#only if it's handy! please don't go searching on my account
monstermoviedean · 6 months
hello fob friends if anyone has a good video of i am my own muse from last night could you please send me the link?
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keyboardandquill · 2 years
On creating a wiki for your worldbuilding
Do you have a lot of lore to keep track of? Whether you're an author, a Game Master, or simply someone who really really likes worldbuilding, this post is for you.
Here's a quick overview of what I'll be talking about:
Platforms people use to create personal wikis
Formats and organization systems you may find useful when creating your own wiki
A brief look at the actual content you might put in your wiki (I'm planning a more in-depth post on that later with more images and demos)
And because this is gonna be a long'un, I'm putting a read-more here! I'll also make downloadable epub and PDF versions of this post available for free on my Ko-Fi at some point in the future.
(I'm also planning to reblog with a list of links later on, but I want this initial post shows up in search)
Also now that you're here, I'm going to say this isn't, like, super comprehensive or anything. I'm just talking about stuff I know a little about or have experience with. Please feel free to reblog with additions and/or corrections as needed!
What is a wiki?
According to Wikipedia, "a wiki is a hypertext publication collaboratively edited and managed by its own audience, using a web browser."
In this case, you'll likely be the sole person making updates to your wiki. The web browser part is optional these days as well, as you'll soon see.
Platforms for creating wikis
Websites for creating worldbuilding wikis
This one is actually designed for people who want to create big worldbuilding wikis.
Pros: Worldbuilding prompts! Those are great. It's got a pretty comprehensive set of article types too.
Cons: Kind of expensive to upgrade for features like making your wiki private, and it does NOT work well with adblock turned on, so if you don't want to pay for a membership you'll get inundated with ads. I'm not a huge fan of the interface in general and a lot of it isn't intuitive, but I like what they're doing so I support them anyway.
In addition to having a cat as its icon and also a silly name, each 'article' you create with this is called a 'tiddler' which makes me think of Chuck Tingle. I haven't used it much myself yet, but I did make an account and it seems pretty neat.
A community-hosted wiki platform that runs on MediaWiki (which is what Wikipedia runs off of).
Pros: It's not Fandom.com.
Cons: You have to request a wiki and can't just make it yourself, as far as I can tell. I haven't actually looked into this one as much.
An option for if you want to go super oldschool and create a website using only basic html and hyperlinks (without the handy shortcuts of bbcode or Markdown). Monthly cost is $5 usd if you want to have more space and your own domain.
Pros: 100% control over your content.
Cons: Doesn't support PHP databases for wiki software, and can be fairly labour-intensive to update if you break a link or something.
Unfortunately, this one is the top result you'll get when you look up how to make your own wiki. I'm only including it here to tell you to stay as far away from it as possible!!
Its staff are known to ban wiki creators from their own wikis and a bunch of other nonsense that I'm not getting into here.
Programs and apps/web apps for creating worldbuilding wikis
My personal favourite. I'm planning to make a whole post about how I use it in the near future as part of this article series.
It's a markdown-based application that you can get on just about any platform (Windows, MacOS, Linux, iOS, Android, etc) which is great. Obsidian is really easy to pick up and use and also has great themes and community plugins!
Best thing is, it's FREE and you only have to pay if you use their publishing service, which... I don't, so.
I've heard this one is pretty good too. Idk if it costs anything. It's another "second brain" style app (might be markdown also?) and I think it might do more than Obsidian, but I haven't checked it out much myself.
Microsoft Word/Google Docs etc.
...Or just about any word processor that lets you create internal hyperlinks. Word may work best due to the collapsible headings so it doesn't get too unwieldy, but *shrug* whatever floats your boat.
Excel/Google Sheets etc.
Or, again, any spreadsheet creator that lets you create internal hyperlinks.
I'd recommend having some basic spreadsheet knowledge before doing this. It could get complicated. Before I started using Obsidian, I was using Sheets to keep track of my glossary, notes about characters, and plot ideas.
Types of formatting & organization systems
There are as many organization systems as there are people who want to organize their stuff. Everybody needs something a little different! I find the ones that work best for me are systems that have a lot of customization options.
Here are a couple I know of.
Johnny Decimal
This system is absurdly simple in its concept and yet so versatile. From their website (it's just johnnydecimal dot com but I'll link it in a reblog later):
Take everything you need to organise and sort it in to, at most, ten large buckets.
Make sure the buckets are unambiguously different.
Put a label on each bucket.
