#one day i will replay daiki
aro-ortega · 11 months
so far my bg3 playstyle has been to get through act one and then start a new tav and do it all again
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thewickedjazzy · 1 month
⌞𝐖𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐞 𝐦𝐞 𝐨𝐟𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐰⌝
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Part II : 𝙏𝙞𝙜𝙝𝙩𝙧𝙤𝙥𝙚
Pairings: mafia boss!Chuuya x fem!reader
Warnings: angst, super fluff, mention of death, mention of other dimensions, mention of panic attack, mention of cheating, mention of blood, bsd beast spoilers ahead, Let me know if I forgot any!
Author's note: Guess who's back? This part is actually my favourite. It portrays a lot of human emotions. Also, this AU is heavily inspired by bsd beast, so a tw to my fellow dazai kinnes. I'm sorry :(. Hope you enjoy it Xx.
↠Part I
Word count : 6.8k
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In an alternate universe, the same pale moonlight bathed the streets of Yokohama. The night was a deep, biting cold as Y/N's shaky breath turned to mist with each exhale, lingering in the air for just a moment before dissipating into the dark. She moved with urgency, her steps quickening as she neared the apartment she shared with Daiki—her boyfriend of two years.
Y/N was no ordinary woman; she was Chuuya Nakahara’s right hand, the most feared member of the Port Mafia. An elegant maneater with a reputation that sent shivers down the spines of even the most hardened criminals, she wielded a powerful ability that made all the mafia members think thrice before talking to her. Her presence alone commanded respect and fear in equal measure, and her beauty was a dangerous allure that concealed the deadly strength beneath.
Yet, as she neared the penthouse, her mind was consumed with thoughts that had nothing to do with power or the underworld she ruled so effortlessly.
Her mind was a whirlwind of denial and disbelief, the echo of doubt gnawing at the edges of her thoughts. This can’t be right, she told herself. Daiki wouldn’t cheat on me. He wouldn’t.
But the morning’s events replayed in her mind, the scene etched vividly into her memory. She had been at her favorite clothing store, browsing through the latest arrivals, the scent of new fabric and soft music soothing her senses. As she approached the cashier to pay, her attention was drawn to a woman nearby, holding up a dress and laughing into her phone. The woman was middle-aged, her voice carrying a tone of flirtatious teasing as she moved closer to the cashier.
Y/N hadn’t meant to listen, but the woman’s words cut through the air like a knife. "Oh, stop it, Daiki. We went two rounds yesterday. Isn’t that enough, babe?"
She froze in place, her heart skipping a beat. Daiki? The name hit her like a jolt of electricity. It was too much of a coincidence, but maybe—just maybe—there was another man with the same name. Her mind clung to that fragile hope, even as her gaze instinctively shifted to the woman’s hand.
And then she saw it—the credit card the woman was holding. Her breath caught in her throat as she recognized the familiar design, the embossed letters spelling out a name she knew too well. Daiki’s card.
A wave of nausea threatened to overwhelm her, but she forced herself to stay calm, to complete her transaction and leave the store without drawing attention. The woman’s laughter still echoed in her ears, each note twisting the knife deeper into her heart.
Now, as Y/N approached the penthouse's apartment, her hand cold from the freezing air as she unlocked the door, pushing it open with a sense of dread. The apartment was quiet, the soft hum of the refrigerator the only sound. She felt a cold, calculated calm settle over her. She knew what she needed to do.
Y/N changed into her usual red silk robe, the fabric cool against her skin, a stark contrast to the heat of her emotions. She poured herself a drink, the amber liquid steadying her nerves as she waited in the dimly lit living room. The silence of the apartment was deafening, every tick of the clock amplifying the tension that hung in the air.
Hours passed before the sound of a key turning in the lock signaled Daiki’s arrival. She didn’t move, her posture relaxed as she sat in the armchair, one leg crossed over the other, the drink held delicately in her hand. She watched as Daiki entered, oblivious at first to the storm he was walking into.
"Y/N, you’re home early," he said, closing the door behind him and setting his bag down. "Everything okay?"
Y/N took a slow sip of her drink, letting the silence stretch between them before she finally spoke. "Daiki," she began, her voice smooth and controlled, "I had an interesting morning today."
He froze, the unease in his eyes growing. "Oh? What happened?"
She swirled the liquid in her glass, her gaze never leaving his. "I was at the store, buying a few things. And I overheard a woman on the phone, talking to someone named Daiki. She was laughing, calling him ‘babe,’ talking about how they went ‘two rounds’ yesterday." Her tone remained calm, almost conversational, but the undercurrent of danger was unmistakable. "Then, I saw the credit card she was holding. It was yours."
Daiki’s face drained of color, his confident facade crumbling under the weight of her words. He opened his mouth to speak, but she held up a hand, stopping him before he could stammer out a lie.
"Don’t," she warned, her voice dropping to a deadly whisper. "I want the truth, Daiki. How long has this been going on?"
He hesitated, knowing there was no escape, no room for deceit. "Six months," he admitted, his voice trembling. "It’s been six months."
Y/N felt the sting of his confession, but she didn’t let it show. Instead, she leaned back in her chair, her expression one of detached curiosity. "Six months," she repeated, her tone laced with a hint of mockery. "And you thought I wouldn’t find out? You thought you could keep lying to me, coming home to me every night, and I’d just go on believing everything was fine?"
Daiki flinched, the realization of his mistake written all over his face. "Y/N, I’m sorry. I never wanted to hurt you. I just…"
"You just what?" Y/N cut him off, her eyes narrowing. "Got bored? Wanted something new and exciting? Tell me, Daiki, did you think of me at all during these last six months? Or was I just the convenient one—the one you could always come back to when you were done with your little adventures?"
Daiki lowered his gaze to the wooden floor, " It was a mistake...I didn't- "
Y/N's scoff cut him off, "A mistake is when you leave the food out of the refrigerator overnight. But cheating? For months? No, it takes too much... too much lying, sneaking around, and screwing around to be a mistake."
He swallowed hard, his guilt evident. "It wasn’t like that," he pleaded, but the desperation in his voice only fueled her anger.
"Then what was it like?" she demanded, her calm exterior cracking just enough to let her fury shine through. "Tell me, Daiki, how does it feel to know that you’ve lost everything—because that’s what’s happened. You’ve lost me."
Daiki took a step toward her, but she remained unmoved, her gaze icy. "Don’t come any closer," she warned, her voice cold and commanding. "You’re not going to talk your way out of this. We’re done."
The finality in her tone left no room for argument. Daiki stopped in his tracks, his shoulders slumping in defeat. He looked at her, a mixture of regret and sorrow in his eyes, but she was unmoved. She had made her decision, and there was no going back.
"Pack your things," she said calmly, setting her glass down on the table beside her. "And be gone by morning. I don’t want to see you again."
With those words, she rose from the chair, her movements graceful and deliberate. She walked past him without a second glance, heading to the bedroom where she would lock the door behind her, shutting out the man who had betrayed her so deeply.
As she closed the door, Y/N leaned against it for a moment, the reality of what had just happened washing over her. The calm she had maintained began to slip away, replaced by the ache of betrayal and the hollow emptiness left in its wake. But she refused to let herself crumble. Not yet. Not when there was still so much to be done.
The next morning, Y/N arrived at the Port Mafia headquarters, her usual poise and grace firmly in place, though beneath it all, a hollow ache had settled in her chest. She moved through her tasks mechanically, her mind a whirlwind of betrayal and sadness that she tried desperately to push away.
Chuuya watched her from across the room, his sharp eyes missing nothing. He had known her for years, had seen her in battle, had watched her navigate the treacherous waters of their world with a confidence that few could match. But today, something was different. Her movements were precise, but lacked the usual fluidity; her gaze was distant, as if she were somewhere else entirely.
When the meeting ended, Chuuya lingered, his concern deepening as she made to leave without a word. "Y/N," he called out, his voice cutting through the quiet.
She paused, turning to face him. "Yes, boss?"
He approached her, his expression serious. "You’re not yourself today. What happened?"
Y/N hesitated, the truth heavy on her tongue. But Chuuya’s steady gaze, his unspoken support, broke through her defences. "I found out Daiki’s been cheating on me," She confessed, her voice strained. "For six months."
Chuuya’s eyes darkened with anger, his fists clenching at his sides. "That bastard."
"I don’t want to talk about it," Y/N said quickly, not wanting to dwell on the pain. "I just want to work."
But Chuuya wasn’t willing to let it go so easily. "You deserve better," he said softly, the intensity of his feelings clear in his voice. "Don’t let him take anything more from you."
Y/N met his gaze, and for a moment, the weight of her hurt eased, replaced by a warmth she hadn’t expected. "Thank you, boss," she murmured, her voice slightly above a whisper.
As she turned to leave, Chuuya’s voice stopped her once more. "Remember, Y/N—whatever happens, I’ve got your back."
She nodded, a small, genuine smile tugging at her lips despite the pain still lingering in her heart. "I know," she said, and with that, she walked away, her steps a little lighter, knowing she wasn’t alone.
Chuuya Nakahara had not always been the leader of the Port Mafia. There was a time when he served under Dazai Osamu, the enigmatic and powerful boss whose ability to nullify others’ abilities had been a cornerstone of the mafia’s strength. But Dazai was more than just a boss to Chuuya; even though he used to despise Dazai's carefree attitude, nevertheless he still considered him as a friend, a partner who understood the burden of Chuuya’s cursed power—Arahabaki, the god of destruction that lived within him.
Dazai’s ability, No Longer Human, was the only thing that could stop Chuuya’s corruption form—a state of near-unlimited power that came with a steep price: the loss of his humanity. In his corruption form, Chuuya became a force of destruction, but without Dazai to nullify his power, he risked being consumed by it completely.
When Dazai died, Chuuya was left with a void that no one could fill. The responsibility of leading the Port Mafia fell to him, and with it, the fear of what might happen if his corruption ever went unchecked. But there was one person who could offer a solution—Y/N.
Y/N’s ability, 'Malevolent Marionette', was unlike anything Chuuya had ever encountered. By touching someone, she could create a replica of them—a puppet under her control. But it wasn’t just any puppet; it was a copy that mirrored the original in every way, down to their abilities. And if she destroyed the puppet, the original would suffer the same fate.
Before Dazai’s death, Chuuya and Y/N had trained together, testing the limits of her ability. The goal was simple yet terrifying: to see if she could create a replica of Chuuya’s corruption form and destroy it, thereby breaking the cycle of destruction without killing him. It was a risky, dangerous experiment, one that required absolute trust between them.
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Chuuya’s eyes were locked on Y/N, a mix of skepticism and trust evident in his gaze.
“Alright, Y/N. You’re sure you can handle this? I don’t want to end up wrecking the whole place.”
Y/N gave him a steady look, “I’ve trained for this, Chuuya. I’m confident in my ability.”
Dazai, standing with his usual relaxed demeanor, glanced between them with a hint of a smirk. “Just make sure to not repeat what happened. Last time you nearly brought the entire building down."
Chuuya scoffed crossing his arms and shooting him a death glare. “Like I need you to remind me. I’m perfectly aware of the risks.”
Dazai’s grin widened. “Just making sure. You know how you can be.”
Chuuya’s eyes narrowed. “And you know how you can be. Always acting like this is some kind of joke.”
“Come on, Chuuya,” Dazai said with an exaggerated sigh. “It’s not every day we get to see you in a vulnerable state. I’m just here to make sure things don’t get out of hand.”
" Shut your mouth! " Chuuya grumbled, his irritation barely concealed as he sighed again taking off his leather gloves, “O’ grantors of dark disgrace,” he incanted, his voice resonating with an eerie gravitas, “do not wake me up again.”
In an instant, Chuuya’s corruption form took over, his body transforming into a terrifying visage of dark energy and raw power. the marks of Arahabaki on his body seem to burn his skin like hell and rip apart his flesh to blood.
Dazai’s ability was their safeguard, ready to nullify the dangerous corruption if Y/N’s replica wasn’t enough.
Y/N took her position, her focus unwavering as she approached him. She extended her hand managing to touch him, the air around her shimmering with the power of her ability. Her goal was to create a replica of Chuuya’s corruption form—a copy that would mimic the original’s abilities but could be destroyed without harming Chuuya himself.
As the replica began to take shape, Chuuya’s corruption form roared with fury, as Y/N was pushed to the ground but her focus still remained as the replica of Chuuya’s corruption form fully materialized, a dark twin of the original, its power radiating with a terrifying intensity. Y/N maneuvered carefully, her control over the replica precise as she prepared to destroy it.
Dazai watched with a keen eye, ready to intervene if necessary. “Remember, Y/N,” he said calmly, “the key is to separate his consciousness from the corruption.”
"Ugh, shut up, boss... I can do this," Y/N growled as she focused on the replica. She could feel the pressure mounting, the weight of responsibility heavy on her shoulders.
In a sudden burst of light, the replica began to disintegrate, its form unraveling into wisps of dark energy that evaporated into nothingness.
As the light faded, she collapsed to the ground, her body trembling from the exertion. A warm trickle ran down from her nose—blood, a sign that she had pushed herself too far. But she had done it.
Chuuya, now freed from the grasp of his corruption form, staggered backward, his legs giving out beneath him. His breathing was ragged, each breath a struggle as he tried to gather his strength. Finally, with a groan, he collapsed to the floor, his usual appearance restored. He glanced over at Y/N, his expression a mix of relief and exhaustion.
"Fuck... that was...unexpected yet quick." he managed to rasp out, his breaths shallow and uneven. He barely had time to register what had happened before he succumbed to his exhaustion, slipping into unconsciousness.
Y/N, despite her own fatigue, couldn’t help but chuckle softly at his words. She pushed herself up, her legs shaky, and made her way over to where Chuuya lay. Gently, she knelt beside him, her fingers brushing lightly over his face, smoothing back his disheveled hair. There was something tender in the way she touched him.
Dazai, who had been watching the entire scene unfold with his usual detached amusement, approached them both, his smirk widening into a grin. "You’re one hell of a woman, Y/N," he remarked, his tone laced with admiration as he knelt beside her.
Together, they lifted Chuuya’s unconscious form, each of them bearing the weight of the man they had both come to care for in their own ways. As they began to carry him out of the training room, the tension that had filled the air slowly dissipated, replaced by a quiet, shared understanding.
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They succeeded. Time and time again, Y/N managed to create a replica of Arahabaki, separating the god’s consciousness from Chuuya’s own. And each time, when she destroyed the replica, Chuuya returned to his normal state, free from the corruption that threatened to consume him.
In those moments, Chuuya entrusted Y/N with his life, and she never once let him down. The bond they formed through those trials was unbreakable, forged in the crucible of life and death.
Now, as Chuuya watched Y/N walk away, he couldn’t help but think of those moments—the times when they had fought side by side, each trusting the other with everything they had. He owed her more than he could ever repay, and the thought of her in pain filled him with a deep, protective instinct.
Y/N might have been betrayed by Daiki, but Chuuya would never betray her. He would stand by her, as she had always stood by him, through the trials and tribulations that came with their dangerous lives.
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The day went by just as usual as her shift came to its end she went back to her penthouse, pushing open the door to her apartment that she once shared with Daiki.
