#one of the only valid things they’ve done <3
maggiecheungs · 2 years
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“Thus they moved along parallel lines; and parallel lines never meet—except in infinity.” (E. T. Fowler)
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etherealyuri · 28 days
•sabrina carpenter edition
(Short n sweet album)
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╰┈➤ Chose which picture you connect
with more & that will be your pile.
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PILE 1 𐙚
Your song: Dumb and Poetic —Sabrina carpenter.
For those who chose this pile this connection broke your heart. You thought that this relationship was what you needed but this person only knew how to swoon you with words and paragraphs, and with trying to be poetic and all along it was just words. (This person says something but it doesn’t align with their actions of this relationship. when it comes to loving you and giving you what you want in a relationship they’ve spoken it but haven’t exactly done a lot for you in terms of their actions. They may seem like a good person but they truly broke your heart. Told you everything they could give you (or told you how much they could love you but yet you’ve only been mislead by their words and got hurt instead. Things were maybe good in the start but in your life there had been a lot of changes when it comes to this connection. This person told you they could love you but you ended up being in disappointment because their actions did not match their words. It will definitely be a long journey trying to make up with this person, or trying to go on your way..but the problems are all worth solving & healing is worth it if you would like to become happier after a connection broke you. You need time to process and heal & solve the problems but it won’t be easy. You definitely will overcome it in the end though. Trust the process.
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PILE 2 𐙚
Your song: Bed Chem — Sabrina carpenter.
For those who chose this pile you feel very passionate for the person that you’re interested in. You may just always get excited around them because they possibly give you butterflies or tingles in your stomach. You often fantasize what it would be like with this person. (Sexually) your extremely attracted to this person and even think about what it’s like being in bed with them. You’re confident that the both of you would have the best fun in bed. You definitely Desire them and there’s strong sexual tension between the both of you. You both are very attracted to one another and wouldn’t want to keep your hands off each other. Despite being confident about the two of you in bed you may have lack of confidence or might not feel very worthy with low self of esteem when it comes to this person because despite the both of you wanting each other you still have a lot of insecurity’s..maybe you want to have a good time with this person but you can feel like you won’t be good enough for this person..but you’re more than good enough you should know that! You don’t need validation from this person or anyone else! You might even feel unrecognized or not seen by this person which makes you feel hurt and gives you these insecurities in the first place. The both of you have a connection but sometimes their can be doubts, insecurities & even conflicts make sure to stand you’re grown and communicate with this person if you want things to work out other than being in bed (if it’s not just casual) the both of you need to work together to fix things. This person needs to try a little harder to recognize you and the things you’ve done for them because you’ve been there from the beginning always loving and caring about them in different situations not just the hook up scene so they should take care of you as well.
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PILE 3 𐙚
Your song: Don’t Smile — Sabrina carpenter.
For those who chose this pile this person broke your heart and left you feeling stuck. you were extremely hurt because they seemed happy or moved on with their lives as soon as everything was over but you hoped that they would regret it, cry, or feel bad..even hoped they wouldn’t sleep at night..maybe you just wished things worked out with this person and when it didn’t you felt unhappy and you hated the fact that they were smiling/happy after everything they did to you while you were stuck in this phase of being dissatisfied and disappointed with how things turned out..you wonder to yourself how can someone just act like a connection never happened when you shared so many memories and just easily move on with their lives doing other things already forgetting you. Although the both of you went through a lot this connection may still have some unfinished business maybe the both of you will reconcile or try to talk again to have closure and end on good terms before you move on(take what resonates leave what doesn’t) don’t worry though I see that you will be letting go of worries when it comes to this connection. I see you overcoming any problems in the way and things could get better for you. In your reading the number 8 showed up twice so 8 could be significant to you. Also it means completion and success so maybe the two of you could be working things out in this time or will work things out because this connection means a lot to the both of you. You must keep in mind that you have to keep caution and communicate things clearly with your partner if you want to things to get better the both of you must focus on becoming mentally clear with one another. Especially this person because they did hurt you in the past before and if you’re trying again their needs to be boundaries + clarity on things. You need all the information in order to take the next step in this connection. The both of you have to decide whether this is worth working on or having to let go.
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loveyouanyway · 5 months
i’ll kiss your scars
buck x eddie | 900 words | teen rating
trans buck my beloved for @steadfastsaturnsrings <3
“But y-you like men.” “Yes I do. Particularly the amazing and gorgeous man in front of me.” Buck stumbles across his words, all flustered. “But Eddie, I’m not— like I don’t have a you know.” He glances down there. “That doesn’t make you any less of a man, Buck." (Buck comes out to the love of his life)
read on ao3 or below
Buck, Eddie and Christopher are enjoying their dinner together in comfortable silence.
Christopher finishes his plate of spaghetti and meatballs first and now that he’s not eating, the silence feels weird so he speaks up.
“I’m not the only Christopher in my class anymore.”
Eddie hums. “Oh new student?”
“Nope. His name used to be Chloe but now it’s Christopher.”
Eddie and Buck look to each other in understanding.
“So he’s…”
“Trans. Yeah, it’s not a big deal, Dad. Now people just call me Chris and him Christopher.”
“How did people react?” Buck asks curiously.
“Everyone was cool about it. Some people had questions though so Christopher answered them. Then Mr. Nolan told everyone that he will not tolerate any transphobia or homophobia but he’s happy to tell us more about it. And if we ever have to talk to him about it, we can.”
Buck blinks back tears thinking how happy he is that in school, kids can come out and people will be supportive or at least respectful enough that they won’t say anything negative. He thinks about how bad it would be if he came out in middle school. He’s so glad Christopher has a teacher like Mr. Nolan.
He should probably tell Eddie that he’s trans. It’s been over a year since they’ve been friends. He knows Eddie will be accepting and everything but it’s still hard. He doesn’t want anything to change between them.
“Buck?” Eddie and nudges his foot with his own under the table.
“You okay?” he asks.
Buck quickly nods. “Yeah no I’m good.”
Eddie thankfully doesn’t push and instead asks what movie they should watch tonight.
They watch Spiderman: Into the Spider-Verse and Buck suggests they watch the second one next movie night which Christopher enthusiastically agrees to.
Christopher gets ready for bed reluctantly and Buck reads him a chapter of Percy Jackson. Eddie watches them with a sickening fond smile.
Once the chapter’s done, he and Eddie both hug Christopher and tell him “good night” and Buck yearns for him to have this every night.
They walk into the living room and Buck plops onto the couch with a sigh.
Eddie sits down next to Buck and faces him.
“Hey, you know that you can tell me anything, right?” he says earnestly with his stupidly pretty eyes and it feels like Eddie's staring into his soul.
Buck breaks eye contact and nods. “Yeah of course, uh thanks.”
Eddie doesn’t reply as if he’s hoping Buck will say more.
“Just give me a moment.” he adds and to that Eddie hums and rests his hand on Buck’s thigh. Oh fuck. This isn’t helping his nerves.
Buck takes a deep breath. “I’m trans.”
A second passes.
“Thanks for telling me.” Eddie smiles, trying to act like he didn’t know this but Buck sees past it.
“You already knew. How?”
“I saw your testosterone gel thing in the bathroom once. I guess you forgot to put it away like you usually do,” Eddie answers softly.
“You’re not mad I didn’t tell you?”
