#one of them is bc the last book in the series released in April
hellwasthejourney · 2 years
I’ve read 4 books this month but they are all re reads. Oops
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athena-xox · 4 months
Here is my tentative timeline with all the webisodes in chronological order.
Within series canon at least I think it’s right, I’m going to have to watch it in order to make sure there’s nothing out of place.
The next step is adding the books + diaries which I think will mean shuffling around the order.
You might be thinking that that won’t work because the books conflict and are a different timeline. But there’s a perfectly good explanation for that … I just haven’t thought of it yet.
If anyone’s planning on doing a rewatch perchance use this playlist that I made. If you notice anything wrong please lmk. For the specials I just put one trailer and that means to switch to Netflix or if you don’t have Netflix to use this link.
Anyways without further ado hers my timeline + justification
First week:
A take of two tales
Maddie in chief
Apples princess practice
Here comes Cupid
Catching Raven
This is all the first week of school. The reason I put apples princess practice at the start is because it should take place before here comes Cupid, because Hunter has a bit of a crush on Apple. And then Maddie in chief should go before then bc in apples princess practice, Apple acts as if she is study body president. And catching raven just makes sense at the start of the year.
Stark mad raven
true reflections
briars study party
the shoe must go on
The cat who cried wolf
cedar wood would love to lie
I put stark mad raven and true reflections a bit later because Apple says last week in stark mad raven and tbh true reflections makes sense to be a little bit later so I decided to keep them together. Briars study party I also put a bit later, we know it’s at the start of the school year because blondie says but I think that it makes sense in the second week. The others are just in release order
Legacy day
The day after ever after
Replacing raven
Blondies just right
Rebels got talent
Mirrornet down
Class confusion
From legacy day - blondies just right, it’s release order and makes sense to be the direct aftermath of legacy day. Rebels got talent imo has to take place earlier on in the year, I’ll explain why later. Class confusion would be around mid November for a start of new term.
True hearts day
Cupid comes clean … kinda
The beautiful truth
Once upon a table
Poppy the roybel
O’hairs split ends
Kittys curious tale
Lizzie hearts fairytale first date
Lizzie shuffles the deck
Duchess’s swan lake
Cerise’s picnic panic
This is mostly just release order. Kittys curious tale has to take place after poppy the roybel since poppy is referenced to. And kittys curious tale has to be before Lizzie shuffles the deck because kitty is playing on the Royal croquet team. I assume because she pranked Lizzie, Lizzie kicked her out onto the rebel team.
And the thronecoming queen is…
Best feather forwards
Ginger in the BREADhouse
Just release order, and it makes sense
Spring unsprung
Ashlynn’s fairytale frolic
Save me darling
The forest festival
Apples birthday bake off
Save me darling canonically takes place in April and it should be before wtw. Apples birthday webisode is moved to her because it should take place in may
Way to wonderland
A big bad secret
Rosabella and the BEASTS
In my mind apples birthday is Saturday/Sunday and wtw is the Monday after. A big bad secret is moved so that it happens before Ramona’s first appearance. And Rosabella’s episode canonically takes place in may
Dragon games
Moonlight mystery
Wish list
A tale of two parties
Piping hot beats
There’s no business like snow business
Epic winter
Release order and there’s no business like snow business moved to be before epic winter
The legacy orchard
Canonically takes place in September and the start of a new school year. We know this is the next school year because bunny and Alistair are there
What’s in the cards for courtly jester?
It comes out with all the chapter 3 webisodes in which a majority of them take place in the following school year. I think it makes sense that she’s allowed to go to school at the start of the next year and the webisode takes place during courtly second/third week
Sugar coated
Because the yearbook plot from legacy day orchard is mentioned we know it takes place after. And the canon month is October
Meeshell comes out her her shell
The talent show is mentioned and we know it’s a year after rebels got talent because it’s the same talent show except in rebels got talent Maddie is MC and in Meeshell comes out of her shell, Maddie has an act.
Canonically takes place in November. Is 100% this school year because of the yearbook plot
Fairest on ice
Yearbook plot we know it takes place in this year. Canonically January
Heart struck
Takes place in February and the first day of spring … yeah I’m not sure why spring starts in February
Bunny and Alistair forever
Takes place in March. Because apparently spring starts in February spring unsprung could have taken place in February and this webisode taking place shortly after. Imo it’s makes more sense to take place the following year.
Beanstalk bravado
Because Meeshell is seen in it, I think it makes sense for it to take place the following year. I think around April/may makes sense, just because there aren’t really any other webisodes from March - June
Canonically takes place in June, the end of the school year. And again… the yearbook plot.
If you notice anything wrong please lmk. Keep in mind this is a first draft.
If you use my playlist and want to keep an eye out for mistakes: if you see Hunter and Ashlynn together publicly it means it’s after true hearts day, if you see poppy in the school it means it’s after poppy the roybel, if you see bunny or Alistair it means it’s after spring unsprung, if you see Ramona … well thar could mean a lot of things, if you see Meeshell that means it’s either right before Meeshell comes out her shell or right after.
So if anything’s out of place feel free to dm or reblog/reply to this post. Also if there’s anything else that confirms or denies the timeline that I missed.
Edit: also if you see Meeshell in a webisode besides hers or beanstalk bravado please lmk. Or Ramona somewhere other than big bad dexter, moonlight mystery, dragon games or epic winter 🙏
(Ps also thank you to @roybelmirrorcast for their timeline on TikTok that really helped me place the larger specials/webisodes)
Now I’m going to work on adding the books 😭😭
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myloveforhergoeson · 3 months
ash's may 2024 reading round up
find all the books and fics i read this (more like last...) month under the cut with a link to the synopsis and my reviews/ratings attached :)
this is just for fun! i'm not a professional, i just like to read <3
Wotakoi: Love is Hard for Otaku by Fujita
(no link to an official author website bc i couldn't find one, but i bought all six books at barnes and noble!)
• review: full disclosure, this is not my first time reading this six book manga series, nor will it be the last. it's one of my favorite stories of all time and i pick it up whenever i need some comfort or reassurance :) wotakoi is three interwoven stories about adults navigating the grown up world while still harboring a love for their favorite manga/anime/videogames and whatnot from their childhood; some are unashamed of this fact like the mmc hirotaka who is unabashedly consumed by his love of videogames, while others have had bad experiences with others after being "outed" for lack of a better term like his childhood best friend and eventual girlfriend fmc narumi who does everything to hide the fact she is a fujoshi mangaka and anime obsessed girlie! the two reconnect after many years of being apart by learning they were offered the same corporate job and rekindle their friendship --> relationship :) literally has me in tears i love childhood best friends soooooooo much. there, the two make friends with the other main couple, mmc kabakura (moderate otaku, loves anime) and fmc koyanagi (crossplayer otaku). later on in the series we also get to know hirotaka's little brother noya (non-otaku!!) strike up a friendship and eventual relationship with ko (a socially anxious videogame otaku). i think it's just such well written about adulthood and learning to be who you are without fear of judgement from others. hirotaka helps narumi work through her past fears and anxieties, discovering together they they are able to surround themselves with people who love them for who they are and share the same interests. i also really love that all three relationships are distinct from other other, one being a rekindling of an old friendship --> lovers, one being long established, and one being so fresh and brand new the two don't even realize they have feelings for each other!! i could go on and on about this series, but i always feel so warm and loved after reading it <3 literally could not recommend enough. and if you're not a big fan of manga, the story has a one season anime out too!
• rating: 5/5 times i was reminded i love my friends <3 one of my favorite manga series ever!!!
2. Unfortunately Yours by Tessa Bailey (18+!)
• review: ughghsuiohaiofaobfa tessa girl i love you soooooo much so much so much so much. but idk this one was just kind of mid. run of the mill story, not characters i was super interested it, but i enjoyed it nonetheless. if you read my april review, i read the first book in this duology, secretly yours, and i really loved it! this book was about julien's sister, natalie, and her somewhat enemies to lovers relationship with navy seal turned winemaker august. due to a series of unfortunate circumstances, natialie and august find themselves in need of lots of money very, very fast. the only issue is natalie's father is old school misogynist and won't release her trust fund until after she's married, and august can't receive a business loan until he's a well established member of the napa valley community and has at least one employee besides himself at his winery. the solution? a marriage of convenience, of course, until these two get exactly what they need from each other. the issue? they have a less than stellar past with each other and a whole boatload of assumptions about their partner they slowly learn to unravel and relearn throughout the story. now normally im a suckerrr for marriage of convenience but idk i just don't think i cared for the characters enough to super be into this one. probably my least favorite tessa bailey book honestly, out of six or seven i've read? not because the story was bad, i just don't really think enemies to lovers really works in modern settings. there were lots of good parts though! bailey is a master of 'he fell first' and it is very clear that even after their rocky start, august really cares for natalie. despite the relationship starting as a sham, he's a wonderful husband and looks out for her among the community members, and most importantly, her own family. they were pretty electric together but i think that's their only redeeming quality for me lol. so yeah, not my favorite from tessa bailey, but i had a good time reading it. worth the flip through to have read both books in the series <3
• review: 3/5 times i thought "really? all this for some wine?"
fic list!
fake fanfiction reader i didn't complete any of the stories i'm reading in may... but i have been really enjoying reading the assorted btr works of partiallypearl and ceruleanmusings :)) i've read far more this month than the last, so june's list will be far more coherent i promise!!
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evenstarfalls · 2 years
Finished my goodreads challenge for the year and there's no way I could put together a top 10 bc I read a lot of good books so I'll just do a recap/roundup I guess!!
Kind of started off the year with a reading slump, something I'm hoping to change in 2023. Didn't get through a book til March, when I discovered VE Schwab through Vicious and blazed through her adult books. Was a wild few weeks. I also read Cinder's Adventure in March, which was a wild ride let me tell you.
In April I read the last Wings of FIrst book, flames of hope. I also watched Netflix Heartstopper, which is not a novel, but I immediately read the graphic novel, watched it a few more times for good measure, and then read all her books. Loveless was actually a reread, but I did enjoy them.
That also kinda kicked me into an agressively looking for queer books to read phase. Made me realize how badly I needed them, I guess. Cinderella Is Dead, Evelyn Hugo, Cemetery Boys, all of Casey McQuiston's books, and a handful of others were read in May and June and July. Also read the first two ember in the ashes and continued my Schwab marathon with Gallant, Monsters of Verity, and the first cassidy blake and everyday angel.
This was also the year I reread Percy Jackson, which was a lot of fun. Got through the whole first series and half of HoO over the summer. I still need to finish that, actually. I also reread Renegades, and Vicious and Vengeful in June. (2nd of 3 times reading Vicious!) It has been an exceptionally reready year.
This summer my local bookstore had a summer reading challenge. There were like 25 books to read and I got through about half of them; fewer than I'd been shooting for, but still good all things considered. Most of them were lame. some were books I've already mentioned that were coincidentally on the list. Best book I got out of that? The Count of Monte Cristo. I read it in August, and it was definitely my longest book of the year.
This fall I also fell into a reading slump, busy with school. I read the next two cassidy blake books, Cursed released and I got to meet Marissa Meyer (!!!), I read Schwab's ExtraOrdinary and hated the art, Ninth House, but wasn't that many by my standards. Sad times. College is unfortunate like that sometimes.
Just this month I've been able to get back into reading more. I reread Six of Crows, read Children of Blood and Bone and the rest of Everyday Angel, They Both Die at the End, The Girl from the Sea, and yes. These Violent Delights (the gay one). Jumped in at the last minute as one of my top books of the year. I am thinking about it right now and I don't think I'll stop anytime soon.
Tonight I finished reading Vicious for the third time. I liked it that much. Definitely my top book of the year, and the only one I feel like I can definitively rank...it gets messy after #1. My sister bought me a signed copy for my birthday, and I can't wait to finally get it in my clutches next year.
And next year? I'm hoping to finish my read/reread of the Riordanverse (I've never actually read the last 3 or 4), reread Crooked Kingdom and Vengeful, and maybe some Marie Lu, read The Archived (I've been avoiding it because idw be through with schwab), Warcross, Children of Virtue and Vengence, and the last two ember in the ashes books. Also planning to get through a bunch of other books that I own but haven't read because reasons and reading slumps. Excited for Hell Bent, The Stolen Heir, Stars and Smoke, With a Little Luck and, of course, Threads of Power. I miss my babies and I want the book title.
On the off chance you read all this rambling, thanks bestie ily
0 notes
I think I’ve got it covered except that it’s annoying that you can’t add all eps at once using this method but whatever. And yeah a list of the eps would be helpful bc the wikia isn’t exactly the most comprehensive
Omg so happy it all worked out for you anon!!! It took me and my sister a good couple hours to figure it out. And yeah the process of adding episodes can be so tedious but its worth it if youre a big fan!! And yeah anon I’ll make a list for you rn
Now you may or may not know but SHS is broken down in 5 eras so I’ll sort the episodes by era. Here’s the full list and just so you know its very long 😭 also here is the link to the walkthrough so that you don’t have to fail the episodes and play them a second time: https://gamefaqs.gamespot.com/iphone/979746-surviving-high-school/faqs/58319
Football Star
Football Star
Football: Big Man on Campus
Football: Halloween
Football: Valentine’s Carnival
Football King of Spring Break
The Classics
A Summer Fling
Making Some Dough
A Float Is Born
Assembling The Team
The Great Float Caper
Break A Leg
The Outcast
Surviving Europe
From Europe With Love
Skate Video
The Concert
Wrong Side of Town
Best Party Ever (episode version)
Local Ghosts
Spud the Stud
Lost Recipe
Secret Ingredient
Writer’s Block
Flex Games
Party Fowl
Road Rules
Winter Queen
Quest Rewards
The Holiday Party
Tom Prince’s Carol
New Year’s Kiss
Prank Wars
Bootcamp Breakout
Guys Versus Wild
The Crosstown Races, Part 1
The Crosstown Races, Part 2
The Break Up
Andy Canneloni, P.I.
Fair Catch
The Cheer-Lationship
The Prince Plot, Part 1
The Prince Plot, Part 2
Prom Night
The Graduation List
When Howard Met...
