#once they survive all the shit that's their teenage years and finally come around with getting together
hyperblue · 7 months
timkon: right person, wrong time
jondami: right person, wrong fucking everything else
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nohasslecastle · 2 years
As much as I love spreading the "Sister Beatrice top agenda", I do not think Beatrice would behave anywhere near confident on her first time with Ava.
First of all, it's my headcanon that before Beatrice became a nun she didn't actually get to live or experience a lot, so everything she could have learned in her teenage years, she actually didn't, because her parents were too strict, and she was just too afraid to stand up against them.
Her parents sent her to that boarding school probably because at some point she admitted she had romantic feelings for one of her friends, but that was it, Beatrice is oblivious to love, and relationships, and, of course, to sex.
Add that to the fact that Beatrice is a perfectionist, with a great fear of failure, a control freak that gets overwhelmed when she feels she can't handle the results of any given situation she's involved with... Beatrice doesn't quite know how she should behave around Ava, and the not knowing... that terrifies her.
It's not that she's worried Ava would make fun of her, of course, she would never. But there's just something inherently annoying about not being able to BE good at something, specially when the only way to learn 'that something' is... actually doing it. But, will she be able to be good enough for her? Will she be able to be what she thinks Ava deserves?
When Ava comes back, Beatrice doesn't immediately kiss her, she doesn't jump into a relationship with Ava and certainly she doesn't jump straight to bed with her, simply because she has absolutely no idea how to do it without making it weird. So, of course, their comeback kiss is started by Ava, their "what are we?" conversation is started by Ava, and their first time... guess what? Also started by Ava.
I picture this: after the re-encounter they didn't have much time to talk about what had happened between them, they were once again in survival mode and it's only one day after a big fight that they finally and unintentionally find themselves alone. Everything that happened is weightening on Beatrice and she's pretty much gay panicking every time Ava gets too close to her.
It's not that she doesn't want her, on the contrary she wants her so much she's overwhelmed by a feeling she had never felt before, or at least, not in a very long time and certainly not with enough maturity to understand it. When they last kissed it was a life or death situation, now they are just staring into each other's eyes, something clearly in the air, but everytime she tries to say anything, something holds her back.
Ava tries to give her space. Ava is everything that Beatrice is not. She's reckless, and a risk taker, and if she fails so what? she tries again. However, Ava is aware she closed a line last time... not only on Beatrice's vows but on a restriction she had put on herself. Ava is trying to make things right and Beatrice knows it but at the same time she's begging, begging, Ava to push her, because that's how they work right?
At some point the silence becomes too unbearable and Beatrice is frustrated. She hates that she can't be as resolved as she is in most of her activities and Ava is... kind of having fun at it, looking at the perfect sister Beatrice losing her shit it's fun, it's so unlike her it's amusing.
Ava is laughing and that only makes Beatrice's frustration grow. At some point Beatrice apologizes to Ava "I'm sorry, I really don't know what I'm doing and I hate it" and that's Ava's cue to do what she always does... push her a bit, give her courage. Ava walks slowy towards her "I don't need you to be an expert at this, Bea" she takes Beatrice's hands into hers "remember what I told you before I left? You don't need to be so perfect all the time." She lifts her hand to Bea's cheek and Bea gulps. She watches Bea lean into her touch, close her eyes, she brings her other hand to her chest and she can feel how fast her heart is beating "I only need you to be yourself." She says. And Bea opens her eyes and looks at her.
Ava leans close to her, slowly, giving her time to adjust to the intrusion and when she's a breath from her lips she whispers "can I kiss you again?", looking at her eyes again waiting for an answer. Beatrice would simply nod because, let's be honest, that woman is incapable to form a simple thought when Ava is *that* close to her.
And when they kiss... it's shy, and it's tame, and honestly, Beatrice doesn't know what to do with her hands. Ava would guide them, maybe to her hips "you can touch me" she would state. Ava would open her mouth, begging for *more*, she would let Bea's hair down, touch her shoulders, then her chest, she would find that first button and unpop it. Bea would startle at that, only for a moment, only because she isn't used to it, but looking at Ava, with her lips swollen, panting, big eyes... she would push that thought aside. She would kiss her again and this time she would allow herself to touch Ava, gently, but more determined.
Ava would start walking backwards, as if saying "take me to bed" and Bea would walk slowly before her, with her eyes closed, trying to focus only on Ava's lips because maybe that way she would be able to shut up all the insecurities. They would stumble on their way to the bed and Bea would try to say "I'm sorry" while Ava would put a finger on her lips and just laugh, and say a terrible pun to her. Being there Bea would doubt until she doesn't anymore, until she stops thinking and Ava becomes the only thing she's worried at.
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chrisbitchtree · 11 months
A short little fill for @harringrovekinktober day 26 - Dry humping!
Billy and Steve had been circling each other almost the whole night, practically since the moment Steve had arrived with Robin and she’d promptly ditched him, on the lookout for Heather, or Vicki from band, or both. Of course, Robin had options, but Steve had Billy Hargrove eyeing him with a wolfish grin over the rim of his beer can, so he’d call that a win. He rolled his eyes at the ridiculous, cocky, sexy guy across the room from him.
The tension had been thick between the two of them since that summer, since Billy had miraculously survived Starcourt. He’d broken down crying in front of Billy once, in his hospital room, while Steve visited him one late July afternoon. Steve wasn’t usually a crier, but knowing all that Billy had gone through, only to see him smile at the nurses and joke about his sick new scars, made everything hit Steve like a brick wall.
They hadn’t discussed the tears, or how Billy had taken Steve’s hand in his own, rubbing comforting circles over the back of it, or the almost kiss they’d shared a week later, before being interrupted by the physical therapist come to whisk Billy away. They hadn’t come close again since, but they both knew what they wanted, and it seemed like tonight might be the night, almost exactly a year since they’d first met.
“Fuck, thought we’d never find an empty room,” Steve panted against Billy’s neck, where he was in the process of leaving a massive hickey.
“How dare any other drunk teenagers be horny,” Billy laughed.
“Yeah, yeah, yuck it up, Bender,” Steve replied. Of course, Billy had gone as John Bender. Predictable. Steve was dressed as Marty McFly. Way cooler. “I can feel how excited you are to have a room to ourselves.” He pressed a leg between Billy’s thighs for emphasis.
Billy moaned, humping up against him, his hands buried in Steve’s hair as Steve continued his mission to mark every inch of Billy that he could get his lips and teeth on.
“You like that, eh? You like humping against me like a bitch in heat? You wanna come like this?” Steve asked, as he finally raised his head to recapture Billy’s lips with his own.
Billy plunged his tongue into Steve’s mouth, seemingly on a mission to lick his tonsils, before pulling back so they could both get some air. “Bed,” Billy panted out, gesturing to the bed that, oh god, from the look of the stuffed animals littering the pink duvet and the dollhouse in the corner, belonged to a little girl. Steve double checked that the door was locked before leading Billy to the tiny bed.
Steve laid down first, pulling Billy down on top of him, so they could continue their exploration of each other’s mouths, and they could keep rutting against each other.
Part of Steve felt like he was back in sophomore year, humping up against his dates who wouldn’t let him do more than that while he copped a feel through their bras, but it was nice to take it slow, or at least slow for half an hour after their first kiss.
They found a rhythm and stayed like that for a while, panting into each other’s mouths, hands buried under each other’s shirts, but Steve could feel the coil of heat slowly building in his gut, and he wanted to chase it. “Give me your leg,” he said, and Billy got with the program quickly, wedging his thick thigh between Steve’s own.
Steve may be the bitch in heat now, but he couldn’t care less, his hands squeezing Billy’s ass as he rode his leg, humping it again and again until he was cumming in his pants, his teeth buried in Billy’s shoulder to muffle his cries.
Steve only had a minute to catch his breath before Billy was arranging himself around Steve’s thigh so he could have his own turn. God, his moans were music to Steve’s ears. It wasn’t long before Billy was cumming with one last moan that Steve tried to catch most of by pulling Billy in for a kiss.
“Shit, that was fun,” Billy huffed. Then sounding almost shy, which was ridiculous, considering they were on some stranger’s bed, the inside of their pants slick and wet with their release, Billy added. “We should do this again sometime, princess.”
“I thought that was a given,” Steve chuckled, pulling Billy into his arms, and holding him close. In a few minutes, they’d need to get up and do something with the comforter, wash it, or maybe burn it, but for now, he just enjoyed the bubble of quiet here in this bedroom, an escape from the world around them.
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sakuralovespossums · 6 months
Nanami Kento with a laid back daughter (cause I thought it was a funny idea)
I know Nanami said he wouldn’t marry or start a family until after he retired from jujutsu, but let’s say in this au he just has one.
I feel like if Nanami had a family (spouse or child), he wouldn’t really bring it up since he prefers to keep his social/family life outside of work.
But he has a teenage daughter who happens to be a sorcerer student at Tokyo Tech. And she is the total opposite of her strict workaholic dad with her unemployed personality.
99% of people don’t even know their related or just don’t believe it.
His daughter also takes most of her looks from her mom, which only adds onto the disbelief of them being family.
She did train under him, so she’s pretty strong and shouldn’t be underestimated. Her uniform hides her muscles.
Imagine finding her sleeping on a couch and trying to prank her by jumping on her, only for it to feel like you landed on a concrete slab.
She has a “go with the flow” mindset towards everything, as opposed to how her dad sees a lot of things with a more cynical and hardened view.
Nanami does admire it though deep down since it means she’s more mentally prepared to face the pain and loss that comes with being a sorcerer.
Most of their interactions have Nanami scolding his daughter for always being late to classes, tidying up her school uniform, and talk about other home life related stuff. Meanwhile her stoned expression never changes and she just replies with a casual “mmhmm” repeatedly, much to his annoyance.
His daughter and Gojo would definitely get along due to their shared easy going personalities, much to Nanami’s dread.
Gojo has heard of her a few times whenever Nanami would briefly bring up his family life. So once he finally gets to meet Nanami’s mysterious daughter and sees how polar opposite she is to him, he couldn’t stop laughing about it and quickly grew a liking towards her.
Nanami split ways with his daughter’s mom (either divorced or broken up or idk) so he lived as a single dad with his little girl until she moved out to live in the school dorms.
He was definitely against having his daughter go to Jujutsu Tech to become a sorcerer. Not just out of fear over losing her, but also because he doesn’t want her to experience the same trauma he went through when he was a student. He would try to detour his daughter’s mind away from jujutsu and instead encourage her to pursue a normal career and education. He knows they’re all shit regardless, but at least the latter is a lot safer.
Unfortunately, for as much as his daughter is a passive person, she’s also very stubborn and independent. He feels like she gets that from both him and her mother.
They argue about it a lot but he eventually (and reluctantly) allows her to go. Probably only because he would at least be at the school a lot too, so he could keep an eye on her.
He’s not a helicopter parent. He knows how capable and tough his daughter is considering he raised her that way.
He cooks meals for his daughter whenever he can and also buys a lot of bakery bread (no surprise) and drops them off at her dorm room.
“パパ (papa), you really don’t have to leave so much food. The school already has a kitchen.”
“I know, I was a student here. And no, I’m not letting all this go to waste.”
He make sure she has the survival skills to adapt to her surroundings/challenges, such as having backup plans/skills for office jobs (in case she decides to leave jujutsu and pursue a normal career).
People around the school don’t often see her much since she’s either sleeping the day away in her room or is on a mission with her dad.
She’s a second year student.
When the first years find out about her, they. Are. PLUCKED.
“Ehhhhhhhh?!?!?!?! Nanami-sensei has a daughter?!?!” Yuji and Nobara shout, which annoys Megumi.
They probably first hear about her through Gojo, Nanami, or the second years (who are friends with her).
Yuji will be so hyped and wanna know everything about her. Nobara is so excited to meet another female sorcerer and wants to know what kind of fashion, desserts, and other girly things she likes (surely someone who’s related to Nanami-sensei must also share his sharp fashion style). Megumi is admittedly curious and would like to meet this person so he can see for himself what she’s like.
Cut to them bumping into a drowsy teenager with messy hair and ruffled pajamas stumbling into the kitchen.
Yuji is surprised
Nobara is disgusted
Megumi is indifferent
This is Nanami-sensei’s DAUGHTER? 😓
Meanwhile said daughter, whose brain is still waking up, stares at the new faces with a lazy smile, wondering who they are.
“Keiko, please look more presentable. The first year students came to meet you.”
*Nanami facepalms*
The longer the day they spend with her, they can’t help but feel a bit disappointed (especially Nobara) and still struggle to wrap their heads around that idea of the messy haired girl in the kitchen was anywhere near related to Nanami.
It isn’t until they see her in action that they really start to see the resemblance.
Since then they view her with more respect and look up to her, often calling her senpai.
To give an idea for how tough she is, she can keep up with Maki in a fight/training for hours. They trained a lot together.
She also has her dad’s temper, so be warned. It’s already scary seeing Nanami get deeply angry, so to see a chill girl like her go through that is just petrifying.
Don’t mess with the Kento family.
She can speak a little bit of Danish from what her dad taught her (Nanami has Danish ancestry on his mom’s side).
Maybe he flew her there once or twice when she was a toddler to meet her extended family. Idk
I think Keiko would be a good name for her.
That’s all I got for now!
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dark-elf-writes · 1 year
KOT au is so fucking awesome I'm going through it now.
-(Imagine him with hate in his heart but always willing to split what little he has with the other kids out on the street, wide-eyed and so damn scared but hungry enough to get close to the scary boy with all of his scars.)
Touya would be the best, worst big brother ever. Like prickly as hell until you worm your way under his skin then he would commit many crimes for you, up to and including murder.
-(murderous little ducklings)
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this will forever be a favorite line. Like all picture is this ^^^ with knives🤣🤣
-(Imagine a king of the lost and broken.)
OUCH like this whole paragraph is brilliant but you paint such a picture with words I CAN'T. Like 'villains' is appropriate for sure, but like the number of adoption papers floating around UA must be ridiculous, leaving supplies out there my god 🤣🤣
-(Remembers that nothing in life comes free and there are always strings attached.)
For this to be his viewpoint only to be confronted with the actual reality of (Present Mic with the lamest disguise he has ever fucking seen) ghajnvfjallghllnjdklalgjklHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA Fucking perfection!!!!!!!
And Vlad King's inability to whistle is classic, but nothing will ever top Aizawa (omeone who is either an Underground hero Touya has never heard of despite living on the streets for years or an Actual Fucking Demon™️ shoves a backpack full of supplies and cat keychains into Touya’s chest before swinging off into the night like some sort of Sleep Paralysis Spiderman.) The first time I read this I laughed myself to tears and I still cackle every time I go back through this tag.
-(Nezu himself sauntering up with a new notebook and set of pens every time Izuku runs out is any less terrifying.)
Fear! Totally valid fears here.
-Izuku doesn't need the sharps, no sir ma'am mx, noooooo. keep the knives and pointy things away from the green one.
-(t’s in essence one teenager trying to raise three feral children while every hero in the area tries to lure all four of them home like stray cats while also pretending that it is absolutely not what they’re doing.)
I need this. For survival I need this. The pros finally convincing them to go to UA and literal explosions happening minimum twice a day once Izuku finds the support labs. Himiko traumatizing at least one person a day by playing up the creepy factor for funzies. Shoji following suit by deliberately placing limbs in the worst spots just to see people jump. And Touya laughing when the Pros look to him, "You volunteered for this, they found me, I was stuck with them. You dumbasses picked them up with a fucking bear trap, what did you expect?" fully ignoring the fact that he's the only one they listen to and that he has (and will continue to) risk prison for all of them.
-(hat scar is the only one he wears with pride)
I feel like he flash the scar as an intimidation factor whenever he could. Like someone doubts Himiko, show scar 'she did this to me. She likes me. She doesn't like you. Think about it.'
-(Mezou tucks himself behind a dumpster to eat)
BABY😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 You deserve all the love you sweet child!!!!! For real though, I feel like Mezou is criminally underutilized in fics and in canon material honestly.
-Every thing about Izuku and how Touya found them hgnreaklfnfdiaeghruaingkdf;ae They need someone and Touya's over protective sibling energy came through like a freight train with no brakes. And the back and forth with the shop owner 🤣🤣🤣 She is 100% grandma energy and I hope there comes a day that Touya shows up with one of the pros and she lectures him for disappearing.
-(keeps threatening to make hawks into fried chicken)
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I would actually pay money to see this conversation animated. Like Hawks has gone full birdy, and Touya is desperately trying to escape before completely losing his shit, whether it's burning him alive or busting into laughter, who knows, he'll never admit it.
-Fuyumi and Mirko for the win, no notes, full support. WE STAN THE LESBIANS!!!!
-Fuck Endeavor and Ass Might. That is all.
-(matching a sad blue eyed, white haired child with burn scars to the other sad blue eyed white haired children with burn scars.)
Okay soooooo seeing the reunion of the kids would be heartbreakingly beautiful.
-(I mean Touya if he can’t get his hands on a box of hair dye is pretty obvious)
IF this ain't the truest fucking fact. It's the Clark Kent Effect, but hair.
-Just the discord server. Please! I need an entire series just of that because can you imagine?!?!?!?! The mass parental energy? The conspiracies and 'fuck you' at the Commission. Fuck I'm here for it.
-Fire puppets. Just FIRE PUPPETS!!! Can you imagine the first time Yamada finds the kids together and Izuku and Shoji are giving the big eyes at Touya until he caves and starts doing a fully fleshed out puppet play? Like Aizawa saw it first, but the first time they see it in person???
-*chants* To-ko-de-ku, To-ko-de-ku, To-ko-de-ku. The first interaction being Izuku saving him from bullies and using their ridiculously intimidating siblings as the visual threats they are??? hgaingdmklghiwuopapghi (“I’m telling nii-chan you inherited his bird thing.”) I hope to fuck someone records Touya's (and Keigo's) face(s) when she tells them. It needs to end up in the discord server.
-(he sprawls over some back alley couch that’s definitely infested with something and smells like cat pee.)
Still top tier imagery ,10000000000000000/10 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Plus the gremlin intervention fuck yes!!!
-(Touya is both Gay and Dramatic as personality traits)
Enough said.
-(Aizawa doesn’t feel like either death or retirement can come fast enough.)
This is just canon? 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
-The gremlins version of Santa is correct. We support 100%. Touya can stop being a buzzkill
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-Pickpocket alllllllll of the villains. ALL of them. AFO has to be the goal though. Just out of spite. It's gotta be him.
-(Mezou stole the bullets out of Snipes gun and the man was so baffled trying to figure out how he did it that he didn’t even fight when the cuffs went on.)
-(Monoma’s wallet shows up.
In Bakugou’s pocket.)
-(Touya with head in hands like “we had arson for dinner yesterday choose another felony”)
🤣🤣🤣🤣 Careful what you wish for there 🤣🤣🤣🤣
-(Plausible deniability makes the world go round tbh.)
I feel like that's the entirety of this AU.
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When the muses return to MHA, I'm so excited to see where some of these ideas go. Like zero pressure, but like I'm waiting like this. very patiently.
No but King Of Thieves is so special to me. Like Touya who is more morally flexible but still above all else a good brother and his hoard of equally morally flexible younger siblings that can’t keep their hands to themselves is so dear to my heart. Once I can get the words to go for MHA again it’s all over no one will be able to stop me
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crimsonlyinglilly · 1 year
No. 13: “It comes and goes like the strength in your bones.”
Cold Compress | Infection | “I don’t feel so good.”
this was meant to be Nightwing/Venom.
Instead Henrik demanded attention.
And to think he had been having a great day, making a deal with the latest- with Elena, getting to see Katarina's fear.
He had only meant to explain a few things to Trevor, getting him to keep quiet about some of the things he had seen at court five hundred years ago and then he'd be done.
A fully changed werewolf arriving at the Salvatore house wasn't part of any of his plans.
It made sense as he moved he was the only one who would survive the bite and they could all be useful.
Still it’s pathetic and childish that even as he moved between Rose and Trevor and the wolf some part of him still expected Klaus to appear, like he had promised in the aftermath of Henrik's near death, like he had every time they had come up against werewolves since they became vampires.
He was a thousand years old, it should have been below him.
Even after their fight where he had almost taken his brother’s heart and barely escaped being daggered, decades of silence and threats and yet Henrik still expected his big brother to keep the wolves away from him.
The bite hurt, he felt his the bones of forearm crack under the pressure and it made his scars ache even if that was likely only in his head.
He got his mind off it by reaching out and grasping the wolf’s foreleg, putting all his strength into snapping it and damaging it’s shoulder in a way that would leave some sign even when it changed back.
The wolf bit harder for his payback, and he was thinking about tearing the leg off when a sword to the flank forced it to let go and flee.
