#one of the nicest things anyone's ever said to me
uptoolateart · 1 year
Right so im a little bit in love with your fic ‘If I Let Myself Love You’
Scratch that- I’m in love with it with my whole heart.
It’s so heartbreakingly profound. I wouldn’t be surprised if you have original fiction published because the writing is simply gorgeous. Totally could see this being one of those under the radar fanfic to original books that id just eat up.
The character’s are just so full. It’s sweet how fast of friends Marinette and Adrien were- and just makes the fact it was too fast crushing. I’m a pile of goo just reading their stories.
I love your interpretation of canon especially. Making Felix his brother, making their bond so clear and how Felix is being so stubborn but will regret it if he can’t make up with Adrien in time. Each relationship explores the sides of grief and mourning. Adrien and Marinette have lost someone and relate because of that. In some ways Marinette is putting herself under the same pressure to be perfect that Adrien is under as not to disturb her mother or make things worse for her dad (which omg how dare you do that to him in the latest chapter)
Adrien and Felix is break down in family’s. Marinette and Alya the strain it places on friendship- the impossibility of her situation and how to help her. Marinette and Felix sharing another layer of the act of seeing someone sickly but death not taking them at the same time health is not guaranteed. Adrien being jealous of that layer and that fact he never wants for his condition to be the cause of so much pain.
It’s so complex and deep and just magnificent. From the bottom of my heart thank you for writing this.
Going to go read your other works to cope with the cliff hanger in the mean time
@sizzleissues I quite sincerely cried on a bus, when I first read this. I don't even know what to say. My writing dream has always been to move someone the way my favourite books move me. I guess I've succeeded!
I've actually been trying to write 'If I Let Myself Love You' in various forms since I was very young. There's a story behind it, which I was planning on sharing at the end of the fic. It's been emotional, putting it together after all these years and reading the comments from total strangers with no obligation to say anything nice to me. Thank you tremendously for reaching out and letting me know. I can't express how much it means to me to get a message like this. Any reply I can give is hopelessly inadequate.
Also...maybe you could tell the literary agents I'm currently contacting!!! 'Psst, she's good - take her novel!!!!' Kidding - but no, I am not published. I write loads of non-fic stuff, though, and am gradually sending my latest book to agents. It can be a demoralising process. It's easy to doubt yourself and question if you're any good. Messages like yours give me the confidence to keep putting myself out there until someone takes my book.
Again - enormous thanks xx
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hawnks · 1 month
I think it's important to read about writing and read about theory and craft for a lot of reasons but also just talk about what reading is like for you with other people because I didn't know you were supposed to see the story until I came across that one tumblr post. The Apple is a vague insinuation in my swamp of a brain. I hear 'the curtains are blue' and I just take their word for it. Been rawdogging literature my whole life and didn't even know it.
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lovvecherrymotion · 19 days
every time the stars look down on you, they shine a little bit brighter
i wish i had a smart reply but the first thing that came to mind was jan talking about sparklative things
i do not deserve such a nice ask 🥺💜 just know the stars shine a little bit brighter for all of us and we all deserve it
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autisticlee · 2 months
is it strange to genuinely not know what people think of you or how they feel about you? most people seem to just know if someone dislikes them so they can move on, or they just know when someone enjoys their company and is their friends. I have no way of knowing without people explicitly telling me, and people are horrible at doing that.
I don't know what my first impression gives. I don't know what vibes I have or what type of energy I have. I can't tell if someone hates me, doesn't care about me, or genuinely likes me. I can't tell what people's opinions on me are, if they think i'm nice, funny, rude, boring. I don't know if i'm bothering or annoying someone. I don't know if i'm upsetting someone or making them uncomfortable. I don't know if they are comfortable around me. I don't know if they enjoy my presence. I don't know if they are being fake nice and fake friends. I can't tell when someone loses interest in me. I cant tell if someone is trying to be a friend or is just being polite. I don't know if i'm easy to get along with, or difficult to be around. I don't know if my presence fills someome with joy or annoyance. to make it worse, each person thinks and feels different things. so i'll never figure out all of them.
if I try to think about what my presence and existence means to other people, i'm met with a massive blank hole. there's nothing there. I could never answer the questions "my friends/family would descove me as ___" because I genuinely don't know. I can only say what I think of me. unless someone explicitly told me with clear words, i'll never know. i'll usually know how I feel about another person at some point, and I try to tell them if I have the chance. but it's never reciprocated. they never tell me. so my presence in other people's lives is always a blank enigma I can't figure out.
any time i've tried talking about this, I just get a response like "stop worrying and caring about what other people think about you/just be yourself that's all that matters"
that's not the advice you think it is. that's more of what you'd say to someone who beats themselves up because they are worried about people disliking them in general and it fills them with anxiety to be disliked. they usually have low self esteem and think their worth lies in other people liking them. that's not the case here. hate me if you want, I don't care. i'd just rather know upfront before investing my time and energy in you.
