#one of them was all black and my gf said at first glance she assumed it was a really weird crow before she processed its shape
sapphicautistic · 1 year
some ducks just came to visit us and eat some bugs right outside our window after the rain!!!!!
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violettelueur · 4 years
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↳ featuring : fushiguro megumi from jujutsu kaisen
↳ warnings : mention of blood, mention of injury, mention of death and grammar issues
↳ form : imagine
↳ published : 18 january
↳ pronouns : she/her
↳ word count : 1.6k
↳ request : AAAA YOUR FINALLY OPENN <3 um so for starters i was thinking abt the same scenario for the s/o, where the s/o was megumi’s gf. team tokyo was seeing your *dead* body lying on the ground, not knowing that your actually trying to use the reverse technique slowly. megumi felt he failed at protecting you, when you’re actually still alive but reviving. eventually he came to you, crying, and just kept saying “please dont leave me” “i cant afford to loose anything” “please”. IM SORRY IF ITS TOO SPECIFIC 😭😭 i really want some fluff+angst rn LMAOO. thankyou!! <33
↳ barista’s notes : hello hello hello ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ i had to remove a tiny bit of your request because it is a spoiler for non jujutsu kaisen manga readers ʕᴥ· ʔ and don’t worry if you think you’re being too specific, i will try my best to make the perfect cup of  coffee for you ʕ •ᴥ•ʔゝ☆ but other than that, i hope you enjoy you cup of classic black coffee (jujutsu kaisen request!) and you’re welcome back anytime!
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“Y/N, wake up please”
However, no matter how desperate he sounded nor how loud he was. You were non-responsive.
The grass below your body was struggling to soak up all the blood that had been spilt from your unknown wound caused by the special grade curse that you were fighting against.
No one knew how the curse was able to get into the premises of the battlefield of the Kyoto Sister-School Goodwill Event, let alone how it managed to get anywhere near Tokyo Metropolitan Curse Technical College. However, right now, all Fushiguro knew was that you were in critical condition as you continued to stay silent to his pleas.
“This ain’t some joke Y/N, wake up!” Fushiguro shouted in agony as he lifted your body into his arms, searching for any source of warmth from you that he was desperate to hold. Yet, you were just stone cold.
Frantic, Fushiguro began to search around your body to see if he could find the injury that was the final blow that you took, but there was no visible presence of one leading to the shikigami sorcerer’s anxiety to heighten as he began to wonder what really happened to you. What could have the special curse did that causes you to fall into a coma? A coma right? You were just in a coma? You weren’t dead? You couldn’t be dead?
“Megumi, she’s….Y/N is..” Maki began to stutter, afraid of the junior’s reaction to what she would have to announce as she began to reach out to him, leading Fushiguro to turn to look at her with tears welled up in his eyes which led Maki to look at him with widened eyes.
Never once she ever saw the green-eyed sorcerer have a single tear in his eyes as well as the rest of the sorcerers behind her as they stared at the situation that was happening right in front of them. On the other hand, they weren’t really surprised at the fact that you were the one that brought those same tears into his precious eyes. 
You were the first person to ever make them see Fushiguro smile.
Itadori remembered it as clear as day. It was when he had first met you at Harajuku around the same time when he first met Kugisaki. To his surprise that day, you weren’t the new student that they were meeting but rather a current student at the school he newly attended, it was just that you weren’t the one chosen to collect Sukuna’s finger at Sendai that day due to you having a mission of your own.
“So, you’re the infamous student that ate Sukuna’s finger?” you commented, as you walked towards the two students who were waiting in front of the station Gojo has told you to meet everyone at - but to no shock or surprise from you, the said teacher was not there to greet you.
“Oh? Are you the new student we are waiting for?” Itaodori kindly asked, as he took another bite out of his ice popsicle leading to your boyfriend, who was standing next to the salmon-haired boy, to have a say in the newly started conversation.
“No, this is L/N Y/N, she’s a first-year student like us, she enrolled at the same time as me,” Fushiguro informed the boy leading you to kindly smile at him while holding up a peace sign to seem more friendly.
“I’m Itadori Yuji, I’m from Sendai,” Itadori greeted you as he pointed at himself, causing you to nod your head before asking both the boys where your extremely tall teacher was, only for them to shrug at you indicating they had no idea on where Gojo was at all.
‘He probably is buying snacks or something ha?’
“Now it ain’t just the two of us ha Megumi?” you playfully asked your boyfriend as you poked his cheek, leading him to send you a side glance only for a giggle to be your response. Although it was a small interaction, Itadori was able to instantly pick up on something that confused him slightly.
“L/N, why did you call Fushiguro by his first name and not his family one?” Itadori asked in curiosity as he wondered how you were really friendly with the usually grumpy sorcerer. Turning to look at your new classmate, you smiled at him and quickly answered by saying, “no reason really, he just allowed me to since we’re really good friends,”.
Knowing Fushiguro, you knew he probably didn’t want to reveal the fact that you and him were in a relationship to Itadori too early into his newfound friendship with him, so you decided that it was the best for now to tell your new classmate that you two were really good friends.
On the other hand, what you didn’t see was how Fushiguro was looking at you. The shikigami user really appreciated the fact that you weren’t the type to tell the whole world about the both of you since he was a person that thought that not everyone needed to know if he was in a relationship or not leading to a small smile to dawn his face with a hint of adoration in his eyes as he stared at you.
Which was caught by the sights of Itadori Yuji.
However in his sights right now was not the same expression Fushiguro had that day. But how he wished it was. All Itadori could see right now was fear, desperation and regret in Fushiguro’s emerald eyes as he was holding onto your body like he was gripping the small amount of life that you could possibly have left in your body.
“Please don’t leave me,” Fushiguro muttered in a brittle tone, as he gently shook you, not giving up on the fact that you could have a chance of waking up. Not giving up the chance that he gets to see your beautiful eyes. Not giving up the chance that he gets to see your bright smile. Not giving up on the chance that he gets to see you alive.
“I’m sorry for not protecting you, please just wake up, I can’t lose you too,” Fushiguro begged as sorrowful tears began to lightly hit your cheeks with his throat slowly closing up leading to a slight struggle in breathing. Fushiguro slowly and regrettably came to the realisation that you were now gone, leading to a river of guilt that uncontrollably began to flow down to which caused the grade two sorcerer let out a pained scream as his friends from behind looked at the scene with a broken heart.
Gripping on to your body, Fushiguro held your body against his chest and his face was hidden in the crook of your head wanting to hold you for one last time before you were fully taken away from him.
Now he was hallucinating. Fushiguro was now hearing your voice as if you were calling out to him. He couldn’t help but fully accept that fact that you were dead and there was no chance you could possibly be calling out his nickname that he hated so much but was so desperate to hear again if he could.
Suddenly to his shock, Fushiguro felt a light but tight grip on his school jacket leading him to slowly pull away with widening eyes to a hand on his jacket causing him to look up to notice your eyes slowly begin to open, showcasing the coloured orbs that the shikigami user was so desperate to see.
“Mimi….it’s really hard to….concentrate using reverse curse energy….when you’re tightly gripping on to me,” you slowly commented with a small smile on your face, to which then you slowly began to sit up only to fall back into his arms due to exhaustion of using a magnitude of your curse energy to heal the injury that the special curse managed to wound you with.
“Y/N!” everyone shouted, as they crouched down to have a clear view of what they were seeing. To their complete astonishment, you were fully awake with a smile on your face leading everyone’s hearts to fill with joy as they were relieved that you were here right in front of them alive and well.
Kugisaki couldn’t help but instantly let tears of complete joy flow down her cheeks as she launched herself on top of you, tightly hugging you close to her releasing all the agonising tension that she was holding in the second she saw your once lifeless body in Fushiguro’s arms.
Gently lifting up one of your arms to Kugisaki’s body to comfort her, you slowly turned your head to stare up at the pair of emerald eyes that were looking at you with such relief and radiance, leading to your other hand that was previously gripping his jacket to then be placed on his cheek as you used your thumb to caress it to help him slowly come back to reality.
To be honest, you could tell he needed it right now. At the beginning of the Kyoto Sister-School Goodwill Event, you, Fushiguro and Kugisaki were utterly dumbfounded at the fact that Itadori was alive and well after 2 months of assuming that he was dead after Sukuna ripped out his heart and now you somehow you ‘came back alive’ after sustaining a serious injury of your neck being slashed - you knew seeing two people being revived was not what you saw every day.
“I’m sorry for scaring you like that,” you whispered to Fushiguro as you lightly brushed the remaining tears he had on his cheek leading to the stoic sorcerer to softly place his forehead against yours as he began to savour the warmth that he thought he had lost.
“Thank you,’ Fushiguro muttered as he closed his eye tightly, holding in the new coming tears that were threatening to flow down leading to your hand that was on his cheek to be now placed on the back of his neck as your fingers began to caress his hair to help calm him down even further.
“Thank you for staying”
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© violettelueur 2021 : written and published by violettelueur - do not steal or repost
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samuclit · 3 years
Love Foolish
miya atsumu x reader
tags: angst, hurt/comfort, established relationship, mature, a little smut (define little on your own), 7.8K words
Summary: Miya Atsumu didn't realise that he was actually counting the days he spent with you while being your boyfriend. The step-process to how your relationship with him rekindles every time a new day begins was not as apparent as it seems to be, but he sure knew that the dreaded day when it comes to an end will never come.
This is an old piece that I worked on last year...I am terribly sorry for the way I post this fic I am not good with tumblr yall this is harder than my degree 
Day 153
Atsumu was exhausted. He just got back from training with the college team for a few weeks already. He needs to catch up with the college team even though the time he spent away was used for his training with the MSBY Black Jackals team. He was advised by his family members, team coach and his friends that he should not miss out on any practice without a valid reason and should diligently claim his spot on both teams with the most outstanding effort and attitude so he followed, believed that this is for the best in order to build his volleyball career he was always so passionate about since he was in middle school. If only Osamu joins him, he thinks it won’t be as draining as it is right now.
Everyone in college knows Miya Atsumu, he is too perfect. The handsome look, tall and built figure, his diligence in both studies and shaping his career, to top it all off he is charming and is a ladies’ man. He could make every girl fall for him the instant he flashes his smirk that has been scientifically proven to be a bait for everyone in this universe. One small talk he could get girls on his bed, spending the whole night snogging off each other and leaving them whenever he got annoyed with the sudden disturbance. You happen to be one of the girls who got in his bed, goes on several dates with him, but this time you were one of the people who last longer than a week, and then a month and few more months after that. He assumes and waits for you to be the one ending the relationship but it won’t even come, and he is already tired of waiting.
So, he makes you tired. He doesn't want anything to be on his way at all, and you in the equation is making him disturbed at some times. During the first few weeks of dating, you often invite him for a date at the coffee shop which he obliges only for the reason to not break your feelings even though he has some tasks which are more important at hand. You are nice, but he isn’t. He told Suna that you deserve better. 
It has also been roughly two weeks since he last talked to you, and deep in his heart he kind of wants your nagging presence around him, just to distract him from the truckload of stress he’s carrying on his shoulders. So he texted you.
You: [Name], are ya coming or not. Been thinking of binging that Netflix series you’ve been babbling about.
[Name]: Ah sorry, it’s girls’ night with Midori and her gf. 
You: I see. Have fun. 
That’s weird. You said it yourself that you wanted to binge on the weekends with him, after he finished with this practice for the week, and also he thinks that’s just you trying to make up with him after your first argument with him. It is...nobody’s fault, he thinks. He doesn’t want to blame himself and you, partially because you were really upset that day that you raised your voice and he didn’t chase you after you ran out of the apartment. It is just a silly argument. He doesn't want to think about it that much. 
As he took a shower and dressed himself in a fresh new pair of t-shirt and black sweatpants, he plopped himself on the sofa and went through Netflix to find something worth watching. He saw the show you wanted to watch ; Pretty Little Liars. Ah it’s not even a Netflix series, it’s just a series which is available on Netflix. Seems like he wasn’t even attentive to what you said. 
Before he falls asleep, he walks down the memory lane, to remember how exactly you and Atsumu could last this long in a relationship.
Day 0
The party seems to be a hit! His seniors on the volleyball team joined hands with the football team to conduct a party to celebrate post-sports festival of Tokyo U that happened for a week long and the party is held at the dorms outside of the campus so the board of education won’t meddle, with the promise that there aren’t drugs involved. Which is okay, the athletes are supposed to stay away from drugs and they’re disciplined enough to consider their life decisions. 
He was simply just hanging around in the living room of the dorm, which is a terrace house in a neighbourhood a few kilometres away, talking to his friends, Suna and Komori, who are his teammates in the college team. Komori used to go to the same Youth Camp with Atsumu so they knew each other since then. “Huh, sick party. I didn’t think there would be too many people here.” Komori said as he chugs down his cold beer, swaying a little after he finishes with a slightly long chug. “Senpai said just the athletes of the college are invited, but it seems like the whole campus crashed together. Lunatics.” Atsumu said as he plopped down on the bean bag and leaned his head back. Suna calls out.
“Oi, Midori is here. I invited her.” Atsumu is familiar with Midori, he has never been close with her but he knows of her since they went to the same high school together. The three pairs of eyes went towards the door together to greet Midori, with you tailing behind her. “Hey, glad ya made it!” Suna lunges forward and grabs Midori in a hug. “Yeah, cool place, I’m sorry I don’t have a plus one to bring with so I just drag my friend along. Hey, this is [Name]. Go say hi and be friends!” Midori pushed the other girl, which he heard to be [Name], also a familiar name. “Oh wait...you guys must have not have known about her...we went to the same school man...” Midori pinches the bridge of his nose and sighs. It is sad that not many people know about small girls like [Name] that much. 
Indeed, you went to the same school and you’re in a completely different league than Atsumu, he was and still is the famous athlete that has the entire girls’ population wrapped around his fingers. You’re around the circle of...top scorers who are active in volunteers and some other stuff Atsumu was not into. “Oh, is she another one of your hockey teammates?” you continue hiding behind Midori’s taller frame. Midori pulled you away and hugged your waist, giving support. “Come on now, babe say hi, they’re our friends” you glared at her with a smug look. “Hye, it’s [Name]. I’m not an athlete, I’m a political science major, pleasure to meet ya” your eyes tried to glance from Suna to Komori and to Atsumu but you averted your eyes away from him as soon as it landed on him. You look cute in just a rock concert t-shirt with black jeans shorts and plain converse. Classic party look, but you are not the type to go to parties because...assignments and stress are getting through you  which explains why you’re all fidgety. Midori knows there’s more to that, cause you’re a very wild extrovert at some time.
“Hey, enjoy the party, drinks and snacks are down there, the toilet is on another end, help yerself.” Atsumu pats on your shoulder and moves past you to greet his other friends who crashed the party. You’re petrified, to say the least and moved quick on your heels to head to the bathroom for some reality check. The environment is overwhelming. 
Atsumu gets tired easily even after downing a can of beer but he isn’t exactly drunk. He is just tired with the lots of conversations and the girls from other courses trying to talk to him, wanting the conversation in a bedroom which he said no to, he is a responsible man. He is not going to do it with them when in their drunken stupor. However, his endless denials are stopped with a sudden disturbance right in front of him.
Midori is on a couch, with a girl and was playing with her hair and occasionally rubbing her thigh and before they closed in someone threw a beer cup at Midori. “What the hell? Leave me alone!” Midori turned his body to see a bulked up guy whose name Atsumu doesn’t remember behind the couch, looming over the two figures sitting on the couch. It’s going to get ugly. 
“What the fuck, you leave us alone! Why the hell are homos here. Get out!”  Midori and the poor girl trembles in fear and Atsumu wants to blow a kick so bad but he can’t move because of the girls that are around him. Before he tried to push the girls away, he saw you moving towards him, taking away the beer can he has in his hands. “I’m sorry I’m taking this!” Your eyes had a small fire ignited in it and he can’t help but gave away his beer can, and then he saw you walking up on the couch and on to the head rest, spit into the beer and pours the beer all over the homophobic guy who slandered your friend. The guy was drenched and screamed because the beer was icy cold and it came to contact with his skin that got heated from way too much alcohol consumed. 
“Oh, I am very sorry, I was convinced that this big hunk of muscle is a trash can!” you screamed with an evil laughter and the whole party laughed and cackled at the sight of the giant asshole from Engineering talking shit about the woman adored by the majority of campus. Midori is your best friend, a very kind, beautiful  and valid lesbian friend of yours. You would do anything to protect her from the touch of homophobic devils that would insult her every now and then. It has been happening more recently after she got out of the closet, even when she was inside all this time, you have always given her tons of support and protection because it’s just something about you. Midori was already smiling and got herself up away from the sofa with the girl she was with, hands holding hers tightly. 
“You punk! Are ya crazy? Do ya want me to kill ya like I kill your friend here?” your figure who had one leg propped on the head rest while the other on the couch went tense and is about to fall and the nasty asshole grabbed you by the neck, having you lifted in the air and no one helped to stand against him except Midori who was pulling your body before the guy fully grasped your entire neck in his hands. Before he even pressed harder on your throat, Atsumu landed a punch on his face, making himself knocked down on the floor. You already fell flat on the couch, trying to regain your breath. He warns the guy off and he immediately leaves after. 
“Shit shit, are you okay?” Atsumu kneels on the floor to check up on you, who were lying on the couch, still coughing out and trying to calm down. Midori ran to get some water for you. “I’m fine, fine, where's Midori? Is she okay?” Midori hit you in the arm. “Idiot. I am fine but look at you, I told you I’m alright, if you give them attention and piss them off they will harm you, look what happened.” Midori cries and hugs you. Atsumu checked up on your face, saw tiny drops on the edge of your eye which got wiped away the instant Midori wrapped her arms around you. “I told you  I will always protect you okay, I promised you that” Midori looked at your face again and was still sobbing. She turns towards Atsumu who stood by them. Suna and Komori arrived in the space after making sure the guys had run off. The party went back to normal and it’s chaos again. 
“Thank you, Atsumu, if it weren’t for you, I don’t know what would happen to the both of us.” The girl from before is rubbing her hands on Midori’s back trying to calm her down. “No, [Name] did the most fight, I only come in when it gets physical. I let ya know when I see that guy again I am going to beat the living shit out of him. Nasty jackass.” Atsumu’s rage calms down when he sees you and Midori laugh, finally he makes a safe space for you and her. After some minutes of calming down and talking and giggling Midori takes the cue to leave. “I think I need to go now, need to take some air, you should, too, babe. Love you” Midori hugged and left with the girl she was with the entire time during the party.
Atsumu has long left you and Midori alone when you were busy talking to her, so he goes away somewhere to talk with some of the boys from the football club. They heard something about how that guy is a maniac and has been expressing his hate crimes for several years now, basically a loser and Atsumu thinks his sucker punch is something he could take pride in. After he saw Midori take off with the girl he saw you heading towards the door that linked to the backyard. More people were there, some were laying on the ground doing some unnecessarily lewd stuff that Atsumu does not want to remember.
He saw you taking a seat on one of the stools that was set up for guests to sit. He brought a can of beer, intended to give you. As he approaches you were rubbing around the area on your throat which the bully from before had pressed on. You were still in pain. “Hey, needa drink?” Atsumu hands over the beer while he sits down on the stool next to you. “Ah, I’m sorry I don’t...drink around guys. Trust issues.” Atsumu furrowed his eyebrows and he finally got what you were trying to say. “Oh, I totally get it, I’m sorry.” You were a flustered mess. You didn’t intend to actually...reject a kind offer from him but it’s a strange new place and strange new environment, though you knew Atsumu from high school to be quite a decent person that you– “[Name]? Are ya okay? Ya were about to say something earlier?” “Oh, yeah. You don’t have to apologise, we can just go for drinks some other times'' you let out a small laugh and he smiles. Awkward.
“Ya don’t have to worry about that guy, I heard someone is going to report him to the dean. He’ll be out in no time” you smirked. “Good! Midori must be happy”. The both of you laughed and the  conversation continued randomly, topics about his volleyball activities and you popping in some random thoughts about life to him, it makes him feel weird at first but he picks up after quite some time.
And the night goes with you spending your night with him on his small bed in the apartment he shared with his other friends. Kisses are littered all over your body and Atsumu leads you through your first intimate session with so much ease and gentleness. He left an especially passionate kiss on the neck that tells the stories of your fight and trauma, hoping that he could kiss it away and replace it with the memories of your first. “Are ya really sure about this?” Atsumu asked at one point when you were making out with him on his lap just right after he got you in his room. “Please, do what you want” and Atsumu continues to ravish you and pulls on every article that trapped your beautiful untouched body. 
The morning he woke up, you were sleeping soundly, despite the uncovered chest you had on display cause you fell asleep after the second round of fucking you had no chance to clean up or put on a shirt. The messy hair and arousing look you had on aside, you look too peaceful to be on someone’s bed, someone who you have known for a long time but have only gotten close from an impromptu encounter so Atsumu threw the plans of getting out of bed aside and continues watching the small details on your face. He would pick up the falling strands of your hair and tucks it behind your ear, trailing his fingers on the swollen lips you had after making out with him the entire night. He enjoys your presence. He likes it, being with you, so this is all worth it. 
As your eyes fluttered open, squinting because of the bright sun, which was now covered by Atsumu’s hands to help you get back to sleep without the disturbance. You woke up anyway. “Atsumu, what are ya doing?” you asked, trying to pull the blanket that barely covers your naked front. “Just letting a princess continue her peaceful sleep” you were blushing, it feels like a dream to wake up with Atsumu next to you, so you lean into him more and he tackles you under the sheets. As Atsumu closes in again, about to kiss you like he did the previous night before, your eyes widened and you pushed him away, rolling out of bed naked. You pulled the blanket to cover yourself and scrammed to find your underwear and outfit from last night. “Fuck, fuck I’m late shit I gotta go” you were clasping your bra and putting on your underwear as you continue with your series of cuss words picked up at random. “What’s going on are you okay? Was it–“ you put on your jean shorts and looked at him. “No-no I’m late to a group discussion and I am going to die I think.” You already had your phone in hand with your bag in hand running to the door. Atsumu put on his sweatshirt and training shorts in a haste, offering to give you a ride. 