Their website has a better explanation than I can give in this post, but I'll sum up the appeal of this system as quoted from their site: "There's only one place anything can ever be."
Usefully, part of this method is creating a directory for the rest of the system.
So if you're like me and tend to shove things wherever only to lose track of it later, this is a great system—especially when used in conjunction with the Zettelkasten Method (see below).
Zettelkasten Method
Originally devised as an extensive paper-based knowledge management system, Zettelkasten is meant to easily add new entries to a knowledge base while giving each one a unique ID for easy 'linking.'
The creator of this method said 'it is not important where you place the note, as long as you can link to it.'
As with the Johnny Decimal system, I can't explain it super succinctly (nor can the website, if I'm being honest), so I'll include a link in a future reblog for a video that gave me an excellent run-down of the basics.
Setting up your own system
An organization system is only useful if you can actually, y'know, use it.
It can be fun to set up a super-detailed organization system with predetermined categories for everything, but is it easy for you to use? How will you navigate it?
Making decisions
There will be a lot of decisions to make as you set up your system. The only set-in-stone rule I follow is... don't set anything in stone. It's okay if you decide something that doesn't work later on.
Figuring out your categories
My advice: go fairly broad. You can always sub-categorize. I'm going to go over my own wikis for Athenaeum and Rocket Boosters in detail in a later post, but here are the starting top-level categories I'd recommend for worldbuilders:
A meta category for notes about your database, templates, and any relevant research you've done.
Characters, including main characters, minor characters, and important figures
In the last category, which is the main reason for the existence of my wiki, I might have:
Lore (if relevant)
I'll go over the nuances of these 'main' subcategories in that future post I mentioned. In other words, the stuff that actually goes in those categories!
Determining the importance and relevance of worldbuilding elements
You'll need to figure out whether a topic is complex enough to deserve its own entry, or if it should be a sub-heading under another entry. It's okay if you decide on both! I have short subheadings under some entries that amount to "see [link to main entry on that topic]."
I've also decided to expand subheadings into their own topics, and I've removed topics as their own entry and shoved them under subheadings. I do this a lot, in fact! So it's okay if you don't know.
Will you be creating several of one type of entry?
Individual character profiles
Towns and cities
(to name a few)
It might be handy to figure out the basic types of information you'll need about each of those things and create a template for them.
A character template might have spaces for the basics, such as name, role, age, and so on.
Some characters will have a lot more information, and some might have even less than what your template dictates! And that's fine.
A word of warning about using system-creation as procrastination
Creating a wiki can be a daunting task. You might decide it's not for you, and that's okay. But you might also decide to go headlong into the process and work on every minute detail, and that is also okay, but.
Beware of using your wiki as an excuse to procrastinate your actual writing/session preparation. Yes, use it to keep track of all the lore you've injected into your manuscript/campaign/whatever, just make sure it stays in its place as a companion to your main project rather than becoming your main project.
How formal should your entries be?
Honestly this one's entirely up to you. I have a mix. Some entries are written like Wikipedia entries with a thorough explanation of the topic with proper punctuation and formatting, while others are simply bullet-point lists of thoughts and ideas that I can return to at a later date.
What methods do you use to keep track of your lore and worldbuilding? Let me know in a reblog or comment!
And please make sure to check the notes. I'll be reblogging with links, and then reblogging that reblog to make sure they're, y'know, actually visible in the notes.
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sluthpass · 3 months
How to get free adult iptv playlist for free?
Adult IPTV m3u channels daily updated
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IPTV has become the go to platform when it comes to streaming content on the internet, it is easy reliable and rather cheap. Adult entertainment is not the exception. Nowadays it is easier to find adult m3u playlists load them to an iptv player and enjoy xxx videos, gone are the days where searching for a brazzers account was the norm; usually after endlessly browsing through sketchy sites, you'd be lucky to find one that worked. Adult m3u iptv is different, it offers an alternate option of enjoying mature premium content, best part.. it's not limited to just one source (which would be the case with a regular premium porn membership) no, iptv is better as it allows to browse through many channels from different many sources. As if you were changing channels on your tv but with porn element added to it.
But what is IPTV?
IPTV is short for Internet protocol television and is nothing more than the delivery of television content over internet protocol, it's been around for awhile but as stated above it has become the go to choice to users around the world when it comes to enjoying premium content online, and... adult content is not the exception.
When it comes to adult iptv it turns out it is very ''handy'' to put it that way (no pun intended) users can enjoy mature content in the privacy of their mobile device or tv set if they please.
