#one day i will post about my personal rarepairs for her that nobody else in this world other tgan me hs caught on to
voidedjuice · 2 years
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Painted some Whisperains
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sinsbymanka · 3 years
Writing Tag Game
Okay listen I’m on vacation XD hence why I’m ignoring everyone’s tags/taking forever to respond. But I’ve been tagged in this A LOT and I really liked it/wanted to do it so thank you to everyone who tagged me (oh my god I’m so sorry if I missed one of you there were SO MANY): @noire-pandora, @in-arlathan, @thevikingwoman, @morganlefaye79, @elveny, @kunstpause, @pikapeppa
I’m not tagging anyone because I’m tagging everyone since I’m too lazy to find my tag list (I’m on VACATION). If you’ve not gotten tagged and wanted to do this, say I tagged you. 
How many works do you have on Ao3?
147 - I have 145 linked to my profile and two in the anonymous collection. 
What's your total Ao3 wordcount?
1,468,248. Almost 1.5 million!! 
What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Of Miracles and Heroes (FenHawke, Cadash/Varric, Varania/Blackwall): 269
Interspecies Relationships Have Their Ups and Downs (Shakarian): 145
Don’t Make it Hawkeward (Varric/Hawke): 135
The Ambassador’s Vices (Josephine/Adaar): 111
The Girl with the Arrow Tattoo (Cadash/Varric): 101
Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I do (but - to be honest - it takes me FOREVER). I love comments. It’s so much easier to not leave comments than leave comments, so every time someone leaves one I’m blown away. I feel like - for leaving me a comment - you’re definitely owed an answer! I do apologize that it takes me awhile though - I am very bad at answering because they mean a lot to me and I get easily overwhelmed by the AO3 inbox I don’t know why. Blame anxiety. 
What's the fic you've written with the angstiest ending?
I’ll be honest, I don’t like angsty endings so I don’t have many of them. By far the angstiest ending I have is Flowers, Lies, and Forgiveness. This is a Bianca Davri/Varric Tethras fic set during the final act of DA2. I wrote it from Bianca’s POV - showing Varric unraveling under the pressure of Kirkwall and Bianca’s complicated feelings about infidelity to her husband who clearly cares about her as well. I wrote it for @hollyand-writes who always lets me lean into the tragic “fucked upness” of the pairing when I’m feeling like making Varric suffer.  
What's the fic you've written with the happiest ending
I prefer happy endings so almost EVERYTHING has a happy ending. My favorite endings, so far, are for Cheating the Dread Wolf, which is my Varric/Cadash/Solas polycule (or as I like to refer to it - Solas has a dwarf kink) and The Viscount’s Mistress which is my Hurt/Comfort Cadash/Varric Trespasser bullshit. 
Do you write crossovers? If so, what is the craziest one you've written?
I have not written crossovers - but I am very into AUs in another setting that belongs to a different fictional universe. Most recently I got back into my Downton Abbey bullshit and wrote Flappers for Fen’harel which is basically a Downton Abbey AU Solas/Cadash and I’m not taking comments about the outrageousness of it. 
Have you ever received hate on a fic?
Yep. Honestly though? Over the two years I’ve been active in Fandom, the shitty comments can be counted on one hand and usually came from the same people over and over again, who are easily blocked, and should stop seeking out clearly labeled content they don’t like. Me and my work are not for everyone - that’s REALLY okay. I’ve blocked people for no other reason than making things I don’t like - that doesn’t mean they’re bad people. 
Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I am extremely sex and kink positive. Because of this - a lot of my work involves sex in some way or another. I think sex is a beautiful part of many (although not all) relationships, and that it’s frequently glossed over in mainstream media (particularly queer, kinky, and polyam sex). 
This ranges from sort of vanilla slow burns (My Cole/Bea fic, Compassion for an Assassin, has smut which hasn’t been posted yet. It’s Cole’s first time and is fairly vanilla and romantic, and occurs approximately 40k into the fic) to some pretty dubious consent near 24/7 dom/sub dynamics with BDSM kinks (I’ve written JUST as much of the Sereda/Gorim problematic smut as @jarakrisafis has in our series Forced Moves). 
There’s very few kinks I’m not willing to touch at least to try out - even if I end up not liking them. And the ones that aren’t for me are 100% allowed to exist and I will fight for them to the bloody end. My only recommendation is CLEARLY labeling your shit and not being afraid to add a tag if someone asks you to. 
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I’m aware of? I’ve seen ideas I’ve tried on picked up by other people - but I don’t consider that stealing and it’s hard to trace “who has been inspired by who” because we ALL have been inspired by thousands of other people and frankly more stuff for me when I pull you over to my weird AUs and rarepairs. 
I also think that’s a huge part of not getting stolen - I’ve got so much weird niche shit that only a couple people read that stealing from me is going to most likely be caught IMMEDIATELY the audience is so small. 
Have you ever had a fic translated?
I don’t believe so!