“Of course not, Buck. You don’t owe me anything regarding that.”
“We’ve been best friends for months.”
“Yeah well did I come out to you as cis? No. Besides gender is fucking stupid. Am I even a man?”
Buck sighs. He supposes Eddie has a valid point.
“Uh, while we’re talking about more serious topics, I have something to tell you,” Eddie admits.
Buck doesn’t have enough time to panic before Eddie calmly says “I’m in love with you.”
Is this a fucking dream? Buck doesn’t know what to say. “I- What do you mean?”
Eddie continues, “Yeah that was one of the factors in the whole me discovering my sexuality process. Hen called me out so many times about my gay panic for you.”
“But y-you like men.”
“Yes I do. Particularly the amazing and gorgeous man in front of me.”
Buck stumbles across his words, all flustered. “But Eddie, I’m not— like I don’t have a you know.” He glances down there.
“That doesn’t make you any less of a man, Buck. I know how I feel about you. I love you beyond your body but I mean, I do really love your body too and I hope I can make you feel safe and comfortable with it.”
Yeah this is a fucking dream come true.
Eddie lifts up the bottom of his shirt. “Can I…”
Buck has no idea what he’s about to do but he’ll let Eddie do anything to him. That probably should be concerning but he doesn’t care.
“Yeah,” he says with a shaky breath.
Eddie gently takes Buck’s shirt (which actually belonged to Eddie originally) and looks at him with such adoration, it makes Buck want to cry.
He lowers his head and brings his lips to Buck’s top surgery scars. He softly kisses along the two lines, whispering “I love you” after each kiss.
Now Buck is crying. He is just so overwhelmed with love—both his love for Eddie and feeling so loved by Eddie. He manages to say, “I love you” back before the tears make unable to speak coherently
Of course Eddie understands and doesn’t tell him “No it’s okay don’t cry,” instead he embraces him into a hug that makes Buck feel all warm and fuzzy — like all hugs from Eddie do.
They stay there, holding each other and Buck realizes things have changed between them but in the best way possible.
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localplaguenurse · 7 months
hii its amorette—can i just say i freaked out when i saw capillaries updated?? i loved the latest chapter so so much!!
i love how you characterize dottore and wanted to ask if you have any tips on how you write him / things you keep in mind while writing him, since your fic really inspired me to try writing my own! i hope you have a nice day :DD
Hi Amorette!!! Glad you liked it!
I saw this right as my first break at work ended and suffice to say, it’s been on my mind all day. You’ve opened a Pandora’s box, you’re getting a whole character analysis, because Dottore is actually a royal pain to write about so I have to REALLY study this bastard. The first half is going to be just purely on his canon traits, and the rest are my interpretations and headcanons.
So canonically, Dottore is very prideful and driven by the pursuit of knowledge. No subject is off limits to him, and he doesn’t care about how ethical or moral his research is. Whatever he needs to do, he’ll do it, the ends justify the means. He’s been obsessed with surpassing the gods since he was young, which is why he was ostracized by society. Sohreh’s notes describe him as initially “frigid,” but then she goes on to say she had a good time working with him and is looking forward to spending more time with him (Rip Sohreh). He created segments of himself from different ages as a way to surpass the limits of human cognition, and because they could offer their own individual contributions to his research. Omega is described as more selfish since he was the one to nuke the other segments for the gnosis, and Webttore/Beta is more manic and prone to mood swings. Also, none of the segments like each other.
That’s all the canon stuff. With that alone, you already have a pretty solid start for how to write him. He’s a man who views himself above the people who rejected him and wants to surpass the gods that ignored him. He doesn’t really care about keeping company and he barely gets along with himself. He’ll do anything in the pursuit of knowledge and doesn’t care if someone has to die for him to get it done. If Sohreh’s notes are anything to go by, he may have been antisocial but not completely opposed to finding connection, but that’s up to how you personally interpret her notes and subsequent death. He’s very calculating, and though he does resent the gods, he’s at least mature enough to hold it together for a conversation.
Now, onto my personal take on Dottore, which I’ve sprinkled through the fic already but it won’t hurt to share here :3
So the one key thing I have latched onto personally is his name. Zandik. By this point we all know it means “heretic” but really think about that for a second. That is the name of a man who was born in a world where gods are not only real, but they actually interact with the populace. Maybe it was because my bestie got me into Ethel Cain, but I started thinking about the implications/potential of religious trauma. What sort of homelife would a kid have when his own parents named him heretic when god is actually real? Certainly not a very pleasant life. Of course at some point he’d develop a hatred of gods when he’s been seen as a blasphemous monster since he was born. Of course he’d despise society as a whole, they’ve despised him from the start. This isn’t something he asked for, but it’s all he has. He did no wrong and yet all the world hated him for being born, what did they expect him to turn into?
As a result, my personal interpretation of Dottore is that he is still that prideful, cold and calculating scientist that hates the gods and isn’t afraid to do awful things to prove it, but he is also, deep down, motivated by validation. At the very least, that’s how this all started. At this point he’s become more callous, but there’s a part of him that wants to be appreciated, genuinely, by someone or something. This would have been especially prevalent in his younger self/segments, because he’s not as “mature” as he is now. If you cut through the 400 years of his callous cruel ways, you might find a little boy full of pain and anger asking what he did to deserve all of this. 
… TLDR: He’s very smart, very callous, thinks very highly of himself, and I write him as one of those “they treated me like the villain so I became the villain they feared most” characters with a splash or religious trauma for flavour.
If you want to, you're more than welcome to use some of my characterization if you ever write about him! Honestly, for as big a pain in the ass he is to write, he's really interesting to explore as a character! It's actually why my favourite chapters/moments so far are the backstory ones, or whenever he's reflecting on his relationship with widow. He's a bastard and I love him.
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perfecteggpartyland · 4 months
I just got here, read through all this. I have seen multiple responses saying exactly my thoughts perfectly. They’ve answered your questions, and you are talking around them and bringing up subjects they’ve already addressed. I’m sure a lot of the people that are not explaining themselves have read them and agree with them. Why would they see the need to reexplain what’s already been said? So your argument about there only being two people explaining doesn’t make much sense to me.
I do agree with you that some fics can take Kevin’s fear and responses to trauma too far. It doesn’t bother me much, I don’t mind traits being exaggerated, I think it can be fun in the right context. I completely understand if Kevin’s exaggerated “cowardice�� can make you uncomfortable. You’re valid to feel that way. It doesn’t mean everyone else does tho, it’s objective.
Kevin is called a coward because compared to the other main characters, he decidedly is. It would be a normal reaction for normal people, sure, but this book is not normal.
Neil has been running for 8 years of his life, and decides even though he’s terrified, to stop. Even though he knows it’s a death sentence. He knows he’s going to die, and so he starts defending and protecting people. It’s not that he doesn’t realize how much danger he’s in, it’s that he doesn’t think it will effect anyone but him at first. And when he does, he actively puts himself in harms way to make sure no one else gets hurt (more).
Andrew has gone head first into every supposed threat to “his people”.
Aaron reacted to seeing his brother getting hurt almost instantly, faster than even Neil, and killed a man. He faces off with everyone with a lack of self-preservation rivalled only by Andrew, Neil, and Nicky(tho his is a little more out of naïveté in a way).
