#one thing I learned as a future doctor = Patience is a virtue
temporary-ss · 4 years
@birkastan2018 Hi! First of all, I’m not really here on tumblr anymore, I’ve deactivated a long time ago. I wanted to chip in on this because it’s spreading like wild fire, it’s the mere reason I’ve made this account.
I admire and understand what you have been doing, I really do. There’s nothing wrong with wanting reviews and recognition from your readers. Writers deserve it through and through! It’s okay to enjoy what you do at the same time ask for feedbacks, IT’S OKAY! No to shaming writers.
Now, let’s go to a more delicate subject which is the main reason I am here now. We want to encourage readers to interact with authors, that’s it that’s the advoacy here. Now, I came to see for myself what the fuss was all about, with some intensive backreading. So what I have noticed there was a “shift,” the one thing you were trying to build destroyed itself. I don’t know if you are aware of this. Instead of encouraging silent readers, name calling happened. Words like “shame,” “selfish,” “sociopath,” “parasites,” etc., all of which lead into this = WORTHLESS. I was shocked! I thought you want readers’ involvement so why? Those were not exactly confidence booster which I think one of the things silent readers lack. I thought you were the adult one. I’ll treat you the way you treat me, yeah do that but on a different account because you are destroying the purpose of this blog by applying this principle. Again, remember your advocacy: encouraging feedback. We are bridging gaps not widening it. Do not pit them against each other. No to reader shaming.
Mental issues is a very sensitive topic which you have adressed also. This has left a bitter taste in my mouth honestly. We don’t know what is happening behind everyone, be it authors or readers. You cannot compare how one handles his/her issues to others. We were always told this during my pre-med: Every person is unique. Everyone have different experiences, coping mechanism, signs and symptoms, etc. You cannot compare how a writer handles it from a reader and vice versa. I think you’ve said something along the lines: If an author with mental issue can manage to write something, readers have no excuse. This is exactly the problem of our society and how they approach mental health. It does not work like that. Patient A and Patient B both have the same diagnosis but present different sets of signs and symptoms - this happens, I’m not gonna go technical and bore you with medical stuffs. Both are important and valid, that’s the bottomline. Yes, it could be an excuse. Don’t undermine mental health. #MentalHealthAdvocacy 
I’m not here for a debate. I’ve read some of your responses, all of which have same points. (they were all long fyi you could easily condense it to one short paragraph. As someone who read thick medical books everyday, just a sight of long posts in the internet makes me puke. But here I am making one, oh the irony...ANYWAY). I am aware of the sacrifices our writers make. Yes, they deserve reaction from readers. It’s okay to feel sad if reviews are vast, its okay to seek it out. But you birk cannot simply force readers or guilt-trip them into leaving one (I haven’t seen writers guilt trip their readers, so this is on you birk, it is not good for the author community so please refrain from doing this). Isn’t it more satisfying to receive a heartfelt genuine review? I’ll choose that over thousands of guilt-tripped/pity/forced/don’t-leave/i-owe-you comments anytime of the day, it’s so fake don’t insult our writers like that. Let’s forget about statistics: Quality>Quantity.(Edit: Literally, the most reviewed naruto fic on ffnet right now is full of spam (70k), let that sink in) I am in no way encouraging silent readers to be silent readers forever. One by one they’ll come around, it may take days, weeks, months, or even years, but they will. Little by little, it may first start with a kudos, a like, a favorite, a follow, a reblog and by the time they left a review they are ready and they mean every word of it and it’s gonna be worth it. It’s very disheartening to hear, your kudos is just a slap in my face, do you think if you said those words it’s gonna make them magically leave a review? No. Instead, you’ve instilled fear and intimidation upon them, making any possible interaction from a genuine reader in the future impossible. Again, the goal is encourage readers not eat them. I know that is what you want, but your sudden deviation on a different yet same path (idk if you were influenced by someone im kinda observant that way...maybe choose your friends wisely) became a trigger for this to spun out of control. You can go back!
Lastly, the “fandom.” Everyone has their own definition of it. But what I can confidently say is that the backbone of the fandom is not you, not me, not the content creators, not the readers. It’s kishi, naruto, the anime, the manga, the characters, the ships. It’s those little canon moments. Isn’t that the reason why we create and built this fandom in the first place? We love them. I’m gonna give you a leeway for this because you’re still pretty new in the fandom. I can see how a person who had been here longer than you get mad at your sentiments. We make contents based of the canon. Many are still here because we cling on those canon moments. We take something and give it a different universe, giving rise to beautiful fan arts and fics, cosplays, conventions, dojinshi, etc. At the end of the day, we go back to those canon moments that we love. It had been so long since naruto ended, but you still see gifs, manga caps of the anime and manga, respectively, you still see analysis of moments, you still see people fighting how the story should have ended (let’s not forget the time when someone made a petition to change the ending like 🙄) or who is better. That is our backbone, our roots.
Additionally, the anon that said something like I will go down with this fandom even if I’m the only one left. I think it wasn’t at all meant to shame anyone. That’s a popular slang(?) in fandom culture: I will go down with this ship, I will go down with [insert anyone here]. That’s passion. That person love naruto and nothing will make it go away, he/she will enjoy naruto despite everything that’s a fan mentality. What do you expect some of us here have been fans since we were children, it had been a part of our lives for more than a decade.
And seriously? “Consumers”? Do it in another place, it is so inappropriate to use this in fandom culture. People are here to enjoy you make it sound so corporate, it is such a kill joy word. Maybe it’s an age thing? We’re not consumers, we are “fans.” Makes me think you see fandom superficially not capturing it’s entire essence.
Birk - do not reduce yourself to name calling, you are bigger than that. learn to see things with an open and clear mind. if you’re not gonna leave your bubble where silent readers are worthless & [insert the words you used to call them], you are not gonna get through with them. remember your goal always. Readers - your opinions and excuses matter and your self-worth can’t and shouldn’t be dictated by anyone. Writers - your’s also matter. its okay to want feedback. its okay to create patreons/kofi, ignore those who said otherwise. keep doing what you love, if passion gets too overwhelming take a breath and relax. if you want to quit doing it, it’s also okay you don’t have to keep doing if you’re unhappy anymore. self care first.
This had been said already but I wanna reiterate. Let’s not forget the real devils here: REPOSTERS, TRACERS, PLAGIARIZERS, ENTITLED PERSONS.
I hope you finish reading this and take it with an open-mind. You gonna meet me half-way here. Otherwise, this will not end. Thank you! P.S. I said I am not here for debate bec I understand your point. It’s okay not to answer me (if you will, don’t make it long, straight to the point but you do you) but let me know if you’ve already read this. 
0 notes
crazy-loca-blog · 3 years
heyyyy! I wanted to ask you some newlywed questions for Casey and Ethan! The trick is to answer these as them!
For Both:
Who gets sick more often? Do they follow doctor orders when they're sick?
Their signature dish or drink?
What's your spouse's catchphrase?
Who's neater?
Who's the better kisser?
For Casey
Fill in the blank, My husband is the world’s worst ___________.
Which of his relatives would you say liked you the most? Why?
Ethan agrees to have takeout for dinner from "his favorite place". Where is that and what do you get him?
Describe your first birthday with him. What did he get you? How did you celebrate?
How does he like his eggs cooked?
For Ethan
What is your favorite thing to do for her on the toughest days?
What do you remember the most about the first time you met her?
What does she spend the most money on? What are your thoughts about that?
Describe her using emojis only.
What were the best ten minutes next to her?
OMG Bree!!! This was such a challenge because before the series finale, I think I was one of the very few people who never ever pictured Ethan and Casey as a married couple!! But this is incredibly fun, so let's see how it goes (by the way, I had to cheat on the emojis question, but only because I remembered emojis are different depending on your phone and I don't know if they'll be fully visible, so I had to add a description! 😂):
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For Both:
Who gets sick more often? Do they follow doctor orders when they're sick?
Casey: Me. I get sick at least twice a year. But I'm much better at following doctor orders than Ethan because I hate being sick, it makes me feel useless, so I want to recover fast.
Ethan: Casey. And no matter what she says, she's a terrible patient. She is stubborn and wants to go back to work even though she's not feeling OK.
Casey: At least I try to keep positive when I'm sick. When Ethan gets sick... OMG, he is a walking nightmare! You're so lucky that I promised to love you for better or worse.
Ethan: I won't deny it... I only get sick once in a while, but being sick puts me in a bad mood, she must love me a lot to stay around me when I'm not feeling OK.
Their signature dish or drink?
Casey: My cookies recipe, Ethan can't resist it. I learned it from Sienna, but I added my personal touch to it and now they're a must in our kitchen.
Ethan: I like to cook fish and meat, and I can proudly say I've managed the technique for them fo be perfectly cooked.
Casey: Ethan could always try Masterchef if this medicine thing doesn't work... cooking is one of his many hidden talents.
What's your spouse's catchphrase?
Casey: "Interns..." and then he pinches the bridge of his nose.
Ethan: "OMG!" with a very surprised expression on her face.
Casey, surprised: OMG, I don't do that!
Ethan: *laughs* You just did it!
Who's neater?
Casey: At home? Ethan. At work, definitely me.
Ethan: Agreed. We both have our moments. Casey is the most methodical doctor I've ever known and she makes my job as Chief of Medicine much easier, but at home she is... chaos. And I'm the complete opposite.
Who's the better kisser?
Casey: Ethan, he is an amazing kisser! I'm so lucky to say that he's all mine! *laughs*
Ethan: Casey, you can feel the love in each one of her kisses.
Casey: Keep going, Ramsey... I may actually love you a little more after this interview...
For Casey:
Fill in the blank, My husband is the world’s worst ___________.
Casey: Liar. He may fool other people, but not me. He has a terrible poker face, so when the expression on his face doesn't match his words, you know he is lying.
Which of his relatives would you say liked you the most? Why?
Casey: Alan. He says I'm the only person his kid actually listens to, so... 🤷🏻‍♀️
Ethan agrees to have takeout for dinner from "his favorite place". Where is that and what do you get him?
Casey: Pasta from a restaurant that's a few blocks from our home. They have different pasta recipes from all over the world and we've tried almost every single dish on that menu and we both love them all, but his favorite is actually an Argentinian stuffed pasta called sorrentinos. They're like raviolis, but extra large... he likes the ones filled with spinach, ricotta and nuts. And they usually don't have takeout, but we go there so often that they are willing to make some exception when it comes to us.
Describe your first birthday with him. What did he get you? How did you celebrate?
Casey: It was the sweetest birthday ever, so take a seat because this is a long story that deserves to be told. At that time, we were seeing each other in secret and kind of trying to figure things out, but we weren't even official. And we had been dealing with a really tough case in the team for weeks. We couldn't diagnose this kid and I tend to break everytime I must see kids battling for their lives, so we were working late almost everyday, I was exhausted, my energy was drained and I didn't feel like celebrating at all. So I had told my roomies that I just wasn't in a mood. I was also trying to hide it from the team because you know, it's the job, but Ethan suspected that the case was getting to me. And he confirmed it when Sienna told him how much this case was affecting me at home. So he decided to do something about it without going over the top and by keeping things simple. So that day, I woke up because someone was knocking at our apartment's door... and he had sent me the most beautiful bouquet I had ever seen... but as we were secretly "a thing", I had to tell the roomies that it was a gift from my brother, because I didn't want them to think I had a secret admirer or something like that! 😂. And after work he just asked me what I wanted to do because he didn't want to push me to celebrate if I wasn't in a mood... and I just said I wanted to go home. But for some reason, and now that I think about it, I never asked him why, he didn't take me to my place. Instead, he took me to his place, he cooked an amazing dinner, we took a nice and warm bath, and then we cuddled and watched silly movies until like 2am "because even though he hates silly movies, he had realized how sad I was and he wanted to make me laugh". I felt so pampered, so protected, so taken care of... I was happy. And that day I knew it: Ethan was home.
Ethan: For the record, I only took you to my place because I knew that if I took you to yours, you'd be taking the work home with you again and you'd be feeling miserable because solving the case was taking us longer than expected.
Casey: *smiles* Sure, babe, you keep telling yourself that.
Ethan: *rolling his eyes* It's the truth...
Casey: Just remember what I answered about you in the first question...
How does he like his eggs cooked?
Casey: Poached. And he won't tell you this, but he actually enjoys fried eggs more than he likes to admit, so I'd say those are a close second and they'll probably take the first place soon.
Ethan: What can I say? a not so long time ago, a very stubborn intern told me "it's OK to treat yourself sometimes", and it stuck with me.
For Ethan:
What is your favorite thing to do for her on the toughest days?
Ethan: Casey is a person who enjoys the simple things in life. And even though I would bring down the moon, the stars, the sun and every single planet to make her feel better and to show her how much I care, I've learned to know that when she's not feeling OK, she needs something as simple as a hug and a shoulder to cry on. No questions, no judging, just support.
What do you remember the most about the first time you met her?
Ethan: It took me 30 seconds to realize that she was not the average intern. Any other intern, including me, would have failed at dealing with the pressure of an emergency thoracotomy in those circumstances, but she was brilliant.
What does she spend the most money on? What are your thoughts about that?
Ethan: Sneakers. Why does she need so many? She only wears a pair at work, a pair to workout and a pair on weekends. She even owns a basketball pair even though she hasn't played basketball in over a decade! She has enough sneakers to wear a different pair every day for at least two months.
Casey: Guilty as charged, I won't fight you this one...
Describe her using emojis only.
☺️/😂 -> Not only she is funny, she always has a smile on her face. If she's not smiling, then you know something is wrong. 🤓 -> She is a nerd and she is proud of it. 🔥-> Passionate. 🥊-> Fighter. 👩‍❤️‍👨 -> The love of my life. 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 -> We haven't talked about it yet, so I don't think she knows it, but I can see this one in our future.
Casey: *surprised* Wait what? Our future? Now you have to show me which ones you chose!
Ethan: Patience is a virtue, Dr. Valentine.
What were the best ten minutes next to her?
Ethan: Every minute that I spend next to her is perfect, how could I choose only ten?
Casey: Aaaand that's how my husband manages to leave me speechless... I love you, Ramsey...
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Interaction guidelines- The Rules RPs are currently open, please read the rules before interacting
The Rules
- Please Read the rules before interacting
-This is an Ask and RP blog. Rps will be taken under consideration, on a case by case basis
- Absolutely No one under 18, preferably 21+. I’m not planning to censor anything on this blog. If you are not of age, do not follow or interact. You will be reported and blocked
- Patience is a virtue. The Mun works an incredibly difficult and stressful job, that, because it pays the bills, takes priority. This blog is a platform for fun and interaction but can’t take precedence over the real world. Sometimes I’m super busy and it could be awhile before I respond to a post, or an RP. If you aren’t capable of patience don’t interact.
- Please be respectful. The level of respect you show this blog and others is important to the Mun. if you aren’t capable of acting in a mature fashion, you will be blocked. BE NICE…
- Absolutely no popup RPs in ask, without having discussed or plotted a story with the Mun.
- If you would like to RP please dm me with a story idea.
- This is not a tcest site. I’m sorry I don’t know how to write tcest, and don’t have a desire to do so. I feel that I would not be a decent or supportive rp partner if I’m not able to give it my best, and thus do not wish to mistreat or neglect those in the community who enjoy this type of RP
- No randomly appearing in the lair without being invited. Donnie has gone above and beyond to give them safety in their sanctuary. If you weren’t invited, you are not welcome in their home, as is the case with any stranger.
On to the boys!
- The boys are 2014/2016 Bayverse turtles but are mature adult men. Human age wise they are around 50, but maturity and body wise, somewhere in their 30’s respectively. They do not age the same as humans due to the properties of mutagen and their turtle mutant base type
- This is an AU set several decades into the future- please read the prologue to help understand a little more about the world they live in
- They live in a skyrise, penthouse. With state of the art- Donnie certified level protections put into place. Nothing gets in or out, without his knowing. He does not take the safety of himself or his brothers lightly
- The Boys do not belong to anybody and will not belong to anybody. They are free to interact with whomever they would like, in any way that has been discussed and planned between the two muns.
- They don’t know your muse, nor have had any previous interactions with your muse, and thus are not in love with your muse, or have an established relationship with your muse.
- If you want their love and attention you will have to earn it, just like you would in any other type of interaction
- Absolutely no god-modding. Example: its your 3rd time to respond and you’re attempting to have Leo princess carry your character to bed. This is not a natural flow to the story, and not going to happen.
- The boys may like certain features, or admire certain characteristics, however they are open to all body types, shapes and beings, so long as they feel a connection.
A quick explanation as to what the boys do with their free time in a world that knows they exist.
Leo: “We each found our interests and talents opened up a several viable options that had lead us each to a “unique” position.” Leo led as he gathered his thoughts. “Keep in mind after we managed to stop Krang and those who worked closely with him, the world was vulnerable. As far as my brothers and I were concerned, we had fought too hard and for too long for someone to simply slip into the power vacuum we had created and to continue to harsh reality Krang had created for Earth’s inhabitants. Due to this we each chose to do what we knew how to do and could most easily adapt as challenges presented themselves.”
He paused for a moment as he thought about the hardships, they had each faced and managed to overcome as they slowly helped right the world and returned her to standing on her own. A shimmering blue jewel among the galaxy and other worlds that had become familiar with the planet and its amenities.
“During our years in the resistance we managed to acquire wealth and assets. We were able to accumulate quite the little nest egg using those. Along with our acquired influence it opened many a door which in the old world would have remained not only closed but permanently locked to us.”
