#one with apparantly babies
kremlin · 1 month
after many years my old company has finally allowed people back into the office, haha, not to go to work, no no, solely to collect their belongings from their desks. i picked up my stuff and remembered what a psycho i was about my office back then, let me show you..
i set up an old VT-420 on a side of my desk to read my email on (to flex my computer dick) which is unfortunately a bit too yellowed now for me to post exposed but hilariously enough i did take the chance to fix the faulty RS-232 chip in it and i no longer get a bunch of keystrokes interpreted as ŸŸŸŸs randomly. the fix was great too, instead of having to throw the whole thing out like you'd need to today, i literally just had to pull the PTH chip out of its socket, didn't even need to desolder. nor throw the old one out. i blasted it with a blowtorch for about half a second and it's fine now.
(it is amber by the way, which is the best color)
the keyboard is another story, i think a lot of like, entry-level vintage computing people get this concept that every old keyboard is some treasure, and boy let me tell you, some of them make you want throw up, like the vt420's:
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you'll have to take my word that the typing experience is pure ass, but if you look at this fucker for more than two seconds your blood pressure will start to raise. and i'm not just talking about the euro return key. where is the super key? and what is going on left of 'a'? did they decide to solve the age-old "caps lock vs ctrl" debate by putting both of them there (??) what the fuck is going on north of the arrow keys?!?! and even further north, 'help' is funny enough on its own, the fact its next to DO, a truly existentially puzzling key, makes it that much better. why is DO so wide?? why are there so many F keys? and apparantly 20 F keys wasn't enough, they had to go on and invent "PF" keys above the numpad. and it doesn't stop there..
the pre-USB world was pretty nuts, but most keyboards still had sane connectors like DE-9's, PS/2, DINs, etc, but not this one
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it uses, a, uh, looks like an ethernet cable. weird. but look closer. six pins. AND, big honking square to key it specifically and make it incompatible with the very-similar already-existing 6P6C specification (why?) anyways, that's enough of this crap, moving on
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this is the keyboard for my lisp machine, the famous "space cadet keyboard", i get so many fucking emails about this keyboard, christ almighty. people trying to buy it from me, it's a shame, the machines don't boot without them so seperating them to satisfy reddit guy wish fulfillment breaks my heart. it's a lot better. it's from an era where a good computer would set you back half a million and the hardware reflects it. honeywell made it, it's "solid state" insofar as that makes sense for a keyboard, uses the hall effect. there weren't any rats at my office but just in case i seem to have taped something to the underside:
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lol. now for accouterments to cover those hideous eggshell white walls:
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in order, openbsd, you know it baby, middle is a weird polish promo for the holy mountain, the last thing was a joke whose meaning has been lost to time. chicken and turkey!
i seemed to have been working on some very bizarre electronics projects, personal, during my workday:
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god, what the fuck was this?
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oh, duh, it's bort's hat. (??)
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some reading materials. K&R C is a first edition, somewhat rare. the 9front manuals:
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classic, natch. and a huge gear that's clapped
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that's it. that's my office apparently.
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delusional-mushroom · 7 months
Platonic Hazbin Hotel x Autism creature reader
Part i | Part ii
You are everyone’s baby. The only exceptions to that are people younger than you, in which case the sibling certificate is signed and framed on their wall.
For simplicity’s sake, you’re an angel. Maybe an Seraphim or another heaven-born like a throne or a dominion.
You have wings on the sides of you head, and whenever visual sensory gets too stimulating, you can make them cover your eyes.
You used to run into things a lot because of this, until you were a given a service animal in the form of a lil snakey-snake.
His name is Speckle and his sight is linked with yours.
Social cues? What are those? Never heard of them
You and Emily are best friends
Istg Sera low-key can’t keep up with you two
You followed Adam around like a lost puppy one time, and then once he finally turned around to confront you, you only muttered “I wonder if you would be able to fly with frogs instead of your wings” with a faraway look in your eyes
You listen to his music sometimes
Lute thinks you’re strange. But like a funny strange
Emily and Adam are your figit-dealers
You mostly info dump about your special interest to Adam. Lute always brings snacks when she knows you’re coming over because you always make it sound like your voicing over a documentary.
You zone out a lot when your with Sera. If you ever disassociate around her she’ll try to calmly ground you back. I have a feeling she might act a bit ableist without realising tho 😔
Saint Peter also likes hearing about your special interests. Might be a bit judgey tho.
When Charlie and Vaggie came for the meeting, you were Emily’s hypeman through the whole tour.
Sera and Vaggie could not keep up with you three
When the court meeting started, you got yourself a carton of apple juice, believing nothing could go wrong.
When the news of the extermination dropped, you spat out your apple juice and choked on it.
Speckle hissed cuz the juice got on him
You just shut down after that
disassociation here you come!
You only came back when Charlie and Vaggie were already sent back through the portal thingy.
You parroted All of Emily’s questions with an added “yeah, why is that?”
You were questioning everything
“‘Don’t question’ my ass” is what you would have liked to say, if it wasn’t for the fact that your tongue went limp and your head was ringing as you sifting through all of your memories with a new outlook on how fucked up everything was.
You had a breakdown when you got home.
Speckle could feel your pulse rising and tried to soothing you with soft hisses but you were having none of it.
You went behind everyone’s backs and started looking for ways to help Charlie.
Apparantly you weren’t as discreet as you thought because one day, a hole opened up in the cloudy ground, swallowing you whole
The last thing you could hear was Speckle’s distressed hisses in your ear as you fell down towards the smokey, red pits below.
Bro i know this sucked but I’m about to go to sleep and really wanted to write this for some reason. See you all whenever I decide to make part 2.
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gwynrieldreams · 17 days
It just striked me so hard how boring Elriel is as a ship.
Or maybe it's because of what Elriels have invisioned. Elain is apparantly already very happy and content in the night court. Her family, the IC is with her and so is her second family, Azriel and the wraiths. Her and Azriel are already in love and the only thing that stands in their way of their ultimate happily ever after are 2 redheads. One who would accept rejection and the other who's literally just minding her own business.
Then there's the fact that apparantly you.. aren't allowed to be cold to Elain? No, you have to be very nice and soft with her! The wraiths are good enough to be friends with her cause they'd never challenge her, unlike Vassa and Jurian.
No Elain absolutely never did anything wrong! She's perfect and very powerful!
- they've made fun of gwynriel cause Azriel wasn't already so trusting with Gwyn in the bonus chapter. Laughing that he doesn't consider her a friend.. like??? Yeah?? Why would I want them to be already in love? Lmao it's not the end of the world that they aren't close?? It makes perfect sense that they aren't. I actually prefer it that way.
Same with Elucien. Because they aren't close it means it's a lost cause! Elain isn't comfortable with Lucien! (even though we don't know why and Lucien hasn't done anything to make her feel that way).
Maybe it's just cause they want Gwyn and Lucien out of their way, which is why those 2 could never win in their eyes no matter what. Azriel thinking nothing beyond sexual fantasies is fine and understandable but how dare Lucien breath the same air as Elain?! He's abusive! How dare he stay away 7 courts away from her?! He doesn't care about her!
