kleptocultureis · 1 month
Klepto culture is having comorbid oniomania (aka shopping addiction)
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lizadale · 2 years
more words from my jaunt through the dictionary (I just reached P!!) since people seemed to appreciate the first list
louche (adj): disreputable or sordid in a rakish or appealing way
lucrative (adj): producing a great deal of profit
malaise (n): a general feeling or discomfort, illness, or uneasiness whose exact cause is difficult to identify
malapropism (n): the ludicrous misuse of a word, especially by confusion with one of a similar sound
malediction (n): a magical word or phrase uttered with the intention of bringing about evil or destruction; a curse
malinger (v): exaggerate or feign illness in order to escape duty or work
mash note (n): a letter that expresses infatuation or gushing appreciation for someone
mawkish (adj): sentimental in a feeble or sickly way
meliorism (n): the belief that the world can be made better by human effort
mellifluous (adj): sweet or musical; pleasant to hear; flowing like honey
mercurial (adj): subject to sudden or unpredictable changes of mood or mind
milksop (n): a person who is indecisive and lacks courage
minutiae (n): the small, precise, or trivial details or something
monocarpic (adj): (of a plant) flowering and bearing fruit only once before dying
mordant (adj): (of humor) showing a sharp or critical quality; biting [also: mordacious (adj): given to biting]
moribund (adj): in terminal decline
munificent (adj): (of a gift or sum of money) larger or more generous than is usual or necessary
nadir (n): the lowest point in the fortunes of a person or organization
nascent (adj): just coming into existence and beginning to display signs of future potential
niggle (v): cause slight but persistent annoyance
nihilism (n): the rejection of all religious and moral principles, often in the belief that life is meaningless
niminy-piminy (adj): affectedly prim or refined
niveous (adj): snowy or resembling snow
noisome (adj): having an extremely offensive smell
nondescript (adj): lacking distinctive qualities; having no individual character or form
nugatory (adj): of no value or importance
nudnik (n): a pestering, nagging, or irritating person; a bore
obnubilate (v): darken, dim, or cover with or as if with a cloud; obscure
obviate (v): remove (a need or difficulty); to anticipate and prevent by interception
oneiromancy (n): the interpretation of dreams as a means to predict future events
oniomania (n): an obsessive or uncontrollable urge to buy things
opprobrium (n): harsh criticism or censure
osculate (v): kiss [a fancy word often used in humorous context]
oubliette (n): a secret dungeon with access only through a trapdoor in its ceiling, in which prisoners are placed to be forgotten
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vanessa-novelo · 2 years
Adicciones en un adolescente
En una sociedad llena de adicciones y problemas compulsivos no nos sorprende que en un adolescente sean los más accesibles a desarrollar una dependencia en las adicciones que mentalmente les brinda un placer o alguna manera para poder desahogar sus miedos e inclusos estrés
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Los que sufren de anorexia sufren de miedo e ansiedad excesiva a la comida, su imagen corporal y a su aumento de peso la persona come menos lleva una imagen distorsionada de sí misma.
Perdida de peso excesiva, o no lograr el aumento de peso previsto para el desarrollo
Mareos o desmayos
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La Drogadicción es al consumo frecuente a las estupefacientes a pesar de saber las consecuencias negativas que producen entre otras cosas modifica el funcionamiento del cerebro y su estructura provocando conductas peligrosas.
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El alcoholismo es una enfermedad muy extendida que afecta a personas de todas las clases sociales, edades y géneros por parte de la razón alguien puede empezar a beber para sentirse más cómodo en situaciones sociales, a medida que consumen más bebidas alcohólicas se empieza hablar con más dificultad y a la persona puede llegar ser agresiva
Signos de independencia
Aumento de la tolerancia al alcohol
Dificultad para dejar de beber incluso cuando se desea
Anciedad por el alcohol
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Uno de cada cinco adolescentes en edades de preparatoria o incluso secundaria fuman cigarrillos aún conociendo el tipo de adicción que se puede argumentar, corriendo el riesgo de los problemas respiratorios como el "cáncer de pulmón " , los jóvenes tienen una función pulmonar más bajo que quienes no han fumado además de poder sufrir una reducción de tasa de crecimiento a los pulmones.
