#only got 5 hours of sleep last night im DYING
six-of-ravens · 5 months
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exciting news, the convenience store had MOCHI today!! haven't had it in YEARS this is going to be my reward for finishing the gardening tonight
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peacesells-imbuying · 1 month
Angst you say.... Izzy Stradlin but when he was still heavily addicted to drugs promising he would get sober for his 4 month pregnant fiance who he proposed to a month ago and she finds out he lied about getting sober because she catches him doing heroin in their house. So she leaves and doesn't speak to him until like 5 months later when Duff (he seems like he would do this) calls Izzy to be like "uhhh hey so she's like giving birth" and so Izzy, who is like dying because he went cold turkey so he would be a good husband/father shows up LATE and sees his fiance had a daughter. You can choose on whether this ends well or badly :3
Idk if there’s angst but im way to busy so wont fix it after I post. This took me 3-5 days bro crying who wants to sleep? Me 🙋‍♀️ masterlist
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Izzy had three things he loved the most in his life. Drugs, his beautiful fiance, and his 4-months(old soon to be born)baby. He proposed four months ago, not only that but came clean. He was clean for two weeks, unfortunately the drugs were calling his name and couldn’t resist . 
Didn’t have the guts to tell you about it. So he kept it hidden as long as he could. It worked wonderfully, even acted “normal” so you couldn’t tell. Until he got caught at night. You see with drugs he felt completed but knew something was missing.
It was a Wednesday, you left to be with your family and friends for the day. Izzy didn’t mind, of course he would miss you but that meant more time with drugs. 
4:45 pm - 16:45 pm
MTV was playing in the background of Izzy’s living room as he was mixing up his drugs for his daily intake. Only two would last him for three hours, he didn’t mind as long it worn off by the time you got back. 
7:55 pm - 19:55 pm 
After waking up from blacking out, he did it again. Another two hours and it would be gone. No sign of your arrival. Izzy knew this was going to be a long day. 
9:20 pm - 21:20 pm
He was preparing to do it again, but was caught red handed and ashamed. “I know you’re not doing drugs after saying you would be clean!” His brain couldn’t comprehend anything. “Why didn’t you tell me and asked for help?” He looked at you then to the ground. Time went by, packing everything you could carry. Izzy tried but couldn’t fight his current state. With that you left. Neither saying a word to each other. 
Over 5 months, you moved on but still had love for Izzy. You’re daughter could pop out at any moment.
As you and Duff were hanging out, your water broke. “Duff! Drive me to the hospital right now!” Duff rushed to get the keys and helped you to the car. 
“Hello?” Izzy adjusted his blurry vision as he rested against his bed. “Izzy, uh she went into labor.” Duff couldn’t help but be awkward knowing their history. “What’s the address?” Izzy stumbled across to the desk grabbing a pen and paper. After Duff gave the address he hanged up. “Izzy’s coming. I gotta leave now, just call.” Duff gave you a warm hug. “Thank you, I owe you.” 
Izzy tried his best to look presentable. “Hey..” you couldn’t help but cry. “Izzy. What do we name her?” Having a daughter was unbelievable to Izzy. “Um Iris. Can I?” You nodded, Izzy carried her at that moment it felt better than drugs. Iris was everything he ever wanted. 
Though you both didn’t get back together, you both worked together to give Iris her best life.
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infiniteorbits · 1 year
last updated
“amelie” - last updated 3/30/23 at 10:31
- when songs blend into each other
- untangling necklaces
- restoration videos
- doorbells that play songs
- when previously melted popcorn butter hardens
- when people laugh or talk at the end of songs
- restoration vids that r actually transformation
- when musical movies have less/no songs in the second half 
“now twitter” - last updated 3/30/23 at 17:03
- dunkin is very hit or miss. luckily for both of us i will take whatever is given to me in any situation ever. - 07:59
- i’m a good kid just mentally disturbed - 9:49
- why is it always hot as balls in [building] i am DYING! - 9:57
“lyrics” - last updated 3/28/23 at 21:06
are you there? - sbd
- “is there anyone in the audience currently living in vain?”
nights - frank ocean
- “wanna see nirvana but don’t wanna die”
“band names” - last updated 4/2/23 at 17:04
i called it
señor manatee
morph suit with the genitals cut out
western haircut
vape gosh
car moth
snail gunk shoes
banana fever
nonconsensual gymnastics routine
goodbye endemic fish
uneven sunburn
bread zeppelin
phoebe breadgers
self-imposed bald spot
turtle crossing
“wowowowow” - last updated 3/19/23 at 21:21 (excerpt 1/3)
i really only wake up to go back to sleep again
i dont wanna leave my house because then i have to put on clothes and look at my body. i hate watching tiktok because i see other people’s bodies and hate mine. i hate existing
do you ever yearn to be loved by someone that doesn’t exist so badly that your body aches. do you ever ever want to pull out ur hair bc ur so ashamed of your own thoughts that you cant exist
“dreams” - last updated 2/2/23 at 06:27
night of 12/22/22
[person 1] and [person 2] shit themselves. it seemed to be a reoccurring event bc [freshman year teacher], [person 3], and [person 4] were disappointed
“try god: 1060 AM” - last updated 3/10/23 at 19:36
(is an atheist station)
9/16/19 : 2
11/5/19 : 1
12/5/19: 1
1/14/20 : 1
5/24/21: 1
7/28/21: 1
8/12/21: 1
9/3/21: 1
12/29/21: 1 (roche bros [town] parking lot)
9/23/22: 1
3/9/23: 1 (the bitch had like 2 stickers tho!!!)
“hm” - last updated 1/22/23 at 22:57
“i’m not like you, other people’s problems don’t make me feel better” - [redacted]
“wowowowow” - last updated 3/19/23 at 21:21 (excerpt 2/3)
how the fuck do candles burn out the wax doesn’t evaporate right
welcome to the achery, what can i get u? vomit, comin right up!
the world is made of orbits
the moon around the earth
the earth around the sun
our solar system around the middle
even little galaxies orbit around ours
i suppose that even we, as people,
orbit too
i like to think
that i orbit around you
“i miss all the angel numbers and i keep getting mad bc i dont have to a reason to keep thinking of u”  - last updated 3/4/23 at 13:09
people kinda just age out of me.
untitled - last updated 3/28/22 at 10:46
i dont know what to write. i dont wanna seem like im not workin gbut i just…. cant do this right now. i had to walk to school today and i wanted to die. i mean realistically thats not truly a bad thing. the walk is like ten minutes and its in Rennes and im lucky to be here and to be able to walk and go to school and breathe clean air and whatnot. but im so tired. so tired. it took my nearly an hour to pick out my clothes today. i decided on a shirt and jeans that dont look good together at all and that are half dry bc the dryer just does not work in this house for some damn reason and its fucking annoying. i did my makeup because i was looking atrocious- my hair was wet because i finally got myself to shower after god knows how long (less than a week i presume - i think i last showered the weekend before this week?) and the lack of shape to my hair and the weird way my face looks after i wake up or shower or do anything made me need to sit down and inevitably still be upset when its over. i dreamt that i saw [redacted #2]. it was another one of those dreams where theres a big storm or tsunami or combination of the two and we all had to huddle in a school building that looks kind of like this one but not really. i was so excited to see her and i almost cried in my dream. but i barely saw her for the rest of the dream, she was off with [redacted #3] and her other friends and not me. i was left behind. they left without me. i’m not mad at her for this because she hasnt done this to me yet but i know she will so i guess im preemptively sad and mad and upset even though i have no reason to be and thats not fair to her. i am at myself and the person in front of me and how she treats me like im stupid and i dont want to be stupid and i know im not stupid but there is nothing i can do. i know that seems dramatic. “nothing i can do.” there is. there probably is. i really hope there is but at the same time i hope there isnt because then its true. i am stupid. i do get my work done or at least the work i know that i need to get done and my grades are fine i have like a 3.67 unweighted which isnt great but not like awful. i know i could do better. i know i could work harder. i have worked harder before but its gone now and shes gone now and im gone now. im gone now. im gone now. 
“favs” - last updated 3/18/22 at 15:19
bc i always seem to forget
dirty computer - janelle monae
sawdust - the killers
sgt peppers lonely heart club band - the beatles
rubber soul - the beatles
stranger in the alps - phoebe bridgers
apricot princess - rex orange county
punisher - phoebe bridgers 
ow - pom pom squad
turkey dinner - pinky pinky
death of a cheerleader- pom pom squad
“list of issues (current)” - last updated 8/17/22 at 07:46
- [ ] chronic/crippling fear of death (usually intrusive)
- [ ] shortness of breath/high resting heart rate
- [ ] trouble sleeping (falling asleep, keepingg eyelids closed, fear of dreams [lack of control], fear of unconsciousness)
- [ ] usually naseous or having abdominal issues
- [ ] head hurts all the time
- [ ] lack of control with my thoughts
- [ ] depression :( - am i taking too much of my meds?
untitled - last updated 9/7/21 at 06:51
ah oui!! désolé, j’avais fatigué donc j’ai oublié envoyer un text. on est en bus et on va arriver à 15:16
merci pour ce skype!!! j’ai aimé faire de connaissance de votre famille :) j’étais enthousiaste d’aller avant mais maintenant je suis plus enthousiaste (j’ai pensé que c’est ne pas possible!). mes parents se sentent impatients à l’idée que je vais habiter avec vous. je ne peux pas attendre pour vous rencontrer en personne!!!
“grocery list” - last updated 6/7/21 at 10:37
- [x] watermelon
- [ ] orange juice
- [ ] plants
- [ ] ice
- [ ] muffins
- [ ] 
“bus writing assignment” - last updated 10/19/21 at 18:05
-doja cat plays
-everyone is on their phone, with wired headphones
-old bus or new? blue model with the facing hanging handicapped seats
-new bus, c3
-woman quiet her phone
-baby blows bubbles than screams, a child laughs
-people look up as siren passes
-12 year olds laugh and play hand games in the back
-girl with dyed hair (color i want)
-its so hot, holding my bag
-i can hear music of man standing near me
- vaguely familiar man walks in
- office man
- u express bag reminds me of my own
-- woman stands to get off, holding an umbrella, clear with ocean designs (why does she have umbrella? its sunny? i have an umbrella but its new. shes holding it like its fragile bht not new)
- almost miss my stop once i realize i dont know where i am
- lost in writing
- nvm got off one too early
- ill walk ig
“wowowowow” - last updated 3/19/23 at 21:21 (excerpt 3/3)
i agree with the catholics sometimes
like when they mention gay people
and get that look in their eyes
i tilt my head down in shame
but i also put my head down to pray
i don’t know if being gay is a sin
but it sure as hell is a punishment
i wonder if future me is looking at me now
crying on the bus, mask soaked with tears
i know she is, because can feel her holding me
i feel her hug and her tears on my shoulders
i hope she’s happy in the way i want to be
untitled - last updated 9/19/19 at 07:58
kantism: you must follow your moral code always with no exceptions, which is defined as something that is good in all situations (intent matters, impact does a bit). 
utilitarianism: do what makes the most people happy (intent doesn’t matter, impact does). morality is defined by amount of happiness.
contractialism: if you agree to a contract, explicit or not, you must follow it. while the contract may not benefit you at all times, it is better than living in a world of “natural law”, a world with no contracts and no security.
virtue theory: if we try to be good people, good actions will follow (good intent = good impact). everyone should be good people because it is in our nature, it is our function. you are good if you fulfill your function and bad if you do not
natural law theory: god gave us the ability to be good
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evil8keta · 2 years
got any general headcanons for each tf2 merc? :D
miscellaneous tf2 mercs headcanons
- transgender asf
- uses terrible pick up lines and invites his dates to fast food restaurants and yet he's wondering why he can't pull any girls
- looks approachable but in reality you really don't wanna deal with this guy, he's a menace. doesnt matter if you're his friend or not, he'll backstab you for money (literally, of course)
- has an energy drink addiction. gets really snappy when he doesnt get his 5 cans of bonk atomic punch a day
- HATES silence, it stresses him out so he likes to put on some music whenever he can. it helps him focus and overall scout just prefers to have some sort of background noise while doing literally anything. the only problem is that he likes his music loud. like, the whole house is shaking kind of loud. the other mercenaries hate him for this, because when they tell him to quiet it down, he instead turns the volume all the way up like the little shit he is❤️ the only way to make scout turn it off is to fight him. it isnt that difficult to beat him up, but it's still annoying to go through all of this yknow
- developed a hearing difficulty during his time in the war. if you're wondering if his bad hearing is the reason why he yells all the time, then no. he was always yelling like that
- keeps bringing random stray animals to the base. the others told him many times that NO, he can't just bring in wild animals whenever he wants to! medic literally fainted the last time soldier wanted to sneak a possum into the base. not gonna lie tho, it's pretty wholesome watching soldier "train" some random field rodents. they bite him and hiss at him, but soldier sees that as a sign of their resilience and love for fighting so all he does is watch them with a big smile on his face. he even praises them with stuff like "GOOD JOB RECRUITS! I AM SO PROUD!"
- has a very strict sleeping routine and always manages to get a perfect 8 hours of sleep. he doesn't even use an alarm, he just knows when to fall asleep and when to wake up and does so on command. also soldier looks very funny in his sleepwear. he wears a night gown and a big nightcap that covers his eyes
- evil autism
- idk what mental illnesses pyro has to but oh boy there's definetely something very wrong with them
- their room is very.....interesting. on one side there's cute plushies and glow in the dark stickers. on the other side there's scorched furniture and -- oh my god are those human bones?!
- theyre like those slashers that take pictures of their victims. pyro hangs these gruesome photos of people dying on the walls of their room, but to them it's just cute selfies with their bffs 😼😼
- they sometimes bring their teammates body parts or organs of the enemies as a gift. kinda like how cats bring their owners dead animals. this is literally pyro's love language
- i have one joke headcanon about pyro and it's that they're not a human. pyro is actually just 20 frogs in a hazmat suit carrying a flamethrower
- literally the most reliable person on the team. he's super nice and friendly and polite and kind and very very caring......ok can you guys tell im biased towards him
- the opposite of scout. heavy looks very intimidating so it's hard to approach him at first but if you start talking to him you soon realize hes very nice to talk to :) awesome dude to just chill and eat sandwiches with
- bookworm!! his room is filled with a bunch of different books, most of them being in russian but he has some foreign ones too. i think heavy is very smart but it's just that his broken english makes him appear kinda dumb. he struggles with processing english sentences and pronunciation. that's why he speaks so simple and slow
- if you ask heavy if he is medic's wife he says yes, if you ask medic if heavy is his wife he says no. its up to you to decide who's lying
- talks in his sleep. like a LOT. dude will literally recite to u the periodic table during his 20 minute nap
- even more patriotic than soldier,which is saying a lot. has a bunch of pictures of scotland around his room and probably even wears underwear with the flag of scotland. he's literally like the embodiment of the guy yelling SCOTLAND FOREVER!!!!!
