initial toast, they all split into smaller groups. Two of them accompany Rooster to play darts. Mickey and Bob, if she can remember correctly. Gina had been following them long enough to know their names. 
The wizzos play darts while Bradley sits on a stool, looking at his phone. 
It’s the moment she’s been waiting for. 
Smoothing her black dress, she walks to the table, drink in hand, with a seductive smile plastered on her face. “Here alone?”
Rooster doesn’t even raise his eyes from the phone, watching videos of his babies. “No, I’m with my family.” 
Gina notices the empty beer, and sees an opportunity to make conversation. “Can I get you anothe–?” 
Rooster leaves his phone for a second, frowning and annoyed because who dares to disturb him? “Look, you seem like a nice girl, so I’m going to be direct. I have someone waiting for me at home, and I am not interested.” 
And with that, Rooster gets up and walks to the bar to get himself another beer. 
Gina starts to panic as she sees her plan crumbling before her eyes. But then, she realizes that not everything is lost yet. If she can't have Hen's man... she can have her friend.
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Mickey turns the dart between his fingers, feeling the rugged surface of the barrel on his fingertips. He has come to a realization: Jinx won’t be able to give him what he wants, so he needs to stop trying, and stop forcing her to take a step in a direction she doesn’t want to. 
It’s time to move on. 
“Mickey, I can hear the wheels in your head turning from here,” mentions Bob while lowering his arm. He was ready to throw the dart, but his friend’s silence was bothering him a bit. “What’s going on?” 
“I’m gonna move on, Bob.” 
“What do you mean?” 
Mickey leaves the dart in Bob’s hand, sighing. “It’s time to get over Jinx.” 
Bob sits down next to him, his dart game long forgotten. “Are you sure? Didn’t Red say that she cared about you in the way you wanted?” 
Drumming his fingers on the table, Mickey looks at his friend. “She’s been having anxiety attacks again... She told me that it wasn’t because of me, but I definitely triggered them. I can’t allow that.”
“Mickey, you two should sit down and talk about all this. In person, not over text.” 
“I don’t know, Bob... I think it’s time to stop.” 
And as if the universe was agreeing with him, he sees a gorgeous blonde girl standing behind them, alone with her whiskey. She raises her eyes, making eye contact with Mickey, before offering him an inviting smile. She wants him to approach her. 
Bob looks at the exchange happening before him, frowning at how his friend seems to have made up his mind already. Is he going to pursue the first girl he sees as a rebound? Judging by the way he gets up and walks to the blonde woman, that’s exactly what he’s going to do. 
Bob shakes his head, and goes to sit with Rooster. Whatever Mickey is going to do, Bob knows that he doesn’t want to be involved with it.
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Ten minutes. 
That’s how long it takes Gina to slide her tongue into Mickey’s mouth. Bob and Rooster can’t believe what they’re seeing, and even though both of them are deceived by the wizzo’s actions, Mickey and Jesse are not official. He’s not cheating on her. 
But it kind of feels like it. 
Rooster can’t stand the image anymore and leaves to talk with Jake, Mav, and Goose. Once he’s near, Goose claps his hand slowly, ready to tease his son. “Have you stopped looking at pics of your kids?”
Bradley laughs, placing a hand on his chest. “Have you seen them? They’re so cute! I can’t stop looking at them.” 
Jake shakes his head, taking a sip from his soda. “Remember when you told me how whipped I was the day after I saw Liam? Now you get it.” 
Rooster remembers that conversation like it was yesterday. He can’t believe Red has been in their lives for a year already. It feels longer. “Yeah, now I get it. Man, if something happens to those kids…” 
“Nothing will happen to them. They’re safe with us. But whoever tries to get close to them will unleash the fury of the female family members.” Maverick jokes, patting Jake’s shoulder. “And I’m actually talking about your wife.” 
“She’s the most badass woman I’ve ever seen,” Jake’s soft smile makes Mav laugh. He’s happy for his son and for all the things he’s accomplished, and he's proud of how he was almost completely alone a year ago and now is getting ready to prepare for a wedding with the love of his life and his two kids. 
“You two have come so far… I’m sure Goose thought that Bradley was a lost cause, too.” 
Goose tilts his head, admitting that Mav is right. “I mean… yeah. I thought you would end up alone.” 
Bradley scoffs, sitting down and getting another beer. “Thanks for the trust, dad.” 
“Any time, son!” 
The four men laugh, relishing the moment. It’s not everyday that they have something as beautiful to celebrate as the arrival of two new babies. They all know, deep down, that this happiness won’t last long. There’s someone out there threatening their dear Hen. The four men are ready to do whatever it takes to protect her. 
Maverick is her father. Nobody will touch her as long as he’s alive. 
Jake is her brother. He has finally gotten the family he craved so much, and nobody is going to take it away from him. 
Goose is the grandfather of Carole and JJ. His once small family is growing up, and he won’t let anyone risk that. 
And Bradley… Hen is the missing piece in his puzzle. The woman who, knowing the brokenness of his soul, is willing to love him. He will do whatever it takes to make sure she and the babies are safe. 
Nobody will touch Hen Mitchell. 
“...would you hate me if I left?” Bradley questions shyly. The three men laugh and shake their heads. 
“How much did you drink?” Jake asks in return before giving him the car keys. 
“Only a beer and a half. I've been trying to get you all drunk so I could sneak away and go see my girl and the babies.” He confesses, opening his hand. 
Jake leaves the keys in Rooster’s open palm and laughs. “Goose, you owe me ten.” 
