#only friends aired before wednesday club
dribs-and-drabbles · 8 months
The Thai Communal Wardrobe item #18
Bad Buddy ep 10:
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Wednesday Club ep 1:
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Only Friends ep 5:
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Last Twilight ep 6:
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The Outing ep 2:
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for @waitmyturtles 💙
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zzeraphilm · 4 months
his hidden notebook
akaashi keiji x f!reader part two summary: akaashi keiji found that writing poetry was the best way to express his desires word count: 1,573
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Akaashi found himself writing more poems in his free time, away from practice and away from Bokuto. Somehow, his muse was always Y/N. When he saw the fluttering, falling flower petals that dance in the wind, he’d think of her. When he saw the ripples of the Tama river make a kaleidoscope of rainbow shades, he’d think of her. When he saw the luscious greenery bloom from a night of rain, he’d think of her. 
Scribbles from spare scraps of paper turned to neatly written notebooks full of dancing words. He kept this side of himself far from the world around him. It was a precious solitude that allowed him to see visions of beauty that was sacred to only him. His notebook of poems was holy and for others to read it would be disastrous. 
Y/N knew of Akaashi from her friends, the only boy who could keep up with the boisterous Bokuto from the volleyball team. Whilst being in the same class, she doesn’t remember speaking to him once. She had spoken to Bokuto numerous times as he was the shining sun of their class. But Akaashi was another name on the class register for Y/N. 
Presumably, they didn’t share any interests. With Akaashi being on the volleyball team and Y/N being a part of the music club with her own band. The two would always be on two separate sides of the classroom, the school and in the world. It was until one afternoon during band practice, she peered out of the window of the music room on the second floor. She saw Akaashi look up to meet her glares from across the courtyard. Sure, the windows were wide open and anyone and everyone can hear their latest melody. But Akaashi wasn’t focusing on the music, rather he had zeroed in on Y/N.
He was entranced by her power and command with the rest of her band members. He saw the sun shine a dazzling spotlight onto her through the curtains, as if she was on stage performing to millions.
Akaashi knew of Y/N’s talent, they were his muse after all. There were many nights where he would fantasise a time between Y/N and him, where she would lull him to sleep with her soft voice, singing to only him.
Akaashi had found the perfect spot to gaze upon Y/N’s performances, a few paces to the left of the second bush on the far left corner of the courtyard. At exactly 4:35PM on a Wednesday afternoon without fail, Y/N would begin her vocal exercises before her bandmates could join her. She always left the windows open, either for fresh air or to have the whole world stand still to her voice. These Wednesday memories would fuel Akaashi’s mind full of imagery solely of her. He couldn’t wait to find any spare parchment to scribble his ideas down, he was drunk with imagination because of his muse. 
Y/N found his presence, unnerving. He didn’t smile nor showed any interest when they locked eyes on each other. But Akaashi did not move away or break contact, rather he remained still. 
“What you looking at?” She shouted, leaning out of the window.
Akaashi gave a slight smile, his lips moved to reply but he was so far that Y/N could not understand.
“Huh?" She yelled. "Dude, you’re a bit of a weirdo aren’t you?” Y/N laughed him off, shut the window and walked back to the music room, disappearing from Akaashi’s line of sight.
“Yeah, and he was just like there! I swear, he’s spying on me! Everywhere I look he’s there, I’ve never even spoken to the guy, like who is he?” Sat in a circle around her desk, her friends continued to whisper the latest gossip of their weeks. Y/N had brought up her encounter with Akaashi in passing whilst she ate her lunch, but after demands from the others, she caved and spoke her suspicions.
She didn’t hate him per say, rather she was alarmed by the ‘coincidences’ of their encounters, she hadn’t realised it before but he was always within her peripheral vision. At each turn, he’d be there in passing or to the side. 
“Ah! Do you think he likes you Y/N?” The girl to the left of Y/N teased, leaning closer into the circle, since the topic of the conversation was still sat in the same classroom as them during their break. 
“Don’t go jumping to conclusions.” With a final sip of her cartoned juice, Y/N squashed the cardboard box in her fist. “For all we know, he could be a stalker.” 
Poor Akaashi could feel the stares from the group of girls from the back of the classroom. Hunched over on his desk, he crossed out the latest stanza he wrote this morning till the paper ripped.
Was he a stalker? He didn’t mean to come across this way. Maybe he should clear the air with her. 
He stood up abruptly, the crowd of students around Y/N flipped their heads around to face him, eyes bulging from their skulls. As if they had seen a ghost. Akaashi awkwardly walked up to them, he felt his stomach sink further and further towards the floor with each step. Before he could get face to face to his muse, Bokuto slammed the door wide open calling for him. Dragging him out the room before he could object. Akaashi was torn between feeling relieved for escaping a possible social suicide in front of his classmates or disappointed in his cowardice. 
Once he was far from view, the group of gossiping students collided together again and their whispers got louder and louder till some where squealing and cackling. Y/N kept looking at the now closed door, he looked so sad, she thought. His eyes didn’t seem to belong to a stalker, but there was a lingering shadow of loneliness behind his long eyelashes. 
It wasn’t until the late evening Y/N found Akaashi after leaving the gym, he was so focused on scribbling in his little pocketbook that he missed the last two steps out of the gym, causing him to tumble and the scrap pieces of paper tucked in the pages of his pocketbook flew into the sky, like confetti falling delicately across the ground. Whilst the awkward situation, Y/N rushed to help him, picking up a crumpled up sheet of paper, her eyes briefly caught a few words on the page. Before Akaashi could stop her, she had already read the entire poem. 
“Woah…this is…good.” 
Akaashi ripped the page from her hand, a slight shake in his nimble fingers. “Don’t mock me.” He continued to pick up the rest of the pages and slot them back into his pocket book, digging his fingers into the wood of the cover. 
“What’s with the hostility bro?” 
“Earlier, you spoke about me as if I wasn’t there. I’m not some stalker, I’m not a creep.” Despite the thousands of beautiful poems he has written for nearly two years now, he couldn’t think of a single word to describe how he actually felt.
“Yeah, that’s totally what a weirdo would say.” Y/N teased. “Sorry, I know you mean no harm. It is strange though, watching me from a far all the time. Would rather you come up and talk to me y’know?” There it was, another dazzling smile. Unlike the past, Akaashi can see it mere inches away from him rather than metres. 
“Honestly, Akaashi the way you write its like some of my favourite songs. Poems are basically songs anyways, they’re lyrics waiting for a melody. The rhythm and cadence of each line you wrote there, it was like you were cradling all of your emotions with every word you scribed. Some writers can’t even get their point across, let alone the emotions you pour into yours. You’re incredible.” 
Y/N slipped out a piece of paper that was poking out of his pocketbook, and began to read them aloud. 
‘We dance like daisies,  bare in the meadows we lay. A little heaven’ ‘You stand tall, bright, fair caressed by the stars above. Grace me with your smile’ 
“Akaashi, these are beautiful. I’m not mocking you this time. I could even use some of your stuff for the band! I mean it’s not 100% our style but we can work together on it!” 
“That won’t be possible. I can’t have you sing these words.”
Y/N tilted her head, eyebrows furrowed and with a slight giggled queried a soft ‘Why?’
With a deep breath, he grabbed the end of her question with an iron grip.
“Because they’re about you. All of them. I write them, whenever I see you sing, when you walk down the halls or when you daze off into space during English class. I catch images of you in my mind from moments where you’re always out of reach, where you bless others with your shining aura. Y/N, you’ve been my muse for all of my work.” 
Y/N felt the rush of blood to her cheeks, bright red, she could feel the heat radiating from her face. A slight quivering lip and darting eyes, trying not to focus on Akashi’s stare. A tiny smile creeped its way to her mouth, she couldn’t help but feel so enamoured. 
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strbymacaroon · 7 months
Silent Love: Ch. 7 - "A Lovely Night."
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⊹ ׂׂૢ་༘࿐ Chapter Seven
Previous Chapter: "Forgiveness?"
Chapter One: New Roommate(s)
Master-List: Here!
.・゜゜・ 。・゚゚・ ╰┈➤ Sukuna x Reader
⁎̩͙ ⁑̩͙̩͙ ⁂̩̩͙͙ Sypnosis:
When moving out of your dorm and leaving your eccentric roommate goes to shit, you're offered by one of her friends to move in with him... for free! That is, if you don't mind living with two completely opposite college boys.
However, life isn't that easy, and there's a hot asshole around the corner to piss you off. Especially when he's always up late at night when you're studying, purposely trying to get on your nerves in the most perverse way possible.
You hate him.
⁎̩͙ ⁑̩͙̩͙ ⁂̩̩͙͙ Genre:
College/Modern World AU. Multiple parts.
Shameless Smut, Thin Walls, Mildly Dubious Consent, Roommates Fluff and Crack, Slice of Life, Kinda Slow Burn, Oral Sex Vaginal Sex, Slight Age Difference, Degradation Fake/Pretend Relationship, Dirty Talk, Dirty Thoughts, Enemies to Lovers, Spit Kink, Angst, Hurt/Comfort.
⁎̩͙ ⁑̩͙̩͙ ⁂̩̩͙͙ Word Count: 34,014
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・ 。゚☆:  *・ December 4th, 2023 ☽ .* :☆゚.
You flutter your lashes open, a soft moan leaving your lips as you adjust yourself in your bed. You can feel a soft stream of light on your face, waking you up from your relaxing sleeping. You instantly shove your face into your pillow, groaning at the sound of cars and birds chirping. Jesus, what time is it? As much as you don’t want to, and how warm and soft your bed is, you decide it’s probably time to wake up. You stretch your arms over your head, and sigh in contentment. You look to the side, noticing that the bedside counter is next to your head. 
You furrow your eyebrows, shouldn’t there be a wall right… Wait.
You blink a few more times, adjusting your eyes into your situation. Instantly, you remember where you are, and why you’re here. It feels like your stomach is bursting with butterflies now, but you try to ground yourself. 
The counter is holding all the things from the day before. Computers, notebooks, textbooks, pencils, and even the sticky-note Sukuna wrote on. You’re tempted to look at the note again, but you catch the sight of the clock on his counter. You feel your heart drop to your stomach, all butterflies evaporating into thin air.. 
You sit up straight, twisting your head to look at Sukuna, “Shit! Sukuna why didn’t you—“
If possible, your stomach twists even harder. The space next to you is empty, void of any form of existing life other than a messy pillow. You feel your eyebrow twitch, before punching his pillow. 
That fucking lying ass son of a bi–
Wait, what day is it?
You feel a rush of nauseous and guilt flood your all at once, when you remember the day. Wednesday. “Shit, I have my club today!” You push his blanket off your body and rush towards the door. You halt on your heel, patting your hips for your phone, only to see it still resting on the dresser, right next to the sticky note and your computer. You pause for a second, moving back and forth before deciding to leave it behind. 
Whatever, it’s not needed. You can always borrow a phone and call Nobara, even if you don’t know her number, or anyone other than your mother’s and a good 3/4ths of your father’s. So, pfft, you’re good. 
You shove your Converse on, running towards your school with halftied shoes. You’re wearing your pjs from the night, and your hair is a tangled mess. You didn’t even have time to wash your face, or your makeup from the previous day. 
Wait, why didn’t Sukuna say anything about your messy makeup when you went to his–oh my god, stop thinking about Sukuna. You mentally yell at yourself, pulling a tight corner and continuing to run. 
Your chest is hurting, not only from running, but from Sukuna’s absence. Yet, you don’t feel like you’ve truly been able to let his actions sink in, but the moment they do, you know you’re going to be a weeping mess. Which is something you really, really want to avoid. 
That backstabbing asshole, such a fucking liar. 
You can feel the gaze of many, passing you unfathomable looks before going back to their mundane activities of life. Fuck them for judging you, and fuck them for having nice cars to take them anywhere they want, whenever they want.
Okay, calm down. You mentally tell yourself. Not everyone that is glaring at you owns a car, nor are they even looking at you. Most likely. Hopefully. 
The moment you reach the campus a few happy tears stream down your face, your feet feel heavy and hard to move, your throat absolutely burning with pain, it’s dry and scratchy. A happy sigh leaves your mouth, before you twist yourself into the direction of the library. 
Pushing open the library doors, and entering with a loud huff. Gaining a rude “Shush!” From the librarian, which you don’t even pay much attention to. You’re rushing to the club room, topping over a small stack of books, which garners you a ring of explicits from the studier, before reaching the club room door. 
You feel another sigh of relief past your lips, and despite how much your body absolutely hurts, you feel a bit better. Even if it’s a tiny, tiny bit. In all honesty, there’s no point in even coming at this point, the club meeting ends in a few minutes.
Until the door smacks you in the face, opening right into you. You stumble backwards, cupping your nose. “Ow.” Your bag’s straps fall down from your shoulders. What is up with doors hitting you?
The person gasps, reaching for your shoulders. “Oh! Madame president, I didn’t mean to-“ They pause, “Madame president?” They sound less worried, and more concerned and surprised now. “I thought you weren’t–”
You place a hand out while keeping one firmly pressed against your nose, cutting them off. “Please stop calling me that.” You shake your head slightly, trying to move into the room. “I have to—“ 
“I thought you weren’t coming today?” They ask you, adjusting their glasses, and placing their hands behind their back. “Are you feeling better? You don’t… look to goo–” They cut off their sentence, not wanting to offend you. 
“I have to come in.” You say exasperated, placing your hands on your hips to try and catch your breath. “Or, no one’s going to fill out the paperwork.” Despite how fucking simple it is. 
“Well, isn’t that why you got a sub?” They tilt their head to the side, “He’s already done everything for you, he’s even learning a few things in sign language as we speak.” 
You feel your eyebrows furrow, “Wait. What?” You tilt your head to the side, trying to look into the room, but you can’t see anything, unfortunately. 
They roll their eyes, “Yeah, next time you have a sub, at least don’t make them obnoxiously attractive.” You watch as they cross their arms over their chest, huffing a small bit. “All the girls have been at his feet trying to teach him simple words like hi, or you’re cute.” They huff, “It’s kinda’ pathetic.” 
You laugh despite your confusion, “Someone sounds jealous.” You ignore their glare, “But, I don’t remember asking for a sub?” Is it Yuuji? “Uh, what’s his…” name? You finish the sentence in your head, but quickly realize where it’s most likely not a good idea to ask the name of someone who you allegedly appointed as a sub. Which… you didn’t even know it was a thing for club presidents. 
They give you an expecting look, fixing their glasses. 
“Uh, I’m just here to make sure things are working out.” You push past them, and immediately you pause at the door’s frame. Your lips part in a silent gasp, a bit shocked by the man standing inside. Now, you don’t know whether to be mad, or touched by his absence earlier today. 
The person who hit you with the door comes by your side, crossing their arms over their chest and huffing. “So, did you know he was coming in for you?” They laugh a bit, “In fact, do you even know who he is?”
“Yes, I know who he fuckin’ is.” You whisper back, passing them a quick glance. “Sukuna. He’s my friend.” You blink a few times, turning your gaze to the floor, your face feels a bit hot. “I didn’t know he was coming in for me.”
“Uh-huh.” They respond back, not believing you. They fix their glasses, “Sure. Didn’t know you were friends with giga-chat frat boys who know nothing, but the bottle of a beer bottle, and pussy.”
“You’re mouthy today.” You snap, “And, don’t say that about him.” You point an accusing finger at them. “He’s so much more than that.” You smile to yourself, crossing your arms over your chest in a conceited manner. “Besides, even with his hot face, he’s still smarter than you, and gets more pussy, too.”
You don’t respond, just turn your attention to Sukuna. “What’s he been doing while I’m gone?” You tilt your head to the side, noting the clipboard often held by you at meetings in his hands. 
“Just some of your basic paperwork, simple things, really.” They wave off, “He’s also been learning things.” 
“Did he ask to?” 
“No, the girls are forcing him to. I think.” 
“What have they been teaching him?” 
They force a smile at you, tilting their head to the side. “Why don’t you go ask him yourself?” They push themself off the door frame, passing you a smile, “You two are friends, right?” 
“We are.” You lean on the frame this time, fluttering your lashes. “I’ll see you next week?” 
“We don’t meet for the rest of the year.” They say, playing with their curly hair. “Remember? Finals are going to be a bitch and a half until break.” They pass you a final wave, before departing from the small conference room. Yet, your eyes are trained on Sukuna. 
Sukuna passes a glare at the girl next to him, clipboard in hand while writing something down. But, the girl snatches it from him, saying something along the lines of, ‘Ah, don’t worry about it, I can help with the paperwork!’ Which pisses you off. Not because of her attempt for Sukuna’s attention, but for the fact that she’s doing this for Sukuna, and not you. Who knew people in the club were capable of doing that paperwork?
Not only that, but Sukuna looks… nice today. A college sweatshirt, and some simple black pants. You can still see his golden chain, but this time he’s wearing some matching earrings. You didn’t know he had his ears pierced, or… had that many. He even had the nerve to slick back his hair. 
Jesus, you look like an actual mess. 
Another girl grabs Sukuna’s arm, tugging him in her direction. Which doesn’t last long, Sukuna quickly pulls away, but gives her a look with an eyebrow raised. She’s quick to show him a paper, which you assume has some basic words in ASL. 
You shut the door behind you, which makes everyone but Sukuna flinch. “How did this meeting go?” You ask, making your way to the girl, Jamie, holding the clipboard. 
Jamie awkwardly laughs, tossing a chunk of hair behind her shoulder. “Uhm, it was good. We got all the paperwork done.” She lifts the board in the air, shaking it a bit. 
“Yeah.” You snatch the board from her, seeing that all the information is filled out. “Good to know you’re fully capable of completing the paperwork when necessary.” You pass her a hard glare, which is returned with a sheepish smile. You look at Sukuna, “Did everyone behave?” 
Sukuna’s smirking, “Oh yeah, definitely.” He tilts his head to the side, crossing his arms over his chest. He cocks his head to the side, “Lilith, here, helped me with learning a few phrases.” He passes her a quick glance, whispering, “Thanks, baby.” 
Lilith passes him an enthusiastic head nod, and smile. 
You feel your eye twitch, “Uh-huh. Is that so?” You place the clipboard in its place, sassily placing a hand on your hip. “And, what exactly did you learn?” 
“I love you.” Sukuna relishes in the way you freeze, but try to quickly shake it off. “And, a lot of other things. Nothing too big.” He passes you a shit-eating smirk, “Why don’t you teach me things? Aren’t you the president, or somethin’?”  
You ignore his slight jab at you, “Really?” You turn back to face them, leaning on the counter. “Good job, Lilith. That’s impressive.” Even though you’ve always been on your phone every club meeting. “I didn’t know you were so attentive.” 
Sukuna nods, “Very attentive.” 
You scoff, “Well, the club is dismissed. No more meetings until next semester.” You say to the girls, passing them a quick wave. “I’ll see you after break.” 
Lilith turns to Sukuna, “Do you want to walk with me?” She asks innocently. 
She’s bold. 
“Oh, I can come, too!” Jamie adds, “We’re roommates, so you won’t have to walk too long.” 
Woah. You feel your stomach turn with unease, something hot and toxic bubbling at the back of your throat. Is this jealousy? You feel your eye twitch with annoyance, watching the two of them speak by Sukuna’s side. Wait, you don’t get jealous, and even if you were, you and Sukuna aren’t even… dating. 
Why are you even thinking about this, you aren’t jealou–“Sukuna?” You innocently ask, which makes him pass you a delighted look. So, he knows what he’s doing. Wonderful. 
Sukuna tilts his head to the side, “Yes, doll?” The two girls seem to mimic his movements, passing you their full attention now that Sukuna is looking at you. Good. 
“Are you going to be home before seven? Or, am I going to have to walk home?” You fake some pain, placing a hand on your lower back. “That’d be cruel of you, especially after last night.” 
Suddenly, the state of your appearance is the only thing the two girls are looking at. Your messy hair, messy makeup, and your clothing which seems a bit more wrinkled than they should be. 
Sukuna smirks, biting the inside of his cheek while looking away from you. “How cruel of me.”
“See, now you have to take me home.” You say with a smile, “So happy we came to an agreement.” You turn to the two girls, “Sorry, but looks like he’s going to be busy, maybe some other time he can walk you to your apartment. 
The two girls huff, and turn to Sukuna for his opinion. “Yeah, yeah.” He stuffs a hand into his pocket, rolling his eyes. “It’s better than walking around with some annoying ass bitches.” For once, you love that Sukuna is someone who says exactly what he’s thinking with no censor. 
The two girls scoff and finally leave the room with a loud door slam. You narrow your eyes at Sukuna, pointing an accusing finger at him. “Shut up.” You turn away from him, arms crossed over your chest. “I don’t want to hear a word from you.”
“Mhm.” Sukuna hums, slowly moving to your side. “Not going to say anything.” 
You scoff, “You need to learn to control your dick.” You huff, finally looking at him. “Those girls weren’t even that hot, I’m like… way hotter.” 
Sukuna raises an eyebrow, “You look like a mess.” 
“That’s not the correct response.” You glare at him, “And, besides, whose fault is that?” 
Sukuna doesn’t respond for a moment, merely stares at you with an unreadable expression. Yeah, you look hot when you’re mad, no wonder he likes messing with you. “Mhm.” He smirks, cupping your face. “I like knowing that.” He moves in close to kiss you, but you quickly shove him away. 
“I know you’re trying to be sexy.” Sukuna gives you an expecting look. And, you are, you mentally think. “But, I don’t feel ho–” 
“You look hot. I’m just fuckin’ with you.” Sukuna says, twisting your messy hair in his hand. “Especially when you are jealous, or mad. Fuck. You should really look at yourself.” Suddenly, Sukuna thinks about doing just that in front of the mirror in his room. “And, I’m trying to fuck you in the club room.” He lowers his head, twisting it to the side to ghost his lips over yours. 
You can feel your thighs mush together from his words, a small fire igniting in your lower stomach. “You’re more open today.” You mumble, chewing on the inside of your lips. Sukuna nods, “But, no. I’m not fucking you where I teach people about ASL.” As appealing as it may seem right now, you have some form of respect. 
Kinda. And, you know, you don’t want your first time to be in a club room. 
“Boring.” He leans in to kiss you but you turn your head away. He sighs, “Stop doing that.” 
“I didn’t brush my teeth.” You abruptly say, face a bit hot with embarrassment. “You’re not kissing me when I know I haven’t brushed my teeth.” There’s a lot of things you’re not going to do knowing that you haven’t gotten ready for the day. Looking at Sukuna for too long with your makeup stained face, is one of them. 
Sukuna lets out a long sigh, almost annoyed in a way. It makes you giggle. “I can bash your head into the wall.” Sukuna juts his thumb towards a wall, leaning back slightly. “Maybe that will give you amnesia, and you’d let me kiss you.” He smirks.
“Romantic, really, but no thank you.” You wrap your arms around his torso, “Next time a girl does something like that, shove her away, or say something like…” You think for a moment, “Uhm, I’m already with the love of my life, and you’re ugly.” 
“You think you’re the love of my life?” 
“It’s what’s on your phone, and we can’t argue with that.” You tilt your head, pressing your cheek on his chest.
Sukuna taps your head, dog-like in a way, “Yeah, no.” He looks to the side, “Besides, if I told a girl that, I wouldn’t get to see your jealous face.” He pinches your nose, “Wouldn’t be able to pass up a chance to see you glare at another girl for breathing in my direction. It’s cute.” 
Sukuna’s response gives you mixed feelings, but you don’t try to dwindle on it for too long. “You make it sound like I’m jealous.” You mumble pulling away from his grip. “I’m not jealous, I don’t get jealous.” You lean  into his sweatshirt, closing your eyes and relaxing into his warm body. You’ve never noticed how warm Sukuna is, practically a human heater. 
“You are.” 
“I’m not.”
“Uh-huh.” He murmurs, and the fire in your stomach grows hotter. Dammit, why does he have to have such a sexy voice? It's not fair.
“Fine. Be like that.” 
“I will. It’s not like you’re going to do–shit!” Sukuna yelps a bit, pulling away from you. “Fuck, your hands are fuckin’ freezing!” He shivers, but doesn’t shove you away when you move close again. “Do that shit again, and I will bash your head into a wall.”
“You’re so aggressive. We need to fix that.” You slide your hands under his sweatshirt again, and Sukuna flinches, but doesn’t pull away. “See, it’s not too bad.” You’re also using your cold hands as an excuse to touch Sukuna, as much as you wanted to yesterday, you couldn’t due to the positio…
You blink a few times, feeling your face grow hot. 
“Yeah. Whatever.” Sukuna rolls his eyes, placing his weight on one of his legs. Watching as you cling to him like a child to their mother. He’s used to women clinging onto him, but he’s always found it bothersome, and annoying. Shoving them off, or verbally berating them, but with you… he doesn’t mind it… that much.
You softly sigh, shoving your nose into his shirt. His cologne floods your senses, toasty and dark. “Let's go already, I feel messy.” You groan, pulling away and running your hands through your tangled strands. “I feel dirty. Do you happen to have a brush in your car?” 
“Why would I have a brush in my car?” Sukuna places his hands into his pockets, stopping himself from grabbing you again. 
You play with a strand of your hair, “I don’t know. Aren’t you like?... I don’t know, a fuck boy.” You turn to the door, flipping the light switch off. “I would think girls leave stuff in your car to claim you, or something.” 
Sukuna raises an eyebrow, “What makes you think that?” You pass him a knowing look, which makes him bite back a smile. “You’re stupid. I don’t go around fucking people.” He teases, “That shit is gross to me. It’s how you get diseases.” 
“Uh-huh.” You roll your eyes, pushing open the door and flooding brief light into the dark place. “Sure. It’s not like you go to frat parties all the time. I wonder what you could possibly be doing there.” 
“Having a girl suck my dick, is different from fuckin–” 
“You know what? I don’t think I want to talk about this anymore.” You’re hurting your own feelings. “Whatever, I’m sure your body count is like–off the charts.” 
Sukuna comes close to your side, his arm brushing against yours with every step he takes. “Three.” He whispers, and you don’t know if it’s him being soft for you, or if it’s the setting that’s making him whisper. “I’ve only been with three girls.” 