No limits for erotic iptv, though a good connection is required if you don't want to experience buffer, that would be the only drawback but most internet connections are pretty fast these days if not; you can always borrow your neighbors' wifi ;) that was just silly but asking nicely should work... anyway once you're sure you have a good connection where should you get a nice tidy playlist you ask?
That's the thing if you arrived here chances are you haven't found what you're looking for, many of the available free adult playlist are pretty beaten up already and most don't work. I know because i used to search a lot for a good corn playlist ( I know what you're thinking but I'm not a corn addict i promise)
but yeah I know what you've been through cuz I've been there, and I hate it when I don't find what I want quick, especially stuff like this cuz you know the old PH or your xvid clip doesn't do it for me anymore I need fresh content every time and not just fresh content but high quality as well without annoying ads or huge watermarks taking up my screen but also you have to get with times IPTV is the new kid in the block and it's here to stay.
So how do i get adult iptv playlist again? There's many sources while doing a quick google search some of them work some of them required you to subscribe to the service which is alright, but if you want to give adult iptv a try without paying you can just go to adult iptv this website offers free adult m3u playlists, channels are high quality and very stable this one it's the only one that has worked for me as the links are premium and not common knowledge there's not many users clogging the list so it's fast and as said above all adult channels available is different formats SD HD or 4K haven't seen xxx playlist like these shared elsewhere that's why this is my favorite site to get my m3u links and wanted to share with you will update this post with more quality porn iptv playlist as I find new ones that is all for now thank you for coming to my profile.
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vicostoness · 5 years
The Do's and Don'ts of Quartz Countertop Colors
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Plus, because it is engineered stone, in addition, it provides a wide selection of colors to pick from. Because our countertops can be found in many colours including white, grey, beige, black and more, are always going to have the correct colour to meet your kitchen design. Strong white can do the job beautifully in the proper modern kitchen design, but if your design style isn't modern, solid white might not be the best option. Granite comes in a wide array of colours and patterns. Glass countertops are offered in a number of colours and shapes. It comes in a variety of styles and colors because it is engineered. Then, the installers will set the new countertop right on the base cabinets with adhesive. You may select the one you prefer and then visit the fabricators. Tile is among the simplest and most affordable options as it can be done yourself over a very long weekend and you won't need to pay a laborer to do it. If you want to visually improve your space, 4003 Sleek Concrete Caesarstone is a wonderful option that could help you do precisely that. There are an endless quantity of combinations that you could put together in regards to countertops and cabinets. Furthermore, they surpass other countertop options in regard to shine and endurance. You may be tempted to go purchase quartz countertops whenever possible. You will have the ability to find quartz that has elegant veining or quartz that's solid in color. Along with granite and diamonds, it is one of the most difficult natural materials known. Here we'll look at five great qualities of a quartz countertop. If you discover the proper spot, you might be in a position to personalize your quartz countertop colours. Most granite will be more costly than quartz.
What You Need to Know About Quartz Countertop Colors
Some designers like to use these companies due to the fact that they offer more reasonable rates for their customers. Due to the advanced technology the business has, it's even able to handle completely customized projects, irrespective of the complexity. Even in these days, it is still alive and maintains the quartz material provided for various prices at a high level of quality. While both look the exact same, quartzite is a pure stone material and has to be treated as with other stone surfaces. Not only can quartz mimic the look of more expensive materials such as marble, but it's also stain resistant. To earn granite more stain resistant, it is necessary to keep a sealant on its surface. You are certain to locate a color that satisfies your kitchen or bathroom and you may enjoy for many years to come. Our kitchen appears beautiful. Conclusion Kitchen countertops are not just a functional area but in addition a style statement for virtually any kitchen. Another color that assists you to reach a marble-like style for your kitchen countertop is Helix. Whether you want to improve your minimalistic, modern, or farmhouse styled kitchen, you just cannot fail with quartz. If you're thinking about a quartz countertop for your kitchen, here are a number of things to consider.
What You Don't Know About Quartz Countertop Colors
Double Ogee The double-ogee treatment includes a curved-bullnose edge in addition to a decorative inward dip over the curve. Granite counters are made from a pure bit of rock and consequently can only be obtained at a particular degree of durability, and in a select number of all-natural colours. They are supposed to be, wellpermanent.
The Pain of Quartz Countertop Colors
Both have similar rates, so if you're attempting to choose between both, you'll only have to choose whether you would rather have a pure stone or one that's mostly natural. While granite is a rather durable rock, it's not without natural flaws having the potential to allow it to be weak in some specific places as time passes. If you would like to spend less, go elsewhere--laminate being your best option.