Jean is a “coward” in that he stopped trying to save/help himself. But he always did what he could to help Neil, even when it could get him in trouble.
Nicky came back to America to raise two violent(Andrew), angry, and drug addicted(Aaron) teenagers. One he barely knew and the other he didn’t at all. Leaving the safety of his fiance and the distance between him and his parents. Now this one I acknowledge seems smaller than the others, but he still put himself in emotional distress for years to make sure these boys weren’t going to his parents.
Kevin was in a position that he still had some power. I know it wasn’t a lot. I know he was mentally abused by the people that were supposed to love him. But out of everyone, he was the closest to Riko. I don’t think he could have, or should have been responsible, for completely stopping Riko. But he could have done more to help Jean in the ways Jean helped Neil. I’m not saying stop the abuse, I realize he doesn’t have that much power, but be there more to support him.
The difference between Kevin and the others I listed, is that they all went through abuse of there own. But when someone else came into the picture they could help in anyway, they did their best to help them. Kevin did a little, but he was scared so he didn’t do all that he could with his “privilege”. And when he got horribly hurt for the first time, he ran and left Jean.
I am NOT saying people in abusive situations are cowards. I am not saying I think Kevin is a coward for putting himself first. You do what you have to do. Kevin’s reaction to his trauma is NORMAL. (Your reaction to trauma is normal too, anyone who’s reading this <3)
In the context of the f***ed up story that is AFTG, and the other characters I mentioned: Comparatively, Kevin is a Coward.
To touch on the one point I see you keep bringing up. Neil “broke” after being in the nest for 2 weeks because he was being constantly tortured and then physically pushed to his limit for 2 weeks straight, to the point that he doesn’t remember some of the things done to him (tattoo, hair dying.) Kevin was abused and forced to watch torture, yes, which is completely horrible, but he was steeped in it from a young age. He was groomed into it. Comparing their scenarios makes NO sense.
Most “Kevin is a coward” people, do not hate Kevin. (Not speaking for the entire fandom obviously). Kevin is objectively more cowardly than the others in OUR OPINION. This is objective. People are going to see this differently. I’m sure some might agree with the basic point but disagree on some of the finer details. Which is fine, because it’s an opinion.
You’re not going to change our minds by calling us morally wrong, and vice versa.
I know this will probably be cherry picked. But this is a nuanced situation. Neither of us a right or wrong. (⚫️⚪️ ? 🚫 -> ☑️)
If you read this entire thing than thank you.
And I know it can get rough on the internet so please remember I’m just a stranger on the internet with opinions. I’m not attacking you, i don’t think you’re wrong, I just think this is getting a little ridiculous.
(I didn’t read over this so I’m sorry for any grammar/spelling mistakes)
Thanks <3
Got it; I was curious and never forced someone to change their minds; people responded with their points ; some points I agreed and said so; I said my own points as in why I think the way I do; politely ;I didn't intend to change anyones minds and I don't call people morally wrong who think about Kevin's character and think he's a coward; I think if Kevin being called a coward simply because he was abused is wrong;like that's the sole reason some of them responded that I didnt answer and calling someone a coward simply for being abused doesn't sit right with me; especially since a lot of people including me can relate to the foxes; Neil;Kevin; etc. I appreciate you being polite and didn't really mean to come off as some sort of morally crusader cause I hate that; I made a post about Kevin as a an abused being called a coward for specific people who just wanted to piss of someone. I'm okay with people disagreeing; like I said I enjoyed a discussion with people who responded and both of us said our perspectives and points; cherry picking but no one wanted to talk even before I stated my points; but it's fine; I simply was curious as in why; and if people don't want to discuss it and are tired is completely fine as in they can ignore me if they want too. Never wanted to shove some stuff in people's minds so things got heated I guess; most people who I talked with over the years do HATE Kevin and I was just wondering why; it's fine if he's not everyones fav character at all; thanks for talking about this tho; appreciated a lot. Didn't really intended to come off that way
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beauspot · 2 years
there are genuinely valid critiques of polin as couple but you guys don’t use any of them. it’s always how “polin is bland” which is just wrong, they’re one of the most interesting couples because they’ve known each other the longest. I think y’all only think couples are interesting who hate each other and talk to each other like they’re trash, like i love anthony but he was a sexist piece of shit for 75% of the series. do you find him more interesting than colin because he’s a more interesting character or do you just like it when characters are emotionally stunted and angry.
colin’s whole story is about finding his purpose as a third son and making a mark for himself, so he’s been traveling to find himself first so he could become a well rounded person. pen is one of the most interesting girls on the show just by being lady whistle down and the show would not be the same without her. period. she is also a plus size character so her character is still important rep even if she’s white.
penelope and colin’s season will have THE MOST angst out of all the others because they’ve done things to hurt one another (unintentionally but still). pen has contributed to marina being exposed and eloise being exposed(even though she had her VALID reasons) these are both very important women in his life so he will be upset about it, especially about his sister because he doesn’t know pen did it to protect her. Then of course we have mr ‘can’t keep his dumbass mouth shut’ bridgerton giggling with his friends about not wanting to court penelope and this of course hurt her. All of this will have to be resolved next season and all of this is made infinitely worse because they’re childhood friends who love each other and have for years even if it wasn’t always romantic. That’s a kind of hurt the other Bridgertons could never experience because they met their love interests so recently.
Like a valid argument would be Pen shouldn’t be made a last second choice she should be seen and loved immediately like her thinner counterparts, but even still that’s more a critique on fatphobia and not really colin. because as we will see he does find pen attractive (thankfully the writers aren’t making her lose weight cause that would’ve been horrid) it’s because they’ve known each other so long the thought of courting her never even occurred to him as an option. Of course he could have not spoken to his friends in that manner and let them laugh, because regardless of whether she was there or not that’s his friend and it was cruel, but let’s not act like Anthony was not talking about having a woman to breed sons with last season.
so many of you are trying to hide your fatphobia under “critiques” and i won’t let you, you won’t ruin this season for me as hard as you might try.and i swear to god if i see one more kanthony stan crying because the bridgerton accounts aren’t only posting about them i’m going to fight somebody. this show is not the kate and anthony show, they will not be the main focus of season 3 you can either come to terms with that now or next summer when the show is out, but if i see you bitching about polin you will get blocked. cause that’s loser ass behavior
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Do you have any writing advice for a new aspiring writer of smutty tiefling fanfiction? I just want to smash my barbies together and share the results with the world!
First things first, I’m very flattered to be asked for writing advice! Thank you so much ❤️ And smut in particular? Hell yeah.
Before we proceed: all of this advice is given with a heavy dose of what I like to write and read, so if you think “but I like stories that do that!” then that is entirely valid. I can only speak from my own perspective.
Disclaimers out of the way, let’s get started!
1. First things first, and perhaps most vital: write what turns you on, without apology. When I started writing Sharp Teeth, I felt kind of embarrassed about how dominant I (and thus my reader insert) felt towards Rolan. So I hedged. After writing that Tav wanted to pull Rolan’s hair, I wrote that she wanted him to do that to her too; when I wrote her wanting to throw Rolan on a counter and fuck him, I appended that she wanted to be possessed by Rolan too. Looking back on it now, it’s a testament to how much more comfortable I’ve become talking about my kinkiness, but it definitely diluted the vibe of what I was truly wanting to portray, and readers could probably tell it was half-hearted. I wanted Tav in CONTROL damn it.