He watched her go as the others crowded around him, once he dealt with the inflection he was going to track down the bitch and kill her pack as she watched, he didn’t have any interest in his brothers little sun and moon game but leaving the wolves scattered throughout Mystic Falls might get Klaus to him.
He didn’t blame the wolves for his scars, that was his and Klaus’s faults but this one had attacked him and Henrik was going to show them he was Mikael’s son and murder the lot of them.
His brief musing was cut off as Damon pulled at his injured arm pulling the torn fabric away to watch it heal.
“It’s healing.”
“Oh my god! I thought a werewolf bite was fatal.” Rose exclaimed.
“It is.” he groaned, “for the lot of you.” he waved his healed arm at them as he pushed himself up, Rose and Trevor back away, Damon didn’t. leaving them far closer than he liked and forcing him to look up at the young vampire, who smirked at him.
Cocky little shit he thought, cursing his mother for forcing him to live forever as a teenager, that most people assumed was younger.
“That’s why you pulled me out of the way.” Rose asked as he nodded at her and Trevor, he had felt a little bad that they had spent most their lives hiding from him and Klaus only to finally fix their mistake when he and his brother were against each other. 
“But not for you.” Damon’s eyes were narrowed, as he kept hold of Henrik’s wrist.
“It’s not the bite that kills you, it’s the venom, acts like an infection, it burns through you, death’s painful and slow.” he told them amusement growing at how little they knew, the amusement vanished when he remembered watching Kol and Rebekah suffer and the friend he had given mercy to.
“And Originals are immune?” Damon’s hold tightened, which might have hurt if he was a few centuries older.
“Nope, we don’t die, we just have to suffer through it.” he said sarcastically, smiling at the other three, “I experienced illness for the first time in a thousand years. Oh Joy, hallucinations!”
“If this is your first time-” Trevor started,
“Because i’ve watched my brother and sister suffer through it and had friends die.” he finished for him before he could ask.
“Friends.” Damon mocked.
“I don’t turn anyone, unless i’m happy to spend an eternity with them.” he snapped pulling his wrist free and ignored the reminder of guilt at turning Tristan only to use him as bait to distract father.
“I should go.” he started for the door.
“No.” the Salvatore boy appeared in front of him.
“You're going to stay so we can watch to see if you telling the truth.”
“So you want me to stay so you can watch me suffer?” he asked, Damon grinned, “Do you really think you can stop me?” he moved suddenly pinning Damon to the wall across from where they had been a moment before lifting him with one so his feet weren’t on the floor.
It got rid of the grin at least, but unfortunately the more Henrik thought about it the better stay here sounded, Salvatore brothers and a pair of five hundred year old vampires had a better chance if he lashed out than a pair of witches that barely trusted him.
Besides, it wasn’t like any of them could kill him, and since he was their best tool against Klaus there was no point in making it worse.
“Fine.” he accepted. 
“Wait, wha- Fine?” Damon stuttered in shock which Henrik decided was a look he preferred.
“You offered a room for me to stay until this is over, i’ve accepted.”he explained it like he was talking to a particularly slow toddler, which Damon didn’t seem far from, “It’ll be a lot harder to break any of you by accident.” he added
“Break- what?”
An hour later he was finally left alone in a spare room, after Damon had loudly announced Trevor and Rose were on Original babysitter duty and explaining everything that normally happened after werewolf venom to Trevor and Rose when they asked for a pre-warning.
Thanks again Mother, he thought and tried to ignore the aching throbbing from the disgusting rash like thing that had appeared where the wolf had bitten him, which seemed to spread along to his scars. 
The room swam slightly as he stood in the bathroom, he blinked to steady his vision before resting his head on the sink almost moaning at the cold, he hadn’t noticed he was hot.
“I don’t feel so good.” he voiced aloud, running a cloth under the cold tap, smothering the part of him that wanted 'Bekah and Kol and hating himself for the part that wanted Klaus.
After returning to the bed and falling backwards onto it, he draped the flannel over his face and sighed into the cloth.
Just several hours of unpleasantness to go through then he’d have to talk with the Salvatores and Elena and then explain what happened to him to the witches.
After that he was going wolf hunting.
Spoiler alert, it wasn’t that easy and Henrik in his confused state accidently reveal his relation to Klaus, forcing his wolf hunt to wait.
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So, like everyone else in the world I watched The Last of Us Finale last night and have my own thoughts on Joel vs The Firefly’s and the ultimate impact it has on Ellie that I figured I’d might as well share with the world. It’s been interesting to be online in the wake of the episode because of peoples reactions to not only the actions of the characters, but how fans should discuss the ending. Ultimately, everyone interacts with media differently and if people want to make memes that’s perfectly normal and if people want to have deep discussions on characterization, motives,etc that’s fine too.
Now, my thoughts. Ultimately I agree with Joel’s decision to remove Ellie from the situation and take her back to Jackson. Was murdering a bunch of people ideal, no, however he will always ultimately be the lesser of two “evils” for me. Both Marlene & The Firefly’s and Joel take away Ellie’s agency, however Joel takes away her agency in an attempt to allow her to keep making choices for herself as a person. The fireflies flash banged the two of them and kept Ellie sedated while lying to her about the outcome of the surgery, Joel only is put in the position where he has to take away her agency because of the firefly’s unwillingness to have a conversation on the issue. And I think this because the firefly’s don’t have faith in their process and don’t have full faith that will consent if she has all of the information and is getting guidance from Joel.
Also, Ellie at this point of the show/game is a passively suicidal 14 year old with some pretty severe PTSD and survivors guilt. Teenagers and children, should always have agency over their own bodies, however they should not be required to choose between life and death (especially if there healthy). 14 is already too young to be able to give proper consent simply because their brains aren’t fully developed and they often can’t grapple with the scope of their decisions, but this is especially true for someone who is as traumatized as Ellie. An orphaned child whose lost everyone around them and survived the horrible event, needs there life to mean something to ease the guilt of surviving while others died. She knows this, firefly’s know this and Joel knows this. The firefly’s prey on this and use it as justification for killing a 14 year old without consent, Marlene especially who uses Riley to coerce her into this whole thing.
I watch the show every week with my mom, who was agreed with me that Joel did the right thing and she game me an interesting line. She said “as a parent, you’d rather make decisions that are in the best decision for your child and have them hate you then the alternative”. Now I was a teenager not long ago, and I think there’s limits to this and that once again children and teenagers need to make their own mistakes otherwise they’ll never really learn but that’s for stupid things like partying or skipping school, not ending your life. And I think this is the principle Joel is operating off of when he gets her out, he knows a time will come where Ellie will find out the truth and probably resent him for it but he can live with that possibility because she was alive to even find out that information.
I think the other key piece of the debate is Joel’s lie and the fact that he double down. Even in this instance, I still ultimately agree with Joel though not as much as I could see both sides. When he first lies to her in the truck, she’s still drugged up and fresh from the trauma of just getting to Salt Lake City. I think he lies here because he wants her to just get some rest and try to heal in some capacity, it was a long journey and neither of them are really in a state to work through all this (Joel is equally traumatized from all this shit which I think also is a huge factor in his decisions). Then when he doubles down on his lie before they get to Jackson, I really think this is to try and take some of the burden off her shoulders. Every since Ellie’s been bit she’s been told and believed that she could be the cure for humanity and she could end the pain and suffering of the world. This is a heavy load for anyone, let alone a 14 year old. In this instance, Joel does what I think any parent would and lie to try and protect the mental stability of their kids which again may not be right but again that goes back to doing things to protect your kids that might make you hate them.
Ultimately, I agree with the consensus that no one is “right” in this situation and both parties have their flaws. However, I think it’s disingenuous to put Joel on the same plane as the firefly’s. He made a selfish decision to save Ellie and committed some atrocities in the process, however it was for the betterment and well-being of Ellie. Who is ultimately the character and the most important part of this conflict, and the fireflies didn’t really care about her. We saw that from episode 1 when they had her chained to a radiator and dumped her in FEDRA school (looking at you Marlene). They had their own selfish reasons as to why they wanted to kill Ellie, it just happened to be under the guise of saving the world. They were the antithesis to FEDRA and really only cared about taking them down and being known as the people who saved the world. We can see this with they’re half throughout plan to kill Ellie to remove her brain with no additional testing or means to even assemble some kind of a cure let alone how to mass produce and distribute. They never saw her as a person, just a potential means to an end that may not even work. So yeah, I’ll always side with the guy who tried to do right by the little girl at the heart of this shitty situation then the organization who was using her for their own personal gain.
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dollythesheepp · 1 year
Veronica- Chapter 7
AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/44050953/chapters/115131082#workskin
September 1st, 1989. Dear Diary...
I believe I'm a good person. You know, I think that there's good in everyone. But here we are... first day of senior year! I look around at these kids that I've known all my life and I ask myself ...what happened?
We used to be so tiny and happy, then we got bigger and everything went to shit. But we changed once, so I still pray that maybe we can change again. And if we don't, college is right around the corner, and I'll finally be able to leave this Thunderdome behind me, and say hello to Harvard, Duke, or Brown.
I just hope I'll survive until June...
Those were the first paragraphs written in Veronica's diary. She was seventeen at the time, fourteen years ago, and Betty couldn't help but be reminded of her younger self in those scribbly blue lines, so naive and full of hope, not yet tainted by the hardships of life.
Below the last sentence were several other ones, all from that same day.
Dear Diary...
The Heathers just passed by me, floating above the rest of the student body like they're apex predators at the top of the food chain.
They're assholes, everyone knows that but still, all of Westerburg wants to be them, or to be with them.
Heather McNamara is loaded, her dad sells engagement rings.
Heather Duke doesn't have a discernable personality but the implants paid with her mother's cash do the job just fine.
And Heather Chandler...the almighty. She is a mythic bitch.
They're solid Teflon, never bothered, never harassed. I would give anything to be like that...
Dear Diary...
Help me fight the urge to strike a match and set this dump ablaze.
I've been here for two hours and I've already been shoved, yelled at, got my lunch tray smacked down by Ram Whose Entire Personality is Being The Team's Linebacker Sweeney, and almost got my ass kicked by Kurt Kelly, the smartest guy on the football field ...which is kind of like being the tallest dwarf...
Now I'm hiding in the bathroom to avoid dealing with this bullshit.
Dear Diary...
Sometimes, if you hope, dream, and pray enough, you get your way in the end.
Today ended up being a beautiful freaking day.
As the eventful day of September 1st ended with that last sentence, Betty closed the notebook, feeling tired and with her head full from going through the piles of old manuscripts all day, her tired vision starting to blur the words in front of her.
Getting inside Veronica's thoughts through her diary made Betty feel slightly better about the whole situation. It made it easier to stop seeing Veronica as this hallowed, unreachable person; Betty got the chance to see the actual her, read about her feelings and her insight of the world, and for the first time, she didn't have to rely on anyone's opinion to learn that, only Veronica's- even thought Betty was reading from the point of view of seventeen year old Veronica, still full of hormones and teenage anguish.
As Betty got up from the couch to return the diary to its box, she felt her Nokia cellphone vibrating in her pocket, she flipped it open, seeing it was her landlord.
"Hello, Ms. Finn?" said the forty something year old on the other line, his slight southern accent echoing in her ears.
"The problem with the plumbing I told you about," he began, getting straight to the point, no frills. "Turns out it's worse than we thought. I'm afraid it will take a little while to get the place ready for you to move in."
"Hm, how long is a little while, exactly?" Betty asked, already feeling the headache coming.
"A couple more weeks, give or take."
"A couple more?" she echoed, incredulous. "I'm already out of my old apartment, what am I supposed to do until then?"
"I'm really sorry, I know this wasn't excepted..." he continued.
"It's ok," Betty mumbles, pinching the bridge of her nose. "I'll...I'll figure something out. Thanks."
She turned the cell phone off, plopping on the couch. Betty was the type of person who liked to have everything planned out, she felt comforted begging a week knowing exactly how it would end; setbacks like those were a nightmare for her. She had already talked it over with JD about staying until Tuesday, then she would go to a hotel and wait for the place to get ready, but there's no way could afford two weeks at a hotel, even a cheap one.
She took off her glasses and rubbed her eyes, stressed out. She glanced at her watch, seeing how late it was, and got up from the couch to go to sleep. She closed Veronica's diary, with a bookmark to indicate what page she had stopped at, knowing for certain she would keep reading it the next day.
Sunday morning came along with its usual feeling of laziness, one that only grew heavier with the rain falling in heavy droplets, making the tree leaves dance and the house smell like wet grass.
Betty woke up a little later than the day before, to which she blamed it on the chilly weather and not on the fact that she had stayed up until late snooping through Veronica's diary.
When she left her room, Betty was introduced to the other nurse, Kate, who was older than Martha, probably in her late fifties, and a lot more serious too.
To Betty's dismay, Kate didn't leave delicious coffee for her, like Martha did. But JD came to her rescue, offering to make her coffee and toast. Time flew by as they chatted amicably, until JD glanced at his watch, cursing under his breath.
"I can't believe it's already 10 a.m," he said, he appeared upset about having to cut the conversation short, and Betty did too. JD was easy to talk to, he was funny and clever, as well as a good listener. "I have to drop by the company to handle some issues, if you need anything you can ask Kate."
Betty nodded and waved him goodbye. After he left, an eerie silence took over the house. Kate was upstairs with Veronica, who according to JD was watching television, leaving Betty alone with nothing but the rain to keep her company. Since staying outside and enjoying the view was out of question, Betty settled for studying her notes in the living room instead, bringing the heap of papers and another cup of coffee along with her.
She stayed on the couch for hours, forgetting about her plans to order lunch, completely immersed in what she was doing, until the doorbell rang. Betty looked around, unsure of what to do. She waited to see if Kate would appear in the living room, but that didn't happen, maybe she didn't hear or simply ignored it, since answering the door was not at all part of her job description.
The bell rang a couple more times, the person outside getting impatient. Betty got up from the couch to open it, feeling a bit weird, like she was overstepping a boundary somehow.
You're well past that...a little voice in her head snickered.
Betty unlocked the wooden door to reveal a petite woman standing on the other side. She had her back facing Betty, looking at the front lawn instead, she probably got distracted from waiting for the door to open, so at first, all Betty saw was a mop of curly blonde hair. The woman turned around quickly once she realized the door was open, and she looked at Betty with a puzzled expression on her face.
"You're not Martha," she blinked her wide, doe eyes. At that moment, Betty recognized her as one of the girls from the picture.
"N-no, sorry. I'm Betty, the hm...the ghostwriter," Betty said, unsure of how to introduce herself.
"Hm, alright..." the girl said, eyeing Betty up and down. "I'm Heather, by the way. Is Veronica up for a visit?"
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So yeah, to continue the train of thought from earlier: Spouse and I were discussing the myth of the mid-life crisis since I was joking about having one. Once you actually try to nail down what a mid-life crisis is the whole thing falls apart. Shit happens to people and they change. That applies to all ages; we just tend to scrutinize the ones that fall in mid-life a little more.
(More about my weird brain under the cut.)
I'm starting to formulate a slightly different model for what's going on with me. I think, since violin is so closely linked with my survival during adolescence, that getting back into violin may be calling up my teenage-self (or, my teenage-self was already being called up by the stress of uprooting my entire life, and violin is actually a byproduct of that). In therapy the bulk of my time was spent working with my very young child-self because that's when the worst of the trauma happened, so I can recognize when I fall back into those patterns... but I'm not as familiar with my inner teenager. The clues are starting to add up here though. For one, the parallels between my first Muse and my current one. Not just who got picked but also being hung up on the whole "notice me senpai!" thing. Two, my brain is doing vivid daydreams again, which is something I think of specifically as a coping mechanism from my adolescence. Three, literally just waking up this morning with all those thoughts about the college admissions process and the surreality of April in my senior year where those four terrible years of high school finally culminated in university acceptance letters and a concert solo. It's really not even me chasing my teenage years so much as my teenage years... chasing me.
I guess what makes the difference between my child-self and my teenage-self is that it was the point where I transitioned away from Freeze as my main cope to Flight. I think under polyvagal theory that's considered an 'upgrade'; and indeed, having a better-developed prefrontal cortex and also slightly more autonomy in the world helped me figure out some better if still deeply imperfect coping mechanisms. The thing about Flight is that you're either full-blown Type A perfectionist about something or you're checked the fuck out. Violin of course got the perfectionist treatment, for good and for ill. But as Flight types are driven by the delusional hope that being good will make people love them, I picked the exact wrong thing to be good at if I wanted to be loved. My parents didn't like me spending time on violin instead of schoolwork (or piano) and I alienated most of what friends I had by spending all my time in the practice rooms. And my frustration with feeling alone got funneled right back into violin. Like I said, not the most winningest coping strategy.
So I am trying, in my return to violin, to at least be more gentle on myself and to observe what comes up. There was a point a few days back where I almost did get into a negative-talk feedback loop for stopping early but just had this mental image of the Muse looking so cheery and gentle and saying, "that's enough for today, good job". And I nearly fucking wept. Maybe things can be different this time around. (I'm actually a little mortified at the Muse being the avatar of my inner teacher... look, it makes sense, but then we get into the whole Hot for Teacher trope which I somehow find more cringe than the other power dynamics I've been playing with in my head. Don't ask me to explain! It's complicated!)
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sarahsinwonderland · 2 years
“-- all of me changed like midnight rain.”
Day 1
When Sage had told him what she was doing, a part of him had rejected it immediately. She couldn't leave him. He had pleaded with her, not too much as not to coerce her into staying with him. That's not what he wanted.
Her touch had been excruciating, knowing that that might be the last time he felt her fingers against him. He had tried to hold it together, to put everything away until he could go see Amy. But the tear slipped out and he feared he couldn't keep it in. But the moment that she left, his phone was in his hand and his feet had a mind of their own.
And that's how his ex wife found him, kneeling in the middle of the room he had made for her that she wouldn't use again. A sigh left her lips as she walked up beside him and saw his tears. When her hand brushed against his back, Flynn began to sob. He would never let Sage see him like this. He couldn't.
So he broke down while his son was at school and Amy held him, whispering words of comfort to him. While their relationship was no longer romantic and hadn't been for many years, she was still his best friend and she knew what he needed. So she let him hug her waist and cry into her lap, hands running gently through his hair.
He would survive. It would hurt, but he would survive.
Day 1100
Flynn walked into his home, hanging up his jacket by the door and smiling at Izzy. "Hey, how'd the kiddo do today?" He had gotten used to her since Sage left but there was still a pang in his heart when he saw the resemblance between the girls. Her smile, the way she rolled her eyes, it all brought back thoughts of her sister.
He knew by the frown and lack of Orion that something had happened. When Izzie said 'he asked why Sage doesn't come see him anymore', he empathized with his son and nodded. He walked over and put a hand on her shoulder. "She okay? She happy?" They had agreed, he wouldn't ask about her and she wouldn't tell him anything about her. When she nodded, Flynn tried to give her a smile before going to talk to his boy.
When he walked into the teenagers bedroom, he saw him sitting at his desk, a pencil in hand but he wasn't doing anything but staring into space. Flynn sat on his son's bed, hands sat on his knees as he watched silent tears fall from his son's eyes. It hurt him to see Orion like this, in such pain because of him.
"I know it hurts bud. And it's okay to feel that hurt." A sigh left him as his boy turned his head to look at his dad. "It hurts me not to see her too, kiddo. It hurts a lot." And that's when Orion began to cry and Flynn was on his feet. His arms wrapped around his boy and he swayed them back and forth.
"I thought she was gonna stay with us forever."
So did I, kid. So did I.
Day 2250
He had smiled as he watched the wedding, sat between his ex wife who had her hand on his arm and his son who kept looking at Sage. He was doing anything not to look at her because he knew that the second he did, that he was gonna either break down or take her in his arms.
When they were married and everyone was mingling was when he finally brought himself to look at her. God, was she beautiful. Her smile, the way she moved. There was no doubt that she still held his heart right in her hand. And when Orion called out her name, he watched his son wrap her in his arms. He was 16 now and one of the best basketball players at the private school he attended. Flynn was at every game, cheering his boy on.  
When her eyes met his, he melted once more.
In another world, they would have shown up together. They would have greeted people together, held hands and danced to their song, even letting Orion have a dance with her. He would have danced with their little girl that he had pictured so many times, a bright little brunette with her mothers nose and smile and his eyes. He would have spun the two of them around the floor, even dancing with Izzy and standing in for the piece of shit who hadn’t been there for them.
Instead, he watched her move toward him and Orion threw his dad a thumbs up behind Sage’s back. They made small talk while they stood there and then a man brought over a baby. He had never once had such a visceral feeling for violence until that very moment. But then he had to remind himself that he didn’t own her. She wasn’t his and just because they shared a soulmark didn’t mean that he was entitled to a piece of her.
