#only friends ep 4
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Try to open your mind and listen to new bands.
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syrena-del-mar · 1 year
Mew casually dropping that Ray also uses coke to Top…
It’s not surprising with the amount of pain and self-hatred that Ray has towards himself that he would seek something stronger than alcohol to give him that high, but man it makes me ache for Ray.
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gaym3bo1 · 1 year
You know what i love Mew for? Being able to set clear boundaries. To be fair, he then crosses them on his own (not as bad as the Boston Boundaries Discussion from last week but y'know) sometimes. Like he'll kiss Top as a little treat but tell Top he's not allowed to kiss him bc they're not together together.
But from
"You made me uncomfortable with your public confession so we aren't officially a couple yet and i want you to woo me again"
"No penetration. Take it or leave it."
I feel like this clear communication doesn't happen often. He's not afraid to say what he wants/needs.
Also it's the complete opposite of Top (who just bends to everyone's will with a little push), which is very interesting.
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hughungrybear · 1 year
Me watching Only Friends Episode 4:
1. Oh, boy. I feel for Ray, I really do. But that kind of co-dependency is toxic. He is latching on to Mew in an unhealthy way. He needs to seek professional help to address his depression and self-loathing before he even thinks of getting in any romantic relationship.
2. Cheum spitting out truths lol. Also, it is very telling that the first thing Boston does when everyone else is comforting Ray is to divert the attention to himself - listing all his so-called virtues and Cheum calling him out.
3. I just have a new realisation how much of sh*tty friend Boston is. Just think about it, he held on to that picture of Ray and Mew kissing for years with the hopes that he can somehow use it against them (or more specifically, against Mew).
4. Ngl, that's a sh*tty thing to do, Ray. Consent is a thing, y'know.
5. Nick's "I know what I'm playing with" sounds pretty ominous 😅
6. Yeah, unless you're a gold-digging b*tch, Ray's way of showing affection is uncomfortable. Good for Sand for calling it out. Although, Sand is clearly falling for Ray, anyway
7. Ooooh, Nick making his countemeasure attack against Boston. I can't wait to see it. 😁
8. I don't know what to think about Top now 😲 Also, does he and Sand have a past? Like Top snatching away Sand's lover or something? <after five seconds> Ooof, there it is.
9. Oh gods. Top is much, much worse than I thought.
10. Ray is just a bundle of untreated depression and trauma. Not sure if Sand deserves that.
I guess it helps to think that this series is DEFINITELY NOT A LOVE STORY. Otherwise, the episodes are becoming too depressing fast 😭😭😭
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blorbingqls · 1 year
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also, all our meme artists out there, can someone make the meme of "corporate asks you to differentiate between the two pictures. it is the same picture" from office and have the second photo be this?
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nemesis-21 · 1 year
I get Boston was the one who introduced Mew to Top and told Mew just to have sex already, so it would make sense he'd be kept in the loop. But the way Mew called Boston to tell him that he's finally going to have sex with Top? The manipulator is manipulating.
Mew saw the tension between Top and those 2 other strangers this episode. We didn't get the same camerawork for whenever Top and Boston were having tension, but Mew isn't stupid. The show is telling us that Mew is very observant and knows something's up.
I also can't get out of my head how Mew called Top before doing the deed rather than after. Mew could have told Boston and his friends--who are also pressuring him to lose his virginity (except Ray)--afterwards when they all would inevitably hang out again.
I refuse to believe Mew is as innocent or gullible as he's trying to make the audience believe.
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hedgewyse · 1 year
not to alarm anyone, but I'm starting to suspect that Nick is a fucked up little creepy guy
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ourplacetobefree · 1 year
Just watched ep 4, and I can't believe that it's 2 years later and the friend group is still calling their suicidal friend a burden.
Did that flashback not mean that after the attempt, Ray's friends tried to show they cared about him after learning what happened? If so why would they still say that shit and if not, then do they only know some of it and not everything? Do they only know he was feeling alone and not the heavier stuff?
Either way, it's not a good look for them to be so casual about saying such hurtful things to and about Ray. They're too comfortable saying that shit.
Also, why has Mew never told them to stop saying that shit??? He knows for sure, so why hasn't he said anything? I could never have a friend in that fragile of a mental state and not protect the shit out of them from any careless and misspoke words, but Mew says NOTHING for 2 years!!!
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lurkingteapot · 1 year
Only Friends เพื่อนต้องห้าม Ep 4
Nearly two weeks late and I'm finally, finally getting around to catching up with my favourite mess.
Live watch notes!
