#one side is just in shock the other is thinking about jessie tr and going heehhohhehohehehe :o]
twdgs · 2 years
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shari-berri · 4 years
TR James x reader
Your POV
My boyfriend James is gone again to "work". I am curious to what he does for a living. I guess I can't be suspicious of him, I never told him my last name or anything about my family.
My name is Y/N Ketchum, older sister of Ash Ketchum who wants to be a Pokémon master.
While he got his Pikachu as a partner who didn't like him at first, my partner liked me immediately, becoming overprotective. My starter Pokémon that I first received was a male Riolu. Along the way, Riolu evolved into Lucario. We ended up bumping into Korrina, a gym leader and we became friends. She was about to give me another Lucario with Lucarionite but she saw my Lucario and just gave me the mega stone. Of course, I had to get one for myself and then something to put them in. I ended up getting Lucario a bracelet like Korrina's Lucario, and I got a ring. Anyways, today I am going to investigate, okay spy on my boyfriend to see what he does. My Lucario is coming along also, like he always does. Like my little bro's Pikachu, Lucario also doesn't like his pokeball.
Time skip
I see James getting together with Jessie and Meowth. I never liked Jessie simply because she is always around my boyfriend. Meowth was alright but he has an attitude. Seeing them grabbing a net, I pull Lucario and myself closer into the bushes. They start to creep up behind a group of trainers and then they threw the net on top of their Pokémon, trapping them and stealing them. Gasping, I look closer at the trainers. Spotting a familiar hat, I narrow my eyes.
Squeezing Lucario's wrist, I point to the boy who I found out to be my brother, Ash. Coming to a realization that I should help, I step out of the bushes, Lucario at my side, ready to protect me if necessary. “James! What on earth do you think you're doing?!" I screech, running to my brother's side and pulling him into a hug, glaring at my boyfriend. Looking at James, I see him shocked. Ash seems surprised that I am here and that I know who James is, and this ugly blonde girl is glaring at me for hugging Ash. “Ash are you okay?! Do you need help getting Pikachu back?" I ask, gripping my brother closer. Blondie just glares at me harder and I glare back. It seems James has recovered in the amount of time it took me to reassure Ash. “Y/N! What are you doing here?! And why are you defending that twerp!" He screams. I rest my chin on Ash's shoulder and sigh, waiting for Ash to say for me. “She's my sister." He says plainly. James falls to the floor along with Jessie and Meowth in shock.
Blondie is no longer glaring at me so that's good, I still hate her though. “James! Leave him alone! All of you stop doing this. I understand now that this is your job that you've been leaving to, but stop." I calmly stare. James and his friends just look back, grab the net, and release the Pokémon, feeling ashamed. “James, I still love you, but leave. I need to talk and catch up with Ash." I command. They nod and James runs up to me, kisses me, and runs off.
“You have some explaining to do." Ash says, half glaring at me. “Sooooo hekindasortamightbemyboyfriendthatihabebeentalkingabout." I rush. Ash's eyes harden and he reaches for his pokeball. “Alright bro, battle me to release tension. Oh and make it a double battle with Blondie on your side. You two against me." I confidently state. Ash just nods and Blondie glares at me. “You know, we're going to beat you. Ash is really strong and will defeat you." She whines. I just glare. “Who do you think taught him?" I counter. Ash's other friend, I believe Clemont is his name, took his stance and began reffing. “You are each allowed 3 Pokémon!" Clemont announces. I nod and wait to see what Pokémon my opponents send. Ash sends out a Talonflame and Blondie, or Serena sends out a Braixen. I sigh and look at my pokeballs. Grabbing one, I kiss it before I throw it onto the field. The red and white capsule bursts open and a Pokémon appears. Feraligatr lands on the ground with a thud, dust flying up. When the dust clears, Ash and Serena look at my giant crocodilian Pokémon. Both of their jaws drop and their Pokémon shake in fear. I forgot to tell Ash that I have more Pokémon than just Lucario. Feraligatr smirks and looks at me, nodding. “Feraligatr! Quickly use surf to get both of them!" I scream. He nods and a giant wave floods the field. It hits the opposing Pokémon and with a super effective type advantage, they are barely standing. “This is just sad!" I snicker. Feraligatr snorts and grunts in agreement. That seems to have triggered Ash since be called out an attack. “Talonflame don't be intimidated! We can still win this. It's two against one. Use double team and then steel wing!" He commands. Talonflame then becomes many and they all dive at Feraligatr, wings shining. “Focus! Find the real one and grab it in your jaws. Don't let go!" I say. Ash and Serena just laugh. “There's too many, your pokemon won't be able to tell." They say sneakily. “Just watch." I growl. Feraligatr looks around before settling his eyes on one Talonflame. As it gets closer, he jumps up and grabs it in his mouth, locking his jaw. Serena panics and commands Braixen to use ember. “Feraligatr, just ignore the stupid fox and use hydro pump." I yawn.