- demo feels insecure about his drinking habit. like usually he doesnt think too much about it, but sometimes he really feels ashamed of himself for being an alcoholic. his mood gets very sour on these days, so to feel better he reaches for another bottle of scrumpy to forget about his worries.....and the cycle continues
- often looses parts of his body due to working with bombs and other explosive stuff. honestly i have no idea what these guys would even do without medic
- whenever it's his turn to cook for the base he's like "alright boys get ready to get blown away" and then it's just another barbecue. not gonna lie though, his food is delicious. the mercs gave him an apron saying king of the grill
- loves fishing!! and yea he unironically wears those women love me fish fear me shirts whenever he goes fishing. he genuinely thinks it's stylish
- invents random shit for fun. he spends most of his time alone in his workshop so who knows what weird things he's making. most of the time his personal little inventions are practical stuff, maybe something like an automatic beer opener or a toaster that never burns the bread. but he's definetely making something more, something bigger. idk what it is but maybe i dont even want to know
- has a really strange sense of humor. you can tell him the funniest joke ever with the most genius punchline known to mankind and hes gonna look at you with a blank expression, uttering a confused "...wha", but show him a picture of a chicken in shoes and hes gonna burst out laughing. oh engineer you would have loved 21st century humor
- has like 12 mental illnesses. yes he's aware of all of those. and YES he chooses to ignore his symptoms and doesn't take any medication
- he did loose his medical license, but that's because he kept experimenting on his patients. he still does that, except now he's actually allowed to do it (well, not really). but other than that he's still quiet skilled in his field and his abilities are nothing but impressive
- a total drama queen. also he's pretty germaphobic for a guy that digs his hands in someone's guts for a living
- loves his birds so much. he forgot their names, so now he calls them all archimedes. he loves taking care of them and doesnt trust any of the mercs with his birds. but heavy is an exception, heavy can feed them :)
- gets even LESS bitches than scout does. LITERAL ZERO!! he miraculously pulled scout's ma but ever since then the man had a catastrophically low amount of bitches. maybe it's because of the balaclava he never washes
- horrible, horrible man. he can be responsible and polite but only if it's beneficial for him, other than that he's pretty rude to everyone he meets. he's respectful towards women tho, but that's basic standards
- spy is the inventor of your mom jokes. it's true, he told me himself
- don't tell anyone but spy loves romantic comedies. however he thinks liking romcoms is like the most embarrassing thing ever and really doesn't want anyone to think he's sappy like that, but in reality most of his teammates know he's a hopeless romantic and they really don't care
- is the best cook on the team, but very rarely makes food for the others. he always complains about how everyone else's food is bad and how only his food is digestable, but he never cooks himself. the only way to get him into the kitchen is to do something nice for him in return. smh
- neurodivergent asf
- ok so you know how some introverts dont like to approach others so they just stare at the person they want to talk to until theyre noticed? well yea sniper does that. like sure he could just go and talk to someone directly but why do that when he can just. stare ominously
- bird enjoyer!! brings medic's doves little treats when the doctor isnt looking
- has a VERY quetionable diet. he's like those dudes on youtube that eat moss and bugs and talk about how nutritial it is. sniper is used to staying long periods of time outside, so he's used to any and all challenges the wildlife can offer. he may look scrawny, but he totally wrestled an alligator at some point in his life (and won)
- he's the team's exterminator. if there's a spider in the base sniper puts it in a jar and releases it outside <3
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endeaavorr · 3 years
bokuto headcanons (if you were in fukurodani)
realistically, i’d imagine a scenario where you’re a third year too since i find those ‘pretty freshmen dating their popular senior’ cliché like the annoying kind of cliché bcs love like that either don’t last, or isn’t real.
bo was nearly late on the first day of highschool and the chair next to your were the only one left.
since that day onwards, for the whole three years you became chairmates.
idk about people but i fall in love easy so im sure i’d fall in love like after two weeks of school just because of subtle things like him reminding you not to forget your lunch or to check your drawer before you go home and he goes to practice, walking with you to other classes, the subtle accidental touches, yep what a simp.
but you didn’t confess because you wouldn’t want to ruin what you guys had.
so for the whole three years you were content being his really close friend, like you know the kind you trust so much and just have a default fond feeling for, the kind you remember to buy another box of milk for before going back to class.
he’s a natural athlete and is currently working on being a pro, but you don’t really enjoy physical things since you hate sweating.
you guys have complete opposite club activities.
as much as i like the thought of being fukurodani’s manager,, that’s not for this plot.
maybe a cooking club or debate.
but when your schedules collide, he accidentally meets you on his way out of the school, and gives you a toothy grin before offering to walk you home.
when you enter the third year of course things had to change, you have to prepare for college app and whilst he’s set on being a pro athlete he still needs to graduate first.
you stopped your club activities and on rare days when he’s not in the school gym, he’s at your house studying for finals.
your study sessions naturally became something you really cherished.
you get to see the side other people don’t.
the way his dyed silver eyebrows scrunch during math, the bright intimidating honey eyes that to you radiates only comfort.
the noisy remarks he made the entire 5 hours of study, the constant whine and complains.
the way he’d lean back to look at your ceilings after finishing a workbook page.
almost a year passed, it’s finally off season and he played his last match as fukurodani’s ace and captain.
you notice that your study sessions now feel heavier.
he’s still the same person with the same eyebrow scrunch and the same noisy whine and honey like eyes.
but you can’t help but feel like he’s slipping away.
finals are coming to and end and it’s time for your last study session, probably even the last in his life since, pro athletes don’t need to understand calculus to make living.
you feel like there’s this huge rock on your chest, it’s hard to breathe.
you don’t even bother to try and look at the abstract equations on your notes, you’ve done this your whole life, you don’t need to.
but him, the thought of a future where you’re not waking up at 4.30 am in the morning to see him, the thought of not being the person that he sleeps next to in class ?
he seems to catch on your silent distress and opted on a night walk around the neighborhood.
it’s 10 pm and the moon is smiling, you walk next to him on the inner side of the road, heart feeling full but not in a good way.
you were so drowned in uneasiness you didn’t realise the warmth next to you is gone, your heart tripped and look back for a second to see him 5 meters behind you.
the night is silent as he continues to walk to you, his eyes not leaving yours and oh how you wished this is how it’ll always be.
“talk to me, y/n.” he said with a voice almost bitter, as if he feels the same thing. you study his face with a visible shade of longing and even he too, felt his heartbeat start to falter.
you almost had it but again the suffocating fear in your heart brings your head down for a moment.
“it’s our last final tomorrow, and you did a great job studying today, i’m sure you’ll do great.” he smiled lightly at that, saying how it’s all thanks to you and it’s a debt he won’t ever be able to repay. but he knows there’s more.
“that’s not what i meant.” your head is still down but you feel his gaze avert back to you. you raise your head slowly to look at him and the feeling takes you back to the days he’d always sleep with his head on the table facing you on the second recess while you do some work on your laptop, the beautiful little feelings you hold so close to your heart.
you muster up enough courage to go on and finally say it, “i, i’m always the happiest around you, koutarou-kun, the last three years i spent next to you, even on things that don’t matter like when you fell asleep on recess, when forgot to zip your bag because you were too excited to see akaashi, when you dramatically whined about not getting the last serving of yakisoba bun, and even on important events like when you became the team captain, or when you won the preliminaries, or when officials from national teams would come to talk to you in between your matches in the nationals.. they.. they’re all about you yet it made me so happy i got to be by your side,” you can feel your mind clearing up and words came out of your lips just like that, “your future is set and i can’t be any happier, but still, with our path so different, i can’t help but fear i won’t see you again after the bell rings twice tomorrow,”
your eyes no longer sting and your heartbeat managed to be, you hold your heart in your hands and words again dripped from your lips, like it’s blood, like it’s love. “i’m not asking you for anything, but i’m glad i spent the beginning of my youth with you,” his eyes widen at the realization of what’s coming out next “koutarou-kun, from the bottom of my heart, i love you.”
you managed to give him your smile before you feel his strong arms engulfing you, the hold you’ve been yearning for these three years, you can’t help but hold him back and let out the silent yet violent sobs, you’re just so relieved, so relieved. and he said in a voice you’ll take to your own grave,
“wait for me, i’m coming back to you.”
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king-star · 3 years
When the Party’s Over
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Warning: Homophobia, transphobia, death, bile, guts, broken limb, crying, pet neglection, driving while slightly tipsy, fire (lmk if i need to add more. This is all around pretty dark and sad, proceed with caution)
Match: Yelena Belova x enby!Reader; Wanda Maximoff x reader
Genre: Angst, Angst, and more Angst
A/N: This is the first chapter in a series. Idk how long it’ll be. the plan is bi weekly updates. im reallyyyyy proud of this one so let’s hope it doesn’t flop. ENJOY!
Word Count: ~3,000
Summary: You have a horrible nightmare, leaving you with anxiety for Yelena. Yelena assures you that everything is fine and leaves on a mission.
Your tongue rubs the roof of your mouth in an attempt to rid itself of the sickly sweet drink you’d been sipping. A hundred intoxicated humans swirl around you. Fabric, skin, and feathers blend together, the orchestra the only thing holding off the headache behind your eyes.
You didn’t want to be here. Sure ballroom charity balls could be fun. If you had your best friends there, you could chat only with them, and dance to your heart's content. Unfortunately for you, everyone you could stand to be around was busy. Leaving you human-shieldless from your mothers many socialite friends.
The “oh my goodness Y/N I haven’t seen you since you were in highschool. How are you?” got old quick. Retelling your life story over and over was a pain especially with your mother gripping your hand making sure you didn’t slip up. Share any information that didn’t quite fit the Y/L/N dynasty image. Mostly she didn’t want you sharing about the love of your life, your girlfriend, your Yelena.
When the two of you first got together you waited nearly 5 months before telling your mother. The first time you dated a girl she had hated it. She tried to act like she was supportive, claiming “I will always love you no matter what.” But in the end she always shielded this fact from the public eye. She was supportive of all the LGBT+ movements from a political standpoint. Never her own child.
You never told Yelena about this. You claimed the reason you didn’t want to share her with your mother was because you wanted your relationship to not have paparazzi after you two. She bought it for a while but you could only keep the love of your life away from the woman who gave you life for so long. It didn’t take a master spy to understand the emotions behind the look your mother gave you when you brought Yelena to dinner. Yelena never brought it up but it was an unspoken understanding. Your mother didn’t accept you no matter how hard she tried to fake it.
Now you just wanted the event to be over so you could go home to Yelena. You flipped your wrist, checking the ridiculously expensive watch you had on.
She was definitely asleep by now. Yelena never stayed up past 10:30. Frowning, you set down your glass and turned to your mother, waiting for her conversation to end. When she finally stopped speaking she turned to you and cocked an eyebrow,
“Y/N. Are you leaving? so soon?” she pouted but enough years in her home taught you her looks. This was faked sadness.
“Unfortunately yes mother. Lena is probably asleep by now and I have work early. She probably forgot to feed our dog,” you enunciated the words that might clue in your mothers friend on how you and this woman were related. A last “fuck you mother” before you left. She smiled warningly and nodded.
“Well… you must get home to your friend. I will see you soon daughter,” she kissed your hand and you stood there frozen. Of course, she would invalidate your gender and your relationship in one comment. Your nostrils flared and you turned quickly, letting your hand smack your unfinished drink into her lap and treading off quickly.
“Fuck you mother. How someone could be so hateful to their own child I will never understand,” you muttered to yourself. You handed your ticket to the valet and stood with your arms crossed, waiting. You made sure to tip the valet an absurd amount, and drove off quickly. The only thing that would keep you from doing something stupid in retaliation was Yelena’s arms around you.
Nearly thirty minutes later you pulled the car into the garage. It shouldn’t have taken you that long to get home but you couldn’t help but drive with the top down for a bit. Anger and maybe a bit of fear had bubbles underneath your skin and you didn’t want to bother Yelena. You stepped out of the car and held your head in your hands. You hadn’t drank that much, but a headache would be inevitable.
Fanny met you at the door. She was obviously excited, tail wagging as she raced back to her food bowl
“ok ok girl. I’ve got you,” you rubbed her head and dumped a scoop of food into her bowl. Loosening your tie you dragged yourself to the bedroom. You smiled as the light poured in and illuminated the silhouette of a sleeping Yelena.
“Deep asleep. I’ll join you in a second,” you pulled the rest of your suit off. Picking up a discarded shirt you put it on, and leaned your head against the mirror.
“That was misery. And mother’s comment. I shouldn’t care about what that bitch thinks or says. But I can't help it,” you let out a sigh and picked up your toothbrush. Maybe someday she will accept you. But at that point would she ever be able to make up for how she treated you?
Ready for bed you slid in beside Yelena, careful not to wake her. Fanny, finished with her food, jumped into bed with you and snuggled up with a lick to your face. You smiled and kissed her head then kissed Yelena.
“night my love. See you in the morning,” your heavy lids drooped and you relaxed, setting a hand on Yelena and falling into dreamland.
Your thighs hurt. Fire and smoke burn your throat and eyes. You search for something. What exactly you aren’t sure. Tears stream down your face as anxiety floods your chest. If you don’t find the thing soon your world will be crushed.
A broken door, barely on its hinges, is at your right and you know that’s it. A hard turn and you smack your arm into the frame. You grasp at your wrist as more tears prick your eyes.
“Fuck!” A familiar level of pain flares and you know it’s broken. Your eyes dart around the room, still looking for that unknown thing. A pile of smoking wood sits in front of you and your feet carry you to it. This was it.
You try hard to pull through the heavy, hot wood with your one arm. A cry comes from below, an anxiety flaring familiar cry. You pull harder and uncover and dirty and bloody Yelena.
“LENA!” you shout and help her out. Her hands held her stomach. She smiles sickly and then curls in pain.
“Y/N. You found me. I hoped you would. Quick kiss me. I don’t have long,” Your eyes widen and you move her hands. The sight of her stomach makes you sick. Turning to the side you retch and vile spills from your mouth. You wipe your mouth and shake your head, tears fall hard now.
“Lena no no. You’re fine. We can fix you. Please,” you slide your arm under her and try to pick her up but she screams and goes limp in your arms.
“FUCK Y/N! stop. There's no hope. Please just kiss me. I don’t want to die without that.” you shake your head more and set her down. You refused to accept her death.
“No Yelena you are not going to die here. You can’t die. You are too well trained. a-and… I can't live without you. it’ll be fine,” She tries to raise her head but then it falls and she spasms. Your eyes widen and you do your best to hold her still but your broken wrist shoots in pain.
“No no no NO!” you kiss her over and over. Fear pulses through you and when she relaxes completely you sob. Your head aches from the pressure of your sobs and your broken wrist protests. Maybe hours pass and you sit there with her dead body pressed to your chest, her blood and guts smearing all over you.
Then guilt overtakes the sadness. She asked you for one thing. One single kiss before she died and you didn’t fulfill that. You couldn’t give her everything she deserved in life or even in her final moments.
You wake up shaking and screaming. Yelena is awake next to you, crying and shaking your shoulder violently.
“Please Y/N,” she sobs, snot and tears mix and fall forgotten. You sit up barely able to hold yourself up. She is alive.
“Fuck Yelena what’s wrong?” Your dream haunts you. You search her stomach and her whole body for major wounds. She is obviously unsure what you are doing and grabs your face forcing you to look at her.
“Y-you were shaking and screaming and crying and I didn’t know what was wrong. If you were having a seizure or what.” You shake your head and take deep breaths.
“No, I'm good. Not seizure. R-Really…” your words falter and you stare off, caught up in the memory of the dream. Yelena snaps in front of you and hugs your arm. “Ah sorry. Bad dream. really, really bad dream.” you stare at her head unsure if this was the dream or if Yelena really was alive.
“D-do you want to tell me about it?” Her arms slide under yours and she holds you from the side. You shake your head and lay it on her shoulder. “Ok but if you do tell me. I’ll hold you until you fall asleep again.”
The thought of being asleep again makes you tense up. Yelena feels it and rubs your side softly. She kisses you in every way she knows you like and pets your head.
“I’m not going to sleep. I can’t live through that again. It made me think I was going to be alone. Please don’t leave me Lena. please. I don’t wanna die alone.” She frowns and hugs you tight.
“I’m never going to leave you. I’m here baby. I’m here.” She kisses your jaw softly and you nod. Relaxing again, you wrap your arms around her waist and kiss her shoulders.
