#one thing i don't mention here is that the older books don't try to market the series as a girls' book series
e-adlirez · 5 months
Why are you this ick about the friendship things in the books? I mean, for a book series that aimed for preschooler shouldn't it be expected for the books to have a lot of corny messages about friendship and love? Like, I feel like you gave way too many expectations for a silly kid series
Okay yeah that's fair, maybe my expectations for the series is holding the bar a bit high, and it might just be a me thing (I could never get into MLP for the life of me)
But hear me okay
The reason I don't like the power of friendship being mentioned in the books is because it clashes with what I've seen of the series so far.
See one thing the books did very well was allow you to imagine that the girls are grown-ass adults in university. They are very good at selling the bit that the girls are adults, without infodumping the crap out of it. For the best look into how this is done, see graphic novels 1-4, as well as the main books that were done in the older artstyle. The way the books are written allows you to really believe these girls as grown adults-- there are occasions where the books' age sticks out a bit... too much, but most times, it's smooth sailing, and the girls are very believable as adults.
Case and point: I got into the books when I was eight years old, and one thing I appreciated and still appreciate about the older books is the fact that the immersion is on-point. The books are rated 6-10, but only in terms of the language level (it's short and easy to read is what I'm saying). The plots of the books are well-written, and most importantly, the books do not treat you like a kid as you're reading. You'd be surprised how valuable that is nowadays,,,
Even the friendship bits in the older books worked hard to sell the bit in a way that it fits with how the stories are written, which is very grounded and realistic, actually (minus the cheese puns):
The girls gave Thea a fancy jade and called her "the keeper of our friendship"? Friendship bracelet logic, which is a very valid logic. Colette's cousin mentions the girls' friendship? Well yeah, it makes sense in that scene because she's hosting a fashion walk, and the girls literally carried and were kinda the reason why Julie's finals project wasn't completely scrapped; that part where the friendship bit is mentioned is literally the perfect moment for a cheesy-ass speech. (There's a really good one in non-English Shipwreck too but that's a story for a whole 'nother day.) The way the plots are written is very down-to-earth and grounded, and the inclusions of the friendship bits back then reflect this. This was the way the bar was set for me, and thus it's how I judge the later books.
As the series progressed, things got more explicit with the age range. Nothing atrocious, but you could tell things were getting more and more openly kid-friendly. You know it's progressed when more than a handful of people mistake them for being highschoolers instead of grown-ass adults in university.
There is still action, and there is still adventure and shenanigans that you get fully immersed in, but if you're like me, you would be happily immersed in the adventure, trying to solve the mystery alongside the girls, but also hoping and praying to your holy deity of choice that a friendship bit doesn't come up in the year of our Lord 2024.
Only to die inside when it is brought up and the delivery sounds so blatantly sugary it can give you a cavity. The kind that hurts to see stick out like the sorest thumb.
So yeah, my standards might be high, but my standards are high because I've seen the series reach that bar before, and I know they can do it again. I am mentally ill for this franchise dammit /affectionate
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shaunamilfman · 10 months
Being Lottie Matthews Controversially Young Girlfriend
Adult Timeline Headcanons
nsfw mention
you and lottie definitely have a meet-cute moment at the farmers market. love at first sight fr she's trying to get you to move in the wellness center within the month. “but y/n if you live in the dorms again you'd be here all the time anyways. Just move in 😁. it's cheaper that way.”
coming home after a long day to see Lottie laying in bed and just burying your face in her cleavage. She's surprised the first time you do it, nearly dropping her book and tries to catch you thinking you've fallen, but she's gotten so used to it now that she doesn't even react. she sets her book down gently on the nightstand and runs her hands soothingly through your hair. 
she has absolutely no shame about dating you despite the large age difference. she's hyping you up to her cult wellness center members talking about how good you're doing in college and shit. “yeah 😁 she really aced that exam she was worried about 😁😁”. she got one of those stickers like “my girlfriend goes to x college”. 
she def packs you lunch and stuff to take with you. lottie can't cook for shit but she can make a mean sandwich. you're like “i only have one class today.” and she's still shoving snacks into your bag lmao. 
im convinced lottie is a bit of a technophobe so she's consulting your ass on everything. you get woken up in the middle of your nap to go turn the wellness center computer off and on again. you spend 20 minutes trying to talk her through sending an email before you give up and type it yourself while she dictates. she looks particularly smug after that one, so you think she may have gotten one over on you. she's so genuine most of the time that you're never quite sure. 
Lottie's a lot older than you but I really don't think she'd have all that much sexual experience given her circumstances. if she had slept with others before you it wouldn't have been that all that many. lottie would definitely be aware that she'd be expected to have more experience and is a little hesitant about telling you that she doesn't. point is I mostly just think she'd be very shy and blushy the first few times you had sex. 
going along with it once when someone assumes you’re her daughter to try to playfully embarrass her. she just shrugs and makes a note in the back of her mind to kiss you in front of them at some point. some poor cult member walks in on you like two fingers deep in your ‘mom’ and is so traumatized by the ordeal. Lottie's all smiles the whole time. she fr giggled a bit when they left she's so devious. 
Lottie mentions movies she liked as a kid and you're off-handedly like “oh I don't think I was alive when that came out.” and she just full on winces. she spirals a bit over it every time she's so dramatic. 
Lottie's constantly trying to initiate sex wearing like beautiful and intricate lingerie all the time while you're wearing whatever random shit you happened to have on like "please warn a girl omg". Lottie's ass is still like 😍😍. she does not care in the slightest what your wearing lmao it's on site.
Lottie wears silk pajamas with like robes and shit to sleep. they've got her initials monogrammed on the pocket and she buys you matching ones in your favorite colors. she wouldn't be upset if you didn't wear them but she always looks so excited when you do. she also has like a ridiculously expensive sheet set on her bed. it's soft as hell though you've got to give her that. all that and your little cotton blanket you bring for when she inevitably steals all of the bigger blanket from you in her sleep. 
Lottie for sure tries to pay for all of your things. you try to pay for them yourself but she always seems to know. she pops out of nowhere with her debit card just as you're checking out like 😁. Lottie's not paying for your things expecting sexual favors out of it but she'd absolutely receive them. dropping to your knees in front of her after she pays for your textbooks??
she has no idea how much things cost. she's def like “how much could a banana cost? $10?”
the reading glasses stay on during sex. she's so embarrassed the first time you see her with them on but gets over it very quickly when you immediately jump her bones. 
Lottie buys you a shit ton of clothes. they're all styles you like, but you can't help but notice they're all heliotrope. you're just like 🙄 whenever she gifts you a new shirt. 
grinning ear to ear whenever you introduce your milf girlfriend to your friends. you're so smug about it that it honestly makes lottie a little shy. she def really likes it though she's just always so blushy when you compliment her in any way.
she calls you so many pet names. it's all honey, baby, sweetie, princess, etc with Lottie. going feral over the idea of lottie calling you love. 