You know for sure that one is the blonde girl, but who are the others? Is one his first girlfriend? But, they were only dating for a few months if you remember correctly. “Oh.” You look at him, blinking a bit dumbfounded. “Honestly. That's… way less than I thought it was going to be.”  
“Yeah.” Sukuna places a hand on the back of his neck, before smirking to himself. “Aren’t you a virgin?” As much as Sukuna wanted to make fun of you when he first found out, he quickly realized it wasn’t the time and place for such. You were nervous, and a bit anxious, and that’s not how Sukuna wanted your first time with him to be. However, now, things are a bit different. “Loser.” 
You feel your face turn hot. “I’m never letting you touch me again.” Sukuna shrugs, so you add, “I also want Mcdonalds.” 
“Can you get me cookies?” 
“Will you finally kiss me?” 
You smile, “If you get me what I usually get, a Mcflurry, and cookies, I’ll give you more than a kiss.” 
Sukuna should already know how you wouldn’t let him kiss you, more or less let him look at you for too long, you were just bluffing. Hell, he went so far to get you Chick-fil-A in the hopes of you keeping your promise. Then again, Sukuna isn't all that upset, seeing your face light up when he pulled into the driveway is more than enough for him.
Suddenly, he feels something punch his shoulder, pulling his attention to you. Your eyebrows are furrowed, “Why didn’t you text me, or leave a note–or something–about how you were subbing for me?” You fume, “I thought you left me! And right after you–” 
“I did.” Sukuna replies nonchalantly. “I texted, and left a note for you.” He laughs to himself, smirking a bit with pride. “In fact, I used the same sticky note from our study session to tell you.” 
You blink a few times, “Did you?”
“Yeah.” He looks at your pockets, or… lack thereof. “Check your phone, I’m pretty sure you left me on read.” 
“I…” You sheepishly look away, scratching the back of your neck, “I left my phone rushing to get to the library.” 
“Of course. Why didn’t I expect that?” 
“Hey!” You throw a tissue at him, “I can make mistakes, but you can’t expect me to make mistakes.” You dramatically bite into a fry, “If anything, you need to expect me to be nothing but perfect, okay?” 
“Actually, if you let me eat your nugget ice, I’ll forgive you.” You pick up Sukuna’s drink, and shake it around, the ice inside softly splashing against the sides of the cup. 
Sukuna raises one of his eyebrows, pointing at the cup. “You want… the ice?” 
“Yes.” You say with full seriousness. “I love Chick-fil-A ice.” 
Sukuna throws his hand up, mumbling, “Take everything else I have at this point.” He takes the cup away from you, and places it back in his cup holder. “I can’t even drink anything anymore.” 
“You can have the drink.” You smile, “I just want the ice, besides, it’s not like you’re going to miss it or anything.”
“You’re…” Sukuna leans back in his chair, tilting his head back to look at the roof of his car. “I don’t think there are words in the English language to describe you.” He shakes his head, “No, I know what you are.” 
Sukuna passes you a sadistic grin, “Autistic.” 
There’s silence again, and you don’t like it. “I think I’m going to cancel you.” You turn away from him, taking a bite of your food. “You’re done, Sukuna, you’re done.” 
You let the silence simmer for a moment, before finally speaking again, “Hey, ‘Kuna?”
“Hm?” Sukuna bites into his sandwich. Again, in a very Sukuna like manner. 
You pop a nugget into your mouth, chewing slowly, “I’ve been meaning to ask, but… why did you pick me to be your fake girlfriend?” You steal one of his fries, popping it into your mouth before he could object. 
Sukuna scoffs at you, tilting his head to the side. “What do you mean?” 
“Well, it was the blonde girl you were with when your Grandpa caught you, right?” You grab a strand of your hair, “My hair isn’t necessarily that color of blonde.” You’re more than sure that her color isn’t natural, it’s more dandelion yellow then a true blonde. Which you think is more than enough of a noticeable difference between your hair and hers. “Just… wouldn’t it make sense to ask her, the girl he caught you with, then me.” You laugh a bit, “I mean, have you seen my hair? We’re not an exact match.” You sarcastically add. 
Sukuna thinks for a moment, before freezing, as if a sudden cold-chilling realization had fallen over him. He looks at you, his food, then back at you again, “Uh.” He mentally curses to himself, remembering the girl he had over. “It wasn’t… the blonde girl I had over.” He tells you.
You look away muttering, “Whore.” 
“Lock your door tonight, I think I’m actually going to kill you in your sleep.” You laugh, taking a sip of your milkshake. “But, I didn’t have her over. I had some other girl over.” Sukuna’s eyes land on your hair for a moment, before he looks back at his food. “Don’t worry, your hair looked…” He hesitates before finishing, “Your hair looked identical to hers.”
You blink a few times, letting his sentence settle in your head. “Wait, wasn’t that before the project?” You tilt your head to the side, “Does that mean you called her over because she looked like–” 
Sukuna shoves a fry in your mouth. “Eat your food.” He huffs, pulling out of the parking spot in the Chick-fil-A parking lot. “I swear, you talk to fuckin’ much.” 
You hum, finishing the food. “Okay, meanie.” You pop another nugget in your mouth, looking at your reflection in the window. You like to think your hair is rather unique to yourself, hard to find something alike. You pass Sukuna a quick glance. Unless, he purposely asked a girl over who looked similar to you, because he…
You feel your eyes widen. Your lips parted ever so slightly, your face burning with embarrassment. Sukuna started like you… way before the project even happened. To the point where he invited some who looked similar to you over. That’s why Wasauke didn’t get suspicious when he first saw you. 
Sukuna smirks to himself, “You’re starin’, lovely.” He notices you whisper something underneath your breath, “Said somethin’?”
You look away from him, munching on another fry. “Simp.” 
His smile falls, “Get the fuck out the car.” 
You burst into laughter. 
・ 。゚☆:  *・ December 5th, 2023 ☽ .* :☆゚.
The curtains are pulled back, letting the strong light of the sun into the living room. The sound of a movie playing in the background, while a book laid a few inches in front of your face. 
You’re dressed in simple wear, some pj shorts, and one of Sukuna’s shirts. It’s massive on you, covering your shorts and a good chunk of your thighs. Some fluffy socks bunched up at your ankles to keep your feet warm. 
Sukuna’s thumbs press into the sole of your left foot resting on his lap, your free one kicking up and down slightly. He’s wearing something equally as laid back, some black sweats, and his shirt… Well, you know where his shirt is. 
You’re resting on your stomach, your mind traveling in the world of literature. “Did you know that the most popular romance genre happens to be country?” You mindlessly say.
“Really?” Sukuna’s still looking at the TV. 
“Mhm.” You flip a page in your book, “Anything with the word Texas, or some form of Texas love pulls readers to buy it.” You stop reading, looking over our shoulder. “Hypothetically, of course, if I bought you a cowboy hat, would you wear it?” 
You think for a moment, “What about cowboy boots?” You quickly imagine Sukuna in cowboy boots, wearing a white wife beater, a plaid flannel, and—of course—a cowboy hat. You’re practically drooling. You divert your eyes, mumbling, “That would be hot.” 
Sukuna is almost as quick to answer, but pauses, thinking to himself. “Cowboy boots sound nice.” He props his arm on the arm rest, placing the weight of his cheek on his knuckles. “But, I’d never wear them. Not in the city at least.”
“You could wear them in the house.” You giggle, “It’d be something only for me to see.” 
Sukuna bites the inside of his cheek, “Weirdo.” 
“I’m not the weird one here.” You whisper, turning your attention back to your book. “From what I can recall, you were the one who masterbated to the thought of licking my–”
Sukuna grabs your pinkie toes, harshly pulling on it, gaining a small yelp from your throat. “None of that.” He scolds, “Always so sharp with your tongue.” He smirks, “That’s not the case when I was suckin’ on your–” 
“You know what, I’ll shut up for once.” You roll your eyes, continuing to read. Luckily, the two of you had already completed all your classes for the day, and Sukuna skipped practice. Again. It’s a bad habit he’s starting to develop, and a part of you wonders if he’s only doing it to pass time, or to become an athlete.
Sukuna slaps your back, “I’m hungry.” He pushes himself off the couch, making you fall to the floor in the process. “Let’s go get somethin’ to eat.” 
You lay on the floor, “Right. So glad you gave me a warning.” You soppily reach your hand over the couch cushions, grabbing a pillow, placing it under your head. “I mean, fuck my life, right?” You grab your book, continuing to read like nothing happened. 
“Get your ass up.” Sukuna snatches the book from your hands, closing it and tossing it on the table behind him. “You’re comin’ with me, go get your ass ready.” 
You groan, draping your forearm over your eyes. “But, I’m comfy, and I don’t want to leave the house.” You wave your hand in the direction of Yuuji’s room, “Tell Yuuji to go with you this time, I’m always going with you.” 
Sukuna groans, “You’re so difficult, just go get ready.” He turns to his room, hearing you giggle behind him. 
“Awh, if this is a date you’re asking me on, why didn’t you just say so sooner?” You tease, pushing yourself on your palms, and tilting your head at him. 
Sukuna tenses, the tips of his ears turning bright red. 
You blink a few times, a bit confused on why he reacted so dramatically to your joke, before you face flushes. “Oh my god! Wait, you’re actually asking me on a date?!” You scramble on your feet, almost falling as you make your way to Sukuna’s side. 
Sukuna turns his face away from you, “Hell no.” His ears are still red, “I’d never want to go on a date with you.” 
You pass him a curious look, smiling slightly. “Uh-huh. I’m sure.” You turn to face your room, “Same here, I’d never want to date someone like you, ‘Kuna. Gross.” You laugh again, lighter and lifting the room with bright energy, “I’m going to go get ready.” 
“Shower.” Sukuna calls from behind your shoulder, “You stink.” 
You like to think that the color pink is merely a coincidence, not something you picked because of Sukuna. Pfft, please, it’s not like your life revolved around him or anything, and you’ve always loved the color pink since childhood, so… yeah. 
“Are you wearing pink to match with him?” Nobara asks, tilting her head to the side. 
You feel your face flush, “No, I like the color pink.” You mumble, “Besides, Yuuji helped me pick out this dress, so—” 
“Uh-huh. Sure.” Nobara blows on her nails, removing the small excess that came from filing them down. “I’m sure Sukuna will think the exact same things when he sees you’re wearing a dress that perfectly matches his hair.” She grabs a black sharpie marker, holding it up to the camera. “Hold up, let me just add some missing touches…” 
“Nobara.” You whine, face a bit hot with frustration and embarrassment. “Does it look like I’m trying too hard? I don’t know what I should wear since I don’t even know if this is a date…”
”This is totally a date.” Nobara deadpans, “You two are totally a couple.”
That makes you blink, “Wait, is that true?” You place your hand over your mouth, whispering, “I mean, I’m sure he likes me, but I wouldn’t say we’re dating.” You turn to the side, looking at your door. “Like I said, I don’t even know—“ 
“Ugh, you’re so oblivious.” Nobara drops her head on her bed, groaning lightly. “How does everyone know, but you? This is so frustrating.” She pulls her head back up, “Call it a date, I want to hear you say it.” 
You hesitate, but nod, “We’re going on a date.” 
“Hell yeah you are.” Nobara gives you a thumbs up, nodding her head enthusiastically. “Now, remember to wear some cute matching underwear. He’s totally going to give it to you later tonight.” She smirks, “Rock your world, some would say.” 
“Don’t say that.” 
“I didn’t say that.” Nobara places her hand on her chest, “Some said that. Very clear difference.” 
“I can’t with you.” You continue to do your makeup, before biting the side of your cheek. “Do you think the matching set should be pink?” 
“That’s the spirit!”
It isn’t long before you’re happy with your look. Your hair styled perfectly, makeup and lashes done, along with some cute intricate heels. They’re a bit dramatic, but cute nonetheless, and they were expensive, so you’re going to wear them like a badge of honor. 
It makes you wonder why you don't wear heels more often? The last time you wore them it wasn’t bad at all. Took awhile to get used to walking in them, but after that you were good. They’re gorgeous, and make your legs look amazing. 
Maybe you will start wearing them more often. They would be an amazing incorporation to your already cute outfits. 
The dress you’re wearing is also incredibly cute. A skin tight tube top, while the bottom flared out with ruffles. A part of you thinks to grab a sweater, but it’s not like it’s going to be that cold, and it would ruin your outfit! 
You grab your things and leave your room, glancing into Yuuji’s room considering the door is wide open. You smile, passing him a kind wave. “Hey, Yuu.” 
Yuuji looks away from his phone, eyeing you up and down. There’s a subtle smile on his lips as he says, “A date?” He sits up, placing his phone down. “Did he finally ask you out on a date?” 
You naturally want to say no, but you hesitate, a small smile splitting your lips. “Uh, yeah, he finally asked me on a date.” You push a strand of hair behind your ear. 
“Good to know he finally grew some balls.” Yuuji pushes himself off his bed, “Sukuna’s lucky, too. You deserve so much better than my emotionally underdeveloped brother.” He rolls his eyes, before grabbing your hands. His expression is hard, “If he does something that upsets you, call me. I’ll fucking kill him for you.” 
You blink a few times in shock. Is that the first time you’ve ever heard Yuuji cuss? You didn’t even know that was possible. You stutter out a laugh, before nodding your head enthusiastically. “Yeah, don’t worry Yuuji. I’ll totally call you if he starts acting up.” 
Yuuji nods with determination, “Good.” He smiles again, his eyebrows soft again. “You look amazing, by the way. Absolutely stunning.” 
You laugh, looking to the side. “Thanks Yuuji.” You look him up and down, “You look good too, are you going somewhere?” 
Yuuji places his hand on the back of his neck, taking a few steps back from you. “Uh, yeah.” He fishes his phone out of his pocket, “A friend of mine from middle school asked to catch up. So, I want to look nice.” 
You smirk, “Is this person a girl, by chance?” 
Yuuji shakes his head, his face flushed. “It’s not like that.” His  eyes light up for a moment, “Wait, I have something for you.” Yuuji moves to his drawer, and fishes for a tiny box inside. 
You tilt your head, taking a few steps closer. “A box?” 
“Yeah.” Yuuji smiles, holding it out for you. “I got it for my ex-girlfriend forever ago, but you can have it.” 
You feel your eye twitch. You don’t really know how to feel about that, but with the way Yuuji is smiling at you without a care in the world, you know he means it with pure intentions. “Uh, thanks Yuuji.” You grab it from him, removing the top and looking at the shining jewelry.
It’s gorgeous. A pair of matching earrings and a necklace perfectly held in the velvet padding. Silver and diamonds forming an intricate design that matches the earrings. Your lips part ever so slightly, “Yuu, this is…” 
Yuuji nods to himself, “I know. I’m an awesome best friend.” He places a hand on your shoulder, a smug smile on his lips. “No need to thank me, I already know you’re thankful.” 
You grab him in a hug, “Yeah, I don’t need to thank you.” You giggle into his shoulder, “But, thanks anyway.” You pull away, grabbing the earrings and putting them on, along with the matching necklace. “Does it look good?” 
Yuuji nods his head, a soft smile on his lips. “It’s perfect.”
“Are you ready to go?” Sukuna brassly asks behind you, his forearm resting on the door frame of Yuuji’s door. “I’ve been waitin’ for… hours…” 
You turn over your shoulder, your hair bouncing with life as you do so. You blink at him, your fake lashes fluttering. You pout slightly, pinching a strand of hair and rubbing it between your fingers, “I didn’t take that long.” You mutter sheepishly. 
Sukuna pauses, his lips parting before closing. He looks to the side, “Whatever.” He bites the inside of his cheek, “It’s cold, go get a sweater.” Sukuna, unlike you, is wearing a sweater. A nice zip up to decorate his black clothing. His gold chain accentuated, while a matching gold ring rested on his ring finger. He looks nice, really nice. 
“You’re not going to compliment her?” Yuuji places his elbow on your shoulder, resting a bit of his weight on you. “Actually, you don’t have to, I already did that for you.” He winks at Sukuna, passing him a smug smirk. “I got you.” 
Sukuna bites the inside of his cheek, his eyes trained on Yuuji. “Did you?” 
You nod enthusiastically, picking up on what Yuuji is doing. “Yeah!” You take a step forward, pushing your hair behind your shoulders to reveal the earrings he gave you. “And he also gave me these earrings! Aren’t they cute?”
Sukuna laughs through his teeth, “Adorable.” 
You blink at him innocently, leaning forward to let the necklace dangle right in front of your cleavage. “He also gave me this necklace, isn’t it just lovely?” You place your hand over your heart, showing off the jewelry. “I think it’s the sweetest thing ever.”
”Go get a jacket.” Sukuna pushes himself off the door frame, “We’re getting somethin’ that isn’t hideous.” He scoffs, arms crossed over his chest. “Yuuji has horrible taste, let’s get you something nice.” He makes his way to the kitchen, leaving you and Yuuji alone in his room.  
You turn, placing your hand on your hip. “No, my outfit would be ruined if I wore a jacket.” You pass Yuuji a quick smile and thumbs up, which is quickly returned by an equally enthusiastic Yuuji. “And I like what Yuuji gave me, it’s cute.” You follow after Sukuna. 
“That shit is ugly.” Sukuna grabs his keys. “If your ass starts freezing, I’m just going to point and laugh at you.” 
You roll your eyes, “Why am I choosing to leave with you?” Your heels click as you follow Sukuna into his car.  
“Don’t know.” Sukuna smiles, opening the door for you. “Maybe you’re obsessed with me, or something.” He places his hand atop your head, patting it a few times. You sit in his car, not bothering to respond. 
Sukuna parks his car, with a soft beep, before reaching for the door. The car ride here was mostly silent, other than you asking some simple questions about where he’s taking you, and if he genuinely plans on murdering you today. Sukuna’s silence is normal, you’re used to it, but after you saw how Yuuji got under his skin, you sincerely think he might murder you today. 
“We’re here.” He adds, before shutting the door behind him. You immediately go to open your door, but Sukuna locks the car with you inside, making your attempts feeble. You groan with annoyance, tilting your head to look at him through the window. 
“Unlock the car.” You mumble. 
Sukuna cups the back of his ear, smirking. You can see, and hear, him mouth, “What?” 
You lean back in the car, and really contemplate; Is this the guy you like? Someone who is a little shit, and does everything in their power to get under your skin. You giggle to yourself, nodding your head. Hell yeah. You flash him an obvious fake smile, and clasp your hands together, “Please, open the door.” 
Sukuna unlocks the car, opening the door for you, and you don’t know if he was being nice to you, or if he was genuinely trying to get under your skin. “Mh. Love when you say that.” He grabs your hand, and yanks you out of the car, slamming you against his body. “Oops, forget how clumsy you are sometimes.” 
You shake your head, “And I forget how fuckin’ stupid you are sometimes.” You hear him shut the door behind you, locking the car again. “Why can’t you be a normal boyfriend, and just open the door for me like a gentleman?” 
“So, I’m your boyfriend now?” 
You feel your face flush, pushing Sukuna away from you, “Uh–I… that’s not what I meant.” You move forward, pushing your hair behind your shoulder, “I was just being hypothetical.” You huff. 
Sukuna rolls his eyes with a knowing smirk, “Sure, doll.” 
You cross your arms over your shoulders, small goosebumps erupting over your skin. “Ugh. I hate that nickname.” You immediately notice you’re in the parking lot of a mall. The biggest one in the city. You’ve only been here a few times, considering you’re more of a shopper, rather than window shopping person.  
Sukuna walks right behind you, hand on the small of your back. “I hate you call me ‘Kuna.” He grimaces a bit, “That shit is so stupid.” 
“That nickname isn’t going anywhere, anytime soon.” You pause, letting him come to your side and looping your arms over his right one. Sukuna doesn’t even flinch, nor does he pull away, if anything, he moves his arm to allow you to grab it better. You cling onto his warmth, “I think knowing that you hate it, make me like it even more.” 
“I feel like the only reason you were born was to annoy me.” He pushes open the doors to the mall, and the bubbling sound of various conversations and mall music floods your ears. The smell of food and sweets entering your senses.
You wrinkle your nose, “Don’t say that. It makes it seem like we’re soulmates, or born for each other.” You shake your head, turning your head away from Sukuna so he can’t see the smile on your lips. “Gross. Imagine?” 
“Fuck you, too.”
You giggle, squinting, as the sun from the skylight beams in your eyes. “You know, I’ve been wondering, why don’t you have a girlfriend?” You think of the blonde girl for a second, she makes you scowl. “Or, are you more into the casual hookups.” 
Sukuna places his sunglasses over your eyes, they’re a bit big on you, but look nice nonetheless. “Relationships are… not for me.” He clicks his tongue, “I already told you about my last relationship, and it was…” 
“Bad?” You push your hair from your face, making sure it looks good with the new added accessory. “But, wasn’t that back in highschool? Wouldn’t it be a good idea to give relationships a go since it’s your last year in college?” You laugh to yourself, “Unless you’re planning to die alone.” 
Sukuna pinches your nose, “No, dumbass.” He naturally looks at the way you’re holding him, close and comfortable. “I just—I don’t think I was ready for a relationship. I had shit going on, the things I told you.” 
“That’s oddly mature of you, ‘Kuna.” You let your head rest on his arm, “So, in other words, you were the problem?” 
“I’m never the fuckin’ problem.” Sukuna laughs to himself, more cockily than anything. “But, enough about me. Tell me about you, virgin. Any middle school relationships?” 
You narrow your eyes at him, “You keep calling me a virgin, and I will literally leave.” 
You look up, trying to think. “I mean, I had a crazy ex, but it didn’t last that long.” 
Sukuna snickers to himself, ”I think you were the crazy one.” 
“Oh yeah, I definitely was.” You shrug, “But, that’s a given.” You almost fall when Sukuna abruptly tugs you into a store, your heels clicking frantically behind him. “Sukuna! I’m in heels, you can’t pull me around like that.” You whine, but it doesn’t last when you look around the store. Observing the products for sale. Clothing, shoes, jewelry, and bags. 
You blink a few times, trying to identify the clothing store by the layout, but find yourself coming out flat. Although, Sukuna seems to be more familiar with the layout, keeping you close to him as he leads you to the back of the store without a word. You notice the glass case, velvet decorators holding shining jewelry.  
You push the sunglasses up to the crow of your head, “Wait, you weren’t joking about the—“ 
“Of course not.” Sukuna stops, pushing you in front of him, “I hate that you’re wearing somethin’ another man gave you.” 
“That ‘other man’ is your brother, Sukuna.” Your eyes are trained on various necklaces, rings, and earrings, sparkling like diamonds–they are diamonds–in the light. “You shouldn’t think that way about your brother.” You lightly scold, but you don’t really mean it. 
“Pick something.” Sukuna doesn’t bother to respond, “Anything you like, I’ll get it for you.” 
You blink a few times, you don’t believe him. “You’re joking.” 
“Do you want me to be?” Sukuna’s on his phone, doing god knows what. “Anything. And make sure you hurry up, before I change my mind.” 
A lady dressed in a pencil skirt, and a white collared shirt makes her way to you, smiling kindly. “Is there anything you have in mind? Or, are we just browsing?” Her hair is pulled in a tight low bun, her bright blue eyes decorated with some cat-like glasses. 
“She’s looking for somethin’ nice.” Sukuna says, phone pressed to his ear. “Anything you think would suit her?” 
This feels so overwhelming, Sukuna’s buying you something, he’s actually going to buy you something. Is this why Yuuji was pointing out the necklace, did he know this was going to happen? “Uh…” You thickly swallow, pushing your hair behind your ear. “Uh—“ 
The lady nods her head, almost ignoring you. “Come here, child. I think I have something that will match your skin perfectly.” She starts walking to the right of the display, leading you to more bubbling jewelry. “Do the two of you have a price range by chance?”
You immediately open your mouth, wanting to say something along the lines of ‘anything cheap,’ but Sukuna places his hands over your ears, his phone snuggling held between his ear and shoulder. Sukuna says something to the lady, but it’s muffled and quick, and it’s returned with an enthusiastic head nod. He lets go of you, he bends down, his mouth near your ear as he whispers, “Pick out anything you like.” He takes a step back, patting your head, and speaking to the person on the phone.
You hesitate, but move close to the display, eyeing the array of colorful diamonds. You glance over your shoulder, eyeing Sukuna, before looking at the lady again. You lean in close, whispering, “What did he say?“
The woman glances at Sukuna, before reaching down and pulling out a rack of necklaces, along with matching earrings. “Which one do you like?” She grabs one of the necklaces, it’s simple, a silver chain, but the diamond is stunning. Wrapped in silver lining, and lined with smaller diamonds. “We also have some matching earrings, if you want to take a look at them.” 
You laugh nervously, toying with the ends of your frilly dress. ”Oh, but that seems like a lot of money.” You glance at the matching earrings, “But, they are pretty. Maybe not for me, though…” 
“Oh, sweetie, everything that’s covered in diamonds is made for women. The more the better.” She waves off with a playful smile, “I’m sure your fiance wouldn’t mind showering you in them, either.” 
You feel your eyes widen, taking a small step back, “Oh, we’re not–” 
“Of course not.” Sukuna pinches a strand of your hair, twisting the strand around his finger. “Anything for the wife, right?” The woman nods enthusiastically again. 
You want to pass Sukuna an uncertain glance, but are unable to find the opportunity when the woman reveals a beautiful bracelet. One that calls to you far more than it should. “That one is… nice.” 
You love it. 
The woman nods, “That’s wonderful, do you want to see the matching set that comes with it?” She reaches down in the display again, revealing the matching jewelry. She holds it close to your skin, the necklace gleaming with little to no light. “I think it fits with you perfectly, maybe a nice set of nails to match?” She turns to Sukuna for his opinion. 
You turn to look at him too, not for his opinion, but to gauge why she was asking for his opinion when you’re going to be the one wearing it. But, you're quickly shocked to see he’s already looking at you, “Well? What do you think?” 
Your lips part, blinking your long lashes at him in a bit of shock. “I…” You look back at the jewelry near your skin. It’s lovely, it really is, but do you deserve to have it? How expensive is it? You look at Sukuna again, softly saying, “I really like it.” 