Homecoming Queen (optional episode)
Hector’s Guide to Girls (optional episode)
Love Potion Fun Pack (optional episode)
The New Girl: Cheerleading Crush
Best Party Ever (mega pack version)
Spirit Week
Love and War
Green with Kenji
Foreign Exchange
Dance Dance Revelation
Party Crashers
Sam’s Formation, Part 1
Sam’s Formation, Part 2
Surviving Pet Society
Halloween: In Colt Blood
The Quiz-aster
Long Distance Relation-trip
Pranksgiving (option episode)
Denni and Raven’s Thanksgiving
The Truth About Colt, Part 1
The Truth About Colt, Part 2
A Very Tom Prince Holiday
Holiday Cheer (optional episode)
Bringing Home Christmas
New Year’s Date
School Ski Trip
The Reluctant Matchmaker
How to Fight Nerdy
The Kim-provised First Date
Valentine’s Date
Queen of Hearts
Basketball Woes
Spring Breakup
Wilson High’s Demise
The New Regime
Officer Monte’s Ridealong
Trapped in the Classroom
School Rebellion
Good Chemistry
Anger Management
Sink or Swim
Tough Guy on Campus
Justin for President
Return of the Astrid
Erik’s Date
Breaking News
Broken Promises, Part 1
Broken Promises, Part 2
Spike Must Graduate
Howard’s Summer Bummer
Fourth of July Flashback (optional episode)
Freedom Festival
Girl’s Night In
Camping Trip Visions
French Connection, Paris, Part 1
French Kiss, Paris, Part 2
French Finale, Paris, Part 3
A College Date
Hector vs. Hector
Gossip Files (optional episode)
Back to School
Homecoming Princesses
Ben’s Blowup
Big Shoes to Phil
Homecoming Short Stories (I think the file is just called Sam or Zoe or Taylor or something doesn’t matter which one you choose)
Homecoming: The Game
Homecoming: The Dance
Nerd No More
Halloween: The Second Kiss, Part 1
Halloween: The Second Kiss, Part 2
What Happened to Colt, Part 1 (optional; part 2 is a Cause of Death episode the episode is on YouTube!)
Cheerevolution, Part 1
Cheerevolution, Part 2
Double Date
Thanksgiving Surprise
Taylor the Nerd
Secret Santa, Part 1
Secret Santa Part 2
Holiday Short Stories (optional episode)
Christmas Break
Christmas Exchange
New Year’s Parties
Holiday Tales (optional; these are five separate short stories and the file names are like Dr. Pepper or something idk why)
This Is Spartan
Clash of the Immortals
Valentine’s Dilemma
A Spartan Love Story, Part 1
A Spartan Love Story, Part 2
Amanda’s Valentine’s Day (optional episode)
300s A Crowd
The Contestants
The Spartan Games, Part 1
The Spartan Games, Part 2
The Spartan Games, Part 3
Eyes on the Prize
Faceplace Zero
Real Life Hero
April fools (optional episode)
Photo Op
The Candidates
The Endorsement
The Last Straw
The Campaign Trail
Sara the TV Star
Ballot Breakup
Nice Girl Unleashed
Father’s Day (optional episode)
The New Head Cheerleader
Date Auction
Howard’s Last Day
Wilson Strikes Back
Swim Team Trip
The Island Party
Howard’s College Tour
A Kingston King
The Storm, Part 1
The Storm, Part 2
Getting Over Howard
Surviving High School, The Novel Prelude (optional)
The Super New Girl (optional)
The Super New Girl: The Floating Isle (optional)
The Super New Girl: The Sinking Schools (optional)
The Super New Girl: Return of the Dyre (optional)
A New Start (fyi in between this era and the New Girl, the SHS novel was released so there might be some confusion about certain changes. also somewhere in between episode 36 and 40 of this era, the second SHS novel came out)
A New Start Season 1 (all 5 of the episodes are contained in this one pack)
Novel Bonus Chapter (optional)
Howard’s Return
Swim Team Retreat, Part 1
Swim Team Retreat, Part 2
Howard’s Secret
Psych Project, Subject: Owen
Psych Project, Subject: Paige
The Halloween Dance, Part 1
The Halloween Dance, Part 2
Basketball Tryouts
The Dance Dilemma, Part 1
The Dance Dilemma, Part 2
Paige’s Thanksgiving Party
The Snow Ball, Part 1
The Snow Ball, Part 2
A Fallon Family Christmas
Howard’s Holiday/Paige’s Nightmare After Christmas
Full Court Pressure
Showcase Sabotage, Part 1
Showcase Sabotage, Part 2
Girl Trouble
Paige and Owen’s Valentine’s Outing
Anti-Valentine’s Day
The Art Showcase
The Conned Artist, Part 1
The Conned Artist, Part 2
The Play
Casting Call
Paige Against the Machine
The Show Must Go On
Owen’s Eleven
Perfect Paige
The Debutante Dance, Part 1
The Debutante Dance, Part 2
Ready, S.E.T., Go
Cheer Off
This Friday Night
The Newest Cheerleader
Talent Search
Talent Show
Graduation Stories
Summer Beginnings
Admit Weekend
Sorority Showdown
Rehearsal Dinner
Wedding Smashers
College Stories
Game of Cones
A Clash of Queens
Romeo & Juliet (optional)
Magic School Book 1 (optional)
Magic School Book 2 (optional)
Magic School Book 3 (optional)
OMG St. Patrick’s Day (optional)
Dog Days
The Fashionista
Spencer’s Story
The Breakup
The Pumpkin Farmer’s Daughter
The Float
The Unusual Suspects
College Scavenger Hunt
The Tutors
Homecoming Kiss
A Troublemakers’ Thanksgiving
Nate’s Revenge
Christmas Stories
The Date
Pyramid Scheme
The Secret Life of Owen Harris
Spencer Betrayed
The Winter Dance
Heart to Hart
Hart Attack
The Kimi Dates
Just the Four of Us
Kimi Strikes Back
Series Finale
Magic School Homecoming (optional)
Battle of the Schools Guy (optional)
Battle of the Schools Girl (optional)
Sierra’s Challenge (optional)
Lauren’s Story (optional)
Peter’s Challenge (optional)
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dimensionsunited · 5 years
Members may earn 3 points each (up to 6 points) for writing, by the end of April 7 KST:
A solo para of 400+ words based on their monthly schedule (does not count toward your monthly total).
A thread of six posts (three per participant, including the starter) based on their monthly schedule.
Threads do not have to take place directly during an important date listed on the schedule, but must be related to what the muse is mentioned to be doing in the paragraph explaining their schedule/the company’s schedule for the month and/or their thoughts on the mentioned activities or lack thereof.
These schedules may be updated throughout the month if new information needs to be added.
Reminder: February schedule posts are due by the end of March 7 KST.
Overall Company
To celebrate their new building and the success that has let up to being able to move into it, the company is throwing a party for all employees on March 24. Attendance is listed as non-mandatory, but, for idols, management will be strongly insisting they attend in order to show respect and thankfulness for the work of all of the other employees. It will be hard to get out of without a good reason, but there will be free food and drinks, though it’s a company party, so nothing will be permitted to get too out of hand.
Important dates:
March 24: Idol and staff party at Dimensions Entertainment Headquarters.
Dimensions Soloist 1
After a filming for online video series What The?! ASMR, where she’ll be asked to bring three items of her own choice to do ASMR with, the month is pretty low intensity, as she may be growing used to in the time since her last comeback. Her team is constantly reviewing potential songs, but haven’t locked one in as a comeback title track yet. She will be given the news that Dimensions will be having all three of their soloists participate in busking next month to help promote the new soloist, though, so she’s permitted to choose and practice up to six songs of her choice, though this must include her most recent title track as well as at least one other title track of her choice and at least one vocal or dance cover of her choice. She’s allowed to perform a song with one or both of the other soloists if she’d like.
Important dates:
March 8: What The ASMR filming.
Dimensions Soloist 2
To celebrate his second debut anniversary, he’ll be throwing a fan meeting at Yonsei University as a follow-up to his fan meeting in Bangkok last month. His official lightstick will be released on the first of the month is celebration of his approaching anniversary as well. As far as comeback prep goes, he’s expected to rehearse for his live performances since he’ll be playing acoustic guitar for both the title track and b-side “White” stages. He’ll also shoot for the album’s photobook.  He will also be given the news that Dimensions will be having all three of their soloists participate in busking next month to help promote the new soloist, though, so he’s permitted to choose and practice up to six songs of his choice, though this must include his most recent title track as well as at least one other title track of his choice and at least one vocal of his choice. He’s allowed to perform a song with one or both of the other soloists if he’d like.
Important dates:
March 8: Be Happy fanmeeting at Yonsei University Auditorium in Seoul, South Korea.
March 14: Photobook shoot.
March 30: Performance at Seoul Spring Festival Day Concert (see event).
Dimensions Soloist 3
Her debut is next month so the bulk of final preparations are underway. Since the company stylists don’t already have her measurements, she’ll have two fittings for her music video and stage outfits before taking off to New Zealand to shoot her teaser photos and music video. Next month, she’ll participate in busking with the company’s other two soloists to help promote her debut. She’ll mostly be performing her album songs, but she’ll be permitted one vocal cover of her choice to practice this month and perform next month if she so wishes.
Important dates:
March 8: First MV and stage outfit fittings.
March 15: Second MV and stage outfit fittings.
March 18-20: “I” MV filming in Auckland, New Zealand
March 18: Teaser photo shoot. 
March 30: Performance at Seoul Spring Festival Day Concert (see event).
Music show promotions end mid-month without much eventfulness, which is actually a good thing considering Gal.actic’s track record. Next month, the group will be holding a fan meeting in Guangzhou, China, which will be shortly followed by a mini concert in Seoul in May, so they’ll be in rehearsals for that this month. They’ll mostly be performing their most recent title tracks and their most popular ones, but each member will be granted a solo stage to perform one song of their choice. This can be a cover or a solo song they’ve released.
Important dates:
March 12: End of music show promotions.
March 30: Performance at Seoul Spring Festival Day Concert (see event).
As promised, March is the final month of touring before they get a break from large scale concerts for a while. They’re in the States for two weeks out of the month before they return to Seoul and they’ll be going back next month. Fans have been demanding a break, but Dimensions has too much in the plans for Alien to grant them one, and, instead, while on tour, the members will record another new English song, “Love U”. Once they return to Seoul, it will be time to record the songs they haven’t yet recorded for their next Japanese album.
Important dates:
March 5: We Are Here tour concert at Verizon Theatre in Dallas, TX, USA.
March 6: Release of “Who Do U Love ft. French Montana”.
March 7: We Are Here tour concert at Smart Financial Centre in Houston, TX, USA. 
March 10: We Are Here tour concert at Fox Theatre in Atlanta, GA, USA. 
March 14: We Are Here tour concert at Hulu Theater in New York, NY, USA. 
March 17: We Are Here tour concert at Rosemont Theatre in Chicago, IL, USA. 
March 19: We Are Here tour concert at Staples Center in Los Angeles, CA, USA. 
Their comeback is still two months off, but the MARS members must begin learning the choreography for their title track this month as Dimensions would like the choreography to be as strong as MARS is known for even though their concept this time is lighter than their most successful comebacks have been in order to fit the late spring/early summer season. The members will also go in to try out potential outfits for promotions ahead of filming their music video next month.
Important dates:
March 16: MV and stage outfit fittings.
7ROPHY were promised to begin working on another comeback this month and management weren’t lying. From the beginning of the month, they’ll have a concept meeting for their comeback and then begin recording the chosen songs for the track list. They’ll be making their comeback in May, but their fifth anniversary since debut is this month. Four days before their anniversary, they’ll be in Taipei, Taiwan to hold their first solo fan meeting for Taiwanese fans. The set list will be pretty standard with their top title tracks and most recent b-sides. For their anniversary, each member will be asked to film a video with a message to fans.
Important dates:
March 12: Filming of fifth anniversary video messages to fans.
March 15: 7ROPHY 1st Fanmeeting in Taipei at ATT SHowbox in Taipei, Taiwan.
March 19: Fifth anniversary videos released.
The beginning of the month is the busiest for Unity members. They have yet another magazine photo shoot and then will be flying out on March 8 to the US to perform in Texas, before returning to Seoul on the 11th. From the 12th to the 18th, all members will be granted a vacation by Dimensions unless they have solo schedules to attend during that time. After returning from vacation, the members will have rehearsals in preparation for their Japanese tour dates next month.
Important dates:
March 6: Photo shoot for KStyle’s April issue.
March 10: Performance at RodeoHouston at NRG Stadium in Houston, TX, USA.
March 12-18: Vacation.
March 16: Release of School 2017 OST “Stay In My Life”.
March 30: Performance at Seoul Spring Festival Day Concert (see event).
              ↳ CHAMPION
Throughout the beginning of the month, the members will continue to meet up at the BC Entertainment building to rehearse choreography so that by the 20th, they’re prepared to leave on a short trip to Dubai to film parts of the music video for their sub-unit debut title track. In the days following their return, they’ll be busy with more promotional content filming. Fans are sure to notice that the same group of idols that was seen at the BC building is now taking the same flight out of the airport, but BC and Dimensions continue to not confirm anything to keep fans talking.
Important dates:
March 20-22: Trip to Dubai for “Jopping” MV filming.
March 23: CHAMPION focus trailer video [2] [3] filming.
March 24: CHAMPION group trailer video filming.
March 25: Additional “Jopping” MV filming.
March 26: Album photoshoot [2] [3]
Compared to their jam-packed schedule over the last few months, March is more relaxed even though it’s the last month before their comeback month. Their album has been recorded so the focus is on choreography this month, as well as fittings and photo shoots for both the teaser photos and the album photo book. The concept of one of the versions of the album will be photos taken by the members of the other members, so each member will be provided a camera to take teaser photos with while shooting that concept version.
Important dates:
March 9: MV and stage outfit fittings.
March 12: Teaser photo and photo book shoot.
March 16: Release of “Full Moon” performance video.
March 30: Performance at Seoul Spring Festival Day Concert (see event).
1 note · View note
bccity · 7 years
Note: As always, individual schedules are up to roleplayers within reason. Any major individual schedules, especially those related to points claims, should be cleared with the main first. These schedules may be updated throughout the month if new information needs to be added.
Overall company
The documentary show “Idolized” begins filming this month and company efforts are focused on that. For BC, it’s seen as a chance to give their idols a likable image and also clean up the reputation of those with less favorable reputations.
Following the news of the lawsuit with Goeun, BC has made it clear to all idols under them that speaking about the lawsuit publicly (be it through interviews, variety shows, or social media) is strictly prohibited.
March Company Schedules:
Now that activities for their last comeback have died down, March is mainly a break month for the group other than a CF filming that they’ve booked with DIARY. Individual schedules are once again encouraged, but there is talk of a comeback during the second quarter of the year, schedule permitting.
