#oof I went on a tangent here lol
silent-lily · 6 months
Talking about heroes and heroic deeds and spotlights and all, many people seem to forget that in that sense Shadow is actually really damn modest (out of everything).
Like, if you look at it: he goes out of his way to make sure nothing disturbs the world's peace, he helps out when he's asked (mostly, when his help is REALLY needed) even if he has a thing or two to say on the matter or he has his own separate goals (god the times he's helped EGGMAN of all people, see Sonic Rivals series for example) - and he doesn't ask for anything in return. He doesn't need recognition or gratitude or reward of any sorts - he just does what he thinks is a right thing to do (yes, his methods may be unconventional at times but that's just how it is, he is an ANTIhero after all, he's not Sonic, he's been through some shit to make him a bit jaded, plus he's not perfect despite being The Ultimate Lifeform).
Shadow may seem cold and unsociable - but he's not heartless. He may look like he doesn't care - but that's just a facade, he wouldn't have done shit if he didn't.
He's been hurt deeply in the past but he still keeps his promise to protect this world from harm. His heart is in the right place.
Shadow doesn't need recognition - but damn he deserves one.
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halcyandaze · 2 years
question that came to me out of the blue but were there previous versions/scrapped ideas for bonomo and nova [or oc in general]?
oH BOY so I've had bonomo for over 7 years now so uhhh I do indeed got plenty of old material of those two and how they kinda evolved and changed over all that time
so lucky for you guys, for once I'm gonna *pukes in mouth a lil* ugh, share my old art from when I was 15, oof uhhh you're welcome in advance (yes I realize some of my old followers here could have been following since I was 15 but still) also since I've had these characters for so long and tie into my own life at times I may accidentally go off on some tangents but whatever
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strap in folks, this is gonna be a long post
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2015: aight so I first made this lil dude in september 2015 in a sketchbook after school. didn't think much of him at the time, just a cool character design that kinda stuck around. an ex friend of mine gave him the name bonomo (I suck at naming things) but yes humble beginnings here, literally just a little guy
early 2016: ok so at this point I got attached to the design and wanted to flesh him out more. at first he was just a lil creature with a monitor head, but I wanted to run with that retro computer kind of theme and fully embraced it by making him into a robot
mid/late 2016: alright so here is when the design really started to take shape and tighten up as you can see, from this point not much changes with bonomo as far as the design goes except for just minor art style changes from here. this is where I start building more personality, being rather positive, naive, goofy
2017: here is where I really start knowing the character well and finally get all the kinks out of the design. ended up making him very expressive, taller, softer, rounder, everything past this point is peak bonomo
2018/2019/2020/2021/2022: not much to report at this point his design is pretty much solid from here
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early 2016: so here I first wanted to make a simple persona/self insert kinda thing and made this rough unnamed loose design of a lil alien creature, as you can see I cannot decide on a color palette to save my life
mid/late 2016: got a name for them and started calling them nova, and I finally picked a goddamn color palette and basic outfit design about damn time. at this point they went from being just a nameless self insert persona concept to be their own character instead
2017: same with bonomo, this is where I feel like I got a good solid design for them, and all of their major design has stayed the same from here on out. I also brought back/revived some elements from their very first designs in 2016 as a design for their younger self for backstory purposes, but this is still a bit rough and I put it on the back burner to shape up their current design and story before tackling their backstory
2018: not much change here except I feel my art has gotten much better at this point lol
2019/2020: at this point I have bonomo and nova's personality, design, dynamic, and story rough ideas down pretty solid so I work more on nova's past and backstory more and have nailed down the design for their younger past self
2021/2022: both versions of nova have remained pretty much unchanged from here
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early 2016: both bonomo and (at the time unnamed) nova were more of just designs than the characters we know em as today. I started drawing them together around march 2016 just because I thought "oh haha a robot and alien, sci-fi cross over time" without thinking much of it