“Hey, I can help ya get to yer spot with my car. Don’t have ta rush'' you gaped and mumbles thousands of gratefulness and lunges forward to hug but stopped yourself. In the car you were on a phone call with one of the people in your group and you immediately spilled the idea you had in mind in a heartbeat. Atsumu has been driving nowhere so he stops and parked his car at the parking space of the nearby McDonald’s. After several arguments and reasons to have your opinion accepted you finally heaved a relief and ended the call with another apology. 
“Yer quite a persistent one aren’tcha?” you looked at him, face messy, unclean and tired. The post-sex glow seems to not work with everyone. “Yeah, there’s an event and I’m in charge. I was so caught-off guard. Pretty sure they will kick me out if they don’t accept my idea but guess not!” you laughed and smiled gleefully. Pure satisfaction whenever people acknowledge us. Atsumu understood that much. “So...since you don’t have to go...breakfast?” Atsumu points his thumb to the back of the car, which was the entrance to the McDonald’s. “No...I stink so much...but I am hungry so....drive-thru?” Atsumu smiles and puts down the handbrake. “Sure thing, princess”.
After you both got your respective breakfast meal set, Atsumu takes off to the lake and brought you together with him to eat on the benches. Atsumu enjoys the company as much as you did. What starts off with a random conversation of how the duck is limping, to talking about the fluffiness of the poodle someone took for a walk turns into a conversation about each others’ personal lives.
“If anything, virginity is a social construct to put down women, so if you think last night is fun just because of that, I am going to berate your entire existence” you warn him, mouth full with the breakfast muffin. “Sure, what’s fun about last night is that you’re hot and I like you.” Atsumu closes in, trying to make you feel more flustered. “You...like me?” you were blushing and he guessed that his classic method works. “Can say that, I don’t usually have breakfast with people I sleep with, so I think that’s how I know.” You scoffed as his smug smile grew wider. “Oh you’re quite a cheesy one. So, this isn’t just a one time thing?” you looked over to him. He said no and continued kissing you like he meant it. 
Days after that, the dates are frequent, spending the night in his apartment is a routine, watching movies is a norm and the intimate sessions get more interesting for the past few months, he thinks he needs to tell you all about his fantasy and you told him yours and both wishes are fulfilled.
Day 150
Atsumu woke up from the nap, the movie was already finished by then. He reached for his phone which was ringing non-stop. He's going to puke his brains out. Midori was the one calling him. There are around 7 missed calls coming from Midori.
“Oi pisshead, your girlfriend’s drunk. Come and pick her up.” Atsumu looks at the time
“Didn’t last that long?” Atsumu giggles. Midori snapped. 
“I’m being serious. She gets crazier now you need to pack her up. I can’t because my girlfriend is as shit-faced drunk right now.” Midori starts to call out your name to get off the table. Whatever that happened it must have been really shitty what’s going on down there at the bar.
“Okay, just text me the address I’m on my way” Atsumu took his wallet and car keys with him, all fresh to fetch your drunk ass home. 
As soon as he arrived he stormed to the booth which you and Midori sat at. You were already lying down on the couch, fast asleep and giggling as you sleep. “Okay you’re here. I’m going home with my girlfriend so you take care of her properly.” Midori sat herself at the couch you were sleeping on. “[Name].....I’m going now so take care okay! Love you goodnight!” you were whining so loudly at her. “Nooooo....Midoriiiii-chan I am going to miss you don’t leave me” you were pouting and whining and hug Midori to prevent her from going. Atsumu stood at the side watching the mess unfold. “Your boyfriend is here to pick you up! Goodbye!” Midori dragged her girlfriend away and got out of the bar.
“Midori’s good at lying. There’s no way my boyfriend cares ‘bout me” Atsumu covers his face in shame because the other customers at the bar are looking at you. “Who are ya...are you a stranger? Can I call you Mr Stranger? You look handsome.” You giggled and Atsumu laughed at your cuteness. This is certainly a new side to you, he has never seen you turn into a giant ball of fluff before. “Okay now cmon Miss [Name] let’s get ya home.” Atsumu swooped your legs in his right hand while the other supported the small back of your body. Your eyes are still squinting which must be the reason why you can’t recognise Atsumu yet. 
“I miss my boyfriend Mr Stranger. I want to see him...please take me to see him pleassseeeee.” You buried your face in his chest and held on to the cotton string of his hoodie. “Oh yeah? Is he really that handsome?” he puts you in the passenger seat and buckles your seatbelt. “He is! His hair colour is a bit funny, Midori said it makes it look like he bathed in piss” Atsumu got that too many times already. “But in my very personal point of view, it is kind of biased, he rocks that look. He looks hot!” Atsumu blushed and proceeded to head to the driver’s seat. It’s you and your habit of expressing too many opinions again. He liked this one. He also misses your constants chit chat after a whole month of not talking to each other because of a petty argument. He admits that he misses you so much, but a jerk like him won’t admit it. He’s going to break up with you anyway.
As he continues driving he would listen to what you said about ‘your boyfriend’ and he would sometimes smirks and whispers an ‘I know’ and sometimes it is too loud you caught him in the act. The night drive seems fun with you, and he figures you are still too drunk and even with too much talking your body stays the same. You fell asleep at some point, when he is close to the apartment you resided in. He found out after quite some time that Midori moved into her girlfriend’s apartment so now you live alone. 
Even after he arrives at the apartment complex he lets you take some time to sleep, and as time passes by and it’s getting later into the night, he shakes your shoulder to wake you up. 
“Hey, [Name], we’re here.” Atsumu smiles as you yawn and stretches your limbs.
“Mr Stranger? I have a secret. Can I tell you...I’m afraid to tell anyone.” You said after some time. Atsumu had no idea what to do. So he just played along. “Yeah, I promise I will keep it.” Atsumu laughs and looks at you. 
“I think my boyfriend doesn’t love me. I kind of got the gist of it for a long time...but...now I am convinced. I think...the next time I see him, will be the last time I see him. And I–I don’t wanna” you cried immediately, you were sobbing too hard and you covered your face with the both of your palms. Atsumu is shattered especially, what you said was true. He might break it off when time comes, but seeing your heart broken and giving up the usual happy and chaotic smile and laughter you had because of the thought of breaking up with him, he felt like his heart was going to jump out of his chest. So he asked further. He needs to know more, he needs to know why. Why do you catch up to what he was thinking so fast? 
“W-why is it?” Atsumu choked on his breath. His heart was thumping so loudly, and it was beating off the charts. “He seems to not want me around...I tried my best to give him space, time for himself  but....he never wants a time wimme....and then...I-he-he don’t want to see me even when he is free”. You continue crying in the silent car, Atsumu wanted to reach your hands but he knew that would be such an asshole thing to do since he is the one causing this mess. Atsumu got out of the car and opened the door from your seat. “Hey hey let’s get you to your apartment okay?” Atsumu unbuckled the seat belt and you kept on crying, you pulled on his sweater and gripped it so tightly and wailed like a baby into his chest. He sighed and embraced you in a tight hug, calmly rubbing the small of your back trying to calm you down. 
After quite some time only the sniffles could be heard. You start talking again. “You know...I’d rather see him happy even if it means I need to break up with him. Ah I’m so dramatic for no reason. Can you help...carry me to my apartment, Mr Stranger?” you pulled away from his hug, makeup ruined and eyes red. Atsumu smiled and nodded at you. “Of course, I’ll carry you.” He carried you in a manner when he hugs your tiny body to carry you to the bed during one of those nights he needed a release. This closeness to your warm body, and the earlier event that happened of you confessing to a complete stranger about him, he is regretting it. 
Day 125
Atsumu just got home from South Korea. He was there for a training camp with the home team there because one of his coach from the MSBY Black Jackals used his connections with an old friend to conduct a camp for them to further polish the players’ skill in the said sport. It would be a great chance for him to bloom more than how he is after his successful debut as a Div. 1 League player. 
He was simply relaxing around after two days and Osamu was cooking plenty of food for the gang. Osamu invited some friends of his, and Suna brought his girlfriend with him. Komori was there too, with his cousin. When Osamu asked if he was going to invite you, Atsumu shrugged and said no, he wants to relax without you around. Even if you are around you would never go that far to make him uncomfortable. He still hasn’t called you yet even when he landed in Tokyo two days before. 
“Atsumu, didn’t ya miss yer girlfriend? Just tell her to come over.” Osamu said from the kitchen, bringing a pot of stew he made for the gang and putting it on the table. “Nah, she didn’t even know I’m in Tokyo.” Everyone in the living room looks at him. “Miya you’re kinda an asshole for that” Komori said as he passed a bowl to Suna and his girlfriend. “Cmon now don’t look at me like I’m a criminal or sumn...I just want to relax I’ll tell her later.” Atsumu scoffed and leaned his back to the sofa as he was sitting on the carpet.
“Are you...joking. She came by practice the other day, said she can’t reach you.” Sakusa said as he put down his mask aside and dug in. Atsumu knew that. He purposely ignored your text and calls and only left a message when you’re offline or when he knows you were sleeping. He doesn't want distractions. “Yer a prick, [Name]’s really nice and ya can’t see that. If ya got issues just break up already.” Suna speaks and his girlfriend agrees. “Yeah for real, if Rintarou had issues I know he is going to leave my ass in the streets. But I’m glad he has no problems. As a woman I will honestly kick you in the ass, ya know, that woman with woman solidarity.” Suna kissed his girlfriend on the cheek and Atsumu scoffed. “I know, I just don’t know the right time yet.” Komori already mumbles a series of cuss words,  Osamu and Suna sigh and Suna pulls his girlfriend back from kicking Atsumu in the face. Sakusa heard a doorbell and reached for the door now to open.
“[Name]?” Sakusa screams in shock. Speaking of the witch. Well, you’re not a witch, you’re the sweetest person ever that happens to be Atsumu’s unlucky girlfriend. “Hey Sakusa-san! Nice to see you! I brought something!” you waltzed in the door and headed to the kitchen you’re already familiar with. Atsumu felt his guilt eating his insides. Who the fuck called you here? 
Komori puts his phone up so Atsumu can see. Komori smirks at him and Atsumu flashes out the middle finger to him. Sakusa mumbles and points at Atsumu, he said somewhere along the lines of you solve this on your own, Miya! 
Osamu headed to greet you first. “Hey Osamu, I brought some home made dorayaki for you and Atsumu. You guys love it right?” Osamu smiles and thanked you endlessly. You smiled but as you looked at the awkward little Atsumu behind Osamu you stopped smiling. He headed towards you and Osamu knows it’s his cue to leave the both of you in the kitchen.
“Hey, how’s South Korea?” Atsumu sat on the chair of the kitchen island. “Twas good. The food there, they’re amazing.” You hummed. “Glad you enjoyed it. Maybe I would know more if you actually answer my calls and texts about how busy you are and tell me when you arrived. But it seems like you don’t miss me that much.” You sighed. 
“[Name], I’m just...I’m sorry I need time for myself I’m so tired.” You looked at him, sad and gloom covering your whole body like the dark blue cardigan you had around you. “Tired of me or of practice?” you asked and reached for the tips of his fingers. “That’s–that’s not it, okay. Please give me some time.” Atsumu pleaded, you flinched when he suddenly glared at you. 
After some time, you released a deep breath and headed to the door. “Enjoy the dorayaki guys, I hope I don’t interrupt you guys. I’m sorry and please take care of Atsumu for me.” You opened the door and headed out. Atsumu is still in his seat. When the door was slammed he got up and sat himself back on the carpet around his friends. He picks up his chopsticks and pulls the omelette Osamu made. Everyone was staring at him.
“Eat your food and stop staring at me.” Atsumu rolled his eyes and ate more food on the table. “Ya don’t even want to chase her?” Osamu asked from beside him. “Nope.” Komori scoffed. 
“Just want you to know she got here by bus alone. I don’t know if it helped change your mind.” Komori said and drank his cold lemon tea he poured for himself. Atsumu stopped chewing and clenched his jaw, looking at Komori.
“The one who ruined lunch is you, Atsumu.” Suna’s girlfriend said and Suna agreed. So does everyone else. 
You don’t leave a text to Atsumu to the day he picked you up from the bar. He only texted you because he wants to end the relationship.
Day 153
Atsumu still has you in his arms. You’re already asleep, face still drenched with tears. He struggled with the pin to your apartment but picks up after a while of thinking. It is his birthday. 
Atsumu realised he is a bigger asshole than how he was minutes ago in the car as he remembered that he had never come to your apartment. Months of relationship it was always his place as you always preferred his place over yours and he thinks that maybe if he was the one giving in more effort to be the one going all the way to your apartment to spend time with you, he would have felt  better about himself. Normal dates outside are very rare aside from lunch or a quick grab of coffee before classes because he was too busy with his practices and you with your duties as a political science student.
He carried you to what he assumed to be your bedroom, carefully putting your body on the bed, taking off the leather jacket you had with you, slowly dragging the thick comforter to cover your shivering body. After shuffling in the kitchen, looking to find some aspirin and a glass of water for you to gargle right after you woke up he put it on the desk at your bedside. 
He saw a picture of you and Midori on the table, during graduation day. Midori carried you on her back while you threw a peace sign with tongue out and Midori making a disgusted face. He laughs at it, putting it back to where it belongs, carefully. 
You had a lot of other pictures pasted on the wall, the one that faces you when you sit on your study table. The notes and thick books are messily arranged on the shelf, a succulent that says ‘Good Job!’ on the table standing cutely, possibly the one that kept you up during the late night study sessions. He never really checked up on you and your studies, how did you manage to be so strong on your own without a supportive boyfriend, he doesn't know. 
And then he saw the pictures you hung neatly. He took the pictures one by one and saw some notes you scribbled on the back of the photograph. 
First, a picture with your parents. You talked about them at some time because you’re their only daughter and you missed them as much as they missed you. One time when you were making out with Atsumu your parents called and you pushed him away to answer the phone call. So funny how you got so innocent and angel-like just right after doing some lewd stuff with Atsumu just with the voice of your parents on the phone. At the back of the picture, it wrote.
Secured the top-scorer title with a scholarship! Mommy and Daddy are proud of me and I will never stop!
The second picture is of you and Midori at a pride parade. This time you wore a white t-shirt with blue jeans and sneakers and you looked absolutely mesmerizing. 
Pride with Midori. I am so happy for her!!
Some other pictures of you at an animal shelter, old folks home, in the streets, caring for homeless people, women’s march and marathon for cancer awareness. You were basically everywhere and it is what makes him regret not finding out about this side of you. All he does is talk about his talent in volleyball and you always make him feel the best that he never gave a chance for you to talk about yourself. 
Atsumu can’t stop the stretch of his smile and it is making his jaw sore. He is so whipped for you. You have always been such a caring person to him, doing your best to take care of him when game losses make his sour mood make a nasty comeback. 
He would cry in a phone call because he messed up his set and you arrived in his room, dropping your bag to hug him and lull him back to sleep. He cries so hard and you would never make him cry worse than he did, you were always comforting but his pride and selfishness would forget that in a day because he thinks the relationship you had with him is a waste. 
Atsumu is a fool. He didn’t realise how much his confusion hurts you more than it hurts himself. He is such a fool for not being there to protect you. The thought of you crying minutes earlier makes him scream in his heart, he doesn't ever want to see it again. If he made that happen again he will never forgive himself and if he has to build a shrine and be a monk to make sure his sins are forgiven he would do it. He would do anything for you. 
The last picture hid him the hardest.
It was him, and you, during his debut game as MSBY Black Jackals setter. 
You had your body leaned into his arm, smiling wide with a bouquet of flowers for him in your hand. He was staring at the camera with a lazy smirk, hands encircling your waist. It was sweet, and you look very cute standing next to him, in his embrace like that. A sight so beautiful. It is a shame when he remembers what exactly happened that night.
It was a very joyful day for Atsumu and for you but Atsumu didn’t even tell you about the match, you were only informed of the game because of Komori so the ticket you got is because Osamu gave up his ticket for you. He is tired of seeing Atsumu play volleyball and he can see it on his phone if he wants so he just gave it to you, saying you deserve it better. Even when you’re not informed about the game, you still showed up in the cutest little dress with the cutest little smell and the cutest bouquet of baby breath flowers for him. 
Atsumu is not fond of flowers. He is not fond of surprises either. When you showed up on the court, congratulating him, he was shocked. He was busy talking to fangirls and kids who love volleyball until you call out his name with so much pride. 
“Atsumu aaaa I am so proud of you! You worked so hard for this and I am sorry I don’t know of this sooner.” You hugged him and pat his back when you hugged him. Eyes glistening as you pulled away. Said the cries are happy tears. You told one of the passers-by to take a picture of you and Atsumu, resulting in the small piece of photography in his hand.
Later that night he went with his team and celebrated the debut together with them while you took off to your apartment, barely making it to the last bus of the night to get there safely, wishing you were with Atsumu in his car instead.
He turned the picture over. There is a long note there.
Might be the first ever picture with Atsumu, like ever. Nonetheless I am so happy and so proud of him it made my jaw hurt so much as I write this. I can’t stop smiling!!! I hope I can attend more of his games, more to his success, more time with him. I feel like I am the happiest person alive! I feel like one of the fantasy film protagonists where the person they have loved for a long time is within their arms, finally! I am so happy to have known Atsumu since the beginning days of school, how his charming and cunning personality, inspiring and charismatic figure would walk down the hallways of Inarizaki, I will always fall for him over and over again. I love him so much, and even if it takes a thousand years to wait for him I will always wait. Praying that this essay reaches the Gods because I love him too much, I don’t even want to let him go. I love Miya Atsumu, and I hope he feels the same thing too.
Atsumu pasted the picture back on the wall, turning off the study lamp and closing the door as he walked out. He sat on the couch in the living room, only having the kitchen light to illuminate the entire apartment. As he sat there, tears rolled off his eyes and loud sobs spilled out of his mouth. 
He realised he is such a foolish man, living in a complete lie with an angel from heaven taking care of him despite getting paid dust in return. He cried so hard he took the pillow next to him and cried himself to sleep. 
Day 154
If it is not for the bubbling and disturbing feeling in your stomach, you wouldn’t have gotten up and run to the bathroom to puke your guts out, but here you are. Smelling so stinky you just take a shower along the way. Fresh out of the shower in clean new clothes you saw a tall glass of water with your birth control pills right beside it. After downing the glass of water you headed to the kitchen to grab an aspirin to calm down the throbbing pain of your chest.
What you found instead is the sight of Atsumu, wearing an apron on top of his white t-shirt. It has been way too long since you have last seen him, and you didn’t expect to encounter him in your apartment, let alone him in the kitchen, preparing a breakfast for two. “Atsumu! What are you doing here!” you screamed audibly to him and got to the table to see a tray of rice and a bowl of soup on the table. 
“Ah, ya woke up earlier than I thought ya would, was intending to make breakfast on bed like in that one cheesy film you love so much.” You blushed. You headed to the cupboard and popped the aspirin into your mouth with the assistance of the barley tea Atsumu prepared for you. 
As you sat down awkwardly, he pulled out the rice bowl and put the tray in the sink and scooped another bowl of rice and soup for himself. He prepared a hearty meal for two, a miso soup to help you sober down and ease the gut after rounds of alcohol shots dumped in your body. 
Right, you were drunk last night. “So why are you here?” you asked after spooning out the final drop of the miso soup. “You remember nothing at all?” Atsumu asked. “Wait...so...Midori didn’t lie?” you asked again. Just realising that Midori already told you that your boyfriend was there. 
“Oh my god...how much did I say?” you pressed your palms on your face and dropped them to your lap. Atsumu smiles. 
“You said a lot! You said too much that it made me learn a lot.” Atsumu reaches your hands the moment it gets on to the table. He clasped it with care and so much gentleness even when his hand is calloused and rough from the intense training for so many days in a week. 
Atsumu sighs and hangs his head low. “I just realised that all this time, our relationship is one-sided” you gasped and the grip on his hands gets tighter. “I...took you for granted. I never gave you a comfort space to live in, a shoulder to cry on, and I have never...expressed my feelings for you.” You were trembling and Atsumu fully connected your fingers with his, interlacing it together hoping that neither of you will let it go.
“All this time you were always there for me, no matter what I was struggling with, no matter the time and place you would rush and hug me and tell me that it will be okay but I let you cry on your own whenever you deal with the same problem. I made a big mistake, and I swear to my life that I will make it up to you.” You got up from your seat and went to the sink along with your empty bowls. Atsumu got there too, hugging you from behind. 
“I am so sorry for being late, I love you. I love you so much that it hurts when I see you get hurt because of me.” Atsumu hugged you like he would make you dissolve in his body, it was so tight and warm and comforting it felt like home.
Miya Atsumu is your home. You are his home. And so he kisses your hair, your neck, your shoulders to make sure you won’t disappear before him, to tell you that what he said is true. 
You turned around. Holding his head in your hands.
“Atsumu, I love you too, and I missed you so much.” You smiled as the tears dropped, and Atsumu thinks this sight of yours hurts him as much as it makes his heart feel warm. It was a mixed feeling, but he knows that the perfect moment is right there, he holds your waist and your neck and kisses you on the lips with so much need and passion, to tell you that he loves you.
Your hands went to wrap itself on his neck, occasionally stopping by to run your hair through the blonde locks you love so much. He kisses in deeper and languid motion; it makes your head drowsy, worse than what the alcohol did to you but the sensation is nice. The alcohol was bitter and you hated it, this kiss tastes sweet and flavourful and you love it.
Atsumu continues while he carries you towards the bedroom he left you in alone last night, slowly putting your body on the messy bed who still has the scent of you from last night. It is supposed to gross you out but Atsumu is making it harder for you to breathe so nothing really matters, and Atsumu loves the scent as much as you love his oozing warmth that makes your eyes roll to the back of your head.
He continues peppering kisses along your entire body, just like the night when you first spent together. Shirts off, pants off, underwear off. There’s nothing in the way of the both of you in the intense love-making session. Atsumu loves the way his name rolls on your tongue as he nibbles addictively on your neck, your chest and your tummy that is filled with the food he made for you, the love he had in store from his heart is delivered into you with so much ease. He plans to deliver some more as his kisses turn more passionate as the clock ticks, tongue intermingles and liquid drooling out of each other’s hot mouth.
