sonzies · 10 months
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COME CHECK OUT PART 2 OF 2 OF ONIONLAND'S EDEN TITAN SAVAGE PROG!!!! everything here was colored by @shuleis btw <3 mmmwah!
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ingapotejtoo · 2 years
In the more recent games, more inspiration is pulled from the real-life location each game takes place in. XY is based on France and has a poodle pokemon, SwSh is based on England and has a teapot pokemon,
If the next-next games were to take place in Poland, what would you want to see turned into a pokemon?
omg,, my cursed brain went for onion pokemon LMAO CEBULANDIA LOOOOLLL. Its a running joke here that the country is a onionland LMAO
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do-not-try-looking · 17 days
Search engines:
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- not worth the click
- some merit
- good to use
- not enough known
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Good for the ones only looking for the illegal things that people talk about, but most if not all are very filtered and are blatant scams/honey-pots
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Works like a cleared google page. Haven't gotten enough info to verify one way or another.
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Not sure... Mod: [] is verifying it.
OnionLand Search
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not as reputable, but a good way to find and search through things. Has a "random onion" button and an "I'm feeling lucky" button to.
Deep Search:
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Un-sure, [] is verifying it
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Not the best, but useable
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gostivarpress · 2 years
What is the Dark Web? How to Access and Potential Risks
What is the Dark Web? How to Access and Potential Risks
Contents Surface web vs. deep web vs. dark web How to Access the Dark Web? Browsing Dark Web using Tor Browser Onionland Browsing the dark web, and online security Data Analytics Contents Accessing the is bitcoin the new safe can only be done using specific browsers, such as TOR Browser. There is a great deal of privacy and anonymity that comes with using the dark web compared to traditional…
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View On WordPress
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grungnr · 7 years
Jak jesteś z Polski to zrebloguj.
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qot-archive · 4 years
just some update post regarding blog and daily posts:
1. it's been 4 weeks now since schools and unis were closed and for sure we aren't even in the middle of quarantine
2. within these 4 weeks, over one hundred people have decided that following me is a good idea... and I am both suprised and grateful
3. I am bad at shitposting, so I won't add more "clever" captions - I'll stick to counting the days since beginning of quarantine in my local area (Onionland, known as Poland)
4. once this the streets will be safe again, counting will be gone, but daily posts will continue to... be daily?
Stay safe and stuff. And here's deserved bonus cat pic for reading all that lmao
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snowyshadow · 4 years
Thank you for the tag ♥️🌸 @beautifulbutdoomed
1. Are you named after anyone?
After the saint patron of my birthday :D
2. When was the last time you cried?
It was last thursday.
3. Do you have kids?
4. Do you use sarcasm a lot?
Ou yeah.
5. What���s the first thing you notice about people?
The way they smile.
6. Eye colour?
They are grey-green, but mostly they are light grey tho. I also have heterechromia in my right eye.
7. Horror movies or happy endings?
Horror movies, tho i watch them with my eyes covered.
8. Any special talent?
Uh, it isn’t nice, but i am pretty good in manipulation. But on the other hand i am really good at listening people, so that’s why i have many mates and only one true friend (i’m not really open person).
 9. What Country were you born in?
The proud land of Poland aka Onionland (i love my country, but it regularly drives me insane with our government supidity.
10. What are your hobbies?
I love running and biking. I also like to watch animes and also reading mangas/manhwas :D I am also a book eater, and i like singing :D 
11. Do you have any pets?
Unfortunately nope :<
12. What sports do you play/have you played?
I was pretty good in basketball, tho i am a dwarf xD and now i am a runner and i love biking (especially when the road is kinda dangerous). Oh, i also love hiking!
13. How tall are you?
About 158 (i am really a dwarf xd)
14. Favourite subject(s) at school?
It was my native language, english and music. And history!
15. Dream job?
I wanted to become opera singer/spy xD or yakuza member xD but looking at what i am studying i want to be prosecutor/counsellor.