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Se describe como una necedad compulsiva de realizar actos sexuales con el fin de lograr el tipo de refugio o solución que una persona con trastorno por consumo de alcohol obtiene la bebida, para algunas personas puede ser peligrosa y puede provocar dificultades en las relaciones, e incluso por el hecho de tener una obsecion por aquello pueden llegar al limite de hacer una "violacion" por el llegado. La mayoría de los jóvenes tienen relaciones sexuales sin ser responsables, no están teniendo en cuenta que podrían cargar una infección de transmisión sexual o adquirir un embarazo.
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Ludopatía adicción a las apuestas o juego patológico es un comportamiento que se caracteriza por la incapacidad que tiene una persona de abstenerse y detenerse y detenerse respecto al juego, este acto por lo general se llega a un nivel muy extremo para algunas personas, con el fin de llegar hasta vender todo los objetos de valor que puedes tener o prácticamente hasta llegar a vender su casa, sin importar ningúna cosa mayormente estos casos se han vuelto muy famosos
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A esto se le conoce como Autolesiones y quienes tienen este tipo de comportamiento, irregularmente están sufriendo algún desorden o trauma emocional se golpean, se cortan, queman, muerden o se arrancan el pelo, las conductas adictivas de autolecion eliminan temporalmente estos sentimientos y como resultado repiten la acción de forma continua ya que para ellos es un desahogo y sentimiento
¿conoces a alguien con este tipo de adicción🤔?
La Nomofobia es la adicción al celular, el miedo irracional a estar sin celular o sentirnos incomunicados cundo no podemos disponer de él, lo acompaña los síntomas ansiosos y obsesivos que van desde los malestares leves hasta manifestaciones severas que requieren atención clínica, la mayoría de los casos son común en adolescentes ya que mayormente el pasatiempo es estar en el celular por lo tanto puede ser un riesgo para aquello ya que en redes sociales existen muchos métodos para "raptar robar o las noticias falsas"
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La Oniomanía es : adicción a las compras es un trastorno psicológico que provoca un deseo sin control de comprar, es una necesidad de comprar cosas aunque no sean necesarias, este trastorno afecta a muchas personas y es más común de lo que se piensa
¿ Haz visto un caso parecido 🤨?
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La independencia de la cafeína es la condición de tener una dependencia de sustancias de la cafeína, una droga estimulante del sistema nervioso central común que ocurre en la naturaleza en el café
Señales de alerta
Dolor de cabeza
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La adicción a los videojuegos presentan varios síntomas, los cuales dependerán en gran medida de grado de adicción y la personalidad de las personas, afecta en el rendimento académico e aislamiento social, en estos casos no sólo los adolescentes presentan este tipo de adicción si no en todas las edades.
No hay un diagnóstico concreto que asegure que padecen de adicción a la comida, sin embargo hay síntomas que podrían indicara existencia de dicho trastorno
Antojos frecuente, inclusivo a pesar de comer
Comer hasta el punto de sentirse abundante lleno
Sentirse incapaz la ingesta de alimentos poco saludables
Comer mucha comida chatarra
La pornografía es una alteración psicológica caracterizada por un uso excesivo a materiales pornograficos para satisfacer el apetito sexual, sin embargo se puede llamar adicción por tanta visualización por lo general el 30% de hombres y mujeres ven pornografía.
El ejercicio físico ocurre cuando una persona se siente impulsada a hacer demasiado ejercicio las lecciones una enfermedad las salidas con amigos no detienen a quienes hacen ejercicio físico compulsivo, esta obsecion se puede llegar al grado extremo hasta de inyectarse aceite para poder obtener un musculo más bulnerable que por lo tanto puede generar una muerte. Lo recomendable es hacer 2 horas diarias con una rutina específica y bajo supervicion y responsabilidad.
La adicción de limpieza no es tan reconocida pero sin algún caso existen personas que se obsecionan por algo limpio, en teoría podrían enfermarse por la misma manera que nose quedan satisfechos del limpiado que han hecho, sin duda tomaremos en cuenta que pueden surgir intoxicaciones en nuestro cuerpo por los tipos de químicos que se utilizan al realizar la limpieza.
