#once the hype died down a little
I love the sexyman of the year polls because I literally don't know who any of these people are
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bluebellhairpin · 1 year
A Nerwin animation based off of Skyfall by adele sounds dope, if you're still thinking about it.
Honestly I wasn't thinking about it anymore. But it's nice someone else is! Thank you <3
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skrrts · 28 days
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changeup (oneshot)
✧ gn!reader x jung wooyoung ✧ genre: non idol, slice of life, fluff, romance ✧ word count: 2,1k ✧ warnings: food/eating
You two have been dating for some time and while Wooyoung often surprises you with little dates, this one is obviously special. It's a beautiful Friday night at on one of the city's popular rooftop restaurants but tonight, he seems nervous. There is something Wooyoung wants to ask you, maybe not what most would expect but important to the future of your relationship.
a/n: since reader said yes in this drabble to go on this special date, here we go. it can be read as a standalone, just thought it could be cute for the start of the weekend
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You felt a little shy when Wooyoung waited for you with a gift bag and a nervous expression. It hadn’t been difficult to tell there was something on his mind, likely very important but you did not want to add to the tension. After hours of picking an outfit, you figured out something going perfectly with his. The moment he saw you, his features brightened and he waved, leading to you waving back.
“Sorry, I’m a little late. The damn bus was late because of one of those stupid construction sites. Feels like the entered city is one big hole of them right now,” you sighed but your little pout made Wooyoung chuckle: “It is alright. I was smart enough this time to ensure I asked you to come prior to our booking, unlike our first date when I did not figure if we are late, they just would give our table to somebody else.”
The memory of that will always be a favorite, quite an eventful date but somehow, it showed you how this one was the partner you wanted to be with. With Wooyoung, life was never boring, there was always something about to happen but you could count on him, you knew that. Your friends and family had been a little uncertain when you started to date an athlete but won them over in no time. Wooyoung was playing for a second-league baseball team, dreaming of going big one day. 
His soft hands reached out for you, lovingly cupping your face and as your gazes locked, you could see that he was a little emotional but because his smile was sincere, you decided not to worry, simply closing your eyes as lips met in a tender kiss. This was always the best way to soothe your worries, and he gave you a gentle hug.
“I love you, ____” he whispered, placing a kiss on top of your hair before offering his hand to you: “the gift is for later. Shall we go?”
Tch, he wasn’t even giving you the time to say it back again, but you stuck out your tongue: “We better, I skipped lunch so I’m extra hungry tonight.” 
Your little joke made him laugh as he led you to the building which mostly hosted offices but on top was a small restaurant that had been trendy with others your age last year. While the hype had died down, you knew he still likely needed to make a reservation a few weeks ahead, at least to get a nice table at this hour.
Wooyoung would squeeze your hand and place little kisses on your cheek as you took the elevator up. It was impossible not to see how madly in love you were, often still acting like you hadn’t already dated for quite some time. With Wooyoung, every day always felt like something new.
“You look great today, by the way,” you whispered and he smiled: “Well, of course. You approved of the outfit.”
There was a quick wink before he led you to the waitress who took his name and showed you to the table right at the edge of the terrace. It was early Autumn and the nights still warm, offering an amazing view over the busy city with its endless lights.
“Beautiful,” you mumbled and Wooyoung smiled once the two of you settled down. “I will be sappy and say, I have seen something more stunning to look at,” he couldn’t stop himself from being like that, couldn’t he? You loved him for it.
“Of course, you have the best taste after all;” you teased him confidently and your boyfriend grinned: “I really do… now just do not count on it when it comes to the menu. Based on internet reviews, they all say we should go with number nine.” 
You picked up one of the menus and glanced over it: “Mh, I can see why. Let’s go with that then.” You decided the moment the waiter showed and Wooyoung was perfectly casual when ordering like he knew it was the best choice. To your surprise, he also asked for a bottle of wine, something unusual for the two of you.
“I take it, you still won’t tell me the reason what is all special about tonight?” you asked innocently and he laughed, his gaze wandering back to the city view. “Let’s first enjoy the food and once that is done, I will tell you. After all, I went ahead to ask your parents for their blessing and it would be embarrassing if I did not have it in me to ask you.”
You almost choked on your water when he mentioned your parents, the flush on your cheeks more than obvious: “My parents? Why would you ask them?” 
Wooyoung was blushing now too and he waved: “Ah it is not what you think! When we started dating seriously, we both agreed that weddings wouldn’t be a topic until we settled down other things. No rush there, after all, we have all the time!”
It had been a silly topic back then but you both brought it up, how you were open to marrying one day in the future but at the same time, it wasn’t something you really required to be happy. If it would fit into your life, it should happen naturally. So if it wasn’t this, what possibly was there to ask for permission?
Ah, Wooyoung always was full of surprises…
“Your order, please enjoy and do not hesitate to let me know, should you require anything else,” the waiter appeared so suddenly, you did not even notice him but hurried to make space on the table, smiling as the plates were put down and waited for the man to vanish. Wooyoung now was quite obviously busy with the meal in front of him. No surprise, he loved cooking and this looked really delicious.
“The photos really didn’t lie. I wonder if they would tell me the recipe,” he joked and took a bite, his face brightened as it seemed the taste lived up to the appearance and you really couldn’t disagree. At least, now you didn’t feel as bad about remembering the price tags next to them. Nodding, you sipped on your water and you took your time to enjoy every bite.
Ah you were awful, but you couldn’t stop yourself from being noisy: “So other than my parents, anyone else who knows about tonight’s mystery?”
Wooyoung seemed a little embarrassed, thinking about it before admitting: “Well, my family obviously, and Sannie… he was more or less the one who encouraged me to ask your parents first since it’s a big deal.”
Please, just what was going on? There was no denial, you were as bad as Wooyoung when it came to impatience and curiosity, you needed to know but your boyfriend would be stubborn, no doubt.
“That explains why San sent me all of those smiling emojis earlier. When I asked him what it was for, he said he is just happy for me. Don’t get me wrong, he always has been very supportive of us and just you know, me in general. I thought he meant because I am so close to graduation now but looks like it was about this,” you concluded with a laugh.
Wooyoung seemed surprised: “He did?! Urgh, that idiot promised he’d not do something like that.”
Wooyoung and San had such opposite personalities but the best friends matched perfectly in so many ways, it was no surprise they were as close. 
“Well, if he supports it and our parents, hm I doubt I’d not.” Maybe the question was too eager because he did not really manage to relax:
“Well, I hope so.” Wooyoung still smiled and finished the last few bites, relaxing back into the chair. 
“This was amazing, I see now why my parents liked to go out for dinner here and then, I always questioned it as a kid because my mom’s such a great cook but now I see it. Eating delicious food with the person you love the most.”
Finally, you leaned forward to reach for his hand, and without hesitation, your fingers entwined and you looked at each other.
“I love you, Woo. You know that, right? As much as you distract me from studying and support my silly decisions and have led me to do one or two crazy things. I am really happy with our relationship.” 
Finally, your boyfriend leaned in, also taking your second hand and he smiled fondly as he looked at how your hands played together: “I know and I promise you, that is exactly why we have this special date tonight. I want to show you just how much I admire you and, as childish as I can be, how serious all of this is for me.” 
Neither of you doubted any of this, it was more than obvious but sometimes, it was nice to confirm it, to hear it spoken out loudly for the mind to remember the heart was right.
“Alright, I do not want to torture you too much,” he began with a chuckle. The gift bag was pulled on the table and he very gently moved it towards you before reaching out for the bottle of wine, pouring two glasses but somehow, you felt he just did it because he wanted to keep his hands busy.
You opened the bag carefully and pulled out a diary. It was pretty, tied in black leather and with your name stitched on the cover. It was no doubt handmade, the smell of glue and fresh paper still very present. 
“Oh, this is beautiful…” you used to love journaling but stopped when you enrolled into college, free time just had been too spare but you often mentioned how you wished to pick it up again. 
On the first page, Wooyoung’s font had written: 'Because I picked the most amazing person, this is the place to write down the best chapters yet to come.'
It was silly but sweet. Your fingers played with the bookmark because you could feel that something was stuck in the middle of the otherwise empty book. You carefully placed it on the table to take the first of the envelops. As you opened it, you were surprised.
Really, it had been impossible to say just what Wooyoung had in mind that would require to ask for your parent’s permission. This was not something you figured but slowly, the puzzle came together.
It was an acceptable letter from a huge American baseball team, one Wooyoung always dreamt of and he was accepted to play for them for two seasons starting early next year. You knew this wasn’t about this because Wooyoung put too much focus on you, so your hand was shaking a little when you opened the second and found what your heart anticipated.
Two one-way tickets, one bearing your name. 
For a moment, there was silence, Wooyoung seemed trying to figure out what you were thinking or feeling and when he spoke, you could hear the fear in his voice.
“They approached me a while ago but for some time, it wasn’t certain, only last month. Then, I started to look into it and talked to our families… You see, I know what you say. This is my dream and I should go for it!  But ____, you see. Dreams come true, eventually but there is a time after that. I always knew what my dream was but I always wondered what would come after. Sports careers are short, what would I do next? Then I met you and I figured… that’s my life, how I want it to be. Dreams also can change but I want you in my life … I really want you to come with me. I know it’s just a few months after your graduation but…”
You placed everything carefully back onto the table, sighing as you moved over, pulling him and his chair back to sit down on his lap. His face was full of surprise as you curled your arms around his neck and kissed him.
It was true, this was right after graduation but the truth was, you had no real idea what exactly you wanted to do right after, no dream position waiting for you here. Of course, it would mean parting with your family and friends for a while but it would also mean an adventure together with Wooyoung.
As your lips parted, you rested your forehead against his and looked at each other. 
“Of course, I will come with you, Wooyoung. I love you and as I said, you make me do all of those crazy things.”
His eyes were big, like he had considered you would reject it but his embrace tightened around you and he sighed, closing his eyes.
“I promise, we will have a lot of time together and make sure you fill those pages with great stories.” 
People around you were whispering and staring but you both ignored them.
You cupped his chin and smiled, placing a kiss on top of his lips: “Good, let’s go and be wild together.”
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mvltisstuff · 1 year
hi!! i use tumblr on safari - so i’m unable to answer any messages - but i would like to put in a request for conrad fisher x fem! reader smut!
if your comfortable, could you do a imagine with an innocent/virgin reader that is constantly flustered by conrad?
thank you so much!! <<33
champagne & sunshine - c.f**
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summary: request
conrad fisher x reader
a/n: i get so nervous posting smut (for literally no reason😭), but i still hope you enjoy this 🩶 warning for smut.
the bonfires were always a good time, usually. once you grow up, the hype of them dies down a bit. belly begged y/n to come, being her older sister figure. it was y/n’s birthday, so belly convinced her that it would be fun. besides, y/n’s mom had been letting her drink today, as long as she was home and with close people. y/n figured she’d leave it at that, not bothering to take anything at the party.
she threw one of the cans in the bag at the corner of the beach, avoiding the full boxes of hard seltzer as her eye landed on conrad and jeremiah entering the beach. luckily, the fire wasn’t bright enough to illuminate her bright red cheeks. she walked away from the drinks, turning away from conrad but also trying to make herself seem noticeable.
she’d grown up with the conklins and fishers next door, but she always had the biggest crush on conrad. every single time he walked in, her heart raced and almost everyone knew it. belly always teased her, someone noticing before she even knew she liked him.
conrad had always had his eyes on y/n. conrad, y/n, and steven had been the oldest, so it was usually him and her together. she acted like she barely knew him, when he probably knew her better than anyone else. now that they were both eighteen, legal adults, they could do pretty much whatever they pleased. somehow, y/n still found herself blushing like a little girl. conrad was one of the first to show her any attention. boys never cared about her at home, and he always made her feel wanted. she was always a shadow to her friends, who had guys clinging to them. she sat around with other people talking about sex and other stuff that y/n pretended to know about. it made her a little bit embarrassed, but who really cares? her whole friend group would laugh at her humorously if they found out she was a virgin, but again, who cares, right?
it wasn’t until she was sitting on the warm sand, feeling it in her hands as she slid them across the floor, that conrad sat next to her on the beach. the music was blaring, so y/n brought herself away to just observe people for a little bit. someone must’ve had the same idea if they tread all the way over to sit with her.
“you got dragged here, too?” conrad asks first.
“belly, jeremiah for you, i assume?”
“the one and only,” conrad laughs, as he kicks away an empty bottle. “you’re not drinking anything?”
“nah, i don’t really feel like it tonight. i’d rather just enjoy my birthday sober, unlike everyone else,” she tells him, pointing to the stumbling people surrounding the fire.
“you’re not the only one,” conrad says. “so it’s just us, huh?”
“y-yeah,” y/n stutters. “i mean, i didn’t even bother getting all dressed up for this shit.”
“i think you look beautiful either way,” he says, and when y/n looks up, his eyes are softly on hers, refusing to crack the shell between them. y/n pauses, looking at conrad dumbfounded. she never has boys call her beautiful, let alone the one she’s been hopelessly in love with for years. but, they always say love hits you when you least expect it. y/n thought that was a lie, but she really believed it for now.
“you too, connie,” she spits out, not bothering to change the adjective for him because everyone is beautiful. he adjusts himself to sit closer to y/n, trying to relieve some of the tension. his eyes can’t help but wander across her body, taking in every part of her that’s breathtaking to him. and the cropped tank top and shorts that she’s wearing isn’t fucking helping his case either. she’d be lying if she wasn’t checking him out, too. his sharp jawline, his hands, his radiant eyes, his lips could never be missed by y/n. someone this pretty deserves to be looked at, they both think without speaking.
“do you wanna head out? come to my place for a bit?” conrad asks, standing up and holding his hand out as she nods up at him, anticipating a night alone.
before y/n can even begin to think straight, their lips are crashed together in his car. she’s leaning over the cup holders in the center, and her hands are against his face. his hands are placed on her hips as he can’t help but steer his mind away from his tongue in her mouth. he never in a million years thought he’d see this side of her, and she never thought she’d see it in herself. she’s kissed guys before, but never this intimately. conrad pulls away, smiling against her lips before connecting them again. every single time this happens, y/n swears her heart skips a beat in the best way possible. like their lips set off fireworks in the car. they decided to leave the vehicle, climbing up the stairs, trying not to disturb the moms watching a movie. conrad places his hands on her thighs, lifting her up and placing y/n gently on his bed. he climbs up as well, letting her legs wrap around him as their kiss does nothing but intensify.
her hands roam all around his body, his waist, his shoulders, his neck. the only time they separate is for a breath of air, just until they can return again. conrad’s wander over her chest, placing one of his hands to squeeze her breasts.
“is this ok?” conrad waits for confirmation until he gets a yes. after, in response, y/n tugs off conrad’s shirt, discarding it to the floor somewhere in his room. her hands run down his back. “if you want to stop, tell me and we’ll stop the second you say it.”
“ok,” she peeps out. “but if this does go any further, i’ve never done any of… this, before.”
“we can stop, y/n, whenever you want.”
“no! no, i want to keep going. can we just, go slower, maybe?”
“anything you need,” conrad reassures her before moving down the waistband of her shorts. “can i take these off?”
“yes,” she tells him, clearly and assertively as he takes off the tank top, too, leaving her in just a gray bra on his bed.
“have you ever… ever been eaten out before?” he asks. she shakes her head no, slightly embarrassed so she puts her head down to cover it, but conrad sees right through it. “hey, look at me. you’re ok, i promise. can i keep going?”
“yeah, please,” she says, squirming in discomfort from her own arousal. the feeling is unfamiliar, wanting someone to touch her so bad as it’s at her fingertips. someone willing to love her is right in front of her. conrad begins to peel off y/n’s underwear, throwing it off the bed like his shirt, ending up somewhere on the floor. she pulls her legs apart, spreading them as conrad’s eyes fall deeper.
“god, y/n,” he says. “you’re so fucking hot.”
“conrad,” she begs, as he flattens himself down trying to ignore his own erection. he wants to pleasure her first, and knowing he’s the first one too might boost his ego a bit. but conrad would never admit that.
his face is an inch away from her pussy, beginning to kiss her inner thighs as she groans from the teasing. finally, his tongue makes contact with y/n’s slit, gathering up her arousal before swirling it around her clit. y/n’s head falls back onto the pillow again in pure pleasure, letting out a quiet moan for the first time. “oh, fuck yes,” she speaks out, making conrad try to contain a smile. he places his tongue on her clit again, moving his flat tongue up and down. he switches between those movements and wrapping his lips around it, sucking on her clit, causing her to fail at concealing her moans. y/n’s hand moves down to conrad’s hair, trying to ground herself on the bed from the ecstasy.
the second her climax starts rolling up onto her, her legs start shaking and that tells conrad that you’re close. “f-fuck, con- oh my god,” she pants out, trying to formulate words but failing. her orgasm creeps up and sends her over the edge, releasing a strong moan from her lips as she comes down from the high, his fingers are gently circling over her clit.
“that was, um, holy shit, that was amazing, conrad,” she smiles as he pulls himself back up to her.
“are you feeling alright?”
“better than ever,” she says, making conrad laugh as he moves over to his drawer. he pulls out the box of condoms before taking one out.
“do you wanna keep going?”
“yeah, i do.”
conrad moves back over, dropping his pants and rolling to condom on. y/n gazes at his length, wondering how she would be able to take it. with conrad here, she knew she would be ok, so they continued. he walks back over, pulling her legs apart and making eye contact with her again. “remember, we can always stop no matter what, ok? just say stop, and we can stop.” she nods and he leans in closer. he plants a sweet kiss on her lips before pulling away, it was her turn to smile against his lips.
once settled in between her legs, conrad begins to run his tip up her slit. he confirms that she’s doing alright and that she’s ready to keep going. after he’s aware, he slides his dick into her, making her nose scrunch and release a high moan.