Atsumu is already so eager to get inside you but he always has to prioritise you before him so he asked you. “Can I-can I get on with it now?” he asked, trying to recollect his breath at the same time while he looks for a particular wrapper in the drawer of your bedside table. “It’s fine, Atsumu, I’m on birth control.” You smiled at him and he smiled back, caressing your cheeks, touching your lips and tucking your hair behind your cute ears he loved to kiss so much. “You know, you mistook the birth control pills for aspirin that’s why I rummaged through the whole cupboard to look for one.” You gave him a glare so cute he continues kissing you. “My bad, baby. Can I get in now?” He asked with a teasing little smirk displayed on his stupidly handsome face.
“Yes, you can Atsumu.” You kissed him on the cheeks and hugged his neck as he entered. Inches by inches you sucked him in and he would kiss your temple to make you feel better after the stretch. The time away clearly made a lot of changes between the two of you, and it all makes this event more admirable than the ones before, because of the heartfelt confession you shared with him in the morning. All he wants to do is kiss your body like it is the only thing in this world worth worshipping. You are the most beautiful thing that ever happened in his life anyway, and he would never regret anything in his life anymore.
After the both of you peaked, he released into you, stayed there for a few minutes and took it out after he finally made your deep furrowed eyebrows disappear. You finally relax after the soothing time with your dearest one and he plopped himself next to you. 
Atsumu opened his arms and you found him inside it, getting smooches here and there as he hugged you. He would play with your hair, draw stars on the naked back of yours, and you would draw circles on his chest as you listen to the small heart beat in him. 
His heart was beating because of you.
“Hey, that noise in there is because of ya.” Atsumu kissed you on the forehead. 
“Oh really, yer not special, Miya, listen to mine!” you said with a glare after hitting him playfully on his chest.
“Uhuh...can I kiss it? Like this?” Atsumu continues his attack on your chest and you laughed loudly as he starts skimming his fingers on your waist and your tummy. He was smiling and laughing into the attack. 
Atsumu thinks that even if it is true that he is a fool, at least he is a fool that is so foolishly in love with you. 
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hi-i-love-u-bitch · 3 years
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So I bindged watched the entry of Metal Family (a Russian YouTube series) and its absolutely adorable. My favorite characters are Glam and Dee because obviously I'm always gunna go for either the goofy dad type with a tragic backstory and the sarcastic little smartass.
Anyway, I've been hearing around that Dee might have a girlfriend and as much as I like the idea of him having a cool laidback goth gf, I just can't picture it. He probably doesn't like to admit it but I think Dee and his dad have similar taste in women; ie badasses who are slightly batshit crazy.
Meet Sasha, they were put together as tutors for each other, she was failing math while he was failing art.
At first glance Sasha seems like a sweet, giggly, airhead with an affinity for tacky jewelry and thrift store clothes. Which is of course what Dee assumed when he offered his usual method of helping her cheat her way through her classes.
She smiled at him and called him: a pig-headed narcissistic asshole who couldn't smell the rancid shit coming out of his own mouth.
Yeah, turns out she isn't stupid just has really bad ADHD and needed someone to help her study math because her brain finds it too boring and therefore unimportant to focus on.
Their relationship is sort of similar to Glam and Ches when they first met; Sasha being a witty yet odd character while Dee struggles to makes sense of what the hell she's saying sometimes.
Because of her ADHD Sasha tends to switch out hobbies like socks; she especially likes activities that keep her hands occupied, such as knitting or origami. Dee has no idea how she can multy task so many things at once.
She is very forward and can be quite blunt when speaking her mind, though she tries her best to remain polite.
She is a big fan of grunge music and punk rock. Nirvana and Foo Fighters being her favorite.
She is the third oldest of six, so middle child syndrome all the way!
She's a bit of an anarchist and can often be found during the weekend tagging government property or big name brand store. Somehow she never seems to get caught.
Her parents are ex-punks so they aren't really surprised or disappointed with their daughter's antics so long as she doesn't get arrested. (More on her family later)
She knitted Dee a beanie during one of their study sessions, it was black with little cat ears. Now he wears it any time its even remotely breezy outside.
Heavy was the first to meet Sasha since they go to the same school. He couldn't understand how such a sweet girl could be friends with his asshole of a brother. She simply giggled and ruffled his hair, stating how Heavy remind her of her own younger siblings.
After that meeting people suddenly stopped bullying him. It was weird but Heavy wasn't one to look a gift horse in the mouth so he didn't question it. He did, however, wonder why Sasha had a baseball bat in her locker when she didn't even play the sport.
When Dee first invited Sasha over to hang out he made sure that his family would be out all day, because he knew that they would all make it their personal mission to embarrass him in front of her.
That plan backfired very quickly as they returned much earlier than expected and the two teens had been in the living room watching movies and cuddling.
Victoria adored her immediately, insisting she say over for dinner all the while making cheeky remarks at Dee to "make sure to keep her happy so she won't realize that she can do better."
Glam had meant to interrogate her, as he is secretly an over protective father at heart, but he was just so damn charmed by her he didn't have the nerve to do it. Instead he ended up showing her the boys' baby pictures (much to Dee and Heavy's protest).
Her and Ches vibed so well together, it was kind of weird and fascinating to observe. They later find out that Sasha is probably the only person out their that can beat both Glam and Ches in poker.
By the end of it Dee is red in the face with embarrassment and when he escorts her to the bus stop he apologizes if it was all a bit overwhelming. Sasha simply giggled, giving him a quick kiss on the cheek assuring him that she really likes his family and can't wait to come over again.
Of course Sasha was the first to confess because Dee still had no idea about his feelings. Thought it was less a confession and more of a statement as if it was something she assumed he already knew.
He didn't, obviously.
Sasha knew that Dee liked her back but she needed for HIM to come to that conclusion himself if they had any hope of starting a relationship. So she remained patient and waited for him to catch up.
Though this did NOT stop her from teasing and flirting with him just a little 😋
She really couldn't help it, Dee was way too cute when he got all flustered and shy (much like his mother in that regards).
So they aren't OFICIALLY dating but they are together, kind of like a trial run (according to Dee at least).
Her parents are high school sweethearts that used to ride around town with Victoria and her old crew.
Sasha's mom is a headstrong yet laid back woman that runs the local laundry mat, popular with bikers as it specializes in cleaning leather. Her father is this big, burly, stoic man that works in construction and doesn't tend to say much. They love each other and their children very much.
Sasha has an older sister and brother as well as three younger siblings, twin boys and a little sister. Her older sister is living in England while also going to college to study political science. Her older brother is on his last year of high school and works as a mechanic at a local bike shop. Her twin brothers are in middle school, just a year below Heavy, while her little sister is just starting the first grade.
When Sasha invites Dee over to her house to study he is greeted at the door by her father who looms over him, glaring daggers. Dee may have seen his life flash before his eyes for a just moment.
Thankfully, her mother was much nicer, inviting him in as she called Sasha downstairs. Her younger siblings were very rowdy, asking him questions about who he is and why he was here. Her older brother however, joined along side his father to glare holes into his head.
He was all too thankful when Sasha finally came downstairs to get him, announcing that they would be in her room studying until dinner. Her older brother shouted after them to "keep the door open" and Sasha gave a cheery reply of two middle fingers in his direction.
Dinner was awkward, at least for Dee, but it wasn't terrible. By the end of it, when they were hanging around the bus stop, Sasha (who insisted on seeing him off as he usual does) proudly said: "I think they like you."
"Oh really?" Dee said with a nervous chuckle, he wasn't quite sure but he trusted her judgment. 🖤🖤🖤
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zombie-snape · 5 years
Thunderstorms are angels playing baseball
Thanks for the prompt I’m assuming this was a prompt anon! I totally had no idea what to do with this prompt at first so I shared it with my wonderful gf and writing partner @trekmemes who helped me write this crack fic! Thank you babe
A spotlight seemed to shine down from the ceiling, and a faint stream of silvery sparkles rained down with the accompaniment of a heavenly chorus. The glitter resolved itself as the Archangel Gabriel, who sighed and brushed silver specks off the shoulders of his jacket.
“Aziraphale, it is my—” He paused as he scanned the couple up and down. He’d obviously caught the two of them snogging. Crowley’s long hair was a mess, and Aziraphale’s white button-up shirt had been pulled halfway open.
“Hi.” Crowley met his gaze evenly.
Gabriel pinched the bridge of his nose like he was developing a headache. “All right. We’ll deal with that later. You remember the Armageddon thing that the pair of you mucked up?”
“Hard to forget,” Aziraphale pointed out, not bothering to get up.
“We came up with an... alternative.”
“An alternative to blowing the planet to bits?” Crowley sniffed.
“Precisely.” He shifted his shoulders like he was adjusting his wings in a power display. “It is... partially a human problem. And since we picked the Earth for the setting of our final confrontation, we decided on a human solution to our disagreements. A competition.”
“Like the Olympics?” Crowley scrunched up his nose. “I don’t much go in for wrestling, you know that.”
“I like discus!” Aziraphale said cheerfully. 
There was a crack of tectonic plates shifting, and a cloud of black locusts exploded in the flat. It carried with it a definite reek of brimstone, and the two angels began coughing.
“CROWLEY.” A voice like mud sucking the soles of one’s shoes oozed out from every direction.
“Beelzebub! Long time, no smell,” Crowley laughed.
A small humanoid figure with bright red eyes and fly’s wings stepped out of the billowing cloud. They immediately perched on top of the television set, swinging their feet and glaring at Gabriel, whose smile looked ironed flat.
“I was in the middle of informing them about the competition,” Gabriel said through gritted teeth. “I have this covered.”
Beelzebub ignored him. “Listen up, worm food,” they said, “we’re playing baseball. Heaven against Hell. Be there… or don’t.” They took in the compromising position the couple were in with a sneer.
“Oh, we’ll be there,” Crowley said with a grin. 
“Wouldn’t miss it,” Aziraphale agreed. 
“Good.” Beelzebub sunk back into the floor. Gabriel rubbed his forehead, took some celestial antacids, and disappeared with the crack of a thunderbolt.
The redheaded demon swaggered onto the field. Aziraphale’s jaw dropped open. “Good Lord, Crowley, what are you wearing?”
He was clad in pearlescent pink booty shorts and a purple tanktop with side cutouts that read, ‘If you wanted a SOFT SERVE you should have gone to DAIRY QUEEN!’
“Baseball!” He grinned and pointed at the unmistakable white-striped vinyl volleyball in the center of his shirt. “It’s my uniform.”
“Crowley, that’s not...” He trailed off, unsure of where to begin. “This is a baseball uniform.” He gestured at his own outfit, which featured blue wool knickers, white flannel shirt, flat topped cap, bow tie, a leather belt cinched at his waist, and white stockings which clung (quite fetchingly) to his calves. Crowley circled him, admiring him from all angles. “The sport’s been around for almost two hundred years. That’s plenty of time for even an immortal such as ourselves to catch on.”
Crowley shrugged. “You think I pay attention to that kind of thing? Never been my arena. Literally. Hell has never paid me to sit around on some sticky metal seats, yawning myself to death.”
“Still, dear.” Aziraphale looked unimpressed. “You might take the effort to pick up something of the culture, now and again.”
His jaw dropped open. “You’re encouraging me to try and get with the times?!”
Aziraphale sniffed a bit haughtily. “I at least bothered to research baseball before coming.”
Crowley looked him up and down. “And was that research from the 1840s?”
Aziraphale glanced down at his outfit then shot Crowley a Look. “If you must know, the modern uniforms are bit too flashy for my taste. I prefer the older ones.” He paused and eyed Crowley’s shorts appreciatively. “At least I picked the right sport.”
Crowley noticed where his eyes were drifting and shrugged, modeling a little for his datemate’s benefit. “They make my butt look good.”
Gabriel had managed to assemble a semi-accurate modern baseball uniform, but he had included a bicycle helmet for some reason. His whole uniform was white, except for the purple cursive “Angels” written across his chest.
Sandalphon proudly presented the ball. 
Beelzebub and Gabriel stared at it blankly.
“Sandalphon,” Gabriel began. “You are so very clever, it astonishes me sometimes.”
“Thank you,” he droned, beaming from ear to ear as Gabriel steered him away from the pitcher’s mound.
“But, Sandalphon,” he continued, “this is the wrong ball.”
Together they investigated the brown, ovoid ball with white ribbing in the center.
“It’s certainly a genuine sports ball,” Sandalphon said flatly. “I picked it up from a stadium myself.”
“I understand that, Sandalphon. But the humans have lots of sports.” He turned the football over in his hands. “So many different sports. And each one has its own ball, or equivalent. This simply won’t do, I’m afraid.”
“Oh. Okay.” He took the ball and cradled it in his arms like a baby, trundling away with his head hanging low.
Beelzebub, who was beyond irritated by this whole interaction, summoned a baseball from the particular pit of hell where they tortured out-of-shape, insecure geeks. It burst into blue flame in their hands. “Ladies, gentlemen, creatures, beings, and assorted bastards!” they shouted. “Let the games begin!”
Aziraphale and Crowley were now sitting in the bleachers watching the game. 
They had both been benched for the entire first four innings. Crowley wasn’t even sure why they had been invited in the first place; everyone on either team was still too frightened of them to try talking to them. Bored and lonely, Crowley had snuck out behind the Devils’ dugout to play on his phone. He was soon joined by Aziraphale, and together they’d wandered into the stands to watch the game on the huge screen (or in Aziraphale’s case, with binoculars).
Michael was fuming. “You have clearly duplicated a player in order to load the bases!” 
The Erics waved cheerily at her from the field.
“Unfair! Unfair! Reverse the call!” Dagon shouted from the bench.
“Dear, I don’t think any of them have any idea what baseball is,” Aziraphale commented. 
“No, I don’t think so,” Crowley agreed, as Hastur tried to hit the baseball with a golf club instead of a bat. He took some time to admire his angel, who was ‘oohing’ as he watched Dagon go nose-to-nose with Michael, still arguing fervently over some rule. Uriel was in the shortstop’s position. She was wearing a catcher’s mitt on each hand and laying flat on her back in the field, apparently in utter despair.
Their attention was pulled away when Hastur began shouting at Sandalphon. He started swinging his golf club at Sandalphon, while Gabriel tried to shield the other angel with his body. Beelzebub was laughing so hard that they looked in danger of falling over.
Aziraphale sighed at the display. It was starting to rain, dismal grey clouds dappling himself and Crowley with damp. The field would soon be a muddy mess.
“Wanna go home and snog some more?” Crowley asked him.
“That’s a wonderful idea, my dear.” 
Anathema and Newt were sitting around the dining nook in Jasmine Cottage sipping tea and watching a thunderstorm rage outside.
“You know,” Newt began. He paused a moment to watch a lightning bolt flash across the sky. “I thought I heard somewhere that thunderstorms were angels playing baseball.”
Anathema turned her head to give him a bemused look. “I’m pretty sure you’re thinking of Twilight.”
Newt blinked. “No…?”
“Because in Twilight, the vampires can only play baseball when there’s a storm out. The sound of them hitting the ball is like a crack of thunder, and it would scare the humans otherwise. Remember?” Anathema was a millennial, like Newt, and she had once forced him to watch Twilight with her, reasoning that ‘Every millennial should see Twilight at least once!’
Newt scrunched up his face as he pondered this. “I think I was thinking of Twilight,” he finally said.
“And anyway,” she added, “can you imagine Crowley or Aziraphale playing baseball?”
Newt let out a giggle. “That would be a sight to see.”
I hope you enjoyed our silly fic! If you have a GO prompt feel free to send it my way!
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girls-scenarios · 5 years
All Grown Up
Idol: Krystal (f(x))
Prompt: Can you write a short fic where the reader and f(x) Krystal are married and they're having dinner & meeting with their daughters bf or gf for the 1st time ever. Make it a little humorous please. Thank you guys for ur hard work! :)
Writer: Admin Kiwi
A/N: So I decided that the daughter’s name would be Kristy since Krystal likes Christina Aguilera and because it’s a bit of a play on Krystal as well. Hope you all enjoy!
♡ Tip Jar♡
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“This is the place.” You pointed from the car, looking up from the GPS on your phone. At your words, Krystal jerked the steering wheel to slip into a street parking spot, making you gasp. “Babe! Oh my god, be careful!”
“You’re exaggerating,” she said, sending you a smile as she parked and killed the engine. “We’re still alive and well, aren’t we?” This wasn’t unusual, and you groaned, pushing her shoulder.
“I knew I should have drove,” you said, huffing and shaking your head, but all it took was a laugh and for her to reach over to squeeze your hand in order for you to smile. “Will you ever learn how to be a safe driver?”
“I mean, we’ve been married for how many years now? Sorry, you’re stuck with me and my terrible driving forever.” She glanced down at the phone, where the text from your daughter still lit up the screen. “Are you ready?”
You sighed and smiled, even though the feeling was bittersweet. “Yes, but no. It’s crazy to think that our baby is old enough to date.”
“I get what you mean. It seems like just yesterday that she was a tiny, helpless little baby. And now she’s a college student and has a car and a boyfriend. It’s weird.” Your wife pulled her purse from the backseat and raised her eyebrows. “Are you ready to meet this boy?”
“Not at all. But let’s go.” The two of you climbed out of the car and looked up at the restaurant your daughter had asked to meet at. It was simple, a Vietnamese restaurant that she said she always went to with her friends, and something about it seemed comforting as the two of you headed to the door.
“What do you think he’s going to be like?”
“Her type is skinny boys with nice smiles,” you said with a little laugh, “so I’d assume he’s going to fit that. I also think he’ll probably have black hair? All of her favorite idols have dark hair like that.”
“Observant. Although considering that his name is Johnny, I was a little scared at first.”
You knew she was talking about her younger label-mate, and just the thought made you shudder a bit. “I don’t know if I could handle a son-in-law like Johnny. Johnny is a good guy and all but he’s so....”
“Honey, don’t be mean.”
“I was kidding. But he can be a little annoying.” A little bell rang as Krystal opened the door, and she stepped aside to let you walk inside first, making you roll your eyes a bit. This many years of marriage and she still randomly got the urge to be “romantic” in public. It was cute, though. “Oh, there they are.”
Sat at a corner booth was your daughter and a boy that you vaguely recognized from some of her Instagram updates. She’d never mentioned in those posts that this boy was her boyfriend, right? Or had you just not noticed? As Krystal led the way over, your daughter looked up and her eyes widened. This was the first time you’d seen her so nervous to see you, and it was kind of cute as she jumped from her chair to greet the two of you.
“You guys finally got here! I was afraid you’d gotten lost!”
“Your mother just tried to kill us as we were getting here,” you commented playfully, giving your daughter a hug as you ducked your wife’s playful swat. “How are you doing, Kristy?”
“Great! College is awesome, I’m really happy out here.”
“That’s great!”
Shifting her attention to the boy sitting awkwardly in the booth, Kristy cleared her throat and reached out to touch his arm, making him quickly stand to his feet. “Um, this is my boyfriend, Johnny. Johnny, these are my parents.”
Johnny reached out to shake your hand, obviously nervous as he gave you a little smile. “Um, it’s nice to meet you both.”
“Nice to meet you too,” Krystal said as she shook his hand, putting on her resting face. Her resting face was pretty scary, so you knew she was doing it to be intimidating. Amused, you sat down, motioning for everyone else to do the same.
“Why don’t we get started with some drinks? Our treat tonight.”
“Oh, you don’t have to-.”
You interrupted Johnny with a wave and a little smile. “Don’t worry about it, really. We wanted tonight to be on us.”
With his cheeks a bit flushed, he ducked his head down to look at the menu and coughed awkwardly. “Thank you, then.” Was this what you had been like when you were meeting Krystal’s parents? You couldn’t really remember, it had been so long ago. But seeing the young couple shifting around and blushing was a bit funny, and you tried to remember if Krystal’s parents had laughed at all, because you really wouldn’t blame them now. It was hard not to tease.
After drinks and food were ordered, Krystal leaned over the table and fixed Johnny with a stare that made him gulp. “So, how did the two of you meet?”
He exchanged a quick glance with Kristy before answering. “We met each other through class through mutual friends and hit it off. At first we were just friends but we recently realized that we both had feelings for each other and started dating.” He looked embarrassed while he spoke, but the little smile on his lips as he talked about Kristy made you happy. You could tell that he liked her. “I don’t know if she feels the same way, but I’ve liked Kristy since the moment I saw her.”
“Awe, John.”
“Are you sure the two of you didn’t meet at a party? That seems more likely,” Krystal teased, and both the young adults blushed.
“What? I’m just asking.” When your daughter groaned, Krystal smiled. “I’m right, aren’t I?”
“Maybe, but we didn’t want to tell you that!”
“Don’t worry, when I met (Y/N)-.”
You quickly cut her off before she could finish, placing your hand on her shoulder and shaking your head. “Honey, I don’t think they need to know that.”
“Thanks, I didn’t want to know,” you daughter said weakly, making both you and your wife chuckle. Johnny looked pale, the poor thing, and you felt a bit bad for him. Krystal did like to tease. Thankfully, he got a bit of a break as the food came, distracting everyone for a little while.
It was only as dinner came to an end that Krystal gave him a little smile. He looked relieved to finally get a smile, his shoulders straightening as she looked at him.
“It’s good to know that you love our daughter, though. We just want the best for her, as you know,” she said, reaching over to pat Kristy’s hand. Embarrassed, the girl whined a bit for her to stop, but she ignored her. “I think you’re a good fit for her. Just take care of her for us, okay?”
“I’ll try my best, ma’am!”
“And next time, Kristy, bring Johnny by the house for dinner! We’ve got lots of fun photos and games,” you added, trying your best to smile innocently, even as Kristy’s cheeks colored red.
“I’d like to see them,” Johnny said, turning to Kristy, who groaned and shook her head.
“No, they’re so embarrassing, seriously!”
“We’ll tell you all about the time she dressed up as SpongeBob for Halloween.”