“I became a strategic investor. Buying the remnants of properties, businesses and services and either helping them to return to what they once were or repurposing to better suit the needs of this new era and turn a profit. It proved to be very profitable and allowed for me to continue to churn out profits which allowed for me to seek other properties and businesses to invest in or connect the right individuals with each other in away that led to my ability to offer the initial capital for a small percentage of the quarterly earnings. It helped people to create jobs and led to a lot of normalcy for those who desperately needed.
One hand washes the other, and this in its essence has lead to my own sector of the Tartaruga brothers incorporated. I have a multi-billion dollar operation on Earth and several branches operating throughout the universe currently.”
Donnie: “As Leo has said,” Donnie commented calmy, “our time resisting and fighting lead us each to our own talents. I spent a lot of time wearing many hats, which included, chemists, doctor, surgeon, agronomist, engineer, electrician, etc. to put it simply I spent a lot of time learning how to save lives, human and otherwise, and the best way to stretch our available resources in a way which led to people surviving. I also had to learn how to create medications which were so commonplace that many died without having them available. Most antibiotics don’t have a very long shelf life and when those ran out initially, we were in constant jeopardy of losing lives to the simplest of bacterial infections. My knowledge, and subsequent research lead to significant improvements and branching into many other factors, and shall we say break throughs.
Needless to say, the value of others wants, lead to my ability to fund the needs of the many. In my sector, I have several leadings areas including pharmacy, medical research, agrarian development, as well as generalized research and development in multiple fields from domestic to military. For obvious reasons, more detailed information is strictly classified.”
Raph: Raph chuckled as Donnie glossed over his closely guarded research. He was willing to kill to protect his research and continue to control the aspects that allowed him to fund the bulk of his interests and common welfare of those he blanketed with his programs. “They ain’t lying. After the world came back from going to shit, it took awhile to get it back up and going. Additionally, there were a lot of people, generally those not from this world that were way too determined to make sure we failed. This led to a lot of infighting and groups struggling for control. That tends to lead to a lot of shady business if you know what I mean, and it wasn’t like we had any type of social services such as police, fire fighting, or anything else. I initially took charge in areas like these.
I took a lot of care to train groups so that they worked together and were prepared to handle whatever problems came. It took a lot of time to cultivate proper training programs and help prepare people on how to help a traumatized world get back to functioning in a healthy way. I still help do this on planets and areas that are in recovery.”
“That being said however, my primary interest and “job” if you want to call it that, is training mixed martial artist prize fighters for the world federation galaxy league. Simply put we aren’t the only species that likes to watch trained athletes test their skills against one another within their respective brackets, or on specially contracted prized fights. I used to fight for the league and earned a lot of titles and prestige. I won most fights and was often the favorite to win after a while. I’m semi-retired and only occasionally enter the ring now days. However, I take and train promising talents for the league and other groups. I have also trained personal bodyguards for a variety of individuals.  Different specialties come with different specifics and contracts as well as costs. It takes a specific might set for each, and a lot of time to drill into a thick skull.”
Mikey: Mikey laughed at the turtle in red, “Oh yeah, and you were the king of thick skulled back when we were young, and dumb.” He barely dodged the throw pillow that was chucked at his head.  “Let’s see for me personally,” Mikey flashed a big grin, “I happen to be a master of many trades. During our days in the resistance, I learned a lot of different tricks to help make the food rations we had on hand not only palatable but nutritionally sound while feeding a literal army of people! So when it was possible I spent a large amount of time learning how to take fancy old world recipes and revamped them with food sources that were still available or recreated them with off world goodies. I also still paint, and love to collaborate with others to create amazing new concepts!”
His face darkened for a moment as he thought back to the early days of the resistance. “There were so many people who in the blink of an eye had lost everything, and unfortunately it was insanely common to find kids who had either been separated from their families or were the only survivor. In a lot of instances they were traumatized and it took a lot of creative thinking to coax them out of their shells and help to reteach them on how to live. This happened fairly frequently with adults as well. Because of this and what seemed like a never ending shortage of textiles, I had to learn and create new ways to make things and often times help find things that brought the sparkle back to peoples eyes. Because of this however, I have a multimedia conglomerate that allows me to work in a wide area of creative outlets. The fashion world is a flippant mistress, but there are a lot of ways in which one can compete and stand out. It’s led to a lot of lucrative contracts with those who are “starving” for the next amazing piece of creatively, or at least that’s what they tell me. The great thing about taking high end contracts and commissions is that a lot like my brothers, the revenue lets me continue to reach out to others. I fund a program that includes shelters called “Uncle Mikey’s” for those who are missing, exploited, or just need help. I also teach cooking, and practical skills for those who need them, and they are streamed to community centers such as local libraries, after school programs, and the like, to try and continue to help those who never received a chance to learn to do things due to the world kind of going through an apocalypse level event.
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bigbraincel · 3 years
About: Feren
I was tagged by @curiousartemis​ and learned all about Imryn Dyre! I love this sweet doctor man and I wish him the happiest of endings with Mr. Waterdeep.
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Name: Eys’feren Sylvhare
Alias: Feren is a simpler and less regal form of Eys’feren, so Feren’s noble background can remain unknown.
Age: 22
Species: wood-elf
Zodiac: aquarius / aries / cancer / capricorn / gemini / leo / libra / pisces / sagittarius / scorpio / taurus / virgo / unknown (idk if this is applicable to dnd lore but he gives me leo vibes)
Abilities/Talents: Feren is a druid/ranger of middling talent, but has a strong enthusiasm to develop his skills. He talks to animals with ease and tends to thrive in the wilderness, which is where his druidic magic is strongest. He’s a decent cook, knowing how to make a lot out of a little and how to work with what nature provides. This doesn’t mean he’s a stranger to city living, in fact, he’s travelled to many of the cities in Faerûn, getting by on a smile (or sleight of hand). Being able to (talk shit) think on his feet has enabled him to survive many close calls. His skill as an orator enables him to sell artefacts of variable quality in a low-end but cozy shop in Baldur’s Gate. Singing was a common past-time in his clan so he can carry a tune if the mood takes him.
Alignment: lawful / neutral / chaotic / good / neutral / evil / true
Religion: non-religious, although is partial to Silvanus.
Sins: envy / greed / gluttony / lust / pride / sloth / wrath
Virtues: charity / chastity / diligence / humility / justice / kindness / patience
Languages: He can read and write in many Elven languages, but has a habit of mixing them up. Although he can speak common very well, he cannot read or write it. Anything else is unknown to him, beyond a turn of phrase he may have learned in the city slums. He knows pretty much every swear word in all languages though.
Family: His parents lived in an ancient and secluded clan in the starwoods of Cormanthor, bordering the ruined elven city of Myth Drannor. Feren greatly takes after his mother, who was said to have the look of Corellon with her shimmering blonde hair. He was very close to them both when he was little, although they could be distant at times as they bore the responsibility of ruling their clan. Their deaths broke him.
Friends: Feren has no shortage of friends, having known many inhabitants of the Lower City in Baldur’s Gate for many years. Looking deeper, however, reveals that these friendships tend to be quite shallow, as none of them know much about Feren at all -- save for his employer Guffwin Barebones, owner of Guffwin’s Antiques. He’s the closest thing Feren has to a guardian.
Sexual Orientation: heterosexual / bi-/pansexual / homosexual / demisexual / asexual / unsure / other
Relationship status: single / dating / married / widowed / open relationship / divorced / not ready for dating / it’s complicated. (He’s... cautiously receptive to a relationship, but is more comfortable with something casual.)
Libido: sex god / very high / high / average / low / very low / non-existent
Build: twig / bony / slender / average / athletic / curvy / chubby / obese - I’d say he has kind of a stocky build but he’s still thin; he doesn’t eat much
Hair: white / blonde / brunette / red / black / other 
Eyes: brown / blue / gray / green / black / other
Skin: pale / fair / olive / light brown / brown / very brown / other
Height: 5'4″/162cm
Weight: 120lbs/54kg (i’m bad at visualising height/weight)
Scars: very faint scars on the backs of his thighs.
Facial Features: He is generally considered quite attractive, said to resemble Corellon’s gender ambiguous visage. He has full lips, a heart-shaped face with a sharp jawline. In summer, freckles line his cheeks and the bridge of his slightly upturned nose. His eyes are a deep greenish-blue with full, blond lashes. Despite keeping his hair short, he can never quite tame it, and it usually hangs over his face and ears. Some days he might weave flowers and braid parts of it.
Tattoos: He has no tattoos as he doesn’t want to be easily identifiable, but longs to one day tattoo the intricate markings that were common in his clan.
Dogs or Cats? He loves all animals, but after being raised with dire-wolves he has a deep fondness for canines in particular.
Birds or Nugs? In this case, he would prefer a creature of flight to one of the earth.
Snakes or Spiders? He likes them both but has a strange affection for spiders.
Red or Blue?
Yellow or Green?
Black or White? either ig?? 🤷‍♂️
Coffee or Tea? He’s used to collecting herbs for tea drinking, not to mention coffee makes him a little too jittery.
Ice Cream or Cake? These tend to be luxury foods which Feren hasn’t tasted much in his life, so as soon as he gets a taste, he’s obsessed. Ice cream only wins because he’s fascinated by cold food.
Fruits or Vegetables? He finds vegetables more filling and tends to snack on fruits. His favourite fruit is moon fruit, and not just for the benefits.
Sandwich or Soup?
Magic or Melee? Depends on the setting mostly, but as he gets more powerful he comes to depend on (and enjoy) magic the most.
Sword or Bow? He’s decent with a bow, but he has a deep attachment to his ancestral sword Skallga, descended from the Sylvhare and blessed by Tar’Ael Veluuthra. It was a gift from his mother.
Summer or Winter? He despises winter. He’s spent enough nights on the streets to know its bite. Summer is not just beautiful, to him it is the essence of life itself. He eventually comes to appreciate winter when he finds a stable home.
Spring or Autumn? He’s weary of the months when it starts to get colder. Spring is a lot more of a hopeful time for him.
The Past or The Future? Feren is someone who very much lives in the moment. Most of his life has involved winging it, he’s not great at abiding to firm plans. Secretly though, he is still deeply haunted by his past and most of his future entirely revolves around it in some way. It’s a bit circular at this point. Ahem, @aghxst, @rosewaterhag, @sunflowerwizard, @aredhairedhunter​ if you guys have any OCs you wanna talk about have at it. ilu guys <3 <3
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lady-therion · 5 years
a prompt for elriel could be florist elain x part timer azriel ! elain needs help with her flower shop and at the right moment azriel comes around in need of a job and a temporary place to stay(; !
A/N: What a sweet prompt, anon! 
Boys and Flowers
Elain knows that flowers aren’t permanent. 
They grow and they die. Then, they do it all over again, season by season. Here’s the real magic: You never encounter the same flower twice. Each one is unique, not unlike people. 
Elain knows that people aren’t permanent either. 
Take Graysen. Or rather, let’s not. Elain’s memories of him are oil-dark and bitter. In the morning, she opens her planner and marks down the number of days since “the unspeakable incident.” Today’s tally is 43. In the margins, she writes, “I’m not numb anymore. Just sad.” Which is progress. Feyre would throw her a party. Nesta would buy her a drink.
But neither of her sisters are here. They are far away in a different state, still wondering about Elain’s decision to move and open her own flower shop. They ask a lot of sensible questions: Why open a small business in this economy? Why not just work for a local florist? What are you going to do about rent? 
It’s fair for them to worry. Money is a sore subject in their family. But Elain stands by her decision. The reason for leaving is simple: She’s tired of playing a role in someone else’s story. Here, in a town where almost no one knows her, she has the space to learn what her story is really about. 
All her life, Elain has been waiting to meet herself. 
Now she’s got her chance.
On a less philosophical note, her sisters are still right about money. Business is good, but she’s been having trouble keeping up with orders, which has been eating away at her bottom line. Her inbox is a disappointment. There are no applications for a potential assistant. Location is probably an issue. Her flower shop isn’t by any convenient public transit.
She chews her lip; a bad habit. What would she do if she couldn’t reach a sustainable quota? Her savings are fine, but they can only get her so far. Would she need to take out a loan? Could she even afford the interest? How long would it be before she goes into the red…? 
A swift knock at the door interrupts her downward spiral. Elain freezes. There’s only one person in this town who actually comes to visit. 
Over Zoom, Feyre calls him “the sexy neighbor.” 
Nesta calls him “the nuisance.” 
Elain just knows him as Azriel.  
He lives in the apartment next door. The first time they met was over a noise complaint; her noise complaint. Azriel himself isn’t particularly loud. But his lady friends? Just thinking about the sounds they made caused the blood rush to her cheeks (and other places). 
Obviously, Azriel is very generous in that area. 
But generous or not, Elain wasn’t about to lose any more sleep. 
Hi, I’m Elain. Your new neighbor. 
Ah. I’m Azriel. A pleasure. 
How are you liking the new —? 
— Did you know our bedrooms share the same very thin wall? 
Did she regret bringing it up so abruptly? Yes. But constant sleep deprivation had already frayed her patience. It didn’t matter that Azriel literally looked like one of those Greek statues on display at the Louvre. It didn’t matter that he had eyes and tattoos and muscles that could stop traffic.  
Elain may have lost her way in a lot of things. 
But she did not lose her manners. 
And she would absolutely hold her neighbors to the same standard.
She can remember how Azriel blushed to the tips of his ears as he stammered an apology. The next day, there was a bouquet of flowers left on her doorstep (and a pair of ear plugs, the scoundrel). But after that, there were no more lady friends (that she could hear, anyway, with or without the ear plugs). 
As part of their truce, they would invite each other over for brunch at least once a week. It gives Elain something to look forward to. Especially since she still hasn’t met anyone else here. 
Besides, she finds his presence soothing. He doesn’t ask her too many questions. She doesn’t ask him in turn. Elain gets the sense that they’re both living from moment to moment. Or that they’re both running from something that they can’t give voice to. Maybe someday, they would. 
Azriel’s broody eyes gleam when she opens the door. 
And no, it does not make her heart race. It does not. 
He never says “hey” or “hi there” when he sees her. He just says her name, then smiles. Not a toothpaste commercial smile either. His smiles are quiet and tentative things, like he isn’t used to doing them often. That he would always make an effort for her in this way brings her inexplicable joy. Like watching the sun suddenly appear on a gray afternoon.
“Want some coffee?”  
“I’m getting evicted.” 
Elain’s heart drops to her feet. She opens the door a little wider. “Want something a little stronger?”
Turns out their landlord is a jerk. 
“So you were dating his ex?” 
Azriel drains his glass. “Dating is kind of a strong word.” 
“Hn.” Well, who is Elain to judge? “That doesn’t really seem like grounds to evict someone.” In fact, Elain is pretty sure that whatever’s going on is illegal. She thinks about calling her father. Being a businessman himself, he could probably put Azriel in touch with a good lawyer. 
Azriel waves away her offer. “It was bound to happen anyway. People are petty. And cruel.” 
Elain thinks of Graysen. She thinks about the scars on Azriel’s hands. The scars they never talk about. Yes, people can be cruel. But people can also be kind. The fact that Azriel takes the worst of humanity for granted saddens her more than anything else. 
She doesn’t want to lose him as her neighbor. 
“Where will you go?” 
“I could move in with one of my brothers for a while.” He tells her where they live. Her anxiety deepens. They’re just as far away as her sisters. “I don’t want to bother you with this either, but some of my contracts fell through. Even if I could stay here, I wouldn’t be able to make the rent.” 
Elain swallows. There are moments in life that one calls turning points. Turn one way, it will become this. Turn another way, and it will become that. There is no way to tell which path is the right choice. But although Elain isn’t blessed with future sight, she is blessed with a sense of indomitable compassion.
She proposes a plan.
“You can live here,” she says again. 
The silence that follows could rival graveyards. “Elain…I can’t do that. How would I pay you?” 
She tells him about the shop. 
“I don’t know anything about flowers.” 
“I’ll teach you.” 
“Elain —” 
“It’s temporary,” she insists. It’s a good thing all Archerons were born with an iron-clad persistence gene. “You can stay in the spare bedroom until you figure out your next move.” When he doesn’t say anything else, she adds, “You won’t be freeloading. You’ll be helping me out. I can’t fulfill as many orders without an assistant.” 
“I…don’t you think it’ll be weird? Sharing a space?” 
“On my life, I promise to keep your virtue intact,” she deadpans.
Azriel laughs. A deep, deep sound that comes from his belly. It is, quite literally, the most glorious thing Elain ever heard. 
“Thank you,” he says. “This is….I can’t even describe how gracious this is.” 
Elain’s body does not at all respond to this compliment in a tingly, somersault-y, or gushy way. Nope, that rush of happy warmth is probably something else. The sign of early menopause, perhaps. She should see a doctor.
“So it’s a deal?” She sticks out her hand. 
Azriel’s hazel eyes light with something she can’t describe. He reaches out to lace his ruined fingers with hers, every mark and ridge a map to something that Elain feels intent to discover. 
“It’s a deal.”
Thank you for reading, loves. 
Tagging these baes: @illyrianbeauty, @sunsummoner, @tessas-herondales, @jemma-nessian-and-elriel, @abillionlittlepieces, @tntwme, @rosehallshadowsinger, @maastrash, @julesherondalex, @wolffrising, @stardustsroses, @voiceoftheroses, @katexrenee, @highlady-brittney, @goldbooksblack,  @mariamuses, @alexisnm95, @tswaney17, @rowanismybae, @elide-lochan-salvaterre  @ourbooksuniverse, @cruelwickedthing, @shadowazriel, @a-trifling-matter, @kaliejane26, @wewhohavefailed, @elide-lochan-salvaterre, @empress-ofbloodshed, @lordof-bloodshed, @katshrev, @writer-reader-traveller, @whyyoumakemesadstahp, @captain-timetraveldreamer, @awesomethreedragons, @escapingtheconstrictingboxes, @thenameisjaida-blog, @moonbeammadness,  @leulivy, @fantasy-faes,  @poisonwhiterose, @fucking-winchester-trash, @maddieimhot@ame233, @xinyourdreamsx, @feyaelin-rowsand, @queenofillea1, @rosalesgold, @aelins-fire-queen, @rhysanoodle, @dreamerforever-5, @ben-roll-io, @azrielismycinnamonrollprimary, @hope-unswervingly, @illyriangarbage, @feysand-dot-acotar, @faequeenaelin, @illyrian-bookworm, @propagandaprincess, @musicmaam, @velarian-trash, @theshadowsinger-and-thefawn, @featherymalignancy
Send me an ask if you’d like to be tagged, untagged, or I forgot you because of a silly mistake.