this type of "caring what others think" is more about human connection, rather than acceptance....I wonder...is one reason I struggle to connect with people because I can't feel the presence of their feelings towards me? all I know is they are aware of my existing. thats it. try being in a group chat and not knowing if any of them actually like you or secretly hate you, not knowing if they are your friends or just being nice, and not knowing anything about how they feel about you, but you enjoy them very much. I try to share inner feelings with them, but theirs don't reach me. so I wonder, do mine even reach them? somewhere between us, the connection fails to reach. perhaps this is one of the problems i'm having with connecting to others.
if you don't know what people think or feel towards you, how can you connect with them? either you make assumptions, like "I think they hate me" and you could be wrong and push away someone that thinks you're friends, or think "i'm sure they enjoyed talking with me" and they later tell you they were just being nice but never wanted to talk to you becuass you're annoying. but assumptions are dangerous because those reasons, so the only other choice is to assign a blank slate to them and wait for them give you words to write on it. but if they don't use their words, they stay blank. you will never know if you are making a connection or it's staying superficial.
it's selfish to only go off your own feelings towards someone. you could really like someone, want to be friends, want to hang out and chat, but if they don't feel the same way, you just cause them problems and inconvenience. you bother them and ruin their time. i've noticed people often won't be direct about that and get even more upset because I missed it. I thought we shared a vibe or similar energy. but I might have mixed up my feelings with their vibes. if I like someone and enjoy them, not knowing how they feel about me can lead to me wasting my time and energy and also annoying that person unknowingly. it's bad for everyone.
if you can't assume the worse or even the best, you have to assume they feel neutral towards you until told otherwise. the problem is, most people go off of subtle hints, but if you can't see those, you get left out. while neither good nor bad, neutral feelings are still that of strangers. if you can't read people's thoughts and feelings on you, but it's rude to ask or people don't tell you the truth, you end up with many neutral people in your life. many strangers.
is this normal? do other people have an idea of what someone feels about them? or do you all "not care" what they think and go off of how you feel about them instead? is everyone making guesses, or do most people actually know without asking? how do you bond and feel connected if you aren't sure if someone enjoys your presence or if they actually loath it? I truly don't know....all I know is, not knowing makes me feel very disconnected from everyone.
I haven't gotten anyone else to talk about this or seen anyone else talk about it. so there's a good chance it's just a me thing. this type of topic usually gets reduced to "stop caring what people think" and goes nowhere beyond that. but!!! I think it's actually important to be able to know what people think or feel about you!!! at least to an extent. not obsessively caring to the point it becomes a mental disorder like social anxiety. but just enough to at least know if you are actually making a connection with them. just enough to know if you are able to reach them....
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ewritesfanfics · 6 months
I love your writing I hope you live a long and beautiful life full of success and bliss! I hope you get everything you wish for and more, I hope that the right people come into your life and all the toxic ones exit it!
No matter what anyone tells you I want you to know that as your reader it has been such an honor to read what you have written! You pulled me out of such a dark place with your words and the characters you make your own! You awakened in me a dream I never thought I'd want, the dream to be a writer and write something that makes someone feel as happy as you've made me!
I look forward to a future of reading many things you have written, whether that be for Tales Of Arcadia or another fandom (maybe even your own work).
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rottiens · 2 months
i can confidently say you do not have straight vibes on tumblr, i feel very gay when you're around <3
this completely fixed my week 🙂‍↕️🤍 tysm beloved!!!!
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coloursflyaway · 5 months
Hiii coloursflyaway
Okay Imma be honest I almost fell over when I saw this 😂 I did not expect you to do it so quickly! (or even do it 😅) Fyi you're the first person to ever write me something 😭 so this is very special to me.
Can I just say...I am soo glad you overdid it and wrote a whole fic! I have no imagination and can't string a sentence together to save my life, so when you write like this, you always blow me away. Also secretly I always hope for a whole ass fic 😂 so thank youu! 😁🥰
This fic had everything I asked for, it was perfectly done, so I absolutely appreciate and adore you for that. I loved every bit of it. Some of those lines hit me hard, you strung the words so beautifully together, it ignited a number of feelings within me. You had a multitude of emotions coursing through me as I witnessed the story unfold from the slight brokennes, to the angsty turmoil, to the unsure hope, and to the redemption of it all. To the point where this whole thing just had me tearin up. That. Was. Just. Beautiful. to me.
So thank you so much for this. I hope you continue to write zowens at least now and then in the future 😩 cause you're way too good to be silent. And if you've been finding it hard to write lately and you still ended up writing something like this!!? You are insane (I mean that in the best possible way). Hope you continue to write 🥰 at least for your own enjoyment.
Hi anon!
