#once again i did not check for spelling errors
iamawolfstarsimp · 5 months
sup bitches im back
and I KNOW it's been a long time since I've written but it's been busy with school life and then also I've been hanging out with my gf more and my friends so I'm just trying to balance everything. This week and next week are finals week for school and then after that I'm on summer break (and I'll be writing a ton during summer)
but anywhoo I've brought today a clone wars fic for yall (since there's an absence of tickle content in the star wars fandom, especially clones)
So yeah enjoy!!
Echo sat on the edge of his metal bunk, staring down at the floor.
It was one of those days where the adrenaline didn't really kick in before you get geared up and head out with your squad or legion before you fly to whatever planet you were supposed to fight on.
Days like this the weight of all that had happened with the war and how many people he'd lost bore down upon his like an unmovable weight that he had to drag with him wherever he went.
His thoughts started spiraling to back when he was a shiny, to his first mission with the other domino's, to becoming an ARC tropper with fives and not the rest of his squad. It should have been the others. It should have been their medal and their award because of how brave they were and everything they did. And how did he let them die? Along with so many other good men. He should have done something in the moment to help maybe stop them from meeting their fate.
He shook his head to get rid of the dizziness as an, oh so familiar voice shook him out of his trance.
"Echooo," Fives called out in a sing-song voice, that he did because he knew it annoyed Echo.
"What." He replied dryly as Fives pranced into their barracks.
"Ooh, grumpy much?" Fives raised an eyebrow as he walked twords him. "What's wrong this time, your blacks just a little too tight?" He teased.
"Shut it." Echo eyerolled. "You seem a little too happy, what did you do?"
"Hid the Gereral's lightsaber under one of the shinies bunks." Fives grinned. "So when he questions us we can just blame the shiny's."
"I am not taking the blame for something you did again." Echo grumbled. Fives' jaw dropped. "You get me in trouble too much."
"Since when do you mind getting in trouble? And why are you so grumpy?" Fives question, hands on his hips.
"Since you decided to annoy me!" Echo shouted back. "Will you just kriff off!?"
Fives dramatically put a hand to his chest. "Oh, you wound me Echo!"
"What?" Echo watched as Fives sunk to the ground, laying down by Echo's feet.
"How could you say such a thing to me! Not kriff! I don't know if I'll ever recover!"
"You're so dramatic." Echo eyerolled again. Fives liked to tell him when they were younger that if he kept eyerolling his eyes would pop out eventually. "Get up." Echo kicked Fives' side.
Fives lay there unmoving with his hand still on his chest, eyes closed. Echo stated at him for a good few seconds before Fives lunged over and grabbed Echo's ankle, sharply tugging him to the ground with a loud yelp and a thud.
"What are you doing?!" Echo yelled as Fives made short work of crawling on top of him and sitting on his legs, starting to grapple with his hands. Fives only cackled and continued to wrestle with Echo.
Echo managed to hook his leg onto Fives' shoulder and pull him to the ground, jumping on top of him. It didn't take long for Fives to do the same to him though. They went back and forth till Fives had Echo pinned to the floor, arms held against the ground by Fives.
"You are far too grumpy for someone who is about to go into a battle here in an hour." Fives panted.
"An hour?! Fives we don't have time to goof around, we have to go get suited up!" Echo exclaimed. It was Fives' turn to eyeroll.
"I'm sure we have time for this. It's an emergency case scenario!" Fives grinned. Echo started squirming underneath him more and more, starting to catch on.
"I'm not even grumpy! Will you let me up so I can go put my armour on!?" Echo pushed against Fives' grip on his wrists.
"Since Kix isn't around to help you, I guess it's up to me." Echo groaned at that. "I know just how to help you Echo!"
"L-listen, Fives! We can talk about this! I'll help you prank anyone you want- waIT FIVES!" Fives laughed at Echo's quickly reddening face.
"You'll be fine, this is good for you!" Fives grinned. He quickly dropped Echo's wrist and dove his hand into Echo's stomach, forming his hand into a claw and digging into his lower stomach. Echo burst out cackling, throwing his body any which way to try and escape. He immediately grabbed Fives' hand that was currently torturing him but was unable to pull the ARC tropper's hand away from his belly.
"Fihihives, STAHAP!!" Echo threw his head back, not feeling the pain as his head hit the metal floor.
"Don't hurt yourself!" Fives laughed, moving his hand to dig into Echo's ribs, evoking more squirming out of the latter.
This wasn't an irregular occurrence for these two. This happened at least one every 3-4 battles, Fives almost always instigating the fights for this exact reason. Echo was being "too uptight" or "he needed help getting that stick out of his ass". But regardless, it was always something that got Echo into this situation.
Echo kicked his legs against the ground, the unrelenting tickles becoming increasingly hard to deal with.
"I-hahaha-hate you sohoho much!" Echo arched his back but that just caused Fives to poke his stomach till he un-arched.
"Oh no, you don't hate me you hate this." Fives leaned forward, sticking his face in the crook of Echo's neck and rubbed his scruffy goatee against it. Echo yelled, scrunching his neck to get rid of the sensations overriding his system.
"NOAHAHA!! Fives!!" Echo was completely powerless to do anything to stop Fives besides scream his lungs out and squirm with all his might. Other than that he could just sit there and take it.
"Aww, what's wrong?" Fives whispered in his ear, something he knew Echo despised. "The big bad ARC tropper Echo can't take some tickles?"
"You can't take them either!" Echo argued back.
Fives retaliated by letting go of Echo's hands and digging his hands into his underarms. Echo jumped than burst out laughing, hands reaching to grab Fives'.
"I'm sohohorry!! Please, Fives!!"
Fives chose to ignore him and continue as if he hadn't heard him. Fives felt Echo's body shake with laughter underneath of him, legs flailing, arms pushing Five's hands and head away from him. Echo's laughter was so loud he didn't hear Rex ask to come inside or walk up behind him.
Fives jumped back off Echo with a yelp after being jabbed in his sides by Rex. Echo rolled away from Fives, still panting.
"Oh, hey Rex." Fives grinned. Echo glared at his other domino but said nothing.
"You two were supposed to be in gear up room ten minutes ago." Rex answered. "You wanna explain what you two were doing during that time and why General Skywalker's lightsaber was found underneath a shiny's bed?"
The two twins glanced and each other and shrugged. Rex sighed and rubbed his temples. "Go get geared up. Be ready and with the rest of the 501st in thirty minutes. Any later and I'm reporting you two, again."
They both stood up and noded with a "yes, sir" before running off talking to themselves.
In the distance, Rex could hear them talking faintly. "I told you we were gonna get in trouble!" "Nah, it's finee. He didn't even seem that mad..."
He sighed again. Those two were gonna be the death of him.
Hope you liked! (kinda a rushed ending but school night so)
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sughuru · 10 months
seventh of december
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- gojo satoru x reader
Satoru was never one to celebrate his birthday. Matter of fact, he actually hated it. Except on three occassions.
genres/warnings: fluff, birthday fic, kinda rushed tbh, not proofread
notes: happy birthday gojo, i know you're alive pls come back :((( anyways enjoy, i kinda rushed this bc i still have some school stuff to do so i hope you guys understand! as always, english isn't my first language so pls excuse my grammatical and spelling errors
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The seventh of December. A date to remember, a date that will go down in history. This is because it was the day Gojo Satoru was born. Born into the renowned Gojo clan, he is the first in 400 years to possess both the Limitless and Six Eyes. However, that’s all they ever celebrated about. The seventh of December was the day the strongest sorcerer alive was born.
Not merely Satoru's birthday, and he despised that. He loathed how his powers and name were incessantly brought up, dominating every conversation, overshadowing his personality and achievements.
All his life, he hated his birthday except on three occasions. 
The first birthday he ever genuinely enjoyed was celebrated with his high school friends, Suguru and Shoko.
Satoru checked his flip phone and noticed the endless SMS notifications from relatives to clan members he doesn’t even know the face of. He's well aware that these messages are only a formality, driven by respect and perhaps a tinge of fear. Deep down, he understands that some clan members harbor hatred at the fact that his parents were the ones to give birth to the next Limitless and Six Eyes user. He knows they all secretly pray for his downfall. Aside from that, if it wasn’t out of respect or fear, perhaps they wanted or needed something from him.
"Satoru," Suguru called to his friend, who was lost in thought on the sports court. Satoru looked up and acknowledged Suguru with a nod. In response, Suguru mouthed, "Come here," while waving him over.
The white-haired male walked towards Suguru, “hah? What’s this all about?”
Suguru brushed off his friend and kept walking, ignoring Satoru's attempts to get his attention. This annoyed Satoru even more. "Tell me, tell me, tell me, tell me, tell me!" Satoru whined in the most grating voice imaginable, prompting even Suguru to question why he was friends with him.
Suguru shot a glare at Satoru, “maybe if you just shut up and follow me, we’ll get there sooner.” 
"Why can't you tell me now? Where are we going? Wow, are you here to take me somewhere quiet and kill me there?" Satoru quipped with a sarcastic tone.
"If you don't stop asking questions, yeah," Suguru replied dryly. Satoru rolled his eyes but continued to follow his friend.
Before long, they arrived at their classroom. Suguru opened the door to reveal a sight that surprised Satoru— all their friends were inside wearing party hats. Even Nanami and Ijichi were there.
"Gojo!" Shoko waved excitedly at the tall male. Suguru grinned, saying, "Happy birthday, Satoru," as he patted his friend on the back. He then led Satoru into the room to join the celebration with their friends.
It was a simple birthday, really. Celebrated among friends and closed ones. Nevertheless, Satoru regarded it as one of his favorite birthday memories.
The following year, Suguru left, and once again, he hated his birthday. Shoko was there to celebrate with him but it wasn’t the same without Suguru. After all, the trio did everything together.
“Happy birthday.” Shoko hands him a bag of kikufuku picked up from a store down the street. Before he could thank her, she was already off to treat some first year who got injured on a mission.
Oh right, they’re third graders now. The final year and final step to being a true Jujutsu Sorcerer.
After Suguru left, Satoru met with two kids and took them in. Megumi and Tsumiki, aged five and eight, respectively. While Tsumiki was generally well-behaved, Megumi proved to be a bit troublesome due to his sharp wit and sarcastic nature. Satoru couldn't help but wonder if he had been similarly mischievous as a child.
The second time he enjoyed his birthday was when he went home that day.
“I’m home…?” He was about to call out the kids, but heard someone bustling in the kitchen. Kitchens clanging and the water running.
"Don't touch that, Gojo-san said we shouldn't use the stove!" Tsumiki warned.
"Well, how do we make something before he gets home then?" Megumi interjected.
"Should we just serve it like this..." Tsumiki examined the plate before her. Megumi deadpanned at his older sister, "A banana on a plate?"
“Shhh! I hear him coming!”
Satoru giggled to himself, hearing their whole conversation, he peeked in the kitchen, “woah, what did you guys do while I was gone?”
Tsumiki and Megumi froze before slowly turning around, “s-surprise!” the two said.
"Happy birthday, Gojo-san. Thanks for taking us in!" Tsumiki presented him with... a banana on a plate.
Satoru smiled, charmed by their efforts. "Aw, did you two prepare this for me?" He didn't want to hurt their feelings, and truthfully, he was genuinely touched by their gesture.
“We also have our own gifts too aside from the cake-” 
“Banana.” Megumi corrected.
Tsumiki was the first to present her gift to Gojo. "I hope you like these!"
As Satoru received the gift, he couldn't help but recall the evening a few weeks ago when Tsumiki had asked him to accompany her to get origamis, claiming it was for a school project. Little did he anticipate that those origamis were intended for him. Tsumiki had crafted a jar filled with meticulously folded paper stars, each one carefully placed inside.
Megumi was next, shyly handing Gojo a birthday card. "Happy birthday," he muttered, avoiding eye contact with Satoru. Satoru couldn't help but smile, affectionately ruffling the younger boy's hair. "Oh, you're so cute. Let's see what you drew, hm?"
Opening the card, Satoru observed that Megumi's handwriting had improved. The small card read, "Happy bday Gojo." It was evident that the boy hadn't quite figured out how to spell "birthday" yet.
Satoru promptly hung Megumi's card on the fridge door and placed the jar of stars in a cabinet alongside other souvenirs for display. "Thanks for making my birthday great, guys."
The trio gathered for a photo to commemorate the moment. In the picture, Megumi frowned at the camera while Satoru and Tsumiki beamed with smiles. To this day, that photo remains tucked in Satoru's wallet, a cherished reminder of his first celebrated birthday with the kids.
After hearing Shoko and Megumi's stories about how they used to celebrate your boyfriend’s birthday, you found yourself pondering how to surpass the efforts of those two. You bought a small cake from a local bakery shop recommended by Nanami.
“That girl was really nice, I should go visit again next time.” you muttered to yourself as you walked back home. 
Satoru shouldn’t be home for another hour so you got to work. You printed pictures of him in high school, his baby pictures, pictures of him and the kids, students, pictures of you two; you transformed them into small cake decorations. Carefully pasting each one onto a wooden stick, you inserted them into the cake.
"Babe, I'm home." Satoru tossed his keys onto the table and wrapped an arm around your shoulder. "Today was such a long day at work," he whined.
You kissed his cheek. "Aw, is my baby tired?" you cooed, to which he nodded and began smothering you with kisses.
"Well, I hope you're not tired of blowing out some candles." You handed him the small birthday cake adorned with pictures of his face. Satoru's eyes immediately lit up. "You did this all for me?" he exclaimed in pleasant surprise.
"Well, I know it doesn't compare to what Shoko and the kids did, but..." you started to say.
Satoru immediately cut you off, his eyes filled with genuine warmth. "But it's perfect. No comparison needed. This is the best surprise, and it's all from you." He pulled you into a tight hug, expressing his gratitude and affection.
"I can't believe you went through all this trouble for me. You really know how to make a birthday special." Satoru continued, planting a sweet kiss on your forehead.
"Come on, let's have some cake before I start crying from how sweet you are," Satoru teased, leading you over to the table.
As you both enjoyed the cake, adorned with those little memories on sticks, Satoru couldn't help but comment on each photo. "Ah, high school me, can't believe you found these. And look at Megumi's grumpy face, classic!" His laughter filled the room, creating an atmosphere of joy and celebration.
As the evening unfolded, you exchanged stories, shared laughs, and basked in the warmth of the moment. It might not have been as elaborate as previous celebrations, but the personal touch made it uniquely special. Satoru couldn't stop expressing his gratitude, making you feel that all the effort was more than worth it.
"There's one more thing," you said, leaving the table briefly and returning with a bag. "It's not the best, but..."
You handed him the bag, and as Satoru peeked inside, he found a red scarf carefully knitted by you. His eyes widened, and a genuine smile spread across his face as he ran his fingers over the soft fabric.
"Did you make this?" he asked, with admiration in his voice. The warmth in his eyes showed just how much he appreciated the thoughtful gesture. "I love it, thank you." He wrapped it around his neck, a cozy addition to the perfect birthday surprise you had prepared for him.
The seventh of December. A date to remember, a date that will go down in history. This is because it was the day Gojo Satoru was born. Born into the renowned Gojo clan, he is the first in 400 years to possess both the Limitless and Six Eyes. However, that’s all they ever celebrated about. The seventh of December was the day the strongest sorcerer alive was born. Not merely Satoru's birthday, and he despised that. He loathed how his powers and name were incessantly brought up, dominating every conversation, overshadowing his personality and achievements. All his life, he hated his birthday except on three occasions.
The first occasion was when Suguru surprised him with his friends. The second was when the kids, Megumi and Tsumiki, brought a touch of innocence and joy to the day, making it about connection and family.
And now, as the day came to a close, the third occasion unfolded. You, with your thoughtful surprises and genuine affection, turned a day usually marked by the weight of power into a celebration of love and connection. Satoru found something he hadn't expected — a day to cherish, not for his abilities, but for the people who chose to celebrate him simply for being him. Satoru no longer hates his birthday, and he looks forward to his upcoming birthdays.
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misswrittenword · 2 months
Teasing my Orc Neighbour.
Male!Orc x Fem!reader ~ No condoms, oral (fem receiving), fingering, very very mild degradation (use of like once) , small angst??? p in v boinking.
Word Count: just over 3k.
A/N: this was inspired by someones imagine I seen and I cannot for the life of me remember who, and I liked it.. but I like so many things that it's so lost now. if you know who, please tag them?? Pardon any spelling mistakes or tense errors :))
Credit: A very kind person tagged the lovely and very talented @bunnis-monsters and their post for my inspo! Thank you very much to both of you, esp bunni!! check out their work if you haven't already :))
It starts when I move in. When I find myself swamped with boxes and furniture after friends bailed on helping empty the moving truck. A big box in my arms when a large shadow appears beside me. An orc who introduces himself as Varek, gesturing to the house next to mine. He is over a head taller than me, and after I accept his help, he gently takes the boxes from me, and I don’t lift a hand for the rest of the day.  
To my delight the hunk is single, and I allow myself to admire him as the sun of a spring morning glimmers on the bulging muscles under his dark green skin. Long shiny black hair braided intricately, with beads decorating some strands. His tusks aren’t terribly large and are chiselled with sigils. His stomach has the perfect paunch, and I wonder dreamily how it would feel as he thrusts his cock inside me.
Well built with wide shoulders I could easily picture my nails digging into. When his eyes connect with mine, I can’t help the sultry little smile that graces my lips. I trail my gaze approvingly up his tall, enticing body in a gesture I hope he takes as an invitation, just to find him blushing and looking away when I catch his eye again. A giggle escapes my throat, he is just so scrumptious and adorable. I can’t wait to get my lips on him.
I just didn’t realize I would wait so long. Well, it felt like an unreasonable amount of time, yet it had only been a few months. It was August now, and I had made a constant effort to get his attention, to push him to a breaking point so that he would fuck me already. Yet he was either blind or uninterested, and I refused to believe it was the latter. Short skirts, revealing shirts. Leaving the curtains up on the side of the house that faced his and walking around in a bra and panties, knowing if he was out in his yard or looked out his window he would catch a glimpse.
Going out for my mail when he did, and dropping something solely to bend over provocatively just to give him a look at what he was missing. Still, when I peeked at him over my shoulder, he would be trying to keep his eyes anywhere but on my body. And after each interaction I swore the bulge in his pants would be more noticeable than when I first approached.
It was a slightly too warm Friday evening when I have enough of the waiting. Freshly baked muffins sit contently in a container on my table, and I stare at myself in the mirror, primping and fussing with my outfit. A pretty sage green sundress that is slightly too short, with a tie up front that reveals my tits quite nicely. My boobs aren’t huge, but the design of the bust on this thing really made them noticeable. I leave my hair down in its natural state, and turn, admiring the curve of my ass. I filled it out perfectly, even my soft jiggly tummy could be seen. I felt hot and eager, like the simplest touch from his giant hands would have me on my hands and knees, presenting my cunt to him.
I smooth the front of my dress down as I walk to the door with muffins in hand. Nervousness floods my body, and I can’t help the anxious look I throw his front door as I walk down my driveway and up his. I take a deep breath before tilting my shoulders back just the right amount before stepping up on his deck and hitting his doorbell.
To my surprise the door opens almost instantly, and the little grin that turns my lips up is genuine. He must have been at the door waiting for me to knock. Or… Intending to leave as I walked up, but a guilty little glance up and down his body shows no sign of his wallet or keys. Dressed in simple jeans and a tee, he appears to be getting ready to wind down for the night.
“Hello Var.”
He seems mildly embarrassed though a small smile does appear on his face, and he shifts his weight from one leg to the other. “Oh uh, hi. How are you?”
So sweet. “I’m well, thank you handsome.” I say with a cheeky wink. “What about you? I brought you some muffins. Freshly baked, too.”
Eyebrows raising in surprise, he takes the container from me and cracks the lid. I watch as he sniffs the air, groans and licks his lips. The tusks on either side also get some tongue action and the heat spilling into my belly is involuntary as I find myself jealous of them. I clear my throat and he jumps, looking back at me.
“Would you like to come inside?” His voice is deep and tempting.
Rather you cum inside me, but oh well. I’d take what I could get, and hopefully by the end of the night, it would be his cock. “I’d love to.”
Not giving him enough time to step back, I squeeze in beside him, hoping he is getting a good look down my dress, and promptly bend over slightly to unbuckle my sandals. There is a cough from behind me and I stand back up, giving him as innocent of a look as I can muster, but it is hard to contain the fiendish glint in my eyes.
His eyes trace my frame, but he slowly shakes his head and starts to lead the way into the house. Being my first time over, I am pleasantly surprised to see that it is warmly decorated, trinkets and small sculptures sit on shelves, with a full book shelf in the corner of his living room. I eye the few pillows on the orc sized extra-large couch and decide that would be a splendid place to ride him into oblivion. Var turns to the right into the kitchen, and I wander over to the couch. Standing at the back, I run my hand over the soft cushioned top, and realize that if he bent me over it, my legs would probably dangle. The idea sends a shiver up my spine, and another wave of arousal courses though my veins.
I hear him enter the room and turn to look. He carries four muffins on a plate, and a pitcher of water in the other.
“Are you thirsty?” He asks sitting them down on the coffee table in front of the couch.