March Group Schedules:
March 6: Member Duri releases music video for b-side track “Lalala ft. Mia” off of solo album.
March 10: Idolized with Decipher fansign in Gangnam.
March 19: Member Duri releases music video for b-side track “GANG” off of solo album, ends solo promotions.
March 25 & 26: Filming for Pepsi CF with DIARY.
Early talks continue regarding a possible Decipher V comeback in 2018, but it is not a priority.
March Group Schedules: On break.
A new album for BEE is nearly finished recording, but with BC’s prioritization of WISH, as well as new efforts put into Lipstick this month due to the recent publicity, studio recordings will essentially come to a halt for BEE this month. Executives hope to get people talking about BEE again through the upcoming documentary show and have hinted, in no uncertain terms, that the response to them on the show could affect the imminence of their comeback.
March Group Schedules:
March 2: Member Angel ends solo promotions.
March 11: Idolized with BEE fansign in Gangnam.
March 13: Group photoshoot for May issue of Cosmopolitan.
March 20: Group photoshoot for May issue of In Style.
March 30 & 31: Filming for Ocean World CF at Ocean World in Gangwon.
Other than touring, Knight has a lighter schedule this month compared to their schedules for the past year although they are still touring. The track list and marketing for their next comeback will be finalized this month as BC is eager to get an album out before the end of the second quarter of the year, but won’t begin recording the final versions of tracks until next month.
March Group Schedules:
March 4: THE KNIGHT WAR tour concert at Singapore Indoor Stadium in Singapore.
March 12: Idolized with Knight fansign in Gangnam.
March 14: Member Taeyong ends collab single promotions.
March 16: THE KNIGHT WAR tour concert at Impact Arena in Bangkok, Thailand. 
March 17: THE KNIGHT WAR tour concert at Impact Arena in Bangkok, Thailand.
March 18: THE KNIGHT WAR tour concert at Impact Arena in Bangkok, Thailand.
March 23: Music Bank in Chile at Movistar Arena (with WISH, Alien, and MARS).
March 27: Member Trevor releases non-promoted pre-release single “Mommae” featuring member Dax.
(April 2: Member Trevor releases debut solo album “Anti” + music video for title tracks “Anti” & “Body” + has album showcase and begins solo promotions, solo promotions continue until May 2.)
White Knight
The members continue working on their Japanese album this month, as well as a Korean album slated for a hopeful April or May release. They also continue preparations for their Japanese arena tour in May and June.
March Group Schedules:
Japanese and Korean album recordings scattered throughout month.
With the news of the lawsuits between Goeun and BC, the company is heavily mediaplaying both themselves and Lipstick members in a positive light to paint Goeun as the villain. The plan has not been shared with any of BC’s artists directly of course, but as long as they can control the narrative to be positive for the remaining Lipstick members, PR sees this as a good opportunity to spread hype about a possible full-group comeback.
March Group Schedules:
Studio recordings for potential comeback.
March 1: Member Nana ends solo single promotions.
March 1: Member Raylie releases music video for debut solo single “Ocean View” + begins solo promotions, solo promotions continue until March 22.
March 4: Participation as runners in Pyeongchang Paralympics Torch Relay.
March 5: Episode 11 of Radio Romance starring member Seona airs.
March 6: Episode 12 of Radio Romance starring member Seona airs.
March 11: Member Yeona releases “New” choreography version MV.
March 12: Episode 13 of Radio Romance starring member Seona airs.
March 13: Episode 14 of Radio Romance starring member Seona airs.
March 13: Idolized with Lipstick fansign in Gangnam.
March 22: Member Raylie ends solo single promotions.
March 25: Member Yeona ends solo single promotions.
March 19: Episode 15 of Radio Romance starring member Seona airs.
March 20: Episode 16 of Radio Romance starring member Seona airs.
Lip Gloss
Final comeback preparations like photoshoots and music video filming will wrap up at the beginning of the month. Following up a more highly criticized last comeback and in the wake of more Goeun drama, there’s a lot of pressure on this Lip Gloss release. The topic of Goeun will be explicitly banned from all comeback appearances and interviews during the promotion cycle.
March Group Schedules:
March 26: Release of Lip Gloss Diary Part.3 : Love City & album showcase, sub-unit promotions continue until April 26 with variety show and music show appearances.
March 27: Morning radio show.
March 28: Morning radio show.
March 31: Fansign in Yeouido.
After Thanks promotions come to a close, the group will finish up some activities in Japan (the group will stay in Japan from March 17 to March 22) and then go immediately into preparations for the Japanese debut album which is slated to be released at the end of May.
*In order to be proactive regarding recent bad press for the group, a manager will be living in the dorm with the group 24/7 past the end of promotions until at least the end of March.
March Group Schedules:
Studio recordings for Japanese mini-album throughout month.
March 4: Fansign in Yeongdeungpo.
March 10: Fansign in Gangnam.
March 11: Fansign in Yeongdeungpo.
March 12: End of Thanks music show promotions.
March 14: Idolized with CHARM fansign in Gangnam.
March 18: Fansign in Osaka.
March 19: Fansign in Nagoya.
March 20: CHXRM’ concert at NGK Hall in Nagoya.
March 21: CHXRM’ concert at NGK Hall in Nagoya.
March is possibly the biggest break from public schedules WISH may get this year, with only one public performance currently scheduled. Instead, they’ll be spending the month mostly on private comeback preparations for their May comeback, with an emphasis on studio time and beginning to learn the choreography this month.
March Group Schedules:
Studio recordings for next comeback throughout month.
March 15: Idolized with WISH fansign in Gangnam.
March 23: Music Bank in Chile at Movistar Arena (with Knight, Alien, and MARS).
March 25: Member Mia releases debut solo album “Stopwatch” + music video for title tracks “Why Don’t You Know” & “Rollercoaster” + has album showcase, solo promotions continue until April 15.
(April 1:  Member Mia releases choreography music video for “Why Don’t You Know” off of solo album.)
Soloist 1
Discussions regarding her next release continue as she rehearses for and performs a series of concert performances over the next month.
March Schedules:
March 10: Lip & Hip Music Party at Mongkok Macpherson Stadium in Hong Kong.
March 13: Morning radio show promoting Idolized.
March 16: Idolized with Summer fansign in Gangnam.
(April 6: Concert in Tokyo.)
(April 8: Concert in Osaka.)
Soloist 2
Slow album preparations are underway as usual with more progress being made toward a possible finalized concept and basic track list.
March Schedules:
March 12: Morning radio show promoting Idolized..
March 17: Idolized with Sooah fansign in Gangnam.
Soloist 3
Final preparations for the release of his new album continue.
March Schedules:
March 18: Idolized with Yuddy fansign in Gangnam.
March 30: Release of remix of Dante’s Creek by THEY.
Soloist 4
March Schedules:
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videogamesdensetsu · 7 years
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Jun Suemi / 末弥 純 - Part 1: 1984-1989 Part 2: http://videogamesdensetsu.tumblr.com/post/167234984220/jun-suemi-%E6%9C%AB%E5%BC%A5-%E7%B4%94-part-2-1992-1995-part-1-bio Part 3: http://videogamesdensetsu.tumblr.com/post/167271502030/jun-suemi-%E6%9C%AB%E5%BC%A5-%E7%B4%94-part-3-1995-1998-part-1-bio Part 4: http://videogamesdensetsu.tumblr.com/post/167309261755/jun-suemi-%E6%9C%AB%E5%BC%A5-%E7%B4%94-part-4-1999-2008-part-1-bio Part 5: http://videogamesdensetsu.tumblr.com/post/167485893875/jun-suemi-%E6%9C%AB%E5%BC%A5-%E7%B4%94-part-5-2008-2010-part-1-bio Part 6: http://videogamesdensetsu.tumblr.com/post/167554505125/jun-suemi-%E6%9C%AB%E5%BC%A5-%E7%B4%94-part-6-2011-2017-part-1-bio Althought it was originally created in North America, the Wizardry series became very famous in Japan in the late 80s and Jun Suemi's name is often attached to the licence (games, novels, dramas CD, tabletop RPGs). Random trivia: due to a ROM size issue, the Famicom version of Wizardry II has been developed and released after the adaptation of Wizardry III, hence the fact that Wizardry III was rechristened Wizardry II (and Wizardry II became Wizardry III). For some reason, one of the illustrations he created for Emil Chronicle Online was reused in the card game Aquarian Age. Culdcept Revolt and Brandish: Dark Revenant also features illustrations created for previous games from their respective series. To this day, he has worked on more than 60 games. Games pictured above: Okhotsk ni Kiyu / オホーツクに消ゆ (PC-6001, PC-88 - 1984) Seiken Achō / 聖拳アチョー (MSX - 1985) Dungeon Master / ダンジョンマスター (MSX - 1986) Silpheed / シルフィード (PC-88 MkII SR - 1986) Wizardry: Proving Grounds of the Mad Overlord / ウィザードリィ (Famicom - 1987) Veigues: Tactical Gladiators / ヴェイグス (PC-88 - 1988) Fire Hawk: Thexder the second contact / ファイアーホーク (MSX2, PC-88 MkII SR - 1989) Wizardry II: Legacy of Llylgamyn / ウィザードリィII リルガミンの遺産 (Famicom - 1989) Wizardry III: Knight of Diamonds / ウィザードリィIII ダイヤモンドの騎士 (Famicom - 1990) Games he has worked on: Apsaras / アプサラス (Windows - 2000) cover art, chara-design Asuncia: Curse of Matsue / アサンシア ~魔杖の呪縛~ (PS1 - 1997) cover art Brandish 2 - The Planet Buster / ブランディッシュ2 ザ プラネット バスター (PC-98 - 1993) cover art Brandish 2: The Planet Buster RENEWAL (PC-98 - 1994) cover art Brandish 3 - Spirit of Balcan / ブランディッシュ3 スピリット オブ バルカン (PC-98 - 1994) cover art Brandish 3: Spirit of Balcan RENEWAL (PC-98 - 1995) cover art Brandish 4: Nemureru Kami no Tou / ブランディッシュ4 眠れる神の塔 (Windows - 1998) cover art Brandish RENEWAL (PC-98 - 1995) cover art Brandish VT / ブランディッシュVT (PC-98 - 1996) cover art Culdcept Saga / カルドセプト サーガ (Xbox 360 - 2008) card illustrations Dark Seraphim / ダークセラフィム (PC-98 - 1995) cover art, title screen Dragon's Dogma Dark Arisen / ドラゴンズドグマ:ダークアリズン (PS4, Xbox One, Steam - 2017) illustration Dungeon Master / ダンジョンマスター (MSX - 1986) cover art Emil Chronicle Online / エミル・クロニクル・オンライン (Windows - 2005) card illustration Final Fantasy XI: A Moogle Kupo d'Etat / ファイナルファンタジーXI 戦慄!モグ祭りの夜 ヴァナ・ディール史上最小の作戦 (PC, Xbox 360, PS2, PS3 - 2009) main illustration Final Fantasy XI: Vision of Abyssea / ファイナルファンタジーXI 禁断の地アビセア (PC, Xbox 360, PS2, PS3 - 2010) main illustration Fire Hawk: Thexder the second contact / ファイアーホーク (MSX2, PC-88 MkII SR - 1989) cover art First Queen IV / ファーストクィーン4 バルシア戦記 (PC-98 - 1994) cover art Front Mission Second / フロントミッション セカンド (PS1 - 1997) chara-design, illustrations Hyaku Nen Senki: Euro Historia / 百年戦記 ユーロ・ヒストリア (Browser game - 2013) character illustration Last Rebellion / ラストリベリオン (PS3 - 2010) illustration (with others) Libros de Chilam Balam / ティラムバラム (PC-98 - 1992) cover art Lord of Arcana / ロード オブ アルカナ (PSP- 2010) monster design x1 Lord of Vermilion / ロード・オブ・ヴァーミリオン (Arcade - 2008) card illustration Lord of Vermilion Re:2 / ロード・オブ・ヴァーミリオン RE:2 (arcade - 2011) card illustration Monster Collection: Trading Card Game (Mobile - 2012) card illustration Not treasure Hunter / ノット トレジャーハンター (PS1 - 1996) cover art Nosferatu / ノスフェラトゥ (Super Famicom - 1994) cover art Okhotsk ni Kiyu / オホーツクに消ゆ (PC-6001, PC-88 - 1984) cover art, manual illustrations Over G / オーバーG (Xbox 360 - 2006) chara-design Renny Blaster / レニーブラスタ (PC Engine CD - 1995) cover art Rengoku: The Tower of Purgatory / 煉獄 ザ・タワー・オブ・パーガトリー (PSP - 2005) cover art + chara design Rengoku II: The Stairway to H.E.A.V.E.N / 煉獄 弐 The Stairway to H.E.A.V.E.N (PSP - 2006) cover art Samurai Souls / サムライソウル (iOS, Android - 2013) card illustrations Seiken Achō / 聖拳アチョー (MSX - 1985) cover art Sengoku Efuda Yūgi Hototogisu Ran / 戦国絵札遊戯 不如帰 -HOTOTOGISU- 乱 (PSP - 2008) card illustrations (with others) Silpheed / シルフィード (PC-88 MkII SR - 1986) cover art, at least one paper ad Silpheed / シルフィード (Mega-CD - 1993) cover art Sōkyū no Sky Galleon / 蒼穹のスカイガレオン (iOS, Android - 2016) card illustration Sword World SFC2 / ソードワールドSFC2 (Super Famicom - 1994) cover art The Belle Isle / ベルアイル (Windows - 2005) illustration, concept art? The Hybrid Front / ハイブリッド・フロント (Mega Drive - 1994) cover art, manual illustrations Trinity Zill O'll Zero - トリニティ ジルオール ゼロ, AKA Trinity: Souls of Zill O’ll (PS3 - 2010) chara-design, Premium Box (posters x2) Veigues: Tactical Gladiators / ヴェイグス (PC-88 - 1988) cover art Wizardry: Proving Grounds of the Mad Overlord / ウィザードリィ (Famicom - 1987) Monster Design Wizardry II: Legacy of Llylgamyn / ウィザードリィII リルガミンの遺産 (Famicom - 1989) Monster Design Wizardry III: Knight of Diamonds / ウィザードリィIII ダイヤモンドの騎士 (Famicom - 1990) Monster Design, Japanese ad Wizardry V: Heart of the Maelstrom / ウィザードリィ・V 災禍の中心 (SFC - 1992) Monster Design Wizardry VI: Bane of the Cosmic Forge / ウィザードリィVI 禁断の魔筆 (SFC - 1995) Monster Design Wizardry: Bōkyaku no Isan / ウィザードリィ ~忘却の遺産~ (DS - 2010) illustrations, monster design Wizardry Gaiden /ウィザードリィ・外伝 (Windows - 2006) monster design, supervision Wizardry: Llylgamyn Saga / ウィザードリィ リルガミンサーガ (Windows, PS1, Saturn - 1998) cover art + illustrations originally created for novels and RPGs Wizardry: New Age of Llylgamyn / ウィザードリィ ニュー エイジ オブ リルガミン (PS1 - 1999) cover art Wizardry Online Mobile / ウィザードリィ・オンライン・モバイル (Mobile - 2010) monster design Wizardry Online / ウィザードリィ オンライン (Windows - 2013) Concept Graphics Wizardry: Seimei no Kusabi / ウィザードリィ 〜生命の楔~ (DS - 2009) monster Design Wizardry Torawareshi Tamashī no Meikyū / ウィザードリィ 囚われし魂の迷宮 (PS3 - 2009) main visual Wizardry: Twin Pack / Wizardry -ツインパック- (PS3 - 2011) cover art Wizrogue: Labyrinth of Wizardry (Android, iOS - 2014) illustrations, chara design, "Concept Visual Creator" Zill O’ll / ジルオール (PS1 - 1999) cover art Zill O'll Infinite / ジルオール インフィニット (PS2 - 2005) Zill O'll Infinite Plus / ジルオール インフィニット プラス (PSP - 2009) illustrations
To be confirmed: Silpheed (PC-88) paper ad which uses the same illustration as the one featured on the Western cover of the game.