“Will you stop making bets on me?” Bradley fakes annoyance while pulling a bunch of bills and hands them to Jake. “Pay their drinks for me, will ya?” 
“Aye aye, Lt.”
Bradley turns around to leave, watching as Mickey and that girl are still sucking faces. “Don’t want to know how that ends.” 
Jake, who was still unaware of Mickey’s current activities, almost drops the bills in his hand. He can’t see the girl’s face, but Mickey seems to be enjoying his time with her.  “Oh my fucking God.” 
“What now?” Mav groans, leaving his beer on the bar. 
“Jesse is coming here to confess to Mickey.” 
“She what?” Goose exclaims, watching the two lovebirds. He has her pressed against one of the pillars at the back of the bar, hands placed on her hips, while she grabs him by the back of his neck, pulling him as close as possible. They can’t see her face due to the angle, but one thing is for sure. 
She is nothing compared to Jesse. 
“I’m gonna leave. I don’t want to see the drama.” Bradley mutters, raising his hands in defeat, and leaves the bar. 
Jake gets his phone from his pocket and quickly dials Jesse’s number. But she doesn’t answer. Jake texts her, telling her to answer the phone, to text him, but she must be driving. There's no way he can reach her. 
Maybe he can wait for her out the bar, stop her from coming in. "Pops, I'm gonna wait for Jinx outside. She doesn't deserve to see this." 
"Yeah, you do that. I'll try to make Mickey leave through the back door." Mav offers, and when both men are about to walk their separate ways, they see Jinx standing a few feet away from them… her whole face contorted in pure horror once she realizes that she was too late. 
She has lost Mickey. 
"Jake, go." Maverick pushes him in her direction, and Jake gives them the money Bradley had given him before, knowing well that he won't be coming back. 
"Jake…" Jesse whimpers when she sees his friend, as tears run down her face. 
"Hey, it's okay. It's okay, honey. Let's get you home," mutters Jake while softly pushing her out of the pub. 
"I-I can't go home. What if he takes that girl home to fuck her?" 
Jake sighs, knowing that she's right. "We'll go to my home, okay?" 
"Tell me I'm dreaming, please. Just tell me this is a nightmare." She says, bursting into tears. Jake hugs her and leads her to his car, no way he's letting her ride her bike all the way home in such a state. 
Once she's sat down and the seat belt is secured, Jake closes the door and calls his wife. 
"Jake? Did Jinx get there? Are they kissing?" Red blurts, waiting for his responses. 
"She did get here, but Mickey was kissing another girl when she entered the bar."
There's a collective gasp. Jake knows he’s on speaker, and all the girls are listening to him. "He did what?!" 
"Mom, I'm as surprised as you are." He sighs, walking to his side of the 
"Bring her home, Jake. We'll take care of her.” Red offers, and Jake can hear all the girls whispering and talking along with the distinctive sound of people packing up their things to leave. 
“Girls, you don’t have to stop your night for this…”
“She needs her friends now, Jake.” Hen states, coming closer to the phone. “Take care of her for us, will ya?” 
“I will, don’t worry. By the way, Rooster is on his way to get you. He couldn’t stay away from you and the kids any longer.” 
The girls reply with a big aww in unison, as if they had rehearsed it, and it makes Hen chuckle. “I know, he texted me.”
“Take care of him for me, will ya?” 
“I will. Now come home. Red and Jazz are preparing a room for Jesse.”
Jake hangs up and gets in the car. He’s about to try and calm Jesse a bit when he sees Mickey’s figure walking out the bar. Jake swears under his breath before starting the engine and driving away from this place.
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Tagging the usual people hehe
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sapphire-heart-tippy · 2 months
hellooo, i'm a huge fan! for tippy; how did your relationship with vanilla and bel start?
Hi!! 😎✨
Oh dang it's a long story 😭🩵💙💜 BUT I will proceed!
However if you or others are interested in the long versions:
Sapphire Heartverse fanfic (how Vanilla and Tippy met and became a couple)
BelTipVans one shot (how the 3 became a throuple!) (This is one of the epilogues for the sequel: Sugar Crash Void Bash, which is in the works right now, and the first chapter will come out once I'm finished drawing the cover art for it 💪✨)
BUT, I'll try to make it short and sweet!:
Vanilla and Tippy
Vanilla and I met while working for Dio. He picked me up at the airport and things were pretty okay. I showed Mr Dio my stand powers and impressed him pretty well!
Then things kind of started to go south. I'm a bit of an impish troublemaker, I can't help it! I pulled some pranks and did some silly things that really irritated Vanilla heheh.
He and I would argue and butt heads a lot, secretly I liked getting on his nerves and pushing his buttons. Vanilla was training me in stand-to-stand combat, but I got cocky because my stand is more defensive while his is more offensive.
One day we learned that... Cream and Sapphire Heart are almost exact opposites of each other. His stand is an unstoppable force while mine is an immovable object.
Now this is where I guess we started falling in love with each other heheh! One day Vanilla and I were sparring with our stands. He got a little too close to Sapphire's diamond spear and... I accidentally cut off his right bang. Before he could say anything, that's when Dio called us into his room.
Mr Dio had wanted us to get rid of somebody for him, that person was hiding in the boiler room of the basement. Vanilla and I were trying to fight the person's stand, but it wasn't easy!
Just when I was about to get attacked, that's when I felt a hand grab me and pull me into a pitch black void!! I was tumbling and twirling in an inky canvas of space! Until suddenly I was stopped by Vanilla. He had used his phone flashlight so we could see each other in the eternal darkness.