(Note: before this comes off as “don’t write switching”, that is not at all what I mean. It goes for all flavours. If what you want to write is soft sensuality, don’t get embarrassed, feel like it’s too sickly and shove in a “take it, slut” or whatever. If you want to write your pairing switching like mad, do that and don’t water it down! Basically, listen to your own feelings. Embarrassment will try to creep in and hold your fingers from the keyboard at just the moment you find most exquisitely hot, because sharing that is vulnerable. Notice it, and write the thing anyway - delete that diluting sentence about how she only wants to pull his hair gently, if you want her to pull it hard!)
2. Horny daydreams baby. If it gets you off, write it down. What’s the moment in your fantasies that makes you feral? That is MATERIAL. (This is a beneficial loop: daydreams beget writing beget daydreams. Whether you ever think about anything else again is up to you.) It doesn’t have to be a complete story, just the moment that makes you go… nnnhhh. This is kind of just an addendum to the previous one but truly, this is just how my process works. Prompts are harder to write than the contents of my own fantasies, in my experience.
3. In terms of planning/working on an idea: I tend to have a “climax” point in mind for my smut, then work out how this scenario is kicking off in the first place, and then fill in the gaps. (That’s just the planning though, I write fairly linearly).
Somewhere between the flirting/lead up to sex and the sex itself, there will be a point of no-horny-return, and if you try to take the tension down a notch after that point the story will lose its sizzle. Fortunately, this is usually easily fixed by moving bits around!
(This happened to me in Combat Training C2: it was a fic with a lot of sparring and role play, but I returned to “serious” sparring after turning the tension way up and the scene immediately fell flat on its face. But with a little reworking, I managed to both convey the character beat (that Rolan and Tav had learnt from each other and would be more prepared for their next battle) and dial up the sexual tension smoothly.)
4. Beware of writing overly mechanically. I’m saying this because I have totally done it! Yes, you generally want to avoid the “three hands” situation that gets joked about a lot (where you haven’t accounted for a character’s limbs and suddenly it seems like they’ve got an extra one). But sometimes it’s ok to just mention them flopping onto a bed or chair in a room without accounting for the fact that it’s there first, or simply say that a character has undressed if you don’t want to linger on them stripping. You don’t need to write in specific limb movements if they’re not super sexy (but technically happening), and you don’t need to write a character picking something up before they use it. Context can do a lot of work!
(… if they’re out in the forest, THEN you need to explain where that bed came from).
(Although I will say, trying to picture the scene in more accurate detail than you’re writing can create some juicy inspiration. Wondering if Rolan’s horns would allow him to rest comfortably in that position? What if they rip the sheets or scratch the floor or catch his lover’s cheek?)
5. Related to “write what you want”: Do not feel like you have to write sex correctly. Smut is gloriously untethered from the bounds of real life, and if you love a bit of cervix pounding, stomach-bulging filth, have at it and don’t apologise. You don’t need to care about contraception and safe sex unless you want to: this is not a sex ed class. You do not have to write SSC BDSM: this is not a sex ed class. Tag and go forth.
(Relatedly, these topics are also make or break for character and vibe sometimes. Health-anxious character in cute first-time fluff? Probably going to want to use protection. Two lovers fucking the night before they think they’re going to die in battle? Probably do not care, and it will spoil the reckless, feral vibe if we stop for a PSA about condom use.)
Consent is often implied through context and subtext. It can be made very explicit, if you want, but it’s also fine to simply show how into it your characters are, how they tease each other and nod and offer up suggestions. If it’s an established relationship, this goes double; it’s easy to infer that this is something the characters have done before without explicitly discussing that! (This is also assuming you’re writing consent; the long history of ravishment in published romance speaks to the fact this is not required lol).
6. Back to more mechanical-level writing stuff: linger in a mood, moment and action. A smut fic can encompass several different moods and sex/kink acts, but pay attention to how you transition between them. If you're oscillating between sweet and nasty ever other sentence, you probably want more consistency. It's an oft-repeated writing tip, but the five senses are your friends, and get specific. The gentle give of ridged skin beneath probing fingers; the sweet smell of campfire smoke; the gloss of tears over jet-black eyes and the taste of red wine on someone else's tongue. (… don’t necessarily do ALL the senses at once but you get what I mean!).
7. And finally one more: feelings. Give this filth feelings. How long have they wanted this? How hot do they think their partner looks right now? Are they feeling romantic or sadistic, feral or cuddly? Did they expect to feel this way, and what do they think it says about their relationship? New love and pent-up tension is obviously great and popular, but I also love exploring shame and conflict, illustrating characters taking risks, trusting each other, exploring new things…
Sex sits at a nexus of all sorts of beliefs our characters have about themselves and what they want. How do they react? Does the sex reinforce those beliefs or change them? It is possible to write hot smut without much of this at all but generally, give your readers a reason to care. (YES this spanking is an expression of Rolan’s character arc, goddamn it.)
Those are my best tips, I think, abstract and rambling as they may be. I hope this was helpful; the no1 writing tip of all time is, of course, to JUST DO IT. Good luck!
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theplatforms · 1 year
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Transspecies flag + talking about transspecies folk :3
We support transspecies as we don’t see it as inherently harmful, it’s in good faith and usually they do not cause harm, rather harm is directed towards them. The experience itself does not cause harm, and it is 100% real and valid.
Transgender beings tend to get offended by the term like they’ve done so with therians or otherkin but as a transgender alterhuman I can say that transgender beings aren’t the only ones who could want a different body or feel they’d be happier if they were referred to as something differing from what you were born as and wanting to transition from being called and or considered human to rather, an animal. Thinking otherwise is gatekeeping and if you think the term is fake then- you’re a fakeclaimer. How do you know how others feel? Why doubt such an experience? Or the being could be wanting to often wear things to look more animal like or get surgeries perhaps like permanent fangs. Nothing’s necessarily wrong with that. Beings feel how they feel and can do as they please with their appearance and bodies.
If something makes someone happy, if someone experiences something, and it causes nobody harm, why care? This is a transspecies safe-space.
Though do keep in mind we are against things like trans-disorder or trans-abled. If you want to have a disorder or be disabled, please seek mental help. It is far from something to try and get or want.
Love you all ! 💕
Flag coined by The Platforms on July 20th, 2023.
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recoverywithgh0ul · 4 months
-home for lost thoughts-
Things that helped my recovery, and things that definitely didn’t. Obviously recovery is a very personal experience, and things that work for others, may not work for you, and vice versa. I’m just sharing what works for me, so maybe people can either see a different perspective, relate, or find inspiration. General TW for this whole post it will touch on uncensored topics such as calorie counting apps, weight checking, and fear foods. If that’s a lot for you, I’d suggest you skip this post, but i wish you well in your recovery <3
I’m going to start off with the things that absolutely did not help, and if anything, sent me into a complete spiral. Why? Gotta start somewhere, and it’s best always to end on a good note~
Weight checks- I feel like this is probably a no brainer, but these are probably the worst for me. Even if it was good news it was the eventual “when will i ruin it?” Thought, which would giving up, and lead to a binge, and the whole cycle. Looking back, to avoid this, just shifting my perspective to not going to the all or nothing place honestly would’ve helped a lot. Which is what I’m working on now thankfully :>
Free eating- as I’ve mentioned a lot, i don’t understand what a healthy portion looks like, i was never taught. So going into adulthood like that, really negatively impacted me because when i wanted to get healthy even when i tried i still had no idea what i was doing. Something has countered this, but it’ll be in the next section.