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titosfriends4life · 11 months
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Lo shopping compulsivo, noto anche come sindrome da shopping, è molto più di una semplice passione per lo shopping. È un disturbo psicologico che porta le persone a vivere vere e proprie crisi d'acquisto. Ma cosa c'è dietro questo comportamento ossessivo❓ Scopriamo insieme i dettagli nascosti di questo disturbo.
L'Ansia da Shopping: Un Bisogno Incontrollato di Comprare
Le persone affette da shopping compulsivo sperimentano un desiderio irrefrenabile di acquistare, spesso ben al di là delle loro reali esigenze. Questi acquisti diventano una sorta di impulso incontrollabile, utilizzato per alleviare momenti di tensione e stress.
L'inizio di questa sindrome risale al diciannovesimo secolo, quando il famoso psichiatra Kraepelin coniò il termine "oniomania" o "mania del comprare". Oggi, questa condizione è conosciuta come Sindrome da Shopping Compulsivo e sembra colpire un numero significativo di persone in tutto il mondo.
Le Cause Nascoste: Ansia, Depressione ed Emptiness
Le cause dietro lo shopping compulsivo possono essere complesse. Mentre da un punto di vista neurobiologico, l'acquisto compulsivo è collegato al rilascio di neurotrasmettitori come la dopamina, responsabile del piacere, da un punto di vista psicologico, le radici possono essere ancor più profonde.
Le persone che soffrono di shopping compulsivo spesso cercano di colmare un vuoto emotivo attraverso l'acquisto di beni materiali. Questo disturbo può anche essere correlato a condizioni di ansia o depressione.
Come Riconoscere lo Shopping Compulsivo❓
Riconoscere lo shopping compulsivo non è sempre semplice. Alcuni segnali di allarme includono il pensiero costante verso lo shopping, l'acquisto per migliorare l'umore, la spesa eccessiva nonostante le difficoltà finanziarie, e una preoccupazione costante legata agli acquisti.
Questi comportamenti possono causare non solo problemi economici ma anche stress e difficoltà nelle relazioni personali.
La Via verso la Guarigione: Terapia e Strategie
La buona notizia è che il disturbo da acquisto compulsivo può essere trattato con successo. La terapia cognitivo-comportamentale e l'approccio strategico-breve possono aiutare a riprendere il controllo sui propri impulsi.
Inoltre, alcune strategie possono essere utili per fronteggiare questo problema. Queste includono il monitoraggio delle spese, la valutazione dell'utilità degli acquisti e la sostituzione dell'acquisto compulsivo con attività come il fitness o il rilassamento.
Se l'ansia è uno dei principali stimoli per lo shopping compulsivo, è utile consultare uno psicologo per affrontare questo aspetto specifico.
Metti Fine al Circolo Vizioso dello Shopping Compulsivo
Se soffri di shopping compulsivo, non sei solo. Cerca aiuto e intraprendi un percorso verso la guarigione. La vita è troppo preziosa per essere spesa tra le corsie dei negozi.
Se ti ritrovi a lottare contro lo shopping compulsivo e vuoi liberarti da questa sindrome, non esitare. La guarigione è possibile. Inizia il tuo percorso verso una vita senza ansia da shopping. La tua felicità merita di brillare senza essere offuscata dai sacchetti di acquisti.
Tito Bisson
HAI BISOGNO DI AIUTO❓Cheidi al PROFESSIONISTA online, inquadra il CODICE IQR qui sotto e INIZIA A CHATTARE: 👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻
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Do you have a shopping addiction? Spending can develop into an addiction, similar to other unhealthy habits that are difficult to break. This phenomenon even has a specific term: oniomania, or simply put, shopaholic. Regardless of the label, it is characterized by an abnormal compulsion to make purchases. But what exactly is considered abnormal?
Learn more here: https://mycurrencyexchange.com/how-to-know-if-youre-addicted-to-spending/
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conscious-fyp · 1 year
Social media have been increasing our consumption patterns
We, users of Tik Tok, Instagram, and other social media, are influenced to buy new stuff because we are bombarded with new products to buy all the time. Most of the time we buy things we don’t need or even like because someone “cool” is wearing them. We buy without thinking about it if we really need it or if we will use it. This overconsumption is extremely bad for the environment because we are producing too much trash with unnecessary stuff. So, we get into a cycle of consumption that we never stop and sometimes we can get into debt, progressing to disease (like compulsive hoarders, oniomania…).