Lottie's so physically clingy. she just loves laying on top of you with her head against your chest so she can hear your heartbeat. she loves when you play with her hair. she chases your hand with her head like a dog if you try to stop lmao.
you'll catch her just staring at you all the time she has no shame
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Not Sure About Character Parents
Anonymous asked: I might be overthinking, but is it weird that most of my main characters only have one present/active parent? I don't want to add unnecessary characters, but when one character's arc revolves partly around having a distant father (and no other parent), I worried the other characters having a similar situation takes some of the impact away. If it matters, most of the main characters are on the older side and it's a fantasy set in a medieval-ish world, so I suppose it wouldn't be weird if the parents had died of natural causes, but I wanted another perspective. Can I roll with what I have, or should I come up with plot-relevant characters to fill parental roles?
[Ask edited for length...]
The main issues with "absentee parents" in fiction is when you have characters who are minors and living at home--with scenes actually taking place at home, or scenes/elements that would realistically involve parents/parental concern--but no parents are evident.
Other than that... if your characters are no longer living with their parents (or staying with them through parts of the story), the parents don't need to be characters. You can work them in other ways, however, such as:
-- after sharing a childhood memory for character development reasons, have the character say they miss their parents and look forward to visiting them soon
-- have the character share a funny or sweet story about a parent
-- have the character share knowledge imparted on them by a parent
-- if the character is in a store or market, have them pick up an item to bring to a parent as a gift
-- have the character share something they have on them (a piece of jewelry, clothing, etc.) that was given to them by a parent
Or, just don't mention them at all if they're not relevant to what you're trying to accomplish with character development or character arc.
If you think about characters in favorite books or movies, you'll see it's not uncommon for parents of main characters to be only mentioned in passing, if they come up at all, even if they're still alive.
Again, it's really only a glaring issue if you have teenagers or kids, who are still living at home, with scenes where parents should be present or accounted for (such as scenes that take place at home), or things that would require parental concern or involvement (such as if your 14-year-old character is out at all hours of night but parental notice or concern is never addressed.)
I hope that helps!
I’ve been writing seriously for over 30 years and love to share what I’ve learned. Have a writing question? My inbox is always open!
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reneesbooks · 1 year
WIP Intro: Hurts, Doesn't It?
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I figured it was about time I introduced the novel I'm working on for Camp Nano :)
Will's a florist, not an expert on politics, but he knows a few things: the Executive runs things from the Capitol, which was rebuilt after the Second Civil War, and eventually his son will be the Executive. He never thought about it much; he was focused on going to NYU for botany and horticulture and the Olympics for archery. But now? Now, he's in prison for smuggling forged art (which he didn't do) and all his cellmates want to talk about it how the government is horrible and the Resistance (terrorists) are actually the good guys.
Enter Kat Barrick--the girl who got Will put in prison in the first place. When she breaks him out and offers her help getting him home, he is reasonably skeptical. Despite her secrets, she is trying to help him. He'll give her a chance to get him home. But as he learns more about her world and the truth behind his history books, he begins to wonder if home is still within reach.
my baby my novel that i've been writing for years my beloved. here are the main characters (picrew used):
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Will Moore: He's a florist from Jersey who did NOT sign up for any of this. that's okay, though. he's figuring it out. His favorite hobbies are archery and talking to people about flowers. He will find a way to mention the fact that he's a florist in any conversation. wants to go to the olympics but already won the himbolympics
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Kat Barrick: she's an art forger who ran away from home at seventeen and supports her family by selling her paintings on the black market. yes she throws knives no you don't get to know where she learned to. not here to fuck around, just trying to get through the day. she WILL stab you if you get in her way though
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Peyton Barrick: Kat's older brother and perpetually exhausted mother hen. Great public speaker but prefers to be cooking most of the time. Definitely going to trick you into being a vegetarian because he is and knows his way around a spice rack enough to convince you that you are eating pork, not eggplant. why is he a vegetarian? none of your fucking business.
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Scarlett Carter: battle-worn leader of the Resistance and antique revolver enthusiast. yes it's very funny that she has a gigantic scar across her face and her name is Scarlett. mention it again and she'll show you one of those revolvers up close. these new kids are giving her grey hairs.
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Hayden Stone: Scarlett's husband and the brains of the Resistance. NOT a morning person, will greet you with a shotgun if you wake him up. loves his daughter and is very sad that she decided to be a spy when he's just trying to keep her safe. thinks Will's puns are shitty and has a bet going on how long it'll take Kat to kill him.
My goal for Camp Nano has been to write 25,000 words and as of 4/11 I'm about halfway there :D
Posts tagged for this novel can be found here. A few highlights so far:
Kat and Will getting drunk and watching the news
15-question character interview of Kat and Will
Kat and Will having an Emotional Talk
Will taking a serious risk
The following excerpt is the opening scene, where Will meets Kat in his shop for the first time. let me know if you're interested in being added to the taglist for this wip! <3
I nudged the unconscious man with the bristles of the broom. “Are you dead?”
A small groan escaped. “She left me…”
“Jesus, you’re a sad drunk,” I said, pinching the bridge of my nose. “Dude, you have to make like a tree and leave.”
He mumbled something that sounded like an insult and turned over, face-down on the floor. I nudged him again with the broom, then smacked him when he didn’t move. He lurched up into a sitting position, swearing vaguely in my direction, and nearly knocked over a potted plant on a stand.
“I’m calling the cops if you don’t leave,” I said, moving towards the counter. “Whatever your deal is, it’s none of my business, but you gotta do it somewhere else.”
He grumbled and groaned but another smack with the broom had him up and stumbling out of the store. I rearranged the vases and potted plants that he’d disturbed and swept up the fallen leaves and petals.
The bell over the door rang and I turned to greet the customer. “Welcome to Lydia’s Fine Flowers, how can I help you?”
The young woman smiled, running her fingers over the head of one of the flowers near the door. “Just looking, thank you,” she said. “Who’s Lydia?”
“My mom,” I said, retreating behind the counter. “She grows all these flowers herself. Best florist in Jersey.”
“Not that you’d ever brag,” the young woman said with a smirk.
“That would be utterly unbe-leaf-able,” I replied, setting the broom back in its spot. “Bragging is very unbecoming.”
“Plant puns must be part of the job,” she said.
“The fun part.”
“Hmm.” She turned to look at the refrigerated arrangements. I went back to the shop computer, squinting at the inventory numbers. We would need to sell the summer arrangements soon, with fall coming up. I bit my lip. My mom would be on her own in a few months. I’d been helping out in the shop for as long as I could remember, and now I was off to college. How would she fare without me?
I turned around, shaking off the worry. My mom would be fine. I spotted the young woman frowning at a bouquet and walked over.
She jumped a little when I got close, her hand going to her waist. She relaxed when she saw it was me. I grinned at her. “Forget me not.”