I was holding onto him tightly and... I just really liked the feeling!! *Sigh* Long story short, Vanilla got slashed up pretty bad on his left shoulder, and we had defeated the stand. I took him to get stitches and made sure he was okay. We talked a lot that night, about some pretty heavy stuff...
Then a few days later, we started being more bold with our flirting. Vanilla even tugged me by my choker. It was pretty fun... That night we confessed our feelings to one another and got so eager that we had our first kiss.
The rest is history heheh!
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Beleza, Tippy, and Vanilla
As for how we met Bel... *Impish giggle* Well, for the most part, you all will have to wait until Sugar Crash Void Bash comes out! It's quite the uh... ordeal
BUT, I will tell you that after everything was said and done, Bel actually came back home with us. Us 3 would hang out and enjoy each other's company very much. He lit up our lives quite a lot!
Vanilla and I, before we got together with Bel, we were talking one night... Vanilla felt very guilty that he started to have feelings for Bel and find xem to be very attractive. I admitted that too. Vanilla and I have been very committed to one another and monogamous until we met our third... We felt that our lives were fully complete after Bel had joined our relationship.
So we decided to ask him out on a date. It was a cool fall day, leaves were falling, there was a crisp autumn scent in the air, and everything was very sweet. We had taken Bel to a cafe, just let xem talk and talk xis heart out. Vanilla and I were absolutely endeared by him.
Then when it was time to go back home, they looked very sad. But Vanilla and I told them that we'd go back to their hotel and hang out for a bit longer.
We all snuggled and had our first kisses with Bel. That day is a day I don't think any of us 3 would forget 🩵💙💜
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oleander-nin · 3 months
Okay continuation now lmao
"How'd you find it wasn't my name? Did you look it up or smth? I'm just curious lol."
Nope! Just heard people (and yourself) call you Ollie and never once call you Oleander, so I just assumed. Also part of it is because I didn't know Oleander was an actual name until now. Damn that is a sick name.
"Uhhhhh Mikey would keep a snake if he could. He seems like a snake guy to me."
WAIT I can see that! I don't think he'd like feeding them live mice or anything though, he'd probably get one with a different diet.
I may be thinking a little too hard here but he would ALSO get one that's low maintenance. Or at least he should. In that scrapped episode "T-hex" splinter alludes to Mikey having electronic pets before and I remember hearing SOMEWHERE that Mikey always ends up forgetting to take care of them after the initial excitement dies down? I don't remember where I heard that or if it was another person just theorizing but either way that seems in character lol.
WAIT ANALYSIS TIME maybe Mikey wouldn't like the idea of a super low maintenance pet? Because maybe if he DID have to pay attention to caring for one it would give him a sense of purpose and responsibility that he feels robbed of being so babied all the time. I think he'd be a little sick of being too taken care of all the time and maybe he'd want to provide that for a pet to even that out and make him feel independent. (even if he's bad at it. He really doesn't mean to be).
Or maybe I'm projecting. Idk I'm always nervous that maybe my "analysis" for characters is entirely wrong but WHATEVER I'm anon so I fear nothing (lying)
"Twoal Donnie is into botany, actually! He grows all the flowers he sends. I've had it planned like this for a long time lol, and he'll show off his garden a lot in later chapters(once I get to writing them-)"
Imagining MC looking over everything and thinking: "Hey this guy grows a lot of the same flowers that I happen to receive from Von Ryan... Hm... Eh it's probably a coincidence, they're popular flowers."
"THANK YOU FOR NOTICING THE FLOWER THING. I think you're the first person on Tumblr to point it out so far and I'm giddy. When I re-write it for the final time once I finish this draft, I'm gonna try and integrate more flowers."
I was checking the notes like "Anyone else seeing this?? No?? Okay well I'M going to be crazy about it then." I was pulling up Google to search all the flower meanings chapter by chapter and would freak out a little every time hdjdjshsj
Sorry for long asks again. These are always longer than I want them to be lmao. Have a nice day Ollie! I am sending you good vibes. You have no choice. There is no escape from them <3
- ☄️
Ah, that makes sense lol. I think I've only had two people ever call me Oleander on the server.
Ooo, I like your analysis! I forgot snakes were high-maintenance pets. If I'm honest, I just liked the mental image of Mikey laying on the floor w/ a snake coiled on his back. I agree w/ the 'he'd like taking care of something for once' idea though.
heheh this is making me want to finish this draft of TWOAL so y'all can see what I have planned.
Yeah, I think only Wattpad noticed the flowers so far. Someone commented what the flowers mean on every chapter, and it's been great fun watching them dissect it lol. Very glad to hear you caught it too!
Long asks are completely fine! I really don't mind, it just took me a while to answer this once because I got a bit busy. Thanks for the good vibes, I needed them. Have a swell day, and I hope yesterday was good to you. Thank you for the ask!