The silence of the space pressing in on her as she stepped inside, it's the first night without him. She leaned back against the door, her fingers lingering on the lock for a moment before she turned it, shutting out the world behind her. The ache in her chest hadn’t lessened, but she refused to let it show. But since she's in the solitude of her own home, she felt comfortable to let it out just for a bit.
She moved through the apartment with mechanical precision, slipping out of her clothes and into a burgundy nightgown. The fabric was soft against her skin, but it brought little comfort. Her mind was still spinning, replaying the events of the day over and over, each memory like a fresh wound.
Pouring herself a glass of wine, Y/N made her way to the living room. The city lights outside her window cast a dim glow across the space, but it did nothing to lift the heaviness in her heart. She settled onto the couch, the glass of wine in her hand, and reached for the remote.
She flicked through her music library until she found what she was looking for—Lost on You by LP. The opening chords filled the room, the haunting melody wrapping around her like a shroud. Y/N closed her eyes, letting the music wash over her, each note resonating with the sorrow she had been holding back.
As the song played on, Y/N felt the tears she had been fighting all day begin to well up. She tried to hold them back, tried to maintain the composure that had seen her through so much. But here, alone in the dark, there was no reason to pretend. The first tear slipped down her cheek, followed by another, and then another, until she was crying in earnest, the weight of the day’s revelations finally breaking through her defenses.
Her mascara streaked her face, black tears mingling with the clear ones as they fell. She took a sip of her wine, the bitter taste matching the bitterness in her heart, and let herself cry. The music swelled around her, LP’s voice echoing her pain, and for a moment, she allowed herself to be vulnerable.
It was then that she heard it—a knock at the door, faint at first, then louder. Y/N froze, her breath catching in her throat as she wiped at her eyes, smearing the mascara further. She wasn’t expecting anyone, and the idea of facing someone in her current state made her hesitate. But the knocking continued, insistent, and finally, she rose from the couch, setting her glass down with a shaky hand.
Chuuya stood on the other side, his eyes swept over her, taking in the burgundy nightgown she wore and the tracks of mascara staining her cheeks. Despite the sadness in her eyes, there was a fierce beauty about her that made his breath catch.
“Chuuya?” Y/N’s voice was barely a whisper, thick with emotion.
He gave her a small, almost hesitant smile, one that didn’t quite reach his eyes. “I heard the music from the hallway,” he said, his tone light, but his gaze serious. “It’s pretty loud, you know. Also...LP? Seriously?”
Y/N managed a weak chuckle, though it was more of a broken sound than anything else. She looked down at herself, suddenly feeling exposed and vulnerable in a way she wasn’t used to. "It’s fitting for the mood."
He chuckled softly, his gaze never leaving hers. "Yeah, I can see that."
"I'm sorry, I didn't expect anyone to show up.." She says with a crack in her voice.
Chuuya shook his head, his expression softening further. “You don’t have to apologize.” He paused, searching her eyes. “Can I come in?”
For a moment, Y/N hesitated. Letting Chuuya in meant letting him see her like this, letting him into the part of her life she usually kept hidden behind walls of strength and control. But as she looked into his eyes, she saw nothing but concern, nothing but a genuine desire to be there for her.
She stepped aside, opening the door wider. “Of course.”
Chuuya entered, closing the door gently behind him. The music was still playing, LP’s voice a backdrop to the quiet tension between them. He glanced around the apartment, noting the half-empty bottle of wine on the table, the discarded clothes on the floor, the general disarray that was so unlike her.
Y/N made her way back to the couch, sinking down onto it with a sigh. She picked up her glass, taking another sip as she tried to steady herself. Chuuya followed her, sitting down beside her, his presence a comforting warmth against the chill in her heart.
For a moment, neither of them spoke. The music played on, filling the silence with its melancholy melody. Finally, Chuuya broke the silence, his voice gentle. “Hey… I’m sorry.”
She glanced at him, her eyes still glistening with unshed tears. “For what?”
“For what he did to you,” Chuuya replied, his voice tinged with anger. “You didn’t deserve that. You deserve so much more.”
Y/N looked away, her gaze fixed on the glass in her hand. “I don’t know what I deserve anymore,” she admitted, her voice barely audible. “I thought I had everything figured out. I thought… I thought he loved me.”
Chuuya’s hand found hers, his touch warm and grounding. “He’s a fool,” he said firmly. “A complete idiot for not seeing what he had.”
She felt a fresh wave of tears threatening to spill over, but she swallowed them back, not wanting to break down again. “Thank you, Chuuya,” she whispered. “I… I just don’t know how to move on from this.”
He squeezed her hand gently, his voice low and steady. “You don’t have to figure it out right now. Just take it one step at a time. And know that you don’t have to do it alone.”
Y/N finally looked at him, her eyes searching his for something she couldn’t quite name. In that moment, she saw the depth of his care for her, the strength of the bond they had built over years of fighting side by side. It wasn’t just about loyalty or duty—it was something more, something that neither of them had ever put into words.
“Why are you here, Chuuya?” she asked softly, her voice trembling slightly.
"I was worried about you. I had to check on you." Chuuya said softly, his voice carrying a warmth that soothed her frayed nerves.
"You didnt have to." She says softly her voice barely above a whisper.
" Oh shut up!" A faint smile curved his lips, though there was a hint of sadness in his eyes.
Chuuya watched her silently taking in the sight of her hurting, of her trying to drown her pain in wine, ignited something deep within him—a fierce protectiveness, mingled with an ache that he had tried to suppress for so long. It ate at him, knowing that someone else had caused her this pain. He felt a primal urge to make things right. She was supposed to be safe and cherished, not suffering from the betrayal of someone so unworthy.
Y/N’s eyes were locked on the glass in her hands, her fingers tracing the rim absentmindedly. After a while she reached for her phone as she scrolled through her social media accounts, her hands trembling as she navigated to Daiki’s profile. Her intention was simple—block him, sever the last connection to the pain he had caused her. But as she refreshed the page, her heart dropped when she saw a new post.
There, in stark contrast to her own anguish, was Daiki, smiling broadly next to the woman he had been cheating on her with. They were holding up their hands, showing off engagement rings that gleamed with an almost mocking brilliance. The caption was a blur of words that Y/N couldn’t even bring herself to read.
Y/N’s vision blurred with fresh tears, and her hands began to tremble uncontrollably. The room seemed to spin around her as panic surged through her. Her breath came in short, ragged gasps as she struggled to process the sight of them celebrating a future she had once imagined for herself.
Chuuya, still seated beside her, noticed the sudden change in her demeanor immediately. He turned his head just in time to see the post on her screen. His expression darkened with fury, but his primary concern was Y/N’s distress. He reached out, his voice urgent and soothing. “Y/N, what’s wrong? Talk to me.”
Her hands shook letting her phone drop off, she clutched her hands to her chest, her breaths coming in frantic, uneven bursts. “I—I can’t… I can’t breathe…”
Chuuya immediately moved closer, his concern intensifying. He guided her to lean back against the couch, trying to calm her. “Look at me, Y/N. Focus on me. Breathe with me, okay?”
He took slow, deep breaths, trying to match his breathing with hers to help regulate her panic. “Inhale deeply through your nose… hold it for a second… and then exhale slowly through your mouth.”
Y/N’s vision was clouded by tears, her body trembling uncontrollably. “It’s too much… I can’t…”
Without hesitation, he pulled her to sit up again and wrapped his arms around her, holding her close. “Shh, it’s okay. Just breathe, Y/N. I’m here.”
She buried her face in his chest, her sobs coming out in choked, disjointed gasps. “How… how could he?” she muttered between breaths, her voice barely coherent. “How could he do this to me?”
Chuuya gently rubbed her back, his lips pressing a soft kiss to her temple in an attempt to soothe her. “Hey, dont think about this now. Breathe 'kay?”
Y/N’s breaths remained erratic, her chest rising and falling unevenly as she clung to Chuuya. The pain in her eyes was a stark contrast to his calm demeanor, but his steady presence seemed to anchor her amidst the turmoil.
Chuuya kept his voice soft and reassuring, his hand gently stroking her back. “You’re safe here. Focus on me 'kay? Inhale through your nose… hold it… now exhale slowly.”
He continued the breathing exercise, his own breaths deep and measured, hoping to guide her through the panic. His heart ached seeing her so distraught, and every tremor of her body felt like a piercing ache through his own.
Y/N’s sobs began to lessen, though she still trembled in his arms. “Why does it hurt so much?” she whispered, her voice breaking.
Chuuya’s grip tightened around her, his tone filled with a protective intensity. “Because you loved him, and he betrayed that love. It’s okay to hurt. But you’re strong, and you’ll get through this. You have to believe that.”
Her breathing started to steady as she focused on his words and the rhythmic rise and fall of his chest. “Thank you, Chuuya,” she murmured, her voice muffled against him. “I don’t know what I’d do without you.”
Chuuya gently kissed her temple again, his voice firm but tender. “You’ll never have to find out. I'm here. I’ll stay with you through this, and I’ll help you get through it, 'kay?”
Y/N nodded weakly, her grip on Chuuya’s shirt loosening as her breathing grew more even. “Okay,” she whispered, her voice still fragile but steadier.
He gently stroked her hair, offering her the silent comfort of his presence. The tears that had been pouring from her eyes now slowed to a trickle, her breathing gradually returning to a more regular rhythm.
Y/N pulled back slightly, her eyes still red and puffy but holding a glimmer of embarrassment. " This is embarrassing... I never break down in front of anyone... not even Daiki. "
He brushed a strand of hair from her face, his gaze steady. “ You don't have to be embarrassed dumbass." He couldn’t help but smile softly as he saw her let out a faint chuckle. “We all have our inner battles and struggles.”
She smiled and rested her head on his chest, taking deep breaths. Chuuya wrapped his arms around her, holding her close as she found solace in his steady presence.
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Chuuya's days revolved around Y/N in a comforting routine. Despite his position as the mafia boss, he made sure to take time each morning to prepare her favorite coffee, carefully brewing it just the way she liked. He would also bake her the special cookies she adored, often leaving them on her desk with a note that read, “For the most amazing right-hand.”
Y/N appreciated these gestures deeply. Even though her stoic exterior rarely cracked, the little things Chuuya did never failed to make her smile and blush. She kept these feelings to herself, unsure if he reciprocated her affection. It was clear he cared for her deeply, but whether it was the same kind of love she felt remained a mystery.
Three months had passed since Daiki’s betrayal, and though Y/N had made significant progress in healing, her heart could not ignore the way Chuuya’s unwavering care and support had become a cornerstone of her recovery. Unbeknownst to her, Chuuya had taken his own actions to ensure Daiki’s suffering, sending the Black Lizard to ruin Daiki and his new fiancée's engagement party as a silent retribution. But he kept this from Y/N, choosing to focus on her well-being rather than the vengeance he sought.
It was a usual Friday evening as Chuuya and Y/N were seated in his office, their usual conversation flowing easily. The office was a haven of tranquility, away from the chaos of the outside world. Chuuya leaned back in his chair, watching Y/N with a soft smile as she recounted a particularly amusing incident from their recent mission.
Suddenly, the door to his office burst open, and Akutagawa rushed in, panting heavily. His usual calm demeanor was replaced by visible panic. “Boss! Y/N! There’s something happening in Yokohama. It’s—”
Hirotsu took a deep breath, struggling to regain his composure. “It’s a tripolar singularity. We’ve never seen anything like it. It’s causing massive destruction in the city center.”
Chuuya’s expression shifted instantly from calm to intense focus. “A singularity? What the hell is going on in Yokohama?”
“It appeared out of nowhere,” Hirotsu explained, his voice tight with urgency. “It’s unleashing some kind of beast or force. The situation is escalating rapidly.”
Y/N stood up, her expression shifting to one of determination. “Fuck! We need to deal with this now. If it’s causing that much destruction, only us can handle it.”
Chuuya nodded, his gaze meeting Y/N’s with a fierce resolve. “You’re right. We need to act quickly. Hirtosu-san, assemble the Black Lizard and get to the heart of the disturbance. Do not engage!! Just wait for us, we will join you shortly.”
Hirotsu nodded sharply, already turning to leave. “Understood, Boss. We’ll move out immediately.”
Y/N exhaled, rubbing her temple. “I have a bad feeling about this…”
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As Y/N and Chuuya made their way through the chaos, the sight that greeted them at the center of the disturbance was unlike anything they had ever encountered. The tripolar singularity loomed ominously in the air, casting an eerie light over the battlefield. Amid the swirling energy and debris stood the divine creature—a figure cloaked in an otherworldly aura, partially hidden by a white sheet adorned with black symbols, and fabric ribbons fluttering in the wind. The creature’s face was obscured, and its presence radiated a chilling lack of emotion.
Y/N's heart sank as she took in the scene before her. The Black Lizard lay scattered and bleeding, their faces twisted in pain and shock. The sheer devastation was overwhelming, and the sight of their fallen comrades brought tears of frustration to her eyes.
"No way-" Her voice cracked struggling to maintain her composure.
Chuuya’s jaw tightened, his eyes narrowing as he assessed the situation. He turned to Y/N, his expression serious. “I need you to focus. We’re going to have to act quickly if we’re going to have any chance of stopping this.”
He was already formulating a plan, but it was a risky one. Chuuya knew that the creature was not just any opponent—it was a force of nature, and their usual strategies might not be enough. He needed to buy Y/N the time she required to confront the creature directly.
“Y/N,” Chuuya began, his voice steady despite the danger. “I’m going to draw its attention away from you. You’ll need to get close enough to touch it and use your ability.”
Y/N’s eyes widened. “What are you talking about? We need a better plan than that!”
“I don’t have time to explain every detail,” Chuuya said firmly, his expression resolute. “Trust me. Just be ready to act when I give the signal.”
Before Y/N could protest further, Chuuya took a deep breath and made a decision that he knew could be fatal.
With a determined look, he stepped forward and muttered the incantation he knew all too well, “O' grantors of dark disgrace. Do not wake me up again.”
Immediately, he began to transform into his corruption form. The familiar surge of power and dark energy enveloped him, and the change was instantaneous. His eyes burned with an intense, fiery white glow, and his presence became both awe-inspiring and terrifying.
Y/N’s heart raced as she watched him, realizing what he was about to do. “No, Chuuya, don’t—”
But it was too late. Chuuya was already moving towards the creature, his corruption form radiating a menacing energy. He engaged the divine being, drawing its focus away from Y/N by shooting black holes towards him. The creature seemed momentarily intrigued by the sudden, overwhelming presence, shifting its attention toward Chuuya.
As the battle intensified, Y/N knew she had to act quickly. She could see Chuuya’s determination clear as day. With a heavy heart and tears blurring her vision, she prepared herself to use her ability. She focused on the creature, gathering her strength and steeling her resolve. Chuuya was putting everything on the line for her, and she couldn’t let him down, maybe if she acted fast enough she could save him. Only if she can master her ability and manage to create two replicas at the same time. But it was impossible, even if she wanted to put it into test, she couldn't move all the way and touch Chuuya before destroying the creature, he'd kill them both.
The battle raged on, the creature’s power clashing with Chuuya’s corrupted form. Y/N moved with urgency, dodging debris and managing to touch the creature, using her ability to create a replica of the divine being. She had to destroy it before Arahabaki takes over Chuuya completely. Every second felt like an eternity as she concentrated on her task, hoping that Chuuya’s gamble would not end in tragedy.