“you ok?”
“yes,” she replies. “yeah, you can go faster.”
conrad speeds up his pace, thrusting himself into y/n. she didn’t feel outright pain, just discomfort. that discomfort soon turned into pleasure, causing her mouth to hang open. “you feel so good, y/n/n, god damn.”
y/n’s hand falls down to her clit, circling it until she starts to bring that now familiar feeling up. conrad continues to keep the same pace, not changing it to make her feel comfortable and in control, just as much as he is. “i’ve loved you for so fucking long,” he spits out, not thinking about his words. y/n heard him loud and clear, but she’s too distracted by her orgasm coming up.
“conrad i’m close,” she tells him.
“me too, baby,” he says, breathless. “come for me, y/n.”
her release leaves her with stars in her head, the feeling better than anything she’s ever experienced. she was always worrying about sex and what it might be like, but with conrad, he made it amazing for her. she knew he was the right guy. he brings himself down, leaning onto her as he releases himself into the condom. he pulls out of her, throwing away the condom and pulling his boxers back on. y/n grabs her underwear, as she stands up wobbly. her legs are weak from her two orgasms from conrad, making him chuckle in the corner.
“hey, um,” y/n starts. “thank you.”
“yeah, of course,” he stutters a bit, not sure of what to say but trying to still wrap his head around it. he means, he just had sex with the hottest girl in cousins, what is he supposed to say? “you know, i meant what i said. i’ve liked you so much, for a long time.”
she just stares at him, confirming that she’s not in some dream. “i’ve been in love with you since the day i first saw you on the beach,” conrad steps over to her. placing his hands back on her bare waist and kissing her passionately again. he pulls back again to sadly, break the kiss off.
“we should probably clean up a bit, before everyone comes back and yells at us for leaving,” he says, brushing a loose piece of hair behind her ear. she nods, beginning to pull the rest of her clothes on. thank god she left that party when she did, or she would still love conrad, but never say it.
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the-cat-and-the-birdie · 10 months
You don't need to worry about the ATSV fandom dying. As someone whose been in the Marvel fandom over ten years - I can assure you this is natural.
The ATSV Fandom Isn't Dead: A brief look into the science of fandoms.
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[me standing beside Hobie beaming my thoughts of love and adoration into his head like I'm professor x]
A lot of people are afraid of the ATSV dying - and I don't blame them.
In the era of shows releasing all in one day, or movies coming to streaming almost immediately - it's not hard to say we're in an era were content is consumed at ridiculously rapid rates.
I mean, this time last year Wednesday was breaking records on Netflix. Where's the hype now?
I know you see it too, there's less posts everyday in the Hobie tag, less screenshot breakdowns, etc etc etc.
But I'm here to tell you - The ATSV fandom is doing just fine. Better than fine. All of this is meant to happen.
Let me put it into perspective.
ATSV released on June 2nd - it's November.
ATSV released a little over six months ago.
For reference: The Avengers (2012) was released on May 4th.
The Avengers DVD wasn't available for purchase until SEPTEMBER 25th - almost SIX months later.
The time that the Hobie fandom has formed and existed - is the same amount of time people had to wait just to see The Avengers again.
Large periods of time where tags only get three posts a day TOPS was nothing to fear. xReaders and fanfics held the fandom over until the next trailer, the next sneak peek or leak.
Prior to the release of streaming, only a little more than ten years ago - it was NATURAL for a fandom to wait six months before even seeing the movie for a second time.
And mind you - streaming didn't exist. If you wanted to see The Avengers again, you had to go out and BUY it. $26.99.
If you wanted to order it online - you'd have to get it shipped to you. Before Disney plus, we watched on BlueRay Discs.
And the fandom was fine and healthy.
If a fandom that doesn't even have a DVD release can keep up content for six months, I think we'll be fine.
But I'll admit - there's still the question:
If the ATSV fandom is 'doing fine' then where is everyone going? Why are the tags getting slower?
The answer is simple:
I LOVE social sciences and the systems people create and how they work - even unintentionally.
And I have a theory - one about the natural evolution and regeneration of fandom. Hear me out -
When it comes to ATSV:
We are leaving the Analysation Phase, the phase in which content creation is centered around deciphering and breaking down the most recent installment in the fandom.
During this phase usually see art of newer characters, new ships, meta breakdowns, easter egg point-outs.
We were in that phase.
Once the Analysation Phase dies down, usually main content creators may remain. The intermediate or liminal period.
The intermediate is usually when you'll see more x-reader art pop-up, the levels of fanart evening out as artists return to their favorite characters - usually incorporating any new ones they gained from the last installment.
Shitposts usually also become popular around this time, as the shock and weight of the story wear off, and we're more able to joke about the storyline a lot more light-heartedly.
That's why the intermediate point is often see as the passion 'dying out'.
When in fact, it is the fandom getting comfortable. Resting for the next phase.
And after a few months, the next phase comes:
The Speculation Phase:
The Speculation Phase cannot come until the Analysation Phase is over.
During the Analysation Phase the fandom begins to breakdown and digest the writers intentions. They integrate the new character into the story, and the fandom.
As the audience and fandom talk amongst each other, we get more solid ideas of who the characters are, what their motivations might be, and most important of all-
What they might do.
In the Speculation Phase we turn from the last installment - and start looking towards the future.
Let's take Hobie for example.
Looking at the timeline of the Hobie fandom, we can see a progression.
Originally taken as a punk-rockstar and little more, throughout the months the fandom began posting things about punk culture, the 70's, Hobie's motivation in the comics, and how that all correlates to him.
As the fandom analyzed, the collective zeitgeist and understanding of Hobie grew into something a lot more sound, and telling.
We looked at the parellels he provides in the story, and what kind of person he is.
And because if that we have seen a marked improvement in people's contextual understanding of Hobie - as a punk and a hero.
And now that we can understand him - we can predict him.
The same goes for Miguel - over the months, a lot of us have began to question if we know him as well as we think we do , if we really know the kinda person he is -
And if we really know what he's doing to do.
That's where the Speculation Phase comes in.
The Speculation Phase in fandom is when we see some of the most passion - and instead of tapering off overtime, it builds. More and more until the next release.
The Speculation Phase is when the fandom takes the analysis' and from there, they begin to theorize.
Now that we understand, we can begin to predict.
And this is arguably one of the most interesting parts in a fandoms natural ecosystem.
During the Speculation Phase, we can see a number of diverse opinions appear.
As more and more creators begin to gather their understanding, tips from the writers, new released news, and past comic book arcs, we start to see dozens of triguing paths the writers can take us on.
As more news releases, the more hype people get. I mean - imagine how you'll feel when they release the first new poster of Hobie, or Miles? Or when we get to see Miles.G in the trailer?
And with each new poster, or trailer, we're given clues. The theorizes develop more. And the plot thickens.
It's all natural.
So I can understand the fear. Only getting one or two new posts when you visit the Hobie tag can be a bummer. But it's natural and it's GOOD.
Y'all, we need to conserve our energy. We are in the liminal phase. And they never last long.
With the news of the voice actors back in the studio, and a cliff-hanger like we have - I can assure you, it's only a matter of time before we begin to see the theories, the trailer breakdowns, the people guessing what Miguel might do, or exactly how much tech Hobie is hiding.
And when that time comes we need to be READY. I can already feel it on the horizon.
I really wonder what they'll do with all that left over Hobie concept art.
Plus with explosion of Hobie approval, I wonder if they'll add him in even more. Hobie fan-service anyone?
But chill y'all, we're on the right track -
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If you read this far, as always THANK YOU SO MUCH!! And as a token of my appreciation, I hand you this Hobie. Hold him gently please
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Bye 💗
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Prof. Xiao-Long AU Concept
Note this one is way longer since it did in fact win the polls
Yang Xiao freaking Long was just what her name would suggest XL, bigger then life, the center of attention and life of the party! She was arguably the toughest gal to step through Beacon’s doors. At worst she was tied with her partner Glyn.
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They were the strongest duo, Glynda’s ability to bullshit just about everything with her telekinesis and Yang packing enough raw strength to shatter boulders with just a punch. Heck, they were the two time Vytal Festival Winners of Beacon’s Golden era, Even STRQ came second to them.
And that team had her brother Taiyang in it, okay, true it did have the clearance sell, looking knock off of her too, Raven definitely dragged them down… No, she was not pissed at the bandit at all, nope, not a single inch of rage for abandoning her team, leaving her brother broken hearted, she totally didn’t spend months tracking her down and wrecking every member of the Branwen tribe’s shit that she could.
Well regardless she’d gotten over that who issue with her brother’s team, graduated, spent a few years living the dream, journeying around Remnant, helping people, exploring, just outright enjoying freedom. Life had been good. But eventually she got bored of it, bored of it, turns out Yang wasn’t for the lone wanderer shtick, didn’t live up to the hype…
It got lonely, and then her brothers wife died… Summer, Summer disappeared and Tai went into a depression. him remaining teammate Qrow tried, but he could only do so much, and she knew he was avoiding spending a lot of time with them cuz of his semblance the idiot. So she made her decision without hesitation, Yang starting crashing at her brother’s place and helping him with Ruby while beating the depression outta him.
And thankfully Glyn had a job she could work, a Professor at Beacon, she tried to get one at Signal but in her partner’s own words “That School already has to Suffer One Xiao-Long, why would you curse them with two.” And hence begun her domestic life as the stand-in mom for her adorable silver-eyed niece. And Yang realized she was freaking Maternal has all hell! Like Whoa, the amount of times people assumed she was Rube’s mom was scary, and not just cuz it implied she was banging her brother.
And hey, she was a pretty great teacher too, sure she was really more a couch, and every once in a blue mom stand in for Port but hey when she did the students were a heck of a lot more invested in her telling them about her past glory. It had nothing to do with her love of high cut tee’s she swore, she was just that charismatic.
Life was good…
LIFE WAS NOT GOOD!!!! She Was Gonna Murder Thos Little Turds! Few Things were as precious to Yang as her hair, and they, her students had abused her trust! She could understand a pulling pranks, heck she still pulled them on her fellow teachers. But The Fuck! CUT SOMEONE HAIR WHEN THEY SLEPT!!!
Beacon was starting up in several weeks! And she was gonna have to show her face now! With her hair like this!
Oh She Wasn’t Fooled For A Fucking Second!!!
This Had Bitch Written All Over It! It had to be those girls who’d been giving her the stink eyed just cuz the boys she taught couldn’t pull their eyes off their bombshell of a teacher! Or Maybe it was one of those douchebag students she put in their place when she caught them claiming they’d bed her.
The fact of the matter was she didn’t technically have concrete evidence of who it was, all she did know was when she went to bed she was fine and when she woke up she felt horrifyingly light. Her beautiful locks of golden magnificent hair scattered across the ground. All she saw after that was red, too bad her partner was there otherwise she could’ve slaughtered the perpetrator, true she would’ve ended up killing a few innocent students, but sometimes sacrifices had to be made for the greater good, and were they really innocent if they just sat there and let such a tragedy happen!
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They were lucky her partner Glynda was there to restrain her with several dozen times gravity being forced down upon her. And now here she was in Vale, already on her fourth group of A-Grade assholes clobbered for trying to pick up a red-eyed and incredibly pissed off Yang.
She stopped before it, a salon, one Ozpin had recommended, and one whose life and current state of function was on the line. Because if even an inch more of her remaining beautiful hair was ruined there would be hell to pay.
On the plus side they all seemed to know who she was, a negative is that that also meant every stylist was hesitant to do said firey dragon’s hair. She couldn’t blame them but if someone didn’t hike up their skirt and do something soon she’d-
“Ma’am, th-this way please, our new hire offered to do you hair.” Her eye twitched, a new hire, what the hell, she was ready to tear into him before a voice cut in.
“Hey can you calm down please, your kinda scaring everyone.” She blinked before looking up and meeting eyes with a fellow blonde. A guy around her student’s age, one who was standing up, facing her down with a stern look.
Your scaring the kids her with their parents, she noticed that in fact he was right as she saw some kids looking at her and backing away. And… She suddenly felt terrible. And when she went lack she heard it, a relieved exhale leave her fellow blonde, looking his way she met the boy’s gaze and felt a bit embarrassed.  Leave it to her to go and get worked up and have a kid around her niece age tell her off.
The boy examined her, or to be more precise her hair and she saw his eyes narrow with recognition.
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“Prank gone wrong?” She growled.
“No, I think it went just how those little shits wanted it to.” He blinked before shaking his head.
“Well then guess they could count their lucky stars they didn’t do that to a sister of mine or they wouldn’t live to regret it.” That made her smile.
“Oh trust me, I intend to do just that.” The blonde chuckled, shaking his head.
“Well hopefully not with your hair like that you won’t, kinda hard to instill fear in them while their laughing at the result of their prank. C’mon, let’s fix that.” Turning her made his way to a chair, expecting her to follow as he walked confidently to it. She blinked again, well, the new guy was definitely interesting, few people had it in them to sass her while her hair was so much as touched let alone ruined like this.
“Hey you just gonna stand there and gawk or do you want me to fix your hair.” She couldn’t help it, nobody talked about touching her hair.
“If you mess it up I’ll mess you up blondie.” Instead of the usual whimper or retreat the blonde boy… smiled?
“’Snort’ You sound just like my sis Beryl, relax, I have experience with styling long, blonde fine hair okay, your in good hands.” She rose brow, but slowly started to make her way to him. Noticing a picture of a boy and seven girls stuck up in his station.
“Whoa, is that you with all your cousins or something?” He laughed.
“Sisters actually, and I’ve done each of their hairs more times then I can count.” Okay, she was willing to risk it, at the very least the kid had experience. So she plopped herself down and let him do his magic… Okay so she might’ve had to stop herself once or twice from decking him when he touched her hair.
But hey his small talk took her mind off it, heck she only threatened him once when he pulled out the clippers. The boy seemed totally in his element. They talked about tons while he worked his magic, washing, shampooing and clipping her hair.
Eventually she begun asking how long he’d been doing this, she was surprised when he admitted this was his third and last week at the place. Something about needing extra money and having picked up several jobs before he hopefully got into his dream school. She couldn’t get much more details outta him, the boy was very cagey about it.
Finally thought he moment of truth came out and she saw… A pretty good looking cut, a bit shooter then what she’d come in with but not bad. In fact she was sorta digging it! Huh? Who’d’ve thought she could pull off a short due just as epically as she could a long one.
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She grinned the boys way, walked up to him and gave him a full on huge, lifting the blonde up in the air as she did. And suddenly he went from her confident sassy groomer to a flustered, confused mess of a teen as socially awkward as her own niece.
It was honestly kinda endearing, guess he was the sort who just got in the zone when it came to doing their job. Well not like she was gonna complain he was so freaking expressive now it was actually kinda hilarious not to mention a bit adorable. She teased him once or twice, and got the boy to fluster pretty bad before she gave him a big fat tip that hit the triple digits. Hey her hair was a treasure, he earned it in her not so humble opinion.
And so she walked out and made her way back to Beacon, all smiles and snark as usual, much to her fellow staffs relief… Until the next day. Where she realized she couldn’t style her hair the exact way the guy had! Made sense, she never had short hair after all!
She made a mad dash back to that salon… Only to find out he wasn’t working there anymore… WHAT!? She had to all but threaten the boy’s name outta the manager! Yes! She threatened a civilian, but this was important! And she got exactly what she needed, a name.
Jaune Arc.
She rushed to Juniors, needing to use Vale’s best info broker to find out the single most important information in the entire kingdom… Why the hell did he go on about Torchwick and White Fang when she said that. Obviously the info she meant was on the blonde stylist!
He blinked at her, and then asked about the name again… Then went pale. And then called Jaune over, apparently one of the jobs he was working also happened to be here as a bartender. One look at her and he flustered going all red face… Yeah, she did dress up, she was in a club after all, had to look good. Glad to see she still had it, not that it was ever up for debate.
Anyways she had him now, made her demand had him promise to teach her how to do her hair, and until then would have him do it. She’d pay him obviously, she wasn’t a monster, and a guy who could actually style her glorious hair was worth his weight in gold.
He told her she’d have to wait till his break, she was about to drag him off as her waiting simply wasn’t a option, until he offered to give her a free drink, a thanks for the huge tip she gave him yesterday. Well, she was already in Vale so why not… And again he shocked her!
Seriously what had she been drinking up until this point? Cuz it sure as hell wasn’t a Strawberry Sunsrise compared to the one he served her. She was about to ask, but he seemed to pick up on her question and gave the answer of ‘Seven sisters’ which just sorta answered it, guess a few of them liked drinks.
And he was back to being mister focused on his craft, sassy and cool as a cucumber… She just had to mess with him. Wasn’t hard, just a little shake here, a suggestive pun there and a wink or two and the boy went cherry red.
It was the best time she had out in a good minute, and then slowly, things started to relax and she fell into that age old troupe of shooting the breeze her the bartender. Talking about her brother and niece who’d get into Beacon this year and how freaking proud of her she was.
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It was great, fun, and she was… tipsy, so maybe when his break came around she chose to drag him to the dance floor for some fun instead of out to do her hair… And once again he surprised her with another skill of his. Jaune Arc, could dance.
He even dared suggest he was better then her… the nerve. She had to prove to him wrong, she just had to. So they spent his whole break dancing, drinking, laughing and just having fun, and one stink eye from her and Junior let her new young buddy take the rest of the night off.
And then everything went dark and she woke up in a bed, naked… Oh no.
Then she realized thank Oum there was no blonde boy right by her, instead her Scroll had a message, saying how he’d taken her to one of junior’s rooms to rest after she’d gotten wasted. And how he swore he left the room when she started to strip…
Yeah, that sounded like her when she got three sheets to the wind, he also sent her a message about how to do her hair. She asked Junior about the blonde but the guy insisted he was just a temporary hire.