I hum, run my tongue over my lips and in the most seductive voice I can manage, speak. “I’m very thirsty, but not just for water.”
His cheeks burn anew. “Would…” He stumbles, “would you like iced tea then, maybe?”
Shaking my head, I urge him to sit on the couch and wander off into his kitchen to find a couple tall glasses filled with ice cubes on the island. Returning, I place both glasses down and fill them with the pitcher. Taking one, I hand it to him and grab my own, the condensation already beading on the glass and covering the palm of my hand.
“Thank you.” A shy smile causes the corners of his eyes to crease, and I grin up at him as I sit down, our thighs touching as I cross my leg over the other and lean into him, skirt hiked up precariously high. Laying my left hand on his knee, I give it a testing squeeze.
“You’re so shy, darling.” I say softly as I look up at him through my eyelashes. “So shy, you leave a girl wondering if you’re immune to her advances.”
His lovely green cheeks tinge with red, and his eyes fixate on my neck.
“I… You… Well-” He stammers.
Withdrawing, I eye him carefully. “Ever since I moved in, I have barely refrained from throwing myself at your feet and begging you to fuck my brains out.”
Sitting my glass down on the coffee table, I lean forward slightly, imploring him to answer, and return my hands to my lap.
“This whole time you’ve seemed unmoved and almost uninterested, and I desperately need to know if you’re into me like I am you, Var.” I cringe. “I don’t want you to feel pressured either, but I suppose I’ve made a mess of that.”
Our eyes connect, each searching the others face for a sign, and the air feels heavy and tense around us. My heart races and I’m about to stand when he reaches for me, his big hands pushing me back into the couch as he hovers over me, our mouths a breath away. His demeanour changes, and I feel something I never expected from him. Dominance.
“You have driven me wild since you arrived here, little flower. Flaunting that gorgeous body,” He nudges my legs apart, and a deep groan escapes him as my skirt falls away, revealing my unclothed cunt. Settling his hips against my own, I gasp and press my fingers to his shoulders, disbelieving.
“Every moment of the past few months has been filled with thoughts of you, that plump ass and those stunning tits. Your beautiful face and sweet laugh. I want to bury myself between these juicy thighs and feast on your sweet cunt for the rest of my life. Each day I stroke my cock to the thought of you beneath me, above me, owning me and owning you. Filling this pretty pussy with my cock and pulling away to watch my cum drip out of you,” His hips rock against me, the sensation of the jeans over his cock makes my eyes roll back as I whimper. I clench around nothing, and it feels as if my soul begs for him.
His nose runs up my neck, and I tilt my head to the side, shivering as his tusks brush against my delicate skin. “I want to devour you, worship you, lay myself before you and beg for every inch of your being. You have driven me mad from the moment I laid eyes on you, even just the scent of you makes me rock hard.”
My head feels foggy as his lips touch my jaw, and he turns my face toward him. “Will you take me, sweet flower?”
Nodding feverishly, I crash my mouth to his, and the kiss is feral. Months of lust drove to a peak and finally shoved over the edge. I nip and lick at his lips, and our tongues touch, reaching and taking, offering and seeking. We pull apart, breath laboured and his forehead rests against mine. He takes up my half-lidded vision, and it is as if he has already consumed me.
Hooking my ankles together behind his back, I grind up against him and he meets me eagerly with purposeful thrusts, moans escaping us both as we kiss again. He pulls back and I whine, grabbing at his shirt and pulling it up, propping myself up enough that as he takes it off, I can press a kiss to his chest. He pushes me back and I grin up at him as his hands reach for the tie at the front of my dress. The fabric falls away and he gazes at me before taking one in his hand and leaning down, nipping the skin at my collar bone before kissing it and repeating the process as he moves toward my nipple. A little bite and a sweet lick makes my back arch as he turns his attention to my other boob, squeezing and teasing me until I whine loudly and pull him up for a proper kiss.
We part and he hurriedly begins to pull my dress from my body, and as my arms slide free I reach for the button on his pants, fumbling with it before he takes over. I use the few seconds to admire him. His chest is hairy and broad, and the muscles in his arms bulge perfectly. He stands and I watch as he shucks his pants off and my breath catches in my throat at the size of his cock. Thick and long, pre cum already graces the tip and he grips the base, squeezing slightly. I reach for him, eager to take him in hand, but he shakes his head at me and tsks.
“Not yet.” He commands, and I feel myself shiver at the tone.
I settle myself back on the couch, sliding my hands teasingly down my body. Eyes following my movements, he kneels on the couch, gently but firmly taking my shut knees in hand and meeting my eye. I nod my consent and he pushes them apart, sucking in a deep breath as he gazes upon me so intently it makes me squirm. Var drags his hands down the insides of my thighs as he follows them with kisses on the left one. I sigh and watch him through half opened eyes as he closes in on where I want him the most.
Hot breath tickling me, I lace my fingers into his silky black hair and pull him to me completely, unable to wait any longer. His fingers spread me open and his tongue, flat and wide, licks up to my clit eagerly. Teasing me with his fingers, I roll my hips up and a pitiful moan escapes me as he tenderly bites my clit. Tusks framing my pussy as he goes to town, I’m soon lost to the sensation, whimpering and begging for more as he starts to fuck me with his fingers, opening me up for his cock. He braces an arm across my hips and I squeeze my thighs tight around his head as I reach a high that has me trembling and clenching around his fingers.
I stare up at his ceiling, chest heaving as Var crawls up my body, his cock nestling sweetly against my throbbing cunt as he gently strokes my face. I give him a dreamy little grin, returning the gesture but dragging my hand down his neck and caressing his shoulder. His lips meet mine and our kiss is slow and passionate as he rocks his hips against mine slowly.
“You taste so perfect, baby.” He groans. “I can’t wait to feel you stretched out around my cock.”
I shudder and kiss him again. “Then fuck me now.”
He pulls back slightly, and I turn my gaze to where our bodies touch. His dark green skin contrasts against mine perfectly, and I watch as the plump head of his cock drags over my sensitive clit a few times before he notches himself against me. Pushing my one knee down toward my chest and the other to the side, he begins to inch his way inside me. I whine at the stretch, and a breathy grunt leaves his lips. We rock against each other for a while, stretching me out slowly until he fully sinks inside. Tears grace my eyes at the burn and I arch against him as he moans into my neck.
“You feel so good filling me like this.” I sob as he pulls out and thrusts back into me, balls slapping against my ass.
Our movements grow furious and eager, driving me wild and melting me down as I soak his cock. He frees himself and I begin to whine at the loss before he flips me around onto my hands and knees. I arch my back, pushing my plump ass out at him as I wiggle it. His large hand comes down and slaps my ass sharply, though I hear him chuckle deeply as I yelp.
“Asshole.” I mutter as I peer over my shoulder. “Don’t tease.”
His gaze, dark and stuck on my cunt as I wiggle my ass again, does not raise to mine. “You’re a brat, Little Flower. You’ve teased me for months, but you can’t handle it in turn? What a shame.”
I frown, and open my mouth to retort, but he uses a hand to spread my ass cheeks before sliding the tip of his cock over my soaking hole, then sinking inside in one thrust. I swear under my breath and he grunts.
“So fuckin’ tight, baby.” He mutters, watching himself spread me open.
We set a furious pace, his balls smacking against me, though I barely let him pull away before I’m pushing back, his throbbing cock spearing deeper inside my tiny pussy again and again. His breath is heavy in my ear as he leans over my back., so big in every way.
I tremble and gasp as his hand tenderly caresses my plush tummy before arriving at my clit , his finger beginning to make small circles. “I want to feel you cum your pretty little brains out before I fill your slutty cunt up. Come on.”
My eyes roll back into my head on a particularly hard thrust, and I nod feverishly as I clench down around him. “Please, oh my god.” I beg. “Cum inside me.”
I orgasm, shuddering and crying out loudly. Var’s head tilts back and he roars as he cums, hips stuttering as he fills me up. The warmth of him is so overwhelming, I clench down around him as I ride the tail end of my climax, head swimming and face smushed into the cushion. His knees on either side of mine, he pulls me up, leaning back and my full weight causes his cock to push against my cervix. I squirm at the sensation I know shouldn’t feel this good as he turns my head towards him and I whimper into the kiss he places on my lips.
Var kisses down my neck, and I moan softly.
“I’m going to keep this pussy stuffed full for the rest of our lives, Little Flower.” He says darkly. “I’m yours.”
Aching in the best way, I trail my finger over my clit. “And I yours.”
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atinyniki · 9 months
they wait.
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group: stray kids !
pairing: idol!lee minho x f!reader
genre: angst, hurt/comfort
warnings + additional info: reader is referred to as y/n, established relationships, breakup and makeup, minho has bad eating habits after, minho and y/n both suffer a lot through heartbreak, neglecting, love confessions, petnames.
authors note: idk why but im in such an angsty mood... hope you like this :P this is also not proofread. english is not my first language, so please excuse any grammatical or spelling errors. happy reading :)
wc: 1424
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“no! this isn’t fair. you knew what you were getting into when we started dating, you can’t complain about these things!”
“of course i can! i don’t know how im meant to be a proper girlfriend when i don’t even see you most of the time!”, you retort with a huff.
“listen… im trying. i really am, but i just can’t right now. it’s not easy for me to take a break right now, and it wouldn’t be worth it in the long run.”
“im not worth it?”
“y/n, that’s not what im sayi—“
“i want to break up.”
sure the decision was impulsive, but you’ve been thinking about it for a while now. this isn’t fair to you, not at all. 
“i want to break up”, you repeat.
“just ‘okay’? do you really not fucking care? i’ve been here for months, just trying to get you to take a fucking break, not just for me, but for yourself. and all i get is an ‘okay’?”
“well… what do you want me to say? you were the one that suggested it…”, his voice gets quieter as the words go on. you don’t want to feel bad, but you do.
but you can’t let anything get in the way of your pride, not now. “fuck you, lee minho.”
you grab your things and leave, sprinting to your apartment as fast as you can. you pray he’s not following behind, you don’t think he’d waste his time doing that anyways.
and then the words ring out in your head. you aren’t worth it.
but you are, you convince yourself. you are worth it, and he isn’t. he isn’t worth your time or your thoughts, so you just shake it off. there’s no need to think about him anymore.
it’s over. he doesn’t need you. you don’t need him.
it’ll be fine now, right?
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minho hasn’t been to the dorms since the breakup, not even once. he hasn’t been answering calls or opening his door, no one even knows of his presence anymore.
the boys have called you multiple times, and you’ve had to explain everything to them. they sounded mad over the phone, but they were truly worried about minho. is something wrong with him?
minho hasn’t been able to get out of bed as much lately. after showering and eating, he just hops right back in. there’s pillows occupying your side of the bed, something to keep the empty space warm for you.
but you’re not coming back. and he knows it.
that’s why he’s been sat in his bed for the past two days, scrolling through his past messages with you. he ignores the ones from the past two months, scrolling all the way to the start of your relationship.
how did he get here? how did he ruin something so perfect?
you used to text eachother so much, yet the only recent messages have been ‘i miss you’s or ‘are you busy’s
he has a message typed out, it’s been like that since you left after the argument. he hasn’t found the courage to send it yet, only contemplating for twenty minutes to delete it again.
all of a sudden, soonie hops onto his bed, nuzzling into his leg. “hi baby…”, he coos.
he scratches behind his ears, and soonie leans into his touch. it reminds minho of the times he’d run his fingers through your hair, smiling at you and whispering sweet nothings into your ear.
but it’s all gone now.
and it’s all his fault.
all of a sudden, soonie crawls onto minhos lap, purring and nuzzling into his stomach. he steps over the phone, and it buzzes, but minhos too focused on soonies movements to notice.
he shuts his phone off, putting it away and calling it a night. he turns it back on to check the time.
3:57 am.
he really has to fix his sleeping schedules, but it’s just hard to sleep without you now.
he lays down, still petting soonie lightly. “i’ve got myself into some deep shit… haven’t i soonie?”
he thinks he might be going insane, talking to his cat like he’s a therapist.
“i wish i could’ve told her i loved her sooner.”
“i miss her lots, soonie. do you ever miss me when im away?”
“im so sorry soonie…”
the buzz of his phone finally breaks him out of his thoughts, and he leans over to grab it. it’s almost five am now, who would be texting him so early?
and then he checks the name.
his heart plummets to his stomach once he sees that it’s you, he doesn’t know how to feel. he finally reads it over.
my bunny <3: why should that matter to me?
that’s when he realizes the text doesn’t make any sense. he unlocks his phone, did he send the message?
and then he sees it. soonie must have sent it when he stepped over the phone, and it has minho spiraling.
minho: i’m still here.
he thinks of what he could probably say to explain himself, and that’s when he realizes.
he doesn’t have to anymore.
he can’t let his pride get in the way of his heart, so instead of explaining, he types out an apology.
minho: i’m still here for you if you’d like to talk. i’m so sorry for not acknowledging the issue sooner. i really wish i had, and i regret not apologizing. i regret just letting you break up with me. i should have begged you to stay, you’re too amazing to lose. minho: but then i realized that maybe it would be selfish of me to ask you to stay. especially after all i’ve done to you. i’m so sorry, y/n. maybe it’s still selfish, but im not sure if i want to let go. my heart still wants you, and i miss you a lot, but i know this is what i deserve. minho: just let me know if you want to talk, okay? i’m right here.
he realizes how much he’s sent, instantly regretting it. the messages came straight from his heart, he didn’t give them a second thought before sending them.
the typing bubble shows up, only to disappear, and now he truly thinks he’s fucked up.
soonie curls back up into his lap, staring at the screen with him. his phone buzzes again, and he reads the next message.
my bunny <3: minho, i don’t know about this… my bunny <3: i might need some time to think, im not sure if im ready to jump back into something like this yet. minho: then i’ll wait. my bunny <3: what? why? minho: because that’s what people do when they’re in love. minho: they wait. my bunny <3: you love me? minho: i’ve loved you since the day i saw you playing with the cats for the first time. my bunny <3: but that was only a week after i met you? minho: exactly. my bunny <3: im coming over. i’ll be there in five.
he wants to get up and get ready, but he cant. he can’t get up, his body feels like it’s going to give out on him. he tries to stop crying, just so that you don’t see him like this, but the tears won’t stop flowing.
you unlock the door with the key he gave you.
no answer.
you turn to his room, opening the door. the sight of him like this breaks your heart.
his eyes are red, he’s slimmed down a lot and he looks like he hasn’t slept in days.
“i’m sorry.”
“what? minho—“
“i’ll do anything to have you back. please… i’m sorry”
he clutches the sheets tighter, tears spilling from his eyes at a steady pace.
“i’m not mad at you, you know that right?”
“you should be mad. i was so terrible to you…”
“but you’re going to change that now, aren’t you?”
“does this mean you’re going to give me another chance?”
you smile at him, walking over to grab his hand. he clutches it tight, afraid that this may be one of the last moments he can do this. 
“we can try again… see where things go. but if you do something like this again, it’s over.”
he finally smiles after so long, pulling you onto the bed and holding you in his arms. 
“please don’t do that again, min… you scared me.”
“i won’t, i promise. i love you, bunny.”
“i love you too, minho.”
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hughes86-43 · 7 months
Post Game | Q.Hughes
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warnings - none! maybe some spelling errors! this was a draft that I had and just now finished. hope you like it!
The buzzing energy of the crowd after a harrowing Canucks win has you out of your seat cheering along with them as the buzzer goes off signaling the end of the game. The Canucks came out with a 5-2 win and you couldn’t be happier for Quinn and the team. You talk to the rest of the wags while waiting on Quinn to text you back about where to meet him after he is done with media.
Glancing at your phone, you see he sent you a text.
quinn: I’ll be only about 10 more minutes if you want to go wait by the car?
you: okay I’ll be there
Saying goodbye to the other wags, and even some fans that recognized you as Quinn’s girlfriend, you make your way to his car. You didn’t have the key, so you just leaned against the car.
Eventually you see more players making their way to their own cars, so you know Quinn should be on his way.
Petey is one of those who is making his way towards his car, spotting you he teases you by saying, “Goodness he’s making you wait out here? Man what a boyfriend he is!”
“I know? Gosh making me wait forever on him!” You say back to him laughing.
“Gosh not my best friend and my girlfriend teaming up on me!” Quinn says as he spots you two standing by his car. “It was only like 10 minutes that she had to wait,” he says walking up to you and wrapping you in a hug.
“10 minutes is way too long for her to be waiting!” Petey says shaking his head at Quinn.
Quinn just laughs, “Oh be quiet! We’re heading home now, good game tonight. See you tomorrow, wait, we do have morning skate tomorrow right?”
Petey laughs, “Aren’t you supposed to be the captain and know all these things? Yes, at like 10? Anyway, have a good night you two.”
Waving back to him, you say, “Have a good night, drive safe!”
Quinn unlocks the car, opens the door for you and says, “Let’s head home, love.”
You climb into the passenger seat and buckle up while Quinn goes to his side of the car and climbs in. You give him a quick peck on the cheek, saying, “Good game tonight baby, the crowd was buzzing at the end, it was crazy!”
“I’m glad you were here for it. I play ten times better when you’re here.” He says as he turns the heat on in the car since he knows you get cold easily. Yawning he says, “What do you want to eat? Do you want to stop for something or do we have anything at home?”
Thinking on it, you suggest, “I think we should just stop and get something since it’s late and I don’t want to cook and I know you don’t want to.”
He shrugs, “That’s fine with me. I can see you’re already getting tired so I don’t want you to cook. How about grabbing some Chinese food from that one place by our apartment?”
Nodding your head you agree with him, “Go ahead and head there and I’ll place the order to go.”
Quinn backs out the parking space and exits the garage. You place the order for the Chinese restaurant which is only 5 minutes down the road. Once he pulls into a parking spot, you guys just wait there until the food is ready. Quinn is the first to speak up, with a chuckle, he says, “Did you see me completely fall out there during warm ups, over some pucks?”
Not expecting him to ask that, you bark out a laugh, “Ha, yes I did! Don’t worry, I made sure you made it back up and skated again before I laughed…,” You say back to him shyly.
“Hmmm, I’m sure you did wait! As soon as someone falls, you can’t help but to burst out laughing, no matter if you wait on them getting up or not!” He says, as he just throws his head back against his headrest, chuckling to himself. Sometimes you just can’t help laughing at someone who falls, you’ve been trying to work on it.
“I know, but I did really wait on you to get up!” You say, checking your phone to see if you had gotten a message on whether the food was ready… no message yet.
Quinn looks over at you, he takes his hand to move some hair out of your face that is illuminating from the street lights, he says, “I know I already said it, but I’m glad you came tonight, love when you’re at the games.” Due to work, and traveling of your own, you make it to his games a third of the time, but if you can’t make it, you always make sure to have it on to watch at home or wherever you are. If you can’t watch it, you make sure to keep live updates on.
“I know, wish I could make it to more,” You say smiling at him. A ping from your phone indicates the order is ready. “Looks like our food is done, do you want to go in and get it or me?”
Moving his hand away from your face, he reaches for the door handle, “Don’t worry, I can get it, whats the name under?”
“I think I put it under Hughes, if not then it’s under my name.” He gives you a nod before opening the car door and heading into the place. You see him through the restaurant’s window, he is chatting with one of the owners (that you both have gotten to know since you both always get food from here). He grabs the bag of food, waves goodbye to the staff, and then heads out of the restaurant towards the car. Unlocking the door for him, you grab the bag of food out of his hand.
He says, “The owner says hello, and he made sure to give you extra fortune cookies since he knows love them. He also hooked us up with some extra Rangoon’s since the team won.”
“Well for that, I hope you tipped him well!”
“Of course, yes.”
Looking back over at him, you say, “Let’s head home, so we can eat all of this lovely food and sit on the couch and watch our show!”
Quinn puts the car in reverse and makes his way to the main road. He grabs your hand and thinks that there is no one else he rather spend time with after a game.
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taesanluv3r · 4 months
lost in love songs.
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han taesan x reader
a short, three part, friends to lovers story.