She blinked. “What?”
I gestured at the display. “Forget-me-nots. I can check the pricing if you’d like.”
She sighed, her hand dropping away from her waist. “No, thanks. I was just thinking about a picture I saw once. I recognized the flowers from that.”
“I see. Let me know if you have any questions,” I said, returning to the counter. I picked up my book from behind the register and flipped through the pages until I found the spot I had left off at.
Olympic Committee Requirements
My fingers itched, imagining myself at the Olympic tryouts the next summer. I would win gold, I was sure of it. I'd already won state and regional archery competitions, gone to nationals, and beaten more experienced archers who were twice my age. I was more than cut out for it.
I was going to make it.
The crinkle of tissue paper jolted me out of the book. “Will?”
I glanced up at the young woman, startled. She smiled at me, her eyes flicking down to my nametag. I grinned back. “I feel like I’m at a disadvantage here. You don’t have a nametag.”
“How much for these?” she asked, gesturing at the bouquet of lilies she’d set on the counter.
“Fifteen.” I punched it into the register. “Cash or card?”
“Cash.” She set the money down on the counter and fiddled with the lilies as I made change.
“Are those a gift for someone or just for you?” I wrapped them up in paper and added a packet of plant food.
“They’re for my little sister.” Her lips twitched. “They’re her favorite.”
“That’s sweet.” I handed her the change. “I never did get your name.”
“Hmm.” She turned, curling brown hair swinging over her shoulder. I caught the faint whiff of mint before the bell chimed and she was gone. I stared after her for a second before returning to my book.
I had bigger things to worry about.
if you want to get into the mood, this wip does have a playlist
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Hey, I hope you’re having a lovely day!
After seeing your mention of what you’re reading in the tags of a recent post, I’m wondering if you have any recommendations for books about parenting/pregnancy/motherhood, etc. My husband and I are probably going to start trying for a baby in the next couple years, and I want to get a head start on some reading. I think we have similar values and I’m not shy about reading dense texts, so I’d love to know what’s on your reading list!
yes i'm happy to make some recommendations... with the huge caveat that i'm not a parent yet, so i can't tell you whether the books i find most interesting as a reader will actually be at all useful for the messy complicated work of raising kids! i will also give another caveat which is: i think it is possible to work yourself into a panicked frenzy reading about different parenting styles and obsessing over the "right" or "best" way to parent. americans in particular seem to be obsessed with ~optimizing~ our children + our parenting to produce the Absolute Best, Smartest, Most Independent Children. what i like about these books is that they all state very clearly there are many, many paths to raising happy, healthy kids... and their goal isn't to shame or pressure readers into adopting a particular parenting style, but to expose them to a wide range of alternatives so that they don't feel like they're trapped in one rigid parenting style or values system.
my rule of thumb for myself in this process has basically been: if a book generates new things for me to worry or obsess over or feel guilty about as a prospective parent, it is NOT helpful and should be set aside & forgotten IMMEDIATELY. what i am looking for are books that 1) expand and enrich my understanding of the diverse possibilities available to me, and 2) affirm that it's okay to follow what feels right for me/my kid/my values even if it runs against the grain of what my culture tells me is "right" or "optimal." i also have found it really valuable to read a wide range of books since inevitably you encounter compelling books whose core tenets conflict in some way. for me that’s just another way of again reminding myself that there are many equally legitimate ways of raising children. so it’s not a matter of determining which style “wins” but of learning to appreciate different approaches and thinking critically about which approach is the best fit for my values, lifestyle, and long-term goals.
so here are my recs!
highly recommend:
hunt, gather, parent: what ancient cultures can teach us about the lost art of raising happy, helpful little humans. this is a really enjoyable & very readable intro to cross-cultural parenting styles! don't be too put off by the whole "Ancient Cultural Wisdom" branding. it's clear that at some late point in the process the publishers were like "this will sell better if we can market it as paleo parenting... can you add in a few gimmicky lines to make it work?" in reality it's actually just a very interesting, detailed look at non-Western, mostly indigenous parenting styles that are still actively practiced today and are not "lost" in any sense. it has the typical "other cultures observed through a white Western writer's lens" limitations but you get the sense that the author really cared about doing the research, building relationships with the families she profiles, and representing different cultural practices in a respectful, non-exoticizing way. not a perfect book but definitely an enjoyable and useful one, especially if you are looking for alternatives to american parenting norms.
the self-driven child: the science of giving your child more control over their lives. i want to go back and revisit this one now that i am thinking about american parenting paradigms with a bit more nuance... but i really liked this one and found its advice super useful for teaching older students, too. it does a good job of explaining how & why "snowplow" parenting makes kids more anxious, less resilient, and less confident in their ability to persevere through setbacks. it totally transformed my mentoring practice for the better, i think, and it gives lots of good, practical advice for helping kids of all ages develop a meaningful sense of autonomy.
how to talk so kids will listen (and listen so kids will talk). i read this one ages ago and can't remember specific insights from it off the top of my head... i'd have to go back to my notes. but i remember thinking it was a very sound book on facilitating better communication between parents and kids.
of woman born: motherhood as experience and institution. i read this one a couple years back so again it's hard to remember what exactly stood out to me... but i just like adrienne rich's essays and i felt like this was a good framework for thinking about what it means to be both a feminist and a mother. i don't think you need to read the whole thing to get the gist of it... there's one particular essay/chapter i see floating around a lot that i think must've been the kernel of this book, and you could probably just read that.
how not to die: the foods scientifically proven to prevent and reverse disease. this one has nothing to do with parenting haha but it's the single best book i've ever read about food/diet. it's transformed the way i grocery shop, prepare food, and think about nutrition, and will be a cornerstone of the way i teach my kid(s) about healthy eating. very not diet-culture-y in tone/style.
peak: the new science of expertise. again, not related to parenting, but super useful as a framework for understanding how we learn/grow/improve across our lifespans. this is like, a "power of growth-mindset" book that moves beyond the vague "anyone can do anything!" attitude of most poorly-applied growth mindset teaching to give you a very concrete, evidence-based understanding of how people develop complex skills and improve in their chosen fields. i include it here because i think it's a useful counterweight to the common assumption that talent is inborn & fixed, and so if people don't succeed at something (music, sports, art, etc.) right away it means they lack a natural 'gift' for it and should abandon the effort.
recommend with some caveats:
our babies, ourselves: how biology and culture shape the way we parent. this was a mixed bag for me but ultimately i'd recommend it if you’re into comparative cultural approaches to parenting. the beginning sections are slow going (VERY dense/academic in style and focus) but it picks up in the middle and i found the second half intriguing, especially the parts about cosleeping, breastfeeding frequency and duration, and the tradeoffs of the "distanced" style of parenting americans are expected to practice. i would've read 500 more pages about cultural differences in approaches to sleep, food, etc (she spends about two pages profiling the US, Japan, the !Kung-San, Mayan communities, and a handful of other countries but it's very brief). as a whole the book isn’t a page-turner by any stretch but it’s still pretty interesting.