Calorie counter apps- never helped me, they’ve always encouraged obsessive behavior, and also caused shame, especially if i had gone over a few calories. I can see the appeal, but for me- they’ve always done more harm than good.
Feeling like i can’t have certain foods because I’ll lose control- this in the long run as never helped, because then these foods feel forbidden, and when i finally allow myself them- I’ll eat them until I’m sick, but if I incorporate them into a healthy diet, I’ve noticed i actually crave them less. So I’m slowly regaining back my control. And so can you~
Those are the main ones for me. Let’s end this on a good note, and move onto the positive :>
Portion plates- it might sound silly or restrictive, but the really do help me, especially if I’m feeling a craving to clean my plate, there’s only so much metaphorical ‘damage’ i can do. For me it works, for everyone, it definitely will not. You should always do what works for you and your body~
Adding in foods I’m craving in moderation, or making healthier dupes- so, just like it says, craving chips? Have a bit, just add something to it. Like some cucumber and hummus, or carrots and cottage cheese. Want cookies? Eat it with some Greek yogurt and fruit. (All suggestions not medical advice) you can have what you’re craving just add something with some bulk so it fills you up~ so you’re satisfying a craving, but also feeling satiated.
Combating limiting beliefs with positive self talk- instead of punishing myself for having a bad thought, or getting mad I’m not ‘fully healed’ trying to practice patience, and self positivity and give myself that mental comfort to heal myself like i know I’m worthy of. Seeking outside validation can only help to a point, because if even you don’t believe it, it’s not going to benefit you. Recovery is a journey healing not only your relationship with food, but your relationship with yourself. And you deserve to finally be healed~
Therapy or coaching sessions- again self explanatory, but super beneficial, especially when you feel hopeless and can’t do it alone. Sometimes even finding resources online, like quick videos on YouTube just to understand things more, or to gain insight or advice. For me personally, the more i understand something, the easier it is for me to tackle it. There are so many great food therapists on instagram especially that share such great advice, that i urge you just to watch a few reels. Help is attainable, i promise it’s not impossible.
That’s all i can really think of for this post, as always, good luck on your journey! Remember you are worth it <3 until next time~
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macabrecravings · 6 months
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Robin, I was joking </3 I know you’ll consider that even more immature, but you were the one who called me a “(FRESHLY) 18 year old”. You keep switching between acting like I’m too young and impressionable to interact with Kiki & then snapping at me for being immature.
Truly out of everyone actually involved, you’re the only one who’s taking this as hard as you are.
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Hyper-sensitive may not have been the right way to put it, so I’ll reword it. *People who are sensitive to fictional rape and psuedo-incest will be uncomfortable on my blog. That is perfectly valid. I would never shame or get mad at someone for it, I’m just trying to make it clear that if they find those things uncomfortable or triggering, my content is not for them.
I am not condoning or enjoying these actions in real life. Especially not pedophilia??? That’s never been a thing I’ve Ever talked about or condoned— having personal experience with being groomed myself! I know you’re just pulling out your antiship talking points, so I’m moving on. Again, if these are sensitive topics to you, you won’t want to stick around because they are things that I touch on in my narratives. I know you have the opinion that some things should not be written about or condoned at all, and that’s fine.
You’re allowed to believe that, and I won’t ask you to unblock me. If my friends and I make you feel unsafe, I genuinely hope that you can find people who align with your interests and wish you the best!!
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This post in particular was not meant to be a vague post! ^_^ I was just reminding people of my personal stances because it’s not something I often talk about. It was inspired by the current situation, but in no way was I trying to force my way into it.
I mentioned being vaguely involved because I Am! Vaguely involved! Like you said, not enough to But i have seen and heard about every thing on this document before it was published. So, Yes…! I am involved, but not directly ^_^
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You made a whole document…! A little bit of vague posting about an anonymous happening is not anything compared to a full length document calling someone a proshipper and telling people to be careful around her? Fish and Kiki are not dangerous people, dude.
You can be uncomfortable with the things we/they’ve said and done but implying that they’re predatory is not cool!!!
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umemiyan · 1 year
🔥 share ur correct opinions!!! <3
OMG PLS 😭 idk if they’re correct, but…. i have ‘em!!!!
alright. buckle up i went a little insane over this
i cannot STAND when people think that their interpretation of a character is the almighty only correct one in the whole entire universe. like god made them a fucking blorbo prophet or whatever.
lemme start by saying that yes, we all want to believe that we know our faves well and that we’ve got good opinions on them! and it’s totally normal to enjoy your version and get attached to the way you see them! it just drives me up the fucking wall when some people get a big head about being the ���authority” on certain characters (or ships/shows/anything in general). like please get a grip.
any piece of media is going to be interpreted different ways. and some people may be more objectively “correct” about certain things than others. but pretending like your personal version of a blorbo is THE version and not tolerating the fact that people have other takes is just… it makes me furious.
you don’t have to enjoy other people’s takes. you don’t have to agree with them or engage with them. but you should acknowledge that they exist and are valid in their own way. unless you have some certificate signed by Jesus Christ himself or the damn original creator of this media saying that you are the ordained spokesperson for said character, go touch grass. absorb vitamin D.
it can also become such a hive mind thing too. groups of people hype up this one individual so much that i think it creates some sort of power trip overall. like duh it’s totally normal to have a favorite writer and agree with someone on their takes and encourage them, but idk sometimes people be going to the extremes. i feel like it creates spaces where others can feel discouraged or uncomfortable about writing for a specific character or something because “what’s the point? obviously it’s not going to be as good as xyz or everyone will think i’m wrong, etc.”
and i’m being such a hater rn but the thing is that the interpretations from so many people who act like this are BIASED AS HELL LMFAO they be like “no one knows him like i know him i’m so scientifically objectively correct” and they’ve literally just projected a bunch of their own preferences onto them LOL GURL PLS!!! like if you wanna enjoy that version of them then go right ahead!!!! live your absolute best life!!!! but you ain’t the pope of the whole damn character so stop pretending like it!!!!
anyways i’m going on forever about this but like. yes it is fun to joke and be like “u don’t know him like i do 😩” but when you’re actually being serious… go home. you’re done. you’re done.
send me a “ 🔥 “ for an unpopular opinion
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Analysis because I’m bored
I’d do a venndiagram thing but it won’t fit everything so you get a confusing list instead
Zuko from Avatar. Hunter from Owl House. Leo from Rise. Tommy from DSMP.
What do they have in common?
a frikcin lot, actually
16 y/old boy
Trauma city baybee
Has cried on screen at least once 
Self-sacrificial tendencies (some more prominent than others)
Mental health in the gutter
What’s a therapist
Magic exists
Angst magnets both in canon and in the fandom
Can Not catch a break ever
They all have siblings
Dumbass. Every single one of them. They’ve all done really stupid things.