Sukuna nods, placing his hand on your head. “We’ll take the set.” 
The lady nods, collecting the things and placing them on a velvet tray. You feel bad, velvet alone means expensive. “Can I get a name?” 
Your name leaves Sukuna lips with ease, and you can’t help but adore the way it sounds on his tongue. It feels a bit intimate, despite it being something as simple as your name, but hearing him say it… feels good. 
You really like it. 
You watch as she moves to the register, whispering, “Are you sure?”
Sukuna tilts his head to the side, narrowing his eyes to the side. “Yeah? What? Do you not think I can afford it?” He leans down, getting close in your face to whisper, “Do you really think I’m that poor?”
You huff, a small laugh leaving your lips. “Oh yeah, definitely.” You cross your arms over your chest sassily, “I’m scared my mere existence is too expensive to you.” You wave off. 
Sukuna feels his eye twitch. “Oh really?” 
You smile, nodding your head innocently, “Mhm.” You hum. 
“Pick out somethin’ else.” Sukuna says, pushing you towards the clothing rack. “Anything.”
You almost trip over your footing again, the extra dangles of jewels connected to your heels jangling. “Stop with the pushing!” You whine, grabbing onto his wrist to stable yourself. 
“If you fall, I’m going to laugh.” Sukuna mumbles behind you.
“Ah, yes, I’m so lucky to have you.” You whisper, but you turn your attention to the clothing racks. Dresses, and other articles of clothing decorating the hangers and shelves. 
A dress catches your attention, and you instantly reach for the price tag, trying to check the price. Sukuna is quick to grab your wrist, stopping you from looking at the price. He grabs the dress, holding it to your body. Seeing if it would fit you. 
“Don’t look at the price.” He tells you nonchalantly,  placing the dress on his forearm. He turns on his heel, walking towards the changing rooms, “Lets go try this on.” 
You hesitate to follow, glancing at the other dresses and being tempted to check the price, but Sukuna’s words repeat in your head. It’s a choice you make, not at all influenced by Sukuna’s orders, but you decide not to check the price. 
“Hurry your slow ass up.” 
“I’m going slower just because you said that.” 
The dressing room is small, but one of the nicest you’ve ever been in. The mirror is framed by bright LED lights, and the bench is covered in soft leather. The rack holds your empty hanger, the dress sticking to your body. 
You glance at yourself in the mirror, struggling to zip up the dress up your back. A small, but frustrated, sigh leaving your glossy lips. “I hate zippers.” You let your hands drop down to your sides, sitting on the seat. 
Sukuna knocks on the door, “You finished in there?” He places his forehead on the door, “You’re taking to fuckin’ long. Hurry your–” 
You open the door abruptly, making Sukuna’s head meet straight with yours. You flinch, but immediately add, “I can’t zip it up.” You take a few steps back, a silent invitation for Sukuna to enter. “Can you help me?” 
Sukuna scoffs, but you can see him trying to hide a smile. “Looks like you can’t do anything without me.” He steps inside, the door closing and locking automatically behind him. “What a lost baby you are.” He coos. 
You roll your eyes, ignoring how your stomach flutters with his condescending tone. You must be going crazy, liking the way he talks to you? Yeah, you must be going crazy. “Just help me out, ‘Kuna.” You turn your back to him. 
“Yeah.” Sukuna places his hand on your lower back, pinching the zipper to your dress. He thinks it’s cute, a small heart pendant that matches your skin perfectly. “This looks nice on you.” His mouth is near your ear, and you feel the dress tighten around your chest. 
“You haven’t even looked at it.” You mumble back, placing a hand over your chest, “And, it’s like really tight on my chest.” You giggle, “I don’t think it fits.” 
Sukuna looks at you over your shoulder, glancing at your reflection. “Looks good.” He murmurs, eyes drinking up how wonderful you look in your dress. “I like when things are off the shoulder… easy access.” He runs his lips over your shoulder, pressing kisses against your skin. 
You shake your head, naturally leaning into Sukuna. “Can you…” You thickly swallow, a slow exhale leaving your lips, “Like not, for one second.” You feel your lashes flutter, “We’re in–” 
“Public.” Sukuna finishes for you, “But, isn’t that what makes it fun? Knowing that we can get caught?” He lets his hands travel down your body, “Five minutes.” He presses another kiss into your shoulder, “Give me five minutes.” His tone is… desperate, almost begging in a way. 
It makes your mind a bit hazy, turning to look at him. “One minute.” Your hands are on his shoulders, stabilizing yourself. 
Sukuna kisses your forehead, smiling as he mumbles, “Three minutes.” 
You narrow your eyes, tilting your head back and gritting out, “Thirty seconds.”
Sukuna obnoxiously sighs, slouching into himself, “Fine, one minute.” You giggle, lifting yourself on your tippy-toes and pressing your lips to his. Sukuna grabs your chin, pulling on your bottom lips to slide his tongue in your mouth, adoring the way your hands tighten around his shoulder. 
You pull back, looking past his body. Sukuna naturally leans close again to kiss you, but you press your lips together. “I feel like we’re being loud.” You whisper, your face feeling hot. “Can you like… not–” 
“Kiss you that loud?” Sukuna snorts, but that laugh is cut short when your palm presses over his mouth. 
“Shh!” You shake your head, a small but embarrassed smile on your lips. “People are going to hear us.” You whisper, moving your hand from his mouth to the collar of his shirt. “Mostly you. I swear…” 
“I’d fuck you here if you’d let me.” Sukuna says, his eyes half-lidded. “I’d do so much shit for you if you’d let me.” He kisses you again, and with his desire filled words, along with his skilled hands, you give in. Not bothered that someone can hear the sloppy kiss ensuing between the two of you. 
Sukuna’s hands moving to your ass, then to the back of the dress. Unzipping it from your body and pulling it down your frame, the fabric pooling at your feet. You feel yourself gasp, eyes widening with realization. Holy shit, wait, you’re wearing–
Sukuna breaks away from you, and you’re tempted to press your hand over his eyes, but you keep them firmly on his shoulder. Diverting your eyes as he bluntly eyes your body, the way your lacy underwear hugs your hips, and your bra digs into your soft tits. 
“Fuck.” Sukuna instantly kisses you again, grabbing your waist and pulling you alongside him, plopping you on top of his lap as he sits on the seat. “You’re so fuckin’ sexy.” He mumbles against your lips. 
You giggle, moving your hands to pull at the straps of your bra. “Mhm? You like it?” You run your tongue over his bottom lip, pulling it between your teeth and softly sucking on it.
“Fuck yeah.” Sukuna pushing his hips into your pussy, “Don’t you feel it? Don’t you feel what you do to me?” He drops his head, kissing your neck and softly sucking on your skin, not hard enough to leave a mark, but enough to make your body shiver. “Can I see ‘em?” He’s begging, his tone a bit more high pitched, and the tips of his ears red. 
His tone makes you dizzy, and you feel drunk of his words. You nod your head, your glossy bottom lip tucked between your teeth, and tug down the cups of your bra. Exposing your skin to Sukuna, and you can feel his dick twitch beneath you. 
You whimper. 
“Fuck yeah.” He groans, his hips twitching. “Fuck, I’ve wanted this for so long.” He wraps his lips around your nipple, his tongue circling around your sensitive nerves. 
You slap your hand over your mouth, arching your back into Sukuna. He smirks, “What? You like it when I do this?” He whisper, his voice raspy and deep, “You like when you get me hard in public, wanting to fuck you so everyone in this fuckin’ store can hear how good I make you feel?” 
“Why can’t you ever shut up.” You mumble back, rolling your hips into his dick. Straining uncomfortable against his Sukunas, a very visible dick print in his pants. “I swear, you always–” 
“You wet?” He mumbles, running a long stipe from the bottom of your tit, to the top of your collar bone. “Your pussy a droolin’ mess right now, huh? Wet, and waiting to be stuffed with my fat cock?” 
You feel your hips twitch, and you don’t mean to, you really don’t, but you nod. You look at him with your bright shiny eyes, hand clutching his chest, while you lean over for a kiss, nodding your head without a true thought other than Sukuna. “Please, I want you so bad, ‘Kuna.” 
You can feel his cock twitching between your lips, thick and hard. You subtly suck on your bottom lip, it’s coated with Sukuna’s and your saliva. You thickly swallow, your pupils blown. You really just want him inside of you, you want to feel the head of his cock deep inside your throat, your tongue sliding around his girth. Or, his cock spliting you open and he rams his cock inside your pussy. 
Your bottom lip wiggles, “Can I–can I…” You whimper, I want to suck his dick. 
Sukuna feels his jaw tick, but before he can so much as skim his finger over your sensitive clit, someone knocks at the door. “Is everything fitting alright in there?” An associate. 
Yet, Sukuna isn’t even given the chance to respond when you push your lips against him, ensuing a messy kiss between the two of you. His eyes practically rolling with how desperate and aggressive you’re being from a few words. 
Fuck, you’re so… perfect. 
You finally pull away, a catty smirk on your lips as you whisper against his lips, “I don’t like the dress.” You pick up your original dress, slipping it over your body. Sukuna’s still looking at you, “And, I’m hungry, can we wrap this up?” 
Sukuna feels his eyes twitch–well, that’s not the only thing twitching–and scoffs at you. So, now you’re toying with him. Right. Sukuna takes a moment to regroup, before responding, “Yeah, we didn’t like the dress.” 
There’s still a smug smile on your lips as you giggle at his almost dumbfounded expression, you move it close, swiping your thumb over his bottom lip. “You have a little something here.” 
Sukuna bites the inside of his cheek, watching you turn away from him and slipping his hard erection into the waistband of his boxers. If you want to play that game, keep doing it. Fine, he’ll play along to this little game you’re seeming to pull. 
Sukuna has never considered himself a masochist, but being around you is starting to feel like torture. A small ich in the back of his head which he can never scratch unless you're touching him, or begging him to touch you. 
Maybe, just maybe, he likes you a bit more than he originally thought. Which… is saying something. 
You reply to a text Nobara had sent you a while ago, ignoring the obvious way Sukuna seems… pent up, as he stands right next to you. You place your head on his shoulder, leaning your weight on him while your fingers tap diligently at your screen.
“Happy with yourself.” Sukuna mumbles underneath his breath. 
“Mhm.” You turn off your phone, tucking it into his front pocket. “Very proud, actually.” You play with his fingers, toying with the gold ring decorating his ring finger. “You have really nice hands, by the way..” You slightly add. 
Sukuna huffs, but it sounds more like a laugh rather than an annoyed sigh. He shakes his head as he turns away, “You’re so weird.” 
“It’s me flirting with you.”
Sukuna scratching the back of his neck while mumbling, “No wonder you’re single.” 
You slap his arm, “Heard that.” 
“Didn’t say anything.” 
“Mhm, sure.” You roll your eyes, following at Sukuna’s side as he moves to the cashier. And as much as you don’t want to, you’re looking at the monitor displaying the price of everything that is to be scanned. 
Sukuna notices. In fact, he knew you would be aware and looking at the price. 
The woman tilts her head with a smile, “Can I get a name?” Sukuna says your name again, which makes the woman dip her head under the counter, looking for your items. “Also, will you be using cash or credit with this purchase?”
“Credit.” Sukuna currently responds, but you can see him patting his pockets from the corner of your eye, his hand landing on your phone, and pulling it out. He curses underneath his breath, “Shit, I think I left my phone in the dressing room.” He raises his eyes to your face, placing a hand on your head, “Can you go grab it for me?” 
You pout, but nod your head nonetheless. 
Sukuna nods in approval, “That’s my girl.” He presses a kiss to the top of your head, “I’ll be waiting for you.” You hesitate to move, looking at the register, then back to the area of the dressing rooms. He taps your arm reassuringly, “C’mon, go grab it for me.” 
You feel your heart flutter, but don’t let him see it, muttering a small, “Fine.” Before making your way to the dressing room. You enter the room the two of you were in not even a few minutes ago, glancing over the area and looking for his phone. 
You can’t see it, which makes you huff in frustration. You’re rushing a bit, trying to see how much money Sukuna is wasting on you. Hopefully, you can actually pay him back a bit, maybe take him to an expensive dinner. 
You move to the seat, glancing at the crack between the wall and the soft velvet. It isn’t there. 
You drop to your knees, tilting your head to the side to see if it fell down on the floor. It isn’t there. 
You look at the seat again, resting on your knees. It isn’t there. 
You look around the room, seeing if it fell… anywhere else, but… it isn’t there. It isn’t here.
Did someone steal it? You furrow your eyebrows. Maybe, that’s how I can pay him back, by buying him a new phone. You probably need to get a job, again. 
You leave the room, but not before passing it a final glance, hoping his phone would magically appear in the middle of the room. Unfortunately, it doesn't, so you’re forced to leave empty handed. 
You’re thinking of ways to tell Sukuna he may need to return the things he just bought you in favor of a new phone, but your thoughts come to a halt. In fact, your whole body comes to a halt. 
Your heart drops into the hole that opened up below you. 
Just like Sukuna said, he’s waiting for you at the entrance. A small bag in his hands, stuffed with tissue paper, and his hand tucked into his pocket. But, standing next to him, is a blonde woman. 
She’s saying something to him, but you can’t hear it. It could be the distance between the three of you, or the soft music the store is playing. It could be both, but you shake it off, pushing yourself forward. 
She doesn’t scare you. Sukuna doesn’t even like her, he likes you, so you shouldn’t be worried or intimated. Sukuna starts saying something back to her, and much to your dismay, you only pick up on the last thing he tells her.
“–and you’re ugly, so.” Sukuna shrugs. 
That makes you abruptly laugh, pulling the attention of both of them to you. You blink a few times in embarrassment, before waving a kind hello at her. “Hey, I remember you.” You giggle sweetly, “You’re the crazy… ‘ex,’ right?” You add air quotes. 
Her eyes twitch, a promite scowl on her lips. “Oh, this tacky piece of–”
“Here.” Sukuna hands you the bag, “Don’t worry about her, she wouldn’t leave me alone.” You swear you can hear him mutter, ‘Annoyin’ ass bitch.’ Under his breath, before asking, “You ready to go eat?” 
You smile, nodding your head, not passing the girl a second glance. “Yeah, I’ve been starving.” You loop your arms around his, resting your head on him. “Good to know. I can’t believe she’s trying to get back with you.” You flash her a smile when he pulls you away, adding a sweet, “Such a pathetic attempt to use, too.” 
She’s dumbfounded, unsure of how to respond, but she doesn’t even get the chance to respond because the two of you are long gone. As much as Sukuna doesn’t want to talk about what happened, he knows you want to. 
You tilt your head at him, slightly pulling away from him in favor of curling your fingers around his hand. “What did she want?” 
“She wanted to hook up.” 
“Oh.” You look away from him, “Well, what did you say?” 
“Nothing that you wouldn’t be aware of.” He squeezes your hand, ignoring your confused look. “C’mon, use that pretty head. I’m sure you can figure out what that means.” 
You pout, not bothering to dwindle on it for too long. “I thought you’re the type to like to make me jealous? Why didn’t you do that this time?” 
Sukuna pinches your cheek, a bit hard. “You weren’t around.” 
You close one of your eyes, pulling away from his touch. “What does that mean?” You use your free hand to rub the cheek he pinched, muttering a small, “Ow.” 
“If you aren’t around to be jealous, then there isn’t any point to entertaining any other girl.” He rolls his eyes, scowling to himself. “Besides, she’s annoyin’ as hell.” Sukuna can feel your gaze on him, it’s cute, you look like you’re a bit flattered. 
Sukuna rolls his eyes, grabbing his sunglasses from the top of your head and flipping them down over your eyes. It’s a bit of a separation. Separating him from what? He doesn’t know what exactly. “Don’t let it get to your head.” 
You laugh to yourself, “Too late. Oh!” You tug on his hand, “I couldn’t find your phone, so… I think we may need to return what you bought me to get you a new one.” 
Sukuna raises an eyebrow, a bit confused, before closing his eyes and subtly laughing to himself. “No, I don’t need to do that.” He looks straight again, “I–uh, It ended up being in my pocket the whole time, so don’t worry.” 
“Oh.” You feel your eyes furrow, before opening your mouth again. 
“We have reservations at six thirty, which means we still have little over an hour to burn.” Sukuna doesn’t even let you respond, “Anything you have in mind?” 
“Not really.” You look around the mall, trying to think of something to take up time. Something that would take time, and isn’t necessary to spend money on. You come to a quick realization that nothing is possible without having to put down at least some form of payment. 
Bummer. Maybe, you can pay for a karaoke room, or some credits at an arcade… 
“Actually, I have an idea.” 
You take a few steps away from Sukuna in caution, much like a cat backing away from a barking dog. “I don’t think I’m excited.” 
Sukuna laughs, stuffing his hands into his pocket, “You shouldn’t be.” 
Over an hour later, and a fresh set of french tip nails, you’re sitting across Sukuna in another fancy restaurant. The booth you’re sitting at is on the second story, and has an amazing view of the people walking outside below. You can see some clouds crowding over the sky, and can’t help but wonder if it’s going to rain. 
You turn back to Sukuna, looking at your nails again. “I think I need to get my nails done more often.” You mumble, clearly admiring them with the bracelet and ring Sukuna bought you not too long ago. 
You didn’t even know the set came with a ring, but you’re not complaining. It’s gorgeous. Easily one of the most valuable things you now own. 
“D’you like it?” Sukuna asks nonchalantly, eyes also trained on your hands decorated with the fresh jewelry. 
“Mhm.” You lower your hand, grabbing your drink. “It’s nice, Sukuna, I really like it.” You take a sip, and add a quick, “Thank you.” Almost embarrassed to say it aloud. Sukuna leans back his chair, hands resting in his lap. He doesn’t respond, nor does he give any indication to hearing what you just said. That makes you even more embarrassed, “Hey, asshole, I said thank you.” You huff, “Can you say something back?... Please?” 
Sukuna tries to hide it, but you can see him fighting the start of a smile, “I heard you.” He grabs his drink, an alcoholic beverage of his choice, “I know you’re thankful, don’t need to tell me.” You pout, which makes him laugh, “Don’t hurt yourself, sweetheart, I know you can’t handle putting your ego aside.” 
“Oh, you’re one to talk.” You bite back, “Last time I checked, our biggest argument was over you refusing to–” 
“Don’t remind me.” Sukuna says, “Besides, I’m trying to mak–” He pauses, cutting himself off, before taking another sip of his drink.
You bite the side of your cheek, smiling to yourself. “Okay.” You play with your shoes, your feet toying with your heels. “Do you like my nails?” You flip them to him, it’s your third time asking this question, but you like his response. 
“I already told you what I think about your nails.” 
You flaunt your fingers, “I want to hear it again.” 
“Yes. They’re nice.” Sukuna grabs your hand, rubbing his thumb over the back of your palm. Your stomach flutters from it, it feels so… loving. A single act done between two lovers, and a part of you craves more of it. “I can get them for you more often, if you like them.” 
“It’s weird seeing you like this.” You softly say, pulling your hand back and resting it in your lap. “I feel like you’re going to poison my food, or something.” 
Sukuna rolls his eyes, jutting a thumb in a normal direction. “Yeah, let me just sneak into the kitchen.” 
You nod, an eager smile growing on your lips. “Let me come with you, maybe we can recreate the Lady Gaga music video from Telephone.” You point an accusing finger at Sukuna, “Wait, only if you let me be beyonce–no, I want to be Lady Gaga.” You look to the side, thinking again, “No, I’m a liar, Beyonce.” 
Sukuna snorts, resting his head on the palm of his hand. “You’re so weird.” He mumbles, before quickly correcting it to, “You’re so different.” 
You feel your expression fall, eyes narrowed at him. “Wow. Thanks.” 
“I’m not insulting you.” He takes his drink in his hand, swirling the liquid in the cup. “Just… stating an observation.” His full attention is on you, and it feels a bit overwhelming. 
You laugh, feeling a bit tense, and joking, “Is that why you like me?” 
“I don’t…” Sukuna pauses, diverting his eyes from you, before looking away, “Nevermind.” He mumbles into his palm, “I’m just saying it’s… I don’t know, relaxing? Doesn't feel like you’re being fake.” 
“Why would I be?” You tilt your head to the side, “I mean, sure, I wasn’t your biggest fan when we first met, but I didn’t… completely hate you.” You lean forward, supporting your head with the back of your hand underneath your chin. “It was like, seventy-six percent.” You’re smiling. 
Sukuna laughs a little bit, “I didn’t completely hate you either.” He pretends to think, “It was… ninety seven percent.” 
“I’m changing my answer. It was ninety-nine percent.” You shake your head, “But, uhm, yeah. I don’t know, you were annoying, but I always sort of… liked you, in a weird way.”
Sukuna gives you a boyish look, “Yeah?” 
You look at him, a soft expression on your face. Content. “Yeah.” You play with your bracelet, running the tip of your fingers over the gems. “Is this your way of calling me special?” 
“Not at all.” Sukuna watches as your eyebrows furrow, you’re always so expressive. “I’m insulting you, actually.” 
“Such a lover boy.” You sarcastically add, but your attention is drawn away from him when your phone vibrates. You’re tempted to look at it, but you know it’s rude to–
“The blonde girl texted me.” Sukuna softly says, a very clear bothered expression on his face. “I can’t believe she got another number.” 
You furrow your eyebrows, glaring at him. “You know, it’s considered rude when you’re on your phone during a date, ‘Kuna.” You’re tempted to snatch the phone away from him. You don’t know if it’s because you’re jealous, or upset he’s on his phone during your dat…
You feel the color from your face drain. Wait. You didn’t say that. You didn’t just say that to Sukuna’s face. You pull your bottom lip between your teeth, searching for Sukuna’s expression. But, there’s nothing, not any form of emotion or indication to disagreement–or agreement–to what you just said. 
“Yeah, but I’m not actually on it.” Sukuna says, “I’m just checking a notification.” 
Is he… agreeing with you? Does this mean that this really is a date? Telling Nobara and Yuuj is one thing. But, having Sukuna blatantly agree with you, is a completely different thing. 
You cross one foot over the other, trying to look at his screen, but he puts his phone face down on the table. “What did she say?” 
Sukuna slides his phone to you, “Check.” 
You nod, grabbing the phone and pulling it into your lap. “You know, I thought you would be more secretive with your phone.” You flip it right side up, clicking the unopened text message, quickly putting in Sukuna’s password which you happened to remember. 
“Nah. I don’t really have anything on my phone I would want to hide.” Sukuna leans his head back, “Well, nothing from you at least. Maybe from Uraume or Yuu, though.” 
“I thought Uraume knew everything about you.” You open the message, cringing at the abrasive text about you. 
“They do.” Sukuna nods to himself, “They know how I like my food, and what happened when I was younger, but that’s… all.” 
“Hm.” You turn off the phone again, “Apparently I’m a… ‘selfish bitch,’ who… ‘can’t keep my hands off what doesn’t belong to me.’” You scoff, “Are you cheating on me, ‘Kuna? Or, did I really snatch you away from this girl?” 
Sukuna shakes his head, “Gross. Don’t even fuckin’ joke about that.” He sighs, rubbing his temples. “I can’t believe I let her over.” 
You furrow your eyebrows in thought, wait a minute… “Wait, what’s her name?” You laugh to yourself, feeling almost a tiny bit bad. “I just realized, this whole time I’ve known her, I don’t even know her name.” 
“She knows your name.” Sukuna says without a thought, “She wouldn’t stop talking about you when she was over for a project.” You hear him mumble, “It’s actually sad how obsessed she is with you.” 
“Maybe, I should go date her then.” You joke, taking a sip of your drink. “It honestly seems that she likes me more than you do.” 
“You think so?” 
“You just said she’s obsessed with me.” You mutter, twirling your straw. “I need the person who likes me, to be absolutely obsessed with me, ‘Kuna. They shouldn’t be able to function without me.” 
Sukuna gives you a half smile, “Yeah?” 
“If you like me, why aren’t you obsessed with me?” You tear your gaze away from Sukuna when your waiter comes to your side with your food, sliding a plate of your favorite steak. 
“Maybe, I am.” 
You snap your head up, “Wait, what did you say?” 
Sukuna shakes his head, passing you a confused look. “Nothing.” He silently thanks the waiter with a head nod, “What did you say?” 
You roll your eyes, “I hate–” Sukuna raises his eyebrows. “Ugh, nevermind.” You wave it off, “But, seriously, what’s her name?” You pick up your fork and knife, “I just realized I’ve been beefing with a girl I don’t even know the name of.” 
Sukuna parts his lips, but then looks to the side, scratching his chin in thought. “Actually…” He hides a smile, cutting a piece of steak and placing it in his mouth. “I don’t… know.” 
“You slept with someone you don’t even know the name of?” You gawk, cutting into your meat in a similar manner. “Jesus, Sukuna, I didn’t think of you like that.” You tease. 
“I’m sure I did when… ugh…” He shakes his head in disgust, “I can’t remember it.” He shrugs, “Who cares. She’s the past.” 
You hum thoughtfully, “What’s my name?” 
Sukuna doesn't even look at you when your name leaves his mouth, quick and without a second thought. In fact, it comes so naturally to him, he doesn’t even stop from cutting into his food. “Why?” 
Knowing that he knows your name, and can’t even remember the other girl… That makes you feel good. There’s a subtle smile growing on your lips, and Sukuna notices it. 
You take a fry from his plate, “Tell me more about you, ‘Kuna.” You scoot closer to him, 
“You know more about me then I know about you.” He leans back, “Why don’t you tell me somethin’ about you instead.” 
You raise an eyebrow, “I thought I talked too much?” 
Sukuna laughs, and it’s genuine. “You do.” 
“Hypocrite.” You point at him with your fork, “You’re setting me up for failure here.” 
“I don’t mind you talking.” Sukuna says, “You just… never stop talking.” 
“You’re making me insecure.” You look at your food, “You’re supposed to not make me insecure.” 
Sukuna tilts his head, “I thought I was obsessed with you?” 
“…You are.” Your voice waivers. 
“Then, don’t get in your head.” Sukuna shrugs. 