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Yes! I’ve got some co-written secret smut with @blarfkey which almost nobody has seen, I’ve borrowed @tightassets Hawke, Lavellan, and Shepard for fics that she has illustrated, borrowed @tuffypelly‘s Adaars for some great fics, and my most ambitious project - the Forced Moves series with @jarakrisafis. It started out as us just exchanging gifts back and forth but we’ve wrangled it into Gambits and Countergambits, an Aeducan-origin prequel, that I’m VERY proud of. 
I love co-writing very much, but it’s very important to find the right partner and for it to be someone you trust completely. 
What's your all time favourite ship?
This is a stupidly hard question because I am, at heart, a multi-shipper. 
I love Varric/Hawke and Varric/Cadash. I’m also a sucker for Solas/Cadash. My fandom pool noodle is Varric/Cadash/Solas which I adore, and I’m very fond of Cole/Cadash. 
Most recently I’ve been DEEP in Aeducan/Gorim Saelac, Bhelen/Rica/Vartag, and Aeducan/Brosca feels. Dwarf origins are the best origins in my opinion and those characters are PERFECT. 
What's a WIP you want to finish but don't think you ever will?
I fully plan on finishing everything. My writing style changed a lot, for the better, in a short period of time. I need to integrate my old style/new style and had to get a pep talk about how to do that. Now I’m ready to try as soon as I finish Compassion for an Assassin. 
What are your writing strengths? 
I write very sexy, hot smut. I also really like playing with character voice and making sure I get them “right” so I do a lot of experimenting before publishing a new character for the first time. 
I struggle to write action scenes - it’s like pulling fucking teeth - but people really LOVE my action scenes and they read well. So that’s something I’m proud of even if it feels like doing fucking pull ups. 
What are your writing weaknesses?
I never learned anything. My experiences with English and writing teachers were overwhelmingly negative. I’m unsure if I’m just not cut out for classes or if they were that bad, but I always left feeling like there was one “right” way to do it, and everything I liked was “bad”, so what was the point of “learning” anything? 
It turns out there’s this very pompous, pretentious thought process in writing where people “assume” things must be done, but GOOD writing teachers teach you the rules and then how to break them. I either never had a good writing teacher or got too intimidated to give them a chance before bouncing. 
So I’m exceedingly self-taught. I lack the vocabulary to discuss plot structure, characterization, grammar, etc. I instinctively know most of these things based on trial and error and reading, but I didn’t learn them and I miss a lot of nuance in the rules, but until recently I was still too intimidated and unsure of myself to admit that or take it seriously. 
So - my defense mechanism is NOT taking ANYTHING seriously. If my writing is a joke to me, it’s gotta be a joke to everyone else, but that’s been a shield to hide behind instead of being thoughtful about things. I’m here to have fun, yes, but there’s nothing wrong with learning a technique to the art. 
I’ve learned - mostly thanks to @blarfkey who is an amazing person and a wonderful teacher - that I am a good writer based on my self-teaching. And being intimidated of people who throw around impressive sounding words is a weakness that I am working on. 
What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic? 
Use sparingly and with good reason. It should be short and explained later or clear from context. 
What was the first fandom you wrote for?
Harry Potter on message boards back in the fucking day. Thankfully none of it exists anywhere anymore. 
What's your favourite fic you've written?
This is such a sappy answer and I’m so sorry. My favorite things have been written for and because of people I love and care about. When I read them, I’m not just reading the story, but remembering the relationships I’ve made and how important they are. 
So, my top three fics for THAT reason: 
1. Cheating the Dread Wolf - written for @blarfkey who inspired the idea and ruthlessly encouraged me to make it happen. This fic was so healing for me because it heavily features Fatherhood within it - and I lost my father in June 2020. I don’t know if I’d have been able to do it without her and it was so important for me to do. 
2. Gambits and Countergambits - written with @jarakrisafis and the culmination of a years worth of gifting shit back and forth and crafting a shared universe. The worldbuilding, smut, relationships, EVERYTHING about this fic is so deeply and passionately cared about by both of us and to our knowledge it is completely, totally unique.  
3. Relentless, Ridiculous, and Rakish - one of my only primarily gen-fics focusing on a forming brother/sister relationship between Maria Cadash and @tuffypelly‘s Otsar Adaar. I very much enjoyed writing it for her <3 
And then my overall favorite fic: 
The Viscount’s Mistress: I have a lot of opinions about how fanfiction treats the anchor’s meltdown and the aftermath. It’s one of the things in DAI that resonated with me SO much as someone who lives with chronic pain and a disability. I loved the fact my OC was in the same shoes and STILL saving the world. This is very much a fic that explores all the dark sides of trauma, pain, and the mental health effects of it. But it ends on a happy and hopeful note.  
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musicboxmemories · 4 years
2020 Fanfic Year in Review
I was tagged by the awesome @ladytp-annex​ – thank you!!! 🥰
Total number of completed stories: Okay, so I have two pages (one for “serious” works, and another for hanky-panky), and naturally, the trash is going to have more completed works since those are just one(or two)-shots. For my smut page, I’ve completed 7 works this year, and for my regular page, I’ve completed 3 (though I’ve written 12 works overall).