Sometimes they are in absolutely misery and sometimes they are just incredibly funny for no reason
High key dramatic 
“Most people find me annoying at first” they piss off a lot of people and can be kinda obnoxious 
Strange creatures exist
Distinct color
Almost fell to their death in a very dramatic scene 
But wait, there’s more:
No mom at all
Literally none
Silly goofy guys <3
Blonde (look ik Leo only had hair for 1 episode and it was evil but let me have this)
Really wants attention/validation and does some stupid stuff to get it (ok Zuko probably does too but it’s a little less?? Obvious?? Idk)
America exists 
They live in a comedy world (aside from the angst) and it Shows
Starts out silly goofy and then turns into angst (Avatar was kinda angsty from the beginning)
Knows a few words of Spanish (which is more than Zuko knows considering Spanish doesn’t exist in his world)
Don’t wanna flex but they’ve never been possessed (rip Hunter)
Doesn’t travel between realms (fantasy vs the real world but with some magic involved)
Does not attend school at all and shows no interest in doing so
Has a normal vocabulary (doesn’t use nerd words as much as Hunter)
Face visible from their first appearance 
Has fist-fought people and will again
Fshshs this one is not very long
They can wield magic powers
Has a large support group of people who love them (oof Tommy)
Has at least one good parental figure (oof Tommy)
Recovery! Hopeful endings! :) (oof tommy) 
When they almost fell to their death they were saved by a loved one (oof tommy)
Big brother moment (at least one younger sibling) 
Very protective over younger siblings (adopted or not)
American accents
human (look hunter’s a clone of a human I’m counting it)
They like girls (probably straight)
Manipulated by one of the most powerful character in their world
Experienced abuse and is very clearly traumatized by it 
Not very good at acting like they’re totally fine and not at all mentally ill
Trauma is actually addressed in canon (Fshshs rip Leo) 
Goes off into the wilderness alone for a while and comes back disheveled, distressed, and generally not vibing
Can go places without being immediately ostracized due to being an actual turtle (Rip Leo)
Can’t lie to save their lives
Actually exists in other worlds besides just like…. New York
But of course, who would I be if I just stopped there??
fully blonde
Has had multiple panic attacks on screen
Dog person (hunter likes wolves and tommy does too)
Finds out rather abruptly that their abuser doesn’t care about them and has a mental breakdown over it
Friends are all very very traumatized
Would cry at being accepted into a family (Hunter did and you can’t tell me Tommy wouldn’t bc he really badly wants a family) 
People tend to dislike them a lot despite them not really deserving it? (Like yeah they’re a little obnoxious at times but it’s not that big of a deal)
Their animal friends always die :(((
Worrying suicidal/semi-suicidal behavior?? (Hunter was digging his own grave ok I know it was kinda played for humor but that’s messed up. I don’t even need to mention Tommy boy was fully and canonically suicidal)
Spend most of their time in another realm being somewhat? Aware of another realm but no one really going there until much later
LGBTQ rep in canon (not them specifically tho)
“Aw, they’re finally heali- oop, nope, there’s another buttload of trauma”
Uses two swords at once
Very good sword fighter also
Tends to kinda jump into things without thinking even though they’re smart and can strategize well but somehow it works out for them in ways it really shouldn’t 
Is occasionally the voice of reason while everyone else is being dumb
Feels weak and powerless next to their super-powerful awesome sibling(s)
Main parental figure is a short Asian man with grey hair that is very powerful but tends to act silly. Also they don’t like utilizing their incredible fighting skills unless necessary bc of their Tragic Past (TM)
Your second priority is your loved ones. Your first priority should always be committing to the bit
Humor coping mechanism 
Makes stupid decisions for the funni
Really loves their older brother who gives them a lot of guidance (to the point of almost being a parental figure)
They have a main mentor/parental/familial figure that they really love and that loves them in return but their relationship is somewhat strained due to the mentor figure’s poor mental health causing them to inadvertently hurt them
Make silly noises heehoo
Some angst but mostly funni
They have heartbreaking angst and then straight back to crack levels of comedy
Can be very overconfident in their abilities, especially when it comes to smooth-talking/scamming people
Trapped in a prison with an unbeatable foe and basically beaten to death 
They only escaped because of magic previously thought impossible 
Angst in a dark void heehoo
Younger brother energy
Antagonizes a lot of people
Allowed to swear
Upset someone who loves them because they didn’t seem to be taking a situation seriously and it ended up with a lot of hurt from both parties 
Father figure is the leader of an oppressive regime 
Raised from birth to believe said regime is good and helping people
Good heart under it all
Redemption arc when they figure out they’re on the wrong side (takes a while because they don’t want to think ill of their father figure even though they’re blatantly abusive)
Mental breakdown moment when they realize- was in denial for a long time before that point
Visible scars caused by abuser
Gets a new, actually nice parental figure
Big brother of their friend group 
Socially awkward 
Changes outfits throughout the show to show their character growth and development
Has some moments of empathy with protagonists before actual redemption arc
Not actually the protagonist/ main focus (look, Tommy and Leo are very much main characters)
Adopted 12 y/o younger brother who is very powerful and they are very protective over him 
Little brothers’ eyes glow blue when they use their powers
theater nerds 
Red guys
Lashes out at people who care about him 
Born naturally (as far as we know)
One-on-one duels don’t work out so great for them
They have been Everywhere. Almost every large event involves them somehow
100% actually human 
Sometimes uses swords, sometimes other stuff
Don’t do great wandering in the wilderness on their own
Talks to themselves/random animals when stressed
Anger issues anger issues anger issues
Jerk with a heart of gold (real) 
Has canonically committed many crimes and doesn’t feel guilt about most of them (some of the worse ones that really hurt people they do feel bad for tho)
They commit arson and it’s not ideal
Falls into a minor villain arc right when it seemed like they were going to get better, then realizes this isn’t who they are and confronts the person encouraging them to be violent/cruel
Artificially created by a dramatic being with a gold horned mask and nefarious plans centered around genocide and conquest
Obsessed with a science fiction franchise and dresses up as characters from it
Is shown to enjoy wearing animal costumes once and then it’s never brought up again (Leo’s unicorn onesie and Hunter’s split-second Flapjack costume)
Trauma surrounding possession
Knows a little bit of Spanish 
Acts confident and smug and cocky when in battle mode but is actually insecure and sad
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anyway that’s all thanks for reading
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chateautae · 2 years
What doesn’t sit right with me is the government’s total lack of respect towards the boys. I mean what more do they want from bts? They’re willing to exempt athletes who no one’s heard of because “they’ve been tied with national prestige” but not the boys? Lmao and bts hasn’t? This has got to be the biggest joke ever. They should either change the wording for their exemption rules or simply admit that they cannot stand exempting musicians like bts. Let’s be real, South Korea is a popular destination today MAINLY because of bts. Kpop is relevant in the west BECAUSE of bts. Bts contributes SIGNIFICANTLY to South Korea’s GDP. Bts were named ambassadors. They have ticked more boxes in the exemptions rules than anyone else yet they’ve been dragged around for years? I’m glad they decided to take matter into their own hands, this has got to be the biggest fuck you to the government ever. Now watch, South Korea’s GDP will take a hit, the tourism sector will plummet, kpop will loose its relevancy these next couple of years because bts won’t be able to attend American award shows. It’s over for them, by playing games and acting like spoilt and ungrateful children, they have passed over the reigns to bts. They’re the ones in control now in relation to all these sectors and there’s nothing the government can do about it anymore.