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s4pphic-sh3nan1gans · 3 months
WIP Weekend
thank you so much for the tag, @mint-ty <3 I didn't think I had that many wips to share but after looking through my notes app, there are actually quite a few things there gathering dust that I mostly forgot about 😭 sooooo here is my list, starting with the earliest:
Zame, si čisti dopamin - this is a bojere fic I started nearly a year ago now, based around the infamous tavastia 1.0 gig and Bojan both discovering and navigating his feelings for Jere. as I remember, I had one more chapter planned that I unfortunately lost motivation for, buuuut as it stands now, I guess it's kinda left on a cliffhanger? sorry 😅 but it holds a special place in my heart as I was just beginning to get very deep into my joker out hyperfixation when I started writing it hehehe
This ship of love is loaded - another bojere fic that I never finished and didn't post, this one was inspired by the release of Huhhahhei by Käärijä 😌 y'know the song's implications of fucking someone on a boat? yeah, I took that and ran with it whilst wearing my tin-foil hat and made it about bojere 😭 it's set on the 2023 eurovision pre-party boat and includes the scene of what is now the first snus proposal. ultimately, I abandoned it because I wanted to include smut but wasn't yet ready to (properly) write mlm smut for the first time back then
untitled jance fic - this is the only time thus far I've written jance (which is actually criminal tbh). it's a very short wip so I'm not entirely sure where I was going with it, but it appears to include Nace attempting to flirt... 👀
it's better if we remain a memory - now, this one is a little more obscure. it's based on the film Bojan is in (Kaj pa Ester?) that I unfortunately haven't watched (c'mon, slovenian film industry, make it available internationally, I beg of you 🙏). basically, I watched the trailer, made up a plot, and made it very very very gay. and then posted all but the final chapter before succumbing to lack of motivation again 😭
Immortalised - .......okay, I just realised I was wrong about only writing jance once, this is another time I tried to write it! this one is all about the incredible jance photoshoot by Damon Baker, exploring their relationship behind the lens. not sure why I never finished this one, if I'm honest 😅
Forgotten Nights - here, we have a bokris wip. this one was going to be a classic friends-to-lovers fic, littered with flashbacks and snippets from the past that both of them were repressing. I found that I didn't properly plan out the sequence of flashbacks though, or where I was going with it so it ended up a little messy as I was writing it and eventually I moved onto other things
a bunch of bokris "5+1 things" fic ideas I never got round to writing properly - specifically, I have 8 fics that I planned for 😭 if you want to know more about one, send me a number between 1 and 8 and I'll tell you what the 5+1 idea was :)
untitled damkris fic - finally, this is what I started most recently. it's inspired by Kris and Damon's recent trip to Ljubljana Castle, and basically they flirt and gay panic all day whilst being idiots and not realising they're both actually crushing hard on each other 😭
if you want to know more about any of these, or read a snippet from one, go ahead and drop into my ask box!!! I shall be more than happy to provide 😌
no pressure tagging (and apologies if you've already been tagged): @trips-around-the-sun @graysantimony @paperphilia @electron-road-suspect :D
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actualbird · 1 year
// main story 10 spoilers
finished main story 10 today and came here like i need to know what zak reptilianraven actualbird thinks about this!!! because everything drove me insane!!!
like I didn't REALIZE it was luke cause i thought it was like the episode opening cont. and not a different scene where the story actually starts. so when he showed up and started agent raven-ing i actually yelped in surprise. MY POOKIE IS HERE???
and I'm so happy that we actually got more of a glimpse into the guys' other activities!! i think the reason they isolated mc in ms9 is more to focus on her personal doubts and how those are playing into the story as we see in ms10 (all the talks with artem and her internal monologues like OHHHHH my sweet baby girl (not babygirl but baby girl iykwim). but i did enjoy seeing what everyone else was getting into while we were busy and shit.
(also no followup to the luke thing but everyone is busy. and im pretty sure rosa thinks it's a chronic illness that's gonna be with him forever not one that's gonna kill him in a few years)
the prank with artem??? celestine u big brain. the lift prank?? hilarious. his cn va did so good i laughed so hard at his voice trying to be scary.
artem and vyn doing Undercover Sneaky Guy Shit was so hot actually. like yes pretend to be a hot villain to the lady ur in love with and be Angry and Mean because they almost killed her :) hot.
although what we've learned about vyn this chapter is actually God Damn what the fuck did he do in his past life to not only be born to separated parents as a mixed child where one is Svartan Royalty and the other is like Stellis Mafia. no wonder he's like that. matthew richter was gorgeous i cannot imagine how stunning his mother is. i will Die once i see her.
marius didn't get as much of a focus but heheh. this is so good. delicious. yummy. More Vyn and Marius Rivalry material. he's so hot when he's being a boss but also he was so sweet and silly about sending us the info. marius 4lyfe i was obsessed with his every scene
all in all im glad that it doesn't seem to be the nxx actually being divided but the plot is getting thick and they're spreading out to deal with separate roots. teamwork <3
oh god this got so long i apologize for being so rambly. i will now close this off with JEROME WHEN I CATCH YOU JEROME. JEROME WHEN I CATCH YOU!!!!