ੈ✩‧₊ hidden love unfolds when taesan's ipod nano accidentally ends up in the hands of his best-friend, yn. a certain playlist catches her eyes, revealing the true feelings kept within the depths of the boy's heart.
part three: can't help falling in love.
confessions, first kisses, so much cuteness my heart swells. lowercase intended, excuse any spelling mistakes / grammatical errors! enjoy <3
wc: 4,019
masterlist 𖦹 part one 𖦹 part two
"i need to talk to you"
taesan couldn't sleep at all, her words just circling around and around in his head all night long. the five letter text message written in big bold letters playing in his mind every single time he so much as even tried to shut his eyes. he lies awake, sighing when his eight o' clock alarm rings through his ears. he was going to confess to her today. he had to. it was the only way he or his friend could get any sort of closure, whether he liked it or not. their meeting time was still in another two hours. the boy grabs his phone, instinctively going to check the messages, her messages.
last active 6.45am
seems she couldn't sleep either, though neither of the friends contacted each other while they were awake. no exchange of words, unlike the way they usually did. taesan's stomach hurts, he's restless and he just can't seem to lie still. he gets off of his bed, walking around his room once, then twice, and then a third time before resorting to sitting on the chair near his desk. with a light tap of his finger, the laptop in front of him turns on, a slight buzzing sound from the gears within the device that began to work. his reflection on the screen disappears when the tabs he had opened the night prior appeared before him. the boy's eyes glimmer slightly at the sight of his music folder, countless of demos and drafts scattered in a somewhat organized manner in the little blue folder. his finger slides against the silver track-pad, the air conditioning right by his desk making the surface cool to touch. taesan bites his lips as he clicks, a collection of his unfinished originals popping up above all the other opened tabs.
the boy sighs again, a hand roughly stroking through his bed-ridden hair as his eyes make contact with two songs in particular. those were the same songs he had downloaded onto his ipod the other day, the one that was now in the hands of his best-friend who he had in his mind throughout the whole writing process. taesan curses at himself, regretting ever even making such stupid songs. but it's all her fault, he thought, if she weren't so...her, maybe he wouldn't keep writing these love songs. he scrolls down in frustration, eyes following his cursor as they go through about a dozen more songs about her. a dozen more songs she didn't need to know about, the songs he once swore she'd never see.
the boy's finger moves up again, back to the very top two tracks in the folder. he let's out a deep breath before pressing down, allowing his own music to flow through the air. an unfinished song,
can't help falling in love.
taesan's eyes shut closed, his back leaning softly against his chair and he immerses himself in the tune. soft piano fills his ears, his eyebrows knitting together when he hears his own voice. just like the other song, this one shared that same honey-like feeling. it was very unlike the usually upbeat and, as his friend would call it, emo sound that he typically produced. for some reason though, it was somewhat more...authentic. like despite his edgy exterior the boy was just born to write these cheesy songs that he swore weren't 'his vibe'. he hums along quietly to the lyrics, not wanting to wake the rest of his family that were very much still asleep at such an hour like this on a saturday morning.
her eyes shine like diamonds, her lips stained pink like rose quartz. she speaks so loud with confidence, yeah i envy her voice like sweets of sorts. and i just can't shake this feeling, and i just don't know what's wrong. when she looks at me i'm melting, elvis was right cause i can't help falling in love.
the sound of the lyrics he wrote himself makes him sick for a second, his eyes opening and his body darting forward to hit pause. the tune abruptly stops, his heavy breathing all too loud when silence engulfs the atmosphere. taesan is tense, the sudden reality of the situation he was in had become too real, too much for his liking. the boy blinks in long intervals, his teeth clawing at his bottom lip and his hands that were pressed atop the table forming fists. the boy loses himself for a moment, his mind overflowing with every possible scenario, every kind of reaction this girl he had been so hung up on could've had to the feelings he poured out into his songs, this girl who was his only friend, this girl he might've of lost forever.
he stops himself from screaming at the top of his lungs, eyes glancing at the number on the top right corner of the screen. only one more hour to go. he decides its finally time to get ready. taesan takes a shower, washing his hair with the olive scented shampoo that his mom had bought for him on a sale the other day. he brushed his teeth, making eye contact with the mirror as he dried his hair. the boy spends the next thirty minutes trying on all of his clothes, almost throwing a tantrum and leaving the room in a mess when nothing seemed to feel right. by 9.35 he had decided on a black band tee, the faded smiley face logo of his favourite band contrasting perfectly with the dark wash of his denim jeans. he stares at himself in his floor-length mirror, his hands fidgeting in the air as he begins to rehearse every way the confession that awaits him with his best-friend could possibly go. the shy boy does this often, he finds it hard to speak with people and it makes him feel better to practice beforehand. however, he's never had to do this with her, she always made it easy for him to talk. so why now? why does he feel so nervous and...scared?
"and i just...i think you're cool and- no, i think you're pretty chill and- pretty chill? ugh! this is so stupid!" he groans, launching himself onto his bed and staring angrily at his ceiling. just then, the familiar notification sound of his phone grabs the boy's attention. taesan stretches an arm out towards it, his eyes lighting up and his body going back into sitting position as he reads the text from the girl who'd been running laps around his mind since last night.
yn meet you at the playground
the boy feels a cluster of butterflies in his lower abdomen, a small smile unconsciously making its way onto his lips at the mere thought of the pretty girl conversing with him.
i'll see you there
he shuts his phone off before she could respond, jumping off of the mattress and stumbling into his black leather shoes, all while simultaneously throwing on his coat and spritzing just enough of his signature perfume. he greets himself one last time in the mirror before he leaves, letting out a breath as he nodded to his reflection, so as to tell himself 'good luck'.
the boy was out the door now, not forgetting to bid his family goodbye leaving them to wonder what he was so jittery about. his feet trots over to the bus stop. the playground was closer to her place, almost an hour away from the boy if he were to get there on foot. his fingers tapped impatiently against the silver railing of the bench, no one else was there because no one else had plans so early on a weekend. five minutes go by and the blue vehicle finally comes to a stop in front of him, the automatic door sliding opened as he stepped into the bus. "where you off to this early on a saturday, kid?" asked the old man who had both hands on the steering wheel. "going to tell her the truth" the man chuckles at the boy's mysterious response, watching from the rear-view mirror as he slumped himself onto one of the seats. taesan watches as the trees go by, his eyes wandering over to the people on walks, the children on their tiny bikes, and the couples sharing a morning cup of coffee. the boy reaches into his pocket in search of his music player, lips pursing into a straight line when he remembers its whereabouts. he didn't even have his earphones with him, he couldn't listen to music on his phone even he wanted to! and no music meant no distractions, nothing to focus on apart from his own thoughts he began to get lost in once again.
at last, the bus arrives at his stop. taesan gets up from his seat, a hand gripping onto the yellow handle near the door as he begins to get off. "hey kid" the old man's voice stops him. "huh?" he asked, an eyebrow cocked up in curiosity. "good luck with that girl, rooting for you" the driver's encouraging words paired with a warm smile gave the otherwise nervous wreck of a boy somewhat of a confidence boost. he shoots the man a smile in return, thanking him before hopping out the door. a new sense of security as he strides towards the gated entrance of the park. he walks with his head down, eyes focusing on the way his thick shoes created indents against the grass. he only looks up when his feet reaches the familiar cobblestone that surrounded the playground.
he holds his breath for a moment and his heart rate went up by tenfold. there she was. in the rather empty area, the only other sound apart from the pumping in his chest was the breeze. a smooth blow of wind that cascaded through her hair, causing the swing in which she sat to sway slowly. his gaze lingered for a moment, staring longingly at his best-friend, myung yn. a harsh gush of wind swept the boy off of his feet, sending his body to move forward all of a sudden. the noise that escaped his mouth causing the girl on the swing to turn around and face him. the two stood like that for a while, not uttering a word and just staring at each other from a distance. yn was the first to look away, her head tilting towards the direction of the other swing beside hers, inviting the boy to come and take a seat. taesan takes painfully slow steps before finally making it to the empty swing, the old steel bar from which it hung on creaking a little at the pressure of his weight. still, neither of them spoke a word. her eyes fixed onto the two little birds a couple feet away from them, and his own ones focused right onto her.
"yn..." he begins, though his voice is a lot deeper than usual. taesan wants to tell her everything, just the way he had planned, he had so much to say and yet for some reason all of those things just wouldn't- no, they just couldn't come out. "here" his eyes widen when she speaks, the boy's gaze falling onto her hand that appeared in front of him. his ipod nano in it, and his worn-out earphones de-tangled and wrapped neatly around the device. "oh" is all he managed to muster out, his own hand reaching over to retrieve it. taesan's touch lingers against her skin, sending a wave of goosebumps to decorate her body. it's silent all over again. minus the chirping of song birds and the rustling of dying leaves as they shed onto the green grass. the boy zones out, trying to find the right sentences to say. he's distracted by the thoughts running through his brain, perplexed when they all began to fade away at the sound of soft humming coming from the girl to his left.
the tune is familiar, though he can't seem to pinpoint where he's heard it before. "that song has been stuck in my head all night, i couldn't sleep" yn began, her voice still raspy from the lack of rest. she still doesn't make eye contact though, continuing to hum as she rocked slightly on the swing. "you write so well"
that's when it all clicked in his head. the song she had been humming, the same song he had made himself. the one about a girl, the one about her. yn's compliment registers in his brain, his head falling down to hide the way a pink shade appeared onto his pale cheeks, silently praying she couldn't hear the way his heart thumped beneath his shirt. "if only i could speak as well as i write" taesan finally talks, his voice making her turn to fully face him now. her eyes are big and a small smile pulled against the corners of her lips. "well, why don't you try? try to tell me about this girl" the way she asked him, like she hadn't a clue about the meaning of his songs, it comforted him a little. how could she be so...normal at a time like this?
he stutters, looking away from her as he opens his mouth to speak again. "well...she's the complete opposite of me and she makes me feel all weird and fuzzy inside and" - "you're always weird, but go on" yn chuckles, interrupting him jokingly. the sound of her laugh making him smile too. "and well, she's my best-friend- my only friend, but sometimes...i guess i just kind of wish we were more than that...i just don't want to ruin our friendship..." he trails off, his eyes getting watery all of a sudden; if you asked him why, he'd blame it on the breeze, but he knows that the real reason was the same one for his smile, the same on for his laugh, and the very same reason for his stupid little love songs.
taesan's body tenses up when he feels a cool touch of a hand tapped against his chin, his head being forced to lift up and to face her. to face yn who seemed to have also begun tearing up. "taesan..." she says, but her voice comes out hushed. her vision begins to blur and the boy panics, unsure of what to do. "yn..." now it was his turn to press his fingers against her jaw, bringing her glossy eyes up to look into his.
"i think i might like you more than a friend"
a gasp escapes her lips. she recognizes the line from his song, she knew since last night how he felt, but for some reason she's still in shock. it was as though the night before had just been some sort of wild dream and it was now coming to life. taesan stares deeply into her eyes, analyzing the way her breathing slowed down and her eyebrows relaxed. "i..." she begins, her warm breath that smelled of coffee blowing against his nose. the boy waits patiently in anticipation, a look of hope and worry washing over his complexion.
"i think i like you too"
a single tear falls out of his eye, a sight she had never seen before. for the boy she had known all of these years never cried. yn blinks, tears of her own threatening to follow suit. his hand moves to caress her cheek, wiping away the wetness that stained it. she giggles softly, finding his touch ticklish. he copies her, breaking into a smile as he sniffles lightly, wiping away his own tear-stained face.
the confession was a lot quicker and a lot more anticlimactic than they had thought or anticipated. the pair simmering down into another moment of silence as they swung softly with the air, the cool breeze blowing against the tiny hairs on their bodies. "so...you listened to the songs, then? i mean...obviously you did" the boy breaks away from the peace, his gaze moving towards the ipod on his lap. she nods, blushing at the memory of his love song. "only the first one" yn says, her voice fading out softly. "good" now she turned to face him, head tilted to the side as she did so. "the other one isn't done yet...and it's way more embarrassing than the first one" his voice is back to normal now, the jittery-ness in his previous tone long gone. "will you show me when it's done then?" she asked, watching as he raided his brain in search for an answer. "or maybe..."
yn gets off of her swing, turning around on her heels to stand right across the boy who remained seated. taesan looks up at her confused, not a clue as to what she was going to tell him next. "maybe you could write me a new one!" she speaks brightly, "one about how the girl of your dreams, me, became the girl of your reality" she's prideful, her head facing the blue sky as she spoke. "how 'bout that?" now she looked right at him, a hopeful look in her eyes contradicting the playful smirk on her lips. the boy can only stare blankly at her, eyebrows furrowing like she was speaking a language he didn't understand. yn rolls her eyes, waving a hand in circles over his face. "hello? earth to taesan?" he shakes out of his short trance, "huh?" the exchange of words gives the pair a feeling of deja vu. she smiles softly, "i just asked you to be my boyfriend and you totally zoned out...loser" taesan tilts his head to the side.
she laughs out loud, grabbing onto his hands and lifting him off of the creaky swing. "you, han taesan. me, myung yn. boyfriend and girlfriend" she repeats for the third time, in simpler words for his brain to digest. this time, instead of just staring at her like a confused cat, the boy grins. "wait, wait so we can be like...together now?" she groans at his question, "taesan, if you make me repeat myself again i'll toss that stupid ipod into the fish pond!" he laughs when she compains, his eyes scanning every inch of her features. the way her eyebrows twitched when she spoke, the way her eyelashes fluttered with the wind, the way her nose scrunched up and the way her pretty pink lips sat in a pout towards the bottom of her face. he must've been staring at them for a while, the girl's pout flipping into a little smirk. "what's up?" she asks, his attention returning to her eyes. "nothing...can...can i..." he never finishes the sentence, but the way his lips were parted and the way his breathing got heavier, she knew exactly what was going through his mind.
yn takes a step forward, diminishing any amount of space they had between them before. the familiar feeling of her cold fingers sent a shiver down his spine as both her hands moved up to cup his face. taesan is frozen still, letting the girl make all of the moves for him. she inhales softly before pulling him down towards her, finally coming in contact with one another. the atmosphere is stiff, the strawberry scent of her chapstick melting into his rather dry lips. the kiss lasts no longer than a second, the girl pulling away to stare in his loving eyes. regaining the consciousness that seemed to have left his body a minute ago, the boy's arms moved to wrap around her waist, pulling her into his grasp and their lips caught against each other's once more. this time, the kiss was natural and passionate. yn's arms sat around his neck, her fingers twirling against the ends of his freshly washed hair. their heads tilted in opposite directions, noses bumping as they got lost in each other's faces. slowly becoming messier and desperate as time went by. feeling a little lightheaded, the pair separate, gasping for air. his hands still placed on her hips, hers are now on his shoulders and they stopped to sink into the moment.
the air around them was warm, differing from the cool breeze that had surrounded them earlier. before long, yn's cheeks began to redden, the same shade becoming apparent on the tips of the boy's ears. avoiding eye contact, they looked away in unison, flustered giggles escaping their mouths the same way little children did when they were happy. taesan smiles brightly at her, and the girl reciprocates, the corners of her mouth dipping into little dimples against her skin.
"walk me home?" she asks suddenly, starting up conversation again. he nods, extending a hand out for her to grab before they began walking through the grass and out of the gated park. their walk was unusually quiet, but there was some sort of a comforting feeling that floated over them, hands remained intertwined the whole time, constantly stealing glances and blushing away awkwardly whenever their eyes met.
soon, they arrived at the entrance of her complex. taesan looks down at her for a moment, a hand scratching against the back of his neck that began to feel itchy. yn lets out a sigh, a frown appearing against her face. he looks at her with worried eyes, "what...what's wrong?" he stutters, though she only lets out another breath. "nothing. it's just that if i go home now, jaehyun is gonna bully me relentless about this whole thing!" the boy closes his eyes in relief, "oh, i thought something was seriously wrong-ow!" he exclaims, rubbing his forearm she just hit. "it is something seriously wrong! as my boyfriend you should be just as upset as me!!" taesan freezes at the term, a sense of shyness wrapping around his body the same way his weighted blanket did at night. yn is just as flustered, not expecting herself to say that, her attention moving to stare intently at the asphalt on the ground.
"well, as your boyfriend, what should i do then?"
his hands find home beneath her chin, lifting her pretty face up to look at him again. he looked handsome. i mean, she knew he was good looking this whole time but she swears he had never looked this...lovely before. his soft hair lazily falling against his shining eyes, his tall nose harmoniously balanced with his lips that wore a pretty smirk. "you know if you just keep staring and not giving me an answer i won't know what to do, yn" he rolls his eyes playfully, failing to hold back his laugh as he watched the ever so confident myung yn struggle with her words for what feels like the very first time ever. "i...i mean you...you should- um..." han taesan bends down slightly, pressing a spontaneous kiss against her cheek, their faces far too close and their noses almost touching.
"why don't you come over to mine? i'll show you all the other songs i wrote for you" her eyes widen at his words, "other songs? you mean you wrote MORE songs about me?!" taesan nods, his teeth showing when he smiles this time and the dimples below his eyes forming whisker-like shapes against his cheeks. "who knew emo loser taesan was such a love-sick derp" her sudden insult catches him off guard, a scoff escaping his mouth as he wraps an arm around his girlfriend, pulling her close as they cross the street.
"and who's fault is that?" he asks, the right side of his face pressed against her hair. "whats that supposed to mean? it's not my fault you fell in love with someone as great and amazing as me!" she rolls her eyes, leaning onto the side of his chest as they walked in the opposite direction of her neighbourhood and towards the bus stop. taesan laughs, "well that's just it! when you're so great and amazing like that, i guess i just..." yn looks up at him, interested in what her boyfriend was going to say next.
"i just...can't help falling in love"
the end.
i want an emo love-sick derpy taesan ☹️ this is the end of my short series <3 i hope u guys liked it!!! and liked the lyrics i wrote for this and the last part too hehehehe 🙂‍↕️ reblogs n feedbacks are always appreciated!!!! tysm for reading, lmk what u thought 🧸 love, kona :3
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jadeleechsupportgroup · 4 months
Closet Prison
“And those pitiable robes return once more to their closet prison.”
You get trapped in Malleus’s closet. Well done.
malleus x reader
cw: none
also on ao3
You are starting to wonder how many different job titles you have collected so far in your short tenure at Night Raven College. Even if you gathered several of them under the ‘Janitor’ heading that Crowley had so proudly bestowed upon you on the first day, there were enough now to make for one hell of a résumé: Glasswork Repair Technician, Antique Plumbing Specialist, Magestone Recovery Agent, not to mention every version of the word ‘therapist’ that existed. Now, you suppose, you could add Laundry Cleanliness Coordinator to the list.
“I demand to speak with someone at once! This is an outrage!”
Ah, yes. How could you forget Customer Service Punching Bag.
You peek out to the front reception area, hiding between hanging garment bags and swiping your over-steamed hair out of your face. You could have easily - and correctly - guessed at the owner of the voice for several reasons, primary among them 1. This happens every week and 2. Anyone would know that voice because no one ever gets to stop hearing it.
No one is coming to his rescue, even though you know you are not the only one on a shift today. But you are the closest one to the door. You balance your fingertips on the white paneling and close your eyes, steeling yourself for battle, your best and brightest fake smile serving as both armor and weapon. You tuck your lint brush into your back pocket in case you need something portable that won’t leave a mark.
“Why, Sebek, fancy seeing you here,” you say in a voice not your own. Your Customer Service Voice is a different person. You don’t know her. “You’re looking very well.”
“No, I am not!” he shouts, rattling the change in the tip jar on the counter behind you. Before you can have a chance to react, he shoves a garment bag with a paper receipt into your face. “You have made a grave error, and you must pay for it immediately!”
Your smile wanes, but you stay strong. “Me? In particular? Are you sure?”
“Who else would have committed such an unforgivable act, human?!”
You fold your arms patiently. “Perhaps you could enlighten me as to the error of my ways?”
Sebek flings down the garment bag in disgust. You catch it, somewhat, but its heft and size make for an awkward movement, something Sebek no doubt enjoys. “Since humans are of such feeble mind, I shall, as they say, ‘spell it out for you.’”
His chest heaves, and you brace yourself for the volume that’s about to assault you and anyone else within a three-mile radius.
“You have misplaced the ceremonial robes belonging to the great Malleus Draconia!”
The urge to beat him over the head with the tip jar strikes you abruptly, but you file it away. Inside, a very small part of you does panic - did Malleus bring some valuable, irreplaceable robes from home? But then you realize what Sebek means, and all you can do is wonder whether you could make assault with a deadly weapon look like self defense.
You put on your Voice again. “Like, his orientation robes? I didn’t even see those come in.”
“Of course not! And now they have landed in someone else’s filthy, unworthy hands!”
“Okay, okay. Sheesh.” You hang up the offending garment bag and check the receipt. Sure as shit, it has Malleus’s name on it. You refrain from suggesting this is all part of an elaborate prank. It would be funny, but you’ve heard enough of Sebek’s voice for one day. “I’ll get it sorted out.”
“See that you do! And that you prepare an apology for Lord Malleus at once!”
You force yourself to take a deep breath and hold it until he storms out the door. The tip jar lives to see another day.
You go over the books and cross-check a few numbers. A simple mistake - someone accidentally skipped a line on one side of the page, so now the entries are misaligned. You check the tag on the inside of the robes and find Leona’s name embroidered on the lining.
The prospect of hiking across campus with a heavy garment bag longer than you are tall is hardly enticing, but you don’t have much of a choice. The last thing you want is for Sebek to come back in ten minutes demanding to know why you haven’t fixed everything by now. You pull on your coat and head outside.
It’s cool and cloudy out - probably normal September weather for some, but you hail from somewhere hotter this time of year, and you’re already cold. The chill hastens your steps as you make your way across the stones and grassy pathways to the Hall of Mirrors. You wish you had a giant mug of hot cocoa or spiced apple cider. One of each, you decide as you step through the Savanaclaw mirror.
The jump still leaves you queasy, but the warm humidity of the pocket dimension embraces you and eliminates the cold clinging to your shoulders. You wander past groups of students, trying to catch glimpses of their faces while avoiding eye contact. You don’t recognize anyone, so with a sigh, you plod toward the main building.