It’s not even about the fact that the boys must serve in the military (as that is an honor for Korean men), it is about the government’s shitty treatment of the boys and their blatant ignorance of bts’ impact and duty towards their country. They have done more than enough, South Korea wouldn’t be where they are today if it weren’t for them and that’s just a fact. What more can they do to prove that they’ve done enough for South Korea? I just don’t get it.
And before anyone says anything, I’m a Korean living abroad so trust me I know what I’m saying when I say this government made a huge mistake
Loves everything you said is correct!! I can’t believe the govt even had that 3 year deal where BTS could still perform but be in on call for the military? And the govt would earn the money they make?? Even now the govt is scrambling to rewrite the terms so that BTS can still perform overseas during their enlistment like… at this point it’s becoming blatantly disrespectful snd rude. The tannies aren’t puppets, you can’t use them. You can’t control these boys and rob them of their free will, they’ve chosen to nobly enlist and they should be allowed to do so without any other obligations!! But the argument does circle back to the govt ignoring their impact in the first place. I’m not a Korean citizen nor a Korean so my opinion doesn’t matter, but BTS’ impact is unavoidable. Their numbers and power is something undeniable and to think it’s just been brushed off for this long… of course BTS are gonna get fed up and make their own decision, which is a fucking boss move!!!
I just wish the boys the best of luck in their endeavours and truly hope things will go smoothly for them. I’m sure the media is gonna blow this up and throw around so many accusations and articles even during their enlistment, but I know they’ll rest easy knowing they have us and each other 💜
On another note though, we have things to discuss army. LIKE WE’RE MILITARY WIVES/HUSBANDS NOW WE MUST STAY STRONG!! Also why do I feel like Jungkook’s gonna entirely outclass anyone and anything? That man’s gonna make the hardest stuff look easy ik k-armys are really concerned he’s gonna choose something really strenuous, which is valid 😭 AND WHAT ABOUT HOW JACKED THEY’LL GET?? DO WE WANNA DISCUSS IT!! Armytwt is the source of my lightheartedness guys I swear it’s the only reason I’m not crying on the train to school rn 😭😭😭 please join me 😭😭😭
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thebahwrites · 1 year
OOOO OOO OOOO tell me your thoughts about that silly rabbit hangman
i love u sm thank u for validating me and my need to rant 🤝❤️
an ask game ft niche questions i don’t see v often (send me a character)
Jake 'Hangman' Seresin (More under the cut so I don't bother anyone <3)
a song that reminds me of them Gonna pick one that isn't on Powell's list cause come on: Bad Guy - Billie Eilish I'm that bad type Make your mama sad type Make your girlfriend mad tight Might seduce your dad type I'm the bad guy, duh I just think it's funny to think about how both fanon/canon makes Hangman the main antag/the "villain" and he kinda does it himself as a character but mostly cause he's an asshole.
what they smell like Expensive. My mans be using Dior's Sauvage body wash and cologne (kinda pine-y/fresh) and/or Tom Ford's Tobacco Vanille, also of cigarettes, bourbon & jet fuel. Do you know how much jet fuel STICKS to things? Hangman strikes me as the kind of bitch who has a couple scents he sticks by, they're good and expensive and also signature for him. Also yes I am very, very anal about scents so have this.
an otp If I answer Hangster is anyone gonna be surprised? No? Good. I just think it's the same appeal as Iceman/Maverick, okay, they're rivals, they're enemies, they're bitter but still in love exes, don't come for meeeee.
a notp Hannix, look, I don't ship-shame or anything, it just reads comphet to me, doesn't do it for me, I'm SORRY. I think they'd be great frenemies tho.
favorite platonic/familial relationships Coyote/Hangman is also one of my ships so this is hard because they can also be the best bros ever and it's #1 in my heart but also even though we have a total of zero (0) canon interactions I know in my heart of hearts Ice and Jake would've been great together in this essay--
a headcanon that is popular in the fandom but that i disagree with (concern emoji.jpg) Please no one come at me for this but the general fanon that Hangman is actually uhhhhh 'soft' inside? How do I explain this but basically this notion that whatever traumas/hidden reasonings he has needs to be broken down and he's actually, like, nice? I don't vibe with it. And that's coming from the author of give your heart a break lol I just think there's space to 'there can be real depth to this character' to coexist with 'he's also a huge bitch'. 'Bitch™️ as a personality trait' if you get what I mean? I say this with the utmost love, I am a huge bitch and I don't think I am a bad person, an asshole at times but not a bad person and that's how I personally see the character. ANYWAYS, THAT'S MY PERSONAL TAKE, NO ONE @ ME. (another smaller one is that he's not a good/decent team player because canonically that's disproven he has a point in the things he's done BUT I DIGRESS I'll ramble if I start, goodbye!)
the position they sleep in Weird ones, you know when you look at someone and goes 'that can't possibly be comfortable?', those. And he drools.
a crossover au i’d love to see them in PACIFIC RIM WHEN. MY PACIFIC RIM AU WITH MY SPECIFIC HEADCANONS WHEN-- I'm kidding... mostly. But also 'In The Flesh' which is probably something only I wanna see.
my favorite outfit they’ve ever worn Listen, he looks good in the flight suit, what can I say, I like a man in uniform. I'm not immune to [Hangman] in his [flight suit].
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Tw: Amber heard and JD ment, intense guilt issues, idk if there needs to be any other tw, call me Wolf if that’s not taken so I can also find my ask later in the tags
I have so many abusers. About 20. Nobody believes I’ve ever been abused bc my abusers always had acted like we were good to everyone’s faces and the very few times my abusers did act out in public everyone seemed to just forget or just to my luck didn’t notice!
And they always had a say first in every interaction with other people or kids at school. I just never got to talk about my abuse story except online. But never to a friend. My abusers are all on the same page with abusing me and calling me a liar. Most of those 20 still use DARVO, still call me a liar about my rape and other abuse accusations. People think I’m crazy. Nobody loves me except God. And nobody is on my side except God. I genuinely have no human interactions.
And one of my abusers got together and recorded another abuser of mine, interviewing him, giving some sort of “testimony of how I abused him” when I really didn’t and my first abuser uses it to give to other people to say he’s “spoken with other victims” which is what I did when I recorded REAL victims of my abusers…. So stupid and I hate them all for it.
One of my abusers was 3 years younger than me.
Every thinks I’m the bully and the abuser and some usable worthless human when I’ve never done half the evil shit they’ve done in their lives to so many victims. I’ve never done any of what they behave like.
My relatives don’t even know my parents and brother are abusive and rapists. My abusive relatives all stick up for my abusive immediate family and say they’re great people when they’ve tortured me and raped me as a child. So many of my abusers also used rape and everyone says that women lie about being raped nowadays bc it’s the new thing abusive crazy women like AH do. Except AH wasn’t the abuser. Anyway. My image and reputation are ruined forever and I have to cut all contact with my family someday which I can do any day bc I moved out at 22 and so I can actually live my life but it’s a scary thought bc I feel so guilt ridden for it. And I don’t want to see my mother cry even though she abused me sm growing up even sexually, my whole immediate family was sexually and emotionally abusive. I don’t know how to not feel sui-guilt over this…
Hi Wolf,
I'm so sorry about what you've been through. Please know that we believe you, and you're not alone. It can be frustrating when our abusers are surrounded by people who enable and normalize their toxic behavior, and are seemingly oblivious in exacerbating the situation. It's similarly frustrating when people don't understand the gravity of the situation or find it important enough to even remember.