You don’t say anything for a moment, before slowly saying, “I still think you’re setting me up for failure.” You shake your head, “No, delusion is the better word here.” And you’re not even talking to Nobara, someone who agrees with you no matter how crazy. 
“You are delusional.” 
I’m very delusional, but you don’t tell Sukuna that. “You know, for agreeing with me all the time, you’re never right.” You sigh, pushing your hair out of your face. “But, what do you want to know about me?” 
“Why’d you put up with me for so long?” Sukuna says underneath his breath, but quickly adds, “Why did you decide to become president of the ASL club? You’re not–completely–deaf.”
“Not everyone who learns ASL is deaf, ‘Kuna. I’m sure you saying that has to be some sort of… I don’t know, hate crime or something.” You laugh to yourself, ignoring Sukuna’s eye roll, before continuing, “Uh, but, I started learning about it because of my mom.” You push a vegetable on your plate with your fork. 
Sukuna nods his head, “You’re also learning about Kinesiology because of your family, right? Tryin’ to become a physical therapist.” 
You almost forget why, and how Sukuna knows that, but your mind travels to the dinner you shared with his grandpa. “Yes.” You play with your bracelet, “I mean, what I told you grandpa was true, somewhat.” 
“I didn’t tell him… everything.” You pop the base of your heel off your foot, “Sorry…” 
Sukuna shrugs, “Don’t apologize, that shit gets annoying. Not everything is somethin’ you need to apologize for.” He rolls his eyes, “In fact, my old man should be apologizing, tryin’ to get up in your personal life. So annoying.” 
You shake your head, “Well, uh… I want to become a physical therapist because of my mom.” The restaurant feels silent, the only thing you can hear is your mom’s voice in the back of your head. “I've wanted to become one since middle school.”
Sukuna doesn’t say anything for a minute, which you appreciate. He’s giving you time to regroup. “You don’t like talking about your family.” Sukuna’s full attention is on you, “Did something happen between you?” 
“No.” You bit the corner of your lip, eyes fluttering slightly. “I… love my family, more than anything.” You don’t know how you feel about Sukuna asking you so many questions, but… knowing that he wants to get to you, makes you feel a pocket-size amount of happiness. 
Sukuna grabs the vegetable from your plate, and pops it into his mouth. “Why didn’t you move in with them?” 
You’re sure the question isn’t meant to be mean, so you don’t let it get to you. “They live in a different state. So, it would be a bit impossible.” You laugh, “I actually visited them the week before I moved in with you.” 
Sukuna nods, “Yeah? How’d that go?” 
“I–” You squeeze into yourself, “Did I ever tell you why I started learning ASL?” 
“I’m assuming it's also the same reason you’re becoming a physical therapist.” 
You laugh, nodding your head. “Yeah. My… uh, my mom has been struggling…” You take a deep breath, “I feel bad, I feel like telling you this is going to ruin the mood.” 
“You’re not helping!” You turn away, but fight off a smile. You sigh, before looking at your food, “Well, uh, I’ve wanted to become one since middle school, since that’s when my mother first started… uhm, experiencing seizures.” 
Sukuna seems taken aback by this, his eyebrows furrowing ever so slightly. “Really?” He takes a sip of his drink, “Do you know the reason?” His tone is… different. It’s more distinguishable than it’s ever been before. No–that’s a lie. It sounds exactly how he did when telling you about his past. He sounds…vulnerable. 
“Uh, we don’t know exactly, but we think it may be some form of epilepsy.” You smile to yourself, and it’s a way to comfort the twisting feeling in your stomach. “I was–I was home the first time it happened, back in middle school.” You reach over and steal another fry from his plate. “I didn’t know what to do when it happened.” 
“I’m sure no one would at your age.” He places another fry on your plate, “Sounds terrifying.” 
You nod your head meekly, “Yeah, it was.” You thickly swallow, “But, uhm… I’m fine–it’s fine now.” You tap your foot on the ground, “Well, I mean, she still deals with seizures, but it’s way less frequent.” You awkwardly laugh to yourself, “I—they’re still scary, and rare, but I know how to handle them as an adult.” Even if you need to come home for a short amount of time to make sure, without a questionable doubt, your mom is indeed okay, and not going to leave you forever. 
“I couldn’t imagine.” Sukuna says, his features soft. 
“Yeah, uhm, but…” You push your hair out of your face, shaking your head slightly. “My dad was home that day, thank god, and ended up taking her to the hospital. I couldn’t come, but waiting in the house for them to come back… honestly I wish he would’ve just taken me with him.” You half smile, “It was horrible.” 
You can remember the thoughts rushing through your head like the event happened yesterday. How much you blame yourself, and how mad you were for not doing anything, even though there was nothing you could do. You thought that your mother would abandon you for not helping, or disown you for standing a few feet away from her with tears streaming down your cheeks. Not only that, but you thought she was never going to come back from the hospital. You thought that was going to be the last time you saw her. 
You press your lips together, feeling them wiggle ever so slightly. 
“She came back.” There’s something somber in Sukuna’s tone, but you wouldn’t be able to pick it up with any form of expression on his face. Part of you wonders if it hurts Sukuna to hear you talk about your family, or anything related to closeness. 
“Yeah.” You nod softly, “She came back.” 
Sukuna lets out a breath. 
“But, she was different.” You move your hand to your face, cupping your jaw delicately. “She looked different. She wasn't my mom. Or, so I originally thought.” You thickly swallow, hand still rubbing your face. “I grew up with a mom who would quirk her face in the most interesting way to the littlest things. Her smile–god…” You smile to yourself, “Her smile could light up a room, Sukuna, I adored it more than anything.” 
“You’re like that.” Sukuna says without a thought, “It’s really funny. You’re very expressive.” He rests his head on the back of his hand, “I’m sure you took that from your mother.” 
You beam, “Thanks.” You push your meat around on your plate, “But, in my younger twelve year old mind, I thought she was a different person. She wasn’t… mom.” You gesture your hand to your face, “She couldn’t–she couldn’t move her face, and it seemed… heavy.” You narrow your eyes, “It weighed down.” 
Sukuna nods. 
“Turns out the seizure ended up paralyzing her face.” You place your weight on your side, “She couldn’t really move anymore–I mean, obviously, but… it was weird, you know? Seeing someone so expressive not be able to move their face?” 
Sukuna can imagine that. He experienced it with his brother, after their argument. He went from a bubbling boy, to someone who couldn't so much as crack a polite smile. “Yeah, I understand.” 
“Not only that, but she couldn’t talk anymore. I mean–she could, but it wasn’t the same. It was hard, and… muffled. It was painful.” You play with the ends of your hair, “So, my dad would always put aside some time to massage her temples, jaw, anything that was uncomfortable.” You nod to yourself, “And, like I said, she could talk, but she was… she wasn’t comfortable talking.” You’re mom only expressed her embarrassment to speak due to her paralysis when you were in highschool, and it broke your heart. 
It’s your mom. 
“So, she wanted to learn a different way to communicate with people. One that didn’t, you know…” You point at your lips, “Involve mouths. So, that was my introduction into ASL.” You look outside, watching people pass you by. “I mean, it’s fascinating, no? A universal way of communicating.” 
“You work with children that are deaf, too.” Sukuna says, trying to learn more information. 
“Oh, absolutely.” You beam, “I love children, and while I’m thankfully my mom isn’t deaf, many people are. So, if I already knew the language, why not honor it in some way of giving back to the community.” You look away, a bit sheepishly, “It sounds like I’m boasting, but I’m not… I’m just… incredibly thankful. I want to… pay my respects, I guess.” 
Sukuna doesn’t take his eyes off you, if anything, from a stranger's perspective, it would look as if he’s admiring you right now. “Why’s that?” 
“Well, like I said, my mom seemed different, but she wasn’t.” You move your hands to the seat, “She’s always been the same person, but she found a different way to be expressive. A different way to be herself.” You move your hands to hug yourself, a content expression on your face. “She found a different way to love me. Even if it was silent.” 
“You’re…” He looks to the side, “You’re a good person, you’re better than me.” He places his utensils down. You didn’t even notice he finished his food, shit, you should really hurry up and finish yours now. “It’s admirable. No wonder you and Yuuji get along so well.” 
“I love Yuuji.” You mutter with fondness, “But, yeah, that’s why I wanted to help teach people how to speak in a universal way. So, everyone can communicate and express themselves. No matter what their language, or situation is.” You laugh to yourself, making a mouth with your hand, “Sometimes, words are some of the hardest things to express, you know?” 
Sukuna sighs, nodding his head with exasperation, “Oh, I know.” He lightly kicks you under the table, it doesn’t hurt, but it’s clear he’s messing with you. “I mean, that’s why you were mad at me for a week. Just because you couldn’t say you had a thing for me.” 
“I didn’t—“ You huff, taking a final bite of your food, and pushing your plate away. “I think you’re going crazy, absolutely insane.” You shake your head, “But, yeah, that’s the “tragic” story behind my life. I’m not too mentally unstable.”
Sukuna nods, “I’m sure.” He looks to the side for a moment, “But, I’m… It’s good to know more about you now.” He doesn’t know how to phrase what he wants to say, but from the humble look on your face, he’s thankful you understand.  
You lean back, patting your stomach, “But, I’m full.” You mumble, melting into your seat. “I’m dying to take a nap, or walk around or something.” Your eyes widen with excitement, “Oh my god, what if we went to a trampoline park? I can do some amazing flips.” You boast.
“I’ll get the check.” Sukuna looks to the side, peering past the seat of your side of the booth. “Should I take some dessert to go? Maybe you’ll get hungry after all the jumping.” 
You immediately want to say yes, but you already don’t feel good with how much money he’s spending on you, so you say, “It’s okay, I’m already full.” You stretch dramatically, “I think I’ll be good to be honest, if anything I can just buy some snacks from a convenience store or something.” 
“If that’s what you want.” Sukuna dismisses, trying to ignore the voice barking in the back of his head who noticed you eyeing the cookie cake. 
You nod, also looking to the side to see if you could spot a server, and when you do, an idea pops into the back of your head. Not only that, but you also pop your heel off your right foot. “Oh.” You point behind Sukuna, “I see our waiter, want me to flag him over?” 
“No. It’s fine.” Sukuna turns over his shoulder, making clear eye contact with the male. You take this time to scoot closer to the table, lifting your foot. You can’t help but smile at the waiter when he comes over, batting your eyelashes innocently at him. 
Sukuna thinks it’s a bit odd, but doesn’t dwindle on it for too long. “Uh, we’re ready for…” He pauses for a second, before, “Actually, I was hoping if we could take the cookie cake to go?” 
A part of you now feels bad for what you’re about to do, but you’re already dedicated to the bit, and can’t back down now. Sorry Sukuna. 
The waiter nods, “Of course, I can add that to your bill here.” 
Sukuna nods, “Yeah, that would be–” He stills, almost stumbling over his words, but he catches himself. His eyes landed on you, before nodding his head, “Uh, yes, please do that.” You slide your foot further up his leg, resting it comfortably on his knee. 
The waiter nods again, this time a beaming smile on his lips. “Of course.” He points in the direction of the kitchen, “Do you also want me to get you a to-go box? Pack everything you didn’t finish?” 
Sukuna thickly swallows, feeling the pressure slowly trail up into his inner thigh. Before resting right over his crotch, applying an amount of pressure that accidentally makes his eye flutter. He shakes his head, “No, we’re–we finished everything, it’s okay.” He lowers his hand, gripping your ankle with a fair amount of pressure. “Get the check.” 
The waiter seems a bit put off by Sukuna’s abruptness, but doesn’t dwindle on it for too long. He merely nods again, “I’ll go get your cake, and the check.” Then, he’s off again, leaving you and Sukuna alone in the booth. 
Sukuna’s glaring at you, and you’re trying to hide a smile. You finally look at him, batting your eyelashes innocently, “What? Is somethin’ wrong?” You wiggle your foot in his grasp, his finger ever so slightly slipping underneath your sock. 
“I’ll kill you.” Sukuna says, “No, that’s a lie.” He lets his other hand trail over your calf, running the tips of his fingers over your shin. “If you want to play dirty, I’ll make it filthy.” He lets his fingers trail further down your leg, and goosebumps emerge from your skin. 
It feels good.
You thickly swallow, subconsciously scooting closer to the table in an attempt to get Sukuna to touch more of you. “Really?” You hum, fluttering your lashes at him, and Sukuna must be a saint from how much self control he has. “I think I play nice for you, ‘Kuna.” 
Sukuna feels his fingers twitch around you, along with something else not too far away from that. If it were up to him–if you would let him–he would fuck you right here on the table. “Yeah.” He whispers, leaning closer to the table and adding, “You want me to fuck you here? Make your little clit all red and sensitive? Nothin' but sweet thoughts about how good I’m making you feel?” 
You hate–love–what his words do to you. “Maybe…” You mumble, eyes almost rolling at that thought of Sukuna–
“Too bad.” Sukuna quickly pulls your foot, making you almost fall underneath the table. Your forearms resting on the seat, while your lower body completely under the wood, your foot and calf now perfectly resting in his lap. 
Which, consequently, is exactly when your waiter decided to come back with the cookie cake and the bill. You make eye contact with him, your body below the chest hidden by the table. You pass him an awkward smile, trying to pull yourself back up, but due to Sukuna’s firm gaps, you’re positively stuck. 
The waiter places the bill on the table, along with the cutely packaged cookie cake. “Uh, are you–uh, are you okay?” He tilts his head, “Should I call for–” 
“She’s fine.” Sukuna takes the bill with his free hand, “This is actually an intervention, and she’s just relapsing.” 
Your jaw drops, but you quickly rebut with, “Says the one who was shooting cocaine off my ass before we entered!” You turn to the waiter, “You should’ve seen it, it was a long line, too.”
Sukuna’s smiling, shaking his head while handing the server a hearty amount of money. “Keep the change.” He pushes your foot off him, sliding off the booth. 
You giggle, shimming your foot into your heel and quickly following after him, but not before adding, “You might want to wash those.” You pass the waiter a playful wink, before grabbing onto Sukuna’s arm. You can hear Sukuna laughing besides you, pushing the door open for the two of you. “I hope you tipped him well.” You shiver from the cold air biting at your skin. 
“I did, don’t worry.” Sukuna shakes his head with a final smile, “Besides, I’m pretty sure those were my coke dollars.” 
You feel your eyes widen, “You’re joking.”
Sukuna pinches your nose, “Of course I am.” 
You let out a breath of relief, “I was about to say.” You glance back at the restaurant, “We might’ve actually re-created the Telephone video by accident.” 
“Oh yeah, with a few coke dollars.” Sukuna sarcastically adds, “Sure, might as well start dancing right now.” He pulls out his phone, flashing the camera on you. 
“Telephone!” You make a phone with your hand, smiling into the camera. But, your smile falls, your eyes shrinking from the bright light. “I can’t believe you record with flash.” You lean in close to his camera, your eyes practically touching it, “You’re really weird.” 
“Says the one yelling ‘telephone,’ like an idiot.” Sukuna laughs at how the camera distorts your face from so close, “I’m sending this to Yuuji, he’s going to laugh at you.” He stops filming, and it takes you a moment to readjust to the lack of light. 
“He’s going to love it.” You giggle, “If anything, Yuuji is going to be rushing to come join me.” 
“He would always fiend over Just Dance.” Sukuna groans, rolling his eyes discreetly, “It was the one video game I could never beat him at.” 
“Wait, we have Just Dance at the house?” You narrow your eyes at Sukuna, poking his arm, “The fact you haven’t told me about this until now has to be a crime.”
“I'll get your own Just Dance.”
You giggle, resting your head on his bicep, “You get it Sukuna.” You look around, blinking innocently. “But, are we going home now? We’ve been out for some time now.” You can’t deny how your feet are starting to ache from your heels. It’s not too bad, but it’s noticeable. . 
“Still got one more thing to do.” 
You softly sigh, slouching into yourself, “Okay.” 
The sound of distant Christmas music is playing, accompanied by the decorations of the building with Christmas lights. “I didn’t know the city did this.” You feel breathless, glancing over the lights decorating the town. “Maybe I need to get out of the house more…”
“Every year when it’s December.” Sukuna leans on the wall behind you, letting you admire the center plaza of the city. The massive tree decorated with Christmas lights, and a massive golden star at the top. “People come together and put ornaments on the tree.”
You snap your head to look at Sukuna over your shoulder, “And we don’t have one?!” You narrow your eyes to him, “People are totally going to be judging us now that we don’t have something to put on the tree.” 
“You can buy something to put on the tree.” Sukuna points to a small building not too far from you, “There’s a small business that allows you to pick out little ornaments to put on the three.” 
“That’s so cute!” You grab his arm, “We should do that!” Before Sukuna can respond, you’re pulling his hand behind you to the small store. But, you stop, “Actually, you wait here, I’ll pick something out.” 
Sukuna furrows his eyebrows, “But–” 
“Trust me.” You point at him sternly, “Don’t follow me.” You don’t need him paying for anything else. 
Sukuna shoves his hands into his pockets, your small shopping bag resting right at his wrist. “Bossy.” 
You’re quick to glance over the ornaments, trying to pick out something fast to not leave Sukuna waiting for too long. You can feel the dread of remembering what happened last time creeping up the back of your head.
“Hot men can’t be left alone too long.” You mumble to yourself, softly cupping an ornament with a pink cat. It makes you laugh. Unlike Yuuji, Sukuna wasn’t at all puppy like, cat like would be the better way to describe him. No, this cat ornament is the best way to describe Sukuna. 
You’re quick to pick it out, pay for it, and bring it back to Sukuna. Practically skipping to him with the ‘thank you for buying,’bag in your hands. “I got something!” 
Sukuna nods, “I would hope so.” He watches as you open the bag, pulling out the ornament. It almost makes him crack a smile, but he keeps his composure. “Should I ask why you bought that one?” 
“It’d make you a good boyfriend.” You lift it to his face. 
Sukuna turns his head away from you, “I’m not asking anymore.” 
“I’m so glad you asked!” You bring it to your face, pressing it right next to your cheek. “I got it because it’s literally you.” You look at it again, “Just way cuter.” Sukuna makes a face, but you're tugging him along again. “Put it on the tree, then we can take a picture of it together.”
Sukuna doesn’t say anything, just watches as you scurry to the tree and pick out a place–no, you don’t like that place, it’s too close to an ugly ornament, you actually want the space three ornaments away from it. You glance back at him, “You sure you want that place?” 
“Yes.” You point at it again, “Don’t ask too many questions, I’m indecisive.” 
Sukuna laughs, grabs the ornament from your hand and places it on the tree. “Is that good?” He moves to the side ever so slightly, letting you look at the placement. But, he mumbles underneath his breath, “It better be.” 
You nod, “Yes. It’s good.” You poke his chest, “Jerk.” 
“I’ll hang you on the tree as an ornament.” He grabs your waist, and picks you up. “Don’t move.” 
You shake your head, smiling with a giggle, placing your hands on his shoulders, “Wait, you going make me flash someone Sukuna, put me back down.” You wiggle your feet back and forth, your heels slowly peeling off your feet. 
You wrap your arms around his neck, bringing him into a hug, “Wait, before you put me up, we have to take a picture.” Sukuna gently places you back on the ground, which you think is rather out of character for him. Still, you flinch from the contact, the pressure being put back on your sensitive feet. 
Okay, now you remember exactly why you’re a Converse girly. You’re starting to find the pain to be a bit unbearable. 
“Picture.” He mumbles, reaching for his back pocket. “I’d rather be caught dead than in a picture with you.” He shakes his phone, before placing it in your hands. 
“If you’re going to bitch about it, just give me my phone.” You mumble, crossing your arms over your chest. “I swear, you make it so hard for me to want to be with you.” 
“It’s not hard.” Sukuna leans down, grabbing your wrist and lifting his phone with your hand. “You just make it hard.” 
You flip to the camera, angling it so the picture would get both of you. “Good thing we’re never going to be together.” You press your cheek against his, turning your head ever so slightly so your lips are touching his cheek. “Ever.” 
And, for some goddamn reason, Sukuna can’t help but crack a small smile at that. Just in time for you to snap the picture. 
“See, that wasn’t at all bad.” You lower the phone and click on the picture, “I literally look so cute too.” Which you can’t help but thank god about, usually you don’t even like the way you look in facetime calls. “And… I guess you look okay.” 
“Back on the tree.” He goes to pick you up again.
“Stop, you're going to make me drop the phone!” You try pulling away from him. Yet, you take a small mental note about how easy it is for Sukuna to move you around, lifting and pulling you with ease. 
“I’ll get a new one.” 
“But you can’t replace the photo!” You hug it close to your chest, “Wait, send it to me, I want to put it as your profile picture.” You reach into his pocket, pulling out your phone, but Sukuna–for some reason–seems to be a bit panicked by your hand. 
“Wait, don’t–” 
You giggle, “Wait, what? You scared I’m going to accidentally touch your–” You watch as something falls to the floor when you pull your phone out of his pocket. “Oh, you dropped something.” You bend down to pick it up, before blinking a few times, your hand inches away from the–the…
You feel your face explode in heat, your hand retracting back almost in fear. Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my… You slowly tilt your head back, looking at Sukuna. “Uh, I… my bad.” 
Sukuna isn’t looking at you, his hands shoved in his pockets. He doesn’t even say anything, which you think is odd considering his quick tongue, and brass never censoring mouth. 
You feel a sharp puff of air leave your lips unexpectedly, before you cup your mouth, giggling into your palm. Before erupting into a laughing fit, absolutely dying in your kneeling position. 
“You’re such a child.” Sukuna remarks above you, but he’s still not looking at you. 
“You think I’m the child?” You pick up the small square, the gold packaging crinkling underneath your touch. “Sure, but here, you’re… Trojan magnum condom.”
Sukuna snatches it from your hand, sliding it back into his pocket. “Shut up.” 
You stand up, opening Sukuna’s phone to search for your contact. “I can’t wait to tell Nobara about this.” You whisper underneath your breath, “Also, what did you change my contact to?” 
Sukuna furrows his eyebrows at you. “Your contact?” 
“Yeah.” You open up his messages, and feel your finger pause in its spot. Your eyes stop on the second most recent message, your contact. 
“You named yourself.” Sukuna adds obviously, tilting his head to the side ever so slightly. “Don’t tell me you already forgot that shit.” 
You take a moment to respond, a bit stunned that Sukuna kept the name. “Y-Yeah, sure.” You pretend to roll your eyes, resting your weight on your right leg, leaning ever so slightly. “My memory isn’t that bad.” 
You’re trying not to think about how Sukuna kept the name, or how he already has a picture for you. The one he took to supposedly, ‘send to Yuuji,’ which coincidentally is something Yuuji has never brought up to you. 
Just send the picture, you mentally tell yourself. Opening your message history and glancing at the most recent one he sent you. ‘Going to your club, keep sleeping. Lazy.’ So, he did tell you about it, but in your crazed, worried, panic, you didn’t even bother to glance at your phone. 
“You done?” Sukuna asks, arms crossed over his chest. “Or you looking for something to annoy me about.” 
“You know me too well.” You hand Sukuna his phone back, wiggling your shoulders playfully. “I also sent an old picture of you dressing as Sailor Venus. A little gift for putting up with you for so long.”
“I hope you die.” Sukuna shoves the phone into his pocket. 
“Oh.” Your eyes trail behind him, glancing at a cute ornament. “Wait, that one is so cute. Let’s change the location of our ornament.” You take a few steps forward, “I kinda’ wish I got one like that now.” 
“Why?” Sukuna glances over his shoulder, “It’s not even that cute.” 
“What?! It totally is.” You place your hands behind your back, “A cute and simple pink heart, what’s there not to like about it?” You look to the side, “Maybe, I should go buy one for our own tree.” You think aloud. 
“We don’t even have a tree.” 
“We can get one.” 
“I’m not spending money on something that’s going to be up for less then a month.” 
“I’ll buy it!” 
“With what money?” 
“I just want the damn ornament!” 
Sukuna blinks a few times, before glancing at the tree, then back at you. A smirk splits his lips, and it makes you uneasy. He tilts his head to the side, leaning down close to your face. “Then, take it.” 
Your lips part, before your eyebrows furrow in anger. “I’m not stealin–” 
“Shh.” Sukuna places his hand over your mouth, practically glaring at you. “Don’t yell something like that, you’re going to draw attention.” He leans his hand over your head, intending to reach the ornament, but you stop him. 
“Are you kidding? Someone put that up there, you can’t just steal it ‘cause I like it.” You push his hand to the side, “Someone put it up there, someone like us.” 
“Us?” Sukuna asks, but… it doesn't seem like he’s making fun of your choice of wording. It sounds more like… he’s asking for clarification on what you mean. What does ‘us’ mean?
“Yeah. Us.” You look to the side, pushing your hair behind your shoulders. “Another… uh, couple.” You touch the tip of your finger to your bottom lip, “Two people spending their afternoon together, and not knowing what to…” You point your finger between the two of you, “...what to call this.” 
It is silent between you two, no words exchanging. 
Sukuna looks at you for a few moments, looking at your hands, before looking at your face. He nods, “Yeah…” He turns away, hands in his pockets. “Let's go home. It’s getting late, and we’re an hour out.” He turns on his heel, starting to walk away from you. 
You press your lips together, not completely sure how to feel. To take a final glance at the tree, looking at your cat ornament, before walking after him. You sigh, closing your eyes to regroup. 
Fine, it’s fine. He’s not telling you no, he’s just… agreeing with you?
You take a step forward, and quickly feel your foot slip, almost twisting your ankle in an awkward position, but you catch yourself. Stopping in your tracks to readjust your standing. 
Sukuna looks over his shoulder, “You almost fall?” 
You narrow your eyes, straightening your posture. “No.” 
“Right.” He cocks his head to the side, “Then hurry up, you’re draggin’ your feet.” 
“I’m not draggin’ my feet.” You mimic, walking after him, but you mentally cringe. Your feet were uncomfortable before, now they’re aching with pain. A very, very uncomfortable pain. 
You press your lights together tightly, trying to conceal the pained groan wanting to escape your lips. You truly feel this is a humbling moment, you’re not made for cute shoes, and you’re not mentally strong enough to wear them. 