I smile as I see Serena get mad. Feraligatr nods and releases a giant stream of water onto Talonflame who is still in his jaws. Feraligatr then releases the bird and it falls to the floor, swirls in its eyes. Feraligatr looks at me for another command.
I just point my finger at Braixen. Feraligatr nods and knocks it out with another hydro pump.
Ash and Serena call back their Pokémon.
Ash sends out Pikachu and Serena sends out a Pancham.
Despite the disadvantage, I keep Feraligatr in.
“Pikachu! Use thunderbolt!" Ash screams.
“Dodge it!" I try to call out but I am too late. Feraligatr got hit. He struggles to get up but manages to, only to be hit with electro ball and faint.
Returning Feraligatr, I grab a pokeball with a cat sticker. Kissing it, I throw it out. Out pops a pink flying cat, shocking everybody. “T-that's a Mew!" Serena stutters. “Yeah, obviously. What, are you blind or what? Have you never seen a legendary before? Oh wait, I forgot you have trash Pokémon." I retort. Serena turns red with anger and pouts. “Mew we have to make this quick, I want to bring out the big guns soon. Use rock slide on Pikachu!" I scream.
Mew unleashed a landslide of rocks onto Pikachu, type disadvantage hurting him and making him trapped under the rocks. “Alright! Good work! Now use dazzling gleam on the panda!" I command. Mew unleashed a beam of pink at Pancham, causing it to stagger back. “Again." I say, flicking my wrist. Mew complied and hits Pancham again. Pancham falls to the ground, fainted. Turning my attention back to Pikachu, I think. “Use confusion." I say. Pikachu gets hit and becomes confused. “Pikachu! Snap out of it and use thunderbolt!" Ash strains. Pikachu only hits himself with the thunderbolt, hurting it further. “Mew, lets finish this with brick break." I nod. Mew hits Pikachu and he faints as well. Ash sends out a Hawlucha and Serena sends out a Sylveon. I call back Mew and both of them look confused. Nodding to Lucario, he steps up to the field. “Lucario, lets start with using flash cannon on that Sylveon." I state. Lucario puts his paws out and a flash of light launches at the eeveelution. Sylveon cries out in pain and falls. “We need to wait longer, use psychic on Hawlucha." I say. Hawlucha is hit but isn't hurt that much. “Hawlucha! Use high jump kick!" Ash calls out. Hawlucha launches into the air and kicks Lucario in the face. Lucario growls and gets into his stance once more. Sylveon uses fairy wind but it doesn't do much. Karate chop!" Ash says. Lucario is hit once more in the head. He turns to me with that certain glint in his eyes. Holding my hand out, Lucario grabs his bracelet. “Lucario! Connect our souls and hearts. Make our bond greater together and mega evolve!" I scream out. Ash and Serena look shocked but excited to see Mega Lucario. “Lucario! Car!" He cries as he comes out in mega form. “Okay buddy, use psychic on Hawlucha and then throw him into Sylveon. Then use flash cannon!" I command, sweat dripping down my forehead. Lucario lifts Hawlucha into the air before yeeting him into Sylveon. He then holds out his palms as they both get hit with a enhanced flash cannon. Ash and Serena cry out for their Pokémon. When the light clears, they both have swirly eyes. Lucario returns back to normal and walks over to my side. “Thanks for that. But I have to go see my boo." I say over my shoulder as I walk away. I am suddenly pushed to the ground. I hear Lucario grunt. Looking up, I see Serena in Lucario's arms trapped. It seems that she was the one who pushed me. Her intense glare in her eyes makes it even more evident. “You know, I always wanted to know what happens if a human is hit by a Pokémon move. I wanted to test it but didn't have the right circumstances. However, you just volunteered. Lucario, hit this bimbo with a full power power-up punch." I screech. Lucario's paw glows orange before he punches Serena, causing her to fly a few yards away before hitting the ground and not getting up. I hear Ash sprint towards her as I just walk away. “Thanks bro for not caring about me!" I call. Time skip cuz idk what else to do. As the sun goes down, I am content cuddling in bed with my James, even if he is a thief, Ash and his friends deserve it. James is playing with my hair, calming me before sleep overtook my vision, my last image being my lovely boyfriend.
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