Other video game related works: Arcadia magazine #35 (magazine - April 2002) Soul Calibur II poster Dragon’s Crown Artworks / ドラゴンズクラウン アートワークス (artbook - 2013) guest illustration Dragon’s Dogma-The Beginning / ドラゴンズドグマ-ザ・ビギニン���- (Novel - 2012) cover art Fate/Hollow Ataraxia () card illustration Luminous Works 2nd – / ルミナスワークス2nd (Luminous Arc 2 Artbook - 2008) guest illustration To Heart 2 (book) illustration Type-Moon 10th Anniversary Phantasm (artbook - 2012) guest illustration Ultima IV: Avatar e no michi Notebook / ウルティマIV アバタールへの道ノートブック (guide book - 1987) cover art
He has worked on so many Wizardry stuff I can't list all of them here but here are some of them: Advanced Wizardry RPG / アドバンスト・ウィザードリィRPG (tabletop RPG - 1995) cover art Shin Wizardry RPG Kihon System / 真・ウィザードリィRPG―基本システム (tabletop RPG - 1991) cover art Suemi Jun Gashū Wizardry / 末弥純画集 ウィザードリィ (artbook - 2006) Tonariawase no hai to seishun ― shōsetsu Wizardry / 隣り合わせの灰と青春―小説ウィザードリィ (novel - 1989) cover art Werdna no Gyakushū / ワードナの逆襲 (novel - 1990) cover art Wizardry Comics (Comics - 1993) cover art Wizardry no Subete Famicom-ban tankō / ウィザードリィのすべて―ファミコン版 (Guide book - 1989) cover art Wizardry RPG / ウィザードリィRPG (tabletop RPG - 1988) cover art
Sources: http://www.mobygames.com/developer/sheet/view/developerId,281/ Apsaras http://www.gamecity.ne.jp/products/products/ee/new/apsaras/apsaras_2.htm Dimension Zero http://dimension-zero.com/story/story01.html Dragon's Dogma Dark Arisen https://game.watch.impress.co.jp/docs/news/1084638.html Emil Chronicle Online https://www.onlinegamer.jp/news/12299/ Fire Hawk http://vgmdb.net/db/covers.php?do=view&cover=267612 Hyaku Nen Senki: Euro Historia https://game.watch.impress.co.jp/docs/news/628404.html Libros de Chilam Balam http://hirosedou.sblo.jp/article/42080527.html Lord of Arcana https://game.watch.impress.co.jp/docs/news/392120.html Lord of Vermilion https://www.famitsu.com/game/news/1213272_1124.html Luminous Arc 2 https://www.famitsu.com/game/news/1214312_1124.html Monster Collection: Trading Card Game https://app.famitsu.com/20120309_41957/ Okhotsk ni Kiyu https://twitter.com/Lindberg1999/status/546319634291380224 Over G https://game.watch.impress.co.jp/docs/20051102/og.htm Rengoku https://www.famitsu.com/game/news/1153174_1124.html Samurai Souls http://www.4gamer.net/games/226/G022684/20131224024/ Trinity http://wapuwapu.com/archives/52706115.html https://www.famitsu.com/game/coming/1224466_1407.html?ref=rss https://www.famitsu.com/game/coming/1230559_1407.html Sengoku Efuda Yūgi Hototogisu Ran https://game.watch.impress.co.jp/docs/20081010/irem.htm Silpheed (PC-88) http://vgmdb.net/db/covers.php?do=view&cover=267612 Wizardry https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/ウィザードリィのシリーズ一覧 http://retogenofu.hatenablog.com/entry/2017/08/24/ウィザードリィの関連書籍を_参考価格付きで_ジ https://twitter.com/isouzzye2010/status/723784150805680128 http://www.pekori.jp/~emonoya/goods/card/card_fc1.html Wizardry Gaiden https://www.famitsu.com/pcent/news/2006/03/24/505,1143199980,50564,0,0.html Wizardry III http://marumugi384.blog6.fc2.com/blog-entry-217.html Wizardry V https://twitter.com/erohoshi/status/805722408107679744 http://marumugi384.blog6.fc2.com/blog-entry-217.html Wizardry Online Mobile http://dengekionline.com/elem/000/000/233/233591/
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cheesyramynry · 7 years
tag time
mel tagged me in a lot thanks bro
aye aye aye thanks to he homegirl @starlightjeongin ily so much melly and you’re an angel <333 eskgetit!!!
also,,, there are like,,,, 4 tags in this so uhhhhh have fun
i dont have a name for this tag
1ST RULE: Tag 9 people you want to get to know better
> so um if you read this you are tagged now congrats <
2ND RULE: BOLD the statements that are true.
APPEARANCE: - I am 5'7 or taller - I wear glasses - I have at least one tattoo - I have at least one piercing - I have blonde hair - I have brown eyes - I have short hair - My abs are at least somewhat defined - I have or had braces
PERSONALITY: - I love meeting new people - People tell me I am funny - Helping others with their problems is a big priority of mine - I enjoy physical challenges - I enjoy mental challenges - I am playfully rude to people I know - I started saying something ironically and now I can’t stop saying it - There is something I would change about my personality
ABILITY: - I can sing well - I can play an instrument - I can do over 30 pushups without stopping - I am a fast runner - I can draw well - I have a good memory - I am good at doing maths in my head - I can hold my breath underwater for over a minute - I have beaten at least 2 people arm wrestling - I can make at least 3 recipes from scratch - I know how to throw a proper punch
HOBBIES: - I enjoy sports - I’m on a sports team at my school or somewhere else - I’m in a orchestra or choir at my school or somewhere else - I have learned a new song in the past week - I exercise at least once a week - I have gone for runs at least once a week in warmer months - I have drawn something in the past month - I enjoy writing - Fandoms are my #1 priority - I do some form of Martial arts
EXPERIENCES: - I have had my first kiss - I have had alcohol - I have scored a winning point in a sport - I have watched an entire TV series in one sitting - I have been at an overnight event - I have been in a taxi - I have been in the hospital or ER in the past year - I have beaten a video game in one day - I have visited another country - I have been to one of my favorite band’s concerts
MY LIFE: - I have one person that I consider to be my Best Friend - I live close to my school/work - My parents are still together - I have at least one sibling - I live in the United States - There is snow where I live right now - I have hung out with a friend in the past month - I have a smart phone - I own at least 15 CDs - I share my room with someone
RELATIONSHIPS: - I am in a Relationship - I have a crush on a celebrity - I have a crush on someone I know - I’ve been in at least 3 relationships - I have never been in a Relationship - I have admitted my feelings to a crush - I get crushes easily - I have had a crush for over a year - I have been in a relationship for over a year - I have had feelings for a friend
RANDOM: - I have break-danced - I know a person named Jamie - I have had a teacher that has a name that is hard to pronounce - I have dyed my hair - I’m listening to a song on repeat right now - I have punched someone in the past week - I know someone who has gone to jail - I have broken a bone - I have eaten a waffle today - I know what I want to do in life - I speak at least two languages - I have made a new friend in the past year
alphabet tag
Rules: answer the questions in a new post and tag 10 blogs you would like to get to know better
> i dont know/remember enough blogs to tag im sorry <
A: age? > 15!!! <
B: birthplace? > californiaaaa <
C: current time? > 4:43 pm <
D: drink you had last? > water bc its good for you <
E: easiest person to talk to? > my irl homie @realmzenith , the most fantastic perosn i have ever met on this site and of whom my soul burns with affection for @starlightjeongin , and my rad friends in my got7 amino groupchat - selena, haru, apple, and emi :) <
F: favorite song? > oh boy i dont have a favorite favorite song bro i guess the first things i can think of is either danzon no. 2 by arturo marquez, martini blue by dpr live, and home run by got7 <
G: grossest memory? > asdf uhh when i went hiking with my pathfinder club and we went through a “long-cut” and went off the trail and we had to walk up this super long river, and then to get out of the river to land we had to walk through these riverbed plants and this gray mud stuff and i had to put on my socks and sneakers and it was disgusting <
H: hogwarts house? > i say that im a hufflepuff, lately i got placed in ravenclaw but i dont agree <
I: in love? > in love with the fact that im old enough to be a little free, in love with my kpop faves, in love with all of my friends who tell me they appreciate me, in love with the idea of being productive, in love with music and daydreaming <
J: jealous of people? > tbh i catch myself being jealous of other people’s artistic abilities, but i turn that into a need to become better/daydream about myself being that good so uhh???? yeah <
K: killed someone? > i was playing overwatch with a friend late last night and one of our comp matches there were these two dudes who played tank, one in particular imma call CTL who was rude to me and the whole team (my mic doesnt work so i couldn’t talk back but he was still a bing bond :( ), a few rounds after we left that one we got placed against the two mean tanks, and me, a mercy main with crappy aim, 1v1ed CTL who was playing mccree and i was HAPPY. we lost but binch i teabagged the heck out of his douchy body <
L: love at first sight or should i walk by again? > walk by again im staring at you either way <
M: middle name? > danielle!! <
N: number of siblings? > i have a younger sister!! <
O: one wish? > tbh to be better at what i want to be better at, like someone please give me like a stat 100 potion or something <
P: person you called last? > last person i called was my friend mikey of whom i was playing overwatch with lmao <
R: reasons to smile? > music!!! art!!! alan menken said that there will be a musical production of hercules in the future!! <
S: song you sang last? > the finale of newsies bc my sister left it playing on the tv as i ate nine (9) quesedillas
T: time you woke up? > techinally 6:30 am bc my dog was scratching my door, then 9, then 11 am <
U: underwear color? > mint blue and gray <
V: vacation destination? > i think i would love to go to the places in europe where composers lived, that or i would love to visit every place my internet friends live :D <
W: worst habit? > probably sleeping until noon, forgetting to do important responsibility things, reading a text message/email and then not responding bc i forgot about reading it
X: x-rays? > i got an x-ray on my right arm when i fractured it in kindergarten, some on my stomach when i ate like three whole mangoes with the skin on them, and some of my teeth before i got my braces <
Y: your favorite food? > thai food, stuff from panera bread, or pretty much warm foods with rice <
Z: zodiac sign? > im a virgo!!! <
✨ Fun Facts Tag ✨
Rules for this are:
Have fun with it!
Tag some of your mutuals
1) Favourite colours:
> green or purple!!! or like whatever im feeling lmao but those are my first choices <
2) Favourite song at the moment:
> asdkfjas;ldfkjsdlkfj bro i cant choose okay im going to shuffle my fav songs playlist adn put the first thing that comes up: damdadi by golden child
3) Last book you read:
> i think its my history textbook lmao finals are this week for me <
4) Last TV show you watched:
> my friend’s younger sister showed me clips from Stranger Things but i never have watch it before, i also watched a few dramas at a friend’s house but idk the names of them lmao
5) Last movie you watched:
> oh golly uhhh i think its enemies in-laws on netflix <
6) If you have a pet whats their name?:
> i have a doggo(?) named tucker <
7) If you have siblings how many?
> i have one younger sister!1! <
8) Favourite thing to do on a weekend:
> i think resting, getting up to date with my million notifications, just scrolling through the internet, or writing <
9) Best tumblr friends:
> on tumblr i have the amazing wonderful fantastic showstopping gravity-defying dabtastical @starlightjeongin aka mel aka melly aka melmel aka infant aka like the coolest and raddest person i have ever meet 
10) Favourite thing about yourself:
> idk if this is hard to explain but sometimes i do things people dont expect, like i was using my friend’s neighbor’s airsoft gun and like they were surprised that i have pretty good aim and that just makes me feel really good yknow <
11) Favourite memory:
> back in april 2017, during my band’s new york tour, in our hotel when i asked my friend what she was watching (it was got7′s m/v hard carry)
12) 3 weird habits:
> i turn on all of my nightlights in a specific order, when its dark in my room i like to dance to music and watch myself in the mirror, i tend to randomly scream i think <
13) What would you call your style?:
> i like to wear large clothes, even though im like a medium small bc ahaha i have slight body dysphoria, i also like to wear button-ups from the men’s section that have weird designs, suspenders, and i guess things that make me feel aesthetic and free < 
14) Odd talent:
> i can clap with one hand and me fingers bend weirdly <
15) Do you have a tumblr crush?:
> i have a big ol friend crush on my dear friend mel and a lot on the gr8 ppl of the aroha fandom <
the stray kids tag
Rules: answer the questions in a new post, and tag 10 blogs you would like to get to know better.
I’ve decided that in celebration of Stray Kids pre-debut album I needed to create a tag. The ultimate goal for The Stray Kids Tag is to learn about your Tumblr mutuals, and have fun answering the Stray Kids related questions! Here we go:
1: When did you decide to join the Stray kids fandom?