It hurts. 
You shiver. 
And, I’m cold. 
Sukuna narrows his eyes at you, “What’s wrong?” You watch as something flashes over his face, but you can’t describe what it is. “Are you not… enjoying yourself?”
“What? No, of course I am.” You reassure, finally standing by his side, “I’m just…” In a lot of pain, and starting to freeze my ass off from the cold. “...uh, tired from all the walking.” 
“Well, we got to walk back to the car.” Sukuna points in the general direction, “So, find a way to not be tired for the next fifteen minutes.” 
“Yeah.” You shiver again, sarcastically adding, “Let me just stop being tired right now.” You wrap your arms around yourself, trying to keep your warmth together. 
“Glad we can agree.” Sukuna keeps walking, closest to the street and now directly by your side. 
You hesitate to tell him, “I’m… cold.” Turning your face away from him so you can’t see his reaction. 
“I told you to get a sweater.” 
You feel your shoulder slump, “I know.” You slowly turn your face to him, but keep your eyes diverted. “It was going to ruin my outfit, ‘Kuna, I didn’t want to look ugly.” 
“It wasn’t goin’ to make you look ugly.” Sukuna adds, “You just overthink.” 
You huff, “Well, I’m still cold.” 
Sukuna softly sighs, and you can hear rustling, before something drapes over your head. Something warm, soft, and smells like… Sukuna. You pull it down your body, wrapping the sweat around your shoulder and slipping your arms through the sleeves. 
You zip up the sweater, burying your lower face into the sweater. Sukuna. You close your eyes, sighing with content. Sandalwood, a bit of citrus, and a toasty undertone. “I’m warm now.” 
“You better be.” Sukuna shivers, but he tries to hide it. “I’m suffering for your benefit.” 
You giggle, but mentally flinch with every step you take. Jesus, you’re in serious pain now, maybe you should've worn your normal shoes. 
“What is it now?” Sukuna brass asks. 
You furrow your eyebrows, “Are you kidding? I didn’t even say anything this time.” 
“You’re easy to read.” He tells you, placing his hand over your head. “You’ve always been easy to read.” 
“Then, why didn’t you know I liked you?” You place your hands on your hips, talking a few steps forward and turning on your heel. Walking backward while speaking to Sukuna, “If I’m so ‘easy to read,’ huh?” 
“How did you not know I liked you?”
You bite the inside of your cheek, “I did.” Sukuna gives you a face that can only be described as, ‘really?’ But, you quickly add, “I just… always doubted myself.” 
“Uh-huh.” Sukuna rolls his eyes, “I’m sure.” 
“Well, I knew for a fact you cared for me in the least. Which is more than what you feel for the normal person.” You slip your fingers inside the sleeves, not enjoying how the cold is biting at them. “So, yeah.” 
Sukuna nods, “I remember that.” He sharply breathes out in a laugh, “I remember that scared me.” 
You tilt your head to the side, “Why?” 
“You were right.” He runs his hands through your hair, picking up a few strands. Before softly tugging on them, “Your stupid brain was right.”
“Hey.” You swap his hand away, “Just compliment me without an insult.” 
“Yeah right.” Sukuna flicks your head, “And let it get in your head? Yeah, no thanks, you’re already crazy as is.” 
You shake your head, crossing your arms over your chest. “I’m not crazy, you’re just obsessed with me.” 
You nod, “Yeah.” You smile to yourself, leaning close to Sukuna and resting your head on his arm. “Obsessed enough to carry me to the car, because my feet are killing me.” 
“Absolutely not.” 
“What? But, I thought you liked me?” 
“Not enough to carry you.” Sukuna narrows his eyes, trying to gage the distance between the two of you and his car. “We’re ten minutes away, I’m not carrying you.” Not only that, but he parked his car up a hill. 
You pout, slumping into your shoulder, but you quickly perk up again, a cheeky smile splitting your lips. “Ah, whatever.” You turn around, walking forward again. “Just sounds like you’re too weak to carry me.” You peer at Sukuna over your shoulder, “I guess Yuu is just the stronger brother then.” 
Sukuna’s eye twitches, “Fuck you.” 
One of your airpods is in your ear, while the other is in Sukuna’s. The two of you silently listening to your downloaded music on shuffle. You’re a bit embarrassed by the music playing, some being years old back when you were in middle school, and others being as recent as this week. 
You bounce with each step Sukuna takes, your arms wrapped around his shoulders and your legs sticking out from his sides. Sukuna’s hands resting on the back of your thighs, supporting you against his body while he searches for his car. 
You’re a bit sleepy, your eyes heavy while your chin resting on his shoulder. One of your hands loosely holding onto your shopping bag. Sukuna can hear you humming along to the melody of the music playing,  and even though he’s never heard of the song playing, he thinks it's nice. You yawn, “‘Kuna?” 
Sukuna adjusts his hands on your body, “What.” 
You place your cheek on his shoulder, looking at the side of his face. You adore how pretty he is, his strong jaw, deep eyes, nose, and intricate tattoos. You’re almost jealous. “Do you like me?” You poke his cheek with your finger, tracing his tattoos. 
“No.” Sukuna turns his head away from you, “I hate you.” 
You sigh, closing your eyes again, “Yeah. I hate you, too.” Right as you say that, a very familiar melody plays in your ears. A song from a movie you adore more than anything. “Do you know this song?” Sukuna pauses for a moment, before nodding. You giggle, whispering, “The sun is nearly gone.” 
“You’re a horrible fuckin’ singer.” Sukuna teases. 
“Like you’re any better.” You snap back. 
“Yuuji’s actually really good at singing.” Sukuna tells you, before softly blowing a strand of your hair from his face. “He gets embarrassed, but the kid has skills. More than you, at least.” 
“Yuuji is amazing at everything.” You laugh, “To be honest, I think I’m in love with Yuuji.” You giggle against his neck, wiggling your shoulders playfully, “You okay with knowing that, ‘Kuna? That I’m actually obsessed with your brother, and not you?” 
Sukuna chuckles, “Yeah.” He jolts you up again, “I know.” 
You hum, “That’s tailor made for two.” You whisper, “What a shame those two are you, and me.” You giggle, “Oh my god, I literally love this song so much.” You glare at him, “It’s criminal you don’t know this song.”  
“I have this movie memorized.” Sukuna adds, next to your ear. 
You playfully scoff, placing your hands on his neck, “And you think I’m cringe?” You push his shoulder playfully, “I think you might be worse than me.” 
“I didn’t watch La La Land by choice, Yuuji forced me.” Sukuna looks to the side, placing his hands into his pockets.
You slowly stop, glancing at the sun setting. It’s a bit covered by the clouds, “Yeah. I’m sure watching Sailor Moon also wasn’t a choice.” For some reason, it’s colder than before. 
Sukuna stops with you, gaze joining yours. “I was like, fourteen when it came out? Besides, that movie was horrible.” 
You gasp dramatically, popping your head back to look at his face. “Take that back.” 
“Take what back?” Sukuna asks, passing you a playful look. “My thoughts?” 
You nod, “Yes, especially if your thoughts are wrong.”
“What would make my thoughts right?” 
“If they agree with my thoughts.”
“I do agree with you.” 
“Not in the right way.” 
Sukuna doesn’t respond immediately, but he shakes his head with a subtle smile. “You’re bipolar.” 
You nod, leaning into Sukuna’s neck and resting there. “Yeah.” Your tone is soft, your eyes fluttering closed. “You are too.” 
“Thanks.” Sukuna rests his chin on the top of your head, continuing to make his way to his car, but you can feel him stop. The pressure of your head being removed as he looks up. “Look.” 
You sigh before looking up, but you flinch when something soft and cold hits your nose. 
Your lips part in awe for a moment, before you slide down from Sukuna’s arms.“It didn’t snow last year.” 
“It didn’t.” Sukuna furrows his eyebrows ever so slightly, “In fact, this place isn’t really known for snowing, like–at all.” 
You turn quickly on your heel, “Oh my god, what if us being together set off a canon event, or the start of the end of the world.” You place your hand over your mouth, “Wait, no–” 
“Stop talking.” Sukuna continues walking, “We’re literally five parking spaces away from my car, just stop talking for the rest of the way.” He reaches into his pocket, grabbing your keys. 
You roll your eyes, but walk after him. But, quickly pull the back of his shirt, making him stop walking. “Sukuna?” 
He nods. 
“Uh.” You take a deep breath, “Thank you for, uh, taking me out.” You can feel your heart rate increase, you’re so nervous to be saying this, and you don’t even know why. “It means a lot to me, and I had… I had a lot of fun.” 
Sukuna finally turns on his heel to look at you. 
You let your hand drop back to your side, “It really… uhm, it means a lot.” 
“You already said that.” 
“I’m trying to thank you here!” You can feel your face burning up with embarrassment. Why can’t Sukuna take anything seriously for one second? 
Sukuna nods, biting the inside of his cheek while subtly smiling. “I know.” He leans down, pushing your hair behind your ear, “You don’t need to thank me.” 
You flutter your lashes, looking to the side bashfully, “But, I do.” You look back at him, tilting your head up, “I really appreciate you, this was really nice.” You press your lips together. 
There’s silence between the two of you, and you don’t know how to fill it. It’s not unpleasant, and a part of you never wants to change it, you want things to stay like this forever. Sukuna touching you softly, a comfortable oura between the two of you. 
Sukuna’s eyes dip, before he lowers himself to finally kiss you. His lips are soft against yours, contrasting to the way he kissed you in the dressing room. It's loving, adoring, and longing. His tongue slips past your lips and swipes against yours, before he pulls away. 
Sukuna places his forehead on yours, “I’m… I had fun.” 
Your smile is loving, before you whisper, “I think I want to give you my gift.” You lean in close again, your lips ghosting over his, “Can I do that?” Your hands reach for his.  
He nods, before his eyes light up with a realization, “Oh, wait, I also got something else for you.” He leans back and reaches into the shopping bag that held your jewelry. 
You shake your head, “You spent more money on me?” You ask a bit dreaded. 
“Oh.” You blink a few times, “Then, what is it?” 
Sukuna’s holding something in his hand, and you can’t see it. But, he’s holding it out for you, waiting for you to extend your hand to take it. 
You hesitate, “Uh…” You jut your eyebrows, “Is it… a bug?”
Sukuna glares at you, “Yes, it’s a fuckin’ bug. No?” He shakes his head, “Just take it.” 
You put your hand out, and wearily accept the item–or bug–Sukuna is handing to you. Once it’s resting in your hand, you feel your heart drop. 
“Did you?” You look up, then look back at your hand. “When did you even get the chance to steal this?” 
“When you weren’t looking.” Sukuna’s looking at the ornament in your hand, “Don’t you like it?” 
“I mean, yeah? But, this doesn’t…” You laugh, trying to hide your smile. “You know what, I love it. Really thoughtful, and risky gift.” You start moving to Sukuna’s car again, “We can put it on our tree.” 
“We still don’t have a tree.” He’s walking behind you, opening up the trunk of his car to place your empty bag inside. 
“I can make an origami one.” You think for a moment, “Wait, origami Christmas trees are real, right?” You look in the trunk, and quickly swipe at your red lip gloss you had supposedly left inside. 
“Pretty sure.” Sukuna shuts the trunk, watching as you swipe your lip gloss wand over your lips. “While we’re driving home, you can search up what’s needed, and I’ll swing by Micheal’s.” 
“Wait, but I want to give you my gift first!” You grab his hand, tugging him to his car, but you pause at the doors of the driver's side. You lean up and press a quick kiss to his lips, “Let me give you my gift first, please.”
Sukuna watches you open the door, and pull the driver's seat forward, allowing you to slip into the backseats of his car. He feels his throat bob, watching your dress ride up your ass, and letting him look at your pink lacy panties. 
How could he say no to you?
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Tag(s)!: @openup-yourmind, @sherlock-holmes-jr, @maskedpacific, @gasp-a-homo, @diogodxlot, @beahappyhoeee, @tojimeow, @sukunamylovexoxo, @yoontaedotin, @sukunaloverrr, @lanadelreylover4l, @raininginthemoonlight, @blackjanexx, @ethereally-lyann, @fritzzbitzz, @lanadelreylover4l, @chayunwoo, @madamteller, @mazzd4, @haithamsbb, @c-l-ellis, @samysaha, @pi-crust, @shukiinnkm
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madhatterbri · 9 days
Objection | M.J.
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Summary: Reader is about to marry another guy, but Matt objects and expresses why the reader shouldn’t marry the guy. I was thinking something sweet with a little spice? ☺️
Author's Note: Happy Dynamite Wednesday, babes. <3 A Nick Jackson one should be up next week. ❤️
Requested by anonymous
Matt Jackson Masterlist
Taglist: @smallestsnarkestgirl @theworldofotps @bullet-clubs-bitch @magicalbuttertarts
"Here she is," the bride's mother sung happily. The proud mother was filled with so much emotion. There was so much cause for celebration. Her only child was getting married to a stable man. One that would come home to her daughter every day. Not some wrestler that would cheat and do Lord knows what on the road.
Y/N walked into the room. She held the bottom of her dress so the dress wouldn't slide against the floor. Her mom, maid of honor, and bridesmaids gasped at her appearance. She made her way through the group. They told her how pretty she was.
The bride stared at herself in three full body-length mirrors. A small, fake smile was plastered on her face. Her hair was tied in a bun. Makeup caked her face. Her wedding dress was a beautiful pearl colored.
"Everything is absolutely perfect," her mother gushed and clapped her hands together. "My baby is so happy she can't even speak,"
Y/N smiled weakly in response. She wasn't a happy bride, but a miserable one. The wedding was everything she wanted, but the man waiting for her at the end of the aisle was not. Her heart weighed heavy at the fact that the man down the aisle wasn't Matt Jackson.
One of her cousins looked at their watch. She announced to the group that the wedding was in five minutes and they needed to get to their places. Everyone filed out of the room except her maid of honor. She assured the wedding party she'll be right out. The door closed behind party.
The maid of honor crossed her arms over her chest. She stood by the bride.
"You aren't happy," she spoke bluntly.
The air in the room suddenly felt heavier. Y/N had trouble breathing, and she wasn't sure if it was the tension in the room or the corset.
"My own mother can't even tell my misery," Y/N spoke with a soft chuckle. "Is it that obvious?"
"We have been friends since we were children. I can tell when you are lying. What's wrong?"
"I shouldn't tell you. It's my wedding. I'm happy,"
"Just tell me,"
"What good would it do me? I messaged Matt last night. I told him if I shouldn't get married today to speak now. He ignored it. Happy?" Y/N spoke angrily. Tears started to form in her eyes. A weak sob slipped past her lips.
"Y/N, I-"
"There is nothing we can do. This isn't some wrestling botch that we can fix the next time. This is it. I am going to marry someone that isn't Matt," she swallowed down another sob. "He didn't want me,"
"There has to be something we could do," her maid of honor interjected. "Maybe he was busy and didn't see the message."
"There is nothing we need to do. I just have to smile, walk down the aisle, and say I do,"
A knock on the door ceased all the conversation between the two women. Y/N called for the visitor to come in. One of the bridesmaids opened the door and poked her head in.
"The wedding is starting,"
"Great, thank you," Y/N spoke.
Y/N walked towards the door. Her maid of honor sighed loudly in annoyance, yet followed her. One by one, the bridal party left to take their appropriate places down the aisle. The bride waited impatiently for her turn. She stared at the bouquet of flowers. A mixture of different colors stared back at her.
The traditional wedding song started to play. The pianist worked his magic on the keys. Y/N took the cue and walked down to the double doors of the church. The doors opened before her. The guests stood and watched her.
While walking down the aisle, her soon to be husband came into view. He wore a simple tuxedo. His mother removed her glasses and wiped away the tears from streaming down her face. A pang of guilt washed through her. Y/N stood across from her fiance.
"Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to...," The pastor started the wedding. Y/N's mind started to drift. Her thoughts swirled around Matt. The brunette wrestler that stole her heart the first night they met. She remembered all the hot summer nights in Maui.
"Y/N," her fiance whispered between them. He was now facing the priest. The now embarrassed bride muttered an apology and faced the pastor. He seemed annoyed at the lack of her paying attention yet kept it to himself.
"And do you, Y/N, take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband until death do you part?" The minister asked.
Y/N opened her mouth to speak, but nothing came out. Her hope was fading that she would ever be with Matt again. All the moments they had together would be a distant memory. She looked over her shoulder at the double doors. They were still closed. She turned to the minister sadly.
"He isn't coming. This is what he wanted," her mind repeated.
The double doors of the church suddenly burst open. Some of the guests jumped in surprise while others yelled from the sudden noise. Y/N and her fiance turned to see the disruptor of their wedding.
A man with his hair in a ponytail walked in. He wore a white suit and walked with confidence.
"Matt, what are you doing at my daughter's wedding?" Her mother asked. Her voice was practically screeching.
"I object,"
The audience gasped and turned to the other. Harsh whispers filled the pews. Her mother's mouth opened and closed like a fish. Y/N walked away from her betrothed.
"You can't be serious! He's a wrestler. Who will take care of you when he finds another in some other city?" Her mother asked. Y/N ignored her. She dropped the flowers on the floor. Her heart pounded as she rushed to him. Matt opened his arms and hugged her. She wrapped her arms around his neck. His scent danced with her nose.
"You didn't message me back. I didn't think you'd come," she commented still in disbelief. His hands rubbed her cheeks softly. Her eyes closed as she prayed this wasn't a dream. When her eyes opened once more he was still in front of her.
"I still love you, Y/N. We may not be perfect, but I would do anything for you. I won't be home all the time, but I'll never stop loving you," he confessed. Tears sprung to her eyes. Y/N leaned in and kissed him. Her fingers ran down his cheeks to his neck. The audience gasped. They pulled apart upon remembering they weren't alone. "We should go,"
"Yeah," Y/N agreed. He grabbed her hand and rushed her out of the church. Nick was waiting in a car for them. He drove since Matt was such a nervous wreck. The runaway bride sat in the backseat with Matt. Their lips locked together as they made up for lost time.
Nick looked in the rear view mirror and groaned. "Not this again,"
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bitchesuntitled · 9 months
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Warnings! 18+(minors do not enter, go on now-get!). Unprotected PinV(don’t be like this- too many risks), bar bathroom sex, fingering, mirror play, alcohol consumption, consensual, cussing
Not really any description of reader besides clothing. Pics from Pinterest on the mood board thing(I made it, first one ever. Can’t ya tell? 🤣)
A/N: First smutty piece. Just decided to go for it. @jay-zzle read it over and seemed to like it so hopefully someone else does too ❤️ Not tagging character cause that’s a surprise part of the story. Constructive criticism is welcome but I won’t tolerate assholes. Here we gooooo
Masterlist||AO3 Link
Reader X Surprise!Pboy
“Oh fuck!” You gasp while being pressed against the sink in this dingy bar bathroom “Yes! Please, right there!”
Is this how you saw your Friday night going? Not really. Are you disappointed? Not at all. It was a spur of the moment decision. A recent break up calls for some debauchery.
“I don’t know. You really think this is a good idea?”
Your best friend, Laurie, looks at you like you grew a second head. Breaking up with your boyfriend of four years on a Wednesday afternoon wasn’t in your plans for the future but it happened. While you thought he was too focused on his career and succeeding. Come to find out, he was actually too busy fucking his assistant.
“Uh yeah! Fuck Dean! If he couldn’t see what was right in front of him then he’s an idiot. But we already knew that” She says, “It’s Friday night! We need to go out and have fun!”
She was the decision maker in your outfit for the night. A tight red strapless dress that stopped just before your knees, fit your curves in all the right places, black heels, and a full face of makeup that you almost didn’t recognize yourself when you looked in the mirror. It’s been so long since you dressed up like this. In all reality though, you need this. You need to feel wanted, you need to feel attractive, you need this like the air you breathe.
After going to a few clubs the only place left that would serve you alcohol was a dingy local dive bar. Laurie is already three sheets to the wind. You’d sobered up a teensy bit when you got in the cab to come to this place. There’s a jukebox in the corner with a small dance floor where people are making their best effort to dance, well worn black leather seats at the bar, and plenty of drunken entertainment around you. You look up from the drink you’ve been sipping on and make eye contact with a stranger across the bar. You can’t make out many details of him besides the white shirt and leather jacket combo, brown hair, a little bit of scruff on his jaw and that he’s alone. He looks decent enough from a distance with this bar's dim lighting. You decide then and there if he continues staring you’ll have to go up to him, this is what this night was about after all, right?
It continues, it’s like you can feel his eyes on you. This random man who can’t look away. Occasionally you glance in his direction. Still sitting alone, still observing you like he’s waiting to see if you’ll make the first move such as a game of chess. Your drink is down to the bottom, you look over your shoulder to search for Laurie. Seeing she’s occupied by her own stranger for the night, you decide to make your move. Getting up you saunter over to the stool next to him.
“Is this seat taken?”
“All yours if you want it.” The stranger replies.
You sit and get the bartender's attention to order another drink.
“Put it on my tab.” He tells the bartender when your drink arrives.
“Oh, well thank you!!” You say, giving him a slight smirk.
“What uh… brings you to this place dressed like that?” He asks, looking you up and down.
“Only place left that would still serve us booze.” You laugh.
“Ah, I see!” He says grinning like the Cheshire Cat “Makes sense.”
You cock your head to the side chewing on the small straw.
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“Just don’t see many gorgeous women dressed like that in here.” He shrugs.
“If I didn’t know any better I’d think you’re trying to flirt with me” you giggle
“Maybe I am.” He says with a wink downing his own drink and signaling the bartender for another.
With a subtle nod of his head and standing up from his stool, you follow. It didn’t take long at all for this stranger to lead you towards the back where you can only assume there is some sort of privacy. The stranger grabs you suddenly pushing you against a wall. His face is so close you can smell the whiskey he’s been drinking on his breath.
“Wanna have some fun?” He asks smiling
“It’s why I’m here.” you softly laugh
He closes the gap between you pressing his lips to yours. Kissing someone new is always exciting, not even knowing this man’s name seems to make it even more so. You didn’t realize how touch starved you were til this moment. Some stranger simply kissing you already has your panties soaked. Grabbing the back of his neck and pressing into him more you feel the cool material of his leather jacket against you, sending goosebumps across your skin. He deepens the kiss and willingly you open your mouth for him to explore. The sound of a lock being undone and the jiggle of a door handle has you both separating, trying to control your breathing he gives a friendly nod to the person who walked out of the bathroom.
“Come on.” He says, grabbing onto your hand and pulling you into the bathroom.
He closes the door and you hear the lock click. Grabbing a hold of your waist he presses you against the door. He grabs your face, craning your neck up while slowly moving one hand down your throat, collarbones and landing at the top of your dress.
“Do you want this?” The stranger asks toying with the material.
“Yes.” you whisper, trembling under his touch.
“Good.” He says, moving his mouth to yours again.
It feels like he’s everywhere all at once. His hands were moving with a mind of their own grabbing whatever and wherever they could. Your neck, your breasts, your waist, til they move down to the hem of your dress. His knuckles slowly trace your inner thigh moving up, up, up. He brushes against your clit and you whine.
“Already whining and I’ve barely done anything?” The stranger chuckles.
With one hand around your neck and the other under your dress he moves you swiftly deeper into the bathroom. You can feel the sink digging into your lower back shifting your dress up to give him more room, all of a sudden you’re being lifted. When did his hands move? You can’t seem to focus on anything but the way his mouth moves against yours, all you know is this handsome stranger is making you feel things you haven’t felt in years. His tongue in your mouth, his hand moves your thong to the side.
“Jesus. So fucking wet.” He hums as he swipes a finger through your folds. You can’t even think straight. This man, this handsome stranger, he’s all consuming. He starts rubbing your clit with such precision it’s unreal. When was the last time someone just touching you has gotten you this worked up? Panting relentlessly, already so close to the edge. He inserts a finger into your dripping core, moving in and out at a steady pace.
“Fuck!” You whine. “Yes, baby, it feels so good!”
The stranger withdraws his fingers with a smirk. His hands make busywork pulling his pants down and his cock springs free, you’re mesmerized. It’s long and thick. Like nothing you’ve seen before. Giddy with anticipation of what’s about to happen. He grabs you again and turns you around to face the mirror.
“I want you to see what’s happening.” He whispers in your ear.
He grabs himself and begins rubbing his tip up and down your seam. The sounds coming from your throat surprise you. Never has it felt like this. Never has someone driven you up the wall with want like this.
“Ready?” He asks. All you can do is nod. Feeling his tip at your entrance slowly teasing. “Words, baby. Words. I need to hear you say it”
“YES! Please!” He plunges into you with so much force it’s hard to breathe. The feeling of his cock inside your dripping heat feels as if you're on another planet. You shouldn’t be so close this fast just from his teasing.
“Wanna see you come.” The stranger says. You nod, focusing on the pleasure of his cock inside you. Feeling his hands slid up to your face pushing it toward the mirror so you can see. “You look so good on my cock! Look at you.”
Sliding his hands down your back, he grips your waist. His thick cock spearing into you feeling like you’re going to split in two. His lips are on your neck giving open mouthed kisses and little nips. There are no words coming to you, your brain is blank from the pleasure, all you can do is feel his cock punching into you at a relentless pace, and moan. With each thrust you can feel your hips digging into the sink. Suddenly he hits a spot that has your breath becoming ragged and you can feel that coil in your belly tightening.
“You feel so fucking good,” He groans setting his head on your shoulder blade.
“Fuck! Right there!” You moan out. “Don’t stop, don’t stop!”
“Yeah?” He breathes out, moving his head to look at you in the mirror. Winding one of his hands around your waist to the top of your mound and finding your clit. He begins to circle that button and you can’t help but bite down on your lip to keep from screaming at the feeling of it.
“Oh fuck!” You gasp. “Right there, right there, I’m gonna come. I’m- I’m gon-“
The tingling starts at the base of your spine and begins to climb up. Back arching, head resting on his shoulder, your orgasm washes over you, fanning out from your head to your toes.
“Fuck me!” He groans, working his hand a little faster. “So fucking tight.”