Oh wow, we're starting out right away on the heavy stuff, huh
oh god Khaotung's acting, He's so good.
there's that word again, "burden"
thank fuck Mew cottoned on to this being a goodbye
I somehow fully expected Ray to just drop the phone into the tub
he's sitting in the EMPTY tub??? was this just for mess prevention? oh Ray, oh baby.
No, love, no, your mum did not die because of you.
HELL YEAH CHEUAM'S A LESBIAN (sorry, I'm just so excited to hear a girl actually SAY it) (but also Ray being a hit with the wlw tracks)
ooh wait wait, these shirts-- is this the make-out night?
also Ray I get you probably don't mean it like that, but you're sorta … guilt-tripping Mew here.
love the way this kinda tells us audience members a) the backstory of Ray taking that call b) that Mew's rejected Ray before c) that Ray was so desperately seeking connection that he came off weirdly manipulative about it
GOD Khaotungggg
this is shot very prettily but also what the fuck, Boston, is EVERYTHING blackmail material to you
adfsadfa LOVE Mew calling Ray out on the shirt
"not your type" huh. HUH.
Ray really is hung up on him, huh.
Proud of Mew for setting that boundary.
Sand is not buying it.
Oh Sand, oh Sand.
Ooop put your foot in it
Nick, what are you lying to Sand about that?
oof "he's not normal, his reputation is bad"
oh man the employees all wai'ing the boss's son … urgh god I hate rich people, sorry Top I'm sure you're not actually that bad but URGH (also yes I'm aware of the double standard I've got going here, the way just-as-rich-kid Ray is my little meow meow)
wait, is this the photo booth where Top and Boston made out?
is this just a common architecture feature in spensive hotels, or is this the same hotel they shot Chaan's apartment in LoA with?
ooooh that plane is Boston's, isn't it
Ray and Sand may be doomed by the narrative but I love every second I get out of them anyway.
I love Sand so muchhhh
First is really good at that searching eye contact thing
ถ้ามึงอยากเป็นเพื่อนกับกูอยู่นะ คิดถึงความรู้สึกกูบ้าง BOUNDARIES we love to see them
the way they put the asshole angle on Boston here, I love it
oooh you made Boston mad just now
hookups so you can sleep, hookups to let off steam
oh man, Nick, oh man, this is not okay behaviour and you KNOW it
"I can't" -> the way it's put in Thai is กูไม่สดวก which is basically 都合が悪い but feels like 困る. Gotta ask teacher about that one.
is this why physical pictures are all you deal with, or are you just … talking out your ass because you know Nick is dtf either way for a bit yet
Mark Pakin, the actor you are
this is not news but I'd like to reiterate that I love how we have Rich Boys and Poor Boys are a theme here
asdfadfasdf "stay away from Boston" Nick, Top's been TRYING
but oh man Top is an arrogant ass. like. scary slick.
Ohhhh wow Nick, wow, wow wow. at least you're self-aware? ish?
Oh fuck of course he ran over Sand
Go go go Sand
oooof there's history here, I see. I still think it's about someone Sand liked before.
I really hope Sand's bike is fine
Nickkkkk how about you don't lie to Sand? but urgh you're also getting him in trouble which. ooof I can see this making things really complicated for him and Ray going forward.
Sand is like "oh bruv NO"
Mew is so unimpressed. I'm impressed with Ray for owning up to it though, and for apologising – it's so easy to fall into the "I'm an awful person and they'll hate me anyway" spiral.
okay so at least Sand and Ray can bond over hating Top
Mew, please get mad about Top being a controlling ass like that
You've got nothing to hide, right, Top? Right?
sooo was that Not Mew in the car with Ray, then? Photoshop?
oh we're going here, huh
oh wait, was that him again just now?
that's a really good line to draw, Mew, and also you've got an excellent point about addiction here
oh man oh man oh man I'm really liking Mew more and more this ep and Top is doing nothing to endear himself to me.
oh man, someone's gonna drink that water and it's going to be a Situation™
Top, you asshole, if you could not question every single one boundary Mew sets, that'd be ace
so the thing is. Top. Why would you think Mew would believe that? you talk big.
!! this is a song from the playlist!!
fuck, Sand is so gone on him alreadyyyy, I really thought he had more distance than that, but nope nope nope
I continue to be so impressed with this show. The preview is nerve wracking, but I'm going to be strong and only watch that when I've got another 5k or so of work words done. One more ep, and then I'll have a day to wade into the tag! EXCITED.