It's important to remember that it's possible for abusers to be younger than their victims because age gaps are not the only way that power imbalances are created. Things like socioeconomic status, intellectual or physical disabilities, and even fame can also create an uneven power dynamic.
Unfortunately it's common for abusers to use their social reputation or status to slander and silence their victims. Pitting everyone against their victims can make it easy for those victims to feel crazy and isolated. It can be incredibly damaging to deal with DARVO, and so it's important to make sure that your mental health is being taken care of. If you can access or afford it, a mental health professional such as a therapist can help you process your trauma, your experiences with DARVO and being gaslit, and develop healthy coping mechanisms to take with you on your healing journey.
It's also unfortunately become easy for abusers to weaponize AH to discredit other female abuse survivors. It can be especially difficult to feel comfortable speaking up about your experience in such a social climate. It may help to remember that the truth doesn't need people's validation to exist. As much as you have been made to feel otherwise, you know what really happened. You know your truth.
If anyone has any comments or suggestions, feel free to add on. Otherwise, I hope I could help, and please let us know if you need anything.
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kingofthewilderwest · 2 years
Hi! Its the, “I like the new kids!” anon ☺️
Thank you for responding to my post. I’m a big fan of the dragons series, but I will admit that I haven’t read the books. I guess I wouldn’t feel too bad if the dragons were from different worlds within HTTYD movie/series canon. To me, if that ends up being the case, dragons would just be super adaptable species. But that’s neither here nor there. I don’t think Nine Realms is the best written show, but I do personally think people in the fandom are being overly harsh. That’s not to say fans can’t critique, and there are definitely aspects that deserve criticism. I’m just happy to get more dragon content. I think the modern world is an interesting setting that brings in new conflicts such as CORPORATE GREED, and I like that the new cast is diverse in a way that feels organic. I love how there are dragons from different lands/cultures even if I don’t like some of the dragon designs. I like how Tom is a distant relative of Hiccup’s. To me that’s bringing in just enough nostalgia without ruining the original story and characters.
I think my biggest problem so far is that there are only 7 episodes per mini season, so a lot of the dialogue seems forced because there isn’t enough time to fully flesh out situations. My favorite, Jun, bringing in Chinese mythology should have been a multi episode arc. But because there were so few episodes in Season 4, we instead get Tom sounding like a jerk thats’s trying to talk over someone else’s culture in an insensitive way, and acting as if Jun and Wu and Wei don’t hav the ability to make the best decisions in situations regarding themselves. I feel if those episodes had been given proper time, Tom and Jun could have still had a conflict about what is best/not best for Wu and Wei that sounded more genuine.
I was also happy with the duo of Eugene/Alex that I didn’t know I needed, but the same problem I had with Tom/Jun happens when Tom talks over both Alex and Eugene’s wants and concerns. Those two situations feel rushed and incomplete, and they make Tom seem more like a jerk than an impulsive teenager.
Now this is me wondering from a writing perspective why there are only 7 episodes per season when even with 3 more much more could be done per season. The characters would be more well-rounded, for one.
Welcome back! Glad to have the conversation continue! :)
To make things clear for folks coming into the middle of the conversation, I’m not intending to see whether DreamWorks and the book worlds match, because they’ve been distinct from the start (the books do have magic!). My focus is whether the DreamWorks world stays congruent to itself. The case of dragons having evolutionary adaptations also isn’t my main point, but an example of how DreamWorks Dragons worldbuilding situates itself firmly in the realistic. After three movies, several shorts, comic books, Riders of Berk, Defenders of Berk, Race to the Edge, and countless other tie-in materials that seek to depict a world close to ours (just with a few more animals), the foundation, framework, and finishing touches have let us know we’re not dealing with high level type magic like portals to other worlds. We’ve been given the constraints of what the characters can and can’t do and what does and doesn’t exist. For me, it absolutely would be breaking twelve years of DreamWorks worldbuilding. But it wouldn’t aggravate me either; it’d just be something I’d comment on, acknowledging as incongruent. To borrow your words and come to common ground: it’s neither here nor there. I’m fine watching whatever TNR decides to throw at us.
I’m also like you in that I don’t enjoy fandom areas that are scathing towards TNR. To be clear, that’s not criticizing fans! Just saying we do things differently! I understand why people feel that way, and please keep doing you, but I’m more lowkey and willing to live and let live. As you said so well, there’s a difference between having conversations with valid criticism and being nothing but harsh. I like to do the former: I want to engage in conversations about TNR that might have constructive comments, but aren’t trying to ever be disparaging. I’m having fun with the new content myself and want to have fun with other fans who wanna chat!
I want to agree with you on several pros you brought up! I also love:
The organic diversity of the cast.
Seeing dragons across different environments.
Looking into modern elements like corporate greed (and whether dragons like pizza).
Eugene and Alex as the Dismal Duo (TM). I didn’t know I needed it, but now I am a fan. I’ve wanted TNR to do more stuff like this: show unique bonds between subgroups of the team.
As far as the other stuff, I’m going to bring in a different perspective!
I don’t think the writing quality has anything to do with season length. It has to do with writing. Good writing can pack fantastic, nuanced conversations in two minutes. And for single adventure episodes (which exist in ROB, DOB, RTTE, and TNR), we’re given the same twenty-two minute time span for every show. Now, would long-term plot arcs have the ability to develop more with a longer structure? Yes. But it’s no solution for having the dialogue be as inane and dumbed down as it is. I don’t mean that to sound harsh; I just have no other words to describe it.
When conflicts happen in The Nine Realms, they’re overly basic, black-and-white, contrived, poorly developed, and the conflict resolution conversations use the most basic words and sentences without any nuance of thought. Lots of conflicts in TNR rely on the characters not noticing things a human being naturally would. People act one- or at most two-dimensional. This also isn’t a matter of appealing to age groups. We do unfortunately have a tendency to oversimplify dialogue, etc. for children’s shows, but the good children’s shows don’t, and the good children’s shows maintain high quality writing, character conflict, and conversation.
The characters could be very well-rounded if the writing wasn’t poor quality. They could’ve been well-rounded and complex after three or six episodes. There are entire television series or movies with high complexity for that amount of run time. The Wu and Wei episode was more than long enough to have been done justice with better writing. If Tom and Jun’s actions weren’t so oversimplified to the point of unrealism, the conflict would’ve been organic and interesting.
I’d say the problem with TNR is there’s no depth. I could take a character conflict resolution conversation, rewrite the words, triple the depth, and still keep the same number of words spoken and time allotted for the conversation.
To bring it around again, though, I do wish the seasons were longer, too. I don’t like the latest trend of shows being split up into so many small parts. I do think it messes up pacing and does, as you say, make it harder for many shows to pace well without rushing, skipping over things, or forcing conflicts and climaxes after too little development. There’s something to be said that forcing such hard structure constraints onto shows (as fracturing season length does) comes at the cost of organic plot development.
I hope these comments sound like a good back-and-forth because I love talking with you and hearing your alternate perspective. The fact we have different views is fine to me! So I hope my response came off okay.
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