Well, it was time her baby niece’s first day was upon them! It took everything she had not to charge up grab little ruby up in a huge and completely embarrass her in front of everyone of her potential classmates.
Yang might’ve been wary of Ozpin when he first suggested it but still, she was aiming to enjoy this, to watch her niece, thrive in Beacon, to make a name for herself and have the best experience she cou- And she exploded…
Then some little white haired bitch started hounding her niece! She readied to walk up there and clobber the uppity brat. But before she could the spoiled brat left when some other goth looking chick got in the way. The black themed kid left too, leaving her poor niece all alone looking miserable!
She readied to make way only for the last person she expected to show up.
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She stood with Ozzy and Glyn watching things go down in the emerald forest, watching her niece having the misfortune of teaming up with the bratty Schnee. But there was also someone else who interested her, Jaune Arc, AKA her personal stylist, bartender and clubbing escort to be the next four years of Beacon.
What could she say, the kid was a man of many talents that she very much appreciated. She’d looked his files over, and yep… Guy had fake transcripts, so that’s why he needed all that extra scratch. Still though, considering they had a ex-terrorist in their roster this year she couldn’t view it too negatively, heck Qrow had been a freaking bandit.
Also, the kid really wanted this, I mean guy let Ozzy launch him into the forest… without aura! Yeah that was a shocker, the fact the kid was even willing to fight Grimm with having aura much less knowing what it was spoke volumes to his bravery, stupidity too yes, but mostly bravery. And hey, when the cereal girl herself unlocked it turned out he had a bunch.
Yep this year was shaping up to be a interesting one.
Glynda didn’t know what to think of how Yang was acting, given she rarely knew what to do when it came to said brawler, but moreso today the usual, Yang was acting quite perplexing, well more then usual. Focusing on miss Rose she could understand, the woman all but raised the silver-eyed warrior after all. But her interest also seemed to focus on a second individual as well.
Mister Arc, a student she still had doubts about, but who also seemed to gain her partners attention, she sighed for the poor student. She didn’t wish her partner’s teasing on anyone, much less a seemingly easy to fluster first year like him.
Oh well, she supposed sacrifices had to be made for the greater good, a happy or at the very least entertained Xiao-Long mean much less collateral damage for the school and free time for herself. Perhaps she could offer him a bit of favoritism for such a burden, he did have a lot of aura, she supposed she could give him advise on control of it, he’d need it in case her partner ever tried to spare with the poor thing after all.
Okay, this was not good, Yang had not expected Jaune to be in Beacon, much less for him to befriend her precious niece and be such good friends with her… What was this kid? He could, do hair, make drinks, dance and could even be a reliable man when the chips were down if him turning back to help against the Deathstalker was any indication.
Seriously, the kid didn’t even have aura for a full hour and yet he turned to face a grimm most huntsman would think twice about facing much less potential first years. And all for some strangers… Yep she didn’t care if his transcripts were real or not, Jaune earned his place in the school with that bit of bravery there.
She nearly laughed when he was declared leader of his team, not cause it was funny, kid was the obvious choose, he was quick the decide, enact and didn’t hesitate. Hell, he had no actual training and yet when the chips were down he lead three people he didn’t even know the name of into battle.
Ozpin would have to be blind not to pick him, at the after party she made her way right to him ready to tease him to high heaven. But instead caught him talking to one of his sisters, well her her wife and… And. AND THE MOST ADORBLE THING SHE’D SEEN SINCE BABY RUBY!!!
Apparently, it was his nephew Adrian! So yeah she sorta cut in and got involved, talked to his sister, baby talked his cute nephew and informed said sister that her little brother was on the fast track to being a kick butt huntsman. What? you didn’t it so many checkmarks with her and not get a few benefits for it. Yang Xiao-Long was the kinda teacher who definitely played favorites, and Jaune Arc was certainly one of them.
Yang did not know what to do… Well, that wasn’t true, she knew exactly what she wanted to do, or to be more specific… Who.
How had it come to this!? Seriously, she just didn’t know what to do… Okay, maybe she should back up a sec and explain. So she, Yang Xiao-Long, Huntress extraordinaire, hottest teacher in Beacon (Okay… Maybe Glynda and her were tied) was lowkey crushing on one of her students…
No! It was not Blake! She didn’t get why Port assumed that? Nope, she had found herself thinking of and gioving extra attention to Jaune, yep, Jaune, mister fake it till he made it. HE JUST CHECKED OFF ALL THE THINGS SHE WAS LOOKING FOR IN A GUY!!!
Yeah, she was surprised too, as it turned out, you didn’t need to be a huge giant of muscles like Yatsuhashi or that transfer student Sage. Nope, lean was good too, maybe not Lie Ren lean but a nice in-between. And Jaune Arc hit that sweet spot, heck he was decently built even before Beacon, it was just more like a farmboy than a actual knight. But now, ‘heh’ Yang very much approved his teammate Nora’s insistence on weightlifting.
He was blonde! Which yeah maybe that wasn’t strictly necessary for him to catch her eyes but it didn’t hurt. He got along with her niece, heck he was her first friend in Beacon. And he was brave, something she knew when he turned back to help his team against that Deathstalker during his Initiation.
He proved it again though about a month later when he saved Cardin Winchester against a Ursa Major, now that said a lot about him. While his team ran for their lives Jaune stood his ground and fought to save his bully… the threatened him to not mess with his friends… Yeah, that was when she realized he was on her radar.
More then that he checked off things she didn’t even know she was looking for a guy, he was good with hair (though not his own if that mop of blonde was any indication), dancing drinks, And Oh My God Cooking! The Boy Could Cook! Again Thank Oum For His Sisters and Mom For Forcing Him To Learn Those Glorious Glorious Domestic Skills! But More Then That thank Mama Arc for giving him that ass!
And she was perving on Jaune again… Great. Ugh she needed to settle this already, heck she wasn’t even able to hide it anymore. The Staff totally made fun of her over it even!
But like, she didn’t wanna be all weird, plus the blonde liked the little icy no tit princess, and she was in a mood again… Was she really jealous of a teenager who was built like a ironing board… Yes, yes she was and that more then anything else infuriated her.
Heck he was on a team with Pyrrha-Obvious-Nikos! At least Yang could accept losing to the spartan! Okay… Maybe lose was a bit much. After all if she went for it she would nab that blonde up in a second. So why didn’t she?
Cause, cause she was a teacher… Y-yeah, that was it, totally not because she had cold feet, and never been in a relationship that lasted more then a weekend… Gods Dammit.
And then she stumbled upon it, Jaune and her partner training, Glynda had taken a shine to Jaune, not at first, her partner was pretty peeved about the whole Transcripts thing. But after a few weeks her favorite student (Ruby being the exception) had used his Arc charm on her.
Glyn was a bit softy underneath all that stern strictness of her’s. Wait? Was she… checking him out? Yep, Glyn was focusing pretty hard on her blonde Himbo’s ass… And she was touching him! WAIT WHAT!? Glyn Didn’t Touch People, She didn’t need to with her semblance! Why Would She… OH THAT BITCH!!!
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That’s right Glynda had been benefiting from Jaune’s talents as much as she was, actually he was also helping her with paperwork apparently (something about paying her back for the aura control lessons) NO NO NOOO!
She was not losing Jaune To Her Partner and the stick up her ass! Yang never thought of herself as the jealous type but here she was, going into her room and grabbing some of her risqué clothes… Yeah they were pretty old, she at least went up to cup sizes since she last wore this to… Perfect.
Now all she needed was a night to alter them, thank Oum she was used to sewing cause of Ruby. And she was ready, and as she stepped into class, ready to teach unashamed and with a cocky smile on her face she looked to her mark. Jaune Arc much like the other boys in her class was staring just like she wanted him to.
Yep, Yang Xiao-Long might’ve been scared of screwing up, of causing issues for Jaune or more importantly Beacon and the moral implications of a teacher screwing her student, but that all came second, because more then that she refused to lose to anyone. And now that Glynda might be in the competition she wasn’t gonna hold back.
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personne-reblogs · 2 years
The shouts of the crowd are fading into white noise. 
The curtains are closing. 
The lights are dimming. 
The air still feels filled with static, though. 
This is a fight Donatello had known he couldn’t win, logically. The competition had been all fun and games, but this challenger was another story. No amount of support or hype could make up for such a gap; the bone deep certainty didn’t leave room for hard feelings. 
Struggling to catch his breath, battle shell against the wall, Donatello looks up from where he’s been getting some rest - not passed out rest, mind you. More like a beauty nap.
He lets out a genuine chuckle. 
Shigeo Kageyama is simply standing there, as he has been for most of the fight. 
“Sweet Marie Curie,” he puffs, keeping his voice level. The roar of the crowd hasn’t entirely died down, but he knows he is heard. “You don’t even have a scratch.”
The one they call Mob is giving him a stare. He still seems a little out of it. 
“You fought well,” he states calmly, and Donnie giggles. 
“Oh, please. I’ve been losing tournaments at home for as long as I can remember. You don’t need to feel sorry for me.”
At that, Mob flashes a grin. “I’m not sorry,” he says bluntly, coming over in lazy steps. “But it hasn’t been easy, either.”
He sits down, legs stretched out in front of him, and Donnie can now see that his breathing is a little heavy. He feels himself get cocky. 
“Well, I wasn’t about to just let you win. If I had to go down, might as well give ‘em a show, right?”
Mob sends him a sideway glance. “You really are all about dramatics.”
“What can I say?” Donnie sighs theatrically, proving his point. “This whole competition is about being swag. I could hardly disappoint.” 
“I don’t think you could," his opponent utters. “You’re very expressive.”
Donnie raises a perfectly drawn eyebrow. This is something he hasn’t often been told. He looks over to Mob, and the tension in the boy’s shoulders makes him hum in thought. 
“I don’t know who’s next, but you are going to crush them,” he provides. When Mob gives him a nonplussed glance, he goes on. “And even if you don’t, it’s still the last one. How good does that sound?”
“... it has been getting a bit much, to be honest.”
“Yeah, this is wild,” Donnie agrees. “Anyway, what are you gonna do with your trophy once you get it?”
Mob’s smile is a little shy, but he seems happy with the distraction. “I don’t know, actually. I don’t think I’ve ever gotten one. What would you do?”
“Well, you see, there was this one time I won the Lair Games…”
In the next room, a very proud sensei and three worried brothers are getting impatient. 
The student and the sibling don’t seem to care at the moment. 
The crowd is gone. 
The curtains are closed. 
The lights are off. 
For now, making small talk with a former rival is just enough.
EDIT: there is now a sequel!
Disclaimer: I have never read/watched mp100 and I deeply apologize for making him probably very ooc. Just wanted to celebrate this beast of a match in my own way, which is wishing I could draw and deciding to heave words on a doc instead lol
CONGRATS ON MOB!! The final match between mp100 and undertale is gonna be soooo funny but I think Mob's gonna win this thing like it's nothing tbh (he has my vote at least)
@autismswagsummit thank you for reblogging all that Donnie propaganda, I genuinely think he never would've made it this far without the signal boost!
All my thanks to the Rise fandom for these past few days! You guys have made such powerful content and there's been so much hype I'm shocked. SHOCKED I TELL YOU
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valtsv · 6 months
hey mr loveless, don't know if you're seeing all the hype around dungeon meshi but i read the manga and thought that you might find it interesting because SPOILER it has multiple instances of cannibalism, written... respectfully, as symbol of love and care, not as a joke. the discussion around food, food preservation, starvation, nutrition etc is very good and the story is also incredible. if you find lotr like magic system intriguing please give it a try :)
i may dungeon my meshi once the hype dies down a little bit (not because i hate popular things, just because it's all a bit overwhelming at the moment)
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onehoplessromantic · 8 months
Jeon Jungkook | Min Yoongi | Lee Minho | Lee Felix | Kim Mingyu | Bang Chan | Kim Namjoon | Jung Hoseok | Choi Seungcheol
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-constantly being updated- <- (that’s a lie)
updated 8/11/2024 [guilty pleasures wc, for the birds ch 3, link check]
!!authors!! if u want ur work removed plz dm me:)
Helloooo! its been a while hasn’t it? School is dying down so I finally had a chance to update this master list! I have updated the counts and info on fics that were already there and added a bunch more (new idols get hype). another fun new thing is that im going to open my taglist, so whenever i update a new chapter or add a new fic or whatever, whoever wants to will get a notification. all you have to do is just add a note to the post that says “taglist” and ill add u, im trusting that youre over 16. anyways! enjoy the new library of fics!!!
peace 🫶🏻
PSA: if you want to be kept up to date with the happenings of this list you can sign up for my tag list here so you will be notified when i add fics or chapters and you can choose to keep up with bigger announcements as well
fluff-> 🤍 | smut -> 🍋 | angst -> 🌧️ | major tw -> ‼️
Jeon Jungkook
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♡ I Want You to Stay | @ahundredtimesover
series | wc: 261.3k | 🌧️🤍‼️
boss!jungkook x assistant!reader
idiot strangers to lovers, enemies to lovers if you squint, k-drama feels, angst, drama, fluff, smut, sexual themes, power dynamics, anxiety, depictions of assault and aggression [chapter 8] (specific warnings on post)
♡ strong enough | @hyukaslvr
series *ongoing* | current wc: 32k | 🌧️
idol!jungkook x idol!reader
idiot exes to lovers, slow burn, kdrama feels (kind of like our beloved summer minus the salt and water if yk loll), angst, drama, fluff, smut
♡ guilty pleasures | @kookslastbutton
series *ongoing* | current wc: 28.4k | 🌧️🍋
ceo!jungkook x reader (?) idol!tae x reader
!!!okay so the fate of the story has not yet been decided, you’ll get it once you read!!! (not poly!!)
angst, smut, fluff, loverstoexesto (?), coworkersto (?), unrequited love, smut, sexism, morally grey-ness, swearing, alcohol consumption, sexism in media and business, toxic relationships, abandonment issues, explicit sexual content
♡ things you don’t know | @btsgotjams27
oneshot | wc: 4.3k | 🌧️🤍
jungkook x f!reader
angst, ex best friends au, language, light kisses, miscommunication, reader jokes about unaliving her other best friend, mentions of throwing up
“i thought i’d never see you again”
♡ the farmhouse | @solecize
series | wc: 52.3k | 🌧️🤍
jungkook x reader
estranged friends to lovers, small town au, childhood best friends, slice of life, cowboy-ish jungkook, grief, mentions of death, death, fear, drinking and substance use, mutually pining, explicit language, jk as a parental figure (you’ll see), angst, fluff, growing up
♡ Chasing Cars | @oddinary4bts
series *ongoing* | current wc: 155.2k | 🌧️🍋
brothers best friend!jungkook x younger sister!reader
18+ mdni!, forbidden love? au, college!au, slice of life, smut, angst, fluff
♡ The Boy with Galaxies in His Eyes | @oddinary4bts
oneshot | wc: 52.9k | 🌧️🍋
idol!jungkook x tattoo-artist!reader
fwb to lovers, idol!au, angst (a lot), smut (a whole lot too), fluff, oc’s ex-boyfriend died and it takes an important place in the story, swearing, fuckboy Jungkook, fuckgirl oc, a whole bunch of red flags, miscommunication (they learn how to communicate don’t worry), exes that can’t stay out of your life, alcohol, they be a little toxic but they get better, explicit content: fingering, pussy slapping, squirting, oral sex (male and female receiving), mouth fucking, dirty talking, jungkook has a slight begging kink and an exhibitionism kink (not that present in the fic), dom!jk, switch!reader, car sex, sex in a tent, hair pulling (I think), tits/nipple play, unprotected sex, a little bit of ass slapping, mentions of choking
♡ For the Birds | @yoonieper
series *ongoing* | current wc: 65.9k | 🌧️🤍🍋‼️
jungkook x reader
slow burn, lots of smut (not always healthy), cheating, discussions of depression, this series includes Jk in a pretty toxic environment, degradation (not the sexy kind), manipulation, and overall Jk being in an emotionally abusive situation! please read with caution!!
♡ how long will we fall | @jiminrings
oneshot | wc: 14k | 🌧️
jungkook x reader
soulmate au, painful f2l, unrequited love, a lot of angst, more fluff n wholesome moments, emotional constipation, yearning, jealousy, swearing, redemption arc, ngl jk kinda toxic
♡ touchin’ | @whatifyoulivelikethat
oneshot | wc: idk loll | 🍋🍋🍋
jungkook x reader
rated M (18+) for language, lovers that call themselves friends-with-benefits because jk is a fool, both parties are freaking annoying tbh, smut (fem reader, double lip piercing jk, heavy petting, standing doggy with clothes on, lots of neck making out, light nipple play, lowkey forearm kink), fluff, non-idol!au - jk is wearing the outfit from his 2023.06.29 weverse live
i dont usually recommend smut but this was just too good not to
♡ first class | @girlygguk
oneshot | wc: 25k+ | 🍋🤍🌧️
rich student!jk x (f)rich student!reader
childhood best friends, nepo baby!reader & jk, kth younger sister!reader, heavy pining, language, emotionally constipated characters, miscommunication, toxic/unhealthy friendships, fwb relationship, fighting, blood, alchohol consumption, smut (see fic for full warnings there was way too many to write here)
♡ meraki | @taegularities
series | wc: n/a | 🤍🍋
grumpy!jk ( + photographer!jk) x sunshine!reader
e2l, fluff, smut
all thats out for this right now is the teaser, full warnings to come soon, it looks incredible and i hope yall check it out!