A tall beast-eared student leans against the wall of the entryway like some kind of bouncer. You’re hoping he’ll ignore you, but he stands to his full height and blocks your path.
“You lost?” he asks gruffly.
“I need to give these to Leona,” you say evenly, losing some of the bravado that empowered you against Sebek earlier. “His robes got mixed up with someone else’s.”
He leans in and sniffs the air around you, prompting you to move away, bringing a satisfied glint to his eye. His ears twitch, but he finally backs off and resumes his post. “Go on.”
You find yourself breathing a little more deeply in a vain attempt to slow your heart rate. It would not do to pass out from a panic attack in the midst of all these predators. It occurs to you that you don’t know where to find Leona, but you really don’t want to ask any of these people for directions, so you start wandering. You’re up the stairs and halfway down the hall when a door opens and a familiar head of sandy brown hair ducks out of it.
“…last time I help that guy with anything,” he grumbles to himself. He glances up at you, and his dour expression lifts a bit. “Hey, what’re you doing here?”
“Hi, Ruggie,” you say, breathless from the stairs. “I have Leona’s robes.” You have to pause for one huge breath. “They got switched around at the cleaners.”
Ruggie cackles. “That explains a lot. I’ll swap ’em out - he just went back to sleep.”
“Thanks.” You hand him the garment bag. He disappears back into the room, then returns with a different bag. Unfortunately, it’s no less long or heavy. You decide to fold it in half, hoping it will be a little easier to carry. “Best of luck with…whatever he’s having you do this time.” You gesture vaguely at the closed door.
“Haha, yeah.”
You’re almost too warm from all this manual labor by the time you re-enter the Hall of Mirrors, but the shock of cold that smacks you full force on the other side of the Diasomnia mirror leaves you instantly shivering. Is it always this cold in here? How does anyone stand it? The fog curling around the clusters of thorns at your feet does not help. Unlike at Savanaclaw, you don’t see any students milling about here. Just a long, lonely stone walkway winding up through the mist to the castle.
You hope just a little that the doors will be locked and you’ll have to leave, but no luck. The massive wooden doors are propped open, though nobody is standing guard here. They probably assume (correctly) that no one would waltz in here without a reason.
You try not to make it too obvious that you’ve never been in Diasomnia before, but there are plenty of things to gawk at in the lavishly-appointed lounge. Fine leather seating, antique wood tables that look like the much nicer versions of the ones in your dorm, expensive imported rugs - yet even with all that, and the flickering green candle flames dotting the room, the whole space feels…vacant. Lacking. And cold. So cold you can smell the stone.
“H- hello?” you call out, losing what little courage you had remaining. You consider leaving the garment bag on the nearest chair and escaping to safety, but a set of footsteps catches your attention.
“Why, good afternoon,” says a sunny, cordial voice completely at odds with your surroundings. He smiles and tilts his head to one side. “What can I do for you?”
“Lilia, right?” you guess, and to your relief he nods in response. “I’m just returning these.” You set the garment bag down, suddenly aware of how badly you were scrunching it. “Malleus’s robes,” you add.
Lilia blinks his bright cerise eyes. “Oh, that must be where Sebek went in such a hurry.” He allows himself a light chuckle. “You didn’t need to come all this way just to bring these back.”
“Yeah? Sebek was ready to burn me at the stake for it, so…” You frown over the state of the garment bag. You didn’t mean to crumple it so badly, but it just got so freaking heavy after more than a few minutes. “Would it be alright if I brush these out before I go? They probably got wrinkled, and I’ve reached my quota of stake burnings for the month.”
“Of course!” Lilia seems a little overjoyed at the idea of a visitor, but at least he is polite and appreciative of your efforts. “Right this way.”
You have to endure another set of stairs, passing by an enormous bat-winged chair at the top that would be practically comical in any other situation. Lilia trots along merrily ahead of you, humming to himself as you study the iron latticework of the huge windows lining the hall. Outside, you catch glimpses here and there of the gargoyles that stand guard along the parapets. The green firelight casts shadows through the grating that appear to bring their carved stone faces to life.
“Do you like architecture?” Lilia asks, bringing you out of your musings.
“Yeah, I guess so. This is all…very different from what I’m used to.”
“Well, you are certainly free to stop by at any time. We love having visitors.”
Lilia stops at a set of double doors and tugs them open before leading you inside. He looks about to say something when his watch chirps at him. He checks it curiously. “Hm? Oh, of course. We have a club meeting - I nearly forgot.” He offers you another kind smile. “I’m afraid I must take my leave, but I trust you can find your way out?”
“Pretty sure.” You balance the garment bag on one arm while you try to open the closet doors with your other hand. There’s an absolutely frigid draft in here, strong enough to disturb the curtains, and you wonder if Malleus is one of those monstrous types that sleeps with the windows open. “Thanks.”
“Oh, and be careful with that door. It can stick a little.”
With that, he bounces out of the room.
You hook the hanger over the closet railing and unzip the bag. The damage is minimal, actually; the robes’ heavy brocade fabric is pretty resilient as long as it’s dry. But you spot a few dozen hairs that must belong to Leona. You’re glad you brought the lint brush now.
The cold draft of air spills over your shoulders and freezes your hands. This is getting downright ridiculous. You step back into the main room and go to close the windows, but they’re already closed. The breeze is just there. You grumble to yourself about having two hot cocoas and two apple ciders upon your return home and go back to your work.
Malleus’s entire room looks like it hardly receives any use at all. Whether due to his position as housewarden or his family name, his closet is larger than what you would expect for a dorm room, large enough to stand in comfortably. (Although, for him, you think, perhaps not, as his horns might brush the ceiling. That would be funny.).
You can hardly concentrate because it’s so damn cold. You finally get fed up with it and pull the closet door most of the way shut behind you, leaving just enough of a gap for light to enter. The relief is instantaneous.
You carefully brush and straighten the robes, ensuring all the stray hairs and lint fluffs are removed, trimming a stray thread here and there. You run your fingers over the specially tailored openings in the hood. They’ve been hand-sewn by an expert, even adorned with their own decorative embroidery. You appreciate the craftsmanship, knowing that few people would notice it, let alone care.
As if enraged by your attempts to thwart its presence, the draft of air returns with a vengeance and slams the closet door. You jump - at the noise, the sudden inky darkness, the freshly chilled breeze - and, feeling indignant about it, you push on the door.
Only, it doesn’t open.
You try again to no avail. Then you try pulling on the door, just in case, but it budges even less. You push against it with your shoulder, wondering if this is Sebek’s magical idea of a joke or a punishment, but you’re fairly certain he would rather die than leave you unattended in Malleus’s room. You listen carefully, but you hear no footsteps or voices. Lilia already said he was leaving.
Okay, calm down. Think. And keep throwing yourself into the door while you do it.
You can’t understand why it’s not working. Maybe there’s a magic seal on it. Or maybe you’re just weak. Weak and pathetic.
Frustration turns into a combination of anger and fear and sad. You hate that you’re not able to open the damn door. You hate that you’re getting so worked up over not being able to open the damn door. You hate that thinking about that isn’t enough to make you stop.
“Hello?” you try calling out, but there’s no response. You yell a few more times and knock on the wood for good measure. It changes nothing.
You slump down to the floor and try to breathe. It’s not the dark or the enclosed space that gets to you. Good thing, too, or orientation day would have been a lot more graphic for your audience. It’s just that the whole thing makes you feel…
Your eyes are adjusting to the dark, for all the good it does you, which is hardly any. And the cold breeze has now permeated the supposedly impenetrable barrier, so you’re shivering now, too. You reach up and feel the hem of the robes that caused you all this trouble.
Well, it hardly matters now.
You tug them off of the hanger and snuggle into them. A gentle, woodsy perfume wafts up from the depths of the silk lining, subtle but strong in the enclosed space. You press the fabric to your face and draw in a deep breath. The smell soothes your nerves - fallen leaves, pine needles, fresh rain, even a touch of mycelium.
You don’t have forests around where you’re from. You’ve been to them a few times, sure, on camping trips and one brief foray into the world of hiking, but none of them smelled quite like this.
You lie on your side and stare up in the general direction of the ceiling. The breeze hits your face, so you pull the hood down to shield yourself. You would laugh at how ridiculous this is, but you’re too worn out to care. You roll onto your side and let your eyes loll shut.
“-classes today?”
You mentally tell the voices to go away. You haven’t slept this well in ages.
“They were adequate. I shall go to the library later to acquire some other materials.”
You don’t want to get up. Even though you’re not really that comfortable…
“Excellent idea, my liege! I shall be honored to acquire all the necessary books for you!”
Your eyes shoot open. You’re not dreaming anymore.
The past few minutes - hours? - come back to you, and you scramble to sit up, fumbling with the robes you were using as a blanket. You’re about to try the door again when the voices come back.
“Do not trouble yourself on my behalf, Sebek. I am quite capable.”
“It’s no trouble, my liege!”
You sink back against the wall and try to control your breathing. You don’t even want to imagine what Sebek will say if he finds you like this. Whatever it is, it will cause permanent hearing loss.
You sit in the dark and wait.
“Very well, Sebek.”
“Thank you, Lord Malleus!”
You grit your teeth in annoyance and wish Sebek would go buy a personality since he doesn’t have his own. No wonder Malleus looks to be in such a dour mood all the time. He must have eternal patience to tolerate someone like that. You wouldn’t last ten minutes-
Light suddenly bursts in front of your eyes and blinds you. You squint and hold up one hand to shield your face against the brightness.
Malleus blinks down at you.
You wonder, briefly, what this must look like to his eyes. You, disheveled, wrapped in his ceremonial robes, on the floor of his closet. You are positive that every blood cell in your body is rushing to your face.
You don’t even have time to stand up.
Malleus steps inside and closes the door, plunging you into darkness once again.
“Shhh,” he whispers with hardly a breath of air. A rustle of fabric, and his hand locates yours without any of the blind searching you would have done. He helps you stand.
“Behold, Silver! I have been chosen to accompany Lord Malleus to the library!”
“Sure thing, Seb…”
You giggle before you can stop yourself, then clamp your hand over your mouth in a vain attempt to shut yourself up.
“S-sorry,” you stammer hopelessly. “I didn’t, um. It’s a long story.”
Heat soars to your face when Malleus closes his hand over your mouth.
“Shhh,” he says again. You can’t see a thing in the dark, but you can tell he’s listening. He must still faintly hear their voices. You have no idea. You can’t hear a thing over the fervent hammering of your blood against your bones.
You have no idea how long you both stay like that, unmoving, but eventually he pulls his hand away from your mouth. You take several panicked breaths even though you were breathing just fine.
He seems alarmed. “Have I injured you?”
“No, no. Sorry.” You give up and laugh, first from nerves, then relief. “I’ve just been stuck in here for…hours, I guess.”
A bulb of green firelight winks into existence and hovers above your head, where it casts sharp shadows over Malleus’s features. You think of the gargoyle statues. But rather than fierce and intimidating, he looks amused.
“Lilia mentioned that you dropped by to return my robes,” he says. “Did he not warn you about the door?”
You scoff. “He said it sticks a little. Not that I would need inhuman strength to open it.”
Malleus reaches forward and gently tugs the hood off of your head. You forgot you’re still wearing the robes and start to pull them off, but he stops you.
A smile seems to flit across his face, though it may be a trick of the light.
“They suit you,” he says with a low, delicate laugh that turns your heart upside down in your chest. “At least someone has found a use for them.”
“It was cold in here,” you reply lamely.
He leans in close enough that the heat from his breath dances across your nose. “And now?”
You are certain he can hear your pulse louder than you can. One hand is still holding yours, but the other he lifts to the side of your face, brushing the backs of his fingers over your cheek and ear before sweeping through your hair. You close your eyes and sigh into his mouth.
He holds you as though you are fragile, yet something he does not intend to let go. He mirrors your movements, letting you choose how deep or delicate the kiss, sliding his hand down your back to hold you closer. Everything shows that he wants to be careful with you.
Fireworks burst in your heart and under his hands. You reach up to his face, run your fingers through the liquid silk of his hair. Forest and rain and fresh earth overwhelm you, and you realize faintly that it’s not a cologne or anything artificial. It’s the smell of his skin.
You barely nudge the side of his horn with a fingertip. He laughs against your lips and has to pull away.
“Sorry,” you say breathlessly. “I didn’t mean to…”
Malleus brushes your fingers against his mouth, then cradles your hand to the side of his face. “You simply caught me by surprise. That is all.”
“You first.”
You catch sight of his grin before he snuffs out the green flame. “I only wish this had happened sooner,” he says, wrapping both arms around you. You do, too, though what he next murmurs against your ear suggests that his reasons differ slightly from your own. “What a marvelous hiding place.”
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myouicieloz · 1 year
As you dance
Huh Yunjin x itzy6thmember!reader
Synopsis: Yunjin didn’t know you knew how to dance. That was, until she saw you wasted at an after party, laughing and moving your body along with the neon lights.
Warnings: nsfw, …? Idk what else. drinking, perhaps. smut. sub!yunjin x dom!reader.
Word count: 5.8 k.
Notes: I AM BACK ONCE AGAIN! And Idk what I did here. It just kept going. I think I’m getting better at writing smut, though! This was way more comfortable to write than my previous one (which I’m working on part 2 already!!). I did check for spelling errors and everything in general (yay!), but if there’s anything that makes you uncomfortable lmk so I can change it. that’s it enjoy!! muah kisses ily my loves. ps: Yn is part of itzy but I think I’ve made it general enough you can imagine any gg you’d like, kind of. But itzy rocks.
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Yunjin stared shamelessly as you danced around with your bandmates at the secret afterparty you were all attending. She watched as you swayed your hips along with the rhythm of the music and twirled your friends around, laughing when one of them lost balance and almost fell to the ground. To her, the way you moved around was completely indecent, for God’s sake. It made everyone stare at you, in awe. She hated that— so many eyes on you. She should be the only one.
Yunjin doesn’t know why she assumed you weren’t good at it. maybe by the way you talked about yourself, always saying how you hated to dance and were always behind your bandmates in choreography, looking too out of place to blend in. She should’ve known you were, as always, just insecure.
She had seen you dance before, of course. You were good with the choreography you were given, even if it wasn’t always your style. But to see you dance so freely… It was truly a sight.
To others, however, you were enjoying yourself and having fun with your friends, but Yunjin knew better— knew you better. It was a clear challenge, she could tell by the way your hands ventured to your chest, mostly exposed by your top’s neckline. The subtle looks she’d send you across the room, every time your hands touched your best friends’, the one your stupid fans were always shipping you with, waist, were meant to defy her; provoke her.
It had made Yunjin so horny it hurt. She clenched her thighs, hoping for some kind of relief, but it did nothing to ease the burning sensation building up in her core.
Thankfully, the next set of songs were ones you disliked, so you excused yourself from your friends and neared the bar, taking a break. Yunjin didn’t waste any time following you, sending hard glances to the people who motioned to greet you before she was by your side. As if she’d ever let them steal your attention from her.
"I didn't know you could dance," Yunjin casually told you, leaning against the balcony. Her tone was light, making it seem like a simple observation, attempting to mask the fact that simply watching you dance had made her incredibly turned on.
Your moves were experienced, almost obscene. And the micro skirt you wore had you looking irresistible, shining like a beacon in the middle of the damn dance floor. It made her want to snatch you up and fuck you right in the restrooms, for everybody to hear you screaming her name, simply to get rid of that smug smile on your face.
You weren’t hers, though. The two of you were merely friends, so her actions were resumed to her wettest, dirtiest dreams.
"You assumed that, unnie,” you replied, after catching your breath for a few seconds. Your cheeks were flustered from the alcohol, and the dance had messed your hair up even more, making the curls run towards all places. You looked wild, free. Alive. Yunjin would definitely write about you once she went home. She could already plot the verses in her head. "I said I didn't like it, and I don't," you continued, picking up the drink the waiter had handed you and thanking him with a bow and a small smile. "But it's fun, sometimes. I did ballet for quite a while, remember? I know a few things."
A few things.
You turned to her, taking a step so you’d be closer. Her eyes were beautiful, all bright and expressive, and you so hoped to get to be someone special in her life. You’d grown used to talking to her over the last weeks, after you asked for her number at an award ceremony. You two texted all the time, and told each other just about everything: she had told you about the hard time she had at produce 48, then the frustration when she decided to give up the trainee life and go to college; the insecurity she faced after finally living her dream, constantly wondering if she was enough, if she was worthy of all of this wonder. You, on the other hand, shared about your family; how your mother and grandmother, mostly, coerced you into dancing, specially ballet, and how you absolutely loathed it. You told her that you tried out for JYP with one of your best friends at the time, who you admired so much and was such an inspiration to you. Yunjin was the only one who knew how surprised you were when you got in, and she didn’t. And how her coldness and rudeness towards you broke your heart. You two knew so many profound things about each other, but it was so awkward to stare at her personally. Yunjin, who knew the raw version of you, who knew each and every one of your nightmares, and still wanted to be friends.
To you, it was embarrassing how much you knew about her. Each time you spoke, you took an effort not to reveal anything she hadn’t told you yet. About her hobbies, her sister… you knew it all. And you so desperately wanted her to notice you. To truly see you much you desired her.
Oblivious, the two of you. Both playing a game of hide and seek with your feelings, afraid you’d scare each other and make one run away.
She was taken by surprise by your movements, but quickly recovered and took a step towards you herself. She grabbed a strand of your hair, admiring the way the curls fell so graciously into place, adorning your delicate face.
“You look beautiful today.” She thought better, frowning slightly. “Every day, actually.”
You smiled at her, not thinking much of it, but before you could thank her, Kazuha showed up, jumping up and down.
“Yunjin unnie! I’ve been looking for you everywhere!” She stopped to acknowledge you, still moving frantically. “Hello Yn! You look so, so pretty!”
“So I’ve told her,” Yunjin mumbled, as you nudged her and thanked Kazuha, this time.
“Thank you, Zuha. Did you take too many Red Bulls again?” She nodded, as if the ground was sending electric waves into her body.
“Only two, Yn-ah!” She did the number 2 with her fingers before turning to Yunjin. “Chaewon unnie says we have to go. We have rehearsals tomorrow morning, remember? We can’t be tired.” Kazuha explained, gripping the girl’s arm as she tried to drag her towards the rest of the bandmates. Yunjin stood frozen, though. There was no possibility she’d leave you here, not when everyone was staring at you like they were just waiting for an opportunity to snatch you and take you home.
They wouldn’t dare. Taking you from her was not a possibility.
“I can’t go, Zuha.” Yunjin said, looking at you sneakily so the ballerina would, hopefully, get the hint. Kazuha furrowed her brows, confused.
“Why not, unnie?” She kept looking at you, then at yunjin, trying to understand.
“I can’t.”
You felt like you were intruding, but you couldn’t let Yunjin go, either. You put your hands on her other arm, asking her softly, “Is everything ok? You look a bit pale. I can go if you'd like, the girls are probably looking for me anyw—“
“No!” Both girls exclaimed, making you take your arms off the older girl, taken aback by their intensity. Yunjin eyed Kazuha before turning back to you, annoyed to not have your full attention anymore. Her thoughts were racing, and you’d given her the perfect cue: she wasn’t going to waste it. Clinging onto you, she grabbed your tiny waist, burying her face in your neck since you knew she was a terrible liar. Yunjin was tall herself, so she was constantly towering over people, but you were two, maybe three inches taller than her, which had always pleased her.
“Actually, I don’t think I feel so good, Yn. Perhaps you could come with us to the dorm? The girls sleep like rocks, and I’m afraid I’ll start to get nauseous, and I’ll be all alone because they never wake up.” She pleaded, making her voice crack so it would look real. Yunjin did feel a little bad for lying so bluntly to you, but she wouldn’t leave you alone at the club for everyone to have you.
She felt cold hands being pressed on her neck and her forehead, making her shiver. She could only think how it would feel to have those same hands pressing slightly into her pulse point, as she was pounded by behind—
“You really are a bit hot,” she heard you say, and it took all of her strength not to laugh. “And shivering. Why did you come? You should’ve gone straight home.”
To see you.
“Yes! Please come with us, Yn! Yunjin is always talking about how you take such good care of your bandmates when they drink too much! You should care of unnie, too.” Zuha said, picking up on her friend’s act. She shamelessly winked at the girl, but you didn’t even notice, too busy staring at your feet at the thought of Yunjin talking about you to her friends.
“Apparently, not so much,” You frowned, realizing your bandmates were no longer on the dance floor. They often drank over their heads, and you were always worrying they wouldn’t pass out in a chair or do something reckless. “Yeji is probably up to something somewhere, and Lia’s too sweet when she’s drunk. Now I’ve lost them.” You mumbled, truly thorn between the pretty girl in your arms and your bandmates. Sensing your hesitation, Yunjin gave your waist a reassuring squeeze, which you pretended not to be affected by.
“We’ll find them and ask about it, ok? I’ll survive on my own if they’re too bad themselves.” She assured you, making you feel lighter. You nodded, and soon the trio started searching for your friends through the club.