Idk. I'm just not interested in reading a book about a girl who has everything she wants and everyone loves her and her obstacles very easy to overcome. Why does Elain's love interest have be a complete simp? Elriels can't even take the smallest inconvenience. Lucien giving her gifts on Winter solstice is enough to traumatize them I guess.
I want to read Gwynriel's whole progress. I can take Azriel being harsh or not trusting to her sometimes. I'm cool with it. I want them to go from 0% to 100% in a full book, ON PAGE. I want them to challange each other.
It's all over the place but I hope you get what I'm trying to say..
To be fair, I get why some people want to read a story about defying fate and god and say fuck to all of that, I will follow my heart BUT I don't think they will find that sort of thing in SJM's books, let alone in elriel.
Azriel, like the rest of the ic, puts her in a box. He constantly unknowingly contradicts her wishes during acosf. Elain wants to scry for the Trove, Azriel doesn't want her to. Elain doesn't want to be fought over, Azriel wants to fight for her. Azriel contemplating killing her mate just because he assumed she's not interested WITHOUT EVER DISCUSSING IT WITH HER! (I love Az but he made me so mad in this part). Even in acowar nobody acknowledged her part in killing Hybern, but Lucien. Lucien has done nothing but respect her wishes.
I've already made a post about it but I will shortly explain why elriel doesn't make sense to me. Their "romance" could end in like 5 chapters. Elain rejects Lucien, Lucien accepts it, they live happily ever after. There is not going to be any Blood Duel between them because if it did then sb would have to die. SJM can't kill her characters. Even if she did though, who would lead the next vassien book that all elriels like to claim will happen? If there's no conflict and everything is perfect how is that a good story? What would be the logic in making Lucien the villain in the elriel book and in the next we'd have to fall in love with him through Vassa's eyes?
The irony is that her stans also fight over her and baby her like no other. As if she so fragile, she will break if she faces any kind of inconvenience. I'm sorry to be the one to tell them but Elain in her book will probably go through shit -like any other mc- because that's what makes a good story. If you want to read about Elain frolicking in flower fields and baking go read a fanfic.
Let's not forget Azriel is never going to reject his mate. Gwyn and Az are perfect for each other in so many ways.
"He didn't consider her a friend, but..." First of all this happened in the Winter Solstice, when they barely knew each other. Second, I thought it was a wink wink monent as in he hasn't "friendzoned" her, so maybe they can be friends or sth more(?) I definitely wouldn't want to be best bros with the guy I liked. I don't know if SJM will go with the friends to lovers route, I wouldn't mind it. I'd personally prefer if they had more like a rivalry, constantly challenging and teasing each other (maybe because that's how I flirt 😅 but I also think that's more SJM's style).
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thatdeadaquarius · 2 years
HELLO IT IS I AGAIN (Razor's mom /real)
So you know those imposters aus where characters chase the reader for being an 'impersonator'?
What if... It's a continuation from my ask (where we meet Razor first before everyone), and Razor is just confused at the patrolling knights near Wolvendom constantly asking him if he have saw 'the impostor'
Tbh he just shakes his head. Who tf is the impostor????? Wtf is an impostor???????
Many question marks later..
He had encountered an epiphany (not really it's just the Springvale ppl talking about someone copying the creator's looks).
The 'Impostor' they have been searching is you.
But you're not an impostor! Razor knows it! Andrius knows it! And with how the nature and the monster responded to you, Teyvat knows it too!
So like the good son he is, he sheltered you even more severely.
Ur not allowed to go out of his sights at this point (he'll still take you to places with many lampgrasses if you still wanna make a crown w it)
And my imagination ends there, do you think there's something else he'd do?
Ty for answering my last request btw, ur the best and I hope you get your favorite characters w one 10 pull and your desired artifacts w the best stats <3
Much love and sweets
-Razor's mom
RAZOR'S MOM!! HELLO aw im so glad u liked it :)
Srry about the late reply! 💜💜💜
Ok, so I think this is a good time to point to my shiny
Writing Requests/About Me Post I have pinned on my 👉 blog!!👈💅 taaa daaaa :) i did it guys here ya go
Yall have been GREAT so far abt keeping the requests chill and fun, and i dont have that many "Donts" that arent obvious (homophobia, transphobia, ableism,etc)
Dont worry Razor Mom, i just wanted to use this as a way to talk about this!! /nm /gen
About Imposter AU, there are plenty of other blogs/posts that write for that or posts under SAGAU tag! :)
I said wayyy earlier on in some of my first asks, but basically I really want to lighten up the Genshin SAGAU / Isekai tag and branch out from all these darker Imposter AUs :)
And also add more world-building posts or AUs <3
(language brainrot for example)!!
TL;DR: I am not accepting hunting down/yandere/cult au/imposter au Genshin Sagau, only a funny or chill version of it.
Please check my writing rules post :)
Example: u look like Creator, but everybody's like, "oh lucky them wow rlly blessed, have a free drink, etc.
OR omfg where r they?? They descended to Teyvat oh fuck we lost our god-"
Heres the Razor post !!!
If u wanna check it out :]
Cracks knuckles, Saddle up Baby, bc its time for my version of the Imposter AU 🤭😋😈
(and sorry for answering super late/possible scare Razor mom anon!! :'/ )
So it begins rlly small right?
Like, Razor does not know the new knight patroling Wolvendom's borders
,, weird but ok, he thinks basically
And then when it was time to visit some domains a little closer to Springvale for grinding
(Or rlly just to get some of their tiny restaurants homemade food yumm)
He notices more Favonius knights lurking around than usual
Or at least widening their patrols
And hes like wtf?
Ur like, huh.
I'll ask Springvale ppl wtf goin on
The locals respond that the search for the Great Creator has begun.
...you and Razor: 👁👄👁 w h o m s t ❔️
Upon further questioning
(which was apparantly weird that yall didnt know, but eh, u just used the whole "feral wolf child with feral blacksmith parent living in woods ignorance" excuse)
Admittedly yall, quite literally, live under a rock lmao
They explain theres a whole ass prophecy
Abt how the Great Architect would succumb to a long slumber somewhere else in the vast universe after making the planet.
And when the time is right, they will reconnect to Teyvat, and awaken, and descend in a mortal form
(like the archons)
..but the kicker is nobody knows wtf they look like bc:
1. All that lore is hella crumbly and old, and very hard to translate
2. Mortal forms sometimes look different than god forms, so even if they did know some defining features of the Creator, that wasnt guaranteed to be them...
(i.e. they will have brown eyes, well. Thats a fuckton of ppl with brown eyes innit? 💀)
So thru certain signs, that this mysterious prophecy wooooo
Said would happen, the nations of Teyvat and their many supernatural inhabitants are aware the ultimate god has descended
(The crops flourished? Animals got more wily, many of the sick ppl got better for no reason, the Irminsul started regrowing/filling out its base- like how it looked like a lightning struck tree rn 💀)
So every country are now trying to find them to be the first to welcome them home
Needless to say its lowkey a competition
Meanwhile you and Razor are just:
... (゜▽゜;)
"Haha yeah cool..."
(Andrius already told u what u r to Teyvat and explained to Razor)
Ur both immediately slapping a cloak on u and keeping the hood up all the time
Yall dont wanna be seperated :(
Ur both paranoid for diff reasons,
Razor's just scared his Lupical is going to be taken from him again bc there r better, more refined humans wanting to be ur Lupical ;-;
And ur like-
Omfg that sounds like sm work 💀
While its nice to daydream abt what itd be like to be famous, realistically,
U could not handle that shit.