“Mmhhmm.” You whine. Winding your hand to the back of his neck to hold him, slightly tugging the curls at the base of his neck, trying to ground yourself. His pace begins to falter, you can tell he’s getting close.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck. Where?” He asks, grunting.
“Ass.” You reply. He pulls out placing his dick on your ass, you can see his arm moving at a fast pace in the mirror. His face begins to twist in pleasure, eyebrows knitted together, moving his face down to watch his spend shoot out on your ass.
“Fucking hell.” He sighs. “That was amazing. Thank you!”
“You’re welcome?” You couldn’t help but laugh. “Don’t know if anyone has ever said thank you to me after sex.”
“Well, my mom always told me I needed to be polite.” He shrugs, grabbing a paper towel from the holder on the wall. He gently begins wiping his come off you. You can’t help but stare at him in the mirror as he situates your thong and dress back into place. You make eye contact when he looks up again, both smiling at each other. He grabs your waist and turns you around to face him, arms wrapping around his neck, playing with the curls that rest against his neck.
“Speaking of being polite,” He says, kissing you softly. “The name’s Marcus.”
“Well hello Marcus, nice to meet you!” You giggle telling him your name.
“So, I know we did this totally backwards but could I get your number and take you out sometime?” Marcus asks, cheeks turning crimson in color.
“I think we can manage that.” You say with a wide smile.
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1-800anklebully · 11 months
Exchange ft King Kenny x black female reader
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Summary! In which old lovers reunite and Kenny still feels like Destiny is the one for him.
Warnings! Swearing,mature content,angst turned to fluff at the end, sappy and jealous!Destiny, and a whole other bunch of things.
Main character: Destiny Korma
➔ ➔ ➔ Excuse any errors!
“Please I’m begging you Destiny. Can you please be in the video?”Harry pestered, while holding his hands in a prayer form,to which Destiny side eyed him in disbelief. Her cousin was the biggest beggar of them all.
“Why does it have to be me, don’t you have a ton of woman in your DMS begging to be in a video with you lot?” She recalled seeing a woman on Instagram being hysterical, because Filly had brushed her hand in the club while he was trying to get through.
This was appalling, because she never understood the hype behind her cousin and his friends. They were normal human beings that lived a normal life except, they were rich and made entertainment videos for a living.
“Because the fans want you, Destiny. Sharky and them did a Q&A on Instagram,and they said they wanted you in a video.” Harry informed her, bored with how she was questioning him too much.
A smirk formed on Destiny’s plump lips and she cleared her throat crossing one leg over her other.
“Sharky? How is he by the way..”
Harry groaned loudly, shaking his head at his cousin's antics. He knew how much she fancied him, but Sharky found the whole thing amusing. So from time to time he would purposely flirt with her, just in spite to make Harry annoyed.
It’s not like he had a chance anyway, the two would never happen as she was his best friend's ex, plus Destiny wanted the real thing and Sharky was not ready to commit, at least not until he was ready.
Just like Kenny.
“He's fine Des. Now are you in or not, because I don’t have time to play cat and mouse with you. I got things to do—“
“Alright chill grumpy pants, I’m in. Just text me the details and I’ll come.”
Sighing in relief, Harry mumbled ‘’thank God’’pointing to the air and stood up hugging his cousin before leaving her apartment. Leaving her to dwell on the fact that she was going to have to face Kenny on Wednesday.
Wednesday had crept around the corner like nothing, ultimately Destiny planned to sleep in and watch Top boy. However, she received a reminder text from Chunkz, and NIKO. She knew better than to try and bail,because both of those men were persistent and would most likely rock up to her house and drag her out.
So she spent the majority of the day doing self care as the video was scheduled at 3:30. Such as doing her lashes, eyebrows, re painting her nails and even chucking in the time to go and do a workout.
She felt good so she had to embrace the moment.
“Hello.” Destiny picked up her phone while glancing at the caller, she was in the middle of getting her nails done so she had to multitask.
“BITCH ARE YOU ON CRACK, YOU'RE FILMING A VIDEO WITH MY HUSBAND. AND DIDN'T WANT TO TELL ME”. Meet Karin, she’s Destiny’s best friend and right hand woman.
The two met one night when they were at the club, and Destiny got bat shit smashed and she tried to steal Karin’s Birkin mistaking it as hers. Until Karin told her it was not and somehow the friendship formed from there.
They have been seeing each other since then. And haven’t turned on each other's back since. Destiny visibly flinched at her friend's tone, as she didn’t expect her to be as loud as a camel.
“What’s with the shouting? And I promise I was going to tell you, but I’ve been busy.”
“Too busy to call your friend right! Well what are you wearing, you better not be wearing some baggy shít or lord help me, I’m coming down from Australia to smack your ass.” Karin threatened, only for Destiny to laugh at the seriousness in her tone.
Destiny had a ugly habit of wearing clothes that were baggy, this was only because her family had taught her from a young age to not wear tight revealing clothes.
Ever since, she hasn’t tried to try and break this habit. It’s only now, at the ripe age of 27 she’s wearing clothes that show a tad bit more skin. Thanks to Karin who is carefree and is all about body goals.
“No I’m not wearing something baggy, I’ll show you when I get home. But don’t worry I’ll make sure to tell Chunkz that you’re sending your love from Australia.”
“Period! As you should, that man wants me; he's just too scared to make the first move, which is fine.”
As delusional as Karin sounds, everything she was chatting was indeed correct. Her and Chunkz have a little thing, and it’s been going on for awhile and he is yet to ask her out.
He’s always so quick to come to Destiny for not being open and honest about her feelings, when he can’t even take his own advice and do the same.
“Alright, well I’ll call you later I gotta finish my nails.”
“Okay bye baby, make sure you take photos and send them to me! Love you pookie!”
“Love you too wifey!”
By the time Destiny was done with everything, it was already 2:30 and she knew that she took forever to do everything. So she put on her crocs on sport mode, and sped home to get ready as the studio they were filming at was 30 minutes away from her house.
But with her crazy driving she would make it 20 minutes. Once she had gotten home she quickly did her make up, making sure it wasn’t too dramatic then put on her outfit and she was out.
Her estimation was indeed correct because by the time she got there it was already 3:00. Out of breath, she slammed her car door and bolted into the studio to find most of the women were already there and the boys were talking amongst themselves.
Before she could approach them, a man had gently tapped her causing her to spin around.
“Hey are you Destiny? If so,we would like you to come with us so we can show you your room and where you can put your stuff.”
“Oh okay.”
Trailing behind him, she was quickly pulled into a room where they adjusted her hair, while attaching a mic to the back of her dress, in order for the fans to hear when it’s her time to talk.
Cluelessly, Destiny followed the man and she watched as he motioned for the women to all come together so he would explain what’s going on.
There were a total of 8 eight women and they were all Caucasian, Destiny being the only black woman. She silently cussed to herself, as she was going to give her cousin a handful later about being more diverse.
“Alright as you all are gathered here today I’m pretty sure you are all aware of what’s going on today. Kenny is going to be our lucky man,who’s going to have to distinguish which one of you is the gold digger.” He spoke to no one in particular.
“You will all stand behind this white wall in number order based on the number that we have given. Kenny will then go around asking each individual to introduce themselves. And we’ll go from then on, the last 3 contestants will then go on a 5 minute date with him and he’ll decide the winner from there.
“Now me personally I don’t care if you’re here for money or for love. That’s on you. All I’m asking is that we just tone it down with the swearing and let’s all be respectful is that simple? Any questions?” The women all murmured to each other and he nodded.” Great, now let’s line up please.”
The man had gone around ordering all the girls with a number and Destiny had landed on number 5. They all got into their positions and the video had started.
All she could hear was Nikos booming voice echoing throughout the room, as he was giving the intro. This gave her some sort of comfort, that he indeed was here like he promised.
Now they had gotten all the girls to introduce themselves and it was Destiny’s.
“Contestant 5 it’s your turn.”
“Hello my name is Destiny. I am 26 years old and I’m from Sierra Leone.”
“Oh an African queen, I like that.” She overheard Filly say, and she almost laughed, however she covered her mouth to prevent it from coming out.
“That’s cool love, and what’s your occupation?”
Swallowing, Destiny was hesitant to answer as she didn’t want them to suspect it was her, but she didn’t have a choice but to answer.
No one else besides Harry and Niko, and chunkz were aware that she was invited to the video. As they wanted it to be a surprise to the fans and the other boys.
“I’m a physical trainer in the NBA.” She revealed and heard multiple gasps, some of the girls even rolled their eyes or scoffed in envy. But she didn’t give a damn, she worked hard to get in the position so she was going to earn it.
“Nah she’s waffling.”
“Ain’t no way she works in the NBA.”
The boys suddenly became a bit more quiet then Kenny spoke.
“Oh okay I see you girl, what team?”
“The Atlanta Hawks.”
“Lads, I think I just fell in love…” Kenny exaggerated clutching his chest, causing everyone including the camera crew to laugh.” I LOVE THE HAWKS, You think you can get me Trae Young’s number?’” He asked, almost sounding genuine, and almost sounding like he wasforced into it.
“We’ll see.”
The boys oooo like teenage boys and Destiny rolls her eyes with a smile. Who knew the boys were still childish after all these years.
“Alright next contestant!”
As the time went on ultimately, Kenny had kicked out the contestants he didn’t like. Remaining with Destiny; and contestant number three and number 6. Now Destiny was not really stressed because Number three was named Bree.
She was a brunette and was a model of course, but she lacked the confidence and she was just talking about herself the entire time, not even asking Kenny the right questions.
Then Number six was named Sasha. She was a blonde and actually seemed genuine. Her only problem was that she was only here for money, unfortunately Kenny didn’t know that but he was getting the sense.
Sasha had told Destiny that she was purely only here to get money to pay off her BMW. Like girl, get a damn job the last thing that should be on your mind is trying to be famous and being on YouTube.
“So what are you into?” Kenny had asked Bree who was grinning so hard that her mouth could snap.
Now he was not entirely convinced that she was genuine so he analysed her response carefully.
“I’m into dancing.”
“Oh yeah, what kind of dance are you into dancehall?” Kenny jokes, showing his dimples however his grin soon dropped,once she stood up from her chair and began doing some tap dancing.
Instantly, Sasha m lol and Destiny made eye contact and bursted out laughing. The two began running to each other, grasping each other's arms, as they cried to themselves.
Filly and them were also heard laughing from the other room because what the hell was even that. Gathering themselves together, Kenny bit his lip to contain his laughter.
“Wow, that really was something.”
“Awwww thank you Kenny, I wish I could do better but these bad boys were in the way.” She patted her heels, thinking she really did something.
Fast forward to Sasha, obviously Bree was let free because Kenny was not feeling that whole dance plus she was giving very much desperation.
Next was Sasha, she was nervous for some reason and kept cracking her knuckles every few seconds. It was only until Destiny approached her that she calmed down slightly.
“Hey, are you alright?”
“No,just nerves. I guess Kenny seems so sweet, just don’t want to ruin it.” She rambled, playing with her fingers and Destiny hummed.
Kenny was her ex, so she knew what he liked and didn’t like. So if Sasha was to go out there flaunting her humongous breasts,he would immediately not show interest.
Sure he loved a more curvy woman, he didn’t discriminate at all. He just didn’t want her to have to show off her body, in order to gain his attention.
He mainly went for personality, yet he wanted something to look at of course. Maybe even something to grab onto if you get my drift.
“So Sasha, I’ve been told that you like boxing, why’s that?”
“I’ve learnt that it was a great way to take off my stress, and my father used to do it with me all the time when I was younger until he passed away.” She recalled, causing Kenny to frown sympathetically.” Oh my gosh, I didn’t know. I’m so sorry for your loss.”
“It’s fine how could’ve you. It was years ago, but at times I still find myself lingering on the fact that she’s not here.” She cleared her throat, to prevent herself from crying.
Kenny reached over grasping her hands in his large ones causing Destiny to scoff, earning a side eye from the producers. Why was she so bitter, it’s not like she still liked Kenny. Her and Kenny were done, and he’s moved on.
So why is she suddenly so bothered by seeing the way he was gazing into Sasha’s eyes. I mean she was the perfect fit, she was more on the slim thick side. Educated, with a wealthy family and was a boxer. All she needed was a lover.
What was there to not love about her!
Destiny on the other hand, she was also educated and wanted to settle down just like Kenny. It was just finding the right man that was troubling her. The men her age weren’t taking her seriously, she only had one serious relationship after Kenny.
Was with a guy named Stefan, he was African American and came to London for some cruise. While on the cruise, Destiny happened to be there and she had a one night stand with him.
The two went on to date for a while until she found out that Stefan was just using her to get closer to her brother Dean, who was a famous football player he just wanted to be like Dean. So she broke up with him and never saw him again.
“Okay contestant 5 can you please come out and reveal yourself.” Sharky’s loud voice boomed from the other room, and Destiny sighed bracing herself.
With one last deep breath, she adjusted her skirt and made her out from where she was and walked over to the table where Kenny was.
As soon as she came into the camera, the boys began screaming loudly and clapping. Kenny’s face had dropped and he visibly looked as if he had seen a ghost.
Once all the commotion had died down, Kenny had cleared his throat and began laughing foolishly.
“You can’t be serious… If this is a joke, Niko come out here right now.” Kenny became angry, because he hoped the boys were not playing with his feelings.
They all knew that he still loved and cared for Destiny tremendously, words can’t even describe how much he cried the day they split, she had an immense impact on him and she didn’t even know.
Ask anyone, even the loyal fans they would tell you that boy was sprung over Destiny.
“I promise bro, if this was a skit I would’ve told you but this wasn’t me.” Niko defended himself, also bewildered by the sight of Destiny. More at the fact that she actually showed.
“He’s not lying. Harry was the one that was invited for the video. So take it or leave it, either you can sit down or you can send me home. I don’t mind.” Destiny chimed, taking a seat across from Kenny.
It looked almost like he was having an internal battle with himself. Almost instantly, he gave in sitting across from her and he just stared.
“Yo, cut the cameras.”
“I said cut the cameras bro, I don’t want this recorded!” He snapped, and the guy sighed but obeyed, turning the camera off temporarily.
“So what’s your aim? Why are you here Destiny?”
“If you want the money you can take it and leave. Because I’m not about to do this again.”
“Do what.” She frowns, not getting why he was so upset at seeing her appear in the video. After all he always wanted her to appear in a video and she was here.
“Be with you again! You left me remember, I told you I wasn’t ready and you just ran off like what we had was nothing.” Kenny argued, Destiny scoffed not liking his tone one bit.
It was almost as if he was blaming her for the fall out that occurred between them, and that was the last thing that Destiny liked. Was when someone accuses her of being the problem, when she wasn’t it.
“Well excuse me for being smart, why waste my time on someone that wants to be a man child forever. I told you from the start Kenny, I wanted the real thing, and you couldn’t give me that. So what did you expect me to stay?! No because I’m not one of those women that will tolerate that Kenny!” She shouted back and it suddenly became silent. It felt almost as if no one else was in the room, just these two.
Suddenly Kenny got the urge to ask her a question that he knew could go either way.
“Do you still love me Destiny?”
Suddenly Destiny’s face had become tense and her face had fallen a bit at his words, why was he switching the attention to her all of a sudden. She was meant to let all her anger out on him, not vice versa.
“Are you serious Kenny, this isn’t about me it’s about the fact that you’re trying to blame me for leaving, when you couldn’t even meet me halfway—“
“Just shut up for a second!”
Everyone had become even more quiet and all Destiny could do was sigh and gaze helplessly into the distance, where Chunks and the rest had all come out from behind the room putting their thumbs up to encourage her.
They knew that she was probably never going to want to make a video with them again, if it was going to be this chaotic but this drama was going to gain views.
“See how you avoided my question? I asked if you still loved me. Not what I did 4 years ago, so I’m gonna ask you again, do you still have feelings for me Destiny.”
“Okay fine, yes I do! I still love you for some reason, after the messy break up I can’t seem to let go of all those years we spent together. And then for us to just break up like it was nothing. You don’t know the damage that you did Kenny.” Destiny could feel her eyes burning with tears, but she wiped them before they could spill.
It physically made Kenny sick to see the love of his life in tears because of him, lord knows the unseen tears that she shed while in private. But he was here now and he was ready to make things right.
Leaning forward, Kenny interlocked his hands with hers and she didn’t fight it. Instead she glanced down at his fingers not wanting to make eye contact. Then he used his other hand to lift up her jaw so that her eyes were glued to his.
And she folded.
“I know, baby. And I’m sorry alright, if I could take back my actions I would do it a thousand times.I was young and dumb, and I wasn’t ready. But I’m 26 now and I’m ready to give you my all.
Looking back. I realised how lucky I was to have you, a woman that was willing to settle down and be there for me. And I was dumb even enough to lose you. So I’m here now and I want you back Destiny.
We’re too grown to be going back and forth about our feelings. I want you and I’ll be damned, if I let you leave this place without being my girl.” Kenny finished and, the boys all cheered loudly at his speech.
Heck even the producers were joining in on the applause because Kenny was a good man. The girls Bree and Sasha, were even tearing up in the corner with smiles. They could tell from the start that Kenny was not as interested in them as he was with Destiny.
As soon as Destiny appeared his whole demeanour, had shifted so quickly that anyone could tell that they had history.
“So what do you say Destiny ?” Niko wraps an arm around him.” Are you ready to take him back?”
“Because if you don’t, I’ll gladly take him. He’s quite leng. Have you seen his abs?!”Aj added, and this made all of them laugh at how unserious he was.
“You lot actually crack me up, but to answer your question yes I take you back Kenny. I’m ready to be your woman.” She gleefully says,and the boys all awe as Kenny pulls her by her waist pulling her into a deep and long sweet kiss, kissing her as if his life depended on it.
The day ended with the boys all going to eat at a restaurant, and the whole time Kenny would not let Destiny out of his sight. He clung onto her like a Koala. Not because he was afraid of losing.
Moreso,because he missed her touch for 4 years which he attempted replacing with multiple women. No one matched her energy, her love was one in million. She was irreplaceable. Overall, he was just glad that he was with her finally.
Kenny finally had his girl back
The end.
Author's note!
Please, this was sooo long. But I was having a Kenny era so I had to write a little something for him. And I know it’s so all over the place, but I just wrote what came to mind.
So I really hope y’all liked it. And maybe in the future I might write for the beta squad, cus lord knows I love all of those men!
Once again thank you for reading and supporting my writing, it means a lot and if you have any ideas in mind you want me to write please don’t hesitate to ask!
I’m down to write for whoever that’s if I like them…
Anyways Ciao! 🩷
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piancqwrites · 2 months
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synopsis ➸ You both take care of each other.
next chapter ➸ Prologue, Chapter One, Chapter Two
tags ➸ childhood friends to lovers, yaku x reader, reader is female, injury, artist reader, kuroo bothering yaku, angry yaku
divider by @strangergraphics-archive + @strangergraphics
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'What a strange display of bedhead.'
"Excuse me, do you know where class 1-2 is?"
The boy in question raised an eyebrow, a smirk slowly forming as he looked down at the girl. His hair, sticking out in every direction, only added to his mischievous aura.
"Class 1-2, huh?" he said, scratching his head. "You're looking at your classmate then. My name's Kuroo Tetsurō. And you are?"
"[Last Name] [First Name]." She flashed him a smile. "Nice to meet you."
"Nice to meet you too, [Last Name]-chan." Kuroo's smirk widened, and he leaned in slightly, his eyes gleaming with curiosity. "So, what brings you to Nekoma?"
"Well, my friend convinced me to come here," she replied, adjusting the strap of her bag and tucking a loose strand of hair behind her ear. "And you?"
"Volleyball team," Kuroo said, his eyes lighting up as he straightened up, his posture more confident. "Nekoma's got a great one. I had to be a part of it."
Her interest was piqued. "Really? My friend is also trying out for the team."
"Is that so?" Kuroo looked intrigued, one eyebrow raised. "Do you also play?"
"Nah," she laughed, her shoulders relaxing. "I'm more of a supporter. I can do receives but that's about it."
Kuroo chuckled, his laugh deep and warm. "Supporters are important too. Come on, I'll show you to the classroom."
He motioned for her to follow him with a casual wave of his hand, and they started walking down the hallway together.
Nekoma High School was bustling with students, the chatter and laughter echoing off the walls.
The hallways were lined with poster boards promoting various clubs and the floors were polished to a shine, reflecting the morning sunlight streaming in through the large windows.
Classrooms were filled with students settling in, and the smell of fresh textbooks and morning dew filled the air.
They passed by a courtyard where students gathered for early morning practice. The lush greenery and blooming flowers created a serene environment amidst the hustle and bustle.
"So, do you know anyone else here besides your friend?" Kuroo asked as they turned a corner, his steps slowing down to match her pace.
"Not really," she admitted, her shoulders slightly hunched. "Just my friend. It's a bit overwhelming, but exciting too."
"Are you two in the same class?" he asked, tilting his head slightly.
She shook her head. "No, he's in class 1-3. I guess we'll just have to meet up during breaks."
Before Kuroo put more thought into it, they reached a door labeled '1-2'. "Here we are," He said, stopping in front of the classroom and turning to face her fully. "Welcome to class 1-2."
With that, they both entered the classroom. The room was already half-filled with students chatting and settling into their seats. Kuroo gestured to two empty seats near the middle and they sat down together.
Once she sat down, she started unpacking her bag, carefully taking out her notebooks, textbooks, and pens, and arranging them neatly on her desk.
She glanced at the clock above the blackboard; the class would start in just a few minutes. The room was abuzz with the sound of students catching up after the break, the soft murmur creating a comforting background noise.
Kuroo, leaning back in his chair, turned to her. "Have you decided on a club yet?" he asked, trying to make conversation.
"The Art Club." she hummed. "They meet once a week on Wednesdays. I'm debating if I should join another club with all of the free time I have."
Kuroo nodded thoughtfully. "Well, there's no rush. There are plenty of clubs to choose from. But, if you ever get curious about the volleyball team, you're welcome to come and watch our practices.
"I might just do that," she said with a smile. "I think I'd enjoy watching you guys play."
He grinned, clearly pleased with her interest. "Great! I'll make sure to put on a good show."
Just then, he subtly slipped a piece of paper onto her desk. She glanced down and saw it was a flyer about the female manager position for the volleyball team. Her eyes widened slightly as she looked back up at Kuroo, who was watching her with a hopeful expression.
She picked up the flyer and read it quickly, then looked back at him. "A manager position, huh? I never thought about that."
"Just some food for thought." He shrugged turning away from her. "Again, no pressure."
The bell rang, signaling the start of class. Their homeroom teacher walked in, calling the room to attention. [First Name] took a deep breath and turned to face the front, ready to start her first day at Nekoma High School.
But as she listened to the teacher's introduction, her mind drifted back to the offer.
She imagined joining the volleyball club, seeing her best friend Yaku every day, and watching him dive for a receive. The image made her cheeks flush with color, and she shook the thought away with a quick, embarrassed smile. It was a bit forward, but combining her interest in art with the sport was intriguing.
Perhaps being around the team could also give her new perspectives for her sketches of the male anatomy, seeing the players in dynamic, athletic poses.
"I'll swing by." She whispered.
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"I don't believe you," Yaku scoffed, folding his arms as he shot a skeptical glance at Kuroo.
"Have faith," Kuroo insisted with a confident grin. "She'll come."
Yaku raised an eyebrow, still doubtful. "There's no way you're gonna get someone to come here. Besides, I doubt any girl would want to talk to a guy with such bad hair."
At that moment, the gym doors creaked open, and with an annoyed expression, Yaku watched not just any girl enter the gym, it was his best friend.
Yaku's jaw dropped. He stood frozen, his initial skepticism turning to utter surprise. Seeing her stepping into the gym, looking around with nervousness and curiosity, was nothing short of a shock. He had never imagined she would come.
"[First Name]?" Yaku managed to stammer, his voice barely audible as he stared at her. The gym's bustling activity faded into the background as he processed the unexpected sight.
"So you're the friend she was referring to in class today." Kuroo's voice carried a teasing edge, and his smirk widened at the dramatic turn of events.
'This bastard is infuriating on so many levels.' Yaku gritted his teeth, frustration bubbling up inside him. 'Of course, they're in the same class... why does the universe hate me so?!'
Ignoring Kuroo's smirk, Yaku made fast strides toward the entrance, moving directly toward [First Name]. His usually cool demeanor was replaced with a sense of urgency and surprise. As he reached her, he tried to steady his voice, masking his bewilderment with a warm, welcoming tone.
"What are you doing here?" Yaku asked, his eyes betraying a mix of genuine surprise and happiness.
"Kuroo mentioned that you guys were looking for a manager," she said, showing him the flyer with a hopeful smile.
Yaku glanced at the flyer, then back at her, his surprise turning into a mix of curiosity and concern. "But what about the Art Club?" he asked, his brow furrowing slightly.
"They meet once a week, so I have extra time to spare," she replied, her smile both shy and determined. "I kinda wanted to talk to you first."
"I'll only join if you're okay with it. I don't wanna intrude on your space."
His expression softened, his initial shock giving way to a warm, appreciative smile. "Of course, I'm okay with you being here," he said.
Kuroo sauntered over, still smirking. "See? Told you she'd come."
The tension between Yaku and Kuroo was palpable, their silent rivalry creating an uncomfortable atmosphere.
[First Name] quickly noticed the strained dynamic, her gaze shifting between the two boys.
She saw Yaku's clenched jaw, his fists tightening and loosening by his sides, and the way his eyes flickered with barely contained irritation. Kuroo, on the other hand, wore his smirk like a badge of honor, his relaxed posture and glinting eyes a stark contrast to Yaku's tension.
The air seemed to thicken with unspoken words and simmering emotions.
[First Name] felt a pang of unease at the thought of being the catalyst for this silent battle. She could practically feel the electricity crackling between them, the rivalry palpable in every glance and stiff movement.
Sensing the need to diffuse the situation, she spoke up, her voice steady and calm. "Yaku, could you introduce me to the coach? I'd like to make sure everything's okay with him before I get started."