“Mom! Oh my god, remind me to burn those photos next time I’m home.”
Laughing, Johnny took her hand. “I’m sure you looked cute.” Again, Kristy blushed, and you found yourself smiling. Ah, young love. They were so cute.
After saying your goodbyes, you headed back to the car with Krystal, walking in comfortable silence. After years of being married, the two of you didn’t need to talk in moments like this. It was like you could read her mind, and you knew that she knew what you were thinking as well. Especially when she laughed once the two of you were in the car and turned to look at you.
“Johnny’s a cute kid, isn’t he?”
“I do really like him,” you said as you buckled in. “I think he fits our Kristy well.”
“If she has to date anyone, I’m glad it’s him.” Another moment passed, and you reached over to take her hand.
“I know, it’s weird that she’s all grown up to me too. But we have to learn to let go.”
“I know. In my head, she’s still a baby, but when I look at her, she’s grown into a fine young woman. And I’m very proud of her for that.” Chuckling, Krystal squeezed your hand before pulling out of the parking spot, heading home. It was just two of you in the car instead of three like it had been for so many years, and it was a little bittersweet. On one hand, you wanted her to stay young forever, but on the other hand, you were happy that she was getting to experience her own young love, just like the one you’d had with your now wife. You were proud of what she had accomplished, and proud of what she would accomplish. And if Johnny loved her, you were happy that she had him at her side.
“We’ll have to tease them a little more when they come over,” you said, leaning your head back against the headrest with a little smile. Maybe you weren’t as mischievous as Krystal, but you just couldn’t resist. Even if they were all grown up, a little teasing showed how cute they still were. And you were more than happy to do your fair share as her parent. “Do you think Kristy remembers the time she put her birthday cake on her head?”
“Yes! I knew I married you for a reason.”
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jawnjendes · 5 years
something more than me | shawn mendes
university au, shawn x goth gf. if there’s anything else yall wanna see regarding this series, let me know!
masterlist | series playlist
These days, the only way you could get me out of the dorm room apart from class and work was if you needed a buddy to travel with at night. What I’m trying to say is my roommate, Stella, wanted to go to a coffee shop after the sun went down. She would have gone alone if it wasn’t in a questionable part of downtown. It was also a coffee shop neither of us had been to before, and it was far from campus. She wanted me to go with her because I was always preaching about travelling in pairs at night.
The only thing is, Stella told me we were going out about fifteen minutes before she intended to head out the door. She was already dressed in a hoodie and leggings, a red beanie over her brown hair. She had her boots on and keys in hand. She was ready, while I was the opposite. The moment I woke up today, I decided to throw the whole day away. No interaction, no makeup, no pants.
“Come on!” Stella snapped, pulling off the comforter I was lying under.
I’ll admit, I was a bit under the weather these days. I had been waiting for a prescription refill on my antidepressants. Sleep evaded me, and when it wasn’t, I was having nightmares. Aside from that, my digestive system was giving me a hard time, which added to the mental stress. Finally, there was the fact that I was still in a gloom from, for lack of a better phrase, “breaking up” with my toxic fuck buddy, Luca. You could imagine how much I did not want to go out tonight.
“Isn’t that place, like, on the other side of town?” I asked, mumbling into my pillow. “Why not just go to Starbucks?”
“Because Shawn and Camila are performing at this place and I promised I’d go!” Stella hastily replied as she reached down to the floor to grab my jeans. “Now get dressed so we can go!”
“I don’t know those people…”
“You know Camila!” My pants were thrown at me. “Cover up your granny panties and let’s go!”
I vaguely knew Camila. She sat in the front of my stats class, always chatting to the professor. I was always in the back, close to the exit, staying as invisible as possible. We weren’t friends.
Stella was persistent, so I rolled out of my small bed and pulled my jeans on. “At least it’s not a bar.”
We showed up to the coffee shop after the show had started. People were spilling out the door, but Stella pushed her way in with me on her tail. A boppy tune was booming through the vicinity, and two distinct voices were singing passionately accompanied by an acoustic guitar.
Stella dragged me past the cashier/barista, claiming that there would be time for that later. She stopped near the front of where the singers were; A short girl who was fully jamming to her own song, and a tall guy with a guitar singing beside her.
I knew the short girl was Camila. Who could forget her beauty and voice that was talked about all over campus? I did not recognize the tall curly haired guy, though it was easy to tell he liked the group of girls sitting directly in front of his singing space.
My body was there, but I felt out of place. I thought that only happened at bars and night clubs. I wasn’t fond of being in a crowded space, or out of my dorm. My therapist said it was good for me, though. Being surrounded by strangers is better than being isolated, even if you feel alone in that crowd. Those are her words, not mine.
I snapped back into reality when the song ended and everyone started clapping. I joined in, trying not to look like an obvious stick in the mud. Come on, we can do this.
“Thanks, guys!” said Camila into her microphone. “I’m gonna leave it to my friend Shawn now!”
The girls in front were certainly happy about that. That Shawn guy was too. Must be a Leo.
Stella flagged down her friend as soon as she was offstage. Camila excitedly approached us and hugged us both. I tensed up at the touch, and my nose itched at the scent of her perfume, but she didn’t notice.
“I’m so glad you guys made it!” she exclaimed.
I’ve talked to you exactly once.
She and Stella chatted for a little bit before the next song started. Now, instead of holding a guitar and standing at the microphone, Shawn sat down in front of a keyboard set up. I internally prepared to barf at the incoming slow love song.
Thirty seconds into it, I learned to not judge conventionally handsome singers and assume they only live to make ladies swoon. This song was fucking sad and poking at my own wounds.
“You’ve got ahold of me Don’t even know your power I stand a hundred feet But I fall when I’m around you”
I got that cold ache in my chest just like I did two months ago. My throat burned and tightened up. I was immediately sucked into the song, and mildly resenting it. How dare a handsome singing man make a song that I actually like.
Someone hurting you so bad that you’re begging them for mercy… That feeling was my best friend and worst enemy. She knocked the wind out of me many times, so I had to kick her to the curb. You can find the will to leave someone toxic, but no one ever tells you how hard it is to deal with the sadness and aches that come after. I just couldn’t pinpoint why it was happening. I cut off the toxicity, I removed the bad thing. Why was I so fucking sad?
Applause rippled through the crowd as Shawn hit the bridge. I let out a soft breath and clapped as well. This guy certainly knew how to move a crowd with his voice.
“I’m prepared to sacrifice my life, I would gladly do it twice”
If I was the type to smoke cigarettes, I would have stepped outside to do so. My eyes were starting to sweat, so I looked at the floor and tried to suck it up. The toxic ex was making his was into my brain again. It was bad enough I still saw him at work…
The show ended with that last song. Shawn thanked the audience and waved at the girls in front. As soon as he stepped off the stage, everyone in the shop rushed to the barista to order drinks and whatnot. That was when Stella grabbed my wrist and ushered us back outside. Camila followed close behind, her hands on my waist. Didn’t have boundaries, I guess.
“Y’all are getting popular,” Stella said when we were finally out in the chilly night.
Camila was beaming. “Amazing, right? We had no idea it would turn out like this!”
“So when are you and Shawn tying the knot, eh?” Stella nudged her friend.
“Ha! You’re so funny!” Camila replied with an eyeroll. “We’re looking, just not for each other!”
That made Stella smile mischievously, and she glanced at me. “Inch resting.”
The two girls talked some more, while I merely listened. This was still better than being at a bar… Or alone in my dorm for the millionth time on a Saturday night. Maybe I needed someone, or something more than me. Something to push me to… I don’t know? Something better, I suppose. Stella was good at that when she wasn’t in Full Extrovert Mode. I couldn’t demand she always “takes care” of me, though. She deserved a good time as much as anyone else did.
For convenient timing, the singing man emerged from the overcrowded coffee shop. He spotted Camila and joined our circle. He had a drink holder in his hands, and a big smile on his face.
“Hey guys, I brought drinks!” he greeted, looking at all of us. His face was much kinder when it wasn’t hidden by dim lights.
I also couldn’t look directly at him when he gave me a cup. Nope, we’re looking at the ground now, laid ease.
Stella, on the other hand, was not having it with my quiet, introverted ass. She nudged my arm to make me look up and then she properly introduced me to Shawn.
“Oh, you’re the goth roommate!” he said. “It’s nice to meet you!”
Will I ever be able to trust Stella to make me seem like a normal person to other people? Probably not. At least she was trying to get me out of the shell I made for myself.
“You too,” I replied with an awkward smile. “Good set.”
“Thanks. I saw you tearing up in the crowd.”
“That’s impossible, I don’t do tears,” I said without thinking. Okay, edgelord. You’re so edgy. So original.
Shawn chuckled. “Maybe it was the other girl with black lipstick and the Underoath t-shirt.”
And we’re looking at the ground again!
“Hey, aren’t you and Shawn doing the same major?” Stella asked, nudging me once again.
“Music?” Shawn guessed, looking intrigued.
I was puzzled, glancing at Stella once. “Um. No. Psychology.”
“Oops. Had a brain fart.” My insane roommate giggled.
“It’s cool.” Shawn smiled and lied his stupidly cute eyes on me once again. “A psych major, eh? Are you analyzing my every move?”
Funny joke. First time hearing that one.
“No, but I can for three hundred dollars,” I said back.
“Is that how much a shrink is?” Camila piped up.
“No!” Shawn answered. “Free healthcare!”
Yeah… yeah, he got me there.
“Somehow, I still think I’m in the States,” I said timidly.
After that, Stella and Camila strolled down the street. That pretty much ended Stella’s Safe Buddy Duty. I felt quite out of place once again as she babbled away to Camila in Spanish. It’s not that I didn’t speak the language, I just really am as much of a hermit as I’m told.
Shawn thought different as we walked someways behind them. “They always do that in class. You can’t understand them either, eh?”
“¿Y porque piensas eso?” I replied, once again without thought. “Simplemente soy muy callada y casi nunca me salgo de la casa. Nomas estoy un poca incomoda con personas que no conozco.”
“Awesome,” he said after a moment of silence. “So… you’re from the US?”
“Yup. Southern California.”
“What made you want to come all the way over here for college?”
“Simple: I don’t like the desert. Or heat. Or the sun.”
I had my eyes on the sidewalk I stepped on until I realized Shawn hadn’t replied. I looked up only to realize he was looking back at me in disbelief.
“That’s it? You moved countries because of the weather?”
What is he expecting, my life story?
Before I could talk back, Stella piped up from in front of us. “She’s a goth, she’s allergic to the sun!”
“Ah, so it was for your own health,” Shawn replied. “I get it now.”
The next time I saw this guy was at a bus stop just outside of campus. I had seen him from where I parked my car, and I secretly hoped he would have forgotten me by now. I made sure to have my headphones on as I walked past him, but he touched my shoulder and stopped me. So much for remaining invisible.
“Do you always look at the floor when you walk?” he asked, amused.
“How else will I know where to step?” I said in return.
He laughed, which was then followed by silence. Why did he stop me? Just to say hi? What kind of fuckery-
“You’re not wearing the black lipstick,” he pointed out.
I shrugged, feeling… inadequate. “Didn’t want people constantly reminding me of my lip color.”
“Well, it looked really cool the other night. It’s kinda what made me notice you.” He offered a smile, to which I changed the subject.
“So, where you headed?”
“Work. I work at this flower shop in the middle of town.” Shawn looked both ways, noticing the empty roads. “I think the bus is late.”
The bus is late. He works with flowers. The bus is late. Flowers.
“Are you running late?” I asked. Don’t do it. Oh god, don’t do it.
“Uh…” Shawn checked the time on his phone. “No, I should be fine. I like to be early.”
“Oh. Okay.”
“I have a question.”
“Uhh…” I said stupidly.
“What really made you want to come here for college?” he prompted.
Someone clearly didn’t forget my lack of interest from the other night. Why was this question so important to him?
“Why are you here for college?” I said back.
“I live here. Now you.”
God fuckign-
“Wanted to travel, I guess. I’ve been in one place my whole life.” I shrugged, looking anywhere except him yet again.
“Hm. Okay. What are you listening to?”
“Five sauce.”
“Aren’t you a goth, though?”
I rolled my eyes and made a noise between a scoff and a laugh. “Firstly, Stella calls me that, I don’t. Secondly, you ask a lot of questions.”
“Well, I just wanna get to know you.”
Any normal, naive person would have been swayed by Shawn’s sweet tone and charming smile. I, however, learned that there’s more than what meets the eye. He doesn’t really want to know you, he just wants something. He doesn’t care, he just wants to make you think he does.
I narrowed my eyes. “You need to unlock level forty seven friendship to know anything,” I told him.
“And how far am I?”
“We’ve talked one time before this. You’re not even on level one!”
“Okay, so we’ll hang out sometime so I can make progress.” Shawn’s grin was now very smug. Then he looked to the street. “Oh, right on time.”
The bus just so happened to pull up right about now. My eyes were still narrow and furious, and I was making sure Shawn knew it. How dare he trap me! How dare he ask questions about me! Just say you wanna use me for sex and go!
He was still grinning as he went to the bus entrance. “I’ll let you know when I’m free to hang out. I’ll see you later!”
This motherfu-
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'Crawling back to you'
(Do I wanna know? Arctic Monkeys)
A/N: I'm soo sorry it took so long! Hope you'll like it! Thank you for reading (and requesting)! Feel free to send a request or message me! Lysm
Pairing: Harry x reader
Warnings: fluff, angst
Request: Could u do something Harry Potter x reader were the marauders are alive and the reader is Harry’s gf and is as good as Dumbledore in dueling. And she was staying at Harry’s house for spring break and (Harry is still the boi who lived) Voldemort attacks them and says something like “if she wins she dafe but for now I am going to take the most important thing in ur life” to Harry and he starts crying but then she out duels him and comforts Harry and Jily notices how much they love each other?
gif not mine
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People have always assumed that I have a perfect life: a loving boyfriend, incredible friends, but people often speak without knowing. And I, of all people, knew that. My life has never been pink, I've never had a family, and besides my friends, no one's ever cared for me. I had lived in an orphanage until an old man wearing funny clothes showed up in my room, telling me I'm a wizard; and a very powerful one, too.
My first year at Hogwarts wasn't a piece of cake either. I was a pureblood gryffindor, but I knew nothing about magic. I didn't have any friends and spent my time either in the library or by the lake. The only person I spoke to was my roommate, a very bright witch named Hermione Granger. She'd always helped me when I was down and even introduced me to her group of friends; including Harry Potter and Ron Weasley. At first, we didn't get along well, but as time passed by we became closer than ever, becoming the family I've never had. We were soon known as the troublemakers of Hogwarts. We used to receive howlers from Lily every week, expressing her disappointment, followed by a short note from James, congratulating our brilliant ideas. In the fourth year, Harry and I went together to the Yule ball, and soon after that, we became a couple.
I looked again in the mirror. I was wearing a long-sleeved gown, with grey lace embroidered and a deep decolletage. My long Y/H/C hair fell in a waterfall of loose curls on my bare back.
"Oh my God! You look stunning. Harry won't be able to keep his eyes off you." Hermione said.
"Look who's talking. You're literally glowing!" And she was. Wearing a baby blue dress, she could be easily mistaken for a princess.
"Thank you! Shall we go?" Nodding, I took my best friend's hand. We went down the stairs, careful not to trip. 'These bloody shoes better not make me fall!' The common room was awfully quiet, as almost everybody was already in the great hall.
I was more than excited when Harry asked me to be his partner. I had a crush on him since the beginning of the third year. When we got downstairs he was nervously leaning back and forth, facing the dimly burning fire.
"Hello, Harry!" Hermione greeted happily. He quickly turned his head towards us, mouth falling open while his eyes wandered over my dress.
"Hi-" he said in a squeaky voice. "You-you look gorgeous."
Then Voldemort came back. Our life became darker and darker, and since the battle at the department of mysteries, he had been trying to recruit as many wizards as possible. Harry was in incredible danger as the chosen one, and I, because of my power, was the number one in the death eater's list.
I woke up breathing heavily, my hand around my neck. I was used to having this nightmare; I was alone in a dark room, chained, and Voldemort was torturing me in order to become one of them. I woke up seeing the blinding ray of green light, followed by his malicious laugh.
'I am safe. I am safe.' I opened my eyes only to see Harry's panicked face.
"What happened?" I usually spent my holidays at the Potters, who took me as their daughter. I owed them everything.
"You were screaming. I thought that-"
"It's ok. I had a bad dream." Harry sat next to me, hugging my warmly.
"Do you want to talk about it?" He asked, grazing your back.
I turned to see his mesmerizing eyes, losing myself in the spring grass colour. "Not really." I whispered. We kissed like we were afraid of breaking each other.
"I told you they love each other!" Lily said, nudging James under the invisibility cloak.
"They are just how we were! He takes after me, so hopelessly in love!"
"At least he managed to take her out! You were so nervous when you first attempted to ask me on a date that I thought you would faint!"
James pinched her nose. "Yes, but look at us now!"
"Good morning everybody!" I'd just got in the kitchen, where Lily and Harry were having breakfast.
"Good morning darling!" Lily greeted.
"Morning!" Harry said, kissing my cheek. I filled my plate with scrambled eggs and sat down.
"So what are you cool teens up to these wonderful days?" Lily asked, making Harry sigh.
"Mum, stop. And if you asked, I would love to go for a walk with Y/N." He turned to me. "What do you say?"
"It sounds great!"
The diffuse sunlight painted the morning sky. The shy rays were playing on the fields of flowers, slowly drawing patterns on the spring's colourful mantle. We were walking down a narrow path through the forest. The comfortable silence was suddenly interrupted. Harry fell on his knees, letting go of my hand.
"He's here! He's after us!" Harry shouted, "We have to leave now!"
We bolted without looking bavk. I knew he was here; I could feel it. One could call it instinct, I preferred the term fear. Then, the veil of darkness hit us.
I slowly opened my eyes. My scar hurt so much that it made me feel dizzy. We were in a spacious room, made entirely of stone.
"Y/N!" I whispered, slowly shaking her. She was lying next to me, eyes barely open."Y/N! Please!"
"Look what a prize we've got here!" a high pitch voice called. "A small bird told me you two were walking happily through the forest! What a pure coincidence that the Dark Lord had a free day!"
"Bellatrix, stop with your boring talk, bring them to me!" Voldemort was sitting on a dark wood chair, his red eyes burning holes through me. Nagini was swirling on his hand. "Harry Potter and Y/N Y/L/N! The chosen one and the girl who is told to be my only worthy opponent! Let's see who is the best after all!"
"Leave her alone!" I shouted.
"Oh how brave are you! You almost convinced me! But I really want to play," he paused to look at us, "I challenge you," he pointed at Y/N "if you win, you and your loved ones are safe, but if you don't, you'll both lose the most important persons in your life. Do you accept?"
"No!" I said.
"Yes, I do," I said at the same time as Harry. Voldemort's eyes were locked on me as a wild smirk grew wide on his face. Bellatrix laughed maniacally, throwing my wand.
"Then we shall start."
"One." The death eater started.
"Two." I took a careful step.
"Three." I glanced at Harry, his horrified face following my gaze.
"Four." I could hear the Dark Lord's laugh.
"Five." His voice was sending shivers down my spine.
"Six." I silently stepped forward.
"Seven." My heart was threatening to jump from my body.
"Eight." My hands were shaking violently.
"Nine." I took a deep breath.
"Ten." We turned.
The duel started.
The battle was one of the most impressive I've ever seen. Spell after spell, dodge after dodge, Y/N held her head high, not even budging in front of her opponent. Light against darkness, fire against water, good against bad.
And it was far from over.
I was barely keeping my breath steady. Exhaustion was threatening to take over me, but I couldn't stop; I needed to win. Voldemort marched closer, creating a dragon of darkness. 'Shit.' Its black wings spread, and the majestical creature flew to me. It looked like Death. I cast a enormous fire Phoenix. It's battle cry shook the entire manor. The creatures collided, exploding.
"Expeliarmus!" I yelled.
"Abracadabra!" I managed to cast a shield over me in time. However, my spell hit the Dark Lord, the impact throwing him on his back. I caught his wand and disarmed the other death eaters, too. Just then, the order of Phoenix apparated in the room. I fell to my knees. Harry ran to me, pulling me in a bone crushing hug. I don't know when I've started crying, nor when he did. It didn't matter. It was over.
All was going to be well.
Taglist: @futurewriter2000 @puppycat714 @booksbeforebois
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hungoverfromreading · 6 years
Request: Hey can I request smth where Sirius and Reader (his gf and a Ravenclaw) stop talking to each other for a while bc he called her annoying or a stuck up or smth like that (like she is trying to work and she doesn’t want to do anything else and he tells her smth like stop being so annoying) and he doesn’t really understand that it hurt her he could see her like that but at the end he apologizes and it’s fluffy and all I’m not sure it’s clear, if you need I’ll try to explain myself better Thanks
Pairing: Sirius Black x Reader.
“Sirius, for the tenth time I don’t wanna see you set off another dungbomb in Filch’s office. It’s mean and frankly not that funny anymore.”
Y/N was sitting in the library trying to finish her Charms essay but her boyfriend was making that nearly impossible. Sirius made her happier than she had ever felt but he also knew how to push every last nerve. Their love was a complicated one because they were both so different. Sirius was the human embodiment of the word rebel while Y/N liked to live her life in the safety net of rules. But the heart wants what it wants and they fell in love with each other.
“How could you even say something so cruel.” Sirius was taken back by his girlfriend’s statement. He put a hand over his heart to show how hurt he was.
Y/N rolled her eyes at her dramatic boyfriend. “Sirius, it’s been one hour since I’ve been working on this essay and I’m only two paragraphs in.”
“See! Your brain isn’t even working, you should take a break.”
“My brain is working perfectly fine I’ll have you know.” Y/N snapped at her boyfriend. She took a deep breath to calm herself down before speaking. “Look, why don’t you go and do your little prank and I’ll stay here and finish my essay. You can tell me all about the surprised look on Filch’s face at dinner.”
Sirius let out a frustrated sigh and stood up from the table.