“Y-you died. There was a fire and I broke my wrist and it was smokey and you got impaled and you died. You asked me to kiss you and I couldn’t accept the fact you were dying so I didn’t kiss you. I couldn’t give you what you deserve.” She frowns and kisses you.
“No Y/N. Don’t you dare. It was just a nightmare, that’s all. I’m NEVER leaving you. ok?” She holds your face and kisses you softly. The kiss lasts a while and you melt into your touch. Fears still paralyse you every couple hours but she holds you until the sun comes up. She knows exactly what you love and how to make you feel safe. She really wasn’t ever going to leave.
Weeks pass. You are sure you have gotten past the nightmare. You go to work everyday and Yelena stays home going through paperwork. When you come home the two of you snuggle and bliss fills you. Your mother doesn’t ask you to come to any more charity events and you think maybe, just maybe things are good.
Then Yelena gets called on the mission. When she tells you she will be gone for a week your mind reels. You can barely see straight as the dream vividly flashes through your brain. Yelena gets worried, grabbing your hand and you back away searching her body for any sign of blood.
“No. Lena please. What if you get hurt? I-I can’t. You promised you’d never leave.” Her eyes look at you apologetically.
“Don’t worry. I’m a professional. It’s just a small info gathering job. Absolutely no danger,” she smiles at you and sets a hand on your shoulder. You back away from her hand and lean your head back to force the tears back.
“Yelena… ok. Please. Don’t get hurt,” She nods and kisses your cheek grabbing her bag.
You spend the entire week at home. Anxiety grips you so hard that you can’t stand to go to work. A fever strikes and you throw up every evening at almost exactly 10:30. Work tells you to stay at home and probably go to the doctor. Honestly you’d rather go to work so you have less time to think about her.
Most of Yelena's missions don’t allow for her to contact you and the stress of it all has your brain thinking of her the entire time she’s gone. By the time Yelena is on her way back you have dropped 12 pounds. You hadn’t eaten, only bothering to get up to feed Fanny. A cold sweat coats your skin and you hold your arms to you. Blankets were too hot, but it was too cold without them.
The alarm on your phone signalling it’s time to feed Fanny goes off. You throw the blankets off and wipe dried tears. The tv screen flashes a “keep watching screen.” You aren’t really sure when it came up but your mind hadn’t registered the tv in a couple days.
When the door clicks unlocked you scream. Silence had filled the apartment for so long and the sound was louder than anything you’d ever heard. Fanny starts barking, running to the door, then coming back and sitting at your feet.
You fall to the ground clasping the food scoop. Fanny licks your face as tears fall. Every fear that had plagued you came to the forefront of your mind. What if it wasn’t Yelena? What if it was Hill telling you to come in? No, they would call you for that. But if Yelena was dead…
Arms wrap around and pick you up, setting you on the couch. You whip your head back and forth trying to catch a glance of who it is. In the back of your mind you know it's her, but for some reason you’d been convinced over the past week that she’s dead.
A warm towel wipes away dried tears and snot, and a soft hand holds yours. Tears blur your vision but you steady your breaths. The anxiety in your chest dissipates. You lean your head back forcing the tears in and look back to catch a look at the woman you love. But, instead of long blonde hair and soft round face,  you see long red hair, falling in waves.
“Lena? Did you have to dye your hair for the mission?” She frowns and shakes her head, setting down the towel.
“Fuck Y/N. I know you can’t remember but I hate having to keep telling you this,” The voice is not Yelena’s. It’s your friends. Wanda’s. Your eyes look her all over and you tense up confused.
“Tell me what Wanda? What’s wrong with Lena?” She grabs both your hands and looks at you with the softest expression she can muster.
“The fire Y/N. Do you remember? The fire where Lena…. She bled out,” The anxiety of the dream. No memory. The smoke, your raw throat, and the hours of sobbing.
You shake your head and quick breaths fill your lungs. Wanda tries to get you to calm down. Your vision spots while your brain searches for oxygen your hyperventilating can’t provide.
“Y/N please calm down. Please. FUCK! I promised to never use it without permission but between the two of you…” Red magic flows from her hands and wraps around your head. Your breathing slows down and your vision comes back. Wanda cradles your head and hums.
You reach up and see the tear streaks on her face. Her eyes look bloodshot and dark circles are prominent under her eyes. You pout and try to hug her back. All the fears that had consumed you for weeks were now gone. Even if it was only by Wanda’s magic. You curled into her side and fell asleep. Finally able to find some peace.
It was the night of the charity gala. You drove home but had taken the long way around to cool off from your mothers subtle aggression. Plans on how to ignore her future advances build in your mind as you pull into the parking garage. You stepped out of the car and held your head in your hands. You hadn’t drank that much, but a headache would be inevitable.
Sirens sound from the road in front of your complex and you growl. The loud noise and lights make your head pound. You shake your keys and walk towards the stairwell. Coughing into your arm and you open the door to your floor. You throw your hand back with a scream at the hot door handle.
“the fuck…? NO!” forgetting your pain you throw open the door and run into the building. Smoke flows from under doors and fire licks at the walls. The sound of the siren gets louder from some open window. You run through the halls trying your best to not breathe in smoke. Yelena would be asleep. She wouldn’t know what’s happening.
Your apartment door is on the right and you stand back and kick the handle. Your foot hurts as it contacts the rough wooden door but it cracks. You kick again and the door falls in. Running through the door you smack your arm into the frame and cry out in pain.
Fanny barks from one of the rooms and you follow the noise letting her run free into the hallway. You hope dearly that the dog finds her way out.
The entirety of your home is consumed in flames. Beams that held up the apartment above you are on the floor. The poor old couple who was always so nice. Hopefully they had gotten out before it collapsed. Running to your bedroom you try to open the door. It gives quickly but before you can get to Yelena a strong arm grabs at your back.
“What the? HEY!” you squirm trying to slip out of the grip. You have no luck and result to punching. Nothing makes the arms let you go as they pull you from the building. Along the way down you consider it may be a firefighter saving your life.
“Please. My girlfriend, she’s still in there. Please, she was asleep. Save her. I can get out,” you plead with your “saviour”. The person doesn’t acknowledge any words or attempts of movement. They just carry you out of the building back into the parking garage. At some point you began crying, fearing for your girlfriends and your neighbours lives.
You are carried to a car and roughly thrown in. Your broken wrist, now remembered, aches and you curl into a ball. The driver doesn’t speak to you and the person who carried you doesn’t get into the car with you. You didn’t register the person in the back seat with you until they cough. Or rather She coughs.
“Oh Y/N I’m glad we got you out ok. I was so scared we wouldn’t be able to get you out before the fire got you too,” Your eyes widen at the familiar voice and you sit up looking into her eyes. The pieces fall into place in your mind. No you’d never thought she’d be this cruel. Yet here you were, Yelena and Fanny. They were in there.
“You didn’t. no no you didn’t. You are cruel and hateful but not murderous,” you pull away as a hand strokes your cheek. Hate flashes behind your eyes.
“Oh honey. You will forgive me when you realise it was for the sake of the family. Like they always say; ‘Mother knows best.’”
(So it has been decided this is going to be a series. Follow and shoot me an ask if you wanted to be added to the tag list for updates)
DO NOT repost my work. Reblogs and Likes are appreciated. If you enjoy my work leave a comment!
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fashion-fasting · 3 years
FIRE & ICE (Rafe Cameron & JJ Maybank) Part 3
previous chapters-
Part 1 Part 2
A quick thank you for all the support on the last chapter , it may not seem like a lot but each like means the world to me
And just to add with this story I’m hoping to make it quite long it will include bits and bobs from the events in season 1 with my own twists on them and then move onto season 2 the time line will be different throughout
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“ you’ve got to be fucking kidding me” scoffed kiara
“Sarah what are you doing here ? Since when do you hang around with John b?” I asked puzzled , at this point I was extremely confused as to why my best friend who made her hatred for the pouges known on countless occasions was now standing infront of me trying to enter the Twinkie
“Alice you know about this? Why didn’t you tell me?” Sarah bit back
“Sarah how the hell did you expect me to tell you?not exactly the best sleepover chat to have at your house”
“ does rafe know what you’re doing” Sarah asked, raising an eyebrow
“Does topper know what you’re doing? You know your boyfriend” I hissed
“ ok ok let’s calm it down ladies , Sarah just get in we can finish this little domestic later” jj said trying to defuse the situation
The car ride was filled with deathly glares mostly from kiara and heading straight into Sarah’s direction,the silence was deafening. Sarah and Alice shared a few quick glances still both unsure how to deal with the betrayal they both felt.
They knew everything about eachother , from insecurities to some of their darkest secrets. Sarah didn’t understand why Alice didn’t feel like she could confined in her about this . And Alice couldn’t wrap her head around the fact her best friend was sneaking around with John B of all people.
Best friends don’t lie to eachother and that’s what hurt the most.
The boys avoided eye contact and were definitely too afraid to speak incase their heads would be ripped from their bodies.
After what felt like an eternity they finally pulled up at the chateau
“Jeez that was painful” muttered pope
“ not my fault John b invited queen Cobra over here”barked kiara
“ what did you just say bitch” yelled Sarah
“Can we all stop for 5 minutes please! John b just tell us why did you need us all here” I begged
“So.. I think I’ve found the gold , thanks to Sarah I was able to get my hands on Tannyhill Plantation Map and I think I have a way in” John b explained
“ no need to thank me all that once” Sarah rolled her eyes
John b went on to explain his findings from the maps and lay out his plans for how to make sure we didn’t get killed,this definitely wasn’t going to be plain sailing. Hours had passed with many arguments,bickering and ideas being thrown around ,we didn’t even realise the time. Somehow one by one the pouges had left the chateau leaving only me and JJ.
“Want a J princess”
“Im still mad at you maybank”
“ oh come on princess I’m sure he’ll get over it, doesn’t seem like the type of guy who can hold onto a lot of information in that little head of his” jj mocked
Rolling my eyes I let out a big sigh
“You ever going to stop these childish game you have going on with him maybank? Because honestly it’s getting old”
I grabbed the j off him trying to smoke away any thoughts I had
“I’ll never understand why you’re with him, a girl like you and a guy like him it makes no sense”
“‘You don’t know him like I do jj , honestly can we just drop this for now please , I get it you hate him he’s done a lot of fucked up shit and you hate me for being with him but frankly I’m too tired to be lectured right now”
I leaned forward turning the tv volume up hoping that it would put an end to the conversation between us both
Admitting defeat jj took the j back off you and thought about the words that had just left your mouth
“You hate me” those words kept running back and forth in his brain , did you really believe that he hated you? He could never hate you, what he felt for you was the complete opposite.
Some time had passed, the atmosphere was tense and the room was filled with silence once again , jj decided he couldn’t stand it for any longer. He hated you being angry at him,as much as he got a kick out of annoying you this wasn’t the same. As he went to break the ice he looked over and saw Alice had fallen asleep. He slowly rose from the sofa to place a blanket over the sleeping girl.
He still couldn’t comprehend that she really believed he hated her, he loved everything about her. How stubborn she was when she didn’t get her own way, how she twiddled her fingers when she felt uncomfortable,the way her nose scrunched up when angry and how even when everyone knew she was breaking inside she still kept a smile on her face .
It was the way her smile caused chaos in his heart, whenever he was lucky enough to gaze into her eyes even if just for a second he felt complete and utter peace. JJ had never felt like he belonged anywhere , that was until he met her and ever since then he felt at home. He loved learning about her intricacies and how her brain worked , nothing had ever intrigued him more in life than her.
He loved her even when it hurt , He could never understand why she chose rafe Cameron over him. He knew she loved rafe but as he went to close his eyes all he could do was wish that it was him instead.
If only he knew Alice felt at home with him too
(....the next morning...)
I awoke to the sound of JJ snoring in my face and jumped up realising what time it was
“FUCK rafe is going to be so pissed, jj why did you let me fall asleep!”I said shaking him
“There was no way in hell I was waking you up, I’ve seen how you get , and I don’t fell like dying anytime soon
“ I need to go like now” with panic in my voice I checked my phone
- 25 missed calls rafe
- Text from rafe
Where the hell are you Alice I’ve waited up all night for you to stand me up yet again
Great great great ,I knew how pissed rafe would be. He already thought I was prioritising the pouges over him , but I could never tell him about the gold he would go straight to ward and it would be game over
As much as he loved me I knew his desperation for wards attention was greater
“ just go I’ll see you tonight” huffed jj
“ JJ it’s midsummers remember and last time I checked you didn’t have a membership at the club”
“ who said anything about needing a membership” he laughed
As you took off to find rafe You knew tonight was going to be one hell of a problem
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cemeteryrocks900 · 3 years
Tw mentions of bl00dw0rk medical and f@st1ng
So I haven’t taken an allergy pill since like last Wednesday or something idk bc I want my allergy blood test to be accurate even though they said I can keep taking it bc it won’t affect it but I’m scared it will, but I have to get blood work for allergy testing bc of the skin test issue I talked about last week but anyway my sister was sent to the hospital last night and they got home around 5 I think and I went to bed at 4:30 or later so we got about the same amount of sleep, and I woke up at 9am today (now 11:33am) and I wake up early bc it’s a fasting blood test, they said I don’t have to fast but it’s more accurate if I do, so my ed ass is going to take the chance to fast
So it’s getting late, I go to my moms room and she’s still sleeping and I say:
“mama” to wake her up
and she groggily says “what”
and I ask her when we’re going to get my blood work and she said after lunch,
I said “ok well I have to fast and I’m getting really hungry and uncomfortable”
she said “you’ll have to wait, I want to get more sleep I’ve only gotten a few hours”
and I said “uh ya me too but this blood work is important and I’m fasting”
and she said “wait, I’m getting more sleep, you’ll just have to wait”
So her version of after lunch is about 1:30, so that will be me fasting for about 13 hours (which I used to do 19-24 but obviously I’m in kinda recovery so I can’t pull that crap anymore) and I’m sitting here like
Damn you really do not care about this at all, this is my make or break blood work for inpatient and I need this in like 4 days ago and you’re still messing around
And I’m guessing almost everyone here reading this has gotten blood work, probably have gone to a special building/place where they specialize in labs and blood work and that stuff, so you guys know that if you don’t go at the crack of dawn and you go around lunch time, you’re f’ed and you’ll be waiting for about an hour most times
And I also need groceries like meat, yogurts, fruits, ya know the basics so I can make fricken meals for once instead of microwaving DAMN PANCAKES THAT TASTE LIKE PACKING PEANUTS
Anyway if you’re reading this far thank you for listening to me, it’s probably a lot easier to read if I did smaller lines of text but I tried grouping each though into their own spots
Usually I’m fine with skipping meals but like I usually never skip lunch bc that usually helps from skipping breakfast but today I’m just so annoyed bc whenever a plan is made then it gets changed last second I start freaking out on the verge of a panic attack
Side note: I’m very prone to anxiety and panic attacks, they happen in lots of ranges from bareable and im still able to live life and on the other side of the spectrum, very very bad to the point where I can’t breathe or get out of bed and I feel like I’m dying, my heart rate skyrockets to a dangerous zone etc.
Anyway, skipping lunch gives me anxiety and missing blood work, all of this stuff, I’m at the point where I’m shaking so bad bc plans are changed and I need food and what if I pass out from blood and I get sent to the hospital again or what if I get blood work then need to go to the store and my mom is like “no” bc SHE doesn’t want to or like what if I pass out at the store from not eating like I’m just so stressed rn and I feel gross and uncomfortable
Anyway again thank you for listening and reading
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Type: One Shot about JJ (Outer Banks) Rating: Rated R for Abuse TRIGGER WARNING: DOMESTIC ABUSE  Word Count: 2500+ Pairing: JJ & Leah Enjoy!