> lmao i learned about them when it was rumored that jyp was going to have a new boy group, and i followed the updates until the announcement of the webseries/release of hellevator. i didnt want more ppl to remember on my plate until december 30ish when i finally gave in to mel so here i am <
2: What is your favorite episode of Stray Kids? 
> im actually going to watch it right after i finish this tag post lmao ive never watched it before but i think ive seen clips??? when the boys were vlogging themselves packing idk if thats part of the webseries but thats cute <
3: Who would you say is your bias in Stray kids?
> I DONT HAVE ONE OKAY I DONT WANT TO TRY TO FIGURE IT OUT YET IM SCARED i legit like,,, dont know a whole lot about each member but i know their names but,,,,,, i think,,,,, before i start truly getting into them myself,,,, is probably seungmin,,,,, i think,,,,,,,, maybe,,,, whoops i just remembered woojin existed uhhhHHHH idk <
4: Who would you say is your bias wrecker in Stray kids?
> (im listening to ailee’s i will go to you like the first snow rn and im so emo while doing this tag) i love all of them!!!! probs chan or changbin or jeongin bc they are so sweet!!! <
5: What line would you want to be apart of in Stray kids? 
> idk the team compositions of stray kids so i will get back to you on that one until i watch the series lmao <
6: What is the first song you heard of Stray kids?
> of course hellevator lmao <
7: What is the first song you heard of 3racha? 
> FRICK actually i dont know bc melly showed me vids of them performing live but i dont know what the song was :( <
8: What is your favorite song on their pre-debut album?
> legit only have listened to hellevator and grrr so um ill say grrr?? <
9: What is a concept you’d like to see Stray Kids try in the future?
> SUSPENSE!!! idk if that ‘s hard to explain but like something with a story in the background, maybe like a spy concept with a nice orchestration i think they can do it <
10: if you could meet with the members of Stray kids for one day what would you say to them?
> ahhh!!! i dont know they all too too well but i would love to tell them that i feel that they are different from any other kpop group i have ever seen, bc they all seem genuinely happy and they are like the coolest bros and their friendship with each other is something that i could only dream of!! also ive heard that their songs have rad lyrics and they work super hard so i look up to them for that!!!1!!! <
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Anyways, as most of you are already aware of by now, last weekend, after nearly 5 months of planning and stressing over every little detail about, a group of us from Australia (@boothseeleybooth, @seeleybooths, @boothseeley + three of our other friends on twitter: @ohhelloarianna, @iamlladoc, @bianca_proudman and I) had the amazing opportunity to spend an entire weekend at Supanova Melbourne with David Boreanaz, a weekend that we liked to call the ‘David weekend’. And as I’m writing this, it’s been exactly one week since the last time we saw him face-to-face, and we’ve all pretty much spent the whole of last week reminiscing over every little thing that happened during those 3 days, which I’ve tried my best to recap about under the cut below:
Day 1 (Friday, April 28th)
David was only scheduled to appear at Supanova on Saturday and Sunday, aka the official days of Supanova, however, we had only recently found out from the Gold Coast Supanova (which took place a week before) that David would be present at the preview night on Friday as well. Luckily, most of us had planned to fly in from our respective cities on Thursday/Friday morning, so we were ecstatic to learn that we might be able to meet David earlier than intended. Originally, we had all purchased the Saturday pass (which included one photograph token, one autograph token, and guaranteed entry into his panel) on the day the tickets were released, however, as we got closer to the day, we made some… pretty hefty last minute purchases for extra photograph/autograph tokens to maximise our time there (plus there’s also the fact that this was literally a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity since no one from the cast ever comes to Australia haha). ANYWAYS, I ended up with 3 photograph tokens (one with Danika on Friday, a solo photo with David on Saturday (as originally planned) and a last group photo (with Alysha, Danika and Nicole) on Sunday (the maximum number of people we could have in a pic was 4 + David, otherwise, we would have had all 7 of us be in a photo with him heh). 
We all met up at our hotel on Friday afternoon and headed to Supanova afterwards. Alysha had purchased an extra photograph token during his first photograph session on Friday, which we later found out (after a series of near heart attack tweets and text messages from Supanova) would be delayed to 6pm, and with a last-minute announcement of an interview during the Opening Night ceremony, which obviously made us all very happy. Anyways, we had arrived at Supanova close to 6pm, wherein the volunteers then made us rush even more to the convention hall at the back of the Showgrounds (where Supanova was being held) so she would get there in time for the photo. Unfortunately, we couldn’t get a glimpse of David then while she was lining up as he was behind these black curtains and the photo session went pretty quickly, buttttttt he did mention that he LOVED her Bones shirt (and later told each of us the same thing) because we were all wearing them) so that was asdfghjkl moment #1.) Immediately after that was the autograph sessions which both Nicole and Alysha had tokens for, so we rushed there after AND THAT’S WHEN WE ALL GOT OUR FIRST GLIMPSE OF HIM AND I CAN’T REMEMBER WHAT HAPPENED AND IDK HOW LOUD IT WAS BUT I KNOW I SCREAMED BC OMG SCHSJHSJHSF HE WAS RIGHT THEREEEEEEEEEEEEE. IN HIS RED CHECKERED SHIRT AND HIS HEAD BENT DOWN AND WE LITERALLY JUST STOOD THERE GAWKING FROM AFAR BC... YEAH IT WAS UNREAL!!!) So, yeah, the rest of us were lucky enough to be able to stare at him from afar (couldn’t take photos of him then though unfortunately) bc there weren’t many people in line anyways, unlike how it would be later on saturday/sunday). BUT THEN SOMETHING AMAZING HAPPENED (AKA HIGHLIGHT OF DAY #1). As David got up to leave for the interview, Danika shouted ‘DAVID!’ and he aCTUALLY TURNED, LOOKED IN OUR DIRECTION AND WAVEDDDDDDD. And then someone said ‘we’re back!’ to him (our first of many times that weekend HAHAHAHA) and HE SMILED SO WIDE AND SAID IT BACK AND HE POINTED AT OUR SHIRTS AND FBI BADGES THAT WE HAD ON AND DID A PUNCH SIGN AND HOLY SHIT IT WAS THE BEST THING EVER. I just stood there gobsmacked bc I literally couldn’t believe what was happening, and really, it was only like a minute long perhaps??? BUT IT WAS AMAZING (you can read more about our reactions here and here). Afterwards, we ran off straight to the Opening Night preview (which had people mentioning the name ‘David’ 8474474374646 times and made us all jump but it wasn’t the correct David, lol. Afterwards, he finally came on stage and had his interview which lasted for about 10 minutes or so, then we left and Danika and I had our photo with him!!! Although, seeing how HUGE he was for the first time while he’s literally right in front of us is something I’ll probably never forget. Anyways, yeah, we took the photo, he complimented us on our shirts and I said to him ‘you might have seen our friends in the same shirts before too’ and he was like ‘yeah I did!’. And that was it. We picked up our photos after, left the Showgrounds and went for dinner/back to our hotels.
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                                                      (photo credit: Alysha)
Day 2 (Saturday, April 29th) 
Aka our DAVID BOREANAZ VIP PASS DAY! This was the day we had been dreaming about for monthsssss, and it was finally here!! We got to the Showgrounds bright and early by 9am, eventhough the day wasn’t gonna start until 10am, but it was ALREADY PACKED. We got in, sporting our Jeffersonian lab coats, and went to line up for the photograph sessions. As you can imagine, the line was FILLED with Buffy/Angel fans everywhere, and we were one of the few Bones fans in sight, which I think is also what made David remember us after haha. So anyways, we all filed in one after the other for our photo with him, and as soon as he saw Arianna (and all of us behind her) he said ‘hey, you girls are back!’. And then when it came to my turn, he said to me ‘hey, Brennan!’ (since I was the only one in the group who had ‘T Brennan’ embroided on her labcoat and had a Temperance Brennan access pass) and then he put his arm around me and I literally fROZE RIGHT THEN AND THERE AND THEN I PUT MY ARM AROUND HIM AND AM FAIRLY CERTAIN I EITHER STEPPED ON HIS SHOE/KICKED IT AT THE SAME TIME (AND DIDN’T REALISE TILL AFTERWARDS FML) AND WE POSED AND I ACTUALLY FORGOT HOW TO SMILE BUT I DIDN’T CARE BECAUSE SFHJFHJHFJJDHSUHSUSGDHGHGYGYGSDH OH MY GOD. Anyways, we all left squealing because we were like ‘HE REMEMBERED US, GUYS HE REMEMBERED US!!!’ Then we got our photos, and went to line up in the autographs line which was HUGEEEEEEEEE and we waited for almost half an hour I think but then it came to our turn and this time, because I was the first in line amongst all of us, he looked up to me, saw the rest of us and saID ‘HEY, THERE’S MY…… SOMEWHAT PEOPLE’’ AND WOW I ALMOST DIED RIGHT THEN AND THERE!!!!! He then signed my S3/S4 Official Companion book on the photo of him and Emily, and signed everyone else’s, and we all left to go line up for his panel (ps I’d also sneakily recorded him saying those words to us during the autographs and was pretty happy to learn that it was now on my phone foreverrrrrr). 
We were actually like, 2 hours early for his panel and the volunteers informed us that we could leave to go roam about first if we wanted to but we were like????? LOL AS IF WE CARE ABOUT ANYTHING ELSE??? So we still hung around and waited and got told to move 98989776652 times but finally got in and were seated at the back whilst waiting for the panel before David’s to finish. When they finally said we could move to our seats, Alysha and I managed to rush forward quickly, but everyone else was unexpectedly held up by this extremely rude lady. In the end, we were seated in the middle of the third/fourth rows (fifth/sixth rows if you counted the two VIP rows) and was pretty upset about that. But anyways, the panel started and DAVID CAME OUT AND HE WENT AROUND THE ROOM HIGH-FIVING PEOPLE’S HANDS and we were all screaming and shouting for him. The panel (of which 90% was recorded by yours truly, and uploaded here) was pretty good, mostly because of how funny he was/is, although unfortunately, there were barely any Bones questions (which I’m sure annoyed him too, at least, judging from his reaction to the Booth vs Angel question in particular hehe). He did do this AMAZING thing 10 minutes into the panel, when he was talking about trolling the streets of Melbourne disguised as Angel (people shouting) vs as Booth (which we all went ‘yeahhhhhhhh wooooooo’) and he immediately said ‘alright, where are MY squints?’ Which WE ALL THEN SCREAMED BECAUSE HOLY SHIT DID HE MEAN US??? YES YES SJFHSJHFHHSFHHFJHSFJFF. (Further proof that he meant us btw: he then asked about Bianca, who had earlier in the day told us how impressed David himself was during her autograph session, since she had on a Flyers hat, FBI shirt, Booth socks, Vans etc, and he spotted her from onstage and was like ‘right there THAT GANG’ (aka us) despite having been informed just how difficult it is to spot people from onstage because of the glaring lights etc). OF COURSE, we got SO EXCITED and was mind-boggled because he called her up on stage AND STAYED ONSTAGE WITH HIM FOR THE ENTIRE PANEL AFTER!!!!!! #goals (she also got an amazing souvenir from him after the whole panel, which made her, and us, very happy about of course). 
Some other exciting things that happened in the panel: a little girl actually asked him point blank ‘why did you finish Bones?’ which made us all squeal because YES FINALLY A NON-BUFFY/ANGEL QUESTION. David answered her in a diplomatic manner of course, but he did end the question by saying ‘going forward, you never know what may happen with that show’. (At that point, I was like, HAH TAKE THAT B&A fans! Ps I’m sorry if this comes off as a little mean-spirited, but it honestly gets really sickening to hear question after question after QUESTION regarding Buffy/Angel; we weren’t lucky enough to get picked otherwise we would have asked him Bones questions ourselves. But (and this is my own personal observation from the two panels I was there for) it is very clear that David DEFINITELY prefers Bones and enjoyed answering Bones questions far more than he did B&A ones (who can blame him though?), but we all already knew that of course :) The other one was the aforementioned Angel vs Booth question, as well as some other Bones questions relating to Booth’s cosmic balance sheet and the things he took from set. At the conclusion of the panel, David announced that he would be doing a raflle the next day, called ‘Tea and Socks with David Boreanaz’ where the winner of the raffle would get a pair of Booth’s socks from him as well as a 15-minute chat with him over a cup of tea in between photograph sessions/autograph signings. We decided to try our luck of course, because why not right? Later on, we went around to look for any Bones merchandise for sale and unfortunately, could only find one thing: a printed shirt that said ‘always trust a squint’, which both Alysha and I decided to get after. We then headed back to our respective hotels for an early dinner + some Bones watching because hey, that’s the one thing that what we all love the most right? :)
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                                                     (photo credit: Arianna)
Day 3 (Sunday, April 30th)
Arguably THE BEST DAY OF ALL. Honestly, this was the one day that we had the least expectations for, since we didn’t have the Day pass, and therefore, weren’t guaranteed entry into the panel, so we knew that we had to make sure we got there early enough to queue up (after having checked out of our respective hotels as well). So many things could have gone wrong, and really, they almost did, and yet, we didn’t know why or how, but THIS HAPPENED:
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                                                    (photo credit: Sandra)
Yes, I know, WHAT THE SSFHHUFGYKKLADUR THIS CAN’T BE REAL HOW IS THIS POSSIBLE? WHAT IN THE DAMN SHDUSHFUHUFHYUEIE SORCERY QTYEEIEUOEOEUIEUEBCNK HOWWWWWWWW? (if you had told any of us this 5 months ago, or 3 weeks ago, heck THE DAY BEFORE EVEN - we would not have believed you. and rightly so)
Anyways, I’m getting ahead of myself here (sorry, the excitement level of writing this recap just sHOT UP THE MINUTE I GOT TO SUNDAY heh). Sunday started out with each of us arriving at various times in the morning, with David’s panel due to start at 1pm. Alysha had another autograph session with David, and once all of us were together, we decided to go in to the panel before David’s (bless Nolan North honestly) to ensure we had good seating (preferably aisle seats that were as close to the stage as possible). We sat in the panel for almost an hour, and then when the time came for the panel to end, to our horror, the moderator announced that if we were here for David’s panel AND DIDN’T HAVE THE DAY PASS had to go outside and join the queue immediately. You can imagine just how devastated we got after we heard that, and looked at each other frantically, but decided to ignore the announcement anyway, heh. Unfortunately, we could only get in the seventh/eight rows (ninth/tenth if you count VIPs) because we really wanted aisle seats as well, and the front rows were already taken up. But honestly, it was a great thing that we didn’t go further up front because they were meant for the people who had the Sunday pass (these people wore purple wristbands) and not the general public/people with the Saturday pass (yellow wristbands, which we had). A lady actually came around to check our wristbands and informed the people who were seated in front of us about the restrictions, and we were so afraid that she would catch us too and kick us out (at this point, I held my phone to my ear and pretended to speak to someone else on the other end of the line, desperately hoping that she would leave us alone, heh). THANKFULLY, she was interrupted by someone else, and by the time she came around again it was almost time to start the panel so we were safe. Phew.