Min Yoongi
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♡ Countermelody | @bonvoyagenoona
series | wc: ~100k | 🍋🌧️🤍
yoongi x reader
small town enemies to lovers, angst, fluff, smut, humor, producers!yoongi, hobi, namjoon, songwriters!yoongi, hobi, namjoon, musician!reader
♡ Oh! Darling | @yoongiofmine
series | wc: 108k | 🤍🍋🌧️
professor!yoongi x student!reader
fluff, angst, smut, non idol au, university au, mild age gap (emphasis on mild, yn in grad school and yoongi in his early 30s), forbidden romance
♡ Kitsungi | @moni-logues
series | wc: 105k | 🤍🍋🌧️‼️
yoongi x reader
strangers-to-friends-to-lovers, non idol!au, angst, smut, eventual fluff ‼️alchohol consumption, yoongi and reader are both depressed, depressive episodes, attempted suicide, toxic relationships (readers ex), jokes about death, death, vomit, self harm, self deprecation, language (specific warnings posted for each chapter)
NOTE: please read the warnings carefully, there is a lot of heavy topics in this read
♡ Grey Area | @blushoseoks
series *ongoing* | current wc: 98,832 | 🌧️🍋
min yoongi x reader
heavy angst, language, alcohol consumption, university au, soulmate au, eventual smut, weed consumption, slow burn, death
♡ Illicit Favors | @yoongiofmine
oneshot | wc: 29k | 🍋🍋🍋
producer!yoongi x author!reader
smut with plot, friends to lovers, smut, more smut, even MORE smut, mutual pining, virgin reader, teaching sex au, this oneshot is amazing plz read it
♡ back-burner | @yoonpobs
series | wc: 95k | 🌧️🍋‼️
yoongi x f!reader
sisters best friend!au, best friend to lovers!au, sorta frenimies?to lovers!au, angst, *slow burn*, smut, fluff, one sided pining (?), longing, sibling jealousy, insecurities, family trauma, explicit language, eventual smut, eventual fluff, MAJOR ANGST, sexual harassment, mentions of poor mental health, alcohol as a coping mechanism, mentions of poor health, neglecting ones health [specific warnings in chapters]
guys this is another decently heavy one with a lot of sensitive topics so make the decision that is best for you while reading this
Kim Mingyu
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♡ Today was (not) a fairytale | @babyleostuff
oneshot | wc: 1.6k | 🌧️🤍
idol!mingyu x fem!reader
established relationship, mingyu forgets your anniversary…
♡ Snowbound | @papermatisse
series *ongoing* | current wc: 17.6k | 🌧️🌧️🌧️
kim mingyu x f!reader
death mentioned/near death experiences, depression, unresolved mourning, cursing, emotional neglect, slight age gap (mingyu is slightly aged up), reader implied to be smaller than mingyu, stranger danger (?), extreme weather (?)
♡ How to Win Hearts for Dummies (the answer is lattes and banana bread) | @gyuswhore
oneshot | wc: 12.4k | 🌧️🤍
idol!mingyu x makeup-artist!reader
one sided pining, slow burn, swearing, shitty bosses, some descriptions of anxiety and breakdowns, reader has issues opening up
♡ Hits Different (…’cause it’s you) | @gyuswhore
2-part series | wc: 40k | 🌧️🤍🍋
kim mingyu x reader
based off ‘hits different’ by taylor swift, brothers best friend!au, brother!seokmin, smut (part 2), friends(?) to lovers, university!au, slowburn, mingyus a bit of an airhead and an ass, reader has a hard time managing her feelings, lots of frustrated tears, one sided pining, user toruro x minghao make an appearance, swearing, theres another woman (gasp…..but shes cool so), nayeon is a darling, seungchol is kind of annoying but we love him, smut tags in part 2
♡ Backburner | @spamgyu
series | wc: im not counting loll | 🌧️🤍
seungcheol x reader | mingyu x reader
she had grown tired of being on his backburner, the person that he had kept warm until he gotten the girl he had his eyes set on for years… and with a little help from her friend, maybe… just maybe shell finally be the first choice
♡ sugar and you | @97-liners
oneshot | wc: 4.5k | 🤍
mingyu x reader
in which mingyu is an idealistic pastry chef, and you’re a cynical wedding planner who doesn’t believe in love.
fluff, just really sweet (hah) fluff, one-sided enemies to lovers
♡ back to december | @toruro
oneshot | wc: 4.3k | 🍋🤍🌧️
mingyu x reader
miscommunication, unrequited love (not fr tho), big dick mingyu, sex in a car, riding, fingering, pet names, creampie
guys that was a lot of smit warnings but i promise its not a smut fic just read plz
Lee Minho
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♡ Invisible Thread | @astraystayyh
series | wc: 37k | 🤍🌧️
minho x reader
university au, academic rivals to lovers (rivals not enemies cuz they respect each other), slow burn, fluff, angst, poor relationships with parents, insecurities, she/her reader, mention of alcohol
♡ Lost in Translation | @moonjxsung
one-shot | wc: 26.5k | 🤍🌧️🍋
minho x reader
university au, babysitter!reader, older brother!minho, smut, angst, fluff, mention of pregnancy, unprotected sex (wrap it before u tap it), pet names, (see other warnings)
Lee Felix
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♡ forgive me for what i haven’t done | @rachalixie
one-shot | wc: 17.5k | 🤍🌧️
prince!felix x princess!reader
kingdom au, angst, betrayal, strangers to lovers, hurt/comfort, she/her reader, emotional manipulation and physical violence from readers father, mentions of violence
Bang Chan
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♡ Dispatch | @baby-yongbok
oneshot | wc: 1.3k | 🌧️‼️
husband! 911 operator!bang chan x afab!reader
themes of home invasion, mentions of guns, please read responsibly!!!
Chan has heard a lot of calls being a 911 operator but this is never one he wanted to experience.
Kim Namjoon
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♡ My Feet to Follow, and My Heart to Hold | @daechwitatamic
series | wc: 76.3k | 🌧️🍋
KNJ x f!reader, unrequited KTH x reader
college!au, roomie!au, angst, s2l, slow burn, eventual smut, pov changes, convos revolving around the past loss of immediate family members, language, drinking, angst, a LOT of poetry, eventual smut - sections will have individual warnings
Jung Hoseok
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♡ Flower | @readyplayerhobi
series | wc: 177k | 🤍🌧️🍋‼️
hoseok x reader
depression, anxiety, self-loathing, lack of self-esteem, oral sex (receiving and giving) penetrative sex, fingering, kink exploration, anal, panic attack, discussion of car accidents, mentions of character death, body issues, sex toys, stress, drinking [smut isnt till later in the series btw]
Choi Seungcheol
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♡ Always Only You | @honeyhotteoks
oneshot | wc: 14.2k | 🌧️🍋
s.coups x reader
non idol!seungcheol x fem!reader, older brother mingyu, seungcheol is mingyus bff, childhood friends to lovers, brothers best friend, reader is called a sl*t in a mean way by her shitty date, v protective cheol, reckless driving, unprotected sex (wrap it before u tap it), reader is curvy and descriptors like full, thick, etc are used, makeouts, grinding, cheol is obsessed with pussy, oral sex (f receiving), hand stuff, smut
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ⓒ onehopelessromantic, August 2024
233 notes · View notes
toshidou · 2 years
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woe to the deer who is courted by the wolf . . .
pairing // könig x f!reader
word count // 7.2k
tags // 18+ ONLY, afab reader, vampire!könig, predator/prey kink, mentions of blood and injury, minor elements of horror (very minor), slightly misunderstood lonely vampire könig, unprotected sex, stomach bulge, rough sex, creampie, biting, blood sucking, blood play
an // after battling with writers block for over a month, who would have thought it'd take a blood sucking giant to free me from the shackles of having no inspiration? anyway this is the most i've ever written in one day, which is only slightly concerning. bone apple teeth!
thank you to @erosology for beta reading this, and forever being my number one hype man ;-;
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Pale moonlight peaks through a frame of eerily still clouds, reflecting off the polished black steel planted in the ground at your feet. You can hear the whispers of your friends behind you, a little too old to be snickering and giggling behind the palms of their hands, although you’re entirely too old to have taken their bet in the first place. 
It started off as a simple reunion between old friends, a short trek into once familiar woods to the spot you used to set up base for the night, roasting marshmallows over a concerningly large campfire, sharing cliche horror stories whilst swaddled in blankets. This very night had gone about the same, until someone brought up the old manor. An imposing house that watches over the village that surrounds it, well kept and suspiciously pristine, withstanding the tests of time despite the fact that not a single soul has ever been seen to enter or leave the premises. 
It had been a longstanding dare, an easy way to get someone to down their drink, ‘I dare you to jump the fence and knock on the door’. No one has ever been stupid enough to go through with it, a couple tried, but got as far as the black iron that surrounds the perimeter before they gave up. And yet, here you stand, too many years later, an individual who should be both older and wiser than to commit several crimes for the sake of a stupid bet and childish curiosity, staring at that very same railing. 
You can hardly hear the whispered words of your friends from where they cower behind you, your eyes transfixed on the looming building that seemingly stares back at you from where you remain fixed at the bottom of the hill. Mahogany brick unblemished, barely touched by weather, towers three stories high, trimmed ivy crawling up the walls as though attempting to reach out to the moon that watches over it. Each window is blocked by scarlet wooden shutters, an old-fashioned touch for a house surrounded by new builds; looking at it now feels like taking several steps back in time. 
Not a single spec of light leaks through any crack in the shutters, each room bathed in darkness, the same way it always has. Surely, you think to yourself, surely no one can possibly be in there. Your theory has always been that the house is long since abandoned, its previous owner having died, looked after by a previously employed caretaker who hated to watch a building they loved go into disrepair. And although that doesn’t explain the suspicious lack of activity, it’s the only sane thought that you repeat to yourself as your fingers curl around sturdy black bars, and you begin to haul yourself over the iron fence. 
A moment later, and the dull thud of your feet hitting neatly trimmed grass breaks tense silence, your eyes meeting with several widened pairs through steel bars. It’s the furthest anyone’s gotten, and even now, you feel like you’ve gone far enough. It’s certainly not too late to change your mind, to do the sensible thing and throw yourself back into safety, and just as you’re contemplating backing out of the bet, you feel the hairs on your nape stand on end, a chill down your spine so sharp it causes a physical flinch. When you turn around, you’re met with the very same house, not a shutter or brick out of place, yet something, somehow, feels different. 
It’s like a siren call, luring you from the safety of your friends that remain frozen on the other side, hardly breathing as though they daren’t make a sound, apprehensive eyes focused on your shadowed form as you slowly make your way up the hill. It’s more daunting up close, no longer a silhouette against a twilight sky, now you can see details the distance has never gifted you, the way the wood shutters that plaster the windows are carved with swirls and intricate patterns, how the ivy hides bloomed flowers amongst pointed leaves, speckles of pink and purple that ease the tension that coils your muscles, only bolstering timid curiosity. And now you’re standing within feet of the house, you’re left in awe by the sheer size of it. It never seemed particularly small, not even from the gate, but the front door alone has you gulping down nothing but frigid air. You take a few tentative steps, eyes raking over the magnificent details carved into thick black oak, the centrepiece that catches your gaze being the solid gold knocker that sits just above your head, halfway up the door. 
Two hollow eyes stare back at you, a skull with two rams horns that curl from golden bone, and between its bared teeth lies a ring that rests against ebony wood. It stands out from every other detail of the house, a spine-tingling reminder of where you stand, echoes of the myths that surround this house whispered by your trembling conscience, and yet shaking fingers reach for the ring, curling around cooled metal before lifting it, preparing to knock. 
But you never get the chance, because in true horror movie fashion, you’re met with the slow creak of old hinges as the very door you stand before begins to open, and in the void of black it reveals, you swear you see two pinpricks of red that greet you in the darkness. Your entire body goes stiff, still clinging on to the gold loop of the knocker as though it’ll somehow ground you, yet it does nothing to chase away the overwhelming sense of impending doom that screams at you to turn, to run, to get as far away from this wretched place as your legs can take you.
You turn just in time to hear the worried calls of your friends before the door is yanked wide open, dragging you over the edge of the premises with it and sending you careening onto the floor, sliding against wood and scrambling up only to watch that very same door slam in your face. 
Frozen. Every single part of you remains stock still as you try to adjust to the darkness. Not even the moonlight dares follow you inside, leaving you alone to dart your eyes in the pitch black, searching for some semblance of light you can latch onto. Yet the house offers you nothing, and you can’t help but see red dots every time you dare close your eyes. In the moment of still you’ve been given, your brain reels as it tries to think of a logical explanation for the door seemingly dragging you into the house with no human in sight to operate it, and in your panic, you can’t help but pray that you’ve fallen asleep by the campfire, and this is all an elaborate nightmare you’ll be able to laugh about when you awake.
A creak from behind you sends you hurtling back into reality, a sure reminder that this is no nightmare, not one you can wake up from, at least. Your head whips to the side, terror freezing your muscles solid as you lock onto crimson orbs once again, so bright they can be seen even with the absence of light to reflect off them, your blood curdling in your veins as they remain fixed on you, unblinking. You scurry backwards, the sound of your back slamming against the solid wall behind you echoing through the dark, fingers curling against peeling wallpaper in a last-ditch attempt to find the door handle. 
Your pathetic scrabbling is interrupted by the harsh sound of a match striking against rough material, your eyes drawn to the responding flame it produces, but moreso, the large fingers that dwarf the stick they clutch. 
“What a curious thing you are.”
Each syllable rumbles through very walls, practically shakes the structure of the house, a low timber steeped with an accent you can’t quite place, but certainly isn’t local. You daren’t breathe, let alone move, not even when the ground creaks and shakes with every purposeful, creeping step the stranger takes towards you. The flame grows as the match is brought to a wick, the flame whittling away the wood until all that remains is twisted charcoal, before transferring to the candle, the dying fire roaring back to life, casting a flickering golden glow onto the one holding it. 
You’re met once again with red, but now you can see bleached tear tracks running from shoddy holes cut into black cloth, a mask fit for the monster that wears it, and as they stalk ever closer, you belatedly wonder how they’re going to navigate the stairs that must separate the two of you, certain that even someone familiar with a house must need more light in order to not fall. But they never begin their descent, and it’s only when the flame lies mere feet from you, yet so far out of your reach, you realise there are no steps. You’re face to face with a giant. 
Adrenaline douses you like a torrent of water, your widened eyes alert and stricken with obvious fear, yet you didn’t expect the gentle touch that encircles your wrist, lungs sucking in a stuttered breath as you stare into the hollow red of its eyes. Large fingers draw your arm upwards, moving your frozen limb with ease, until it’s stretched far above your head, your fingers bumping against the smooth wax of the candle the giant passes off to you. Your brain scrambles for words, screams against the shackles of your fear-addled mind, waiting to release a slew of incoherent pleas for your freedom, yet your lips remain firmly sealed.
You feel a weight in your trouser pocket, eyes darting down to see his fingers pushing a box of matches into the gap of the material, only for your gaze to snap back to him as he hunches down, the material of his mask flowing down as his torso towers over you. You’re left caged against the wall, nowhere to run as his face levels next to your ear. It’s silent for a few horrific seconds, until that same spine-chilling voice purrs one single word. 
It’s as though all your body needed was the instruction, responding immediately as you tear away from him, feet slapping against hardwood flooring as you careen towards what vaguely resembles an entrance way. The flame flickers dangerously, threatening to leave you in the dark once again, your fingers curling around the candle, whispering prayers that it doesn’t snuff out, that it doesn't leave you alone with whatever stalks you in the pitch black. 
You don’t stop running until you reach a hallway, sprinting down the claustrophobic corridor until you finally reach an open door, rushing inside and pushing hefty wood until it clicks in place, sealing you within, safe for now. You hold up the candle to illuminate more of the room, watching as the soft glow bounces off a glinting gold frame and painstaking strokes of oil paint. An obscenely large portrait hangs on the wall in front of you, the image of a handsome man draped in fine purple robes, shoulder length brown hair pushed back with a crown of golden leaves. He sits in a chair, grand and crimson, lined with bronze, legs spread over the expensive velvet, one large hand curled over his thigh, the other propping his head up, his elbow resting against the arm of the chair in a way that can only be described as unbothered, and unamused. But the thing that has you utterly transfixed are the two red irises that stare right back at you, playful and taunting, and hauntingly familiar. 
Surely this isn’t the man under the hood, the one who dragged you into his house and watched you scramble out of his grip the second he told you to flee. Because why would a man so handsome hide his face? Why would someone who looks so young own a house that has stood at the centre of your small village for far longer than you’ve been alive? Nothing seems to make sense, not a single aspect of the past 10 minutes feels real, and you can only hope your friends saw what happened and ran to get help, because you’re not sure there’s a way for you to conquer this man alone. It’s as you’re floundering for answers that you hear a noise from outside the room, instincts taking over as you quickly hide under a small dining table and blow out the candle, praying you haven’t given yourself away. 
You’re not entirely stupid, you know the meaning of red eyes, and although you could attempt to soothe your psyche with whispered lies about contact lenses and make believe, you know better. The thing that chases you is no man, and certainly isn’t human, at least not anymore. And as terrified as you are, there isn’t a chance in hell you’re about to let yourself become this monster’s dinner. 
You sit in the darkness, clutching the smouldering candle to your chest, and wait. Ears alert as you listen for the slightest sound that might give away your hunter, a breath, a sigh, a scratch, you do little more than hope that your hiding spot remains occupied by you, and you alone. 
After a tense few minutes, picking up on no other sounds than the thrumming of your own heart, your fingers slowly make their way to your pocket, gingerly plucking the box out and pushing the case off. Despite the lack of light, and the trembling that consumes your body, you manage to fish out a match, and strike it, holding the newly lit flame to the wick of the candle. 
Bleached tears. Red eyes. Large fingers. Looming body.