The Quartz Countertop Colors Cover Up
The usage of white in the kitchen is a significant approach to keep the room feeling bright and open, even in a little space. For those searching for pristine elegance, white is the best way to go. Whether you would like a pure look in your house, or something different completely, there's a fantastic chance you'll discover the color you desire. There's no very good excuse for it. The cream simply did not work with the remainder of my home. For those searching for a sleek and contemporary appearance, absolute black is the thing to do.
The Fight Against Quartz Countertop Colors
Since it's one of the most abundant stones on Earth, quartz comes in a sizable collection of colors to select from. These engineered countertops are created employing a mix of granite, stone and quartz, together with resins and polymers. Today, however, it is created with advanced manufacturing techniques and designed to resemble natural stones like marble and granite with rich colors and interesting patterns swirled into the slabs.
Top Quartz Countertop Colors Choices
Now, I got detailed quotes for each one among these materials. If you consider all the varieties to pick for your countertop, quartz is most likely the option that has aroused a greater degree of interest in the last several years, as it features lots of engaging and handy capabilities. Because there are many alternatives to pick from, you may have a difficult time figuring out which you enjoy.
Quartz Countertop Colors - the Conspiracy
Sealing isn't needed for quartz countertops as it is non-porous. The quartzite countertop is extended in a variety of colours and pattern. Like granite, travertine needs to be washed with a gentle cleanser and sealed regularly. Granite, like every pure stone, is porous and needs to be treated accordingly. Gray countertops are among the perfect touches in a contemporary design. In case you have any projects or question, please don't be afraid to speak to us. There are several different elements in a house that you should take into account when designing. With IDC you'll be guided through the procedure by a well-trained specialist so you'll always be updated on everything that's going on in regards to your countertop order and installation.
The Ultimate Quartz Countertop Colors Trick
Blue backsplash ideas are the ideal mate for a variety of decorating schemes. Distinct suppliers may provide various edges, so ask to visit a catalog and talk about the price points for the edge you desire. Stoneland is your go-to organization to select from a rich number of quartz and granite colors and designs without needing to compromise quality. Read the full article
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0296: Top 5 Online Marketing Trends In 2019 With Actionable Tips For Contractors
This Podcast Is Episode Number 0296, And It Will Be About The Top 5 Online Marketing Trends In 2019 With Actionable Tips For Contractors
Today more than ever, we live in a world where information is accessible at the touch of a button, a few clicks on your keyboard, or even just a voice command. Although it's hard to predict where new technologies will lead us, one thing is for certain - we are now all digitally connected. The internet has caused our businesses to thrive and survive and there's no way of blocking its impact in our day-to-day lives. 
With that said, it is helpful to keep an eye out on these marketing trends that could influence how your target audience search and consume data along with actionable tips that could jump start your new year "to-do list":
    Trend #1: A Functional Website (Content Is Everything)
Your online storefront is your landing page. Although there's no manual for creating a high-converting copy and building a foolproof design, there is no denying that to establish your online presence, you need to have a business website. People don't usually go for the best products and services in the market (especially the ones who are new to your site), they opt for the one whose information they can digest quickly and easily. 
Actionable Tip: Donald Miller, founder of StoryBrand, has an easy and powerful way of evaluating your website. As a rule, upon visiting your website, one should understand what you offer within five seconds. Does your website pass the "Grunt Test" (Assuming a caveman were to open a laptop, look at your site for 5 seconds, and close the laptop, will it be able to grunt what is your website about?) With just a quick glance at your homepage, can your visitor answer these three questions:
What is it that you offer?
How will it make my life better?
What do I need to do to buy your product/hire of your services?
Give your website a quick make-over by:
Making your headline direct (easy-to-understand tagline)
Displaying the convenience your client will experience if they hire your services
Including an obvious call-to-action button ("Contact Us", "Call Now" in bright, visible colors)
Trend #2: Optimize For Local User Intent
Have you ever reached for your phone, opened your browser, and typed "Where can I find Mexican food near me?" when looking for a place to eat? You have a specific "intent" in mind (food) and would like to eat nearby because, well, you're starving. The page result will bring you a list of restaurant names and maps with their service hours. Google's dominance in search traffic revolutionized the way we look for answers online and we as users, has become more conversational with our queries (whether we are typing it or doing a voice search). Thus, it is crucial for your company to appear on Local SERPs (Search Engine Result Page) to remain search relevancy and build authority while generating better leads for your business.
