#ooc/mod: i open tumblr like a week later to see this
moddedmoor · 1 year
OOC Post!
Hi!!! Hi!!!! Anyu here to give you updates on the little event with Mod!!!! It's starting today!!! Which I'm super super excited about!! It's from today the 23rd to the 27th!
Some information about the event Below the Cut (As to not be too long) ((I'll probably be updating this a little later on down the line, but for now here's this))
So! Name! It's still Mod's Terrible Horrible No Good Very Bad Vacation, but! I have a tag for it! it'll all be under #flight or fight! Towards the end, I'll be adding in the drama stakes tag! Nothing drastic is going to happen, except Mod's just gonna not have a Good Time.
Another thing is that it'll be mainly off-tumblr, but I'll be posting blurbs/rbing stuff from the blogs involved! Stuff on tumblr can happen as well, it's not like I'm denying that outright.
Interactions! People can interact and react accordingly to the event!! I highly encourage it!!! Just, please don't try to interrupt or take over some moments. There are very specific points I've planned out and I really wouldn't want them to be derailed!
Another thing! Because this is happening during the Exposition Universelle de Kalos, there may be some overlap! But it will not distract from the actual event. And also, because I know some mythics/legendaries are participating in that event, I will kindly ask that for Mod's, they do not intervene nor interact. (This is mostly for later in the week. It'll be pretty obvious why.)
There's a discord still open for anyone wanting to do rp during the event! Just DM me if interested! Once the event is over, it'll just be a hub to discuss ocs and casually rp. Because it's always so sad for me to see event servers go dead afterwards.
Finally, have fun!! Interact!! and watch as Mod's shit gets WRECKED. I am dragging them through the mud (affectionate). Anyway! All for now!!! Love you!!!! (platonically)
- Mun Anyu
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yamisedai-a · 4 years
Tumblr media
this blog is highly selective/private & mutuals only for my own comfort. i’ve had some bad tumblr experiences in the past and i’d rather not have any more. i will only rp with you if you are 18+!!
gore and sexual content may appear on this blog, these themes will always be tagged as 'tw: nsfw'. similarly, any common triggers will also be tagged accordingly on the blog: 'tw: blood', etc. if you have any triggers or need something tagged, please just ask! i personally do not have any triggers that need to be tagged and if i do, i can filter them myself.
if i follow you, i want to write with you! it also means i’ve taken the time to read over your rules and i hope you would do me the same courtesy. if i follow you and you do not follow back after about a week, i will respectfully unfollow.
while i respect everyone’s individual portrayals, i tend to be a little self conscious about my portrayals. it’s a habit i am trying to break. if we’re good friends and get to talking ooc i am more willing to write with dupes. generally i am pretty okay with them. 
i try and stay as true as i possibly can to any character's canon, however i am human and i do not agree with all canon scenarios that are portayed on screen. if there are any canon divergences with miroku, they will be noted further in their respective verses/info tab.
tracking/tagging: yamisedai
vagueposting, constant negativity untagged, or hate of any kind will get you unfollowed or blocked. i do not tolerate any kind of toxic behavior. if i see it? bye. accordingly, if you’ve broken any rules that i have listed here as well, that will also possibly result in a consequence of the same result.
i’m open to different verses and aus with some characters that i know the fandoms of. however, this blog will only be within inuyasha majorly. THOUGH I LOVE OC’S! if you follow me, and i do not see my character and your character interacting/or if i have to do a lot of research on the fandom/character and it is hard to find the information on your blog/wiki, i may not follow back.
i write single, semi, and multi para. sometimes i write novels hahah. sue me. but you never have to match my length! and if you have any issues with the length, just shoot me a message! you are also ALWAYS welcomed to shorten a reply if the threads are getting lengthy, all i ask is that you do give me something to work with.
i am not big on aesthetics. i find it time consuming to edit replies with the little time i do have. i like my tiny text and one icon-- but if you don’t use any formatting or go the extra mile, i don’t mind! i am fine roleplaying in whatever context that you are, even if you don’t format at all! i do have astigmatisms in both my eyes. sometimes small text hurts to read. especially later in the evening, when i do most of my writing, but i can always zoom!
personals - do not reblog threads! you are welcome on this blog, feel free to like threads and posts, however if you reblog them, it messes with my notifications and makes it EXTREMELY hard to find things. I will usually give a warning once, after that i will block.