The moderator came on stage and asked us all if we were excited and then proceeded to say ‘let’s hear from the Buffy fans’ (cue screams), ‘let’s hear from the Angel fans’ (cue louder screams)…… and then, Arianna whispered to us that we should stand up……. he said ‘let’s hear from the Bones fans!’… we all stood up and screamed as loud as we could. He called us manic afterwards, heh, but we didn’t care because how else we are gonna show how much more dedicated we are and stand out from the B&A crowd, right? :)
Anyways, David came in (didn’t do the high-five around the room unfortunately) and did some really goofy stuff on stage (like when he started dancing and then did this crazy butt rub across the stage which made us all LOL) and then about 5-10 minutes in, decided to come off the stage and do the moderator’s job by going around the room to ask questions. He went off to the left side of the stage first, where a girl asked him a question about if he was as good as Booth is at shooting and stuff, and then he walked towards the aisle. At this point, we were all going crazyyyyyy because he wAS SO CLOSE. As he got closer, Alyssa decided to shout ‘we’re back’ and we all got the signal and joined in and DAVID NOTICED US AND WAS LIKE ‘HEY THE SQUINT SQUAD IS BACK!’ (cue massive fangirl screams) AND THAT’S WHEN THE UNBELIEVABLE HAPPENED - HE INVITED US ALL TO COME ON STAGE WITH HIM!!!!! AND WE WERE LIKE WHAT???? ARE YOU FOR REAL??? OMG OMG - SO WE FOLLOWED HIM GOT ON STAGE, AND BECAUSE I WAS first in line, he asked me for my name and I said ‘Anisha’. AND THEN HE SAID TO ME ‘YOU’RE SUPPOSED TO SAY EMILY DESCHANEL’. (I STOPPED BREATHING THEN BECAUSE OHHHH NMFYYYFHFJ GOOOOODDD DID DAVID BOREANAZ JUST SAY ‘EMILY DESCHANEL’ RIGHT TO MY FACE??? LIKE WE HAD BEEN WANTING TO HEAR HIM MENTION THE CAST (AND ESPECIALLY EMILY) ALL WEEKEND EXCEPT WE COULDN’T BC OF THE LACK OF BONES QUESTIONS AND THE FIRST TIME HE SAYS IT IS TO US ON STAGE, RIGHT TO MY FACE????? BYE). And he went around the room asking each of us the same thing:
Danika: Emily Deschanel.
David: Okay, you stay here.
Alysha: I’m Emily Deschanel.
David: There can only be one. Now, go sit down.
Alyssa:….. Camille?
David: Okay, go sit down, that’s not a character. OH YES, IT IS, CAM! YOU STAY!
Arianna: I’m Michaela Conlin.
David: Okay, you can stay!
Nicole: Jack Hodgins.
David: You’re not a guy. You can go sit down.
Bianca: Booth.
David: You’re… a Flyers fan, you can go sit down.
And then he pretty much told the entire audience that we had been there all weekend long and asked them to give us a big round of applause (AND PS HE CALLED US AWESOME IN FRONT OF AT LEAST 800 PEOPLE). And I thought, okay, that’s over now, right?
DING DONG NO IT’S NOT. He then asked us to do our ‘best Bones imitation’ (BONES!! BECAUSE ONLY HE/BOOTH GETS TO CALL HER THAT AND HE SAID ‘PRETEND YOU’RE EMILY, FOCUS. ALRIGHT, I’LL COME IN AND I’LL BE BOOTH’ AND ALSO WHILE GESTURING TO ME AT ONE POINT HE LITERALLY SAID ‘COME ON, BONES’ IN THE EXACT WAY BOOTH SAID TO BRENNAN JUST BEFORE THEY WENT TO THE ALTAR TO GET MARRIED I’M??? SDGYSGYFGSYFYYFY). So, I was the first person who was put on the spot for that. He used the $600 orange chair as the ‘dead body’ and I pretended to examine it and I said ‘anthropologically speaking’… and he was like ‘hold on I didn’t finish, you got a little too excited’ (yeah of course I would be????!!!???) and he stayed in character as Booth and my brain had literally turned into mush by then, so the first thing I said was ‘Uhm the trabeculae looks really umm… disgusting right now’ (WTF RIGHT??? Apparently the audience and David thought so too) and I continued by saying ‘Cause of death is strangulation to the um, scapula’… which at least impressed him, so I could get off stage after and film everyone else (my phone was in my pocket the entire time, so everything else was caught on audio beforehand). Arguably the best imitation was Arianna’s ‘I don’t know what that means’, which had David go ‘AHHH! I don’t know what that means! I like that one’. By the time the whole stint was over and we got back to our seats, we had lost all sense of what was happening around us, and didn’t plan on recovering anytime soon heh. I tried recording more after, but got told off 73746367746 times by a lady who even at one point, made sure I was deleting the videos I caught (luckily, I had somehow scrolled up in my photos app, and thus, only had to delete videos I had from some of my friends, which she didn’t know of course hehe. So all the David stuff was safe). 
The panel went by pretty quickly after, which you can hear about here, here and here, as Arianna could only get audio recordings too lest she would have been caught and told off so many times like I was.) Some of the highlights included him saying things like ‘your journey of saying goodbye to these characters for now’ when chatting with the cast whilst directing the finale and him mentioning that ‘maybe we’ll find out about (Booth’s watch, introduced in the Pilot) more someday’ since it couldn’t be incorporated into the finale, indicating that he’s inclined to do a reunion too someday, which made us all very happy of course.
End of panel and the four of us Tumblr peeps headed to the photo area once more to get our last photo taken, but were informed that due to how long the line was, we might not make it to the front of the line in time for David to head off for the raffle session, but they said we could come back for the later photo session and they would still honour our tokens. So that’s what we did, left and went to wait for him at the raffle. We didn’t win, of course, but after what happened during the panel, who could complain really? Finally at close to 4pm, after trying to collectively calm each other down, we headed over to the photo area and waited in line. FUN FACT: If the line had moved a little quicker, our photo would have been taken at eXACTLY 4.47PM, but instead, we were a couple of minutes late. Despite that, when we walked in and David saw us, he immediately said ‘alright, there they are. Squinty-cized *nervous laugh* (which was utterly adorable to hear in person btw!!) He held his arms out and held us aLL TIGHTLY AND WE TOOK THE PHOTO. We thanked him for everything and they (his manager, who was smiling by then lolol, and the Supanova volunteers) said we had one more photo and we went back again for another one. But then they said that someone had blinked (and this happened a number of times, no idea who it was though) so we ended up taking 5 or 6 photos with him holding onto us all and me gRASPING ONTO HIS ARM TIGHTLY (IT’S HUGE BTW, AS IF YOU DIDN’T ALREADY KNOW THAT) and I know we thanked him 683683992 times especially since we held up the line because of that hehe. We left and became really nostalgic because wow, that was our last time with him??? (BUT THERE WAS MORE TO COME HAHA)
We met up with everyone else after and while sitting on the steps, decided to recreate the pilot shot which you can see below. That whole time, we were also waiting for Bianca to finish her photo session with David, however, little did we know that she’d left minutes before we tried calling her. We were gonna start heading back after, when we noticed a local celebrity pass us, and that’s when Arianna said why don’t we go to the autographs and see if we can have one last look at him, or otherwise, he would actually be passing the very steps we were sitting on right then. So we went in, Arianna and I were walking slower in the back while the rest were up front, but then they ran back past us heading out shouting ‘IT’S DAVID, IT’S DAVID’. We caught him leaving just in time and he said goodbye to us, in yet ANOTHER SURPRISING MOMENT (seriously, this whole day was filled with unexpected events!!) And…. that was the last we saw of him. The end.
We all parted ways after, heading back to our respective homes/cities/countries. All in all, though, I know I will never forget this weekend, and every little bit that happened (hence this lengthy recap so I can always go back and reminisce heh). It was truly a dream come true, something I never in my wildest dreams EVER anticipated to happen, let alone that anyone from the cast (much less David) would come to Australia. And yet, he did, and all these crazy things happened. I can’t imagine not having met him, and I can’t imagine ever experiencing this whirlwind weekend without any one of the six gorgeous individuals I had the pleasure of doing it with. It’s been an honour, and a true privilege you guys.
And as David himself said…… ‘Squints unite!’
Peace out xx
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                                            (photo credit: Arianna’s phone 😅)
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minigoblinnn · 4 years
Hello! Long Time No See
Hello everyone idk how many people will see this because I don’t have a lot of followers but that’s okay. HI! I haven’t used this account in almost three years I think. I’m pretty sure the last time I used this was possibly my freshman year of high school and I am now going to be a senior in September. So the world has kind of gone to shit recently but I had some soul searching while stuck in my house for over 3 months and realized that I needed to try to find what makes me happy. So bc we have all the time in the world rn bc 1. quarantine and 2. school is over, I thought I would try to revisit things that I used to love from freshman year and before. Yes I am 17 and I am no longer a hardcore stan like I was in middle school but it’s been a little refreshing trying to find myself again. If you’ve made it this far on this post thank you so much! This is more of a revamp of myself bc I realized over quarantine that I haven’t been truly happy in almost 3 years so whoops. 
Anyways this is gonna be sort of like a long rant but if you end up reading to the end I really appreciate it I hope I don’t bore you!
1. A major thing I had to come to terms with during quarantine was that I am indeed depressed. For the past 3 years I have been shoving down my inner struggles really deep within myself and never officially addressed it. As I’m sure many others who struggle with mental health have had to deal with the same difficulties of being stuck at home, it was a very shitty experience that I had to endure. I think a lot that attributed to it was the pressure of school and the rapid change of being in school one day to having a complete flip was also a major adjustment. As someone who has major control issues and hates very big change all at once this was very overwhelming for me as I’m sure it was for many of you. With this, I also realized I never prioritized myself before quarantine. I never talked about my struggles with friends and I was very irritable around late April/early May when it came to a specific friend. I previously had a major breakdown in school bc I was super anxious over losing this friendship back in February so that was also affecting my mental health extremely. Since my birthday in May, I have since slowly learned to prioritize myself and to face my struggles instead of avoiding the problem like I usually do. I now have a therapist that I talk to weekly over the phone and also with school ending it has released a lot of pressure that I had on me before. I still haven’t really discussed it all yet but I am the type that doesn’t like talking about me in that way or discussing myself in a vulnerable way but I hope I will slowly learn to improve on that. School wise, let’s just say the 4th marking period was an extremely ugly one. My sleep is something that is on and off. I am constantly exhausted but I cannot sleep so I’m trying different methods to try to fix my sleep but that is a uphill battle. I am currently writing this at 4:39 am so if that gives you any indication there you go.
2. Since there hasn’t been anything else to do and I don’t have my license yet, I have been getting back into things I used to enjoy freshman year and prior as I stated above. On my journey of trying to find any ounce of happiness again, I have been re-watching and revisiting things I used to “fangirl” over such as tv shows, youtubers, etc. 
Shows I have re-visitied include: The Vampire Diaries, Teen Wolf, Reign, Avatar: The Last Airbender, I finally watched Shadowhunters all the way through and not just the first season
Youtubers: Maddi Bragg (she recently rejoined youtube so...), I also have re-watched Dan and Phil Games, specifically the sims series bc I used to love it. 
And bc I re-watched Shadowhunters I re-watched the Mortal Instruments: City Of Bones movie that is on Netflix and before I get bashed I used to love that movie bc I personally think it is more of what I envisioned of what the books come to life would look like minus the ending...I also really like Jamie Campbell Bower and Lily Collins so personal bias but Malec on the tv show are immaculate. Controversial topic I know. And just earlier last night ig I finished reading City of Bones and I’m gonna re-read the entire TMI series and re-read/finish TID series. 
3. Along with revisiting things I have sort of slowly reinvented myself ig. I cut my hair right after my birthday so before it was about right past my chest and I cut it to roughly above my shoulders and I re-dyed my hair black bc I cannot be a ginger. My music taste has also slightly put more alt music and indie groups. Everyday I find new bands such as Meet me @ the altar, 100 gecs, and I recently got into $uicideBoy$...but honestly I get good music recommendations from tiktok so ofc. Also with the current climate in the US I have been a lot more outspoken when it comes to politics and my activism. I have a pretty conservative republican father who listens to fox news for however long I can remember. And after the 2016 election, I never really tried to argue/debate my father about Trump and everything but I also was not super informed in politics. But now I am absolutely never silence. I have gotten in plenty of arguments mostly with my mother about my activism. I have also gotten into painting political statement paintings after I painted my BLM protests signs. I have put these paintings around my room but my mom does not like them but I don’t care. So I am definitely wayyyyy more vocal when it comes to social issues and politics and I am not afraid to back down. I think before I didn’t speak up bc I didn’t want to argue with my father bc he would shut me down immediately when I tried to say anything against trump. But now I don’t care. Bc everything he stands for goes against me and my existence so I will not be silent as much as my parents want to. They don’t understand that I have always had these opinions, I just never expressed them as much until now bc I didn’t know how to properly express it. That I am super proud of.
4. Another thing I sort of realized ig was that I can now fully say I am definitely pansexual. Bro even typing that is like wow. Okay okay back story. So freshman year I told my two best friends at the time that I believed I was pan bc I’ve always thought that but I was never comfortable enough to say I was apart of the lgbtq+ community bc idk I just don’t feel like I have a right to? Bc after freshman year I slowly moved to other best friends and with them and my family I have always referenced to only being interested in men and ig I instilled this norm that I could only talk about liking men in front of them and my friends so I never felt comfortable addressing it. I still always had that thought in my head and especially in recent months I have been turned off from guys in general besides maybe 4, all who are actors or Kurtis Conner lowkey. So I’m not really looking to date anytime soon so it doesn’t really matter but I just don’t see me dating a guy. I think about it for about 2 seconds and then I snap back to reality. But yeah I made a pan flag painting and put it in my room and my parents have no idea what it is so they won’t even question me. But I don’t feel comfortable addressing it to my friends or my family, oh definitely not. I’ve put it on my second tiktok account but I don’t let my best friends ig see it so yeah i will probably never tell them until college. I’m sure most of them won’t care but again, I never really addressed personal things about myself with them unless it’s like my depression where I couldn’t hide it anymore but anyways that’s just how I am.