Total number of words: Lmao, you’re really going to make me do math in the year of our Lord, 2021? *sighs* FIIIINE. *whips out calculator* For my smut page, I wrote 24,301 words, and my regular page 28,074 for a grand total of 52,375. Dang, I didn’t realize I wrote so much in my trash fics, haha.
Fandoms written in: Emma 2020 and Turn: Washington’s Spies. Over half of that prior word count has been written in November - December, LOL.
Top 5 by Word Count:
1. The World is Made Wrong  2. Starve This Sin 3. Secrets, Silent, Stony 4. Entwine Our Bodies on Common Ground 5. Grovel
^^^I don’t feel comfortable publicly linking my adult fics, because I don’t like to associate my two pages at all. The adult fics are for Emma 2020, so if anyone wants to read them, just DM me and I’ll give you the links! 😊
Top 5 by Kudos
1. Starve This Sin 2. Interruption 3. Be My Guide 4. Grovel 5. Entwine Our Bodies on Common Ground
^^^My trash page definitely won out here, haha. 😅
Top Fic Overall:
“Starve This Sin,” hands-down! I was floored by how many hits/comments/kudos it got, especially after being in the tiny Hannibal fandom since 2013. I guess Austen fans wanted more than a “repressed hand touch” for once, LOL. At first, I was genuinely worried about that, because Austen doesn’t seem to be a smut-driven fandom. But I guess this was further proof that there’s always a place for that lol.
Looking back, did you write more fic than you thought you would this year, less, or about what you’d expected?
Much more! I took this year off to write two books (er, back in 2020), so I wasn’t expecting to take breaks here and there to dabble in fanfiction, especially since my interest in Hannibal had finally dwindled to pretty much nada. Before Emma 2020 came out, I didn’t have any other interests! I’ve written fanfiction every year since 2003, so I thought 2020 might be the year I finally lost my mojo! Thankfully, I was wrong. 😊
What’s your own favorite story of the year?
Idk lol, I like different stories for different reasons. I like “Starve This Sin” since it was fun to write, but I also got way more poetic than I usually do in “Secrets, Silent, Stony,” and it’s been a delight writing an old character of mine in “The World is Made Wrong.”
Did you take any writing risks this year?
I guess there’s always a risk in throwing yourself out there, especially if you’re like lil’ ol’ me who ships rarepairs. Thus far, people have (mostly) been polite. I would’ve been able to say “HAVE been polite” if it weren’t for last week, when I received a rude review for one of my ship choices. I’m old and set in my ways. If you don’t like what I write, KINDLY GET OFF MY LAWN. 
Do you have any fanfic or profic goals for the new year?
Nope! I’m back to focusing on querying my books. However, I am still going to write whatever plot bunnies strike my fancy. Idk what it is about TURN, but I’ve never had as much inspiration for a fandom as I have with this one. Six of the 12 fics I wrote in 2020 were for TURN, and as I mentioned earlier, I wrote them all in the past two months (especially December). I’ll be posting another new fic for it soon, so that’ll be my first fic of the new year!
Most popular story of the year?
Still “Starve This Sin,” lol.
Story of mine most under-appreciated by the universe, in my opinion:
Weeeeell, all of my TURN fics are going to be underappreciated, because I rolled up in here 3 years after the show’s cancellation lol. And couple that with the fact I ship rarepairs? Yeah. Nobody’s reading my stuff except for a very precious few (and I appreciate each and every one of them!). 💖🥰🤗
Most fun story to write?
Probably The World is Made Wrong. Back in 2017, I self-pubbed a book, and for whatever reason, I decided to resurrect one of the side characters (who was coincidentally my favorite character) and make her a main in the TURN universe. Her personality is exactly the same, but now instead of a gothic heroine, she’s from a rich Tory family in the 18th century. My chapter word counts used to average about 1-2k, but with this fic, I’m churning out chapters averaging 3-4k, sometimes even spilling into 5k territory. I’ve been pretty inspired since I wrote 23k (the additional 4k I’m speaking of hasn’t been published yet) in one month!
Most unintentionally telling story?
Like, symbolically? I never go into my writing with a plan, so happy accidents do occur...but I’m not so sure that’s happened this year.
Biggest disappointment?
How dead the TURN fandom is lol. I mean, the fanfiction tag is actually super active (it often has several updates per day), which I find amazing, but the actual interaction itself is reflective of a dead fandom.