That little girl she held looked like an angel. A copy of Sage in miniature. And when she waved at him, he wouldn’t help but wave back. He ignored her friend? Was he a friend? They hadn’t kissed or anything so maybe he wasn’t Aruelia’s dad? After a moment, he finally spoke. “Maybe we could go to lunch and catch up. I’d like to know more about your life now.”
As she walked away, he watched her and felt his ex wife come to stand beside him. “So? Terrible?” As he looked down at Amy, his mouth curved into a smile. “The best. Seems like I have a date.” They wrapped an arm around each other and watched the couple dance with a smile.
Maybe everything would be okay after all.
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Mommy and daddy are fighting!
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Steve Harrington x Fem! reader
Summary: Steve, you and Robin are best friends. You are all working in the video store. One day a misunderstanding happens between you and Steve that Makes Steve question your friendship.
Word count: 5.5k words of pure angst, jealousy and pinning
Just a somewhat lighter story after season four with everyone surviving Vecna. With lots of angst, jealousy and pining.
‘I bought lots of snaaaacks!!’ You exclaimed as you entered the living quarters of Steve’s massive house.
Dustin came over to help you.
‘Don’t you think you went a little overboard?’ Steve asks you as he comes over to help you as well
‘Got to have enough food to feed our seven kids’
Steve raised his eyebrows at you
‘Our kids?’ He asked in disbelief as his cheeks reddened a bit.
‘Let’s be real here, you are the pack mom, I’m the pack dad and these are our seven children well teenagers at this point but you catch my drift’ you shrugged amazed by Steve’s reaction
‘Hold on.. why are you the pack dad?’
‘Because fuck gender roles they are toxic also because I’m always looking out for everyone and providing for them’
‘Language y/n’
‘Yes y/n think of the children’ Robin snickered amused from her place on one of Steve’s couches.
‘Also that’s why because you say shit like language when I swear’
Steve gave you a pointed look of disapproval over you swearing
‘Steve they are all teenagers any word I say they will already have heard a million times before’
‘Still couldn’t hurt for you to be on your best behaviour’
‘fine! I’m sorry darling do forgive me wifey’ you said before handing out the snacks to everyone with Steve and Dustin helping you.
Everyone were laughing as Steve’s face turned even more red.
There was popcorn, fizzy drinks, twizzlers, chocolate, crisps and dips.
‘Thank you for helping me Dusty bun’ you said in a teasing manner and ruffled his hair
‘Thank you my Darling you Said and kissed Steve’s cheek. Steve just nodded and went over to sit next to Robin.
Dustin, Eddie, Will, Max, and Lucas were all sitting on pillows and with blankets around Them on the floor. Jonathan and Nancy were talking and holding hands on one couch.
El and Mike were sitting on another couch kissing
Ahh Young love.
you sighed contently. It was Nice to have everyone gathered here being happy. The last few years had been Demodogs, the upside Down and Starcourt mall burning Down and then Vecna. It had been a chaotic few years to say at least. You were just glad everyone had survied. You had almost lost Max and Steve had gotten pretty hurt being bitten by that demobat.
‘Are you going to join us y/n?’ Steve asked as he looked at you and then at the spot on the couch next to him.
You went over and sat down inbetween Steve and Robin.
You were watching back to the future and stealing glances at Steve. Sometimes your heart longed for more than friendship with Him but with everything that had happened in the last few years you didn’t dare face those desires as your friendship group was finally in a good place and you didn’t want to rock the boat.
As the movie progressed you felt your eyelids becomming heavy and you rested your head on Steve’s shoulder.
‘Is this okay? ‘ you asked exhaustion dripping from your voice.
‘Yes hubby’ Steve said jokingly before he wrapped a blanket around your shoulder
‘Thank you wifey..’ you added before you dosed off.
Once the movie was over Steve let you sleep on his shoulder for a while before putting your head on a pillow and letting you rest up on the couch.
He didn’t have the heart to wake you up as he knew how worn out you must have been. You were always there for everyone else if they needed you but Steve wondered if you were ever truly there for yourself sometimes.
It was funny how Steve had always known who you were when you both went to Hawkins. You hadn’t been popular like him when he had gone to Hawkins you had kept to yourself and focused on your studdies. You had always hid yourself away in bigger clothes and your hair sheilding your face or with your nose in a book.
Steve remembers how he always wanted to talk to you but didn’t have the courage back then which seemed ironic considering how the whole highschool fucking adored him everyone but you probably.
You had started getting involved with the demodogs, the upside down, had helped him in the fight against Billy as you had brought a bat with you to defend yourself because while Steve always put himself into dangerous situations you came into them prepared. He had always admired you for that - god you were always so brave in the face of danger or possible sudden death. When you had tried to save Him and Robin from the Russians but had ended up getting your ass beaten instead you had taken it with a brave face. When Vecna and his curse hit Hawkins you had been around Max to reassure her that you would break his curse. And in the already crowded boat you had tried to reason with Steve before he jumped in the water and but he wouldn’t budge. You had jumped in straight after he had been dragged back down into the water which resulted in him getting hurt by demobats and you never leaving his side in order to watch after him. Imagine Steve’s surprise when he never thought he would get to know you and now here you were sleeping on his couch.
He remembered after the first brush with the upside down how you had gotten stuck in the mines and how it had almost caused you your life - Steve still shudders at that thought as if he thinks about it too long it will cause him to lose his shit.
After your near death experience you had become isolated and stopped hanging around the gang and kept to yourself again and Steve had missed your company deeply so imagine his surprise when you turned out to be working with Robin at Scoops Ahoy. Steve had barely recognized you when he started working there as you had gone through a complete makeover, your hair was short now, coloured and you had a nose piercing, your style had changed as well- you had always been quite nerdy looking when he had seen you at Hawkins but now you were wearing leather jackets, lots of rings and makeup Steve gathered that the brush with death had caused the change in you. Steve just couldn’t believe that you were back into his life and you started to really bond as you were working together in the mall you would bicker and talk about music and life in general and Steve was so happy that you were back in his life. Then the mall burned down and you had gotten badly beaten up by Russians and Steve was scared he would loose his friendship with you again but to his surprise however you had joined him and Robin when you started working in the video store and the three of you were inseparable.
Even now after everything here you were on his couch, in his house and in his life making marriage jokes and feeding ‘your family’. You were here and a permanent fixture in his life and he never wanted that to change.
He wondered if you ever had a peaceful night of sleep with everything you had been through. Steve certainly struggled to sleep sometimes and when he did he was usually woken up by the same fucking nightmare
He heard you move around and went over to the couch to see if you were okay. He sat down in the floor and noticed your eyebrows being furrowed and he reached over and caressed your cheek gently Which caused you to stir and open your eyes a little
‘Shit’ Steve cursed silently
‘I fell asleep again didn’t I?’ you asked quietly
Steve nodded wordlessly as he took in your features. Your eyes were shining in the dim lights of his living room, your lips were slightly parted and you were looking at him silently for a moment.
‘I need to stop falling asleep at group hangouts’ you murmured
Which caused Steve to laugh because you fell asleep at most group hangouts and no one ever had the heart to wake you.
‘Shhh go back to sleep’ Steve said and smiled at you.
‘You too Steve… you need to sleep’ you added in a sleepy voice
‘Don’t worry about that right now’
You rolled over on the couch and made room for Steve on the couch before gesturing for Steve to come lie down next to you.
‘I’m fine y/n just go back to sleep’
‘Stop worrying so much about everyone and start taking care of yourself’ you murmured
Steve was convinced you were completely out of it. With the way you were suggesting that you two share a couch but he was still taken back by what you had just said as it applied much more to you than it did to him.
‘Steve just lie down okay? I won’t bite!’
‘If i lie down will you go back to sleep?’
You nodded and Steve climbed in next to you. Being this close to you made his heart beat fast in his chest and the urge to hold you was strong. He wanted to wrap his arms around you and protect you from the world yet here you were half asleep again and you cuddled into his chest. Steve was sure that if you had been awake enough you would have made a comment about how fast his heart was beating. He leaned in and kissed your forehead before closing his eyes and going to sleep.
As Steve woke up he started to take in what had happened last night. The two of you were cuddling and he had his arms protectively around your waist and his chin was on the top of your head. At some point during the night he had gotten over heated and he had taken off his shirt leaving his chest exposed a decision he regretted now as he didn’t want to make you feel uncomfortable when you woke up.
The two of you had never gone beyond friendship and the last thing he wanted to do was to make you feel uncomfortable. He removed his chin from the top of your head and let go of your waist gently. As soon as he let go he had wished he hadn’t as he missed having you in his arms which was a feeling he needed to analyse later when he was on his own. Before he could get up from the couch and find his shirt you had turned around and was now facing Him. Your faces were inches apart and for the first time in a long time Steve wanted to reach his hand out put a strand of hair behind your ear. He wanted to close the distance and kiss you. Fuck. Where had that come from?
He started to panic and had a million thoughts going through his head.
He noticed that you were awake and that you were looking at him. You sensed that he was uncomfortable and gave him a reassuring smile. That seemed to calm him as he looked back at you.
You spent the next while just looking at each other without saying anything. Steve was still freaking out as he was unsure what his current feelings were about.
‘Good morning’ you said and smiled at Steve, the smile lit up your face, your eyes were sparkling and it was very hard for Steve not to reach out and kiss you.
‘Morning ‘ he added politely but avoided your gaze as he looked around the room and noticed the time.
‘fuck! Y/n we overslept! We have to be at work in 15 minutes!’
‘shit!’ You added before getting up and rushing out of the Living room and into the bathroom to fix your hair leaving Steve on his own with his thoughts.
He pushed whatever thoughts he had been having aside and went to put his shirt back on before fixing his hair in the mirror.
‘Should we go?’ You asked As you came out of the bathroom and went over to put on your boots.
Steve nodded and grabbed his keys.
The car ride to the video store was awkward and the tension between you was thick and uncomfortable.
Steve had noticed how you had opened and closed your mouth a few times but had sighed instead.
As you both entered the store Robin could sense something was off with you two but she kept her mouth shut which Steve appreciated. She had however sent both of you worried looks.
Steve realized he was avoiding you at all costs. If you were even slightly near him he would move away from you.
He was unsure of how to act or what to do in your company now as he was sure these feelings meant something.
Sure he had had a crush on you at some point in your friendship but that was a long time ago and he had decided that he didn’t want to make you uncomfortable so he had swallowed his feelings and had stayed by your side as your friend.
Would he have to do the same now?
He had all these questions racing in his head. By the end of his shift you had tried to talk to him and he had avoided you so you had left with a disappointed look on your face. Fuck. Shit. Fuck.
He would usually give you a lift home after work but today you had just left.
Robin came out of the staff room ready to go leave the store.
‘Where’s y/n?’ She asked worriedly
‘She went home’ Steve shrugged before going to get his stuff from the staff room Robin followed him
‘What happened between you two? You were absolutely fine last night! Today you won’t look at her or talk to her! What the hell Steve!’
‘ oh so you just assumed I did something! Some friend you are!’ Steve said in a frustrated tone of voice
‘Y/n is usually a ray of fucking sunshine Steve! She’s always singing along to the newest bops and talking our ears of about something. Today she’s avoidant and won’t talk to me or look at you and you have been avoiding her every time she comes near you. So yeah this must be on you because I’ve never seen her act like such a kicked puppy!’Robin said and crossed her arms over her chest and gave him a look that said ‘you’re an idiot’
‘I’m just going through something right now’ Steve said and crossed his arms over his chest matching Robin’s energy.
‘ look Steve I care about both of you so whatever happened just fix it!’ Robin said before rolling her eyes at her idiot friend before she left the video store.
‘Oh and lock up the store when you leave! I have a date with Vickie to get to’
‘Have fun. Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do’
‘Well certainly not with how things are going! I actually like Vickie!’ Robin added with a certain level of snark before closing the door after herself.
Steve was just about get the rest of his stuff when the door opened.
‘Sorry man we are clos-‘ Steve started saying before he spotted Eddie at the opening at the store
‘Where’s y/n?’
‘How would I know?’ Steve added defensively
‘Really Steve? The girl is basically glued to your hip at all times’
This made Steve wonder for a brief moment. Where they always together?
‘I think she might have gone home’ Steve shrugged
‘Thanks!’ Eddie gave him a surprised look before he left the store.
Steve was confused. He was glad it was a Friday evening and that he wouldn’t have to see you before your shift after school the following tuesday as you had lots of after school curriculars to do so you only worked in the store three times a week which was Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays, he always missed you when you weren’t working.
Over the next following days he kept thinking about you. How your hair fell into your eyes. How you were always smiling at something or how you were always giving your friends advice or telling them about the latest book you had read.he couldn’t get you out of his head or stop thinking about the fact that he wanted to kiss you.
He was looking at a picture of you, him and Robin. You were standing in the middle with this beautiful smile on your face. It was from one evening after work when you had all gone to the funfair and Jonathan had taken a picture of the three of you. The picture didn’t do you justice at all but you looked so amazing in it.so happy. Steve didn’t want to be the cause of confusion for you and until he figured his feelings out he would keep his distance.
Tuesday rolled around and you came into the store. You were wearing a big baggy jumper over your dungarees. Your hair was tied back in a ponytail and it was obvious you were running on low sleep as you seemed jumpy when you arrived. Eddie was with you and Steve couldn’t make out what you were talking about but Eddie gave him a look of disappointment before he hugged you and he left.
‘See you later y/n’ he said before the door closed behind him.
You avoided his eyes before walking over to him. You stood at least three steps away from him which felt odd to him as you would always stand right next to him.
‘So I just wanted to say that what happened after the movie night wasn’t cool of me and I’m very sorry Steve’
Steve was confused. Why were you apologising? You hadn’t done anything wrong?
‘I would like us to just forget it ever happened okay? I should stop sleeping at other people’s houses during group hangouts anyway… look I’ll give you some space for a while okay’
He looked up at he. He was hurt. Deeply hurt. He didn’t want to forget what happened because nothing did happen.
‘I don’t want anything to come between us. I care so deeply for you… please just say something’ you murmured and looked at him
‘ I need some time to think about it okay? ‘ Steve asked weakly his voice was shaking
‘Take your time’ you added before going over to look through your newest movies.
Robin and you were putting things away as she whispered’ so what’s going on between you two’ she added and gestured not so subtly towards Steve.
‘I’ll explain everything after work at your house okay?’ you added in a shakey voice
Robin looked at Steve and mouthed ‘fix. It. Dingus’ before nodding at you.
On the thursday shift Robin came into the store with Eddie and she looked really pissed off at Steve.
‘You really are a goddamn idiot sometimes!’ She added
Steve looked at her before looking at Eddie who looked a lot more sympathetic than Robin.
‘Hi to you too Robin so lovely to see you ‘ Steve said and sighed in frustration.
‘You still haven’t done anything to fix things! Y/n has been moping around all day’
Steve was tempted to ask why bit he knew it was because of him
‘Haven’t you hurt her enough?’ Robin continued upset
‘What’s that supposed to even mean ‘
‘Wow really Steve?’
‘Told you Robin. He’s absolutely clueless’
‘Well then i’ll tell him’
‘Y/n has asked us not to! We need to respect her wishes’
Robin and Eddie exchanged a look before looking back at Steve.
‘Listen man, if you don’t make a move on her someone else will! Y/n is a catch!’ Eddie stated before leaving the store leaving Steve utterly confused
‘What was that about?’
‘I’m really glad I’m into women’ Robin commented dryly as she went into the staff room and put her stuff down.
The tension between Steve and Robin was so thick that you could cut it with a knife.
You entered the video store tentatively. You were wearing your favourite leather jacket and tight fitted trousers. You had done up your hair nicely. You were wearing makeup and Steve could not stop starting at you. You went over to Robin and smiled your famous smile. You were bouncing up and down and you were asking Robin about her date. Steve saw how your eyes sparkled and it hit him.
He was in love with you. If he was completely honest with himself he probably had been for months. Probably since the time were you swam in after him after he had been pulled back under the water.
He remembers how the two of you had bickered that day.
‘What were you thinking y/n!!’
‘What do you ‘what was i thinking’ ? oh i don’t know Steve! How about the fact that you could have died!’
‘You could have died!’
‘So it’s better if you make the sacrifice play! God Harrington! why do you always throw yourself into danger!’
‘Because! ‘
‘Because is not a reason Steve! It’s a death sentence!’
‘Because if I don’t do it somebody else I care about will do it! Because if I don’t do it I know you will!’ He added pointedly and looked at you. He was shaken up.
The anger you felt melted away
‘I can’t risk losing you okay! Life wouldn’t make sense without you’
‘That’s exactly how I would feel if you.. if you died’ your voice trembled
Steve pulled you close to him into a bone crushing hug. He cursed a little as he hugged you against his wound but he didn’t let you go.
‘Shhh’ Steve had said as you had sobbed against his chest.
God Eddie had been right the two of you were always glued together at the hip, he drove you to School, drove your home after work, he came to your DnD games, you came over to his House with home cooked meals to make sure he ate. You would rant to Him about the things you enjoyed and give Him advice. He always let you sleep on his shoulder. When the two of you hugged he never wanted to let you go. The morning after the last group hangout he didn’t want to let you go.
The only problem was that you didn’t feel the same.
The day went on and Steve was pinning after you. He kept looking at you longingly.
What didn’t make it any better was the fact that your former crush came into the store when he was putting videos away. You had told Steve all about Scotty. You had had a crush on Him when you had been 13. Though the Scotty you had described had been nerdy looking, not a jock. Scotty had Black hair and blue eyes and his arms were jacked and his shoulders were wide.
‘Y/n! Is that you!’
‘Scotty?’ You asked and squinted your eyes at Him.
‘It’s me’ Scotty Said proudly
You rushed over to him and hugged him
‘I haven’t seen you in forever! My god you look so different now!’
‘You’re one to talk y/n! You are a total Betty!’
You shoved his shoulder playfully.
‘Stop it! How have you been!’
‘How about i fill you in over dinner tomorrow evening?’ Scotty asked
‘Absolutely! The usual place?’ You asked shyly
‘Yes! I’ll come Pick you up at 6!’
‘See you tomorrow’ you Said and waved at Him as he left the store.
Steve stared at you blankly.
‘What?’ You asked and the happy look that framed your face mere seconds ago was gone and this sad look was there now.
‘Are you really going out with Him?’
‘ is that a problem? Wasn’t it you that said and I quote ‘you really need to get back out there?’
‘No no! Of course not! I just want you to be careful’
You rolled your eyes at him the hurt from the past week still lingered on your face and Steve know he had royally fucked up.
‘I can take care of myself you know. I’m not a child!’ You added angrily and crossed your arms over your chest
‘I know! I just worry’ Steve added he had no idea how he could fix things between the two of you
My love life is none of your concern Steve! Stay out of it!’ You added in a voice that informed Steve that you were over this conversation.
You were about to leave after your shift. You were done with Steve for the moment and you just wanted to leave.
‘Y/n! Wait’
You sighed ‘What Steve?’ You asked already done with this conversation.
Steve jogged over to you and leaned in towards you
‘Don’t go out with Scotty’ Steve said and looked into your eyes. His eyes were boring into yours making you swallow a lump in your throat
‘Why not?’ You added nervously
‘Come on y/n you know why’ Steve said as he felt tongue tied. He was begging you to understand. He really wasn’t good with words.
‘This isn’t fair Steve! You are being mean!’
‘How am i being mean!’ Steve asked in a frustrated tone of voice.
‘ you know why! You are obviously jealous of Scotty! I’m done with this conversation’ You said and opened the door and walked out.
‘That’s not it! Y/n! That’s not what I meant !’ Steve called out after you but you gave no indication that you had heard Him.
Robin came over towards him.
‘I don’t know how to fix it Robin. What if I’ve lost my shot‘ Steve sighed his eyes were glossy.
Steve filled Robin in on his version of the story and Robin pulled Him into a hug.
‘She’ll come around Steve, you just need to give her some space’
Steve really hoped that Robin was right. He couldn’t lose you.
Friday evening everyone was gathered around Steve’s house for another movie night.
‘Kids! Gab your snacks!’ Robin said as she entered Steve’s living room.
‘Where’s Y/n?’ Dustin asked as he went over to grab the bag of popcorn Robin was carrying in her hands.
Robin gave Steve a sympathetic look and waited for him to answer.
‘She’s on a date with Scotty’
‘Why is she not on a date with you ?’ Dustin asked Steve confused
‘Because she doesn’t like me! She likes Scotty and his stupid perfect face! And his stupid perfect jawline and perfect shoulders ! And his perfect everything’ Steve moped and hid his head behind a pillow.
‘Wow you are a child! You really do need to be told everything don’t you’ Dustin said to Steve before turning around to Eddie
‘I love the guy but he’s an idiot’ Dustin said and gestured over towards Steve
‘Told you’ Eddie confirmed
‘Gee thanks for the support Dustin!’ Steve said and shot daggers with his eyes at Dustin and Eddie.