Y/N’s heart raced as she struggled with the replica of the tripolar singularity. Its strength was overwhelming, and for a moment, it seemed like it might overpower her. But she focused, channeling all her energy and resolve into destroying it. With a final surge of power, she shattered the replica into pieces, the divine being vanishing in a burst of light.
She dashed toward Chuuya, her breath coming in ragged gasps. The sight that met her eyes was devastating—Chuuya’s corruption form had taken a tremendous toll on his body. No wonder that his inner organs were damaged by now, he was barely holding on. Tears streamed down her face as she touched him, creating a replica of his Arahabaki form. She destroyed it with all her strength, hoping it would be enough.
But it was too late. The damage was done. Chuuya’s body lay on the ground, blood pooling around him. Y/N’s vision blurred with tears, and her own strength began to falter from the strain of overusing her ability. She cradled Chuuya’s face, her voice trembling as she tried to comfort him.
"No no no no no" she shook her head tears streaming down soaking her cheeks , her voice breaking, “Chuuya, you’re going to make it. You have to hold on.”
Chuuya’s hand weakly reached up to touch her cheek, “Y/N… you did well,” he murmured, his voice barely more than a whisper. “I—” He struggled to continue, his strength fading. “I’ve loved you… for so long... I'm sorry it was the only way to save you—”
The confession was barely audible, but it cut through the chaos like a knife. Tears poured freely from Y/N’s eyes as she held him close, her heart aching with the weight of his words and the gravity of the moment. Chuuya’s hand fell from her face, his strength giving out. He closed his eyes, his breathing slowing until it ceased.
A guttural scream tore from Y/N’s throat, a raw expression of grief and despair. She had lost him—everything she had fought for, everything she had loved. Her world shattered around her as she clung to him, her heartbroken cries echoing through the devastation.
Y/N’s world spun as she lost consciousness, the weight of her grief and the toll of her powers overwhelming her. The last thing she felt was the cold, lifeless form of Chuuya in her arms, the pain of his absence like a searing wound in her heart.
Minutes later, she stirred, the oppressive darkness of the battlefield replaced by a blinding light. Groaning softly, she tried to open her eyes, only to be met with an overwhelming radiance that made her eyes squint painfully. Slowly, she adjusted, her blurred vision focusing on the sight of Chuuya’s lifeless body still resting in her arms. Her tears began to flow anew, each drop a testament to the depth of her sorrow.
The light grew more intense, and she noticed a rift opening before her, a swirling vortex that seemed to pulse with otherworldly energy. The rift beckoned, its ethereal glow contrasting sharply with the stark reality of Chuuya’s death.
With trembling hands, Y/N placed a soft, lingering kiss on Chuuya’s cold forehead, her heart breaking with each tender touch. “Goodbye, boss,” she whispered through her tears, her voice choked with grief. "I'll always love you."
She gently laid his body down, her fingers brushing his hair one last time as she prepared to step through the rift. The light beckoned her, a beacon in the midst of her despair. Taking a deep breath, she slowly walked through it, her body and mind exhausted from the emotional and physical toll. Why is she doing this? She has no idea, but if this rift is connected to the tripolar singularity by any means, then she'll finally figure things out.
The world around her seemed to warp and shift, and she found herself emerging into a new, unfamiliar realm. It was a lush, verdant forest bathed in soft, dappled moonlight. The air was filled with the soothing sounds of nature, a stark contrast to the devastation she had just witnessed.
As she moved through the rift, her eyes fell upon a figure standing in the clearing. It was him—Chuuya. He was dressed in slightly different attire, but it was unmistakably him. He stood there, his gaze locked onto her, his expression a mix of shock and disbelief.
Y/N’s breath caught in her throat as she took in the sight of him. Her legs felt weak, her emotions swirling in a storm of confusion and hope.
"Boss?" they both exclaimed simultaneously, their voices echoing the confusion and recognition that filled their hearts.
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A/N: Ayo!! I can't express how much fun it was to write this part. I am silently crying over Chuuya's death, but it is for the plot 🙂‍↕️. I'll post part three next week fingers crossed that the angst will be over by then cause my heart is shattered.
➵Want more of Chuuya Nakahara ?
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realhotgirlshii · 3 years
I’m sorry
Aomine cheats on y/n and regrets it years later
the race isn’t mentioned but the reader is black
1.1k words/ request from @aylablack15
part 2
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Your whole life just crumbled when you walked in on your best friend and boyfriend fucking. Nothing prepared you for the things you saw and heard. The man you loved and the women you called best friend, cheating on you. "wow' is what you managed to get out while holding back tears. You watch them turn back to look at you and scramble to get their shit together but you already seen enough. As you turning to walk out the door you feel Aomine grab your arm. "Baby, don't leave please let me explain." in a low tone he pleaded. "Explained what! I caught you in bed with my best friend. Answer me this, why? Why did you do this us? I loved you, cared for you. WHEN NO ONE BELIEVED IN YOU, I WAS THERE!" at this point you were yelling and screaming your head off. While he sat there not saying a word, wow...you thought he can't explain himself... then he said "We never had time" in that moment you were heated, filled with anger, sadness, betrayal. Suddenly a smacking noise filled the room, "NEVER HAD TIME. Are you serious? Weren't you the one blow off out dates for practices?! Weren't you the one who cancelled at the last minute. Aomine I made time but you just blew me off." hearing you call him by his last name stung just as much as the slap. You were yelling so much that you hadn't realize Momoi was still standing there. A quiet "Im sorry" is all she could get out and you went off. "I'm sorry, really that's all you got to say? huh? why so quiet now, you weren't so when you was fucking my boyfriend! See I would come over there and beat your ass but I just rather leave and NEVER see y'alls faces again." you hissed at them and turned to grab your keys, phone and purse walking out the door.
 You drove yourself to Kuroko's house, knocking on his door praying he was home. Luckily he was, and once he saw the tears streaming down your face he brought you in and sat you down. That night consisted of you crying and venting everything that happened in Kuroko's chest. Kuroko didn't understand how he could do something like that to you. I mean he loved you and everyone knew y'all loved each other. Every game, practice, meet and conference you were there. Back in high school y'all were the star couple. Well, you were the star couple....
That day you left replays everyday in his head and on top of that he got the wrong woman pregnant. You guys were supposed to get married and have kids. Watch them grow up and grow old together but it never happened. And it was all his fault, for years he called himself an idiot after losing you. You were the best thing he had and he lost it. Over weeks and months he tried to contact you and apologize and tell you he missed you. But one text he sent a few months after the break up caught your eye. You had just got over him and he sends his little sorry ass apologizes but something else too. He knew you loved kids and were so good with them, so when he found out he got Momoi knocked up, you were pissed but not enough to go off. His text was asking you to help him stop his daughter screaming and crying and that Momoi left so he doesn't know what to do. You had half a mind to be petty and say figure it out but you decided to help him after only because Kuroko talked you into it. Once you gave him the directions you told him you were gonna block him and not to contact you anymore. And in that moment you felt a weight lifted from your shoulders. You were less pissed and thought it was more karma.
Years went by as the thought of Aomine Daiki has left your mind. But you never left his, he was miserable without you all these years. He wondered what you were doing, who you were with, how you were doing. But you, you were doing great, you have been married to the wonderful man Kagami Taiga and have 1 daughter with a son on the way. You felt love again even though you didn't think you would, especially after Aomine. You were so happy. Kagami treated you like a queen. Always makes you feel confident and reassure you that he is in love with you. You never had to worry about anything with him. He helped you work out all of the trust issues and insecurities. Whenever you hugged, kissed or just sat with him you felt like you were on cloud 9. Everything felt like a dream with him.
One day you ran into your ex on a little ice cream trip. I mean you were 7 months pregnant and in need of something cold and sweet. You were standing there trying to figure out a flavor and then you heard your name. You turn around to see you cheating ex with a surprised look on his face. He was breathless when he saw you pregnant, and he knows it's not his. "wow long time no see, congrats y/n" he stuttered "yeah long time but i hoped to never see you again" you replied. An awkward silence fell between you two for 4 or 5 minutes and then he asked "who's baby is it" "mine" a deep voice behind you said and there was Kagami. "oh hi baby!" you said excitingly and went to kiss you hubby. Aomine was even more shocked to see it was Taiga who had you now...Hit him hard but he was the idiot that cheated and lost you. But all he could think about was how you and Kagami were, should have been you and him but it's too late. He wanted to apologize for the pain he caused, he wanted you to come back but never that would never happen. He is happy to see you happy but its with someone who isn't him but Kagami. He watched as Taiga brought you all your favorite snacks and ice cream, laughing with each other paying no mind to him standing there. The one person who loved him, supported him, cared for him. The person who brought the best of him is with someone else. Lost in his thought he didn't realized tears were streaming down him face. He went to wipe his eyes full of tears and when he looked back up. You were gone....Long gone away with Taiga to live your happily ever after. All he could mutter out was "I'm sorry y/n, I am so so sorry" before falling on his knees crying. 
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teikohs · 4 years
The last reaction made me giddy too! owo Trying to get same giddiness, can I have reaction headcanons for gom when their s/o says "I love you" for the first time? *blushes*
hehehe glad to hear that! seeing this request alone made me squeal so i hope you enjoy this! (//ω//) also, unrelated to this, my exams are coming soon so i probably wouldn’t be as active but once they are over, i’ll be back to finish all the requests!!
akashi seijuro
if anything, he had it planned already and yet, somehow, you manage to say it first, before him
it’s something he doesn’t expect, and the fact that you’re able to surprise him is just something else that he loves that about you
“i love you too, my empress. ever since the start.” he would calmly reply, a smirk on his face as he watches your cheeks redden at his words
will end up giving you a lot of gifts and surprises because every time he thinks about that scene, he will just feel like showing how much he treasures and loves you
aomine daiki
stunned at first and just stays there rooted to the floor before he returns back to his normal self, a confident grin on his face
will certainly start by boasting about himself — saying things like how you shouldn’t say things like that as if would boost his ego or even claiming that he can’t help that he was just so likeable
but finally, he stops joking and turns serious, his voice dropping a pitch as he ensures that he has all of you attention. “i love you too.”
after he says that, he would quickly turn away, hiding how flustered he was
kise ryouta
there’s no hesitation as your words register in his head and instantly, his eyes light up
“really? i love you too!” he’s just so excited because he has been keeping these feelings inside of him for so long and hearing you say it just makes him explode with happiness
fawns over how adorable you were and complains how nervous he was because he just couldn’t decide when he should say it — but luckily, you took the first step
afterwards, he would be a little sulky because he realised that he wanted to be the first one out of you two to say ‘i love you’ but gets over it pretty quickly
kuroko tetsuya
the way you said it was so random that he pauses for a while, replaying what just happened — the two of you were on the way to get vanilla milkshakes and you just said you first ‘i love you’
then, he stops walking, causing you to do the same, and with a rare grin on his face as he looks at you with admiration and affection, he replies “that’s good. because i love you too, (f/n)-kun.”
would be so unusually bubbly for the next few days from just thinking about you that even his teammates would think that there was something wrong with him
midorima shintarou
he tenses up immediately, and you quickly tell him that it was okay if he thought it was too early to say the same
he remains silent for a while, sneaking glances at you whenever he thought you weren’t looking and trying to sort his thoughts out
“i-i love you too nanodayo.” he looks at you, before quickly staring at his book, after seeing a smile start to form on your face
will be weirdly contented in school for the following weeks, leaving takao wondering if he hit his head or something
muraskibara atsushi
from how long he took to respond and his lack of physical expressions, you thought that he happened to miss your words — he just looks at you for a while, before smiling lazily
“i love you too, (f/n)-chin.” he says it so nonchalantly before passing you a potato chip 
on the inside, he could feel his heart beating rapidly and ends up giving and sharing with you a lot of his snacks because that was the only way he knew how to fully convey his love to you
also, will end up hugging you a lot more than usual whenever he thinks about you and your feelings for him
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I’m Sorry (4/?)
Anime: Kuroko no Basuke Pairing: Aomine Daiki x Reader Rating: T A/N: The last chapter I have to re-upload and edit! I gotta say, it takes a lot of time and patience to go through all these chapters and edit to my liking (Never realized how long I made these chapters until I had to edit them.. RIP). That said, I’ll be posting chapter 8 sometime this week. (It’s been done, but editing all these chapters has made me tired.) I hope you guys enjoy!
The streets of Tokyo were barren by the time Aomine left Touou Academy. Instead of heading to practice with Momoi, he chose to stay on the roof, lost in the conversation he had with his best friend. He wonders why some of the things she said struck a nerve but he figures it was because he was irritated already. Still, he couldn't deny the dull ache in his chest as his mind wandered back to a few hours ago.
"Ne, Aomine-kun. Maybe you're looking at the situation wrong."
Blinking, a sigh escapes his lips, his eyes narrow at the pink-haired girl. He'd just explained the entire situation to Momoi, hoping she'd be able to help him understand your actions. But it seems she didn't have much to say, or maybe she thought he was too dumb to understand. The thought of being called stupid irritates him. His fingers twitch as he sits there, back straight and blue eyes attentive.
"What do you mean Satsuki? You heard all those things she said in the gym! Not to mention everything I told you beforehand. Don't tell me you think I'm lying?"
Shaking her head, Momoi placed her hands on her hips, "Of course I don't think that Aomine-kun! But I think you're not understanding what she's saying. It's obvious she still loves you. ____-chan isn't the type to just say things without meaning it. She defended you in the gym because she didn't want to see you hurt anymore. Do you honestly think she'd leave you for her benefit? Of course she wouldn't, because she's not like that! _____-chan has never done things for herself. You, of all people, should know this best."
Aomine saw the intense emotions within Momoi's eyes. She'd only give that look if she was dead serious, and her actions didn't hint at lying either. He definitely saw the hurt in her eyes, and this made his stomach flop.
'Has Satsuki been in just as much pain?'
Sighing, he ruffled his hair, attempting to distract his twitching fingers, "I really didn't want to end things with her... The words just slipped out. I was so angry seeing her with that bastard Kagami and Tetsu, I ended up lashing out on her. When she left me alone, I somehow managed to walk my ass home but I couldn't stop thinking about her words. It was as though she was trying to hint at something. Of course, it didn't hit me until I got home. We weren't together any more. I got so angry, I ended up punching a hole in my wall, which made mom ground me for a week. This entire time I've been replaying that scene in my head, as though I was reliving it. I still don't understand and I think that's what's making me so angry."
This confession made Momoi widen her eyes and her breath hitched slightly. She hasn't seen Aomine this open with his thoughts since middle school. But it was to be expected with everything happening this past week. He may act as though nothing's wrong, but both Momoi and you were able to see through his lie. You guys chose to keep silent, to preserve his pride. But if he's the one actually coming to her about it, he must be that lost.
It's been a while since she's seen this defeated look, and it made her heart crack.
Taking a deep breath, Momoi approached Aomine before slapping him across the head.
"What the fuck Satsuki? Why'd you hit me?!"
"You need to snap out of this funk, Aomine-kun! Thinking about this situation won't fix it. You need to go and talk with ____-chan again! How do you expect to get anything done if you just sit around? Since you're not coming to practice, I'll force you to fix this. You're not the only one hurting right now and you need to explain this to ____-chan! If you don't act soon, who knows what's going to happen?"