// main story 10 spoilers
WAHHH hello hello!! lemme go through all of these one by one because i do indeed have some thoughts on it all
on the other boys’ activities: yesssss i adored this too. i love it in any main story chapter when we have like little scene breaks away from the main boy of the chapter to show what the others are up to cuz then those differing threads eventually come together to wrap themselves up again
on luke’s illness: NOW THAT U MENTION IT…..THAT MAKES SENSE, SHE PROBLY DOES THINK IT’S CHRONIC AND NOT TERMINAL. my memory is bad, but yeah im not sure if luke actually fessed that part of his diagnosis/prognosis, he just said he was sick. i think if she did know it was currently deemed to be terminal, she would be much much more worried about it
on the prank with artem: that entire elevator scene is seared into my brain with how hilarious it was. the cn va needs an award for that. he was so good at acting like he was bad at acting jkhVKJAHVFKAJHF
on artem and vyn sneaky guy shit: as disturbing as The Sauna and The Auction were, artem and vyn were—and i cannot stress this enough—SO COOL IN THEIR ACTING. the oscar award goes to them. my favorite bit in the sauna scene was when vyn told mc to threaten him like HOO BOY he knows how to stage a SCENE
on vyn’s family: YEAH I AM SO EXCITED TO SEE REINA RICHTER TOO GOSSSHHH and yeah in general vyn’s family situation is so horrendously complicated on both sides now jsdfhsvlBJKL. i have nothing to say about this because im honestly rather behind on reading vyn’s cards (I HAVENT EVEN WATCHED HIS SECOND ANNIV YET…..OR ANYBODY ELSE’S ASIDE FROM LUKE’S AHAHSKHJFJSH) so im not in the best position to be talking that in depth about it til ive experienced more of the Lore
on marius being so hot being a boss: marius is indeed so hot when being a boss
on the nxx schism (?): yeah yeah i also got that vibe too!! from ms9’s sheer hostility, ms10 was much more relaxed, probably because none of the boys interacted with each other as much. but i also wonder if ms9’s intense hostility was caused in part because luke was the main partner for that, and he was going through a Pretty Tough And Frustrating Time. here, since there wasnt any interaction between the boys (even between vyn and artem, who were both at the auction. it was ogier who led mc to artem) there wasnt any scene for the prior hostility to play out. so right now, im unsure if this means that the nxx schism is still happening or that we simply didnt get a chance to see it again in action, so it’s got me very interested for how things will play out in the next story, especially now that marius Knows What He Knows
on jerome: on gods we gotta get eVERY CHILD THE FUCK AWAY FROM JEROME ADAMS!!!!!!!
thank you for the ask :D
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syrupsyche · 1 year
Hi! I've finished my second installment of the canon era Enjolsette siblings au, so here is a director's commentary on the last chapter because I did not take almost 3 months to write it to not have any thoughts on it.
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We get Valjean's reason for agreeing to the language lessons! If Marius had kept up the lessons long enough without popping the question, Valjean might have just whisked Cosette away to England. Now that's an AU-within-an-AU I wanna explore...
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Feuilly appears! And is once again able to elicit a human reaction out of Enjolras. This is also where Valjean begins to realise that his children are pretty sad and lonely most of the time, and while it is partially because of his tendency to isolate them all, he takes it way harder than he should.
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Enjolras is trying to be aloof here. "Cosette told me...distant from her. She's worried...". He doesn't bring in his own feelings on the matter, and one might wonder if he had even noticed Valjean's weird behaviour if it weren't for Cosette. Which brings us to:
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I personally hc that Enjolras is usually so caught up in his public affairs that he neglects the details of his private life until it catches up to him (something we shall hopefully explore in later installments...). As such, when he finally thinks through why his aging father might be tired more often and losing his sense of time, he jumps to the most obvious conclusion. And that conclusion hits him like a truck.
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Dammit Enjolras! He reveals the secret his sister has worked so hard on keeping 😔 Though I cannot blame him; I don't think Enjolras has had any experience dealing with the sinking panic that comes with thinking your parent might die soon. He would have a much better hold on Les Amis secrets compared to this lol.
Also, a tad bit of Valjean selfishness here: he never reassures Enjolras that he isn't actually sick or dying. Instead, he uses his son's frazzled state of mind to fish out the details of Marius' courtship and then sends him out of the room. Poor Enjolras probably still thinks his father is going to die soon! (Which, if you can remember, is most likely the reason why he convinces Marius to quickly propose to Cosette)
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This talk is surprisingly cathartic for Marius. He is a little closer to Valjean in this AU (though thats not saying much) so he might have unconsciously imprinted on Valjean as a pseudo father-figure. By spilling all this to Valjean, he's finally able to tell a "father" all that he had wanted to say to Georges Pontmercy, thereby relieving his guilt. And of course Valjean sympathizes with him here; Marius shares a lot of traits with Cosette.
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Classic Valjean self-deprecation 👍 Though, he is a little foolish for allowing Cosette to be married to Marius who, at this stage, is still quite broke. However, this AU does have Enjolras as a brother, so Valjean probably feels good enough to leave her in his hands and just fade into obscurity.
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Rescued-from-the-gallows metaphor hehehe....
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A direct contrast to Marius in the first chapter, who was merely "...an only child with no father" and knew nothing of "a loving, tight-knit family" (Chpt 1). Now now he's beginning to have a father again, as well as a brother! We can see how much Marius has developed over the course of the fic :D
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Ironically, it is Enjolras now that notices and worries over his father, while Cosette is busy with her friends. Would he try to address this in the future? Maybe. Then again, this is the only time he will ever let himself be fully distracted from the rebellion plans, so whatever his course of action will be, I doubt it'll be for a completely selfless reason (or selfish, depending on how you see it...)
This has been a very long analysis but I did put 5 months of work into this fic 😞 Now I'm scared how long it'll take me to finish the rest of the installments....
Let me know if you want more director's commentary in the future! I love dissecting stories, especially my own :)
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spiteless-xo · 11 months
1. SENPAI NOTICED ME!!!? Mutuals 🥹😭
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2. Just finished ch8 of tbaw and I’m just like “Fuck it, I’m asking to be my boyfriend dammit.” If he still says no then dang, guess I’ll just keep being his “girlfriend not-girlfriend”. Because that’s exactly what’s happening! They’re dating without the fckin label.