‘Wait a minute the Scotty? As in the first guy she ever liked?’ Argyle said in disbelief.
‘Yeah that’s the one!!!‘ Steve said and threw his hands up in frustration.
‘Sorry man that’s rough’ Jonathan commented sincerely while they weren’t exactly friends they accepted that they were part of the same friend group.
‘To be fair it’s entirely his own fault’ Robin stated and Steve glared at her.
‘Dude the girl has had heart eyes around you for months Steve!’ Dustin said in a disappointed tone of voice as if he was scolding a child.
‘She has not! I would have noticed ‘
‘Just like how you noticed i was into girls before you expressed that you liked me?’ Robin laughed with the rest of the gang joining her.
‘Low blow Robin’
‘I told Him to talk to her all week!’ Robin continued
‘I realized i liked her when it was too late. I shot my shot. She wasn’t interested’
‘Actually Steve you didn’t outright say ‘i like you’ to her though did you?‘ Eddie commented
‘ i implied it’ Steve shrugged
‘Unless you actually said that you liked her how would she know Steve? She’s not a mind reader!’ Nancy said and rolled her eyes.
‘As much as i just love this conversation. Can we watch the movie now?’ Steve said and sulked
Everyone was in the middle of watching Ferris buller’s day off when you walked into the room.
Everyone looked at you. You were completely soaked as it had been raining heavily outside. Steve looked at you and you looked at Him.
‘Can we talk? Outside?’ You asked vibrating with nerves.
Steve nodded and got up from the couch and followed you outside near Steve’s pool. Everyone was watching the two of you from the Windows.
‘When i left yesterday you said That’s not it! Y/n! That’s not what I meant… What did you mean?’ You were looking at him intensely trying to search his eyes for the answer
‘I didn’t want you to go out with Scotty because i wanted you to go out with me’
You looked at Him in disbelief
‘I don’t believe you. Last week when we were cuddling you looked at me as if i had grown two heads!’ You started pacing around his pool.
‘Careful please. I don’t want you to fall in the pool.’ Steve joked trying to lighten the mood
You gave Him a look of disbelief before shaking your head
‘I’m so goddamn stupid. I shouldn’t have come’ you said as you stopped pacing and prepared to leave him.
Steve closed the distance between you ‘wait please?’ He pleaded giving you a vunerable look that made you stop in your tracks.
‘ after last movie night i woke up wanting to kiss you’
‘Then why did you look at like the thought repulsed you?. Why did you avoid me for days!’
‘Because I didn’t know what it meant! I couldn’t understand my feelings for you and they were confusing me!’
You stayed silent so he continued
‘I’m clearly not very good at this’ Steve said honestly before reaching out and squeezing your hand and closing the distance
‘And I’m clearly an idiot because I only realised yesterday when you came in looking like an actual ray of sunshine that I’ve liked you for months’
The answer caught you off guard.
‘ wait why are you not on your date?’
‘Because i couldn’t stop thinking about what you said. And i needed to know if i was overthinking things or if you could actually like me the way i like you’
‘Oh so you like me huh? Steve asked and he smiled for the first time in days
You leaned in and kissed him, your fingers were in his hair and his hands were around your waist.
‘I missed you ‘ Steve said after you finished kissing.
You pulled him into a hug and hugged him tightly.
‘I missed you too. I really fell apart without you’
‘It’s okay I’m here now and i don’t plan on going anywhere’ he reminded you.
‘Promise ‘ you asked nervously
‘I promise’ Steve said and kissed your forehead.
You both went back inside and everyone seemed relieved
‘It’s okay kids! Daddy’s back home!’ you added in a joking manner.
You cuddled up on the couch with Steve and you both fell asleep watching the rest of the movie.
In the morning you woke up cuddled up with Steve, he was holding you protectively. He stirred a bit before he opened his eyes.
‘Morning’ he said in a croaky tone of voice
‘Morning. I really need to stop falling asleep during group hangouts’
‘You can fall asleep here anytime you like’ Steve said and pecked you on the lips
‘I’m hungryyy’ Dustin complained and looked at you expectantly
everyone had stayed over last night they had slept on the couches, some in the empty beds and others on mattresses on the floor.
You groaned and buried your head into Steve’s bare chest
‘In the mornings he is your son’ you groaned
‘He knows were things are and can help himself. I’m busy with my girlfriend at the moment’ Steve said dismissively and Dustin groaned
‘Girlfriend huh?’ You asked and smiled at Steve
‘Unless you don’t want to be’ Steve added slightly nervous
He couldn’t believe he actually Got to have this.
Someone who genuinely loved him.
‘Of course I do dingus ‘ You caressed his cheek lovingly and Steve gave you a wide smile
‘You two are gross’ Dustin commented as he walked off
‘Sorry what was that Dusty bun? I’m busy cuddling my Boyfriend ‘
You looked up at Steve and started to make out with him.
Dustin groaned causing both you and Steve to laugh for a minute before you continued to make out once again
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etheriaaly · 3 years
Just The Two Of Us [C! Tommyinnit x GN! Reader]
FLUFF TO ANGST (PLATONIC)  WARNINGS: Mentions of suicide, suicidal thoughts, character death, cursing
Reader pronouns: They/them 
A/N: Hi, this is my first DSMP fanfic so uhh I hope u enjoy lmao. There might be grammatical errors so pls do not mind it :D
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[Y/N] already lost count of all the pranks and chaos they made with Tommy. They didn't like causing havoc or pulling pranks on people but if Tommy asked them to tag along, they would. Tommy is their best friend after all. Plus, where's the fun in life without a little risk?
[Y/N] was just at their Cottage house, peacefully making the potions that Quackity ordered just hours ago. Since [Y/N] is a skilled witch, it was no shock when they owned a Potions business. Everyone in the SMP server knows about this and they usually come and buy their potions. 
They were about to finish the last set of potions that Quackity ordered until they ran out of ingredients. "Dammit." [Y/N] muttered under their breath. They turned around and immediately went to find if they have any stock ingredients in their barrels or chests.
When they saw no stock ingredients, [Y/N] sighed and decided to do some last minute ingredients grinding. It was until they opened the door and saw Tommy standing in front of their house door.
[Y/N] knew that his presence is no good because that motherfucker is grinning ear to ear. They playfully groaned and asked, "What is it this time child?"
"Hey, I told you not to call me a child anymore!" Tommy suddenly protested, feeling insulted but went back to his sly grin and said, "Let's prank Skeppy and Bad." 
"That's a horrible idea." 
"Come on, bitch. It'll be fun." 
And they did come with Tommy. A couple hours had passed and [Y/N] had already forgotten about the ingredients they were gonna get for Quackity's potions. Tommy said that Big Q's order can wait but the prank can't. 
It wasn't long after Bad and Skeppy saw the two teenagers doing their little harmless prank on them. 
[Y/N] caught sight of the two and immediately tugged on Tommy's shirt. "Fuck, Tommy we gotta go." 
Tommy, unfazed and still focused on the prank, said, "Just a little longer." 
[Y/N] nudged Tommy's side using her elbows as the two teenagers can now hear Skeppy and Bad's incoherent yelling drawing closer and closer to them. 
"RUN!" [Y/N] yelled as they both left the things they used to try to prank BBH and Skeppy. 
The two let out a laugh as they ran away. Tommy constantly turned his head back to see if Skeppy and Bad are still after them. 
[Y/N] and Tommy continued to run even though Bad and Skeppy stopped coming after them. It wasn't until the two teenagers finally stopped running so that they could catch their breath. 
"What now?" [Y/N] gasped, who is still out of breath from both running and laughing at the same time. They looked at Tommy. 
Tommy grinned again and then grabbed their arm, "I have something pog to show you." 
[Y/N] didn't question Tommy and just let him drag them to a mountain. 
Once they have reached the destination, [Y/N] let out a 'wow'. The view is breathtaking and it is very peaceful. The mountain isn't that very far from the SMP but it looks like very few have come across this part. 
"So, what do you think?" Tommy asked, looking at the view. The view consists of the calming ocean waves and a peaceful sunsetting with birds passing by. 
[Y/N] turned to Tommy and smiled, "This could be our secret spot." They slowly walked towards the edge of the mountain cliff but were immediately stopped by Tommy. 
"Oh, [Y/N] wait. Be careful, the edge of the cliff looks really faulty." Tommy warned. 
[Y/N] immediately stepped back a little and took note of what Tommy said. But, they were still curious and looked down at the edge of the cliff, only to see the water from below. 
If someone would fall from this cliff and took a heavy impact on the water, that person wouldn't survive due to how high the mountain cliff is. 
[Y/N] then proposed, "You know, when things are stressful and stuff. We can just go here, sit in silence and look at the view as the wind or the waves takes away our problems for a while." 
"Just the two of us." The blonde haired lad said and then they both stood in silence, admiring the view and beauty of the server. 
Oh, if only you could turn back in time and relive this memory. If only things are still the same the way it was before. 
It's been so long since [Y/N] had fun and peace. Probably so many months since Tommy first showed them their secret mountain hangout area. 
[Y/N] currently stood still, gazing at the view that was once calm and peaceful but was now replaced with sounds of flying TNTs, fireworks and screams from the background.
They were in no state of mind as of the moment. They don't even know what to do anymore. A lot has changed ever since the wars, the exilation of Tommy. 
[Y/N] sniffed, wiping their tears using their now mangy sleeves caused by the current chaotic event. They continued to stare at the ocean, a potion of poison glistening in their hands. 
[Y/N] looked at the Potion of Poison that they were holding and pondered whether to drink it or not. 
Maybe it's best to end it once and for all. They don't have anywhere to go anyways. They don't have any friends or family to turn back to since everyone is against them or thought badly of them now. 
[Y/N] can't even go back to L’manberg as well since they're now a wanted criminal for breaking the laws and escaping from their house since they're supposed to be on house arrest for the crimes they didn't even do. 
They opened the cork of the potion, but they didn't drink it yet. They let their mind wander for a while and process everything that has happened. 
Maybe Dream was right. Maybe the people they loved never even cared for them at all. Maybe it was all just a lie. Maybe—
"[Y/N]." A familiar voice that they haven't heard in a while. 
It was windy. The cool breeze of air touched their skins. But along with the wind, there are particles of TNT or fireworks dusts. 
The [H/C] haired person turned around and saw their best friend for the first time in months. 
"Tommy." [Y/N] replied. Their voice were hoarse and dry. "What are you- What are you doing here?" 
"I could ask you the same thing." Tommy glared at them.
[Y/N] quietly groaned, closed their eyes for a while and pinched their nose bridge, still holding the potion on their other hand. "So, you believe all that shit?"
"Enough for me to believe the fact you tried to murder Tubbo, burn my invites and team up with Dream." 
Tommy added, "Maybe they were right about you. You're Dream's sibling after all." 
[Y/N] scoffed and threw their available hand around the air, "He may be my sibling, but we are never alike." 
"Why, [Y/N]? Why did you do it?" Tommy asked, hands gripping tighter on his sword. "Did Dream finally get into your head for you to commit these crimes? Or did you just do it because it's in your blood?" 
"You don't know a thing that happened," [Y/N] harshly spit back, completely trying to avoid the topic of Dream. "Of course you don't. You were exiled."
Tommy never understood why. Why had they turned like this? He felt rage and betrayal. During his exiled time, Tommy thought that they were gonna be that one person who would try to find him. Comfort him or even send him secret coded messages. But no, he received nothing. 
It hurts. Hurts like hell to know your best friend turned their back on everyone. A best friend that he has known for years. A part of him wants to believe they didn't do it but the proofs are enough for him to believe it was really them. 
"Well, you really can't blame me can you? You can only blame yourself," [Y/N] said. "This all started because of you and your stupid discs. All you ever care about is the FUCKING DISCS. Wars started, lives were lost, relationships were destroyed, all just because of those discs." 
They had never done this before. This was their first time just being angry and shouting at each other. Although this might be new to each other, it was obvious that they have been bottling up their emotions way too long. 
"You know what?! Things would be so much better if only you didn't exist." Tommy instantly regretted what he said as soon as he saw a potion glisten from [Y/N]'s hands. 
He may not be an expert but he knew well enough of the potions due to him hanging out too much with them before. "What are you doing?" Tommy immediately asked. "Is that a potion of poison?" 
"Nothing for you to care about." [Y/N] turned back towards the cliff and stared at the view once again. 
"Just the two of us again here, huh?" They said as they pulled the potion towards their mouth, just inches away from the lips now until Tommy hurriedly ran towards [Y/N] and tackled them. 
"What are you, an idiot?!" Tommy scolded as they both fought each other while trying not to fall from the cliff. He tried to pull the potion of poison away but it was hard since they kept gripping on it. 
It wasn't until Tommy was finally able to remove the potion from [Y/N]'s grasps. He threw the potion far away as it got smashed on the ground. 
The two of them were too busy fighting over the potion to notice that one of them is now standing on the faulty edge of the cliff. 
[Y/N] was on the edge of the cliff and accidentally backed away from Tommy, thinking there was still space. A loud shriek came out of their mouth.
Tommy immediately ran towards the edge, scrambled on his feet and looked down. Luckily, [Y/N] was able to hold onto the edge but their hands are shaky and tired from all the things that just happened. 
"I got you, I got you." Tommy frantically muttered, his breath increasing as to not knowing what will happen next. 
[Y/N] grip is slowly failing. Once their hands slipped, Tommy instantly grabbed their hands and tried to pull them back up. But, he too was tired from everything that has been happening. 
He tried to pull them up again but it was no use. Stress was adding up even more the moment they both felt the edge of the cliff shaking once more. 
Tommy can't do it anymore. So, he let out all the tears he's been trying to fight back. 
"It's gonna be okay, Tommy. Let me go." 
The blonde haired teen's eyes widened at [Y/N]'s statement. He can't do it. He can't bear to lose another loved one in his life. 
"I can't lose you too, [N/N]." Tommy croaked. 
The two might've fought just minutes ago but this is now a life and death situation. Problems and angst aside, they still care for each other. 
"You already did." Tommy's eyes widened in confusion and sadness. [Y/N] forced their hand to slip from his as Tommy tried to tighten it even more. [Y/N] had a few energies remaining, so they used it to push themselves off the cliff with their foot, making Tommy let go. 
For Tommy, everything is going so fast that his mind almost stopped working. 
But everything was in slow motion for [Y/N]. The fresh wind was so refreshing, almost making them forget what is currently happening to them. 
They closed their eyes, not wanting to see anymore reactions from Tommy. This is their end. This was meant to be. 
The moment [Y/N] chose to fall out from Tommy's grip, the blonde panicked and set aside all items he had with him. Without thinking properly, he lunged himself off the cliff. The only goal he had in mind was to save [Y/N] before it's too late. 
But he was, indeed, late. 
Everyone's communicator beeped. They all took at least some time to look at what the message could be on the communicator. As soon as everyone read the 2 words, their jaws dropped. 
[Y/N] drowned. 
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lubdubsworld · 3 years
The Devil’s Own.
Jungkook x OC
Mafia Au!
Warnings : Non-Con ! Manipulation, Degradation, Shitty hero with no redeeming Qualities you have been warned. ( i mean he does get better but not much.) 
Summary : Just Mob Boss Jungkook doing mob boss things. 
Chapter 1
“ Sign it. ”
I glared at him, feeling sick at the tone. The entitlement.
“No.” I said sharply and I could feel his anger swelling, morphing into something dangerous and deadly but I couldn’t care anymore. I was tired. Exhausted. This cat and mouse game had gone on , long enough. It wasn’t an even playing field, in any sense of the qword.
If today was the day I died, so be it. I would accept it. I would even welcome it.
I was done.
He had everything : an empire at his beck and call , enough money to pave the streets of Seoul in gold and an army of loyal associates behind him. His face was plastered on Billboards across the country , the President posted pictures of him on his fucking SNS and delegates from other countries had to wait weeks , just to get an appointment with the youngest billionaire South Korea had ever seen.
And yet none of those white collared dignitaries saw this side of him. The dirty, violent ruthless man who had more blood on his hands than anyone else in the country. My father’s. My brothers’.
Jeon Jungkook was both the most revered business man in the country and the undisputed king of Seoul’s criminal underbelly.
“You defiance only makes me want to break you in other ways Elena.” He said warningly and I felt my throat go dry. I stared at him, wondering how someone could look so expensively gorgeous and yet, like a hardened criminal.
The expensive silk shirt, the fitted slacks and the handmade shoes ought to clash with the dark ink that covered his entire arm and neck, the piercing on his eyebrow and the glint of metal on his tongue but it didn’t.
It just all came together to make him the most attractive man in existence.
I took a deep breath. Perhaps begging was the way to go?
“ You have my father’s company. You have my brother’s Hospital and you have the family mansion. It’s all yours. This bakery belongs to my mother. It’s all I have left of her. My sister in law is pregnant , due any day. She needs a place to stay and I don’t… I don’t have money to rent anywhere else.” I said desperately, thinking of the paltry wage I earned waiting tables. I could barely afford food for myself let alone for Jisoo and the baby on the way.
The bakery was abandoned but it had a roof. The furniture was crumbling but I could fix that. If I didn’t have to worry about rent, I could save up enough to make it livable. At least till I got a better job.
“I’ve offered you solutions for all of that.” He reminded me softly, eyes trained unblinkingly on me and I stared at him.
“I’m not going to be your whore.” I felt my voice shake.
He grimaced.
“You aren’t qualified to be my whore. And I don’t need one either. Whores are not my thing. I have a beautiful fiancée, don’t you remember? ” He grinned. I felt my heart ache because that fiancée was once my best friend. The only person I had trusted with my entire life. Lisa had betrayed my trust, had spied on my father’s operations and brought him down and I had the horrible, horrible inkling that she had also had something to do with my father and brother’s untimely death in a car crash.
But I couldn’t think about that. Every time I thought about her my heart broke and head spun, and I had to be at my maximum mental capacity if I was going to deal with her heartless fiancée.
“ If you ask me, you’re not fit for anything more than a back alley blowjob for a couple bucks. But Hoseok thinks you have potential. Join his agency, there are a lot of very wealthy men who have a bone to pick with your father. He made a shit ton of enemies. Most of them would love to fuck the defiance out of you. ”
His words felt like worms crawling all over my skin and I could feel the nausea churn inside me.
“I’m not signing the bakery over. You can call the creditors. I still have another year and half to pay the one remaining loan and they won’t come for me till then.” I felt my head begin to throb and Jungkook sighed.
“Suit yourself.” He stood up and I stayed still, watching his tall frame tower over me with ease. He gave me a small bitter smile. It was fraught with hatred and I stared back at him, knowing the emotion was probably mirrored in my gaze.
“Beautiful Elena. As pretty as the day you left me at the altar.” He smirked and I flushed.
“Your vengeance is petty and pointless and unfair…just like you.” I said angrily, frustration building u at his words. The way he talked about our broken engagement like it even mattered. It hadn’t even been real. We had hardly spoken and my father had called the wedding off at the last moment. But apparently, that had been the last straw for the Jeons. They had come after my father’s entire existence with a single minded intent to destroy him and they had succeeded. The man was dead . His two sons were dead.
But apparently it wasn’t enough.
Jungkook stared at me, slipping his hands into his pockets.
“Maybe. But it’s also deadly and potent. And it won’t rest until I see you reduced to nothing but a whore on the streets, spreading your legs for every man who can afford you.” He laughed. “ Saying no is a luxury , one that you’ll soon be unable to afford.”
I refused to be cowed, refused to give him the satisfaction of knowing that his words scared me. Because they did.
They scared me so damn much.
“This bed is so lumpy… I’m so sorry, unnie..” I said apologetically but Jisoo shook her head quickly, palms cupping my face as I held her elbows, gently lowering her to the bed. I stared at her feet, feeling my heart race at how swollen they looked. That can’t be normal, a voice whispered and
I didn’t know if that was normal and I had no money to take her to a clinic. The social center we usually went to only allowed three visits per month and we had used it all up. I wanted to throw caution to the wind and spend the thirty thousand won it would take but that would mean no groceries for a week and surely bread and eggs wouldn’t stretch that long, even if I could sneak meals in the restaurant for myself.
“I’ve been feeling a little dizzy…I’ll just sleep.” She said tiredly. She was thirty six weeks along, not due for another four weeks but her blood pressure was erratic. Her lab numbers were oscillating and there had been talks of an emergency c section. Even with insurance it was way more than I could afford but I had my own jewelry, a few expensive trinkets from my teenage years. I’d been obsessed with diamonds and my father had indulged me and I had a pair of earrings left. I’d already sold the rest but this would take care of the medical bills for the birth itself.