Check out my full Masterlist in my Bio / I am Lady_Therion on AO3
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fortheheavenssake · 4 years
April 15, 2020
Tumblr media
1. April 15
MM ANON …… doctor gone batty……… LA for dummies ……… Doctors Within Borders ……… social insistence ………… hugs not bugs……… absolutely isolated Kate. ……… “ not a whisper ma’am ……… St George’s chapel of course!!…………… with humility skippy, with humility.
Mm anon verified
MM ANON … to forgive Devine. To accept ones shortcomings is a hard pill to swallow especially if like myself your behaviour Is mired in self justification and blind contempt … it’s taken me a long time to ask forgiveness ……… and pride is a killer of the spiritual light. To those who can find forgiveness on their heart I thank them, humbly and sincerely. ……… MM ANON
3. April 30
MM ANON ……… the only virus ………… wonderful children to hug…… magnificent isolation ma’am……… dirty Megan,clean Harry ……… will never be the same ………… big things for a future princess ……… home cooking ………… “ ground control to major Tom” ………. “ and wash your bloody hands!!!……… an archificial birthday ………… trooping the colours???
Thank you! Happy to have you back!😊❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
4. April 30
MM Anon
MM ANON …… Many thanks skippy ……… a privilege to return to you all ……… graciously thankful to pg , skippy and all anons. Callidus er populum
Welcome back….😊💜💜💜💜💜💜💜
5. May 1.
MM ANON … it’ll cost us thousands …… “ ‘‘tis the times’ plague , when madmen led the blind “……… 🎼 all the clubs have been closed down 🎼………… “ if you both don’t stop fighting I’ll send you to Madagascar “ ………… “ one makes ones bed”…………… “ well wash your bloody hands AGAIN!!”…………… “ there so funny on screen Philip” …… Quo victuals est super eam et irrumabo …………… next slide please.
6. May 2.
MM ANON ……… bless all who come here……… stay safe ……… not sneezing season ……… birthday girls world following ……… sitting on the toilet screaming and howling ……… Plasma fantazma?……… 🎼give a little bit 🎼……… “ I swear ,I’ll send you to bloody Madagascar “……… “another top up sir”………” leave the poor man be Philip “……… “no ma’am not yet” ……… Wilfred!!!!!………… “ Bloody Wilfred!!”……… conspirators will spread another sort of virus.
7. May 3
MM ANON ………Lucrezia Markle……… For her own well-being … she’s kicking and sedated ……… safety net for Harry ……… a very private LOCK-down ………” GATEWAY“intervention …… “NHS Catherine , Sterling work darling “ …………” yes ,I love Frozen 2” ………… PTA……… “ your experience would be valued ma’am”……… “ I myself am best when least in company “……… absque misericordia
8. May 4
MM ANON …… granny flap…… delusions of gran-tour…… “ aye, some wantid er’ but Walt dis-ney “…… a p****hub offer worth millions …… a secret return …… Lottie leaded Cambridge assault ……… “ a very prominent speech for VE DAY ma’am”. …… unlocking the unlock able ………… 🎼day by day…🎼………… pause ,pray, proceed. …… optimistic optimism???
9. May 5
MM ANON …… Thank Dear anon for interpretation …… and yes if you’re struggling dear pg … prayers and hugs
10. May 5
MM ANON ……… “ hi Kate , how wonderful to hear your voice “😂😂😂………… Archificialy archificial. ……… 🎼but sometimes,ya get what ya need🎼……… “ if you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue “……… a Duchess,a Duchess and a Duchess walked onto a bar……… tunc non transiet ……… an infectious tube……… my my margarita ……… let go let god. ……… ( and Thank skippy).
11. May 6
MM ANON ………… archificial anniversary ……… “she hasn’t a bloody clue “ ………I speak for Meghan ……… 🎼he’s a real nowhere man🎼……… “ the fool doth think he is wise…… “………… 🎼come fly with me (not)🎼……… A few weeks more …………” we do the outside first Philip” ……… Bloody jigsaw………” Sydney!!!!! “……… “ Mmmmm , interesting, a virtual Balcony “ …………… “ yes , a new medal is appropriate” ………… unlockdown!!! ………… “ give us a hug”.
12. May 6
MM ANON ……… Sooooooo , where is Harry in the duck / rabbit video????????????????? An archificial attempt to ingratiate herself as a mother of a surrogate child. She looks a tad sheepish 🐏🐏🐏🐏🐏🐏🐑🐑🐑🐑🐑🐑. 😂😂😂😂
13. May 7
MM ANON … Spider Sandwiches ………… the photographic phenomenon ………… “O Christ, she knows her way round a Cannon” ……… “ modest, small and incremental “ ……… “ she’s still spitting bullets over the duchesses children “ ……… “ my goodness, Charlotte trumps everyone”. ………… another modest outfit. ……… the books a flop, who would buy it? ……… “ dada duck duck”…………”ANOTHER sex tape!!!!! “…………… her irrelevant life………… desperately seeking ANYTHING………… a sad demise Rachael!!
14. May 7
MM ANON …… dear and inquisitive anons ……… THE RIDDLES ARE “ ENTERTAINMENT “ only, a parody and lightness of spirit and soul! It’s a privilege to be here , by the grace of Skippy …………… enjoy!! 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜
15. VE Day 75, May 8
MM ANON …… My mother was a plotter at Northolt fighter base in 1943 where she met my father who was a pilot, I remember her saying that the Polish pilots were the bravest men she ever met. ………… we shall remember them 🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧
16. May 8
MM ANON …… The Queen, god bless her……… blackout ……… the king/ the Queen the nation ……… never give up, never despair ……… the home front……… 🎼some sunny day 🎼………… 🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧………… 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸……… 🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦……… and all who fought ……… a day like no other……… at the going down of the sun and in the morning ……………… ‘ we shall remember them.
17. May 9
💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜MM ANON ……… Dear pg , your gracious tribute to the riddle. I Ended the post in tears ………………… respect.
18. May 9
MM ANON …… “ it’s an unlock Jim, but not as we know it “……… on yer bike……… 🎼that’s life,……🎼………… Bar Wars………… survival of the fit-test……………”a vulgar mansion “…………… Spider sandwiches……… an emotional exhibition, Bravo!! ……… now that’s TRUE grit…………… be- bop-a-loo-la RIP……… The Serenity prayer……thank you for this forum xxxxx…………… it will end ,…one day!!
19. May 10
MM ANON ……… Rachel 43………… archificial 15 months ……… hospitality will become inhospitable ………… the R factor ………… “Henry, don’t do that”. …… return to school??? …………… no guidelines …………… be alert,the country needs lerts………… risk assessment!!! ………… an issue of safety ………… it’s the economy,stupid!! ………… test, Trace and isolate. ………… a silver lining 🌈🌈
20. May 11
MM ANON …… Thrive???………… definitely Malibu ………wear a mask ………… confusing but amusing ……… a question of credibility ……… 🎼 we can be heroes ……🎼…” what ever happened to wrinkle cream?”……… love and hugs to all our anon friends ……… 🎼 now there are three steps to heaven 🎼………… Brave New World ……… a quiet Queen.
21. May 13
MM ANON …… for saving my mother ……… father ……… grandmother …… grandfather …son ……… sister……… brother……… daughter ………… thank you for saving my life nurse / doctor /……… how can I EVER thank you all ……… from the bottom of my ❣ ……… I can never find the words ……… my gratitude is unending ……… god bless you all. ……… GOD BLESS YOU ALL!! 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
22. May 13
MM ANON ……… “come on Kate, off to Queens”……… Charlotte goes first……… “George ‘ get your bicycle “……… 🎼bye bye miss American spy🎼……… 🎼listen , do you want to know a secret 🎼……… stay alert 🤣🤣🤣……… trains, planes and automobiles……… driving miss day-see? ……… FOUR!!!! …………… an art gallery,when??……… single prayers please.
23. May 13.
MM ANON …………… to all who visit ………… riddles are entertainment only … a parody ,a light and fluffy expression. 🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂Thank you all for understanding.
24. May 14
MM ANON …… school of thought ……… bulldoze in and takeover ……… Braveheart & Boris ………… dead theatre ……… GOT………… Charlotte summer ……… anticipation of antibodies ………… China???………… death of Hollywood ………… 🎼blow a little whistle 🎼………… we have no plan B……… I’m so bored ………… “ we’re gonna need a bigger fence”
25. May 15
MM ANON ……… a lovely surprise ……… sweet Charlotte ……… it’s teaching Jim, ……………”Harry, you know you’ll always have a place “……………”he’s not happy Catherine “ ……… R1………… re-train………… clubbings, clubbed…… Tea-CHING…………… “ yes, that’s a really good question”…………2 metres for ever???………… a rally in Calais. ………… GBHMTQAOGC 🇬🇧🌈🇨🇦
26. May 16
MM ANON …… “ I’m keeping my tennis shoes on”……… “I’m not getting out of bed for less than 3mill” …… cold nose undercover ………… a learning yearning ………… “friends thou hast, and there adoption tried “…… …… 🎼ya gotta give a little 🎼……………… “I’m not happy about them returning William “ …………… “ One needs ones hair attended too”………… “ I’ll bloody cut it myself !!”……… “ I know!! … SYDNEY!!”
27. May 17
MM ANON …… a Diamond evaluator ……… Of no consequence whatsoever ……… straight to credits. ………… LA Confidential ………… 🎼no sir I don’t mean maybe 🎼…………… 🎼Don’t fence me in🎼…………… “ I want Adele you a story “……………… The man from U.N.C.L.E. Harry …………… “ ones lockdown sucks” ………… “ miserable without Boddys old thing “ …………… “Sydney’s slacking “.
28. May 18
MM ANON ……… a personal loss………… the Dynamic Duo………… FPhishing……Nlcola Nike Snike ………… Hydroxy- foxy(do not do this at home)…………………” a suitable case for ( shhhhh) treatment “ ………… “ no comment “ …………… “ a game of cards old thing “…………… “patience Philip ……………” ………… ma’am , it’s Charlotte and George on tic-toc…………… “dance, gan, gan, you dance, … Sydney!! 
29. May 19
MM ANON …… Ana-adversity …… the gathering marital storm…………” first family visit will be the United States when normalisation hits ma’am” …………”life will return ma’am”……… Who is that? …………… guesting the testing ……… “ they won’t return early ma’am”…………… “one speaks to Catherine,daily , and the little ones” ……… “it’s interminable Sydney,” …” a Little top-up sir”
30. May 20
MM ANON … Regarding the gathering of unhappy people, slutmeg only invited the men she had slept with , with their +ones ……… the members of the RF who attended treating it as a pantomime and a priceless observation of side- eyes and laughter. HMTQ look at slutmeg… EPIC. 😂😂😂😂😂😱😱😱😱😱
31. May 20
MM ANON ……… 5 years old ‘ COVID security ……… transmission admission??……… 1st. June. …………… A pollution solution ………… free at last……… kiss 💋 me 😱😱😱………… another Father???…………… Spanish,French and judo 😂😂😂…………… lies,damm lies, and MM……… an expensive squat………… A Greece-y gamble. ………… “ is one sitting comfortably’ good, Once apon a time “
32. May 21
MM ANON …… “what , seen at Lympstone “………… a Diplomatic retreat ……… A-Nul-ment………… NY bio-diver-city……… facegrime ………… Charles, a man for all see-sons……… thermal Heathrow ………… 1st Solo address ………… high-end-ing ………… “ clever children, such a lovely dance”……… “ no darlings gan-pops with Sydney “………… “ yes’ we’ll all bake a cake “………… “ pretty Jim-jams Charlotte “.
33. May 22
MM ANON …… 88 two fat ladies ……… two blacked out Discovery’s in St Leonard’s ……… Priti Draconian …… pray,or else!! ………… gel my temperature ……… wash your hands then wrinkle cream ……… a memorial event ………… Hong-Gone…………” well, wake him up Sydney!!………… “bloody hell Sydney “ ………… “ sorry ma’am , Charlotte wants to play bingo”……… “ wonderful , clickerty duck”
34. May 23
MM ANON …… 44 million? ………… anons’ how much on clothes?………… “still looked trash”………… evidences of past yachting 😱😱😱😱😱………… LA EX?? ………… “ in Exeter”…………… “ Josh Stones!!“………… a second peak? ……………not in Spain 🥳🥳🥳………… meanwhile in WC. ……… “ gan gan I want a tiara “ ………… “ and one day you shall “ ……… “ is nanny back Catherine?”……… “where’s my bloody slippers “ ……” your wearing them sir”
35. May 23
ANON … As we all submit our little posts give a thought for the reason we can , it’s the ever faithful skippy and her eclectic forum ……… love, prayers, animals, history, royalty, and silliness ……… god bless you dear skippy 💜💜💜💜💜🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜
36. May 24
MM ANON …… Cummings going?………Lottie nottie going ……… Harry’s 💡 idea……… “give birth? Incapable!! ……… “during yachting “………… “ I’ve seen the evidence “ ………… “ she lied to TBRF” ……… MOS knows!! …… 🎼we’re all going on a summer 🎼………… to pray or not pray………… “ Pleeeeez gan gan!! “……… “ one day you shall sweet girl” ……… “ next year , if things are admissible “ ……… “ he’s a tad grumpy ma’am”……… “ ignore him Sydney”
37. May 25
MM ANON …… Charlottes WWWeb……… Rules, What Rules. ……… in flight,flight. ………… Tinsel down……… hugs not bugs ………… non essential retailers open ………… no pubs, sport , cinemas, theatres, …………… Cummings,a shaggy dog story. ……… a very angry electorate ………… “ I want to go school gan gan”………“let’s see your dancing “………”no, school gan gan!!……… “ Oooooo, whats mummy doing “ ………… “ Sydney, refreshments ‘please.
38. May 25
MM ANON …… MEMORIAL DAY …IN HONOUR OF THEIR SERVICE ……………… 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇬🇧
39. May 26
MM ANON …… Kate re-opening high street……… “excellent, as retail ambassador “……… W&K will have the public’s ear” …………”a late family tour ma’am’……… “ that’ll put a a Kate among the pidgins” …… “ a damaging tome sir “……… “ opening book shops, how’ll that work?……… “you can’t handle books……… “ o’ Philip, a quiet night”…… “ bloody hell !! What’ no tic-toc ?……… “nanny’s organised bingo”:…… “ ahhh, ……… Sydney ‘ something strong!!
40. May 27
41. May 27
MM ANON ………”I get tired of Lottie tic-toc-ing” ………… “little Louis gets tired using the trampoline “……… “ I’m off to Queens,tennis “……… back on his Ducati……… Nanny is making 🥘 paella ………… “I’ve managed to acquire that box set ma’am” …… “ Gangs of London or The Sopranos“……… both ma’am”……… “bloody epic Sydney “……… “ is that bumbling Minister still running round the palace “……… “ tell him to piss-orf”……… “ top-ups”
42. May 28
MM ANON …… MM drone ing on…… tittle Tatler ……… lockdown tour T-shirt ………… ahhhhhhh, rate!! ……… school digital haves’ digital have nots……… rid the clap!! ………… one metre ………… “ it’s football Jim, but not as we know it “………… “To his good friends, thus wide lle ope my Armes: ……… “ look Philip,it’s Louis bouncing “ ……… “they have a new dance”……… “ return of a routine“…………” Maria and Lottie swimming “ …… “bloody hydrotherapy on Sunday “……… “ I think that’s enough Sydney “
43. May 29
MM ANON ……… looting/ shooting ………… “ tic-toc Nanny”………… “ ok! Charlotte, get Louis too” ……… “ George,do it properly “……… W&K , It’s a challenging schedule ma’am” …………” there having a bike day at Brands Hatch with Ducati “ ……… “ Nottingham cottage ma’am”………… “like old times ma’ am”……………” I’ll have a quiet word with Donald “………… “ not Philip, his diplomacy is wanting”………… “exiting times ma’am”……… “ one shall insist on compliance Christopher “
44. May 30
MM ANON …………… another billionaire friend ………… she lies on lies…………desperate for attention ……… a roadmap to nowhere ……… up up and away ……… all white on the night …………LTA talks with Kate ………… MENSA with Charlotte??………… “ bright as a button ma’am”. …… “ not this side of the family “………” there coming over next week”………” Mmmmm , live tic-toc”……… fairycakes Sydney.