i do instill mains and exclusives. mains will take priority in threads/asks/etc. i will have around 2-4 of each canon character- a list will be added soon on the bonds tab! don’t be scared of the list! and if you’re interested in becoming a main, just shoot me a message to discuss it!
i do not own miroku or claim to own him! muse does not = mun! & i’m also not here for drama, politics, or ship wars-- just fun and creativity-- that’s all. anything that happens in character does not reflect me as the mun! miroku may be mad at your muse but i am not mad at you!
while they are fine, excessive pestering will also resort in a not happy vicki, i'll probably ask you to chill & if you don't, it will result in a block.
don’t godmod, powerplay, you know-- all that good stuff. if you have a concern you would like to address about myself or my blog, please come and speak with me. my dms and tumblr ims are always open.
i am not a meme or aesthetic source! i am very happy you like the content that i am posting on my blog, but please reblog from the SOURCE. it’s common courtesy and very much appreciated, not only from myself but many roleplayers!!!
hi there! thank you so much for reading all of this! it really means a lot! my name is vicki, please just vicki--not vikki, viki, vicky, vickie, etc. the spelling of my name kinda bothers me since there are like a million of me in this world/it is my actual name and yes, i am very icky.
i’m 28, she/her, est, basically married & i work 40+ hrs a week as a banker. please be patient with me on work days! usually when i work i am only available in the evening. you can always find me on discord and tumblr ims for plots and chit chat though! if you do not already have my discord, please feel free to shoot me a message and ask. i'm not really one for drops on the dash or anything. i love making shit, even if i think i suck at it hahaha. if you ever need icons or screencaps, i am open to helping you out, if i have the time!!
this is not my only blog on tumblr! i am also pretty active within the star wars fandom, i have a multi where you can find more inuyasha muses & i have a rwby blog currently on hiatus. if i am not here, you can find me on those blogs!! if you have any questions please do not hesitate to ask! thank you for taking the time to read this!! i truly appreciate it and you! <3
blogs: @sundragcn, @greyfulcrum, @anchoredstowaways​
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This Week in Gundam Wing 30 Dec 2018 - 05 Jan 2019
Here’s this week’s roundup!
Remember to give your content creators some love! And join in on the events at the bottom!
I’m finally back in the swing of going through what’s been posted on AO3 throughout the last week, so, be prepared! lol
~Mod Hel
Fanfiction/Snippets/AU Ideas:
My father, the hero https://archiveofourown.org/works/17281061
Relena Peacecraft, Mariemaia Khushrenada, Originally Posted on FanFiction.Net
Set eighteen months after Endless Waltz. Mariemaia seeks out Relena on Father's Day. Written for Mariemaia Month at gwozzies on LJ. Originally posted in 2006.
My father, the soldier https://archiveofourown.org/works/17280938
Lucrezia Noinheim, Dorothy Catalonia
Noin comforts Dorothy on the death of her father. Originally posted in 2006.
My father, the pacifist https://archiveofourown.org/works/17281001
Zechs Merquise, Quatre Raberba Winner
Une convinces Zechs to talk to Quatre about his father before he departs. Originally posted in 2006.
A Winter Engagement https://archiveofourown.org/works/17262764
Duo Maxwell/Heero Yuy
Duo Maxwell, Heero Yuy, Trowa Barton, Quatre Raberba Winner
Christmas, Holidays, Winter
Heero asks a question that surprises Duo.
Gundam Wing Holiday Gift Exchange 2018! Gift for @miss-m-muses​
Tequila (Ch. 10) https://archiveofourown.org/works/15935852/chapters/40683125
Trowa Barton/Duo Maxwell, Long Meilan/Hilde Schbeiker, Catherine Bloom/Abdul Kurama
Duo Maxwell, Trowa Barton, Quatre Raberba Winner, Heero Yuy, Hilde Schbeiker, Long Meilan, Chang Wufei, Catherine Bloom, Abdul Kurama, Rashid Kurama, Sister Helen, Solo, Maxwell Shinpu | Father Maxwell
Past Relationships, bad breakups, Tequila, Weddings, Car problems, love you so much I hate you, Military, Fights, hostage, injuries
Whoever wrote the rules of breaking up never kissed your lips Touched your skin, held the world at their fingertips Didn't have a clue what heaven was -Rules of Breaking Up ~Brandon Ratcliff
Red https://archiveofourown.org/works/17252438
WuFei Chang, Angst & Tragedy
His first memory is a swirl of red, red that faded far too fast.