Biggest surprise:
My inspiration! Just judging by my past fic writing behavior, if a fandom is dead/doesn’t seem receptive of my works, I tend to duck out pretty quickly since it doesn’t feel worth the energy. But for the TURN fandom, I honestly haven’t been bothered. More interaction would obviously be wonderful/welcome, but for once I’m doing this for ME, and I think that’s important. CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT!!! 😛
I tag @niksnarration @missjewel @bundyshoes @i-find-the-beauty-in-chaos @fandomsbyladymelodrama @simplykayley @rey-of-luke @ohbillyboi and whoever else wants to do this! If any of you haven’t completed fics this year, don’t feel bad -- 2020 was rough. 😓
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cryptid-1 · 7 years
Random BakuToga HCs
Day 5: AU ♦ Hotel ♦ Anger (though anger could work too lol)
Before I get into this one, I just wanna give a big thank you to all of the people who’ve been liking and reblogging these posts, it really means a lot to me! And thank you to the two mods over at @bnhararepairweek for getting my stuff noticed in the first place, and just hosting rarepair week overall!
Now, this one is a bit different because this ship is exclusive to an AU I have with some of my friends, that AU being one where the villains are heroes/UA students. So basically Stain and Kurogiri are pro heroes/teachers and Himiko, Dabi, Shigaraki and Twice are Class 1-A students (yes, 24 students in this class. Nobody’s been replaced). So yea, here’s a bunch of BakuToga headcanons for Day 5 of rarepair week!
-Their relationship is... weird to say the least
She’s basically still a nut job, just not actually murderous. So she’s got some weird ideas about romance. Basically, she’s hitting on both Bakugou and Izuku. Bakugou is a bit more exciting to her, though, so she pursues him more. She just likes to get a reaction out of Izuku (and Uraraka)
He basically acts pissy towards her just like with anybody else. Like, the same level of pissy he would be towards Kirishima or his other “friends”. He would never say that they’re dating or even friends, even though they practically go out on dates. So yea, he’s a total tsundere
-Bakugou responded to her flirtations with the usual death threats. But, of course, she was either too brave or too crazy (though probably both) to actually be threatened. At some point he figured out it wasn’t going to work and just let her hang around, though he still
-She started calling him Kacchan right off the bat (yes, blatantly stolen from Deku)
-Himiko probably ended up getting more into Bakugou because of how bold he is towards her. Like, everyone else (with Izuku getting most of the attention) gets freaked out by her antics, but Bakugou is just like *grabs her by the tie and tells her to fuck off* and she found that attitude super sexy. Himiko’s a bad boy lover for sure
-Honestly, Bakugou does find the way she reacts to his anger pretty attractive. She doesn’t get scared, but she sure does get all flustered up when Bakugou starts getting aggressive towards her
-Sometime after Himiko starts claiming they’re a couple (which basically means they are), even though Bakugou adamantly denies it he seems to start acting slightly more pissy towards Izuku. It’s not much, but it’s enough to be noticeable, especially after Himiko starts acting flirty towards Izuku. Luckily for him, she gradually stops doing it after a while, but Bakugou never really simmers back down
-Even though he keeps denying it soon after everyone just starts seeing their relationship as common knowledge
-Kirishima inducts Himiko in as Queen of the Bakusquad. Bakugou explodo-punches him in the face, but never actually tells her to get out
-Himiko is pretty clingy in public, even at school. Of course, it pisses Bakugou off and he usually shakes her off of him (for some reason he doesn’t blast-hit her like he would to anyone else...). But when he’s sure that nobody he knows is around he just might slide a hand up onto her shoulder or something along those lines
-Their relationship is pretty physical in nature, as you could guess. There’s a lot of rough making out and stuff once they get to that point.
-Bakugou actually thinks Himiko can be pretty adorable but would never openly admit it. Despite being pretty infamous in class for being crazy, she’s pretty good at looking sweet and innocent when she tries.
-Himiko was cheering on Bakugou like crazy during the Final Exam (her and Shigaraki went up against Stain the round before Deku and Bakugou. They just barely won). She sat around in the infirmary a lot until Bakugou woke up, who was secretly kinda happy that she was the first person he saw (he would’ve been pissed if Deku was the first one he saw)
That’s all I’ve got right now, there might be more later on. Also, I’m currently writing a fic about their first date which I’ll be sure to share once it’s done!
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About Me: Being A Writer
I was tagged by @oiivkawa 😍 Thank you dear, sorry if it took me so long!
tagging: All the ones tagged here :3 (If you feel comfortable) And everyone who read this and want to share: I’d love to know you.
1. How did you come up with your username and what does it mean? 
I discovered Tumblr while I was searching a place where I could talk and enjoy my fave anime and shows without being judged or anything else because I’m a nerd, socially awkward etc. etc. I wanted to create a safe space for myself and then for others. Nobody except two people knows about this, so I felt like I had a secret hideout -> I felt like an agent undercover.
2. Which fanfic of yours has the most feedback? (Bookmarks/ Subscriptions/ Hits/ Kudos)
Surely the ones I used to write in Italian, I reached the 1000 XD Now that I write in English I’m sort of an underdog. I have some popular posts or ask. As in for proper ff, it’s Confetti 
3. What is your AO3 profile icon and why did you choose it? 
Uh I still don’t have one. At first, I created the account only to follow my fave authors and to comment, I didn’t think I was enough good to post my works. I’ll probably put the same one on my blog, Iwa-chan. As I empathize greatly with Oikawa, I admired Iwaizumi a lot; plus, the image is a lot calming and beautiful.