Yaku's attention snapped back to her, his anger momentarily forgotten.
"Of course, follow me," he said, casting one last irritated glance at Kuroo before turning to lead her toward the coach.
Kuroo's smirk widened as he watched them walk away, clearly enjoying the spectacle.
'This is gonna be a long year.' She drawled internally.
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aphroditelovesu · 11 months
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⤷✿.。Since you voted yes to commissions, so here we are. I was a little unsure about the price, so I researched and tried to make it as fair as possible. I hope you agree with this! ❤️
Also, this is completely optional! If you don't want to, you don't have to request a commission! All the other requests works the same way!! ⤷♡.+ n a v i g a t i o n.
⤷♡.+ Status: OPEN.
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What I would write
I write for any gender, both character and Reader/OC, be it female, male, neutral transsexual. Any.
Yandere!Character x Reader, Yandere!Reader x Yandere!Character, Yandere!OC x Reader and Yandere!OC X OC.
Dark!Au, Gore, Disorders, Smut/NSFW, explicit language, soft!yandere, alternative AU, Horror, Age gap (depends on how much).
Romantic, platonic and general Yanderes, as well as more specific themes; example: yandere x depressive!reader.
Stockholm syndrome.
Pregnancy, childbirth and death in childbirth.
Non-Con, Dub-Con, BDSM.
Fluff; non-yandere.
Monsterfucking, specific kinks.
What I DON'T write
Any kind of NSFW content with children, anything with children will just be platonic.
I don't write NSFW with characters that have a childish appearance or personality, just platonic.
I don't usually write ships because I consider it something personal, but I can do it if someone wants to.
Age play, scap.
Minor x Adult (only platonic).
Prices (in $ and R$)
2,00 $/R$ 2,00 for 500 words;
6,00 $/R$ 6,00 for 1000 words;
12,00 $/R$ 12,00 for 2000 words;
NSFW content adds an additional charge of $3,00/R$3,00.
Imagines, Scenarios, Reactions, Oneshots, Prompts
3,00 $/R$ 4,00 for 500 words;
10,00 $/R$ 13,00 for 1000 words;
18,00 $/R$ 18,00 for 2000 words;
20,00 $/R$ 20,00 for 3000 words.
NSFW content adds an additional charge of $5,00/R$6,00.
My list of current fandoms, but I can always add more:
Attack on Titan, Amensia, Death Note, Demon Slayer, Diabolik Lovers, Fruits Basket, Haikyuu!!, Hakuoki, Hunter x Hunter, Jujutsu Kaisen, Kamigami no Asobi, Naruto, Mirai Nikki, One Piece, Blood of Zeus.
Percy Jackson, Harry Potter, A Song of Ice and Fire, Pegasus and The Flame of Olympus (series), IT., A Court of Thorns and Roses (ACOTAR), The Bridgertons, Twilight, The Lord of the Rings, The Cruel Prince: The Folk of the Air, The Bridgertons, Twilight.
Genshin Impact, Detroit Become Human, Mystic Messenger, Time Princess Dress Up (TP: characters), Yandere Simulator, My Candy Love (Amour Sucré), Arkyos Angel, A Plague Tale.
BTS, BLACKPINK, GOT7, EXO, BIGBANG, TWICE, AESPA, Stray Kids, ITZY, Hyuna and Dawn, Red Velvet, NCT, Monsta X, Taemin, Dreamcatcher, LE SSERAFIM, (G)I-DLE.
Series/TV Show
Game of Thrones, House of the Dragon, The Originals, The Vampire Diaries, Teen Wolf, Supernatural, Outer Banks, Friends, Brooklyn Nine-Nine, Euphoria, Reign, Bridgerton, The Flash, Supergirl, Outlander, American Horror Story, Wednesday, Riverdale, Chilling Adventures of Sabrina, The Sandman, Lucifer, Winx Club, Ragnarok, The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power, Invisible City (Cidade Invisível), Shadow and Bone, Adventure Time, The Witcher, Rebelde MX (RBD), Heartstopper, Hannibal, Criminal Minds, The Last Kingdom.
Disney Universe, Marvel Universe, DC Universe, Maze Runner, Halloween, Friday the 13th, Texas Chainsaw Massacre, A Nightmare on Elm Street, Transformers, How to Train Your Dragon, Miraculous, Ever After High, Monster High, Barbie Universe, Christmas Movies, Maze Runner, Avatar, Twilight, Star Wars.
My Demon, Bussiness Proposal, Doom At Your Service, Hometown Cha-Cha-Cha, Crash Landing on You, My Name, Mr Queen, King the Land.
Greek, Egyptian, Norse Mythology and Brazilian Folklore.
Historical Characters
Alexander the Great, Cleopatra, Caesar Augustus, Julius Caesar and etc...
Additional Information
I accept payment via PayPal and Pic Pay only (PayPal = Ko-Fi)
Payment must be made before I start and I will always send you updates if you ask me.
I write in English and Portuguese.
I have a deadline of 5 to 10 days to complete your commission, however, if something unforeseen happens and it ends up being delayed, I will inform you.
If I write more than what was asked, obviously there will be no additions.
If you are interested, DM me with details and feel free to ask me anything.
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quotedfictions · 2 years
In The Dark
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Synopsis: During reach out day, Tyler Galpin's old friends decide to take advantage of you and Eugene, a frail witch and the bee club president, while your boyfriend Wednesday is stationed in the chocolate shop of pilgrim world; only when everything goes dark in your eyes does Wednesday feel that something has gone wrong.
Themes: Male Wednesday Addams, Protective boyfriend, bullying, witch's, vampires, romance, caring boyfriend.
Warnings: Physical assault, verbal assault, bullying, general violence, profanity, name-calling.
Note: This does not follow the out reach day episode this is just a made up scene of my own imagination that is based off outreach day, I did, however, have to re-watch that episode to get the bullies right.
Wordcount: 880
Reaching Jericho, you are immediately ripped from your boyfriend as you head towards Pilgrim World with Eugene; it wasn't long before you reunited with each other; you lean over and whisper, genuinely curious about where his previous assignment went. "I suppose you finally convinced Enid to switch assignments with you; how on earth did you do that, if I might ask?" Wednesday Glanced at you while walking with you and the group. "I told her she would have the opportunity to partner with Ajax, and she took it." You nod in understanding and continue with the group as you get closer to the assigned job.
You soon reached your destination as Wednesday made his way to the front, you couldn't quite catch what he was saying to the group leader, but you could hear the group leader loud and clear. You all would be working in the chocolate factor; you despised milk chocolate, the scent, the texture, the taste. It could never compare to dark chocolate. Soon after being requested to change into the clothes once worn by the people who massacred and slaughtered your people, you sat with Eugene as he ate an entire tray of the chocolate handouts. "Eat too quickly, and you'll vomit, Eugene." the boy didn't listen.
As Eugene gives up on eating the last two pieces of fudge and goes to put his retainer in, one of the three boys that had approached you two from behind rips him up from under the armpits, and another grabs your arms from behind, holding you back. They forcefully carry him over to the pillory as you try to squirm and wiggle free "Eugene!" you call out, but he can't hear you anymore; you are disgusted when the boy next to walker starts talking. "Look at this greedy little freak." The more you struggle, the stronger the boy's grip; you then stop and burst out laughing when Eugene regurgitates the fudge he just ate onto the boys, but you would soon regret laughing.
"What are you laughing at, freak?" the boy holding you grabs your throat tightly, shutting you up and constricting you of air as you pull at his hands, gasping for air. "let go… of… me," you inhale with each word before the boy standing next to mayor walkers son slaps you so hard that your vision starts to blur, you struggle to pull his hands away from your throat, soon losing consciousness from the lack of oxygen. The last thing you remember is seeing and hearing Eugene calling out your name in concern, albeit unbeknownst to you, catching the attention of a particular goth boy.
When you awake, you cough and rub your throat before noticing you are in Nevermore's infirmary, your boyfriend reading a book beside you. Although Wednesday doesn't show any physical concern, his actions speak louder than any facial expression he'll make and much louder than the blunt riddles that leave his mouth. You figured he was the one to bring you here. Still, no doubt after causing chaos in the town square, catching the faint smell of burning metal, a broken down building, and bow rosin. "ah, your awake, good; I was wondering how long it would take for you to retake consciousness after being tortured by amateurs." you laugh dryly, your voice not entirely back from how roughly the boys from pilgrim world grabbed you.
Wednesday closes his book and places it in his bag before putting the back of his hand against your forehead, then pushing you back down into a lying position. "you have a fever; I suggest you continue to lay there, although you might not listen to me. If you would like, I can carry you back to the dorm, cara mia." your face heats up from his words, and you nod gently before croaking out a few profanities of protest to the unexpected and atypical behavior from your boyfriend. "holy shit why are you being so fucking strange today." Even though he could hear you perfectly fine, he pretended not to listen to a single word and proceeded to lift you from the infirmary bed.
When he lifted you, your head started spinning, and you hid your face in his chest, the black of his uniform shading your eyes from the light. When you opened your eyes, you seemed to have been fine, waking from the darkness of unconsciousness. Still, as you lifted higher into the light, you realized that your nervous system and eyes had not yet adjusted from being in the dark for so long, causing a slight sensitivity to the surrounding light sources. "Wednesday, cover my eyes, please. The lights are bothering me."
The boy understood, knowing that lights can be a bother no matter what you wake up from, whether from passing out or a decent night's sleep. "Just say when you are no longer in the dark, y/n." Wednesday made sure you knew that he would take the black cloth off your face when you were ready, carrying you back to your dorm only to discover that you had fallen asleep along the way, comforted by his cold embrace. The boy watched over you for the rest of the evening, knowing now that you would always sleep in the dark.
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eridanidreams · 8 months
WIP Wednesday
Tagging: @bearlytolerant, @silurisanguine, @aro-pancake, @fangbangerghoul, @atonalginger, @aislingdmdt, @fshenkoescape, @ninjaofnaps, @lisa-and-shadow, @a-cosmic-elf, @thatsgoodsquishy0, @hockeydemon42, @fomagranfalloon, @violenceandviolets, @therealgchu, @staticpallour and @artemis-crimson
I'm late to the party tonight, so enjoy!
from stars through my fingers like grains of sand
Lillian agreed, then took a deep breath. "But Sam, I need something. I need to see my daughter more. These messages, they're just a tease."
"And she misses you," Sam countered, before Cait could draw breath to speak herself. "But, Lillian, the last three times we planned something, you bailed twice. Twice." His jaw set, his eyes burned the hot blue of stars, and his anger fueled the embers of her own. Before it could go out of control again (she'd wanted to—what? the memory had gone up in smoke), she leashed it, channeled it into words.
"Cora knows you're not really invested in her, Lillian," Cait said, choosing every word with exquisite care. "She certainly knows that you put being a Ranger over spending time with her. And pretty soon now, she's going to figure out that you aren't actually interested in your reading club. Right now, she just thinks you're a slow reader."
Lillian flushed. "How dare you say that?"
Cait felt a slow, angry smile cross her face. "Life is a storm, my young friend. You will bask in the sunlight one moment, be shattered on the rocks the next. What makes you a man is what you do when that storm comes. You must look into that storm and shout as you did in Rome: Do your worst, for I will do mine! Then the fates will know you as we know you." Lillian still looked confused. "That's only one of the most famous quotes from the book you're supposed to be reading right now."
"Do you have any idea the looks I get when I'm reading Dumas around the other Rangers?" Lillian demanded.
"If you really cared about Cora," Cait said softly, "it wouldn't matter."
"For crying out loud, Lillian," Sam added, "where do you think the whole 'Rangers always have each other's back' thing comes from?" Lillian looked at him in complete astonishment. "I'm not the reader Cora or Cait is—" His anger was dissipating, replaced with a sort of grim amusement that damped Cait's anger like a fire extinguisher "—but I'm not immune to a rousing adventure. Like, oh, The Three Musketeers." He let that hang in the air.
"All for one, and one for all," Cait murmured.
"And books aside, what this all boils down to," Sam said, "is that every time you bail out on Cora, it destroys her. And I'm the one left to pick up the pieces." Now that her own anger was more-or-less quenched, Cait could clearly sense the memory of Sam's devastation as it shivered coldly through him.
"Be honest with yourself, Lillian," Cait commanded. "Do you really think you can put Cora first? Every time? Because if you can't, then you need to stop pretending that you can."
Lillian winced, shaken to the core by Cait's brutal honesty, as Sam added, "Whatever you've got going on with Cora right now, I won't stand in the way of that. But we're not going to make plans again if you can't be sure you're going to make them. Even if there's an emergency."
Lillian sighed. "It's so often a matter of life and death, you know that—" There are other Rangers, Cait thought, but did not say. Lillian needed to make this decision herself. "—but you're right. Maybe—maybe when she's older." When she's older, Cait knew, would never happen; Lillian had just driven a stake through the heart of any hope of a closer relationship with Cora. Unless she changed drastically, and soon, this was the most she would ever have. Cait couldn't find it in herself to be sorry—at least, not for Lillian. Silently, she vowed to do everything she could to make the inevitable easier on Cora.
Sam nodded solemnly; Cait wondered if he'd heard the same thing she had. "Okay. Friends, right?"
Lillian set herself, and underneath all the turmoil, the anger, the resentment, Cait thought she heard a faint note of relief. "Friends." She gave a soft, rueful laugh. "You and me—we were over before we ever began." Cait hadn't expected the turn of conversation, and now she did feel like she was intruding. She took a half-step back, intending to make a discreet exit, but the ice cracking beneath her foot betrayed her. Lillian offered her a soft half-smile, but her emotions had sharpened into something almost—speculative. "No need," she said. "Sam and I—we didn't really choose each other, we just sort of—fell into it. I admire him, and he's one of the few people in the Systems that can make me laugh… but he's right. What we had, was never love. Not then, and not now."
"Truth," Sam agreed.
"All right," Cait said, feeling like the ground itself was shaking underneath her. She was teetering on the edge of emotional overload, and she knew it. "Do you think you two can go on from here? Is there anything else you need to address?"
Sam shook his head in silence. "No," Lillian met her gaze without flinching; after a moment, a half-smile curved her lips. "Sam's found himself one hell of an advocate."
Cait shook her head. "Sam didn't need me to support him—he did just fine." Sam's surprised appreciation curled up through her, adding itself to the storm already raging inside of her. "He needed it for Cora." She breathed deeply of the cold air, trying to use the shock to steady her for just a few moments more. "I'll go take a walk while the two of you finish up whatever you need to. Lillian, I presume we're dropping you back at Neon?"
"No need," Lillian said. "I've arranged for pickup. But I will make sure to say goodbye to Cora before you lift off." She gave Cait a long, considering look. "And thank you. You've given both of us a real gift. Not a comfortable gift, but…" she let out a sigh. "Honesty is the best way to go... however painful. As if I didn't owe you already."
"I'm not one to keep score," Cait said. "But I'm glad I could help. If you'll excuse me…" She nodded to them both, then walked away quickly before either of them could draw her back in.
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wearelondonhq · 5 months
Happy Meme Day!!! If you want to take part all you have to do is reblog this post. Remember if you reblog to send them out to EVERYONE who also does. Meme lasts from today until the next Wednesday (may 1st).
I was supposed to be sent away, but they forgot to come and get me.
I was a functioning alcoholic.
Nobody noticed my new aesthetic.
All of this to say, I hope you're okay.
No one here's to blame.. what about your quiet treason?
For a fortnight there we were forever running.
You're in my backyard turned into good neighbors.
I want to kill her/him/them.
All my mornings are Monday stuck in an endless February.
I took the miracle move on pill, the effects were temporary.
I love you, it's ruining my life.
I touched you for only a fortnight.
My husband is cheating... i want to kill him.
I call you up but you won't pick up.
Another fortnight lost in America.
You left your typewriter at my apartment.
i think some things I'll never say.. like who uses typewriters anyway?
You're in self-sabotage mode.
Who else decodes you?
Who's gonna hold you like me?
Who's gonna know you if not me?
We'rе modern idiots.
I chose this cyclone with you.
Sometimes I wonder if you're gonna screw this up with me.
Everyone we know understands why it's meant to be.. because we're crazy.
At dinner, you take my ring off my middle finger and put it on the one people put wedding rings on.. and that's the closest I've come to my heart exploding.
Here we go again.
You should've seen him when he first got me.
My boy only breaks his favorite toys.. i'm queen of sand castles he destroys.
I should've known it was a matter of time.
There was a litany of reasons why we could've playеd for keeps this time.
I know I'm just repeating mysеlf.
He runs because he loves me.
'Cause you should've seen him when he first saw me
I knew too much.
There was danger in the heat of my touch.
He saw forever so he smashed it up.
Once I fix me, he's gonna miss me
He was my best friend.
I felt more when we played pretend than with all the Ken's.
He took me out of my box, stole my tortured heart, left all these broken parts.
Told me I'm better off, but I'm not.
Did you really beam me up?
Tell me I was the chosen one.
For a moment I knew cosmic love.
Now I'm down bad, crying at the gym.
Everything comes out teenage petulance.
Fuck it if I can't have him.. it's like i lost my twin.
I might just die, it would make no difference.
Come back and pick me up.
Fuck it if I can't have us.
I might just not get up.
I might stay down bad.
Did you take all my old clothes?
They'll say I'm nuts if I talk about the existence of you.
For a moment, I was heavenstruck.
I loved your hostile take-overs.
I'll build you a fort on some planet where they can all understand it.
How dare you think it's romantic leaving me safe and stranded?
Cause fuck it, I was in love.
Fuck you if I can't have us.
Pulled him in tighter each time he was drifting away.
My spine split from carrying us up the hill.
I stopped trying to make him laugh.
How much sad did you think I had?
Did you think I had in me?
You'll find someone.
I didn't opt in to be your odd man out..
I founded the club she's heard great things about.
I left all I knew.
I stopped CPR.
Thе spirit was gone.
We would never come to.
I'm pissed off you let me give you all that youth for free.
Two graves, one gun.
I'll find someone.
You say I abandoned the ship, but I was going down with it.
My white knuckle dying grip holding tight to your quiet resentment.
My friends said it isn't right to be scared.
Every breath feels like rarest air.
Just how low did you think I'd go before I'd self implode?
You swore that you loved me but where were the clues?
I died on the altar waiting for the proof.
I forget how the west was won.
I forget if this was ever fun.
I just learned these people only raise you to cage you.
What a mess.
I just learned these people try and save you 'cause they hate you.
Too high a horse for a simple girl to rise above it.
They slammed the door on my whole world.
But, daddy, I love him.
I'm having his baby... no, I'm not, but you should see your faces.
No, I'm not coming to my senses.
I know it's crazy, but he's the one I want.
Growing up precocious sometimes means not growing up at all.
You're this chaos, he was revelry.
Stay away from her.
Lord knows the words we never heard.
I'd rather burn my whole life down than listen to one more second of all this bitchin' and moanin'.
I'll tell you something 'bout my good name, it's mine along with all the disgrace.
God save the most judgmental creeps who say they want what's best for me.
Sanctimoniously performing soliloquies I'll never see.
You ain't gotta pray for me.. it's just my choice.
There's a lot of people in town that I bestow upon my fakest smiles.
Scandal does funny things to pride but brings lovers closer.
We came back when the heat died down.
Went to my parents and they came around.
All the wine moms are still holding out.
Fuck 'em, it's over.
Even my daddy just loves him.
I'm his lady.
Oh my god, you should see your faces.
I know it's crazy but he's the one I love.
I'm running back home to you.
I know who my first call will be to.
He don't understand me.
Handcuffed to the spell I was under.
But it's gonna be alright.
I did my time.
Toss the ashes off the ledge.
I will never lose my baby again.
My friends tried, but I wouldn't hear it.
Watched me daily disappearing for just one glimpse of his smile.
All those nights you kept me goin'.
Swirled you into all of my poems.
Now we're at the starting line.
No matter what I've done, it wouldn't matter anyway.
Ain't no way I'm gonna screw up, now that I know what's at stake here.
You can beat the heat if you beat the charges too.
They said I was a cheat, I guess it must be true.
My friends all smell like weed or little babies.
The city reeks of driving myself crazy.
Your home's really only a town you're just a guest in.
I got drunk and I dared it to wash me away.
Well, mе and my ghosts, we had a hell of a time.
Yеs, I'm haunted, but I'm feeling just fine.
Well, no one asks any questions here.
So I did my best to lay to rest all of the bodies that have ever been on my body.
I've got some regrets.
Tell me I'm despicable, say it's unforgivable.
At least the dolls are beautiful, fuck me up, Florida
I need to forget, so take me to Florida
What a crash, what a rush.
Love left me like this.
I don't want to exist.
I hadn't heard it in a while.
My boredom's bone deep.
This cage was once just fine.
Am I allowed to cry?
I dream of cracking locks.
Crashing into him tonight, he's a paradox.
I'm seeing visions.
Am I bad, or mad, or wise?
What if he's written "Mine" on my upper thigh only in my mind?
Oh, what a way to die.
I keep recalling things we never did.
Without ever touching his skin, how can I be guilty as sin?
There's no such thing as bad thoughts, only your actions talk.
We've already done it in my head.
Why does it feel like a vow we'll both uphold somehow?
What if I roll the stone away?
They're gonna crucify me anyway
What if the way you hold me is actually what's holy?
They don't know how you've haunted me so stunningly.
I choose you and me, religiously.
You don’t get to tell me about sad.
If you wanted me dead you should’ve just said.
Nothing makes me feel more alive.
Who’s afraid of little old me?
You don’t get to tell me you feel bad.
Is it a wonder I broke?
Let’s hear one morе joke.
Then we could all just laugh until I cry.
I was tame, I was gentle till the circus life made me mean.
Don’t you worry folks, we took out all her teeth.
So tell me everything is not about me, but what if it is?
Say they didn’t do it to hurt me, but what if they did?
I wanna snarl and show you just how disturbed this has made me.
You wouldn’t last an hour in the asylum where they raised me.
All you kids can sneak into my house with all the cobwebs.
I’m always drunk on my own tears, isn’t that what they all said?
I’ll sue you if you step on my lawn.
I’m fearsome, and I’m wretched and I’m wrong.
Put narcotics into all of my songs and that’s why you’re still singing along.
You lured me and you hurt me and you taught me.
You caged me and then you called me crazy.
I am what I am 'cause you trained me.
The smoke cloud billows out his mouth like a freight train through a small town.
The jokes that he told across the bar were revolting and far too loud.
God, help her.
I told them he's my man
I can fix him, no, really, I can.
The dopamine races through his brain on a six-lane Texas highway.
His hands so calloused from his pistol softly traces hearts on my face.
I could see it from a mile away.
A perfect case for my certain skill set.
He had a halo of the highest gradе.
He just hadn't met me yеt.
Good boy, that's right.
Come close.
I'll show you Heaven if you'll be an angel, all mine.
Trust me, I can handle me a dangerous man.
Who's gonna stop us from waltzing back into rekindled flames?
We were just kids, babe.
You said I'm the love of your life.
A con man sells a fool a "get love quick" scheme.
I felt a hole like this, never before and ever since.
What we thought was for all time was momentary.
Mr. Steal-Your-Girl, then make her cry.
You shit-talked me under the table.
I wish I could unrecall how we almost had it all.
You're the loss of my life.
I'm a real tough kid, I can handle my shit.
They said, "Babe, you gotta fake it till you make it" And I did.
Lights, camera.. bitch, smile.. even when you wanna die.
He said he'd love me all his life, but that life was too short.
All the piеces of me shatterеd as the crowd was chanting "More".
I was grinnin' like I'm winnin'.
I can do it with a broken heart.
I'm so depressed, I act like it's my birthday every day.
I'm so obsessed with him, but he avoids me like the plague.
I cry a lot, but I am so productive, it's an art.
You know you're good when you can even do it with a broken heart.
I can hold my breath.
I've been doing it since he left.
I keep finding his things in drawers, crucial evidence I didn't imagine the whole thing.
I don't even want you back.
I don't miss what we had.
Could someone give a message to the smallest man who ever lived?
Were you sent by someone who wanted me dead?
Did you sleep with a gun underneath our bed?
Were you writing a book?
Were you a sleeper cell spy?
In fifty years will all this be declassified?
You'll confess why you did it and I'll say, "Good riddance".
It wasn't sexy once it wasn't forbidden.
I would've died for your sins, instead I just died inside.
You deserve prison, but you won't get time.
You said normal girls were "boring", but you were gone by the morning.
You kicked out the stage lights, but you're still performing.
You are what you did.
I'll forget you, but I'll never forgive.
This happens once every few lifetimes.
These chemicals hit me like white wine.
What if I told you I'm back?
The hospital was a drag.
Worst sleep that I ever had.
I circled you on a map.
I haven't come around in so long.
I'm coming back so strong.
Ditch the clowns, get the crown.
Baby, I'm the one to be.
The sign on your heart said it's still reserved for me.
Honestly, who are we to fight thе alchemy?.
Hey, you, what if I told you we'rе cool?
That child's play back in school is forgiven under my rule.
I'm making a comeback to where I belong
We've been on a winning streak.
There was no chance trying to be the greatest in the league.
Where's the trophy? He just comes running over to me.
credit goes to @perspectivestarters !!
I move through the world with a heart broken.
I may never open up thе way I did for you.
Six weeks of breathing clean air, I still miss the smoke.
I can tell when somebody still wants me.
Once you fix your face, I'm going in.
Whether I'm gonna be your wife, or gonna smash up your bike, I haven't decided yet.
I'm gonna get you back.
Whether I'm gonna curse you out, or take you back to my house, I haven't decidеd yet.
You'll find that you were never not mine.
Even if it's handcuffed, I'm leaving here with you.
Pick your poison, babe, I'm poison either way.
A touch that was my birth right became foreign.
Are you gonna marry, kiss, or kill me?
You know how to ball, I know artistotle.
Everyone knows that my mother is a saintly woman, but she used to say she wished that you were dead.
When I count the scars, there's a moment of truth, that there wouldn't be this, if there hadn't been you.
One day, your kid comes home singin' a song that only us two is gonna know is about you.