“You’re so boring. All you do is study. You never want to do anything fun. No wonder you got sorted into Ravenclaw; the house of the boring.” Sirius snickered and walked off leaving his girlfriends mouth hanging open in shock.
Is that really what he thought of her? That she was boring? Her whole life she had been what people called ‘a stick in the mud’, but ever since she’d been dating Sirius and as hard as it was for her to break the rules, she wanted to be a part of his world so she would try to tap into her rebel side that she didn’t know existed. Such as whenever Sirius and his friends did a prank, she would watch the hallway to make sure no one was coming. It was a different kind of adrenaline than she was used to but she still enjoyed it because she got to spend time with her boyfriend.
She felt her eyes well up with tears as Sirius’s words spun in her mind. She huffed and grabbed her work supplies making her way to her room no longer able to focus on her essay. She tried to move as quickly as she could before the tears fell out.
“Come up and let us go. Down and here we stay. What am I?” The eagle on the door asked. Y/N couldn’t even think about the riddle because she was focusing too hard on keeping the tears at bay.
She heard someone beside her mumble the answer and the door swung open. She didn’t even turn to see who had answered the question, instead sprinted to her room and locked the door. She knew her roommates wouldn’t be here so she sat on her bed and let the tears fall free.
She didn’t know when the silent sobs turned into quiet sniffles but eventually she ran out of tears. Her whole life she had been told she was boring but for some reason those words coming from Sirius, someone she loved so dearly hurt much much more. She sat up wiping the final tears from her face and walked into the bathroom, splashing her face with cold water. Once the redness from her face had subsided, she sat on her bed and pulled out her Charms homework from earlier. “No way I’m going to let a boy affect my grade.” she told herself and finished her assignment. A quick glance at the clock and the rumbling in her stomach indicated that it was time for dinner.
Taking a deep breath she straightened her skirt and set off towards the Great Hall. She normally sat with Sirius and his friends at their table but today she sat with her roommates at the Ravenclaw table. She ignored Sirius’s wave and joined in the conversation her friends were having. They were laughing at something that had happened in Slughorn’s class when she felt a hand on her shoulder.
“Y/N, you’re not going to sit with us today?” Y/N turned to see her boyfriend standing behind her, his black locks framing his face making his jaw seem more prominent.  
“I couldn’t possibly sit with such fun people.” Y/N replied pushing Sirius’s hand off her shoulder.
She caught sight of Sirius’s puzzled face and sighed. “Just leave me to my boring house, Sirius.” And with that she turned her back to him and continued conversing with her friends. Sirius stood there for a moment dumbfounded but eventually made his way back to his table.
“Trouble in paradise?” James teased when Sirius sat down. He had one arm around Lily’s shoulders and the other resting under his chin as he watched his friend in amusement. Remus, Lily and Peter were watching with curious eyes as well.
“I don’t know.” Sirius spoke slowly, confusion laced in his voice. He turned in his seat to look at his girlfriend but she avoided his gaze expertly.
“What did you do?” Lily asked stuffing a fork full of mashed potatoes in her mouth.
“Why do you assume I did something?” Sirius asked feeling offended at her question. His friends looked at him with raised eyebrows and he sighed. “Okay yes I probably did something but I don’t know what I did!”
“Well, what did she say?” Lily crossed her arms across her chest and leaned in. Her brows furrowed as she tried to understand the situation.
Sirius repeated their conversation to his friends and watched them all become confused as well.
“No idea, man.” James shrugged and returned to his meal. Peter doing the same while Lily and Remus both seemed to be lost in thought.
“Why did she say she was boring?” Lily asked her eyes narrowing at Sirius. And that’s when it hit him. Sirius groaned and put his face in his hands as he realized what he had done. He craned his neck trying to find Y/N in the crowd and when he didn’t find her sitting with her friends he caught a glimpse of the back of her head leaving the Great Hall. Sirius jumped out of his seat and sprinted trying to catch up to her.
She had just climbed the first set of staircases when he caught her hand forcing her to stop.
“Y/N, wait. Please.” Sirius pleaded.
“I don’t want to talk to you.” Y/N pulled her hand out of his and turned around making her way up the stairs again.
“I'm sorry Y/N, I didn’t mean what I said.” Sirius began but Y/N cut him off.
“I don’t care, Sirius. You still said it and it really hurt me.” Tears welled up in her eyes again but she tried to fight them. “I’m sorry if I’m boring and I’m sorry if I’m always studying because I want to do something with my life besides stuffing product in my hair and pulling the same dumb prank a dozen times!” Y/N sneered the words at Sirius while he stood there feeling ashamed. Y/N took a deep breath and leaned against the wall running her fingers through her hair.
“I’m truly sorry for what I said.” Sirius apologised once more. “I shouldn’t have said those things because honestly I didn’t mean any of it. You’re not boring.”
Y/N rolled her eyes and glared at her boyfriend. Sirius reached for her hand and pulled it against his chest.
“You know what I really think about you?” Sirius bore his grey eyes into Y/N’s y/e/c ones making her heart beat just a little faster. She braced herself to hear what her boyfriend was going to say.
“You’re funny and smart and kind. You have so much compassion for people and you are so strong.” Sirius spoke quietly. He gently caressed her cheek with the back of his hand.
“You’re my whole world, baby. You’re my anchor. And I know I can be stupid and reckless sometimes but I hope you’ll forgive me because I love you so much and I promise I wont hurt you ever again.” Sirius connected his forehead to Y/N making her breath hitch.
“I forgive you.” She mumbled grabbing the back of her boyfriends neck and bring his lips closer to hers. Their lips connected in a soft kiss. She could smell his signature scent on him and it made her a little dizzy. She felt him smile into the kiss and she leaned back to look into his grey eyes.
“C’mon lets head back to the Great Hall and I’ll tell you about Filch’s reaction to the dungbomb.”
Y/N scoffed and pushed her boyfriend away only to have him laugh and wrap his arms around her waist.
“Just kidding, love.” Sirius smirked and kissed her temple. Y/N rolled her eyes and shook her head at the silly boy in front of her. He really did drive her crazy but sometimes in the best way.
Feedback is appreciated <3
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Pairing: Sirius Black x Reader
Request: Hey can I request smth where Sirius and Reader (his gf and a Ravenclaw) stop talking to each other for a while bc he called her annoying or a stuck up or smth like that (like she is trying to work and she doesn’t want to do anything else and he tells her smth like stop being so annoying) and he doesn’t really understand that it hurt her he could see her like that but at the end he apologizes and it’s fluffy and all I’m not sure it’s clear, if you need I’ll try to explain myself better Thanks
“Sirius, for the tenth time I don’t wanna see you set off another stink bomb in Filch’s office. It’s mean and frankly not that funny anymore.”
Y/N was sitting in the library trying to finish her Charms essay but her boyfriend was making that nearly impossible. Sirius made her happier than she had ever felt but he also knew how to push every last nerve. Their love was a complicated one because they were both so different. Sirius was the human embodiment of the word rebel while Y/N liked to live her life in the safety net of rules. But the heart wants what it wants and they fell in love with each other.
“How could you even say something so cruel.” Sirius was taken back by his girlfriend’s statement. He put a hand over his heart to show how hurt he was.
Y/N rolled her eyes at her dramatic boyfriend. “Sirius, it’s been one hour since I’ve been working on this essay and I’m only two paragraphs in.”
“See! Your brain isn’t even working, you shouldtake a break.”
“My brain is working perfectly fine I’ll have you know.” Y/N snapped at her boyfriend. She took a deep breath to calm herself down before speaking. “Look, why don’t you go and do your little prank and I’ll stay here and finish my essay. You can tell me all about the surprised look on Filch’s face at dinner.”
Sirius let out a frustrated sigh and stood up from the table.
“You’re so boring. All you do is study. You never want to do anything fun. No wonder you got sorted into Ravenclaw; the house of the boring.” Sirius snickered and walked off leaving his girlfriends mouth hanging open in shock.
Is that really what he thought of her? That she was boring? Her whole life she had been what people called ‘a stick in the mud’, but ever since she’d been dating Sirius and as hard as it was for her to break the rules, she wanted to be a part of his world so she would try to tap into her rebel side that she didn’t know existed. Such as whenever Sirius and his friends did a prank, she would watch the hallway to make sure no one was coming. It was a different kind of adrenaline than she was used to but she still enjoyed it because she got to spend time with her boyfriend.
She felt her eyes well up with tears as Sirius’s words spun in her mind. She huffed and grabbed her work supplies making her way to her room no longer able to focus on her essay. She tried to move as quickly as she could before the tears fell out.
“Come up and let us go. Down and here we stay. What am I?” The eagle on the door asked. Y/N couldn’t even think about the riddle because she was focusing too hard on keeping the tears at bay.
She heard someone beside her mumble the answer and the door swung open. She didn’t even turn to see who had answered the question, instead sprinted to her room and locked the door. She knew her roommates wouldn’t be here so she sat on her bed and let the tears fall free.
She didn’t know when the silent sobs turned into quiet sniffles but eventually she ran out of tears. Her whole life she had been told she was boring but for some reason those words coming from Sirius, someone she loved so dearly hurt much much more. She sat up wiping the final tears from her face and walked into the bathroom, splashing her face with cold water. Once the redness from her face had subsided, she sat on her bed and pulled out her Charms homework from earlier. “No way I’m going to let a boy affect my grade.” she told herself and finished her assignment. A quick glance at the clock and the rumbling in her stomach indicated that it was time for dinner.
Taking a deep breath she straightened her skirt and set off towards the Great Hall. She normally sat with Sirius and his friends at their table but today she sat with her roommates at the Ravenclaw table. She ignored Sirius’s wave and joined in the conversation her friends were having. They were laughing at something that had happened in Slughorn’s class when she felt a hand on her shoulder.
“Y/N, you’re not going to sit with us today?” Y/N turned to see her boyfriend standing behind her, his black locks framing his face making his jaw seem more prominent.  
“I couldn’t possibly sit with such fun people.” Y/N replied pushing Sirius’s hand off her shoulder.
She caught sight of Sirius’s puzzled face and sighed. “Just leave me to my boring house, Sirius.” And with that she turned her back to him and continued conversing with her friends. Sirius stood there for a moment dumbfounded but eventually made his way back to his table.
“Trouble in paradise?” James teased when Sirius sat down. He had one arm around Lily’s shoulders and the other resting under his chin as he watched his friend in amusement. Remus, Lily and Peter were watching with curious eyes as well.
“I don’t know.” Sirius spoke slowly, confusion laced in his voice. He turned in his seat to look at his girlfriend but she avoided his gaze expertly.
“What did you do?” Lily asked stuffing a fork full of mashed potatoes in her mouth.
“Why do you assume I did something?” Sirius asked feeling offended at her question. His friends looked at him with raised eyebrows and he sighed. “Okay yes I probably did something but I don’t know what I did!”
“Well, what did she say?” Lily crossed her arms across her chest and leaned in. Her brows furrowed as she tried to understand the situation.
Sirius repeated their conversation to his friends and watched them all become confused as well.
“No idea, man.” James shrugged and returned to his meal. Peter doing the same while Lily and Remus both seemed to be lost in thought.
“Why did she say she was boring?” Lily asked her eyes narrowing at Sirius. And that’s when it hit him. Sirius groaned and put his face in his hands as he realized what he had done. He craned his neck trying to find Y/N in the crowd and when he didn’t find her sitting with her friends he caught a glimpse of the back of her head leaving the Great Hall. Sirius jumped out of his seat and sprinted trying to catch up to her.
She had just climbed the first set of staircases when he caught her hand forcing her to stop.
“Y/N, wait. Please.” Sirius pleaded.
“I don’t want to talk to you.” Y/N pulled her hand out of his and turned around making her way up the stairs again.
“I'm sorry Y/N, I didn’t mean what I said.” Sirius began but Y/N cut him off.
“I don’t care, Sirius. You still said it and it really hurt me.” Tears welled up in her eyes again but she tried to fight them. “I’m sorry if I’m boring and I’m sorry if I’m always studying because I want to do something with my life besides stuffing product in my hair and pulling the same dumb prank a dozen times!” Y/N sneered the words at Sirius while he stood there feeling ashamed. Y/N took a deep breath and leaned against the wall running her fingers through her hair.
“I’m truly sorry for what I said.” Sirius apologised once more. “I shouldn’t have said those things because honestly I didn’t mean any of it. You’re not boring.”
Y/N rolled her eyes and glared at her boyfriend. Sirius reached for her hand and pulled it against his chest.
“You know what I really think about you?” Sirius bore his grey eyes into Y/N’s y/e/c ones making her heart beat just a little faster. She braced herself to hear what her boyfriend was going to say.
“You’re funny and smart and kind. You have so much compassion for people and you are so strong.” Sirius spoke quietly. He gently caressed her cheek with the back of his hand.
“You’re my whole world, baby. You’re my anchor. And I know I can be stupid and reckless sometimes but I hope you’ll forgive me because I love you so much and I promise I wont hurt you ever again.” Sirius connected his forehead to Y/N making her breath hitch.
“I forgive you.” She mumbled grabbing the back of her boyfriends neck and bring his lips closer to hers. Their lips connected in a soft kiss. She could smell his signature scent on him and it made her a little dizzy. She felt him smile into the kiss and she leaned back to look into his grey eyes.
“C’mon lets head back to the Great Hall and I’ll tell you about Filch’s reaction to the stinkbomb.”
Y/N scoffed and pushed her boyfriend away only to have him laugh and wrap his arms around her waist.
“Just kidding, love.” Sirius smirked and kissed her temple. Y/N rolled her eyes and shook her head at the silly boy in front of her. He really did drive her crazy but sometimes in the best way.
Feedback is appreciated :)
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RWBY GF Scenarios
First Official Date                             
“Let me see if I got this right… You decided to take me to a weapon shop as our first official date?” You asked, your face blank with disbelief. Ruby bounced in her spot as she nodded. The shop was smaller than you expected, and it didn’t seem that impressive given the admiration that Ruby had for weapons.
The shopkeeper seemed to wave at both of you, his only customers. “Ruby. It’s a date.” You stated, but that didn’t seem to change anything on Ruby’s mind. “Yeah! That’s why I brought you to one of my favourite places.” She replied, waving slightly to the shopkeeper, whom she probably was familiar with.
“Ruby I love you but, this isn’t romantic at all.” “Psssh!” Ruby waved you off, grabbing your hand and dragging you to the first catalogue of weapons. “Wait until you see it.” Ruby mumbled, as if she really didn’t intend for you to hear it. She grabbed the magazine, pushed you into the couch and sat beside you. The first page she opened already advertised the most expensive weapon in the shop.
“Didn’t you make your own weapon? Why do you even go here?” “To get inspiration silly!” She scanned the page and moved on. She seemed ecstatic, maybe a bit anxious too. She didn’t seem to be taking any information from the countless lines of advertising, but simply hurrying along to a specific page.
You lost your state of focus and turned away, glancing at the shopkeeper who seemed busy reading his own magazine. A gasp from your small girlfriend made you turn towards her immediately. “Here it is!” She said. Shoving the magazine into your hands.
You curiously took it and examined the page, nothing seemed to catch your eye. “Here!” Ruby exclaimed, a tiny bit frustrated as she pointed at a small footer at the end of the page. As you read what it said, your eyes widened, your mouth tried to vocally show surprise but you were in too much of a shock to say anything.
It was an advertisement. An advertisement for one of your books. “How-W-What?! How did you-“ You blinked, and Ruby snorted adorably, hugging your side as she seemed amused by your reaction. “Surprise!” She kissed your cheek clumsily as you gaped at her. “Remember when you said that you’d wish you had enough courage to publish one of your books? I did it for you!” She answered. You couldn’t really grasp the situation, you remember that moment, but part of you was just joking.
“I choose my favourite book.” Ruby closed the magazine and put it off to the side. “But why the weapon shop?” “Oh no no. Your book was published already, it’s at Tukson’s Book Trade. But I wanted to advertise it, so the Shopkeeper lent me a hand.” Ruby responded, giving a small thumbs-up to the old man. He smiled in return.
“Ruby.” You started, your smile growing. “I will buy you anything you want.” You said. And Ruby jumped happily, she stole you a kiss before dragging you along. “Well, I want a month-worth of cookies.”
This place had fond memories, you and Weiss both treasured this place as the place where you two slightly bonded with ice cream, along with pretending to like each other. Look at both of you now, in a loving relationship.
“I’ve been wondering… You didn’t choose your ice cream flavour back then. What is your favourite flavour?” Weiss asked you, her hand cold as you interlocked fingers with her. She always said she loved holding hands with you, since yours were always so warm. You liked her cold touch though, it was oddly reassuring.
You peeked at her and grinned a bit, finally entering the shop. You were about to reply but a grumble of help interrupted any attempts. Both you and Weiss scanned the ice cream shop… It was empty. No person in sight, though everything seemed cleaned. The shopkeeper was on his knees as he seemed to be begging to some men in black suits.
For a second, Weiss tensed up, maybe thinking that this was a robbery. But the shopkeeper stood up hurriedly once he noticed both of you. He strained his voice to – what you assumed – explain. The two men cut him off and eyed you and Weiss in some sort of respect.
“You’re Miss Schnee and Miss (Last name), correct?” One of them said, you both nodded hesitantly. You then pulled Weiss slightly closer, forcing your linked hands behind your back. You were feeling slightly threatened. “We apologize for the inconvenience. But this ice cream shop is going to be closed down.” The men said, and the shopkeeper whimpered pathetically.
“What? Why?!” Weiss inquired, squeezing your hand in alarm. You gave her a soft rub on the back of her hand with your thumb and her shoulders relaxed. “This man can no longer pay the debt he owns-“ The man explained, pointing with an open palm at the saddened shopkeeper. You bit your lip conflicted as you narrowed your eyes. “Though we apologize, since we know this has been a place you have visited regularly.” The man bows slightly, as if nervously correcting himself once he saw your expression. Guess you both are still popular as ever.
Weiss tapped her foot, thinking maybe. But she examined the shop and the owner of it for a while before turning to you. “I really do love this place.” She mumbled, her eyes turning sad. You frowned slightly and clutched her cold hand. “But we can’t really do anything.” She continued, smiling gloomily and turning back to the shopkeeper, giving him a soft pity nod. The shopkeeper whimpered and gazed at the floor.
“No no no.” You began, and all eyes peered at you in curiosity. “I can buy this place.” You stated. A mix of reactions flooded the shop. The shopkeeper seemed the happiest, his expression not betraying his body language as he fisted the air. The men in suits sighed in some-sort of relief as they nodded understandably. And Weiss gazed at you in shock, content and worry. “(Y/n)! Y-You can’t. What if your father finds out?!” “Don’t worry. He won’t.” Weiss gripped your hands tight, giving you a scared look. “If he does, well…” You gave her a wink and Weiss’s eyes widened, knowing that you were referencing your plan to run away together.
She gave you a short nod and breathed relief. “We will prepare the paperwork Miss.” The men bowed and left, while the shopkeeper shook your hand gratefully before rushing to the kitchen to make some on-the-house ice creams for both of you.
Weiss pulled you along to a table and sat in front of you. You each glanced at each other, locking eyes for a second before you looked away. For some reason, you felt embarrassed, maybe because you were never this… generous. Weiss simply rested her chin on her hand, balancing herself with her elbow. She gazed at you with admiration and love.
You peered at her and smirked after recovering yourself. “And to answer your question… My favourite flavour is you.” You flirted and she snorted embarrassedly. Feeling like you had bounced back from your bashfulness you turned to the ice cream shopkeeper whom approached you with ice cream in cups. Weiss stared at you, red in the face.
Her eyes soft on you as they never left your roguish smile. At that moment, she felt guilty. Because she was hoping that your father will find out about it, she wants to run away with you and be happy. And love you like she has never loved someone.
“You know, you don’t have to drink it if you don’t like it.” Blake chuckled softly, her voice husky with slight sleep. It was morning, at least as far as you could tell. And almost immediately after waking up, Blake invited you for a cup of tea. Her tone sounded somewhat serious, so you agreed immediately. Though you would have agreed either way.
Shaking you head, you took a sip from your tea. It was sweet, almost painful. And given Blake’s snort, it probably showed on your face. She took your cup away and gave you hers. ��You don’t need to-“ “No, try it. I think you’ll like that one.” She interrupted, a coy smile on her face.
Her tea was a different one from yours, she said it was her usual. Since you really had no terminology for tea terms, you just ordered the first in the list. One who was undoubtedly sweet. But Blake sipped on your tea bravely, sighing after a drink. She seemed to enjoy it.
You gulped daringly and went for a big gulp. As soon as the tea entered your mouth you felt confused. It was still sweet, but less. It was even sort of warm… on the soul. “It’s good.” You murmured after swallowing it. Blake smiled at you sweetly and nodded. “It’s a family recipe. It’s my favourite.” She replied.
Her tone was soft, almost quiet. But that was the usual Blake. The tea house wasn’t bustling with customers, it had only a few people, you knew by the looks of it that this was probably an underground treasure that only your girlfriend would visit regularly. “Thanks.” You muffled under another sip of tea. She gave you another smile and played with her cup. After only a few seconds, she frowned.
“Blake? Are you okay?” You asked. She glanced at you and then at the tea, as if meeting your eyes was hard. “I need to tell you something.” She started and you eyed her worriedly. Hopefully nothing bad happened. “I’m… I was, a member of the White Fang.” She muttered. Her voice so low you barely heard her.
Widening your eyes in shock you stared at her. She met your eyes and immediately frowned. “Look, I’m not a member anymore- I promise, I have no more connections with the White Fang. I joined when I was just a child, I was essentially born into it. I believed that we could give the equal rights to Faunus if we fought for it, but once a new leader stepped up, the protests became so violent.” She halted, as she clenched her fists. “I ran away. And I’ve been so scared that they’ll go after me, hurt my friends, hurt you…” Blake looked up, locked eyes with you and seemed to examine you. “I wanted to tell you this because I trust you. I trust you and love you so much.” She smiled sadly, holding her hands close to her chest.
You were so shocked by this that you failed to reply, but your eyes travelled up to her head and her bow twitch again. Blake noticed this and took off her bow, revealing a set of black cat ears that plopped down sadly. You gulped.