3. Good luck making me hate Eren. He’s my baby. Just once have I wavered and that was in a moment of weakness! Besides, it only lasted like ten minutes. Let’s see if you can break me like Ivy did with her Method Acting story. (She got me high on that revenge chapter.)
Lastly, I’m already heavily biased so Jean didn’t have much of a chance to begin with. Lol. I’m trying to get into readers mindset in tbaw but damn, you got my tunnel vision even narrower with how you’re writing Eren so far.
1. hello pal 🥰💗
2. hehehe i actually read your comments today on the early chapters and it’s making ME wanna re-read tbaw from the beginning 😭 i’m like, oh the house party!! that feels so long ago!
3. ooo i haven’t read that one! i’ll have to add it to the list
i hope you enjoy the rest of the story 🥰 it’s so funny because you’ve barely scratched the surface but you’re seeing all the spoilers for the recent chapters 💀 i wonder if that makes any foreshadowing or plot points more obvious for you
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:00 please do tell about anything! Headcanon, plans, anything! :D
Well I have lots of plans and headcannons, but I can share a few I got so far: Note that I will probs be focusing mostly on Champ/Wild in this post since at the moment, they are the focus of the series.
-I am currently trying to work on a spotify playlist for all the chain members! Once I am finished, I'll post them! -Wild's theme song at the current moment is "No Complains" but Noah Kahan -The Yiga in this au of mine are to be treated a LOT more seriously. They still have their goofey aspects, but above all they are serious threats. There is a reason why Champ does not like them. -Honestly, over all this Fic/series is probably to be taken seriously. There will be a lot of darker aspects that show up in my stories and I will be diving hard into the psychology of the chain :)
-Champ and Wild are almost entirely different people. They share some traits of personality that is the same, but otherwise the only commonality between the two of them is that they share the same body.
-Twilight has already met Wild, long before he has met Champ in "When The Curtain Closes"
-Champ is one, if not THE best swordsman in his Hyrule right now. He's basically been training with the sword from the moment he could hold one.
-Currently, in Champ's Hyrule, Dragons are a myth. They haven't been seen in centuries. Wild's Hyrule HAS seen the dragons (obviously) but no one is entirely sure how or why they returned. -Though the dragons may be physically gone. In the most recent chapter, when Champ was praying at the Spring of Courage. It was actually Farosh that answered his prayers. He's the comforting presence around Champ.
-Zelda and Champ do not like each other, they do eventually get on better terms but there is a lot of bad blood between them. However, Wild and Zelda DO get along, but more so like siblings. They trauma bonded hard and never acknowledge the issues that they still have.
-Wild is in a v happy relationship with Sidon and Yona, that started when it was the two of them he ran to when he discovered the truth about Zelda.
-I won't get into specifics, but The Demon King's fight with Wild lasted a long time. It was a grueling as hell fight. It doesn't end the same as it does in TOTK however.
-U will be getting some Eldritch vibes from Wild, because I love the concept.
-Everyone has something a bit more unique to them in this AU of mine. However, just recently, I thought of a very very interesting plan for our boi Sky. It may take a while for the reveal...but I sure do like it hehehe
-Lastly, pay attention to my reblogs! I am...taking inspiration a lot of things
Anyways, hoped you enjoyed the small amount of headcannons! Feel free to request more, or ask me to elaborate on something! I would be very much happy to :D
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m1ckeyb3rry · 8 months
i just finished the chapter AND OH MY GOD. it was so cute and sweet but absolutely heartbreaking at the same time. toge and panda broke me☹️☹️☹️ i love hana sm and i love the way you portray her bc she seems like such a sweet person and i really love how y/n tries to befriend her and not make her feel unwelcome
yuta just continues to raise my standards, that man is the greenest flag to exist and the way he loves y/n so much makes me bang my head against a wall. they’re everything to me and they’re literally the definition of what love is
maki is my baby, her and y/ns relationship is so pure and you can see how much they care for each other. i feel like their love for one another doesnt have an explanation, its more than just platonic love, they’re literally soulmates
TULLIA UGHHHHHHH everytime shes mentioned my heart drops to the ground and i miss her so so so so much. it shatters my heart the way she never got to confess to toge herself, they deserved so much better ☹️☹️
and gojo omg. y/n and gojos relationship may be my favourite in the entire series. i love how much they care for each other and the way they’re literally siblings. the photo album ABSOLUTELY killed me, it was so thoughtful and so sweet and fr the best gift you can ever give someone. it makes me really sad that its probably the last thing she’ll ever get from gojo (if the story goes there (PLS DONT IM GONNA SOB AND SCREAM))
all in all, i absolutely loved this chapter but it felt like the calm (if you can call it that really) before the storm and im so not ready for the next chapter. it kills me that pi is ending so soon, i’ll miss it so much and i’ll miss all the characters and inside jokes of the book, but im still really excited to know what happens and see everything get revealed (im gonna be screaming crying shaking and dying on the floor)
toge and panda the forgotten favs 😫 i’m like 99% sure that’s the last time we’re going to see those two and they’ve been there since the BEGINNING so it was so bittersweet writing that chapter 😔 but HANAAA i love her sm she deserved sm better from the fandom and from gege as a whole i will always defend her. the whole trend of female characters obsessed with the male main characters that dgaf abt them is so annoying and disappointing to me tbh especially because hana had so much potential to be such an interesting character given her powers and dynamic with angel. so i tried to expand on her just a little bit!! maybe in another fic i’ll focus on her more because she really is so cool.