mid/late 2016: here I find myself drawing the two together more and it's at this point I realize to myself 'oh shit I can do something with this' and started to really flesh out who they are and where they came from and wanted to turn them into full characters instead of just little doodles. here I started experimenting with lore and story ideas, many of which have changed a lot or have been scrapped completely by now. at first I imagined both of them being from space, but ended up scrapping that and having bonomo be native to earth. I also didn't have a full motive for nova to come to earth yet either, but I knew they'd both be on earth at this point just causing trouble. I also was debating making their story much more depressing and even toxic at points for the two of them, even debating having bonomo leaving nova for good at some point, but that just made me sad over time so that quickly was changed
2017: here is both when their main design elements and personality start to take proper shape. I base their personalities off of exaggerated aspects of my own, bonomo being my goofy silly naive geeky half and nova being my feral stubborn paranoid half. I have also started forming the very rough idea of nova's backstory to how they arrived on earth, why they're on earth, how bonomo and nova meet, and their basic every day lives
2018: ok so now that I have their designs, personalities, and daily lives and motivations down, I start working on their actual story and have gotten it pretty solid now (but these are all spoilers so hmm ask for more info later if y'all really want uhhhhhhh)
2019/2020: at this point my art has gone from much more simple and flat color generally to much more rendered and symbolic and distorted and psychedelic, cuz this was after I dropped out of college and was battling some nasty drug addictions at the time which quite literally changed how I see the world to a much more confusing and broken and distorted place, and my art changed to reflect that. it was at this point that I started working more on nova's backstory seriously since it ties into where their story finishes
2021/2022: my art at this point was a lot of self reflection cuz I had a lot of emotions and a lot of personal growth and a lot of change in my life at this point and phew these two were really going through it in my artwork while I figured my shit out. but here we are now!
so yeah uh that's bonomo the prototype robot and nova the ex-space criminal they live in the middle of nowhere new mexico and get up to silly shenanigans and tomfoolery :]
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scoobydoodean · 1 year
wait this talk about season 9 has reminded me of one of dean's most egregious 'teasing' moments where he goes too far, in sharp teeth where he reacts to sam telling him about gadreel 'leaving grace in his body' by saying wow I'm gone for a while and you're like an episode of teen mom. like!!! truth be told I think that moment too can make sense in a pattern of dean downplaying or making light of sam's bad experiences as a way to like, help him get over it/make it not seem that bad (which is a thing he does) but in this case dean! sweetheart! you know you created this situation right! maybe this is not the time! hnsfglh king of not reading the moment
LOL I had forgotten about this one. Oof Dean. My man. Plz. 😂
Relatable fault though generally tbh. It's a big one in my family. Like. Making light of things and sometimes taking it too far. I believe in teasing (as long as one person isn't consistently the butt of the joke and people are teasing each other), but there is a balance to strike, and definitely situations where it isn't appropriate and this would be one of them 😂.
I think you are right about what Dean was probably trying to do there. This is a common coping mechanism for people, and I've heard medics also have a tendency to joke and tease as a way to downplay the seriousness of a situation to a patient they are triaging. Unfortunately I think for Dean here it was the wrong move lmao (and probably also was a coping mechanism for himself and not just Sam? But idk—I'd forgotten about this so).
Random tangent unrelated to this ask specifically (before any more randoms come for me) but I mentioned a story about teasing being outlawed? I went on a trip when I was 18 with like 13 other people, and we were in close quarters together for several weeks. There was very little privacy, and we were all chill people, but any time you are in close quarters with people, there will be things that will irritate you. You don't realize how much you use light teasing/ribbing to deal with these sorts of things until someone tells you you aren't allowed to do that anymore... not even because anything happened—just because the person who made this rule was very sensitive and decided all by themselves a few weeks in that teasing and sarcasm was a moral evil because it is "avoidant" behavior, and every single thing must be a serious discussion. This is exhausting, and it causes you to not address minor issues you normally would have addressed with sarcasm/teasing at all, so that irritations begin to weigh like so many tiny grains of sand, and asserting your boundaries becomes a lot more time consuming and draining and difficult than it has to be.
Basically, I have never seen morale drop faster. Teasing and sarcasm? They are efficient and light tools. Istg they are the lifeblood of human interaction and nothing will make you appreciate them more than being denied the ability to use them. But there is definitely a time and a place, and right after you lied to your brother for weeks about him being possessed was not the time lmao.