So things I’ve learned since being stuck at home for 3 months: I’m depressed, I’m pan, I’m a leftist/left-leaning, and I will no longer just say I will beat someone up but I will actually do it not that I haven’t already but that’s not important. But anyways, idk how often I will use this but this is an update. I might delete some old posts based on me now and everything but yeah I will hopefully use this to update on the things I revisit! Hope everyone is doing mostly well! If you read all of this thank you thank you thank you! Sending virtual hugs and kisses!
sorry for any errors, I recently put on these long acrylics and I’m using my laptop and I haven’t had long nails in a while so bear with me :)
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pamuisash · 4 years
what i did.
Hey! So, I decided to do something different and just talk with yall bc it’s been awhile since I last posted. I want to talk about stuff I’ve been doing the past month that we have quarantine. I live in the Philippines and we currently have Quarantine here, General Community Quarantine in my city to be specific. So rules are a bit loose but it is still very strict and aware. The past month of March and April is has alot going on for me, but I don’t really like mind since I never really do anything whilst on vacation. And yes, our school usually ends in late March so this rlly is our vacation rn but know that it’s almost the end of May we have to settle with what to do for the next school year, which is concerning for me because I still haven’t decided on which school to go for the next school year. Anyways, with all that here is the stuff that I have been doing for the past couple of months that I am stuck at home! (Not necessarily in order)
Passing requirements
The usual stuff you know, it came abruptly and it’s almost the end of the school year. We were really just mostly preparing on an end of the year performance for the whole school, but it got cancelled due to the virus. And so, we got our exams cancelled and we just have to pass some final requirements in our school. And it’s kind of the hellish parts of this quarantine well for me cuz we were supposed to pass a major project back in February, but we missed the deadline and so we kept pushing and pushing it til March, I’m even thankful at this point because our professor still accepted that project of ours even if it’s already vacation...
Studio Ghibli Binge
When I found out around February I think that Netflix is going to release all of the Studio Ghibli movies, I immediately begged my mom to get back our netflix account just so I could watch them. And I’m glad I did because I was now able to watch some rlly good movies I’ve been wanting to watch for a long time, and I currently have watched 12 movies at this point. I remember watching my first studio ghibli movie at 8th grade, yes. and it was The Red Turtle which I highly recommend btw (I don’t think it’s in netflix tho) but yea, It made me hit the brakes on wanting to watch Studio Ghibli. I would tell you my current favorite, but I still haven’t watched all of them so I’m still not sure
One Month Meditation
This thing was inspired by Matt D’Avella who was doing some one month challenges himself (I recommend you check those stuff out) and so back in February during classes I also thought of some 1 month stuff I could do during the vacation and listed them out. With vacation going on, I picked the Meditation one, because I miss meditating and it’s been awhile that I am able to wake up early in the morning and meditate. How did the challenge go you ask? Well, it not went well, because I wasn’t really able to get my own quiet time with so many people at home preventing them to do work and stuff. I would try to do this challenge again, with more discipline hopefully
Devotion: Book of Mark
I remember being able to join a group as part of our retreat, cuz I really like the place that we held our retreat in. We were in a call together with our group leader and talking about stuff and apparently we’re all doing devotion together. So our leader asked us if we could do a devotion of the whole chapter of Mark in the bible, one chapter a day. and we all agreed to it. Coincidentally, Holy week came around and it was like a little refresher for me during Holy week which was nice to think about every once in a while. 
Studying Photoshop
This is something that I’ve never really took the time to do, but I actually planned on doing, but didn’t end up being wholeheartedly passionate about it. So I ended up not doing it and slacking off anyway, I do want to focus on this type of thing when I get the hang of it, because graphic design is one the life skills that I really want to obtain. 
Studying Korean
This is the one thing I definitely focused on. The thing is I already knew how to read Korean from a young age, but never rlly took the time to actually understand what their saying. So I started studying, it is VERY SLOW.  I use the website howtostudykorean.com and it teaches in units and lessons and each lesson is about 5 topics. It was a very slow pace, because I am currently on Unit 1 Lesson 5 but I am getting the hang of learning Korean for an hour almost everyday. Is it because I miss learning in an actual school? probably.
A Commonplace Book
I actually started this thing around early January when I’m collecting little trinkets and paper stuff that I want to keep, so I decided to put them all in a book. Though it’s not an actual commonplace book, I just keep random quotes and stuff and I try to find stuff to fill that book everyday. I do read books, but not as much as I do back then. 
Just drawing in general. I guess I was bored at the time, and I’ve taken a liking to art, so why not make some myself? Well, just small sketches here and there. I really wanna learn drawing mostly about clothes and body anatomy so I tend to focus on that. I find sketching a really relaxing activity for me, so I do this to keep me calm or when I’m just plain bored.
As I’ve said before, I started reading Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert and now I’m finished! I have stopped because most of the books I own at this point are mostly fiction books, and I would like to keep more self help books next time. I learned alot when I read this book and it made me want to step out and get creative. I highly recommend because not only does it teach you a thing or two about creativity, it talks about some stuff that isn’t being usually talked about when it comes to creativity, hard work and how it all ties together. 
Mystic Messenger
Yes. Don’t ask. Who am I kidding go ahead! I have known mystic messenger for a long time, but I haven’t really actually played this game til this April. I’d like to say that I thoroughly enjoyed each and every part of it and would love to play more, though I don’t have enough hourglasses to continue 
Animal Crossing Pocket Camp
OMAYGUDNESS DONT EVEN GET ME STARTED WITH THIS GAME. It all really started at the beginning of quarantine. Where everyone is getting hyped up because the new Animal Crossing game came out right after they implemented quarantine. So my broke self can't afford switch was kinda sad about it but then the days moved on. I ended up watching gaming videos of animal crossing and looking for some memes that I can share with my friends. One day, my best friend told me that Animal Crossing has a mobile game and I am floored. Of course I went on the internet to search and low and behold there is Animal Crossing Pocket Camp. But then I checked, and it wasn't available to download on my country, but I figured out a way to do so and have now been addicted ever since!
Catching Up on Anime 
Hun you have no idea how many series have I started but ended up not finishing because of school! I was rlly planning on catching up on both the Ghibli and the Anime but that didn't work (I ain't even finished with the Studio Ghibli stuff up to now) I would like to make a list but that would be too many...The one series that I have been aching to watch though is called Beastars and I was so happy that Netflix has put it back on it's list of series!
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newyorktheater · 4 years
Patti LuPone sings in her basement for her Twitter followers
A singer from the “Couch Choir” of the Rotterdam Philharmonic sings Burt Bacharach’s (They Long to Be) Close To You — one of the many virtual performances by orchestras and choirs that have sprung up worldwide since the stay-at-home orders
Alvin Ailey’s magnificent 60-year-old “Revelations,” with its inspiring Negro spirituals and spirited modern dancing, (pictured) streamed for free as part of the new online series Ailey All Access , added to the growing list of online offerings
Faith Prince and Richard Kind perform in The Tale of the Allergists Wife on Stars in the House, which is branching out from variety talk show to live readings of full-length plays.
T.R. Knight in “Transition” by David Lindsay-Abaire, one of the plays from 24 Hour Plays’ Viral Monologues, Round 3
Pirates pitcher Steven Brault sings Broadway
Max von Essen sings “What More Can I Do” from Falsettos for Intermission Mission, one of the new online series, this one from Today Tix
J Harrison Ghee from Mrs Doubtfire
In the first week of April, as the news remained scary and theaters remained closed, theater – and especially theater music – became a balm.
Mrs. Doubtfire didn’t open on Sunday, the first of the 10 Broadway openings originally scheduled for April, but they celebrated in song, with a virtual performance of the show’s song “As long as there is love”
The New York Philharmonic canceled its season a couple of weeks ago, but its musicians offered a ravishing Bolero by Ravel, remotely
  For those who’ve enjoyed @nyphil‘s digital “Bolero,” check out earlier virtual orchestra/choir videos — the “couch choir” of @rdamphil (pictured), @CamdenVoices , @BerkleeCollege , @CO_Symphony, @dycireland https://t.co/ijv1Z0wbOK pic.twitter.com/d4s8U3podm
— New York Theater (@NewYorkTheater) April 4, 2020
Bette Midler offered a song for New Yorkers
From some dear New York friends of mine: Sung by Zora Rasmussen Piano by @marcshaiman pic.twitter.com/nAGbOSt9bR
— bettemidler (@BetteMidler) April 2, 2020
Patti LuPone offered us a singing tour of her basement
Ya bored yet? pic.twitter.com/kDZR1jYWyG
— Patti LuPone (@PattiLuPone) April 1, 2020
Even Pittsburgh Pirates pitcher Steven Brault was singing this week, releasing a showtunes album with the almost-punning title A Pitch at Broadway A Pitch at Broadway
Oscar winner Parasite debuts on Hulu
Jodie Foster and Robert De Niro in Taxi Driver, on Netflix
James Corden at National Live at Home
She Loves Me on PBS
April 2020 Calendar of “Openings”: What’s Streaming on Netflix, National Theatre, Hulu, PBS Great Performances, Amazon Prime, HBO Etc
New York Theater Quiz for March 2020
Theater Book Reviews
Death By Shakespeare  “Plague shaped Shakespeare’s life,” Kathryn Harkup writes in her new book. Death By Shakespeare: Snakebites, Stabbings and Broken Hearts (Bloomsbury Sigma, 368 pages, May 2020 publication date.) The first outbreak of the Plague during Shakespeare’s lifetime occurred three months after his birth in 1564, and he was among only one-third of the children in the town of Stratford-upon-Avon to survive. He was just starting to make his name as a playwright in London in 1592, when there was a severe outbreak that resulted in the shuttering of the theaters – drying up opportunity for playwriting and thus pushing the Bard to become a poet, which arguably enhanced his writing when he returned to drama. Plague was so common at the time that authorities decreed that theaters could reopen if the weekly death rate from the epidemic sunk below 50 for three consecutive weeks. And so, Harkup says, it’s no surprise that the Plague pervades Shakespeare’s plays “Death by Shakespeare” doesn’t just fact-check the playwright’s scripts. The author uses death as the lens by which to describe life in Elizabethan England – the conditions, the attitudes, the practices surrounding death. Full review
Terrence McNally Selected Works: A Memoir in Plays Terrence McNally considered Shakespeare and Chekhov his gods, and Liza Minnelli and Chita Rivera his goddesses; he learned a lot from all four. That’s what he tells us within the first few pages of Selected Works: A Memoir in Plays (Grove Press, 659 pages) a book published in 2015 that presents the scripts of eight of his plays*, written from 1987 to 2013, interspersed with a few pages of introduction, recollection and digression. full review
Note: Monday night April 6 at 8 p.m., McNally’s Lips Together, Teeth Apart live online reading performed by Jesse Tyler Ferguson, Celia Keenan-Bolger, Zachary Quinto and Ari Graynor , in support of the BC/EFA COVID-19 Emergency Assistance Fund
Online Theater Gets Seriously Comic
Stars in the House, which has been a twice-daily online variety hour and talk show, has now added a twice weekly “matinee” – a live reading every Wednesday and Saturday afternoon of popular play performed by a starry cast. They’re calling in Plays in the House. The first up last week were Wendy Wasserstein’s The Heidi Chronicles, performed by the original cast, and Charles Busch’s The Tale of the Allergist’s Wife starring Busch himself (as Marjorie herself) and Richard Kind, Faith Prince,
The hosts promise that future plays will star Harvey Fierstein, Tony Shaloub, and Brooke Adams, among others.
T.R. Knight in “Transition” by David Lindsay-Abaire, one of the plays from 24 Hour Plays’ Viral Monologues, Round 3
Playwright @lindsayabaire on writing plays, successively, for @TheRealDratch (a comedy), Marylouise Burke (a haunting mystery), & @TR_Knight (a fantasy) in @24HourPlays‘ #ViralMonologues. My interview w/ him in @DC_theatrescene: https://t.co/8Zutj6eLda pic.twitter.com/YZc8W1qabf
— New York Theater (@NewYorkTheater) April 3, 2020
Methuen Drama will publish the Viral Monologues as a book, edited by Howard Sherman, who inspired the solo series.
  Added since last week to my roundup Where to Get Your Theater Fix Online: Old Favorites and New Experiments
Ailey All Access
Humana Festival of New Plays offering two of the plays from the season that it had to cancelon stage
Intermission Mission from TodayTix “At home performances from the Broadway community” — basically a single song each day by a different Broadway star
Joe’s Pub Live
L.A. Theatreworks
Play at Home — new original short plays available to read for free commissioned by five great theaters, including the Public Theater and Woolly Mammoth. This echoes what were called “closet plays” during earlier eras when theaters where shut down either because of Plague or political repression. The playwrights then never expected them to be produced, so went wild. Presumably, the 21st century playwrights are just as wild, but expect eventually to see them on stage.
The Shows Must Go On A different Andrew Lloyd Webber musical launches for free every Friday for 48 hours on this new YouTube page. First up: Donny Osmond stars in the 1999 film of “Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat”
Arts industry unemployment claims in New York rise 3,880 percent.
Broadway is still selling tickets for April performances. But why?
The Off-Broadway League has announced that its 2020 Lortel Awards, honoring Off-Broadway will go on as scheduled — nominations April 14, winners at May 3 ceremony — but all now online. This is the only New York theater award so far to keep to its original schedule.
The Bret Adams & Paul Reisch Foundation is offering 40 emergency grants of $2,500 each to playwrights, composers, lyricists and librettists who have had a full professional production cancelled, closed, or indefinitely postponed due to the COVID-19 closures
An inspiring story: Director @JeffWhitingNYC is leading some 900 theater professionals, mostly wardrobe & costume people from Broadway shows, to create protective gear. And that’s just in NYC! Theater pros are helping throughout the country.https://t.co/EnQbRWYpLl
— New York Theater (@NewYorkTheater) April 1, 2020
Pandemic theater is already here examples in this L.A Times article: Skylight Theatre of Los Angeles and the 24 Hour Plays’ Viral Monologues. “Pandemic-set plays were bound to happen sooner or later, and it’s so close to home. Numerous members of the theater community have tested positive for the coronavirus, including Tom Hanks, Aaron Tveit, Daniel Dae Kim, Laura Bell Bundy and Brian Stokes Mitchell. The disease took the lives of Terrence McNally and Adam Schlesinger.”