The scream rips from your throat before your brain can catch up, the candle abandoned as it’s flung towards him in a last ditch attempt to throw him off, knees and hands protesting as they’re dragged along grooved wood, leaving grazes in their wake. The momentary pain isn’t enough to stop you, however, lungs heaving as you tear out of the room, clumsily bumping into walls and ornaments, impeded by the dark, motivated by sheer determination to live. 
Your decision to toss away the candle comes to bite you firmly in the ass the second you find yourself tumbling down a set of stairs, and in a move of sheer instinct your hands attempt to slow your fall, only for the skin of your palm to get caught on a loose nail, slicing the flesh and leaving you wailing as your body finally slows to a stop against the cold stone floor you now find yourself lying on. Every bone in your body hurts, aches, but is overshadowed by the sharp sear of white hot pain as you cradle your torn skin to your chest, warm rivulets of blood oozing down your wrist, tracking rivers of red down your forearm until you hear the steady drip, drip, drip of your blood hitting stone.
A light appears above you, a halo of pastel yellow emanating around black cloth, and within a second, the fight leaves you, slumping further into the floor as you accept your death, hoping none of your friends were stupid enough to follow you only to meet the same pitiful fate. 
“Please,” You mumble, voice finally found, entirely too late, “Just make it quick.” You hear little other than a hushed chuckle in response, a cat toying with its food. 
“I imagine it looks worse than it is, kleine maus.” 
You pause at that, curiosity ebbing through once more. You may not have paid enough attention to languages at school, but even in your state, you know enough to recognise those words.
“You’re German?” You mumble, fear forgotten in your shock-ridden state. The man shakes his head as he crouches next to you, extending his free hand towards the injured one you have secured to your torso, tittering again as you flinch. But you have little other choice than to let him pry your hand away, watching with wary eyes as he examines your sliced skin. He holds the candle closer to the wound, a soft tut passing his lips before he holds the candle towards you, urging you to take it with a gentle nod. 
“Austrian. But close.”
It all feels strange, foreign, as though you’re being lulled into a false sense of security just so he can tell you to run once again, laughing maniacally as he watches you bleed over his floor. The fear returns once you have the candle securely in your grip, eyes locked on the way his fingers curl around the material that hides his face, and begin to remove it. Inches of once cloaked skin is revealed, a defined chin melts away to pursed lips, a smattering of dark facial hair that frames his mouth and curls up his jaw, the material pulled further only to reveal a hooked nose, and two narrowed eyes that reflect the candlelight in a way not dissimilar to precious gems, rich and vibrant. Maybe it’s the shock, or limited blood loss, but you can’t help but marvel at just how pretty he is.
Of course, it doesn’t last much longer, not when survival instincts kick in, the realisation that your bloodied hand is now near the mouth of a creature that lives entirely off the thing that keeps you alive. But the grip on your wrist is ironclad, strong yet not uncomfortably so, a strange juxtaposition between monster and man as he cocks his head at your wound. With a nod, seemingly more to himself than you, you can do little more than cry out as you’re hauled over his shoulder, his arm secured tightly around your waist, the hood forgotten in a small puddle of your blood on the stone flags. 
It’s mere minutes later that he places you down on soft sheets, your body sinking into a plush mattress, left to watch him as he ambles around the egregiously large room, muttering foreign words under his breath as he roots through an ornate chest of draws. You must be in a fever dream, unsure how you went from running for your life, to being patched up by the very thing you were certain would kill you. And yet, here you are, watching as he almost awkwardly sidles to your seated figure, and kneels in front of you, once predatory eyes unable to hold your gaze as he sets out various medical items by your feet. 
“Your hand, may I see it?”
You present your palm to him, watching as his eyebrows knit together, giant hands placing tentative touches against your skin as though he’s concerned about hurting you, the thought of which does nothing to aid your spiralling confusion. But you say nothing, you simply watch as he takes a damp cloth and begins cleaning your cut, fixated on the way his eyes snap to you with every pained hiss and suppressed whine, picking up on the way he ensures each subsequent touch is a tad gentler than the last. It’s not too much longer until he’s wrapping your hand with bandages, making sure the gauze is tight enough to keep your blood in, but not enough to cut off circulation, the type of gentle care you never would have suspected from the giant at your feet. Your curiosity has increased tenfold, not a trace of fear left to lick at your nerves and render you speechless, replaced only by the overwhelming need to know more, to learn everything. 
“What’s your name?” 
It’s his turn to freeze, ruby irises briefly flitting to yours, rounded with surprise, before they snap back down, making himself busy as he gathers up a scattered array of bloodied cloth. 
“I… I have had many. The one most people knew me by was König.” It’s strange, the croon of his voice sounds almost nothing like the one whispered to you in the dark, from low and horrifying, to gentle, almost timid. You’re nothing short of fascinated, leaning forward as you scan over the contours of his face. 
“Why’d you drag me into your house and tell me to run?” 
“Why were you trying to knock on my door?”
Heat licks at the skin of your cheeks at his brazen reminder of your attempted trespassing, your uninjured hand coming to rub at your neck in lieu of a response. After a moment of silence, he sighs, deflating into the plush carpet below. 
“It has been a while since I last had any visitors. Your arrival was… Unexpected. You caught me off guard,” He pauses for a moment, pupils dilating as his fingers curl around the rags he holds in his hand, covered in your blood, “It has been even longer since I have been around fresh blood.” It feels surreal to have it confirmed, that the creature that sits before you is one you’ve seen only in movies and read in far-fetched romance novels. Yet, you feel no fear, that emotion all but vanished the second he halted everything just to care for an intruder's wound.
“My friends dared me to knock.” He cocks his head at that, a single eyebrow arching, bemused at your admission. “It’s been a dare for years, no one ever actually had the guts to do it.” 
“Until you.”
A pause, your head dipping forward in an unsure nod.
“Until me.” 
He’s staring at you unabashedly now, your eyes wandering over the rich details of the bedroom you reside in as an excuse to save yourself from his piercing gaze, an unreadable expression swimming in carmine eyes. 
“I am glad it was you.” 
You hate the embers of arousal that spark at his words, perturbed by your body’s reaction to seemingly innocent words spoken from a man you were sprinting away from less than an hour ago, and yet his eyes do nothing to put out the fire, intense and smouldering. You can’t bring yourself to look away, nor to quash the way your heart flutters as his torso leans closer to your thighs that subconsciously part to make room for him. The action doesn’t go unnoticed, nostrils flaring as sharp eyes zero in on the way your legs spread against silk sheets. 
“And why is that, König?” 
It’s as though you uttering his name opens the floodgates, black engulfing vermillion until only a sliver remains, thick fingers circling your shins as he leers further into the gap your parted thighs created, that same ravening stare that once sent fear trickling down your spine now leaves you gasping for breath for an entirely different reason. 
“Because I haven’t seen something as pretty as you for a very long time, and I don’t know if I have the strength to stop myself again, maus.” 
You couldn’t prevent the whispered whine of his name if you had tried, eyelashes fluttering as you move to curl your fingers in his shirt, giving pathetic little tugs to the soft material of his silk shirt, eyes dipping down to where loose material tucks into black pants. Your back arches, a shameless display of desire as you slide your body closer towards the edge of the bed, and further into his touch.
“Who said anything about stopping?”
Your words remain suspended in the air around you, two sets eyes locked onto each other, blown black with barely-suppressed lust, and yet you don’t dare to make the first move, waiting, wanting for him to shed his timid skin and swallow you whole, become the beast that stalked you through rooms just to feel the thrill of the chase. His hands leave your legs, instead balling up into tight fists against his own thighs, the skin around his knuckles taut as though restraining himself. For a mere moment, you fear he may have changed his mind, that is until he utters the word you craved to hear.
You ignore the lingering ache in your joints, your thighs burning as you dash from the bedroom with renewed purpose, fuelled by the all-consuming thoughts of what’s to come, excited to finally be caught, a far cry from the unbridled terror that sent you scrambling before. This time, he makes no effort to prowl in the shadows, your heart beat soaring as the loud thuds of footsteps echo from behind, the floorboards quaking under your feet from the force of his steps. 
You know there isn’t a chance he’s running at full speed, but even then he catches you almost embarrassingly quickly, built arms encircling your waist and crushing you against his torso, bringing you to the floor in an instant, leaving you to writhe helplessly between his body and the floorboards. You don’t give in, however, limbs thrashing, nails clawing against whatever they can reach, whether it be the arms that pin you down, or the wood underneath you, feigning an attempt to escape. 
That is until you feel two sharp points dig into your nape, not enough to break skin, but the threat of it leaves you frozen under him, a doe caught in the wolf’s jaws. But you don’t fear the bite like wild prey would, somehow, you crave it, to feel his teeth sink into you, to let him lap at your blood and drain you near dry, anything just to feel like you’re his. 
The pressure of sharpened canines begins to lessen, his teeth slowly peeling back from your skin, although anticipating your body to begin thrashing once again. But you remain subdued, the embers now engulfed by crackling flames that lick at your nerves and set your skin alight. It’s only when his hips shift do you feel the tent in his pants pushing against the top of your thighs, your eyes fluttering shut as you push your ass down to grind shamelessly against his cock. 
“Temptress,” The word is almost incomprehensible through the growl that reverberates through his throat, a sound that gives away entirely how affected he is, rough and wanting. “You should be trembling beneath me from fear and yet…” 
His words trail off, a stuttered gasp replaces your heavy breathing when you feel sizeable fingers trailing down your sides before sliding under your body, cupping your inner thigh. Your heart hammers against your ribcage from the chase, now bolstered by the scandalous touch as his fingers skim past your clothed core, only catching onto the way his fingers curl into the material until it’s too late, hardly leaving you enough time to yelp before he’s tearing you bare below him. The tattered remains of your pants are haphazardly discarded, joined soon by the threadbare silk of your ripped panties, one of your favourite pairs torn in half with hardly an ounce of effort. 
“Yet here you are, schätzchen, quivering with need, dripping for the cock of the one that hunts you.” 
The rough pad of calloused fingers swipes against your exposed cunt, unable to suppress the heady whine that leaks past your agape lips, your forehead meeting the hardwood floor with a soft thump. That single touch renders you limp, muscles going lax as you melt into the glide of his fingers as they tease your folds, slowing on every up-stroke to rub slow circles against your clit. It’s maddening, the pace in which he picks you apart, leaving you to grind on his fingers like a wanton whore just to feel the surmounting pleasure that builds in response to his touch. A tut sounds from above, heavy breath cascading over your nape as his head dips down, lips dragging from neck to the shell of your ear.
“What a desperate little thing you are, maus, you know what we call things like you in my native tongue?” Your head shakes, a breathy ‘no’ muffled into the floor, “Schwanzschlampe, cock slut.” Embarrassment mixes in equal measure with arousal, curling one of your arms under your head to hide your face, the action short lived as strong arms flip you onto your back, one large hand gathering both your wrists together and pinning them above your head, exposed before him in every way. It’s undeniably more intimate in this position, your eyes given little other option than to lock onto his as his other hand continues to tease your dripping cunt, carmine swimming with unrestrained desire pinning you to the floor as effectively as his near crushing grip on your wrists.
“You can’t hide your pretty face from me, liebling, I want to see how much you crave my touch.” He presses his forehead to yours, low candlelight from lamps that line the corridor walls glint off the two long fangs that peak past reddened lips with every word spoken. And it’s seemingly your turn to catch him off guard, your head tilting upwards to push your lips to his, swallowing his surprised gasp down greedily, arching your chest to push against his. The kiss is desperate, messy, a combination of saliva drips down your chin, moans and rumbled grunts creating a symphony that drifts down the winding halls of his home. With a nudge, you ensure his eyes are locked to yours as you part your lips, your tongue curling over his teeth before brushing over the point of his elongated canine. 
With a push, you feel the sting as his fang just barely dips into soft flesh, a drop of blood beading at the surface before you push the muscle to his, locked onto the way his eyes roll to the back of his skull, the growl momentarily starting up again before his lips lock around your tongue, sucking at every morsel of blood that springs from the pinprick cut like a man starved. A man that has most likely been starved of blood directly from the source for more years that you’ve been alive. 
If you thought that you’d unlocked the beast within him before, the taste of your blood brings out an entirely new side. His lips part from yours, the crimson in his frenzied eyes transforming before you, as though enriched from just a taste of warm iron. You watch as his pupils dilate and constrict, each push and pull between black and red prove hypnotic as his eyes slowly begin to refocus, the colour to his irises seem dull in comparison to the bright vermillion flecked with gold that peers down at you, still wild with hunger, driven by need. 
The moment is broken mere seconds later when his head drops to your neck, sharpened teeth dragging along the throbbing pulse at the base of your throat, and just when you expect the bite, you’re left gasping for an entirely unrelated reason as your shirt comes apart against sharp enamel, shredded where it surrounds your naked torso, leaving you entirely bare. Yet all it takes is a singular glance to realise he remains fully dressed, not a single article shed. 
“König,” Your voice comes out strained, practically whining as though prepared to beg, “Let me undress you?” 
He pauses for a moment, eyes flicking up to you from under his lashes before the grip on your arms lessens, his legs folding under him as he rights himself into a kneeling position over your body. He suddenly seems unsure, maybe a little self-conscious as you lean up brushing your fingers over flowing pristine white silk, taking your time as you unfasten each button, never once letting your eyes stray from his. And despite the hint of bashfulness, he keeps his gaze pinned to you, a wary lion caught off guard by brave prey. 
After the last button falls undone, you let the tips of your fingers trace up revealed skin, before pushing the shirt from his shoulders, and watching as it billows onto the floor, exposing a defined chest highlighted by a smattering of scars that tell stories you could only dream of hearing. He’s nothing short of ethereal, otherworldly in every sense of the word, a behemoth of a beast, with the face of an angel. 
“You cover up a lot for a man as handsome as you are.” Your disguised question prompts a flinch, solid fingers clutching into fists at his side, but before you can rush to amend your words, he slumps, resigned to your curiosity. 
“I have garnered a reputation I do not wish to catch up to me. It is safer to keep myself hidden, maus.” You make a mental note if you somehow find yourself in his company after this night to ask him more, a carnal need to know everything that makes up the being knelt above you. But you tuck them away for now, refocusing your attention to the waistband of his trousers, deft fingers wasting little time undoing the silver clasp and dragging down the zip until the front peels open. 
“Good thing you don’t have to keep hidden in front of me, huh?” Your lips tug upwards into a playful smirk, your hands planting on the solid muscle of his chest before you’re pushing him backwards, letting his legs splay out either side of your now free body before easing both his pants and underwear down the corded muscle of his thigh, marvelling at each inch of skin revealed to ravenous eyes. His trousers join the crumpled mess of clothes that lay scattered across the floor, giving him no time to adjust to his new found nudity before your head is ducking down, tongue flitting out to lick a long strip from the base of his cock to the tip. 
Your enthusiasm is immediately rewarded with a faltered whine, watching from under your lashes as his head lolls backwards, trembling fingers coming to cup either side of your face. He’s big, his cock twitching against the defined muscle of his abdomen, thick and long, and nothing short of daunting. Yet you choose to focus on the way your pussy clenches around air at the mere sight of it, overwhelmed by the knowledge that you’ll understand what it is to be split open by him, to be fucked by him. Your tongue darts out once more to press against the tip, the small cut on the surface only just healed over, your spine shuddering at the dulled sting that follows as you begin to take the head of his cock between your lips, mouth stretched almost painfully around the girth. 
It does nothing to dissuade you, however, tears clouding your vision of his blissed out expression as you swallow him down deeper, hardly taking more than two inches before your throat spasms around him in protest, coaxing a throaty whimper from spit-shined lips that has your hand darting down to your clit, fingers rubbing desperate circles into soaked flesh. 
The following whine that reverberates around his cock swiftly gives you away, crimson eyes focusing in on the way your hand disappears between your thighs, before flitting back to the way your watering eyes remain locked to his, hissing out several curses in German at the sight of your lips wrapped around his straining cock. 
“Your mouth… Gott, your fucking mouth,” strong fingers guide your head off his cock, your lips separating from the tip with a lewd pop, strings of saliva and pre-cum connecting your lolled out tongue to his cock. “Need to fuck you, schätzchen, I can’t wait any longer, verdammte hölle—” 
You’re not given any warning before he’s pinning your back to the floor, bringing your knees up to your chest and bending you in half, a feat you didn’t know you were capable of before his strong fingers moulded you into the perfect position to take his cock. Folded like this, you can’t help but feel like a doll in his hands, your height and weight rendered meaningless under the sheer size of the monster above you. Trepidation begins to simmer under the surface of your skin, trying to imagine just how your body could ever make room for him. 
But he doesn’t leave you much time to fret before his head falls to your thighs, thick fingers twitching from where they hold up your legs as his nose buries into your pubic bone. Long strands of brunette block your vision, startling as you register the feeling of something thick and wet pressing against your folds. 
“K-König!” Your cry prompts a responding groan from the man below you as his tongue licks firm stripes up the length of your cunt, glassy eyes drifting up to you as though intoxicated, drunk of the heady taste of your arousal. With a jolt, you’re left helpless to watch as one of his hands slides down your thigh, stuttering through another gasped moan of his name as you feel a single thick digit slide into the wet heat of your pussy, eyes watering at the stretch that merely one of his fingers provides. 
He doesn’t hold up, his lips wrapping around your clit and sucking the second he feels your walls clamp around him, slowly easing your muscles into accepting a second finger, distracting you from the momentary pain by lapping his tongue against your engorged clit. But even so, taking two of his fingers feels like more of a challenge than any cock you’ve taken in the past, eyes rolling backwards as he begins to crook them within you, calloused fingers rubbing against the gummy walls of your cunt in a way that has you convulsing around him, warbled sobs hiccuping past your lips as you feel your first climax rip through your body. 