“Y-Y-Y-You have c-c-cat ears…” You stuttered and Blake nodded hesitantly. “Y-You had cat ears and you didn’t tell me.” She eyed you confusedly as you gazed at her ears, your face red. “I-It’s cute… You’re cute…” You mumbled, covering a bit of your face with your hand as you looked away. Blake stared at you in disbelief.
“Wait. You’re not faced at all by the White Fang thing…?” You peered at her and gave her an endearing smile, one that made Blake shiver with impact. “You said you’re no longer associated with them. I believe you. And I find it admirable that you fought for a noble cause.” You replied, her ears perking back up as she gaped at you in surprise. “Besides… I’ll stand by your side if they do come. I’ll protect you. I won’t let anyone hurt you.” You finished smoothly. Now it was Blake’s turn to flush red, as she smiled affectionately and continued to sip on her coffee, avoiding your eyes bashfully.
You felt embarrassed yourself, and as you drank your tea you couldn’t help but stare at the way her ears twitched whenever your eyes met.
Okay, you knew that there was at least one thing that both you and Yang had in common. And that was your love for parties/clubs. Maybe it wasn’t the healthiest, but it was fun. The people, bizarre conversations left and right, the dancing, unnecessary sexual. Also, the drinks were pretty good.
But you and Yang weren’t here to get drunk, you were here to have fun, dance, chat with some people, and occasionally a shot or two – but you two could hold your liquor. “Hey babe. You okay there?” Yang nudged you slightly, snapping you away from the daydreaming. You held her close, a bit anxious about riding her motorcycle.
Knowing Yang, you knew she was going slow for you. It was sweet. You nuzzled her back and you could hear her chuckle. “Yep. Just you know… preparing myself for the amount of fuckboys that are going to try to get into our pants.” You replied, and she laughed louder, it was quickly drowned by bumblebee’s motor.
You didn’t find it weird that she named her bike. It was Yang, after all. “Well, we’re taken. So, there’s nothing they can really do about it.” She focused on the road, and you could smell her familiar aroma of burning powder and warmth, her hair flapping amusingly over your head.
“I think if we make out they’ll have an orgasm.” You teased and you both laughed loudly. “We can totally be the heroes though…” Yang started excitedly, you quirked an eyebrow not really knowing where she was getting at, though you knew she couldn’t see your expression. “Saving girls from horny demanding guys.” She continued and you almost choked on another laugh.
Yang peeked at you and grinned, before turning back to the road. You both stayed in silence for a while, Yang seemed to enjoy your grip on her waist as she slightly leaned back to your touch. You didn’t mind it either, you liked having your girlfriend close to you. But after a few corners, she started to slow down. “We’re here.” She informed, finally halting the bike with her leg as she was the first to leave its seat.
She extended a hand and helped you out, you smiled at her in gratitude and she even helped you with your helmet. Finally, ready to enter the club, Yang eyed you one last time. “You do look mighty fine.” She complimented, her tone husky. You shivered pleasantly and gave her a sneaky wink.
“You do too hon.” You replied, pulling her along as the door opened up for you. The music was muffled for a bit until you entered the actual club. The DJ bear hoping to beats in the balcony. The various club-lovers as well as Junior’s gang member (Yang’s friend as she likes to point out) dancing to the music. The bartender pointedly ignoring its drunk customers.
You felt like you were in your second home.
“Blondie!” An older man, one you knew by description as Junior. He extended his arms as a greeting, hoping for a hug, but Yang cockily patted him on the shoulder. He frowned for a few seconds before clearing his throat. “So, who is this?” Junior peered at you, his sunglasses sliding off his nose so he could see properly.
“My very hot girlfriend.” She replied, and you proudly rested a hand on your waist, showing off. He smiled as a greeting and you grinned. “Are we gonna dance or what?” You bounced slightly on your feet as you pulled Yang away, laughing together as you dragged her to the dancefloor.
And the night started there. If you told someone you went to a club on a first date, they’ll probably think you’re crazy. And they’re probably right… but it was so much fun! You and Yang chatted with some other dancers, and drank a bit. Then danced the whole night, grinding against each other. You both ended up in the bathroom making out…
But it was definitely a fun night.
You weren’t one to show excitement, you’ve always been very… stoic. But your girlfriend, Nora, was certainly the opposite. She couldn’t contain her excitement. “We have to do that one!” She dragged you along, to yet another Rollercoaster.
Maybe suggesting the amusement park as a first date wasn’t a very good idea, you felt like at the end of all of this you were going to be near death. But Nora was happy, and seeing her bouncing around, screaming her lungs out and beaming like a child on Christmas made all of this worth it.
“Nora, can we slow down for a second. I feel like if I go on another Rollercoaster, we’re going to see our delicious pancakes come back as disgusting puke.” You answered, rag-dolling to her touch. She groaned for a bit but perked up almost immediately, maybe seeing an even better Rollercoaster.
“How about… I win you that adorable pink unicorn?” She pointed at something in a distance, glancing up, you saw that ‘fair game’ of showing off your strength. Though you knew from experience it was impossible to get the top score. But… you had Nora, a genderbent version of Thor – minus the personality.
You nodded, not giving it any further thought, and she immediately pulled you away, but this time you cooperated. She beamed at you once the man saw you. “You two ladies! Would you like to win our top prize of this giant pink unicorn?” He announced. “YES!” Nora replied hastily. He then took a peek around and quirked an eyebrow. “And where is our competitor?” He asked, you furrowed your eyebrows. “She is.” You pointed at your girlfriend, wrapping an arm around her shoulders.
She seemed a bit shy at first, which was unusual, but then beamed at the hammer. “A girl… I’m sorry to say, but it very hard to get the top score.” The man tried explaining, but Nora was already eager as she grabbed the hammer. You pointedly scowled at the man. “You need to be very strong, almost heavy-lifting type of fit body…” The man rambled on, and Nora lifted the hammer high in air, it seemed heavy, though Nora had no problem with it.
“Only one person managed to get the high score, he was a professional wrestler-“ And Nora swung the hammer down, jumping off her feet. The man got interrupted by the loud ringing of the top score, even a few people stood to watch the rare occurrence. The man remained stand still, mouth in mid of a sentence as he searched for words. His eyes wide in disbelief. Nora simply laughed and grabbed the unicorn, giving it to you right after you threw some fair tickets to the man.
You kissed her proudly and swaggered away, the man crumpled to the floor, what he thought was impossible daring to challenge him, his mind visiting all of his memories that made him belief that a woman was a delicate flower.
Both you and Nora took the unicorn to the dorm and had an incredible story for your friends. It definitely made all of them laugh.
Pyrrha was so surprised when you suggested going to watch a horror movie as a first date. Maybe surprised wasn’t the word, incredulous, dumbfounded… flabbergasted? It was certainly a shock. She thought you were so innocent, a bit sensitive. That it would be cute if you screamed when a jump-scare came on and you clung to her.
And here you both were, in the cinemas, Pyrrha clinging your arm for dear life as you chuckled whenever something very scary happened. Pyrrha thought it was your way to deal with fear, but she realized that you generously enjoyed it.
“It’s not real, not real, nope… nah huh.” Pyrrha mumbled under her breath, closing her eyes once a particular gory scene took place. Some people in the audience also shrieked… expect you. You stared at the screen as if it was a Christmas lights, smiling casually like you would to a friend.
Pyrrha nudged you ever so slightly, glancing at you carefully so she wouldn’t take a glimpse of the screen. You turned your attention towards her and smiled warmly. “Sorry, I just really like this movie.” You replied quietly, careful not to disturb the cinema experience. “How? It’s so…” “Scary? Gory? The most amazing movie ever made?” You finished for her and the corner of her lips twitched a bit, it was funny. The way you seemed more comfortable, the way you weren’t your shy weird self (Even if you were still odd).
“You keep surprising me (Y/n)…” Pyrrha replied, her tone more playful. You leaned closer to her and gave her a kiss, nuzzling against her grip right after.
“Just promise me we can watch a romantic-comedy next time…?” Pyrrha mumbled and you laughed quietly, nodding and turning back to watch the movie. Pyrrha seemed to calm down when you got closer to her, she even started liking the movie, maybe not the gory parts, but she really like the story.
When the movie ended, Pyrrha immediately went to purify herself by watching cute cat videos on her scroll. You both spent the night watching cute videos and laughing, almost forgetting about the horror movie – you knew Pyrrha was possibly going to sleep with you tonight. You weren’t complaining.
This was a date. As far as Coco knew, this was a date. Maybe she hadn’t been taught properly what a date actually was, or maybe you hadn’t. But both of you agreed to this. The one who suggested it was you, of course, but Coco was all in it the moment you said ‘gun show’.
"I am hyped for this show!" Coco jumped in her seat. You were lucky to be near the top, though it was hard to see because of the distance, the top seats were the ones where you could see without anyone in front of you. And the noise of the guns could easily pop your ears if you were near it. Regardless, you and Coco were excited.
"I can't wait to see Johnny Bullet! He's my favourite!" You squealed next to Coco, but the other simply gave you a hurt look. "I thought i was your favourite..." She replied, looking away from you. "YES! Of course you are, you're my top one. You know i'm your number one fan..." You leaned closer to the girl, trying to reassure her that she was truly a badass idol in your eyes. But Coco snickered and pecked your lips. "I know i know, i just messing with you." She squeezed your thigh and you smiled.  
"Beside Johnny Bullet is hot." She added and you gasped dramatically. But you couldn't protest any further as the professionals marched from the top seats to the stage. They passed by you two and you and Coco stared in awe at all of the stars. Johnny Bullet was in front, the muscly blonde grinning at the crowd. Then there was CK, the raven haired introvert who waved kindly. Right after her was Balthazar Mini, the midget man that showcased his mini gun in delight. And last of the group of four was Yuikitana, the tall Japanese mysterious woman who only wielded a katana.  
The four finally stepped on the stage, and the show had started. The crowd cheered louder that Balthazar's enthusiastic shouts as you and Coco held each other's hands in eagerness. Johnny was the first to silence the crowd with a hand in the air. "Welcome gun maniacs and bullet eaters!" He started, his voice echoing around the room through the speakers. "Today is a special day! We are planning to recruit two new gun experts!" Johnny announced, and the crowd roared contently, obviously excited.
"Only the best ones!" Balthazar added with his raspy voice. "Yes, we're going to choose from this amazing audience, who is going to go on a tour with us for two weeks." CK continued, and if you thought the crowd couldn't go louder, it suddenly did. "Oh my god. This is my chance, this is our chance." Coco whispered in your ear, you shivered pleasantly before realising what she meant. "You think we could..." You trailed off and Coco nodded rapidly.
She gripped your hand tighter as she cheered along with the crowd, you joined in. But after a while, everyone quieted down as the show continued. The four professionals did a small show with their guns, Johnny with his SMG, CK with both of her handguns, Balthazar with his mini-gun and Yuikitana with her katana. And soon, they were starting the audition.
Since you and Coco were near the back, it was hard for them to notice you. Not to mention the people jumping around near you, one of them nearly pushed you off the railing. Coco was getting annoyed, so she asked to switch with you, given how no one was on her side. You thanked her and resumed jumping around to get their attention.
By this time, half of the audience had tried out and the four gun pros weren't really impressed. But you agreed, no one here seemed really that good. You were sure Coco could blow everyone here out of the water. "Hey! Watch it!" Coco shouted enraged, as a man beside her punched her in her face with his elbow. The man didn't seem to care as he cursed at Coco for her to move and then continued to scream and jump for the pros to get his attention.  
Coco's sunglasses were tilted, and a slightly bit broken, she rubbed her cheek, about to clock the man to the ground, but you reached for her face and cupped it with her hands. She smiled at you sweetly, almost forgetting what had just happened. You took off her glasses and fixed them quickly, finally placing them on Coco's face again.  
"Thanks babe." She said quietly as you giggled at her enjoyment of being spoiled. "Hey! You!" Suddenly Yuikitana's voice resounded around the room. Everyone glanced at her, now as quiet as a funeral. She was pointing at the top rows, at your row. But she looked pissed.
"Me?" The man that had punched Coco asked in disbelief, beaming at the tall woman. She seemed to nod as she hammered her way towards him. "Calm down Yuiki!" CK yelled after her, her face betraying her tone as she smiled amused. But if the Japanese woman heard her teammate, she ignored her. And now, the katana wielder was right in front of you, though she was glaring at the man beside Coco. He smiled innocently at the woman but she quickly punched him, wiping that smile off his face.
The room went quieter as the man fell on the ground, unconscious. Yuikitana was unsurprisingly really strong. She momentarily glanced at you before facing Coco. "He's an asshole. Are you okay?" She asked Coco, and your girlfriend nodded slowly, dazed and confused at what just happened. Yuikitana then peers at you and smiled, finally she grabs your arm and Coco's and pulls you along to the stage. The crowd then started cheering, though not as loud, clearly still shaken about Yuikitana's erratic behaviour.  
Some bouncers went and grabbed the unconscious man, as they left the auditorium. He probably needed a hospital after that. But that wasn't the point right now, the point was that you and Coco were standing in front of millions of people as four of your favourite celebrities stood next to you. One of them still holding your arms.
"These two. I smelled something good from them." Yuikitana let go of both of you as she gently pushed you near Johnny, the leader. "Aaaah i see what you mean... i smell it too." Johnny replied, smiling confidently. "Passion. Talent. Confidence." He continued and the four of them seemed pleased about this. "Come on! Show us what you got!" Balthazar cheered, pushing encouragingly to show off your gun skills, both you and Coco.
And that's the day you two joined a tour of your favourite celebrities on your first date. You certainly gained a lot of fame after the demonstration you two did. Johnny and Yuikitana seemed amazingly proud, CK and Balthazar just cheered amazed by your skills. And the crowd couldn't get enough of your teamwork gun show.  
Coco was close to you the rest of the day, her hands never leaving you as she seemed to find any excuse to touch you. She kept showing how grateful she was that you introduced this date to her. You kept brushing them off as you welcomed her presence. The group of the four professionals also seemed very amused by your relationship, Yuikitana specially.  
You were sure this date was amazing and that you just had made new amazing friends.
"Yeah, just like that." Velvet replied, sitting down after she instructed you on how to set a picnic. Okay... maybe it seemed silly, but to be fair you were never an extrovert, you didn't really like nature either. You just thought that Velvet appreciated a first official date, and knowing Velvet, you knew she probably liked parks, and trees, and grass...  
Finally you sat down on top the sheet, Velvet bounced until she was next to you, before she nuzzled your shoulder. "Thank you so much for doing this. I was really excited about this, i even made your favourite food." She leaped for the basket as she took out some very delicious looking sushi. "This one is heart shaped." She handed you a specific, which had the salmon in shape of a heart. You chuckled at her cute antics.
"Thanks." You took it and Velvet smiled, leaning on your shoulder as she watched you to take a bite of it. "What do you think? Good?" She asked, clearly more nervous than she liked to show it. You hummed a yes, still chewing on it and when you swallowed it you kissed her temple. "It's delicious. You're really good at cooking." You smiled and she giggled, happy that you enjoyed it.  
You two then made small talk, enjoying each other's company close while eating sushi and drinking apple juice. But, even if this was to be a date, you felt bad. You were dating Velvet, and she was such a lovely girl, you truly loved her. But, she trusted you, she respected your privacy from day one, and here you are, completely ignoring the fact that she knows nothing about you.
"Hey Velvet." You nudged her slightly and she hummed for you to continue, though her gaze never left the sushi she was nibbling on. "I know you have a lot of questions." You started and Velvet peeked at you, her gaze turning worried. "I'll answer anything you want." You finished. "What do you mean?" She asked, leaning away from you so she could look at you properly. "I mean... you know, about me, and my past. There's a lot of things you don't know. And i'm really thankful that you were patient and respected my... hesitation." You murmured, your eyes shifting to the grass. "Hey hey, i-it's fine..." Velvet was quick to soothe your nerves.
She always knew how to read you, maybe, she did know more about you than you thought. "I won't force it out of you. I understand that it might be hard to tell me these things, and i'm here to support you. I won't lie and say i was never curious, because i was. But, i still love you. No matter who you were before or what part of you you're hiding." She reached to charm you, to graze her gentle fingers across your cheek as she smiled innocently at you.
If you never believed in angels, you now did.
"God Velvet. I love you so much." You leaned to kiss her deeply, and Velvet welcomed it embarrassedly. After you two parted, you sighed tiredly, less nervous that before. You finally rested your head on her lap as she snorted adorably, brushing your hair out of your face.
"So… my family. I had a poor family. I had a little sister, my mother and my step-father. I don't really know who my father is." You started, your voice breaking out of fear, but her calming caresses on your hair seemed to calm you down. "My mother was always working, but she was very weak too. She got sick almost every day, it didn't take long for her to die when i was just 7 years old." "I'm sorry." "No don't be. I was just a child, i didn't even know what was happening." You smiled at Velvet and she gazed at you with adoration in her eyes.  
Sometimes you failed to realize this small details, how much love Velvet gives with only one glance. "My step-father, i didn't know him very well. So i trusted that i took care of my sister, and when i was 12, he let me. But now that i think about, he just didn't care, maybe he was a bit happy too that i took the responsibility." You hesitated. "When i was old enough to join Beacon i was excited, but i couldn't leave my sister alone. My first day of school, is the day i regret the most in my life." Velvet reached with her other hand to grasp your own, maybe thinking that it would comfort you, and it unsurprisingly did.
"I decided to leave my sister to my step-father. I wish i knew that my instinct was right, i wish i had turned back and at least brought her with me..." You voice broke again, dripping anger and remorse together. "When i got back home, eager to tell my sister about my first school day. I saw blood. Blood and more blood. My step-father standing over a corpse as he his eyes were blank of emotions... The corpse of my..." You didn't know if you could continue, your throat hurt of trying to suppress your tears. Your eyes momentarily locked with Velvet's, and she had tears running down her face.
You instinctively gasped and sat up, reaching to cup Velvet's face to clean her tears. "Oh Velvet, i'm so sorry. I didn't mean to-" "No no, it's not your fault. It's just..." She rested her own hands on yours, as you continue to clean her tears with your thumbs. She smiled. "you're so strong. To be this amazing and to never give up even when you've been through all of that. Your sister... she would be proud of you." You failed to reply, you wanted to say 'no she wouldn't' or that you've made so many terrible mistakes, but words escaped you. Your eyes started to water as you hugged Velvet, thanking the world for this gift, even if you didn't deserve it. You promised that you would protect her, never leave her, and love her with all your heart. No matter what.
You wouldn't do the same mistake.
So today was the day… Two weeks anonymously harassing Ironwood, digging your closet for cool clothes, and re-watching all of your favourite series. All for today.
“Just calm down girls, we’re almost there.” Ironwood informed, nervously glancing back at you as he parked the car. Penny beside you, fixing her cosplay of GLaDOS, now anxious instead of excited. “I feel like this is going to fall off.” Penny mumbled, fixing her head-eye prop that GLaDOS has.
You turned to her and helped her fix it, it was slightly misplaced, so you just nudged it in the right place. Penny smiled at you grateful as she admired your own cosplay of Chell. “You look amazing.” Penny complimented. “We both do…” you replied confidently, and Penny giggled.
“Here we are.” Ironwood managed to mumble. He got off the car, and before he could take a mere step, you and Penny had already left the parking lot and rushed to the line.
Thankfully the line wasn’t long, given how you two were a bit late. Ironwood finally caught up to you as both you and Penny strolled the convention. Happily fangirling and buying merch.
Some people even stopped you two to take pictures or to simply compliment your cosplay. But finally, you two spotted one of your favourite youtubers. Penny was the first to squeal as you caught his attention.
“Magikkiss!” You called, and he swiftly turned, quite startled. The fans he was with left as if they had recognised another youtuber. But Magikkiss gave you two a genuine smile. “Loving the costume. You two Portal fans?” He asked, and Penny squealed again, making Magikkiss chuckle.
“Yeah, we watched your series of the game! That’s how we first met Portal.” You replied, trying your damn hardest to contain the excitement. “And w-we would really like an autograph!” Penny tried, her voice breaking from nerves. “Aww shucks guys! I’m just a youtuber, not a celebrity. I really appreciate it, but I don’t have a pen or anything…” He trailed off, patting his pockets to actually make sure.
You peered at Penny and you both stared in shock. You didn’t think about that; these cosplays don’t really allow you to bring anything. But Ironwood might have one! “I’ll go find the General.” Penny seemed to read your mind, she kissed your cheek quickly and ran towards the cafeteria, a quieter area that Ironwood might be resting.
“You two are a cute couple.” Magikkiss complimented. You turned back at him and blushed bashfully. “Thanks, I’m really lucky to have her.” “Awwww” He cooed. “How long have you two been dating?” He asked, now quite curious. Magikkiss was like that gay guy best friend that you never had. And wish you had.
“Two weeks maybe, I haven’t been counting. Though it feels like it was yesterday.” You answered, remembering the time when you two were casually enjoying your Sunday game time. “So you’re newlyweds.” He joked and you almost choked on your breath. “We aren’t married!” “Yeah yeah I know, I was just joking.” He laughed.
The conversation was pleasant, one of the longest I have ever had with anyone. But time was ticking, and Magikkiss had to go to his panel. “Your GLaDOS is taking quite a long time…” He mentioned and you nodded, glancing around to see if you spotted her. No luck. “Maybe she got lost, that’s normally what happens.” You replied, chuckling lightly at how incapable your girlfriend is to follow directions.
Magikkiss was about to reply, probably with a witty comment, but an uproar of chattering caught both of your attentions. It wasn’t far from here, and maybe you thought it had something to do with Penny. A knot of worry started to form in your stomach. Magikkiss might have read your mind, because he motioned for you two to go check it out. And with two nods, you two dashed towards the circle of fans.
Magikkiss was very tall, he could probably force his way in no biggie, but out of consideration he gently pushed people away, pulling me along with him. Then, a tinge of ginger hair and I was already in the middle. Penny stood there, barely able to breathe as she tried not to tear up. She was trembling drastically and trying to make her body shrink out of fear. The crowd around her were photographers, grown men.