Stomping her foot, Momoi huffed before leaving the roof, leaving a very confused Aomine behind.
Shaking his head, he frowned. His head ached from thinking about this too much. Maybe he was dumb. Not many people would honestly have to take this long to think about a situation. Some things made sense to him, but just when he thought he was starting to understand, other questions came up, leaving him more confused than before. He tightened his grip on his bag before feeling his body come to a complete stop.
There you stood, hair blowing gently in the breeze, with Kise, who had his arms wrapped around you in a hug. It was as though time stopped for him, mocking him with this scene. He couldn't see your face, but he definitely noticed Kise's calm and serene expression. He was about to run over towards the two of you when Kise's eyes opened, looking directly at him, keeping him frozen in place. His golden yellow eyes narrowed slightly, as though blaming him for the reason he was hugging you, but it was hard for Aomine to read.
But he ended up pulling away from you, a smile on his face as he ruffled your hair. For some reason, this made Aomine angry. He couldn't see your face so he was unable to tell if you were smiling back at him. But he figured there was a smile of some sort on your face. After all, what girl didn't smile at Kise?
And then, he spoke.
'I like you, _____-cchi.'
And just like that, Aomine found himself running the other direction. He didn't hear what you had to say, and this was for the better anyway.
'It doesn't hurt... It doesn't hurt... It doesn't-'
A tear slipped from his eye, hitting his sleeve. Frowning, he hastily wiped the stain from his face before shaking his head, another sigh escaping his lips. His legs carried him from the scene, his mind somewhere else completely. In the end, he knew the truth. Every girl flocked to Kise, and he should've known better than to think you were unfazed by him. He told himself it was okay because he never did say you were in a relationship, but the empty feeling only increased at the thought. He definitely wasn't okay with Kise winning your heart, but if you were happy, it should be enough to satisfy him.
He was stupid to think he could actually care for you.
He still remembers the kiss he shared with you just the day before. Why didn't he say anything to you before leaving? Instead, he left you to sit alone, confused and heartbroken. Maybe it was to satisfy his own selfish needs. He needed to know you felt as dull and lifeless as himself, but he was naive to think you would take that without feeling something. After all, you stuck by his side since Teiko, and Momoi did say you would do things for other people.
Did you break up to protect him?
If that was true, why did it hurt so much? Seeing you with Kise, unable to read your face, it made him completely lost. It didn't even occur to him you were standing on a basketball court, something that should've crossed his mind as you did throw in his face you stopped playing because of him. Yet, that didn't even bother him as much as it should have. What did bother him was not knowing you response, but in the end, he was too much of a coward and he chose to run.
When it came to basketball, the only one who could beat Aomine was him.
But when it came to the heart, you had beaten him years ago.
You couldn't stop staring at Kise, his words echoing through your mind. Was it that much of a shock to hear he liked you that much? It honestly shouldn't have surprised you, considering how close the two of you were. But for some reason, it hurt your heart to know he did feel that way.
Is it because no one could replace Aomine?
You didn't know what to say, and you didn't want to hurt him. But you knew you couldn't accept his feelings. It wouldn't be right to use Kise to get over Aomine. It's just..
You were about to speak when he spoke, "It's okay, ____cchi. You don't have to say anything."
Those words sent a piercing pain through your heart. It sounded as though he'd just accepted the fact you would never return his feelings, as though he was testing you to see where your heart lies.
This made you angry.
"Ryouta, I do love you! Just not in the way you want me to. I wish I could return those feelings because it'd be so much simpler, but I can't. It'd feel as though I'm lying to myself, along with you and Daiki... I can't do that. I won't hurt you."
He could see the tears threatening to spill from your eyes, and he tightens his hold on your hand, quickly grasping the other to prevent you from hiding your face. You were ashamed for putting him in this position, and before you knew it, you couldn't stop the tears from falling before he pulled you against his chest. At this point, the tears wouldn't stop falling and your body shook in grief as you cried your pain into your best friend's embrace.
"I-I'm sorry!" You gasped, "I-I'm really sorry, Ryouta!"
Pressing a kiss to your temple, he rubbed your back, attempting to calm the shaking of your body. Kise didn't realize how much you'd be keeping hidden from everyone and it hurt him to see you so broken. He knew you were blaming yourself and this angered him. None of this was your fault, and you shouldn't be apologizing to him or anyone else for wanting to protect yourself.
"It's fine, ____cchi. You don't have to apologize."
"I... I just don't want to lose you." you whisper between sobs, trying to explain just how broken you'd be if you lost your best friend. Just how much more selfish can you be?
"You're not going to lose me. I won't leave you, ____cchi. Don't you think if I was going to, I would've done so already?"
Those words struck a nerve in your heart, dulling the ache within. Your sobs quieted down as you gazed into golden eyes, your eyes wide. When he realized your sobs stopped, he smiled.
"Remember, I'm not mature enough to let this go. In all honesty, if I was mature, I'm sure I would be yelling at you for loving Aominecchi. But all I can see is my best friend broken and confused. And I hate seeing someone so strong this way. So, you don't have to worry about our relationship or about being selfish. Because the truth is, I'm just as selfish for keeping you with me. You really need to find a way to fix this with that idiot, before he goes and assumes something else."
The last sentence confuses you, but you could feel your body calm down at the rest of his words. Rubbing your eyes against your sleeve, you couldn't stop the blush from hitting your cheeks. You'd never felt this embarrassed in your life, breaking down and crying like a baby to your best friend. You hadn't expected that to happen, it was as though your mind said 'enough' and chose to do it for you. But when you felt Kise use his sleeve to wipe the remaining tears from your face, you felt yourself laughing.
This caused him to raise an eyebrow before you smiled sheepishly, "Sorry. I must seem like a baby, just breaking down like that. I didn't even mean to keep you this long either. I really will have to watch what I do when I'm around you."
He pouts, "What's that supposed to mean? Besides, it feels nice being able to see you! I feel like it's been too long. You can take as much time as you want ____cchi. Everyone else can wait."
Raising an eyebrow, you crossed your arms, "Including your senpai?"
He shrugged, "Kasamatsu-senpai did say you get me twice a week. So technically we can do other things besides playing basketball. We'll just have to keep it a secret though if we don't practice."
This causes a laugh to escape your lips, "You know I can't keep secrets. I won't lie to your captain about that!"
Smirking, Kise leans in, "Sounds like someone's sucking up to Kasamatsu-senpai~"
Punching his arm, you huffed, "I'm not sucking up to your captain, idiot! I just don't want to betray his trust. Your entire team, including your coach, stared at me as though I would attack them or something. It was quite irritating."
He laughed, "It's cause you're from Touou, and they're still bitter from losing. Don't worry, if you show up to my school again, dress in different clothes and they won't look at you with those eyes. The basketball team isn't as bad as you think."
Sighing, you ruffled your hair, contemplating his words. "So are you saying we can practice at your school?"
"Well, I'm not really sure if they'd be okay with it, but I don't see the harm in trying. Maybe you can even observe our practices. It may help you understand how to shoot three pointers. Also, if you do enough sucking up to Kasamatsu-senpai, I'm sure he'd teach you."
"I told you I'm not sucking up dammit! Ugh. Why do I waste my breath on you?"
He grinned, "Because ____cchi loves me! And admit it, life would be boring without me!"
Scoffing, you shot him a smirk, "Life would be more quiet without you."
"____cchi is so mean!~"
Shaking your head, you gave him a smile before hugging him once more,
"Thank you, Ryouta."
It had been a rough three days since you'd seen Ryouta. Since it was a Thursday, it left you with one day before the weekend. You decided to take the entire week off school, coming up with a believable excuse. The school didn't question it because your grades were exceptional and you promised to get Momoi to drop off all notes/homework you'd miss. Of course, explaining the situation to her was a bit of an ordeal in itself.
'Eh? What do you mean you'll be missing next week?'
Sighing, you ruffled your hair, nervous about how she'd respond. 'It's just, I need time away, Satsuki-chan. I'm not running from Aomine-kun. It's just there's some things that came up and I need to deal with them on my own.'
Her eyebrow raised, confusion written on her face. She knew better than to doubt your intentions. If you needed time away, then she had no right to question you. But she still couldn't help but feel hurt that you weren't telling her everything.
'I'm sorry for not being able to help ____-chan. If I'd known sooner, I would've helped support you better!'
Placing a hand on her shoulder, you smiled, 'It's okay. It's my fault for not telling you. But there is one thing you can help me with. See, I told the principle you'd be getting my notes and bringing them to me. If you could, I'd be really grateful!'
She nodded, 'Of course, ______-chan! But what about your parents?'
'They're going on a business trip this weekend and won't be back for a month. That's why I figured I'd take this week off. At first they were a bit reluctant to go along with it, but after I told them, they agreed provided my grades didn't slip.'
'You have such cool parents, _____-chan. If I asked for a week off, my parents would definitely say no.'
You shrugged, 'It's only because I haven't missed school in my entire life. They don't really know what's going on either. I didn't want to get into specifics with them but they saw how serious I was, so they didn't question it.'
Laughing, Momoi pulls you into a hug. 'Thanks for telling me, ___-chan. You know I love you right?'
Smiling, you returned her embrace, 'Yeah. I love you too Satsuki-chan. And thank you for not questioning me too much. I promise things will make sense when I get back.'
You felt her nod before you parted ways, the start of your week beginning.
In the end, Momoi handled it better than you thought, but you still felt a bit guilty for not telling her. But you were shaken from your thoughts as the ball landed in the hoop.
"If you keep standing there distracted, I'm going to think you're not serious about training."
Lightly smacking your face, your eyes narrowed as you got into a defensive position. "Sorry, I really do need your help, Midorima-kun. I didn't plan on spacing out."
His green eyes narrowed slightly before he sighed, throwing the ball into your hands. You caught the ball with ease, but you looked at him surprised.
"If you want to beat Aomine, you need to think like him. Even if you do learn how to shoot threes, they can only do so much against a guy like him. You need to learn how to shoot from the air as well as the ground."
"Shoot three-pointers from the air? How do I do that?"
"It's all in how your body is positioned. You need to be relaxed but firm. You can't be tense otherwise there won't be enough power in your arms to make the shot. Since Aomine is much taller than you, you need to find a way to shoot a three without him being able to block. That's where thinking like him will come into play. You can only do so much by playing as yourself, nandayo."
Huffing, you narrowed your eyes before looking at the basket, "Sometimes I wish you'd outright tell me how to do stuff. Being vague doesn't help."
Pushing his glasses with his fingers, Midorima looked at you, "If I always gave you the answers, you wouldn't learn how to do it for yourself. I'm only here to assist you, not do everything for you. What you learn from this will be shown in your basketball skills."
Groaning, you wiped some sweat from your forehead, "If I didn't know you, I'd say you're looking down on me. You're lucky I can handle criticism and not get offended. If others heard your speech and manners, they'd definitely think you're calling them stupid."
"We're not here to discuss my mannerisms. We're here to teach you how to play. If you're not going to practice or take this seriously, I will leave you to learn on your own. Now try again, nandayo."
Sighing, you took a deep breath before positioning yourself at the half court line. As much as Midorima can be annoying, he had a good point. If you had time to whine about his lack of sympathy, you could use that time to get better. Standing around and complaining wouldn't make you better or help you understand his words. You just had to take it one day at a time.
This was definitely going to be a long day, you mused as the ball flew from your fingers, sinking into the basket with ease.
It had been four days since Aomine saw you with Kise, the memory still imprinted in his brain. He'd hardly gotten any sleep, the pain still fresh in his mind. This felt worse than when he had been called a monster in Teiko. Part of him was still angry at Kise, but the other part stubbornly blamed himself for being so stupid in the first place. If he'd been direct about his feelings, he wouldn't have been in this position. Still, the constant reminder of what he had was starting to take a toll on him.
He chose to frown more than usual, but the intensity of his glare wasn't there. The teachers would spare worried glances at the ace, but he chose to ignore them, not wanting their sympathy. After all, this was something he wasn't planning on telling anyone else but Satsuki, who did her best to cheer him up. He would sigh more than normal, his body moving on its own while he zoned out.
'Shit. If anyone sees me like this, I'll never hear the end of it.'
On occasion, he'd see Imayoshi or Wakamatsu in the hall, but he chose to ignore them, instead walking past as though they weren't there. Even they could tell something was up, but they couldn't say anything. Not even Sakurai's cooking could cheer up Aomine.
God he sounded like some lovesick idiot.
It didn't help you weren't at school, causing the ace to frown. You'd never missed school your entire life, and suddenly you're not there? He had asked Satsuki, but she didn't answer, instead chose to switch subjects. He knew she knew something, but he didn't know how to ask. Rather, he didn't want to look like he cared.
Tch. Who was he fooling?
He really did miss you. So much it hurt just to think about anything else. He even tried to play basketball to take his mind off you. But playing only reminded him of the one-on-ones he used to have with you. Everywhere he went, he swore he heard your laugh echoing through his mind, but when he turned around, you weren't there.
Even now, when he laid on his bed, hands resting behind his head, he couldn't stop thinking about you. Your [eye colour] eyes, which held so many different emotions at once. Your lips, soft and plush against his. Your laugh, contagious and full of life. Your smile, bright and warm enough to melt away the ice covering his heart. But most importantly, your heart, so big and loving. He missed the way it raced against his chest when he hugged you, your arms wrapped tightly around his waist, and he could feel your breath hit his neck.
Covering his eyes, he grit his teeth in frustration as the tears stubbornly fell against his wishes. He kept the sob in, not wanting to completely submit to the pain in his heart, but he allowed himself to shed a few of those annoying tears. His chest tightened as he managed to flop himself on his stomach, burying his face into the pillows.
Damn. He really was a lovesick idiot. Only, he realized it too late.
The next day, you found yourself in Kanagawa, though you almost missed the stop. You didn't head to Kaijo just yet, knowing lunch wasn't starting for twenty minutes. Instead you found yourself in a convenience store, aimlessly wandering around. Why you chose to go here, you didn't know. But you found yourself at the magazine section, staring at the covers. There was a variety to look at, but one caught your attention. The basketball monthly was out, and you couldn't stop yourself from picking it up and flipping through the contents.
You remembered what Kise mentioned last time about showing up in casual clothing, which is why you chose to be in a hoodie, which had rabbit ears on the back. You had your phone in the front pocket, along with your wallet and keys, sunglasses perched on the top of your head. It wasn't too bright out, but when you left in the morning the sun irritated your eyes. Your hair was in a bun as a few bangs fell in front of your eyes. You wore black jeans, shoes tied up neatly and the laces were tucked into your sneakers. You hoped this is what he meant by casual, because if his team stared at you like that again, you were going to hit them.
Jeez, was Touou really that irritating of a school?
You knew most people there were assholes, but you weren't one of them. Well, you could be an asshole if you chose to be, but only if people said the wrong things to you. Still, it somehow annoyed you to be lumped in with the rest of the school. Especially since you did help out with managing the basketball team, you didn't want anyone to feel you were as mean as them.
You didn't realize the time as you stood there, glaring down at the magazine. You didn't even remember what you were reading before you heard a voice calling your name and arms wrapping around you, causing you to drop the magazine in your hand.