YUTA IS SO SWEET he is THE boyfriend of all time like the biggest gentleman ever i love him sm 😢 he’s just so kind and loving and ugh i can’t
maki and y/n really do escape definition tbh. like i couldn’t tell you WHAT they are but whatever it is it’s a very very pure form of love and they are so dear and important to me. their relationship (along w y/n and yuta’s ofc) definitely exemplifies the core of pi and idt the story would be the same without it at ALL
the tullia mentions are so sad for me too because i’ve actually never killed her off before so it’s weird to write something without her there in some way shape or form. her and toge deserved sm more than they got fr.
GOJO AND Y/N. that’s it that’s the sentence…as much as the romance in pi is central to it i think the bond between gojo and y/n is just as important. they kill me every time because they didn’t get as much time as they deserved together (#l/nclanslander) but they still love each other more than anything. the photo album had me sobbing especially describing all of the pictures from the first half of the story 😭 it felt so end credit scene if that makes sense?? and just reminded me that this entire ridiculous journey is almost over ☹️ no spoilers for what will happen to everyone hehehe you will have to wait and see
THIS CHAPTER TRULY IS IT. the calm before the storm the last time we see everyone…it truly will be the end of an era once pi is over (which is so so soon) i’m going to feel so empty for a bit and it’s going to be so odd to not be able to write more adventures of the pi crew (but at least that means asftd and h/h can get back to being updated regularly again!!)
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feyresdaughter · 1 year
A Court of Wings and Ruin, chapter 82:
He sat in one of those small iron chairs, no light, no bottle of liquor— just him, and the stars, and the city. I slid into his lap and let him wrap his arms around me.
But tonight … His hand ran down my thigh, bared with the way my nightgown had hitched. He startled when he actually looked at me, then huffed a laugh against my shoulder. “I should have known.” - “The shop ladies gave it to me for free. As thanks for saving them from Hybern. Maybe I should do it more often, if it gets me free lingerie.”
“Hasn’t anyone told you? You’re disgustingly rich.” - “Just because I have money doesn’t mean I need to spend it.” He squeezed my knee. “Good. We need someone with a head for money around here. I’ve been bleeding out gold left and right thanks to our Court of Dreams taking advantage of my ridiculous generosity."
Rhysie is like a dad who just can't say no
“I heard you,” he said softly. “When I was— gone.” I began to tense at the lingering terror that had driven me from sleep these past few nights— the terror I doubted I’d soon recover from. “Those minutes,” I said once he began making long, soothing strokes down my thigh. “Rhys … I never want to feel that again.”
Sobbing again. They have me in a choke hold and I'm not even sorry for it
I pinched his arm hard enough that he laughed and batted away my hand. “I couldn’t let all you ladies take the credit for saving us. Some male had to claim a bit of glory so you don’t trample us until the end of time with your bragging.” I punched his arm this time.
Hehehe he's an ass (affectionately)
But he wrapped his arm around my waist and squeezed, breathing me in. “I heard you, even in death. It made me look back. Made me stay— a little longer.” Before going to that place I had once tried to describe to the Carver. “When it’s time to go there,” I said quietly, “we go together.” - “It’s a bargain,” he said, and kissed me gently. I murmured back onto his lips, “Yes, it is.”
I LOVE THEIR BARGAIN and Idc what anyone else says but it makes a LOT of sense
I looked down to find another tattoo there— the twin to the one that had once graced it, save for that black band of the bargain I’d made with Bryaxis.
Ugh how I miss Bryaxis
“I missed the old one,” he said innocently. On his own left arm, the same tattoo flowed. Not to his fingers the way mine did, but rather from his wrist to his elbow. “Copycat,” I said tartly. “It looks better on me."
Hell yeah it does
“Hmmm.” He traced a line down my spine, then poked two spots along it. “Sweet Bryaxis has vanished. Do you know what that means?” - “That I have to go hunt it down and put it back in the library?” - “Oh, you most certainly do.” I twisted in his lap, looping my arms around his neck as I said, “And will you come with me? On this adventure—and all the rest?” Rhys leaned forward and kissed me. “Always.”
Pls I just want a novella where Feyre goes Bryaxis hunting it would be so fun
Then I was flying. Soaring. Rhys fell into flight beside me, and when he smiled at me again as we sailed through the stars and the lights and the sea-kissed breeze, when he showed me all the wonders of Velaris, the glittering Rainbow a living river of color beneath us … When he brushed his wing against mine, just because he could, because he wanted to and we’d have an eternity of nights to do this, to see everything together … A gift. All of it.
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That's it. Acowar is FINISHED
Goodbye, goodbye, goodbye. You were bigger than the whole sky
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cha1cedony · 1 year
Okay fine I’ll do one of these (because I like to talk about myself hehehe). Thanks @roboobin for tagging me B)
A very long ‘get to know me’ post below…
Last song: Apparently it was ‘Two Time’ - Jack Stauber, according to Spotify? I’ve also been relistening to a few tracks from Falsettos all day, for some reason. ‘I’m Breaking Down’ got stuck in my head somehow. I’m not super big on musical theater, but I LOOOOVE Falsettos and especially Trina :) You can probably tell I have a certain type of favorite characters/media lol.
Favorite color: Light greyish blue (or white, grey, silver, orrrr light greyish green?)