“My shift starts in ten minutes. I have to go. Give me a call if you need anything…” I said softly and I saw the familiar blank and listless look come into her eyes. I knew she was depressed, dealing with grief and pregnancy and loss but there was nothing I could do for her. Nothing. I had applied for a bunch of other jobs but they never wrote back. It wasn’t easy, being rejected over and over again but it wasn’t like there was much else I could do. And the truth was I was resigned to this, accepted that at some point I would have to take more loans and be stuck in an endless cycle of debt for the rest of my life.
And I had made peace with that.
There was no future for me. And I was okay with just surviving.
If only Jungkook would let me.
Apparently, watching me wipe down greasy tables and mop up floors and toilets trying to earn just enough to get a few square meals didn’t soothe his anger. It only fueled it. Jungkook couldn’t fathom that it had been six whole months of me on the streets of Seoul and I wasn’t completely destitute yet. I’d kept myself and my sister in law alive, safe and it pissed him off.
He wanted to see me broken and on my knees, begging him for help. The idea of me somehow surviving despite him taking everything away from me, it just didn’t sit well with him.
I couldn’t afford to have him as an enemy so all I could really hope was that one day he would wake up and give up. One day he would just wake up and decide that I wasn’t worth it.
When I walked into my shift and noticed a familiar pair of high heeled Louboutins , completely out of place in my seedy place of employment, I knew I was in trouble. Lisa sat against one of the booths and her gaze was fixated on the door which meant she was waiting for someone. And when her eyes narrowed at the sight of me, I just knew I was the someone.
She wants to get me fired.
It wasn’t rocket science and I felt the urge to turn right back around and leave.  But I tamped down on it. I could get through this. I would get through this. Lisa and Jungkook got off on invoking reactions and I wouldn’t give them that.
Except it wasn’t that easy.
It was a nightmare, watching her demand and reject and walk all over me but the sleeplessness from the past few days made spacing out easier and I just stared away at the wall as she yelled and complained and made a scene.
“You’ve stopped fighting? Finally giving up? Good…” She hissed when the manager apologized to her and told me to meet him after my shift and I felt myself tremble in indignation.
“I won’t fight you or Jungkook, you and I both know I can’t afford to.” I said quietly and she went still, something flashing in her eyes for a second. It was gone before I could fully process it but it had been there. Guilt.
Lisa wasn’t a terrible human. She had been a dear friend. We had grown up together and she had even hugged and teased me when I’d been betrothed to Jungkook, all those years ago. I had been twenty back then, naïve and spoiled. While Jungkook had taken my father’s entire legacy apart, piece by piece, Lisa had been nothing more than a pawn. I remembered all the times I had let her home, how she would disappear for lengths of time.
Planting bugs all over the house. All over his office. Jungkook had been smart. Someone like Lisa, so fascinated by thr wealth she had grown up around would naturally jump at the idea of more. It wasn’t greed. It was human nature. And with her help he had destroyed everything my father had built over decades.
I shuddered. My father hadn’t been a good man. He had been greedy, yes. But he hadn’t deserved to die. And Jungkook would have to pay for that sin, someday.
“There’s a job waiting for you in Hoseok’s club.” She smiled cruelly , “ you don’t need this one.”
“The fact that you want to take it away from me, tells me that maybe there’s nothing left in you save.” I said blankly and she turned her nose up at me.
“I have Jungkook. I don’t need to be saved.”
I shook my head. She was so naïve. Men like Jungkook cared for nothing but themselves. But I wondered if women like her didn’t care for anything but the money that came with being his. Money was precious, I thought bitterly. I’d never realized how privileged I had been until I’d had it all ripped away.
“He’s the one you need saving from. And one day you’ll realize that.” I shrugged, not in the mood to offer her anymore life advice.  If she was alright with being a trophy wife in exchange for a few pretty shoes that was her prerogative.
Before she could reply,  my phone rang.
“Hello?” I asked nervously and I felt my heart drop to my knees when I heard who it was.
I turned on my heel rushing inside and my manager gave me a look of surprise.
“ My sister..she’s… she’s sick. I need to go.” I said desperately and his eyes narrowed. It was the worst timing. He was already annoyed because of Lisa and I stared in disbelief as he quickly shook his head.
“No. I’m sorry Elena…I just can’t let you leave like that…” He said sharply.
It was so unfair.
“I haven’t taken a single day off in five months…” I said desperately..” Please, she’s pregnant..She needs me, she-“
“If you leave, you won’t have a job to come back to. I can’t do this.. First you make trouble with a customer and now you just want to walk out in the middle of your shift without any notice…”
“Fine. Fire me.” I snapped, because I’d just had enough of it. I was exhausted, and tomorrow I’d go knocking on some other tore and I’d get a job. I lived in Seoul …How hard could it be? For now, I had to get to Jisoo. I had to get the hospital and things would be okay.
It wasn’t okay.
“I… You want to keep her in? So soon?”
“Her blood pressure is through the roof. There are signs of severe pre eclampsia and we want to get her started on a magnesium drip. Steroids to help the baby’s lungs incase we need to deliver…”
“Deliver..?” I couldn’t breathe.
“Yes, I’m sorry…. If her blood pressure doesn’t come down we’re going to have to deliver.”
I nodded, glancing at the bed where Jisoo was sleeping, her face swollen and I knew that she was sick. Really sick. She looked pallid and ill.
“Is she going to be okay?” I asked hoarsely.
“We’re going to do what we can… But I’m going to be honest, we’re looking at a c section, a lot of meds and also some time in the NICU for the baby…. Can you afford it? Your sister’s insurance only covers 80% .”
I blinked, completely thrown. White noise rushed through my ears,  a dull throb settling right at the base of my skull and beginning to spread all the way to my arms and back. It was panic mixed wth anxiety mixed with despair and I couldn’t quite cope. The earrings wouldn’t cover all that.
“Oh… Oh..yeah.” I said dully, “ Of course I can… Let me just…. Can I have a moment? There’s somethings I need to do.”
I carefully slipped the cash into the envelope, swallowing as I sat on the pavement. I’d got another call from the hospital, they had administered the steroids but Jisoo’s condition seemed to be worsening. They wanted to try inducing labour soon but they wanted me to pay for the room and for the medicines, and apparently, the earrings weren’t as valuable as I thought they were.
I fought nausea wrapping arms around myself as I stared at the cars whizzing by, the putrid city air clogging my lungs as I tried to come to terms with what was happening. Jisoo needed help. She was the only one left and she carried my brother’s son. I felt my throat clog when I thought of Daehwan. He had been a good guy. I had loved him. It wasn’t fair, what Jungkook had done to my family, I thought miserably .
And the only reason I wasn’t driven by vengeance or anger was because I was nothing like Jungkook. I hated him. I didn’t want him to live in my head, didn’t want to waste any part of myself on him , not even my anger. But it was hard when he wouldn’t let me breathe, always at my heels like a wolf : jaws snapping and blood thirsty eyes trained on me at all times. I couldn’t fathom his obsession sometimes. Surely, his hatred was uncalled for now? He’d taken everything from me anyway.  
There was a dull roaring in my ears, one that said that this was not really a surprise. I’d thought about it way too often, had considered it countless times. Had even spent one absolutely horrifying evening scouring the streets of Seoul’s red light district just to see how sex workers behaved.
I’d also realized that in the face of desperation, dignity didn’t hold much value.
You are going to pay your debts on your back and on your knees.
The first time Jungkook had thrown it at my face, eyes glinting with glee, my stomach had rebelled so hard. I’d been absolutely infuriated, had thrown a vase at him. And it had been awful,  watching him catch it out of the air with ease, his mocking laughter making my bones rattle as he shook his head, “ That’s how this ends, Elena. Mark my words.”
And it was pitiful ,  that he went through life so consumed with hatred and vindictive cruelty that he couldn’t leave me alone . He was pathetic. That’s how I saw him. A pathetic child who refused to stop tormenting the helpless ant on the floor although it was no match for his cruelty.
At some point Jungkook was going to win. And his idea of winning was seeing me stripped bare of the one thing that kept me alive : my freedom.
It had just happened sooner than I’d thought.
Because I knew what it would mean, to go to Hoseok. He would own me. Hoseok’s whores were all slaves, tangled in his web so badly that there was no hope of escape. He wasn’t cruel but he was smart. No one left the his ‘ agency’ once they went in. I would be lost, forever. And I couldn’t stomach it.
I stared at my knees, fists clenched on the fabric of my skirt. I grabbed my phone, scrolling through the contacts. I considered it carefully. I had to do this on my terms. Had to make sure I retained some sort of control here.
And I knew just how to do it.
Hoseok picked up on the third ring.
“I need help.” I croaked out.
The deep chuckle made my skin crawl.
“Elena Gong. What a wonderful, wonderful surprise. What can I do you for?” He drawled.
“Well sweetheart, I’m all out of charity so you’re going to have to make it worth my while.”
I took a deep breath.
“I’m a virgin.” I whispered.
The line went completely silent.
“What?” The amusement in his voice died.
“You heard me and I’ll let you cash in on it. I’ll let you auction it off…” I tamped down on the burning protest in my lung, the screaming inside my head that said it was horrifying, that I was considering this. “ But only if you keep my terms.”
“What makes you think you have a say in that.” He said sharply and I laughed.
“I belong to your world, Hoseok. Did you forget that we were friends, once.” I whispered and he didn’t reply.
Laughter, kindness, a big brother I could always count on, hobi oppa, nine year old me with my fingers curled around his wrist as we ran all around the gardens , a smile so wide that he could spread sunshine on the gloomiest days. Different from Jungkook and Namjoon and Yoongi and the others. Willing to include a ‘ girl’ in his playtime. Lisa and I the only girls, not even fazed watching as the rest of them wielded toy guns and mock interrogation scenes, pretending to kill and maim and torture because that was the world we were born into.
“We’re not friends, Elena. Let’s get that straight. The only part of you that holds any value to me is th part between your legs. So tell me, what do you want.”
“When was the last time you auctioned off someone’s virginity? You know how much money you can make off something like that. Not just from the sale itself but from the entire night. Your club… Your gaming hell…. All of it.”
“You expect me to believe you’re a virgin. At twenty seven.” He scoffed.
“Put the word out, everywhere. If you find one man who says he’s slept with me , I’ll back off.”
“That would require me to tarnish your  family name. And you’re alright with that?”
I smiled biotterly.
“Isn’t that what you and your precious Jungkookie want? To see the last living Gong, be labeled as a whore and a slut.”
He didn’t reply.
“I’ll give you that. You can do it… You know that will only interest more people. As Jungkook so eloquently put it, most of them would love to fuck the defiance out of me.”
“What’s the catch. What do you want. ”
“2 billion won.”  I said firmly “It will be one night. One night only and I want enough money to pay off every one of my father’s debts, to get me an apartment for my sister in law and to support her and her baby for a year at least.”
“Done.” He said without missing a beat and I went still. What must it be like, to throw around money like that without a care in the world. And it sickened me that Jungkook was probably ten times as rich as Hoseok , the money my father owed him and his associates not even pocket change in comparison to his gargantuan wealth and yet, he stayed on my heels, snapping his jaws like a dog with a bone.
“And Jungkook doesn’t get to watch.” I said softly, knowing exactly what Jungkook would get off on.
That made Hoseok laugh.
“You know him too well. I keep forgetting he was madly in love with you once.”
I resisted the urge to vomit. Jungkook didn’t know love. He knew ownership. He didn’t love me, he thought he owned me. That I was his to play with…. For the rest of his life. And when my father had denied him that, just like a toddler in a toy store being denied a shiny toy to break and trample on, he had thrown a temper tantrum.
Except his tantrums always ended in death and destruction.
“That’s the deal. He doesn’t turn up there to gloat.”
“He’s heading out to Switzerland for a week , two days from now.” Hoseok said evenly.
“Good then. My sister in law…she “ I swallowed. “ She’s in a hospital in Yongsan. I’ll send you the address.”  
“I’ll take care of it. But I want you here tonight. I’m not going to drop a couple billion won on your head without making sure I’m getting my money’s worth. And I can’t have you changing your mind and bolting either. My reputation is on the line here. If I put out the word that I’m serving something so fucking delicious and then back out, they’re not going to want to buy Hobi’s wares anymore. You understand what I’m saying darling?” Hoseok drawled and I knew exactly what he was saying. If I agreed to this, it was blanket consent for him to whatever he wanted.
“I won’t back out. I can’t. But this is one night. One night with whichever bastard you choose and that’s it. I want out.  I don’t want you or Jungkook hounding me again. Ever.” My voice shook as I dug my fingers into my knees.  
“My men will be there in ten minutes. Sit tight, princess.”
I stared at Hoseok as he carefully poured me a finger of whiskey, neat. He gave me a smirk and I shrugged.
“you remember.” I said casually, throat itching because it had been way too long since I’d had quality alcohol. I missed the burn,  the warmth , the numbness that followed.
“Of course I do. You could drink all of us under the table with little effort. It was spectacular.” He laughed and I leaned back against the couch, letting my head fall back.
“I was half certain that you would have a doctor around to make sure I’m a virgin.” I stared at him and he shrugged. “ Pointless. You’re twenty seven, you’ve probably had stuff up there anyway… Not like your hymen’s still going to be intact.”
I thought it was rather horrifying, that I didn’t feel nearly as mortified as I should. This was how Hoseok talked, matter of fact and open and that was why he was so popular. Anytime an important person came into the country, Hobi was the one who offered entertainment for the night. Hobi’s girls were always the prettiest, most well behaved and perfect. They were educated, knew what they were talking about and he didn’t force them into the life. They loved it, enjoyed it and it showed.
Not to say he was a saint.
Far from it.
Hoseok knew how to dine with kings in castles  but also how to wrestle with  swine in the gutter. The seedy brothels in Seoul’s back alleys were his as well, and he ruled his kingdom with an iron hand. The prostitutes there feared him, one look or word enough to silence any rebellion, any thought of escape.
He was called Hope. And yet somehow that was exactly what he denied the women under him. There was no hope here. There was only lust and power and money. You came to Hobi…. You never left .
I took the glass he offered, taking a small sip, savoring the taste.
“But you believe me. I wonder why.” I watched him closely and he scoffed.
“Between your father and Jungkook, no one ever really had the pluck to come anywhere near you  did they?”
I sighed, leaning back to stare at him.
“Do you think dying hurts?” I asked softly.
It was frightening, how his entire body went stiff, eyes wide and jaw dropping.
“Elena, what the fuck-“
“Its just a question. You’ve killed people. You’ve watched them die… how do you think they feel?” I asked , curious.
“None of them wanted to die. If that’s what you’re asking.” The look in his eyes made me nervous.
I stared at him and the question was obvious. None of them wanted to die, but do you?
I didn’t.
“I’m not thinking of killing myself , oppa.  Stop looking so horrified.” I laughed. He shook his head.
“ Don’t joke about that. It’s not fucking funny.”
I sobered up, remembering with a jolt. Ah, of course.
“I’m sorry. I forgot.” I said quietly.
Hoseok’s little sister had killed herself when I was seventeen. She was a year older than me and her father had lost her in a wager to a seventy year old man, known for torturing his bedmates. She had heard the news, taken a deep breath and taken a deep dive off the seventeeth floor of the condo where she lived with her mother.
I’d been engaged to Jungkook by then. And I had almost wanted it. Jungkook wasn’t old at least… twenty one to my seventeen.
“Just so you know, he’s going to find out. And he’s not going to like it.”
I shrugged. Three years is a long time to be preyed upon and now my mind was resigned to a life of being hunted. Hoseok was right. Jungkook would find out and he wouldn’t like it.
“I don’t care what he does anymore. All I care is that Jisoo and the baby are left out of whatever plans he has…. If you promise me you’ll keep them safe , I’ll cooperate.”
It was a baby boy.
I stared, fingers itching to hold the baby but it was impossible, the little one whisked away to the NICU right after with respiratory distress and Jisoo had gone into a seizure, eyes rolling back into her eyes.
She as alright now, resting in a VIP room with the best care money could buy. Hoseok had asked me if I was happy with the arrangements, and if I would name the boy after him.
I stared at the room, large and breezy and filled with flowers and gifts, toys and baby stuff and I knew right then that I had sealed my fate. I was going to have to go through with this. I could imagine how much Jisoo would protest when she came to her senses. The only relief was that it would take her a few days to be good enough to fight or protest. But then this would all be over and done with.
Jungkook would leave this afternoon. His flight was at three.
I would reach the club at five. The patrons would arrive at seven.
One night, I reminded myself , staring at the gentle rise and fall of Jisoo’s chest as she slept, my fingers playing with the soft skin on her wrist. The IV line went through her veins and I watched the gentle drip of it.
One night.
I didn’t know how auctions happened and while I’d been prepared for the worst kind of humiliation,  Hoseok assured me that he wasn’t going to make me stand naked on some podium or something.
“Generally, I would do something like that simply for the flair of it but consider this a favor ….a respite because you were, as you said, once a friend.” He gave me an even smile and I could only nod in mute relief.
I was grateful. Beyond grateful.
And what was more, he hadn’t told anyone, who I was.
That stunned me. Because wasn’t that the selling point? The murderous, greedy mob rat Gong Hyo Suk’s only daughter forced to spread her legs for one lucky stranger? If Hoseok had cashed in on that he would have made a fortune. But he hadn’t. I wasn’t sure if that was a good thing or a bad thing. Would , whoever it was be upset if he recognized me?
I was led to a bedroom, large and tastefully decorated with silky satin sheets and dark curtains and dim lighting that lit up parts of the room and left other parts plunged in darkness. Hoseok had told me to wear whatever I wanted and I realized with a pang that he really didn’t see this as some sort of transaction. He was trying to make it as easy as possible without making any decisions for me. Offering me choices and options and some illusion of being in control.
I didn’t have anything fancy so it was just a dress shirt that I borrowed from Hoseok. I’d left the underwear off, eager to merely get the whole thing over with. I felt a sudden overwhelming urge to laugh out loud.
If Jungkook were here he really would have lost his damn mind, simply because of how little this whole thing affected me. And that was it, really. He was always desperate for a reaction.
Earlier when this whole thing had started, I’d obliged him with that. I would scream, rant and yell….launch myself at him like a wildcat, scratching at him , fists flying  and it was obscene, how much he seemed to enjoy that. He would press me up against walls and tables , fingers choking the breath out of my lung, just so he could see me struggle and push back.
He fed off from every negative reaction I offered him and it had taken me a long long time that the way to beat him was to become passive, unresponsive. I would go limp in his arms, stare at him blankly as he tried to manhandle me and that…that had pissed him off. Because that meant I wasn’t playing his game anymore.
If the prey wasn’t playing, the game wasn’t fun anymore. It was drab.
And I knew that Jungkook kept raising the stakes, kept tightening the noose around my neck….just to bring that girl out again. The one that had wanted to put up a fight . The one that wanted to mouth off even with the muzzle of a gun pressed against her head. The one who would spit in his face in front of all his associates, even if it earned her a vicious strike of his hand across her face.
I shuddered. They weren’t memories I liked reliving.
Well, if that was who he wanted, I’d make sure he would never see her again.
The door opening made me jump and Hoseok came in , with a wide grin on his face.
“Baby…. Your guest for the night.” He said softly and I peered over his shoulders, my heart and mind grinding to a halt when I caught sight of what had to be the most breathtakingly beautiful man on the face of the planet.
I felt my heart begin to pound, fear taking over because this wasn’t okay. Not really. I was okay with old, creepy and disgusting , not able to get it up for more than ten minutes.
I wasn’t okay with someone who looked like they stepped right out of the latest issue of GQ.
Hoseok left quickly, closing the door behind him and the man stepped into the light, the brightness lighting up his perfect features even more. I felt my throat go dry, and fought the urge to get up and run. Growing up as the daughter of a mobster , I’d learned how to trust my instincts over appearances.
And right now, every single one of those instincts screamed at me that this man was absolutely dangerous.
“Well, you are beautiful. I’ll give you that. “ He said casually.
“Thank you.” I said stiltedly, watching as he tugged on his tie, pulling it off his neck deftly . Instead of tossing it aside , he wrapped it a bunch of times around his wrist over and over as he smiled at me.
“Don’t thank me yet. The only reason I like beautiful things is because of how easily they break.” He smiled.  “ I haven’t been with a virgin in a while…. I miss the screams.”
And there it was the full blown panic that came with stark terror. I crawled back on the bed, staring as he moved closer and there was no mistaking the look on his face, the harsh grip of his hand on my ankle telling me that I was going to regret every one of the choices that led me here.
“Hoseok wasn’t at the airport.” Jungkook observed casually, glancing at Yoongi as the latter finished cleaning his gun carefully, eyes fixed on his weapon with utmost concentration.
“He’s holding some sort of auction tonight. Some chick …” Yoongi said casually and Jungkook hummed. It was not the kind of thing he was interested in. Anonymous bids were often boring : actresses or female idols past their prime, desperate to make some money to survive. He had no interest in those but he was a little peeved that Hoseok hadn’t told him anything about it.