People crowding you all the time?
U cant just look busted anywhere u go, like a midnight snack run
Ppl would also expect u be,
To act like a competent ruler maybe???
Hell no.
U just wanted to play a pretty gacha game and spoil ur skrunklies
(At least, if they do wanna call u that, they dont make u do anything political 💀 but u doubt it)
Needless to say, Razor is glued to ur side everywhere u go.
A domain a half mile away? Oh he'll come with dw
Ur gonna go stop by that food merchant further up the road for ingredients? Cool he'll sniff the best ones!
Ur going to see Andrius??
Oh he needed to see him too-
😭😭🥺🥺 poor babe
Surprisingly enough,
Or maybe not his house is right tf there
Diluc is the first person to actually recognize you.
Razor had been subtly steering u away from Mondstadt for 3 weeks now, ever since yall talked to the Springvale locals
An u cant say u didnt notice, but u werent rlly stopping him
You wanted to be like Venti, chillin among the ppl regardless of ur powers, not the Raiden Shogun :/
And maybe shock some ppl who dont know ur a god like him too lol
Diluc had been looking around the lesser patroled areas of Mondstadt to search for the Architect
He didn't even need those incompetent knights to tell him their god had finally descended
He already saw the signs long before Mondstadt
Bc youve been in Wolvendom, the area has flourished over time, more fish in the water, more game to hunt and bigger, crows making circles in the sky despite there being no corpse
And one of the closest places to you,
Is the Dawn Winery.
Diluc's security against Venti began to hold up better, the staff didn't have to clean as much things like dirt or weather damage to the manor,
His hawk had never been faster delivering his letters, he almost thought the little guy had been drugged with something
He patroled Stormterror's Lair, and deep in the woods surrounding the manor that the knights hadn't bother to go into
Afterall, he figured you'd never had a mortal form before, so u were unlikely to fend for urself for very long in the woods lol
so he wanted to find u quick (aww softy :')
He even made a trip out to the Thousand Wind Temple and Dragonspine (he did report that one to the knights, he didn't want Amber, Bennett, or Creator-forbid Klee, being the few pyro users to have to explore it)
Finally, after doing the further away locations, siginificant in history and rich with leftover magic
Diluc figured that's where you might land first, so he saved Wolvendom for last
It would at least let him check on that wolf kid and maybe get to talk to him long enough to ask him if he's seen anything unusual.
The lord of Dawn Winery manor heads into the Wolvendom woods, just as sunset colors the trees...
It was a Friday evening, the sun was setting, the weather was pleasant and it was time for all of the Lupical to come together and eat a big feast!! :)
About once a month, Andrius will come out for a few nights and dine with all of yall
Hes an old wolf give him a break, he takes long naps
So u cook lots of Mondstadt favorites to eat on and a few Liyue dishes too
Razor, ur favorite helper, has helped u finish the last dish and is now romping around with the puppies bless <3
U guys have dragged ur coffee table dining table setup out to sit and eat at
Andrius lets out a not too loud, not too quiet howl, and as the wolves, Razor and you lmao join in
Yall dig in, bones flying everywhere, spagetti noodles flingling around, it would put toddlers to shame lol
Diluc hears a howl that is too... big to be a regular wolf.
It filled the air of Wolvendom like no howl before it, as he used the glowing lampgrass to help light the path deeper
He sneaks past a hilichurl camp or two, all fast asleep
He scans the woods, and figures he'll search the woods besides the path after he gets to that old stone carved pit-
Diluc sniffs the air, and squints deeper into the forest
The black branches shade the way ahead, but just barely... he can see the flicker of orange and blue light?
He summons his claymore, bracing it on his shoulder, and creeps into the treeline to better hide him
You swear to god (dammit swear to.. you??) someone is watching you.
You look around the piles of fluffy doggos, happy and stuffed full they r slowly forming puppy piles
Andrius is finishing his meat platter, also sitting on all four legs on the ground
Razor is splayed on his back beside you, eyes closed, his feet sticking out the other side of the table, u chuckle at him
But not a single Lupical seems to be looking at you.
Gulping down your last few bites, you scan the treeline
U refuse to be that bitch in a horror movie where their gut says smth is off and they brush it off or barely look at their surroundings
Turning around to the treeline behind you, u see something... red fur?
U sit up some more, peering over the bushes at the bottom of the trees
You meet a pair of warm brown eyes, widened like they're just as shocked to see you
As u notice his familiar red high ponytail (but also not?? Its weird going from 2D to 3D and still recognizing bitches)
U peer down at his chest, as he carefully stands out of the foliage-
That familiar star shaped button that u can press for the character menu screen, the same thats on Razor, on Benny, on Fischl, on Lisa-
Hovers over Diluc's chest.
Diluc is in the bush, observing the human(???) stranger (he really doesnt want to attract the attention of that.. giant spirit wolf thing)
The figure sitting at a ... table?? (He can barely process all these absurdities at once, hes only got so much brain space)
Has sensed his presence, and as he grips his claymore, ready to demand answers,
Razor startles, and jumps up, smelling the pyro user, he summons his weapon-
The figure locks eyes with him, and all he sees is gold.
Diluc drops his claymore.
Have a cliffhanger bc idk 🤷‍♂️ Also srry it wasnt exactly Mondstadt finding u, and it somehow turned into a whole scenario?? Idk man
🤧 welp i hope that was decent Razor mom! Tysm for ur sweet feedback abt our beloved son 🙏💜🐺
Feel free to always talk again, thru comments, asks whatever!! :D
(guys im so stupid i coud've been signing off with this simple emoji combo the whole time,, 😭i didnt actually think abt emojifying my name, just making it look pretty with some of my fav emojis... 😔)
If anyone reads this u should let me know which one is better lol
OR like a combo???
♡my beloved♡
@karmawonders / @0rah-s / @randomnatics / @glxssynarvi / @nexylaza / @genshin-impacts-me / @wholesomey-artist
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satureja13 · 3 months
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Jeb's Investigations - Part 3
After they left Goldshire, Lou and Lunatic, Valerian took Jeb to Saarburg, to his 'master'... Who was no lesser than Greg! ö.ö' So NPC Jeb is the apprentice of Greg? A huge black dog was running after them, barking loudly to announce their arrival. And to spur them on as it seems. Greg: "By the pale light of the goddess! Where have you been!? The moon sets soon! I hope you found the ruby?" Jeb is struggling to answer. He has no idea what Greg is talking about.
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Jeb: "Eh..." Poor Jeb is just not sly enough for this stuff ^^' Greg: "Of course you have! You're such a good boy!" Ah, apparantly Greg was talking to Valerian and not to Jeb. (Just like Lou ^^') And the ruby he's talking about is the gem Valerian forced Jeb to extract just before they found the crime scene!
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Greg: "That was close! You know we have to charge the gem first - what took you so long? One hour later and we'd lost the light of the moon - and everything! What were you thinking?" Well on these questions Jeb knows the answer, but he can't spill the tea since Greg is one of the prime suspects... Jeb can't tell him that he's looking for Jack and that he's 'vanished'. So he just said: "I'm sorry."