45. May 31
MM ANON …… it Musk be love ……… nine elms………… agent provocateur ………… teetering on the edge………… body cams?? ………… amateur photographers unite ………… front line statue ……… 🎼I heard it on the grapevine 🎼………… “ no darling not today”……” we’re going to visit gan gan” …………”staying overnight ma’am” ………… “ a few days Sydney “………… “ tomorrow night, it’s a little concert Philip, don’t get grumpy “ ………… “bloody hell, I’m low on refreshments. “
46. June 01
MM ANON … Balmoral Fern………… plastic Nile. ………… in the Bunker ………… Autopsy …………………Truth , Justice and the American way ………… WC welcome …………… “ would one know how to barbecue Sydney??” ………… William will oblige ma’am……”one prefers coronation chicken “…………… “unicorn sausages ,Lottie George??……… “just salad ma’am. “
47. June 02
MM ANON ……… keep your distance ………” it’s a curfew Jim , but not as we know it “ …… “ A plague o’ both your houses “……… house today , gone tomorrow ………… “all lives matter “ …………… cut and roots and streaks ……… B&EC are reluctant to return ………… Minister misleads testing ……… office of national ridistics ……… 🎼I I see a bad moon rising 🎼………… blackout Tuesday ………… “ “wear a body-cam old thing, then I can pretend I’m riding “ …………… “one would look ridiculous Philip!!”……… “ Sydney, stop pouring “
48. June 03
MM ANON …… 2020 another royal baby ………… development in Portugal ……… more charges eminent Minnesota ……… a wet summer ………… ISS a strange smell? ……… … London protests …………NAACP……… size 12 , and the shoes 👠 ……………” mummy , mummy- goes viral ………” we’ll old thing, I wasn’t expecting that ending “……… “ so enjoyable Philip ‘ anymore Sydney?……… “ I think Catherine has Peaky-Blinders ma’am” …… “ is it a bit GBH ? “ ……… “ yes ma’am”……… “Ohhhh goody”.
49. June 04
MM ANON ……MM heartfelt acting……… W&K just heartfelt 💓………… the Tatler connection ………… 🎼stormy weather …………… 🎼………… MadDog…………2nd degree. X 4……………… 14 days to binge. ……… a Russian contamination …………vaccine summit ……… ”that’s a terrible selfie Philip, it’ll frighten her” ………” let Sydney do it!! “ ……… “take one together ma’am” ……… “ give me the bloody thing !! “ …… bloody tic-toc “ ………… “ one zooms” ……… “get him some refreshments Sydney”
50. June 04
MM ANON …… “ Heartfelt video “ anything heartfelt in the life of MM is self indulgent. A selfish PR attempt to seem engaged in the national conciseness Her agenda …… “how can I make this about ME!!! “ this woman is so shallow. ………… a Caucasian of infinite insults. A pitifully example of insecurity and ego. A walking talking resentment. God help her!!
51. June 5
MM ANON …… never look a gift bandwagon in the mouth…… everyone is crawling out the woodwork ……… “I’m covert 19 , fly me” ……… M&H on the March??? ………… over 40,000………… flight attendant/ ……… the dodgy R…………… mandatory masks ………… The Amazon too ??? ………… online celebrity … “ There here Philip “ …………” one has to distance darlings “ …… “ yes there lovely shoes” ……… “ look Philip, live tic-toc “………” it’s wonderful wonderful “ ………… “amazing, he’s shot up “ ………” shall we have a little refreshments?”
52. June 6
MM ANON …… the battle of Whitehall ……… agent Provocateurs………new trading …… it’s a Sunday Jim ,but not as we know it ………… social distancing got wet……… antibodies have the answer ……… R is above 1 in the SWest Of England. 😱😱😱😱……… second spike😱😱😱………🎼when I was 65 ,it was a very good year 🎼………… “ look it’s mummies wedding “ ……… “it’s mummy gan gan” ……… “ yes , so pretty the coach “ ………” I want one “ ……… “ one day sweetie, one day” ………” will you come gan gan ? “ ………… “ I’ll try darling “.
53. June 7
MM ANON …… I’d like to thank pg /LK and all the anons who attempt/ solve and interpretations of the riddles that skippy graciously lets me post 💜💜💜🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻💓💓💓🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧Many thanks to all those who partake.
54. June 7
MM ANON ……who’s her next favourite millionaire ……… Malibu?? ……… NYC??……… another sad video cry for help ……… archificial ( firsts words) 🤣🤣🤣………… mad / bad & dangerous to know ……… “ it’s me, me film me!! ………… “ turn around!! “ ……… “ he’s not letting her agenda rule” ………” this is not up for debate “………… “yes ones looking forward to traveling up there “ ………” get in touch with the Gillie” …………… “ can one travel to ones other residence?…………… “ can’t find my bloody glasses, Sydney!!
55. June 8
MM ANON ……D.O.J.……… A Stern retort. ………… the sept. Soothsayer ……… A 14 day suicide for the trade………… in court today ……… Beatrice tooo tu!! …………… wonderful Wessex……… more photos from Kate??? ……… no fuss birthday ………… “ shall one suggest a gathering of 8 .” ………” no, silly’ Balmoral?? ……… MM desperatum iri videbatur……
56. June 9
MM ANON ……… everyone and their brother,brother ……… wow!! What a photo Kate!!…………… little Louis gets a surprise …………… a well rounded future of three( four) ……… A birthday tic-toc dance………… “ do Catherine , come and bring the children “………… “maybe a change of routine “………… “ Both of you are an example hope”……… “ yes George,I’ll see if we can get to a match”
57. June 10
MM ANON … Gone……………everything is now B&W…………… “ but’ tomorrow is another day”………… “ but old thing, I look like bloody Bela Lugosi” ………… “ shutup Philip”……… “ just Take the bloody picture “.………”they’ve hardly ever been on a train William “………… “ yes , they’d be very excited 😜 “ ………… 🎼we’re all going to the zoo tomorrow 🎼…………… she lies for exposure……… yachting’ secret exposure !! …………… this time it’s explosive!! ………… “ great scoop Beth.”
58. June 11.
MM ANON …… dib dib dib……… one metre before July …………care-ing monarch online ……… 🎼What picture,what a photograph 🎼………… DOC museum of photography ? ………. Columbus falls……… “ I shall insist it’s the best TTC old thing “ …………a trace race. ………… Sunday Balmoral?? ………… “ plenty of fresh air for them” ……… “ in the lodge” ……… “C&C can stay here” ……………” your good at this zoom lark old thing “…………… “Group Of eight, a dinner party
59. June 12
MM ANON …… for the anon who thinks she has superior knowledge of the riddles and has a problem with the wonderful interpretations of LK and pg. ……… I suggest you join the other ignorant anons who pay us a fleeting visit ……………THEN DISAPPEAR!! Skippy, we’re the ones who love you 💜💜💜💜💜
60. June 12
MM ANON …… my BFF , sacked……… mr President,welcome ……… on mental health ‘ goal……… ���they’ll still turn up old thing “………… “ they won’t see anything Philip “ ……… Boris,incandescent!! ……… “🍕 Pizza night children “………… “ thecrown old thing “ ……… “ NO!!” ………… “ we haven’t finished peakyblinders” ……… “ bloody brummies” ……… “ PHILIP!!………… Sydney ‘ we’re out of your refreshment sir “ ………… WHAT!!
61. June 13
MM ANON …HMTQ was social distancing ……… beautiful in blue……… “ amazing bloody parade “…… to Broach the subject …… “ you looked magnificent old thing”. ……… KHAN GET IT RIGHT …… a WEE disturbing …… hugs 🤗 not bugs……… the China syndrome ……… open market 😱😱😱………… won’t ring Beijing …………… “ Ahhh, Sydney, you refreshed the refreshments “ ………” ignore him Sydney “………… “ I found an old vidio TTC , 1975 Old thing, our favourite hits” ……… “ those were ones days” ………” we looked the mutts-nuts old thing
62. June 14
MM ANON …… Adeleville……… Westfield?? ………… Charlottes delivery …………… 🎼grab the cash with both hands🎼………… another scam charity …………… she’s a race… ist ………… she publishes the book ………………… we will destroy her, we have the tapes…… “ no more Mrs, nice ma’am!! “ ………… “ ones gloves are orf Christopher ………… “ it was a very good year,old thing “.
63. June 15.
MM ANON ……… Shetland lift-off……… LIZA with a ‘ don’t know em……………” it’s shopping Jim, but not as we show it……… “ matter of fact it’s all dark” …………… first jet easy ………… Brexit,old white guys drinking a lot. …………… a moment of reckoning ……… a virtual Wimbledon?? ………… Catherine to the rescue …… “ Ahhh , a relaxing night old thing “ …………… “Sydney’s provided a new box set” …… “Boardwalk Empire” ………“ bit violent old thing” ……… “ Epic Philip!!”…… “ones usual Sydney “………… “great!! No bloody tic toc.
64. June 16
MM ANON …… “she Ascot nothing on me” ………… para-thanks William ……… PC , LOST weight??…………Oxford,Oxford ……… STIR-oid ………U-Turn dinner …………… falling tragedy ………… the Paris peasants are revolting ……… ……… “ we can still dress-up cabbage 🥬 “ ………… “Anne, my yellow ensemble”……… “Sydney ‘ a photo”………… “that’s a keeper, old thing” ……… “ here we go , tic-toc, the three of them” ………… “O, and Catherine!!” ………… “ ehhhh, And William “ ………… “ make it a double Sydney “…… “ how entertaining Philip “
65. June 17
MM ANON … Goal no goal, offside!! …………red zone……… rear ended,whoops!! ………… saliva sample ………… another rally?? …………… a £ 900,000 paint job. ………… madam NYC incognito …………ZOOM to William ……… mutant outbreak confirmed ……………… NDA bombshell. …………joining the UN? …………… Chile lockdown ………”how many episodes old thing “ ………… “ yes , that Nucky chappie is a tad violent” ………… “ she’s meeting at Wimbledon “……………… “ Nanny’s taking them to the zoo”
66. June 18
MM ANON ……… “NEVER………… “ ………” mon dieu” …… 🎼some sunny day 🎼……… “ good to meet again Mr President “………air corridor ……… “ to be honest,he was an obnoxious old bastard” ……… world beating 🍒……… non app- licable …… “ Bolt-hole. ………… self interest ……… BOE- more money!! …………… pepper sprayed……… “ O Philip, it’s the last one “……… “Always Downton Abbey old thing”
67. June 19
MM ANON …… HMTQ boost……… cup cakes in kings-him ………… Garden-send-her ……… September kids ………… hack Australia ………… Bei-ching ………… Charlotte & George together ………… no longer alert ?? ………… “ get packed Philip we’re orf soon” ………debt, what debt? ……… slave day………… ONS………… “ bubble bubble- toil and trouble” ……… 🎼teach your children well🎼………… “Sydney ‘ don’t forget my tigger PJs”……… 🎼swing low,sweet chariot 🎼………… “ Cabbage ‘ it’s tic-toc time”.
68. June 20
MM ANON ……… Hello!! ………… “ It’s a rally Jim , ……… viva espana ………… 🎼drink, drink, drink,🎼…………… black wall……… MM , another agenda!! ………… bollotics ………… “ Kate and William,the children are with nanny “ ………… “ Dover Sole and lemon parfait old thing “………… cream caramel,and Irish coffee Sydney!! ………… “September 9th ma’am. …… “ Stay over Catherine “
69. June 21
MM ANON … give us a hug………… Duchess of Cambridge Royal collection ……… in the footsteps of lord Lichfield ………… EOS C700 Christmas present … … “ slow the testing down”…………Kung-flu…………… Size matters………… reopening NYC……… “ get ya hair 💇🏽‍♀️💇🏼‍♂️cut” …………… “ 🙋‍♂️🙋‍♀️🍺 “ ………… Rachel for president?? …………… archificial daddy day?? ……… spotted in St Johns Wood.
70. June 22
MM ANON ……… noose-car……… Ahhhh, Germany……… BOE-meltdown ………… free at last………… testing the TEST!! 🏏……… Terrorisk ………… ONE ,small step………”I think She’s turning Japanese”………… Saint Lennox …………… A rush of wind…………… “ well now you’re free to be reunited with the little monsters”……… “ bloody hell’ what a joy” ………… “ O Philip ‘ hugs 🤗 lots of hugs” ………… “ and live tic-toc , I can hardly wait “ ………” I’ll have to muster some liquid courage, Sydney!! “
71. June 25
MM ANON ……”they seek him there” ……… your services are no longer required ……… street rumble ……… phwew, wot a scorcher………… we’ll fight them on the beaches ………… it’s sunburn Jim , but not as we know it ………… mutation sensation ……………🎼you’ll neeeeeeever walk alone🎼……………… sign on the million dotted line ………… take the TRASH out…………… “ a letter ma’am”.
27 notes · View notes
fortitudina · 3 years
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Name: Cillian Diarmuid Brockhurst ( Kye-Lan )
Nickname(s): Ci ( Kye ), Brocky, Snipes.
Name significance/meaning: Cillian ~ This name has several known meanings, including “war,” “strife,” and “bright-headed.” The word cille also means “associated with the church,” so the name is often associated with the word “church” or “monastery.”
Gender: Male
Age: 32
Birthday: 11th November
Deathday: ~
Star Sign/Astrology Sign/Zodiac Sign: Scorpio
Location: Los Angeles
Birthplace: Los Angeles
Ethnicity: Irish-American
Nationality: American
Race: Caucasian
Physical Appearance: Clean cut and well presented average height male with brunette hair and blue eyes.
Skin Tone: Sandy-Tan ( https://www.schemecolor.com/skin-pastels.php )
Complexion: fair, smooth & soft.
Eye Color: Old World Blue ( x )
Natural Hair Color: Brunette
Height: 5’10” / 1.78m
Weight: 77kg / 169 lbs / 12st 12lbs
Body Type: Mesomorph
Build: Muscular / Athletic
Posture: Healthy [ x ]
Birthmarks: Strawberry mark on his right hip.
Scars: Gunshot scar on the right side of his chest & left side of the hip region of his abdomen. Stabbing scar to his abdomen and one on the back on the right hip area. One on the back of his neck.
Left Handed/Right Handed/Ambidextrous: Right handed
Age Character Appears to Others: 32
Dyed Hair Color: undyed
Usual Hairstyle: Short
Tattoos: Army tattoo on right bicep
Piercings: none
Makeup Style: ~
Clothing Style: Smart-casual
Clothing Size:  Chest ~ 32inches / Waist ~ 26inches / Hips ~ 32inches
Shoe Style:  Steel-toed boots, sneakers, oxfords.
Shoe Size: 10
Nail Appearance: short, well kept.
Eyebrow Shape: Straight ( x )
Features: Soft features overall; perfectly symmetrical 
Face Shape: Oval
Facial Hair: Light stubble
Voice: Deep
Distinguishing Feature: Smile
Extrovert or Introvert: Ambivert
Personality Traits: Cheeky, Compassionate, Loyal
MBTI Personality: ESFJ-A
Optimist or Pessimist: Optimist
Temperament: Cheeky disposition
Mood: Cheerful
Attitude: Positive
Strengths: Caring, Kind, Giving
Flaws: Blunt, Hero Complex, Brash
Mannerisms: Smirking, quirking of eyebrow, cheeky grins
Habits: fiddling with pens or small objects
Morning Person or Night Owl: Morning person
Pet Peeves: idiots, bad lying, loud eaters, slow people ( walking etc )
Favorite Sin: Gluttony
Favorite Virtue: Patience
Weakness: Loved ones or friends & colleagues getting hurt / involved.
Strengths: Sharp-shooter, Skilled hand-to-hand combat.
Expressiveness: strong use of both facial expressions and hand movements.
Ruled by Heart or Mind: A little bit of both; more heart though.
Mindset: Positive
Philosophy:  “We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit”
Motivated by: Food, Justice, Happiness.
Everyday Speech: “The past is behind, learn from it. The future is ahead, prepare for it. The present is here, live it.”
Life Motto: “Don't count the days, make the days count.”
Energy Level: High
Memory Level: Eidetic (Photographic) Memory
Disabilities: none
Phobias: Incredibly small spaces. 
Addictions: Does pizza and poptarts count?
General aptitude: Fluid Intelligence
Mental Strengths: Problem-Solving, Psychoanalysis, 
Mental Weakness: Not a Genius 
Physical Strengths: Physically fit, keen hand-eye coordination, 
Physical Weakness: weakened cervical vertebrae from an old injury during a tour in Afghanistan
Past Illnesses: Chicken pox twice as a kid
Major Surgeries: Surgery to pin his cervical spine. Surgery to remove various bullets.
Accidents: Had several bumps and scrapes whilst at work.
Stability: Very Stable
Allergies: Pollen, Shellfish
Job Title: Detective
Company: LAPD
Career Type: Police
Education: High School, Military, Police Academy
College: ~
Work Ethic: Hard-working
Job History: Sniper in the Army, Beat Cop, Detective.
Income: $74,000 per anum
Political Party/Organizations: Doesn’t do politics
Volunteer Work: Helps at the Veteran’s housing association.
Dream job: Got it
What job would s/he do poorly at: Doctor
Career satisfaction: Love the job
Diet: Coffee and any food easy to grab on the go
Favorite Foods: Poptarts, Barbecue-based, Chicago stuffed crust pizza.
Favorite Drinks: Coffee, Beer, Cranberry juice.
Favorite Movie: Top Gun
Favorite Music: doesn’t really have a favourite
Favorite Book: doesn’t have time to read
Favorite Place: Does bed count?
Favorite activities: Running, Shooting, Cooking
Favorite time of day: Morning
What makes them happy? Catching the bad guys, seeing friends & family happy.
What makes them sad? Losing someone close to them.
Hobbies: Shooting, Running, Cooking, Singing
Interests: Films, Artwork
Favorite animal: Hyena
Loves to do: Wind people up and be cheeky
Hates to do: Paperwork
Inspired by: Former Army Colleagues
Raised by: (family) Mother and Father
Parent Status: Married ~ alive
Mother’s Name: Siobhan Marie Brockhurst
Mother’s Age: 63
Mother’s Background: Irish
Father’s Name: Patrick James Brockhurst
Father’s Age: 68
Father’s Background: American
Relationship with Mother: Close
Relationship with Father: Okay..