"This isn't the kind of love that I want" tears ran down her face. "you aren't who you were before," she said as she grabbed her bag. "You aren't leaving," he said as he grabbed her, pulling her back. "Let me go!" she said as she tried to pull away from him. "I said you aren't leaving!" He said as he pushed her against the wall. Banging her head against the wall, she dropped her bag. "Please stop," she said as she placed her hand on the back of her head. "Then realize you aren't leaving!" he said. "I'm not, I'm sorry," she said. "Good girl," he said as he let her go.
He left the room and she made sure she wasn't bleeding. She needed to come up with a different plan. A way that she could leave without him finding out. She sat on the bed as placed her head down in her hands. The tears were too much and they slipped from her eyes onto her cheeks.  She waited until he was asleep on the couch, passed out from drinking too much. She grabbed her bag and left, running to her neighbor's house. Her neighbor called a taxi for her and got her a bus ticket. It was time for Leah to leave town and never return. Leah made it to the bus station and got onto the bus. The bus was supposed to take her to Florida but she decided to get off at the first stop. It was North Carolina and this would become her new home.
"Hello Miss, how may I help you," the clerk asked. "I was hoping that you had a room for a few days," she said. "I believe that we do," he said as he looked at the computer. "Yea room 134," he said. "I'll take it" she nodded and paid for the room in cash.
He gave her the room key and she went up to her room. Placing her bag at the door and she laid on the bed staring at the ceiling. She closed her eyes as the tears built up in her eyes, she was finally free. She didn't want anyone to know where she was at so she didn't even call her mom. She ended up falling asleep but was woken up a few hours later at the sound of her stomach growling. She changed her clothes and made her way downstairs to the lobby. She walked around the small town until she found food. She ate at the little cafe and then went to the store to get some things. She went back to her room and changed her look, cutting her hair and dying it. She didn't want him to come looking for her.
"Fresh start" she took a deep breath in as she looked at herself in the mirror. "New town, No one knows me," she said to herself.
She cleaned up the mess and laid back down in the bed. Opening her laptop looking for things to do in the small town. She was also looking for houses to rent or buy. Even though she was just 19 she needed to be on her own two feet. Well, now more than ever since she left her husband. She fell asleep with the tv running and she woke up in the morning with the sun beaming through her window. She got up and got ready for the day, with whatever new adventures came her way. She left the hotel and was just walking around town. She stopped by a flower shop just to smell the flowers, they were so beautiful. As she walked away she bumped into someone.
"Sorry," She said. "It's ok," he said as he looked at her. "I should watch where I'm going," she said. "It's ok really" he nodded. "Are you new in town?" he questioned. "Yea something like that," she said. "I'm JJ," he said as he handed her a rose. "I'm Leah," she said as she grabbed the rose. "If you need a tour guide I'm free," he said. "Really?" she asked. "Yea I am" he smiled. "Right this way," he said as he led her to his truck. "Can we just um walk?" she asked. "Sure we can," he nodded. "It's just easier to drive," he said. "I'm sorry, we can take the truck," she said. "No need to be sorry, if you want to walk we can," JJ said. "It's ok," she said as she got into the truck.
He also got into the truck and started to drive around town. Showing her all the cool spots and where to get food. He pulled into John B's place where he knew everyone would be. He got out of the truck and went over to her side, opening the door for her. Holding his hand out if she needed help. She grabbed his hand and got out of the truck. She followed him to the back where everyone was hanging out.
"Hey JJ," Pope said. "Whoa, who is that?" John B asked. "This is Leah," JJ said. "Wow she's hot," John B said. "Watch it," Sarah said as she nudged John B. "Nice to meet you, Im Kiara," Kiara said. "Nice to meet you guys," Leah said. "I'm going to take her out on the boat," JJ said. "Nice," Pope said. "Have fun," John B said.
JJ led Leah down to the dock and got into the boat. Helping her get onto the boat before untying it. She sat down as he took off from the dock. Going out further enough so they could be alone but close enough if she felt the need to getaway. He sat down next to her and they started to talk.
"May I ask how old you are?" he asked. "I'm 19" she looked at him. "And you just moved here?" He looked at her. "Yes I did," she nodded. "May I ask why?" he asked. "I don't want to talk about it" she looked out towards the water. "Ok that's ok no pressure" he nodded. "It's nice out here," she said. "Yea peaceful" he placed his hand on her hand.
They continued to talk about random things and also personal things. They watched the sunset and he grabbed a blanket, draping it over her shoulders. She moved closer to him and wrapped the blanket around him as well. Resting her head against his shoulder as they watched the sunset. He placed his arm around her waist and held her close. Once the sun was down they laid back on the boat and looked up at the stars.
"I haven't done this in a while," she said. "You haven't?" He looked at her. "Yea I haven't," she said. "When you move to the city the lights block the stars," she said. "True," he said.   "I'm sure you brought all your hookups here," she said. "Wait what?" he asked. "Isn't this your hot spot where you bring all your hooks up" she sat up. "On the boat away from your friends," she said. "It's not like that and No I don't," he said as he sat up as well. "I'm sorry," she said as she hugged her knees to her chest. "I'm not like that and I just love watching the sunset on the boat," he said. "It's peaceful and nice out here," she said. "We should get back to the shore," he said as he started the boat.
She stayed quiet as they pulled back to the deck. He got off the boat and helped her off as well. John B and Pope had a fire going. Kiara brought back marshmallows and chocolate as JJ and Leah made their way back to the house.
"Just in time," Kiara said. "S'mores" JJ smiled as he walked up to Kiara. "Come on Leah," John B said. "I don't like S'mores," she said. "Still good company," John B said. "Sure," she said as she sat down in front of the fire.
She kept the blanket wrapped around her as she watched them burn the marshmallows. JJ fixed her one and handed it to her for her to try. He sat next to Leah as she took a bite, she gently smiled at him.
"You got chocolate on your face," JJ said with a slight chuckle. "Where?" She asked. "Right" he placed his thumb against her cheek. She looked at him as their eyes met. "There," he said. "Thank you," she said. "Get it JJ," John B said. "No problem, '' he said as if John B didn't say anything.
She took the S'more JJ had given her and held it up to his lips. He smiled and took a bite. She watched him as he got up to get more marshmallows. He came back and sat down next to her, placing the marshmallow on the stick. Placing it in the fire as she moved closer to him, wrapping the blanket around him again.  He slipped his hand around her waist as he watched the marshmallow.  He made another S'more, blew on it slightly before feeding it to her.  She took a few bites before laying her head down on his shoulder. JJ continued with the S'mores and joking around with his friends. As the night continued on Leah was getting tired but didn't want to say anything. She started drifting off to sleep on JJ's shoulder. He felt her weight shift and realized she was falling asleep. He picked her up and took her inside, laying her down on the bed. Placing a blanket around her as he went back outside. The fire was on its last leg and everyone was cleaning up. JJ helped before making his way inside, laying on the couch next to the bed. He didn't want to make her uncomfortable so he stayed his distance. He fell asleep as well as everyone else. Leah woke up around 5 am from a nightmare, sitting on the bed trying to catch her breath.
'Hey" JJ said as he started to wake up. "Are you ok?" he asked as he got onto the bed. He placed his hand on hers but she jumped back, moving away from him. "Hey, it's ok," he said softly.
"Please don't hurt me," she said. "I would never," He said. "Please," she said as her tears fell from her eyes. "It's me, JJ," he said. "It was just a nightmare," he said as he moved closer, wrapping his arm around her. "You're safe," he whispered.
She cried against his chest as he held her close. Placing his hand on her head as she cried. She wrapped her arms around his waist. Once she calmed down she wiped her eyes and sat up. He kept his arm around her just to make sure she was ok.
"Are you ok?" he asked. "Yea, sorry didn't mean to wake you up," she said. "It's fine," he said. "I should probably go," she said. "Stay," he whispered. "I really should go," she said. "I'll take you but only if you want to," he said. "Yea" She nodded.
They left John B's place and he took her back to the hotel. He walked her up to her room and leaned against the wall as she opened the door. Leah took a deep breath in and opened the door, turning to face JJ. She did enjoy spending time with her but she was sure he wouldn't want to see her again.
"Thanks for yesterday," she said. "No problem," he smiled gently. "Bye," she said. "When will I see you again?" he asked. "Never, '' she replied. "Why?" he asked as he moved closer to her. "Look you are nice but I'm a mess," she said. "Your point is?" He asked. "I'm not ready for whatever you think this is," she said. "Plus I'm sure after last night you don't want to see me again," she said. "Well you are wrong I do want to see you again" he grabbed her hand. "And we are just hanging out," he said. "Really?" she looked up at him. "Yea really" he placed his hand on her cheek. "You are sweet and different in a good way," he smiled. "I enjoyed last night," he said. "I did too," she said. "Good so let's keep doing it," he said. "Ok' she nodded. "Why don't I come by later and we can hang out some more," he said. "I should give you my number," she said. "Sure," he said as he handed her his phone. "There you go," she said as she looked at him. "Alright I'll see you later," he said as he turned to leave.
She grabbed his arm and pulled him back to her. Grabbing the back of his neck leaning up kissing him. He smiled against her lips and kissed her back, placing his hands on her hips. She pulled away slightly and looked at him to see what his response was. He smiled and pulled her closer, placing his lips back against hers. She wrapped her arms around his neck as she pulled away slowly.
"See you later," he smiled. "See you" she smiled as he kissed her once more before leaving.
She went inside her hotel room and there was her husband sitting on the bed. She quickly closed the door behind her. He started yelling and JJ could hear. JJ rushed back to the room banging on the door as he could hear them fighting. John grabbed Leah's arm pushing her against the wall.
"Oh, why did you think you could get free?" John said. "Please don't hurt me," Leah said. "LEAH!! OPEN THE DOOR" JJ yelled from outside. "Oh you have a guest," John said. "Please don't," Leah said. "You don't make the rules around here," John said as he grabbed Leah's neck. "Please," She said. "You think you can spend one night with this clown and you're free from your life?" John said. "You knew I'd find you," he said. "He's just a friend," she struggled. "Please I can't breathe," she said.
JJ finally got through the door and knocked John off Leah. She fell to the ground as she started going in and out. She could see JJ and John fighting. She heard a gunshot go off but then she closed her eyes. She would wake up but everything was fuzzy, she heard an ambulance.
"He's dead," someone said. "Who?" Leah said before passing out again.
She didn't know anything until waking up in the hospital. She was out of it because of the drugs they gave her. Her memory was fuzzy and really couldn't remember much from that night. She didn't know who got shot or who was dead. Maybe she shouldn't have left town because no matter where she went she wouldn't be free. She hated herself for bringing JJ into this and the thought of him being dead brought tears to her eyes. They just met but clearly, she felt safe with him, she felt free with him. Could that have been their first and last kiss? Was JJ dead? She closed her eyes as she tried to remember what happened.
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devinescribe · 4 years
Hey guys, it's me, ya girl-
Um, so anyways, I have found out my cat has a sickness we can't treat, and he's going to die. My parents are telling me I have to decide on what I want to do, and if I want to put him down or wait a bit, and like if I want to cremate him after or what I want to do basically. I'm really sad because he's been my best friend for 5 years. So, this is my attempt of comfort, I'm sorry if it seems selfish for me to write something like this, it's just the way I want to express myself. This will still be a (Y/N) thing, so yeah... side note, I cried a lot while making this, so if there's any spelling mistakes or whatever, blame it on my 5th mental breakdown this week, mmk? I love you all so much, thank you for the support, l hope you
.... this attempt at writing....
Comfort for the loss of a pet
Alice in Borderland
"Hey, shshsh, it's ok, breath," he whispered, hugging you tightly as you cried into him. You were a wreck, and it was apparent. "I-i I'm s-sorry," you whimpered, tears streaming down your cheeks. You weren't used to showing emotions like this. It made you feel weak. "It's ok, you don't have to apologize. Just let it all out, ok?" He comforted. You snuggled your face into his chest, your body shaking in sobs. He held the back of your head in a protective manner. "I-im going to m-miss them s-so much," you cried, grabbing onto his shirt. "I know, I know... calm down. Breath," he whispered, rubbing your back with his other hand.
You had fallen asleep after a few hours of crying, and he kept watch over you. You had never cried over people dying in the games. Maybe it was because you didn't care for them, but even still. And here you were, crying over the death of your pet. He was always going to be by your side, of course, and he understood why you would cry so much. They had been your best friend. They were probably the closest thing to company when the games started, and now they were gone. It made him feel horrible that he couldn't help more than comforting you. He heard the bed move, and he looked up, snapping out of his thoughts. "Arisu?" You asked sleepily, looking around. He stood up, going over to the bed. "I'm here. I didn't leave. Are you ok?" He asked, sitting besides you. You immediately grabbed onto his arm, leaning your head on his shoulder. "I... I think so... They were my best friend you know... It fucking sucks that life gave me something good. Something amazing for once. A piece of happiness. And it... it... it t-took it away," you stated, a whimpering tone growing towards the end as you tried to keep in your tears. "I know they were. You can't rant to me about it. I'm here to listen. I'm here for you, ok?" He comforted, giving you a kiss to the top of the forehead. He knew that losing a pet was like losing a family member. He knew how much hurt you must be going through, and it hurt him. It was like he could feel your pain. "Anything you want or need, I'll give it to you. If you want a bit a space or alone time with your feelings, you got it. Just say the word," he said, looking out the window in the room. "I just want some cuddles right now. And sleep... maybe if I sleep enough the pain will go away... it's like there's a hole in my heart, and it hurts so much 'Risu... please don't leave me alone... don't leave me right now..." you whispered. "I wouldn't dream of it angel," he said, laying you back on the bed. He laid besides you, holding you tightly in his arms. "I'm here for you."
He didn't understand why you were crying, at first. He had just walked into your room to discuss some things, when he saw you crying. You never cried in front of others, or cried period. He didn't get it. "Is something wrong?" He asked, standing at the end of your bed. "No, th-thats why I'm crying," you answered sarcastically, rolling your tear filled eyes. He remembered what some people were talking about. That someone's pet had died. They had described what yours looked like, and he hoped that they were mistaken. Maybe you were crying over something else? He watched as the tears fell down your face. He sighed quietly. "What's wrong then?" He questioned, walking over besides you. He had heard what had happened, but still wanted to make sure that was what you were crying about. He didn't want to seem stupid. You sniffled, holding onto the pillow on your bed. "(P-p/N) died. Their g-gone and I-I can't bring th-them back," you whimpered, hiding your face into your pillow. A part of him felt a pang of pain. He had always liked your pet. He knew you never cried over the deaths of people at the games. Usually, you two spent the nights together after games. Dates, of sorts. But, now you were crying over the loss of an animal. He couldn't help but feel a feeling of pitty. Which he quickly extinguished, knowing that pitty was the last thing you wanted or needed. You needed comfort.
He laid down on the other side of the bed, pulling your sitting figure next to him. You turned to face him with tear filled eyes. "W-what are you doing?" You asked. "You're obviously upset. You never cry, so this must be very important to you. What kind of boyfriend would I be if I didn't at least make you feel better," he answered, tucking a piece of your hair behind your ear. You sniffled, but nodded. You put your head on his shoulder, hugging him."I know my opinion doesn't matter, and that these words might seem empty to you, and I promise they're not, but... they were a good (boy/girl). The best. I quite enjoyed their company, and I'm upset that their gone as well. Obviously not more than you, but still," he said, sincerity in his tone. He cut himself off before he rambled to much, and made you feel worse. A habit he had that he absolutely dispised about himself. "Thank you Shi-Shi... It means a lot to me," you whispered. He ignored the fact that you used a nickname he hated (he likes it, just thinks It's embarrassing), deciding comforting you was more important to him in that moment than scolding you. "No problem darling... Take your time."