Hoseok was one of Jungkook’s most trusted friends. He was almost as powerfully rich as Jungkook and the only reason Jungkook reigned supreme was because Hoseok had no interest in challenging him for the throne. Hoseok was dangerous and cunning and loyal and Jungkook was grateful to have him on his side and he had hoped to see him before leaving. Just to ask him to keep an eye on Elena.
He grimaced, hating himself.
God, he couldn’t go two hours without thinking of her. It fucked with his head, the amount of space she took up inside him. Jungkook , for all his wealth and power, was driven solely by his need to prove himself. He wanted to be powerful and terrifying yes, but more than that , he wanted people to know.
He wanted people to look him in the eye and acknowledge him for what he was : the most dangerous man in the country. He liked seeing that fear, that worship, that admiration. He got off on it. He wanted it , craved it and for some reason he craved it more from her , than anyone else.
And instead of giving him what he wanted, instead of begging on her knees for mercy, instead of licking his shoes and begging for him to let her live….she ignored him. She looked at him with defiance and pride, her chin straight and her back unbending, her gaze locked right on him like she was his fucking equal….
And Jungkook, he’d taken a lot of insults. Taken more than his fair share of hits in life …..
But when she looked at him like that , like he was something stuck to the bottom of her shoe….
Fuck it drove him wild with fury.
It made him want to teach her a fucking lesson, to remind her that he owned her because he owned everything. To break her down, snuff out the flames of defiance that burned so bright in those ember eyes… Take her into his bed and brand her with his body. Till she was on the floor, on her knees covered in his spit and cum begging for mercy….
Because no one looked at Jeon Jungkook like that and lived to tell the tale..
“Seokjin’s here. Landed in Korea a couple of hours ago. ” Yoongi said casually and Jungkook smiled a bit at that. He loved his older brother, technically a step brother and growing up he had only saw him when he visited his mother in China. That meant a couple of months a year and now as adults,  a bit more often because Seokjin loved Jungkook and liked to visit him often.
Seokjin was a celebrity trainer, working with actors and athletes and he did a good amount of modeling as well. He was rich,  handsome and well liked and the only thing that gave away the Jeon blood in him was the fact that he was a sexual sadist.
The face of an angel with a devilish streak, he had a penchant for sadism and inflicting pain on his partners and while Jungkook didn’t particularly enjoy indulging him, he knew there were women who were into that and usually had them arranged for when Seokjin dropped by in Korea. His hyung’s visit seldom lasted more than a few weeks at a time and it was a pity that he would miss out one whole week of it .
But the issue in Switzerland was a little pressing and Jungkook had to be there in person to sort it out.
He leaned back against the seat, staring out of the window, sighing.
“An unsullied dove ….What the fuck is this shit..” Yoongi muttered and Jungkook turned, curious.
“Hoseok’s been hyping up some new girl for the auction and Seokjin hyung’s bidding on her.”
Jungkook laughed at that.
“Jungkook…..” Yoongi’s voice is completely stunned, his eyes confused as he looks up at Jungkook.”  Its Elena.”
Jungkook’s thought process came to a grinding halt.
There’s a sound between his ears, a dull rushing sound like the wind in a storm and he can’t quite comprehend what he just heard. Even Namjoon who had been buried in his laptop , looked up then, tugging an airpod out of his ear.
“Wait…did you say Elena?” His eyes were wide , lips parted in shock. Yoongi and Namjoon exchanged glances, no doubt bracing themselves for the explosion that was to follow.
Jungkook took a deep breath.
“Turn the fucking plane around.”
That jolted Namjoon out of his stunned stupor..
“Turn-? Jungkook what…. We’re on a fourteen hour flight-“ Namjoon began but the look on Jungkook’s face made him stop.
Namjoon swore.
“Fucking hell… alright just calm the fuck down, Jesus…just put a fucking bullet in that girl’s head and spare us all the headache fuck…” He growled, unbuckling his seat belt and rushing to the cockpit and Yoongi groaned.
“ Let me guess you want me to get in touch with someone in Seoul and ask Hoseok to hold off on letting Seokjin near her…”
Jungkook glared at him.
“If you already know that why the fuck are you still here…” He growled and Yoongi gave him a look.
“Just tell her you’re in love with her and let us live, Jeon Jungkook.”
In love….. what the fuck….
He glared at Yoongi’s back, his asinine words making him madder. God he wanted to crush someone’s skull into dust with his bare hands.
And right now, in his head , that skull belonged to Jung fucking Hoseok.
 “What just happened?” I asked, frantic staring at the door as Hoseok’s men casually led a fuming Seokjin away while the man himself stared at me, looking pale as parchment.
“ Jungkook found out.” He said shortly and I felt my heart drop although I was half relieved because there had been something insane in Kim Seokjin’s gaze when he’d reached for me , a cruel glint of hunger that told me he would have hurt me really badly if Hoseok hadn’t barged into the room , frantic and worried.
He had given Seokjin a wide smile and then, “ I’m so sorry. We were waiting on her blood results and turns out she has a…. well, certain occupational disease that is very infectious.”
Seokjin’s mouth had dropped open even wider than mine.
“I thought she was a fucking virgin.” He had snapped, and I flinched at how cold and furious he had sounded.
But apparently there was a reason this whole thing had happened.
“What do you mean Jungkook knows? What does that mean?” I asked frantically, fear taking over.
“ He’s heading back here… He wants to see you.”
I felt my entire body go ice cold as I shook my head…
“No…fucking no bring Seokjin back here , he can fuck me that was the fucking deal, Hobi, please don’t../…”
“Elena , I’m so fucking sorry.. Seokjin…he’s fucked in the head…. He likes hurting his whores, likes making them bleed and he would have fucking destroyed you…”
I gaped at him horrified.
“What?!” I hissed shaking my head in disbelief.
“He’s Jungkook’ stepbrother. I’ve arranged whores for him before, I knew he was a little crazy but I’d never seen him before and I didn’t know he was the Kim Seokjin…fuck he outbid everyone and fucker looks like a fucking angel, how the fuck was I supposed to know he’s unhinged? Thankfully, I messaged Yoongi and …. Fuck… Listen… I know I paid for your sister’s surgery but you’re going to have to pay me back….”
I felt my body convulse in rebellion.
“I can’t.. You know I fucking can’t…”
“I can’t make an enemy out of Jungkook…. I can’t.” Hoseok shook his head. “ You can get out of here now if you want but I’d advise you to stay. If you run it’s only going to make Jungkook angrier.”
“WHAT DID I FUCKING DO TO HIM?!!!” I screamed, feeling my composure crumble into smithereens. “WHAT THE FUCK DOES HE WANT FROM ME?!!”
Hoseok flinched, stepping back and holding his hands up.
“Whether I want to or not, I answer to Jungkook.  I shouldn’t have done this in the first place , I’m sorry Elena.” He shook his head and stepped back like the coward that he was and I wanted to hurt him. To shake him and ask him to fucking remember who I was. That I had nothing to do with my father’s sins . That I had been a fucking marionette in his hands, had wanted nothing more than to be left alone.
I stared at him in disbelief.
“So much for being a friend…” I whispered.
His jaw tightened. But he didn’t look guilty. None of them ever did. It was like guilt didn’t exist in their world. They did what they wanted to whoever they wanted , whenever they wanted and they got away with it because that bastard’s word was law. What Jeon Jungkook wanted, he got.
“I’ll get your clothes sent in.”
I watched him leave, the door slamming shut behind him and sagged against the bed, staring at myself. What had just happened?
Was I born to endless misery and misfortune?
Couldn’t I catch a fucking break?
I’d agreed to sell myself hadn’t I? Would have even let Seokjin hurt me if that was what he wanted. Because it was one night. It was one night of this…whatever the hell this was and then freedom. That was the deal.
The door opened again and I stared as a young girl brought me a pile of my clothes neatly folded.
“Do you work here?” I said sharply.
She blinked before bowing her head.
“Yes, mistress.”
I scoffed.
“Don’t call me mistress , I’m here to get fucked, just like you. Tell me does Jungkook ever use the women here.” I demanded.
She looked trapped, glancing at the door, clearly wanting to run .
“Tell me.” I snapped and she flinched.
“I..uh..yes. Sometimes.” She said softly.
“Can you tell whoever fucks him next to kick him in the fucking balls?”
The girl bowed deeply and all but ran out and I sighed, feeling myself shaking. Jungkook was on the way here and I wanted to yell and scream and rave at him but I knew that was exactly what he wanted. I wanted to deny him the satisfaction …wanted to act all cool and composed in front of him but it was impossible…
Because I hadn’t realized just how tired I was of this whole thing, till right this moment, when the end had been in sight. I was supposed to get my two billion won pay off all the debt , give Jisoo the rest of the money and disappear. I was so tired, so tired of this life I’d gotten trapped into, slaving over for hours on end just to afford a couple of meals a day. No friends, no boyfriends, no hope of a future …..
The door banged open and I jumped, crawling back when I recognized the man who had just entered.
“Jungkook wants to see you.” He ground out and I swallowed.
“I need to get dressed. Please just wait outside.” I said shakily.
And then the door opened further and a tall looming shadow stepped in familiar and vomit inducing.
Jungkook looked livid, piercing glinting through the dimply lit room and I stared at him. He was dressed in a tight black t shirt, he sleeves stretched thin over his biceps and the tattoos stark against his skin.
“Leave us.” He said softly and Yoongi moved away to the door leaving me alone with the devil himself. I cursed myself for not putting at least my panties on, I was naked underneath this shirt and although it was big it left nothing to the imagination.
Jungkook’s eyes raked over my form before resting on my face.
“You think you’re smart enough to outsmart me, Elena?” He whispered softly.
I swallowed.
“Send you brother back in. He can fuck me and I’ll pay you back.”
Jungkook hummed, stepping closer and grabbing my clothes from the bed, he grabbed the plain white bra and the pastel pink underwear and then to my complete and utter mortification he brought the clothing up to his face, breathing in .
“Fucking pervert!!!” I screamed, feeling the action like a physical touch and wanting to claw his eyes out and the smirk on his face told me that this was exactly what he wanted but I was too fucking gone to care.
“If you want me to be a whore, fine. I’ll be a whore. But on my terms…” I spat out and he shook his head, laughing.
“I don’t just want you to be a whore, Elena. I want everyone to know that you are one…” He dropped my clothes and moved closer, holding a hand out. “ Come here.”
I stared at the inked fingers, adorned with sterling silver rings and bracelets with the motifs of his gang. I shook my head.
“No. I’m not playing this game with you.” I turned my face away.
His hand shot out gripping my upper arm with enough strength to bruise and I screamed, agony shooting up my arm and shoulders as he dragged me off the bed and onto the floor. I landed hard, hips and elbows bruising from impact and I stared at him in disbelief.
“I’ve been to gentle with you. You’ve forgotten your fucking place.” He bent over and grabbed me by my hair, yanking me to my feet so hard that it felt like my scalp had been ripped away from my skull.
“Okay…okay…Okay Jungkook..just…!!” I said softly, flinching because my pain tolerance was almost zero and Jungkook’s grip was so hard that my eyes were beginning to water now. He let me go, grabbing my panties off the floor and tossing them at me.
“I’m going to count to five. Put those on and get out.”
He walked out of the door and I stumbled a little fumbling with the fabric before quickly, slipping my legs in and yanking it up to my waist. I made to put on something else but his voice came, loud and impatient.
“Get the fuck out here.”
I walked out of the door and he was standing there next to Hoseok. I couldn’t meet either of their gazes , hating how they had so much power over my life. I stared at the floor. It was tempting to yell at them and scream but that never led anywhere.
“ I’ve asked them to stop the payment on the Hospital bill. Seeing as Elena hasn’t kept her end of the bargain.”
I felt my breath hitch at that, willing down the tears as I glared at him.
“What do you want?” I snapped. “ Tell me who you want me to fuck…. I’ll do it. Let’s get this over with so you can go back to whatever sewer you fucking climbed out of. ….”
Hoseok’s breath caught like he couldn’t believe what I’d just said and the look in his eye was a warning but I was sick of this. Sick of them all.
Jungkook turned to Hoseok with a laugh.
“You see hyung? See why I can’t let her go? If I let her scot free, everyone’s going to think I’m a pushover….that any worthless bitch can talk to me any way she wants and get away with it….” He shook his head, staring at me with a glint in his eye. “ I’m not going to choose. They are. You think you can charm your way into Hoseok’s heart and get special treatment? You think you’re ready to be a whore, Elena? Let me show you how a real whore gets treated in Hoseok’s club.”
He gripped my wrist, yanking me behind him as he stalked off down the narrow corridor that opened up into the club. I let myself get dragged out into the club dismally aware of the fact that I was wearing nothing but Hoseok’s shirt. I could feel eyes on me but I kept mine on the back of Jungkook’s head as he dragged me all the way to the front. I knew what he was going to do and at this point I was just numb.
There was no point reasoning with the devil.
I glared at him as he pointed at the stage. “ Get up there.” He whispered harshly.
I stared back at him, not moving. I saw Jungkook’s jaw clench.
“Either you go up there by yourself, with your clothes on. Or I carry you up there, after stripping you naked. What’s it going to be? ”
I glared at him, pursing my lips before climbing up using the small stair in the side. I moved to the center, right in front of the stage lights, so the rest of the room would disappear. I had no wish to see any of the bastards in the room.
“I think all of you recognize this little beauty here, don’t you?” Jungkook’s voice was cheerful, friendly even and I bit my lips, fists clenched. “ Well, if you don’t let me tell you . This is Gong Hyo Suk’s daughter. Remember that bastard? He put a hit out on my father. Killed him and my mom on the night I was supposed to be marrying his fucking daughter. A daughter who later called off the wedding, because I was too poor now, to give her the life she deserved. ”
I felt the familiar ice cold guilt in my vein. I was seventeen, I wanted to scream. I was seventeen and all I did was say what my father asked me to say, do what my father asked me to do.
“ That was nine fucking years ago… and you know what I told myself…. I told myself, that a greedy little bitch like this, doesn’t deserve shit.” He laughed. “ If money’s what she values the most, then the only thing she deserves is to be treated like the whore she is.”
“Why don’t you guys tell me, how much money you’d be willing to spend, to fuck her? Come on, Hobi’s been treating you guys so well lets help him make some money tonight… be generous. ”
I could barely hear what they were calling out but when Jungkook climbed onto the stage next to me, I jumped. Moving back instinctively, I winced when brought a forearm around my throat nearly choking me as he dragged up against his body.
“90 million won….That’s a lot.” He grinned. “ Jihan hyung….. that was you right? You’re gonna pay 90 million won for her?”
I felt my heart race, it was a lot. More than enough for the Hospital Bills, would even leave extra to get a decent apartment somewhere... I grabbed his wrist as it pressed into my throat, trying to pull his hand off me but he just wrapped his free hand around my waist, wrapping his entire body around mine and chuckling into my hair.
Jungkook pressed his head against mine and I froze, hating the close contact.
“Okay…but since I’m feeling a bit left out here…Why don’t I pitch in… 500 Won.” Jungkook said loud and clear.
I froze. An eerie silence fell over the club, laughter stilling and the clink of glasses slowing down.
I struggled to get away from his but his hold tightened.
“Anyone else?” He called out. “ Come on… Not even thousand? Surely you think this one here’s worth a thousand won? Aren’t you going to outbid me?”
No one responded of course they didn’t. Jungkook’s anger was palpable and no one was going to get on his wrong side …..
“Ahh… is that it then? Bid’s going to close for 500 won then…. Hear that baby?” He whispered against my ears and I swallowed. “ 90, million won to five hundred won in a few seconds… What does that tell you?”
“It tells me you’re a fucking psychopath in love with your own voice… Get off me.” I hissed.
“No. What it tells you is that only I get to decide how much that body of yours is worth, not you. . You don’t get to go sell your fucking body behind my back for two billion won and then pay off all your debts and ride off into the sunset, that is not how this works….”
I went limp in his arms fighting tears because he never played fair. Never.
“Hear that Hoseok-ah… I win her for the night for 500 won…fair and square…. Is that alright?” He called out into the darkness and I felt the first inkling of dread begin to seep in.
“No.. No… get off me.” I hissed and he laughed, dragging me off the stage with ease. I screamed, kicking out in disbelief.
Jungkook grinned at me, before grabbing both my arms and yanking them behind me, and I whimpered, unable to move as he easily pulled me along to the door that opened into the hallway. Behind us I heard Hoseok’s voice.
“Jungkook, don’t be impulsive. Think about whatever you’re going to do.”
I flinched at that, panic building.
“He’s not going to do anything. I’ll fucking kill him if he touches me , I-“
“Shut the fuck up, you little bitch.” He shook me hard till my teeth rattled and I sobbed out.
“Jungkook…” Hoseok warned but he merely snarled.
“I know what I’m doing hyung, just…. Don’t disturb us. And make sure everyone here knows that she’s open for business.” It was loud enough to carry through the club and I felt humiliation burn my throat, acrid like acid.
I froze in disbelief.
“Jungkook …” Hoseok’s voice held a tone of reproach.
“ And tell them that her body is amazing. Tell them she spent the night with me , the best fuck I’ve ever had , mouth made for cock.”
I stared straight ahead as he pulled me all the way to the room we had left earlier and I tripped when he shoved me inside, landing on my hands and knees . I quickly rolled back around to land on my ass, crawling back as he slammed the door shut and locked it from the inside.
He stared down at me, mouth grim.
“You do owe me a wedding night. I was so ready to fuck your tight cunt, nine years ago… I think I’ve waited long enough yeah.”
I stared at him in disbelief. I knew exactly what he wanted me to do, to yell and scream and protest and fight so he could get off and forcing me…. Fucking psychopath.
I took a deep breath and nodded.
“If you pay for my sister in laws bills, and give me an apartment sure. “ I shrugged. “You’re not any different from any of the bastards here. I don’t give a damn which one of you idiots wants to rut into me like the absolute animal that you are…. I don’t care…” I said softly.
“you don’t? Really? You want me to tell you what your brother said when one of my men put a gun into his mouth…. He begged for his life…said he had a kid on the way….” Jungkook laughed, shaking his head. “I told him it was better than what his father did…. My sister was six months pregnant when his lieutenant gunned her down on the streets.”
I shuddered, wrapping my arms around myself.
“Why are you telling me this…” I snapped.
“Because she didn’t deserve it did she, Elena? She didn’t fucking deserve to die like that , like a dog on the street when she had nothing to do with any of this…. She didn’t deserve it.” He growled, bending down and gripping my chin hard.
“Maybe she did deserve it.” I spat out. “ If I deserve to be here, maybe your sister deserved to die too. “
He snarled, hand flying to my hair and dragging me up off the floor in one sharp yank. I whimpered as he pushed me on the bed, before climbing on top of me. I felt like every bone in my body was about to snap in two, the weight of him unbearable on me.
“I won the bid tonight…. I won it fair and square… You signed the waiver didn’t you…that you agreed to the auction…I won and I’m going to fucking collect.” He growled, and I kicked out, trying to buck him off of my body.
“Get off me.” I hissed. “ I’m not letting you fuck me for 500 won.”
“How about for your Jisoo then?” He whispered and I went still.
He chuckled, reaching down and I felt my pulse pound as he pulled his phone out, dialing quickly and turning on the speakers.
Yoongi’s voice made me go ice cold. Everyone knew what Yoongi did for Jungkook.
“Daehwan’s wife is in a hospital room in Yongsan. Hobi’s got the details. I think she’s served her purpose.”
“No!! JUNGKOOK NO!!” I  screamed , thrashing so hard my head began to spin but he grunted pressing down into me harder.
“Are you serious? I’m not home yet… I can take care of it tonight.” Yoongi said, voice casual and I sobbed, shaking my head in sheer terror.
“Okay… I’ll behave.. I promise.. please just don’t…”
Jungkook hummed.
“Well, that was easy… Yoongi-yah… why don’t you stay on the phone yeah…. Going to get that wedding night I’m owed and if my baby doesn’t co operate you know what to do, yeah?”  
I bit my lips, glaring into the sheets as he gripped my waist, pulling me up.
“Ass up like the bitch that you are, baby.” He whispered and I felt my entire body shudder in disgust. It was worse because I hadn’t done this before. Didn’t know what to expect. But I couldn’t let him know that. If Jungkook knew that I was a virgin, I could just imagine how much fun he’d have with that info.
Hands gripped my wrists, pinning them to the bed and I turned my face away when I felt the press of his lips on my cheeks. He gripped both my wrists with one hand, keeping them pinned over my head and I flinched when I felt his fingers pulling the fabric of my panties aside, just enough for the blunt head of his cock to press against my slit.
“Yoongi, you there?” Jungkook said softly and Yoongi grunted over the phone. I felt my face flame in embarrassment.