Actionable Tip: If you haven't done so, claim your Google My Business listing and create a Google My Business profile. Fill out your business page properly and be sure to include all the important details: address, contact number, business hours, and a unique, formatted description of your company with links to your online site. Also, you can maximize your Google presence by creating a free website with an updated profile image (logo), post your services with high-resolution photos for visually appealing content.
Trend #3: Social Media Community
If Google is for "intent", the use of social media is for "interest". According to Hootsuite, 66% of monthly Facebook users use it daily, with Americans spending 58 minutes per day on Facebook. Likewise, Instagram, Pinterest, Twitter, and YouTube have amassed millions of users who are sharing micro-content every second in any given day. Since social networking sites have an easy-to-use interface with downloadable mobile apps, it is convenient and handy, and offers more personalized interaction between you and your patrons. The rise of social networking sites paved the way for small businesses and solopreneurs to advertise their brand without spending a fortune and establish their influence by being part of an online community.
Actionable Tip: Develop a Social Media Marketing strategy. Easier said than done, I know, but every step counts. Start by posting meaningful and engaging content. "Before and after" photos works wonders to curious browsers, but what else can you post? Ongoing promotions, what's your day like at work, your current project, seasonal reminders (for example, you're a plumber: winterize your outdoor kitchen), tips and tricks (how to better take care of your carpet), etc. Monitor where and when you are getting the most feedback from your followers so you can interact with them. The key here is delivering the right message, to the right person, at the right time - every time. 
Trend #4: Videos
One of the most credible ways of connecting with your audience and building trust in your company is the use of videos. Live-stream content is flourishing and has become a powerful tool for online marketers to convey their message. It's no wonder why mobile devices and apps support and feature video tools in their products. According to HubSpot, more than 50% of consumers want to see videos from brands more than any other type of content. 
Actionable Tip: A quick search on Google will give you thousands of results about video marketing and video creation process. You can hire services when you want it professionally done or do it yourself without the complexities of technology by being raw and going "live" on a social media platform. Bear in mind, as with any project, focus on one thing at a time. List down your target audience, the purpose of your video, and the time and resources needed to produce it.
Trend #5: Client/Customer Centricity
As a service-based industry, this concept is integral to your construction company. What does it mean to be client-centric? It is more than just offering an exceptional customer service, it means nurturing relationships with your clients by being part of their "buyer's journey".  Clients in turn, will not only provide you positive feedback but becomes a loyal follower and advocate of your brand. Randal talked about Customers Vs Clients, and how taking care of your clients is essential not just for acquisition but also for sustainability. After all, it is easier to maintain a client than to gain a new one.
Actionable Tip: Empathize with your client when addressing their needs. Make their experience easy, from reaching out to you (remember the "call-to-action" button on your website?) to handing payments. 
In conclusion: Let's keep in mind that trends fade away. Invest in yourself and expand your skills. Develop a growth-mind set because there's still no one-size-fits-all marketing solution for every type of business nor will there ever be. As a construction contractor, I trust that you are adaptable to change and resilient in all the challenges that comes your way. May this year bring you more exciting opportunities and financial blessings. Happy 2019!
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About The Author:
  Randal DeHart, PMP, QPA is the co-founder of Business Consulting And Accounting in Lynnwood Washington. He is the leading expert in outsourced construction bookkeeping and accounting services for small construction companies across the USA. He is experienced as a Contractor, Project Management Professional, Construction Accountant, Intuit ProAdvisor, QuickBooks For Contractors Expert and Xero Accounting Specialist. This combination of experience and skill sets provides a unique perspective which allows him to see the world through the eyes of a contractor, Project Manager, Accountant, and construction accountant. This quadruple understanding is what sets him apart from other Intuit ProAdvisors and Xero accountants to the benefit of all of the construction contractors he serves across the USA. Visit http://www.fasteasyaccounting.com/randal-dehart/ to learn more.
Our Co-Founder Randal DeHart - Is a Certified PMP (Project Management Professional) with several years of construction project management experience. His expertise is construction accounting systems engineering and process development. His exhaustive study of several leading experts including the work of Dr. W. Edward Deming, Michael Gerber, Walter A. Shewhart, James Lewis and dozens of others was the foundation upon which our Construction Bookkeeping System is based and continues to evolve and improve. Check out our Contractor Success Map Podcast on iTunes and Follow Randal on Google+ 
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