He had gotten back from his usual patrol, and saw you just laying on the bed of your shared room, staring at the ceiling. A totally blank stare up. He couldn't see much, as he's blind as all hell (sorry, I had to make myself laugh for a second because I'm crying a lot), but he could make out that much. He sighed to himself, seeing as he'd have to put on his glasses. (I'm still trying to make myself laugh, please don't judge me) He did, and noticed the tears cascading of your face. The droplets leaving a trail behind. "(Y/N)? What's wrong?" He asked, going immediately to you. You didn't answer. Now, usually, he would be a bit mean to you if you were crying. But you only cried when... well, that's for his memory, and his memory only. (Still trying to make myself laugh, it's not working) You were not one to cry. You were also not one to be quiet. Which worried him the most. You were awake, obvious by the way you were staring up. He shook your shoulder lightly. "Princess, come on. What's wrong?" He asked. You had finally looked over at him. The smallest smile was on your face. "You're finally wearing your glasses you dummy?" You questioned, your voice shaky. He ignored that. "What's wrong? Why are you crying?" He repeated, sitting you up, putting your legs over the edge of the bed. He dried your tears, and watched as you bit your tongue, and looked up. (That's how I try to stop myself from crying ahaha) "(P/N)... d-died," you stuttered. You bounced your leg, trying to stop the tears. His eyes widened a bit. "Oh..." was the only sound he could make. He wanted to help, but didn't know how to. He knew how to treat physical wounds. But to help someone heal from a broken heart? No. But, he thought about ways to help.
He picked you up, sitting you in his lap, before laying down. You stayed laying on top of him, your head pressed to his chest, hearing his heartbeat. "... are you ok? I mean like, obviously your not ok, but I mean like I don't know what else to say, and gods I sound dumb right now," he rambled. You laughed slightly at this. "Was that your attempt to make me feel better?" You asked. "Maybe," he said. Maybe him unintentionally bringing out his awkward side would make you feel better. He didn't know, but as long as it made you smile and feel better, he'd do whatever it takes.
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sol1loqu1st · 7 years
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pikaflute · 4 years
hi, sudafed cleared my sinuses long enough to think so here’s a giant post about most of my charles headcanons
OH btw here’s my 4 hour and 23 minute playlist for Charles. Enjoy. Yes I know I’m insane: https://open.spotify.com/user/pikaflute24/playlist/4DBxaaxbqsmJt9Fvl8AgwZ?si=OcXlYCdFRzOhuKa4p_HdUQ
General Headcanons
He was born November 24 1965. He’s currently 56, but I usually write him in his late 40s in most fanfic and content I make. So there’s this middle aged man....
He has hazel eyes. Sometimes they look green, sometimes brown. Sometimes they’ll be white but that’s when he’s using his magic so mind your business
Gear brand over his heart >:)c
:) i think he has piercings and tattoos, a skull (dead man teehee) on his upper arm, a tattoo of a date (the date pickles and him first met TEEHEE) on his left arm also has a tattoo on his arm of the day he “died” on his right. had his ears pierced when he was a teen.
Has a sweet tooth so hard. Smuggles in treats into the drawers of his desk just to snack on during the day and has a mini fridge just filled with ice cream and also sorts of other goodies. He loves brownies and cookies the most
Likes to work out and keep himself in shape. it takes his mind off of stressful things like work and the boys, and just take his morning practice sparring and doing various exercises in the mordhaus gym. 
he’s uh also very flexible so he does yoga a lot when he exercises. don’t. look too deep into that
cannot cook to save his life. he almost burned mordhaus down trying to make himself a sandwich
he can play guitar! he used to play it more often when he was younger but he rarely has the time to play it nowadays. when he does get to play it, it’s usually in private (and mainly songs by dethklok), or it’s to show off to a certain lead guitarist that yes he is playing that solo wrong
he’s ambidextrous but prefers using his right hand. he’ll use his left hand to spar in order to go easy on his opponents because hes a smug cunt
he’s 5′7 but intimidation factor adds a couple inches doesn’t it
has a scorpion named princess as a pet. he lets her sit on his desk sometimes and it scares the shit out of dethklok which makes charles laugh on the inside
hes also a cat person. one time toki brought a cat home and it settled on charles’ lap and he almost cried
loves to be a smug asshole and relishes in it. will not take shit from anyone, especially from some asshole who is trying to pull one over on him
he has no idea how social media works at all. will print memes out to show to dethklok, he’s very fond of cat memes specifically (i can has cheeseburger type beat)
he has no idea what any internet memes means he isn’t going to start learning. he is going to misuse internet phrases. are you boys, ah, finding the imposter? [cue five groans from dethklok]
knows a lot of languages. not a comprehensive list but: french, swedish, norwegian, spanish, italian, japanese, chinese, german, russian and korean
is very competitive. scarily competitive. once he starts losing in smash or mario kart all hell will break lose
very bad at showing emotions or affection, when he gets compliments he gets all red and quiet and mumbles a thank you. 
weird about being touched as well and will usually avoid it unless it’s with someone he trusts
speaking of, his love language is acts of service :)c
hates being called charlie or chuck, unless the right person calls him it ;)
he’s autistic. was nonverbal for most of his life and only talked to certain people, or anyone at all. he stims with his hands and uses his pens to fidget.
has a collection of novelty socks. he likes the ones that have polka dots or stripes
sleeps with a garfield plushie he had since he was younger. it helps him with the nightmares
when any of the boys need help sleeping (usually toki or pickles), he’ll sleep with them in his bed. after dying he had trouble sleeping some nights, so dethklok returned the favor and all piled up in his bed and helped him sleep. he didnt have nightmares after that night
hes nearsighted, and prefers to wear glasses over contacts
lactose intolerant, hes still eating mac n cheese and paying the price
metalhead but pretends to not be just to mess with his boys
crippling addiction to match 3 games. also loves to play minecraft.
overly self sacrificial. puts ones he love needs before his own, results in himself being very isolated and distant from those he cares about because he’s afraid of hurting them
his favorite colors are black and purple
coffee kinda guy. black coffee or bust
has a lot of cute novelty mugs to put his coffee in. he ones from places where dethklok tours, dethklok official ones (the only two that aren’t adorned with spikes), some cat themed ones, a couple that have ties and math references, and one from his boys that says “most brutal manager”. he drinks out of that last one the most
he has a couple of grey hairs and wrinkles, but he keeps them because they remind him that he’s human. also pickles said old men were hot but you didnt hear that from me
likes to play chess but he can never find a good opponent. all the klokateers are too scared if they win and dethklok is too distracted to ever play with him or they end up losing to quickly if charles plays against them
really wants kids. he babies his sister’s sons and daughters a TON (uncle charles always brings the best gifts :) ) and also treats toki like his own son in a way. toki doesnt mind, he really appreciates the love
speaking of, toki does call charles dad once and it makes charles cry for like. a week and a half
his favorite dethklok song is the gears :)
he likes to collect knives as a side hobby, his favorite of his collection is a sleek black one with skulls on the handle
he has a motorcycle and likes to drive it around sometimes to just be alone with himself. it’s all black with a red gear on it
lightweight but only if he drinks the amount dethklok drinks. can hold his alcohol fairly well if he drinks like a sensible human, prefers brandy and wine
he can smoke cigars to be sexy for me and me ONLY
likes to read in his spare time. he likes mystery novels and science fiction
he has soft spot for cheesy sitcoms, they’re his guilty pleasure
his favorite youtuber is lockpickinglawyer. yours should be too
usually sleeps in only his boxers but will wear a shirt if its’s cold. he tends to sleep on his side (also wants to be the little spoon when cuddled but he will never admit that)
takes vacations sometimes away from the boys despite his worry that something will go wrong (it will!). many of his vacations are usually going to visit his family and going to the shore with them, or travelling to somewhere new for a change (cue charles being a yakuza substory on his one vacation per year)
he can sew pretty well. learned from his mom and used to sew the whole his sister use to put through her soccer uniform.
can also do makeup, and usually does it for one of the boys of there’s no one else around to help
bites his lip when he’s nervous. which is a lot
likes chococat and gudetama. he’s a man of tastes
laughs really loud if you catch him off guard. he snorts sometimes too. he’s embarrassed by it, but i think its’ cute
loves law and order obviously 
he likes men
has a lot of pent up rage. very good at compressing it. sometimes
as high priest, he stays up very late trying to decipher the ancient prophecies that dethklok needed to fulfill. he doesnt sleep very much when he starts out because he misses home, so the band makes him come back (or else)
also as high priest he becomes more intune with magic granted to him after he died and he mainly uses his magic to protect his boys when they go back to being a band. also to fuck with them
the band he managed before dethklok was a band named savior who said they were a metal band with a unique sound, but that unique sound was actually just being a christian metal band that were bad at playing music. they also treated charles like shit and blamed him for them doing so poorly with sales and shows. had an unfortunate “accident” with a tour bus after charles had enough of their attitude towards him.  he denies he had anything to do with it (he did.)
He’s the baby of the family. Spoiled rotten to the max. He doesn’t admit it though but whenever he comes home you know he abuses the “:)c im the favorite” card
He has 4 older sisters: Caroline who is a high school civics teacher, Cynthia who is a librarian, Callie who is a coach for a soccer team, and Charlotte who is a lawyer/manager who manages Ladyklok, which gets awkward (and funny) when Abigail starts dating the lead singer Natalie
charles is actually one of the tallest in his family. his dad is 6’1 and his older sister Callie is 5’11. cynthia is 5’6, caroline is 5’6, and his mom and charlotte are 5’5.
his mom is a doctor and his dad is an accountant. his mom’s name is giovanna and his dad’s name is elijah
caroline is the oldest sister, followed by cynthia, callie, charlotte then charles.
Charlotte and Charles are sworn enemies since they were born on the same day a year apart and basically have the same job. They do love each other though
His father calls him Charles. Caroline and Cynthia call him Charlie. Callie calls him Chuck. Charlotte calls him Charles (derogatory). His mom calls him a whole slew of nicknames that she made up when he was young (she calls him cheese ball and he turns red)
caroline has a wife (lauren who is a chef) and two kids (evan and shelby)
cynthia is dating a coworker (viola)
callie has a husband (john who is a stay at home dad) and they have three kids (brenda, melissa, and jeff)
charlotte is dating ladyklok (and abigail). this is a weird flex on charles i think.
He had a race car bed when he was like 5
He also was also one of those kids at family game night. He almost killed Cynthia over a game of monopoly
Always got to lick the spoon first after his mom baked brownies
He grew up in North Jersey (derogatory) (also yes im projecting state shot)
He’s also Italian (derogatory)
He got bullied in middle school for a little bit but once his older sisters found out, oh boy did all hell break loose
Was in band in high school. He played flute (DONT TALK TO ME I LIKE PROJECTING), he was of course a soloist and incredibly smug about it
Took gymnastics as a kid. Can do a backflip on command. Also very flexible.
First manager gig was helping his sisters sell girl scout cookies. They raked in a lot of profits when baby bro was behind the scenes. His cut was eating thin mints for free
Loved Star Trek when he was a kid
Was incredibly gifted, and taught himself to read at a young age. didn’t talk that much though
was always sick when he was little. he would always get sinus infections and colds if someone even sneezed weird
was in mock trial in high school. one guy on his team was a jerk to him so charles made it a point to be this poor kid’s nemesis
was on the student council, treasurer of course.
was also in nhs, and he was treasurer there too
was that kid who insisted on doing the group project by himself because he didn’t want to wait on anyone to finish their part
was super rowdy as a kid, always got into trouble but his mom was a little lenient of punishment (hes a mommas boy)
when he was like super young he bit people cause he was just a little monster (charles' sisters: mom charles is biting again. charles, biting one of them: im not :/ sheesh)
wanted to be a lawyer since he was 7
put his own siblings and parents on trial and would win every trial and would always get the last cookie or a higher allowance
he shared his room with his sister Charlotte and they would set up a pillow fort on one of the beds and stay up late reading together 
loved going to the beach as a kid, his mom still has his collection of shells from the beach
on the boardwalk, he would dominate at claw machines anad carnival games. he won a bunch of plushies from himself (and his sisters obviously)
his dad and him have a super close bond. they watched star trek together and also like to watch how the stock market would do. his dad was also sometimes the judge in charles’ mock trials at home
they were very supportive when he came out as gay, he was also the first of his sibilings to come out of the closet
Got his masters in business management at rutgers and a JD (law degree) from seton hall law.
Started college when he was 18 (1983) and ended college when he was 26 (1991)
Wasn’t a party guy. Never got invited to many, but he never went unless a certain redhead was in town
Sustained himself off of ramen, coffee, and SSRIs to get his masters (hey man i feel ya)
Did weed like three times. Three of those times were because of, you guessed it, a certain redhead
Speaking of, his first time having sex was in his dorm with Pickles. Pickles also kicked him off of the bed (those beds are fucking tiny) while they slept, and almost burned Charles’ dorm down trying to make toast the next morning
Absolute did not do essays until the night before. Bad habit that made it’s way into Dethklok managing when he’s forced to write a legal brief before 12 am.
Loved calculus 2 for some reason. Nerd
Had a mullet. Pickles thought it was hot (still is) while Charles would rather die than remember anything about that horrid hairdo
Also went through his goth/emo phase while in Law School. He stuck out amongst the sea of sweater vests and polo shirts
Was in a band with his fellow college bandmates. The band was called Habeas Corpses and he was the lead singer who also played guitar. Their sound was kind of similar to TWRP’s first two EPs (The Device and 2nite). they had a grunge aesthetic, and yes charles dyed his mullet black (with a purple streak), for the band.
his bandmates were all fellow law students. dillan was on drums, margaret was their bass guitar, and nick was their keyboardist. all three of them also got tutored by charles while in law school. they are still best friends and write to each other sometimes
Was on the debate team, but uh kicked off due to be very competitive (he threatened to punch the opposing debater)
Was also in the chess club, also kicked off for being too competitive (lunged at a kid for cheating)
After being kicked from the two previous clubs, he joined fencing, his very competitive nature made him the best in the state
nick (the guy in charles’ band) was charles’ roommate the whole time they were in college. they may or may not have had a brief relationship before they realized they would be better as friends
nick also has a nes and charles loved to played zelda and wrote an entire guide for himself because he’s was that into the game (nerd)
occasionally would be found sleeping in the library on campus
wanted to be an RA but the resident association at his schools thought he was a little much. charles took this as a compliment
worked out a lot between studying and classes. a lot of jocks underestimated him because of his size but charles was just :) [casually lifts something heavy]
a lot of fellow classmates thought he was super cool cause of the leather he wore, and how cool and quiet he was, too bad they didnt know he was a huge nerd
tried skateboarding. once.
had a cadillac that barely started and drove like a piece of shit but that was charles’ baby
pickles tried to have sex with charles in said car btw, charles almost killed him for even daring to suggest to tarnish his beautiful baby
has damaged his back permanently because of all the books he used to carry around in his crappy back pack
did some modelling for one of his friends in college. he was very attractive and got some other modelling job through it. he tries to hide that from the boys in the future because he thinks it’s embarrassing
Relationship with Dethklok
Pickles - he’s known the drummer the longest out of any other member, and if you couldn’t tell by now, he had a brief relationship with the drummer back in the 80s (and maybe also still has a crush on him :)). charles respects and admires pickles’ talent as a musician and sometimes they play together when they have time alone. he tries to be there when pickles has a relapse in either emotions with his family or something else, but still tries to maintain a distance because he thinks that pickles doesn’t feel the same as he did in the 80s. (he does btw). nothing could break the bond these two share. not even death
Nathan - understands nathan’s quiet nature (nonverbal kings!) and strive for perfection in everything dethklok creates because he is the same way. their similarities allow them to connect on a level that allows nathan to open up about his feelings that he likes to lock away. nathan also gets charles to open his feelings up and actually care for himself for once in his damn life. charles also helps nathan with the depression he develops after charles dies and how to deal with it despite it being not brutal. nathan wants to give back and he does by becoming one of charles’ closest friends (and maybe even lovers hehehe)
Toki - charles has taken it upon himself to be toki’s father figure after seeing the way toki’s family has left him for essentially dead. ever since toki joined the band, charles has made it a point to be there for him whenever he needed it. even if it meant spending late nights reading to toki or sleeping over in toki’s room to help him sleep, he’ll do it. he blames himself for toki’s disappearance but toki assures him that he did the best he could. toki calls him dad a lot after doomstar. it makes charles cry.