Don’t Talk Smack About the Caped Crusader https://archiveofourown.org/works/17260058
Duo maxwell/Chang Wufei
Duo Maxwell, Relena Peacecraft, Chang Wufei
Fluff, Meet-Cute, onesie pajamas, Coffee, Christmas Caroling, Tumblr Prompt, 2X5, Pre-Slash, No Sex
This still wasn’t the most embarrassing thing that happened to Wufei in his lifetime, but it was definitely in his top five. Playing his sophomore saxophone solo during his school’s winter concert with his fly open scored a little higher than this.
The guy with the wicked dimples in his cheeks and gleaming blue-violet eyes was grinning at him. Wufei wanted to punch his lights out.
“I always wanted to visit the Batcave. Gonna give me a tour, big fella?”
Gundam Wing Holiday Gift Exchange 2018! Gift for @kirinjaegeste​
Can You See Me? https://archiveofourown.org/works/17255429
Trowa Barton/Heero Yuy
Gundam Wing Holiday Gift Exchange 2018! Gift for @seitou​
We Don’t Know Where We’re Going (Ch. 1) https://archiveofourown.org/works/17285099/chapters/40651691
Duo Maxwell/Heero Yuy, Quatre Raberba Winner
It's after the wars, still kids, recovering from war and learning to be okay. It'll be a Heero/Duo get together.
A Christmas Holiday https://archiveofourown.org/works/17255783/chapters/40578641
Dorothy Catalonia/Relena Peacecraft
Dorothy Catalonia, Relena Peacecraft, Trowa Barton, Duo Maxwell
DXR, Christmas, Sass, Fluff, Snark, quiet moments
It was always crazy around Christmas; people were always trying to squeeze her in to give speeches at Christmas Dinner Parties, or New Year’s Parties. Relena never knew if she would see Dorothy for the holidays or not.
Gundam Wing Holiday Gift Exchange 2018! Gift for @jalaperilo​
Like A Wave Breaking https://archiveofourown.org/works/17266415
Trowa Barton/Duo Maxwell
Trowa Barton, Duo Maxwell, Heero Yuy, Chang Wufei
Post-Canon, Canon Compliant, Preventers, Fluff and Angst, Christmas Fluff, Getting Together, Mutual Pining, Slow Burn, Self-Worth Issues, Eventual Happy Ending, Attempted Sex, Safe Sane and Consensual, Trowa Barton Deserves Happiness, Duo Maxwell Is A Sweetheart, Chang Wufei Is A Good Bro
Five times Duo surprised Trowa at Christmastime, and one time Trowa surprised him in return.
Gundam Wing Holiday Gift Exchange 2018! Gift for @anaranesindanarie​
Bump in the night https://archiveofourown.org/works/17260199
Chang Wufei/Duo Maxwell
Duo Maxwell, Chang Wufei, Quatre Raberba Winner
Supernatural, Ghosts, Liberal use of the word fuck, Spooky
Duo and Wufei stay the night in one of Quatre's many estates, which is not haunted at all.
Gundam Wing Holiday Gift Exchange 2018! Gift for @w-chang / @challahchic2​
Taste of Rumchata https://archiveofourown.org/works/17263310
Trowa Barton/Duo Maxwell
Fluff, I think this rotted my teeth, I've never done this pairing before, or this much fluff, New OTP, can't believe i didn't have this in my life, new to 2x3
Duo and Trowa have a nice night in and share gifts
Gundam Wing Holiday Gift Exchange 2018! Gift for @idkmybffflamingo​
Time Away https://archiveofourown.org/works/17226368
Duo Maxwell/Heero Yuy
Fluff, Cabin Fic, Cute, Romance
Heero and Duo flee the end-of-year bustle of Brussels and Preventers Headquarters and spend some much needed vacation time tucked away in a snowy European forest.
Gundam Wing Holiday Gift Exchange 2018! Gift for @duointherain​
Saturday Snippet https://lifeaftermeteor.tumblr.com/post/181754922019/winner-family-compound-l4-v05001-26-december-210
Winner Family Compound
26 December 210
Fairness and Friends https://archiveofourown.org/works/17305352
Duo Maxwell, Chang Wufei
Post-Series, Humor, Cocktail Friday, Friendship
Wufei might end up in the emergency room tonight, but if he does, at least he won't be alone. That's what friends are for.
