#one before whom evil trembles (sekhmet)
deathfavor · 1 year
starter for @revengesworn
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" They're really content to leave you behind, huh, cub? " Sekhmet's voice whispers in Mikey's ear despite her form has yet to appear. The words come in the summer breeze, sympathetic to the boy left behind by his friends. At least, that was the perfect angle to play the situation.
A glance around reveals no one - and then someone as the goddess appears standing in the middle of the room. The golden jewelry that decorates her form jingles and clinks when she moves, and red lips the shade of blood ( be it lipstick or genuine blood was anyone's guess ) curl into a smile as she observes the boy. He was practically a walking beacon of negative emotions. So naturally, Sekhmet had become curious to the source. He practically rivaled some of the gods she knew.
" Hello there. I don't mean any harm. But I couldn't help seeing who gives off such an intense aura. " Only a fool would - it wasn't as if he could harm her anyways. And seeing how mortals reacted to the intense aura of a god was always a bit fun in of itself.
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sol-ulfr · 1 year
Merytmwtheryt -> Sölulfr
For reasons that I will be keeping personal for the most part, I will be leaving the Kemetic Pagan path and moving to a more Norse-centered one. This means I won't be posting Kemetic-related things anymore. I'm very sorry if that's what you primarily follow me for! But for me it's time to move on to something else.
I will be adding all of my Kemetic tags to this post so you can see things about specific Kemetic deities or topics if you would like to.
Thank you to everyone who has joined me on my journey so far! It's been a pleasure, and I hope you stick around 💕
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deitiesofduat · 2 years
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[08] -- SEKHMET
✦ TITLE: Lady Sekhmet -- The Goddess of War, Fire, Womanhood, and Vengeance
✦ SACRED ANIMAL: The Lioness ✦ DIVINE WEAPON: Battle Axe ✦ NOTABLE EPITHETS: "Lady of Slaughter; Mistress of Dread; Devouring Flame; The One Before Whom Evil Trembles" ✦ PROFILE: https://deitiesproject.com/portfolio/sekhmet/
Lady Sekhmet, "The Eye of Ra," is the eldest of Ra’s daughters. Her sisters include Mafdet, Hathor, Serqet, and Bastet.
Sekhmet is known for her frightening power in battle, with the fierce intensity of a seasoned huntress and warrioress. She's a goddess of few words and little room for leniency. Though not quick to anger, her unbridled rage can have devastating consequences once provoked.
DEITIES x OC_TOBER -- Deity Profiles [Full Character Lineup]
Sekhmet's another supporting character from the main story of DEITIES -- a powerful goddess who's not to be messed with or crossed. My fun fact for her will be some extended backstory that many already know:
In many versions of Egyptian Mythology, Sekhmet was tasked with culling the mortals who were blaspheming and conspiring against her father and king, Lord Ra. But her wrath and bloodlust had caused her to nearly slaughter all of humanity. This would have led to mankind's extinction, were it not for the intervention of the other gods and mortals working together to calm Sekhmet's mind and end the massacre.
By the start of the main story of DEITIES, the pantheon and mortals have recovered since that incident, and Sekhmet has reformed herself to remain a well-respected goddess. But I imagine it's still not a moment that Sekhmet is proud of or likes to revisit, and one that most beings are wise enough not to bring it up in her presence (emphasis on most -- some of ya'll are bold lmao).
At the very least, I'd like to think it makes her a good foil for Set, and vice versa -- something I'd like to explore more sometime... 🤔✨
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ch1llz365 · 2 years
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Daughter of the sun god Ra, she was known for wielding wild, untamable powers of destruction, war and pestilence, and her most famous epithet was “The One Before Whom Evil Trembles.” Yet she was also a great healer (sometimes in her calmer cat form Bastet) who could cure just about any known illness or disease.
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selkiewife · 3 years
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Daenerys Appreciation Month || Mythological or Historical Parallels
Hestia is a Greek fire goddess of the hearth, home, family, and the state. Daenerys parallels Hestia because of the importance she places on home and her people. I would also argue that home is the most important thing to Daenerys and that her quest for the Iron Throne is a manifestation of that desire for home and for safety (since being exiled means she is forever under threat of assassination attempts.) As the books go on, she consistently attempts to create this sense of safety and home for former slaves and the disenfranchised. I also love how Hestia reminds us that fire is not only a tool used to destroy, but it is also necessary to sustain life, which I think is at the heart of the duality of Daenerys' house words of Fire and Blood.