*five minutes prior*
Sighing, Kise was practically jumping in joy as he headed to the store, Kasamatsu, Kobori, Hayakawa, and Moriyama not too far behind. Kasamatsu could feel the vein in his forehead throb in annoyance as the blond yelled excitingly about eating with his senpais. He was really regretting inviting him to lunch.
"Of course I'm really happy! It's a nice day! The Winter cup is around the corner, and I have such an awesome best friend! My team is so supportive as well! Why wouldn't I be happy?"
Kobori smiled before resting a hand on his kouhai's shoulder, "It's not that we aren't excited. It's just we didn't think you'd be this happy about lunch."
"It's nice to get away from all those girls. I mean, there's only so much I can handle and I don't want to be mean to them."
Kicking the back of his legs, Kasamatsu narrowed his eyes at Ryouta, "You're too excited idiot. Besides, you seem to act differently around ____-san. Why is that?"
The other three stopped and turned to look at Kise, who sighed and looked up at the sky. "____cchi is different from the others. She's the first one to actually get to know me as Kise Ryouta. She didn't care for me being part of the Generation of Miracles or a model. So..." he rubbed the back of his head before turning to his team, a huge smile on his face, "Like I said, you guys will love her! She may go to Touou with Aominecchi, but she's not the same as them."
The four members looked at each other before following him into the store. They didn't know what to expect as they split off, finding what they wanted to eat. Kasamatsu and Kobori followed the blond, not trusting him to be left alone. It was when they bumped into the tall blond, who stopped walking and stared down the aisle, that they realized you were standing there, flipping through a magazine. They both saw Kise's eyes light up as he practically ran down the aisle, his arms wide open.
They watched with a sweatdrop as he bombarded you, causing the magazine to fall from your hands as he swung you around, rubbing his face against your hair. They were about to open their mouths but Moriyama and Hayakawa joined them to see what the commotion was.
"Hey, isn't that-?"
Nodding, Kasamatsu rubbed his forehead in annoyance while Kobori gave an uneasy smile to the other two. He could tell Kasamatsu was about to yell at him, but the sound of a smack caused all four to look at the two of you in shock.
They winced when you slammed your foot on Kise's, causing him to gasp as he let go of you, your eyes furious and a blush on your cheeks.
"God dammit! Is this how you greet someone in a store? You're lucky no one else is in here otherwise we'd be kicked out!" bending down to pick up the magazine, you rolled it up before smacking him on the head repeatedly. "You're such an idiot!"
Grabbing a hold of your legs, he buried his face in your knees as he cried, "_____cchi is so mean!~ I missed you!"
"It's been five days, Ryouta. Seriously we texted each other last night. My god, you're in public."
"I don't care!~ _____cchi doesn't love me!"
Taking a deep breath, you finally turned your eyes to see the rest of the basketball team staring at the two of you. Dear god, he brought them all with him? Kneeing him in the chin, you straightened your appearance before glaring at the blond.
"Why are you acting like an idiot in front of your teammates? Seriously, you're supposed to be more mature than this!"
He gave you a goofy smile ,"It's because I love _____cchi."
Grabbing the back of his uniform, you ignored the other four as you practically dragged the blond out of the store. The others chose to stay silent, knowing saying the wrong thing would upset you, and paid for their meals before leaving the store.
Throwing him onto a bench, you placed a hand on your hip as you kept your attention on the blond. You weren't sure if you were angry with him or just embarrassed about the entire situation. You assumed it was a mix of both, seeing as you were used to him acting this way but it felt weird when he did this in front of his new team.
Rubbing his cheek, he pouted, "_______cchi is so mean! I'm only trying to show you how much I love you!"
Sighing, you shot him a glare, "Yes, but in front of your teammates? You're part of Kaijo high now, Ryouta. You need to be more approving of your appearance."
At this, his expression changed, causing you to raise an eyebrow at him, "You think that just because I go to Kaijo, I'm the same person as before? It's true I used to look down on people, but since I went here, I've started to change, if only a little bit. You can thank Kasamatsu-senpai for that."
You knew the other four were watching from the bench beside the one you guys currently sat at. But you couldn't find yourself to care as you spoke,"I don't care who changed you. I don't even care why you chose to change. The fact here is, if someone else found out I went to Touou, they'd be thinking bad things about you. I don't want to be the reason people hate on you."
He rolled his eyes, "Since when did I care about being hated on?"
Tapping your foot, you could feel the stares of the other four, mostly Kasamatsu, as you yanked Kise by the uniform and forced him to the ground. "You need to apologize to your teammates for embarrassing them in public. You don't understand that if people start to talk about you, it'll affect the team. You should never do such childish things while you're in your school uniform. You'll give Kaijo a bad name."
He attempted to look at you, but gulped when he saw your angered expression. Your eyes blazing in anger and while he would've questioned it, he chose to keep silent as he bowed his head.
"I'm sorry Kasamatsu-senpai, Kobori-senpai, Moriyama-senpai, and Hayakawa-senpai."
The four looked at him with wide eyes before looking at you with the same expression. They were shocked at how easily he agreed to do what you said, when he normally goofs around with them. It really does show how much he respects you.
Placing a hand on his shoulder, Moriyama smiled, "It's okay, Kise. We're not angry."
Kobori and Hayakawa nodded in agreement while Kasamatsu stared, a frown on his face. He sighed, "You're forgiven. Just don't do that in public again."
Kise lifted his face and gave them all smiles. When you saw the team staring at you, your hand let go of his jacket, before you held out a hand for him. He blinked before looking at you, his eyes wide.
"Well, are you just gonna sit there on your knees or are we going to eat?"
He couldn't stop grinning as his hand took yours, before being pulled up from the ground. Lightly dusting off his uniform, you fixed it to how you saw him wear it, including his crooked tie, before pulling out a small bento.
"I thought you'd be hungry, so I came to give it to you."
Golden eyes blinked, "Where'd that come from?"
Shrugging, you smirked, "I pulled it out of thin air."
He chose to remain silent and start eating the food you gave him. He thanked you for the food as he practically shoved it in his mouth. You sighed, clenching your hand into a fist. This didn't go unnoticed by Kasamatsu, who was watching you quietly the entire time.
"You're not in school, _________-san."
It was supposed to be a question but came out as a statement. You felt yourself shrug as you looked at the other four, "I needed to get away from there. Besides, if I came to see you guys in my uniform again, I'm sure you'd be staring at me as though I was gonna attack you or something."
A frown formed on his face as the other three looked at each other, turning their eyes to the ground.
"Ah yeah, I'm sorry for that. We just didn't -"
"You don't have to explain your actions, Kasamatsu-senpai. As the captain, it's your job to worry about your team. Besides, what matters is you trust me to be alone with him. That's all I need from you guys."
All four looked at you in shock again. Seriously, were they just not used to being around people who had respect? They make it seem like a big deal that others are considerate of their feelings. You thought Kaijo was filled with respectful people. For some reason this irritated you but you didn't let it show on your face, instead you chose to sigh.
"Is it really that shocking to you guys? I thought Kaijo was all about respect. I get that people from Touou Academy are usually stuck up and crap, but don't lump me in with them. My reasons for going there are completely different than everyone else's. I don't care for getting praise or recognition. What does irritate me is lack of respect and discipline. Something sadly Touou has. But I still go anyway."
Kobori noticed the hidden look in your eyes, but chose to look past that for the time being. "So if you don't like it there, why do you go?"
"I'm sorry, it's something I'd rather not discuss. Only Ryouta knows the real reason why, besides Kuroko-kun. Just know I have my reasons, and they're not related in any way towards you or Ryouta. In fact, I'd rather have Touou lose in the Winter Cup."
Moriyama was the next to spoke up, "So if you don't like winning, why do you play?"
Sighing, you kept your eyes on the members, noticing that Kise was watching with curious eyes. "Because why not? You don't always have to win in order to enjoy a sport do you? I chose to stop because I was foolish and believed winning was supposedly everything. That's what everyone believed at Teiko. But I eventually began to see there's more to a sport than winning. You shouldn't be playing just for one reason. In fact, it's okay to lose because it motivates you to get stronger. It helps you understand the love of the sport you're playing. Besides, you wouldn't put so much effort into something without enjoying it. That's a waste of time. All of you must like or love basketball enough to put this much time and effort in. Those are the true winners."
Slapping his cheeks in excitement, Hayakawa exclaimed, "OF COULSE! I WOURDN'T BE PRAYING IF I DIDN'T RIKE BASKETBARR!"
You couldn't stop the laugh from escaping you lips as you smiled, "You see? That's the enthusiasm I like! I'm sure you all enjoy the sport with the same spirit if not more. That's something Touou doesn't have."
Looking at your phone, you realized they'd have to head back to school right away. A frown formed on your lips as you sighed, scratching the back of your head.
"Well, i guess I should be going."
"Eh?! ______-cchi do you really have to leave so soon?"
"Well what am I supposed to do around here alone? Just walk around like an idiot?"
Kasamatsu sighed, before rubbing his head. "Well... I have a free period now and then idiot Kise has last slot free. I could always keep you company until he gets off."
"But doesn't he have basketball practice?"
"_____cchi can watch us! Right Kasamatsu-senpai?"
Shrugging, he looked at you, "Only if she wants to."
You smiled at them, nodding, "Sure! I wouldn't mind."
The others stood up, giving you small pats on the shoulder, before dragging Kise with them, "Great! We look forward to seeing you at practice ______]!"
"Wait! I want to give ____cchi a hug good bye!"
"Idiot! You'll see her later!"
"____cchi! I'll miss you!"
Sighing, you sent him a smile before waving, "I'll see you later Ryouta! Please don't give your teammates too much grief."
They were already too far for you to hear his cries but you couldn't stop the smile from growing. He always seemed to have that effect on you as of late. It was a good way to distract yourself from other things. Speaking of which, you turned your attention to Kasamatsu, who was standing there with a hand on his face in disbelief.
"I'm sorry he's such a hassle, Kasamatsu-senpai."
Shaking his head, he turned his steel-blue eyes to you, "It's not your fault. Kise's just an idiot."
You laughed, "I suppose that's true. But he's a kind idiot."
He raised an eyebrow at your statement, but you shook your head, keeping your eyes ahead.
"So what did you wanna do?"
"It doesn't matter to me. Whatever you want to do."
You couldn't stop the laugh from escaping your lips at the captain's nonchalant attitude. Still, it made you happy you could get to know the Kaijo's captain, the person Kise speaks so highly about.
"Alright then, let's just go where our feet take us!"
You watched as he nodded, before your feet began to trek down the street.
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theolddarkmachine · 7 years
I’ll Take the Blame, You Take My Conscience- Ch. 5
“You love him.”
It wasn’t a question. Panic burned the back of Shiro’s throat as his eyes widened at the statement. He had known his feelings for Keith for some time now, but he knew better than to act on it, aware that he was nothing more than a friend in his best friend’s eyes. It was better for everyone if he just kept it to himself. At least, that’s what he had thought. Then he’d started noticing small things, like how sometimes Keith would let his hands linger on his skin for a fraction longer than he needed to, or how he could feel his gaze tracing the long line of his body when he thought Shiro wouldn’t notice. He’d been planning on telling Keith how he felt at the party. It was amazing how quickly things could change.
“Let him go, Shiro. He’ll need a tool, not a lover. And your love will only make him weak.”
AKA the one where Keith is the leader of a Yakuza clan, Shiro is his ever loyal tool, and they’re caught in a gang war.
Amazing commission by prllnce!
I just finished The Song of Achilles. This is important to you because it has got me feeling some type of way, which in turn means my poor characters are feeling some type of way. Which means you may also end up feeling some type of way. SUFFER AS I SUFFER. Lol no but really, I poured a lot of feelings into this chapter. So if you hated it, please wait till tomorrow to tell me because today I’m feeling really proud over how this came out.
That big ol' italicized section at the beginning is a memory.
Some helpful terms: Sumiyoshi-kai- The second largest Yakuza family and the Shinku no Raion's family. Rivals of the Yamaguchi-gumi family. Yamaguchi-gumi- The largest Yakuza family and the Murasaki no Akuma's family. Rivals of the Sumiyoshi-kai family. Oyabun- Clan leader. Saiko-komon- Chief advisor to oyabun. Waka gashira- Middle men between oyabun and clan members. Toyohashi- A city in between Kobe and Tokyo. Tantō- A short traditional sword carried by samurai.
They’d gotten into a fight. Another in a string of stupid, inconsequential arguments that had stained their friendship in the six months since Keith had ascended as the leader of the Shinku no Raion. After Daiki’s death, Shiro had been there to help pick up the rubble, applying the mortar to the crumbled bits of the clan that had been blown apart by the explosion of the Akuma. It hadn’t been until Keith started to resemble a whole human being again that he’d started to withdraw behind his own wall that he’d started to build in the process.
His retreat had been slow. So slow, in fact, Keith hadn’t noticed until he had already slipped away through his fingers. Gone were the days when Shiro would catch his eye from across a room and hold it until the heat in his belly had nearly blinded him. Where the man would once be standing, crowding the space around him with everything that he was, was a vast emptiness that chilled him to the bone. It was a strange thing, to miss someone that was still very much there. He could look up and see Shiro conversing with Lance or Hunk just feet away and yet it felt as if he couldn’t be further. The pain of it left a wound in Keith’s chest that had begun to fester.
When they’d had their first fight, it had been Keith that had started it, if only so he could draw Shiro’s attention to him.
And what would you have me do, he’d nearly sneered. The anger had taken them both by surprise as he eyed his saiko-komon, waiting for his resolution for dealing with the clans that had started to bleed into the edges of their territory. The news of Daiki’s death had traveled quickly and clans from both the Yamaguchi-gumi and Sumiyoshi-kai families had their eyes on the prime areas the Raion had control over. This had made things even more dangerous for the young oyabun. He’d already kept his head down, only conversing with his most trusted advisors and staying within the temple as the dust settled, and he was starting to go stir crazy. Added on top of the pain that consistently ached in his chest whenever he received a hollow eyed stare from Shiro, he couldn’t help the way he’d lashed out. I’m already hiding, Shiro. What else would you have me do?
For a moment he could have sworn he’d seen the small spark of that familiar steel fire he had become accustomed to over the years, but it was quickly snuffed out as Shiro set his jaw and returned the exchange in a calm tone that only cut him deeper. Keith held onto the shrapnel that had fallen from the saiko-komon’s mouth as they’d aimed at each other’s weak spots. Though they had eventually come to an agreement for Shiro to pass as the oyabun in public, neither had escaped unscathed, and it’d only served as the first shots fired.
Since then, Keith pushed at Shiro in hopes he could get him to push back and Shiro continued to hold him off, shooting to maim but never to destroy.
At least, that had been until earlier when Shiro had stormed out, gun and tantō in hand to take care of a single thug that had been tormenting a shopkeeper near the temple.
You can’t let people walk all over you, he’d said with an exasperated sigh and a hand rubbing at his temple as if Keith was giving him a headache. The small, vindictive voice within him purred at the thought only to be chased away by a louder, guilty voice.
I’m not, Shiro, his name was always a caress on his lips and he hated himself for it, I just don’t think he’s an issue. He’s only one person.
