#once upon an eclipse
leeryder · 5 months
Speed paint
Inspired by By The Pale Moon’s Glow on Ao3 by Orcinus Astra. Y’all should read it. Like. Right now
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acchellerate · 1 year
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I haven’t played much Genshin, but I did start reading @leeryder Once Upon an Eclipse fanfic and it changed my life??? So this first Inktober is for the most recent chapters that made actual tears stream down my face.
Prompt is “Dream.” If you know…you know.
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scribbyizhere · 5 months
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Look at my handfull of little guys I like
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woah hi guys um ok. idk if i've posted any of these yet but urg. various aus(very few mentions of these on my blog sadly, I have not been thinking abt them nearly enough grrrrg)
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hamsterarts · 6 months
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Kaen'riahs last hope drowning in a sea of golden tears
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sibillascribbles08 · 6 months
Honestly the eclipse makes me think about the final shots from The Rite of Spring segment of Fantasia and how every time I watch it I just have to sit there and stare at a wall for a few minutes processing it all and I wonder if literally anyone else feels the way I do about that segment
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snowe-zolynn-rogers · 2 years
Curses you with more Trashcan shipping thoughts because it’s stuck in my brain and I’m evil and need to share the suffering. Eclipse x Trashcan edition.
Eclipse getting attached because Trashcan is as much a prisoner in the bunker as he is. When he says he’s going to dispose of him for Killcode, he actually sets him up in a nice cozy blanket pile.
Trashcan just running up to Eclipse while he’s threatening Sun and giving him a big smooch through the can somehow, and then running away and falling down the stairs.🦇
Eclipse is the only person to manage to get the trash can off his head. Eclipse, in doing so, becomes his favorite person, in turn making Eclipse slowly fall for the weird guy his dad brought home for the twins to kill over and over.
He denies it, of course, but when a surprisingly pretty human asks you if you like them, it’s hard to say you don’t when you do. Trash Can and Eclipse have been dating in secret for months since Eclipse got the trash can off his head behind KC and Blood Moon’s backs.
But the second Trash Can kisses him with his old trash can on (as protection for his head from the sword so he basically bonks his face lightly with the trash can) before taking it off and pecking his face all while Eclipse is threatening Sun. Eclipse just goes all giggly like a lovestruck puppy and Sun has to take a step back because ‘wait, he can laugh?’
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mylyy · 1 year
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"There's nothing I can do
A total eclipse of the heart..."
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random-blep · 2 years
okay so my dadluc post inspired a part of me I didn't know existed so now I'm writing scenarios for this future time and like I am hitting the waterworks hard, let me put in snippet of what I just wrote cause it's Kaeya and Diluc bonding
Diluc having more than one kid, the first kid was named something to be with his family line and the second kid he asks Kaeya if there are any names he would like the second to be named. (With the permission of his spouse of course)
Diluc: Hey Kae, remember when you mentioned my kid looked lonely
Kaeya: yeah, what about it?
Diluc: Well, I just found out we're having another. So the little one won't be lonely anymore
Kaeya: Congrats. Any ideas on what to name them?
Diluc: well, the first one I named after my grandfather, remember?
Kaeya: hm, so you're gonna choose your grandmother next?
Diluc: No..Well, I wanted to ask. Since my first born was a family name I wanted to ask. Are there any names you would like for the second born?
Kaeya: Oh, you're bestowing the honor onto me to name them? Won't your spouse get mad at that
Diluc: No, I talked to them and they even encouraged I ask you
Kaeya: Aw, I'm touched that you think so highly of me
Diluc: hm, well if you try to say anything stupid I may still veto it
Kaeya: oh you wound me, I would never waste such an honor like this, hmm, let me think
Diluc: Take your time, wouldn't want steam to leave your ears when thinking too hard
Kaeya: *gasp* now you're just being mean
Diluc: who ever said I was being nice
Kaeya: haha, careful there I'll tell on you
Diluc: *chuckles* Now who would you tell?
Kaeya: mm, how about your spouse? They would surely scold you, or maybe Adelinde would scold you harsher?
Diluc: really now? You'd tell them?