On Tik Tok, influencers are doing hauls of Shein clothes every day. Due to low prices, users are buying things that they even need just because they are influenced by social media. This happens not just with Shein; many times, even with inaccessible prices, people get into debt to be in fashion.
We, as users and consumers, need to filter who we follow on social media because many times influencers are being paid to publicize a new product on the market to make us, consumers, buy that, even if it is unnecessary. Unfortunately, we can’t count on the actions of companies, because they are only concerned with profit. But, as a society, we can press these companies to change this scene by using sustainable products, in addition to decreasing demand.
In conclusion, the relationship between conscious consumption and social media is extremely close, since social media directly influences the pattern of consumption.
By Clara Lima - English lll
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ravenbloodshot · 1 year
Hello, I would like to participate in the game please. I am a Leo sun, Virgo moon, Virgo mercury, Libra Venus, and Leo mars.
Your energy reminds me of Oniomania (I'm not diagnosing you)
You may try to over compensate for insecurities you may have. You come off as nervous and shy, cute and blunt (blunt people are always hilarious to me). But be careful of impulsive purchases during those moments in your life that you feel your life is in chaos
Your like the definition of a stylistic nerdy girl. Your smart but you don't wear smart (if you get what I mean)....you dress based on how you feel .
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libartstudio3 · 2 years
Affluenz: When too Much Is Never Enough
Clive Hamilton
“Sickness of affluence” - not better off poor
Recognition of material abundance
Growth fetish - Clive hamilton
Affluenza ! - Australian focused. how materialism has shaped politics
The alternative to changing capitalism 
Colour palette I’ve explored in the past maybe isn’t right for this? 
Growing rates 
Majority of income spent on consumer products. Private spending patterns
Want for better communities but unwilling to pay the taxes for it.
“Flat-screen tv crisis”
More more more
Never enough -  never content
Hope to disappointment cycle
“A collective psychological disorder”
“We indulge in the illusion that we are deprived”
“A dysfunctional or unhealthy relationship with money, regardless of ones socio-economic level.”
-jessie H. ONeill
Prestige brands and luxury items - high standards. ‘Deprivation of a good life’
Desire for symbols of status - floating in a sea of ambiguity and insecurity
Evidence points that the more materialistic we become, the more we buy to cope and the less ‘free’ we are.
Because to buy more we must work more.
“Materialism robs us of autonomy”
Excess harms people - addiction. …. shopping?
Oniomania - compulsive shopping 
A smiled upon addiction - socially ok because almost everyone has done it and companies want you to keep doing it
People with oniomania often have histories of Eds, depression ,anxiety and substance abuse. (Oh my god that’s me and all my classmates)
Like drugs - has become an expression of discontent and the cure simultaneously 
Why can’t we just enjoy our luxuries how we like? What wrong with wanting financial stability?  DUH we can
The issue is our attachments to these material things - a confronting truth
Having money vs being attached to it
“Work, buy, consume, die” an empty life to face at your deathbed
Despite an “affluenza” issue poverty still remains for a lot of people (most) but everyone thinks that they themselves are suffering (no one (generalisation)  thinks they are rich) 
To tackle poverty we must tackle affluence.
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wholesale2022 · 2 years
Why Online Shopping Will Be Your Next Big Obsession?
Shopping and purchasing deliver a rush of dopamine and the brief euphoria associated with it, then leave us feeling as depressed as before. 
Online sellers use various deceptive sales techniques to manipulate our feeble minds. It can be challenging to control the temptation to acquire. Compared to in-person shopping, “it’s a much rewarding experience overall” because there is less friction, fewer obstacles, less behavioral cost, more detail, and more variety. Everything you create own  online store builder  add your product sell directly customer
A study from 2015 identified three factors that made people vulnerable to an online shopping obsession.
People who prefer to buy anonymously or avoid social interaction.
People who like a wide variety of items.
People who favor instant satisfaction.
Online shopping’s speed and convenience feed the addiction part of the brain. Just type the name of the product and brand you can quickly get the product within a few clicks. It is easier to do that on your computer or smartphone. online shopping makes searching for what you want so much easier. The payment process is also convenient for customers to pay for their buying products by using various methods. Additionally, research shows that people spend 100% more when using credit cards instead of cash due to the convenience of online buying. Online shopping is quite a convenience for them. 