Maxwell’s Toy Emporium https://archiveofourown.org/works/17262152
Duo Maxwell/Zechs Merquise
Cheesy, Smut, Christmas Miracles
It's Christmas Eve and Duo's toy store is going out of business. That is until a handsome rich stranger just happens to need gifts and ends up visiting Maxwell's Toy Emporium.
Gundam Wing Holiday Gift Exchange 2018! Gift for @simulacraryn​
Straight to My Head (Ch. 3) https://archiveofourown.org/works/17184560/chapters/40684865
Duo Maxwell/Heero Yuy
Heero Yuy, Duo Maxwell, Lady Une
Light Angst, confused!Heero, Awkward Romance, some smut
Heero's yearly Preventer evaluation is usually an annoying formality. But this year, it is much more complicated due to a certain Duo Maxwell...
Waves and a Wedding (Ch. 6) https://archiveofourown.org/works/15639375/chapters/40609283
Duo Maxwell/Relena Peacecraft
Relena Peacecraft, Duo Maxwell, Quatre Raberba Winner, Dorothy Catalonia, Trowa Barton, Catherine Bloom, Sylvia Noventa, Vice-Foreign Minister Darlian, Mrs. Darlian, Rashid Kurama, Treize Khushrenada, Lucrezia Noin
Tumblr Prompt, Cruise Ships, Alternate Universe, Fake Marriage, Becoming a real marriage, Also I've never been on a cruise, so everything about this is entirely made up, My first het fic ever so bear with me
Weddings need flowers, right? And a Captain sure would come in handy, too.
How Barton Won a $100 Bet before New Years https://archiveofourown.org/works/17297747
Chang Wufei/Heero Yuy
Heero Yuy, Chang Wufei, Trowa Barton
Crack, Probably ooc, Christmas Crack, UST, Jealousy, Bets & Wagers, Wufei is a disaster, Heero is bad at feelings, oblivious idiots, Trowa is tired of their nonsense, just embarrassing really
Crackfic 1x5. Honestly defies description.
“Every year, Wufei gets drunk at every party he’s forced to attend and hits on you, and every time you say no, and it is excruciatingly embarrassing for everyone forced to witness it.” Trowa crosses one foot over the other and, seeing that he has captured the full laser-beam of Heero’s attention, continues. “We never exchange gifts but, how about as my gift to you and every other Preventer keen to survive the celebrations, I give Wufei something new to think about.”
What Would the Daughter of "The Perfect Soldier" Think About the Most? High School Edition https://archiveofourown.org/works/17214587
Serena (the daughter) answers some about me thing asking that question. She questions how in the world will she survive school with whom she considers to be a bunch of “idiots”. Texts her dad, and this spirals into him basically giving her a list of chores because she whines about being bored.
Oh Christmas Cat, Oh Christmas Cat. Ho Lovely are thy... Claws? https://archiveofourown.org/works/17223383
Heero’s kids (about age 5) persuade him to do something against his better judgement. He does it to prove a point. His “minions” as he jokingly calls them learn that Uncle Duo and the internet do not have good ideas. And Heero re-learns that he can’t say no to a small girl who has his hair and eye colour. Unfortunately, said act results in a hospital visit, Heero teaching one of his subordinates a valuable life lesson, and one angry cat on a murderous rampage. So a lovely Christmas fic after Christmas.
The Yuys v. The Monster with 8 Legs. https://archiveofourown.org/works/17267852
We get to see Heero and his daughter Serena interact and “fight” over how the spider should have been disposed of. Serena gets reminded of her genetics and where she gets her sass from, and Heero gets given a “gift” he asked for for his 40th birthday 3 years later.
Here for the Tea https://archiveofourown.org/works/17256653
Relena Peacecraft/Heero Yuy
Heero Yuy, Relena Peacecraft, Mariemaia Khushrenada, Chang Wufei, Lady Une
Sometimes clarity comes with a nice cup of tea. And an ambush.
Gundam Wing Holiday Gift Exchange 2018! Gift for @sweethoneysempai​
Unexpected complication https://archiveofourown.org/works/7201409/chapters/16341509
What if you woke up near somebody you can't remember meeting. What if you decide to stay, trying to escape your own life. Is such a thing really possible?
A Christmas Dare https://archiveofourown.org/works/17258774
Heero Yuy, Reader Insert
At a Christmas party a lot of things can happen … Especially if you add a too short dress and too many perverted men who can't seem to control themselves.