Kali Ma
Kali Ma is a Hindu goddess who is considered to be the Master of death and time. She is also said to be the Paramshakti, that is the supreme of all powers, or the ultimate reality. She is the ultimate manifestation of Shakti and the mother of all living beings. She destroys evil in order to protect the innocent. Daenerys parallels Kali as a mother figure who is the defender of the weak. For more details about how Daenerys parallels Kali read this meta by @yendany
Artemis is a Greek goddess of the hunt, wildlife, the moon, and the protector of women and children. Daenerys parallels her connection to animals through her natural ability to ride and bond with horses as seen with The Silver and the fact that she is able to hatch, nurture, tame, and ride dragons, an extinct species at the time the books begin. She also parallels Artemis as a protector of women and children and as a mother figure. Artemis herself never gives birth, yet is revered as a Mother Goddess and prayed to by women in labor. This parallels Daenerys who has also never physically given birth to a human child, but is seen as a mother to her people and to the dragons she brought into the world.
Sekhmet is an Egyptian warrior goddess of healing. She is the daughter of the sun god, Ra, and is among the more important of the goddesses who acted as the vengeful manifestation of Ra's power, the Eye of Ra. Sekhmet is said to breathe fire, and the hot winds of the desert are likened to her breath. She is given titles such as the "One Before Whom Evil Trembles", "Mistress of Dread", "Lady of Slaughter" and "She Who Mauls". Yet she is also revered as the goddess of healing and protection. Daenerys has parallels with Sekhmet's fire imagery and also parallels the idea that the destruction of evil is often necessary in order to protect and sustain life and to make way for healing.
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dua-netjeru · 3 years
Inspiration struck again, so I felt another "lockscreen shrine" was in order. Dua Sekhmet, the One Before Whom Evil Trembles!
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as-an-offering · 2 years
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Sekhmet. One Before Whom Evil Trembles. Mistress of Dread. Lady of Slaughter. She who sends plagues upon her enemies. Ruthless, bloody, goddess of War.
Patron of physicians.
Aspect of Hathor, goddess of fertility.
Rage, in the teeth of the lion.
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mountphoenixrp · 2 years
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We have a new citizen in Mount Phoenix:
                       Sekhmet, the Goddess of War & Vengeance,                            whose origins stem from Ancient Egypt.                                 She is now a City Council member                                  and the owner of Visión / Ilusión.
FC NAME/GROUP: Kim Hyoyeon / Girls' Generation GOD NAME: Sekhmet PANTHEON: Egyptian OCCUPATION: Owner of Visión / Ilusión, Council Member DEFINING FEATURES: Sekhmet is immediately recognizable through her sharp, killer gaze. Though her frame is smaller than others, she is agile and moves gracefully, sweeping the air with a subtle ominous aura and scenting her surroundings with musk released from her long, straight locks, usually varying between a bright blonde from her lioness persona, and a jet black that offers a preview of the dark, doomed fate one will fall into after rubbing the goddess in the wrong way.
PERSONALITY: Sekhmet is quick – quick to act, quick to react, and quick to lose her temper. She remains on her feet and leads an active lifestyle to curb the blood thirst that stubbornly remains even after the age of war, battle and bloodshed. Her natural wartime instincts now converted to constant wariness and doubt of everyone and everything, and she always questions one’s intentions.
Yet this part of her is also balanced out by her gentler, more sympathetic side. Once worshipped as a patron deity of physicians and healers, Sekhmet can bring comfort, both physical and emotional, to those who are in need and have secured her absolute trust. Once a goddess associated to widespread disease and horror, who threatening to wipe out the entire humanity just to quench her blood thirst, she lives in an age where such sentiments were no longer acceptable nor necessary, and she began to become fascinated in seeing and experience the mundane, daily little pleasures she shall discover in her eternal life. Besides, constantly letting instincts run wild and letting fits of extreme rage ruin her days didn’t sound like the ideal lifestyle for Sekhmet today. Sometimes, feigning a sweet demeanor to watch a string of events unfold sounds like a fun way to pass time.
Although Sekhmet is definitely not a benevolent goddess by any means, she looks down upon and will always punish sly, plotting individuals. Everything she did, even her bad deeds, were done with dignity and pride, and any cheating or fraud of any kind is unacceptable in Sekhmet’s world. Of course, old habits die hard, and the goddess remains within her core her vengeful nature. Act with respect towards her, and she will return the favor with grace and generosity, but do her wrong and be prepared to meet the worst of fates possible.