Parenting Type: Strict
Only Child? One of Three
First Born, Middle Child, or Youngest? Middle
# of Siblings: Second of three siblings
Relationship with Siblings: Close to brother; Distant with sister
Extended Family: ~
Family Relations: ~
How has family life shaped the character? Helped to both break him and make him who he is today
What they like most about their family: They will all get together for holidays and birthdays
What they dislike most about their family: The religious side
Children: Nil
Pets: Two Dogs
Best Friend(s): Doesn’t have one.
Worst Enemy: ~
Many acquaintances or few close friends? Few close friends
Sexual Preference: Any
Orientation: Pansexual
Relationship Status: Verse Dependent 
Marital Status: Verse Dependent
First Love: Carlie Anne Vaugn 
Current Love or Aspiring Love: Verse Dependent.
Notable Ex-Lovers: Azrael Mortem
Top 3 Loved Ones: ~
Top 3 Disliked Ones: ~ 
Who knows the character best? Eoghan, his brother or Lupita, his work partner.
Childhood: Cillian had a fairly stable upbringing; his parents in a strong marriage and with an older brother to help teach him the ropes, Cillian did well during his early school years and thrived in all of his subjects.
Adolescence: As he got to high school, he joined the football and soccer teams; being rather sporty as a child meant his fitness was impeccable. When he finished High school, instead of going to college, Cillian got in with the wrong crowd and ended up being arrested for Breaking and Entering and several counts of theft.
Young Adult: Went through Military training then, Cillian’s Regiment was sent to Afghanistan where they served three tours before he was shot in the Line of Duty after going through Hell being tortured with one of his comrades.
Adult: After being medically discharged from the army, Cillian took a year out for convalescence before joining LAPD. Given his history with the army, he soon shot up through the ranks until he became a Detective. He will also play the role of Police Sniper/marksman if they have to go into particularly tough situations that require an overwatch. 
Moments/Experiences that shaped them: Getting into the wrong crowd after High school. Being sent into the Army. Being captured and tortured during his final tour in Afghanistan. 
How have they changed as a person throughout their life? He has matured a considerable amount and become regimented and organised as an adult, with a respect for the law and bringing justice.
Major regrets: Getting involved with who he did as a teenager and ending up getting arrested.
Biggest life lessons learned: Don’t get arrested.
Religious Beliefs: Catholic
Upbringing: Strict & Religious
Core Values: Dependability, Consistency, Loyalty, Reliability, Integrity.
Morals: Always tell the truth, Treat others as you want to be treated, Be dependable, Be forgiving, Have integrity, Take responsibility for your actions, Have patience, Be loyal, Have respect for yourself and others
What does s/he believe is evil? The force in nature that governs and gives rise to wickedness and sin.
What does s/he believe is good? Morally excellent; virtuous; righteous; pious
Risks Worth Taking: Those that keep both the city and loved ones safe.
Important milestones: Making Lieutenant in the army. Reaching Detective in LAPD. NOT DYING whilst in both the Army or LAPD.
Achievements: The Purple Heart as a result of his capture & suffering endured during that time.
Failures: Getting Arrested as a teenager
Lifestyle: Busy
Character Traits: Hard-working, Brave, Compassionate, Honest, Successful, Fighter, Mischievous, Thoughtful, Sassy, Humorous, Helpful, Independent, Loyal, Courageous, Responsible.
Main Goal: Have a long and happy life, full of hard work, fun and family.
Minor Goal: Drive the damn car at work.
Desire: There are several.
Biggest mistakes: Getting in with the wrong crowd.
Life lessons: Not everyone is going to like you.
Dream Life: The one I have now
Worst Nightmare: The Hell I endured whilst on my final tour.
Favorite Memories: Winding my brother up. Making Detective. 
Least favorite memories: Getting Tortured
Things they want in life: Family. Love. Fun.
Things they don’t want in life: Suffering. Pain. Heartache.
What obstacles are currently in their way? Work.
Any secrets: Yes, but if you think he’s going to tell anyone, you’re idiotic.
Worldview: It’s just a little bit fucked.
Personal Hero:  Former Sergeant Major. 
Internal Conflict: Questioning if he’s good enough for his job at times.
External Conflict: Seeing the scars upon his body and being reminded of each event; wishing he could get rid of them all.
What others think of them: Fun and loveable; a genuine and caring guy. 
What they think of themselves: an idiot; not good enough. 
What they wish they could change: What they did in the past.
What they wish they could have: less strict father.
What gets them fired up: Liars. Suspects who think they’re clever. 
Their definition of a good life: A steady job with a family and friends surrounding them.
Risks worth taking: Anything that keeps both family and friends safe.
Things they take for granted: Coffee. Beer. Time at times.
What inspires them: Seeing justice get served. 
What they have doubts about: being good enough.
What makes them feel alive: The thrill of the chase.
What makes them want to do better: Any case they do not solve / Criminal that doesn’t get a guilty charge.
What do they want to be remembered for? Being a good and loyal man.
How will the character change? He might become a husband or a father? Perhaps even Lieutenant or Captain of LAPD some day.
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mychemicalficrecs · 4 years
Hiya! Not sure if you do this, but would you be able to suggest some non-ao3 finished frerard fics? It seems I've read ao3's entire collection 😅 Thank you so much, you're honestly my favourite blog on here xx
Thanks for your kind words, Nonny! And... congratz on reading the entire ao3 tag, there are a lot of works there :D
Frank/Gerard is such a popular ship that I was actually able to find quite a lot from outside ao3.
Non-AO3 Frank/Gerard
Thing-Thing by sinsense, 43k, NC-17. When Gerard signed the admissions paperwork for the Fordhaven School for Boys, he knew he was signing up for four years of sexual frustration. No one was gay at Fordhaven. Gerard was all-too-aware that he would be a virgin until he graduated. In his senior year, though, this stupid gay freshman disproves Fordhaven's straightness, and throws Gerard's entire world off-kilter. Now, in between drawing, avoiding bullies, running an incredibly serious tabletop RP game, failing out of math, and hanging out with friends, Gerard is also busy kind of falling for this asshole who's way too young for him. It's not what he planned on, but it's what's happening. In conclusion: high school sucks.
I Think I Thought (I Saw You Try) by thatsfinewithus, ~3,000, NC-17. Welcome to some weird AU world in which Gee only does awesome comics and Frank is a vampire.
They Came From Outer Jersey! by thatsfinewithus, 25k, R. New London Fire is an elite fringe government force assigned the task of protecting the earth from some of its more interesting threats: those from beyond the atmosphere or even the universe. They've handled dangerous cases before, but they've never seen anything like...ZOMBIES FROM SPACE. Vampires, long hunted in lore and legend, are now the earth's only saviors. There is little information as to who sent the creatures until Mikey Way, head of the NLF, finds out more by being abducted. Is it too late for him? Is it too late for the earth? Find out how six vampires, one government general, and one frustrated comic book artist save the earth in...THEY CAME FROM OUTER JERSEY!!
I never told you what I do for a living. by not0_fuckin_kay, 60k+, PG-13 to NC-17. Frank Iero, male nurse at Pete Wentz's private hospital and possibly more to one new patient he can't keep his eyes off of. When a new pateint is brought in with amnesia, just days before Christmas, and with nothing but the clothes on his back and a strange drawing, it's left to Frank to find out who he is and what happened to him. When he does, it changes Frank's life forever, as he's thrust into love and health scares he never thought would complicate his life. This is the story of how he tries to make it through, juggling his job and his love-life and just trying to make things better. With Patrick the doctor, Bob the ward supervisor, Travis the unlikely therapist, and Mikey, the sometimes wannabe homicidal geek.
Of All The Hidden Corners by moneyes, ~44K, PG-13. An epic, adventurous tale filled with alternate universes, lords, mischief, magical powers, snark, boyfriends, and luck of the bad kind.
All We Are by lightisbreaking, 21k, R. Set in the future, where humans are on the brink of evolution. For the select few born with a special awareness of their own minds - an awareness which gives them abilities beyond the norm, life is suddenly a very dangerous thing. Frightened of what this could mean, the government set out to make this new race of humans extinct, telling the public that these people are mentally unstable defectives and must be kept under observation for the safety of the public. All of this brings together a rather odd troupe of people, hiding from the government and eventually having to protect one of their own when he's taken into custody. Superpowers AU!
Tell Us a Story by bexless, imogenedisease, 32k, NC-17. The world as these kids know it is ending, and Gabe Saporta is throwing the party. High school AU based on the movie Can't Hardly Wait.
Stay Right Here by idktbh, swagneto, 28k, R. Frank is involved in an accident which renders him paralyzed from the waist down. When Frank begins to withdraw into himself, his relationship with Gerard crumbles and the band faces the hardest decision they'll ever make: whether to continue playing or not. This is a story about how MCR copes with the biggest obstacle of their career so far.
Return to Spirit Lake by inpurity, 22k, R. Gerard Way has left Spirit Lake when he was eighteen to study to become a veterinary surgeon, and with no intention of ever coming back. Twelve years later he is back, carrying secrets of a life spent away from his family and friends, and the weight of a dark, painful sorrow. His old home town has not changed, but his life, and the lives of the people he will meet along the way, will never be the same.
These Friday Night Lights by faux-disco-sins, 21k, PG-13. Gerard is the head cheerleader and wears the cheer skirt, Frank is on the football team, Pete is the school mascot, Ryan is the school’s hobo journalist, Jon does photography for the yearbook, Spencer and Patrick are in the marching band, Gabe and Ray are AV techs who do a ESPN spin-off for the school, Bob is the big scary lineman, and Mikey tries to fit in while ignoring the fact that his older brother is wearing a skirt in public.
Of Love And Superpowers by mcrnut, 20k, NC-17. Seventeen year old Frank Iero is in his last year at Mutant High. He has a couple of good friends, is doing okay in school and even though he has some issues with his Mother, life is pretty great. That is, until one day, when he overhears some of the professors talking about the well-known Anti-Mutant organization HSA and how they have already broken into two Mutant Academies and are heading their way. Frank and his friends have to stick their heads together and try to solve the mystery, and as if Frank didn't have enough to think about already, he finds himself falling for his friend's older brother, Gerard.
Cypress Grove by slashxyouxup, 24k+, NC17. My Chemical Romance fight off a town of sperm hoarding, men hating, PMSing maniac women in order to save themselves from certain doom! Also, Frank and Gerard get closer than close while pretending to not be completely in love with each other. Mikeyway is not amused.
Sleepwalker by lyrical_tragedy, 73k, NC-17. Frank Iero is one of the best cops in New Jersey so it’s only natural that his boss dumps a seemingly unsolvable case on him and his colleague Bob Bryar. With no leads whatsoever Frank enlists the help of Gerard Way, a reclusive young man who experiences strong visions and dreams of events from the past and visions of the future. However, none of them could ever begin to expect the terrifying chain of events that come into play once they delve deeper into the unknown, questioning Frank’s very beliefs on what the world actually holds. A story of visions, sacrifices, over protective brothers and love all in the midst of the attempted destruction of the world. The devil’s got your number and he will come calling, until it’s nothing more than hell on earth.
Patience Is A Virtue (You Might Be Good Looking, But You Can’t Sleep With Yourself Tonight) by eflorentino, 22k, NC-17. Frank Iero’s biggest hero is Gerard Way; the outspoken, obnoxious lead singer of the multi-platinum selling band My Chemical Romance. His world changes completely when he finds himself suddenly shoved into the limelight, playing sell-out shows every night and earning more than his usual $6 an hour. However, the infamously homophobic frontman isn’t what Frank expects, and after mixed signals and unsolved revelations he learns that, with Gerard Way, things are never simple.
But Nobody Cares If You're Losing Yourself by red_ones_fly, 16k, NC-17. It took me a while to work out that there was something wrong with Gerard, he kept it hidden well and, really, he didn’t even know something was wrong with him. To him it seemed like normal, everyday stuff. He never found any of his behaviour out of the ordinary. To him it was just reality.’ After Gerard's grandma passes away his behaviour becomes strange. He becomes less outgoing and more paranoid. As Frank tries to work out what’s going on with his friend/love interest, between school, learning psychology and dealing with the jocks, he doesn’t realise just how bad it is.
Parks and Recreation by vinvy, 35k+, PG-13. Gerard Way is an art school drop out with no prospects, student loans to pay off, and a dead end job. His mother works too hard and his little brother Mikey is keeping secrets. His boss runs shady contracts and smiles too much. It's nothing special and he tells himself that he'll learn to make peace with that- in the meantime he's got to carve out a living that doesn't involve artwork. Really, he's going to be okay. Then a crazy homeless kid comes along and screws up Gerard's Adventures in Normal Employment with his hippie magic and soulless eyes. Gerard can't shake the feeling that this guy "isn't quite right" but he's too busy fending off the freak accidents that are following him around to worry about that particular winged freak.
Empire Boys by noctecaelum, 30k, NC-17. In the city that never sleeps, it's tough to get your foot in the door. While Gabe Saporta may find it easy to blend into the socialite scene; Gerard Way spends his day blending eyeshadow at Bloomingdales. As newcomer Frank triumphs in Women's Lingerie, Gerard sparks a bitter rivalry in the vicinity of Lexington and 59th; but there's no use crying over spilt coffee because things are about to fire up. Meanwhile, on the Upper East Side, Gabe Saporta is none too pleased to read a socialite-bashing article, but when confronting the writer, he doesn't expect to meet fresh faced, pretty-boy William Beckett, who turns out to be the biggest tease this side of the Downtown Dunkin' Donuts.
The Evolution Index by theficisalie, 32k, NC-17. In a world where superpowers are just another thing that can get you sent to boarding school, Frank Iero and his friends know what it's like to operate under heavy levels of stress. After all, they did spend their formative years under the wings of the United States Government's most widespread and successful initiatives; a program that was created to protect and train young Americans with superpowers to become functioning members of society. And, as a side-benefit, the government realized that not only were telepaths great at taking drink orders, but they could also be trained to be highly successful secret agents. Under the guidance of Frank's volatile and (literally) power-hungry boyfriend Gerard Way; Frank, Mikey Way, and Ray Toro are an accomplished team of super spies. When a handful of people from Frank's sordid past crop up during an investigation of rash Superhuman disappearances across the country, the team finds themselves challenged both on and off the field as they fight to solve the mysteries plaguing their beloved nation. Frank knows all too much about uncovering things that he'd rather keep hidden, but can he and his team unravel the intricate web of crime and kidnapping surrounding Chicago without losing themselves in the process?
A Good Ocean Gone Wrong by xoxxblitz7, 32k, NC-17. Titanic AU - The Way's are one of the richest families in America and sometimes being an artist requires the need to travel. On the doomed maiden voyage of Titanic old friends are found, new love is formed and put to the test and the most luxurious crossing of the Atlantic ocean becomes a fight for survival.
A Fanfiction (In Which Gerard Has A Secret Stash of Star Wars Fanfiction) by sparklefap, 10k, R. Frank finds Gerard's bizarrely erotic Star Wars fanfiction, and is both disturbed and aroused by it. Those feelings won't do for Frank. He seeks revenge.
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telesthisia · 4 years
(No reblogs! Make a new post please!)
|| The Basics ||
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Name: Zelda of Hyrule Nickname(s): Zel, Zellie, Elle, Ellie Age: 19 Species: Human or well Hylian 
|| Personal ||
Religious Belief: The three golden goddess + Hylia but... she’s known as the forgotten goddess in her timeline since certain legends faded away from the public’s knowledge but not at all the royal family’s. Sins: Lust / Greed / Gluttony / Sloth / Pride / Envy / Wrath Virtues: Chastity / Charity / Diligence / Humility / Kindness / Patience /Justice Primary Goals In Life:  To create a brighter future for her people for generations on end, leading to the eventually famed Golden Age before the Hero of Time’s downfall... though Hyrule has recovered once she’s born there are still remnants of ruin from that era as such she wants to protect her people as well as make Hyrule safer, while she doesn’t do it within her lifetime because limited lifespan her dream does still come true years later aka LOZ and LOZ 2 don’t be fooled by the plot, Hyrule was in its prime during those games!  Languages Known:  Hylian Secrets: Well... it’s no secret among her staff but outside the castle, she keeps her poor health (heart condition and undiagnosed rare anemia problem) and near lack of magical stamina a secret since that can put her at a pretty bad disadvantage. She has plenty of enemies, namely those who align themselves with Ganon and the resurrection of him is still possible provided the person is a powerful mage with knowledge of doing that sort of stuff in the first place. And then there’s also court drama she has to worry about but that’s for another long lengthy headcanon post I should have out... soon... ish. Also while obvious with partners and in a meta sense and if you’re super observant but her guise Elle is, in fact, her, the princess of Hyrule so... ye...  Quirks: Her birthmark of the Triforce is... certainly unique. But if we’re talking mannerism rather than physical then allow me to just ramble because hoo boy! When nervous or worked up, she often tucks her stray hairs behind her ears, even when she’s not feeling those emotions she’s always fiddling around with it (in her royal wear) often flipping it out of her face or trying to make it look a little neater. She has the Pendant of Courage, a gift from Link and often clutches on it when she feels the need to summon her courage if she’s feeling not that brave, often trying to recall Link’s courage during his many adventures. When using any of her PSI powers she tends to have a nose bleed, as such, she often carries around a handkerchief and tries to cover it up before going off somewhere to stop the bleeding. When laughing, she likes to hold her smile behind her hand... and when yawning she tries to cover her mouth. SHE IS THE WORST COOK TO EVER EXIST holy crap but can make mean cookies. When flirting (more like embarrassed flirting pft) she looks away to the side and twirls her hair around her finger trying to hide her red cheeks. Her romantic out view on life stems from the fact that she was constantly surrounded by death and history and art so there’s morbid beauty in the melancholy... this girl gets excited over Friday the 13th and samhain ok like... there’s a lot to unpack with that. THERE’S MORE BUT I’VE RAMBLED FAR ENOUGH!!!  Savvies: Well... she bakes pretty good cookies BUT UH!!! YEAH she’s pretty proficient with her light magic! While she can’t do the amazing things other Zeldas can do because of limitations she’s not someone you would want to mess around with. She’s learned to work around those limitations and has great control over her powers. On top of that, she somehow knows how to use a crossbow so :’) while not the light arrows (she’s too weak to wield a bow) and it was a lucky shot she at least knows enough about how it works to fire it in the first place. She reads a lot, even as a kid she’d sneak off to the library to read the history about Hyrule or read maps and well she’s pretty knowledgable about her nation as a whole! And thanks to sneaking out she knows how to sneak past the guards and knows all of the secret passages in her castle like the back of her hand! Can’t forget her amazing political insight and ability to think outside the box! She has pretty innovative ideas for her times esp when concerning the common folk, but sometimes they don’t always go through because well... nobles. 