Turns out you were right, after all. Yeji was as red as a tomato, laughing at Chaeryoung who had just tripped over the chair. Lia was flirting with someone you couldn’t see clearly in the dark, and Yuna looked in her own world besides Ryujin, downing shots by herself. Surprisingly, Ryujin was cool, watching the whole scene with a small smile as she sipped on her drink. She frowned at the sight of Yunjin clinging to you and Kazuha jumping on your other side, but her smile quickly became malicious as she noticed the older girl’s hands on your waist. You shook your head, mouthing her to stop.
Yunjin simply didn’t see you like this, no matter how much you wanted her to.
“We were looking for you,” she said, over the music, as soon as you were near enough to hear. Yeji had taken Kazuha for a dance, and now they were both in a jumping contest, apparently. Yunjin didn’t catch the way your friend’s voice dropped an octave, but you certainly did, “But you were busy, I see.”
“Yunjin is not feeling so good,” You clarified, giving her your best, stop trying to suggest things that didn’t happen stare. Ryujin new about your crush and how you and Yunjin texted all the time, and had always tried to convince you that the girl liked you as much as you liked her.
“I asked her to go home with us, to take care of me.” Yunjin explained, squeezing your waist again. She liked the way you tensed around her hands when she first did it, momentarily closing your eyes to regain your focus, “Because she always takes such good care of you, when you guys are not feeling so good. But she was wary of leaving you here alone.”
“Nonsense! We were actually looking for you to go home, too. It’s getting late anyway. You should take care of Yunjin-sunbaenim.” Ryujin approved, giggling. She motioned to the girls, pushing the two of you. “Get better! Rest well.” She wished Yunjin, and you wanted to kill her for laughing. Yunjin, who was having the time of her life clinging onto you, sighed as she saw Kazuha’s energy. She motioned to let go of you to get her friend, but you tightened your grip, instead and reaching for the ballerina yourself.
You said goodbye to the rest of your bandmates, explaining them you’d spend the night at Lesserafim’s dorm, and they promptly wished Yunjin a speed recovery, clearly too drunk to think much of it. In a few minutes, you were in a van with the rest of Yunjin and Kazuha’s members. They were such dears, and you already knew so much about them because of Yunjin, so thankfully the atmosphere was calm, with all the girls tired from the busy day and the party.
“It’s so cool that you’re sleeping over, Yn-unnie! Yunjin unnie talks about you all the time.” Eunchae had excitedly said, making everyone laugh. Yunjin stared at the window, muttering that the maknae was lying, but the blush in her face was proof enough.
“Yn will be busy taking care of Yunjin, though, Manchae,” Chaewon said, knowing exactly what her friend was up to. “Yunjin might even puke.” She joked, earning a general ‘ewwww!’ from the girls, and a laugh from you.
You saw that Yunjin was still with her head on the window, so you poked her to get the girl’s attention.
“You shouldn’t be looking at the window so much if you’re dizzy,” you gently pushed her head to rest on your shoulder, which she did. “I did that once after drinking and puked in our dorm’s parking lot.” You frowned, remembering how you didn’t even drink too much that day, but still ended up sick.
“That’s gross.” She said, laughing and focusing on your lap, instead. She grabbed your hands, playing with your fingers to distract herself from the fact that you had really accepted to take care of her.
Yunjin kept reminding herself she was your friend, nothing else. She couldn’t risk making a move on you and having to handle your rejection. She wouldn’t dare. Friends.
The van stopped to drop Sakura and Eunchae at their dorm, and Sakura smiled at you before leaving.
“Take care of her, Yn. Yunjin gets really whiny when she’s not feeling good.” She said, with playful eyes. Yunjin looked like she was at a staring contest with the oldest, but let her go with a sigh.
“Goodnight to you too, unnie.” She mumbled, a pout on her lips.
Soon, you were in Chaewon, Kazuha and Yunjin’s dorm, and you took a good look at it before going to Yunjin’s room. It was spacious, neat and very light, just like the girls. Chaewon and Kazuha bid you goodnight before retreating to their rooms, after giving Yunjin a hug.
When you entered her bedroom, she was riffling through her drawers, looking for something. You examined her room, too, as you’ve never been to her dorm before. There were plenty of posters on her walls, and a collage of polaroids hanging just beside her full-length mirror. You smiled, spotting the one you took at Music Bank, when you stumbled briefly across each other as you were running late— both of you looking flustered but with big smiles.
“It’s one of my favorites.” You’ve heard her say, behind you. “I just wished we had more pictures together.”
You turned to see her in a big T-shirt and small shorts, another set of clothes in her hands. You took it from her and quickly undressed from your sparkly skirt and black top, not bothering to go to the bathroom — you were friends, after all.
“We could go out more and take pictures, if you weren’t so busy all the time.” You whined, as she shook her head and threw herself in her bed, making sure to leave space for you.
“As if you weren’t busy yourself.” She answered, although her tone was still playful.
You left her room to get her a set of water and some painkillers — for if she had a headache from the drinks, and quickly came back. You wished she was in your room instead, so you could dote on her better.
“Do you have painkillers? And snacks?” You asked, standing still as she grabbed your arms to pull you to bed. You let her have her way, eventually, but scoffed as she hugged you close. “I’m supposed to be taking care of you, unnie.” You reminded her, making the older girl giggle.
“You are taking care of me just by being here, Yn.” She said, sniffling your perfume. Seeing your glare, she sat on the bed, reaching out to her nightstand, “See? I’ve got the painkillers already, and there are some more in the bathroom. I’ve got some for nausea, too, but I don’t think I’ll take them. I think what was getting me all messed up were the lights and the loud music after having a full day of recording and rehearsing.” and seeing all of those people wanting you. Yunjin wanted to say.
She wouldn’t, though. She didn't intend to scare you away.
Yunjin finally relaxed, lying against her headboard as she closed her eyes and sighed. She didn’t fully lie to you when she said she didn’t feel so good back at the club. The group was going on a rollercoaster of rehearsals, promotions, photoshoots, and the anxiety of whether people were going to accept them or not. She was always feeling like she wasn’t good enough, and her exhaustion — both physical and mental — was starting to get her.
You embraced her, kissing her hair as you ran your fingers through the way you knew she liked it. The touch soothed her, and you slowly felt her relaxing.
“You’ll do great, Jen. All of you.” You told her, holding her a little bit tighter to reassure her of it. “You’re more than worthy, too. You’re talented, kind, and beautiful in all the ways that are possible. There’s simply no possibility of your fans not falling in love with you, with what you’ll inspire them with.” like I have.
It pained you that she didn’t believe in her herself, the years of training and not being chosen making her insecure. You wished she could see herself like you see her.
You two stayed like that for a while, with Yunjin tracing circles in your shirt and you running your hands through her hair and her upper-back, as if you’ve been doing this forever. You noticed her desk, all messy with empty cups and a pile of crumpled papers that also filled the small trash can on its side.
“You’ve been writing again.” You commented, feeling her tense for a second before she stared at the desk, too. She’d always told you about her songs, and you loved listening to her talk about their meaning for hours when you were facetiming. It did upset you a little that she hadn’t shown you any of her latest works, but you understood: with both of you so busy, it was hard to share stuff like that in such little time.
Forcing herself to relax, Yunjin tried to sound careless as she shrugged. “They’re not finished yet, not even the first chorus. I just have the melody and a few words that don’t make sense at all. I’ll show them to you when it’s not… you know, a total mess.”
I can’t show you the lyrics because they are all about you.
You mumbled an “okay”, happy to be included in her life.
“Are you feeling better?” Yunjin nodded, and you continued, “We should watch a movie. The girls and I always watch something to sleep when we’re drunk, but not too drunk to simply pass out in our beds.” You explained, and she grabbed her laptop to abide to your wishes.
“Good idea.” She smiled, typing her password. “Disney movies?” You loved those, so you smiled brightly at her.
“Disney movies.”
You did try to watch the movie, but you’d never sleep while Yunjin was by your side. You could feel her breath hovering and the subtle glances she’d send you while she thought you were focused on the movie. It was too much, to be around her so close and still not be able to truly touch her like you wanted to, and the feeling of not having her for yourself started to suffocate you. You paused “The emperor’s new groove”, hearing her protests as you shut the notebook down.
“Do you feel better?” Your polite tone didn’t quite reach your eyes, and you cut her before she even had the chance to answer, “Because I think I should go. We also have a tight schedule tomorrow and I don’t want to intrude your dorm either, so maybe it’s best if I—“
“Wait!” Yunjin said, exasperated. She took a deep breath before speaking, clutching her hands. “No, I don’t feel better. I need something.”
And she kissed you.
Her touch was hungry and intense, as she gathered her hands to your face, scared you’d push her away and tell her you hated her, or that you didn’t like her like that. However, her worries subsided when you immediately corresponded, starved for her touch yourself. Yunjin only pulled away when there was no air anymore, and rested her forehead on yours.
“Please, please don’t go.” She pleaded, pecking your lips delicately, almost unsure. You melted, surrendering to her as you’ve only dreamed of doing.
“I won’t.” You promised, finally kissing her back. “I’ll do whatever you want, Jen.” And you truly would, if she such as whispered for you to.
You pushed her back onto the bed, sitting on top of her without placing your whole weight on her abdomen. Your fingers toyed with her shirt as you occupied yourself with sucking her lips, ravishing her taste. Yunjin tasted like cherries, such as her perfume and her favorite lip-gloss— the one you’ve taken so much effort not to stare at whenever she applied it around you, not wanting to make it obvious.
“Are you really good, though?” You murmured, searching for any signs of drunkness or discomfort in her eyes as you’ve distanced yourself to take a proper look at her: beautifully settled on her bed, with messy hair from the making out and her mouth slightly bruised, marked in a deep crimson that also adorned her cheeks. She was so beautiful, like a painting.
You never wanted to forget such a sight.
Yunjin took your hands, her touch strong and decided as she stared at you with her big eyes, her tone nothing but serious.
“I’m perfectly fine, Yn.” She giggled a little when she realized she was caught in her lie, but her expression quickly went serious again. “I want you. I think I’ve wanted you for a while, actually…” she was shy, tracing circles in the palm of your hands as she took another big breath to steady herself. “I like you. I really, really like you. And it’s ok if you don’t like me back, either. I’m sorry I kissed you so suddenly but I jus—“
You silenced her with another kiss, laughing it through to shake the urge to cry from relief. You truly couldn’t believe she felt that way towards you, not when you’ve been trying so hard to be her friend, worried to fuck it all up.
“I like you too.” You answered, trailing kisses down her face as you made your way to her exposed neck, “I’ve wanted you since the first time we talked, at that stupid music award.” She was moaning under you, as wet as the kisses you placed on her fair skin, and you couldn’t get enough of her. “God, I’ve wanted you for so long.”
You licked her neck, sucking and marking it to your liking as you felt Yunjin’s fingers grab your hair, pushing you down with urgency. You laughed, stopping completely to admire her desperate face.
“Do you want me down here, baby?” You murmured in her ear, cupping her cunt through her shorts and feeling how wet she was. It pleased you to get those sensations from her body, and her whines aroused you even more; you could feel yourself so wet from simply kissing her, too.
“Please, Yn.” She pleaded, humping herself against your hand to try to have more friction, anything against her pussy to have her relief. “Please f-fuck me.”
You wanted to have her completely at your mercy, a mess of whimpers and begs until she was crying out your name so loud for all the neighbors to hear. But she looked so exasperated— almost in pain, when you weren’t touching her, so you quickly decided to give her whatever she wanted you to. To adore her body as much as you adored her soul.
“Very well, then.” You quickly got rid of her clothes, lowering yourself where she needed you the most, but Yunjin got up before you could move, placing her hands on your shoulders.
You shot her a glare, stopping to see if she wanted for you to cease completely, but she clumsily tried to take out your shirt instead, her neediness making you smile. You intercepted her, locking her wrists gently in front of her before kissing her jaw. “Try again, princess? Talk to me, this time.”
She looked away from your stare, embarrassed by how the nickname aroused her and how hot you looked, towering over her frame as you corrected her. She tried again, this time, tone unsure as her long fingers plucked the ends of your shirt.
“Take yours off too, please?” You smiled at her gentleness, stripping for her as you made her lie down once again.
“Good job, babe.” You placed yourself between her thighs, loving to see how she shivered at every deep breath you took, the breeze reaching her aching pussy as she clenched her muscles to try to get some relief.
You gathered her slick from her slit and used it to rub on her clit softly, with barely enough pressure, but it was enough for her to moan loudly, closing her eyes to maximize the feeling. It encouraged you to keep going, tracing faster circles in her clit as you kissed and sucked on her thighs as you wished.
“Fuck, Jen. You’re so beautiful like this.” You murmured, watching her lost in pleasure as you entered her with one finger. She lost her air, and you let your hands hover through her body before giving her your thumb to suck on, which she gladly did.
Having her displayed like that, bare and so responsive to your touch, was heavenly, so special. It was greater than you’d ever imagined it.
You added a second finger in her soaked entrance, but she was still whining as she stared at you with her hazel eyes.
“What do you want, love?” You asked, taking your hand from her mouth. “Say it, and it’s yours.” You didn’t ease your rhythm, still going in and out as you touched her clit now slowly, wanting to build the pleasure rather from taking it from her so fast.
It was difficult for Yunjin to think: her whole body was on fire, and you kept talking so sweetly her head was a mess of nothing and everything and the way you touched her was just so good, making her so full, but at the same time, she needed more.
“Just take a deep breath and the words will come up, babe.” She was reminded by you, as your hands gripped her thighs in the gentlest way you could, grounding her back.
She did as told, taking a couple seconds to gather herself.
“I-fuck” She let out a loud pitch she so wished Kazuha hadn’t heard as you curled your fingers inside her, reaching a spot that made her see little starts in her ceiling. “I n-need your mouth.” Yunjin frowned when you didn’t comply with her immediately, vaguely annoyed before she remembered, “Please, Yn. I want y-you down.”
You smiled against her cunt, giving it a long lick as you watched her shake strongly.
“You’re learning, Jen. We’ll get you all obedient soon enough.” You murmured, and Yunjin wanted to ask you further about it, but your mouth finally made contact with her cunt, your tongue entering her hole along with your fingers, making her curl her toes, drunk in pleasure.
Yunjin’s moans were delicious to hear, now more than ever, as she had given up on being silent for the girls not to hear. Surely, they expected it. She’d make up to them later, buy Kazuha a new plushie and Chaewon that purse she was whining so much to get all week. For now, the only thing that mattered was your mouth and fingers on her, making her so full and loved it hurt.
Your mouth let her slit to give attention to her clit, licking it fast as you alternated it with moving your tongue in zigzag to maximize her pleasure. You had Yunjin feel her pleasure come to her in a strong wave, clenching furiously as you gripped her hips to hold her into place. With a high cry, she came, and you kept fingering her until she came down from her high, her bare chest going up and down fast to steady her heartbeats.
“That was strong.” You murmured, taking your hands off her pussy to lie down next to her. “Are you okay?” You asked, cupping her cheek as she gave you a small nod. You tucked a strand of her hair behind her ears, to keep it away from her face. Yunjin’s face was adorned with a thin coat of sweat, and she reached for you to taste herself.
“I’m okay. So okay, thank you.” She hugged you, now clingier than ever, and you embraced her tightly as she relaxed, kissing you slowly as she ravished her own salty taste in your mouth.
You thought she’d sleep, too worn out from the whole day, but you felt her fingers teasing your thighs soon enough, brushing at your cunt gently.
“Jen, you don’t have to—“ You stood half-up to look her in the eyes, protesting.
She wasn’t looking at your face, though. Her eyes were focused on your body, drinking every inch of it with lust. Only after a minute she stared back at you, with a pout.
“I want to touch you, too. You’ve made me feel so good, Yn.” She said, giving you her best puppy eyes. “Let me make you feel good, please?”
Never denying her anything, you positioned yourself between her thighs, so she could have better access to your pussy. You couldn’t resist touching her, even though she was the one giving you pleasure, so you’ve placed quick kisses on her chest, making your way to her hardened nipple as you sucked on it.
She moaned loudly at the feeling of your hot mouth against her skin, her fingers losing rhythm on your clit as she tried to wriggle out of your touch. You placed both of your hands on her hips, gently forcing her into place.
“It’s not fair, Yn-ah.” Yunjin complained, as you laughed. You guided her hand back to your cunt before lowering yourself against her again, as she got her focus back on you.
“You’re a smart girl, Jen. You can keep your focus.” You smirked, sucking as your other hand left her hips to squeeze her other breast. “That’s it, baby. You’re—fuck, you’re doing so good. You’re so good with your fingers.” You praised her as Yunjin glowed at it, gaining rhythm as her thumb applied pressure on your hardened bud each time she thrusted in your pussy.
She was skilled with her fingers, the ones you’ve daydreamed to have knuckles deep in you so many times before, when she played for you through your FaceTime calls, and you were quick to have your pleasure building up on your lower abdomen, already so aroused from her reactions to your touches and just the sight of her at all.
“Fuck, baby, I’m gonna c-cum.” You sucked harder, both of you moaning together as you arched your back, reaching your high. She pulled you towards herself, kissing you passionately as you corresponded with equal fervor, grabbing her closer until there wasn’t a single molecule between you.
“I can’t get enough of you.” Yunjin told you, kissing your cheeks, your nose, your neck. She made herself busy there, making sure to mark you as you’ve done to her. So everyone would know who you belonged to.
“Lucky for you, Huh Yunjin.” You said, feeling fully loved and complete by being by her side. “I can’t seem to get enough of you, either.”
Now, every time you danced, Yunjin wouldn’t be bitter anymore: she knew where you’d be looking. Your eyes would always be on her.
“Unnie, why do you have such a thick scarf on? It’s barely autumn yet.” Eunchae was the first to speak as Yunjin entered the van, late as they were making their way to the company for rehearsals.
“And the glasses, too. There’s no sun, unnie.” Kazuha motioned to her face, trying to mask her laugh, as Eunchae got even more riled up, babbling about the weather and her worries towards her unnie.
Yunjin only shushed the younger girl, brushing her hand in her mouth to make her stop talking so loudly.
“Quiet, Manchae. Unnie is sick, remember? I think I drank too much last night. I’m hangover.” She managed to say it seriously, making the maknae finally tone herself down. The girls were laughing freely now, but Yunjin only glared at them in hopes they’d stop teasing, too tired to argue it out.
“You guys are ridiculous.” She muttered, ignoring the kissing sounds they were making, like 5th graders.
Yunjin couldn’t help but smile, though. And to think about you. Her songs were definitely going to be finished as soon as she got home again.
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mytheoristavenue · 7 months
Dude I know you don't have any requests but if you ever feel up to it I would absolutely eat up a continuation of your creature x reader fic...perhaps they slowly fall for each other.
Hes just...he's so sweet and the way you write him makes me feral. I'm definitely going to check out your other works.
This is me letting you know that your target audience had been reached
Normally, I would politely decline or ignore requests, as I just don't enjoy doing them anymore for multiple reasons, but I wanted to address this one specifically. Hopefully this isn't too short!
For the sake of this story, let's pretend that the time between the events of the movie span over a longer period.
LF Creature x Reader - Compost
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Summary: Creature helps you out in your garden.
Warnings: mentions of rot, bugs, worms, and dung, creature x reader, bisexual reader, reader has a crush on Lisa, continuation of Mutual Comfort, plot holes, not proofread, spelling/gramatical errors, calling Creature Ein
"You look different today," you noticed allowed, squatted over the flower bed, carefully dropping a marigold from your trowel and covering the roots with soil. "Little more alive."
The man behind you grunted in response, prompting you to glance at him over your shoulder. He seemed to have more color in his face, and his hair seemed less stringy. He lifted a discolored hand, and waved it around as if it were an explaination. You simply shrugged, not understanding the meaning, and went back to what you were doing.
"Regaurdless, I appreciate you helping me." you smiled, standing up and admiring your newly replanted marigolds. Another grunt in responce. "Now I need to mix up the compost pile. Mind pushing that wheel barrow over there?" you aske pointing to the object and then to the destination. Nodding, Creature made his way over.
Once he got behind the wheel barrow, however, he scrunched his face in disgust. "What?" you laughed, slumping your shoulders. "Too good for hard labor? He shook his head, letting go of thehandles and covering his nose. Finally, it clicked for you.
"Oh, come on, you big baby. It doesn't stink tha bad." you rolled your eyes, walking over to simply wheel it over yourself. Seeing you prepared to take matters into your own hands, Creature finally pulled himself up by the bootstraps, taking hold of the handles again and pushing it forward. "Its cow dung, if you were curious," you giggled, following him. "My dad has a friend that owns a far and he hooks me up with free manure for the garden."
Once again, Creature grimaced, turning up his nose. "Hey, Zomboy," you scolded playfully. "Your half rotted flest doesn't smell all that much better." He flashed you a hurt expression coupled with a somber groan, making you back peddle. "Okay, okay, I'm sorry."
Finally in front of the compost pile, you grabbed a nearby shovel and began to heave the dung onto the top, the smell never once bothering you. When you were finished, you stuck the shovel in the ground and rested a foot on it, hiking your knee up, and glued your hands to your hips, tired from a hard day's work.