Greg: "You better be. Since you returned from Bacalao Bay you're out of your head..."
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As soon as the ruby was charged, Greg started to cut. Greg: "You can go up to your room until I'm finished. I'll call you when we start." When we start with what? Jeb wanted to ask. But he's going to figure out that soon enough. So he just said: "Ok." And left to search for his NPC Jeb's room.
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He found it just above the workshop. NPC Jeb must have been busy lately. A map and a painting of a ship (the 'Sea Urchin') on the wall and lots of books about the different species of roses and where to find them and his notes about them. Apparently NPC Jeb is looking for a special species. The Blarney Roses... (Omg! Poor NPC Jeb is still trying to find out where the Blarney Roses grow to find Captain Duath! And of course real Jeb does not know anything about this because Saiwa surely would never tell real Jeb what happened in his Therapy Game with NPC Jeb! And that's what Grag was talking about - that NPC Jeb is out of his head since he returned from Bacalao Bay - because he fell in love with the Captain. Aouwww!)
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After a while, Jeb went downstairs again to not miss his master's call (to not make him even more angry). But the workshop was empty.
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There was a humming noise coming from below. And when Jeb looked around, he found a trapdoor beneath the drawer cabinets! That's where the humming comes from!
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Even though Jeb was afraid (lesser of the unknown but of Greg ö.ö'), he climbed down. It's just - a - game. He told himself over and over again.
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There was an underground tunnel he followed. The humming became louder and louder and when Jeb went around the corner, he found the source of the humming - and...
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Gods! It's Jack's corpse! So Real Jack was right - Greg killed NPC Jack!
to be continued...
'He's the hairy handed gent who ran amok in Kent Lately he's been overheard in Mayfair You better stay away from him, he'll rip your lungs out Jim (or your heart out, Jack) Huh, I'd like to meet his tailor
Ah-hoo, werewolves of London Ah-hoo Ah-hoo, werewolves of London Ah-hoo
Well, I saw Lon Chaney walking with the Queen Doin' the werewolves of London I saw Lon Chaney Jr. walking with the Queen, uh Doin' the werewolves of London I saw a werewolf drinkin' a piña colada at Trader Vic's His hair was perfect'
Werewolves of London - Warren Zevon groovy baby
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The Therapy Game Master Post with the sessions and places so far is -> here
From the Beginning 🔱  Underwater Love 🔱 Latest
Current Chapter: 'Who killed Jack?' from the beginning ▶️ here
📚 Previous Chapters: Chapters: 1-6 ~ 7-12 ~ 13-16 ~ 17-22 ~ 23-28
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Here are some completely random fun facts about Odysseus' family from various myths:
His grandfather, Autolycus (meaning "the wolf itself", pretty badass) , was a shape-shifting trickster, also known as "the king of all thiefs", with the ability to change the shape of random objects he stole and was also the direct son of Hermes (originally he was just some dude Hermes liked, post-Odyssey he was changed to be his son. I'd say both versions are equally accepted though the son thing wasn't there from the beginning).
Autolycus was also the sworn rival of King Sysyphus, who you might know as that one guy who escaped death and whose punishment for it was pushing a rock for eternity, or that very nice guy from Tartarus in Hades. Autolycus used to steal Sysyphus' cattle and when the latter finally managed to find tangible proof of his guilt he did the only sensible thing he could think of.
He fucked his daughter.
As one does.
As I'm saying this I really want you guys to imagine the Sysyphus from Hades doing all this. Because I find it fucking hilarious.
Also btw, said daughter is named Anticleia and in her youth she was apparantly a companion to Artemis. Absolutely pop off queen.
So Yada Yada time skip and Anticleia promptly moves on from Sysyphus to Laertes of Ithaca, they get married and soon after a baby boy is born. And by soon I mean, pretty soon after. Suspiciously soon after...I think you know where I'm going with this.
YEP, there are some myths where instead of being the son of Laertes, Odysseus is the son of Sysyphus, yet the absolute gigachad that is Laertes still raised the baby as his own.
Now, myths are everything but consistent, and much like Autolycus beings Hermes' son, this connection with Sysyphus was likely added post-Odyssey, meaning that even if this variation of the myth exists, Odysseus was still widely seen as Laertes' biological son and it's pretty safe to say that he's exactly that in both the Iliad and the Odyssey.
Why did I tell you all this then?
Because it's fanfiction material and I want people to use it.
Sooooo, the baby is born and it's time to give him a name, and the one to do just that is Autolycus, for whatever reason. I mean from what I've read Anticleia actually insisted he named him, so yeah, not super important but I still felt like it was worth mentioning.
So Autolycus cradles his new infant grandson, he looks him in his small baby eyes and says: "You know, I pissed off a fuck ton of people during my life, like really a lot of peeps, so I think I'm gonna name him Hateful."
You think I'm joking but this is kinda how it actually went.
The name Odysseus actually means "To Hate", and yeah, Autolycus specifically chooses it because he himself pissed off a lot of people.
And yeah, that's pretty much it really.
I mean I guess there's the fact that Odysseus got his famous leg scar while hunting with his grandpa, but that's stuff you can read directly on the Odyssey anyway. I just wanted to shine a light on the sheer badassery of this family.
So yeah.
Oh also there are certain myths that say that Homer was Telemachus' son through Nestor's youngest daughter and I think that's kinda neat honestly.
(The girl in question SHOULD be Polycaste, thought some people said it was a different daughter that was apparantly not among the original roster of Nestor's kids which probably means she was written in many years later. Telemachus' love life is actually a bit of a mess really, even putting whatever the hell the Telegony is aside, he's still got at least 3 other possible wives, them being Polycaste, Nausicaa and even Calypso. There is also this one line from the Odyssey where Polycaste bathes him and some people apparantly interpreted it as them banging and it's said she eventually gave birth to a boy named Perseptolis. But yeah, the boy's a womanizer.)
Aaaaand yeah, that's pretty much it.
So what did we learn today? Well, in Odysseus' family the badassery is hereditary it seems.
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townsenddecades · 17 days
Storytelling Secrets
Thank you for the tag, @sircesimblr
1. Some musings on my Dudley family with a dash of historical trivia: by 1322, the Dudleys are steering towards a succession crisis because Ralph, the earl, only has a daughter. Noblewomen with no brothers could and did inherit (for an example, see Isabel and Anne Neville, daughters of Warwick the Kingmaker), but if Clement, Ralph's brother, has a son, he might just think his line has the better claim. To avoid this, the obvious solution is that Ralph and Clement have their children marry.
Alas, it's not that simple.
Contrary what the infamous Habsburgs might have you believe, cousins marrying hasn't always been legal. It was actually prohibited for a good while, which means you had to get a papal dispensation for the marriage to be legitimate. Getting one of these was very common for royalty and apparantly not uncommon for the nobility, but I haven't decided what I'll do if that Dudley succession crisis comes to pass.
2. I was initially against having the Townsends get into nectar production because a) I did that in my last go at the UDC and b) everyone has their sims make nectar. But I also really like the idea of Malcolm using his family's nectar to later in life become a merchant. So I might have them do it anyway.