As Keith paced the length of the old meeting room of the temple that they’d first met in, he replayed the scene in his mind, attempting to pick apart the exact words that had finally served as the blow to Shiro’s wall. He’d seen the moment the calm facade of his had snapped like a brittle twig beneath a foot. The change had been instantaneous as the dulled grey of his eyes suddenly shone with a ferocity that bit his skin.
One person is all that’s needed to influence more.
The words were spat with near disgust as he’d turned on his heel and walked out of the room, leaving Keith alone yet again. It had been four hours since and though he felt the seething anger bubbling in his core, the cool edge of worry batted against the flames. If it was just one person that didn’t even have ties to a clan, he should have been back already. What if he’d been blinded by his anger? A moment of disregard was all that would be needed for someone to get the upper hand, even if he was the best fighter he knew.
All he’d wanted was to know Shiro still felt anything at all.
The sound of the paper screen door sliding open jolted him from his thoughts as he turned towards it, fear and hope pushing against each other as his eyes searched to find a pair of steel ones. He filled the space of the doorway with his broad shoulders and grim expression, a crusting red line of blood cutting down the fullness of his bottom lip from where it’d been split during the altercation.
“You’re back.” Keith hated the way his voice cracked as relief buzzed through him.
“Did you doubt I would be?” Shiro’s eyebrow arched in questioning as he fixed his vacant eyes on him. His voice was tired and filled with something Keith couldn’t quite place. Regret?
“If you were yourself, I wouldn’t.” Now that his fears had been sated, he let the earlier anger bleed back into his voice. Accusation colored his tone as he fixed his flaming jewel stare upon his saiko-komon. He watched the way Shiro’s jaw tightened at his words before he stepped into the room and slid the door shut behind him. Though he was just on the other side of the room, Keith became aware of the infinite space that seemed to stretch between them.
“I am being myself,” Shiro said lowly, eyes burning into his oyabun’s chest as if he was trying to make him understand something. All he managed to do was set a match to Keith’s fury.
“Who do you think you are, Shiro?” A pause as his voice betrayed him again as he said his name. “Because I’m sure I know who you are, and this isn’t it.” He threw as much vehemence into his tone to mask the way he wobbled over the sentiment. His heart ached as he looked at this hollow version of his best friend and his fingers longed to run over his skin.
Do you feel anything at all?
“I’m just a tool for you, Keith.” He finally said as he took a steadying breath, his gaze boring deep into him. “That’s all I was ever meant to be. Give me and order and I’ll follow.”
Another pause.
“I need you to be my leader.”
The words twisted like angry snakes in his stomach. The divide that stood between them was built upon those words, and Keith wanted nothing more than to tear them apart. With just two long strides, he closed the gap between their bodies and grabbed a fistful of Shiro’s shirt. It had all happened quickly, the sharp tug of a hand that pulled the saiko-komon down to him as Keith pressed their mouths together. The initial shock of it was immediate as the taste of metallic blood filled his mouth from the impact against Shiro’s already split lip.
He opened into the kiss, inhaling him in as he ran his tongue across his best friend’s bottom lip. Keith couldn’t remember a time where he hadn’t dreamed of what it would be like to finally press himself against Shiro like this. Long had the images of hands in hair and teeth on flesh burnt themselves onto the dreamscape of his mind, but never did he imagine them tasting of blood and desperation. The skin over his knuckles ached from where it’d been pulled tight over the bone with the intensity of his grip on the black fabric. A tentative swipe of Shiro’s tongue against his own raised a sunburst behind his eyelids before strong hands landed on his shoulders and pulled him back, the soft pop of their mouths dislodging filling the otherwise silent room.
“Is that an order?” Shiro asked, the brusque anger in his voice conflicting the gentle pleading in his eyes. Keith watched as a war waged between the two differing emotions. His saiko-komon was leaving the decision to him, laying the opportunity to undo the wall he’d put up between them at his feet like a gift at a shrine. The realization only made Keith hungrier.
“Is that an order?” He demanded again as his hands slipped from Keith’s shoulders and down to his biceps, leaving forest fires in their wake.
“You want an order?” Keith’s voice was filled with the blaze that was racing through his body. Staring up into the angry grey sea of Shiro’s eyes, he made his decision.
“Then fucking kiss me.”
Their second kiss was just a crushing as the first as Shiro pulled him in, the grip of his fingers sure to leave bruises on the soft skin of his arms. Biting at each other as they had done with their words, they threw themselves into their passion. A small huff of air escaped Keith as he was pushed against a wall. The hands that had held him so strongly loosened before brushing back up his shoulders and cradled the square of his jaw. Shiro’s warm palms pressed against his pulse as his thumbs grazed the peaks of his cheek bones. Gently, the previous roughness fading completely from his touch, he tilted Keith’s face upwards as he slowed their rhythm to a languid pace. The oyabun’s skin tingled wherever Shiro touched him, each caress adding another ripple on the surface of his composure. Pulling away slightly, his saiko-komon brushed the tip of his nose against his and filled Keith’s vision with endless steel plains.
“I guess I can’t disobey orders.” His voice was honey, thick and sweet.
“No,” Keith said breathlessly as he turned his face just enough to press his lips to the inside of Shiro’s wrist. “I am your leader.”
I am yours.
The true meaning of his words danced across the veins beneath his lips. He felt as the pulse within them quickened slightly at the implication.
“Another order?” Shiro ask, his voice hitching as Keith dragged the soft bow of his lip against the fragile skin again. Mauve galaxies glittered in his oyabun’s eyes as he turned his stare back towards him.
“Take me to my room.”
They filled the hall with the sound of heavy breathing and stolen kisses as they made their way to Keith’s room. In the darkness, they painted their names across skin with their tongues and teeth, leaving their marks on the other’s flesh. The air of the room became cloying and heady as they pressed into each other, exploring the uncharted expanses of muscle that lay between them. Pleasure crashed around them in waves and dragged them below its heated waters as they lulled into the embrace of arms and moonlight.
As the echoes of their desire faded from the darkness of the room, Keith pressed a feather light kiss to the sharp ridge of Shiro’s collarbone before melting into the halo of his arms. The shadows in the room shifted as the light slowly moved through the night as they finally spoke again as they always had. It felt like Keith was welcoming him home as he listened to the musical laugh that rocked through Shiro’s chest and pulled the corner of his lips into a small smile. Only when stray beams of sunlight started to chase the moonlight away did the saiko-komon fell into a deep sleep, leaving Keith alone with his thoughts. Pulling away slightly, he let his eyes wander over the man next to him.
As he looked at Shiro’s sleeping form, the white dash of hair caressing the bridge of his nose and his mouth slightly agape with small snores, Keith felt something pop into place within his chest. In that moment all the stars and planets of his being aligned to reveal to him a fact he’d always known.
He would always bring Shiro home, whether it be from conflict that waged around the clan or from within himself, and he would burn the world to the ground if he needed to.
Lance was struggling against fatigue when he finally threw himself down onto the king sized bed in his and Hunk’s room. Dull pain still radiated from the flat of his jaw as he tried to ignore the aging bruise that discolored his skin. It had been a little over a day since Keith had punched him, and though he still wished nothing more than to return the favor, he’d already forgiven him. Had forgiven him the moment Hunk had pulled him away because, though he wasn’t prepared to admit just yet, he understood.
Exhaling loudly, enjoying the way his hissing breath filled the room around him, Lance pressed the heels of his palms to his eyes. The image of the furniture store welcomed him against the darkness of his eyelids. He could smell the stomach turning scent of the rusty liquid that drenched the place. Could see the bodies strewn across the ground in disarray.
He saw Keith laying alone on a cleared halo of ground.
It was all he saw whenever he’d closed his eyes, which was the reason he’d spent the past four nights staring into the darkness as he lay wrapped around Hunk with his nose pressed to his hair. That first night after they’d brought Keith home, he hadn’t even been sure he could stand to spend the night in his room for fear the image would taint the one place he truly felt safe. The only reason he’d even come had been because of Hunk’s reassurances and gentle smile.
He’d move mountains for that smile.
A yawn cracked his jaw as he dropped his arms outwards to either side of him, eyes still screwed shut as he battled against the blood soaked image.
After Keith had awakened the day after they’d brought him home, he’d thrown himself and everyone around him into the search for Shiro. That first day, he and Hunk had ended up back in Toyohashi where they’d picked apart every building that could possibly hold some sort of Akuma activity. Each time they’d kick in a door and search the area, Lance would steel himself against the worst possible outcome: Shiro lying dead in the middle of a forgotten warehouse.
Each time they were met with emptiness or the occasional Akuma that they’d quickly dispose of.
That night, he held tightly onto Hunk as the weapons specialist fought against his own fitful sleep.
The next day, as the unforgiving fingers of fatigue had started to make his body heavy, they were ambushed by ten Akuma that had heard the Raion were looking for them. His mind shifted away from the scene at the furniture store to that of Hunk caught beneath one of the rival Yakuza with a knife to his throat. Fury had seized him then, attaching itself to him like the strings of a marionette as it yanked him forward in a blaze of bullets and primal screams.
It was that fury that had carried him into the room Keith had made his home as he unleashed his fears on him, disguised behind a thick mask of rage.
You can’t risk the rest of the clan for one person. Shiro would understand that.
Lance’s words had found their mark and for a moment he’d almost reveled in the way the oyabun’s mouth had twisted into an angry snarl that had mirrored his own. His darkness recognized Keith’s darkness that was barely containing itself under the surface of his crushed velvet eyes.
Yes. He understood.
The light sound of the bedroom door opening and closing pulled him from deep within his thoughts. Springs creaked as a new weight caused the mattress to dip beneath the addition to its surface. Hair tickled his nose as Hunk’s head found the crook of his neck, his even breaths dancing across Lance’s pulse point and the minty scent of his shampoo filling his senses. A strong arm wrapped itself around the sharpshooter’s waist and pulled him in closer so that their bodies aligned.
“You alright?” His voice was a near whisper as it brushed against his skin. Lance hummed deep in his throat as he curled his arm around Hunk’s shoulder just to feel the solidness of him.
“I don’t know,” he answered truthfully. With his eyes still shut to the world, he started to count the breaths on his neck as the flashing images of blood and anger started to retreat back into the shadows. If he was alright, he would be able to sleep. If he was alright, fear wouldn’t blemish his intentions with its inky black stain. If he was alright, he wouldn’t see visions of Hunk’s arm in the place of Shiro’s tucked inside that cardboard box. But he had no right to not be alright. Keith’s grief was for him to feel and he wouldn’t diminish it with his own.
Hunk made a small sound as he nuzzled his nose against Lance’s skin. The moment stretched between them as they lay together in silence, both enjoying the solid feeling of the other just being there.
“I’m worried about him,” Hunk finally said, breaking the silence. “He didn’t even look like himself earlier.” As soon as Keith had opened the box from the Akuma, his features had contorted into a monstrous mask of brutality and wrath. It was the look of a true devil and had sent a shiver of fear down Lance’s spine, though whether that fear came from the bloodthirsty stare or the familiarity of it, he wasn’t sure.
“I get it, you know.” His voice vibrated against Hunk’s skull as he spoke. A beat passed before the weapons specialist started to pull away from Lance’s embrace. Cool air rushed against the heated points on his skin where his love’s had brushed against it.
“Lance,” Hunk’s voice was filled with an immeasurable sadness as he looked down at the lanky sharpshooter. The very sound of it tightened around Lance’s heart. With a sigh, he finally opened his eyes and sat up besides him. His gaze scanned over Hunk’s face, taking in the darkly tanned skin that reminded him of summertime. A small quirk at the right corner of his mouth permanently pulled his full lips into a small smile, and Lance had to fight against his own being to not lean forward and kiss it. A hundred different scenarios ran through his head all at once as he traced the lines of Hunk’s square jaw, and each ended with him turning to the very same rage Keith had boiling within. His eyes were sharp sapphires that cut straight through the skin as he stared at Hunk, trying to convey what he felt through sheer force of will.
“If you were ever-” he started, tripping of his words.
“I know,” Hunk shushed as he brushed his fingertips across Lance’s cheek, wiping away the tears he hadn’t even realized he’d begun to shed.
“You don’t!” The cry tore from him as he grabbed the hand from his face and held it firmly in his own. Steel hardened Hunk’s chocolate gaze as Lance shut his eyes and took a steadying breath. He carefully slotted their fingers together as he tried to search for the right words. How did he properly convey the way his own heart bled at the thought of being in Keith’s shoes? That the mere idea of Hunk in Shiro’s place tore him open and left his entrails bare for the vultures? They’d all gotten a glimpse of the demon that was slowly picking apart their leader and stood like a deadly imposter wearing his skin. Yet, he understood. If it were him, he’d already have handed the reins over to his darkness and let it eat him from the inside out if that’s what it would take to bring his love home.
“It takes a demon to fight a demon.” He finally murmured, his voice low and broken as he squeezed their fingers together.
Hunk’s other hand trembled as his large palm hugged the square of his jaw, his fingertips tickling his hairline and his thumb caressing the crest of his cheek. Lance pressed into the touch, blue gaze on him as he searched for a sign that he understood. A small fist squeezed his heart as Hunk nodded before he pulled his hand from his grasp and placed it on the other side of his face. Ever so slowly, he pulled Lance into him and pressed their foreheads together, his even breaths melding with Lance’s harried ones in the space between them.
“We aren’t them, and I’m not going anywhere,” he paused as he searched for his next words. “They’re going to be okay.”
The brunette heard the true meaning of his words.
We’re going to be okay.
With timid pressure, Hunk pressed his lips to Lance’s. The kiss started as a gentle graze before blooming with heat, tongue and teeth. As they pressed together and their breathing came in ragged gasps, Hunk attempted to dull the bated beat of his heart. Carding his fingers through the dark brown strands of his lover’s hair, Lance let him fill the cracks that had started to develop under his skin as he let his words replay on repeat in his head.
We’re going to be okay.
The grainy footage of ten separate CCTV feeds flickered across the laptop screen, emitting its strange colorless glow over the room and draining what little pigmentation Pidge had from her skin. In the darkness of her room, she looked like a specter as her eyes focused onto the video and she chewed on the corner of her thumbnail. As she stabbed a finger into the return key on her keyboard, the feeds went blank before flickering back to life in ten different locations. She continued clicking through the different footage as she worried the nail between her teeth.
There were hundreds of thousands of CCTV lines she had connected through her computer programing, and she’d been painstakingly picking through them ten at a time since they’d found Keith alone in that furniture store. Another program that she had running on a desktop computer in the corner of the room was scanning traffic cameras, social media posts, and all other forms of digital media, cross referencing what few photos she had of the clan members with what it found in hopes of pinpointing their location.
She’d placed her faith in her technology the same way some placed their faiths in Gods, and it had never failed her before. Yet as she pressed the return key once again, eyes flickering over the camera footage that revealed nothing at all, she couldn’t help but feel if this was something even technology couldn’t help them with. There was a reason that after three years of searching, she still didn’t have an exact location for the Akuma’s headquarters. They were impeccable about keeping their faces from the panoptic view of the cameras that watched over major cities and ports. What few Akuma slipped up almost always ended up found dead in an alley or floating in a waterway. The only images she had that could still be used had come from the temples own cameras on the night of the attack that had killed Keith’s father. A shudder ghosted over her as she remembered the footage of that night, horror gripping her throat as she’d watched her friends scatter for safety as their oyabun lay dead in the dirt.