“One more, maus, I need you to take one more so I know I won’t hurt you.” 
Tears track down your face, still processing the intensity that just wracked your body, but you nod down at him anyway, rewarded with a gentle smile and whispered praise as he cautiously eases a third finger into you, pausing the second he hears a pained hiss after the first knuckle. He hums, placing tender kitten licks against your still throbbing clit, letting you push past tender overstimulation to help pull your mind off the burning stretch, refocusing your attention to the pleasure his mouth provides. 
“Doing so well, liebling, almost there…” His words are whispered against your glistening pussy, eyes firmly fixed on yours as he guides you through, until finally all three of his fingers are pushed to the hilt, cooed praise following immediately after. 
“König, need you, I need you inside of me, please.” Your sniffled plea evokes nothing more than a playful smile from him as he cocks his head to the side. 
“Am I not inside of you right now, maus?” His tone is teasing, words accompanied by a wiggle of the fingers that remain buried in your cunt, coaxing a depraved moan from your already raw throat. 
“Your cock, wan’ your cock so bad,” It takes a second to search for the word that sits on the tip of your tongue, your eyes sparking when it finally comes to you, “Bitte, König.”
It’s immediate, the way his fingers pull from your cunt and secure themselves back around your thigh, darkened rubies glinting with that same predatory stare you’re all too familiar with now. He wastes no time as the tip of his cock bumps against soaked folds, your fingers wrapping around his veined shaft as you guide him inside, mouth parting in a silent cry as the tip pushes past the first ring of muscle and leaves you breathless. 
There is no mistaking that three of his fingers gave you a mere taste of the stretch, belatedly wondering how on Earth he’ll fit amongst the tight walls of your cunt, and the other organs that surround it. But by some grace of God, he continues to move, inch after thick inch swallowed by your cunt as though it were made for him, a perfect match, the monster and his plaything, the predator and its ever willing prey. 
A rush of air finally fills your lungs once the dull slap of his hips meets your ass, unfocused eyes widening as you take in the protrusion of his cock, the bulge obscenely large where it stretches out your skin. 
“S’big, you’re so fuckin’ big, what the fuck—” 
Slurred rambles are cut off with a searing kiss, passionate and fiery as his hips begin to draw back, swallowing down frenzied curses as he slams back into you, setting a cruel pace right from the start. You never had a chance, you should have known, and yet you regret nothing as he pounds into your abused cunt, your cervix meeting the tip of his weeping cock with each forceful thrust, thick veins rubbing against the walls of your pussy and leaving you glassy eyed and cock-drunk. 
Mindless babbles flow from drooling lips, your neck drooping to the side as you hope your eyes convey your needs without resorting to incoherent words. But it takes little more than exposing your throat to him before his lips latch onto the flesh, sucking a line of bruises into your skin before finally settling over your jugular, the only pre-warning of the oncoming bite being the scrape of fangs before they’re puncturing skin, flooding your veins with a venom that has your toes curling, fingernails digging into the muscle of his back and dragging thick red lines against shuddering flesh. 
His pace never falters, hips still careening against yours as his lips suck around the two minute incisions, drinking down your blood with a thirst you’ve never witnessed. Whether it’s the subduing poison that flows through your bloodstream, or the shift of hips as his cockhead nudges the walls of your cunt in a way that has stars blooming behind your eyelids, you find yourself hurtling into another climax, whimpered cries and bloodied nails evidence of your earth-shattering orgasm. 
His lips finally part from your skin with a slick sigh, lips painted the most beautiful shade of crimson that drips down his chin, a line that marks your possession, evidence he’s consumed by you, drunk on you. And it’s as you lean down, your tongue dragging against the bloodied stubble of his chin, lapping up what remains of your scarlet ichor, that he finally succumbs to the pleasure, his cock jolting within you as he releases seemingly endless spurts of cum against your cervix, buried as deep within your body as biology will allow. 
Panted breaths intermingle as his forehead presses flush to yours, lidded eyes, now nearly entirely consumed by gold peers at you, an interesting mix of fascination and something that looks almost fond discernible in his gaze. You still have so many questions, intrigued and just a little bit obsessed with the man above you, yet it’s apparent that your feelings are far from unrequited, and one day, every question that burns at your tongue and begs for answers will be satiated. For now, you’ll bask in his looming presence and tender care, grateful to have found him in the first place, however unfortunate the initial meeting was. 
Just as his lips ghost against yours, the distant sound of creaking has you both freezing in place.
“H-Hello? You still in here?”
“... Scheiße.”
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ventismacchiato · 2 years
youtuber au; when your fans ship you together
xiao x g!n reader
a/n: bye this took forever to edit and tumblr wudnt let me post but here it is!! sorry if it’s incoherent i tried
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✰ you started a youtube channel in your second year in university, you were having trouble making friends and didn’t want to attend the parties. so you made the internet your safe space.
✰ after you posted a compilation of your best attacks and scores your channel blew up and it became one of your main sources of income…college was expensive!
✰ through making a channel you made several friends who are also youtubers, but there was one you only admired from afar: xiao
✰ you often competed against him to be on the trending page, but more often than not got beaten. you were sure he wasn��t aware of your existence.
✰ that was until a certain video was posted
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✰ in a video of xiao reacting to fanart someone had sent him one of you two in a romantic setting, people shipped you?!
✰ you were flustered at the art and at xiao’s reaction to it, he was blooming red as he stuttered his way through the clip
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✰ the entire twitter timeline was in flames and you were drowning in the attention, not sure what to do with the increasing amount of subscribers you were receiving
✰ you were scrolling through the trending tag #XIAOYN, swallowing down your nerves as you saw more and more fanart of you two and edits of every time you mentioned xiao and vice versa you almost choked when you saw him in your dms
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✰ you instantly tweeted in shock when he followed you back, and how could you not?! you were ecstatic at the thought of xiao wanting to collaborate with you
✰ you were a tad bit scared to talk to him in person though
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✰ you both texted a time and date to meet up, making sure you were both free of classes and exams. what you didn’t expect was for him to make conversation with you up until the date for you two to meet up arrived
✰ it was a little flirty, but you just thought you were looking too deep into it. xiao was just being friendly!
✰[a collection of your texts the past week]
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art: heehoocoffee twt
✰ when the day finally comes for you two to meet you’re a bundle of nerves, sweating through your shirt as you ring the bell on his door
✰ you were ashamed to admit you had to hype yourself up for five minutes before pushing the button.
✰ it doesn’t help that he’s looking as put together in his videos when he opens the door to greet you
✰ “it’s nice to finally meet you,” he drawls, gesturing you inside. you tried not to gawk as you followed him to his filming room, coming up with things to say once the conversation picked up again as you followed him like a lost puppy
✰ but you didn’t have to worry about awkward silence because once you both sat down and the cameras flicked on your personalities meshed together well
✰ xiao was on the quieter side, so you took it upon yourself to do most of the talking while xiao carried you throughout the game. you shared a laugh whenever either of you died or when you made a comment on some of the more unhinged dialogue
✰ it was some of the most fun you’ve had and after an hour you guys wrapped the video up, but continued to play together for a while. he joined your world and helped you finish some quests and you joined his to steal some of his plants. you even visited the heart island together <3
✰ and afterwards, just like xiao had promised, you both went out for dinner together. it felt an awful lot like a date, he offered to pay and pulled out your chair. he even called ahead for reservations. if that wasn’t enough even the waiter assumed you two were a couple from your matching outfits and asked for a photo after realizing who xiao was.
✰ even if it wasn’t an official date, you felt a coil in your stomach pull tautly whenever your name was said from his lips, it was addicting.
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✰ the video was posted a few days later and it was instantly trending #1 and stirred commotion on twitter and tiktok, edits of you two laughing and looking at each other went viral and you couldn’t help but save all of them
✰ you two continued to text and he’d always request to join your world if you were both online at the same time, a facetime request appearing right after so you didn’t have to use the glitchy chat option
✰ constant nights of abandoning your homework to stay up gaming with him became a routine
✰ you two continued to do collabs consistently for a few months and you couldn’t fight back the crush you had, choosing to ignore it rather than pursue
✰ your feelings went unsaid, even if sometimes it seemed like they were reciprocated. but maybe that was just you seeing what you wanted to see.
✰ that was until a few months into your friendship something slipped out of your mouth as you went to end a stream with him
✰”this was fun but i have to go now,” you pouted at your camera as your chat spammed frowning emojis, you scheduled your fans to raid xiao’s stream before giving them a wave, “bye xiao, love you!” and by the time you ended the stream you’d realized what you’d done
✰ xiao’s stream was still going and he went frozen for a second, the chat was asking him if his connection was lost but he shook his head. you were this close to throwing your keyboard across the room when xiao picked up his phone, typing something in. your phone starting ringing…
✰ “are you honestly going to leave without letting me say goodbye?” xiao asked, looking at the camera as he talked to you over the phone. the chat went wild with emotes
✰ “sorry…” you weakly mumbled into the phone as you tried to not look at your screen. it was flustering.
✰ xiao turned off his microphone, making sure his stream couldn’t hear him before he continued, “i love you too, y/n.” he quietly spoke, almost as red as you, “didn’t think i’d have to confess that in front of millions of people for you to realize it.”
✰ he ended the stream soon after and you both stayed on call for an hour, circulating around the question before you both made it official. which ofc course means changing your twitter bio
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a/n: hope you enjoyed! editing these photos was fun even tho i ran out of room lol
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thecapricunt1616 · 8 months
The Bear & His Honey Chapter 4
Inspo: Quote- “ Innocence died screaming, honey, ask me- I should know. I slithered here from Eden just to sit outside your door.”  Dedication: @daysofyellowroses - bestie thank you for inspiring and encouraging me to write. I haven’t felt more alive and inspired then I have in the past few days writing again. Thank you!! This is for you loveyyyy.  Summary: Winnie & Carmy get closer. Have a marg over a mini therapy session, Winnie fixes up Carm’s panic injury. They find out there may just have been a single thread of gold tying them together the entire time.  W/C: 5,484 A/N: Oh my lanta y’all!! 2 chapters in one day?! I promise- PROMISEEE tonight I am figuring a master list out, because I (myself) have been struggling to keep things canon to the story by having to scroll and scroll through my page to find each part to see what I said for Winnie, LOL! So get hype for that, I love this chapter even more then the last bc it has more Carmy, but Richie is so fun to write and I can’t wait for he&Winnies friendship to bloom!!! For my canon Carmy continues going to therapy once or so a week / a support group type talk therapy so that is why he shares more than he would in the show. It’s on his one day off so that’s why he is able to continue making it, and he thrives on routine so going once a week keeps him regulated.  Warnings for BTC: A little bit of smut, angst, mentions of suicide, mentions of vehicular accidents ending in death, mentions of self-harm, mentions of severe injury, negative self-talk, feminine yearning (ofc), fluffy fluff (enough for your teeth to rot out of ur face), panic disorder, mentions of a panic attack, heavy petting, alcohol, mentions of smoking cigarettes, mental health issues, exhausted Carmy LOL
𝒞𝒽𝑒𝒸𝓀 𝒪𝓊𝓉 𝑀𝓎 𝑀𝒶𝓈𝓉𝑒𝓇𝓁𝒾𝓈𝓉!
Read Chapter 3
The door flings open and before I could even get a good look at him his arms were wrapped tightly around my waist, his large hands resting on my rib cage, and thumbs gently rubbing soothing strokes. I gasped a bit in surprise at the contact, his muscular chest pressed to mine. Pulling me tighter and he nuzzles his face in my neck, his hot breath causing goosebumps to appear all over my skin. I inhaled his scent, a bit of his musky spicy cologne still left over after the long day, cigarette smoke, and a day of working, but he didn’t smell bad at all. I would buy a fucking candle of it if I could, and never burn it so it lasts forever. 
He needed this hug. 
“Thank you f’ comin’, Winnie. I really need a drink, like now” he said quietly and I bit my lip, my hands rubbing soothing circles in the middle of his back. “Course, you think I’d turn down a free drinky-drink from the sexiest little Chef boy in Chicago?” He chuckled into my neck, feeling a small smile press into my skin. “I’m sorry” he pulls away and I finally am able to look at him. 
His hair is a mess, cheeks are stained red, his eyes are bloodshot and glazed over like he’d been crying, he rubs the back of his neck and I see a bit of smeared blood over his forearm. “It’s- it’s okay, hard day?” I asked, twiddling my fingers anxiously, worried he was going to ask me to leave and tell me that it wasn’t a good time anymore. “Ye’” he replied in a sigh and I swallowed hard. 
“D-did you- sorry,” my voice coming out small and meek. I clear my throat “Was it- not a good time for you? It’s fine, totally, totally fine…should have given my number I guess - but I can-“ I motion my thumb to the door down the hall. 
“No! No, please, stay. It’s - it’ll be nice. To like- to see you. I meant sorry about,” he squeezes his eyes shut, shaking his head “sorry for like- flinging myself on you?” He says and I giggle, causing him to look at me.
 “I love hugs! You give great hugs, is that why your sister calls you Bear? Oh my god!! Wait. This is your- that’s so cool, Carmen! You’re so cool!” I motioned to the restaurant, alluding to the name. “That’s so fuckin cool dude!” He smiled, shoving his hands in his pockets shyly and looking at his feet. 
“Thank you, but- uh. No. I’m not…usually a hugger which is why I’m also surprised I did that, guess I needed it. They call me bear cause - well. Don’t poke the bear kinda thing” he said and I took a few steps forward, our toes almost touching and his eyes met mine again. I raise my hand, and gently poke the flower tattoo adorning his left arm with my forefinger and smile. “Gonna bite me?” I quip, lifting my hands and poking short pokes all over his chest and he laughs a bit. 
“Y’re cute” he said and I put a final poke on his nose, blush rising to my cheeks at the statement. “And very thirsty. Pour me a drink will you, bartender?” I turned around on the ball of my foot swiftly, walking with pep back into the kitchen and I look back at him, to find his eyes practically undressing me from where I’d left him moments ago. I grin, putting my hands on my hips “You staring at my ass isn’t making me any less thirsty over here, bartender!” I said and he blushes “sorry…sorry”
He comes out and places a hand at the small of my back leading me to the main part of the restaurant and towards the bar “you just - uh…you look really good. I’m sorry, I didn’t have time to get home, I wanted to but - shit just got outta control, Syd forgot about this huge cannoli order and we forgot to get the powdered sugar with the last resupply so I had to make powdered sugar - it was just-” I rub my hand up his arm gently, stopping him and grabbing his attention. 
“It’s fine Carmen. You look fine. I’ll admit, a little bit tired. But you worked all day, I’ve been there” I shrug and he nods a bit, “thanks” he said softly walking behind the bar. I get up on one of the bar stools, crossing my legs and resting my chin in my palm looking over the restaurant and tapping my nails on the table. “This place is super nice, Carm, you should be so proud of yourself. It feels fancy but inviting too.” I hum admiring the lights and artwork on the walls. 
“Why thank you, we all worked really hard. I’m surprised it came together every day, but super grateful.” He said, taking Patron off of the middle shelf and scooping ice into the mixer, counting to himself as he pours it. “Doesn’t show, you run a tight ship it sounds, Chef” I smiled. He snorts “how would you know? Or is it just the pans from earlier” he said and threw a few slices of jalapeño, lime, and mint in to the cup before closing it tightly and shaking. 
“Yes and no, Richie told me, said that you were a good boy today though, and your sister was the one causing trouble” blush creeps into his cheeks. “Ye’ and see what happens when I’m ‘good’ as you told me to do? Shit got fucked” he pours in some club soda and mixes it with a bar spoon before pouring us both a glass. “Mmmm. Was that because you weren’t barking orders, or because something happened out of your control, and you’re blaming yourself?” I asked honestly and he set my glass down in front of me, biting his lip for a moment. 
“Everything is out of my fucking control” he muttered and shook his head, as if it was a quiet, painful reminder to himself. “Most things, in most people’s lives, are out of our control” I gently rest my hand over his and he meets my eyes. “The only things you can control is if, and when you fall apart, and how well you glue yourself back together.” I said earnestly and he swallows thickly, nodding. 
“I like that..thank you” he said and I nod. “Don’t worry, I won’t charge you- this time. But d’ya think I can get a fancy umbrella or somethin’ for this drink?” I smiled and nudged it toward him, he chuckled, shaking his head “you are somethin’ else, Winnie” he crouches down behind the bar with a grunt. 
“Fuck. I’m 26 but my back feels 90” he said and I laughed a bit. “It’s all the cookin’! And being on your feet too damn much, My mom is a massage therapist, you should let me give you a massage sometime.” I said and he got back up, groaning dramatically which made me giggle. “For you, dear.” He drops a little pink umbrella into my cup. 
“Oh my goodness you poor thing. Come sit down” I pat the spot next to me and plucked my bag off the seat, hanging it off the back of my chair. He comes around the bar, plopping down in the chair next to me with a sigh of relief. “I will absolutely take you up on your massage offer sometime.” He said, rubbing over his face tiredly and running his hands through his muss of curls before taking a sip of his own drink. 
“Please do, I’ll pull out all the stops for ya’, but just so you know- a happy ending comes with a pretty cost” I said flirtatiously and nudged his leg with my boot playfully. He chuckled and looked over at me “yea? Thanks for the heads up I’ll be sure to budget accordingly for my trip to Winnie’s Massage Parlor” he teased and I laughed a bit. 
“Yess!! Please do! There’s also Winnie’s salon, Winnie's hospital, and Winnie’s library!! Come by for all your daily needs I’ma’ Jane of all trades” I shrug and take another sip of my drink. “Speaking of” I take his left arm, looking at the inner part near the crook, where 4 large scratches were, done so violently that the skin beneath was turning into a speckled bruise meaning by morning it would be a dark purple. 