HISTORY: An enraged Ra, God of Gods, having had enough of humankind plotting against him and going against the laws of ma'at, tore the cobra from the uraeus on his head and turned it into a lioness-headed goddess. Sekhmet was thrown into life, quite literally, and she believed it was because of that she was destined to be a goddess of great things. Everything substantial originated from her; war, chaos, plague, and even the unforgivingly scorching heat from the sun and her breath. She before whom evil trembles was revered and feared by all upon the land, and great measures were taken by worshippers to keep her appeased in order to avoid atrocities.
On certain days, she found herself unable to control her urge to destroy. On one of her usual missions to wipe out all men who were against Ra, she couldn’t stop killing until Ra fooled her with blood-colored beer that flowed in the rivers. On other days, she graced mankind with her powers to heal, offering antidotes for the deadly diseases she spread in fits of rage.
Both the benevolent and the malicious wanted so much from her, and Sekhmet knew whatever they wanted, she could give. Showered with luxurious offerings she’d never run out of in her eternal lifetime, her bloodlust only grew, and for eternities and more, Sekhmet would provoke wars of all scales, and spread deadly diseases that killed people in the most gruesome means. To stop her in her tracks, worshippers from all walks of life would step up their offering game, but the ones who prayed for victory in battle often outshone the others; and this is how the world came to be, settling their problems through good old-fashioned combat.
Therefore when the world gradually moved towards a time of rational debate over war, eradication of diseases with vaccinations, Sekhmet became restless, and questioned her purpose of life as her sole function began to become less relevant in the modern world. Perhaps it was time to shift her image and seek a new purpose in life, and while she had no dreams of making the world a better place, she wanted to place a certain type of order upon it that rang true to her values. Where would be a good place to start?
Perhaps somewhere small, where people would know who she was.
Solar/Fire/Heat Manipulation - As a descendent of Ra, God of the Sun, Sekhmet possesses the abilities that of a solar deity. Although the spectrum of her powers do not extend as far and wide when compared to a proper solar deity, she can manipulate lunar energy and make the use of fire and heat to a masterful extent.
War Manipulation - As a Goddess of War, Sekhmet has the supreme ability to manipulate all aspects of what leads up to a war, events during a war, and the aftermath of a war. This ranges from manipulating emotions that provoke conflict, manipulating the lands in which battles take place, the luck of any preferred winner, and much more.
Lioness Physiology - Sekhmet is represented by a lioness in ancient folklore, so she embodies the physical qualities of a lioness, first of all including the ability to shapeshift into one. When in lioness form, she will possess all physical and mental properties a strong lioness would otherwise possess.
Enhanced Archery/Swordsmanship - A self-explanatory trait, Sekhmet excels in the arts of weaponry, and can produce, use and manipulate weapons with skill and ease.
Disease Manipulation and Healing - Sekhmet can spread diseases of any kind, big or small, and can also offer antidotes for the diseases she spreads. On the other hand, she can heal illnesses, those to do with pathogens and internal medicine more effectively than those of a more mechanical or surgical nature.
Blood Empowerment - Sekhmet does not need to consume blood to survive, but she enjoys it and gains vitality and “pep” from drinking it, very much like alcohol or drugs.
STRENGTHS: Honest and straight to the point; observant and perceptive, and can usually spot nuances others cannot; generous with a punchy (if not slightly dark) sense of humor
WEAKNESSES: Brutally honest without a filter; obsessed with obtaining respect from others; stubborn, unwilling to compromise and is almost attracted to conflict; uses alcohol and drugs carelessly, and finds herself more violent and vengeful when under the influence
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lady-sphinx · 2 years
Every 8 years Venus meets with the royal star Regulus- heart of the lion.
If you get up just before sunrise on October 2 & 3, you may be able to see Regulus shining in the morning sky next to Venus (Venus is the brighter of the two).
While this event happens every 8 Earth years, during that time Venus has circled the Sun 13 times.
The union of Venus and Regulus announces the fierce feminine, the one who will not be tamed, silenced, or subdued beneath false authority. It is an energy that is resonant with the mighty Egyptian goddess Sekhmet whose name means ‘one who is powerful’ and who is also given many epithets such as ‘one before whom evil trembles’.
This is an opportunity to remember and reaffirm sacred patterns of feminine wisdom and strength as a force that will not tolerate oppression, corruption, or evil.
She is the one who rises again and again to defend the sacredness of life, freedom, sovereignty, and truth.
Perhaps you feel called to honour this force in yourself, align with ancient feminine power and shine your light through the murkiness, confusions, and illusions of this time… if you’re feeling particularly inspired or focused you might want to rise before the Sun to meet these celestial beauties within and without.