Traditions https://archiveofourown.org/works/17258834/chapters/40585796
"No one deserves to spend their holidays by themselves." It was what you had told him when you had first showed up at his front door, forcing your presence upon him. Now, three years later, you wouldn't put a stop to that tradition just because he was in the hospital!
Miracles https://archiveofourown.org/works/17258798
His twenty-four hours were nearly up, not that you knew of them or what they meant ...
Slave https://archiveofourown.org/works/6304465/chapters/14447272
You get a slave for a month, but what are you going to do with him? Should you take advantage of the situation given, or should you just act as if it wasn’t happening?
‘Tis the season by phoenixrebirth88 https://archiveofourown.org/works/17258615/chapters/40585352
Trowa Barton, Treize Khushrenada, Heero Yuy, Quatre Raberba Winner, Reader insert
Gifts https://archiveofourown.org/works/17258828
Year after year, you failed to give him something he truly wanted. Would you manage to succeed this year?
Scarves and Kisses https://archiveofourown.org/works/17318234
Treize Khushrenada/Heero Yuy
Heero Yuy. Treize Khushrenada. Original Male Character(s)
Alternate Universe - College/University, Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Christmas Fluff, First Christmas, OOCness
Treize asks Heero to spend Christmas with him. Both are dorks.
Gundam Wing Holiday Gift Exchange 2018! Gift for @vegalume​
Bound, Bonded and Betrayed (Ch. 77) https://archiveofourown.org/works/7188593/chapters/40580942
Heero Yuy/Duo Maxwell, Relena Peacecraft/Heero Yuy, Trowa Barton/Quatre Raberba Winner, Treize Khushrenada/Lady Une
Chang Wufei, Zechs Merquise, Hilde Schbeiker, Dorothy Catalonia, Lucrezia Noin, Sally Po
Sap, Angst, Bondage, Slavery, Yaoi, Lemon, Lime, Het, Violence, Fluff, AU, OOC. - Freeform
Heero is the eldest son of the King of Colonia. His 21st birthday is approaching and as tradition dictates his betrothed is soon to arrive. However he is also bound by tradition to select his own personal slave. The events that unfold lead him down a path that not only tests his sanity but his humanity and love as well.
The Academy (Ch. 7) https://archiveofourown.org/works/17119034/chapters/40723589
Zechs Merquise, Treize Khushrenada, Lucrezia Noin, Lady Une, Nichols, Walker
Zechs goes to the Specials Academy in Lake Victoria.
Home (I’ve found I belong) https://archiveofourown.org/works/17263526
Relena Peacecraft/Heero Yuy
Fluff and Angst, Freeform, New Year's Resolutions, Gundam Wing Christmas Exchange, Romance, Established Relationship, Friendship, References to Depression, Mental Health Issues, Older Characters
Retirement is looming over Heero and Relena's heads during Christmas AC 219. An uncharted future for two people that were molded for their respective positions in life.
Gundam Wing Holiday Gift Exchange 2018! Gift for @peachandbetty​
Turn the stone and look beneath it (Ch. 2) https://archiveofourown.org/works/17263481/chapters/40700147
Gundam Wing, Marvel Cinematic Universe
Tony Stark/Stephen Strange
Tony Stark, Duo Maxwell, Heero Yuy, Chang Wufei, Trowa Barton, Quatre Raberba Winner, Stephen Strange, T'Challa (Marvel), Steve Rogers
Crossover, Tony Stark Has A Heart, Tony Stark Needs a Hug, Parent Tony Stark, stuck in a new world, New Avengers, Not A Fix-It, Not Avengers: Infinity War Part 1 (Movie) Compliant, Civil War Team Iron Man, Salty Team Iron Man, Slow Romance, Slow Burn, romance is not the focus, but it will be there, eventually
Their war was over, they won. For the measure of winning a war, anyway. The truce was what was supposed to matter. But in the end, the other side used public opinion and their own renewed authority to try to bring an end to the perceived threat of the Gundam Pilots.
Except it went wrong. So very wrong. And now the pilots have to navigate this weird new world with its super heroes and aliens and magic while deciding if they even WANT go try to go back.
Hint: They really, really don't.
