#ooc saiki
saikechism · 4 months
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going back to my roots
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kusuokisser · 1 year
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based on more roblox experiences with sav 💝
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tobisiksi · 8 months
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what is kaido doin with such a nice wristwatch, he should have a spiderman themed watch
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you cannot deny it to me
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oceanwithouthermoon · 7 months
ive come to realise that i dont actually hate kubokai, i just hate the way people write them
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transmasccofee · 1 year
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impromptu mental health checkin
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yellowheartz · 6 months
I literally cannot stop thinking about kubosai best friend au. Like, imagine aren after beating up some gangsters and kusuo goes "ooo so scary im the demon killer of ibaraki" or like. Lowkey kubosai best friends to lovers au, imagine aren giving kusuo a cig and kusuo asks what's it, and aren replies "it's a cigarette, what else, stupid" kusuo frowns and coughs after taking a blow. Then, aren laughs at him, and kusuo gets angry and then- AND THEN AREN TAKES THE CIG, BLOWS AND KISSES KUSUO FORCING THE SMOKE IN AND THEY JUST STAY LIKE THAT AND AAAAAAAAA-
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its-no-biggie · 1 year
thinking about how often saiki does something noticably unnatural and everyone just assumes its because of how amazing teruhashi is...... au where teruhashi knows about saikis powers and theyre a chaotic tag team. like in the school play episode where saiki changes everyones appearance once teruhashi comes on stage except if it was all the time and teruhashi was in on it. i think that would be hilarious
like, okay. imagine some side character gets injured or something and teruhashi comes up like "oh no! *bats eyelashes* do you want me to kiss it better?" and while shes doing her little performance saiki rolls his eyes and heals them. and everyones like "wow!! thats teruhashi for you!" btw saiki hates this dynamic with every fibre of his being. he only goes along with it because he does want to help people without outing himself and this method is surprisingly effective (and because teruhashi threatened to out him if he didnt go along with it). and he ESPECIALLY hates how much teruhashi loves it. both her ego and her crush on saiki get bigger, and since she knows about his powers she knows that he knows so its turned into this sort of "youll fall for me one day 😘" "*sigh*..... please just leave me alone....." dynamic, where both of them are only half kidding. and then they solve crimes or something idk im going off nothing but vibes here
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moshighostx · 2 months
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saiki did NOT just say that
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tenebriism · 4 months
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// It ain't Munday, but Saiki K was mentioned and now, I'm back to being hyper focused on it. That the fandom for it is near nonexistent is TRAGIC, because I have never, in my life, laughed at a series as much as I did Saiki. I'm talking deep, belly laugh, reduced to TEARS level.
Edit: ... this is... getting attention that I did not expect, oh dear.
Shameless Cosplay Instagram Plug.
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silvyslayer42 · 7 months
here’s an idea: what if the “anti-aging” device that kuusuke made was originally an attempt at finding a way to slow down or even reverse the uncontrollable growth of kusuo’s powers?
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joshhere911 · 1 year
Spacing out all day and woke up to my brain going "kusuo absolutely Most definitely gossips" and now it wont get outof my head
Hes not very vocal about it and he isnt very chismoso But sometimes he finds himself eavesdropping.. maybe a little overhearing,, not with his telepathy but via their voice (yk his morals and stuff and also because theyre saying it Out loud in such Close vicinity so why is it His fault ? Hes trynna read)
Honestly he probably got it from his mom considering shes friends with his friends moms and yk,, moms are veeery gossipy for some reason and it shows in thst one chapter i forgot where they were just talking about their sons Anyways she definitely comes home with the juiciest gossip and he never really cared until he finds Himself spilling beans to other people and it catches him offgaurd
during lunch with all of his friends he overhears chiyo talking to mera and teruhashi about a girl she knows thats in the "Perfect relationship " and saiki just quietly goes ," they broke up last week..." and she just Stares at him and then REALIZES that he most DEFinitely has the juiciest gossip considering hes a Quiet kid and she starts talking to him more and considering he doesnt like saying no to his friends and he could either talk or be quiet and let the conversation fester into RLLY bad awkwardness (he does Not want to deal with thst and frankly neither do i) he doesnt tell her All the deets out of privacy, but he also just has So much useless information that he has no idea what to do with so he starts by telling her small things , a phrase they said here, a mention of a break up there, never the full story in respect but just enough to get her modtly off his back
It comes to a point where they hang out at Aiura's home, Chiyo talking fanatically , Teruhashi in overall confusion and not super into gossip, mera probably not caring but if she Did hear something she would report it immediately, and saiki providing little bits and snips of things he "possibly" heard and judt having chemistry w the Gals . They need more bonding time . Lorvb
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saikechism · 6 months
mutual pining saikechi where they both know about eachothers feelings but saiki is too tsundere to admit it and akechi doesnt want to potentially ruin their friendship 😭😭😭
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Tbh the way that kubosai is literally just 2 traumatized silly billys finding comfort and healing in each other is something I love so very very much
Like both of them may not realize it at first that they need the comfort or the lack of control but as time goes by they get more comfortable around each other and trust each other to be there for them so they can let themselves fall, let themselves give up on control and have emotions
Whether it's sadness, anger or just the genuine want of human touch and comfort
They both are so similar in a sense that they're relationship could blow up so quick if they don't learn to trust but they can do it since they both are stubborn and care way way to much about the people around them
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oceanwithouthermoon · 10 months
saiki accidentally revealing a little too much about his sexuality to the psychickers ('yeah, i prefer men, i maybe like women but ive never had romantic feelings for one before, ive never even dated a guy or anyone at all though') and they end up trying to set him up with (or at least teach him to flirt with) guys who arent super lame (satou)
imagine saiki awkwardly trying to flirt with random semi-attractive dudes from PK... its just him hovering awkwardly, trying to prompt THEM to flirt with HIM, and reading their minds to see if they find him weird but never fixing it when they do because he just panics and it makes it worse..
it doesnt even really do anything since saiki is probably demiromantic or something, so like sure theyve picked out guys hes somewhat ATTRACTED to, but he really is feeling nothing for them other than like, slight interest perhaps ? but he outwardly REFUSES to try the whole flirting thing with anyone he knows, partly BECAUSE he knows it would work better and he doesnt want to deal with ACTUAL ROMANTIC FEELINGS..
and dont forget that its THE PSYCHICKERS trying to coach him through flirting.. the absolute WORST people for this. he (luckily) refuses to even listen to toritsuka, akechi knows nothing about dating besides the fundamentals of what a guy MIGHT want, and aiura is well versed in flirting but as a GIRL flirting with STRAIGHT GUYS.. she keeps trying to brainstorm ways for him to flirt and almost telling him to flaunt his tits which he doesnt HAVE.. shes also in love with saiki so he can never fully tell if shes trying to sabotage his efforts or not (reading her scrambled little romantic mind does not help much)
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swagtransboy · 1 year
I have an ooc saiki where he decided to be so popular that people are too nervous to go up to him because he's just so great. Yknow reverse psychology. Instead if trying to blend in and be ignored, he's so popular it makes people nervous to talk to him. It just seems funny.
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