|| Physical ||
Height: 5′0″  Weight: you never ask a lady her weight! >:0 Scars/Birthmarks:  Has a cat scratch scar on her right palm which is also where the triforce is located! Abilities/Powers: Light magic, as the descendant of the mortal goddess she has been blessed with the Light Force. On top of that she’s come from a line of sages and has the Triforce of Wisdom so as you expect she has so much magic. She can heal, bless your weapons, smite away darkness, sense darkness (As a matter of fact she’s pretty sensitive to it and it makes her lowkey sick if it’s too much) and then there’s her PSI abilities which includes clairvoyance and telepathy! And then... her connection to the spirit realm.  Restrictions: AHAHAHA SO MUCH, she’s a glass cannon which is why she’s so, so, so easy to kidnap in the first place. She may put up a fight but not for long, as such her tactics are always to make a distraction and then escape. But she has poor stamina and just a poor heart, she can’t really overexert herself without a) causing pain and b) passing the hell out which was common in her younger days. Using magic takes up a lot of stamina as shown in ALTTP esp with the more powerful spells, you need an amazing reserve to cast all of that and sadly while she has good control she doesn’t have good reserves. SOOOOOOO to fix this she always has to take medicine of magic. Mana blockage is a thing that can happen, more often than she’d like to admit which causes pain once again and makes using magic pretty hard. Now onto her telepathy and clairvoyance. While they sound useful there are restrictions on those as well, for one with telepathy while she can contact anyone so long as she finds their signature subconscious she doesn’t have to worry about distance too much so long as they are within her range which is... maybe more than 200 meters? I need to think about the range more because there are certain places where she can reach you and cannot but there’s def a range limit. She tends to get nosebleeds and headaches from using telepathy. Her clairvoyance is where she can see bits of the future, but they are very vague and hard to decipher and there’s always a chance of the future changing or not changing. As for her connection to the spirit realm, pretty much she can see dead people... in her dreams and there’s no way of shutting this power off she’s gotta deal with the horrors that is this realm. Now seeing spirits isn’t anything new in LOZ but contact to the spirit realm is something that’s implied that only royal family members can do... as implied by Zelda’s words in BOTW where she said her mom (or grandma??) could hear the voices of the spirit realm.  
|| Favorites ||
Favourite Drink: Rose tea Favourite Pizza Topping: Basil...  Favourite Color:  Blue!  Favourite Music Genre: She pretty much likes slow and relaxing music, piano comes to mind but *kayne shrug* Favourite Book Genre: Romance aHEM as a princess she doesn’t have time to read cheesy romance novels and fantasize about the day where someone riding on a white horse will sweep her off her feet and they ride off into the sunset never having to bear the burden of her heritage and responsibilities hahaha..... but history and folklore. She likes tragic stories that have bittersweet endings.  Favourite Movie Genre: Fantasy, tragic tales, suspense, romance flicks  Favourite Season: Spring Favourite Butt Type:
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Favourite Swear Word: "Goodness me!”  Favourite Scent: Forest scent, the fields, that ancient scent you smell when visiting old places, the smell of book pages  Favourite Quote: “Time has stopped for me long ago.”
|| Fun Stuff ||
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Sings In The Shower: Yes!!! Well... rose soaked bathwater because she’s spoiled stupid by her castle staff and Impa but she’ll hum a tune here and there!  Likes Bad Puns: Of course! She has the playfully innocent attitude so puns is right up her alley! Morality: Lawful / Neutral / Chaotic / Good / Gray / Evil Build: Slender / Scrawny / Bony / Fit / Athletic / Herculean / Babyfat / Pudgy / Obese / Other. Favourite Food: APPLES!!! Namely baked apples and more importantly apple strudel! Her nation is famous for having delicious apples that can help cure fatigue and even rise up stamina a bit! She’s very much a follower of “an apple a day keeps the doctor away” esp if that doctor keeps giving her bitter medicines.  “Boss” Theme Music :  Excuse me for using a sad track... but... sAD MUSIC HONESTLY SHE’S DEPRESSION PERSONIFIED!! It reflects her hidden melancholy for like everything. I feel like if you have to fight her as a boss it’ll be more of a beautifully sad moment than something epic like that boss fight with puppet zelda which slaps honestly.  Their Opinion On The Mun: “Does she thrive on my pain?”  
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brinazzle · 4 years
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My colleague Phil tripped down his basement steps and landed hard on his head. For a few moments as he lay on the floor, his arms and shoulders tingling, he thought he was paralyzed. Too wobbly to stand up, he sat against a wall and assessed the damage. The tingling in his limbs meant he still retained feeling (a good thing). His head and neck were throbbing. He could feel blood trickling down his back from a lacerated scalp. He knew that he needed to go to an ER so they could clean up the wound and check for broken bones and internal bleeding. He also knew he was in no shape to drive himself. It was a Saturday morning. Phil’s wife and grown sons were not home. He was alone in his quiet suburban house. He pulled his cell phone out to call for help. As he scrolled through names he realized he didn’t have a single friend nearby whom he felt comfortable calling in an emergency. He’d never made the effort to know his neighbors. Reluctant to call 911 since he wasn’t gushing blood or having a heart attack, Phil tracked down the home number of a middle-aged couple a few houses away and dialed. A woman named Kay answered, someone he acknowledged on the street but had rarely spoken to. He explained his situation and Kay rushed over, entering Phil’s home through an unlocked back door. She found Phil in the basement, helped him to his feet, and drove him to the local hospital, staying with him during the five hours he was examined. Yes, he’d suffered a concussion, the doctors said, and he’d be in pain for a few weeks, but nothing was broken and he’d recover. Kay drove him back to his house. Resting in his dark house later that day, Phil thought about how close he had come to disaster. He recalled the moment when his head hit the floor, the bright brittle sound at impact, like a hammer coming down on a marble counter and shattering the stone into tiny pieces. He remembered the electrical charge coursing through his limbs and the terror he felt at the prospect of never walking again. He thought about how lucky he was. But Phil’s fall triggered more than gratitude for not being crippled. He also reflected on the remarkable kindness of his neighbor Kay, and how she had selflessly given up her day for him. For the first time in years, he thought about how he was living his life. Phil told himself, “I need to get better at making friends.” Not because he might need people like Kay to save him in the future, but because he wanted to become more like Kay. Not all of us require a violent life-threatening knock on the head to change our behavior. It only seems that way.   This is a book about adult behavioral change. Why are we so bad at it? How do we get better at it? How do we choose what to change? How do we make others appreciate that we’ve changed? How can we strengthen our resolve to wrestle with the timeless, omnipresent challenge any successful person must stare down—becoming the person we want to be? To answer these questions, I’ll begin by focusing on the triggers in our environment. Their impact is profound. A trigger is any stimulus that reshapes our thoughts and actions. In every waking hour we are being triggered by people, events, and circumstances that have the potential to change us. These triggers appear suddenly and unexpectedly. They can be major moments, like Phil’s concussion, or as minor as a paper cut. They can be pleasant, like a teacher’s praise that elevates our discipline and ambition—and turns our life around 180 degrees. Or they can be counterproductive, like an ice cream cone that tempts us off our diet or peer pressure that confuses us into doing something we know is wrong. They can stir our competitive instincts, from the common workplace carrot of a bigger paycheck to the annoying sight of a rival outdistancing us. They can drain us, like the news that a loved one is seriously ill or that our company is up for sale. They can be as elemental as the sound of rain triggering a sweet memory. Triggers are practically infinite in number. Where do they come from? Why do they make us behave against our interests?Why are we oblivious to them? How do we pinpoint the triggering moments that anger us, or throw us off course, or make us feel that all is right in the world—so we can avoid the bad ones, repeat the good ones? How do we make triggers work for us? Our environment is the most potent triggering mechanism in our lives—and not always for our benefit. We make plans, set goals, and stake our happiness on achieving these goals. But our environment constantly intervenes. The smell of bacon wafts up from the kitchen, and we forget our doctor’s advice about lowering our cholesterol. Our colleagues work late every night, so we feel obliged to match their commitment, and miss one of our kid’s baseball games, then another, then another. Our phone chirps, and we glance at the glowing screen instead of looking into the eyes of the person we love. This is how our environment triggers undesirable behavior. Because our environmental factors are so often outside of our control, we may think there is not much we can do about them. We feel like victims of circumstance. Puppets of fate. I don’t accept that. Fate is the hand of cards we’ve been dealt. Choice is how we play the hand. Despite a hard knock on the head, Phil didn’t bend to circumstance. His fate was to fall, hit his head, and recover. His choice was to become a better neighbor.   There’s an emotion we’re all familiar with hovering over these pages rather than coursing through them. It’s not explicit. But that doesn’t mean it’s less real. It’s the feeling of regret. It’s implied every time we ask ourselves why we haven’t become the person we want to be. A big part of my research for this book involved asking people the simple question, “What’s the biggest behavioral change you’ve ever made?” The answers run the gamut, but the most poignant ones—guaranteed to raise the emotional temperature in the room—come from people recalling the behavior they should have changed but didn’t. They’re reflecting on their failure to become the person they wanted to be. And it often overwhelms them with desolate feelings of regret. We are not like Jane Austen’s overbearing Lady Catherine de Bourgh (from Pride and Prejudice), who boasts of her natural taste in music, then without a sixteenth note of irony, says, “If I had ever learnt, I should have been a great proficient.” Unlike Lady Catherine, we feel regret’s sharp sting when we reflect on the opportunities squandered, the choices deferred, the efforts not made, the talents never developed in our lives. Usually when it’s too late to do much about it. Regret was definitely in the air when I interviewed Tim, a once-powerful executive producer of a network sports division. Tim’s network career ended prematurely when he was in his mid-forties because he didn’t get along with his superiors. A decade later, in his mid-fifties, Tim was getting by with consulting jobs. He still had an expertise that companies needed. But he would never find the stable executive position he once had. He has a reputation: doesn’t play well with others. Tim has had years to confront the reasons for this reputation. But he never articulated them until the day his daughter asked for fatherly advice before she started her first TV job. “I told her the greatest virtue is patience,” Tim said. “You’re operating in a business where everyone’s looking at the clock. A show starts and ends precisely at a given time. The control booth screens display everything in hundredths of a second. And it never stops. There’s always another show to do. The clock is always ticking. This creates an incredible sense of urgency in everyone. But if you’re in charge, it also tests your patience. You want everything done now, or even sooner. You become very demanding, and when you don’t get what you want, you can get frustrated and angry. You start treating people as the enemy. They’re not only disappointing you but making you look bad. And then you get angry.” That was a triggering moment for Tim. Until he said it he hadn’t realized how much his professional impatience was influenced by a savage network TV environment—and how it had seeped into other parts of his life. He explained: “I saw that I’m the kind of guy who emails a friend and gets mad if I don’t hear back within the hour. Then I start harassing that friend for ignoring me. Basically, I’m treating my friends the way I used to treat production assistants. It’s how I face the world. That’s no way to live.” Tim needed an intimate father-daughter encounter to trigger an insight that fed the powerful feeling of regret. “If I could change anything about my life,” he concluded, “I’d be more patient.” Regret is the emotion we experience when we assess our present circumstances and reconsider how we got here. Wereplay what we actually did against what we should have done—and find ourselves wanting in some way. Regret can hurt. For such a penetrating and wounding emotion, regret doesn’t get much respect. We treat it as a benign factor, something to deny or rationalize away. We tell ourselves, “I’ve made stupid choices but they’ve made me who I am today. Lamenting the past is a waste of time. I learned my lesson. Let’s move on.” That’s one way of looking at regret—if only as a form of self-protection from the pain of knowing we missed out. We’re comforted by the fact that no one is immune to regret (we’re not alone) and that time heals all wounds (the only thing worse than experiencing pain is not knowing if and when the pain will go away). I want to suggest a different attitude, namely embracing regret (although not too tightly or for too long). The pain that comes with regret should be mandatory, not something to be shooed away like an annoying pet. When we make bad choices and fail ourselves or hurt the people we love, we should feel pain. That pain can be motivating and in the best sense, triggering—a reminder that maybe we messed up but we can do better. It’s one of the most powerful feelings guiding us to change. If I do my job properly here and you do your part, two things will happen: 1) you will move closer to becoming the person you want to be and 2) you’ll have less regret. Shall we get started?
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Task 5!
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Basic Character Questions
First name? Amelie
Surname? La Tremoille
Middle names? Violetta
Nicknames? Ames, Ame, she doesn’t have many.
Date of birth? February 10th
Age? 25
Physical / Appearance
Height? 5′3″
Weight? 125 pounds
Build? Small,
Hair color? Blonde
Hair style? Down, curled, straightened, ponytail, braided
Eye color? Green
Eye Shape? Upturned
Glasses or contact lenses? Neither
Distinguishing facial features? She has a mole on the left side of her face, underneath her lip and when she smiles, the right side of her lips quirk up a bit more.
Which facial feature is most prominent? Her eyes.
Which bodily feature is most prominent? Depends on who you're talking to, she’d say her breasts.
Other distinguishing features? Not that she knows of.
Skin? Soft, Ivory, marks easily
Hands? Soft, small, dainty.
Make up? Back home, she’d always have makeup on. Whether it was a tinted moisturizer of a full face.
Scars? One on her shoulder from when she was younger
Birthmarks? Yes
Tattoos? A rose on her right forearm, an arrow on her left forearm, and a cross on her finger, 
Physical handicaps? none
Type of clothes? She stays more towards the current street style
How do they wear their clothes? She likes to re-purpose, so if you see her cutting up a shirt, that’s why
What are their feet like? (type of shoes, state of shoes, socks, feet, pristine, dirty, worn, etc) She’s always getting new shoes, so you never see her wearing shoes that are terribly dirty. She keeps her feet clean.
Race / Ethnicity? French, Caucasian.
Mannerisms? When she’s bored she tends to start to hum or sing, and she can
Are they in good health? Very.. at least in her opinion.
Do they have any disabilities? Nope.
What words or phrases do they overuse? “Oh mon dieu!”
Do they have a catchphrase? Nope.
Are they more optimistic or pessimistic? Optimistic/
Are they introverted or extroverted. Extroverted
Do they ever put on airs? No.
What bad habits do they have? Her drinking habits have gotten.. out of hand.
What makes them laugh out loud? Anything. Literally, anything.
How do they display affection? She gets very touchy.
Mental handicaps? None.
How do they want to be seen by others? She wants to be seen as someone who is caring, yet knows how to exert herself in demanding situations.
How do they see themselves? A fragile girl who has gone through too much.
How are they seen by others? She doesn’t know, and she’d rather not know.
Strongest character trait? She’s very trustworthy.
Weakest character trait? She’s very impatient.
How competitive are they? Very, challenge her to a game of anything, and she will try her hardest to win.
Do they make snap judgements or take time to consider? Snap judgements.
How do they react to praise? She loves it.
How do they react to criticism? She takes it with a grain of salt.
What is their greatest fear? Losing her family.
What are their biggest secrets? Her times with Clay.
What is their philosophy of life? She doesn't believe in life philosophies.
When was the last time they cried? When she found out Mathieu was on the island.
What haunts them? The fact that she left her parents on a bad note. Now she doesn’t know if they’ll even take her back.
What are their political views? She doesn’t have any political party she supports.
What will they stand up for? She’ll stand up for anything she believes to be true/right, even if she is wrong.
Who do they quote? She doesn’t tend to quote people.
Are they indoorsy or outdoorsy? Both.
What is their sinful little habit? PDA. Even though people hate it, she loves it.
What sense do they most rely on? Her hearing.
How do they treat people better than them? She treats them how she treats everyone else, with respect.
How do they treat people worse than them? She can be a bit condescending, but if she finds out why they’re the way they are, she tries her hardest to help them.
What quality do they most value in a friend? Trust.
What do they consider an overrated virtue? Patience and intelligence.
If they could change one thing about themselves, what would it be? Her attitude.
What is their obsession? Television.
What are their pet peeves? When someone doesn’t know how to take care of themselves and doesn’t know basic hygiene.
What are their idiosyncrasies? She quirks/furrows her eyebrows a lot, and tends to run her hands through her hair quite a bit.
Friends and Family
Is their family big or small? Who does it consist of? Her family is relatively quaint, consisting of her parents, and her three siblings.
What is their perception of family? They should be someone who never stop loving you, ever stops supporting you, never stops believing in you no matter what.
Do they have siblings? Older or younger? She does have siblings, two older sisters and one older brother.
Describe their best friend. Understanding, trustworthy.
Ideal best friend? Someone she could tell anything to, someone she could go to if she’s having a bad day... basically someone to be her substitute sibling.
Describe their other friends. She doesn’t have many friends.
Describe their acquaintances. Most of the royals.
Do they have any pets? Yes, she has a black lab she got a few days before getting brought to the island.