American Theatre Magazine editor Rob Weiner-Kendt offers a scattershot overview of what’s happening in a piece entitled No Show.: If we can’t have theatre until we can gather again safely, what are U.S. theatres and artists going to do in the meantime, and after? One paragraph:
“Theatre has survived worse, even in its cradle. The plague of Athens killed some 25 percent of its population in 430 B.C.E., and inspired the Theban plague in Sophocles’s Oedipus Rex. Shakespeare’s career was famously interrupted by the Black Plague, during which time, as [San Diego’s Old Globe artistic director Barry] Edelstein pointed out, the Bard and his colleagues did three things: “They made plans for what they were going to do when theatres reopened. They toured the provinces, sold props, costumes, bundled plays and sold them—that’s how the First Folio got made. And they went to the King and said, ‘Help.’”
Rest in Peace
Adam Schlesinger, 52, from COVID-19. Known for his work with his band Fountains of Wayne and on the TV show “Crazy Ex-Girlfriend,” he was also a 2-time Broadway veteran (comical co-songwriter of Cry Baby and Act of God)
a sweet “egobituary” about Adam Schlesinger https://t.co/IdQB1YiS8Q
— New York Theater (@NewYorkTheater) April 2, 2020
William Wolf, 94, theater critic who wrote reviews and columns for Cue and New York magazines and taught at NYU.He was a past president of the Drama Desk. He too died from complications from the coronavirus.
The NYC health workers who have died of COVID-19
#AloneTogether, singing! Online theater gets seriously comic. #Stageworthy News of the Week In the first week of April, as the news remained scary and theaters remained closed, theater – and especially theater music – became a balm.
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whatsfilming · 7 years
A Bramble House Christmas (Hallmark TV Movie)
A Bramble House Christmas is based on a book of the same name written by USA Today bestselling author CJ Carmichael. The movie is part of the 2017 Christmas lineup scheduled to air on the Hallmark Movies & Mysteries Channel starting this fall.
RELATED: The Sweetest Christmas Starring Lacey Chabert Starts Filming in BC
Finn Conrad decides to take matters into his own hands to investigate a suspicious beneficiary following his father’s death. A nurse, who his father had known for less than 2 months, was left $50,000. Although it’s just before Christmas, Finn tracks down the woman, named Willa, to a bed and breakfast where she has recently taken over. He had expected the worst of Willa, assuming she had taken advantage of his father, however it turns out she’s not that bad afterall. But with Finn undercover, how will Willa feel when she eventually learns the truth about who he really is?
The O.C. star Autumn Reeser is set to play Willa, and she’ll be joined by David Haydn-Jones (The Last Kiss), who will presumably play Finn. Both actors are also known for roles on TV shows that film in Vancouver. Autumn appeared during the first season of E! series The Arrangement and David was seen in the previous season of Supernatural. Both shows also resume production in Vancouver this month. Hallmark fans will also recognize Autumn from Valentine Ever After, A Country Wedding, Midnight Masquerade and I Do I Do I Do.
A Bramble House Christmas will continue filming in Vancouver and British Columbia until July 28th.
Summer of ’84 (Feature)
Summer of ‘84 is a horror-thriller set in a small Massachusetts town in the year 1984. The story is centred around a 14 year old boy, named Davey, and his friends. After living a pretty standard, sheltered teenage life, he and his friends begin to lust for some more excitement. As their curiosity grows, they focus their attention on an officer with the local police department who they believe is, in fact, a serial killer.
Determined to uncover the truth about Mr. Mackey, the group invokes every means necessary to prove he’s guilty; including the odd stakeout. As the friends start to get close to a conclusion, they learn that Mr. Mackey is onto them and things take a dangerous turn for the worse.
Here’s a roundup of the cast of Summer of ‘84 according to the film’s IMDb page:
Actor Role You may know them from J. Alex Brinson Officer Cole Travelers William MacDonald Sheriff Caldwell Travelers, The X-Files Harrison Houde Bobby Some Assembly Required, Spooksville Caleb Emery Dale ‘Woody’ Woodworth Coming Through the Rye
We’ll update this article as more of the lead roles are announced or discovered.
Summer of ‘84 will continue filming in Vancouver and British Columbia until August 10th and is expected to be released late this year.
Also Starting This Week
The Green Beret’s Guide to the Apocalypse – Season 1 (TV Series) Filming until August 23rd Rumoured to be for Netflix
Gourmet Detective 4: Eat, Drink and Be Buried (Hallmark TV Movie) Filming in Victoria and area until July 28th
The Magicians – Season 3 (TV Series) Cast: Jason Ralph, Stella Maeve, Olivia Taylor Dudley, Hale Appleman, Arjun Gupta, Summer Bishil, Rick Worthy and Jade Tailor Filming until December 14th
Supernatural – Season 13 (TV Series) Cast: Jared Padalecki and Jensen Ackles Filming until April 19th, 2018
One of a Kind (aka Project Gutenberg) (Feature) Cast: Chow Yun-fat and Aaron Kwok (neither confirmed to be featured in the Vancouver leg of production yet) Filming until July 31st
Inside Voice (Nickelodeon TV Movie) Filming until August 2nd, expected to be released in 2018
For a full list of what’s filming in Vancouver and British Columbia right now, check out our In Production page.
Wrapping Up This Week
Misfits (TV Pilot) with Ashleigh Lathrop, Tre Hall, Allie MacDonald, Jake Cannavale, Dave Foley and Charlie Saxton wraps up July 14th
Overboard (Feature) with Anna Faris, Eugenio Derbez, Eva Longoria, Alyvia Alyn Lind, John Hannah, Swoosie Kurtz, Hannah Nordberg, Emily Maddison and Josh Segarra wraps up July 14th
If you see any of these productions, including the A Bramble House Christmas or Summer of ‘84 filming in Vancouver and British Columbia, be sure to let us know by tweeting us (@WhatsFilming) or via our Submit a Location page.
The post Bramble House Christmas & Summer of ‘84 Start Filming in Vancouver Area appeared first on What's Filming?.
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whatsfilming · 7 years
The Flash Season 4
Thanks to early renewals on all the Arrowverse shows, the writers certainly left us hanging on each of the finales. With Savitar now defeated and Barry in the speed force (albeit temporarily, I’m sure), what can we expect from The Flash season 4? After the first 3 seasons featured a speedster villain (Reverse Flash, Zoom, and Savitar), the showrunners made it clear long ago that wouldn’t be the case for this season. Thanks to a tweet from @FLASHProdOffice, we know the title of The Flash season 4 episode 1 will be “The Flash Reborn”.
After name-dropping the character a couple of times throughout the last few episodes, TVLine.com confirmed that the big bad for this season will in fact be will be Clifford DeVoe (aka The Thinker). We haven’t seen any official casting announcements for his role yet, but hopefully as filming gets underway the network will release the news.
Who would you like to see in the role of The Thinker in The Flash season 4? Let us know in the comments below!
It won’t be shocking to see the return of Keiynan Lonsdale, Candice Patton, Jesse L. Martin, and Carlos Valdes in The Flash season 4, but some speculated that Tom Felton’s role was only a one season arc. However, he’s already returned to Vancouver in advance of production kicking off next week. Just Jared via @kingscourtgraph spotted Tom enjoying some Vancouver sunshine on June 27th. But will Julian get another chance with his love interest Caitlin this season? We’ll have to wait and see.
At the very least it won’t take long for us to see Caitlin back on our screens. Yesterday Danielle Panabaker tweeted a photo of her parking space at Vancouver Film Studios while they were in final prep for The Flash season 4 episode 1:
We're back! @CW_TheFlash #TheFlash #Season4 http://pic.twitter.com/N0M20ufjk0
— Danielle Panabaker (@dpanabaker) July 3, 2017
Although one of Tom Cavanagh’s characters, H.R. Wells, met his death during the season 3 finale, Barry asked his Earth 2 version (Harrison Wells) to stick around, so we’re sure to see more of him this season as well. After The Flash wrapped up production on season 3, Tom was back a couple weeks later for a role in a Hallmark original movie called Darrow and Darrow. Look for that on the Hallmark Channel later this year.
RELATED: Darrow and Darrow with Tom Cavanagh Starts Filming in BC
The Flash season 4 is scheduled to start filming in Vancouver and area today until April 21st, 2018. It premieres Tuesday, October 10th at 8pm on The CW in the US and on CTV in Canada.
Arrow Season 6
Arguably the biggest series finale cliffhanger in the Arrowverse last season was Arrow. With Oliver and William on a boat off the coast of Lian Yu alongside the dead body of Chase, we’re left wondering who made it off the island following the explosion; and how. Did Team Arrow make it to the A.R.G.U.S. plane on the other side of the island, or was it too late? Did the landmine REALLY kill off Malcolm? So many questions to set us up for a good story to start off Arrow Season 6.
At the very least, it seems as though Dinah and Rene made it out unscathed; both actors (Juliana Harkavy and Rick Gonzalez) were promoted to series regulars earlier this spring as per The Hollywood Reporter. Dinah made her first appearance mid-way through season 5, whereas Rene was present from the season premiere onward. Both were technically only recurring characters last season despite heavy screen time. We’ll also be seeing a lot more of Katie Cassidy in her role as Black Siren. According to TVLine.com, she’s back as a series regular for season 6 after spending most of season 5 out of the limelight.
Josh Segarra, the actor behind last season’s big bag Adrian Chase, has been in Vancouver for a role on the upcoming Overboard movie remake as per @pursuit23. Although it would be convenient for him to make an appearance on this season of Arrow, it’s unlikely assuming Chase didn’t magically survive his self-inflicted handgun shot to the head.
After Arrow wrapped up season 5 in late April, series lead Stephen Amell hasn’t had much downtime. Since June 1st, he’s been in his hometown of Toronto filming an indie sci-fi feature called Code 8. He and his cousin, The Flash star Robbie Amell, are both starring in and executive producing the film which is based on a 10-minute short of the same name, also starring the cousins. Code 8 is scheduled to wrap up filming on July 14th.
Arrow season 6 is scheduled to start filming in Vancouver on July 7th and will continue until April 26th, 2018. It premieres in it’s new day/time slot Thursday, October 12th at 9pm on The CW in the US. According to a CTV press release, in Canada Arrow season 4 will maintain its Wednesday position on CTV TWO at 9pm. This is an interesting move; meaning that Canada will either get the episodes a full day ahead of the US, or we’ll be almost a week behind.
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Legends of Tomorrow Season 3
Legends of Tomorrow may have the most-revealed upcoming season of all 4 shows. In a high level summary of Legends of Tomorrow season 3, the showrunners confirmed the return of Caity Lotz, Arthur Darvill, Victor Garber, Dominic Purcell, Brandon Routh, Franz Drameh, Maisie Richardson-Sellers and Nick Zano.
The returning cast will be joined by newcomers Tala Ashe (American Odyssey) and Billy Zane (Titanic) who will play Adrianna Tomaz (aka Isis) and P.T. Barnum respectively.
This time around the Legends will have to face the damage we saw at the end of last season which they caused by revisiting a point in the timeline they had already been. Their mission will be to restore the timeline without disrupting it further. However, their former teammate, Rip Hunter and his new “Time Bureau” gets in the way and causes the Legends to go their separate ways. That is, until Mick Rory crosses paths with one of them while on his much anticipated vacation in Aruba. With the gang back together, they’re determined to face the Time Bureau head-on and save the future their own way.
Thanks to @missalexad17 we know that one of the primary locations during Legends of Tomorrow season 3 episode 1 will be Central Park in Burnaby. According to the filming notice she found, the cast and crew are expected to be filming at the park from July 10th to 13th. Central Park is one of the most popular filming locations in the Lower Mainland of BC. In addition to being a location that Legends of Tomorrow has used several times before, in the past year the park has been used by Van Helsing, The Flash, Supernatural, Once Upon a Time, Arrow and more.
Legends of Tomorrow Season 3 is scheduled to start filming in Vancouver and area July 7th until February 26th. It premieres Tuesday, October 10th at 9pm on The CW in the US and on CTV TWO in Canada.
Supergirl Season 3
Although Kara and team have put the threat of Queen Rhea behind them, their work is far from over. Recently added to the cast of Supergirl season 3 is Odette Annable (Pure Genius). According to Deadline.com, she’ll portray this season’s big bad, a recently well known Kryptonian and formidable villain from the comics lore, “Reign”.
In last season’s finale, Kara and Mon-El were torn apart after his pod was drawn into a wormhole, but mention of him in the network’s official summary of season 3 revealed that we haven’t seen the last of Chris Wood’s character yet. We’ll also see the return of the David Harewood, Chyler Leigh, Mechad Brooks, Jeremy Jordan and Calista Flockhart.
Despite the undeniable on-screen chemistry and the proposal during the season 2 finale, we’ll see less of Alex and Maggie (aka Sanvers) this season. Floriana Lima (who plays Maggie) has stepped down from her series regular status. She’ll be back in some capacity though, because she’s still set as a recurring character as per TVLine.com.
Katie McGrath was introduced as Lena Luthor during the beginning of season 2 and recurred throughout the rest of the season. According to Deadline.com, we’ll be seeing a lot more of her in Supergirl season 3 as she’s been promoted to series regular.
Supergirl season 3 is scheduled to start filming in Vancouver and area July 6th until April 28th, 2018. It premieres Monday, October 9th at 8pm on The CW in the US and on Showcase in Canada.
Also Starting This Week
Once Upon a Time – Season 7 (TV Series) Cast: Lana Parrilla, Robert Carlyle, Colin O’Donoghue, Andrew J. West, Alison Fernandez Filming until April 2nd, 2018
To All The Boys I’ve Loved Before (TV Movie) Filming until August 4th
For a full list of what’s filming in Vancouver and British Columbia right now, check out our In Production page.
Filming Locations
As always, keep an eye on our Current Filming Locations page where we post any information received via Twitter or otherwise. If you’re interested in checking out some past locations, have a look at our Filming Locations Archive.
Thank you @lemon_buzz for the initial scoop on when each of these shows would be returning to Vancouver to resume filming!
If you see any of these productions, including the The Flash season 4 filming in Vancouver and British Columbia, be sure to let us know by tweeting us (@WhatsFilming) or via our Submit a Location page.
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