4. Do you have any regular/favourite commenters? 
I love everyone who spare their time to comment. I don’t have “regulars” on ao3, but here on tumblr @jenasisity , @ru-cchi and @secret-fujoshi-diary have been with me from the start. @mhioislife is always there for MatsuHanaIwaOi and I love her blog. And I go crazy when people, especially artists, I admire comment positively in my posts (ex. my lovely @nyciel )
5. Is there a fanfic you keep going back to read again and again? 
I have a good memory for stories, so I don’t re-read many of them. Coffe King by Oiivkawa and few others are my exception.
6. How many stories are you subscribed to? How many do you have bookmarked? I subscribed to nearly 100-105 ff and bookmarked 99. 
7. Which AU do you find yourself writing the most? 
I LOVE AUs, I’D LIKE TO WRITE MORE. I love Uni/College Au (being a uni student too), Soulmates Au and Fantasy/Historical but I have barely written for them here. 
I’ve been requested more than once (and I enjoyed them greatly) Zombie!Au, HarryPotter!Au, Bodyguards!AU and Spy!Au. I also love Crossovers.
8. How many people are subscribed and bookmarked to you in total? 
On AO3 subscriptions: 36 bookmarked: 40
9. Is there something you’d like to write about but are afraid of people judging you for it? (Feeling brave? If so, share it!) 
I’m scared every time I write in English, terrified. I’d love to be more confident and being able to finish my projects, since I get discouraged easily when I don’t have feedback. (I was spoiled when I wrote in Italian, but I’m working on it) I’d love to write more AUs, even small shots!
10. Is there anything you’d like to be better at? Writing certain scenes or genres, replying to comments, updating better, etc. 
MY ENGLISH. I WANT TO HAVE A FLUENT ENGLISH. And I’m not comfortable with explicit smut, so I avoid it. (and updating with frequency, but my studies don’t let me)
11. Do you write rarepairs or popular ships more often? 
I usually ship popular ship...i think? It depends on the anime. My OTP are IwaOi, KuroKen, BokuAka, AoKise, GaLe and KiriBaku. 
I have some rarepairs: I’d die for AoKawa (Aomine x Oikawa, Crossover), BakuShimaNari, TodoDenki, my OT4 MatsuHanaIwaOi and (idk if it’s rarepair) BoKuroo
12. How many stories have you posted on AO3 to this day? 3
13. How many stories do you have saved in/ with your writing program? Like WIPs? 
HAHAHAHAHAH. Only stories, without headcanons or scenarios? 104
14. Do you write down story ideas or just keep them in your head? 
It depends, I’m constantly creating stories, especially if I’m bored, and always before sleeping. I think at least one or two a day so…no, I write down the only ones I project to write or to which I’m particularly attached to. Otherwise I keep them in my head.
15. Have you ever co- authored a story? 
Yep, more than once. It’s fun and motivating if you manage to get along.
16. How did you discover AO3? I was searching a new base to read fanfiction from, in English this time, and I stumbled upon it.
17. Do you consider yourself to be a popular or famous author in your fandom(s) on AO3? Nope, no really. I was in my Italian fandoms XD Now I just enjoy sharing small things and reading beautiful ffs. 
18. Do you have a nickname or fandom name for your readers? 
Survivors. (jk, I don’t have one) I call everyone “dear” or “sweetheart” since I don’t want to offend anyone by assuming things.
19. Was there an author who inspired or encouraged you to write? 
In general? Probably my father when I was little, but it was spontaneous. I’ve always created stories, I just needed a way to let them out and…puff, I started writing.
20. What writing advice would you give to a beginning author? 
Everyone starts from the basics, making mistakes, receiving few appreciative comments or kudos…don’t let this discourage you. First, because practice makes you better. Second, because even if it’s one person who reads it and leaves a “like”, it means you have made them happy. You don’t know how important for them your story has been, you can’t know, so don’t sell yourself shortly. I’ve been saved over and over by the most unexpected stories.
And, always write something you love.
21. Do you plot out your stories or do you just figure it out as you go? 
Both! I have a vague idea and some scenes I’m sure of, but while I write it I understand all the rest. Arguing and discussing with the characters also helps. Half of the time, for most of the short stories, I start writing without having any idea of what I’m doing and they come up on their own.
22. Have you ever gotten a bad comment on a story? If so, what did you do? 
Not really, just corrections or correct observations, especially about my grammar or the logic flow. I thanked them, correct the ff and learnt from my mistakes. 
Ah, but I’ve received today my first hate on my character analysis of Bakugou Katsuki and…nothing, I’m bothered and a bit annoyed, but haters who have decided to not even try having a dialogue are not worth bothering. It’s just toxic. I tried to focus more on the positive or/and constructive feedback.
23. Is there a certain type of scene that you have a hard time writing? (Action, smut, etc) 
Nearly unable to write real, explicit smut (I get embarrassed and I don’t know the real dynamic sooo….) and action is also difficult if you want to describe a specific style of combat.