Who are their natural allies? She has many natural allies.
Who are their surprising allies? She doesn’t have any surprising allies.
Past and Future
What was your character like as a baby? As a child? As a baby and a child, her parents spoiled her like no other- thats where her bratty attitude comes from.
Did they grow up rich or poor? Rich
Did they grow up nurtured or neglected? She was nurtured up until her late teens. The more rebellious she got, the less her parent’s started to care.
What is the most offensive thing they ever said? She told her mom that she wished she ( her mom ) was infertile and never had her ( amelie )
What is their greatest achievement? Finally getting her mothers approval.
What was their first kiss like? How awkward can a kiss between two twelve year olds be? Oh, super awkward.
What is the worst thing they did to someone they loved? Told them to leave her alone and that she never want’s to see their face again.
What are their ambitions? Finish law school.
What advice would they give their younger self? To listen to her mom.
What smells remind them of their childhood? Fresh rain mixed with the smell of orchids.
What was their childhood ambition? To be a doctor.
What is their best childhood memory? When she went to her first peace meeting and learned what being a royal was truly about.
What is their worst childhood memory? When her mom and dad left in the middle of a night for an emergency meeting, she was scared shitless.
Did they have an imaginary childhood friend? No.
When was the last time they were crushed with disappointment? When she realized that there was a slight chance that she may never get to see her parents again.
What past act are they most ashamed of? When she stopped looking for him. She never should’ve stopped looking.
What past act are they most proud of?
Has anyone ever saved their life? Plenty of times. She has a habit of putting herself in danger.
Strongest childhood memory? When she and her brother had their first bad fight, she was ten, he was fourteen.
Do they believe in love at first sight? Yes, it’s how her parents met.
Are they in a relationship? No.
How do they behave in a relationship? She’s very adoring, and acts like that person is the center of her world. If she falls, she falls hard.
When did you character last have sex? Oh God. I don’t even know... before the island?
What type of sex does your character have? Rough, kinky.
Has your character ever been in love? No, not that she consciously knows of. She tries to distance herself from it.
Have they ever had their heart broken? Yes.
How do they respond to a threat? With a worse threat.
Are they most likely to fight with their fists or their tongue? Fight with her tongue, she has witty comebacks for days.
What is your character’s kryptonite? Her family. She make act like she hates her mom and dad, but if anything were to happen to them, she’d be heart broken.
If your character could only save one thing from their burning house, what would it be? Figuring her siblings were out, she’d get her notebooks.
How do they perceive strangers? She tries not to judge to quickly, but sometimes she preceives ideas way too quickly.
What do they love to hate? All the Marvel villains. (besides Thanos ofc)
What are their phobias? Spiders.
What is their choice of weapon? A knife.
What living person do they most despise? She doesn’t despise anyone.
Have they ever been bullied or teased? Yes.
Where do they go when they’re angry? When she was at the palace, she’d go to the garden, the flowers and aromas would calm her down. Being on the island, she goes to the shoreline and watches the waves.
Who are their enemies and why? She doesn’t necessarily have any enemies. She finds hatred to be to much of a burden.
Work, Education and Hobbies
What is their current job? She doesn’t have one.
What do they think about their current job? N/A
What are some of their past jobs? One time her parents made her work in a fast food restaurant as a work of charity.
What are their hobbies? Writing music, singing, playing piano, tending to her garden, shopping.
Educational background? She stopped going to university half way through her law degree.
Intelligence level? She’s very gifted in lot’s of things- except calculus.
Do they have any specialist training? She had a musician teach her piano for a bit, but she got the hang of it faster than most.
Do they have a natural talent for something? She is very talented at piano- it’s the only ‘talent’ she has... according to her mother.
Do they play a sport? Are they any good? She does not play any sports.
What is their socioeconomic status? She’s always been wealthy.
What is their favorite animal? Dogs.
Which animal to they dislike the most? Cats, she finds them to lazy for her liking.
What place would they most like to visit? She would really like to go to America again. Their lifestyles are so different.
What is the most beautiful thing they’ve ever seen? The way different countries can come together and put aside their difference when another country has something bad happen to them.
What is their favorite song? Nico and the Niners - Twenty One Pilots
Music, art, reading preferred? Music.
What is their favorite color? Red.
What is their password? ;)
Favorite food: Any type of pasta.
What is their favorite work of art? “A New Beginning” by Alen Vejzovic
Who is their favorite artist? Alisher Kushakov
What is their favorite day of the week? Wednesday.
What is in their fridge: A bottle of wine for emergencies, Dr. Pepper, and miscellaneous snacks.
What is on their bedside table? A book, a sketchbook, a notebook, and her phone.
What is in their car? Chap stick, charger cords, portable chargers, and a small bag full of necessities.
What is in their bin? Makeup removing wipes, broken pencils, and scrunched up pieces of paper.
What is in their purse or wallet? A couple of notes, her debit card, license, and a few gift cards of sorts.
What is in their pockets? Chapstick.
What is their most treasured possession? Her piano.
Who or what is your character’s guardian angel? She doesn’t believe she has a guardian angle.
Do they believe in the afterlife? Yes
What are their religious views? She believes there has to be some form of a higher power, but doesn’t know what.
What do they think heaven is? A warm, welcoming place.
What do they think hell is? A indefinite void of emptiness.
Are they superstitious? Sometimes.
What would they like to be reincarnated as? A bird.
How would they like to die? After living out a long, meaningful life.
What is your character’s spirit animal? A wolf.
What is their zodiac sign? Aquarius.
What do they think is the worst thing that can be done to a person? To be taken away from their family and the people they love against their will.
What is their view of ‘freedom’? To be able to do whatever they want, whenever they want.
When did they last lie? Probably the last time she spoke to a pirate.
What’s their view of lying? If it’s needed, its needed.
When did they last make a promise? The other day.
Did they keep or break their last promise? Keep
Daily life
What are their eating habits? She tends to skip breakfast and/or lunch, but dinner is a must.
Do they have any allergies? Nope.
Describe their home. Welcoming, judgmental, warm, playful, light spirited.
Are they minimalist or a clutter hoarder? Minimalist.
What do they do first thing on a weekday morning? Go to the kitchen and see what foods are being prepared.
What do they do on a Sunday afternoon? Family outings.
What do they do on a Friday night? Depends who she’s with but normally, she’s at home, watching musicals, and drinking.
What is the soft drink of choice? Dr. Pepper
What is their alcoholic drink of choice? Wine.
What is their character archetype? (Innocent, Orphan, Hero, Caregiver, Explorer, Rebel, Lover, Creator, Jester, Sage, Magician, Ruler) Lover
Who is their hero? Her dad.
What or who would your character dress up as for Halloween? She doesn’t really do Halloween.
Are they comfortable with technology? Very.
If they could save one person, who would it be? Her grandmother.
If they could call one person for help, who would it be? Celestine
What is their favorite proverb? “Everything has beauty, but not everyone sees it.”
What is their greatest extravagance? Travel. She loves to go to different countries, whether it’s for business or not.
What is their greatest regret? Leaving her home on the night she learned her parents had married her off.
What is their perception of redemption? Redemption is necessary, no matter what.
What would they do if they won the lottery? Give the money to charity. She doesn’t need anymore.
What is their favorite fairytale? Rapunzel.
What fairytale do they hate? Snow White.
Do they believe in happy endings? Yes.
What is their idea of perfect happiness? Being able to be yourself, no matter what.
What would they ask a fortune teller? Will she meet the love of her life?
If your character could travel through time, where would they go? 1950′s in America.
What sport do they excel at? She’s not good at sports.
What sport do they suck at? Basically any sport you could imagine.
If they could have a superpower, what would they choose? Whatever powers Doctor Strange has.
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ncvat · 4 years
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*just added
name: nova elizabeth taylor
nickname(s): just nova, no nicknames.
name significance/meaning: in portugeuse and latin the word nova is translated as ‘new’. but in the english dictionary the word it used to describe a star showing a sudden large increase in brightness and then slowly returning to its original state over a few months.
gender: cisfemale
age: twenty one
birthday: september 28th 1998
zodiac sign: virgo
birthplace: brentwood
ethnicity: white
nationality: american
skin tone: pale
eye color: brown
natural hair color: brown
height: 5 ft 10 in
weight: 128 lb
lefthanded/righthanded/ambidextrous: right handed
age character appears to others: 19
dyed hair color:  dark brown 
usual hairstyle: down, uncombed  
tattoos: none
piercings: visual 
clothing style: visual
voice: audio
extrovert or introvert: introvert
personality traits: reticent, sardonic, dependable, uncoordinated, dreary, indifferent
optimist or pessimist: pessimist 
mood: grumpy, bored
attitude: laidback
strengths: determined, intelligent, witty,  
flaws: sarcastic, reserved, self-critical
mannerisms: running her fingers through her hair, crossing her arms, rolling her eyes 
habits: biting nails, biting bottom lip, cracking knuckles
morning person or night owl: night owl
pet peeves: when people tell her to do something she was planning on doing already, hearing someone chew their food
favorite sin: sloth
favorite virtue: patience
ruled by heart or mind: mind
mindset: it izzz what it izzzz 
motivated by: herself
life motto:  i am the cause of, and the solution to, most all of my problems.
energy level: 6.2/10
memory level: 8.2/10
disabilities: none
phobias: heights
addictions: marijuana, cigarettes (she doesn’t drink alcohol) 
allergies: peaches 
job title: book store clerk
education: bachelor of arts - english 
college: university of vancouver
work ethic: average 
job history: has had the same bookstore job since the eleventh grade
income: $15.24/hour
dream job: author 
what job would she do poorly at: doctor (she would definitely suck at bedside manner)
favorite foods: fries, chocolate ice cream, broccoli, spinach,
favorite drinks: nestea, water
favorite movie: the fight club
favorite music artist: khalid 
favorite book: twilight
favorite place: brentwood
favorite activities: taking photos, reading, surfing (she sucks at it but enjoys it)
favorite time of day: sundown
what makes them happy? taking pictures, being around her friends, summer
what makes them sad? every season that isn’t summer, the concept of family
hobbies: photography, writing
favorite animal: elephants
raised by: mother
parent status: separated
mother’s name: elizabeth hanes
mother’s age: 41
mother’s background: american
father’s name: anthony taylor  
father’s age: 42
father’s background: american
relationship with mother: nova and her mother don’t have the strongest relationship. growing up, nova felt as if her mother was too hovering. there were always limits to what she was allowed to do. as nova got older, she started to rebel against her mother's rules and demands which caused a strain in their relationship. although they don’t despise each other, they also don’t show much intimacy towards the other. nova never felt as if she could trust in her mother with her secrets or go to her for advice. she was too afraid she would judge her too harshly if she knew the personal details of novas life. 
relationship with father: this is probably the most complicated relationship in novas life. until nova was fourteen, her father was in jail. during that time they had no relationship as he had been out of her life since she was an infant. by the time she was fifteen her father reached out to her and asked her for money. and so nova managed to put together some money to give to him. whenever she would visit brentwood she would secretly visit her father and help him around the house (buy groceries, lend him money, clean his house). this sort of relationship went on until she was eighteen. she was tired of feeling used by her father so she cut him out of her life. she continued to visit brentwood but avoided him at all cost. she was 20 when her father (kinda??) fixed up his life and nova allowed him back into her life. (you can probably find more info here)
only child? no
first born, middle child, or youngest? first born
# of siblings: one half brother
relationship with siblings:  novas kinda like a mom figure to her brother. despite the big age gap between them they get along fairly well. he goes to brentwood with her every summer
how has family life shaped the character? nova often distances herself from emotionally getting attached to people. she can come off as very standoffish when it comes to having close connections with others. this isolated behaviour has rooted from her vacant relationship with her mother and father. having no relationship with them fostered her to have a very self dependent nature. 
sexual orientation: bisexual 
relationship status: single
notable ex-lovers: n/a 
top 3 loved ones: the gang 
top 3 disliked ones: her father, ??, ??
how have they changed as a person throughout their life?  nova has slowly become less of an introvert overtime. throughout her teens nova barely spoke without being called upon and kept to herself. now as she’s getting older she voices her opinion and thoughts  when she see’s fit. 
major regrets: the first time she lent her father money. she believes it was the start of the dark rabbit hole he dragged her through.
biggest life lessons learned: rely on no one but yourself. nobody is as loyal to you as you are loyal to yourself. if you don’t set high expectations and dependance on people they can’t disappoint you. 
religious beliefs: atheist 
core values: respect, hedonism, loyalty, humor 
morals: always be loyal to your friends. never break a promise, and never make a promise you can't keep. never trust anyone. take less than you give.
favorite memories: the first time she met the gang 
least favorite memories: finding her father passed out drunk (the many many times)
things they want in life: to be happy and one day maybe have a family of her own
things they don’t want in life: to be wealthy. she’s a strong believer that money doesn't buy happiness
any secrets: that she is still in contact with her father
what they think of themselves: very little. nova is very self deprecating it and can be a bit excessive at times.  she thinks she lacks motivation and personality at times. she also thinks she can be a bit of a jerk when she wants to be. 
what they wish they could change: nothing. although she doubts many things about herself and her past actions, she knows that she wouldn’t be who she was without any of it. even so, she knows that it’s impossible to change the past so why dwell on it.
what they wish they could have: a family
risks worth taking: finding that treasure. no matter the cost
things they take for granted: life, good health 
what they have doubts about: her future and the direction it is headed
what makes them feel alive: usually anything that ignites her soul. her favourites are: running into the cold ocean water on a hot summer day,  developing a photo that turned out perfectly, hearing her friends laugh … 
what do they want to be remembered for? her photos. she doesn’t really mind if the memory of herself fades, but as long as the memories she captured in her photos live on forever
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newstfionline · 7 years
Can Techie Parents Reinvent School For Everyone—Or Just Their Rich Kids?
By Ainsley Harris, Fast Company, Sept. 11, 2017
Six-year-old Tiana had just gotten her ice cream machine working for the first time, and she was triumphant. Wrapped in hot pink decorations and duct tape, the device was now capable of churning out flavors that the young scientist planned to dub “Mint Speshel” and “Tiana’s Dlitght.”
Eyes wide, Tiana turned to her teacher, Shira Leibowitz.
“Shira, this is the most important day of my career,” she declared.
Leibowitz, a founding team member of startup Portfolio School in Manhattan’s Tribeca neighborhood, recalls that story with a laugh. Portfolio School has been designed to look and operate more like the workplace of the future than the classroom of today, but no one expected students to internalize that approach quite so literally.
“They view themselves as working,” says Leibowitz, who has a doctorate in education. “They’re never learning something because one day they’ll need it, they’re learning something because they need it right now.”
As in a modern office, a typical day at Portfolio School revolves around individualized goals and collaborative, interdisciplinary projects. Tiana’s ice cream machine was the culmination of a unit called “learning is delicious,” which ran the course of the fall 2017 semester. As students explored that theme and built their machines, they learned about science (states of matter), math (measurement), and history (the commercialization of ice). When I first visited the school one morning last October, Tiana had just produced a trial batch of mint ice cream and proudly shared a bowl with me.
Portfolio School is at the vanguard of a movement of startup schools seeking to foster learning experiences, like Tiana’s, that map to the jobs of the future. Many are “micro-schools,” where students of different ages occupy a single multi-purpose space. Many are based on the Montessori method, which emphasizes curiosity and guided choice. And nearly all of these startup schools aim to personalize learning by using technology to deliver individualized lessons alongside group activities.
Perhaps it should come as no surprise that the founders of this new wave of schools are often former technology executives who have started families. In their previous roles they ushered in a new way of working, now prized across industries, which values collaboration, creativity, and iteration. They look at traditional school, with its textbooks and lock-step progressions, and see the need for revolution.
Portfolio School cofounder and CEO Babur Habib fits that profile exactly. He grew up in Pakistan, where he attended public schools, and moved to the U.S. to pursue his PhD in engineering. (He and cofounder Doug Schachtel, who manages operations, met on the squash courts at Princeton, where Habib earned a doctorate in engineering.) Early in his career, Habib designed and debugged microprocessors. Later, he cofounded an education company that was eventually acquired by Intel in 2014. After the deal closed, Habib spent a year managing the integration. Around the same time, his daughter Sophia was born.
“That was the eye opener,” he says of his stint developing educational mobile and tablet applications at the hardware processor. “I visited so many schools, talked to so many administrators.” Over time he grew to share school leaders’ frustrations. Constraints, like classroom design, limited their ability to experiment with technology.
“There’s so much room to reimagine this stuff,” says Habib. “If things are changing in the real world, why aren’t they changing in schools?”
Other parent-technologists have arrived at a similar conclusion.
In the heart of Silicon Valley, Khan Academy founder Sal Khan established a complementary lab school that he describes as “Montessori 2.0.,” infused with the type of video-based math lessons that Khan Academy has popularized since 2007. Across the country, former Google executive Sep Kamvar created Wildflower Montessori, which launched as a storefront school in Cambridge, Massachusetts, in 2014, and has since added nearly a dozen locations. And then there is AltSchool, a network of micro-schools that is the brainchild of another former Google executive, Max Ventilla. He has managed to recruit an executive team that includes parent-leaders from Airbnb, Uber, and Zynga.
“‘I want something better for my child’--that’s what’s motivating a lot of these high-tech entrepreneurs,” says Tony Wagner, a former teacher who now serves as an expert in residence at Harvard’s Innovation Lab.
Wagner, who advises Portfolio School, sees the growing interest in startup schools as both a reaction against the dominance of test-prep pedagogical regimes and an embrace of the knowledge and skills that future jobs will likely reward.
“The big leap we’re trying to make is moving away from content standards to performance standards,” Wagner explains. “Can you use knowledge, can you apply knowledge?” Demonstrating mastery of chemistry, in this line of thinking, would involve designing a study and presenting the findings, rather than memorizing the periodic table.