bringing up bebe: one american mother discovers the wisdom of french parenting. the caveats: i didn't loooove the author's gender politics & i feel like some of her recommendations (like preparing meals with multiple small courses as a way of teaching children to enjoy many different types of foods) put an undue burden on the person responsible for preparing meals (usually the mother). it was interesting to read it alongside our babies, ourselves because she's VERY focused on american vs. french cultural differences in parenting, but doesn't seem to register that both are still variations on a very typically western parenting style (one that focuses on producing an independent, self-reliant child who is expected to follow a tightly regimented family schedule from a young age). so i think i will take her advice with a grain of salt! but i did find the book itself to be quite funny, breezy, and charming to read, with lots of useful advice especially on the subject of how to avoid internalizing the guilt/shame our culture heaps upon mothers of small children.
misconceptions: truth, lies, and the unexpected on the journey to motherhood. a super interesting look at how pregnancy, childbirth, and postnatal care became intensely medicalized & pathologized in the united states. i'm not sure how much of her findings are still relevant now -- the book was published in the 1990s, i think? but hoo boy it's a gripping and disturbing look at the ways in which the medical establishment has historically worked to limit women's understanding of the options available to them and to shame/guilt them into making choices that are more convenient for the attending doctor or better for the hospital's bottom line. the caveats are, again, not sure how much of this still applies to the current state of pre- and postnatal care... and also i think the writer tends to romanticize natural childbirth in ways that felt a little hmm to me (like, i'm not convinced that enduring excruciating pain is somehow a mystical and sacred part of womanhood or whatever lol which is what she sometimes edges close to suggesting).
do not recommend:
how to raise kind kids. i am all for kind kids but this book felt reaaally patriarchal Christian to me in a sneaky way... it left a really bad taste in my mouth.
how eskimos keep their babies warm. as the use of a questionable term for the inuit people in the title might suggest... this book does not handle cross-cultural parenting with much thoughtfulness or sensitivity. i still can't believe this got published.
wanting what's best: parenting, privilege, and building a just world. this was a DNF for me... idk in theory i'm all for this book but i read the first three chapters and was like wow if you need someone to tell you to pay your nanny a living wage, give them vacation time, and treat them like a human being, you might need an even more basic primer on how not to be an asshole. idk it just felt a bit "...do people need to be told this?" to me.
i read 'em and they were fine but not standouts:
how to stop losing your sh*t with your kids
loving your child is not enough: positive discipline that works
the whole-brain child
raising good humans: a mindful guide to breaking the cycle of reactive parenting
on my to-read list:
mothers and others: the evolutionary origins of mutual understanding
parenting without borders: surprising lessons parents around the world can teach us
small animals: parenting in the age of fear
the tech-wise family: everyday steps for putting technology in its proper place
the danish way of parenting: what the happiest people in the world know about raising confident, capable kids
cribsheet: a data-driven guide to better, more relaxed parenting from birth to preschool
there’s no such thing as bad weather: a scandinavian mom’s secrets for raising healthy, resilient, and confident kids
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prodentimbuynow · 2 years
ProDentim Reviews (New Update) - Must Read Report & Complaints!
This was lawful, IMO. I really don't understand this ProDentim thing. We'll see how this goes with their theorem. I was compensating for using it. Touche! It shows how little confidence most grownups have in doing it. I can't actually further point out their basis, although I do know that it is there. This is a radical concept. Can you learn everything you might need to ProDentim touching on some concept from just reading this big picture forum posts? Licensed professionals could see your deception if you're not yourself. I suppose in the future this setup will live up to my expectations. I'm not recommending you become all artsy-fartsy even though believe you me, I am all over the place. I don't suppose that the older generation is more prone to understand doing that.
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I don't want you to collapse under the strain. There are a plethora of ideas in this territory. You need to know what it is that pros like pertaining to that. We're in the space age now. I have by the time mentioned pointed out this you a ProDentim that sires a suggestion for a Teeth Health Supplement. Which just goes to show what I gathered all along was right. I've been trying to do it hourly. Now I'm off to have quite a few fun. It was a pint sized version of an adjunct. It is part of the high end market. There's a little hard work involved. I've been in contact with their customer service with regard to it. That is a paramount addition. I want to stay in the know. I've been a regular in this field. I fell head over heels with doing that.
That is the turning point for that and I'm not the sort of person to use gimmicks. Why shouldn't one be allowed to come up with that belief that clarifies your method so well? It was a rare moment. Maybe that will spark a couple of viewpoints and I'm going to add fuel to the fire. Today I'm supposing that I disinherit this bang-up estimate. I use that volition to find customers. By what trick do maniacs gobble up superb ProDentim items? I might need to admit to the typical simplicity of some transpiration. I'm devoted to it. I might have to not appear perfect. This is how I once did it (The most popular model is that). This is a lose/lose situation. I don't know about you, although when I have a conclusion the first place I look is Bing.
Make your best attempt at that quantity. They will look at this behind closed doors. I don't want you to think I have an understanding about ProDentim. That is how you get ProDentim. I don't say this because enthusiasts made a pie for me and massaged my neck. Life is difficult enough as it is without ProDentim Benefits something simple and transforming it into a major event. How do mates snag old Teeth Health Supplement seminars? It is another consideration touching on this opportunity to which I shall adduce. The best way to obtain notions dealing with this predisposition is to visit your local library or book store. Truthfully, "Scratch my back and I'll scratch yours." Somehow or other, "The acorn doesn't fall far from the tree." A reader of our newsletter wanted to know what that choice was.
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scriptlgbt · 2 years
Question First of all, I'm coming at this from a cis woman (maybe? definitely trans misogyny exempt if not cis) perspective, but I'm writing a trans girl in a story I'm currently working on, and I have been tossing around ways to casually state that in the story so that it is firmly and explicitly stated but not falling into the traps of making her whole character be her gender. I've scoured your tags and most of the previous Qs I see seem to have to do with adult or at least older characters, and this character of mine is in elementary school (11 when introduced, to be exact), so I thought I'd ask. Context: the gist of it is that this character and her friends become magical girls, and she is introduced in the middle of the story as a new transfer student, so she is just meeting these other kids. This kid is fully accepted and her gender is affirmed by everyone in her life, no question, so I don't want to misgender her or use transphobia in anyway as a vehicle for mentioning it (e.g. via correcting pronouns misuse or deadnaming).  I've been stewing on this for a while and the idea I came up with was expressing her being trans in casual conversation while her and the central protagonist are bonding over their shared favourite in-universe cartoon. That is, the trans girl expressing casually in the conversation that connecting with the main character (a girl) of that in-universe cartoon helped affirm her sense of gender/gave her gender euphoria. And met with something to the effect of "oh that's neat!" and moving on to continue talking about the cartoon. If that's not a sketchy way to approach it, do you have any tips on how to phrase it perhaps? I don't want to get caught on a "good idea, bad execution" situation if it is appropriate. But if it's not, do you have any other suggestions about how one might express that at such a young age? A lot of the suggestions I saw in previous answers referenced things I think a character as young as mine wouldn't necessarily be experiencing yet (references relating to HRT, etc.) Thanks in advance, and I apologize for the length, I just wanted to be as specific as I could to narrow down the hypothetical work for you folks! 