"I don't know about you, but I think today is a good day for some lemonade." You sighed, beginning to walk back toward the house, Creature trailing behind you. "You like lemonade?" He nodded when you glanced back, prompting you to smile. "Go ahead and take a seat," you said, motioning to the patio set to his right. "I'll go get us some."
After a few minutes, you returned, slipping out the back door and into the yard, a glass in each hand, but your eyes lit up before you couven step off the patio. You quickly scurried over to set the glasses down, gushing over what he had. It was a lovely little hand picked bouquet, mostly consisting of wildflowers and weeds. In the short time you were gone, Creature had taken it upon himself to currate you a gift. "Ein..." you breathed, taking it from him and examining it. "You did this for me...?" you asked, oblivious to how silly the question was. He nodded with a timid smile, inviting you to sit with him.
After a moment, your heart dropped, realizing what you'd called him by. "Oh my gosh, I'm sorry I called you that!" you fretted. "Lisa told me that was the last little bit of your name, I sholdv'e asked if you'd be kay with being called that."
He seemed to wave your worries off, shaking his head, signalling tha he wasn't bothered. He then bowed his head, something that confused you. "So you are okay with me calling you Ein?" He bowed again, and you were unable to keep the grin from spreading across your face. "Okay, Ein it is then. I suppose we couldn't have just called you 'Creature' forever, right?" He shrugged, as if he truly didn't care what his name ended up being. "Regardless, thank you for the flowers, they're beautiful."
The man couldn't help but stare as you admired the little nosegay, noting how eyes eyes lit up when you smiled and your nose scrunched when you laughed. He actually found himself so invested in observing you while sipping his lemonade that he choked a little when your eyes flitted back to him.
"Oh my gosh, are you okay?" you suddenly jumped up, patting his back as he coughed, hunched over. "Ein? Ein! Are you okay?" you panicked, patting a bit harder, and wondering if the heimlick would even work on a corpse. Luckily, that deemed to be unnessisary as he finally spat up whatever was clogging his airway.There on the table, squirmed a very long, slimy earthworm.
"I-Is...is that a worm?" you grimaced, entirely freaked out as you stared at it, eyes flickering back to his every few seconds. Creature was frozen in place, terrified he'd ruined a lovely moment between the two of you, and slapped his hand over the thing, shaking his head no. "You're telling me I didn't just watch you spit up a worm onto my dad's patio table? You're telling me if I move your hand, there's not gonna be a worm?"
Hesitantly, he shook his head with a nervous smile, resisting as hard as possible when you grabbed his hand to move it. Though you had no time to think about it then, you couldn't help but notice the way the stitches holding his hand on felt under your finger tips- definately an interesting sensation.
Finally, you managed to lift his hand up, still holding it, and proved yourself right, once again staring at the wiggly little thing on the table. With a sigh, and ignoring his protests, you reached down and lifted it into your palm. "Got anymore?"
Creature sheepishly shook his head and got up to follow you as you walked away. "Well, this little guy is going in my compost pile." you decided, pinching the worm out of your palm and setting it on top of the pile. "And if it has any buddies in there, they're welcome to the pile too." you smiled, grabbing his hand again.
"I like you," you confessed with a giggle. "A few little bugs aren't gonna scare me away."
I hope this was along the lines of what you were looking for! Sorry it was so rushed, it probably has a million errors, as my gramarly is suddenly not working!
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callmeby-mylastname · 9 months
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who’s she?
summary- after your fallout with tara you find comfort in the thing you hated most about her, alcohol.
warnings- some sweet angst, meaningless one night stands and some swears. possible grammar n spelling errors
A/N- thank you anon for the suggestion i hope it lived up to your standards. sorry this took so long i have been so damn busy lately but enjoy🙏
part 1
it had been 3 months since your ‘break up’ with tara and to be completely honest you were doing terrible.
you never liked it when tara drank, she became someone you didn’t recognise.
and now you’re here, you barely recognise yourself. drinking copious amounts of liquor sleeping with a new random girl.
if you kept yourslef sober enough you’d be disgusted by the reputation you had acquitted, the ‘life of the party’ the fuck boy who gets with pretty girls and leaves before they wake up. it didn’t mean anything to you it truly didn’t it clearly meant nothing to the hookups. you both wanted a sexual realsie and that’s what you got.
doing anything to distract yourself from losing the one thing that made your life bright.
Tara had heard of your new found reputation along with glaring looking at you drunkly go upstairs with a girl.
she felt guilty, real guilty. yet too stubborn to talk to you. was she scared you’d end up the way amber did? yeah. did she love you? yeah. was her fear a reasonable excuse to hurt you the way she did? not particularly.
but yet here she is, sat in her apartment wallowing in self pity, contemplating texting you.
she’d spend her nights feeling guilty debating to reach out but never truly had the courage. she hears a ping from her phone and checks the message.
nerdymeeks: have u heard of Y/Ns new girl?
Tgiz: wait what? like gf??
nerdymeeks: i think so? they’ve been seen hanging out at their place couple times
nerdymeeks: told u. u should’ve stopped being stubborn n got ur girl back before it was too late
well if she had a reason to text it was definitely now, so with the surge of confidence that had absolutely nothing to do with the raging jealousy she clicked your contact and let it ring.
“sorry the person you’re trying to contact does not exist” and with that the call ended.
tara was left in disbelief, you blocked her? you got some new girl and blocked her? that made a already very jealous mad tara exceptionally more angry
she didn’t particularly have the right to but she still was.
grabbing her shoes and keys, she was going to confront you, luckily for her you’re a couple doors away. it’s honestly shocking you two haven’t seen eachother since the fallout.
and with three knocks, she was stood at the door left with silince. she raised her fist to knock once more when a beautiful black haird girl opened the door.
logically she was stunning, but to tara? you could do better. and it isn’t at all jealousy
“can i help you?” the girl at the door way asked, recovering from the momentary stun tara replied.
“i-uh. i’m here for Y/N?”
“tara?” your voice rang out behind this new mysterious girl.
this was the first time her eyes met yours after THAT. you looked good, better than you did atleast.
but she would hate to admit how she missed the way her eyes instantly found yours wherever you were.
“we need to talk” tara replied to you
you were stuck, on one side you never wanted to see her again but that little part of ur brain was nagging at you to just hear her out.
and so you went for the latter. “okay”
tara looked back at the girl guarding the entrance to your apartment, she reluctantly moved aside and headed towards your bedroom.
“if you need me Y/N i’ll be right here” and with that she entered the room closing the door.
“so are you and broody over there..together?” she was trying to keep composer (it didn’t work)
“what do you care?” you replied bitterly
“i don’t. i-just..wondering” that composer is definitely working very well. “what do you want tara?” you were getting impatient now
“why did you block me?” she asked getting straight to the point
“it’s not like we were talking” you replied. she really had the nerve to throw you to the cerb then comd to your apartment and ask why you had blocked her?
“maybe because you were too busy getting drunk” she folded her arms across her chest.
“oh? so you’re getting judgemental now?” you walked closer to her.
“i have never once judged you, and now you’re judging me for something you’ve done?”
you were face to face with her now. you were a couple inches taller than tara, so you were looking down on her.
she would be lying if she said seeing you mad wasn’t atleast a little bit attractive.
“i had my reasons for what i did” she stated getting louder now.
“and i didn’t?” you were shouting now, both arguing with one an other.
“we were simply fucking Y/N-“ she started “No!” you cut her off. “don’t even act like what we were doing was ‘just fucking’. i loved you and you know damn well you liked me more than just some side bitch-“
it was her turn to intrupt you now “you loved me?” the tension was softer now.
“of course i did tara? you were everything i ever wanted” you paused
“and now i have everything i need” you looked towards the bedroom door, tara following your line of sight.
she felt the tears in her eyes, but she be dammed if she let you see them fall.
the soft “oh” fell from her lips “i see, well i’ll leave you two to it then” and before you could say more she turned around and left, leaving you stood in your apartment once more.
this time you had something, someone to go to. someone worth it.
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scarawiki · 13 days
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idk how this app works help
scaramouche x gn!reader , idk the word count 😬
first one shot ever prbly ooc scara i'm not sure how to write him very well :( most of it is rly self indulgent for comfort im going thru it i fear lawl. not beta read either i almost never write pls be nice 🤕🙏🙏 excuse any grammar or spelling errors
cw: mentions of poor eating habits due to depression & anxiety , mental health stuff , yada yada nothing super explicit
divider creds: @rookthornesartistry
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You laid still in your bed that you shared with your partner Scaramouche, while he was out and about finding ingredients for dinner.
Since he left, you were once again alone with your thoughts. Constantly ruminating on the past and picking apart everything. Your mind had kept screaming at you, and you couldn't calm it regardless of what you tried. You were left feeling even more hopeless than before.
Scaramouche had picked up on your "odd" behaviors lately, but you simply brushed it off and just told him,
"I'm probably coming down with something. The weather is changing, don't worry about it too much."
You didn't want to burden him with your silly problems, right? Knowing his past, you didn't want to add more to the mix. You were sure you could deal with it on your own.
Following that afternoon, you sobbed. You were so dizzy and your head was pounding, wishing the world had swallowed you whole already. You felt that Scaramouche deserved someone better than your pathetic self. You didn't understand why you couldn't just feel happy. Why was it so hard? Why can't you get out of bed? Why can't you wake up in the mornings?
You heard the front door opening, and you quickly wiped away your remaining tears that rolled down your face, and tried to get comfortable again. Your whole body ached and you just wanted it all to end.
"(Y/N)? I'm home. I managed to find a few things for later tonight. I had to bargain a lot though, food is getting expensive these days."
Scaramouche called out from the living room, setting down everything on the counter. After no answer, he became curious and knocked on the bedroom door.
"Hey? Don't tell me you're still asleep, it's almost 6 PM."
He let out a small sigh after more silence followed, and then opened the door. He saw you were burrowed under the blankets, and came to sit down on the edge of the bed. He pulled the covers back to reveal your tear-stained face, and a wave of concern came over him.
Scaramouche was never particularly good at comforting others, or feelings in general. He was never shown gentleness and compassion in his 500 years of living, before he met you.
"Who did it?"
Scaramouche asked, immediately jumping to the conclusion that someone had caused you harm to hurt this badly.
"No one," you managed to whisper out. "It's really nothing. Don't waste your time on me."
He was slightly taken aback by your dismissive behavior, but decided to pry further. Scaramouche wouldn't know how to deal with himself if anything ever happened to you.
"Okay... well, you haven't been eating, and last time I checked, you aren't a puppet. You've been sleeping in until dinner time for the past few days. Out with it."
He sounded demanding, but soon mentally scolded himself for his tone with you when he saw the vulnerability in your expression.
"I just don't know what to do anymore... I feel so scared and exhausted all the time, I can hardly wake up in the mornings, and food doesn't bring me joy anymore. I can't even remember the last time I felt okay. I didn't want to bother you because I didn't think it was that bad, to be honest. I'm sorry for keeping it from you, Scaramouche. I swear it has nothing to do with you."
Your vision blurred as you spoke, and you could feel your throat closing up. You didn't know how much more you could handle of this constant misery.
Scaramouche stayed silent for a few moments, taking in everything you had told him. You had always seemed so bubbly and excited around him, and when he saw you completely falling apart in front of him for the first time, he felt confused.
"...How long has this been really going on?"
He inquired, and his eyes had a softer look in them.
"A few years, it comes and goes but it doesn't seem like it'll ever get better. I'm tired of suffering, Scaramouche. I want to enjoy life again and look forward to the future. Instead, I dread the next days to come."
You responded, avoiding eye contact and fidgeted with your hands. When Scaramouche took notice of this, he gently grabbed your hands and set them in his lap.
"I'll be blunt, I'm still figuring how these whole "emotions" work. But, I do see that you aren't yourself right now. Yes, you can be a little irritating at times, but I wouldn't be with you if I didn't... love you."
Scaramouche felt hesitant to say those last words, but at the same time it felt right. He then continues,
"It would be pointless to be in a relationship with someone if you weren't upfront with them, but I can see how you might have felt like a bother. I promise that you will never be a burden to me, and I hope you know that I would rather die than ever lay a finger on you, or hurt you any other way. You're one of the first few people to show me how to love and broke through my tough exterior. You never left me during my hard times, and I'm sure as hell not leaving you."
Scaramouche took a deep breath, and looked down at his lap to give your hands a slight squeeze.
"I will do everything in my power to help you feel better. I want to see to see you happy. I want to see that smile on your face again. But, you have to work with me, alright?"
He looks back up and lifts one of his hands to gently grab your chin to face him.
You reluctantly look into his eyes, and slowly nod.
"Okay, I'll try... Thank you."
You replied slowly, drained of any remaining energy you had left. Scaramouche leaned down to remove some of your hair out of the way, and placed a delicate kiss on your forehead. He came back up and caressed your cheek, and sighed softly.
"I'm not letting you suffer alone. Ever."
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xqueen-of-disasterx · 11 months
don’t know if ur taking requests but could u make a dom nat x reader fic where they have a toxic break up but hook up after a few weeks being apart cause they are so dependent on eachother
I hate to hate to hate you
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Paring: fem!reader x Natasha Romanoff
Warnings: SMUT, toxic relationships, toxic!Nat, older!Nat, younger!reader, drinking, arguments mentioned, possessive!Nat, fingering, oral, degradation, praise kink
A/N: A bit short only 1k words but I hope you still like it
!Disclaimer English is not my first language so please excuse any grammar or spelling errors. This story is completely fictional!
“Look it’s her” one of my friends pointed out as I gazed across bar. She was right it was her. Her with her red hair and green eyes fixated on the drink in her hands; whiskey like she would always drink it after work. Two years; two year we had spent together and shared everything. She knew my deepest secrets and I knew her, or at least so I thought.
The first year was peaceful Natasha was the perfect girlfriend. She did everything for me put her busy job aside for and always found time for me. I was young and dumb freshly in my second year of college as I waited at a fancy restaurant that’s were I meet her. She was older, a lawyer, rich and good looking on top.
She treated you like a princess making sure you would never have to pay for anything and to be honest that made you see over many red flags. After a while the passion grew cold she’d always work showing you the cold shoulder. When you two would attend business dinners she’d still put on the facade of the loving girlfriend only to fall asleep on the couch while working.
When she’d be intimate with you she’d mostly hate fuck you having you on fall fours as she rammed her strap deep inside your pussy. You enjoyed it too of course she’d always respect your sexual borders but you missed the slow and passionate sex you once had. After two years it was over with a last fight over something minor you had packed your bags and went to stay with your friends.
Now she was sitting there alone; just as alone as you were. You didn’t see her in 6 months still you missed something. No other lover, hands, mouth, or even toy could make you cum like she did. Maybe she had been right in her dirty talk, she had ruined you for everyone else.
Your eyes meet as she looked up signaling you too come over to her. Your friends told you to not do it but it was only a small chat between the two of you. All lies; you wanted her. No, you needed her so before any rational thought could cross you mind you were sitting on the bar stool next to her.
“Long time no see, bunny” she smirked bringing the bitter tasting liquid to her lips. “How have you been Natasha” you asked trying to sound as uninterested in her as possible as if you didn’t care. “I couldn’t be better you know my law firm has been running better than ever” she laughed “and how’s life going with your philosophy major. Found a job yet?” There was judgement in her words she’d always tell you a major in philosophy would be pointless simply a waste of hard earned money.
“Well I’m still a waitress” she chuckled again judging you she had been right. “Not to say I was right but I told you but I told you” She didn’t change of course she didn’t. How could someone like Natasha ever change. “You are still an asshole Natasha” She pulls you closer by the collar her mouth next to your ear. “But you still want me” you felt my face grown hot. “That’s not true” you breathed out. “Oh bunny” her hands grabbed onto your waist “You tell me if I would check your panties right now they wouldn’t be wet.”
“Fuck you Natasha” You whined the you couldn’t denial your attraction towards the older women. “No I’m gonna fuck you”
We ended up in her apartment with your back against the door and her mouth latched onto the soft skin of your neck. You moaned at the feeling of her biting and sucking the flesh of your neck. “No marks” you manage to get out between desperate whimpers. “Too late” she grinned at me.
Her hands grabbed onto my being signaling
you to jump onto her waist. She carried you to the bedroom kicking the door closed behind her. She places you onto her expensive silk sheets. She pushed your dress of your shoulders pulling it down your dress. “No bra?” She groaned as she saw your erected nipples “You dirty little girl”
She latched onto one of your nipples licking over it before sucking on it hard. She still remembered all your sensitive places. You whimpered and moaned pushing her head further down “such an impatient slut. Tell ms did anyone touch what’s mine” She still was in love with you of course she was seemingly ignoring how you hurt each other. “N- No” you whimpered.
She pulled on the waist band of your panties
pulling them down your legs. She kissed down your leg down your clave to your inner thigh and ending at your core she licked over your slit swirling her tongue over your clit. Your hands found their way to her red hair tugging at her roots making her groan into your pussy.
She sucked on your clit savoring your sweet taste. As she kept licking at your pussylips two of her fingers pressed against your gaping hole. Slowly she pushed in making you moan out in utter pleasure. “Tell me who owns you” she whispered just loud enough for you to her. “You Natasha” she smiled trusting her fingers harder “Damn right slut”. She curled her fingers against your G- spot repeatedly making you see stars. “Be a good girl and cum for me” with a last scream of her name you released over her hands and wrists. She helped you through your high.
You closed your eyes feeling way too tired to do anything else as you felt Natasha stroke over your skin. “Ready for round two bunny?”
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drxmxss · 4 months
Just Once | Taeyong x Reader / Jaehyun x Reader
this was requested !! tysm again ❤️ i hope you like it!!
summary: jaehyun and the reader are dating.. but what happens when taeyong develops a crush?
warnings: cheating (sorry jaehyun 😔), taeyong is a little pervy/kinda subby, smut, unprotected sex (do not do this!!) begging, probably some more but I forgot.
please excuse any spelling errors! thanks and enjoy! 😊
To be fair, Taeyong saw you first. He still remembers the too low top you wore to the bar that showed way too much skin for the middle of winter. Nonetheless, Taeyong was enthralled by you. You were just so gorgeous to him and he swore it was love at first sight. He was trying to psych himself up to go over and talk to you but as soon as he turned around to walk towards you, Jaehyun was already talking to you.
Taeyong already knew his chance was already out the window, and drowned out his sorrows with another drink as he watched both of you from afar. He knew how Jaehyun was, he knew how easy it was for him to pick up girls and you already had a sparkle in your eyes just after a few minutes of talking to him. It was over before it even started.
However, Taeyong also knew his best friend had a habit of dropping girls as quickly as he picked them up, which shouldn’t have given Taeyong as much comfort as it did. At least he would only have to watch this one time.
Per usual the universe held a personal grudge against Taeyong and soon enough Jaehyun would tell him that you two had actually began dating one day at lunch.
“We just really hit it off.” Jaehyun told him “She’s really funny and you already saw how gorgeous she was. I was an idiot if I let her go you know?”
Taeyong hummed, using every bit of strength in him not to throw a fork at Jaehyun’s head. He knew it was stupid to be jealous, to be angry that his best friend had found someone he really liked. But why did it have to be you?
So when Jaehyun started bringing you around their shared apartment more and more, Taeyong was slowly going insane. He couldn’t ignore you or be rude to you. 1. He didn’t have the strength to do so. 2. If he did, it wouldn’t take much for you to figure out he was actually in love with you, he’s read all the books. The only option that made sense was to be your friend. In a weird way it made him feel guilty, he had all these feelings for his best friend’s girlfriend and now he’s trying to be friends with her? He was not a good person.
But all of that didn’t matter once he was with you. Sometimes you would come to the apartment before Jaehyun got home and Taeyong would take the opportunity to talk with you, whether it be about your day or the new show you were watching. Even when Jaehyun came home, you two would still be talking. Thankfully Jaehyun wasn’t particularly jealous, so Taeyong was grateful to still be in your life, even if you weren’t his.
That was until late one night, he got a message from you.
I miss you.
Taeyong choked once he opened the message. It was a picture of you. Topless. On his phone. On his screen. Topless. No shirt. Boobs. On his screen. Your boobs. He short circuited. (He also never felt blood rush to his cock so fast.)
What should he say??? You had obviously picked the wrong number, this was definitely meant for Jaehyun. Taeyong felt sick.
Y/N did you check who you were sending this to?
Taeyong replied and threw his phone on his bed, slapping his hands over his face, embarrassed. What was he gonna do now? It was already hard enough pretending he was already thinking about how your tits looked under your shirt when you talked to him about the new cookie recipe you tried. Now he had nothing to imagine! He was so fucked.
Oh my god Taeyong. I’m sorry don’t look!!
Don’t tell Jaehyun he might kill you.
Taeyong chuckled at your response. God you were cute. Nope, he told himself, don’t think about how cute you are.
Trust me I won’t tell him. No worries.
Taeyong sighed as he laid down on his bed, staring up at the ceiling. Perfect. Great, the girl of his dreams just sent him a super hot boob picture and now he has to act like he doesn’t care.
No, Taeyong thought, don’t say anything else just pretend it didn’t happen. It’s your best friend’s girlfriend. Taeyong fights with himself, trying to ignore the throbbing in his cock and the nagging feeling he has to say one more thing to you.