Skwisgaar - unstoppable asshole meets immovable object. skwisgaar sees himself above everyone else like he does with the other dethklok members but with charles, skwisgaar knows that charles isn’t intimidated by him nor will he bow to the guitar god in anyway. this develops a game of cat and mouse between the two, with skwisgaar trying to no subtly push charles’ buttons and to see what makes him ticks, while charles resist him at every turn with a smug ‘:) is that all you got’ and it delights him to finally see the guitarist squirm under pressure.
Murderface - at first the two are very. distant to say the least. murderface used to see charles as unemotional robot and charles was fine with that and accepted the distance. overtime however, and especially after charles died, murderface warmed up to charles confiding in him things he hasn’t told the band, mainly things about his insecurities because charles is ‘fucking smart with crap like this’. and charles helps him and is happy to see him work out his problems and not bottle them anymore like the rest of his bandmates. charles also enjoys murderface’s company as a friend as well. and….he’s gonna help murderface the most with the whole traitor stuff too.
Abigail - mlm and wlw hostility. but seriously they’re good buds. he sympathizes with having to deal the moronic actions of dethklok on a daily basis and also thinks she’s really intelligent and overall fun to hang out with. they take lunch breaks frequently together and like to make fun of people at dethklok dinners together as a fun activity together. abigail will bully his ass once she finds out she’s dating charles’ sister and WILL bring up those baby pictures to get a higher raise thank you very much
Knubbler - can you say coworker besties! like abigail, he gets along because they both have to deal with dethklok being, well dethklok, but with knubbler, charles can relax a little more. the two cause problems on purpose just because they can. the two are also close friends and knubbler tries to get charles to relax for once in his life, and despite charles protests and objections, he sometimes caves and hands out with his friend (maybe boyfriend OOOOO who knows)
Sex Headcanons (IM SORRY)
um maybe he can have a giant dick (10 inches for me), it do be swinging though
daddy kink (everyone stay on this side, ill take care of him….come to daddy ;)c)
likes to do roleplay. he has a lot of costumes prepared for when his partner wants to do a scene with him
likes to bite and be bitten during sex. after a very long night, he’ll be covered in bite marks, it’s kinda hot
no gag reflex ;) he likes to deepthroat but good luck trying to get him to go down on you without him teasing
remember how i said he was flexible like eight times? yeah he uh, uses that a lot to his advantage. likes being fucked in weird positions because of it
the suit stays on during sex
he likes topping because he likes to be in control of everything he does all the time, but really wants to be told what to do sometimes and will let those he trusts do that for him
he has a dick piercing i know it
he's a very busy man, so he relies on his huge collection of toys he keeps in his bedroom and office
really good with his hands. as soon as those hands are on you, its game over
he loves to do it on his desk, makes him feel powerful. when he gets blown under his desk, it really takes all of his willpower to not cum immediately
really sensitive in weird places, specifically his ears
he likes to cuddle after sex, hes the little spoon :)
likes to be tied up, sometimes he’ll get tied up under his suit
mating press and riding are his favorite positions, giving and receiving
size queen, likes large toys and well ;)
has a private room that he sometimes goes to relieve stress, it has a fucking machine that he likes to use often when his job gets too stressful
he’s sucking people off at the klokateer glory hole, he’s uh, very good at what he does
likes to be spanked and like to spank
uses collars and leashes
maybe the klokateers can fuck him, if they’re good ;)
likes cum on his face but doesn't seem to realize that means he’ll get cum on his glasses and will need to clean them
he can wear a chastity belt :) for me
likes being came in but will still complain about being gross after
pretty much up for anything, he’s not picky, he just wants to be in control and get off
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ughitsnic · 4 years
Remember when: Chris Evans
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Over 2k words... which a hell of a lot for me. i dont really know what i was doing with this one but i had fun writing it. angst? yeah kinda
It was never Chris' fault, he was so caring and full of love but that was just who he was. It was that you were in a relationship that felt forced and that was moving way too fast and way too public for both of your liking. It was tough on you where as before you would happily go places together, baseball games, go out for food get a drink, walk the dogs. But now? Everyone was watching over analyzing the headlines were ridiculous people conspiring about an inevitable break up because you both looked stressed.
"Hey" you sigh, putting the groceries down on kitchen island and kicking off your shoes. "Im home!" No answer. You take your time unpacking and putting everything away neatly in the fridge. You shut the door and look at the polaroid picture stuck on by a mickey mouse fridge magnet. A picture of you and Chris from when you were younger at disney in front of the epcot ball, vanilla ice cream allover your faces. You smile, you couldn't remember much from the trip because you were both only 8 but you did remember telling each other you were going to be best friends forever.
"Did you get stuff for waffles?" Chris questions, walking in only in his gray sweatpants.
"Yep, I got whipped cream, strawberries, blueberries and chocolate syrup" you tell him, putting the picture back up.
"God I love you" he mumbles, kissing your cheek and getting a bottle of water out the fridge.
"Do you remember this?" You question.
"I remember you crying on the tower of terror"
"No i didn't” you say defensively”
“Yes you did, you didn't stop crying for like half an hour!” he laughs
“At least i didn't piss my pants!" You fire back, laughing.
"Hey! I didn't piss my pants" he groans.
"Yes you did!"
"No it was a tiny bit" he stresses.
"So you pissed"
"Y/N stop" he laughs. "I'm still embarrassed" his cheeks pink.
"Shut up pissypants" you giggle
"Y/n!" he drags out, pouting.
"What are you gonna do tell your mum?" You question.
"I might" he shrugs, finishing his water.
"Oh please do" you laugh.
"Stop i was like 5"
"We were 8!"
"So! You know what" he points trying to hold back his laughter. "I didn't forget when we had that sleepover and you had that sex dream about Jackson and you woke me up sleep talking" your cheeks burn.
"Oh my god shut up" you cover your face.
"Oooo Jackson" he says in a high pitch voice.
"It wasn't a sex dream" you stress. "Fine. Remember when..." you trail off, you lock eyes, both widening knowing you're thinking of the same thing.
"When you had sex with Jessica and you only lasted 20 seconds!"
"We both know that isn't the case anymore" he winks trying to play it cool but you can read him like a book and the pained expression on his face let you know that he was dying on the inside, thinking back.
"How old were you again?" You tease
"Baby, stop it" he begs.
"Okay, i'll stop" you stomach hurt from laughing so much. "I wonder if Jessica remembers?" You ponder walking over to give him a hug and to tease him even more.
"You're the worst" he mumbles against your hair letting out a little laugh.
"I heard she has kids now, so does Jackson," he says quietly. You press your lips together pulling away.
"I think i'm going to go take a shower before you make those waffles" you say quietly, the entire mood shifting. He just nods. That was the thing it was great, brilliant even, when you joked around and just hung out until actual relationship stuff came up, like the subject of kids. The plan was always for yours and Chris's kids to be best friends just like you two were because both of your moms were. The plan never was to have kids together, the plan was never to start dating in the first place.
"Can I join you?" Chris questions snapping you back to reality. You really had no clue if Chris felt the same about this whole thing.
"Another time?"
"I promise I'll last longer than 30 seconds" he smiles.
"Who said anything about that?" You question biting back a smile. You could never say no. He was just mind blowing in bed, on the couch, on and against the counter top, in the back seat of the car, the shower was no exception. In fact this entire thing started because you both decided, wine drunk, that you should sleep together. You were both fresh out of relationships, both sad and horny. And when people saw you leaving the guest room they assumed you were secretly together, so you both decided to give it a try. You were just 'testing the waters' and to start with it was perfect for everything you could want but now? You just wanted your best friend but if you did break up would there be a friendship?
“Are you being serious right now Chris?” you were so angry.
“What?” he questions confused. Is he being for real?
“In that interview you said you were hoping to have kids in the near future!”
“Whats the issue, we’ve been together for over a year y/n, we aren’t getting any younger!” he stresses. “I do want kids, and you want kids but what is your problem? Is it me?” he questions, he looked heart broken. “Why don’t you want a family with me?”
“I’m just not ready yet Chris, i don’t want to rush things” you lie… well was it a lie? You wanted to wait and see if this was even going to work out.
"I’ve known you all your life i know when you're lying! Do you know how embarrassing it is when there's pictures of your girlfriend ducking out the way so i don’t kiss you? Its fucking embarrassing y/n you need to figure out what you want from me because i’m starting to think we both have very different priorities!" Chris shouts, you reach for his arm as he tries to leave. "Just give me some space"
At night you lay on opposite ends of the bed despite both of you being cuddlers.
"Whats on your mind?" You question, watching him chew at his lip.
"Nothing just tired" he lies.
"I know when you're lying" you sit up.
"And i know when you’re lying" he snaps. "I’m sorry" he quickly apologizes before wiping his eyes. "I’m sorry that i don’t make you happy" his voice was unsteady.
"You do make me happy" you crawl across the bed and pull him into a tight embrace, his head resting on your shoulder.
"You can be honest with me" he mumbles, running his fingers through your hair. "I see you pull your hand away when i go to hold it, i see how you cringe when i call you baby" he sounded heart broken.
"Chris" you whisper, your own heart breaking because you knew exactly where this was going.
"No don’t lie, i know you hate that we cant go anywhere with out people taking pictures and over analyzing everything we do. I see how you dodge the subject of babies and i know you want one" he sighs. "But not with me and that’s okay... I’m sorry but i don’t think i can do this anymore. I love you y/n i really do but i’m not in love with you" he lifts his head up to look at you, his eyes already red and puffy
"I-I don’t want to lose you" Your eyes sting and he just sighs, you felt as though you couldn’t breath. Even though you knew this would be the outcome it didnt hurt any less.
"You wont" he assures.
"What? Are we just going to look back in 10 years and be like wow remember the time you ate my coochie for like an hour and we pretended to love each other" you try to lighten the mood despite the heavy flow of tears from the both of you.
"You really do have a way with words y/n, but exactly" he forces a smile, despite his cheeks being stained with fresh tears. "Or remember the time when i lasted way long than 30 seconds" you let out a shaky laugh.
"I cant believe you’re breaking up with me" you mumble.
"If you want, you can break up with me?" He questions 
"Remember the time i dumped your ass?" 
"I do i cried like a baby just like you did when we watched marley and me for the first time" he reminisces
"Hey" you nudge his shoulder playfully. "You cried at that movie too"
"I did" he frowns. "Its a sad movie"
"I know bub. But what do we do now?"
"I don’t know. Do you want to spend some time apart?" He asks and you shrug. Usually after a break up you would find your self at Chris's house for a week or to or vice versa.
"I- I just broke up with a really amazing guy and i really need my best friend right now" you start to cry all over again. "Because i don’t want to lose him"
"You’ll never lose me" Chris whispers, now holding you in his arms rubbing circles on your back. "I love you"
"Ouch too soon" you joke wiping your tears again.
"I love you, platonically" he corrects. "Now? Do you want to watch back to the future or lion king?" Both of them were yours and Chris’s go to films when growing up. "I’m going to go get us some snacks"
"Its 2 am" you remind him.
"So? It will be like old times" he smiles. "Only this time my dad wont come in and shout at us for talking too loud"
"Remember when we were playing on the playstation at like 4am and your dad came in and split us up so we would actually sleep"
"Yeah" he smiles, his eyes bright. "I had to sleep on the couch and you got my bed but you come and got on the other couch so you weren’t alone because you were scared of the dark"
"It wasn’t me who was scared of the dark it was you"
"Maybe was both of us... maybe it was me" he laughs.
"I cant wait to tell everyone i dumped captain america" you laugh.
Whilst it wasn’t what you wanted you both took a step back from each other you moved out and got an apartment the other end of town and hardly ever saw Chris because he was always filming but you still got to see dodger all of the time, watching him when his family couldn’t. Sometimes you’re relationship gets brought up in interviews and he just smiles and shrugs.
"People say marrying or even just dating your best friend is the best thing you could do, but when you've been best friends since you were born it doesn’t really work. Its like we dated because we owed it to our self and our families to see if we would work out. We didn’t. That’s okay and thankfully we are still friends. Maybe its not actually mutual and that i’m just harassing her and y/n is too nice to tell me to tell me to leave her alone. please hang out with me y/n lets go get food, come watch a movie" he jokes. "No" he shrugs. "We are still best friends"
You were sat in the passenger seat of Chris’s car as he speeds down the road, the radio blaring.
"If you don’t stop with this crazy driving you’re going to send me into labor a month early" you tell him.
"That’s the plan i cant wait to meet my niece" he smiles stopping at a red light, he reaches over and rests his hand on your large bump. You groan as she starts to kick, it was something about Chris's voice she loved.
"She better not replace me" you joke.
"I guess you can come to our movie nights" he smiles. You were currently on your way to a restaurant out of town, you were craving the food and your fiance Matthew was at work so Chris offered to take you. Your laughter dies down and you just listen to the radio. Moral of the story playing, you could help but laugh to you self quietly looking over at Chris who was in deep thought. Was he thinking the same thing as you? Or did this some almost perfectly describe those 18 months you were together?
(btw my requests are open so feel free to send anything in)
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lollybliz · 4 years
bout to make a Monster of a fic rec post here we go
heyo @jinx108! We’ll start with the complete ones because sometimes you’re just not in the mood to wait for the last chapter, you know? I don't remember details of all of these so i’m just going to copy the author’s summary rather than write my own. I am literally just going through my bookmarks, I got 400 of these to sort through. if ive talked to or am familiar with the author im gonna mention them, but if I mention you and you don't want me to have Please tell me and i’ll remove it.
If you’re not into spoilers Please Tread Carefully, I don't watch out for that stuff so I wont know to label it
1>Crushing Truth by Bunzuku: Tododeku. “Romance is hard enough for a teenager to understand when they have a good relationship role model. For Shoto, it takes two excited meddlers for him to even realize what his feelings really are.“
2>Disowned by b00mgh: tododeku + others. Unrated, some traumatic elements. “Shouto freaks out under a bridge and I use the word "grass" a lot more than I really should. Izuku does his stupid martyr thing and everyone makes continuous references to his propensity to break his bones. Aizawa goes "oh FUCK my kids are dying again" and his students use him as emotional (and physical) support. A friend requests angst, I say what kind, she say idk make someone get disowned and i say oh this I can absolutely provide my good buddy.”