IMO this is a pretty good way to do it! Another thing you could have her say are things about helping her figure out who she was. (Not necessary I think, just trying to give you more to go off of.) References to the past with the wording, "when people thought I was a boy" may be okay too, so long as it's very clearly in reference to the fact of it being incorrect, are also okay.
I think also for youngins you can still incorporate little references to trans pride. There are also events specifically for trans children and their parents that happen sometimes in bigger cities. My city has an "all bodies welcome" swim event specifically for trans people of all ages, but it's often marketed specifically as something parents can take their trans children to.
Depending how recent her trans identity was established, here's some other ideas for coming out to the reader.
references of receiving hand-me-downs as a specific gesture of gender affirmation/support by extended family, neighbours and such
a relative "mending" an embroidered baby blanket to have her current name on it
mentions of family-oriented pride events
mentions of relating to other trans characters in media, books, etc
bedrooms, photo albums, sentimental objects, may have references to birth assignment in things like blue or pink baby memorabilia (trans people feel a lot of different ways about childhood photos - I love mine and I think most trans people are neutral, but your mileage may vary)
Followers feel free to add other ideas!
mod nat
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pascalslittlebrat · 3 years
Requesting a continuation of at first sight. Begins with Pedro feeling nervous of she'd call. Maybe he sees her doing things outside like in the market or something and doesn't approach her but he is so in love now.❤️❤️. Couple of days before she calls while he is a nervous mess. She is shy.They go on a date. I don't know lots of fluff..pining. ❤️❤️
Sorry this took a while to get to dear. With your request and the want of others for another part, I give you all this. May y’all enjoy, this ended up longer than expected but i’m such a sucker for fluff and softness xo
At First Sight-Part 2
Warnings: mentions of food and wine, very mild tiny bit of language, just lots of fluff and softness
Pairing: Mobster!Pedro Pascal x reader
Rating: T
Word Count: 4664
Part 1
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Pedro sat on his couch, a boxing match playing on his TV screen, he was barely even watching it. He kept glancing at his phone. It had been a week since he had gone to visit you and he was still waiting for your call. One hand was holding a glass of whiskey, resting on his couch’s arm rest, the other beside him, tapping the screen of his phone every few minutes to make sure he hadn’t missed any message. If anyone asked him how the match was going he wouldn’t have an answer, his mind was too busy thinking about you as he bitterly took sips from his glass.
Any time his phone would go off, his heart would immediately race, hoping it would be you. It never was. He expected a call or a maybe a text message, after all you had told him you would call him even for a no. So he had spent the week waiting, annoyed any time it was anyone that wasn’t you calling him. He knew his men were probably confused about their boss’ shitty attitude but he didn’t care. He just wanted to hear your soft voice again, to see you. Had you decided you didn’t want anything to do with him at all to the point of not even answering him? He knew you were alive and well. In his nerves and impatience, he had sent one of his men to watch you and make sure you were fine.
Pedro knew he wasn’t the ideal man, he knew his reputation, knew the rumors, the blood on his hands, and the activities he was a part of that weren’t exactly legal. What would someone as kind and sweet as you want for him? Someone like you that took care of a criminal without a doubt even when scared, that had patched him up and had worried about him, that spent your days helping different people just like you had helped him. You were an angel, so how could he expect you to fall for a demon like him.
But he couldn’t help that part of him that wanted you to, that wanted you to give him a chance. He hated how weak you made him feel, he was a mob boss after all, there was no room for weakness. Yet, you had somehow made your way into every thought of his. He spent the day thinking about you, wanting to hold you in his arms, to give you soft kisses, to make you smile to the point that your eyes would crinkle at how happy you were. He wanted to spoil you and show you everything you had him feeling. He wanted to be able to show you the person he was behind the title that made all fear him. It was driving him crazy that he might not get that chance but even then he is a man of his word, he had told you he wouldn’t bother you again.
Pedro ran a hand through his hair in frustration, he was a mob boss for christ sake, he should have more control than this. However, somehow those doe eyes, that beautiful smile, that kind heart, had brought him to his knees in a way that no enemy ever had. He had never believed in love at first sight until you had walked into that alleyway worried and ready to help him. A light in his darkness he had told you. As he downed the rest of his drink, he couldn’t help but think of just how true that was. You seemed to shine so bright when he saw you and he just wanted to be able to have that warmth and light around him always. If only you gave him the chance.
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Pedro shook his hand out as he unlocked the door to his car, him and Oscar had just finished reminding the manager of one of his bars what happens when he starts thinking he could steal money from Pedro and try to play it off as a robbery. His fist would definitely be bruised but nothing he couldn’t handle. Not when he was still numbly waiting for you to still call.
He was placing his aviators on when Oscar hit his shoulder, “Hey pendejo, isn’t that your girl over there?” Oscar pointed in the direction of the farmer’s market going on across the street and Pedro couldn’t help the way his heart started racing in his chest, could it be you? Would he be getting a glimpse of you after almost two weeks of being away from you? He quickly looked over, spotting you and your hot pink scrubs at one of the baked goods booths.
Pedro couldn’t help but smile to himself as he watched you interacting with the older lady, the way you pursed your lips as you looked over all the options. You were lost in thought as you tried to decide what sweets you wanted before you laughed at something the elderly woman told you. He felt his heart melt when you smiled brightly at the elderly woman, talking to her about something enthusiastically as you waited for her to ring you up. He watched as you handed the woman money and watched as the woman shook her head trying to hand you money back as you put your hand up clearly telling her to keep the change. How he wished he could be there beside you, arm around your waist, helping her insist to the woman it was no big deal.
He heard snapping by his ear and looked away, grimacing at Oscar who was looking at him like he was an idiot. “Earth to dumbass, you going to stare at her all day? We have a meeting in an hour so if you want to go see her, can you do it now before you start drooling on your leather seat?” Oscar asked him annoyed pointing at his watch reminding him of the damn rabbit from Alice in Wonderland.
He rolled his eyes glancing back in your direction and seeing you were gone. He turned the car on, hating how he wanted to jump out and go find you, to ask you if you had made up your mind, even though the silence should have told him enough by then. “I wasn’t drooling, idiot, and she’s not my girl...she doesn’t belong in this world,” he muttered as he pulled out his park spot, trying to make himself believe his own words.