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ristoky · 3 years
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Sekhmet -  She's the warrior & healing goddess. Some may even know her by the title "(One) Before Whom Evil Trembles". She was seen as the protector of the pharaohs and led them in warfare. Upon death, Sekhmet continued to protect them, bearing them to the afterlife... 
 Thare's a Myth about the end of Ra's rule on the earth, where Ra sent the goddess Hathor, in the form of Sekhmet, to destroy mortals who conspired againt him. Sekhmet's blood-lust was not quenched by the end of the war, which led her to almost wipe out all of humanity. To stop her, Ra colored all the Beer red, to trick Sekhmet into thinking it's Blood. Mistaking beer for blood, she became extremely wasted - up to the point where she gave up on the slaughter and returned to Ra peacefully... the End.
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deathfavor · 1 year
heaxrtinparadise replied to your post “WATCH OUT, SHE’LL EAT YOU ALIVE  !”
Seth is just staring at his sword - ‘I worked hard on that—..’m
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   “  Should have thought of that before swinging it my direction ~ !  “  It’s okay Seth. You can make a new one. A better one!
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benerwy · 4 years
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Beloved of Ra and Ptah, the Warrior Goddess, destroyer by plagues and fire. The one before whom evil trembles,
Dua Sekhmet!!
Drawn with pencil, coloured by marker:) hopefully I can get back into drawing the way I used to be!
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smarmykemetic · 4 years
I love how topical this is. I'm learning about the Egyptian Pantheon and Sekhmet, who is known to lead her worshippers into warfare. I was immediately thinking of current events and then I read this line "She also was given titles such as the '(One) Before Whom Evil Trembles', 'Mistress of Dread', 'Lady of Slaughter' and 'She Who Mauls.' Fucking metal I love it. All this tells me is that Sekhmet would 100% be behind every act of anti-police violence. Sorry I don't make the rules, Sekhmet does.
Dua Sekhmet!
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cthulhu-craft · 5 years
Devotion to Sekhmet
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I wrote this just now, and since I don’t see a lot of prayers to Sekhmet online, I thought I would share! Enjoy.
I devote myself to You Goddess Sekhmet, Powerful One Flaming Eye of Ra Before Whom Evil Trembles
You are the Apocalypse. No mortal may behold your terrible beauty. Your blistering heat will be humanity’s end. And You are the Source. Your Power spins the Wheel of the Year And the Circle of Life.
Goddess Sekhmet, May my claws be sharp, And my mind be sharper. May You taste the blood of my enemies And heal me in my moments of weakness. May your Light pierce through the fog, To guide my hands and to guide my heart.
In my darkest hour, may I light a candle in the blackness For by the warmth of Your flame and the hope of Your sunrise, No night terror may touch me. And may I never take you for granted, Hiding my eyes from Your glare, For in the beauty of Your sunset, I will wonder how I have never seen you before.
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spidermartini · 5 years
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Picture credit: SpiderMartini
Prayer credit:
Sekhmet, One Before Whom Evil Trembles
I call to Thee and beg Thy protection:
I am being chased, surrounded and overwhelmed
by fearful things which oppress and threaten me.
Sekhmet, Warrior Goddess and Devouring One
Mother, wrap Thy healing wings around me;
protect me from the attacks I am experiencing.
Soothe my wounds, comfort me, give me strength
in my moment of desperation.
Great One In The Places Of Judgment And Execution
The Laws of Ma'at have been violated.
I ask Thee to take action against my pursuers:
May Thy retribution upon my enemies be swift.
Sekhmet Of The Knives,Burner Of Evil-doers
I declare, I am worthy of Thy intervention.
I do not willingly hurt others and I uphold the Laws of Ma'at
Please come to me and help me in this, my time of need.
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madamlaydebug · 5 years
Anetch Hrak Ra and Raet. Anetch Hrak Ptah and Sekhmet. Dua Sekhmet Lady of Flames. The Great Defender. Overcomer of All Enemies. Yaa Sekhmet Protectress of the Neteru. Mighty One of Terror. She Before Whom evil trembles. Warrior Neteru. Come forth Great One. Bring fire to those who work to destroy the earth. Bring fire to their wicked plots and plans. Stop them in their tracks Great Mother. Stop the forests from burning and turn the fire on those who caused them. Bring balance and healing to the planet Great Mother. Keep your children safe. Dua Sekhmet we thank you. So be it and so it is!!! Amen Ra Maat 
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