Thank you soooo much, I am glad you enjoyed it and I did it justice! I didn't think I'd be able to write it that quickly either, but it just....spilled out of me somehow. I guess that is what a good prompt does to you 😁
I definitely want to write at least a little for them now and then because I love them, and because they are so fun to put through a little bit of heartbreak 😂
Feel free to send another thing my way sometime, or just come over to chat! Meeting new people is one of my favourite things (even if I sometime take ages to reply), and you seem like a lot of fun!
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trillscienceofficer · 2 years
thinking very hard about all of B'Elanna's microexpressions in "Day of Honor"... especially when Neelix offers to be her emotional punching bag and you see her going on a whole face journey about it
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quiet-longing · 3 months
someone has probably already done this, but
“Thank you to the rabid, beautifully unwell fandom that scaled the castle walls to get us to this day."  - Rolin Jones
that's us, y'all. that's rolin jones about us. I have never been so proud in my life.
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causeimanartist · 2 years
Hi, I just wanted to send you some hugs and appreciation from Germany! I'm usually very shy when interacting online, so I hope my message doesn't make you feel awkward or uncomfortable, I just don't have much practice interacting this way... (Also I apologize in advance for the length of this message!) I discovered your blog just a short time ago and have been binge-watching it :) I have to say, I fell totally in love with it (especially your Bruce art). Your blog is a place filled with beautiful art and kindness. My job (I'm an EMT ) can be pretty exhausting and sad sometimes. Sometimes, you just can't stay detached from a tragedy you witness, you get insulted and screamed at for parking your ambulance on a street, get verbally or physically abused by rude or intoxicated patients or you are just exhausted from having many transports or emergencies in a row without a break, food or water. That's why I treasure every moment I have where I can just curl up somewhere, be it back at the station or just in the seat of the ambulance and let my mind come to a rest scrolling through tumblr and watch a bit of beautiful and funny content. Blogs like yours are my ray of sunshine on some bad days. You are a very nice person, and your blog spreads happiness and love through amazing art and wholesome interaction. I just want you to know that what you do is important! I hope I don't make you to feel pressured, because your mental health and personal life is still the more important thing! I just wanted you to know that people like you are a reminder sometimes, that there is still so much kindness out there and that's a big reason for me to go to work with a smile on my face every day regardless of all the negative things. Thank you for spreading so much joy. I wish you all the best for the future!
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I don't think I have the right words to express how much this ask means to me. I teared up reading it, I'm tearing up now. Just, thank you so much for your kind words. I'm so happy and so so honored that my art can bring happiness to you and others. The fact I can bring even a small bit of light into the world is incredible
Thank you, dear dear anon
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bitchdafuqyousay · 8 months
yall my bestfriend said he'd still fw me even if I stabbed him n tbh I blushed a bit n giggled thank you king
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you have some of the most visceral, beautiful writing i've ever encountered. i hope you get published because my friends are starting to think i'm crazy for saying one of my favorite authors is only on substack 🖤
HELLO???? you are so sweet oh my god. no words here i love you so very much. oh my god
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missmeinyourbones · 2 years
do you have any writing tips? you write so tenderly, it's like you use your heart as a pen :(
i need you to know that i read this over like 13 times and started tearing up ;( this made my heart so heavy with appreciation thank you thank you thank you!!!! one of the most beautiful things anyone has ever said to me this is so special oh my god
i think my biggest tip is write what you would want to read. like…. the world truly is your oyster!!!! any idea no matter how big or small it is. if you think of it and ur like wow. i would love to read something about that. U CAN WRITE IT BABY!!!!!
also i know ive said this a million times but i love reading my pieces out loud! specifically dialogue! like if i can’t imagine said character saying it or if something doesn’t flow correctly, it probably needs to be tweaked!
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blackberryjambaby · 1 year
its been a long time but hope you're doing so well and now that its the warmer months you get the chance to eat fruit in the ocean and not have to worry about how messy it is while ignoring how it tastes just a little bit like salt and you get to cross paths with the wildflowers who hate the cold and those spring birds who love them just as vehemently
i think the moon has gotten to me. last night I had a dream of finding fun lockets and vintage jewellery for cheap at the opshops - wishing you love and the same good fortunes
i'm printing this out & putting it somewhere i can see it every day, thank you 🫂🫀🫶 this is a poem to me. i hope the coming months are kind to you & that everything you find in op shops is perfect for you
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hiii you have such a unique and distinct way of writing i’ll read menus for fun if they were written by you
This is so kind I could cry 😭 you all are giving me an ego I swear, thank you!
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arty-tardigrade · 1 year
Your art is incredible and continues to be an absolute joy no matter how often a given piece shows up on my dashboard <3
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Aww, oh my gosh, thank you! Making art makes me happy, but it makes me even happier to know that my art makes other people happy too. Thank you so much!
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