24. What story(s) are you working on now? 
I’m always working on my first book, I’m editing it. I also answer asks for fun (even if I’m horrible slow) and works on Confetti and Hell Mission (I, II)
25. Do you plan your new projects before you finish your current ongoing story(s)? I'm thinking of trying to write an otome.
26. Do you have a daily writing goal set for yourself? 
HAHAHAHHAHA NO I WOULD KILL MYSELF. I only set them for my book, for the rest I do it for pleasure and to relax.
27. Do you think you’ve improved as a writer since you first started? ABSOLUTELY YES.
28. What is your favourite story that you have written? 
My book, some old Italian fanfictions and…I have some favorite posts: Fantasy/Heian Iwaoi, Star Child, (okay, nearly everything IwaOi and MatsuHanaIwaoi)  my Aokise Zombie!Au (Red Sunset, Finally), my AkaMido The Ballad Of The Robin and my AoKawa Series (especially Shooting Stars)
29. What is your least favourite story that you have written? 
Usually, if I write or publish something, it means I love it. I often re-read what I’ve written, even if it’s embarrassing seeing how bad it was.
30. Where do you see yourself (as a writer) in 5 years? 
WITH A BOOK PUBLISHED I HOPE. Still writing fanfictions too, I like people smiling.
31. What’s the easiest part about writing? 
The spontaneous thinking part, during the first moments of creation, when the ideas come up to you; or when you have that five minutes flow where the words write themselves. The rest is pure hell, from the start to the end.
32. What is the hardest part about writing? 
Editing. I correct over and over the same parts, especially in lengthy stories. Deciding what to cut or not for me it’s torture, I want to keep everything.
It’s also difficult creating new, consistent, realistic, congruent characters.
33. Why do you write? 
It’s the thing I love the most in the world, I don’t know what could I do without it. I need it, it has saved me. And I love making people smile, I’m trying to do what other books and authors have done for me: Give me reasons to go on, hope, warmth, acceptance, a smile…I want to be able to do it.
It’s also my way of thinking and expressing myself since I’m socially awkward; it’s my way of communicating.
And, well, also a ways to have fun and relax when things get tough :3
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revasnaslan · 7 years
2017 Yearly Review
Basically, I wrote a lot this year, so I figured I’d do a end of the year review type thing just to showcase all the fics I posted... kind of like how artists are doing those yearly review things by month :3
Raised Amongst the Stars | Ao3 Link
Summary: A group of rebels was no place for a cub. They took him in as a favor to Keith's mother, more than anything else. Nobody expected to get attached to him, because nobody expected him to stay. Somehow they made it through seventeen tumultuous (and very adventurous) years... OR: the story of how Keith was raised by his big Galra family.
Pairings: Thace/Ulaz, Kolivan/Female OC
Total Current Word Count: 37,959
Out of the Depths | Ao3 Link
Summary:  Pidge is just a humble intern at the Marmora Bay Marine Institute. She never thought she’d have to take care of anything more important than a pesky octopus, but she somehow wound up taking care of the two mermen that were caught in a net offshore. At least the younger one seems keen on making friends, even if Pidge is worried about how he and his father will fare in captivity and what their fate will be. Written as part of the Voltron RarePair Bang.
Pairings: Keith/Pidge, Thace/Ulaz
Total Word Count: 26,068
Just for a Tick | Ao3 Link
Summary: Let them sleep, just for a tick…
Pairings: Thace/Ulaz
Total Word Count: 810
The Flower Merchant | Ao3 Link
Summary:  Hunk and Shiro have been sent on a shopping trip to a peaceful, arboreal planet. Hunk meets a friendly flower merchant, and Shiro accidentally sends them the wrong message. Alien customs, man...
Pairings: Shiro/Hunk
Total Word Count: 1,001
Safe Harbor | Ao3 Link
Summary:  It’s lonely in space. Hunk isn’t used to being alone. Shiro’s been out here for a long time, but the ache never goes away. Maybe they can learn to be each other’s safe harbor.
Pairings: Shiro/Hunk
Total Word Count: 2,282
Can’t Let Go | Ao3 Link
Summary: Thace doesn't want Ulaz to go.
Pairings: Thace/Ulaz
Total Word Count: 460
Never My Stepping Stone | Ao3 Link
Summary:  Pidge just wants to finish her Gen Ed requirements in one piece - is that so much to ask? Fortunately her good friend Lance is there to help her when she has a little mishap at the pottery studio. Her good friend Lance who she kinda, sorta, maybe has a crush on... Written for Plance Day.
Pairings: Lance/Pidge
Total Word Count: 1,976
A Giant Dilemma | Ao3 Link
Summary:  They fight a giant in the dead of winter... this can only lead to good things. Written for Plance Day.
Pairings: Lance/Pidge
Total Word Count: 2,371
Seeking Shelter | Ao3 Link
Summary:  Sappy Galra husbands go on a road trip and end up getting cold. What happens next will warm your heart.