Fuck it, he thinks, it won’t do any harm. You can just ignore him.
Taeyong picks up his phone and it feels like he’s typing forever before he sends one message to you.
You’re beautiful btw. Sorry I looked.
You stare at the message on your screen. Trying to process what Taeyong has said.
You should be angry right? Your boyfriend’s friend called you beautiful and admitted to looking at a picture of your boobs! That’s bad!
But why does it turn you on? Why do you feel flattered? You should be angry!
After a few minutes of back and forth you realize it doesn’t solve anything to just stare at a screen. You also don’t want this to continue through text, you should confront Taeyong about this! He can’t just say things like that.
So you call him.
After two rings, he picks up. You hear him breathing for a moment before hearing his voice. “Hello?”
“Taeyong?” You say, suddenly unable to think of words.
“Yeah y/n? Are you alright?” Taeyong says. You scoff. “Am I alright?” You repeat.
Silence. Taeyong doesn’t say anything.
“Y/N I’m sorry. Please let’s just forget this happened okay?” Taeyong whispers, like someone would be listening to your call. You don’t reply at first, still processing what to say.
“You think I’m beautiful?” You ask softly, you know it’s wrong but you have to know the answer. This is crazy, but you can’t help it.
Taeyong doesn’t answer you, so you ask again. “Taeyong, do you think I’m beautiful?”
“Why wouldn’t I?” He finally says, and you notice he sounds a little breathless. “Have you looked in a mirror? You’re gorgeous.”
You chuckle once, “Taeyong you know you can’t just say things like that…”
“Why not huh?” He snaps back, “I’m so sick of this” you hear him grumble. You’re a little shocked at his reaction. “Sick of what?”
“Sick of pretending like I don’t think you’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen. Pretending like I just wanna be your friend. Pretending like I don’t think about you every fucking second of every damn day.” Taeyong confesses.
Without thinking, you hang up the phone. You immediately feel guilty and mean, but you don’t wanna hear anything else. Maybe he’s been drinking or something, he doesn’t know what hes saying. Maybe this is all just a bad dream and you’re gonna wake up tomorrow and everything will be normal.
You don’t know much, but you do know you are never ever no matter what forever ever going to tell Jaehyun about this.
“Did you send Taeyong a picture of your boobs?” Jaehyun asks you at lunch the next day.
You choke on your water. “What?”
“Taeyong, our friend, my roomate. Your boobs.” Jaehyun says slowly again, looking at you from across the table with a way too calm expression.
You want to crawl into a hole and die so bad right now, but instead you decide to look stupider. “I have no idea what you’re talking about.” You deny, looking away from Jaehyun.
“Y/N he showed me the message this morning. It was an accident obviously you don’t have to lie to me.” Jaehyun says, again way too calmly for your liking.
‘Showed me the message’ you replay in your mind. Did Taeyong show him the part where he said you were beautiful? What is wrong with that guy?
You try to process everything in your head while still looking at Jaehyun’s indifferent expression. What the hell is wrong with him too actually? Why isn’t he more upset with you?
“You don’t care?” You ask, “You look like you’re just reading the weather forecast to me. ‘It’s gonna rain today oh and also Taeyong saw your titties.’ Jaehyun smiles at you, “Well no it’s not that I don’t care.” He says.
“But?” You reply.
“But..” Jaehyun sighs “I know you. I know Taeyong. I know our relationship. Taeyong is very honest with me, always has been. He said you sent him the picture accidentally and he deleted it in front of me and thats it.”
Well he didn’t mention the phone call, whether that’s good or bad you don’t know yet. But you do know Jaehyun isn’t angry, which is good.
“I was so embarrassed..” You tell him, “It was meant for you I promise.” Jaehyun smiles softly at you again, “I know and it’s alright. Just try to be more careful yeah? Luckily this time it was Taeyong. If you had sent it to Mark it might’ve killed him.”
You both laugh, and you feel a little weight go off your shoulders. This was just a funny story to tell later, you think, Taeyong didn’t mean what he said.
You decide then and there you won’t think about it anymore.
Two weeks have passed since the incident, and Taeyong has not gotten over it. At all.
He feels like a sick loser, he kept the picture you sent rubbing his cock raw to it every night since. Sometimes twice. Or three times. Four. Who’s counting?
God he’s terrible. Jaehyun is one of his best friends and here he is looking at his girlfriend’s boobs.
To make matters worse, Jaehyun wasn’t even angry when Taeyong told him about what happened, he just laughed! Taeyong thought for sure he would get angrier, and when he didn’t he just felt guiltier.
On top of that, now Taeyong had to try even harder to pretend he wasn’t crazy about you. Like right now, at the stupid dinner he stupidly agreed to come to with you and Jaehyun because he didn’t want things to be weird. Which is impossible.
It was disgustingly hard for him not to stare at you. You had a cute little cooking apron on from when you prepared dinner for the three of you. Taeyong only watched your mouth as you and Jaehyun spoke, imagine what it would feel like wrapped around his-
“Taeyong?” Jaehyun’s voice sucked him back to reality, “Did you hear me?”
Taeyong felt his face get hot, embarrassed he shook his head “No I’m sorry. Long day at work I’m kind of out of it.”
“No worries man but unfortunately I just got a big emergency call from work.” Jaehyun said “I hate to cut dinner short but my boss was pretty pissed. You’ll help Y/N clean this up yeah?”
Oh no. Taeyong. Alone. With you. Oh no.
Oh yes.
NO! Bad thoughts bad thoughts!
“Y-yeah.” Taeyong murmured. “Of course.” He smiled softly at you, who nodded.
“Go on Jae.” You said in your sweet voice, making Taeyong already regret everything. “We’ll be here when you get back!”
Taeyong watched Jaehyun give you a kiss goodbye before hastily heading out the front door. Leaving you and him silent at the dining table. You look down at your food, playing with it.
“I’m sorry.” Taeyong blurts out, suddenly feeling hot again. You look up confused “What do you mean?”
“For what happened. And for telling Jaehyun before you.” Taeyong says, standing up quickly to put his plate in the sink. You shook your head “No worries. It was a mistake.” You said firmly. “We can just forget it.”
Taeyong suddenly felt his chest tighten, forget it? He sat down at the table again, this time closer to you. You looked up at him, slightly confused.
“What if..” He began “What if I don’t want to forget it Y/N?” What was he saying?! Taeyong couldn’t stop the words from coming out.
Your brows furrowed, what the hell was he trying to say? “What?” You said, scanning his face for any sign of a joke.
“I said, what if I don’t want to forget?” Taeyong said again, grabbing your hand softly. You froze up, he definitely wasn’t making a joke.
“Taeyong…we can’t. Jaehyun is-”
“Please can I kiss you?” Taeyong cut you off, “Please? I don’t care what Jaehyun will say, I told you that night I’m sick of pretending. Just once, one time please I won’t do anything you don’t want.” The words spilled out, and Taeyong immediately felt guilty. But he couldn’t help himself, he gripped your hand tighter.
“I…What? No!” You said, but you couldn’t pull your hand away. Really, you didn’t want to. But you cared for Jaehyun, this was his best friend.
Taeyong sighed, and dropped your hand. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have done that, I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable. I should’ve just dropped it, I just…” He trailed off.
You being stupid, couldn’t stop yourself from asking. “You just what?” Suddenly you felt like you had deja vu, this was becoming so reminiscent of that stupid phone call.
Taeyong looked at you, his face stern. Here goes nothing, he thought to himself. “I think I just love you, Y/N.”
You didn’t know what else to say. You could only stare at him.
“Y/N?” Taeyong said after a long time. You weighed out your options in your mind, not sure which direction to go after hearing him basically confess his love for you. What are you supposed to say?
Fuck it, you think.
“Taeyong kiss me.” You say, grabbing his hand again. Taeyong looks at you confused for a moment, before gripping your hand tightly and pulling you close to him.
And you’re kissing him. He’s kissing you. This is so fucked up. You’re kissing you’re boyfriends best friend, and you really like it. This is bad.
But also so good.
Taeyong pulls away from you face and leans down to kiss your neck softly. “Please let me taste you.” He says in your ear, making you gasp.
“Not here.” You reply, you feel your conscience scream at you to say no, but no feeling compares to that of Taeyong on your neck. “Your room.” You tell him.
Taeyong grins and scoops you up making you yelp, before carrying you to his room.
Taeyong’s room was dark, cozy pretty similar to Jaehyun’s you thought as he carried you in.
Jaehyun.. You feel your chest ache a little. You feel guilty, but being with Taeyong right now feels..almost perfect.
Your pulled out of your thoughts as Taeyong sits on his bed with you in his lap.
“Can I take this off?” He murmurs against your ear, gripping the hem of your dress. You nod, to which he replies by nearly tearing your dress off, leaving you in your underwear. You gasp, and Taeyong smiles at you. “Sorry I got a little carried away.” Before you can respond, he lays you down and stands up to remove his own shirt.
“Are you sure you’re still okay with this?” Taeyong asks you again, grabbing your ankles, hesitating.
“Yes..Don’t worry.” You reply, sitting up on your elbows to grab his hands and pull him in for another kiss.
He whimpers into your kiss, feverishly grabbing at the straps of your bra. “Please, let me take this off of you. And tell me if you’re ever uncomfortable please.”
You nod again, gasping as he practically scratches to get your bra off. Immediately he starts kissing down your bare chest, making you giggle. Immediately he takes one of your nipples in his mouth and nibbles softly. “Oh god.” You moan, grabbing his hair which makes him whimper below.
Taeyong continues his minstrations on your chest, all the while making you wetter as every time you would pull on his hair he whimpered, before pulling away to look at you.
His big black eyes were blown out with lust and he looked at you with so much love you thought it was cute, which felt almost wrong in the moment.
“I fucking love your tits baby. So perfect…”He mumbles, pushing your shoulders to have you lay flat on you back before going to raise your legs up and lean down in between them.
“I bet your pussy’s better huh..” Taeyong says, hooking his fingers into your waistband and pulling them down your legs and throwing them into a corner of the room. You start to feel self conscious as he stares down at you, but the feelings quickly subsides when you feel his fingers rub between your folds, making you gasp.
“Aw you got so wet for me…Just for me right?” Taeyong asks, slowly rubbing your clit making you whine underneath him. You take note of the possesive tone in his voice and decide thats an issue to tackle later as you nod, unable to speak with how perfect his fingers feel on you.
Taeyong smiles at you before finally diving down to kitten lick your folds, holding your thighs close to his face to feel all of you around him. You whine and pull on his hair again, making him moan into your messy cunt.
Everything feels like too much yet not enough, Taeyong eats you messily, and his iron grip in your prevents you from doing anything but grip his hair tigheter. All the while he’s moaning underneath you, and you start to wonder who’s louder..
“Taeyong.. cum. M’gonna cum.” You whisper, pulling up on his hair to grab his attention. (Literally.) Taeyong responds by fully sucking on your clit, and you feel the knot in your stomach burn before you immediately feel yourself come undone with a shout.
Taeyong pulls away from you, and you open your eyes to see his face wet with your arousal, and a drunken look on his face.
“That was hot, your pussy’s so gorgeous honey.” Taeyong says, making you giggle. You sit up to pull him in for another kiss, climbing into his lap, which you notice is soaked.
“Did you cum?” You ask, to which Taeyong turns his face away from you, redder than a fire hydrant.
“You just..you make me crazy Y/N.” Taeyong mutters, kissing your face and going down to nibble your neck. “Any man who’s ever been lucky enough to taste you should be busting in his pants like me.”
You laugh at his comment, wrapping your arms around his naked torso to kiss his cheek. “Well that’s flattering, but you’re not quitting on me yet right?”
“As long as you ride me.” Taeyong replies, making you pause. Jaehyun never had you ride him before, always wanting to be in control of the bedroom. You knew it wasn’t that big of a deal, but with Taeyong..it felt like it was.
“Okay.” You reply, pushing his shoulders down as he quickly takes off his pants.
Taeyongs cock stands tall, harder than ever even though he just came a few minutes ago. You notice he’s a little thicker and longer than Jaehyun, which makes you clench as you hover over him. Taeyongs hands hold your hips as you slowly sink down, holding back a moan at the feeling of your hot cunt.
You realize too late you both forgot a condom, oh well. You never wore one with Jaehyun either, your birth control took care of that anyway. It’s not like he’d notice..right?
You’re pushed out of your thoughts by the feeling of Taeyong’s entire cock in you, and hearing him moan below you to move. He almost feels too perfect in you, hitting every spot that makes you crazy. You bounce on his cock with a vengeance.
“Fuck, you’re so perfect.” Taeyong murmurs under you, hands on you tightly. “Wish I could feel this all day, I’d do whatever you want baby all the time.”
“Yeah?” You find yourself asking, grinding down on him. Taeyong whimpers, hands moving up to pull your chest down closer to him, feeling his breath on your tits, making the angle his cock entering adjust perfectly. “Yeah whatever you want. Just wanna be your toy baby.” He rasps, hands going to grip your ass cheek making you moan.
“Fuck Taeyong…” You whisper. He’s too much. This is too much. Its so perfect its too much, you don’t even care if Jaehyun finds out or dumps you or calls you a cheating whore liar. All your morale flew out the window already anyway.
“Can I cum baby please?” Taeyong asks you, almost whining, his hips bucking up. “Let me fill up your pretty pussy baby please I’ll be so good for you.” Hes rambling now, making you clench even harder around him. You’ve never felt this in control before, sure with Jaehyun being more laid back and letting him take control was fun but this was a different level of hot.
But you had a mean streak in you too.
“What would Jaehyun say huh?” You ask, making Taeyong’s eyes snap open. “What if he sees your cum leaking out of me later?”
Taeyong shakes his head “Baby please he won’t I’ll clean you up with my tongue after just please.” His hips buck up harder, you yelp as the tip of his cock kisses your cervix.
“I don’t know yongie..” You mumble, feeling his hips stutter at your new nickname for him.
“Please honey, just this once for our only time.” He’s totally whining now, hands gripping at your hips, your ass, your tits, like he’s trying to ground himself. “Let me fill you up this once baby please.”
You may have a mean streak, but nothing can make you say no to Taeyongs whines, and the fact that you’re worried he’s gonna break a hip with how quickly he’s bucking into you. You finally nod, locking your legs around his torso and grinding down on him slowly.
Taeyong cums almost immediately with a moan, and you feel his cock spurt thick ropes in you, making you whine as you fully lay down on top of him after pulling yourself off, feeling his and yours fluids leak out of you.
“You needa come too.” Taeyong whispers, and before you can tell him you’re fine you feel him shove three fingers deep in your cunt, fingering you one of the quickest orgasms of your life.
He pulls out almost as fast as he entered, shoving his fingers into his mouth as his other hand strokes your hair.
The guilt can come later, you think. Listening to Taeyong’s heartbeat relaxes you. You just want to be present in the moment.
“This isn’t the last time” You say, looking up at Taeyong. “We can say that, but it’s not the last time.”
Taeyong only smiles cheekily at you before saying “Yeah. I know.”
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insomni-frog · 11 months
Caviar does Caviar things
I have no clue what to title this, this is my first time writing something in a while (so if you see any spelling mistakes or grammatical errors, no you don't /j)
Summary: Caviar goes back into the Duskgloom Sea because Black Pearl has been behaving oddly.
It was a fool's errand really.
No one in their right mind would willingly sail towards the Duskgloom sea if they knew what was good for them—and they would probably vow never to sail again if they knew what lived in those salty depths.
But Captain Caviar was no fool; in fact he would've considered himself an even bigger fool to ignore what was happening in those waters.
That sea witch enjoyed her quiet, and anyone dumb enough to sail in there would learn that rule very quickly; if they didn't end up soggy crumbs first.
So constant rumbling storm clouds and crashing waves—in the usual unnervingly serene waters—was a dead give away that something was wrong: even a landlubber would be able to spy something amiss, so it was even more blaringly obvious to an experienced sea hound like Caviar.
It was the whole reason he even embarked on, what was basically, a one-cookie suicide mission. Braving the briny depths in the Black Shark once more, like a foolhardy idiot, just to perform a wellness check on the sovereign of these waters.
Who, last time he saw her, seemed pretty keen on turning him into a past tense.
And for all Caviar knew he could've been navigating himself straight into a watery grave made especially for him. But he had a hunch it wasn't like that. After all the ol' sovereign of these depths, while having a nasty habit of sinking ships and (at best) marooning their sailors, didn't give chase past the waters she called hers.
So the infernal storm that seemed to keep brewing larger and angrier with each passing day, pulling in ships passing by and leaking out well past the boundaries of her territory, was enough for Caviar to dismiss what ever worries he had about sailing back to this place; however it did open up a completely different set.
Such as what ever it is he was even looking for. He wasn't a doctor, even if he knew his way around a medkit, and he was pretty sure not even Baumkuchen would know how to treat or give a diagnosis to a mermaid larger than a soda whale.
And then there was the angle that it was something not physical affecting the gigantic sea beast. While he didn't know the details, he did know that there was a decades old grudge constantly weighing on her mind; and that wasn't something one could fix with a pat on the back and some well wishes.
But at the same time he couldn't just sit around and do nothing about it. Sure there was a chance that it was nothing, and all he was doing was recklessly risking his dough here. But if it wasn't then he was putting the lives of thousands of cookies on the line by just twiddling his thumbs and hoping the Duskgloom Sea would calm down on its own.
So here he found himself, navigating himself through unsteady waters and into the nest of a crankier—and probably more jamthirsty—than usual mermaid.
It wasn't like he hadn't done it before, it would hopefully be no different than the last time: even if he didn't have the company of one Candy Diver Cookie this time. All he had to remember was the passage of sparkling coral reefs that would take him straight out of the graveyard of ships the sovereign called her playground if things went south.                                     *** He maneuvered past the remains of ships once grand—recognising a few of the makes and models (all though his memories had them in better condition)—creeping deeper into the dreadful lair. By now he thought the sea witch would've made herself known, considering she had been doing that plenty over the course of the week, but there was neither hide nor hair of her.
Which he had to say was impressive, considering he estimated the mermaid to be just about as big as two soda whales from tip to tail.
She could toss around ships like they were toys and here he was struggling to find a singular scale of her. For a brief moment it made Caviar wonder if she had moved on to clearer waters, but that was highly unlikely to be the case.
And it also wasn't like he was going full blast trying to find her: Caviar wanted to find her, not for her to find him. So he was relying on dim lights to guide him, because he certainly could not use sonar (he wouldn't take to kindly to someone blaring a siren into his ear, and he doubted she would as well).                                     *** At this point Caviar was pretty sure he had gone in deeper than he had before, which was easier to do considering there wasn't a raging mermaid on his tail. But that unnerved him more than it comforted him: If the sea witch wasn't here she could be of doing who knows what.
But his nerves were both settled and jumped when he finally caught a glimpse of the territorial mermaid.
She was nestled away in a little hollow made of ship wreckages, a shelter for her slumbering form that would send anything swimming the other way.
Yet here Caviar was, piloting the Black Shark closer inch by inch to get a proper look at her.
The sea beast was turned on her side, chest rising and falling slowly with each breath, and one could confuse it for a peaceful respite if it wasn't for the way her face was contorted into an irritated snarl—which was a common expression for the mermaid, but not in this way. Her eyebrows furrowed, eyes screwed shut, lips curling in the slightest manner and exposing just the pointed tips of her sharp teeth. It wasn't a look of anger that could boil the sea.
It was one of pain.
And Caviar didn't have to question what was causing it for too long; as he watched her try to roll onto her other side just for her to seize up and immediately flip back into her original position.
On the surface there wasn't anything glaringly wrong, no massive wound or missing scales, but as Caviar squinted in the low light and practically leaned against the window of the Black Shark for a closer look—he spotted it.
A bowsprit: It was wedged underneath her obsidian scales and lodged into a softer part of her, becoming Earthbread's worst splinter.
To think something that small and insignificant to the large mermaid was the cause of all this trouble—it was almost hard to believe. But if that was the cause then... Caviar couldn't just leave it like this.
So he did the most foolish thing he had done all day (besides sail into the storming Duskgloom Sea.) He exited the Black Shark to brave the slumbering sea witch head on. It wasn't like he had to worry about going soggy, any cookie with a pinch of salt in their dough could face the waters without much fuss—so for a salty sea dog like him there wasn't much to fear.
Besides the sharp teeth of the sovereign. But even if he turned back now he had a sinking gut feeling that not only would he be seeing the wrath of a restless mermaid, others would too.
He'd rather nip this in the bud before she stormed into a maelstrom so large it could sink the entire Crème Republic in one go; even if it meant the chance he would be reduced to nothing but crumbs in the process. But he'd rather turn to crumbs trying than letting others shoulder the responsibility for his cowardice.
And, as much as he wouldn't admit it outloud, he didn't like seeing the sea witch in so much discomfort.
Caviar treaded the waters quietly, creeping towards her imposing form that wasn't any less intimidating lying down. He kept a close eye on her scrunched up face, constantly checking to see if those terrifying eyes had peaked open or not—but they didn't. So here he found himself floating over her tail and mulling over his next course of action.
He couldn't just grab it while floating and pull it out, he would need to get his footing first. And the only footing in sight was that massive tail of hers. So, with a less than eager heart, he allowed himself to land atop her scales and waited with bated breath to see if she would wake.