Online shops are available 24/7, allowing customers to purchase anytime, making it more challenging to control carvings. Shopping online provides the opportunity to make purchases secretly from any location. Online shopping satisfies the desire for variety since you can purchase from multiple retailers during a one-time spending spree. People don’t just go online only for the shop. They go online  ecommerce store builder  to compare prices and quality between various products, and It also helps you to read a review of the product. It also gives detailed information about the product. Going from one physical store to another for comparison is a tiring process. But, moving from one brand to another over the internet is a simple and painless process.
Online shopping made it simpler than ever to shop secretly. People with a shopping addiction may shop secrets to hide their purchases or because they feel guilty about their activities. It allows people to avoid long queues and crowds. They also avoid having a look for parking.     
For consumers, it provides a suitable platform to buy an enlarged set of products and services from more vendors at better prices. Consumers can use search engines and price comparison sites, which reduce search costs, to compare and find different offers for the same product. 
However, while online shopping is convenient, it may also have a negative effect- for some, it can be addictive. 
According to Ruth Engs of Indiana university, some people develop shopping addictions because they get addicted to how their brain feels. when they shop, their brain releases dopamine and endorphins, and these feelings become addictive.
Retail therapy:
Retail therapy refers to those who use shopping to get pleasure and escape from negative feelings. This expression says that purchasing something for oneself may provide similar benefits as therapy or counseling. 
Although there are circumstances when a new purchase might solve a problem, this is not commonly referred to as retail therapy. Typically, the item purchased during retail therapy is unnecessary, and the resulting financial expense may diminish the resources available for dealing with other life problems.
Shopping addiction, also known as compulsive shopping, affects about 18 million adults in the USA. According to a study, the purchase can help us build a sense of personal control over our environment.
Compulsive buying disorder:
Shopping Obsessive and purchasing behavior that has detrimental effects are characteristics of oniomania, also known as compulsive buying disorder.
You may have an addiction if you are unable to shop or have a significant amount of shopping debt. Compulsive consumers utilize buying to escape unpleasant emotions such as melancholy, anxiety, anger, and self-critical thoughts. Unfortunately, the escape is temporary. Compulsive online shopping can cause emotional, financial, and relationship problems if it goes unchecked.
It is a strong desire to spend money regardless of need or financial resources. While many people enjoy shopping as a recreational activity, compulsive shopping is a mental health issue with serious consequences. Spending money gives you a brief high you overspend to feel better.
People who have a shopping addiction are more materialistic than other consumers, and they try to build themselves up by seeking status through material items and administration from others. They engage in fantasy more than other individuals and, like other addicts, struggle to resist their urges. 
Shopping is not the enemy; it is an essential part of our life. The issue arises when shopping becomes an addiction, taking our time and diverting our attention away from more essential matters. Online shopping addiction might also affect your mental wellness. Buying compulsion has been linked to a variety of mental health issues, including anxiety and depression. 
Symptoms to find if you have an obsession with online shopping:
A preoccupation with shopping or spending money.
Obsess making purchases on a weekly or daily basis.
Shop to cope with stress.
Buying items you don’t need.
Feel excitement after making purchases.
Strained interpersonal and family relationships.
Steal or lie to continue shopping.
Problems with work or with loved ones due to uncontrollable shopping.
Fail in an attempt to stop compulsive buying.
Online shopping addiction data reveals a 5-8% prevalence, similar to in-person compulsive purchasing. Shopping may be one of the most socially accepted addition, but it is still powerful that affects up to 6% of the population. Shopping addiction, like any other, may offer people delight and fulfillment as well as a feeling of shame. It can lead to overspending, obsessive purchasing, and collecting unnecessary stuff. 
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nataliazavadakova · 3 years
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Scarabaeus 2021 various materials; readymade figurine, recycled demaged clothes on construction, fake "gold" paint etc. Installation from the exhibition EXTERINTERIÉR (Exterinterior) at Múzeum Vojtecha Löfflera (Vojtech Löffler Museum) in Košice, Slovakia. Photos by Vlado Eliáš. Project was financially supported by "Fond na podporu umenia" (Art support fund).