3>cotton candy hands by @chonideno: Kiribaku. I will take Any excuse to rec this fic, its the most fluffy pile of feels Good Lord. also the first fic I ever bound into a physical book. “Studying to become a hero requires knowing how to take care of yourself. Sometimes you might need help on the way so if your crush offers to do your hair for you or to give you a well-deserved back rub, it'd be stupid to say no. A series of soft vignettes in which a love-struck Kirishima and a touch-starved Bakugou care for each other and it's definitely not making their hearts jump through hoops, they’re never this close to kissing, no, they're totally best friends bro“
4>Catching Sight of the Storm by neo7v: Kiribaku, tododeku. A considerable amount of Whump and related angst, and kinda sad tbh. “Blind. Quirkless. Useless.The first two things were stated clearly by the doctor that sat about five feet in front of Izuku. The third was a word that Kacchan called him everytime he failed to make the jump on whatever forest excursion they were on or when he ran into a tree because he hadn’t seen it. “I’m so, so sorry, Izuku.” Was his mom giving up on him already? But he could still be a hero if he tried hard enough, right? Quirkless or not. Blind or not. Just because Izuku was useless now didn’t mean he would stay that way forever, right? *** A Blind!Izuku AU”
5>Yell Heah by fakecharliebrown: Chatfic. M a n y pairings. technically complete, but part of an ongoing series. “Iida creates a group-chat for Class 1-A. It doesn't go as planned.“
6>Sunshine by Rosey_Note: BIG SAD. tw- failed suicide attempt. KiriKamiBaku. “They didn't deserve to put up with his crappy mood. Because Denki Kaminari did not feel like Sunshine right now. And they deserved sunshine. In fact, Denki didn't feel much of anything right now.“
7>Electric Connection by  Onlymostydead: ShinKami. “Kaminari's quirk has always had... Weird side affects. Like his ADHD. And his constant energy. And his insomnia, which wouldn't leave him be right now, when he really needed to just get some sleep. But, thankfully, he has good friends.“
8>The Best (The Worst) by Onlymostydead: no romantic pairing. tw- rampant transphobia, both outside and internalized. “Bakugou Katsuki has known who he was since he was four years old. He was a boy, it was as simple as that. Around his friends, at school... But things couldn't just be that simple, could they?“
9>Lichtenberg Figures by Q_loves_you: no definite romantic pairing. “Kaminari Denki has a very powerful force of nature running through his body. Kaminari Denki doesn't want to hurt anybody. He doesn't always get what he wants, and "anybody" does generally include himself.“
10>Eventuality by KikaTouka: ill be honest I don't remember this one at all, I maaaay not have read it yet :/. anyway. ShinKami. “Shinsou learns more than just hero lessons after being transferred to 1-A.“
11>Pickup Lines for the Soul by MustardSoup: ShinKami. “Denki is twelve when he is flicking through the TV channels and lands on an old RomCom movie about soulmate marks – specifically the same type that he has. “I can’t believe I’ve had to walk around with a cheap pickup line written on my ankle my entire life because of you!” The leading lady yells at the leading man as he stares at her in awe. Denki laughs. “Oh no.” His mother says, watching him. “Oh no, indeed.” His sister repeats quietly.“
12>caught in my own web by @anxioussailorsoldier: ShinKami. “Shinsou needs some help after getting caught up in his capture weapon. Kaminari enters from stage left.“
13>not so summer love by nataliya: ShinKami. “Class 2-B’s common room, although typically quiet, was currently filled with five students—three slowly giving up on homework, one bitching about noise and another that rushes through the front door. “We’ve been waiting for you—” Mina starts, but Kaminari’s vaulting over the back of the couch, eyes wide as he practically buzzes out of his skin, emitting light like crazy as currents dazzle across strands of hair. “I have a big ugly crush,” He steps off the couch and onto the coffee table, much to Bakugou’s chagrin, “On big ugly Shinsou.””
14>Blamed by coldandhotsoba: ShinKami. Tw- they fuckin kill a guy and its a lil nasty. “This was not how the day was supposed to end. They were supposed to end the day like they do most nights.  Kaminari clutching onto him like a koala as he slept, wrapped in the millions of tacky blankets Kaminari had bought. Warm and safe in their bed. It was not supposed to end with both of them tied up in some cold metal room.“
15>Lightning Scars by Present-Mics-Scream (write_your_way_out): Shinkami. “It's hard to be confident in your abilities when you're surrounded by people with incredible quirks. Shinsou Hitoshi would know better than anyone. Sure, he was admitted to the hero course in his second year, but being admitted to the hero course, and keeping up with the rest of the class are two different things. Lucky for him, Kaminari is there to prove that the flashiest quirks come with the largest drawbacks.“
16>See No Evil, Hear No Evil by randomfan188: no romantic pairing. “Kaminari Denki is legally blind. When he forgets to wear his contacts and breaks down during math class, comfort appears in the strangest of ways.“
17>how not to enjoy the weather, an article by kaminari denki by dreamtowns: no defined romantic pairing. “If there was one thing Kaminari hated the most in a world wth villains, it would have to be thunderstorms.“
18>”Studying” by emmyrox22: ShinKami, EraserMic. “Shinsou and Kaminari have been “studying” together for a while (but not for school). Shinsou gets stopped by his dads on the way to another “study” session and mistakes are made“
19>Weaknesses by sunflowerstorm: ShinKami. “Kaminari's quirk and storms compliment each other in the worst way, but he's convinced he can deal with it on his own... until he really can't any longer. When Shinsou accidentally overhears Aizawa confronting Kaminari about recent changes in behaviour and hears about the hell his quirks been putting him through, he can't just pretend he never heard. He wants to help.“
20>it’s hurt denki hours by memeingfultrash: ShinKami + others. ““Certain members of our class are...under the impression that...you’re the traitor.” Denki’s body went cold and felt like he was going to short circuit. ~some of class 1a believes that denki is the traitor and avoid him”
21>Petition to replace Mineta with Shinsou- (signed by Kaminari Denki) by CharaTheQuartz: ShinKami + others. This is one of my favorites, I go back to reread it from time to time. It SAYS 41/42, but that's just a glitch cus chapter 36 doesn't exist for some reason, I talked to the author about it and its fine. “Mineta brings shame to the color purple. You know who does not bring shame to the rich color, but pride and sexual tension to one infatuated Kaminari Denki instead? Shinsou Hitoshi, aka sexy zombie man, aka the most perfect hunk of a man to walk planet earth, aka future husband. Shinsou has finally gotten his chance to prove himself to the hero course, and he did more than prove himself. The only question left unanswered is whether he will start in A or B, and how Kaminari can manipulate the end result.“
22>How to Get a Boyfriend (in Four Easy Steps!) by e1ana: ShinKami, EraserMic, + others. “Step 1: Get kicked out of the house by your homophobic parents. Step 2: Run headfirst into your brooding, mysterious crush. Step 3: Sleep in his dad’s (see: your homeroom teacher) house Step 4: Watch everything you thought you knew go to shit. This isn’t exactly the sweet, romantic plan that Kaminari Denki longed for. Will everything be ok, or will step 5 be to crash and burn?“
23>Bakugou and Todoroki’s Foolproof 5-Step Plan to Fuck with Mineta Minoru by Anubis_2701: Kiribaku, TodoDeku, + others. This is another one of my favorites, and the one I am currently folding and sewing into a physical book. you learn how to do funny things when bored and quarantined ig. “It was a simple enough idea; screw around with the resident bastard of Class 1-A to let him know that his medieval ways and perverted behaviour weren't going to be tolerated by even the most career-focused of UA's students. To say that things had snowballed was an understatement. Todoroki had no idea how he had ended up sitting on Bakugou's floor at 1 am, holding a dossier of incriminating material that would make the FBI slobber, but he wasn't sure he wanted to know. The long and short of it was, fuck Mineta.”
24>Colour Theory by chancellorxofxtrash: TodoBakuDeku. this one’s a series. “Midoriya/Bakugo/Todoroki slow burn soulmate AU. All three of them are nerds with their own emotional issues, trying to navigate their way through becoming heroes, and their own relationship with each other.“
25>Summer Sunshine by Mara97: TodoDeku. Ever want a Barbie in a mermaid tale/Bnha crossover? No? well here you go anyway! “Instead of worrying about college, Izuku spends his summer vacation finding out his father is, supposedly, a dead merman king and going on a quest to dethrone the current king, Endeavor. Along the way, Izuku becomes close to the three journeying with him, makes friends with strangers, starts crushing on an unattainable prince, and, in the end, learns to love himself. Oh, and he saves a kingdom, too.“
26>The snowflakes on our skin and the flames in our soul are one (and the same), my love by missunderstuffyou: TodoDeku, Kiribaku. this is one of the ones I keep a running reread comment going on. its at,,, 6, atm.  “Before your quirk begins to present itself, the soulmate link comes through, and suddenly whatever you write upon your own skin appears on the body of your soulmate. As your soulmate writes to you, the emotions they feel follow through the ink.Izuku Midoriya is four years and a few months old when he first feels the slight ebbing in his arms. It doesn’t hurt… he can just feel something, and it’s enough to make him sprint into his mother’s arms screaming that his quirk is coming. She had been washing in the kitchen, and the sudden screech as her son rockets into her side is enough to make her jump with panic, immediately grabbing at him and looking for cuts and bumps before she understands his words and the stupidly bright, alight smile on his face with large, watery, hopeful eyes. Shoto Todoroki doesn’t feel his soulmate connection open up. It is drowned in the aches of a small body worked far too hard.“
27>It was dark inside the closet by Chad_Champion69420: Pre-ShinDeku? maybe? its tagged shindeku but like. it’ll make sense if you read it. “Midoriya is invited to a party. He and Shinsou decide to play a little trick on the rest of the party during Seven Minutes in Heaven.”
28>how to woo your local trash gremlin: a comprehensive guide by Todoroki shouto by wonhaebunny: TodoBaku. this is the fic that dragged me into todobaku, fun fact. “five times shouto tries to confess to bakugou, and one time he doesn't bother tryingaka: wikihow is a scam and bakugou is a terrible, terrible boy“
29>top ten photos taken right before disaster by Shookspeare: ShinDeku. “Izuku participates in a harmless prank, only to end up ruining it and running for dear life.“
30>Secrets to Share by pechebaie: no definite romantic pairing. “Kirishima comes out first, and nothing changes. Kirishima and Kaminari still hang out to complain about class and talk about boys - and sometimes girls, too, in Kaminari’s case; he still plans stupid pranks with Sero that get them sent to the principal’s or nurse’s office every time; Ashido still kicks his ass at Mario Kart without hesitation; and Bakugou doesn’t get angry at him any more than he usually does.“
31>What One Hides by Pinalinet: TodoDeku. “All Might gives class 1-A an unusual assignment that results in Midoriya Izuku and Todoroki Shouto attending a weekly acting class. But with a mysterious villain targeting individuals without Quirks, and a developing issue of Todoroki's own, an after-school assignment is the least of their worries.“
32>whether or not we’re fated, we’re meant to be by juurensha: KINDA SPOILERY. TodoDeku + others. “Todoroki didn’t have a soulmark for most of his life.His siblings all did, but up until the day of the U.A. entrance exam, he had shoved the idea aside. It’s not like they could help him anyway. And then a 9 appears on his chest, and a green-haired boy barrels into his life with a fire and ice soulmark on his arms, and suddenly Todoroki cares very much about all this could mean.”
33>The Midnight Shift by meiishu @meiishu @totallytodoroki (idk which you’d rather I attach so I went with both): ShinKami. ““Hey Toshi,” Denki says, and he laughs, clearly embarrassed. He’s got on a jean jacket that did him absolutely no help and a white tee shirt that is currently stuck to his torso. It’s got a pikachu design in the center. “By any chance, do you sell umbrellas?” “You really went out in this weather.” Hitoshi deadpans, instead of dignifying that with an answer. or hitoshi works the midnight shift at the gas station, which also doubles as a pokestop for pokemon go. of course, denki is a regular.”
34>Rock the House by AkabaneKayo: ShinKami. “It wasn’t just his bed. It was his entire fucking room shaking. Only one thought crossed his mind at that moment: “Holy shit. My room is haunted.”“
35>Technically, they’re morning kisses by CharaTheQuartz: ShinKami. “Most nights, Shinsou cannot fall sleep. Neither can Kaminari. It seems counterproductive to have a sleepover then, but they try to make it work. And they fail, but that is okay.“
36>someone to call mine by nearly_theyre: ShinKami, EraserMic “From: Me wish you were here, denks From: kitten 💛💘💛 what if i was tho? OR Four times Denki snuck into Hitoshi's room and one time he walked through the front door.“
37>Pretty by Onlymostydead (noticing some repeat authors? me too): no definite romantic pairing. “(Or, Kaminari still can't figure out bra clasps.) Kaminari has never really felt good about himself. Herself? Whichever way, not knowing doesn't make anything easier. Especially when he (she?) and Mina have their bodies swapped during training, and everything seems too right.“
38>If I offer you my hand, will you take it? by bleukitsune: Kiribaku. SPOILERY. ““Why?” Kirishima leaned back on his hands, trying to create some space between them. Too close. The ash-blond looked really nervous, his usually arrogant and cunning demeanor gone. “What do you see when you look at me? Kirishima is worried. Bakugou is hurting. After his confrontation with Midoriya, he finally reaches out to him. “
Theres way more but I haven't tagged them properly yet so that m a y come later if I can ever finish going through and adding my sorting tags.
and then a last few that Are Not Complete but im really very fond of them. not as many as id like to add, but my hands are getting tired tbh.
39>State of Mind by GuardianOfTheLoaf: no relationship YET but its looking like it’ll be either tododeku or shindeku, probably the former. EraserMic. tw- childhood neglect and severe depression. Izuku’s not a happy kid. “Izuku was a late bloomer, his quirk lying dormant until his tenth birthday when in a fit of emotion he grabs his mother and she disappears. With All Might slowly restoring his confidence Izuku begins the difficult journey into becoming a hero.“ 18/? chapters.
40>Izuku Eats His Problems by CosmicAce: ShinDeku. Izuku’s a flerkin, what more could you want? “His whole life, Izuku Midoriya was taught to keep his powers, his Quirk, hidden from the world. His kind were feared, hunted to near extinction because of it. He just wants to show people he’s different. That he can be a HERO. And nothing is going to stop him. Even if his Quirk IS like an eldritch abomination.“ 43/? chapters
and then probably my current favorite bnha fic- although it fights with Apertum Mortem for that spot but that ones d a r k and not here-
41>family of the year by periiwren: EraserMic. “Hitoshi is done. Done with moving around every few months to a couple that will scrutinize him and eventually dump him right back where he started. Good thing he’s well past his strike limit now- at least he can stay in one place, be content to age out of the system and finish out his training with Aizawa. Maybe transfer into the hero course, maybe be a hero- but none of that was guaranteed. The only thing for sure was that he was going to stay in that center for the rest of his childhood. Or so he thought- because Aizawa Shouta and Yamada Hizashi have other plans.“ 24/? chapters. we’ve been informed that this one’s gonne be l o n g and im Very Grateful.
42>Here There Be Dragons by here_and_there: pre-ShinDeku. “Izuku looked at the small circle Aizawa had motioned to in front of them. "I won't fit," he whispered, thinking. He raised his hand, tentatively. Sighing, Aizawa grumbled, "What?" "I-I have a question. Actually, two." His teacher just stared at him, unimpressed. Izuku continued. "Can we activate our quirks before we step into the ring?" Aizawa looked up into the sky, muttering something Izuku didn't hear. "If you must." "O-Okay. Uh, second question. You said we have to stay inside the circle, right?" "Yes." The man looked disappointed, not only in Izuku but in himself for letting the kid speak. "Great. Uh... does that include tails?"“ 6/? chapters.
43>Another Option by sandersonsister: TodoBakuDeku, Touya/Hawks, Dabi/Hawks. Potentially Spoilery, depends on whether horikoshi has the guts to confirm Touya. this one is waiting around the corner with a baseball bat, its really cute, and then r e a l l y painful. it might be getting better though. maybe. it might be getting worse. “When Touya stops his mother from hurting Shouto, he decides enough is enough. He needs to get out of this house and he's taking his baby brother with him.“ 33/? chapters.