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bnprm · 1 year
after watching only friends ep 4 here are my thoughts: (from an onlyfriends hater lol)
- nick is a FREAK. i’m sorry but he needs help. i thought he was just a boy in love with his fuck buddy but the obsessive behaviour is sick.
- why did they have to cast MY forcebook.
- boston literally sexually assaulted top multiple times what the fuck.
- the drug plot jfc. once again. why my forcebook.
- watching this show is genuinely like watching a house set on fire and not being able to do anything about it, but you can’t stop watching because of a masochistic curiosity
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itsmelb · 1 year
Only friends ep 4, my thoughts:
Khao is such a good actor with his expressions I can't it's so good. At the start of the ep I did cry. Oh man this man has issues...poor Ray..his love for Mew breaks him..also all his scenes with Sand/first were so good I am so happy when they maybe get together!! Pray!!
Also TopMew so cute but I thin both of them have secrets or a plan...Mew plays with his sexuality the same way Top does. Different bur same. This is so interesting..how FB act this. All the scenes. Also Top stealing Sands ex (is he the fav ex??? Omg???) and Mew gives Top some of his first for Top stopping to take drugs? Man..the line he says there is so good. "U don't know u are an addict till ur life is ruined" or sth.
Also Nick Sand Besties? Love that. Poor Nick has fallen deep for a fuck up like Boston man...but Top saying this things in the elevator? Golden haha.
Somewhere I read this is not a love triangle it's a spider Web hah. That's so true.
I am so intrigued with this show and how the acting is sso impressive I can't cope. Fo now I am excited to see what's happening bc nearly every trailer pic has dropped so far in the series and it's still ep 4???
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mirabella96 · 1 year
Only Friends ep 4
Oh, OH, no no no
That explains a bit
Is this shirt going to make rounds aroud all "friends"?
You are lying Ray
Oh Sand is a baby
Is it B like Boston?
Sunshine is really a attention seeker (in good meaning at this point)
He won't stop bc he knows they work ^^
Sand is a soft boi
Top looks like he is going to cry HAHHAHAHAH
Wondering if Boston will end up with broken nose sometime in the series
I am honesty kinda scared of Neo's acting (in a good way)
WHY would anybody do this to themselfes
is funny bc Top kinda wants to be as far as he possible can from Boston
OH there is explanation why Sand and Top have a weird interactions
That is a really weak deal
hahahhahahahhahahaha Boeing it make sense but also not
oh my god Book's ears are so red they are glowing
A whole romance only with stares
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lalalalan · 1 year
RayxMew edit in a one-side love light from rays point of view ?
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since we've all been there done that ;)
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gaym3bo1 · 1 year
if the video that boston showed top is actually just mew & ray making out then top overreacted BIG TIME (he did anyways because... that was 2 years ago, chill, no one owes you any explanation for that) but if it ISN'T then i want to know if mew and ray did actually get more intimate at some point (and if boston has a video of that too lol bc creep)
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elevatormusic · 1 year
my first reactions with zero context: only friends ep 4
he’s trying so hard to be his mom
ray keeps saying ‘thanks for taking care of me’ but like when has any of his friends actually taken care of him this entire show? they’ve all ditched him constantly
damn dog i think you just had a terrible mother idk
my lesbian queen
he is perfect huh?
why is my mans being a creep
sand is still iconic for putting ray in that shirt lmao
oh but why are you giving him someone else’s shirt? you have so many that are yours??
his dick is tho. i hate myself
how’s he keeping his eyes closed with someone staring at him
ray come on dude
tell him babe
a lizard? is he scared of lizards?
you’re so screwed
do you tho?
matching colors now?
fuck that’s nice
is boston ruining things without even being there. impressive
sure you don’t
the cuffed jeans? such a good look on him
at this rate ray really will be the poor boy
i feel like ray has never apologized to someone so much in his life until sand
set your boundaries king
first seriously is a giant
quick name every famous musician you know
ray said who the fuck is that
damn get his ass
bruh i thought that was a handcuff
why are you listening to that my guy
huh interesting
should’ve taken the money
he nasty 😭
oh my god lmao
someone tell me why they hate each other tho
tbh i think it might be better for ray if mew wasn’t in his life for right now
your boy punched him
he has some audacity to be mad at mew
nothing to hide my ass
this dude does coke lmao
lmao wait ray does coke too?
opportune man
mew’s face😭
is he actually gonna change his emergency contact to a man he just met like two weeks ago?
i think you like more than just the song
fellas is it gay to hold hands with the boys while staring into each others eyes?
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jimmysea · 1 year
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Don't listen to what Ton said. If there's something you want to know, you ask me.
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