“You’re a sick bastard but I’m used to it. What’s up?” he said casually.
“Remember how we used to wonder just how tight Elena’s cunt was… back when we were in school.”
Fucking monster, I thought in disbelief. I hate him I hate him I hate him….
“Good times…” Yoongi chuckled lightly .
Jungkook pushed into me in one hard thrust and pain shot straight up my spine, my insides burning like he’d fucked me with a knife and not his body. I couldn’t stop the cry of agony that got torn of me, my eyes tearing up and tears spilling over onto my cheeks.
“Damn Jungkook, she okay?” Yoongi’s chuckle made me want to claw his face off, and just the urge to kill was growing inside me.
“Well, I can confirm that it is, in fact just as tight as we thought…” He grunted, thrusting into me at a pace that was inhumane, every push and drag of him rubbing my insides raw and I bit down on the sheets under me, afraid that I would do something absolutely humiliating, like beg him to stop.
“Good, you should let me take that tight ass for a ride someday then. With her permission of course…. I’m a gentleman after all. Big on consent.” He laughed and I swallowed the urge to tell him that I would puncture his balls with a switchblade if he came anywhere near me.  
“Oh, she’s going to do whatever I ask her to….aren’t you baby…” He grunted, “ Turn around so I can see you.”
He pulled out of me, his weight lifting off my body as he moved away. I couldn’t move, limbs numb and insides throbbing in pain . His palm landed on my thigh, hard and the sharp sting of it made me jump.
“I said turn around, I want to see your face when I fuck you.” Jungkook growled. I stayed limp, breathing hard and he grunted impatient, fingers sinking into my hair , yanking me to my knees and the movement made my legs scream in protest.
“How’s she so quiet? You fucked the voice out of her, kook-ah?” Yoongi asked amused and Jungkook pulled me by the hair, dragging me to the center and pushing me down till my head landed on the pillow.
“Hyung you should see her right now, all fucked out …. Like she’s never had a dick in her before.” He shook his head, “ Fucking slut. Take that off and hold yourself open for me.”
I stared at him, uncomprehending and he grabbed both my hands, placing them on my knees.
“Grab your knees and pull your legs back… So I can fuck that tight cunt the way I want to.” He said slowly, like I was a dog he was trying to train and I stared at him , defiantly.
“ Go to hell.” I whispered.
Yoongi’s laughter came from somewhere to the right.
“Your dirty talk needs work, Kook ah… Tell her she’s a precious little kitten and she makes you feel really good…. Bitches love that shit…”
Jungkook hovered over me, grabbing the back of my thighs and spreading them wide enough to make me whimper in pain.
“Is that so babygirl? You want me to tell you that? That you make daddy’s cock feel good?” He cooed, nudging the tip against me again and I had never hated anyone so much in my life. I stared up at his face, and he smiled at me, a cheeky little grin that made his bunny teeth stand out and for a second he looked so deceptively angelic and the glimmer of his piercing caught my eye.
I couldn’t help but swallow, gaze trained on the glint of metal on his tongue.
“You like that?” He grinned suddenly, sticking his tongue out for me to see, I felt my eyes widen at how sinfully good he looked .” Hyung she likes my tongue piercing.”
“Show her how it feels on her clit.” Yoongi laughed and I could barely fully process what I heard before Jungkook was crawling down my body, arms, curling on my thighs and yanking me onto his tongue .
I felt the press of his tongue on my slit, licking right into me and the jolt of pleasure was so unexpected, the pleasure so unwanted and yet so overwhelming and I couldn’t stop the way my body thrashed against the streets, lips parted as I practically mewled out in pleasure.
“Definitely a kitten…” Yoongi called out and I shuddered as Jungkook slipped two fingers into me , the ice cold press of his ring inside me making me jump. I wanted to pull away, grab his hair and yank him off but I couldn’t because it was
“Next time I’ll put the dick piercing in too, yeah? Fuck you with a bit of metal on my cock so you can feel that up there…. ” He laughed into my thighs and I screamed when he bit into the flesh there , hard.
“I’m getting bored… Either turn on facetime so I can at least jerk off to this , or I’m hanging up…” Yoongi called out .
“Hyung she clenches down on me every time she hears your voice… Just stay on for a few more minutes yeah, she tastes so fucking good, I’m gonna cum soon….” Jungkook added another finger, slipping in deep before spreading them apart inside me. I whimpered when he pushed his tongue in between the wet digits, licking into my walls and I could feel the ball of his piercing drag against my walls, ice cold and hard.
Was it fucked up that I did clench down on him again, my body apparently a slave to my base desires even as my mind screamed that he was the absolute worst bastard on the face of the planet.
“Elena, you owe me a blowjob at least for this…” Yoongi called out and I glared at the phone.
“I’ll bite your fucking dick off if you come anywhere near me.” I snapped.
“Fuck, I could get off just to that mouthy fuckhole of hers…..” Yoongi grunted.
Jungkook pulled away, climbing back up over me and lightly slapping my breasts.
“Now, how about you open that mouth and let me fuck it?”
Yoongi snorted from behind us and Jungkook glared at the phone before glaring at me again.
“You want to know how hard I can bite?” I said sharply, the pleasure ebbing away into nothing and resentment taking it place, the momentarily physicality of the situation fading and the reminder of who he was and who I was entering my sex addled brain.
“No.. You’re right…. But you know what, I’m not feeling it anymore. I was right.. you really aren’t qualified to be my whore. Your body…it’s frigid like a fucking popsicle…such a fucking turn off. ” He reached over and hung up on the phone.
“Now…”he whispered, leaning in closer and I yelped, when his fingers closed over my throat..” Shut your mouth and take what I give you like a grateful bitch.”
I swallowed when he pushed into me again, his pace steady as he fucked into me, eyes closed and I realized that he was almost fully dressed having just unbuttoned himself enough to get his cock out.
When he stiffened, spilling into me his eyes blew open and he locked eyes with me, wide eyed and for one horrible second he looked young and vulnerable and hurt.
I blinked as he pulled out, the sticky warm mess of his cum dripping down my inner thighs and onto the sheets.
“Well, that was much worse than I thought it would be.”  He said and I stayed on the bed as he grabbed his phone and buttoned himself back up.
He smirked at me and then reached into his pocket.
I quickly pulled myself together, ignoring the aches and pains and getting to my knees before reaching for my dress on the bed. it was kind of pointless because I still had Hoseok’s shirt on and I wasn’t going to take that off in front of Jungkook.
“Well, I’m a man of my word , Elena so…here you go..just as we discussed.” He tossed a coin on the bed and I stared at the engraved 500 on the shiny surface, feeling my rage swell inside me.
“If you still want to work out a payment plan for your sister’s bills …. Why don’t you come to my office tomorrow?” He tossed his card on the bed before  moving away to the door.
Fucking bastard.
Author’s note : My whole life is filled with regrets . 
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soulmate-game · 3 years
Not related to the other two Bio!mom Harley AUs that I did. Just... similar. I wrote this instead of sleeping, as per the usual.
“I need your help.”
No accent, no threats of violence, no beating around the bush (figurative or otherwise). No fighting or unconscious bodies.
Just Harley Quinn with her hair down, no makeup, and completely serious, in the center of the Bat Cave. Even though her usual exaggerated Brooklynn accent (circa 1950s) had become a pretty inseparable part of her personality over the years, every now and then she forcibly stuffed it down and used her mostly unaccented voice. The one reminiscent of days with less colors on her face, a high bun, and a pristine white lab coat.
Every single one of the Bats and Birds present, fresh from an interrupted patrol thanks to her, could count the number of times they had seen Harley like this on one hand. Bruce would have the most recollections, but everyone else would have plenty of fingers left on said hand. So they all knew, especially when Bruce willingly pulled down his cowl so he could look Harley in the eye, that this was the start of something they were not likely to forget. And maybe their chances of survival were slim too.
“Harley,” Bruce’s voice was still gruff, seeing as he was still mostly Batman at the moment, but his eyes were soft. “Maybe you should tell us what you need help with first. And sit down. You look exhausted.”
Sure enough, there were dark circles under Harley’s eyes. She let Bruce-man lead her over to one of their debriefing tables and sit her down. She let out a huge sigh, her fingers tangling in her loose blond locks.
“I have a confession, and it isn’t gonna leave this cave, capiche?” The slight return of her accent relieved a little of the tension, but not much. Taking this as their cue, the rest of the bats spread out into their usual seats at the table. Bruce stayed near Harley, keeping a hand on her shoulder in silent support. Harley didn’t continue talking until he gave her a solemn nod in agreement. She gulped— an action that immediately returned the tension.
“... fifteen years ago, back when I was still with Joker, I disappeared off the Gotham scene for a few months. I’m sure a few of you remember,” she looked up, and a couple of the older vigilantes nodded. Really, Jason has still been Robin back then. But the memory stuck out in his head now that he was thinking about it.
“Yeah, you were breaking away from him a little bit, which was weird at the time,” Red Hood mused aloud, arms crossed. “I think you helped us out a couple times and did some of your first team ups with Ivy before you vanished. Then a few months go by and you were back in action with Joker, so we mostly ignored it as you just being you.”
Harley nodded. “Ah, my Ivy’s a lifesaver, even back then. She helped cover up the timeline by keeping me in action for longer than I should’a been without putting me at too much risk.”
“Timeline…” Red Robin spoke up, eyes huge even behind his mask. “You don’t mean—“
“Harley,” Bruce breathed, having also caught on. “You were pregnant?”
The air went still. Harley sniffed, eyes watering even as she smiled.
“Oh yeah. Shouldn’t have been possible, ya know? Me ‘n Joker being dumped in that damn acid should have made us both more sterile than an operatin’ room. But I knew I couldn’t raise a kid, so after she was born—“
“You kept her?” Damian interrupted, earning a gentle cuff over the head from Dick. Harley just snorted.
“Yeah. Not gonna lie, I thought about abortion. But the baby didn’t do nothin’ wrong, and I was still in love with Joker back then so I was ecstatic that I was able to make something new with part ‘a him in it. Still, I knew a baby didn’t deserve to be raised in Gotham. Especially not my baby, not with my enemies and history. Not with who her father was. I knew he’d never want her, never let me keep her. So I spent the last five months of my pregnancy lookin’ around for the best possible family to take her in. And I found them in Paris, France. A sweet couple, both of them bakers. Sabine, she’s both adorably sweet and super kickass. Comes from a Chinese family that is crazy about teachin’ their women martial arts. But nothing shady about it, I triple checked. Just bonding through kicking people in the face. Which is perfect, I wanted my baby to know how to defend herself. I knew she’d need those skills eventually. And Tom, that’s Sabine’s wife, he’s a gentle giant. Same size as Bane, but as harmless as a puppy and makes the best croissants ever. Seriously, the best.”
“Harley,” Bruce gently prodded, but there was a tiny grin on his face. Seeing her behaving so… so normally, so proud and reminiscent, was a rare treat. Bruce would be lying if he said he wasn’t proud of how far the woman had come. How she had freed herself and become a better person, mostly on her own.
“Right, right. The point,” Harley took a breath, rubbing her forehead. “I came clean to Tom and Sabine, but apparently they knew who I was the whole time. They just didn’t care— did I mention they are perfect? Anyway, once I explained everything, they agreed immediately to adopting my baby. They’d been wanting kids, but it would’a been too risky for Sabine’s health. That’s how I found them anyway, they were in the market to adopt. We named her Marinette. She took Tom and Sabine’s last names, hyphenated. We decided Quinn would be her middle name. And after that, I came back to Gotham and told myself that she was in good hands and I needed to forget about her. Cuz I was no good for her. I knew that. I went back to my old tricks. And then…” Harley chuckled, but it was self-depreciating.
“Then a few years passed, and I started breaking away from Joker for real. Then we broke up, I blew up Ace Chemicals while you guys were outta town doing Justice League and Young Justice shit. I started dating Ivy. And—“ she smiled softly at the table, clearly seeing something the rest of them couldn’t. “Then Ivy convinced me to go see her. Visit my baby, see how she’s been. And I did. Marinette was seven years old, but damn it to hell she was gorgeous. And say whatever you want about me and Joker— most of it will even be true— but neither of us are stupid. And she inherited all of our intelligence. All of it. She got my blue eyes. But she got his hair, which meant Sabine teased me relentlessly about ‘are you sure she isn’t that Wayne’s kid?’ And don’t make that face Bruce, you’d be lucky to have a kid half as beautiful as my Mari-pie. No offense, Damian. Anyway. Anyway, this is the important part. Or part of it.
“She sat there and listened to everything I had to say. Everything. A little seven year old, who could barely understand English at the time, and she listened without interrupting once. She never threw a fit, she wasn’t angry or confused. I told her about the things I’d done in the past— well, G rated versions— and she didn’t care. She called me Momma Harley right away, said she wanted to meet Aunt Ivy sometime soon, and started telling me everything about her that I’d missed. From that day on, she became my sunshine. The light of my life, and I still call her at least once a week every week. When I disappear for a few days out of the city? I’m visiting her—“
“You’re banned from international travel, Harley,” Dick scolded, but he sounded way too amused for it to work. He knew she had her ways, anyway. Nobody could actually stop Harley damn Quinn from doing whatever she wanted.
“—Ugh, she tells me the same thing every time! Disappointed glare and everything. I don’t know how I gave birth to such a goodie goodie, but somehow I did. Not important though! The important thing is, I’m always the first to hear when something new happens in her life. And we had decided that she wouldn’t visit me in Gotham until she was at least eighteen, but apparently she disobeyed me— which I should have expected honestly— and entered you guys’ WE international scholastic competition.”
“Oh no,” Bruce pinched the bridge of her nose. “Marinette Dupain-Cheng? The contest winner?” He finally pulled out a chair and sat down. “The winner gets an all-expense paid trip to Gotham for them and their whole class.”
“Exactly!” Harley threw up her hands. “Mari told me last week, and I’ve been trying to talk her out of coming ever since. But she’s inherited both of our stubbornness too, and she isn’t budgin’ a bit. ‘Momma Harley, I wanna see you and Auntie Ivy though!’ And ‘Momma, Gotham’s nothing I can’t handle,’ or my favorite, ‘Maybe you’ll finally get to see me dropkick someone three times my size then, and I’ll prove it.’”
“So that’s what you meant by you need our help,” Tim said as he leaned forward over the table. “Joker just broke out of Arkham yesterday. You want us to protect her.”
“I’d prefer if one of you was with her outside of the mask too, as often as possible,” Harley confirmed. “I can’t stop her from coming here anymore, but I also don’t trust Joker for a second. As soon as he sees her, I’m afraid he’ll make the connection.”
“She looks like him?” Damian asked, scrunching up his nose at the ugly mental image of Joker as a teenage girl. Harley shook her head, solemn.
“She looks like a dark-haired mini-me,” she corrected. “She even keeps her hair in pigtails as her way of showing support for me. And I know Marinette can kick ass, Sabine’s trained her well. But Marinette inherited more than I’d like from me,” Harley ran a hand through her hair. “I didn’t notice it until she was thirteen. She got a crush on a classmate, and it was almost like watching videos of me back during the early days of— well, of Harley Quinn. Just without the crime and insanity. She didn’t even realize that she was almost stalking the poor kid until I pointed it out, and luckily I was able to put my doctorate to good use and we nipped that right in the bud ASAP. She never meant it that way, anyway. As soon as I explained things to her, she was horrified and immediately asked me to help her learn how to have a healthy relationship. That was a fun discussion,” Harley grimaced. “But she still gets attached to people really, really easily. Once she grew out of her crush on that boy, she adopted him as her unofficial brother. She already calls Selina “Auntie,” even though I’ve barely mentioned her to Marinette. She gets attached fast, and deeply. And I’m afraid that even after all the warning I’ve done, all the stories I’ve told her—“
“You’re afraid she’ll get attached to Joker just like you did,” Bruce finished for her, closing his eyes. “Because she knows he’s her father.”
“Yes,” Tears were slowly dripping down her face already, her hands curled into fists so tightly that her knuckles were paper white. “You know how he is. If he finds out she’s his biological daughter, he’ll immediately try to take advantage of that. And he’s far too good with his words for people like me and Mari. I’m worried outta my mind. Please. Help keep my baby safe from him.”
“We will,” Jason no longer had his helmet on, or the domino mask that he usually wore underneath it. All of them knew masks were merely formality with Harley nowadays. And he needed to look her directly in the eye so she could see how serious he was. “I can sign up as a bodyguard for the class. It won’t be weird, seeing as they’re tourists and this is Gotham. They also have several rich kids in their group if I remember right.”
Bruce nodded, agreeing with Jason. “That’s a good idea. I can lead the class on their tours of WE personally. That’ll serve the purpose of keeping an eye on her and shutting up the investors that keep begging me to make more public appearances for the sake of the company. Marinette’s name is already released to the news as the winner of the contest, so we can’t keep her out of the spotlight long. Tim, you’ll have to keep an eye on any and all pictures of the class. Try to erase or doctor the images with her in it well enough that connections between her and Harley can’t be easily made. Dick, you and Damian will be in charge of keeping an eye out for any activity from Joker. The slightest hint, and you notify all of us. We’ll decide on a case-by-case basis who is necessary to stick with the class and who goes after the clown.”
“She’s gonna sneak out of her hotel to stay with me and Ivy,” Harley admitted, bringing the (now slightly judgemental) attention back to her. She raised her hands up in surrender. “She didn’t tell me that, and I didn’t approve or suggest it! I just know my baby too well to not realize that that’s her plan. Could ya provide an escort?”
Bruce sighed. “This is gonna be an eventful month.”
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angry-geese · 3 years
Hi there <3 I've read some of your works and i'm in love with your writing. May I please request a fluff gojo x fem!reader? Like they finished their work in the evening and spend the rest of the night together at home💕 It could be a oneshot or a hc, whichever you feel to write. Thank you so much ^^ I'm sorry just in case my request is somehow not really clear☺️
Of course! here you go <3
Gojo Satoru x reader
Warnings: none! entirely fluff! this will quite literally rot your teeth. afab reader
a/n: this ended up being a little longer than I intended lol whoops
Word Count: 2.5k
Satoru Gojo is a busy man.
The strongest can't really take a break. He’s on call 24/7. People are pulling him in all directions simultaneously. With everything that's been going on, between the mess with Sukuna, and everything happening at the school, he’s been short on time.
He needs a break.
He's more tired than he lets on. He’s good at hiding it. Especially around his students. It's hard to pull him away from his work. He's insistent that he’s fine. When you’re around someone for so long, you learn to pick up when they aren't. He can pretend to be fine all he wants. You know otherwise.
Sometimes what the strongest needs is someone to boss him around.
He’s capable of taking care of himself. He’s proven that already. But worrying is in your nature. You care about him, of course you’re going to worry.
You were a first year when you met him, having just transfered schools after an incident involving a curse. In a matter of weeks your life had seemingly been flipped on its head. The switch took some time to get used to. Switching schools your first year, let alone switching to this one in particular, was never going to be easy. Getting used to the way Jujutsu society worked took a while. He was a year above you, and you remember absolutely hating him. Gojo was insufferable- or you found him to be such. But he was friends with Nanami, who was a friend of yours, so you reluctantly hung out with him. Nanami, being in the same year as you, was the first to help you out, extending a hand and helping you get used to the way things worked.
Spending time with him didn't do much to change your views. The two of you couldn't have been more different. You still are. But something about opposites attracts.
The first time you gave him the benefit of the doubt was the first time he saved your life.
It may be a bit of an over exaggeration. You’re certain you would have survived without his help, but that could also be an attempt to preserve your pride. You went after a curse, not expecting it to be as strong as it was. As far as you knew, it shouldn't have been stronger than a grade three. Being a grade two at the time, this should have been well in your ability. There ended up being more than one curse, and they were stronger than anyone had realized. You were in over your head.
It wasn't your fault. You couldn't have known. It's not like you could pick and choose which curses you fought. As a student, that was decided for you.
You had resigned to your fate, separated from the others, injured. Nothing fatal. It left a cool scar, though. But you were well out of your league, put on an assignment far harder than you could deal with. You hate to admit defeat, but you had no other option.
Out of what seemed like thin air came Gojo, taking out both curses like it was nothing. Despite not liking him all that much, it was hard to not be impressed. He was strong. Stronger than you could ever hope to be.
You made it home in one piece.
It was three days before you’d finally confront him.
Getting him alone was hard enough. Being an underclassman, you didn't interact with him a whole lot. You didn't have any classes together. The few times you ran into him were when you hung out with Nanami, who was gone at the time.
When the opportunity presented itself, you took it, cornering him behind the school.
Even back then it was impossible to sneak up on him. He could sense you coming.
“Jesus-” he said, referring to you by your last name, “you look like you want to kill me.”
“You helped me out.” You said. “Why?”