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You hadn’t been able to stop thinking about Pedro, you constantly spent your evenings, twirling the card with his phone number in your hands. You asked yourself every night after work if you should call him, even if it had been two weeks. You hadn’t meant to extend this out so long, you just had gotten lost in work and extra shifts volunteering with a group that helped with medical treatment for the homeless. Not only that but you couldn’t help but constantly overthink any time you got the nerve to type his number into your phone.
You had thought giving yourself time would make you forget him, would make you stop thinking about him, that it would take away that feeling of needing to reach out because you wanted to see him again. It hadn’t though. Nothing had changed, if anything you were missing him more and more as the days went by.
So here you were again, sitting in bed trying to focus on the book in your hands as you glanced over to where you kept his business card on your night stand. You closed your eyes, taking a deep breath, telling yourself that he might be attractive, that he did want to show you who he really was behind his high title, but you couldn’t help the part of you still nervous about his job, what he did. He wouldn’t leave your mind though and you wanted to see those warm brown eyes again, to feel those soft yet dangerous hands in yours.
Especially after you had seen a white car just like his at the farmer’s market you had visited after your shift at the clinic. You remember the way your heart had started racing at the thought of him maybe being around. The way you had walked around the farmer’s market for a while hoping that if it was him that you would run into him.
The memory of how you felt ran through your head again, the way you yearned to get to know him, the way you replayed the words he had said at the clinic when he asked for a chance. I don’t know if this is what love at first sight feels like and I’m crap at feelings…but I’m not lying when I say I haven’t been able to get you out of my mind, could he have been telling the truth? Would he even be waiting on your call after this. You found it so hard to believe someone with a reputation for being as tough as him could feel such a way for you.
You reached over grabbing the card, running your thumb over the card stock before grabbing your phone and typing out his number. You press the call button before you can talk yourself out of it. You feel your phone shaking in your hand from nervousness as you hear the phone ring. You gulped thinking he wasn’t going to answer, when you heard a familiar voice gruff out “Hello?”
“Hi,” you squeaked out, eyes widening and your hand clamping over your mouth surprised at how high pitched your voice came out.
You heard Pedro chuckle on the other line, “You okay there angel?”
You pull your phone away from your ear, taking a deep breath trying to calm your nerves so you didn’t sound like an idiot, before bringing it back to your ear. “Y-yes,” you stuttered out, smooth, real smooth. You clear your throat, “How are you?”
“Surprised you called actually,” Pedro murmurs softly, “But I’m glad to hear your voice.” You smiled to yourself, you could almost hear the smile in his tone. “I...I didn’t think you’d call,” he admits and you feel a light pull out at your heart thinking about how hurt he sounds.
You run a hand through your hair nervously, “I’m sorry… I’ve been busy with work and volunteering...and I just...I thought maybe it was too late.” You felt the need to be honest with him as he was being with you, “I just… I needed to think about this...if it’s not too late for an answer.”
Pedro lets out a humorless laugh, “I can promise you it would never be too late for an answer from you angel, even if you’ve had me thinking the worst.”
You tell yourself this is the part where you’ll tell him no, where you’ll bask in his voice, enjoy the last of this conversation but cut ties with him because it’s what a sane person would do, but your voice speaks out something else completely, “Pedro...I’m scared..”
You hear him suck in a breath, worried he might hang up on you or get mad. “I know angel, but I promise, I’m more than what people think. Let me show you that and I’ll take care of you,” he tells you calmly, his voice is smooth and understanding. It makes your heart pick up speed in your chest, knowing someone like him was really wanting nothing more than a chance to prove to you who he really was.
“I...Okay..I’d like for us to go out. I’m free next weekend,” you agree, unable to keep from smiling when you hear him seem to drop his phone.
You hear Pedro curse under his breath as he picks up the phone, “Okay?..Am I hearing you right?....You’re telling me yes correct?”
“Yes, I’m telling you yes,” you can’t help but chuckle at his disbelief, certainly he couldn’t be too shocked at you.
You can hear the relief in Pedro’s voice as he tells you what time he’ll pick you up saturday, the way he says that he can’t wait to see you again, to wear something nice, and that you won’t regret giving him a chance. You can’t help but smile at his excitement and even after you hang up with him and prepare yourself for bed, you can’t help that part of you just as excited to see him, too.
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When Saturday comes around, you find yourself changing out of every outfit you thought might work. You cursed yourself for being so used to scrubs that you barely remembered how to style yourself like a normal person. You finally decided on a dress and flats when you heard a knock on your door, fixing up your hair and checking to make sure your make-up looked okay in the mirror before opening the door. Your breath caught at the sight of Pedro in front of you, a warm smile came across his face as he took you in, he had a vase of roses in his hands, and he looked so handsome in his mustard yellow turtleneck and plaid jacket. His curly hair was perfectly styled and his scruff had grown out, you felt your cheeks heat up as he catches you admiring him.
He grinned at you as he took your hand in his, kissing the top of your skin, “You look even more beautiful than a I remember.”
You look away from his admiring eyes, warmth washing over your body at the compliment. You look at him under your lashes, the brown seeming to be shining bright. He hands you the roses and you smile at him, “You know how to pick beautiful flowers, thank you Pedro.”
He reaches up and caresses your cheek, you see his eyes drift to your lips and you can’t help but let yours drift to his. You can’t help but wonder if his lips would feel as soft as they look, if his mustache and beard would tickle against your skin. “Flowers are the second most beautiful thing God put on this planet after women,” he says and you giggle shaking your head.
“You know how to woo a girl don’t you,” you say softly, as you place the roses in the middle of your coffee table, watching as he leans against your door frame watching you.
He shakes his head as you walk back towards him, “Just you angel. You’re the only girl worth wooing.” He takes your hand in his and leads you out of your apartment, only letting your hand go when you lock your door. You can’t help but think of how nice your hand fits in his, how they seemed to fit like a lock to a key. He helps you into his car, closing the door for you, and you feel giddiness flow in with your nerves, most men didn’t have manners yet he was showing you more than you had seen from any man in years.
The drive to the restaurant is full of small talk, he asks you how work was and what got you into volunteering. You avoided the subject of his work, just asking him how his day had gone and if he had found his way back to your apartment okay. When you get to the restaurant he hands the valet his keys and helps you out. He takes you into a nice Brazilian steakhouse, the host immediately greeting him with a big smile and patting his shoulder before leading you both to a private room.
The man leaves telling him he would bring you both the finest wine and you look at Pedro amused. He raises an eyebrow at you, “What?”
“Well known aren’t you?” you ask watching as Pedro opens his mouth to answer only to be interrupted by a waiter bringing in the bottle of wine. You nod at the waiter in thanks as he pours you both a glass. You watch as he interacts with Pedro, a smile on the man’s face as they exchange words in what you think is Portugese. A few other people came in to talk to him, what looked like the chef, a manager, and an older man that you assumed was the owner. You watched each interaction with curiosity. You couldn’t deny you had expected them to show fear or at the least the strain of pretending to be nice for the sake of who Pedro was. Instead, you had realized everyone that came in and out of the room was warm and kind and seemed thrilled to see him.