She didn't. Her face scrunched a little more, but soon returned back to the disgruntled look of before.
Caviar would've breathed a sigh of relief if he wasn't worried about waking her. So, as quietly as he could, Caviar took a gentle grasp of the bowsprit. He positioned his footing for a better hold, after all this had to be down in one swift move—because he doubted the mermaid would let him have another go.
But as he adjusted his footing, and made sure his grip was firm, he could feel something shift behind him. With an apprehensive glance over his shoulder, he came face to face with the irritated sea witch.
She too was looking at him over her shoulder, those piercing eyes staring right into him with an unblinking stare. She didn't say anything, it was like she was still trying to process what she was looking at. And Caviar wasn't planning on letting her get the upper hand now, so with a quick grin he lurched his whole body forward.
The bowsprit slid loose, and with it so did he. They were both tossed backwards in the water from the mermaids tail thrashing in discomfort.
Caviar gave it a quick once over to make sure it had come out in one piece before dropping it to the ocean floor, the sea witch could decide what to do with it now.
Speaking of said sea witch, she did not look happy.
He tried to turn and make a break for the Black Shark, but she was much quicker. Caviar's whole body was seized in one of her hands, her thumb and index finger wrapping dangerously around his throat as she gave him a squeeze. He could hear the water rush around them, and before he knew it the both of them broke the surface.
Lightning crackled above them and illuminated the mermaids face, who looked about ready to bite him in half with how her lips were snarled. Her fingers clutched tighter around his throat, and Caviar was felt like his head was about to pop right off his shoulders as he squeezed his eyes shut. But as quickly as the pressure came, it disappeared.
He curiously peaked open his eyes to see the sea witch looking at where the literal thorn in her side had been moments prior. While she did that the storm clouds that had been brewing non-stop over the course of the week started to ebb away, allowing thin beams of moonlight to shine down upon the two of them. The waters turned calm too.
Without the feeling like his head was about to explode, he could see in her other hand was the Black Shark, held like it was simply a children's toy.
Her gaze flicked back to him, but it didn't carry the same ire as before: in fact she just looked plain exhausted. With a loud humph Caviar was unceremoniously dropped into the drink below, the Black Shark alongside him. He watched as she receded back into the depths and he was left to float in the waters unnerving calm.
He didn't stick around to question why she didn't sink him right then and there, preferring to get back into Black Shark and leave while the sea witch sunk to have her long awaited sleep.
After all perhaps it was just best to let sleeping mers lie.
                                    *** Black Pearl sunk back into her abyss, exhaustion permeating her entire being. As she curled beneath the wreckages she called a nest, finally able to lie on her comfortable side, her eyes landed on the bowsprit tipped with her jam. She reached out and pinched it between her fingers, like it was nothing but a toothpick.
This thing was the culprit behind all her discomfort, the reason she couldn't sleep. She had tried and tried to dig it out herself, only resulting in pushing it deeper beneath her scales.
Yet that meaningless pile of dough had pulled it out in one go: like it was nothing. It made her grumble and hiss in irritation.
Didn't he know who she is—she's the sovereign of the abyss—and yet he helped her.
She flicked the bowsprit away into the depths and settled down for her long awaited rest.
Yet she struggled to get thoughts of that do-gooder cookie and his stupid smug grin out of her head.
Next time she saw him, she'd sink him for sure.
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anthracite-writes · 11 months
Heyyy :) I was just wondering on expanding a bit on the Popular MC thing 👀 I was mainly wondering how the brother would react to MC who was finally burnt out socializing with all the demons wanting their attention and the boys just find MC in their room wanting alone time with each of the brothers 🥺
Obey Me! Brothers X Popular Socially Burnt Out! GN! MC
[Separate] Demon brothers x gn! reader || SFW || TW//CW: LOTTA angst <3, self-isolation, all time low/at the point of being unable to take care of oneself, hints at eating disorders (anorexia) in Beel's part. A//N: for context - check out this imagine :) - Summary: You've already reached the bottom of your social battery from your popularity and this doesn't go unnoticed by the demon brothers. After days of shutting yourself in your room and avoiding everyone and everything, you finally go to them - seeking comfort from your burn out.
Also, apologies for getting this out hella late - I haven't check out my inbox since the last request I've put up. If you did put in a request, I'm working on them - school just got me swamped out of my mind.
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Would notice immediately notice your personality and normal behaviour is off
Will notice that you're setting yourself aside from students in RAD, eating alone both at home and RAD, locking yourself in your room once you get back to HoL and staying in there for hours on end.
Would catch you when you're out late in the night when you think everyone was asleep.
Brings you meals when you don't join them for meal times in the House of Lamentation.
Doesn't question why you're acting this way. He already knows, [he's got a sixth sense when it comes to you - source? Trust me on this]
Keeps his bedroom and study doors open for you, just in case if you want to talk to him
He's not the type to force you to talk to him about you're social exhaustion, he'll wait for you to talk about it to him on your own time.
Would welcome you with open arms into his bedroom/study whenever you need someone - doesn't matter what time it is, he would keep you company.
More often than not, he would stop by your room on his rounds to make sure everyone is where they're supposed to be that they're no where else - making sure you're asleep and all and that you're not up late and whatnot.
"Oh? [Y/N]... you're still awake..." He says, noticing you're awake in your bed. Lucifer makes his way towards your bed and sit on the edge beside you. The demon pulls you into his arms, holding you close to his body, his hand on the back of your head and the other on your back. All Lucifer wants you to know is that he's here for you. "All this attention must be be tiring..." he would coos in a soft tone. "From now on... if you need someone to be with you, it should be me... only, me."
Wouldn't notice till later.
He's still a bit pouty about all the attention that you're getting that
When he notices you've become withdrawn in school, often opting to be alone - that's when he gets worried about your well being.
Sure, he's greedy for your attention but it's important to him that his human is okay.
He is your first pact, remember?
When your alone, he'd often go join you.
He doesn't care if you don't want to talk - he just want to keep you company [Though he would point out some random stuff in your surroundings to try to make you laugh.]
Probably would start getting a bit childish and pouty when he sees your not reacting to anything he's saying.
He really just want to see you smile again - that's all he wants at this point.
Would be the type to try to encourage you to talk about your feelings.
Willing to help you in anyway he can.
If you do tell him what's going on with you and the whole point of being burned out, he starts to tone down his urges to try to get you out.
Cuddle time? anytime, anywhere. Even if you don't ask for it.
Bro's slinking into your bed for cuddles.
He doesn't want you to feel alone during your down time.
Holds you close from behind, spooning you as he talks about whatever to fill the silence.
"Y/N... I know... you don't have to take in everyone's attention..." He mumbles against your head as you two lay in his bed cuddling. "Who needs randos being around you all the time, trying to impress you?" Mammon chuckles, giving you a little squeeze. He gently runs his fingers through your hair, playing with it. "I can give you all the attention you'd ever need, and I know for a fact you won't get fed up like you did with them. They drain you, I on the other hand - oh, I'll make sure you never get like this again." "Just keep you're eyes on me from now on, 'kay? And I'll give you all my attention."
Wouldn't notice at all, he's shut into his room - remember?
But when he notices you've been even more hauled up in you bedroom than him.
Starts worrying even he notices you're not even showing up to any of the classes.
You're not supposed to be the shut-in, that's his job!
You're supposed to be his Player 2 in school, his emotional support.
Starts blowing up your text messages till you respond.
When you do respond and explain to him what's been going on with you, he gets it right away.
He knows how it feels, socializing is overwhelming for him so he can't even imagine what it feels like being in the spotlight
Would set up a private chatroom for the two of you to interact one on one while you recharge your social batteries so you don't feel overwhelmed with fact to face interaction.
Would have movie nights over calls, talks to you over chats and VCs, etc etc.
Love seeing you become more lively over the chats and VCs .
Makes sure to drop off food at your room when he's out of his room - he knows what it's like to forget to eat or drink, and doesn't want your state to worsen physically with malnourishment.
Lets you vent out your frustrations and all - you've done it so much for him, it's time for him to be a good bestie.
Often would try to relate to you by bringing up his experience without trying to make it all about him.
Just tries his best to comfort you even though he's not the best [gold star for Levi for trying]
"I'm glad you told me, Y/N... I was getting a bit worried you've forgotten about me and I'm back to level zero friend-wise. That it was just Henry and I again..." The demon rambled, earning a soft laugh on your end of the voice call and Leviathan responding with his usual whines when he feels flusted. "But anyway... I'm glad we cleared up the misunderstanding between us. I'm just surprised is all, you of all people getting burnt out? I though I was the one with poor social skills and a shut in." "But seriously... I understand how you feel. And... um.. erm..." His voice trails off as he mumbles under his breath. "...and I'm happy I get to help you this time... you've done a lot and I want to do the same for you..."
He has a keen eye, he will notice in a heartbeat.
When you start excusing yourself and walking back to the HoL alone, that's when he decides to take things into his own hands.
VERY confrontational - won't hesitate to even break down your door if you decide to shut yourself in for a couple hours.
Is passively aggressively trying to get you to tell him what's the matter and why you're acting in such a way that is the polar opposite of how you act usually.
Once he figures out that you're burned out - he gets right into action trying to make you feel better.
You're the only person who he can tolerate, but he will not tolerate this burnout slump.
Is more calm in his methods of trying to help you recharge from said burnout slump.
Would often drag you out of the house to go cat watching with him, thinking it would have the same effect on you as on him when he's stressed and whatnot.
Once he connects the dots that maybe his methods aren't working seeing you aren't improving, he's trying other methods he read about.
Would bring you tea and books he thinks you'll enjoy.
Let's you snuggle up with him under the covers as he reads to you.
Stays with you when you eventually fall asleep, hugging you as he rubs your back or strokes your hair to comfort you - letting you know he's still there as your rest.
Satan looks over at you from the pages of the book he was reading too you, seeing you've fallen asleep against him. He lets out a soft sigh and puts aside the book before laying you down on the bed in a more comfortable position, laying down next to you as watching you sleep. "You must be tired, Y/N..." he muttered softly to himself, reaching out and gently stroking your hair in a caring manner. He scoots closer to you as he pulls the covers over the two of you, tucking you two in before wrapping his arms around you in your slumber - pressing you against his body to insure you feel his warmth. "Rest easy, Y/N... I'm not leaving..."
Notice but brushes it off at first but starts worrying when he notices you're refusing his invites out.
When you completely start acting out of it (not even wanting to go out with him and him alone), he's gonna lose it.
He does care for you, and WILL go full on panic mode.
He's checking your temperature, begging you to go see a doctor to check if it was some kind of illness.
Worse case, his mind would wander off to the thought that you're finally sick of him and being around him all the time.
Just sit him down before he starts making up fake scenarios where you ended your friendship with him and explain your social burnout
"...Ohhhhhh - then why didn't you start off with that, hon? You got me all worked up for nothing. Come, you need some R & R. Just the two of us, 'kay?"
Two of you have a complete spa and self-care day, and boy does Asmo go all out.
Face masks, skin care, long soaking in the bath with the best of the best products, doing each other's nails, online shopping sprees etc. etc.
Would give you the juiciest of drama while you are social checked out to cheer you up.
If that isn't your cup of tea, he's more than happy to listen to you with your problems.
Tell him your troubles and he'll try his best to comfort you.
Very handsy and touchy-feely when comforting you - ie. cuddles, caresses, holding your hand, etc.
"Oh, babes... you should of told me you were getting overwhelmed with all the popularity you've been getting you burned out." Asmo cooed as he places a hand on your cheek. "Gems like yourself need time away from people to let yourself shine once more to their fullest potential... Don't be so hard on yourself okay? You just need to tell me these things." "And you wanna know why?" He says with a cheeky grin, booping your nose in a playful manner, "Because you are my favourite person besides myself, and like myself - I'd drop everything to make sure my gem is okay before anything else. I'll reject clubbing invites and such, just to know you're going to be okay., Y/N"
Notices when you started to skip meals to go be alone in your room
Starts getting worried when you either miss meals or offering your portion of your meals
Food is his way to comfort you during your burnout.
When you haul yourself up in your room, he'd often leave your comfort snacks.
If you two bump into each other in the kitchen, he's going to offer to cook for you - especially if you haven't ate anything in the hours.
Will fight tooth and nail not to eat what he's cooking up for you.
Will encourage you to eat, even if it's a couple bites.
After you eat, he'll do the dishes real quick and walk you back to your room so you can rest.
Stays by your bedside while you rest, holding your hand as if you're gonna just disappear again if you let go.
I got a feeling he's good a reading you and how you're feeling.
He already knows without you saying a word. And he'll stay by your side till you're back to your usual self.
"Y/N... I know you're not feeling like yourself and that's okay... you don't have to talk about it with me if you want but I'm here for you of course. I want you to know that" Beel says quietly as he watches you try to rest in your bed, giving your hand a slight squeeze. "Just make sure you eat. It's not good you've been forgetting to give yourself nourishments. I understand your tired and not feeling well, but do understand it's not healthy that your accedentally missing meals." He said, guiding your hand up to his cheek. "And I'll be sure of it. I'll take care of you, I promise you that Y/N"
Wouldn't notice at all. He's asleep 99.9% of the time - canon.
But once he notices you're no longer showing up to any of his napping places to take a break from people after school.
Would sleepy wander around the HoL till he found you hiding in your room as you recharge from your burnout.
Crawls into your bed and just snuggles with you.
He can feel your tired, and not the usual tired - so he's happy to make sure you get the rest you need.
Often leaves and comes back with more pillows and blankets to make sure your comfortable and all.
Not much talking would happen. He just wants you to rest and only rest.
Keeps everything the same, not wanting to change anything that may stress you even more than you are now in your burnout state.
"Y/N, just stay here with me..." Belphie spoken in his groany voice, evident he's just woken up. The young demon squeezed you slightly as he pulled you closer, putting his leg over you to keep you down on the matrass them. "It's important you rest. You need it to function." He murmurs into the crook of your neck. "Being so popular must be draining... so just rest."
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taesanluv3r · 4 months
chronicles of an overly in-love woonhak.
kim woonhak x reader
entirely in woonhak's pov (he's just yapping to himself the whole time), this is so dumb n stupid but i think it's silly cute idk 😓 cuss words!! lowercase intended, pls excuse any spelling mistakes / grammatical errors <3 enjoy :3
wc: 1,401
"relax woonhak, it's not that hard"
all i needed to do was make a move. seriously, how hard could it be? i mean it was easy to help riwoo make a move on the girl he liked, so why would it be hard for me to make a move on someone myself?
but of course, the difference was that riwoo was hitting on someone random from his dance class while i, little pathetic old kim woonhak, just had to have a crush on the ever-so untouchable, and insanely stunning…
yn fucking ln.
i mean she's like- way way way out of my league, right? the other day i confided in taesan, i always talk to him when i feel lost...well only when i'm lost in the thoughts of her. that's only cause she's rather close to him, they're like siblings who aren't related at all- i think it's pretty sweet. otherwise, i wouldn't ever confide in that menace.
but he knows her very well, and he knows me very well, it's the perfect combination. anyways, i told him about my feelings for her, how she absolutely drove me insane. i mean who wouldn't go insane? she's just so effortlessly...her, in a good way, of course. god nothing bad about her would ever come out of my mouth...she's just perfect.
okay maybe I'm lying, she can be a little stubborn and bitchy sometimes...but that's just another thing I can go on and on and on talking about. i'm always talking about her.
taesan laughed at me, he told me i was oblivious and delusional if i couldn't see that she felt the exact same way. i mean can you believe that? she feels the same?! about me?! about kim woonhak?!
i don't believe it for a second...okay, i lied again. the statement did fuel my stomach up with butterflies and make my head spin and cheeks flush and all that…jazz.
and then he said one thing, the one thing that's making me think about everything all over again.
"if you love her so much, make a move!"
and so now here i am, sitting in bed at one o' clock in the morning. only eight hours until i have to go to school. which means that i only have eight hours to construct the most perfect plan to finally make my move. i mean how hard could it be? it's just like chess! not that i'm good at chess, i actually kinda suck at it…
"ugh cut it out woonhak, you're wasting your time!"
she probably doesn't even like me back. maybe she's just as nice as she is to me with everyone else. and surely that drawing she made me was just a friendly gift! and of course the poems she sent me were probably drafts for someone else…though she did send one with my name in it once…
wait a fucking minute.
OKAY, okay calm down woonhak. no need to get your hopes up too unecessarily high…
this does give me confidence though, just keep thinking positively and make your move at school FIRST THING IN THE MORNING!
"i got this!"
maybe i lied a little to my reflection in the mirror whilst getting ready for school this morning. cause she was right there when i arrived, alone and ready for me to go tell her I love her, but fear got the best of me…as per usual.
so now i'm here, in fucking science class having to listen to professor lee rant about whatever problem he had with lamarck's theory as opposed to darwin's. interesting one though, i know yn has a real interest in the theory of evolution and just about everything else biology related- maybe not plant biology, she didn't look too happy when we were told we're gonna study plant science next week.
just as i started thinking about her all over again, a piece of paper struck my head from behind. it landed in between my back and my chair, not very comfortable. i turned to reach for it, checking out whoever threw it at me as i did so.
yn ln shoots her unique smile at me, her lips tilting crookedly. she never smiled with her teeth because she doesn't quite like how it looks. i strongly disagree, i think it's adorable when her uneven fangs show, it's just another peculiar thing i get to love about her.
i stare too long, too long that she has to raise her eyebrows to remind me of the paper i was supposed to retrieve from behind me and read. my cheeks were probably redder than the ripest of strawberries- ironically, her favourite fruit.
the page was off-white, a cute rilakkuma print bordering the lined-sheet…classic yn ln and her cutesy stationary. i couldn't help but smile as i opened it to find her neat, yet absurdly tiny handwriting.
i admired it for a second, not quite reading the actual note just yet, but once i did…
the ink was pink, one of the gel-pens she usually used to write her overly pretty notes for literature. and the words she scribbled on the page were simple. well, as simple as such a complex and interesting girl like her could ever get.
"hi woonhak, i like you. like a lot. see you under the bleachers at lunch. :) <3 ★"
not even a question. if it weren't for the doodles of hearts, smiley faces, and stars all over the note i would've deemed it a threat.
another lie. i should stop lying. she could tell me to throw myself off a cliff or threaten me with a knife and i'd still be flustered and in love.
the lunch bell came a lot sooner than i calculated. perhaps my brain had been overstimulated by the test i had just finished, or maybe time is just that unpredictable when you're anxious.
i desperately needed to piss- another lie that i told myself to postpone the possible embarrassment i might encounter with my crush under the bleachers today. fuck. why am i so nervous?
i decided it's best to just YOLO and speed over to her usual spot under the bleachers. what's the worst that could happen? you know...besides her revealing it was all a prank and then totally making fun of me!!!!!!! ha ha...ha...
i'm cooked.
she was already there, a slight worry on her face as if she had been waiting and wondering where i had been. i was about to mutter an apology for being late, saying i needed to go to the bathroom and such but she didn't let me talk.
"i know you like me, woonhak"
at this point i was shitting sweat.
i was interrupted.
"you took too long to say anything and frankly, i got impatient. cause i like you too- like- a lot. lol"
lol, she ended every serious sentence with that abbreviation to lighten the mood- cute.
all i could do was chuckle in relief.
"can we kiss now?"
she asks, her words coming out a little stale and hasty, but sweet. in a way that made my heart break and melt into bits and pieces. who am i kidding though, she does anything and i'll melt into bits and pieces.
her lips halted my chatter. she tastes like an odd mixture of banana milk and…honey garlic fried chicken- but it tasted kind of good...?
remind me to ask her where she got her lunch from cause...damn.
the kiss lasted longer than i would've earlier expected, her hands were in my hair and mine held her waist. i had to bend down a little, she's not that short but she's definitely not tall. not as tall as me, that is.
alas we seperated. she giggled softly and i can see a faint pink tint brushed against her cheeks as she caught her breath. then she looked up at me, with the most precious set of eyes. it didn't last long as her complexion changed completely in a matter of seconds before these words left her mouth:
"ask me out, loser"
and that's just the push i needed.
"yn ln, be my girlfriend and take me to whatever place you got the fried chicken your lips tasted like!"
she giggled again- i swear a braincell of mine disappears every time she so much as smiled- stepping forward to hug me, which i happily accepted by the way…she smells good. she smells like a...fresh...teddy bear? yeah.
"i can't believe you actually like me back" i blurted out, watching as she stuck a chicken wing into her mouth. the sauce got on her face and i helped her wipe it off like the gentleman that i am.
"and i can't believe you confided in taesan, of all people!" her words were muffled as she chewed.
"whatever babe, now why don't you eat first and talk later"
she almost chokes as she stares at me with this bewildered look on her face. how could a person be so adorable? like? this???? this cutie??? SHES my girlfriend???!!!???
she speaks with half a drumstick in her mouth and her eyes were opened wide.
the end.
LMAOOO idek wht i was going for in this one 😭 i pulled this straight out of my drafts tbh </3 reblogs n feedbacks r vv appreciated!! love u tysm for reading. love, kona.
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