He only shrugged. Not wanting to take that for an answer, you followed him. You were insistent you paid him back. You’d never let a debt like that go unpaid. The first debts are always the hardest to pay back. And when a first debt involves saving your life, well, you’ve got a lifetime to pay back. You only left once Gojo showed up. He needed to talk to Gojo about something, and although you were curious, you didn't feel like sticking around.
Gojo spent the next couple days scheming. You were determined enough you would do just about anything. He could have easily abused his power. It would have been even easier to force you to drop it, but something told him you weren't about to take no for an answer.
You wouldn't.
3pm in the bathrooms. It was hardly a week later. Your last class had ended for the day. You had snuck cigarettes in, blowing the smoke out of the crack in the window. You don't smoke anymore, but you went through nearly a pack a day in high school. There wasn't a specific brand you liked—you didn't necessarily like smoking, but you did it when you were stressed—you just used whatever you got ahold of.
You didn't hear the door open. Gojo wasn't the sneaky type, but he could be when he wanted. You weren't too hard to sneak up on.
If you didn't have contraband that likely would have gotten you expelled, you would have screamed when you saw him. He scared you, not to mention he snuck into the girl’s bathrooms. The two of you would be in equally deep shit if you reported the other. So at that moment you came to a silent agreement.
“You still want to pay me back?” He asked. “Cause I have an idea.”
You perked up at his words.
“Get me mochi from that shop just down the road. You know the one that just opened up?” He asked. “Bring me some and I’ll call us even.”
“That's it?” You asked. It was almost anticlimactic. But despite everything, he was insistent.
Gojo hasn't changed a whole lot since then.
He still has his sweet tooth. He still makes you get him mochi from that shop. It feels like you’re the ones keeping it in business nowadays.
You’re not quite sure who made the first move.
Soon you began spending more time together away from Nanami and Geto. You got along better than anyone—mostly you—ever expected. You weren't the most outwardly affectionate. While you were far from shy, pda wasn't really your thing. Gojo is the opposite. Even now, years after you began dating, he’s still clingy. You’ve gotten used to it. Gojo is possessive, he wants everyone to know you’re his. Not that they don't know already. He can't shut up about you.
Getting him alone has always been hard. Not much has changed in the past few years. He’s only gotten busier. Try to drag him away from work all you want, you rarely succeed.
Tonight he's come willingly. He finished his work early, and all you had left was stuff you could finish in the morning.
Nights at home like this—together—are rare. It feels like you hardly see him anymore. You often fall asleep alone, only to wake up to the other side of the bed being cold. He’s been so occupied with this business with Yuji, that he’s hardly had time for anything else. You sneak away during your breaks, like you’re teenagers again, stealing kisses between classes. You almost don't know what to do.
It almost feels like you should do something to celebrate.
The lights are off when you get home. Your apartment looks empty. Megumi must still be out with his friends.
“What should we do for dinner?” Gojo asks.
“Takeout?” You say. "I don't feel like cooking."
Gojo’s a decent cook, but he doesn't feel like doing so either. He’d get takeout every night if you’d let him. But that's not good for him (or Megumi) so you force him to do otherwise. Because you’re normally home, and you like baking, you’re usually the one to make dinner. There's not much in the fridge. You'll have to get groceries eventually. Not tonight. Maybe tomorrow. It shouldn't take long.
“How does Korean barbeque sound?" He asks. "From that place down the street?”
"Sounds good,"
You find a menu buried in one of your kitchen drawers, stashed with other takeout menus. You pick out something—two meals, plus some sweet buns for dessert—he calls the restaurant. You pay the extra cash to have it delivered. Neither of you feel like going and picking it up. It's more convenient than the alternative.
The tv drones on in the background while you wait. There’s not much on tv at this hour. News, some late night soaps. While you do like your occasional soap opera, none that you normally watch are on. Gojo changes it to the news. The weather. It looks like it'll rain tomorrow morning, but the rest of the day is supposed to be warm.
"We should go to the park tomorrow," you say, "having a picnic sounds nice."
Gojo hums in approval. As long as you make those tea cakes—the ones with honey drizzled on top—he'll agree to tag along. Maybe you'll go check out the bookstore too. It's been a while since you've last gone.
You strip out of your uniform, pulling on some more comfortable clothes; a pair of shorts and one of Gojo's shirts. It smells like him. You can't help but bury your nose in the collar.
When there’s a knock at the door, Gojo is the one to answer. He returns with your food. You gather napkins and utensils. Gojo never saw the point in anything other than stainless steel chopsticks. Or wooden ones—those given to you with takeout—if he wasn't feeling up to doing dishes. You, on the other hand, bought all sorts of colorful ones and stands that may or may not have been lifted from various restaurants. That's one habit from your teenage years you never lost. You'd pocket almost anything that wasn't nailed down. Your apartment has a rather impressive assortment of salt and pepper shakers. Not to mention the box of hotel soaps you never use, but took because you "might" need it. He enables you, taking some whenever he stays out of town, bringing them home for you. Gojo can hardly say no to you.
Gojo settles next to you on the couch, his shoulder pressed to yours. He can't keep his hands off of you. He’s possessive by nature. Everyone has to know you’re his. He always has to be touching you. Not necessarily with his hands, but he presses his thigh against yours while sitting next to you, or his body pressed against yours from behind in public.
The two of you eat in relative silence. Gojo’s attention turns to the tv, but that doesn't stop him from practically laying on top of you. Occasionally he’ll sneak bites of your food, and you of his.
When you’re done, you clear away the empty containers, sitting any leftovers in the fridge. Gojo sprawls out on the couch. He easily takes up any bit of space. The couch can hardly fit all 6-foot-something of Gojo. It hardly fits you. You've been meaning to look for another one, but haven't found the time to.
He opens his arms, and instinctively you go into them. You move so you can rest partially against the arm of the couch, Gojo's head leaning against your shoulder. His arms loop around your waist, his fingers lacing over your stomach.
It doesn't take him long to begin to drift off. He falls asleep in the crook of your neck. The low sound of the tv, combined with the warmth of his body makes you want to drift off to sleep. Sleeping on the couch like this isn't very good for your (or his) back, but you don't want to move.
The next time your eyes open, some late night game show plays, disturbing your sleep with loud music. The clock on the wall reads some time past two. It's hard to read the minute hand. You gently shake Gojo awake. One of his eyes cracks open and he lets out a soft “hm?”
“Come to bed,” you say, your arms wrapping around his neck, “it's late.”
His eyes close, and for a moment you think he’s drifted back off to sleep, when his grip around you tightens, and he’s rolling over on top of you.
“I think I’ll stay here with you, mochi,” he says, planting a wet kiss to your neck. The feeling of his lips on your neck makes you shiver.
And though he doesn't move, there's a look in his eyes that tells you he has something planned. You only notice too late that his grip never loosens, and the mischievous glint to his eyes. You couldn't wiggle out of it if you wanted to. You're effectively trapped.
He litters your neck with kisses, sending you into a giggling fit, and he doesn't stop until you’re begging him to. Tears prick at the corners of your eyes from laughing. Your nails dig into your palms so hard they leave little crescent-shaped indents.
When you finally settle down, he’s pulling you into his arms bridal style, heading for your shared room. The bed is still unmade from this morning. Neither of you bothered to put it away. You were busy, and the thought slipped your mind.
Gojo shoves the covers aside, pulling you to lay on his chest. His fingers gently trace up the curve of your spine as he watches the steady rise and fall of your chest. Goosebumps prickle your exposed skin. He’s careful with how he touches you, loving, and soft. It's like he’s trying to memorize every inch of your body. His heartbeat is audible. Steady, and quet, acting as a lullaby. Your eyes shut, but you’re still awake. The intimacy of the moment doesn't go over your head.
He thinks he could die happy at this moment. Any moment, with you, really. Even during fights, or nights where he doesn't come home until long after you’ve fallen asleep, and you’re left irritated with his lack of time. As long as you’re by his side, he’s content.
He doesn't give much to the thought of settling down. His work will never let him. Neither does he think much about having any biological children. You practically have two already. Settling down isn't really an option for the strongest. This is the closest he’ll get to it.
For now, he just thinks about the park, and the blue sundress you always wear when you go.
Not many people can say they’ve changed who Satoru Gojo is as a person—let alone for the better—but you’ve changed him twice. Once in your meeting behind the school, and once again tonight. He’s found the one.
The first debt is always the hardest to pay back. But you've paid it in full.
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niskoo · 3 years
Burrito run
pairing: rich kid! Jake x rich kid! reader
genre: fluff, crack, bff2l! AU
warnings: food, swearing, sneaking out (??)
word count: 3k words
a/n: my dumbass posted this on my nct acc omfg
this was originally for haechan of nct for my nct acc (@daegall) but i thought i could treat you guys to hehe
networks: @enhypennetwork
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You had known Jake for more than half of your lives. Thanks to both of your rich ass parents setting you two up for a playdate at the age of 12, now you have found your rock and partner in crime. You know when he's feeling down, when he wants to cause trouble for no reason, when he has an eye for someone, heck, you know when and how to get him out of any situation when needed.
Like right now, as he gives you a side glance as he talks boringly to a group of men. All they talked about was business. Jake wanted to talk about that one burrito place down the block, he wants to get out of there and go get some. He wants to get out of this stupid high class party he has no part of.
He knows you do too, he knows by the way you keep glancing at the back door by the kitchen, and how you occasionally move to each group closer to the door. You know he catches up to the plan, how he also moves from group to group, excusing himself every 2 minutes.
You politely excuse yourself from the many unknown rich aunts who just questioned your love life, giving them a very passive smile, before turning to move to another group.
You don't get to go to another group, because you're already so close to the door, and Jake approaches you.
"Why, hello there, miss Y/n."
You feign shock at his greeting, holding a hand to your chest, "My, Jaeyun, wasn't it? It's been too long!"
Your best friend nods, playing along to the small skit you two have created, "About 2 hours, I think? You've grown very beautifully,"
You flick your hand at him, nudging his shoulder not-so-gently, "Oh stop."
You bite your lip to hold back a loud laugh when Jake winces at your harsh push at his shoulder, watching as his face twists in playful anger. You can't help but thin he looks absolutely adorable, nose scrunched up and eyes narrowed in a non meaningful glare, you ought to kiss his puffed cheeks.
You shake the last thought from your mind, bringing the elegant glass of champagne to your lips, sipping lightly at the sweet and slightly sour liquid. You then take a double check around the spacious room, to see if anyone is watching.
Your mother and father were chatting at the far corner with the parents of Jay, a guy you met earlier this evening. He looked just as bored as you. Jake's parents stood not too far from your parents, greeting anyone who approached them.
This was your chance.
Quickly, as Jake was mumbling something about you growing up strongly as well, you grab his arm. He yelps in surprise, as you drag him through the back door, lightly blushing at your gentle touch at his wrist.
The back door soon slams behind the both of you, and you are met with a large yard.
"Y/n! What if someone caught us?"
Giving Jake a side glare, you start to trudge down the flight of stairs to the garden, "You were too busy complaining about my guns to notice we had a chance to escape. You're welcome."
"You're weak!"
"Am not!"
"Are to!"
You ignore the upcoming argument you could've started, taking off your painful heels. They were absolutely stunning, but stung your feet constantly. Beauty is pain, as mother says.
"Lead the way to the burrito truck you claimed to see on the way here!"
Through the many bushes, and many guards, and even more bushes, you finally make it out the the big mansion, and into the dark streets. It's 10 in the night, you hope the burrito place is still open or your only choice left is a McDonalds about an hour away or convenience store food. Not that you minded, but you haven't had a burrito since you were 18. You had it right after graduation day with one of your closes friends who you have no idea of her whereabouts now.
The last time Jake had a burrito is about last week, the first time he met another rich kid named Sunghoon. Their parents gave them a bunch of money to go spend on expensive and top quality foods, but they both mutually agreed to get cheap burritos that would probably give them a bad stomach.
Jake takes the lead, as expected, for he was the one who spotted the food truck. He took off his blazer some time ago, you don't remember when, but with his jacket thrown over his elbow and sleeves rolled up like that, you can't help but admire.
You notice every single little thing about him, his slow, rhythmic paces, occasionally kicking stray rocks on the sidewalk. You watch as his hair slightly bounces as he kicks yet another rock, and you want to pet his hair.
There was that one time when you were 16 and you had a movie night as your parents went away for some business, he had his head on your lap, you didn't mind for some reason. At some point you had started playing lightly with a few strands of his hair, but you didn't notice. The moment you softly ran your hands through his hair, you realized, and decided to keep your hands to yourself after that. To your surprise he protested against it, claiming it was very comforting. So now every time one of you come over to the other's house, you would somehow find yourself playing with his hair, like pure human instinct.
But now as you observed your best friend more, you have a different feeling running through you as you had an urge to softly play with them once more, as if it wasn't as platonic anymore. But that was absurd. you've been friends for 10 years now, why are you just feeling like this now?
Your heart jumps in your chest when you are suddenly met with Jake's eyes, shining brightly with a slight mischievous gloss glazing over them. "Can we pick up the pace please? I'm getting pretty hungry and I know you are too."
Your heart softens as he sticks his arm out, gesturing you to come next to him. You jog barefoot to his side, instantly looping your arm with his.
It doesn't take long to find the food truck Jake mentioned, just a 10 minutes from the mansion, somewhere near the center of town. You had to drive about 2 hours to get here, and so did Jake, so it's a bit strange how he knew his way around the town so easily. You guess he just is that way.
You practically drool at the smell of savory foods that lingers in the air, sucking the saliva in your mouth.
Your best friend eyes you playfully, nudging your hip with his, "See? What did I tell you? Burrito food truck!"
You don't respond, simply grunting and dragging him to the cashier to order some food.
It takes a lot of time to decide on what burrito you'd buy, there were even tacos, and weirdly, cookies and croissants. It was your dream food truck, really. In the end, you both went for the classic burrito, nothing could beat it.
There were no seats to the food truck, sadly, so you and Jake opted to sit on the curb, legs sprawled out on the road, hopefully no cars drive by.
"You ready?" Your best friend asks you, looking at you with much anticipation. You stare at your own burrito in much more anticipation, it's been 4 years since you had a burrito. You wonder how you could survive that long.
You nod vivaciously, already opening your mouth to take a bite. Jake chuckles as he watches you take your first bite, your cheeks instantly puffing out full of the contents. You shut your eyes in bliss, licking your lips for anything left on them.
As you continue to chew, you shake your head, "Shit, I haven't had anything this good in sooo long." You exaggerate, taking yet another bite of the heavenly treat.
Jake can't agree more, he just had a burrito last week, but somehow eating one with you feels different. Especially when you don't mind him seeing and pointing out the smeared food around your mouth, simply trying to search for it with your tongue instead.
Your best friend wants to cherish this moment forever, keep it deep in his heart and laugh at it in the future when he suddenly gets reminded of it, he wants to brag about it to his friends, maybe even share it with his grandchildren, he doesn't know. All he knows is that you're it for him.
You're the one he's spent all of his teenage years with, his first heartbreak, first sleepover, first drink was with you, heck, you were his first close friend!
You know so much about him, you share so much about yourself to him, he's the one you trust. He's the first person you call out to when you're down, first person you call out to in the best of your times. It amazing how much you've been through together, and Jake thinks anything is possible, as long as it's you.
Falling in love seems so much easier than ever, especially at that moment, eating a burrito instead of the expensive caviar at the party before, just with him. And nobody else.
He wants to make you his. Not just his best friend, his lover, his soul mate, his whole world. Not that you weren't already.
"What's wrong?" you suddenly ask Jake, startling him. "You nudge your chin at the burrito in his hands, "Why aren't you eating?"
Jake flushes, realizing he's been staring at you the whole time, taking a big bite of his burrito, before looking away bashfully. "It's nothing."
You grow suspicious of his actions, watching as he swallows and bites his lip shyly. You choose to leave it there, instead bringing up your parents being out of town next week.
The conversation keeps going, from one topic to the other, swerving all over the place, but that's just how it is, talking to the person you're most comfortable with.
The conversation goes on and on until you find yourself walking along the streets blindly, fiddling with the paper packaging of the burrito you ate. You also find yourself wearing Jake's shoes instead of walking barefoot, he gave to you after you complained about walking over so many rocks, and you didn't like how your heart swarmed and beat dangerously fast as he claimed it would be better if you borrowed them for the night.
Strangely enough, his blazer he took off about and hour ago now stayed on your shoulders, keeping you warm from the cold breezes of the night. All your best friend's actions made you swoon over him, and that wasn't something you would feel often. Maybe occasionally, but not everyday.
Jake doesn't know what got into him when he took his shoes off for you, or when he draped his blazer on your shoulders, or why he took your heels and held it for you. What he does know, is that he enjoys the way your lips purse and a light shade of pink dusted over your cheeks. Or how you pull his blazer tighter around your body and sub-consciously loop your arm around his again.
You two never really got to go through the proper high school experience, your parents forced you to go to a strict school with strict rules, they didn't even have celebrations.
Jake always imagines what it would be like to go to a dance, prom, maybe? Full of fun, dancing, and definitely you. You had a similar vision. Chugging down punch or soda and dancing crazily together until you both get sick and throw up in the bathroom.
Prom was like a mutual yearning for the both of you.
God, how you would kill to have a normal high school experience.
"You know," Jake starts, "this feels like I'm walking you home after prom."
You can't stop the grin from reaching your lips, giving into it and letting out a soft laugh. Softly, you elbow his side, "Corny."
There are a few laughs here and there after that, but overall just comforting silence that goes throughout the night. The crickets that echo throughout the night are your only noises, and the few cars rushing by. You two come to a stop at a random bench by a streetlamp, settling there until you realize it's time to go back to the party.
You realize it, but you just don't want to let go of the moment.
You feel Jake hook his leg under yours, swinging them together in sync as you rest and stare into the night sky. Tonight isn't that much of a pretty night, no stars, barely a moon, but that's alright, you're enjoying the most of it.
You turn your head away from the boring black sky, instead facing the mot interesting thing you find in life. Jake is staring down at your swinging legs, smiling at the sight. He fiddles softly with your fingers, caressing and tracing them as if they were one of the most precious things in the world.
Your eyes trail from your tangled legs, to your tangled hands, all the way up to Jake's face, tracing each and every detail with your gaze. You don't remember when he matured, you only remember the fluffy cheeked bowl cut Jake when you two were still middle schoolers. Now all that cheek has become more defined, especially his jaw, you can't help but admire him. He was like a piece of art. Your favorite piece of art.
For the second time that night, you focus on his hair, and ought to run your hands through them once again. To pull him into your embrace as he rests on you, to simply relax and twirl his strands around your fingers.
It seems like whenever you're staring at his hair, Jake just startles you with his eyes, still glossy, but this time they hold something different.
They admire you just as much as yours admire him.
Slowly, as if an unspoken agreement, you lean in closer to his face. His breath close to your cheek sets goosebumps trailing your body, and his touch now on your neck warms you inside.
Your eyes flit between his eyes and lips, oh those plump, soft lips you dream of. You would never admit it, but you have had many urges to crash your own upon them.
And that's exactly what you do. Though, crash isn't the right word to describe it. They press together softly more than recklessly, pulling into a soft lock, something much more than just platonic love being poured into it. Pure bliss and love are being poured like gentle and calm rivers, the ones you find clear and beautiful in parks. It runs faster as Jake tilts your head to kiss you closer, lips wrapped up in the warmth of yours. It feels like home to him.
Jake is absolutely perfect, you decide, despite all the many nights spent together breaking down, left for each other to pick the other up, it makes him perfect.
He thinks you're the most flawless thing he's ever seen, despite all the gems and crystals he sees in most parties, you're the brightest one shining, he could never find any jewel more valuable than you.
You pull away with one last soft lock of your lips, but stay close and ghost them together. You find his eyes the shining the most you have ever seen in the 10 years you have spent with him, one different emotion fluttering behind them. Love.
You surely don't feel that big of a person when you're at these big rich parties, even if everyone knew of your name. But kissing your best friend and being the one he sees, he loves, being his, you feel like you could rule the world.
You know you're his after this. How could you not? The way he breaks out into a very bashful smile when you leave one last peck on his lips, the way he holds you so close. There was no way he couldn't be yours after this.
A week later you have a very sleepy boyfriend on your couch, his head resting on your lap as you play softly with his hair. Nothing is all that different, except for all the kisses he steals when reaching up to you. And of course, the corny lines being thrown at each other as a competition to see who can come up with the cheesiest, most disgusting pick up line ever.
"I want to wrap you in my arms and make you my baerito."
"Ugh Jake that was just straight but bad! Not even funny or cheesy!"
Jake simply laughs, and wraps his arms around you just as he claimed to have wanted to, mumbling how he agreed into your forehead.
Being in his arms, you feel like you could fight everything that would try to hurt your lover, but for now you stick to the playful pokes he gives to your stomach and sides.
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