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drcesarpinheiro · 4 years
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Todas essas compras são realmente necessárias? De alguma forma todos nos já compramos impulsivamente. Todavia existe um segmento de pessoas que sofre com este transtorno compulsivo. A modernidade líquida transformou o ato de comprar em ato recreativo. A compra excessiva é precedida de euforia e excitação. Ao comprar são experimentadas sensações de prazer e gratificação. Porém imediatamente segue-se a culpa e o remorso. Um detalhe importante nisso tudo é que a compra se dá não pela necessidade do objeto mas pelo prazer do consumo. Para pensar: 1. Vc não consegue controlar ou reduzir seus gastos? 2. Alguma vez vc saiu as compras e gastou além do que planejou ou do que poderia? 3. Tenta encobrir dos familiares seus gastos com desculpas ou mentiras? 4. Suas finanças estão definhando pelo excesso com compras? 5. Vc consegue perceber se usa o ato de comprar para aliviar sua ansiedade? Se vc identificou pelo menos 3 destas situações é o momento de buscar ajuda profissional. Procure um psicólogo. #oniomania #comprascompulsivas #terapiacognitivocomportamental #procureumpsicólogo #dr_cesar_pinheiro (em Rudge Ramos - SBCampo) https://www.instagram.com/p/CKEZWSjF9aw/?igshid=1hj3fdtb4zhfi
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mrssquishbeans · 4 years
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Since I’m having a FU day I’m constantly trying to not think about all the bad stuff running around in my head. I’ve consumed comfort food in form of chilli instant ramen, ice cream & cola zero. Now I actually got up from the couch to at least make my outside feel pretty-ish again. Self tan ftw. ☀️ . Now it’s going to oxidase for a few hours and I’m sitting in a towel on the couch again. Watching some of my favourite YouTubers. . @sortedfood @macennalee @alexapoletti @thenerdforge @nerdecrafter @jazzybum @mykie @nerdynummies @emilyboo_official . #fibromyalgia #anxiety #depression #gad #generalizedanxietydisorder #highlysensitiveperson #hsp #ocd #excoriationdisorder #trichotillomania #oniomania #agoraphobia #thanatophobia #astraphobia #aerophobia #mentalhealth #mentalhealthawareness #bfrbawareness #bfrbs #becausewhynot #80schild #instadaily #photooftheday #kidult #ihavethisthingwithcolour #livecolourfully #lifestylephotography #cutester #rainbowaesthetic https://www.instagram.com/p/CDv2sS2H0Hs/?igshid=1d5o60swg9o13
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giseliaduarte · 5 years
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#gisdrt #giseliaduarte #psicologaclinica #terapia #cuidandodasemoções #psicanalise #psicoterapia #procureumpsicologo #palestra #lagartosergipe #ansiedade #depressão #angustia #vocefalaeuteescuto #psicologaclinica #oniomania #compra (em Complexo Do BNH / Lagarto-City) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bv2kQJVhOIL/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=37384bzn9cin
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lea-naschkatze · 5 years
Visto primeiro no site: http://bit.ly/2ISOkOm
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fesq · 5 years
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S.3.103 - Oniomania or "Compulsive Buying Disorder" is characterized by an obsession with shopping and buying behavior. Disney can't stop. It will buy everything.
instagram: @fesq.project
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art-now-russia · 5 years
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"Anatomy 1.4", Sergey Bondarev
The new series of works reflects the milestones and the reasons for the development of oniomania: 1.The low level of self-regulation.These people have reduced the possibility of compensation for adverse personal characteristics to achieve this goal. They are led and easily fall into the traps of marketers. 2.The thirst for adrenaline. The body quickly adapts to the adrenaline and begins to require new doses. You can also get a dose of adrenaline in the shopping center. The process of decision making about the purchase and the possible frustration are microstresses. 3.The illusion of power. Consumers by not only things for personal consumption, but also attributes of power, including the form of the relations between sellers to buyer, such as the respect, the adulation, branded shopping bags. 4.The illusion of freedom and control of the own live. Shopping can halp shopaholic to relieve depression and anxiety, increase self-esteem and self-confidence - this person can buy everything he or she wants, not what is realy necessary. 5. Main reason is the lack of attention and emotional emptiness.
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