#ooo also nancy drew and the hardy boys
phdmama · 2 years
Hello! Folktale and bells? x
Thank you my sweet pal!
folktale: what stories remind you of your childhood?
Ooo the first thing that comes to mind are the books. I was a HUGE reader (reading was an escape for me from some Bad Stuff that happened). I was a voracious, probably compulsive reader, which honestly, is not a bad thing. I loved so many books. I loved some of those series: Nancy Drew, Trixie Belden, the Hardy Boys. I read a TON of fantasy fiction - a lot of Anne McCaffrey, Tolkein, etc. Narnia, I loved the Narnia books. I read a lot of really weird post-WWI children's books? I don't know why I had those. I read Carolyn Wells, Beverly Cleary, Judy Blume, Madeline l'Engle, Ursula K LeGuin. Annie on My Mind facilitated my queer awakening.
So, uh yeah. I love books a LOT.
bells: what sounds are your favorite or calm you the most?
I'm a huge music person, listen to all sorts of stuff (classical, lighter jazz, big band, pop, folk, rock, broadway) and normally I like stuff I can sing to. For calming, however, I go for ambient low-fi chill beats kind of stuff. When my dad was very ill and I was driving up to see him a lot, that was all I could tolerate which was a huge shift for me. I don't actually have that any music on that much at home, because generally when I'm home, I'm trying to get stuff done, and I cannot read or write or do academics with music on, it's just way too distracting for my little ADHD brain. I also really love nature sounds - rain and thunderstorms in particular, so sometimes if I can't sleep, I'll put those on. I have an app.
mountain asks
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voidsteffy · 3 years
Does the things in the dreamscape seem a tad familiar to you?
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Thanks for the ask!
Overall, there are a lot of things that have been taken from Nancy's life and been modified in the dreamscape. And since I'm free and desperate to share my theories, here goes-
Starting with the first vision:
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Nancy wakes up by the shore, which I at first though was Moonstone Island but as the camera turns, the beach is smooth. So it's either where they summoned the Aglaeca or the Moonstone Island (reformed). This place has a lot of things significant to Nancy's journey. Calling to the sea spirit was her first time owing a supernatural entity something - Lucy's bones. It was the starting point of her eventually finding out her parentage. When she called out to the Aglaeca, Owen's life (blood/soul) was the toll which they didn't pay. Owen eventually died, starting a spiral of all the helpless battles she was going to have where she couldn't protect EVERYONE. Also, later, when Nancy realizes Odette is still alive somewhere inside the Aglaeca, the beach marks the place where Nancy was given hope of humanity even inside the darkest of places.
And then we see the Historical Society Archive Room's door.
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(There's two books in the corner, which I think are the Hardy Boys books. Grant's list is stored at the Society so maybe it's a nod to that ooo)
George becomes Nancy's defense mechanism (i am going to write the full Crew members allusion later on i promise)
And then Nancy goes into this place:
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There is no place introduced directly in the series, but a source mentions that Riverview Mental Hospital was the set location of the Velvet Masque episode. (can't remember if the Nathan Gomber warehouse was the same...
The scene over here is a warehouse looking area, with the net and all. It's a callback to her first case - the Hidden Staircase. The board in front of the net is too blurred to see clearly but it's the board that Nancy hangs right in front of the freezer at the Claw's locker room. It has some newspaper clippings, some black and white, a certificate of some kind and some decorative bright stuff. Also what I realized later on was the right most picture right below the certificate could be AJ's drawing of the Aglaeca...
Then we see Florence. But what irks me is that though we have never seen the lights on inside Florence, but I'm pretty sure vintage cars like that either didn't have lights or the latter ones had yellow fluorescent ones.
Later there is also a gurney kind of thing (this puzzled me). It could be the gurney when Ace was being taken to the hospital from his accident, or when Kate Drew died or when Celia Hudson had to taken from the crime scene to the morgue.
We see the sailor portrait hung on the farthest wall (prior seen at the Claw). Also a gaming podium or Claw jukebox behind young!Nancy. The jukebox might remind her of that time with Celia in the Claw dancing to her favorite song.
Next is the cemetery scene with Nick:
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In the background is her entire work table. Maybe she never felt targeted or seen as a special person in Nick's gaze. Maybe that is why such a personal thing is in the open. And Nick always (from the pilot) encouraged Nancy to continue her fight for justice. Soon that table is positioned right behind Nancy, while Nick looks right at her.
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We are in a garden, peaceful. It is the garden that we see in front of Nancy's house. But there are voodoo doll-like things hanging from the branches. This makes me think about Chief McGinnis saying that the house had negative energy...
Next there is the sailor's wheel of the Claw. It might also symbolize (i'm totally reaching here lol) that the fate of all the sailors on the Bonny Scott was jinxed.
There is Nancy's door at the edge of it all, overseeing the waves. When Ace appears, there is a faint white blob behind his shoulder on the horizon.
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Makes me think that's how Nancy visualized the Bonny Scott.
The door that she exits this part is the door of her own room (as far as I understood)
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She ends up at a tree similar to the Simon tree. The fallen pages are perhaps all the thoughts that she had kept suppressed for later while she continued to help her friends?
In the archway, we see the illuminated figure of an angel. There is a similar angel in the Hudson mausoleum as well as Icarus Hall, the farthest from Temperance's stone.
The knife in Nancy's hand looks familiar...
Also, all of her selves are standing in the terrace like thing of Icarus Hall. So all of her memories are literally standing on what her ancestor chose to destroy. And with her final act of putting the Wraith away, Nancy makes sure that the place crumbles, but with flowers glowing out of all the thoughts she kept suppressed till now.
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