Pushing the memory away, she continued her search for Shiro within the black and white world of the CCTV footage.
Waves of all too familiar fear had continuously beat against her since they’d received the call from the Okazaki contact about the gunfire at the shop. That same fear had nearly sucked her under and threatened to drown her when Lance and Hunk had returned with Keith held between them and grave expressions darkening their gazes.
It was the same despair that had stalked her ever since her father and brother had been taken.
Pidge hadn’t realized anything could cause her the same type of pain she’d felt when she’d returned home that fateful day to find the door kicked in and blood smeared across the walls. Yet when they’re reported that Shiro was gone and Keith had been found alone, the same aching burn of desperation had thrown its needlelike claws into her throat.
The Shinku no Raion had accepted her as family, and Shiro had become another brother to her. When she’d given up hope on ever finding her family, he’d always throw an arm around her shoulders and fix her with his grey eyes before repeating his favorite mantra.
Patience yields focus.
She always pretended to hate it, but as she stared holes into her computer screen, she knew she’d give anything to feel the weight of his large arm on her while his voice laughed around the words.
Losing him had left the door open for her demons to crawl through and bury themselves deep into the dark recesses of her mind. Not that she was the only one. Pidge drew in a long breath before letting it go through her teeth as she thought about the way Keith’s eyes had darkened when he’d stared at the Akuma that Allura had brought to them, or the inhuman nature of his expression when he’d returned from where he’d taken the man.
It was the expression of a feral animal that had been backed into a corner and was ready to fight to the death.
That very expression helped push her on in her search as her eyes fought to keep themselves open from the lack of sleep.
Another click. Another ten screens without any answers.
Another click.
Ten more screens.
With a loud cry, she slammed the laptop shut and threw it across the cream comforter on her bed. The silver machine skittered across the plush material before it stopped precariously close to the edge of the bed. She was just so tired. Tired of helplessly clicking through useless camera footage. Tired of the way her eyes burned as she stared at the lit up screens of her computers. Tired of losing the people she cared about most. She felt useless. This wasn’t a world she was meant to be in, and no matter how hard she pretended she did, Pidge knew she couldn’t do as much for the clan as Lance or Hunk or Shiro. Her breath caught in her throat as she bitterly thought his name, shame flooding through her as she quietly sent a prayer to the heavens for his safety.
The small, electronic ping of the desktop pulled her golden gaze across the room where a pop up screen obscured a black and white image. Hopping out of her chair, Pridge tripped over her feet as she scrambled to get to the computer as if the screen would disappear. Her gaze danced across the words on the screen, screaming against the brightness of the white background, before she moved the pop up out of the way so she could look at the image. A blistering ray of hope burnt her insides as she traced the faces in the image. Her fingers flew across the keyboard as she typed up quick notes about the location of the camera that had captured the photo before she hit print on the information.
Grabbing the pages as soon as they fell from the printer, she flicked through the paper as a barely there smile turned her lips upwards.
The metallic sound of his daggers against a sharpening stone kept Keith company in his otherwise silent room. His glare bore into the sharpened edge of the blade he was working on, thrusting as much of the rage that bubbled like magma under his skin into his work.
We want the real Crimson Lion.
He would make them regret those words. After running a deft finger over the point of the dagger and receiving a smooth slice across the pad, he tucked it gently into its sheath and pulled out another. As he dragged it quickly across the stone, his mind flickered quickly over the contents of the box. The fingers of it were purpled and twisted from having been broken, and a raw circle from a restraint had bitten into the flesh of its wrist. In the crease of the elbow, a blackened ring of burnt skin in the shape of the Akuma insignia.
His stomach turned as he threw a bit more aggression into his movement than he’d intended, the blade stuttering over the stone. Keith’s hands trembled as his mind filled in the events that had occurred before the limb had been dropped off at their doorstep. A mallet to the fingers, each cracking under the weighted head of the hammer. Metal restraints would be what caused the kind of cuts against the wrist as Shiro had tried to pull against them.
The oyabun swallowed bile as he could smell the burnt flesh as they pushed the brand into his skin.
His insides were sawdust as his anger continuously spun against them. First the Akuma had taken his father, then they’d taken his heart, all in the name of a war that wasn’t even his own to fight. Testing the tip of the next dagger, he spun the small blade through his fingers.
It wasn’t his fight, but he would finish it.
Roaring loudly, he threw the dagger into the wall ahead of him, the loud thunk of it impaling the surface resembling that of a blade against flesh. Fiery tears of fury spilled from his eyes as he glared at the knife as if he could will the wall into a human form. The things he would do if Zarkon stood before him. He would carve his fury into his flesh before pulling it from his bones. He’d core him and leave him empty and bare for his clan to find, strung up to exsanguinate like an animal. It was more than he even deserved. If Keith could, he would bring everything Zarkon had ever touched to an end, and only after he’d seen everything he held dearly crumble, would he send him to the hell he belonged.
A small knock interrupted his venomous thoughts and dragged him back to the world. He turned towards the door, teeth bared like a wild dog before he saw that it was Pidge. She stood in the doorway, her eyes bright and her cheeks flushed as she attempted to catch her breath.
“Pidge?” Keith’s voice was thick with emotion as they both pretended they couldn’t see the tears that still glistened on his cheeks. She lifted a small hand with a fistful of papers covered in images and ink. One particular image of what looked like a shadowy figure caught his eye.
“Keith,” his named mixed with the hush of her breath. “I found him.”
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midorimaniac · 8 years
I don't know if your ask box is open but if it is: can you do a continuation of the cheating scenario where he tries to win you back? thanks
Glad you liked the scenario. I made it such that the supposed cheating wasn’t the GOM’s fault, I dislike cheaters. I really tried, but couldn’t. I’m so sorry if this isn’t what you wanted.
Akashi Seijuro: It had been more than a week since the day you found your Sei-kun in bed with someone that wasn’t you. Exactly 9 days had passed since Sei-kun became Akashi-san, a presence you avoided encountering as a part of your daily routine. Akashi, ever the gentleman, let you have your way. He didn’t intrude, chase or pester you; neither did he give any explanations what-so-ever since the day you had said, very firmly that you wanted nothing to do with him. Even though this was expected, it hurt. So you were frozen in shock when you found the familiar redhead leaning against your locker, hands folded on his chest, head bowed low and eyes on the ground. “Se—Akashi-san?” You gulped, not wanting to have this conversation, when he stepped forward, arms around your waist and forehead on your shoulder. This made you flinch and you proceeded to push him away, before you heard his voice—so soft and so broken—when he said, “I can’t do this anymore. I..I lack the ability to go on without you. Let me explain. I have hurt you. But I would never willingly…I love you with all my heart. Please… listen.” Your heart clenched at the Emperor stripping himself bare in front of you. Hesitantly, your hands wrapped around his torso as his breath hitched. “Talk.”
Aomine Daiki: Aomine had spent the entire week skipping classes, napping on the roof and very surprisingly, practicing. He would be at the gym before time and leave late. His team was more worried than happy about this change. He spent all the time practicing in a corner, eyes flickering to the bleachers every few seconds. Imayoshi finally told him where you were huddled up and he chuckled, voice breaking, of course. You didn’t look up from where you were sitting on the library floor when a presence loomed over you. It was when the person didn’t move that you grew annoyed, shooting a glare up, only to freeze when familiar blue eyes stared down at you. You stood up abruptly, packing your belongings and walking right past him. Of course, he caught up to you outside the library, where half the school was present in the courtyard. You prepared yourself to yell at him, only to stop when the basketball team’s ace dropped to his knees, pressed his face to your stomach and your sweatshirt became damp with his tears. “I…I miss you. Fight with me. Argue with me. G-Glare at me,” his voice broke and your hands entangled in his hair, hoping to get away from him, away from the betrayal that still haunted you. He held on tighter, “Stop. Don’t ignore me. I would never cheat on you, baka. I..Just don’t ignore me.”
Kise Ryota: It was becoming increasingly difficult to deal with rumors at school with Kise trailing behind you 24/7, and at times, sitting outside your house for hours. It was no surprise that your relationship with the model and basketball team’s ace Kise Ryota was the hottest topic of gossip and your position as Kaijou’s manager worsened the situation. Kasamatsu and the team tried to limit any and all contacts between you and Kise, on your request. But you realized you had to talk to him when he missed his baskets and stared at you, eyes tearing up before he had to run to the water tap to wash his face for the 100th time that day. “What are you doing, Kise-san? This is affecting the team’s performance.” You kept your voice firm as his golden orbs became glossy and tears ran down his face. His eyes were covered in dark circles and his regular sunshine was long gone. He hung his head, chuckling, voice dry, “Kise-san, huh? Remember you used to call me Kise-cchi?” Your fists clenched when memories replayed and you grit your teeth, “Don’t you dare victimize yourself Kise-san. We both know who is responsible for this.” He threw himself at you, his face in the crook of your neck and tears dripping on your shoulder. A familiar ache coursed through your veins. You weren’t over him. “I could never cheat on you. You are the best thing that has happened to me __-cchi. Please, don’t leave me. It wasn’t my fault. Please, don’t go.”
Midorima Shintaro: You tried to swallow the lump that had formed in your throat the moment you opened your locker and your eyes landed on a small duck keychain. There was a piece of paper attached to it, which you dumped into the bin without even sparing it a glance. You knew what it said, as it was always the same line, “Your lucky item, nanodayo. Take care and keep it close.” You squeezed the poor rubber duck, memories flooding your senses. This had happened every day for the past 2 weeks and honestly, you were beyond annoyed. How dare he stomp on your heart like that and then pretend to care as if nothing had happened? “__-san?” You jumped at Takao’s voice, whirling to look at him. “What?” He smiled apologetically, “Try not to break the duck. Or Shin-Chan will send me on another hunt to find one.” Your breath hitched and you asked for the said guy’s whereabouts. Midorima jumped when you slammed down a bag with all the 14 lucky items he had sent in the past week, on his table. “What do you want, nanodayo?” There was a brief shimmer of hurt in his voice which further riled you up, so you grabbed his collar, yanking him up. “What do I want? Really, Midorima? I want you out of my life. So stop sending me this crap. What are you trying to prove anyway? That you can just break my heart and get away with it?” You panted, as his taped fingers wrapped around the fist that held his collar. He gently kissed your knuckles, head bowed and you felt your anger evaporate. “You should’ve trusted me, nanodayo. You didn’t let me complete what I was saying. There is n-no one, more compatible…” he adjusted his glasses, eyes staring into yours, “Things aren’t always what they look like. You..You know I l…love you.”
Murasakibara Atsushi: Murasakibara was afraid to approach you since the day you had snapped at him. But he knew he had to correct his mistake. He used to dismiss your nagging about his habits but now, he was following your instructions with more determination than you believed he had. You rarely saw him eating sweets. He practiced daily. He even cleaned the classroom and gym, without his coach having to yell at him. He left his favorite Maiu-bos on your desk, every day, even though you knew, for a fact, that he hated sharing. Therefore, when Himuro approached you, you silently followed him to the gym. “Tatsuya-san, please do not ask me to forgive him.” You said, stepping in behind him. “I won’t. Please listen to what he has to say. He is trying really hard.” You looked at the purple haired Miracle packing his stuff, eyes downcast, shoulders slumped and brows creased in a frown. You knew him enough to derive that he was distraught. He looked down at you, stepping back instinctively. You crossed your arms, waiting for him to speak. “I did everything, Chibi-chin. I even studied. And shared. And practiced. Ask Muro-chin.” He looked at his best friend who stood across the room. “Why did you do it?” He stiffened at your question, looking away. Your eyes widened as tears ran down his cheek. “I’m sorry, Chibi-chin. Your best friend said we needed to be closer. And that you would want me to get to know her. But I said that I was not interested. And…and, she put her lips on mine. And then you walked in. I told her to explain it to you. Then you yelled at me that day…”He said in one breath. “I’m sorry Chibi-chin. Do you want me to know her?” You stood shocked, voice breaking in a chuckle, turning to look at Himuro, who smiled back shrugging.
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sugary-shot · 8 years
Beautiful Liar
Summary: What happens when the person you cherish so much leaves you in the darkness? You're falling down, no one to catch you down there and no one to hold your hand to prevent you from falling down the endless dark pit. You're sinking in quick sand, drowning in the darkest place in the sea. And that's what happened to Kuroko Tetsuya.
He loved each and every one of the Generation of Miracles, and yet they treated him like garbage- playing him for their own sick amusement. After realising that he wasn't meant to be by their side anymore, he broke. He turned, walked away;
And committed suicide.
The Generation of Miracles knew they were wrong. Heck, they wanted to rewind time and slap their past selves for being so inconsiderate for their beloved phantom's feelings. But no one can rewind time, no matter how many times you beg; the clock won't tick backwards.
Five years later, their former manager drags all of them to a boy band concert. As the concert starts, they all see their precious former teammate on stage, singing. Kuroko Tetsuya was still alive, but what happens when he doesn't remember any of them?
Chapter One: My Light That Vanished.
This beautiful lie, My one last lie to you, Even if it hurts, I hide myself under a mask to hide the truth..
"Kuroko, how could you?" A trembling voice asked over the phone, making the one on the other line shake slightly. "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry.. Ogiwara-kun, please forgive me," the other voice asked in a pleading voice, but the reply he got made him burst into tears. "I'm sorry, but I can't. I can't do it anymore. You're just the same as the other miracles. Cruel and selfish, just like them." The call ended like that, making the tealnette fall to his knees, hot tears streaming down his pale cheeks as he covered his mouth with his hand, trembling violently.
Thump. Thump. Thump. Swoosh.
The sound of the rubber ball being repeatedly dribbled across the floor of Teiko's third gymnasium resounded across the room, only stopping when the basketball player stopped running to throw it into the hoop. The friction between the shoes and the floor, the feeling of a basketball between his hands--
The sound of the ball bouncing to the rim and to the board and to just make its way back to the floor without shooting; made the player wince, soon his legs gave up and he was kneeling on the floor, beads of sweat running down his neck as he breathed heavily. No matter how many hours I practice, no matter how many times I shoot, not even one would go in... Shaking his head, he took a few deep breathes and stood up, retrieving the ball that rested by the wall soon after he took a shot. He spun on his heel and made his way towards the hoop at the other side of the room, only stopping when he heard the door slide open. Is it time to go back already?
"'Sup!" A not so familiar voice greeted, his eyes scanning around the barely used and the rumored haunted gym. The tealhead player held the orange coloured ball between his hands, staring at the male who just entered. It was rare for someone else to use the third gym, considering it was quite far from the school gate, and some students were just too scared to practice alone or in small groups during the night. It was isolated from the Basketball Club's First till Third Stringers, he had the whole gym completely for himself. The tealnette walked towards the other, about to greet him when he noticed him take a step back, looking slightly (absolutely) terrified.
"Excuse me.." He started, extending his arm to tap his shoulder. The player immediately squatted down, his hands covering both sides of his head.
"I'm sorry for what I did, oh Gods and Goddesses! Dispel evil!" He screamed, his whole body trembling. It would be a lie if the so called 'ghost' denied that he didn't find the male cowering to be an amusing sight. He didn't bother portraying his amusement though, that would be terribly rude. Wait, don't I know him?