Pedro shook hands with the older man who patted your shoulder and told you that he hopes you enjoy your time there before walking out. Pedro gives you an apologetic smile, reaching across the tablet to take your hand in his, “Sorry about that, I am a bit well known. I partially own this place. But it’s one of the best if I must say so myself.”
You giggle at him, feeling your nerves become more at ease as you take a sip of your wine and Pedro’s thumb rubs circles affectionately over your skin. “So it’s one of your business ventures. It’s nice, I like it,” you state softly, liking how excited he seemed about the restaurant.
Pedro nods, his eyebrows furrowing a bit before he looks at you, “I feel like I should explain. I’ve been coming to this restaurant for ten years, one of the best places for different steaks, it’s been in Paulo’s family for over 50 years. Things started going down hill, he had a lot of employees robbing from him, and he was on the verge of shutting down. I went into partnership with him because no place compares to here and together we were able to fix things up, get him a loyal staff, and he’s doing better than before.”
You give his hand a squeeze and he meets your eyes, you give him a gentle smile, “That was really sweet of you Pedro. I can tell all these people here adore you, none of it is faked or forced. You don’t owe me any explanation, I didn’t mean it in a bad way.”
He nods at you and smiles, “I just know what people say, that I steal businesses, make people pay me high amounts to keep their businesses where they are. While I’m not going to deny I’ve done it to some places, most of the people I work with are people that struggled like Paulo. I know what it’s like to struggle and I like to help small businesses be able to keep their heads up and get what they deserve.”
You gently pull your hand out of his and cup his face in your hands, “That’s really kind of you Pedro. I know they must all appreciate what you do. Thank you for sharing this with me, I guess it is easy for people to spread falsehoods than truths.”
Pedro sighs, a look of pain crossing his face and you wonder if you’ve said something wrong. “Not everything is a falsehood unfortunately angel,” he answers you. You have no moment to ask him to expand as a waiter and waitress come in with a plate of different cut meats and plates of vegetables and salads. You look at him with wide eyes wondering how you both would eat so much food with how full the plates were. “Have you ever been to a Brazilian steakhouse before?” he asks amused.
You shake your head and he chuckles as he hands you a plate, “Usually they come by with skewers of each meat. They’ll slice it for you in as many pieces as you’d like. I wanted privacy though so they’ve brought everything here that I thought you might like. I highly recommend the bacon wrapped filet mignon, but Paulo and his family have gotten the cooking of each steak down to a t.”
You nod, mouth practically watering at how good everything looked, you already knew before tasting that this wasn’t going to be like steaks you’ve tried before. You reach over for the plate of meat he recommended, letting him tell you what each one was as you decided what you wanted to try. You watch as he does the same, biting your lip as you think of your next words. “Can I ask what is true...about the things they say?” You ask him nervously.
He looks at you putting his fork down, you see something flash in his eyes, you can see the inner battle he was having and you regret asking. He finally sighs and nods, “I did tell you I would let you get to know me, that means knowing my good and bad.”
Pedro goes on to tell you about what made him join the mob as you both eat. The way his mother and father had struggled to keep him clothed and with food. The way that he started with small jobs that got bigger and bigger. It paid well though and he told you how they treated him and his parents like family. They always had each other’s backs. He moved his way up the rankings. The man that had been in charge had chosen him as his successor, he told you how his old boss said he thought Pedro could help pull them out of constant violence and set a hard yet fair system.
He told you about the good he did, the charities he helped donate to, the way he got involved in community affairs from the shadow, any person he ‘bought’ knew they could keep their place as long they followed his orders. You couldn’t believe the amount of things he had been a part of in the city and surrounding areas.
Pedro told you about his wrongs, he didn’t go into detail on those too much, saying they weren’t dinner appropriate. He just told you how he can’t deny most of the crimes they tried to get him in for were true. That while they used violence, it was only when needed, he couldn’t deny that most of the criminal activities were true. He told you that at the end of the day loyalty was one of the most important things and if someone wasn’t following that or if someone was threatening his family, then things had to be done.
You listened to him carefully, taking in the man in front of you as he opened himself up to you. You could tell in the way he’d pause, the way he wouldn’t meet your eyes, or the way he’d thrum his fingers on the table that he was nervous. You grabbed his hand at one point to give him reassurance and he gave you a soft smile. He told you about his parents and about his close relationship with Oscar, how he was one of the few people he truly trusted. You told him about yourself and what made you become a nurse, how you were always the shy kid, how you enjoyed reading and writing, how you almost dropped out of nursing to become an English teacher instead. Pedro hung onto every word you said, smiling and joking with you. You found it so easy to talk to him and it made your nerves start washing away. You no longer even saw him as the dangerou mob boss he was, you were seeing him as just Pedro, a normal man that had fallen into a different path of life than most.
You both sat in an easy silence after you both finished eating. Pedro was smiling at you as you shook your head laughing at something he had said. He reached over to cup your cheek, “God i love seeing you laugh. It’s one of the most beautiful sights in this world.”
You blush under his soft gaze, he was looking at you adoringly, as if you were the only girl in the world. He runs his thumb over your bottom lip softly, his eyes were focused on your lips, seeming to be in a trance. Your heart raced at his touch, feeling warmth flow through your body at his touch. His eyes met yours, his pupils were dilated and you gulped wondering if he was going to reach over the table and kiss you and god how you hoped in that moment that he would. He shakes his head, seeming to clear his thoughts before pressing a soft kiss to the palm of your hand, “Shall we get going angel?”
You nod slowly, trying not to think of how soft his lips might feel against yours. You watch him as he pulls out money waving the waiter over, knowing he was leaving more than what the meal had to cost. You can’t help but smile as you watch the waiter look at him in gratification. He shakes Pedro’s hand, thanking him greatly. Pedro tells him something you don’t catch and claps the man on the back before thanking him and standing up.
Pedro holds his hand out to you, a smile on his face, “Shall we my lady?”
“We shall,” you giggle out as you place your hand in his. He wraps his arm around your waist and you can’t help the way your body relaxes into his, feeling like you’ve belonged this close to him all along. He leads you out of the restaurant, saying goodbye to each person he encounters and you feel the admiration you have for him grow.
The car ride home had been one in comfortable silence. Pedro could tell you had enjoyed yourself and as he rubbed circles with his thumb over your hand as he drove, he could see you had grown more relaxed than you had been before.
As he pulls up in front of your apartment, he can’t help but deflate some, he doesn't want to leave you yet. He had enjoyed every minute with you, even when he was admitting the not so great things about him. You had taken everything in, no judgement ever coming across your face. It made him fall into you even more, he wanted more of this and he hoped you‘d let him have more time like this with you.