Pairings: Thace/Ulaz
Total Would Count: 1,114
Constellations | Ao3 Link
Summary:  Allura helps Shiro learn the stars.  Written for Shallura Week.
Pairings: Allura/Shiro
Total Word Count: 701
Like An Eagle | Ao3 Link
Summary:  It turned out that explaining trust falls to an alien was a little bit more difficult than Shiro thought it was going to be. Written for Shallura Week.
Pairings: Allura/Shiro
Total Word Count: 941
Little Talks | Ao3 Link
Summary:  Fascination with Shiro's hand leads to some conversations about names and anxieties about the past. Written for Shallura Week.
Pairings: Allura/Shiro
Total Word Count: 872
Only Temporary | Ao3 Link
Summary:  Following Shiro's disappearance, Allura finds it difficult to sleep... so she and the Black Lion have a chat. About as well as they can without having a bond. Written for Shallura Week.
Pairings: Gen ; Allura & The Black Lion
Total Word Count: 1,241
Final Goodbyes | Ao3 Link
Summary:  Ulaz's mind is made up, and no amount of persuading is going to change it. Written for Thulaz Week.
Pairings: Thace/Ulaz
Total Word Count: 1,357
A Pleasant Distraction | Ao3 Link
So Close | Ao3 Link
Summary:  Being undercover is rather lonely, even when the person you love is only feet from you. Written for Thulaz Week.
Pairings: Thace/Ulaz
Total Word Count: 1,119
Familiarity | Ao3 Link
Summary:  It was a surprise meeting with a surprise turn of events... Thace wasn't going to complain though. Written for Thulaz Week.
Pairings: Thace/Ulaz
Total Word Count: 914
In the Aftermath | Ao3 Link
Summary:  Ulaz still has nightmares, even after being reunited with Thace. Written for Thulaz Week.
Pairings: Thace/Ulaz
Total Word Count: 908
Deep Blue | Ao3 Link
Summary:  Galra dads take their son to the aquarium. Written for Thulaz Week.
Pairings: Gen ; Thace&Keith, Ulaz&Keith, Thace/Ulaz
Total Word Count: 858
Jailbreak | Ao3 Link
Summary:  Thace is taken prisoner by the Empire again, and there doesn't seem to much hope of escape. Written for Thulaz Week.
Pairings: Thace/Ulaz
Total Word Count: 1,525
Space Sushi | Ao3 Link
Summary:  In which Shiro tries to cook, and Ulaz is a big baby about taste testing. Written for the Galra Mini Exchange.
Pairings: Ulaz/Shiro
Total Word Count: 712
Fort Marmora | Ao3 Link
Summary:  Thace is taken prisoner by the (very sleepy) officers of Fort Marmora... and it's way past General Keith's nap time.
Pairings: Gen ; Keith&Thace, Keith&Ulaz, Thace/Ulaz
Total Word Count: 1,540
Finding Kova | Ao3 Link
Summary:  When he was young, Lotor often made a game of escaping from his Druid handlers... but his adventures weren't as fun without a friend to share them with. Written for Lotor Week.
Pairings: Gen ; Lotor&Kova
Total Word Count: 747
Contrast | Ao3 Link
Summary:  Ulaz noticed that the contrast between how Thace acted during their meetings before and after going undercover could be rather stark.
Pairings: Thace/Ulaz
Total Word Count: 1,029
Night, Night | Ao3 Link
Summary:  Keith loves his dads. He loves it a little less when one of them has to leave on a mission. Written for Keith Birthday Week.
Pairings: Gen ; Ulaz&Keith, Background Thace/Ulaz
Total Word Count: 1,026
Identity | Ao3 Link
Summary:  Cubs weren't supposed to be up in the middle of the night, but Kolivan does his best to be patient with the ones that are. Written for Keith Birthday Week.
Pairings: Gen ; Kolivan&Keith
Total Word Count: 1,034
Oddly Endearing | Ao3 Link
Summary:  Keith isn't very good at asking for attention like a normal cub. Written for Keith Birthday Week.
Pairings: Gen ; Antok&Keith
Total Word Count: 860
Thought That Counts | Ao3 Link
Summary:  When given the choice between brand new toys and the boxes the toys came in, Keith behaves like any other cub... much to Thace's chagrin. Written for Keith Birthday Week.
Pairings: Gen ; Thace&Keith
Total Word Count: 1,034
Keithtober Ficlets | Ao3 Link
Summary: All of the fics I wrote for Keithtober, including the Dads of Marmora series I did for it.
Pairings: Gen (Dads of Marmora), Keith/Pidge, Keith/Regris, Keith/Hunk, Keith/Shiro
Total Word Count: 6,907
Unknowing Loss | Ao3 Link
Summary:  She isn't sure why her lord seeks her out so frequently, but Haggar doesn't see a reason to deny him her company. Written for Haggar Week.
Pairings: Zarkon/Haggar
Total Word Count: 1,070
Flowers for Mama | Ao3 Link
Summary:  Even as Honerva feels herself growing weaker, she still makes time for her son. Written for Haggar Week.