“What happened?” I ask softly, my finger tip gently brushing over the untouched skin over the smeared, dried out blood below the wound. “Ahh-“ he shakes his head “it’s stupid. It’s not even bad don’t worry about it” he said and I looked at him, concerned. “Did- did Sug-“ he cuts me off quickly “Sugar, would never hurt me.” He said, his tone was deadly serious. 
I nodded quickly, swallowing hard. “Okay, Carm, I believe you” I said softly and squeezed his wrist gently. “Will you…let me take care of you- please?” I ask quietly, looking into his eyes, my gaze pleading for a yes. 
“So Winnie’s hospital is mobile?” He said with a small teasing smile. I roll my eyes playfully. “Yes, let’s go find the first aid kit, and honestly it’s pretty but like - empty in here and… I dunno” I bit my lip, hoping he got the hint and he nods “sure we - we can uh. Yeah. Let’s go sit in Sugars office. She has a couch” I nodded and hopped off the seat, gasping when the corner of it hooks onto the hem of my skirt as I get down and pulls it up, exposing my backside clad in a lacy red thong through the sheer bum part of my fleeced nylons. 
“Oh my god!” I blurt as I quickly pulled it back down, my cheeks on fire, and my heart pounding in embarrassment. I hear Carmen burst out in laughter behind me making my embarrassment grow and I turned around, crossing my arms over my chest, my eyebrows becoming furrowed. “Hey!” I snip “what’s so funny!! Why were you looking peeping tom!” I whine and he covers his mouth to stifle the laughter. 
“To make sure your munchkin self didn’t trip off of the stool in those clunky ass boots!! Being a gentleman really paid off for me there” he said and I went over slapping his arm gently with a smile growing on my face. “I guess it’s a good thing I wore panties or I would’ve mooned you” I grab my drink and turn around, a surprised chuckle coming from him. 
“Holy shit, you go commando?” He asks, holding the kitchen door open for me “sometimes, she needs to breathe!!” I said with a shrug and pushed my bag up on my shoulder as I followed him back to Sugars office. “But what if you get horny?” He asked and I laughed, nudging him with my elbow. “Dude!! Richie said you were not forward with girls, that’s pretty forward” I set my bag down on sugars desk and he plops down on the big comfy sofa pulling out a recliner on his side and he sighs, closing his eyes. 
“Gimme a sec’ this is the first time my feet are up since 1” he said and I sat down next to him, “you haven’t sat down since I left?!” I asked and he shook his head, opening his eyes and head falling to the side on the cushion to look at me. “Mm-mm” he hummed in response. “Where’s the first aid kit? I’ll find it” I said and he rubs his face, thinking. 
“Uhhh. Oh there’s one in here actually, go over to the other side of Sug’s desk, it should be tucked there next to the wall” he said and took a sip of his drink. I got up, going where he said and I leaned over, completely forgetting the rules of skirts by mistake. “You’re a fucking tease” he said lowly and my heart pounds, my stomach fluttering wildly, and my core beginning to twitch and throb in excitement. 
“What’s not nice about helping a new friend clean up their boo-boo’s?” I asked innocently, a small smile on my lips as I turned and sat down on the couch on the cushion next to him. He smirks “you…are gonna make me crazy” he said softly and closed his eyes, resting his head on the back of the sofa. I opened the kit, taking out hand sanitizer, saline wipes, gauze, and triple antibiotic. 
“Wait-“ he said his eyes flickering open “you- you met Richie?” He asks as if I hadn’t been mentioning him since I walked in the door, my eyebrows furrowed in confusion. “It’s like- the first thing I said when I got here.” I said and he sighs softly. “I’m…sorry.” He finally said, like he was contemplating whether to say more. “That’s ok, you had a hard day” I took his arm gently, laying it across my lap. “What did he say? How bad did he embarrass me?” He questions and I giggle a bit, sanitizing my hands before opening a saline wipe. 
“Not at all! He said you’re shy with girls, that he’s surprised you asked me out cause he thinks I’m pretty, and apparently, doesn’t think you are very funny- but I on the other hand, seemed to make him laugh a lot so- got you beat” I teased with a smile as I ever gently wipe over the wounds. 
He snorts “well, you are pretty, he’s an asshole but right.” He said and I looked up at him “not many people make me laugh anymore, you seem to, though.” I said honestly, and he tugs his lip between his teeth to catch a grin from taking over his features. “Yea?” He asks quietly with a blush going across the bridge of his nose and cheeks. “Mmhmm” I hum in reply, putting the ointment on and carefully rubbing it in. 
It was quiet for a moment before he says “I’m sorry.” Causing me to look up at him, but his gaze was stuck on the ceiling. “This wasn’t - I wanted to do something nice for you and… I’m sorry.” I stop working on his arm “sorry for what, Carm? This is so nice. The drink is really good, thank you for making it, I’m glad to be here.” I said honestly and placed my hand on top his. 
His icy blue eyes meet mine, looking over my face slowly and locking on my lips. His eyes flick back to mine when he responds “you just look so pretty, like you should be on a real date. Not here fuckin-“ he sighs, looking down at his arm then back at me. “Dealing with my stupid mistake.” I shook my head and wrapped up his arm with a bandage to keep it clean and dry while he slept and it could scab over. 
“This is a real date. You own a restaurant. Carmen. Look at me.” I order and he looks into my eyes. “You, just you, asking me to come see you, to be together, to get to know each other? You are enough. This is a date. An awesome date. I’m having fun, are you having fun?” I asked and he smiled a bit. 
“No, but….” He trails off, looking at his lap and I felt my heart physically ache, my face drooping “peace” he finally said “I feel…at peace, with you around. I noticed it when we were outside earlier, I came out for a smoke cause I was about to absolutely loose it on Syd, and I don’t- I- I can’t do that to her. So I went out and I totally forgot my light and then..you were there and I forgot about everything.” He said. 
Goosebumps arise on my skin at the admission, the warmth in my chest returning at full force. “And - I thought about you…all day- all-all day. Not like- god I sound like a creep” he takes his arm, rubbing his face in embarrassment. “I thought about you too.” I reply softly. “I thought about you…a lot. Actually.” I bit my lip and his eyes met mine, searching for truth and it was all he found in my locked gaze. 
“Not like- I just couldn’t understand how I felt. But the more I think… I do this thing.” He rubs his chin as he thinks. “Learned it in therapy, they said when you can’t figure out how a person or a situation made you feel, you can like think of people and situations that you do know how you feel about, and keep comparing them until you find a match. S-so when I thought of you.” He swallows thickly and I sit up, completely entrenched in listening to him. 
“I found that things that gave me the same feelings w-were like…my one day off a week that I don’t have to be here. I think of…the fucking morning I went to Central Park and watched the sunrise and it was so..so quiet. I think- I think” he presses his lips together. “O-of-of Mikey. Of my brother. He’s dead. But. H-he. He protected me a lot, growin’ up. Helped me out. A lot. I felt like when Mikey was around, it was alright. And that’s how I felt earlier. I’m sorry-“ he shakes his head, putting the recliner down and finishing off his drink. 
“Why?” I ask and squeeze his hand “that’s…so, so sweet. You make me feel at peace too, unless you’re angry- but I was worried for you and what happened. I’m so happy I make you feel like that, Carmen. Thank you for sharing, may I hug you?” I ask gently and he looks at me a bit surprised. “Y-yea ‘fcourse c’mere” he opened his arms and I wrapped him in a warm embrace. “The way you make me laugh makes me feel the way my brother did when he made me laugh, we were twins. He died.” I said just above a whisper. 
He rests his cheek on the top of my head, rubbing soothing circles in my back as I did for him earlier. “I’m so sorry, what was his name?” He asked, equally as quiet. “Chris, Christopher” I felt my lip quiver, that never dulling ache in my chest throbbing at the memory of him. 
“Oh, wow” he whispered “Winnie and Christopher” I felt him smiling on my hair “your parents knew what they were doin’ with names, that’s adorable.” He said and I smiled a bit. “Thank you, can you guess what our nursery was?” I look up at him and he raises his eyebrows. 
“Hmm.. let me think. Oh! I know, Dumbo?” He says sarcastically and I laugh, closing my eyes and nuzzling my face in his neck “Silly. Winnie the Pooh, I always said it was my room, because they had a big wall sticker of Winnie and all his animal friends, but not one of Christopher since they couldn’t find one. He hated that” I said and his fingers gently rubbed over the spot of bare skin between my skirt and my top. I feel him chuckle a bit “that’s cute” he said. 
“How did Mikey…” I trail off, his fingers stilling. “Shot ‘emself” he said plainly and my hug around his torso tightens “I’m so sorry” I whisper in to his skin. “What about Chris?” He asked and I swallowed thickly. “We got in a motorcycle accident. I still can’t talk about it.” I said as evenly and emotionlessly as I could, if I opened that flood gate there was no shutting it. 
“Oh- my god. Wow. I’m so sorry, I’m so glad you’re….” He trails off, realizing the other victim was very much not ok in any sense of the word. I sit up, taking my half full drink off the table and drinking it down in 3 big gulps. “Want another?” He asks and I shake my head, “work tomorrow” I said and he nods, “yeah me too” he muttered rubbing over his face. 
“Can I…get your number?” I asked and he nodded sitting up “course you can” he said and took his phone out of his pocket, logged in and opened up a new contact screen, offering it to me. “Only if I can have yours” he said with a small smile. “Of course!!” I took it from him. 
Winnie 🍯�� 
I put as the contact name, and type in my number, hitting save before handing it back. I do the same for him on my phone and hand it to him, when it’s returned, I see 
I smile, deleting the emoji and switching it for a 🧸 instead. I show him with a tilt of my wrist “cause your awesome hugs.” I said and smiled, saving it again. He blushes, smiling and shaking his head “I think you’re the one who gives good hugs, you smell like honey and you’re all soft.” He said and I giggle. “I’m glad you like my perfume” I said and pushed my hair behind my shoulders. 
“I do, it’s very nice. You live around here?” He asks and I nod “2 blocks that-a-way” I point behind us and he raises his eyebrows. “Really, what street?” He asked “Kensington Ave. The brownstones” I said and he chuckled “No shit. I live in the high rise across the way” he said and my mouth drops. “Wow. Work neighbors, and building neighbors, we’ve never met?” I giggle “you've been avoiding me?” I ask and he chuckles “never, uhh. I’m like never home. I go there to sleep for a few hours, and my days off I…sleep…the whole day usually, I usually get home around 1am and leave at like 4ish, sometimes 5 if I sleep in” I raise my eyebrows in disbelief. 
“3 hours of sleep and you wonder why you feel 90? You need to sleep Carmen. You’re gonna have a heart attack.” I said and he chuckled. “If I would only be that lucky'' he joked, taking our empty glasses to the kitchen and I followed him “no- i'm serious, like you’re gonna drive yourself nuts.” I said, leaning on the counter watching him wash the glasses. 
“I am already there sweetheart don’t worry, been there- ahh let’s see, 20? Maybe 19. So 7 years of insanity give or take.” He said and I giggled, shaking my head. “You are not nuts. A crazy person couldn’t run a restaurant.” I said and he snorted “that speaking is the mind of someone who doesn’t work in a restaurant. No, you have to be a psycho to do this shit. Especially at the level I do it.” He shuts off the sink, putting the cups on the drying rack and leaning on his elbows on the table mirroring me from across. 
“I think you’re very, very passionate.” I brush his curls from his eyes “and that you sometimes get in your own way by not allowing people to help you.. which can make things harder” I said and he smiled, amusedly. “How do you already know so much about me, have you been stalking and avoiding me so I don’t find out?” He teases and I laugh. “Shut up, no. I have not. I dunno… like our souls know each other. That’s how I feel.” I shrug, crossing my hands under my chin and looking at him. 
“Hmm” he says. “Do you believe in past lives?” He asks and I nod “for sure. And future ones. I don’t think we can learn everything in one go that our souls need” I shrug and he nods a bit. “We need to talk more about this when I don’t have a pounding headache from being so overtired” he said softly and I pout, “c'mon let’s walk home.” I said and headed back to the office to grab my things. 
“I just have to go to the back and get my stuff gimme a few” he said from the kitchen. I waited by the island, shawl back on and bag on my shoulder. When he comes back out, my breath gets caught in my throat. Hes wearing delicious light grey sweatpants, blue Nike sneakers, and a plain white champion hoodie. As he lifted his arms to put his backpack on, the hoodie rode up, revealing his tight, toned stomach, and deep, deep V line. I lick my lips, imagining myself on my knees worshiping his god-like figure and he clears his throat. 
I looked up again, realizing he completely caught me red handed checking him out like the hottest new library book and I felt my cheeks heat, giving a shy smile. “Ready?” He asked and I nod “ready” I said meekly, mentally face palming for my lack of discretion. “Y’know it’s not a bad thing to check me out, right? I guess for earlier you can call us even” He asked as we walked down the hallway and I nearly tripped over my own feet at the boldness. “Fuck you” I roll my eyes playfully and he opens the door for me. 
“I’m a little tired right now, but for you? Anything. Your place or mine?” He asked and I laughed, slapping his chest playfully “you are a naughty, naughty little boy” I teased, wrapping my arms around his bicep as we walked. “Just letting you know allll the ways this glorious date could end” he said, a smug smirk on his face and I shook my head, looking at the sidewalk. 
This was so nice. I usually am needing to check behind me every couple steps, am tensing at every noise or stranger I pass, but with Carmen I feel protected. Secure. 
“I’ve never actually been able to enjoy this at night, I’m always looking over my shoulder wondering if I need to get my switchblade out” I chuckle shaking my head. “Switchblade? Damn. Can I see it?” He asks and I nod, digging in my purse and pulling out the pink knife attached with a MyMelody keychain to a can of mace. 
I pulled away from him, hopping a few steps ahead.  “Everybody watch out! I’m a woman that’s armed and dangerous!!” I giggle, clicking the little button and the hello kitty blade swings out with a click. He laughs, and I faced him, waving it around the air in front of me lightly “what’s so funny huh? I’m menacing Carmen, imagine I mugged you right now with a hello kitty knife” I said, causing him to laugh harder, clutching his stomach. 
“Oh my god - please” he snorts in laughter causing me to laugh. “Awww little piggy!!” I teased and he gasps pretending to be offended. “okay! Rude! You better not snort ever or you’ll be the piggy miss” he said making me start laughing again “you are at my mercy right now, sir, have you so easily forgotten?” I gently wave the pewny knife in front of his face. 
“Oh you sweet thing. I know you wouldn’t hurt a fly.” He plucks it from my fingers easily, closing it. “Only because I have the strongest little chef in all of Chicago to protect me. My knight in sexy gray sweatpants and a white sweatshirt” I mused, a playful smile dancing on my lips. “Mmm ok we’re getting there. I don’t like the little part, but- we’ll get there” he joked, dropping the knife back in my purse. 
“Oh, yeah?” I said, grabbing his arm again as we continued, our buildings come in to view. One of my hands trains down his arm, slinking my fingers to wrap between his. “Mmhmm” he hummed. 
I stopped again, standing in front of him and wrapping my arms around his neck loosely, standing on my tip-toes even in my heels to reach his ear. “I think that you know, that I know, you’re the sexiest, most hard working, passionate, gentleman - that I’ve ever had the pleasure of having a chance with. And I also think that you know, I have bratty tendencies, and love pulling your chain because I know it gets you going. You wanna know what I’m 100% sure of, though?” My sultry hot breath caused goosebumps to come up on his neck, his hands wrapping around my waist and squeezing gently. “Was’ that baby” he said softly, his voice laced with desire. I lace my fingers in his hair, gently tugging at his frizzy curls from the day. 
“I’m sure that you need a brat. Because what you need, Carmy.” I nibbled at his ear gently. His breath hitches in his throat, biting his lip to silence a soft moan. I wasn’t quite sure where all of this raw confidence and honesty was coming from, likely from the strong drink Carmy had made and my being a lightweight.
 “Is to be able to force someone in their place, and have full unrelinquished control over the entire situation. For someone to give themselves to you, be fully yours. To use. To love. To worship. Whatever you desire. Cause you’re a control freak. But that’s sexy, that’s soo sexy. I love a man who knows what he needs” I place a soft, lingering kiss on his racing pulse point. 
His hands trail down, cupping my ass before squeezing roughly and I moan softly at the contact. His hands were so strong, so large, but somehow the touch was still lacking confidence. “C-can I” he says softly, “can I kiss you, please?” He whispers. I lift my face to meet his, our noses brushing as I rest my forehead on his, looking into his eyes. His pupils were blown wide from both the dark and lust, the only peak of blue being a tiny sliver. 
“That depends,” I said with a smirk adorning my lips, I nuzzle my nose against his gently. “Will you kiss me how you want, Carm? Or how you think I want?” I ask and he licks his lips. “I want to make you happy” he whispers, I twirl a curl at the base of his neck around my finger. “It will make me happy, if you take what you want from me” I whispered. 
Before I could blink, his lips were on mine, kissing me hungrily- a war of tongue and lips, my fingers tightening around his hair and tugging smiling proudly when he moaned into my mouth. His hands trail my skirt, lifting it slightly to massage my backside in his hands wantingly. I let him take me, dominate me, own me in that moment, matching his hot feverish kisses as well as the sweet, gentle ones. We only broke apart to breathe, our chests rising and falling at an equal rapid pace. His lips were slick from our kiss, swollen from the rough encounter. He was beautiful. 
The only sound was the infrequent car passing, or the sound of the crickets that had made their homes in the small patches of grass on the side of the sidewalk that housed the trees. 
“I want you to come to family”
Read Chapter 5 Here!