You Hold Our Hearts (Ch. 2) https://archiveofourown.org/works/16992327/chapters/40728941
Trowa Barton/Quatre Raberba Winner/Heero Yuy, Lucrezia Noin/Sally Po, Dorothy Catalonia/Relena Peacecraft, Chang Wufei/Duo Maxwell
Quatre Raberba Winner, Trowa Barton, Heero Yuy, Duo Maxwell, Lucrezia Noin, Sally Po, Dorothy Catalonia, Relena Peacecraft, Chang Wufei, Howard, Doctor J, Instructor O, Original Characters
Angst, Smut, Rape/Non-con Elements, Minor Character Death, Missing in Action
Trowa Barton has gone missing, leaving his two lovers behind. Instead of waiting for him to return, Heero and Quatre set off with the others to find Trowa. Only, they learn that by following Trowa's trail, they follow danger.
Make the Yuletide Gay https://archiveofourown.org/works/16905405
Trowa Barton/Quatre Raberba Winner, Mariemaia Khushrenada & Lady Une
Trowa Barton, Quatre Raberba Winner, Lady Une, Mariemaia Khushrenada
Christmas, what non-Christians do on Christmas, Pagan Trowa Barton, Implied Muslim Quatre Raberba Winner, Jordanian Quatre Raberba Winner, Nostalgia, Winner Family, Trowa has mad game in this, he’s a good boyfriend, Trowa and Quatre fill the void in their souls with kisses and mansaf, Food, Trowa’s Mercenary Squad, Saturnalia
Suddenly off-duty on Christmas, Trowa and Quatre piece a holiday together.
Gundam Wing Holiday Gift Exchange 2018! Gift for @weiclown​
Coming Out https://archiveofourown.org/works/17319806
Trowa Barton/Quatre Raberba Winner/Heero Yuy
Trowa Barton, Quatre Raberba Winner, Heero Yuy
Fluff, Domestic Fluff, Polyamory, Polyamory Negotiations, Feelings, Relationship Discussions, Coming Out
Falling into a relationship just happened. Quatre’s been playing the media for his own gains, but he knows it’s time to let the world know. On their terms, not the media’s.
Gundam Wing Holiday Gift Exchange 2018! Gift for @sailoriceprincess​
Who We Say We Are https://archiveofourown.org/works/17259911/chapters/40588475
Trowa Barton/Duo Maxwell
Trowa Barton, Duo Maxwell, Quatre Raberba Winner
Get Together, Light Angst, Kid Fic, duo's a baby whisperer
When Trowa finds a baby in the woods, he's determined to keep it, even if he doesn't have the first clue how to care for an infant. Luckily, Duo's willing to lend a hand. Soon, something starts to kindle between them, and they must decide if they have the courage to follow where their feelings lead.
Gundam Wing Holiday Gift Exchange 2018! Gift for @helmistress​
Relena Darlian/Peacecraft
Duo & WuFei
Gundam Wing Holiday Gift Exchange 2018! Gift for @ziggystarsandmars​
Head Canons:
WuFei Chang
Music Album discussion
Heero Yuy
Quatre, Duo, WuFei, & Server
Duo, Heero, Trowa, & Random Preventers Agents
Trowa & Heero
Heero & Duo
Quatre & Heero
Gundam Pilots in general, Quatre
WuFei & Heero (via: @lemontrash​)
Une & WuFei
Heero & Trowa
Duo & Trowa
Heero & Duo
Zechs & Heero
Duo, Trowa, & Quatre
Noin & Relena
Dorothy, Relena, Zechs, Noin, Une, & Sally
Heero & Relena (more added by @gwminorcharactersrpblog​)
WuFei & Trowa
Cathy & Trowa
Heero & WuFei
Cathy, all the gboy pilots, Duo, & Heero
Quatre & Duo
No Idea What To Put This Under:
Heero Yuy
Just Communicatioin
Wings of a Boy
Radio Meteor is doing a new Gundam Wing PODCAST.
Calendar Events:
Cocktail Fridays!
Post responses on Friday, during Happy Hour between 3 & 5 pm in your own timezone.
Here’s the prompt for Friday January 11th! https://gwcocktailfriday.tumblr.com/post/181740312975/cocktail-friday-post-responses-on-friday-january
For those going to Pillowfort https://gwcocktailfriday.tumblr.com/post/181733192168/for-those-transferring-their-focus-to-pillowfort
Summer of Zechs 2019 Ideas https://our-summer-of-zechs.tumblr.com/post/181628092091/we-appear-to-still-be-up-and-running-folks
Come let us know how we should proceed for this coming summer!
Summer of Zechs will start being run from This Week in Gundam Wing Events on pillowfort as well!
Gundam Wing Holiday Gift Exchange 2018!
Gift Master List! To be put out later today!
