#oooohhh i’m feeling things for a friend and i think maybe she’s feeling things too and we’ve been living in such tenderness
softhe4rted · 8 months
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february mb
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twinkleimagines · 3 years
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summary: You catch feelings for your nemesis Rafe Cameron and notice his change of how he started interacting with you, so you begin and hoping he feels the same, so you decide to take the risk to confront him and see what his true intentions are.
5.5k words
Part two, part 3 , part four (final)
Warning: Language, smut, physical and verbal fighting.
Rafe Cameron.
The most loved and also the most hated Kook in the OBX.
You and your pogue friends despised this guy, or at least you were suppose to.
But for some reason, between all the bickering you two had done over the summer, you've managed to fall for him.
I know- what the fuck.
It blew your mind too. He was never nice. Always making fun of the Pogues, practically humiliating you all every chance he got. You guys were nothing but broke thieves who took whatever you wanted no matter who it hurt. You guys were scum, the dirt on the bottom of his shoe, a bunch of nobody's that will never make it anywhere in life.
Which is obviously not true, but to Rafe - that's what you ‘dirty Pogues’ were.
You didn’t care for the name calling though. You honestly could say the same thing about the Kooks. They cheat their way into life, never have to work for anything , always have mommy and daddy's money to get them through any obstacle. But you knew not all Kooks were like that. Take your best friend Kiara for example. She's a 'kook' by the book, but by the streets she’s a Full Pogue at heart.
but for some reason though, Rafe would spend most his time trying to find a way to harass the shit out of you specifically. He could have a million Pogues around him yet he always found his way through the crowd to have some conversation with you even if it was to drag your name through the mud.
You first realized the feelings you had for Rafe when you began craving his presence.
It was the annual bonfire that you and your friends had went to , a place where all teens and young adults mixed from all clicks. Tourists, Pogues, and even Kooks. Everyone was there.
You stood next to the fire with JJ and Pope, two of your closest friends as the night grew louder, more people filling in. You watched the crowds as the piled up on the sand, but your eyes roamed for Rafe himself. You were almost mad at yourself for actively searching for him. And it wasn’t even like you were looking for him so you could avoid him, but searching so you could see him and hopefully grab his attention.
You continuously questioned yourself as to Why you were looking for this jerk off to begin with. All he was going to do was put you down and try to humiliate you in front of all of your friends.
But for some reason, when your eyes landed on that tall brown headed boy, his hair for once not greased back, a wide grin on his face as he wore a black t-shirt and a red cup in his hand- your heart fluttered. You began to grin slightly, seeing him in the distance.
Despite how much of an ass hole he was, Rafe was unbelievably hot. He was toned, Tall, jaw line so sharp it could probably cut you and you could get lost in those blue eyes of his. It excited you so much when he would give you attention. Even the negative attention. At this point you just enjoyed looking at him and hearing your name flow out of his mouth.
"earth to Y/n" JJ spoke out stepping out in front of you blocking your view to Rafe, and ultimately bringing you out of your trance.
“huh” you responded dumbfounded .
“Pope thinks I’m stupid for eating food with mold on it” JJ said throwing his hands up, you grin as you watched the blonde boy try to seriously defend his theory. Pope’s eyes widened throwing his hands up as well, looking towards you for agreement.
“It’s a Fungi bro! nothing good comes from Eating mold!” Pope argued back. JJ shook his head, disagreeing with Pope’s statement .
“dude, mold is good for you ok it’s just a natural organism “ He stated, dropping his hands down to his sides.
“You’re fucking nasty” You laughed out before pushing onto JJ’s shoulder. You hadn’t realized it yet, but your laugh caught a certain boy’s attention. the moment Rafe heard that familiar tune, his head turned to your direction, his eyes focused on you as you threw your head back with laughter.
“Well well well if it isn’t Ms. Sarah Cameron “ JJ spoke as he walked up towards one of your best friend, John B, and Rafe’s younger sister, Sarah. They both looked in your direction taking a few steps away from each other as if it wasn’t obvious that they were talking.
You didn’t hate Sarah per-say, but one time she did make out with your ex boyfriend while at a party. She claimed he told her he was single and she was just looking for a good night but Sarah was known for always wanting attention so you were doubtful on the fact that she was ‘unaware’ that he was your boyfriend.
You were the only one who knew John B’s crush on Sarah. He had started working for her father after his father went missing, and you were the only one who had caught on to his different approach when Sarah was ever mentioned, or how his cheeks would go slightly red when she would walk by. You didn’t blame him, the Cameron siblings were fucking hot.