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Also, I rewatched this last night and I am besides myself with joy and affection for this bunch! I was wondering about your take on Booker telling Nile his story? My feeling is that it’s because she’s tagged along now and he’s already given the 4 of them, but doesn’t want her to get caught in it too (like he has come to agree with Andy’s exclamation of “she’s just a baby” in the train). And then she decided to go home after this (also that dream in the mine). So he wanted to nudge her to get out
Yes! I love a complex Booker take! He’s so fucking interesting to me. I don’t put “Booker Apologist” on my tumblr for nothing 
I’ve seen this discussed elsewhere, but here I’m gonna do it with my patented overuse of gifs and reaching real hard for shit that is probably not there... join me, won’t you?
Let’s break this down.
So Booker, and everyone else, become aware of Nile after everything is set in motion. They’ve already been killed and recorded in the Kill Floor scene, and they know Copley is after them.
So all of a sudden there is a massive wrench in Booker’s plan.
Now, personally I don’t think Booker KNEW they would be tortured. (Booker apologist trash that I am, judge away) I think he didn’t really know what they were gonna do. More just that the rest of the guard wouldn’t go willingly so he went along with a plan to get them all captured. Still not a great look.... but better than “I want to die and I’m willing to kill my family to make that happen”
Ok here’s the first moment that speaks volumes to me as it relates to Nile:
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I love this moment. In the last moments of the shot Matthias does something with his face that I feel like can only be described as, capital A, Acting. Like you can see him thinking through everything.
“Ok she’s new, and young and doesn’t deserve to get wrapped up in this.” To be fair it could also be “Ugh, this is the exact worst time for this to happen! I just want to die.”
It’s probably a bit of both. It IS the worst time for this to happen, but I could see him thinking back to when he was new and not wanting to bring her in to this confusion.
Unfortunately, there’s some pretty damning evidence the further we get into the movie.
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Booker tell’s Nile about his family, which is effectively him (and Andy) telling her NOT to run away from her new life. Cause if she goes back to them it’s only gonna end badly. 
NIle DOES leave after this, but I think it’s in spite of what Booker says, and imo tries to do to manipulate her to stay.
So basically I take that scene to mean the exact opposite of what you do. Gotta love how we can all have different takes on the same scenes lol
but But BUT
What I do find interesting is that Booker and Nile seem to bond a bit as time goes on.
You can already see it in the cave scene:
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And then again when Nile shows up like the competent bad ass she is:
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And of course in the ending he’s the one to most help her up:
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So to answer your question? Yes I think he STARTS to want to keep Nile out of the fray, but not from the get go. And not by the cave scene.
I keep meaning to do a whole thing on how Nile effects each of the members of the old guard (and Copley) differently. Like show how integrated and integral her presence is to each of them growing and learning something new.  She is absolutely the most important character in the movie and drives the most change for all the other characters. (All while having her own amazing arc! complex characters, we love ‘em)
But for now I’ll just touch on how, imo, Nile and Booker’s joint arc (at least for this movie) ends with Booker having a child again, and Nile having a father/parent figure. The thing that the two of them have lost, and I think desperately need in their lives. Luckily Nile doesn’t have to spend 200+ years alone before she get’s that missing piece. (100 years with the promise of getting Booker back at the end of it... sure)
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Yeah Nile... your family is morning the loss of a father member, and will move on... Gee I wonder what a father figure would say as his very next line:
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^That last gif? oof- Right in the feels^ So yeah I don’t think he was being purposeful with trying to protect Nile. But I think by the end Booker realizes what they could mean to each other as part of this crazy weird family group. 
Now he’s just gotta wait 100 more years until they can start to really build that bond.
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zephyrnoodles · 3 years
Lair Review for TheAwesoMew
Oof, picking only five dergs to review was not easy. Your lair is vast and beautiful. After long time of consideration I decided which dergs to put here:
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Zelda: Mint is one of my favorite colors. While not a big fan of slime/sludge it is perfect for her, I admit that with no grudge. She is gorgeous holy fuck. The way her mint secondary and tertiary works so well with her grey skin primary? *A thousand Chef’s Kisses*. I really like her outfit plan, it goes so well with her colors and it does fit her job of being a researcher! A very fancy one but researcher nonetheless! I have never played any of the zelda games, but I do noticed the name references :D
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Storm: What a character. What a story. Wow, she went through a lot. I really like how she changed over the years, but still retains some traits of her younger years. Change is a force of life, a sign of growth. Okay I actually started a philosophical rant about this and went off tangent lol. Back on topic: Aqua toxin is an amazing combination, and I really like how well it works with her black savannah primary. Her dark primary make her eyes really pop out. Her outfit is minimalistic but tbh she doesn’t need much more. So, a beautfiul dragon with fascination lore. I wanna give her a hug.