I did this tag game before, but it was fun to did it again :D thank you again!!! ♥️
And i tag: @bulma-b, @fabyjazmin17
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sonzies · 8 months
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yassinafif-blog · 4 years
إنترنت مظلم
الإنترنت المظلم أو الدارك ويب (بالإنجليزية: Dark web)‏ هو محتوى الشبكة العنكبوتية العالمية الموجود في الشبكات المظلمة (الدارك نت) والذي يستخدم الإنترنت ولكنه يحتاج برمجيات وضبط وتفويض خاص للولوج إليه.[1][2] يشكل الدارك ويب جزء صغير من الويب ��لعميق وهو جزء من الويب لا تُفهرسه محركات البحث، ولكن أحياناً يُستخدم مصطلح "ديب ويب" بصورةٍ خاطئةٍ للإشارةِ إلى الدارك ويب (الإنترنت المظلم).[3][4][5][6][7]
تتكون الشبكات المظلمة والتي تُؤلِف الدارك ويب من شبكات صغيرة من نوع صديق لصديق (F2F) ند لند (P2P)، بالإضافة إلى شبكات ذات شعبية كبيرة مثل تور وفرينت وآي 2 بي وتديرها منظمات عامة أو أفراد. يشير مستخدمو الدارك ويب إلى شبكة الإنترنت العادية باسم "الكليرنت" (Clearnet) والتي تعني بالعربية "الشبكة النظيفة" بسبب طبيعتها غير المشفرة.[8] في حين أن شبكة الإنترنت المظلم تعمل على نظام التشفير، فمثلا شبكة تور (Tor) قد يُطلق عليها في النظام المشفر اسم "أونيون لاند" (onionland) والتي تعني "أرض الأونيون".[9]
يُعد الإنترنت المظلم جزءاً مهماً من منظومة الإنترنت. حيث يسمح بإصدار المواقع الإلكترونية ونشر المعلومات بدون الكشف عن هوية الناشر أو موقعه. ويمكن الوصول إلى الإنترنت المظلم من خلال خدمات معينة مثل خدمة Tor. يستخدم العديد من مستخدمي الإنترنت نظام تور (Tor) وخدمات مماثلة كطريقة لتوفير حرية التعبير عن الرأي والإرتباط والوصول إلى المعلومات وحق الخصوصية.
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ovvca · 4 years
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Still in onionland bois and I finally got to see the Joker movie (after everyone ofc .-.) and I thought it was pretty epic not gonna lie. Especially the last act was pretty amazing, very well done.
Also I still have no tools or wifi exept a pack of 12 avengers crayons (how ironic) and an occasional visit to mcdonalds so that will probs be when this post goes up.
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#5yrsago Random Darknet Shopper: Internet art randomly spends $100/wk of Bitcoin in darknet
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It's part of a Swiss gallery exhibit called The Darknet: From Memes to Onionland, where all the random junk the algorithm buys (from ecstasy to fire brigade master-keys to boxed Tolkien sets) are displayed.
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d0pe-gg · 4 years
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americbuzz · 2 years
10 Latest Legally Free Dark Web Websites List (2022)
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The dark web is the World Wide Web content that exists on darknets: overlay networks that use the Internet but require specific software, configurations, or authorization to access. Through the dark web, private computer networks can communicate and conduct business anonymously without divulging identifying information, such as a user’s location. The dark web forms a small part of the deep web, the part of the Web not indexed by web search engines, although sometimes the term deep web is mistakenly used to refer specifically to the dark web.
The darknets which constitute the dark web include small, friend-to-friend peer-to-peer networks, as well as large, popular networks such as Tor, Freenet, I2P, and Riffle operated by public organizations and individuals. Users of the dark web refer to the regular web as Clearnet due to its unencrypted nature. The Tor dark web or Onionland uses the traffic anonymization technique of onion routing under the network’s top-level domain suffix continue reading
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qot-archive · 4 years
So my college is going to be closed for 2 weeks because one (1) old lady caught coronavirus
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Thanks a lot China, how i have to work somewhere for two weeks instead of carelessly attending courses and doing whatever I want (mostly nothing)
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Btw. My whole country (Onionland, also known as Poland) is closing every school for two weeks, because there are 23 (?) cases of coronavirus. People are in panic, buying every supply of pasta, rice and toilet paper.
Absolute top-tier shitshow.
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hidewari · 6 years
r u half polish or something or are pierogi just popular outside of onionland
i am half polish but i’m pretty sure people outside poland eat pierogi too lmao
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