3. I'm toying with the idea of having a family/maybe just a lone sim move into another world, should I think of a fitting story. TS3 doesn't allow having multiple "normal" worlds in one save (there are the vacation and university worlds, though), but if I save the sim as a household, delete them from the save so the story doesn't have two of them running around and plop them down in a new save/world, it would work. The problem is that the sim wouldn't be part of the original save anymore and I would have to play through events in both saves, which sounds like it could get really tedious. And the sims couldn't have inter-save contact.
4. You may have noticed already, but I'm a sucker for romantic drama. The mess that is the Dudley family is probably my favorite storyline at the moment.
5. I don't know if I ever mentioned this, but Robert failed his baby roll initially. I just decided to ignore that because it felt anticlimactic. And I'm glad I did.
This was fun!
I'm tagging @zelenxa, should you have anything you want to share. :)
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the-s1lly-corner · 4 months
Elaboration on why you think you already know why your face is hurting? If you're open to it
Bad teeth, horrid teeth, I kind of ramble. Heads up I briefly mention mental health stuff and child neglect but I dont really dive deep into it but you guys know I like to add warnings just in case
Saying this now, admin does not know any terms when it comes to tooth stuff or dentist stuff so take descriptions with a grain of salt + when future plans for my care were discussed it was while I was still all fuzzed out on the gas they give people sometimes <\3
Very likely I'll probably delete this since this is a bit of a touchy thing
Got my dad's small mouth/jaw and my moms fucky teeth- idk what or if theres something running genetically in the family but the afabs on my moms side have teeth there are very susceptible to rot. At one point it was so tight in my mouth that a tooth just. Started cracking?? Said tooth happened to also have a cavity soooooooo.... and it was one of my front teeth too so triple bummer...
Add in the fact that when the cavity first formed my parents werent. Really around.. so uh.. no dentist visit for YEARS until the tooth cracked further, brushing can only do so much in this case + horrid mental health made self care hard. Bed rotting is very real and its horrible- will get onto just how bad the tooth was in a sec
Didnt get taken to the dentist til I was 17 when the crack worsened. First trip had to get a tooth pulled because I had two and a half teeth crammed in one space. Baby tooth never came out. Now one of my adult teeth rests mostly under my tongue. But the tooth removal DID relieve some of the pressure on my lower jaw!! Yay!! Theres still a gap but it's a little smaller than it was before. Dreading my wisdom teeth
Anyways back to the fucked up cracked tooth. Details are fuzzed since this was about 2ish years ago and I was on that funky gas because anxiety + literally the first time I could consciously remember going to the dentist + body sometimes jerks so... yeah!
Apparantly the nerve in that cracked front tooth was nearly exposed. Like there was just a thin layer of... tooth.. stuff.. in the way, according to the dentist you could easily see the nerve behind it?? How I wasn't in constant pain was beyond me because jesus fucking christ
Dental plan! Sealed the tooth/glued it together because the main reason I got taken to the dentist to get the damaged assessed was! Graduation photos were coming up very fast and my mom didnt want me to have a cracked fucked tooth in my photos, but she also didnt want to do anything that could make my face swollen
So cue a "we're gonna come up with a plan later, for now we're going to metaphorically and literally hold this tooth together with glue until it cant keep it together anymore!" Soooooo
Here we are!
Reason I think my tooth is the problem is because it's on the same side right above that tooth, though now that I sit here aggressively breathing in through my nose to try to pin point WHERE it hurts (because unfortunately its ine of those "general areas but not exact" things), it feels too high up to be the tooth.. I mean I'm not gonna rule it out because I know bodies are weird but
Idk I'll probably bring it up to my mom, I'm kind of on edge since I know mouth tooth stuff can escalate quick and cause some NASTY complications
At least my actual teeth dont hurt at all??
If not the teeth its likely a sinus infection, I have been having a fucked up nose (running and stuffy) though I've mostly been attributing that to the weather... shrugs.. guess we'll just have to see!
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bts-fic-collection · 2 years
thank you so much for opening again !! may i ask if you have any recs with omega jimin with either jungkook or yoongi being super kind alphas? like almost a role reversal in attitude. preferably smut ♡ thanks !!
I do have a few, yes! :)
Perfect Two by amoonchildsmind
Rating: M
Pairings: Jungkook/Jimin
Status: Complete
Word count: 10,878
Summary: How hard can it be to court the omega he's been attracted to since childhood. Apparantly it was Level: Impossible for Jeongguk. At least not without almost breaking stuff or himself in the process. He has it all planned out. If it weren't for his stupid friend who made it even worse.
Jungkook had his courting gift ready for a while now. Sadly, he was too scared to make a move. Good thing his best friend was there to help. Bad thing.... he was about to love his shit when said friend butted in and almost ruined everything.
Nectar by citricnectar
Rating: T
Pairings: Yoongi/Jimin
Status: Complete
Word count: 24,402
Summary: "Your appa and I brought you to the Parks' to meet Jimin when they got home from the hospital." His mother says with a smile every time she tells this story. "You held out your little hand to him and he reached up to hold your finger and you cooed and started babbling and giggling like I'd never seen you do before. And you were such a shy baby, Yoon-ah, it was a delight to see you so excited."
Yoongi is home on a short weekend break from college for his childhood best friend Jimin's birthday.
He didn't think a single weekend would be enough to change the trajectory of his entire life, but maybe this was always how it was meant to be.
sad eyes by whenitstarted
Rating: E
Pairings: Yoongi/Jimin
Status: Complete
Word count: 37,319
Summary: When Yoongi meets Jimin, he isn't in the right place for a new relationship and is still grieving his last one — that can't stop fate from intervening and making them both lovesick fools, though.
the one where jimin has sad sparkly eyes and yoongi makes them the happy kind of sparkly instead
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starlite-png · 1 year
Very messy spn au fic idea
Dean tries to commit suicide in 2004 by jumping off of a bridge. Sammy's off at college, Dad hasn't contacted him in months, and at this point, he's too much of a mess to even hunt properly. But as he stands on the bridge, ready to just be done and jump off, he notices a baby carrier set by the railing. It’s not empty. Inside is a baby no older than 6 months old, and notecard with the name "Jack" written on it. Despite his...previous plans, Dean can’t just leave the baby there. Granted, he doesn’t trust the local police to take care of the kid, and he really, really doesn’t trust the foster system, but he has no other choice than to grit his teeth and take the baby to the police station.
The poor kid has no known parents, so Jack stays in the system. Dean winds up sticking around the local town to make sure the kid is being taken care of, and then he winds up fuming as the baby is stuck in an orphanage that barely takes care of him. After a couple of months, the baby is adopted, but to Dean’s disgust, the child is even more neglected and mistreated by the couple—who obviously were just rich assholes who wanted to look charitable. One night, while checking up on Jack, Dean has to sneak into their house just to give the poor kid a damn diaper change because the couple was too busy smooching in their fucking jacuzzi to hear the crying of the baby they left alone in their empty mansion of a house.
After that particular incident, Dean snaps. He buckles down and does whatever it takes to make himself presentable. Eventually, after about a year of hard work and worrying over Jack: having 3 jobs at once and barely sleeping, buying a decent house suitable for a child, getting sober, hanging up his Dad’s leather jacket for softer flannels, and doing his genuine best to be a decently sociably and helpful member of the community; he finally, finally decides that it's time to file for custody of Jack. He knows that he still won't not be considered the best candidate for adopting, and he certainly can’t afford some fancy lawyer like rich couple has, but he’s gotta do his best to not let this little guy suffer either by letting him stay in those assholes’ house without by resorting to kidnapping the poor kid and dragging him across the country to evade the cops.