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Eosphoros: What a gorgeous derg! I love his soft yet vibrant colors. I wasn’t aware that buttercup striation looks like this! He is so pleasing to look at! I’m glad you didn’t give him too much apparel, the scarf and the flower are enough imo. I really enjoy his lore too. A mute and deaf coatl who found joy in colors and travelled around sornieth to meet more people and find more techniques and colors for dying fabrics, and finding friends in the process, is a wonderful story. He has so much amazing art in his bio and yeah, he is just delightful!
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Vestrin: A radio host! I haven’t seen one yet and I love the idea. It’s hilarious that he kinda became one by accident. His colors are so beautiful. Beige Jaguar is amazing, and spruce butterfly has the perfect accent colors to go with it. His maize tertiary finishes the look. His outift looks so good on him. It doesn’t look like a radio host but then again radio hosts are just being listened to and not watched, so he can wear whatever the fuck he wants. I really like the combination of the rags with the nurtured cluster. The fit colorwise and all in all the apparel gives Vestrin desert vibes which I love a lot!
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Sterling: The keeper of the treasury. Yeah no I wouldn’t want to face him and would think twice about stealing from the clan’s treasures. He looks firece. I really like how subtle the skincent is on him. It is not the focus, but adds to his overall appearance in a more subtle way instead. His outfit looks practical and kinda comfy, and I can’t even explain why. I feel like he smells like freshly cut grass, herbs and petrichor.
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shadowdianne · 3 years
9, 22, 28, 29, 62 :)
Hello there <3 nara happened to ask number nine already but… here’s the rest Xd Thanks for stopping by! Sorry for the tardiness; tumblr was tumblr and I didn’t see the asks until today -rolls eyes intensifies-
Role model
I’m going to sound incredibly boring, but I don’t have a role model. Or at least I don’t actively consider anyone my role model. There are things I like about random people around me: such is a good moral backbone for example and when I was a kid I remember reflecting on those very same things that I liked on the characters of the books I read but I haven’t never felt something like: ah, I truly relate to this person a role-model type of way ^^’’
Five songs to describe you
Oof, ok, I see you went for the: you gonna think for this route. That’s why I like you :P Let’s see.. five songs. This is gonna make an interesting turn y’all
Dark Carnivale by Frenchie and the punk for the aesthetic that calls me best and what I tried to put into words whenever I wrote -be that cissamione, swan queen, own personal work…. Etc- I like the air of decadence around magic that comes with gothic tropes. Which is *a* thing that makes me look THAT kind of tumblr niche so prevalent to find back in the early stages of this blue hellsite lol. But I don’t take myself that seriously, so my own preference for the aesthetic steams from there on
Bad habits by Dresden Dolls for my depression past self. The way the music is majorly sharp sounds, the voice reaching and almost being out of breath. It’s not something that is *me* but we are our past in tiny minute ways so Xd Yeah, let’s put it there.
Zure ezapinen itsasoan by Izaro. Both coming from a descriptor that is me being basque and how that is simply part of who I am but also as a way of describing how I view love. For me, for what I go and feel and for what I strive to give. I don’t know if there’s a proper translation in English for this one but if there is or even if it is not and you like female singers I really recommend her. The song fills me with the longing of being happy while being happy yourself, wanting and feeling safe. It’s something that has become more and more prominent as I’ve grown older: to be someone who creates safeness and who is capable of receiving such feeling without feeling worthless of it. So there you go :P
Follow the stars by Swingrowers. Both as a: I adore electroswing -yeah, yeah, trend is gone but I fell into it when it gained prominence and I’m here to stay :P- and also to that dreamy part of me, the one who still wants to have their heads a little bit in the clouds if only so I don’t turn into a boring adult -snorts-.