“Content is not as important anymore. Content is in our back pockets, literally,” Habib says, gesturing toward his iPhone. “Whatever knowledge you’ve gained, how do you apply it? That is the central thesis of this school. We feel that the creative process of taking an idea and then producing something out of it is so important, so important for the future.”
But as Habib and other parent-founders are discovering, turning lofty pedagogical aspirations into daily reality for a small group of children is no easy task.
It requires patience, for one. Habib, who previously taught physics at Stanford and authored papers on quantum dots, has had to learn how to explain the basics to tiny beginners. During one of my visits to Portfolio School, I found Habib at a whiteboard, teaching long division to an advanced 7-year-old. Habib and Schachtel are not trained educators, but they have taken a hands-on approach in their school’s classrooms and made a point of hiring expert counterparts. After recruiting Leibowitz, they signed on engineer-turned-teacher Nancy Otero, who previously created digital fabrication labs for schools in China, Brazil, and Spain.
At Portfolio, Otero installed a “Makerspace” in one corner of the rented ground floor space that the school occupies. Wire cutters, a sewing kit, and other tools hang from pegboards on the wall. There is also a soldering iron, which Portfolio’s kindergarteners wield with surprising aplomb.
“We don’t distinguish for the kids between a pencil or a scissors or a 3D printer or a laser cutter or a book or an online science simulation,” says Leibowitz. “They use what they need when they need it to learn and to create, so that it’s seamless. It’s not ‘now we’re going to technology, now we’re going to the art room.’”
Before Portfolio, Tiana was homeschooled by her mother, Jackie, who paused her Wall Street career to oversee a schedule that included piano and violin lessons and trips to the Metropolitan Museum of Art. But Jackie felt limited by her own breadth of experience: “I only knew traditional school.” At Portfolio, she says, “They have a vision even above my vision, and they can implement it.”
Though a high achiever by any standard definition--she majored in math and economics as an undergraduate, and earned a Stanford MBA--Jackie has little interest in the status markers of academic success that dominate New York’s competitive private schools.
“Giftedness--what does that mean? Winning a chess championship? It’s good for the parents to brag, but it’s meaningless for the kids,” she says. Portfolio, in contrast, emphasizes the virtues of intrinsic motivation.
“They put the challenge back to the child, and I love that,” she says. “They’re teaching how to be a self-sustaining learner. [Tiana] feels she can do anything.”
Over morning coffee and biscuits at Bubby’s Tribeca, around the corner from Portfolio, Habib and Schachtel reiterate that vision.
“It should never be more about school than learning, or succeeding just to get the right grades and get into the right school,” Schachtel says. Growing up, he logged one accolade after another--Princeton diploma, Columbia MFA--but struggled to find purpose in his studies, and later in his work. “You get on this track,” he says.
Like Habib, Schachtel envisions that Portfolio students will one day attend top universities--but “that’s not the expectation that’s put upon kids and the driving motivator.”
Of course, if Portfolio students do happen to aim for the Ivies, many years from now, they will be ready--perhaps even at an advantage.
“Our approach of building impressive student portfolios from the age of 5 is preparing them for admissions,” says Leibowitz, who notes that top schools, including MIT, now review portfolios of student work alongside essays and other application materials.
Plus, she adds, “If [students] are still taking SATs when these guys are preparing for college, we’ll teach them strategies for the test as if it were any other project. We want all the doors to be open to them.”
For $35,000 per year--Portfolio’s current tuition rate--parents expect nothing less.
And therein lies the tension facing private startup schools like Portfolio, many of which rely on wealthy parents to get off the ground but aspire to serve children of all backgrounds by selling products and services like teaching training and project-based curricula to their public school counterparts. The steep price that Portfolio parents pay ensures that their children are taught by PhDs and given access to resources like a Makerspace. Meanwhile, at nearby Manhattan public schools, teachers with STEM backgrounds are a rare luxury, and budgets are so tight that parents routinely pay for Kleenex and other basic supplies.
If AltSchool founder Ventilla has a pedagogical bias, it is toward participatory lessons--like most of the educational entrepreneurs in this new era. “Students should be encouraged, at every stage of the learning process, to adopt an active stance toward their education,” Khan wrote in his 2012 book, The One World Schoolhouse: Education Reimagined. “They shouldn’t just take things in; they should figure things out.”
Tiana and her peers had that type of learning experience during Portfolio’s first year, and so too did Habib and his founding team. They scrambled throughout the spring to create lessons and projects that incorporated student interests, with largely promising results. As part of a unit on domesticated animals, Portfolio’s students welcomed two guinea pigs into their classroom and designed a custom house for them, complete with sensors and webcam. “They built a three-story castle,” Habib recalls with pride.
One boy, 9 years old, trained a neural network to tell the two guinea pigs apart, using the webcam video feed, so that he could analyze their behavioral patterns. An investor who happened to attend Portfolio’s end-of-year presentation described the student as “immediately employable”--to his parents’ great surprise and Habib’s great delight: “This is the first time the parents don’t know as much as the kids do.”
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dragonprisgifts · 5 years
Ways of dealing with uncontrollable anger
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We have all experienced anger at some level and even at times felt out of control with it. Anger is one of those emotions that we most likely do not want to experience, either as the one overwhelmed with anger or as the one it's being directed at. So, how do we deal with these moments of anger. In order to do that, I believe that a closer look of anger and what usually causes anger is in order. Let us start with the definition of anger. Anger is a strong feeling of annoyance, displeasure or hostility. This is the definition of anger according to Google Dictionary. So, what causes anger? That is something that is needed to know in order to figure out how to properly deal with anger and learn ways to better cope with it when it comes along. First of all we need to understand that not all anger is bad. We always label it as bad because we don't really like this emotion much. Anger is our way of seeing something as a threat. To put it mildly, anger is triggered when we feel threatened. This is good because it has many great effects that can be helpful when threats are around. When in a state of anger, our senses are so much sharper giving us so much more detail about our surroundings. Not to mention the shot of adrenaline one gets from being angry. When in dangerous situations this can come in hand. The problem is, not all situations, that we may perceive as dangerous, can be helped by this response. A lot of times this kind of reaction can create a lot more problems than it solves. I am not saying to suppress this emotion when it rears it's head. Doing this will only create more problems than you already have. Let's look at some of things that can make us feel threatened, since that is what triggers this response. By understanding what causes this response we can better come up with a plan that can give ourselves better control over our reactions to Anger. Have you ever wondered why you are often short tempered when feeling impatient? The more hurried and rush we feel, the less patient we are with not only ourselves but also with those around yourself. So the saying "Patience is a virtue," were not lying. One way of solving this is by finding ways to give ourselves the amount of time we need to accomplish the task at hand and focus only on that task. The idea that stressing how long something is taking and how late you are for a task that is not going on at this time only eats away at your level of patience, pushing one on the brink of uncontrollable anger. One way to deal with a situation like this is first, allow yourself the amount of time you will need to comfortably complete the task with time to spare in case things mess up. Example of a mess up is a flat tire, dead battery, cat tore a whole in your favorite shirt, or dog at your shoe. Give yourself time to deal with minor set backs and delays so that you don't feel stressed for time where your patience won't be the best. Also, realize that even good plans can go to waist. No matter what we do, just going to the doctors can be taxing on us especially when the visit takes 4 hours instead of the 30 minutes it should have took; making it impossible to get to the dentist that you scheduled 2 and a half hours after the doctors visit. This was done so that you had time to do both and maybe go out for lunch too. It does no good stress about that dentist appointment while your at the doctors. Just call and reschedule that dentist appointment and keep your focus on the doctors office. Keeping your thoughts on the here and now will help keep you from losing your patience and thus keeping from having to lose control of your temper all because things didn't go as planned. Plans change, learn to breathe through the issues and look for ways to have the time that you need for the current set back and delay. It is also wise to know what things trigger responses of anger that are from a source of past trauma. We often will have a response of anger to things that remind us of things that hurt us before. We all have pasts to work through, and just because someone hurt us in the past doesn't meant that the people in our life now are doing the same. Sometimes it could be the way the light hits our eyes, a smell or even a sound. So many things can be triggers and it is extremely important to know yours if you find this is the case for you. A therapist may be needed to help you better understand why different things work as a trigger for you and healthy ways of coping when you encounter them.
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This is just a couple examples of things that can trigger a response of anger and lead to negative results. If you find yourself prone to responding to situations with anger, you may need to spend time reflecting on each time you acted in anger and look at what triggered that response. Look for why you felt angry and better ways to handle situations similar to those in the future. Also, pay attention to early warning signs to your anger and come up with a game plan to calm yourself down including taking a time out and coming back to a situation when in a much calmer state. Concentrating on your breathing can go a long way to taking yourself from death com 5 down to at least low alert. Self care is also a good way of keeping oneself calm and better able to handle situations that normally trigger your anger. Often you may find that the only way to deal with your anger is by being physical. This is alright. Many people feel this way. This is when physical activity like weight lifting, running, bike riding, punching a bag and any number of physical exorcises. Regular exercise is important for a healthy heart. So take the time out you need and get physical in a healthy way. You will find this a good way to let off that steam that just seems to keep building up.
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Learning to communicate effectively about your anger will also be very important. Use the noun I when you are talking about yourself and how you feel. Look for a way to calmly talk about the things that creates and stirs the anger within yourself. Effectively communicate your feelings is an important part of being healthy. If someone you loves is causing you to feel angry with them, maybe it is time to tell them why instead of bottling it up till it explodes over everyone and yourself. Take care of yourself and spend the time you need with yourself to really get to know yourself. It is an important part of happiness. I hope this helps those who are searching for a better way of coping with an emotion that seems to have a way of creating so many problems. Read the full article
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brinazzle · 4 years
My colleague Phil tripped down his basement steps and landed hard on his head. For a few moments as he lay on the floor, his arms and shoulders tingling, he thought he was paralyzed. Too wobbly to stand up, he sat against a wall and assessed the damage. The tingling in his limbs meant he still retained feeling (a good thing). His head and neck were throbbing. He could feel blood trickling down his back from a lacerated scalp. He knew that he needed to go to an ER so they could clean up the wound and check for broken bones and internal bleeding. He also knew he was in no shape to drive himself. It was a Saturday morning. Phil’s wife and grown sons were not home. He was alone in his quiet suburban house. He pulled his cell phone out to call for help. As he scrolled through names he realized he didn’t have a single friend nearby whom he felt comfortable calling in an emergency. He’d never made the effort to know his neighbors. Reluctant to call 911 since he wasn’t gushing blood or having a heart attack, Phil tracked down the home number of a middle-aged couple a few houses away and dialed. A woman named Kay answered, someone he acknowledged on the street but had rarely spoken to. He explained his situation and Kay rushed over, entering Phil’s home through an unlocked back door. She found Phil in the basement, helped him to his feet, and drove him to the local hospital, staying with him during the five hours he was examined. Yes, he’d suffered a concussion, the doctors said, and he’d be in pain for a few weeks, but nothing was broken and he’d recover. Kay drove him back to his house. Resting in his dark house later that day, Phil thought about how close he had come to disaster. He recalled the moment when his head hit the floor, the bright brittle sound at impact, like a hammer coming down on a marble counter and shattering the stone into tiny pieces. He remembered the electrical charge coursing through his limbs and the terror he felt at the prospect of never walking again. He thought about how lucky he was. But Phil’s fall triggered more than gratitude for not being crippled. He also reflected on the remarkable kindness of his neighbor Kay, and how she had selflessly given up her day for him. For the first time in years, he thought about how he was living his life. Phil told himself, “I need to get better at making friends.” Not because he might need people like Kay to save him in the future, but because he wanted to become more like Kay. Not all of us require a violent life-threatening knock on the head to change our behavior. It only seems that way.   This is a book about adult behavioral change. Why are we so bad at it? How do we get better at it? How do we choose what to change? How do we make others appreciate that we’ve changed? How can we strengthen our resolve to wrestle with the timeless, omnipresent challenge any successful person must stare down—becoming the person we want to be? To answer these questions, I’ll begin by focusing on the triggers in our environment. Their impact is profound. A trigger is any stimulus that reshapes our thoughts and actions. In every waking hour we are being triggered by people, events, and circumstances that have the potential to change us. These triggers appear suddenly and unexpectedly. They can be major moments, like Phil’s concussion, or as minor as a paper cut. They can be pleasant, like a teacher’s praise that elevates our discipline and ambition—and turns our life around 180 degrees. Or they can be counterproductive, like an ice cream cone that tempts us off our diet or peer pressure that confuses us into doing something we know is wrong. They can stir our competitive instincts, from the common workplace carrot of a bigger paycheck to the annoying sight of a rival outdistancing us. They can drain us, like the news that a loved one is seriously ill or that our company is up for sale. They can be as elemental as the sound of rain triggering a sweet memory. Triggers are practically infinite in number. Where do they come from? Why do they make us behave against our interests?Why are we oblivious to them? How do we pinpoint the triggering moments that anger us, or throw us off course, or make us feel that all is right in the world—so we can avoid the bad ones, repeat the good ones? How do we make triggers work for us? Our environment is the most potent triggering mechanism in our lives—and not always for our benefit. We make plans, set goals, and stake our happiness on achieving these goals. But our environment constantly intervenes. The smell of bacon wafts up from the kitchen, and we forget our doctor’s advice about lowering our cholesterol. Our colleagues work late every night, so we feel obliged to match their commitment, and miss one of our kid’s baseball games, then another, then another. Our phone chirps, and we glance at the glowing screen instead of looking into the eyes of the person we love. This is how our environment triggers undesirable behavior. Because our environmental factors are so often outside of our control, we may think there is not much we can do about them. We feel like victims of circumstance. Puppets of fate. I don’t accept that. Fate is the hand of cards we’ve been dealt. Choice is how we play the hand. Despite a hard knock on the head, Phil didn’t bend to circumstance. His fate was to fall, hit his head, and recover. His choice was to become a better neighbor.   There’s an emotion we’re all familiar with hovering over these pages rather than coursing through them. It’s not explicit. But that doesn’t mean it’s less real. It’s the feeling of regret. It’s implied every time we ask ourselves why we haven’t become the person we want to be. A big part of my research for this book involved asking people the simple question, “What’s the biggest behavioral change you’ve ever made?” The answers run the gamut, but the most poignant ones—guaranteed to raise the emotional temperature in the room—come from people recalling the behavior they should have changed but didn’t. They’re reflecting on their failure to become the person they wanted to be. And it often overwhelms them with desolate feelings of regret. We are not like Jane Austen’s overbearing Lady Catherine de Bourgh (from Pride and Prejudice), who boasts of her natural taste in music, then without a sixteenth note of irony, says, “If I had ever learnt, I should have been a great proficient.” Unlike Lady Catherine, we feel regret’s sharp sting when we reflect on the opportunities squandered, the choices deferred, the efforts not made, the talents never developed in our lives. Usually when it’s too late to do much about it. Regret was definitely in the air when I interviewed Tim, a once-powerful executive producer of a network sports division. Tim’s network career ended prematurely when he was in his mid-forties because he didn’t get along with his superiors. A decade later, in his mid-fifties, Tim was getting by with consulting jobs. He still had an expertise that companies needed. But he would never find the stable executive position he once had. He has a reputation: doesn’t play well with others. Tim has had years to confront the reasons for this reputation. But he never articulated them until the day his daughter asked for fatherly advice before she started her first TV job. “I told her the greatest virtue is patience,” Tim said. “You’re operating in a business where everyone’s looking at the clock. A show starts and ends precisely at a given time. The control booth screens display everything in hundredths of a second. And it never stops. There’s always another show to do. The clock is always ticking. This creates an incredible sense of urgency in everyone. But if you’re in charge, it also tests your patience. You want everything done now, or even sooner. You become very demanding, and when you don’t get what you want, you can get frustrated and angry. You start treating people as the enemy. They’re not only disappointing you but making you look bad. And then you get angry.” That was a triggering moment for Tim. Until he said it he hadn’t realized how much his professional impatience was influenced by a savage network TV environment—and how it had seeped into other parts of his life. He explained: “I saw that I’m the kind of guy who emails a friend and gets mad if I don’t hear back within the hour. Then I start harassing that friend for ignoring me. Basically, I’m treating my friends the way I used to treat production assistants. It’s how I face the world. That’s no way to live.” Tim needed an intimate father-daughter encounter to trigger an insight that fed the powerful feeling of regret. “If I could change anything about my life,” he concluded, “I’d be more patient.” Regret is the emotion we experience when we assess our present circumstances and reconsider how we got here. Wereplay what we actually did against what we should have done—and find ourselves wanting in some way. Regret can hurt. For such a penetrating and wounding emotion, regret doesn’t get much respect. We treat it as a benign factor, something to deny or rationalize away. We tell ourselves, “I’ve made stupid choices but they’ve made me who I am today. Lamenting the past is a waste of time. I learned my lesson. Let’s move on.” That’s one way of looking at regret—if only as a form of self-protection from the pain of knowing we missed out. We’re comforted by the fact that no one is immune to regret (we’re not alone) and that time heals all wounds (the only thing worse than experiencing pain is not knowing if and when the pain will go away). I want to suggest a different attitude, namely embracing regret (although not too tightly or for too long). The pain that comes with regret should be mandatory, not something to be shooed away like an annoying pet. When we make bad choices and fail ourselves or hurt the people we love, we should feel pain. That pain can be motivating and in the best sense, triggering—a reminder that maybe we messed up but we can do better. It’s one of the most powerful feelings guiding us to change. If I do my job properly here and you do your part, two things will happen: 1) you will move closer to becoming the person you want to be and 2) you’ll have less regret. Shall we get started?
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