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(Mildly suggestive towards the end)
Kenma groaned as he died yet again, barely ten minutes after the last time he died.
He hates speed runs, they never fail to stress him out. He hasn't done one in over a year for that exact reason, but ever since he made the mistake of streaming Bloodborne, people have been begging him to speed run it.
A glance at his chat shows flows of messages in support, telling him to just keep trying or pouring in all sorts of strategies, Kenma wants to just ignore all of them and end the damn stream.
'Babe, you good?'
He looks up, how had he missed (Y/N) coming in?
His girlfriend arches a brow at his probably dishevelled state, eyes darting to the screen in silent question.
Kenma can't help but smile at her protective nature. (Y/N) is an absolute sweetheart, most of the time, the rest of it, she's got one hell of a protective streak, and it shows whenever she hears about internet trolls.
'I'm good baby...come here?'
Her expression eases to a small smile as he pats his thigh, sitting back in his chair to make room for her to slide into his lap.
(Y/N) doesn't hesitate, settling across his thighs and sparing chat a small wave as they explode with messages.
»Our lady has graced us with her presence! We have been blessed«
»Mrs is lookin' fine today!«
Kenma made a point of ignoring them, pressing a kiss to her cheek as she took in the game in front of him. "You're playing bloodborne again?"
"Yeah, they kept demanding I speed run it, it's driving me nuts."
(Y/N) made a face at him. "You hate speed runs."
"I sure do."
Kenma kissed her cheek again, resisting the urge to bury his face in her neck on stream. They haven't talked about PDA on camera yet, she's only just started making appearances on his streams in this way, as opposed to just being a mysterious hand or voice sneaking into his room to give him food.
His community has been welcoming of her, apart from the occasional weirdo that got promptly blocked, but he's not willing to push her too far too soon.
(Y/N) reached for the controller. "Want me to play for a while?"
Kenma nodded, allowing himself to nuzzle gently into her hair. It's something she's been doing on and off ever since they moved in together. If he's getting overwhelmed on stream, she'll take up the controller and keep chat busy while he recharges a little.
She's not necessarily incredible at games, but it keeps chat busy- or so he thought.
"Just get through the game as fast as possible without dying, right?"
"Right...you make it sound do easy."
"It isn't." (Y/N) drawled, staring a new game, and moving with a purpose.
Before his very eyes, (Y/N) tore through the first half of the game with a purpose. She knew exactly what she wanted to develop, where to get what she needed, it was mad!
Chat is exploding with hype as his sweet partner sits in his lap, and absolutely shreds a speed run that's been driving him nuts all day!
Kenma watched the clock, gaping as she started the final battle after less than forty minutes, idly talking to chat as she did it!
Once she was done, she put the controller down, sheepishly realising what she'd just done as she turned to ger boyfriend.
Kenma felt like a fish out of water, mouth agape, his thoughts tumbling out without filter.
"That is the hottest thing anyone's ever done."
(Y/N) giggled, sheepishly hiding her face from the camera. She looks so innocent, but Kenma knows better.
He knows, because her ass is pressed to his hard-on.
Her eyes are alight with mischief, cheeks dusted pink, the very picture of a girl who's got no idea what she just did. An act, of course.
(Y/N)'s no ditsy pushover, and the subtle way she adjusts herself in his lap says everything. He's been in here too long.
Without much warning, Kenma ends the stream without much of a goodbye, and scoops his lover into his arms, gaming chair rolling backward as (Y/N) giggles, wrapping her arms around his neck.
"Finally, thought you'd never get the hint!" (Y/N) huffed, wrapping her legs around his waist, pressing herself closer as she brushed kisses to his pale neck. "I missed you all day!"
"Did you?" Kenma purred, palming the soft skin of her ass and thighs under the loose shorts she likes to wear around the house, wearing those pretty marks on her thighs with pride. "How can I make up for it, pretty girl?"
"I can think of a few ways..." (Y/N) purred, smiling as he carried her into the bedroom, gently pressing her onto the bed, sheets crumpling around her. "Come here and I'll show you, handsome."
435 notes · View notes
vermil1ion-sky · 1 year
Streamer AU
Some of our favorite characters as streamers or youtubers! Including some I haven't seen done before so I wanted to bring something new to the table.
Characters: Ayaka, Xiao, Wanderer/Scaramouche
A/N: this ended up... being really long so I did less characters than I originally intended but if you guys like it I can do more!
A fashion-focused youtuber, who occasionally dabbles in traditional practices, such as tea ceremonies and dances, and explains the stories and origins to her followers.
Most of them follow her for her fashion content but they religiously watch whatever she posts because her demeanor is so polite and elegant, it's almost like they can't look away...
Found a sudden influx of comments about her brother the first time he appeared in one of her videos, in the background asking if she wanted dinner, which she finds entirely embarrassing (Ayato thinks it's amusing).
After a lot of convincing from her fans, she ocassionally collabs with Ayato, both of them posting content on their respective pages featuring each other. Those videos tend to be their most popular.
Ayaka thought the teasing over her 'hot' brother would end after the hype sort of died down...
She was right but wrong as another wave of playful, teasing comments was soon to come.
You, like Ayato, appear first on accident; you just wanted to check in on your girlfriend who hadn't left her room in a while, unaware she was recording.
Ayaka turns to the door opening just as she was trying on another outfit from a recent purchase. She sees your face, blushing slightly though its entirely off camera and just for her to see, and giggles when you start to apologize.
"It's alright love." Ayaka's voice is... softer than her followers are used to. In the video, they can hear your voice in the background as you speak. "You... look really cute... Cuter than usual I mean."
She laughs at your awkward compliment but smiles, soft and lovingly, as she thanks you.
"Maybe you could wear that for our next date." That's the sentence that made Ayaka blush, making her turn towards you and punch your shoulder playfully, off camera.
"Aight sorry, I'll go, have fun." You kiss her cheek, your face only appearing in focus for a second, before leaving the room.
Even though it wasn't related to the video, Ayaka kept the footage in because she found it endearing.
She slightly regretted it as 90% of her comments after that were yelling that they wanted to know this mystery person that Ayaka's clearly dating.
She tries to draw attention away from you but it only works for a little bit. people really seem to want to know you.
Ayaka sighs, her face in her hands, but a small smile on her face. Guess she should bring it up with you one day, to see if you were okay with the idea of appearing once in a while.
A gaming streamer, famous for beating most games without much effort.
People flock to his streams for his careful plays, like he's analysing every possibility to win fast and easily. Also his voice and looks are nice, so it's a bonus for them.
Does both single and multiplayer content. The latter he usually games with his friends, also streamers.
Gets along the best with Venti, argues the most with Scaramouche, gets eye twitches when Heizou purposefully does a bad play to see everyone's reactions (but otherwise he bites his tongue and stays quiet) and with Kazuha, he's oddly patient, with him being the least into games in the group.
People are naturally curious about his life, as Xiao's usually very reserved and doesn't mention anything private. He tries to keep it at an arms' distance from his fans, just because it's what makes him feel more comfortable.
That quickly comes crumbling down when you make an unexpected appearance in his stream one day.
Xiao's usually very aware of his surroundings even while gaming, so catching him off guard is extremely hard. This time, however, the volume on his headset was higher than usual and he doesn't hear you enter the room.
You call out his name and he can't hear you but his chat definitely can. They're exploding the chat, asking who that is; unfortunately for him, he's entirely too focused on the game to look at chat.
You call him again, touching his shoulder slightly and he immediately jumps, cussing outloud, his headset falling from his head.
He sighs as he tries to steady his heart thats about to jump out of his chest. The chat can now hear your voice clearer.
"Sorry baby I didn't mean to scare you..." Your voice is soft, a hand reaching from off camera to run your fingers through his hair. Xiao closes his eyes and starts to lean into your touch but stops midway, remembering he's live and hopes his chat doesn't notice.
They definitely do.
"...it's okay..." He speaks softly, looking at you and it's so obvious that theyre's a lot of love behind that stare. "Did you need something?"
"Oh no, I just... I thought you'd be hungry after playing for so many hours... I brought you some almond tofu, a little snack..." You smile shyly at him and Xiao can swear he feels his heart melt, grabbing the plate so gently.
"...thank you..." He smiles and it's so soft, so full of affection... His cheeks are dusted with a slight pink color and everyone's teasing him about it. "...let me know when dinner's ready I'll join you..."
"...yes of course... I'll leave you to it, have fun baby." You lean closer, slightly in frame as you kiss his forehead, before stroking his cheek lovingly and leaving the room, leaving behind your flustered boyfriend who is only now reading all the comments.
From people asking to know his significant other, fans and even friends, to others teasing how red Xiao's face is, how 'whipped' he is, etc.
You can hear him yelling from outside the room, into the mic that he's not a 'simp' and you can't help but giggle at how... flustered he sounds.
Also a gaming streamer like Xiao, and they usually play together with their other friends. Those two are also the two who fight the most and Kazuha's the one who breaks up their spouts.
Besides the occasional gaming with his friends, he's mostly a single player content kind of guy. He just gets mad at random people if they don't play as well as he does.
Gets jokingly called emo boy by his fans, which terribly annoys him.
Also similar to Xiao, he keeps his personal life to himself, not wanting people to meddle on his business. So, he tries to keep you off camera and not mention you while he's live.
Unfortunately for him, he chose to date someone who enjoys teasing others and being a little shit just as much as he does.
You really never minded the possibility of appearing on Scara's streams but he never offered so you kept it at that, not wanting to possibly push a button by asking.
Still, one day you feel particularly cheeky and want to play a small prank on him.
With his stream on your phone, you pick a time when he's clearly too focused on playing to possibly noticing you entering your shared bedroom/recording room. You open the door slowly, his back facing you as hes hunched over, mashing keys as he seems to be trying to beat a hard boss. You smirk slightly, slowly coming closer, waving at the camera and putting your index finger to your lips, to tell the viewers to not say anything or redeem any tts that might startle Scara.
Right as he died again and he grabs his face, sighing in frustration, you make your move. You grab his shoulders quickly, out of nowhere and it's impossible to not laugh at how he jumps from his seat, yelling and falls off his chair, with only his legs in shot.
Well, that and you laughing way too hard, clutching your stomach as you cant stop giggling; your boyfriend's glare certainly doesn't help, he looks entirely not amused at how you're laughing at him.
"The fuck's wrong with you?!" "So many things babe, take a pick."
He grumbles as he picks his chair up and sits back down, running a hand through his fringe. You smirk, hugging his shoulders from behind and it's certainly funny to you how he tries to shake you off with no real malice nor effort.
"You're so cute when you're mad, Kuni." "I swear to God one of these days I'm going to change the locks of this house." "Oh noo I'm soo scared~"
Scara rolls his eyes, and yells at his chat to shut up with all the comments professing their love towards you. You get closer to read them, still clinging to his shoulders and you laugh.
"They love me already, probably more than you do~" He frowns when you say that. "That's not possible you-"
He catches himself too late, realizing what the implications of his... choice of words could come across. You stare at him in slight shock but it soon wears off. tightening your grip on him and nuzzling his cheek.
"Oh, my Kuni is so sweet~ Chat aren't I lucky?" You wink at the camera and the blush on Scaramouche's face is bright pink; his face gets redder as you press a kiss on his cheek as he tries to push you away.
"Oh my God get OUT." You giggle as you finally release your boyfriend, waving a goodbye to the camera, leaving your boyfriend behind to deal with the onslaught of comments asking for more details about you.
You turn the stream back on and see his cheeks are still red, partly from what happened and from how mad he is at his chat. It makes you smile as you can hear him yelling in your room to his chat to stop trying to get you back in.
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Behind the scenes - maze runner fic. PT 2
Part one
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Being back on set for Scorch Trials was strange, it had been around a year since the hype had died down from the first movie and you hadn't seen most of the cast for some time as you'd been busy filming another show. At the table read you notice how Thomas and Dylan seemed distant to you. While the others still laughed and joked along with you they seemed to almost actively ignore your jokes. You aren't sure why but Kaya tells you to ignore them, the boys were always doing strange things. It wasn't until halfway through the table read when your phone dinged. It was your agent and they needed to speak to you immediately. There was an article released about your fellow actor on your TV show. They had been arrested and made implications against you. It took almost two weeks but your agents and lawyers were able to get your name removed from all the articles by which time you were starting filming.
You are all sat around the first set in the facility as your characters had just arrived. Kaya begins to speak but her lines get caught up and muddled. Thomas is sitting behind with you close in front and you both laugh. Wes calls to keep rolling but tells you to move back against Thomas. You look at him and slowly move back, till your back is against his chest; he puts his arm around your shoulder. It feels somewhat uncomfortable.
“You didn't think you'd be able to let…go…straight through…” Thomas caught his tongue between his teeth as everyone broke character and laughed at his mess up.
Standing close to Dylan by the now broken window you try to stay in character as he says,
“I wanna go to the zoo and see the Flamingos.” You all break out in laughter. Dylan pulls a silly face at you making you laugh more.
The group rushes up a sand dune and looks out over the land out of shot. You feel the sand move below your feet and then see Dylan falling, he reaches out for your arm and pulls you down with him. The others giggle and pretend to call out for your characters..
Everyone is running forward towards the mostly green screen building. You feel the tiger catching up with you. Her heavy body pushes into you, knocking you to the ground. Happily playing with you she rolls over you before jumping away. Her handler quickly rushes over to calm the animal as Thomas and Ki Hong hold out their hands to help you up.
“You okay?” Thomas asks, seeing you rub your elbow.
“Yeah, I'm good.” You reply before he swiftly turns away from you. Your eyes flick to Ki Hong who shrugs at you.
“Everybody get down, hide, hide!” Dylan shouts as his character. Everyone scatters to their places but Dylan spins a few times. “Where? Where?” He says making everyone laugh. You all reset and begin again. He tells you all to hide again and once more everyone is confused about where to go.
“What did we talk about?” He calls out before grabbing you and lifting you over his shoulder. When he puts you down again you stumble backwards into Thomas. The blonde Teen holds onto your shoulders a little longer than is necessary and you feel a fluttering in your stomach.
The set is darkened and the camera rolling, it's set on Thomas and Dexter with you in the background. The two are saying their lines and the scene is going well until you pull your shirt over your head and got stuck.
“I can't get it off.” You say sheepishly. You hear the boys snickering as one of the AD’s rushes over to you and helps to pull the shirt off your shoulders. The scene is reset and you start again. It happens again and the shirt gets stuck around your shoulders.
“Y/n! Come one!” Dexter shouted with a laugh. Later that day you are walking toward the food hall when Thomas comes up beside you.
“Get your shit together, you better not act like that this afternoon.’ He all but growled at you before he stormed away. Blowing out your cheeks you sighed. You grabbed a plate of food and ate in your trailer before heading back for the afternoon scenes. It was the scene with Thomas where Newt confesses his feelings for your character. You're more nervous than you had ever been for a scene.
“Of course I feel the same way.” you say as Thomas (as Newt) smiles, his hand coming up to cup your face. The warmth of his palm warms your cold skin and you feel those butterflies again. His dark eyes meet yours as you look at each other. Wes calls cut and heads over to you.
“That was great guys. Brilliant work today!”
Thomas looks at you once more and you see something flicker in his eyes but you can't decipher it. He clears his throat and walks away.
@fandomfan-102 @deanstolemydragon @afalls14universe
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scaredycatqlt · 7 months
Can i request for a rise raph x male or gen reader (preferably male if that's okay), where raph tries to ask reader out but is very nervous about it, just some fluff
Rise! Raph X Male! Reader (can be read as neutral) [RAPH BEING A NERVOUS DORK ALERT‼️‼️]
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Sooo I can’t really decide if it would be more like him to have a ‘love at first sight’ type of deal or ‘develops overtime’ kinda thing. Honestly I can picture it either way.
He’s…he’s a fucking dork. What do you want me to say? He’s actually a mess around you.
He stutters over his words, he’s even more clumsy and dumb, etc.
If you complimented him I think he’d simply die on the spot. Like, blushing, stuttering, fumbling with his fingers, scratching his head, GAY BEHAVIOR./lh
He’s so genuinely pure and sweet <3 He’d probably bring you/make you little things and spend as much time with you as possible.
EXTRA careful with you. Raph’s a big guy after all, he doesn’t wanna hurt you on accident! :(
He didn’t really know he had a crush on you at first. It took a lot of yelling gentle talking to from Dr. Delicate Touch to finally realize what was up.
You know that kind of trope where the character keeps trying to ask someone out but keeps getting interrupted every time? THAT.
”Hey, So, Uh, I was thinkin—“
He asks Mikey for advice sometimes. He would never stoop as low as to asking Leo and Donnie, but they’re his brothers-so they find out regardless.
Do they purposefully put you two in situations where you’re alone together? Of course not!
Speaking of which, you two have to go chase down some random bad guy together. Oh, no, they can’t go. They’re….busy. (LYING)
When his brothers find out, they of course tease him relentlessly-but they also hype him up. They’re his wingmen after all!
Lots and lots of time of trying to hype him up to ask you out. Raph keeps saying he’s gonna do it, and then gets nervous and makes some really bad excuse not to.
Eventually the confession just..slips out.
Is it romantic? No. Was it planned? Absolutely not. Were you two in the middle of a battle surrounded by bad guys? Take a wild guess.
His brothers cringe from the awful timing. Raph never was one for planning things through.
The aftermath of the battle is insanely awkward and sweet.
he’s super worried over you. Probably because he’s trying to take his mind off of the confession, but also because he’s got that older sibling syndrome ™️ (being overprotective)
You guys have a semi-emotional scene after tbh.
Once you guys are finally in a relationship, the other brothers basically have the same reaction along the lines of; “FINALLY.”
The teasing dies down, but never fully. Absolutely never.
Sorry these were shorttttr
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