Abracadabra by Brown eyed girls. And here has also several angles. First one the classic and full of: I HEARD THIS TYPE OF MUSIC BECAUSE IT BECAME MAINSTREAM and you can actually realize that if you see that all groups of kpop, jpop and the like I like to listen to have been extinct for several years already lol. Second angle would be the aesthetic of BEG in general. Totally there for them, really. Which is something that as a tangent goes through the route of: describing one self I’d say. Finally, the third angle would be my gayness lmao. I really had a gay moment with abracadabra and I fully rec watching the vid for this one
Best way to bond with you
Alright, after the heavy stuff let’s go with… THIS
Best ways…? Uhm, don’t try to mirror me expecting me to be kinder to you. Which is something that has happened. I prefer one who is upfront, honest, respect others around you, treat them well. I’m going to have a problem with you if I sense or see that you are being a hypocrite or you are actively searching to harm others, be that by word or action. We can be different in what we like to have in our pizza but I will never get along with someone who treats or thinks that others are their inferiors. And I’ll act accordingly. Other than that… There’s no real mathematics about it. I like the quietness of the introverts, as I am one, rather than the explosive contrast of the extroverts so I will probably gravitate to people who prefer to talk to spend their nights drinking and partying but I also do have friends, and very good ones, that are totally opposite to me in that aspect. I would say that by being “good” -a good person- and approaching me you are already in a good place to bond with me XD Unlocking higher levels of sim-friendship (:P) it’s more related to once we start talking and we see how are we like, if we don’t make each other uncomfortable, if there’s chemistry there for that potential. Dunno ^^’’, is there supposed to be an answer here? I rant, as you know, I love ranting, And I know I’m filling the blank space here trying to reach a conclusion when I honestly think that my only thing is for the ones around me to be good people. The rest… time
Seven characters you relate to
Ooof Xd
Ok, I can do this one. Let’s see.
I relate to Regina, obviously, for the “mother’s and family members who weren’t exactly the best kind of role model on their lives” Look! A role model, I brought it back to the beginning! XD
I relate to Ai Haibara -from Conan or Cold case or whatever is called in America because, honestly, translation laws are one hell of a thing- because of the constant anxiety and feeling, at the time I was hooked to the series (so, pre-teen) as if I had some big words inside my head by adults didn’t seem t pay me any mind because of them.
I relate to Vin from Mistborne from the: sometimes not thinking enough or getting your feelings become too loud inside your head. I don’t go the aggressive route but I can get where that is rooted from a character perspective.
I relate to Katsa -graceling- and Bipa, from a book I don’t know if it was ever translated to English called “La emperatriz de los etereos” > The empress of the ethereal. Katsa from the perspective of someone that needed a long time to fully come across who they were and Bipa from the stubbornness and the intent for going anywhere in order to make others feel good. I spoke of romantic love back in the song related question but my intent of being a good friend obviously bleeds into friendship as well, not solely romance.
Elise, from Making a tinderbox -BOOK REC-, no further details are needed on this one :P
And finally… I relate to Beau, from CR. No further info needed 😉
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anapologethicc · 3 years
hiiiiiii love !!! sorry yesterday's message was sent a bit later had a busy mid afternoon but hopefully you'll get this one ok <3 (also very happy you're enjoying these!!) ahhhhh i had a feeling you'd like the anonymity (<- is that a word lol) of this all!! so thank you for not minding me staying anon for the time being xx
oh i knew you were a leo and love that, leos are truthfully one of my favorite signs !! (and yes unfortunately you do know my sign hehe) also your teaching career, ive seen your posts every now and then about teaching and your thoughts on it (and can i just say you're going to be a great teacher? also i know five yearsis a lot but you totally got this ok?) OMG YOU USED TO TAP DANCE???? I LOVE THAT !!!!!!! that's so cool and unique !!!! have you thought of maybe doing it again once uni workload isn't a lot?