But a big group stood out. Maybe because of the way they were laying on the floor, pointing cameras to peep under Penny’s skirt, drooling immensely. “Hey!” You snarled, and the group turned at your voice. Penny did too, and the face of relief that sweep through her features was one of the most fulfilling things you have ever seen. She quickly ran towards you, hugging you contently as she hid her face, maybe finally tearing up.
“Ooooh there’s Chell too!” One of the man said, pointing with a big finger towards you. The clicks and flashes of photographs flooded your vision almost instantly. Luckily Magikkiss was there, as he tried his best to force his way out of the circle, you two his priority. “Are you seriously leaving?! You selfish bitc-“ “I suggest you don’t end that sentence.” You quickly interrupted the photographer, glaring death threats. He jolted ever slightly before gaining his composure back. “You cosplayed to get attention, we need these photos!” “Yeah!” Another agreed. Penny’s body shivered, I felt like she might be crying, scared of this new experience of harassment.
“What you need is to leave.” Magikkiss’s voice resounded, aggressive with clear intent of not expecting anyone to talk back to him. And they didn’t. The circle cleared up and you three were free.
You gently pulled Penny off you, mainly so you could check on her. She reluctantly did so, and when you saw your face you fought an urge to run after those bastards and beat them to a pulp. Magikkiss also seemed to hold some sort of affection towards her, since he gritted his teeth in anger, a wave of protectiveness washing over both of you.
Penny was whimpering, tears falling across her cheeks as her face contorted into hurt. “Hey hey, it’s okay. They’re gone.” You reassured her, wiping a tear with your thumb. “T-They tried to pull my skirt…” She sobbed. “Those assholes…” Magikkiss mumbled. “Penny…” You frowned, pulling her again to another hug. Penny embraced you, her grip so tight, and her figure still trembling. You would never, never let anyone hurt her.
“Why is he taking so long?” Cinder grumbled, crossing her arms moodily. You rolled your eyes, gripping the wheel as if tired of this conversation. “What could he possibly be doing there that takes ages?” Cinder continued, eyes glaring at the entrance of the warehouse. You slowly leaned your head on the wheel and turned to face Cinder, her eyes gazing at you intensely.
“Look, when I agreed on a date, I did not expect a stakeout in the middle of the night in a smelly car.” You replied, sighing tiredly to emphasise your point. Cinder breathed slowly, staring at you before facing the entrance once again. “I’m sorry. I really did want a date, but Roman needs to be stopped.” She spoke dutifully. You perked up and leaned back on your chair, crossing your arms as you examined Cinder amusedly.
This was an unusual side from her, but you weren’t complaining. “You know, for a former-criminal you have a respectful sense of duty.” You mused. Cinder simply furrowed her eyebrows at you, a look of sudden annoyance. “I told you I changed.” She muttered, her voice harsh.
Maybe you stepped over a line you shouldn’t have. Groaning slightly you caught Cinder’s attention again. “Sorry, I didn’t mean that in a bad way. I’m just…” You tried. “I’m proud of you Cinder.” You finished, meeting her eyes. Her eyes softened, and she didn’t look as frustrated as she was.
But her expression was sad. “Thank you, you don’t know how many times I’ve wished to hear that.” She replied. You didn’t want to say anything, maybe because you thought she would continue. Cinder only stared infinitely at the warehouse, finally breaking by letting out a huge breath. She glanced at you, a wretched smile escaping her.
“Salem never said anything like that.” You thought as much, she only cared about herself and her goal. “I… killed people for her, I obeyed without any backtalk, and she never spoke a word of appreciation.” Cinder continued. You were sensing that words were going to be hard to come out, so you tried to offer as much support as you could. With a slow movement, you managed to lay your hand on her own, it was warm.
Her smile grew, and she clutched on your hand like it was her small hope to safety. “Salem was a role model for me at the time, like a mother even.” She laughed miserably so. “I don’t know what was going on through my head at the time…” Her eyes landed outside, as she gazed at empty dark streets.
“Emerald and Mercury, they’re just kids. The world hurt them, and I took advantage of that. I didn’t want to though… or maybe I did, I just didn’t know what I was doing.” She trailed off. You imagined that Cinder must be fighting herself for the right words, her expression a mix of emotions.
“I was a horrible person…” You gripped her hand tight, ready to challenge her if necessary. “You did some mistakes, we all did. But you, sticking around with Mercury and Emerald, being there when no one else was, speaks a lot about you. You’re kind Cinder, you value those kids more than you value anyone.” You replied. Cinder shivered, she bit her lip, maybe trying to not show any weaknesses. “You’re not Salem. Emerald and Mercury have a bright future ahead of them because of you.”
“(Y/n)…” Her voice broke, her grip on your hand tightened. Whatever she was trying to fight must’ve won, because she covered her face with her other hand, hiding it. “You don’t need to hide it from me.” You reassured her, moving her hand away from her face, seeing the fresh tears bordering on falling at the corner of her eyes. You left your hand on her cheek, caressing it with your thumb as you leaned in.
Cinder must’ve wanted it first, because she approached you rather quickly. But before you two could have any connection, the car shook. Something hit the front of it.
You and Cinder hurriedly broke apart and left the car, dashing towards the front. Roman laid there, holding his stomach in pain. “How the fuck did I not see the car?” He whimpered, peering then at us. His skin suddenly turned pale, as his eyes opened wide, glancing from Cinder to me.
“Ladies… Hello.” He greeted awkwardly. Cinder growled and violently pulled him up.
Let’s just say that Ironwood congratulated us with a day of beating up Roman in questioning.  
“What else?” Emerald asked, idly pushing the cart to the next aisle with one hand, while holding hands with you with the other. “We have some Doritos that Mercury requested and a few more bathroom essentials.” You replied, reading and re-reading the list. Emerald sighed as she started to lead the way to the snacks. “Merc and his stupid Doritos’ obsession.” She mumbled, making you laugh.
Today when you and Em woke up, you were disappointed to see that there was nothing to eat for breakfast. Mercury had fallen asleep on the couch, empty Doritos’ bags around him as empty jugs of milk were lazily thrown near the kitchen entrance. You suggested that you all needed to go shopping for more.
Emerald was reluctant to go, since she had the day all planned out, a date with you, going to the city. That’s what she wanted, but plans changed and Emerald had to muster with what was given. Luckily Emerald decided that maybe a coffee in the morning before going shopping could lengthened the small shopping date. So she was trying her hardest to take the longest time she needed, so she could spend more time with you without Mercury around.
“Maybe we should take some of those Honey flavoured cereals, we all liked them last time.” You suggested, as Emerald grabbed a few Doritos and plopped them in the almost-full cart. She hummed in agreement as you sneaked out of her hand-grasp. She didn’t pay attention as she was examining another way to organize the cart’s space, so you had this opportunity to go grab some of those delicious cereals.
Unlucky for you, you had no idea where it was. So it wasn’t to a big surprise once you had taken some wrong turns and had no idea where you were. Emerald on the other hand, sighing happily once she cleared up some space for the rest of the groceries, finally glancing your way. But you weren’t there.
“(Y/n)?” Emerald asked, searching around the aisle. The few people that were there all said that they had no idea when Emerald asked them. So she abandoned her cart and started to race around the store, scanning for any spot of you. Calling your name loudly in hopes of replies.
Of course you would get lost, how could a day go by without something unfortunate happening. Just yesterday, you had tripped on the carpet and almost hit head first against a side-table, if it weren’t for Mercury being close by. If you had brought your phone maybe she could’ve called you, but you forgot it at home.
Just then, when Emerald was considering calling the police – something she hated to do – an intercom echoed around the store. “Emerald Sustrai, please come to the secretary of customer service. There is a lost child called (Y/n) (L/n) that belongs to you.” The intercom lady announced, repeating it at least three times. Emerald massaged her temple in relief, and maybe a bit of embarrassment, finally rushing to the destination of the intercom lady.
You sat in one of the comfy chairs, pressing your hands in the middle of your legs as you sobbed frightened. Two ladies were talking amongst themselves, worried about you. When you spotted Emerald, you immediately jumped on her, hugging her for dear life. “I’m so sorry, I got lost and I thought that if I stayed there maybe you would find me, but then I got scared since there were so many people there so I rushed to a door, but that was the warehouse of the store, and then a lady found me and-“ “You nearly gave me a heart-attack.” Emerald shut you up, squeezing you tighter.
The lady at the desk cleared things up, and you and Emerald thanked her. You two finally left the store with bags of groceries, but Emerald refused let you wander more than a 5 cm away from her. You promised that you would wait for her next time.
When you got home, you told Merc what happened, Mercury couldn’t stop laughing and teasing you two. Nothing out of the usual…
That was certainly a date that made your relationship stronger.
“Hey there (Y/n)!” A local fisherman greeted. “(Y/n)! Hope you have delicious bread tomorrow morning.” A family mother shouted from a window. “It’s the baker!” A drunken elder stumbled out of the bar, pointing towards you with a bottle of whiskey. You greeted all of them, since you did know them as regulars in your bakery.
Neo glanced at you, a mix of annoyance and admiration. You peered back at her, clutching her hand so it would reassure her to speak up. “You have big reputation.” She stated. “Yup. Most people in this small town know me since I was little. I’ve been helping my father bake since I first knew how to walk.” You replied, happily beaming at another neighbour greeting you.
“You and Roman?” She asked, now curious. “Yeah. Roman helped baking too, though he was bad at it.” You answered, laughing at the memories. Neo inspected the floor, as a distraction. She frowned sadly. “You and Roman are really close.” “Yeah. We’ve know each other since diapers, we even bathed together.” You continued and Neo grimaced at that visual.
You were just trying to tease her now, but I guess she took it too serious. Neo has something on her mind, that much you could tell. You thought that maybe it had to do with Roman, though you couldn’t be positive. “Hey, something wrong?” You nudged her. She peered over to you and sighed. “You spend so much time with Roman… I can barely spend time with you.” “You do-“ “Alone.” She finished, and you bit your lips, realizing that she might be right.
So that’s why she suddenly asked you to go on a walk, so she could have a little date with you alone. “Sorry Neo, I hadn’t noticed. I was paying too much attention on the business. I totally forgot that I wanted to spend time with you too.” You replied. Neo smiled gently, relieved to hear you say those words.
“How about this? When we get home, we can cuddle and watch another horror movie, like last time.” “Without Roman?” “Without that ginger.” You nodded, and Neo laughed. A gentle but melodic laugh.
“Thanks (Y/n).” Neo said, leaning towards your arm and wrapping her arms around it. You leaned your head on the top of her own as mutual affection when a voice shouted from the other side of the street. “(Y/n)! Neo!” Roman’s waved his arms frantically. Neo almost immediately rolled her eyes and groaned, you laughed at how convenient that timing was.
“Piss off Roman! We’re having a date!” You shouted back. Roman frowned. “What?! I can’t join?!” He screamed out. The few citizens of the town also rolled their eyes at our usual interaction, this was common with me and Roman. Most townsfolk people knew that. “No you ginger!” “Hey!” He yelped offended. “Then I’ll meet you at home?!” He continued. “No! You’re going to have to spend the day out today!” You replied, and if Roman could get more frantic, he did. “What?! You’re kicking me out?!” He exaggerated. “Yes!” Neo replied this time, and I could see some onlookers laugh.
With a big whine from Roman, we finally managed to convince him to spend the day with my parents which he agreed immediately. When we returned home, Neo was almost needy with affection as she enjoyed the moment of having me to herself.
“I appreciate whatever this date is, but couldn’t we just have stayed in our room?” Glynda sighed in impatience. You shook your head, an amused smile sneaking its way across your lips. “And what would we do in our room Glynda?” You asked, your voice showcasing your joking manner. She groaned, exasperated and nudged you gently.
You laughed as you fixed your eyes back on the road ahead, barely gripping the wheel since it was a straight path. “You know, like see a new series on tv, maybe read a book…” Glynda crossed her arms and leaned on the car door, watching you. You hid a snicker as you didn’t even try to look over to her, “Yes… and then what?” “Nothing else obviously.” Glynda replied rather quickly.
With a quick glimpse you could see that she was chewing on her bottom lip, her gaze on you hastily shifting away. You curtly shook your head and relaxed on your seat.
You were still unsure - you were taking Glynda to one of your favourite places, but you were unsure as to what her reaction would be. Would she even like it? It’s Glynda, she is very hard to please. But the drive wasn’t long, and you were almost there so no time to rethink this decision and go back.
“Oh.” You muttered and Glynda shifted in her seat to peek curiously at the road. “I think I see it.” You informed her, slowly leaning the car on the side of the road, parking near the woods. “How do you see anything in the middle of this trees…? It’s night for heaven’s sake.” Glynda grumbled.
You rolled your eyes, smiling at her attitude. Always something so refreshing… Finally, you both left the car and locked it, you took the initiative by taking Glynda’s hand and leading her through the vast number of trees. “I swear to God (Y/n), if I get spiders in my air you are sleeping on the couch.” She gripped your hand tight, you figured she might really be worried, maybe a bit scared too.
But not for long, because the first step to the clearing of green grass made Glynda stop from even breathing. No trees, just a large area of healthy grass, lying in beneath the cosmos. It was always so “Beautiful…” Glynda finally breathed, carefully going deeper into the field. Her reactions were undoubtedly cute.
You had a better idea though. You casually went to the middle of the clearing and sat down, then leaning back and resting your back on the actual soft grass. It was special this clearing, different from any other. For some reason you could see the stars and paths of other faraway galaxies in this field, and the grass was greener, softer. It was almost magical.
Glynda spotted you, lying down on the ground. She almost snorted, but she contained herself. “Wanna join me?” You patted the patch of grass next to you. Glynda might have refused if this was a normal clearing, or if she wasn’t with you, she would never sit on the ground – even if it was grass. But, she nodded, and plopped herself right next to you.
She hesitated to lie down, but eventually, she was so relaxed she hadn’t noticed. You both stared at the stars, the dark sky, the light that couldn’t reach your eyes. “It’s really beautiful, I have never seen anything as remarkable as this…” Glynda murmured, eyes trailing constellations as she even seemed to examine the distance between each shining star.
You quietly turned your head, ogling your girlfriend in admiration. “Yeah. Beautiful.” You responded back, not even surprised that your voice went low. Glynda seemed to sense your eyes on her, maybe out of habit even, she also turned her head, peering at you through hazy eyes.
“The sky…” Glynda muttered, “or me?” You smiled. The obvious answer given away by that simple expression. But you felt like you had to prove a point, maybe to yourself, or the stars. The stars, one of the most beautiful things on the universe, so they knew that they would never outshine this gorgeous woman.
You reached towards her, slowly and teasingly. Glynda waited, closing her eyes when you finally kissed her. You pulled her closer, and she couldn’t resist.
You were right… it was magical.
“Winter winter look!”
“Winter! We’re actually flying, look!”
“Winter! The clouds are so close, what do you think they taste like?”
“Winter! You can see Alsius from here, the people are like ants, look!”
You wouldn’t shut up. Winter wasn’t even sure how many times you had said her name (always ending with the word ‘look’), maybe she had lost count. You were like a child, or maybe rephrasing that: you had the curiosity of child. Which, once you think about it, it’s understandable.
But saying that Winter found it annoying is not true. Yes, it was a bit… too much. But, she found your childlike excitement endearing, refreshing even. Taking a break from duty was always something Winter despised, but taking a break from duty to go on a date with you, that’s another story.
“Winter! The ocean is so big!” You called, pointing animatedly out of the window of the airbus. Winter nodded, maybe for the hundredth time. “(Y/n), have you never flew before?” Winter asked, smiling to encourage you to calm down and sit down in front of her. You shook your head with the same excitement.
“No, never. I love it though!” You responded, jumping on your seat. “Well, I’m glad I choose this tourism airbus then.” Winter muttered, scanning gratefully the accommodation that they got. How lucky they were to be given a VIP booth, perks of dating Ironwood’s daughter. “Winter! There’s a pretty bird flying next to us.” You pointed out and Winter squinted her eyes to see better. “Sweetie that’s a dragonfly.” Winter replied flatly. You laughed noticing your mistake, “So it is.”
The trip was going to be a long one, you didn’t really have a destination though, and neither did the passengers. It was just a sight-seeing relaxing voyage around Atlas. But how could Winter relax with you there, for all she knew, you could leave the booth to go to the toilet and never come back. Or someone could snatch you while Winter is not paying attention. So many disasters could happen.
But your constant demand for Winter kept her on alert. Even if it was to look at a smudge on the glass.
Winter was tired too, and though she liked your enthusiasm, she would much rather prefer you sitting close to her and just cuddling or something of that nature. “Winter winter! We’re turning, see.” You giggled, apparently liking the way the airbus steered. Quite suddenly, Winter had the brightest idea to make you calm down, not something she comes up with every day.
“Hey (Y/n).” Winter finally called back, lifting herself from her seat. You swiftly turned to her, maybe expecting some genuine interest in the new discoveries you had pointed out. But instead, Winter kissed you. It wasn’t the usual soft one, or the peck she usually does, it was passionate. Something you hadn’t expected.
Winter was ready to show what she meant, she just got a little carried away in your soft whimper of a moan. You both broke apart and Winter grinned. “Winter wa-“ But she cut you off with another kiss. This time she smoothly used her tongue, maybe showing you what she could do. You were flushed red, not have experienced this ever.
Winter seemed satisfied, as she pulled away from you and plopped down back on her seat, licking her lips as if she had just tasted something delicious. You were left quiet and red.
Winter was happy to know that you took her invitation, finally sitting back down next to her and leaning on her shoulder. You both remained quiet, you out of amazement of a certainly new discovery, and Winter out of a pride and enjoyment.
You still had a lot to discover.
The pool might not have completely fulfilled Kali’s expectations of a date. Especially since you requested that Blake stayed home with Jena. Kali might have been slightly disappointed.
But what is disappointment when you can see your girlfriend in less clothes than usual, in one of the most beautiful pools in Menagerie. Kali couldn’t really be disappointed.
“(Y/n) just please be careful.” Kali warned as you raced inside the open-pool. “I know you like to run around but keep it at a minimum.” Kali continued. You shouted an ‘okay’ back, already pretty far away. You neared the edge of the pool, ready to jump, but suddenly you revved back towards Kali, pecked her lips quickly and returned to the edge of the pool.
Kali shook her head and laughed amusedly, getting interrupted in her ogling by two men in pool uniform. “Excuse me miss Belladonna.” The taller one called, and Kali snapped her head towards him. “We have a reservation for you.” He informed. Kali straightened her back, pleasantly surprised and nodded. The smaller staff member offered to take her stuff and Kali politely declined.
Soon she was already at the VIP lounge area, with a set of lounge chairs, a small coffee table and a big enough parasol. Not that it really mattered since the pool was vacant, Kali had no idea why people didn’t go here. Well, more to her then, she’ll have no one to interrupt your date. The man gently helped Kali set her stuff (bags, sunscreen, lotion, towels, food, etc) and she thanked him gratefully.
The smaller one asked if Kali wanted something to drink and she quickly agreed on an iced green tea. Nothing better on summer. The both hurried off to provide the drink. Kali wanted to call you back, so she could ask what you wanted to drink too. But you were happily doing cannonballs, enjoying having the pool to yourself. Then, a staff woman started scolding you for some reason.
Kali couldn’t really hear what was being said, but you were laughing and lazily denying the suggestion of stopping. The tall man then appeared near the scene, iced green tea in a small tray. He glanced over at your discussing and passively-aggressively threatened you to stop.
Then he ignored the rest of the situation and plastered a fake smile, trotting over to Kali. He bowed his head, placing the drink in the small coffee table. “Sorry Miss, some guests can be very rude and troublesome.” She narrowed her eyes. Behind him, you were sassing the staff woman left and right, already off the pool as you seemed to be enjoying it. She simply pointed at the exit, angrily ordering you to go. The man, in front of Kali, clenched his teeth and forced another smile towards Kali. “If you’ll excuse me…” He trailed off, furiously stomping over to you.
Even if Kali was far away, she could hear the man’s distant shouts of insults. “No one talks to my girlfriend like that…” Kali muttered under her breath, quite upset.
“Hey babe!” Kali called, waving her arm while laying down on the longue chair. You snapped your head towards her. “Could you come here and lotion my back?” Kali asked, turning around and unclasping the back of her swimsuit. You beamed, already dashing towards Kali as the staff stood still in shock.
Yes, they had just made one of the worst mistakes in history.
And yes, they apologized relentlessly and offered a week vacation on their hotel.
Also yes, Kali and you had a wonderful date – that might’ve or not included a make out session.
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wannawrite · 7 years
Baby, Is That You?
Yuehua Ent trainees ( more like Justin X Reader tho ) 
Word count: 4516 
• my Yuehua babies 
• their gfs are debuting in a girl group bUT thEY DON’T KNOW SO SHUSH ;)
• for the wonderful @hahasungqwoomz and her friend Katy 💓 
• ft. WannaWrite Ent’s created girl group, MAUVE ( don’t ask abt the name i went through three different name generators ) consisting of, @hahasungqwoons , Katy, Kang Sanghee, Ryon Hyejin and Ri Minseo 
Justin & @hahasungqwoons ( requested ) 
Seunghyuk & Katy ( requested ) 
Euiwoong & Sanghee 
Zheng Ting ( Jung Jung ) & Hyejin
Hyungseob & Minseo 
@hahasungqwoons ( main vocalist, lead dancer ) 
Katy ( lead vocalist, main dancer ) 
Hyejin ( rapper, visual ) 
Sanghee ( lead rapper, maknae ) 
Minseo ( sub vocalist, leader, centre ) this was done at random don’t @ me pls
ASFJSKAHKSXHKS MY YUEHUA SONS i call every trainee that even though i’m younger than them all omg i need to stop. This was a little bit hard for me but I really liked this concept iTS SO CUTE AW I WANT TO BE IN A GIRL GROUP and i loved creating my own group of girls God bless ya’ll Mauve is debuting under WannaWrite Entertainment ™. Hope you guys don’t mind I changed dance group in ‘girl group’ sorry !! It just seemed more understandable for me this way 😬 
It was never supposed to be a routinely thing. 