In the end it’s disgustingly easy. The rich couple didn’t even try to go to court. They just gave Jack up like he was nothing. They had obviously grown tired of their charity-child and didn’t want to waste their precious money fighting for him.
Dean is actually granted custody. The small town's community had apparantly spoken greatly in his favor when the social workers asked around, and after the normal reviews, he's deemed fit for the role. When Dean holds Jack in his arms for the first time as the kid's adopted father, he can’t help but cry. In the span of just a year, this kid had wound up meaning the world to him, and he knows that from then on, he would do whatever it took to take care of Jack. They may have both been abandoned by their families, but they were going to be eachother’s family from now on.
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skooorch · 1 year
tbh for even how much of a *big deal* they are, and the ultimate challengers, inarizaki is hands down the funniest team to me in hq
Suna who just seems super quiet, but he's like frustrated that he can't find one weakness in their captain, even if that includes pet talking
Kita, who appears super intimidating, but is actually a real sweetheart and looks after his players super well
Aran, who was RESIGNED to be the straight man in the 2 person twin comedy act
Osamu, who seems like the calmer twin, but JOKES on you, they are both crazy
and the coach who, apparantly no one in his family likes, but his dog
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mochiiikko · 2 years
➸❥ A foggy stage
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Agere, Regressor!Catherine Parr, Caregiver!Catherine of Aragon, Technically accidental regression but not really, Cathy goes non-verbal, 2110 words of me projecting my regression onto my blorbo, kinda baby space but no age is mentioned.
↳ Catherine Parr, Catherine of Aragon
2.110 words
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Cathy fidgeted with the microphone in their hand, bouncing slightly on their heels. 
There was an urge to bite their wrist at the back of their mind. One which they strategically ignored. 
Cathy counted the people on stage. They already knew, it wasn't that hard to know.
2 alternates, playing Kate and Jane. The other 3 were the actual women. 
They'd just finished don't lose your head. And Cathy was mentally preparing so they wouldn't miss a cue. They still had the feeling they would, though.
Anne's voice blasted inside their ears. Not really helping considering their sound sensitivity. It never quite bothered them as much as it did now normally.
"It's called wearing yellow to a funeral! Hit the lights!" Anne cheered.
Cathy quickly shook out of their thoughts, trying their very best to ignore the growing fog in their mind. 
"Catherine was a mASSIVE-"
The others quickly yelled to stop her. Cathy flinched at the noise. 
Anna walked up to Anne, Cathy hesitating before following along. "When did we decide you were the winner?"
Cathy lost their line in the fog for a moment, bringing the microphone to their mouth before faltering. 
"She wants another turn." The alternate for Kate quickly stepped in, shooting a concerned glance Cathy's way. 
"Over my dead body!"
No no, they'd come to this point they had to survive through the show. They took in a quick breath, trying to steady the panic in their chest which seemed to worsen the barrier forming in their mind.
"Anyway i do believe it's my turn next." Jane's alternate spoke, the queens turning to her.
"You? Queen, please!" 
They tried their very best mocking laugh and brought their microphone to their mouth. "I mean are you being for real?"
"Yeah weren't the one he truly loved?"
"Didn't you give him the son he so desperately wanted?"
"Yeah, like, i had a daughter and he literally chopped my head off." Anne grinned, though giving a small concerned side eye to Cathy when she noticed them fidgeting an unusual amount. 
"Yeah, okay i was lucky. Okay i was, really, lucky."
Cathy didn't bother intently listening to the rest of the monologue, they could recite it by heart anyway. They scanned the audience, how well they could see almost every face in the theater always surprised them. They always thought it'd be rather hard considering how dark it was.
Cathy turned to look at their godmother, who unlike them was intently listening to the monologue. The look on her face didn’t much help the survivor’s current state.
“..It’s because.. i.. loved him!”
The tune of heart of stone started playing, to which the queens immediately reacted in heading for the stairs. When Cathy was sure the others wouldn’t notice, they started biting at their wrists and fingers.
That wasn't a good idea, it seemed. The fog in their mind turned to something Cathy couldn't ignore but neither fight off much. 
Cathy turned to look at the other queens, who were either focused on the song or making quiet small talk.
The survivor whined, biting down harder on their skin while their free hand went to squeeze and hit their thighs. 
A hit came harder then they'd meant it to, making them flinch and apparantly also alerting Catalina. 
"Cathy?" Catalina took out one of her in ears, scooting a little closer to her goddaughter. She gently placed her hand on their shoulder, making them whine. 
She softly worked their in-ears too, taking them out by the strings and hoping to god that wouldn't damage anything. "Hey there Mija, can you look at me?"
The tone didn't help Cathy's state at all, actually it might have been what threw them over the edge. 
Nevertheless they did as they were told. The look in their eyes immediately betrayed their state to Catalina. 
"Oh, sweetheart." Okay yeah, Cathy had fully slipped by now. "Let's get you out of here alright?" 
Cathy couldn't bring themselves to argue, and neither did they fight it when Catalina alerted Anne before taking their hand and leading them off stage. 
Catalina led them to her dressing room, instead of the one they shared with Anna.
There, Catalina sat them down on the couch. As Cathy searched their extremely foggy mind for an age to describe how they were feeling, Catalina set out to find anything add some extra comfort to their situation. 
They were biting, right, a regressed Catherine Parr loves to bite things. Catalina knew that all too well after being used as a chewing toy one too many times. She'd bought a few chewing sensory toys, now if only she could find the one she kept in the theater. 
"Ah! Got it!" Catalina cheered, heading to Cathy and slipping a chewing bracelet onto their wrist. "There we go, so you don't hurt yourself, alright chiquitita?" 
Cathy nodded, starting to bite at it the moment they could. 
"Alright love, i'm just going to get two alternates to cover for us for the rest of the show okay?" Catalina said, kneeling in front of them and holding their free hand. 
Cathy whined, which Catalina chuckled at, but they nodded again eitherway. 
"I'll be back soon, Cariña." She reassured before leaving to find any alternates to take their place.
Cathy continued to chew as they waited, leaving the growing icky feeling in their stomach to identify and deal with when they got out of their headspace.
It didn't take long for Catalina to return, at which point Cathy realized they couldn't hear the muffled music from their in-ears anymore. 
The moment the older woman was in reach Cathy whined and reached out to her, putting on the best puppy face they could to get the snuggles they desired.
Catalina obeyed with a laugh, picking Cathy up and getting a comfortable position on the couch before allowing the younger to adjust themselves into her embrace.
"Hi there." She grinned, gently rubbing Cathy's cheek with her thumb which they gladly leaned into.
Cathy waved in response, a bright smile on their own face.
Catalina raised a brow. "No talking today?" She hummed giggling slightly when Cathy stuck out their tongue in an attempt to gather an answer.
"Too.. tiny." They responded, almost hesitantly. Catalina's grin widened at the realization, giggling slightly. 
"I see. Too much fog in the mind to remember how words work?" Cathy nodded enthusiastically, incredibly happy that they were understood. "Alright querida, that's okay." 