ok ummm im trying to think of what i can tell you about me that is something i haven't posted about before... oh i know idk if it's interesting or not but since i was born and until my mid teen years i moved a lot (cant say where though (: ) and umm sorry idk why i can't think of other things but since you mentioned you did tap dancing, growing up i did so many different sports cause i couldn't commit to one for more than two years more or less (ive done swimming, gymnastic arts, dance, cheerleading, soccer football basketball and tennis)
i love you dearly💕 hope you're having a great weekend!! i'm sending you my biggest hug and all my kisses xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
hihi sweetheart <33 omg no dw abt it! i just missed u a teeny bit hehe. i'm literally enjoying this so much. and i think anonymity is a word. for a second even i was like wait...is it?? ahahha. (i swear i haven't shut up about how sweet you are and how wonderful i feel to anyone who will listen)
once again. response under the cut. because as usual i went off on multiple tangents but enjoy my lil story timeee babe <333
ughh okayy those were thing you alrdy knew about me. i do feel like i talk a lot about my life on here ahaha. (also omg ty for that!! i feel so nervous at times. where i'm like can i really do this or am i just screwing with myself. but THANK YOU SM MY LOVE!!!) AND YEAH I USED TO TAP!!! so much fun. and i wanna do it again sometime but like i don't really talk to the girls who i used to tap with anymore and stuff. so it's kinda bleh to do it alone. but maybe one dayy :)))
ouuuu so much travelling!! did you like moving around a lot? and do you like where you are currently? i swear i'm trying to keep my questions as vague as possible and you don't have to answer if you don't wanna obvs. dw abt it :)) ayeee you did so many sportsss!! ohmygod. also i've done swimming before. quit within a year. you'll see i have a long list of things i've quit. BUT ALSO GYMNASTICS. that was one thing i always wanted to try but never got to unfortunately. how was that experience?? also oof. sports. i stayed away from sports. i did get recruited for athletics and volleyball once upon a time. but i chose drama and dance over that. so you can see where my priorities and interests lie.
also fun fact! i've never played a female role in any of the dramas i've been in!!! like literally never. should've had hindsight and seen i'd turn out to be a non-binary lesbian but meh. ok so. when i was in like 5th grade. we did this french play in class (i've done french since i was 7. so for about 12 years. also a fun fact abt me) but it was about how this princess rejects all the princes because they're bad and she chooses the gentle prince at the end. and what happened was that none of the girls wanted to play the prince character cause we didn't have enough boys. so i volunteered to play a prince. i know i know. very generous of me. and that's how my long line of non-female roles started. so in high school. we did midsommar night's dream this once and i played one of the little henchmen gremlin type things. and then we did a short narnia play where i played Edmund. that was one role i quite enjoyed playing. and then we did this one other play about like pirates and stuff. and i ended up playing the role of a little boy. once again. who's pants get torn in one of the scenes. fun times those were. also both of those times i played a main character and both of those times we won first place in the drama competition!!!!
and dance ohgod. dance was like my little pocket of joy in a dreadful high school life. in our school you had to join at least one extra curricular and i picked dance till my very last year. and it was so much fun. we used to have classes every saturday morning. and i used to be the first one to arrive to class. my parents were like hell bent on getting me to quit because they wanted me to focus on studying. but it was the one thing i was stubborn about. eventually when i was in like 11th grade. my parents told me to quit. and on multiple occasions i've sneaked out early on saturday mornings before anyone was up to attend dance classes. that's how much i loved it. and cause i live in hong kong. my music teacher found bollywood songs and dance so interesting so me and my best friend used to have a dance duo. and we used to choreograph and perform all by ourselves. so much fun.
but ever since i've gotten to uni i haven't had the chance to do either. might have chance to do drama again (fingers crossed. heard some talks about the drama club at campus and things. so maybeee!!) and the dance. hais. i've only ever performed in groups or in duos. and every since uni began me and my best friend kinda drifted apart and i'm a codependent piece of shit on stage. so haven't properly dance in a while either. but hopefully will get back into both of those things soon!!!
also i'm just now realizing how much i've gone off about myself. but i hope you enjoyed reading it all!! you can ask me stuff if you want. clearly i love to go on about myself lmaoo.
also can i just once again say how much i adore you for sending me these asks everyday and being my valentine <33 (also literally me being all blushy and giggly because i've never had a valentine before) because i love and appreciate you so much for making me smile everyday!!! you are an angel and an absolute sweetheart my love <333 you deserve everything warm and lovely and wonderful in this world <3333
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i love you. and here's another kissy for you <3 i hope you have a wonderful day/night wherever you are!! you deserve the world and everything more for giving me these little moments of joy <33333
(also if i think you are who you are. i think i might've had/have a mini crush on you just based on our interactions and your vibe <33 and also was terrified of interacting with you when we first became mutuals. and if you're not i really do look forward to getting to know you mwa mwa. you don't have to respond to this. just me doing my guessing.)
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