If you have pillowfort, be sure to add your gift to the Exchange discussion in the This Week in Gundam Wing Events community!
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rookieskrp · 7 years
Tumblr media
What better way to celebrate four years of Rookies than with a bit of a makeover, right? Yes, those of you that noticed the change in icon and/or that the main was private for about an hour probably guessed it. Check out our lovely new theme, courtesy of the amazing Mod Razel! Those of you that were around in December 2013 may feel a little familiarity in some of the graphics, because this theme drew inspiration from the first theme Rookies ever had. The new acceptance graphics will kick in next week, so please look forward to it! Pardon our dust as we clean everything up and apply the necessary changes to our numerous sideblogs, too. We had intentions of getting all of this finished yesterday at the end of the queue, but what can we say, sometimes high quality work takes a little bit more time!! We hope it was well worth the wait.
To conclude the celebrations of this incredible landmark, we, your staff team, wanted to share our feelings on all of this beyond just a blanket announcement-- in a little more of a personal way. We always enjoy reading all the posts from you guys when you reach an important benchmark on your characters, be it a year anniversary, a certain number of posts, or more, so this is our version of that as mods. If this compels you to embrace your feelings of nostalgia and fondness, feel free to make an OOC post to let it out. We’d love to hear what this anniversary means to you! Tag any relevant posts as #rkfourth so we can see them all. If you’re inspired to make graphics or start any other projects, too, feel free to! Now, onward with our feelings!!
the fact i'm writing this right now is pretty surreal (especially since i forgot about it and had to do it while lying in bed ready to sleep). i was one of the last additions to the admod team and sometimes i still need to stop and think about it to remember that actually happened. i had been a member of rookies for less than a year when i was given the chance to become a mod and even if at first i wasn't sure if i was ready for the job i'm glad i took it! rookies has become something close to a second home to me and i often find myself choosing to write something instead of studying for an exam. during my time here i actually graduated from high school and got into an university which sounds crazy to me!! now debuts are happening and i can't wait to see what more this rp has in store for us. i truly do hope rookies continues going for many more years and that i can help it grow into something even better that can bring joy to whoever wants to join us (or is already part of the family)! watch out for events and see you next year, rookies!
ahhhhhh it’s already rookies fourth birthday *wipes tears* y’all grow up so fast i can’t believe we’re here four years later and rookies is still as alive and accommodating as it had began. i just want to thank the original admin team, julie and jaiden, for bringing to life a roleplay that’s both brought happiness and excitation for many of our muns. shoutout to piper for doing her absolute 100% best taking over and giving us a foundation to continue on after her leave. my fellow mod team who are literally THE BEST team y’all could ask for in running a roleplay. BUT ALSO who could forget our beautiful muns and muses we’ve seen come and go (as well as who are still here) without your participation, anticipation and love for rookies — none of this could really be possible. thank you for being so patient and hope everyone is excited for the future of rookies and the expectations of debuts in the new year! (i think we can all say this was a long time coming and i’m happy for those who have overcome this wait with us! rookies has always been my home away from home. from the very start, back in 2013, i had already known it would be hard to leave this place behind. with the countless muses i’ve created, rkqri has made a deep impression in my heart with her relationships as well as her development in the rk-verse. i honestly don’t know what i would have done without her or rookies to distract me from the stress irl had on me. it’s been my safe haven since 2013 until now and i’m happy to continue being here to see it til the very end! aghhhh i’m getting emotional but i’m super happy for rookies, it’s fourth birthday and for all the muses and muns who are still here and have made rookies their home as well. i Love ya, rookies 💓
hello, it’s your bandaid mod here! i still remember when i first joined rookies when shannen (former rkmyung) brought me over during the mgas2 season. i thought this place was amazing then (my first tumblr rp!) and i still think - despite the ups and downs i’ve felt as a member - that this place is incredible for lasting as long as it has! i’m beyond grateful to the current head mods for hiring me on within the last year because it was definitely a leap of faith on their part!! it’s even more of an honor to get to work on debut tier along with mod kyle (how y’all gonna trust me with these big tasks idk???) so i just want to say... thanks!!! to everyone for making the rookies community as fun, as stressful, and as rewarding as it is. i love it here more than i can possibly express. i’ll keep working hard as your mod from now on and as hyeri & joohyun for as long as i can! ♡
Happy Birthday, Rookies!  As a lot of you know, I’ve been here since the first day Rookies opened, four years ago!  I’ve really enjoyed my time here and the opportunities I’ve had to bring my muses to life and to write with so many talented people over the years.  I just want to say that Rookies has been a major part of my life for a long time now and I’m very grateful for that.  