Kaeya: mhm, but maybe I'd let you get off easy and just tell my favorite nephew. He'd make his daddy apologize for being a big meany. *Laughing*
Diluc: *laughing as well* oh really now. I think that boy indulges your antics too much as it is
Kaeya: Then I think you're raising him right. He's just like his father.
Diluc: Now you're giving me too much credit
Kaeya: You're right, he gets a lot of his personality from your spouse. No way that bright smile comes from your grumpy face
Diluc: Oh? I have a grumpy face now?
Kaeya: Well maybe not so much anymore, that spouse of yours did bring a new light to your life
Diluc: Don't forget you being here as well
Kaeya: *grinning* of course, where would you be without your kind and charming younger brother to make you more appealing and helping you with all your romantic endeavors
Diluc: *laughing* okay i take that back.
Kaeya: hey no take backsies
Diluc: Alright, Alright..Have you thought of a name yet?
Kaeya: hmm, I'm thinking if they're a boy then maybe Nabbi, of they're a girl maybe Khanlindi. Though they might be a bit odd of names for a Ragnvindr to have.
Diluc: They're not weird..Why those names?
Kaeya: Nabbi, he was a cousin of mine and Khanlindi, well she was like an older sister I suppose.
Diluc: You had a sister?
Kaeya: Yeah, she was a lot older than me. Nothing like how close to you are in age to me.
Diluc: Do you miss her?
Kaeya: I miss everyone from my home, but if you mean their memory hurts..Well sort of, but not as bad now.
Diluc: Would we be able to find them?
Kaeya: It would be impossible, they would be either claimed by the curse or the abyss by now. They would not be the people I knew when I was a child. They are gone.
Diluc: Have you ever said goodbye to them?
Kaeya: No, as a child I couldn't hold my own funeral rites for them. It was impossible between the needs for it and hiding my identity.
Diluc: Well could hold one for them now?
Kaeya: *somber smile* I would like that very much..thank you Diluc.
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leeryder · 1 year
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Drew the mitachurl with a little friend
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khunvegas · 2 years
Compilation of Bad Kisses in BLs (Part 2)
1. The Tasty Florida
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it’s giving “i don’t know how to kiss” energy and at this point, i’m not even surprised. disappointed but not surprised. not only there was no real substance in this one, the tension was WASTED because how can you explain this horror? it makes no sense. the scene where eunkyu is helping haewon to put on the apron was scrumptious but they just gave me NOTHING with that kiss. next.
2. Given
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the thing with japan is that it’s always gonna give you good plots, you can’t go wrong with them but if there’s a kiss, it’s always gonna be bad. that’s why i think they choose NOT to add one because look. what is that. can you even call that a kiss? and it’s just sad because the anime version was GOOD (according to a lot of people) but this one didn’t live up to the expectations.
3. My Sweet Dear
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see because this one had the potential. hell, it it even had the chemistry (that scene when they first met with the apron and shit? GOOD FOOD) but you know how it is in korea: no money for workshops. the show was good, it really was but man, why can’t they deliver a good kiss? it’s like watching two walls kissing. it’s not fair.
4. Dear Doctor, I’m coming for soul (KheetaNathee)
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this happened in ep 10 and the series has 12 episodes, so can you really call them a couple? their first kiss was a spur of the moment thing when one of them was drunk and the second kiss was censored, at this time and age. so this is it. the show in general was interesting, a little overdramatic but watchable. however, them? they really didn’t add much to the mix.
5. Tinted with you.
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can you really ask that much from a show that has 8 episodes with a 10min run time, $5 and a dream? not really. however, this cemented the idea that we do like period dramas in bls and that we also like kpop idols starring in them. so, yeah, the kiss was shit and the plot could have been expanded but i loved junhee and i really fell in love with his acting, so a round of applause for him. hopefully you can kiss better in your next show, bestie.
6. Paint with love (NuengTharn)
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i wanna tell yoon he’s such a bad kisser. that he has to give it up. not only that but he’s always paired with people that don’t help his cause either. either that or he doesn’t know how to choose his roles. it’s sad.
