#one of the unforeseen curses of being a gifmaker and trying to make sure your work gets seen by the most people
aceofwhump · 11 months
Hey everyone!
So I've got a bunch of gifsets made for one movie saved in my drafts that I'm trying to figure out how to post so that each set has links to the other parts. The problem is I can't get the links to the posts until I've actually posted them. The drafts links are all different and won't work. I have to wait until it's posted to be able to link to it.
I could post all the sets at once and then really quickly go in to each one and edit them to include the links to each individual post as fast as I can before people can reblog them without the links. But this risks the gifsets not showing up in the tags because tumblr thinks its spam if I post too many sets too quickly. If that happens no one will see them at all.
I could post them individually at my regular speed, at least an hour between each gifset, which will help them show up in the tags and be seen. Then once they've all been posted go in and add all the links. But this means I risk people reblogging them without the links to the other posts before I can add them so some people won't be able to just click the links and there's a higher risk of the unlinked versions becoming the one people reblog and not the one with links. Which I don't want to happen
What should I do here? There's like 11 gifsets too. It'll take all day to post them. Maybe even 2 days if I want to space them out. I supose I could just....not link to the others but I really want to make it easier to find the other sets for the movie. Tags are unreliable.
Anyone have suggestions? Opinions? I don't know which I want to do. What do you guys do when you want to post a series of gifsets/posts with links to the others in the series? Do you post them all at once and add links fast? Or space them out and risk them being reblogged without links? Or is there some other method I don't know about?
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