Over four years, I’ve played several characters, though probably Taeyeon is the one I’m best known for, having played her for every single day of the four years I’ve been here!  My other two current muses are Seulgi and Sejeong, and I’m quite happy with how both of them have progressed so far!   I’ve also played the actress Kim Jiwon, After School’s Lizzy, GFriend’s Yerin (who became Seulgi), APink’s Eunji, & Pristin’s Minkyung.  I’ve enjoyed writing with all of you that I’ve had the chance to and even if I haven’t, I’ve enjoyed seeing you all here over the years, building your own characters in this world we share.
We have a lot more coming up in the future of Rookies, including debuts! (Finally, I know some of you are saying, myself included lol)  I just want to say thank you for all of you that have been here, no matter how long or short of a time you’ve been here.  Rookies is an amazing rpbecause of each and every one of you that takes the courage to put your writing out there.  So really and truly, thank you for being here and sharing your lives, and your muses lives, with us.  Here’s to more fantastic times in the future!
The only advice anybody can give is, if you wanna be a writer, keep writing. And read all you can, read everything. – Stan Lee
i remember feeling both excited and super nervous while writing my app to become a mod for rookies over two years ago - those who were close to me at the time can confirm that i wrote about six different versions for it, and ended up changing to a seventh one last minute because i STILL wasn't sure of what to send! i also remember the day mama piper told me she picked me as events mod as one of the happiest days of my life; i love her and rookies more than i can explain in this tiny little message and it means the world to me to have been chosen into such an important and special role in it. i know i've been lacking in my job and i would like to take the chance to apologize to all my members for being absent. i would also like to thank everyone for letting me be here and helping me grow both as a mod and as a person. please, know this: if i haven't been around as much as i should have, it's because i now finally have the strength and courage to take care of myself properly. i have accomplished many, many things this past year, and i know that i couldn't have done it without all that i've learned while being your events mod and your head of development. rookies is a part of me that i dearly love, and i promise i won't ever give up on it. it's not everyday you get to be a staff member of a rp that shares your own birthday, after all. ♡
i really honestly can’t believe rookies has been around for four years (people have entered and graduated HIGH SCHOOL in the time rookies has been open!!) but at the same time, i can. rookies always seemed like a special rp, and once it got through the original bumps, i’m really glad nothing stopped it. i think the most unbelievable thing is that i’m here, talking about this as a mod (admin???) those of you that have been around for a while have heard the story before. i joined rookies a few days before christmas 2013, and i was so overwhelmed by everything-- back then, my health was even worse than it is now, and i had no idea that i even had lyme disease, i was just sick allll the time. i thought for sure i would end up dropping in the first two weeks. i don’t actually remember how or why i stuck around, but by february, i was really invested and attached. over time, i started reading and liking every solo and sns post anyone ever posted, and kept up with what was going on in the lives of all of the characters here (i was inspired by our now former admin piper, who did the same thing before i did!) and i’m sure that’s what got me my dash mod job at the end of 2015. in my mod app, i said “i love rookies and rookies has helped me so much in the near two years i’ve been here, so i’d love to give back even half as much as i’ve gotten from it,“ and i think that sums up why i became a mod really well. rookies has been here for me when i didn’t know what all of my health issues were, when i got my diagnosis of lyme disease, and through all of the (continuing) ups and downs of treatment for it, and i can’t honestly express enough how wonderful it’s been for me to always count on rookies to be here as a creative outlet, and something to enjoy, and to always count on you all for your support. i like to think in the two years i’ve been a mod, that i’ve done a good job of giving back some of what i’ve gotten from rookies, though i think i still have some work to do before i reach giving back half as much, because you guys are always giving a lot to me every day, too. i should probably cut myself off before this gets EVEN LONGER so all the other mods can talk too (joke’s on you carly your message is so long that it got moved to the end) but i feel really blessed to be here in this exact moment, with the exact role i’ve had. i hope that my being a mod has made rookies a bit better of a place, and that your lives have been a little brighter because of it. thank you all for talking to me about your muses, and trusting me to sort out things that bother you, for choosing to spend your time and energy here, and for helping me learn and grow into a better person every day. in good times and bad, rookies has always been some of the good for me. i love you all dearly and i’ll keep working to make rookies a place you can enjoy for an even longer time  ♡♡♡
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