Last movie: I actually have no idea. Maybe Nimona with my IRLs a few months ago? I almost NEVER watch movies in full because I get bored of them easily. Sorry I know that’s so lame lololol
Currently watching: A commentary YouTube video to use as background noise while I do my writing assignments lol. Like I said, I don’t really watch a lot of movies or TV :/
Currently reading: Nothing, unfortunately! I haven’t read any books/stories in an embarrassingly long time :( I am so ridiculously busy and haven’t had the time/motivation to read and get invested in new characters. I have a bunch of series I want to reread for nostalgia purposes, though. I’m also strangely tempted to read the Animorphs series? LOL. I looked it up on AO3 for the first time a few months ago while in the kids’ section of the library with my IRLS and we were assessing the popularity of kids’ books based on the amount of AO3/Wattpad fics (btw, there are a shockingly low amount of Geronimo Stilton fics in the world). I wasn’t expecting there to be an Animorphs fandom, but there IS? And the fics are really GOOD even though I don’t know the source material? Anyway. Tempted to read it because I like putting teens in situations /lh. Also I want to read more short stories! Send me recommendations, if you have any.
Last thing I googled: This is so embarrassing. ‘Bathroom cruising’ LMAOOOO. I was just writing a funny bit, but I wanted to make sure it was accurate, okay? T_T Other recent searches include my voice lesson Lieder, various areas I’ve felt pain recently (because I’m a hypochondriac /lh), and a vlog I had to watch for my job… I was writing an article about it.
Sweet/spicy/savory: Savory. Every time. I love savory foods, and they’re basically the only types of food I ever crave. Then I would go with spicy, but only if it’s spicy in a flavorful way (and not just a painful way). I don’t like sweet foods except for chocolate—and, even then, I am infamous among my friends and acquaintances for only liking SUPER dark chocolate… like 70% cocoa or more. I would say my favorite flavor profile is bitter! :)
Current obsession: I think y’all already know :^) I am incapable of having more than one strong interest at once, soooo DnDads has quite literally been occupying my brain since liiiike October 2022… almost a year ago now! o_o Holy shit. I’ve been really busy with work and school in the past month or so, so I haven’t done basically anything else in my free time. I’d like to start cross stitching again because I have some projects to finish, and I got some of my late grandmother’s jewelry-making supplies recently, so I’ll toy around with that, too.
Currently working on: Like, right this second? Discussion post replies for my Writing in Digital Environments course :p In general? As far as hobbies go, the beginnings of my next longfic chapter! As far as work goes, I’m working on article about a mural. I have to drive like 30 mins to get a features image for it tomorrow ugh. At least I get to kill time on the clock :’)
I don’t want to tag anyone in particular, but, obviously, if you want to do this, you can just say I tagged you. Shhh I won’t tell ;) hehehe
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elliesbelle · 1 year
AHHHHHHH just finished chapter 7 and let me tell youuu once the sabrina song popped up I immediately went to Spotify to play it as I read AND THE EMOTIONS I WAS FEELING NGL I TEARED UP BC THE LYRICS ARE SOO FITTING TO THE STORY YOUR MIND BABE LITERALLY SO SMART AND SEXYYY and the way you wrote in Ellie’s pov AHHHH !! SO ! DAMN ! GOOD ! I was like yess a look into Ellie’s mind (her being jealous was so satisfying to read hehehe🤭) and I loved every single part of it !! <3 thank you for ur hard work bby your posts always gets me excited to read! 🩷
sorry for all the sabrina propaganda lately but there will actually be more of her in a later chapter and i'm v excited to incorporate it, hopefully y'all will like it too 🤭
tysm for being here since the start bby!! ur support means everything to me!! 🧡
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coldercreation · 2 years
I adore the most recent Nat/Kit chapter, Nathan in subspace is so sweet! Any chance you'd write Kit's point of view of that scene or a similar one? His comment of "Killin' me, Nat" is so intriguing and seeing the difference between Nat here and Isac in All For You from Kit's point of view would be very interesting. Thank you for sharing your writing!
Awh thank you so much, I’m so glad you liked it!! I felt super accomplished when I finished this one because I was a) actually able to write it lol, and b) I genuinely enjoyed the process! Great to hear it turned out well and enjoyable, I wasn’t too sure after struggling with writing for so much heheh<3
Definitely putting Kit’s pov on my prompt list! I think it’d be an interesting one too for sure. Iz and Nat are very different in this context so the way Lit go about it changes a lot as well. 
Think the main difference probably comes from how for Isac letting go is easy and simple, he just often enjoys being hella difficult about it hahah! It’s fun and satisfying for him that way, and the As also get that sense of satisfaction when they inevitably ‘win’ after having to work for it. Whereas for Nathan it can be a bit scary and intimidating, since he’s still learning that he can actually trust the others to be there for him even if he gives up control (and his hyper vigilance). It goes against everything he learned growing up, so it’s very instinctive for him to resist that to feel safe :(
The pack knows it means a lot when he does let his guard down, it’s like the ultimate sign of trust so it makes them all very emo when it happens. With Nathan it’s more about figuring out how to get him there (usually it happens by accident when it’s just natural and he’s feeling especially comfy/safe/wanted), rather than what happens when he’s already down. 
With Isac it’s a whole game of trying to keep him in check even once he’s down, because he’s a feral little beast and will sniff out any signs of leeway and will test it lmao. Liam sometimes deals with Iz by making him be sweet and soft, which is “stupid fuckin’ mind fuckery” according to Isac, which is also probably why it works on him so well heh
So yeah, as we can see from the amount of ramble, there’d definitely be a lot to explore with this topic!
Thank you so much for reading and for the suggestion xx
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