Catalina set to work softly undoing the hairstyle they wore for the show, imagining it not being the most comfortable thing, Cathy shot her a small confused look, tilting their head. 
The first queen did so successfully, setting aside their spiky crown and ruffling their hair before gently working it into a normal enough state. She made a mental note to brush their hair when they were satisfied with the cuddles.
Cathy puffed out their cheeks in a response as Catalina messed with their hair. Catalina barked out a laugh, poking their cheek in return. 
"I think i still have a few of those cookies Jane made. How about that baby? Hm?" Catalina asked, gently untangling a few more strands of Cathy's hair.
Cathy let out a small gasp, before nodding happily. They quickly jumped off the couch and waited with open arms.
Catalina shook her head fondly, getting up and doing as requested. The universe was so merciful for making Cathy easy to carry.
Catalina hoisted them up on her hip. Cathy immediately cuddled into her, resting their head on her shoulder. 
She hummed, smiling as she started her very short journey to the lunch room where she'd stored the left-over sweets. "You're really deep, aren't you?" 
Cathy looked up and tilted their head in confusion at the question.
"Oh yup, that's all the answers i need." 
Now admittedly, opening the doors was a challenge but nothing Catalina hasn't faced before. 
Catalina set the little onto the counter, searching the cabinets for the container she'd left the sweets in.
Cathy whined at the lost contact, immediately searching to get it back by reaching for one of Catalina's hands. 
The older humored them with a smile, swinging their intertwined hands back and forth as she searched. 
"Oh, here they are." Catalina got out the container with a little more effort then it would have been if she had both hands. 
"Should i break them into little pieces? I know cookies and those kinds of snacks can be a bit hard for you when you're so young like this." 
Cathy pouted, reaching for cookies and completely ignoring the question. 
Catalina raised a brow, grinning slightly in amusement. "Mi tesoro, you gotta answer." She chuckled when Cathy whined again.
"Come on, Princesa. You don't need to say anything, just shake your head yes or no." Catalina said softly, rather amused at the ever growing pout on Cathy's face. 
Cathy whined again but nodded even though they didn't stop trying to reach for the treat.   
"Alright love, but i gotta use both my hands alright? You can hold onto me though." The older let go of Cathy's hand, to which they immediately reacted to by wrapping their arms around her waist.
Catalina started breaking the treats into smaller pieces, handing them to Cathy when she'd finished a piece. Cathy happily munched down, cooing in content. 
"Be careful, Nena. Don't eat that fast. I'm not taking these safety measures only for you to choke because you're eating it all so fast." Catalina chuckled, gently holding Cathy back from downing another piece. 
Cathy whined and pouted, trying to chew faster. 
"Oh lord, Amor, wouldn't you rather enjoy your treat instead of going so quick that it's all gone so soon?"
Cathy gasped, quickly shaking their head. Catalina chuckled. "Then you gotta slow down." 
Cathy considered it, ultimately deciding it would be a good idea to not hurt themselves by eating cookies. 
"Good choice, Mija." Catalina giggled, allowing Cathy to continue eating her snacks.
"If Anne asks, tell her I gave you a few slices of an apple." Catalina added, breaking apart the last cookie and handing the small pieces to her goddaughter. 
Cathy tilted their head but nodded, munching on the last piece as Catalina cleaned up the evidence. 
"Was that tasty, Amor?" Catalina asked, smiling softly. Cathy nodded enthusiastically, a bright smile on their face. 
Catalina giggled. "How about we head back, we can play a bit or watch one of your cartoons yeah? And we can go watch the girls do the megasix later if you're up for it."
Cathy nodded, clapping happily as Catalina picked them up and set them on her hip again.
"What would you wanna do?" Catalina asked, adjusting Cathy so they were securely on her hip before setting out for her dressing room once again. 
Cathy opened their mouth to respond. But hesitated and retreated back while biting on their index finger.
Catalina hummed, gently showing them their chewing bracelet to remind them to bite that instead. "It's okay Princesa, you can choose when we get there." 
When they arrived Catalina set Cathy down and got our her emergency Cathy toy box, but also grabbed her laptop for if the regressed girl wanted to cuddle and watch a cartoon instead.
Cathy made a show of reaching for the laptop from their spot on the floor.
They pointed at it when Catalina came close enough to pick them up again, looking ul at her with the most innocent eyes Catalina had ever seen.
"So a show? Alright, Tesoro, get comfy on the couch."
 Cathy nodded, getting up to waddle over to the couch. Where they, once again, made a show of whining and reaching for Catalina's hand.
Catalina barked out a laugh. "I'm coming, i'm coming." She grabbed the laptop and sat on the couch. She readjusted the both of them so they could comfortably cuddle while watching their show.
Catalina gave Cathy a few to choose from, some thing's not too hard to follow in consideration of how young they seemed.
After Cathy made their choice the two cuddled closer to each other, the younger staring in wonder at the screen.
They looked up. "Ca.. Catty." They mumbled, their face contorted in concentration as they tried to find the right words. "Love you." 
Catalina cooed, her heart positively melting as Cathy reached to press a small sloppy kiss against her cheek. 
"I love you too."
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@autisticscotty @woofberry-regrets-everything
Hi hi! You two seemed pretty interested in this fic so i thought i'd tag you so you wouldn't somehow miss it <3 sorry if you didn't want to be!
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ascendandt · 1 year
analysis of the song of purple summer because i love to think about it ⬇️
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spring and flowers as in adolescence and thepains thereof, all shall fade like you know life moves on past that period. maybe "the world" is also a refrence to society and its inherent failures
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but still it stays. theres still sadness, there always will be. BUT! butterfly. moritz uses a butterfly in refrence to carefreeness, flight, and to me it evokes emerging from a cocoon as something new, like the flutter as in shaking the wings dry.(note on yhe purple: progression from blue (sadness? urgh) . to maturity baby)
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the earth will wave with corn HARVEST!! FRUITFUL LIVING!! (connection to the vineyard scene as a site of a mature, loving relationship (connect again with melchior and wendla's ... thing occuring in the woods, wild and dangerous) the greyfly choir will mourn... more complicated. genius says its a refrence to keats who uses it as a metaphor for decomposition making way for rebirth so yeah. mourn the dead, create room for something new. the horses are pretty straightforwardly about sexual liberty. insert melchior horsegirl joke here.
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swallows apparantly carries souls of dead kids, represents hope and the coming of spring (relevant as in seasonal change). a song too hard to follow that no one else can sing: no one but the children (see above). can sing the song of purple summer. also feeling of fear to progress in the name of the dead friends. its hard that they are gone but no one else will carry their memory(those youve known. you get me).
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the fences sway the porches swing the clouds begin to thunder crickets wander ETC ETC. common thread: movement. wind moving the porch/fence, storm implies wind, crickets WANDERING. its about the continuation of natural cycles. there is hope in life moving forward!