7. Star in my mind (KluenNuea)
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i have several bones to pick from this show and the kiss(es) are one of those. not only this was directed by new and felt like a studio wabi sabi production, it felt more of the same stuff we’ve seen so far. there’s nothing remarkable about this show (if you girlies like it, you do you). what triggers me is that joong did excellent in the kissing department in 2 moons 2 and then here, that experience just disappeared. this is what happens when you pair a moderately experienced actor with a rookie. 
8. Ocean likes me
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i will open a gofundme that will be dedicated to find and hire acting coaches that are not afraid of success and will train these actors on their intimate scenes. this can’t keep going on, korea, we need to do better than this. good show tho.
9. Our days
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this show was 12 episodes of absolutely nothing, the plot was all over the place. boring and slow, hella slow. one of the leads had more chemistry with another actor than with his on screen partner. that’s how bad it was. this was on the very last episode, 5min before it ended. yes, they had sex. out of nowhere. like this show. next.
10. Senpai this can’t be love
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it’s like i said. japan always brings the most amazing plots out there, the comedy is out of this world and the quality is good enough to watch. they could have the number 1 spot for their bls. problem is, most of their shows have shitty kisses. like this one.
this silly little series was good, i liked it. there are never enough office romances. it had age gap and power imbalance that could have gone sideways. but now, it was handled good. but this kiss felt very underwhelming. that’s where it went kaput for me.
11. Fish upon the sky (both couples)
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i’m gonna be real with you here. the dialogues in this show were smart in the sense that the show itself was calling out a lot of bullshit we have seen in previous bls (the shippers, for example). it had its issues ofc; i’m not gonna talk about them because that’s not the point of this post. the point is the godawful kisses we got, especially with neolouis. this is gonna haunt me forever (i would say they got better in the eclipse but i will talk about that later). 
honestly, this show was a classic in the sense that had all the classic tropes some of us are starting to hate (the use of the character going to the bathroom and saying they are pooping is getting on my nerves and i’m glad the later shows stopped this madness). the story? 6.5/7. the kisses? -10/10.
12. I want to see only you.
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like i said before. japan knows how to their plots right, they just don’t know how to deliver a kiss. which is kind of sad because it takes impact from the show. like i really want to enjoy all of it but if the kiss it’s ugly or looks like the actors are not even into it, it’s very disappointing. show itself was a 10/10 tho.
13. Once again
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i’m once again asking korea to please PLEASE invest in some workshops because this is ridiculous. i get that the budget is low but come on. give me something more than this. like it had time travel ffs (and a very open ending). they got the materials but the execution was abysmal.
14. Takara-kun to Amagi-kun
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like i said: japan knows how to do plot but on the kissing department they are lacking. idk, i mean, i guess that it was kind of the point of this show. two high schoolers that get together and everything is awkward around each other and so, it’s not a surprise that the kisses are weird too. but it’s not just this one, it’s the majority of the bls produced in japan. good plots but almost nothing in the intimacy department.
15. The Eclipse (both couples)
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ofc i have to slander the biggest show right now. i have to be fair and like the truth is these kisses were fishy. one was supposed to be a sleeping kiss and the other idk because that was the moment where akk and aye finally agreed to be a couple so you would think their kiss would be slightly better (but akk was living in a constant state of panic up until this point, so yeah). still, they have to be here
they do get better after this tho (especially neolouis, i thought this was all that i was going to get). 
in all seriousness, this doesn’t take away how AMAZING this series was. yes, there were some loose ends here and there, ep 11 was kind of weirdly edited and it did deserve at least two more episodes but overall, it was such a good show with amazing actors, a good script, the music was great, it had everything to be that bitch right now and the most important part is that no one died at the end like the trailer suggested. nothing but praises, honestly.
Compilation of Bad Kisses in BLs (Part 1)
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scribbyizhere · 6 months
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wips out Once Upon A Time au art that I made the night before the eclipse
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yarn-dragon · 2 years
Flufftober day 24! Dawna figures out how to hug her brother again
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nexus-nebulae · 22 days
im going insane ive been listening to the terraria solar eclipse music for two hours bc eyezor wont drop its stupid fucking painting ive killed over 100 eyezors i am going to explode
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lunastar92 · 2 months
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