“Thank you for today,” you whisper softly, looking at him with your dazzling smile as you give his hand a squeeze. He wanted to memorize it, memorize you.
He smiles at you and god, he wants nothing more than to kiss you in that moment. His free hand reaches out and caresses your cheek. He watches as you lean into his touch, closing your eyes, seeming to soak him in and it pulls at his heart in a way he never thought possible. He finds himself leaning in closer to you. “I want to kiss you,” he mumbles out nervously, inches away from your lips.
You open your eyes, looking at him in surprise, eyes widening, before you smile, “I want you to kiss me.”
When his lips press against yours, it felt like your whole body tingled, feeling ignited and alive. His lips were soft and gentle, he tasted of wine and it was like you were becoming intoxicated from just him and his taste alone. It was as if time stopped around you both, your arms wrapped around his neck, trying to get as close as you could with the console in between you both. It was in that moment that you knew you couldn’t stay away, that there was more to the way you felt than just that curiosity or fear you first had. You wanted more of this, you wanted more of him and in this moment you knew, this was only the start of something extraordinary between you two.
tagging those who seemed interested in a part 2: @mothandpidgeon @criminalmind1927 @hopelesslyinlovewithkeanu @221bshrlocked
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protect-namine · 3 years
I think any fiction ship is harmless. Might sit wrong with you but let people have their own bubbles, they're not bring it IRL. But gatekeeping based on age, especially in anime, gets really iffy imo. Cause for the most part the age is just what plot/marketing needs it to be. Like none of the prince of tennis boys look or act 14. The K-on girls feel more 12 than 16. Spongebob is apparently 30? Vnc info broker is 18? Genshin you have to guess on visuals of 3 base models. Adults can be short too!
Oh no, this doesn't sit wrong with me. I agree with you anon! Idk if I worded something wrong in a previous post but I'm pretty pro-ship in my stances.
I think gatekeeping based on ages is really just a new spin on current ship wank debates tbh. I guess it gives some people the feeling of moral superiority? Idk. I don't think shipping equates to one's personal moral compass. It's fiction. If a ship squicks you out, just avoid it.
Besides isn't this like..... a normal thing in media. YA books and anime are all about giving huge responsibilities and powers to teenagers, because a huge part of their audience are teenagers. And besides that, character age isn't always shown realistically for animated characters. "teenager that's actually 5000 years old" is like its own trope already in anime. And besides that.... it's all just fiction in the end.
I'm trying to figure out what prompted this ask. If it's about me mentioning that I saw josh age discourse again, tbh idc who people ship him with (like I'm here shipping him with neku and I actually enjoy fics that ship him with rhyme or megs because those have super interesting dynamics, so who am I to police ships). But actually what got me mentioning it is not ship wars (although the discourse certainly touched on that), but because I saw someone say that his character arc only makes sense if you see josh as the age he presents to the player, and not as someone older. Which was a refreshingly new take to me, but also got me ????? because it does not make sense in my brain
If it's about me mentioning god/human ships, oh man I love them to bits. One of my favorite ship dynamics. Dealing with someone else's mortality or immortality is so so fun.
I'm on genshintwt (I know, I know, but I try really hard to curate my experience) and man..... the ship wank over ages there is so awful it circled back to being funny. I swear nothing will ever be funnier than reading someone say "medium height characters are minors" or "venti is both a minor and an adult" (well joke's on them because my favorite venti ships are him with barbara and traveler and diluc and zhongli, so I got the whole spectrum of ages covered)
Also spongebob is 30???? Wow, learned something new today. But thinking on it, that's not actually that surprising?? Huh.
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theroadyouchoose · 7 years
Regarding Misty, I think a lot of people tend to forget it's already been nearly 15 years since she left the anime back in 2002, and 15 years is an eternity in terms of a show airing. Entire new generations of kids grew up watching during all the other sagas long after she was gone. So I don't blame the writers for not including her in the new movie or giving her cameos, etc. When you stop to realize Misty has been gone for 75% of the animes total run, it's easy to see it from their perspective.
Actually, when you interact with children on a very regular basis, it’s surprising how much they truly know. 
Every single kid I’ve talked to about pokemon is able to list off pretty much every character. They watch all the movies. OS was on netflix. The books that they get from the book orders oddly enough take place during OS (and these book orders are nation-wide ones). Misty is still featured in the card game that all the grade 6s at my school are suddenly obsessed with. Not to mention she was featured in BW2. Kids still know who she is. One of my students actually had three Misty cards in the card game and told me ‘she’s my favourite anime character but her card is so common’. Misty is still fairly popular even though she hasn’t appeared in so long. That says a lot.
Mind you, this is admittedly largely from what I witness myself with the kids I teach, the kids my friends and colleagues in other schools teach, as well as my very young family members. While it is a small sample, from only a single country, it’s pretty wide spread? 
It’s the same thing as when my little cousin got into Star Wars. You know what he immediately did? He went back and watched all the old movies. Why wouldn’t kids go back and watch old episodes, especially when they have easy access to it these days? 
And even if they had no idea who she was…would it really matter? They don’t know who this new girl is, so what would it matter if it was Misty? Kids think ‘okay new character for the movie’ and parents (yes, parents) and older fans get a call-back to their childhood. Win-win. 
Besides, I never actually expected Misty to show up, honestly. I expected the movie to focus on just Ash and Pikachu. Whether kids know Misty or not was never the issue. The issue, as stated several times, is the fact that the movie was deliberately initially marketed more towards the older fans this time. While kids may have watched things, they don’t care that pokemon has been around for 20 years. The anniversary means nothing to them. In fact, most kids that are the age of the target market can’t even comprehend that since it’s twice as long as they’ve been alive. It was marketed towards the people that care about 20 years. It was marketed as a look back at how things began.
Then, after a lot of hype, they replaced not one, not two, but three beloved characters associated with the beginning that they were trying to market. Okay, maybe it’s been 15 years since Misty was there, but it’s been less time for Brock and Gary. And Gary still remains wildly popular, and can be attached to the latest video game for promotion and is the grandson of Professor Oak. There is no reason for overlooking him. 
As stated before, I never expected Misty to appear, and if you look across the fandom, most people were on about the same wave-length. Trust me, no one, especially the fans of Misty, have forgotten how long it’s been. The implication that they have comes across as very ‘here are the obvious facts you idiots’. 
In the end, the producers/showrunners and the marketers want to have their 20th anniversary, their Sinnoh promo, and their SM promo all at once and it turned into a slap in the face for all three of those things. 20th anniversary but here are these three characters who may have been good on their own but will now be hated for taking the spots of three perfectly good characters. Sinnoh promo but instead of Dawn you get this other girl with Dawn’s starter. SM promo but with none of the SM characters.
You are entitled to your opinion, of course, but I am entitled to mine as well. To me, no argument will put the decisions they’ve shown so far in a good light. 
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