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dribs-and-drabbles · 5 months
An alternative review of GMMTV Live 2024 part 2
A list of the shared items of clothing that appeared in the trailers, ranked according to the amount I squealed when I spotted it.
6. getricheasy sports shirt
The first of four from Sweet Tooth, Good Dentist, this had its first appearance in Only Friends and was used in the promotional material for The Outing but I didn't spot it in the show, so I'm happy to see it again. Who knows if it will be used in the actual show...that goes for any of these items incidentally.
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5. Blue with yellow detail knitted vest
I've had a screenshot of this vest worn by Thor since I saw it as Wednesday Club aired. I swear I've seen it somewhere else before but can't remember. But hence why it immediately jumped out to me in Perfect 10 Liners.
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4. Green sports jacket
On to the second of the four from Sweet Tooth, Good Dentist, and oh to be Poon and be able to wear the jacket that our King and Queen have worn -> first by Namtan in UMG and then Mix in his glorious cameo at the end of Only Friends. I predict we'll see this again a few more times.
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3. Blue with brown edging shirt
I was happy to see this one, another in Sweet Tooth, Good Dentist, because I had kept it in my mind since seeing it in Only Friends - as another potential that might get worn again. It's subtle yet quite distinct...and very much in a similar vibe as many other shirts worn by Force (and shared with Sea, Ngern, and New amongst others).
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2. Red, blue, and green striped t-shirt
I'm impressed with my brain for spotting this one, the last from Sweet Tooth, Good Dentist, because at first it just felt familiar, and I immediately thought of UMG but I thought it might just be because it's similar to a few stripy colour shirts that Nanon wore. But I had a look through my screenshots of the series and eventually found it all the way at the end...
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1. Ink's mustard knitted vest!
This one I could not believe. Never in my wildest dreams did I think we would see this iconic vest from Bad Buddy again. But here we are, on Mix no less in Ossan's Love. It's not something you'd expect to see on Mix...but then again I thought the costuming of the trailer looked a lot more 'quirky' than usual and very much fitting the kooky/slapstick vibe of the series. But honestly, this made my day.
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saulweissberg · 2 months
availability / @theodoranowak setting / the local country club golf course; wednesday, july 17th, around six pm.
“ah, there you go! nice swing.” saul complimented after theo cracked the golf ball across the greensward. the sun was still high enough in the sky to give off a sweltering heat, but as two high powered attorneys, neither would be caught dead playing hooky and golfing on a weekday morning. well, at least saul wouldn’t, mostly because his schedule was so busy lately that he barely had time to shave before work, let alone sneak away for a quick early morning golf session. with theo and isabel working as senior associates under him, and with help from micah, his firm had more clients than ever before. he’d hazard to say he was downright successful, but saul knew better than to count his chickens before they hatched. at any rate, he was successful for suburban illinois, but he’d probably never reach the esteem of his former firm, wlrk. that was something he was coming to terms with. the market was smaller, but divorces happened anywhere and everywhere. that was the best part of their specialty: they were pretty much guaranteed job security, and saul was running the show now. having theo as part of his legal team just propelled them into further success.
they still needed to enjoy themselves, though. golf wasn’t his favorite sport—especially since his third ex-wife’s older brother was a professional golfer and hated saul—but he was better at it than tennis, and it was practically required for any blue blooded man to know how to do both. besides, it was the first time he really got to spend some time with his pseudo-cousin since she arrived in blue harbor. after theodora finished her turn, saul set up the tee and positioned himself alongside the ball, holding out his arms stiffly as he lined up the club. with a swift motion, he swung the club and connected it with the golf ball, sending it flying into the air and curving to the right. his hand flew to his forehead, shielding the golden afternoon light from his eyes as he watched the ball land far ahead. turning to theo, he grinned and pumped both fists in the air. “yay!” he gave a light laugh and moved over to their golf cart to find where their respective golf balls had landed.
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after a beat of silence, saul raised a brow as he regarded theodora. “so, how are you finding blue harbor?” it was sort of funny how she was the third brunette he knew back in new york that had found her way to the small midwestern town, but this time, she had asked to come work for him. though he had a stable staff with isabel, micah, and his secretary, he would’ve been insane to decline her. not only did she have nepotism on her side—the weissbergs and nowaks had been family friends for generations—but theo had a remarkable record and he wouldn’t turn down the help when his firm was steadily growing. more lawyers, more clients, it was simple math! that, and he had known theodora since she was a baby. he supposed he owed it to her, out of some familial-like obligation, and he could understand cracking under the weight of her family name. she needed an out, and while saul had his misgivings about blue harbor, it was the perfect place for someone to start over, just like he had three years ago. “i’m starting to think the entire island of manhattan is moving here. my first ex-wife, then my second, and then you? micah, too.” he didn’t count thalia, since blue harbor was her hometown. “either that, or you’ve all banded together to destroy me. i wouldn’t count that out for terry, but you and cassie? i’m hurt, teddy. just hurt!” he joked, mirth evident in his smirk and the sparkle in his eyes.
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man11c · 2 years
Xavier x Reader - Maybe a few more lessons. Pt 7.
Plot - During second term, you join Nevermore Academy. One of the first things you do is join the archery club, and from there you get to know Xavier Thorpe. At first he seems head over heels for Wednesday, but maybe at some point he'll see something in you? In school, you go through many dilemmas which you need to solve.
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Part 7
The painting didn't leave your mind for days, stretching on weeks. How it moved as it was really you, and the soft colours that laid flat on the canvas to create something ever so beautiful and it was...you of all things. You didn't dare mention it to Bianca. To tell her that Xavier painted you, that would be a ticket bought to end a friendship. So it was best to keep it a thing between you and Xavier.
More weeks went by, and you got more comfortable in school. Making more friends, a good friend being a vampire boy who sat next to you in one of your classes. He was a sweet guy, interesting as well. You spread your time out with friends and with the case of studying for your classes, and the list went on and on. Though of all people, you spent more time than you thought with Xavier. You saw him at archery, and occasionally you went over to his art studio to see what new things he'd be painting. The painting of you standing as the main event, proudly sitting on its own just so the focus was on you alone.
You realised that the rave'N dance was coming up soon, and you had no idea who'd you take. You thought and thought, yet no one came to mind - no one appropriate to bring at least.
"Bianca who will you take to the Rave'N" She went on about some boy that asked her out and said yes to. But the both of you knew that wasn't her first option- Xavier was. Talking about Xavier he asked to meet you later in the night at archery court. It was almost time to go meet him. No idea in what he might want, you walked down to see Xavier pacing and talking to himself. You never seen him like this, but he froze at the sound of your voice calling out his name. You waved your hand at him. "What on earth name made you think this would be a good time for archery Xavier." You shake your head and go to pick up a bow. Your hand was stopped before you could reach. The tips of your fingers brushing off the bows handle. Your wrist locked position with Xaviers hand holding you from taking the bow. With utter confusion you look at him, brows knotted up as you tried to read his expression. He was chewing on his gum and looked down as he calculated what to say to you. "This isn't about Archery (y/n), I wanted to ask you..." He took a deep breath as he found courage to look you in the eyes. Xaviers hold got softer on your wrist before sliding down to your hand only to drop it.
"Well, I wanted to ask you. If you'd like to go to the Rave'N dance with me. Like as a friendly thing, yknow." His words followed with a nervous chuckle as he rubbed the back of his neck, brushing against the white collar of his school shirt.
Your heart peaked and sunk back down in second. You stand there, pursing your lips together into a thin line. Ashamed you looked to the side. "Uhm...about the dance, I think I'll just go alone." As much as you wanted to tell him yes, you couldn't hurt Bianca that way. Not when she still had feelings for Xavier. You look to see his disappointed expressed as he looked away from you. Xavier took a deep breath through his teeth creating a hissing sound as the cold air filled his mouth. "I'm sorry Xavier, I just think it'll be-" You never even got to finish your sentence before Xavier interrupted you. "You don't have to explain yourself (y/n) it's fine." Xavier laughed it off like he usually would, but his ego was hurt a little. Though he smiled at you sweetly, you could see the lingering disappointment within his eyes. "I guess that's all I called you for, sorry for dragging you out from you dorm so late. Night (y/n)" Xavier turned his face, the smile dropping from his face almost immediately when you weren't there to look at him.
You sighed, but even if it was something friendly... it would only be unfair to Bianca. Your eyes followed after Xavier, seeing him shoving his hands into his pockets when he walked off. Gosh, now it would be so awkward between the two of you. You chewed on your gum as you headed back to the dorm. You did the right thing for Bianca.
Days passed again, you had practically forgotten about what happened between you and Xavier - it was for the better. You didn't want an awkward situation with Xavier. But he didn't seem so hung up on it anyway, at least not with exterior appearance. Assuming the two of you have moved on from it, it was all fine.
The teacher was talking during class, going on about anatomy of sirens and whatever. "(Y/n)" A whisper sneaked into your ear from beside you. A note was slid your way : 'go to the Rave'N with me tomorrow?' The vampire boy you had become friends with during the passing term really asked you out. You obviously didn't use your brain when you wrote down 'okay' as a reply. Just what the hell were you thinking. Xavier totally slipped through your mind in that moment. But you were excited, a boy actually asked you out? Someone who you had a child-like crush on. He smiled at you as he looked down at the note. A beaming smile on your was returned to him. You giggled slightly, trying not to not get into trouble by the teacher.
Xavier who sat a few rows behind you, watched as you two giggled and smiled at each other. An indescribable look on his on his face. He pondered to himself, deep in thought about something. His bruised ego ached. He couldn't believe you rejected it. At the end of the day, it was only on a friendly accord, was it not?
The next night was ecstatic, Bianca had taken you shopping for something to wear. You wandered around shops looking for something, and what you found was just fantastic. The theme was something along the lines of a fairytale dream. A lace blouse with elegant sheer white sleeves that fanned out from your wrist and sat off your shoulders. Pearlescent shimmers through the sleeves. With beautiful Pearl netting that dropped from from your neck and kept the top up. It was your idea of fairytale. Soft blues and faint pinks glimmered all across your outfit. You looked into the mirror, all done up and ready for the dance. All you have to do was add finishing touches to complete the outfit. Bianca and you giggled and went down so excited.
This was your first time at such a dance like this, but your date waited for you to bring you into the room. He was in awe when he saw you, you hooked arms as you entered with him. He complimented you again and again, causing you to fluster and laugh all the way into the hall. It was a magical setup. It's literally a fairytale you lived in. Xavier was in already since he had no date. He came alone, knowing you'd do the same. But he watched as you walked with linked arms joined hip to hip with a guy he's seen around you before. And he scoffed before muttering under his breath. "So much for coming alone." But he kept his eye on you, watching you as you walked with such elegance. You were a fairytale, as much as he didn't want to think so.
The night only beginning when Xavier came up to you with a drink in within his hand. Eyeing down your date. "I thought you were coming alone..." Xaviers words trailed on when his gaze shifted back to you. Your face glowing in embarrassment, you felt your cheeks get hot. "Well, I thought so too." You tried to laugh it off, almost choking as you did so. "Mhm." Xavier walked off without saying anything else. And he sat all alone bitter thinking of how you should have told him if you didn't want to go with him because you had another. He watched you dancing away, enjoying yourself as he sat pitying himself. Xavier caught your eye multiple times as he sat and gloated. You couldn't leave him like that.
Standing in front of Xavier, you held your hand out to him. The next dance was just starting. He batted his lashes at you. "Come on, will you dance with me or not or do you suck at dancing...?" You raise your brow at him - of course, you knew saying something like that would make him spring to his feet. "I can assure you I don't." A smirk coming on his face. Ah, much better, the original Xavier was back. He took your hand into his and pulled you in closer to himself. His hand cold against your warm hand. Xavier looked down into your eyes as he squeezed your hand before he started. You danced with him, body's swaying together to the rhythm of the song. And he held you so delicately, but also his hold on you was firm.
Maybe this really was a fairytale.
You felt high in the air as you were in Xaviers hold. His eyes stayed right on you, he forgot about everything and everyone else in the room. This was how he really wanted to spend his night. Dancing with his friend. You felt the air wrapping around your skin, it was comforting. "You probably heard this from your date, but you look like the Fairytale (y/n)" Xavier spoke up. Music all around you, but all you heard was Xaviers melodic words that tickled at your eardrums.
"A fairytale I'd like to be part of." Your heart skipped beats as he spoke.
Part 8 out now 😓❗️
Word count : 1669
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1starqi · 4 months
Cool Guy Gone Cute
genre: fluff, highschool!au
pairing: danceteam!chan x studentcouncil!o/c (again, could be x reader but I did give the o/c a name
summary: you need to do a bakesale
P1: 377
P2: 835
Total: 1.2k
a/n: this is all Sora's POV! I'm editing the next two parts and they're both Chan POVs. Also, all other people are made up. Even though Chaeyeon has the same name as an idol they aren't necessarily the same person but they can be if you want, I don't really care I just want my story to be enjoyed! Also look at me posting
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Part 1
12:30, Wednesday
A storm is moving in. A translucent ray of light peeks through the windows in Mr. Kim’s math room where the Student Council is meeting. You couldn’t help but sneak glances at the clock hanging above the whiteboard, counting the seconds until you could grab your bag and rush down to the lunch room. 5 minutes.
“Alright,” The lanky student body president, Park Junyeop, says, “one more thing before we go.” Damn. “So we spent most of our budget on the festival last week, but the yearbook club switched to a different paper this year, so we need some more funds… Any ideas?” The window is suddenly pelted with the first of the storm.
“How much more?” Next to you, your best friend and irritated club treasurer, Chaeyeon, raises her hand lazily.
“Like $700?” Junyeop says tentatively. You’re pretty sure you heard someone groan.
“A bake sale?” You tilt into Chaeyeon.
“It doesn’t look like anyone else has anything to say...” She whispers back. Abruptly, she seizes your limp wrist and forces it up in the air.
“Chaeyeon? Sora?” Chaeyeon stays silent.
“We could do a bake sale…” You say weakly. You take a quick look at the clock. 4 minutes.
“That would raise some money. Any other ideas?” Rejected, but you’re not exactly sad about it. You look around the room. Not a single hand is up. The rain is pouring torrentially against the window. 3 minutes. Junyeop shattered the blank silence with a timely, yet undesirable interruption. “Fine. If no one has any additional ideas, we'll do a bake sale. Who wants to do it?” 
“It’s spring break next week! I can't believe Junyeop expects us to take on extra work. Who does he think we are?” Chaeyeon gripes, right in your ear. 2 minutes.
“I’ll assign it if no one wants to speak up.” He menaces. 1 minute. “Okay.” He sighs. “Sora, you suggested it, so I’m going to give this to you.” You’re actually joking, you think. There’s hardly any time between homework and… you time, obviously.
Only one correct answer gives you a chance for re-election. You surrender, “I’ll do it.”
“Taking one for the team, nice,” Chaeyeon says. You smile and kick her under the desk right as the bell rings.
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Part 2
18:00, Wednesday
Your arrival is heralded by the jingling of the door chime, and the minimart smell hits you like a 4-wheeler. It’s a stark contrast from the fresh spring rain, it smells like incense and cleaning products. “There’s no way I can have an entire bake sale ready by Friday! I put like… two adverts up this morning in the hall, but I doubt anyone saw it.” You complain to Chaeyeon and Yoonseo as you enter the aisle you've been looking for. Hell yeah, Cheeto puffs. 
“Hey Chae, are you free after this?” Yoonseo grabs a bright red strawberry soda from the big steel fridge and checks the price.
“I would not be walking three miles to Sora’s house with you two if I had to be somewhere after this.”
“Sora~ we’ll help you! We can have a baking party!” Yoonseo exclaims from across a snack aisle. She is always one for a party. Your lips curl in a smile. You appreciate your friends’ enthusiasm even if the baking itself is only half the problem. You can buy pastries, but you can’t buy off Ms. Yang to let you do the sale—you can send a strongly worded email, though.
Nonetheless, you couldn't resist the opportunity to make a mess with your two best friends. “Oh my gosh, you two are lifesavers.” You grab another soda for her as thanks, melon flavored. You grab a lemon-lime for Chaeyeon and wipe off the condensation on your blue pleated skirt.
Chaeyeon pipes up from somewhere unseen, “I don’t think that there’s any mix here, do you want to pop over to the place across the street to get some?”
“Yes! Let’s check out, and then let’s get chocolate chip cookies and sugar cookies and cinnamon buns!” Yoonseo eagerly chirps. You flash her an ok signal with your hand. 
“Let’s make brownies too! The really fudgy ones are my favorite.” You add.
You unload your groceries onto the checkout counter with Chaeyeon and Yoonseo. Assorted sodas, chips, and a couple of hair ties. It’s an overall outstanding purchase. You look up to talk to the cashier—and he is cute, even behind his black cotton mask. He’s wearing a uniform black polo and has silver earrings hooked on his ears. He checks the final item as you remember something else—you just ran out of gum. 
“Cash or card?” His voice is deeper than you expected but still pleasant.
“So sorry to bother you, but could I add a pack of gum to that?” You ask him, hesitantly.
“Ah, I already put the—” He stammers.
“Oh, nevermind then.” You can't help but blurt out the words as you fumble to return the gum to its place.
“No no, it’s fine. It’s on me.” A clearly athletic arm rubs his neck as he makes the proposition. You could swear you see a red tint develop on his ears, maybe he’s embarrassed?
“Seriously? Thank you so much!” You stuff your purchases into your backpack. The girls are totally giggling behind you.
“Yeah, it’s no problem.” After exchanging an appreciative smile with him, you grab your bag to head out. Together, you three swiftly make your way out of the cozy store and into the midst of the pouring rain, bracing yourselves against the elements as you head out.
As you giggle entering the store across the street for the mixes, Chaeyeon turns to you with an almost deviant smile dancing across her face. “Isn’t that Chan? You know, the captain of the dance team?”
Yoonseo looks positively floored, “Oh my god. That was totally him! That’s crazy, did you see how he was blushing?”
“He was probably just embarrassed.” You brush them off. If you were Chan, you'd guess it’s embarrassing to be caught stumbling over your words. It breaks his cool guy facade. You don't want to accept the fact that he was blushing because you really don't need to deal with that at the moment. He’s like the archetype of a standoffish nonchalant guy—which isn’t exactly your style.
“Come on, you know you’re lying! He was totally blushing.” Chaeyeon stares at you, waiting for a reaction. “Ha! You’re blushing too! Oh my god, do you like him?”
“No way! He’s just cute. That’s all. Every other girl in our entire school thinks so too! It’s not like I’m weird.”
“I don’t think he’s that cute…” Yoonseo states unhelpfully. Chaeyeon shoots you a look that practically screams I-told-you-so.“Whatever! I don’t want to date him anyway.” You pause, “Ugh, that’s so far out of the picture! I literally ran into him at a minimart. We didn’t even talk about anything interesting. You’re making me overthink!” As you scold them, they exchange a meaningful glance with each other, conveying their shared understanding that maybe it's not that far out of the picture for you to have a crush on the dance captain Chan. Based on what they've been told, it was really unexpected for him to go out of his way for you.
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moonchildreads · 2 years
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small town
Chapter 2 - What You Need
IN THIS CHAPTER: An outdoor picnic table, Dustin turns on the Harrington charm, and The Hobbit saves the day [1.4k]
WARNINGS: none, let's meet our girlie protagonist!
masterlist - prev - next | playlist
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Don't you get sad and lonely You need a change from What you do all day
Friday, April 4th - 1986
By the time Friday came around, everyone in Hawkins High School knew to avoid Mike Wheeler and Dustin Henderson. The other Hellfire Club members had been prohibited to help and the two teens had gotten yelled at by Erica on Wednesday when they tried to get her to invite one of her friends to their weekly adventuring sessions. They were sitting on the grass near the outdoor picnic tables after lunch, surveying the school population, assessing their next target.
“What about that guy? He seems nerdy,” Mike asked, twirling a bottle cap in his hand. His nervous energy was pissing Dustin off to no end but he couldn’t lash out to the only friend he had left.
“Already asked. What about that one?”
“He told me to “piss off, creep” on Tuesday. He has a Playboy calendar stuck to his locker door and he calls me a creep.”
“Ew,” Dustin shivered. “Playboy, really?”
“Yeah. D’you think we could ask Steve to ask Robin?”
“Asked and denied.”
“By Steve or Robin?”
“Both. They work this Friday. Also I think Steve hates Eddie.”
A companionable if slightly depressed silence surrounded them as they contemplated their options. Dustin stared across the yard at a lonely girl lying on a picnic table that everyone had learned to avoid over the years because it was so exposed to the elements compared to the rest of the tables; during sunny days, there was no shade to be found if you sat on it, and during cold, overcast days like that Friday, the wind was particularly unforgiving. She was bundled up in a warm coat, reading a thick book with headphones on, miles away from the world around her. He wished he felt as peaceful as she looked like in that moment. Besides him, Mike threw the bottle cap he was playing with into a nearby bin. It struck the side in a barely audible clunk instead of going in and rolled away until it was out of sight under a table.
“I give up. We should tell Eddie we didn’t find anyone before tonight so he can rework the session.”
“He’s gonna kill us,” Dustin said, head on his hands.
“He’s not gonna kill us.”
“He’s gonna kill our characters.”
“He’s not-” Mike interrupted himself and groaned heavily before standing up. “Shit, he’s totally gonna kill our characters.”
“What if we asked Will to play over the phone?”
“Are you crazy? Do you know how expensive out of state phone calls are?” he put out his hand to help his friend get off the grass. “Come on, the sooner we find him, the faster we can get this over with.”
As Dustin trailed behind Mike, his hands in his pockets, he glanced one last time towards the peaceful girl on the bench. She had her feet resting on the table, her legs crossed at the ankles, her book propped up on her thighs as she fiddled with her cassette player while still lying down on the wooden seat. That book, Dustin thought. I think I have that book. He was vaguely aware that Mike was trying to brainstorm how to tell Eddie in the nicest way possible that they had failed their mission when his brain malfunctioned and his legs stopped moving. I know that book!
“Dustin!” Mike yelled after him when he began running towards the girl. “Dustin, wait!”
The girl looked up from her cassette player to see two boys panting to her right, hands on their knees. Startled, she took her headphones off, sitting down with a wary expression. She hadn’t even seen them approach her.
“Uh, do you need something?” she asked, looking around to check who was around in case she needed help.
“Is- is that- hold on,” Dustin lifted a finger while he pushed air into his lungs. When he felt sufficiently ventilated, he smiled and tried again.
“Is that The Hobbit?” he pointed to her book, less winded but still a little breathless.
“Oh. Oh! Yes, it is,” she held it up so he could see the cover.
“I have that edition too, it’s great.”
“It’s my first time reading it so I don’t really have an opinion on it yet,” she shrugged. “Sorry to disappoint.”
“No, not a disappointment,” the boy assured her. “Do you like nerdy things?”
“I guess?” she laughed without malice. “What do you mean by nerdy?”
“You know, fantasy books, video games, Star Wars… That sort of thing.”
“Yeah, I mean… I dabble,” she said, smiling more openly now. The boy seemed harmless enough and he was clearly younger than her. “Do you have any recommendations or…?”
“Well, actually, now that you mention it…” Dustin looked at Mike who was still staring at him like he had grown two heads. “Would you like to join The Hellfire Club?”
“The what now?”
“The Hellfire Club!” he lifted up his knitted sweater to show off his t-shirt for her and felt encouraged when she snorted. Steve always said that making girls laugh was important to getting them on your side. “We play Dungeons and Dragons, it’s a board game, every Friday at four pm in the props room next to the auditorium and we’d love it if you considered joining. We have girls in the club too, it’s not just us smelly boys,” she laughed again at those words.
“Sounds- sounds great,” she said, smiling genuinely. “I know what Dungeons and Dragons is but I’ve never played myself before, I don’t think you’d want me to slow you down.”
“That’s totally fine, our club leader is really nice to newbies,” he said, knowing full well he had never seen Eddie with a completely new player before. “We’re actually starting a new campaign tonight so if you wanted to join, it’d be the perfect time.”
“Oh. Well, if you say it’d be okay…” she appeared to be seriously considering it. Dustin and Mike held their breaths. “I suppose trying it once wouldn’t hurt, right?”
“Totally, yeah!” the curly haired boy immediately dropped his backpack to the floor and began rummaging. He pulled a black card from inside his notebook and extended it to her; she looked it over with a mixture of amusement and curiosity. “This is our formal invitation. I normally show up half an hour early, I can help you with the rules or your character if you want.”
“Thank you, that’s really kind of you. Um, I don’t think I caught your name?”
“Dustin, Dustin Henderson. This is Mike.”
“Hi,” Mike waved next to him, essentially speechless that he had just seen his best friend turn on the Harrington charm to the max. He really needed to spend more time with Steve.
“I’m Dorothy. Dottie! I’m Dottie,” she corrected herself. “Well, Dustin, Mike, guess I’ll see you tonight? In the auditorium at three thirty?”
“In the props room next to the auditorium at three thirty, yes. It’s nice to meet you, Dottie. Bring paper and a pen!”
And with that, Dustin pulled Mike away to go find Eddie to tell him the good news. Dottie saw them run away, both teens vibrating with excitement, and smiled to herself. She had been in Hawkins for three months and this had been the nicest someone had treated her in school after the initial excitement of being a new classmate had worn off. She looked down at the card in her hand; it was hand-drawn and someone (Dustin? The mysterious leader?) had scribbled on it with a white pen.
You have been hereby invited to partake in an epic Dungeons and Dragons adventure, starting this Friday at 4 pm.
Your NEW character should be a friend to Orfuel Evensorrow, a chaotic good human rogue you’ve crossed paths with during his travels. He has an important task waiting for you in the distant lands of Frostwind. Be prepared. Be cautious. Do not disappoint him.
Your Dungeon Master, Eddie
Dottie stared absentmindedly at the instructions, her brain already churning with ideas and plans for her character. She had to get home quickly and talk to her dad, possibly borrow his books that she was sure were carefully tucked away in his office bookcase. Giddy, she collected her things and hurried to her locker before her last class of the day. In the distance, Gareth observed while standing next to Donny who was leaning against a wall, smoking.
“Damn, dude. Henderson has moves.”
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