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csvent-2 · 1 year
i suppose it's the nature of chowlings as a concept, but some of them seriously disturb me. especially since its a cs that permits minors to play (because its a "game" to saunt now 🙄) the themes should be handled with much more care. i find myself running into; purposeful prolapse designs, disease/parasite, genitals, body fluids, fetus/unborn baby, dangerous, unsafe object/food/nonfood, horrifyingly gorey and mutilated chows... additionally the design by the contest winner didn't even have their chowling authenticated on the ml! atrocious and haunting themes are welcome but fuck lavender lemonade specifically for some reason. apparantly that one doesn't deserve cents of bandwidth? like plz make it make sense? its's so toxic and mean spirited. obviously the user didn't have the opportunity to contact saunt to pay the exorbitant price for the myo and im seriously disheartened by the unfairness of it. it's a slap in the face how saunt can be so hateful, dismissive, and foster such an inhospitable community. and then turn their back on it for making it that way, rather than take steps to repair the situation. they have no kindness in their heart for their supporters.
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airasora · 1 year
Imho the party thing is an extremely clumsily written attempt to show that Derek loves her swan or no swan. The food bit specifically always made me laugh as a kid because he sounds like he's concerned he may poison her on accident (... would you serve this to a swan...?) Like it's not swan themed food, it's food a swan can eat. It also bears mentioning that swans were associated with his (and hers, there's swan stuff at the baby party iirc) kingdom. That's why the locket has a swan on it (and she seemed perfectly happy to wear it again, even after everything), and why the golden curtain weights during the ball have swans on them, and other smaller background details. So maybe they were animals she loved before and that's why Rothbart chose a swan? Maybe the dress wasn't even created by him and he just made a copy of the one she was expected to wear. After all, he also replicates her crown; wedding dresses could be made well in advance and she was engaged since birth.
Also, credit where credit is due, Derek didn't know what the ball was for, his mother lied to him about it because she knew he wanted Odette and no one else. And then Uberta showed up to the wedding with A SWAN SHAPED HAIRDO XD
Like to be clear I still think he's a terrible boyfriend but the party comes off as more clumsy than anything else and certain things weren't him lol
(Also apparently it's Odette who wanted a swan armed force right at the end so this whole bit is a mess xD)
That's the thing though: if Rothbart did indeed choose to make Odette a swan cause swans are the kingdom's international animal or something like that, that really still shouldn't make Odette ok with the trauma 😂
Everything about Derek and Odette's romance is clumsily written. It's so sad cause the first song and the entire opening is SO GOOD and memorable. It could have been such a good movie, but they mucked it up xD
Also, while I do agree that Derek doesn't know EXACTLY what the ball is for, Uberta only says it's for "a few friends, and their daughters" secretly at one point, but he still seems to think he's running the show cause he starts saying HE doesn't want red roses, HE wants WHITE roses as if he knows the ball is FOR HIM... so either he does know what his mom is planning, or he thinks his opinion triumphs his mother's despite HER planning the ball. Derek doesn't come off looking good in either scenario xD
I took a look at the movie to find all the swan references and there aren't actually that many in total. Definitely not enough for me to think that swans were particularly important to the kingdoms, just some hee-hee ha-ha foreshadowing by the artists xD
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And it wasn't Odette who wanted a swan-armed air force, that was Derek. Puffin says, and I quote: "The prince wants a fighting air force." I checked the scene to make sure, and he says prince and not princess :)
I wish you were right though, that would be a bit more evil and hilarious if Rothbart chose a swan because Odette loved swans or the kingdom had a special bond to swans or something. That would be so good xD
In the long run though, this is just a kids movie and we can analyze and interpret everything, but let's be honest... the developers did not put nearly as much thought into all these tiny details as we do. Uberta's swan shaped hair near the end was 100% just for the sake of the joke of her shadow looking like "the great animal" to make Bromley faint with fear. And they chose a swan cause irony, there's most likely nothing deeper to it than that, but it's fun to think of theories and interpretations! 😊
Also, sidenote: Apparantly Derek's kingdom is named Chamberg...?
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As ANOTHER sidenote... Derek says he wants the music to be: "Rubato, soft and graceful." That... is not what rubato means.
Rubato is translated to "stolen time", the best definition of rubato in music is the freedom or flexibility to choose your own tempo for a part or a phrase of music.
So he also doesn't know what the fuck he's talking about despite Rogers being his musician tutor. Nevermind the fact that Rogers is right when he makes the tuba play when Derek asks what Rogers thinks a swan sounds like. Swans may LOOK elegant, but their voices certainly aren't x'D
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quordleona03 · 1 year
Kazuo Ishiguro's Harry Potter
If you take away all of the extraneous Stuff, the basic plot of Harry Potter over 7 books is:
Voldemort got extraordinary power by creating seven Horcruxes. Each Horcrux divided his self in two.
It's not safe but not unknown for a wizard to do this once: Voldemort was the first to do it seven times and survive, but it left him with huge power and without any human feeling - and virtually unkillable unless all seven Horcruxes were destroyed. Each Horcrux had an effect on him. The last Horcrux he created in fact made him apparantly die - he was not seen for 15 years, and the world rejoiced and assumed that what had happened was that when Voldemort tried to kill James and Lily Potter and their baby, The Boy Who Lived had lived because his mother killed Voldemort to protect her son in her last gasp of life.
The boy was reared in safety and with apparent love and concern for him by Dumbledore, - but Snape, who loved the boy's mother, repeatedly expresses contempt for the boy.
When Voldemort comes back fifteen years later, then with Dumbledore's covert encouragement, The Boy Who Lived raises an army of young wizards to fight Voldemort; only to find that Dumbledore and Snape knew all along that the boy himself was the seventh Horcrux, but that Voldemort did not know where his seventh Horcrux was, or rather who his Seventh Horcrux was. And Dumbledore had planned all along, having one by one destroyed the other six Horcuxes, that the boy should confront Voldemort directly, Voldemort should kill him - and Voldemort would then die. Once Dumbledore is certain his plan will work, he orders Snape to kill him: leaving Snape, who loathes the plan, the rearing of a boy as a sacrificial animal, to ensure the plan is carried out.
Kazuo Ishiguro wouldn't take 7 books to write that story, and I would love to see how he would do it. The twist at the end - that sweet, lovable Dumbledore has been raising Harry Potter to be slaughtered like a pig - is something Kazuo Ishiguro would not shy away from - but J. K. Rowling did. I think though she planned initially to have Dumbledore be revealed as the first of her gay villains, she knew that over the first five books her readers had learned to love Dumbledore, and would be bitterly upset when he was - plot twist! - revealed to be the one who had for Harry's entire young life been plotting his death. But she couldn't change the plot - once you know what's going on behind the fluff and boarding schoolery of the books, the story is as direct and sharp and brutal as an arrow. Voldemort had to die, and Dumbledore had worked out how to kill the unkillable wizard by sacrificing one boy's life. I think Rowling - whom we now know, after all, to be a complete homophobic/transphobic bigot - maybe did originally intend to have Dumbledore outed as gay in book 7, revealing, as she would see it, his evil nature and his capacity to make use of Harry behind a facade of bumbling-harmlessness. Rowling told us that the last chapter, where Harry is improbably married to Ginny and Hermione still more improbably married to Ron, and they are all sending their kids off to a human-only Hogwarts now the evil wizards Voldemort (and Dumbledore) are dead, had been written years before. That may be true. She may all along have been planning that simple sweet heterosexual ending, now the evil wizard and the gay wizard are dead. But if Kazuo Isiguro had written it, the ending would have been nastier, and more subtle. I wish he had.
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