Aomine stopped chanting prayers and enchantments and slowly turned around, finally noticing the boy who he didn't think he's ever seen nor noticed throughout the entire school year before.
 Our first meeting after we enrolled into Teiko Middle School was on the first day of Autumn.
Ever since we met you brought out the bad in me,   Every mirror that I shattered was a sad ending,   As we kept fighting, you told me that I was changing,   All the good things about us were slowly fading.
"Oi, Tetsu!" Tetsuya heard a familiar voice call out to him, but before he could even move to glance who it was, he felt the weight over his shoulders shift, feeling something heavy lean on him. When he looked up, he saw him; the one that encouraged him to play Basketball. The one who taught him to never give up, to persevere his passion for the sport. The one who was his everything.
"Where ya' goin'?" Daiki asked, and as a reply to the question, Tetsuya shook his head lightly. "Nowhere. I was just thinking about taking a walk before heading back home." Soon, they both heard light footsteps, quickly running towards them, getting louder and louder. When they looked over their shoulders, they saw a familiar girl rushing towards them.
"Aomine-kun!" She called, shouting exasperatedly as soon as she reached the two males. "You skipped class today, too! Do you really think you can pass the exams if you keep on acting like this?" She began nagging at the tanned male, reprimanding him firmly to keep his act straight, acting as if the other wasn't there. It was always like this, though Kuroko was quite used to it, actually.
"Tetsu-kun, help me! If he doesn't pass the exam next week, he won't be able to play in next month's game unless he gets an above-average score!" And that's when realization shot through Aomine's mind. "Ha? What do you mean by that?"
The Aquarius released a sigh, pushing him away and standing up properly. "During our basketball game next month, retests will be held by then. If you fail the exam, you'll have to sit in for the retests and thus, taking you right away from playing until the examinations are over. Simply put, fail and you won't be playing basketball. Nijimura-san also said whoever fails cannot practice, either. You'll have to run around the field, until practice is over for one week." That's when the tanned male's face paled, much like a white sheet of paper.
"What?! Why didn't I know this?!" He screamed, making the innocent tealnette cover his ears so he wouldn't have to resort to buying hearing aids. He subconsciously jabbed Aomine's side to stop him from whining and yapping about how he badly needs help. "Maybe if you bothered to attend classes and assemblies, you would've known that, wouldn't you?"
Flinching by his reply, he felt something wrap around his arm and when he turned to see what it was, Momoi was clinging onto him. "That's right, Tetsu-kun~!"
 I like being around them. But...
"I don't understand, Tetsu. The more I try, the more it makes it boring." Tetsuya heard the unmotivated tone in his voice, and it made the phantom stop on his tracks. "That's ridiculous, Aomine-kun. You'll find someone soon. I won't say you definitely can do it, but if you quit, you'll definitely won't." Aomine's eyes widened hearing those words, making him turn to the smaller tealnette. "Seriously.." He dragged the other to an alley, leaning towards his ear.
"This is why I love you." The last sentence made the sapphire eyes widen in surprise, and before he knew it, he felt cold lips on his right cheek. "Thanks for always being here for me, Tetsu. I really appreciate it." The Ace wrapped his arms around the shorter male, head resting on his shoulder. "I don't know what I would do without you.."
"Aomine-kun is such an idiot." He blurted out. "I would say the same. If you didn't tell me to stay, I know I wouldn't be here, making all kinds of memories with you and the others." He smiled, and for the first time, Aomine blushed. Wow, teasing him was fun.
"Seriously Tetsu, you're gonna pay for that." With that said, the tealnette felt the same lips again, but on a different place.
They were on his lips.
When they parted, Kuroko froze on his spot and Aomine let out a chuckle. "So cute.."
Soon after, Kuroko pushed him away and turned around, obviously embarrassed with the other's actions. "Idiot."
And they spent the rest of the evening teasing each other.
So, I locked myself up in out dark, cold memories,  As I replay our worst moments like a tragedy,  I was a monster at night who kept coming back,  But when the sun came out, I felt I was under attack.
"Hey, Tetsu. Remember that time when you said I'll find someone worth playing with? Someone worthy enough for me to call a rival?" He asked, and Kuroko nodded. "I do, why?" The taller male stopped and the shorter male looked at him, head lolled to the side.
"I can't find that person." The bluenette went straight to the point, making the Aquarius sigh. This again? "You'll find some--" Before he could even finish talking, the other cut him off with a harsh and tired tone. "When?"
"I'm not sure, but you'll find him." Aomine began laughing, shaking his head. "You just don't get it, do you?" Turning to face his teammate, Kuroko's own sapphire eyes widened when he looked into the other's own eyes.
They were dead.
It didn't have the colour nor the spark it usually did. It didn't have the shine that always reflected the light. His eyes were void of life, needless to say it made Kuroko's heart break. It was just... empty.
"Don't say something that isn't going to happen, Tetsu. The only one who can beat me is me. We both know that." Turning around, he began walking, leaving the petite man all alone by the school gate, deserted. The said male looked down before turning around and walking away, taking a different path home as the lingering feeling of isolation began to grow in him.
Kuroko felt useless. Aomine was there for him, cheering him up, putting a smile on his face, so why couldn't he do the same? He was frustrated by the fact that Teikō's ace was so stubborn. That, or the fact that his friend needs him and he doesn't know what to do. Ignoring him wouldn't do any good, but neither would trying to help him because he rejected all the needed help. Maybe I'll just try one last time..
After practice, Kuroko met with the other, saying that he'll be the one that Aomine was looking for. To his surprise, the latter laughed at him before standing up, pinning him on the lockers. The blue jewels looked bored into the other's, it made Kuroko feel weak and his legs trembled.
"You know Tetsu, you've been really annoying lately." Tetsuya's eyes widened, not believing that the one that was saying this was Aomine. Was the one before him truly his best friend? The one who said 'don't you ever give up'? The one who made his miserable days happy? Him? Aomine Daiki?
It was hard to believe that this was that same boy.
"Remember the time I kissed you? That was so you would just shut up. You actually had the guts to use my words back at me? Pathetic. I never actually had feelings for you, stupid. That's disgusting." Hearing those words, Kuroko looked at the floor, subconsciously clenching both of his fists as tightly as he could. "I don't need you anymore. You're completely worthless to me." With that said, his light took a step back, turned around and walked out of the locker room. And as the void in Tetsuya's heart continued to grow, his world turned dim and so did his hopes of finding the light in Aomine's eyes.
"He left..?" He placed a hand on his chest, clutching it. Looking down, Tetsuya felt as if he couldn't breathe. Those cruel words that his light-- no, former light said, was it true? Was that what he felt? Did he really have no feelings for him at all? "It hurts... Is — Is this what how pain feels like?"
Suddenly, the door opened, revealing a blond boy that the heartbroken child knew all too well... "Kurokocchi.."
I wanna let you go but my heart stays the same, I think it's best to move on,   I feel like letting go, let my heart drift away,   I think it's best if we just go our separate ways..
Next »
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yumeironogenesis · 6 years
Wind-Wind Symphony! -First Stage- Part 3: To Perform Magic
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Part 1 | Part 2
As usual~
Practice for “Wind-Wind Symphony! -First Stage-“ is going smoothly.
Kyoya: Alright! Let’s end today’s practice here. Good work everyone!
With Kyoya’s voice, the tense atmosphere of the practice room melts away.
Subaru: Good work! Ha… no matter how many times we do the final scene, I’m still nervous.
Kaito: Hey, muscle brain. Don’t say shit like that now. You’ve practiced a shit ton haven’t you?
Subaru: Ah, president… Er, I mean, Kaito-san! Not like that! More like I’m catching Akira’s nervousness or something…!
Jin: I think you should treasure that sensation. You’re playing a high schooler after all.
Iori: Though the fact that you always act like a high schooler regardless is concerning. [1]
Hinata: Ehhh~ I think it’s all good. Subarun’s honesty is his best trait after all!
Kaito: Old man, Hinata! Don’t spoil him too much!
Kyoya: Ok, ok, “president”, that’s enough.
Kyoya pats Kaito’s shoulder, the latter furrowing his brows.
Sousei: Haha! When you do that, it really makes you two look like president and vice-president.
Kaito: Huh? What are you insinuating, spectacles?
Subaru: B-by the way!
To avoid the brunt of Kaito-san’s anger, Subaru pipes up with an overly cheery voice.
Subaru: So it seems that the reliable president Udagawa who lead Akira in the previous number is the main character now, huh?
Kaito: Well, I did say I was going to do it yesterday. And here I thought it would be Akira who’d be the main character, since he was struggling with as a new conductor in the previous work.
Subaru: I’m so happy I get to see Udagawa’s past! It wasn’t told in the original number but Udagawa and Daiki’s bond sure is intense!
Sousei: You look really enthusiastic, Kaito. It’s because music takes the stage for this musical right?
Kaito: Hmph. Don’t underestimate me. No matter what the musical is, I’m always perfect on stage. I’m gonna show my passion for music in all aspects anyway, but this time I'll be even more perfect than usual. So expect that.
Kyoya: Haha! You’re reliable as usual. This number may be a spin off, but I want to make it just as enjoyable for people who have watched Subaru as the lead role in the previous work and for people who haven’t.
Kyoya: I’ve discussed a lot with Madoka regarding this.
Hinata: It’d be cool if watching this one will just make people more interested in the original work.
Jin: If so, then we could get to perform the original again… perhaps?
Iori: A replay of the original work following the spin-off that takes place in the past… That might lead to some interesting discoveries [about the work].
Hearing Iori’s muttering, Subaru claps his hands.
Subaru: I see! If we reread the original work’s script, we might understand new things about Akira and the others!
Kaito: That’s good and all, but don’t get too influenced by the original. Takumi’s klutziness and Taguchi’s past, Takamura’s feelings for performance, and Hiroto and Daiki’s future too… The current Akira doesn’t know all that. Don’t think too much, or you’ll trip up.
Subaru: So you’re telling me… to forget the original…? Uuuhhh…?!
Kaito: I said not to think too much about it. And I thought honesty was your best trait.
Kaito: Just do it like your usual muscle head self. As the main character, I’ll fix my unreliable kouhai into shape.
Subaru: Kaito-san...! Ok! I’ll do my best!
Subaru’s eyes shine at Kaito, who grins. The other’s smile as they watch the two from a distance.
Hinata: Aw, geez Kaito-kun. Who’s did he say was spoiling Subaru again?
Sousei: Kaito is settling even more into his role as Udagawa, don’t you think so, Madoka-san?
I was slightly surprised when Sousei-kun suddenly conversed with me. But understanding the question, a smile naturally blooms on my face.
Madoka: Yes! I think he’s perfect [as Udagawa]!
Jin: Ah, he got the scriptwriter’s approval. I’m quite jealous.
Iori: That’s right… I must devote myself even more.
Kyoya: Practice has only just begun. Let’s do all we can until opening day!
There was light in everyone’s eyes as the nodded together. That light, shining radiant and lively, will perfectly weave the story of the high school youths –
1) He  says something more along the lines of “inappropriate”/”improper” but that sounds a little extreme in english
2) He mistook kaito for udagawa if that aint the most precious thing
3) The amount of Kaito/Subaru here… im actually crying….
Thank you for reading! Hope you enjoyed it as much as I did lol
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midorimaniac · 8 years
Can I request GOM cheating on their lover and then regretting it after? Hehe~ if that's okay!
Of course. It is my first ask, but I tried my best. Sorry, it is kinda long. I tried to avoid using he/she for their s/o.
Akashi Seijuro: The door to the library opened with a creak and Akashi smirked from where he was sitting, hunched over a stack of documents from the last Student Council meeting. Any second now, he would feel his lover’s warm and soft skin as a pair of arms would wrap around his shoulders. A nose would nuzzle against his neck and a whisper of, “Why must you work so hard Sei? You never pay attention to me,” with a pout would make him smile. When none of that happened and the librarian tapped his shoulder to remind him of the closing time, he frowned, collecting his stuff and walking out the door. He stopped, just for a second at the school gates, unconsciously looking for someone. It was only when he sat on his bed at his home, did he remember all of it. Him with someone else, on the same bed, a figure frozen in shock at the door, gasping, before a glare full of disgust, betrayal and anger met his eyes and the pounding of footsteps down the corridor. He grits his teeth, hands digging and pulling at his hair, hoping that the physical pain will somehow reduce the guilt—the agony which had settled itself like a rock on his chest.
Aomine Daiki: Aomine put his hands behind his head as his navy eyes stared up at the clouds. He couldn’t sleep and even though he was on the rooftop of his school, he felt like he was drowning. He counted the minutes and glanced down at the door every five seconds, hoping—praying that his lover would show up, as usual, to drag him to practice. The door opened and Aomine almost leaped up, eyes staring up into pink ones, he knew so well. As Momoi kneeled next to him, the ace turned away, snorting, “Go away, Satsuki.” The said girl sighed, “I know who you are waiting for. Probably should have thought of that before you…”, she shook her head, “Come to practice.” As the door closed and Momoi left, Aomine wondered why he felt so lonely and why the floor felt so much harder than usual.
Kise Ryota: Kise splashed water on his face, before putting his head under the tap. As his water dripped from his golden locks and down his shirt, he heard a familiar voice and paused, towel still on his head, as he located his lover walking with Kasamatsu across the hall. Both of them were holding a stack of tapes, probably recordings of the basketball games. Warmth spread through Kise’s entire being as he called his lover’s name, so loud that half the courtyard turned to look at him. Kasamatsu stopped, frowning at the model. The said model, felt his heart break as the one he had called to, walked on, ignoring his very existence. His eyes tearing up, his brain, for the nth time that day, replayed the look of horror on his partner’s face and the stinging slap against his cheek, before his lover walked away, disgusted. He opened the tap again, washing his face.
Midorima Shintaro: Midorima convinced himself that he did not miss anyone and that even though he regretted his brief lapse in judgment; it was solely because that other person was difficult to get rid of and not because he loved someone and that he had broken someone’s heart. It was only when he bought two lucky items out of habit, and searched through his phone’s contacts to text his loved one, about the relatively low ranking of their zodiac, did he freeze. Takao shot him a troubled look, placing a hand on his shoulder as if to snap him out of a trance. Midorima adjusted his glasses, pocketing the other lucky item, holding his own in his left hand and walked out of the store. “You okay, Shin-Chan?” Takao asked, to which the green haired man nodded, trying not to think of when he told his lover that he had cheated on them and to forget the stern emotionless tone in which he was asked to delete the phone number, he was so used to calling every day.
Murasakibara Atsushi: Murasakibara was munching on some chips, lazily making his way to the gym, when he spotted Himuro talking to his Chibi-chin. They were laughing about something and the purple haired giant felt rage coursing through his veins. His Chibi-chin had been ignoring him for a week now. He was right in front of them in three strides, Himuro staring at him, blankly, while the other avoided him altogether. “Why are you talking to Muro-chin and not me?” He asked, straight to that point. His lover didn’t even flinch, handing a towel to Himuro, before turning to walk away. A grip on the wrist resulted in a pause as Murasakibara stared down, eyes desperate. His Chibi-chin turned, glaring at him with so much annoyance, disgust, and agony that the purple haired miracle stepped back, “Chibi-chin..,” he trailed off, eyes pained. “Should have thought of that before you made out with my best friend, huh, Murasakibara-san?”
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