Pairings: Gen ; Haggar&Lotor, Background Zarkon/Haggar
Total Word Count: 1,135
Lost and Found | Ao3 Link
Summary:  Thace had just lost his mother and is having trouble dealing with it. Written for Platonic Week.
Pairings: Gen ; Antok&Thace, Antok&Female OC, Thace&Female OC
Total Word Count: 1,475
Let Sleeping Yuppers Lie | Ao3 Link
Summary:  Ulaz has just moved halfway across the planet. Finding making new friends difficult, he decides to adopt a pet.
Pairings: Thace/Ulaz, Thace&Keith
Total Word Count: 934
A Spoonful of Sugar | Ao3 Link
Summary:  Ulaz has been trying to work up the nerve to ask the owner of the Blend of Marmora out for a while now... perhaps he'll manage it today. Assuming he doesn't die from a sugar overdose. Written for the Voltron Halloween Exchange.
Pairings: Thace/Ulaz
Total Word Count: 1,591
To Have Loved | Ao3 Link
Summary:  The throne room was supposed to be free of distractions, but Haggar proves to be an unknowing one. Written for Haggar Week.
Pairings: Zarkon/Haggar
Total Word Count: 660
Night in the Medical Bay | Ao3 Link
Summary:  Thace and Antok have to spend the night in the medical bay after coming down with a common cubhood disease. Written for Platonic Week.
Pairings: Gen ; Antok&Thace
Total Word Count: 1,208
Trick or Treat | Ao3 Link
Summary:  Keith's dads decide to take him trick-or-treating... even though they have no idea what trick-or-treating actually is.
Pairings: Gen ; Thace&Keith, Ulaz&Keith, Thace/Ulaz
Total Word Count: 840
Change | Ao3 Link
Summary:  Thace helps comfort a friend in need. Written for Platonic Week.
Pairings: Gen ; Antok&Thace
Total Word Count: 785
Tall and Small | Ao3 Link
Summary:  Antok is much more annoying now that he's tall.
Pairings: Gen ; Antok&Thace
Total Word Count: 513
Obviously | Ao3 Link
Summary:  Ulaz doesn't like the cold. At all.
Pairings: Thace/Ulaz
Total Word Count: 343
Featuring A Stuffed Weblum | Ao3 Link
Summary:  Ulaz really doesn't like that stuffed weblum Keith got for his last name day.
Pairings: Gen ; Thace&Keith, Ulaz&Keith, Thace/Ulaz
Total Word Count: 455
Meeting Again | Ao3 Link
Summary:  Thace and Ulaz see each other again. Finally.
Pairings: Thace/Ulaz
Total Word Count: 423
Arrival | Ao3 Link
Summary:  To be honest, it was probably counter productive that Ulaz was not informed of who his partner while he was undercover was gonna be. Written for the VLD Trope Fest.
Pairings: Thace/Ulaz
Total Word Count: 2,666
Hijinks and Mall Cops | Ao3 Link
Summary:  Keith has a run in with a mall cop while running errands with Regris. Written for the Regeith Mini Event.
Pairings: Regris/Keith
Total Word Count: 1,372
Pouncing Practice | Ao3 Link
Summary:  Practicing sneaking is an important part of any young Blade's training. Written for the Regeith Mini Event.
Pairings: Gen ; Regris&Keith, Thace&Keith, Thace&Regris
Total Word Count: 817
Flower Crowns | Ao3 Link
Summary:  The last place Ulaz looks for Thace and Keith is in the gardens.
Pairings: Thace/Ulaz, Regris&Keith
Total Word Count: 645
Some Semblance of Normality | Ao3 Link
Summary:  Sometimes, you just need cuddles. Written for the Voltron Secret Santa.
Pairings: Thace/Ulaz
Total Word Count: 1,346
The Space Flu | Ao3 Link
Summary:  When Shiro comes down with something that's "flu-like" on his and Hunk's anniversary, they have to find a different way to spend their time.
Pairings: Shiro/Hunk
Total Word Count: 1,049
Fire and Ice | Ao3 Link
Summary:  Meetings between the gods of Daibazaal always seemed to drag on, and Ulaz wasn't too keen on paying attention to this one.
Pairings: Thace/Ulaz
Total Word Count: 848
Nuzzles are the Best Medicine | Ao3 Link
Summary:  Sometimes cubs have to remind others what the best kind of medicine is. Written for the Galra Secret Santa.
Pairings: Thace/Ulaz, Thace&Keith, Ulaz&Keith
Total Word Count: 1,110
In (Short) Summary
Total Word Count Posted: 121,313 meaning I met my goal of 100k being posted on Ao3!! :3
Top 5 Relationship (according to Ao3): Thace/Ulaz with 25 fics (but is anyone really surprised?), Thace&Keith with 12 fics, Ulaz&Keith with 9 fics, Regris/Keith with 5 fics, and Keith/Pidge with 4 fics... I think the lesson here is that I love Thace and Ulaz a lot <3
Onward to 2018!!
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