That's it i’m done for now, oof. maybe ill edit more onto this post later, maybe i’ll just make another one. hope some of these work!
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ivyuns · 4 years
love again ❆✰
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lee minho
genre: angst / fluff 
word count: 2.4k
warnings: drugs + language + a bit suggestive + a few grammar mistakes (this was written at 5 am plz i cant) 
A/N: why do i keep having dreams of someone who i used to like :(
nonidol!minho x fem!reader
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taking a picture of the scenery of paris in front of you, smiling of how well it came out, a real smile this time. hearing a voice call out your name, you turn around as your smile dropped, seeing someone who you didnt ever wanted to see. lee minho was his name.
it started as you two were young and in love with each other back in high school. you two we known as the toxic couple. not because you two were bad for each other, but because you did everything together: drugs, alcohol, getting high, sex, you name it. other than those, you two had another side of being soft. the romantic dates and the funny days shared.
the time you two hung out as best friends everyday, making everyone in school thinking you two were couples. the night where minho took you star gazing late at night after having a fight with your mom and ended up kissing you and asking you to be his one and only.
til your mom found out that you did drugs and drank underage because of minho. she forced you to break up with him and you felt like shit. you called him to meet you at the park you two always went to and left the house to go see him.
arriving at the park and sitting on a bench with the winter breeze around you in your light cardigan. feeling something on your shoulders made you feel tense til you smelled where the owner of the jacket is. lifting your head up, a tear fell from your eyes. minho’s eyes soften as he took a seat next to you and wiped the tear away.
“y/n, whats wrong love?” minho asked. “m-min, we need to break up”. minhos eyes widened from your sentence. “b-baby what happen? is everything okay at home? please tell me”. sighing and standing up as you took off minhos jacket off of your shoulders and gave it back to him. “just know that i still love you forever and always and we’ll meet in the next life” and left him.
minho sat there in shock, not knowing what just happened. it felt like a big part of him just left him.
the next week at school, you werent at your seat. you were nowhere found in school. you were just laying on your bed, feeling total shit. feeling nothing to do but just cry to sleep. your mom made you do online school to stop you from seeing minho and his friends. you phone made another noise as you sighed. looking up to see your phone on your nightstand, you see 44 missed calls and 64 messages from minho. tears falling down even more, you ended up falling asleep with a worried minho waiting for you at school.
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and that was the last time you ever saw him, you first and last lover. his cousin, who was your best friend had kept in touch with you and told you what minho had done during the breakup. inhaling and consuming drugs, overdosing on drugs, drinking more and going crazy while yelling your name and wanting you to come back into his life.
minho eventually got over the breakup in a year. looking at the memories you gave him, he had the urge to call you names you didnt like him saying. his cousin passed by his room and heard him saying things you hated being called. knowing it was about you since his cousin had knew you before minho so of course you told her everything.
feeling hurt and angry about what she told you, you felt yourself growing apart from him. why still love him after he called you those names? you gave yourselft sometime to heal and feel better about yourself.
now here you are now 3 years later, visiting your dream city, france. you always wanted to come here when you and minho were a bit older but things didnt work out.
turning around after hearing minho called you, he ran over to you. looking at your figure, he can tell you lost too much weight but still had the perfect brown eyes with your hair recently dyed to light brown and your fashion senses that changed. only with you in a black top and baggy tan pants with black converse. god how much did he miss you.
a few minutes after not talking, you figured he just wanted your attention after he searched you everywhere in paris when his cousin gave him updates on you. walking away from him, he quickly grabbed your wrist. “y-y/n, can we please talk?” you made him let go of your wrist and continued walking to your hotel.
minho quickly ran in front of you and stopped you. “please y/n, what did i do wrong?” you sighed and looked up at him. “maybe if you werent so psycho, you wouldve known.”
minho stood there and thought of what happened. was it when you broke up with him? no, it couldnt be your fault. when he called you more than enough? no. when he was about to propose to you and run away with each other? no way. you two broke things before he could even ask.
‘shit’ he thought. it made him realize. he was too angry at some point and called you names that you hated being called and point out your insecurities. he knew someone was outside his door at the time.
facing back reality, he sees you still in front of him. “figured out now, mr lee minho?” you crossed your arms and a little smirk formed on your face. even after years, you still cant stop loving him. minho takes your hand and drags you to a park to lay under the sunset, watching to stars as it turns dark. remembering from your high school days.
laying down with you in minhos embrace, you whispered a ‘i love you’ to minho and fell asleep after missing the warmth of minho. minho, who smiled after you fell into your slumber and pulled you closer to him. “i love you too y/n”
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a few hours, you woke up to nobody in the park but you and minho in the dark. noticing you were still in minhos arms, you got up and woke up minho. minho opened his eyes and saw your panic face. “minho, where are we?!”
minho was fully awake now. looking everywhere, he couldnt remember where or how he took you to this area. “god minho if you werent such a dumbass. youre lucky that my phone works fine here” you said as you gathered your stuff and grabbed minho’s hand, forcing him to get up and follow to directions on your phone to where your hotel was.
minho just smiled and walked close to you. “you havent changed a bit y/n” he says. you stopped walking and turned around which resulted minho bumping into you. “youre really asking for a slap are you?” minho quickly shook his head a no and you turned around and began walking again.
opening your door to your hotel room, minho was full in daze. everything was decorated beautiful just for a hotel suite, or thats what minho thought it was. “you can sleep on the couch here, ill be upstairs if you need anything” you said and head upstairs where your room was after giving him an extra toothbrush and toothpaste and other necessary items.
“wait y/n!” he calls your name and you turn around to walk downstairs. stopping at he last step of the stairs, minho walks towards you. “can you actually stay down here. i-i mean like so we can catch up on stuff like you know?” you knew he just wanted you to stay down here since he couldnt be alone.
“ya, youre just trying love me again arent you minho?” you joked as you poked him. minho scoffed and went to sit on the couch. “as if”. walking towards the couch and sitting next to minho, you lift your legs onto the ottoman. “im just joking min, of course ill stay here with you” you say to him and looked at him with a happy smile. minho smiles also after hearing you call out his nickname youll call him during your relationship.
hugging you waist, minho leans towards you as you get lost in his sparkling eyes. he lays you down and kisses your lips. at first, you wanted to pull away, but after missing his kisses, how could you resist it? 
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a few weeks had gone by and you two had returned to korea as a couple again. another 3 weeks and you moved in with minho after getting kicked out when she found out you found minho. with no hesitation, you facetimed minho about what happened and let his loving girlfriend move in with him.
moving your belongs into his apartment, you felt nauseous. going to the toilet to release the sickness, minho puts down a box and runs over to your side after hearing disturbing noises from the bathroom. “baby, what happened? are you okay?” minho says and tries his best to comfort you while he lifts your hair into a ponytail so its not in the way. “i-i think im-”
tears started streaming down your face as thoughts ran past your brain. what if he doesnt want the baby? is it too early? were still in our early twenties. you were cut off by minho hugging you. “its okay baby. we can check and see in the morning. lets go head to bed, i already got the last box.” nodding your head, minho leads you to the bedroom with his arms wrapped around you and your head on his chest, both slowly falling asleep.
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waking up first thing in the morning, you turn and see minho still asleep. going to get ready to for the store. most importantly, for the pregnancy test.
walking back into the apartment, you immediately go to the bathroom and take the test. waiting for the test to give out the answer, minho wakes up to you not next to him. grabbing his phone from the nightstand, he goes to your contact and texts you.
my baby <3
where are u ?
hearing the familiar notification bell, he sighs as he realize you didnt take your phone with you. getting up, minho goes to the bathroom and sees you with the test in the palm of your hands. he goes up behind you and hugs you and to see the test come back with positive.
with the biggest smile on his face, minho turns you around to face him. “you dont know how happy i am y/n” “but minho, how are you not mad?” you pulled away from the hug with a confusion look on your face, “shhh, just pretend i wanted this to happen in the future when we dated.” minho back hugs you, facing the bathroom mirror.
you see minhos hands rubbing your stomach. “its been our dream to have kids and get married. and ta da!” turning yourself around, you hug minho at a better position. “thank you minho for loving me back and not leaving us, i love you so much”. minho leaned in and put his forehead on yours. “i love you more than you do baby” and gave you a loving peck.
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END <3
yes another minho fic bc this was sitting in my drafts and i dont know where this was heading to hehe
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scandeniall · 4 years
Dear Diary
song 1: dear diary |  good & bad masterlist | prev | next
Pairing: sakusa x reader
Summary/warnings: life has been kicking your ass yet you don’t want to tell sakusa/profanity
WC: 1.5K
“How’ve you been,” you paused debating on answering honestly or not. Switching your phone to speaker, you fiddled with the covers resting beneath your fingers before sighing out. “I miss you Yoomi.” A silence comes settled through the phone line. “How are you doing?” The insistence of your well being causes another sigh to escape your lips. Of course he could tell that something was off even through the phone and a part of you curses his observational skills. “Im just--really fucking stressed,” you mutter out reluctantly. 
“Have you been taking care of yourself? Eating real meals and getting proper sleep?” The questions being rattled off on the other side of the phone causes you to crack a small smile at his concern. You could only imagine the furrow in his brows at the thought of a lack of concern for your own health. You almost miss the ending of the questions as he tells you not to lie to him. Your silence causes Sakusa to sigh on the line. 
“Sometimes I hate how much you really know me.” You voice the thoughts that had previously been in your head. Sakusa could hear the slightest of background noise as you maneuver yourself under the warm comforter and shifted to get comfortable. “Do you need me to come home.” The words aren’t phrased as a question, and that causes you to quickly shake your head despite the fact that he couldn't see that.
“No-no. Yoomi, it's fine. I just- I just need to get my mind right and relax. I just needed to hear your voice tonight, that's all.” You tell him, despite wanting nothing more than for him to be back with you.He’d been on the road for the last month, a series of away games and such. And right before he left, you’d been out of town on a major business trip. It seemed as if time nor luck were your friend. It’d been at least a month and a half since the two of you were anywhere near one another. He’d still be gone another month and all either of you could do was wait it out. 
The silence that followed your response was telling. You could already imagine the way Sakusa has his eyes narrowed in thought. Thinking about whether he should push for your well being or let it go for now. The quietest sigh escaped his mouth from the other side of the phone. He’d made his decision. “I miss you too. I’ll be home soon.” 
Life after that phone call seemed to grow progressively worse. Not only had you and Sakusa not been able to squeeze in another talk in the following week, but life sucked. Your job has been giving you more and more responsibility, and allowing you more freedom. On one hand that was great, a celebratory text sent to your boyfriend at the talks of you in for a promotion, however it was tiring. You were coming home later and later, exhausted and starting to neglect your own health.
It’s not you were intentional in the neglect. It just felt too damn hard to come home after a long day and cook a healthy and fulfilling meal. When you were home you were suddenly reminded of just how empty the apartment was without Sakusa. Dust that was normally absent due to his cleanliness began to appear. Dishes piled up more than he would have liked. Whenever you did bother to straighten up at least for his sake, it drained you. 
Adulthood was really kicking your ass and it came to a head one night when you woke up sweating. As if life couldn’t drag you down even more, your AC had gone out right during the hottest part of the summer. Come morning you found out that your landlord had gone on vacation and could not and would not be able to fix the unit for at least a week. 
So you’d done what you usually did. Sucked it up and forced yourself to push through. Not a word of your woes to Sakusa who had more important matters to attend to other than your slump. You went to work, exhausted yourself there and dragged your feet into the dreaded heat of your apartment. 
Upon entering you were automatically hit with a wave of heat, making your already sluggish steps heavier. Kicking your shoes off you offhandedly waved hello to the person seated on the couch before dragging yourself towards the kitchen like it was completely normal. A moment later you stopped in your tracks. “Yoomi?”
The slightest nod from your boyfriend caused you to blink in surprise before launching yourself into his arms. “What are you doing here,” you muttered as his hands ran up and down your back. Pulling away slightly you eyed him. He looked tired. Eyes unusually sunken and you noticed the tiniest sheen of sweat across his forehead. You went to pull away knowing the touch paired with the heat would likely make him uncomfortable. To your surprise, the hands wrapped around your middle didn’t make any moves to release you. “You needed me so I came home.”
You felt a squeeze in your heart as your arms tightened wrapped around his shoulders. “But I didn't say anything—“
“Your voice. On the other week. And then your texts were different.” Of course he noticed. The conversation had already signaled to him that you weren’t the best. Your shaky exhales as you insisted that you were fine and that he didn’t need to come home. Then he noticed the jokes within your texts began to slowly subside. You’d also found yourself saying that you missed him more than usual. “So you came back?”
“I have a 3 day weekend this week. Then I’m back to practicing.” You nodded in understanding the two of you releasing one another and you noticed Sakusa frown. “Why’s it hot?” You explained about the broken AC and about the suffering you’ve endured for the past 2 days. “Did you get any more fans?” He looked annoyed once you denied purchasing any additional appliances knowing he’d had to get that done for you. “You know you’re more susceptible to nosebleeds in the heat right?”
“Thank you Dr. Omi,” you teased, laughing at his scowl from the nickname. The two of you settled onto the couch, your head coming to rest on his shoulder. “It’s common knowledge.” His replies allow a lightness to settle in your heart. One you hadn’t felt in weeks. The two of you settle into a silence for a little while his hand rubbing soft circles on your knee. “You need to take better care of yourself. And tell me when you need me.”
“I didn't want to take you away from your busy schedule,” you hum out. You feel the movement against your knee stop, a former grip replacing it. “I don't care how busy I am, I’m here. Now stop being annoying and tell me things.” You feel yourself jokingly roll your eyes before agreeing. However that wasn’t enough as you heard the scoff from next to you. 
“I’m serious. You remember what you told me back in college”
“Pretty sure I told you a lot of things back then,” you tease, taking his closest hand and interlocking your fingers. “You believed in me,” he started catching your eyes. “Told me you always knew there was no limit to me. That means I can handle it. Don’t feel like you’re annoying me.” Your eyes widened at how he remembered that very specific moment. 
It was around 4 years ago. He’d just told you that he signed to MSBY, something everyone around him was dying to know. Yet you were the first person he told. He remembered how your eyes beamed as you sat on his lap, your phone camera in his face recording the moment for memories sake. He didn’t even bother swatting it away like he usually did. He’d allowed you to place messy kisses all across his face despite the feel of your tacky chapstick. “Why do you remember that,” you questioned a soft smile gracing your own features. 
You notice the shrug of his shoulders as he helped to to sit you sideways into his lap. “Doesn’t matter. Now tell me what’s wrong. And then we’re going to get some fans.” You nodded leaning so that your lips met his for a soft kiss. “I really missed you,” you murmured into the kiss. And while he was only there for the weekend it was enough. He came home for you. The one who has loved and supported him with open arms for the past 5 years. He’d be damned if he didn’t try to make up for it. 
So you told him everything on your mind. Laughing every time he scolded you for the little things. “Don’t let the dust build up by the time I get back next month.” To “You need to sleep more.” And in return you got the same. You got the story from the exhaustion laced in his eyes. The hours it took to get to you, and the germs he forced himself to sit through to make it happen. And despite the annoying heat in the apartment, neither of you have felt that good in a while.
a/n: wow i FINALLY got at least 2 consective songs in a row done so now my prev/next is relevant for at least 2 parts. This took a different route than I initially planned for, nor is it exact in its storytelling. It was also started 2 months ago and finished now bc it was kinda hard for me. Anyways hi um did you catch the no limit to you ref? bc yeah i love that and to date still my fav piece ive ever written. you dont have to read that to understand this but its 5.4k words if you have some spare time.
anyways: im about to be on an 8hr car ride so feel free to request stuff. rules 
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