Yuehua Entertainment’s branch in Korea was nowhere near the small yet popular cafe you and your best friends hung out at during the one hour break you had between training sessions. All of you knew you had struck gold when the handsome and unreal Yuehua trainees stopped by for a drink. The whole cafe - which was crowded with students and young adults - whispered softly among theirselves at the arrival of the popular Produce 101 trainees.
“Didn’t manager unnie say they were coming to train with Jumin oppa?” Kang Sanghee muttered, talking about one of WannaWrite Entertainment’s solo artists. 
“Lia unnie was going to evaluate their practice. It was some partnership between Yuehua and WannaWrite,” Ryon Hyejin replied, looking up shyly from her waffle to glance at the boys. At that moment, Zhu Zheng Ting, or Jung Jung, decided to look her way too. The pair locked gazes and Zheng Ting waved timidly, causing Hyejin to gasp and blush. It appeared that the Chinese boy found it incredibly adorable, he beamed widely. 
You knew exactly how cute and deceiving Hyejin could be, when you first met her, you babied her and never guessed she would be Mauve’s rapper. Everyone assumed she was the sheepish maknae but being the maknae was Sanghee’s job. On a daily, Hyejin would be so shy she could barely utter two words to other trainees or managers in the building but she could spit fire and roast people when she opened up to them. It was entertaining to watch. 
“Awww! Jinnie! Your face is like a tomato!” Katy commented, giggling away. 
“We should introduce ourselves,” courageous and shameless Ri Minseo said, standing up. 
You grabbed her arm. “No way. We aren’t Mauve yet. We haven’t debuted, there’s no way they would know about us. It’ll be creepy,” you insisted. 
Minseo pouted and nodded sulkily, slumping in her seat. However, that wasn’t enough to stop her. You found your leader walking up to the table where the boys were and introducing herself, she was so outgoing it nearly landed her in trouble. Eventually, she returned to your own table, wearing Hyungseob’s baseball hat. You and your best friend Katy, locked eyes and blushed in second-hand embarrassment for your leader. The redness remained when Minseo pointed out that Justin Huang was shamelessly checking you out. You brushed it off. 
It was quite disappointing when your hour break ended and had to leave the presence of the good looking, almost celebrities. You sighed, tossing away the tray of rubbish into the bin and sneakily taking one last look at Justin’s beautiful face. 
The boys exited a minute after the few of you did, their sleek black car arrived at the doorstep and you assumed they were headed back to Yuehua’s building.
Admiring the Yuehua trainees was a memory that would last forever. 
And Hyungseob’s hat would remain on Minseo’s head forever. 
It came as a complete shock when Katy nudged you in the ribs, mumbling about how Euiwoong had stepped into the cafe again. You looked up from the pile of homework the two of you were currently swamped in, a reason why the rest of the group decided to rest in the practice room instead. 
Your gaze met a familiar blonde boy’s one, his cheeks tinted pink and he pulled his black face mask higher up to hide them. You found it insanely adorable and your heart thudded unnecessarily fast.
But… why were they back? There were plenty of good and well-known cafes around Yuehua’s studio. They literally drove halfway across Korea for this place.
One side of you wanted to believe that they hoped to see you again but the other, more realistic and rational half believed they had business with WannaWrite Entertainment again. Why wouldn’t Yuehua work with WannaWrite? Both companies were well to do and provided ample opportunities for artists. You thought about all the special classes that were provided for the trainees, ranging from sex education, mental health and extra schooling support. All trainees could only enter with a high school diploma or working towards one and the managers tracked your school work. 
It was stressful managing school and trainee life but hadn’t the CEOs then insisted on giving trainees Sundays off? And you even had a travel pass that lasted a week to escape reality. 
Once, CEO N had paid for every staff to venture on a weekend relaxation trip to a beach resort in Phuket. 
Where did all this money come from? 
Sanghee swore that CEO L and N ran around robbing banks in broad daylight.
Or it could be that they represented some of Kpop’s most popular artists and made millions out of them but the artist gained billions more because 'it’s their money they worked hard for and therefore the company will only take 15%’ ( its q little but a lot at the same time i did my math im bad at math tho )  Why wouldn’t Yuehua join forces? 
“Excuse me,” a voice interrupted your train of thought. 
Where was Katy? 
Oh, she had to 'go to the ladies’. 
“Um, yeah?” You replied and nearly smacked yourself on the head for how lame that sounded. 
“Uhhh, my friend… Hyungseob had his hat taken from him by one of your friends?” His eyes kept shifting from your face to the wall behind you and then to your math textbook. “Oh! I know how to do this sum. Do you need help?”
Truthfully, you didn’t. But a cute guy was offering to help you so… you nodded eagerly. “Oh! Sorry about that, I can call her to return it to him. And wow, you must be really smart! I’m struggling with these. Ugh!" 
Ew, you cringed internally at what you said. He’s most likely freaked out by that.
To your surprise, Justin didn’t shrink back and escape to his table but pulled a chair out and sat down, chuckling. "I’m Justin by the way, but I suppose you know me… I mean, I’m a Yuehua trainee, I was on Produce-” he stopped short when he saw you giggling away. “Ahh, so you do know me. Please see me as a potential friend instead of a celebrity!" 
You nodded, understanding how he felt being a fellow nearly debuted trainee. You had to bite your tongue to stop yourself from introducing as "Hi, I’m Mauve’s Y/N” or “Hello, I’m WannaWrite Entertainment’s trainee, Y/N”. 
No, introduce yourself like a friend would. 
“My name’s Y/N,” you finally said, regaining your voice. 
“Y/N,” Justin tested out your name and it rolled perfectly off his tongue. “Such a pretty name." 
"Yah! You’re supposed to be helping her not flirting with her.” You didn’t even realise that Seunghyuk had walked over, Zheng Ting by his side. They flashed cover worthy smiles at you. 
“Hello Y/N, I’m Seunghyuk and-”
“I’m Zheng Ting! Or… Jung Jung." 
Katy returned to her seat and smiled meekly at the boys, taking a sip of her drink. Seunghyuk slid into the seat across her. "Hi! I’m Seunghyuk." 
Oh no! Manager unnie is going to be so angry with all the controversies after pictures are uploaded onto fancafes! 
But it was hard to ignore their advances so you let it slip and enjoyed Justin’s company.
 To cut the long story short, Minseo asked Hyungseob out after a month of being his friend. That was Minseo for you. 
All of you grew close to the Yuehua trainees and manager unnie couldn’t care less because the companies were working closely but the thing was that… none of the boys figured out that you guys were trainees! 
Crazy right? 
Then again, WannaWrite hadn’t released much information about their new girl group. They publicly announced that a new group was in the making but any news of the final lineup had yet to be released. So, your new friends had no idea who you actually were. Mauve members couldn’t speak about anything until teasers had been published. 
You figured they hadn’t had much time to do any snooping either. It was three months to debut anyways. The album was nearly finished after all the endless nights spent recording. Manager unnie had already finalised the schedule for all the publicity events and the final contract signing with the CEOs would be next week. The five of you had trained until you were bone-tired for debut stage. All the hard work would pay off. You and Katy were working super hard on the choreography and you longed to ask Justin for help but… but they couldn’t know.
You stared at Minseo and Hyungseob, the couple cuddled in a booth in that cafe they met in, laughing and engaging in playful banter. Minseo forked a cut piece of waffle and fed Hyungseob. 
How affectionate.
You just hoped that their relationship wouldn’t be destroyed when he knew the truth. Katy and Seunghyuk were also growing close. There were times she left the dorm on Sunday alone, updating later with pictures of her and him at the movies, skating and eating lunch. It was really sweet to see your friends getting into relationships yet they never lost focus on the big debut. 
Sanghee tapped into her more quiet and shy side whenever she was around the bubbly Euiwoong. She was slightly more outgoing than Hyejin but she couldn’t show much of that side. Regardless, you saw the way Euiwoong looked at her. 
He was falling hard. 
Let’s hope the truth wouldn’t crush him. 
You rested your head on Justin’s shoulder. Lately, he had been getting extremely affectionate and caring towards you. Skin ship was a given every time you met. He just had to find a way to hug you or entwine his fingers with your own. It was clear he liked you more than a friend but you weren’t sure if you could deal with the pressure of being an idol and date one at the same time. You liked him too, you really did. 
"Jung Jung’s trailer is coming out next week,” Justin said. “It’ll be good. I hope you anticipate mine." 
You smiled at his cheekiness, but that was one of the things you adored about him. "Of course! I expect your debut to go well, you’ll be successful, I’m sure of it,” you convinced. I hope you look forward to mine too, you almost added but you couldn’t go behind the rest of your friends’ backs. Everyone agreed not to say a word and it was even in the contract. 
Justin had been texting you almost every day and your group chat with the Yuehua boys was never inactive but teaser shooting was going to begin soon and you would never have time for your phone then. Two weeks from now, another short introduction video and the second experimental song would be published. 
Let’s hope they’ll be busy with their own debut. They haven’t discovered our first experimental song and video yet but those have been getting pretty popular. It’s the world’s first look at the highly anticipated 'Mauve’. 
You sighed, lacing your hand with Justin’s. 
The concept of the teaser photos for the album was simple. You actually liked your outfit and felt every bit of a team. Everyone wore white and one item would be of a shade of mauve. The location was somewhere in the suburbs. 
Katy, who was sitting next to you in her makeup chair was practically glowing even without her highlight. You knew something was up, so you smacked her thigh. 
“Ouch! Y/N! Bruises show up on camera!” She shrieked. 
You rolled your eyes. “It wasn’t that hard. What’s up with you? You’re so… happy?” She was one of your closest friends, you never kept secrets from each other. 
"Okay, okay! Oh my god, um. Okay. Seunghyuk asked me to be his girlfriend!”
That wasn’t just from you, but the rest of the members and maybe even the staff.  
"He texted me to meet him at the park and then when I reached, he gave me a bouquet of flowers and asked me! I said yes! And then he treated me to ice cream, it wasn’t convenience store ones but from an actual parlour. I don’t mind convenience store cones though,” she explained in detail. 
'Ooohs’ and 'ahhs’ filled the makeup tent. 
Then, Sanghee admitted that she had asked Euiwoong to be her boyfriend too. It was a daring move. 
3/5 of Mauve was attached to 3/5 of Yuehua boys. 
No matter what, they agreed to stay as friends even if they broke up.
“Guys, we can’t hide forever. We have one song out and a few introduction videos but we’re going to be Mauve. We’re going to debut. They just haven’t seen our videos and they don’t know what they’re in for. We should tell them,” Minseo suddenly spoke up. “They won’t be dating normal high school students but idols like them. I really want to avoid all the controversy and scandals, we need to talk with them." 
Hyejin nodded, "Why haven’t they figured it out? I mean, we’re like number 5 on Naver search. Everyone has been waiting for a confirmation of the lineup, now they have it.”
“A step ahead of you girls, to avoid them knowing, their manager has limited their contact with the internet but they’re also working hard on their own debut. We’ll make sure to sort things out with their managers before your debut, rest assured, they don’t know anything. Focus on today’s shoot.” Your manager informed. 
Shifting in your seat, you adjusted the light mauve coloured beret on your head and shuffled your black ankle boots together. Nerves were getting to you and it didn’t help that you felt guilty for not letting your good friend’s in on this. 
Katy played with her purple fishnet tights which were tucked into black combat boots. Her pocket tee and tennis skirt were white in colour, like your shirt and ripped jean shorts. 
Hyejin wore a huge oversized purple button down which was tucked into a sleek white skirt with a huge silver ring at the zip. Her eyelids were dusted with a soft lilac eyeshadow. Like the group, she too had black shoes. 
Minseo had a really cool closet. Her body was shown off with the white sleeveless body con but she wrapped a shirt similar to Hyejin’s around her waist and pulled on knee high boots. 
Sanghee’s look was more playful. Her top was rather professional, the classic long sleeved white blouse but it was half tucked into tapered mauve booty shorts. She also had a lilac tie that hung neatly around her neck, a strong contrast from Hyejin’s velvet choker. 
“Minseo! It’s time!" 
You would be up next after your leader, your hands shook and palms began to sweat.
Breathe, you can do this. Justin’s going through the exact same thing, you can do this too. 
Your haze fell to the floor. If only he knew…….
Seunghyuk: guys, katy isn’t answering my calls 
Justin: me too! Y/N’s phone seems to be turned off. 
Hyungseob: relax, Minseo told me she had a whole day school trip that’s why
Justin: Y/N and Minseo aren’t in the same level! Do you think she’s okay?
Euiwoong: she should be, don’t worry about them. they can hold their own 
Zheng Ting: Hyejin is also MIA. Maybe we should go visit them? 
Hyungseob: we don’t even know where they live….. 
Seunghyuk: isn’t it weird that they’re always together? Wouldn’t their parents want them to come home?
Zheng Ting: i think Hyejin and Sanghee share a dorm because they traveled for school so yeah 
Euiwoong: they’re probably busy too, has anyone talked to manager hyung about our relationships? 
Hyungseob: he told me it’s okay as long as we don’t go public until well after debut promotions have ended 
Seunghyuk: I wonder if they’ll even let us date…..like…you know 
Justin: whatever, let’s just hope for the best and focus on our debut now 
Justin: but I miss Y/N so much!
"Hello?” you answered your phone, not even bothering to hide the exhaustion in your voice. Filming the teasers had just wrapped up, it was late at night and you struggled to clamber back into the limousine. 
“Babe? Is that you?" 
Omg what?
He called you 'babe’! 
There was a long pause. 
"Uh, yeah. Hi Y/N, oh! You sound tired? Are you okay? You should sleep!" 
"Uhh, yes! I’m fine, just tired…um, Katy and I were working on a school project…and I think… t-that I feel asleep on the table,” you lied, feeling guilty. Katy and Sanghee shot you suspicious stares, Hyejin and Minseo were cuddled up, already asleep. 
“Ahh, don’t work yourself too much. Get some rest,” Justin said, his voice was calm and soothing, you smiled brightly despite the fatigue. 
“Shouldn’t I be saying that, you’re an idol. You are too hard on yourself, rest well okay? I’ll buy you lunch after your debut stage." 
Sanghee wanted to remind you it would be dinner and that Mauve would also be debuting then but she clamped her mouth shut and texted Euiwoong instead.
"Okay! Looking forward to it. Thank you Y/N, goodnight!" 
You sighed and leaned your head against the comfortable headrest, closing your eyes and shutting the world out. But all you could think about was how happy you were when you heard Justin’s voice and how he had called you 'babe’. He seemed just as tired as you were but still reminded you to take care of yourself. He was so kind and caring, what more could you ask for? 
One month to both debuts. 
Only one more month. 
The last of the teaser photos and videos had been uploaded to the official website, Twitter and Instagram. The response had been positive, everyone seemed to love the group.
Manager unnie was in the process of preparing the VLive channel as she handed you your new schedule. 
Every single day was packed with activities, be it promotions, interviews, talk shows….it was crazy. 
“If the album does well, we might even secure a deal with Moonshot. Keep pushing on girls!” She cheered. 
You knew not all rookies had such amazing opportunities, it had to be the work of the managers and CEOs, you were forever grateful. Mauve was going to be popular and successful. You just wondered how your boyfriend hadn’t figured a single thing out.
It was shocking. Justin often called late at night and apologised for not texting you throughout the day. You found it sweet but really didn’t have any time to check your phone or text back. When Euiwoong invited you girls to their first debut stage, Sanghee and Minseo were unsure of how to pull it off but Katy and Hyejin persuaded them and they replied. 
“How can we not support our boyfriends in a special time like this?” Hyejin had scoffed, combing through her newly dyed platinum blonde hair. 
Minseo wasn’t extremely satisfied with her new bangs but she kept her mouth shut and insisted that the stylist unnie would style it prettily for her. She left her hair in a mess usually but it naturally became unruly after every practice.
Drenched in sweat, you collapsed on the dance studio’s floor, Katy pushed a water bottle into your reach. You took a huge gulp from it. 
“We aren’t done yet, this is just the beginning.” You nodded with vigour, agreeing with Minseo. 
This was the final stage, you had to give it your all.
The debut album was dropping today. The whole internet was talking about it. You felt a bit bad, the Yuehua boys had just debuted a few days ago yet all netizens were anticipating was Mauve’s debut. Also, it was leaked that members of Mauve were close with the Yuehua boys and people had starting the shipping. It wasn’t like you minded too much. 
It became some sort of inside joke that everyone except your own boyfriend knew about your debut. Their manager had gone to great lengths to keep the news on the low. They’d find out in a day’s time, when it was time for MNET Countdown. 
You ran a hand through your hair nervously, sitting on the plush sofa seat together with the rest of your group. The album had been released. Manager unnie went through multiple details about your new schedule but all you focussed on was the numbers flipping every second as someone bought the album. 
You nearly jumped out of your seat. Hyejin reached over and squeezed your hand. "Concentrate a bit more. I know you’re nervous,” she whispered.
“Okay…and, that should be about it. Remember, be ready for hair and makeup by 8am tomorrow before we drive to the venue, okay? You girls can go.” All you caught was the last bit, you rubbed your temples and huffed. 
At least you’d finally see Justin and the rest of your friends tomorrow, and you’d be able to watch their performance. 
“We have the day off. Where should we go? Uh, with security of course,” Minseo asked, clapping her hands excitedly. 
“Let’s go shopping at Gangnam!" 
"I want ice cream!" 
"Let’s just go back to the dorms and sleep.”
“Sanghee, no. I want to go to a hedgehog cafe!" 
All of you started bickering about what you should do as a team. It would be fun to go out and have a break and breathe the air of freedom once again. Katy practically shoved you up the stairs to the dorms. 
"Change! We’re going out!”
You admired the shiny black leather jacket you bought for Justin as a congratulatory gift and the glimmering pendant that hung around your neck. You tried to avoid the cameras as much as possible but of course, there was bound to be pictures uploaded somewhere.
So far, your Yuehua friends hadn’t talked about anything related to it. You sent a text congratulating them on a good start, they replied late with tons of thanks. Justin even sent you a selca to make up for his absence. But you’d see him tomorrow. 
Debut stage. 
Sanghee tugged on your skirt, insisting that it was too short and was showing too much of your black dancing shorts. She was so frantic, her fishnet tights had nearly ripped twice. “Euiwoong might never look at me again!” She wailed, pulling at her shirt. 
Minseo - who was the most calm - rolled her eyes. “Please! He won’t, we never lied to any of them. Some things just aren’t meant to be told… yet. Relax." 
Katy shot you a small and nervous smile as the two of you were being outfitted with the microphones. It was a rush, running to watch your friends perform and then back because there was only one other group before yours. 
Hyejin warmed up her tongue as you stretched, making sure you could do a proper split for the choreography. It had been modified to push you to test your limits as a dancer. 
"Yuehua is on!” Katy hissed and signalled for the rest of you to come quickly.
They squeezed all of you into the sound booth. 
As Justin awoke from his beginning pose, you saw a flash of confusion in his eyes as he scanned the crowd for you. His eyes found yours and his jaw fell slightly, luckily, the choreography called for a spin and change of position so he couldn’t afford to divert his focus. 
“I think Seunghyuk saw me,” Katy muttered. “He looked so… shocked and…I don’t know." 
Minseo nearly waved her hands up in the air and screamed 'Hyungseob’. She settled for a more subtle and cheeky wave. 
Their performance came to an end and the group was rushed backstage before any questions could be asked. You ran in heels to your spot in the wings as the other group proceeded out to take their places. There wasn’t any sign of Justin or any of them. 
"Don’t worry. They’re sure to watch you guys. I think they finally put the pieces together. Just go out there and give it your best!” Manager unnie encouraged, patting all of you on the shoulder comfortingly. 
You inhaled a deep breath. 
Debut stage was here. 
“I swear! I swear it was her! It-it was- was them!” Zheng Ting stuttered out, his face flushing red. 
“Yes! It has to be! Minseo even waved to me! Oh my god, my girlfriend is an idol too!” Hyungseob exclaimed in disbelief. 
“That’s ridiculous! But hey, that new group that everyone’s been talking about is coming out next. I haven’t actually watched anything of theirs though,” Euiwoong admitted. 
“Let’s go and watch them." 
Seunghyuk lead the way to their seats, he nestled into one of them, anticipating the performance. 
"Mauve? Don’t they have a reality show or something? Like a debut battle? In the early stages without the final lineup? Something like that,” Justin gossiped, he sat at the edge of his seat and nearly fell out of it when the spotlights flashed on. 
You tried to find them in the sea of faces but couldn’t and decided to focus on your stage instead, that could come later. 
"No way, my-my girlfriend is a Mauve member!” Justin shouted. 
Hyungseob’s jaw touched the floor, he gazed in amazement. “My girlfriend is the leader of Mauve!" 
"Hyejin’s a rapper? Oh my goodness! What?”
“Woah! Y/N and Katy are killing the dance!" 
They had never been more starstruck. 
"Wait, did everyone but us know?”
“I feel like an idiot,” Justin groaned and covered his face. 
“But for Y/N, I’ll be anything." 
"I CAN’T BELIEVE YOU SANG SO WELL!” Minseo praised Sanghee, embracing the maknae. 
Sweat was trickling down your face but you felt so energised and powered up. So the second you spotted Justin approaching, you ran and launched yourself into his arms, laughing. 
“You did so well babe! I’m so proud!" 
"You were incredible! I really loved your stage!" 
"When were you going to tell us?” Seunghyuk interrupted. 
Minseo blushed guiltily.
“We thought you guys knew and it was in our contract that we couldn’t speak much about it anyways,” Hyejin said smoothly. 
Euiwoong dismissed it with a wave of his hand. “Whatever, I’m just so happy for all of us! Let’s go for pizza!" 
No one objected.
So, hand in hand, you walked out of the venue with your boyfriend, surrounded by your good friends… and some security.
Justin held you close to his side. "You know I’m proud and happy for you right? You’re amazing and you’ll be stealing everyone’s hearts soon!” You commented.
He laughed and caressed your face. “The only heart I’d ever want is yours.”
“Wait…was that a reference to our song…that Sanghee wrote?" 
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