“Hi JJ’ Sarah said with a grin. You stood to the side of Pope, looking around for Kiara, only to find her sat with a group of more Pogues talking their heads off.
JJ began trying to include Sarah into his previous ‘mold is good for you’ argument while your focus drifted off, your eyes roaming the crowd once again.
You managed to look back over to where you had first saw Rafe standing, only this time he was no where to be found.
“sarah baby c’mon” you heard someone say. You looked over, Your eyes widening to see Rafe and Topper standing in front of you next to Sarah. You knew this wasn’t a group that needed to be mixed, but seeing Rafe excited you. Your eyes landed on his, your heart beginning to flutter. You hated the fact that you two were enemies. It sucked looking at someone the way you did, knowing they were only looking back at you with hatred and pure disgust. At least you thought.
“Oh c’mon Topper can’t the girl just have a little fun?” JJ laughed out, his alcohol clearly running through his veins.
“You Pogues don’t know the meaning of fun JJ” Topper laughed out. You rolled your eyes shaking your head.
“Go the fuck on Topper “ you spat out, your eyes lifting some towards Rafe before going back to Topper. You could feel yourself kicking up a sweat, maybe from the alcohol , or maybe from the fact that Rafe’s eyes were already on yours when you looked at him. He even had a smirk plastered on his face, probably from the fact he gets off on the fighting.
“Oooohhh someone’s ballsy tonight huh?” Topper laughed bringing the attention to you.
“No im just sick and tired of you stuck up kooks always trying to ruin a good time” You scoffed out, crossing your arms over chest.
“Y/n you wouldn’t know the meaning of a good time if it slapped you in the face alright?” Rafe said. He furrowed his brows together when he realized a smirk rising on your face once you looked over at him. He didn’t know what to think considering the other times you were giving him an ‘ eat shit ‘ look, but this time it was almost as if you were happy he was commenting towards you.
“Oh right, having random hook ups and snorting a line of coke every night is a good time huh Rafe?” You scoffed out sarcastly. “ yeah I think I’ll pass” You said with a roll of your eyes.
“ Listen JJ you and your little bitch need to just go back to the cut where you came from-“ you glanced at Rafe, only to see him looking at Topper with anger as if he was upset at him for calling you that , but before you could further analyze his expression, JJ pushed against Topper’s chest, slinging Topper backwards.
“you watch your mouth” JJ spat out pointing his finger towards Topper’s face. John B quickly stepped in , pulling JJ back away from Topper who was now laughing like an idiot, excited for the action that he thought was about to happen.
“Yeah go ahead Johnny boy go ahead and play dad “ Topper spat out as John B continued practically dragging JJ away from the group. “just don’t go abandoning him like your dad did ” He yelled out. Your mouth flew open in shock, seeing John B stop in his tracks but before he could even respond, your hand slapped straight across Topper’s cheek, causing his head to bounce side ways.
“go suck on your moms tits some more you fucking prick” You scowled before turning on your heals, following your friends. You didn’t even bother to stick around for anymore commentary, your only goal at this point was getting your friends the hell away from here before all hell broke loose.
“never fails man” you heard JJ screamed out in anger as you made it to the parking lot all while Pope continued trying to hush them as they stood next to the twinkie.
“JJ chill!” Pope yelled out as he tried pushing JJ into the Volkswagen but to no avail.
“no man they always get to do and say whatever the hell they want and never get any repercussions for it !” he exclaimed.
He wasn’t wrong, they really did. And if the Pogues fought back they were deemed bad and out of control. You sighed heavily as you watched JJ try to calm himself down, only to realize you had left your phone on the Log you were originally sitting at by the fire.
“Fuck I’ll be right back” You stated, only for your arm to get grabbed by John B.
“No don’t go back there” He instructed but you shook your head.
“I’ll be fine I just left my phone. “ You exclaimed before making your way back down towards the crowd of people.
“Xcuse’ me “ you mumbled as you brushed past people, making your way to the fire.
“Y/n what happened?” Kiara asked popping up from the side, placing her hand on your shoulder.
“I’ll explain later , meet you at the twinkie ok? go calm JJ down” You responded, pointing behind you with your thumb towards the van. She rolled her eyes, realizing it was a fight that had happened before turning around, making her way to your friends.
“Just can’t stay away can you?” You heard from behind you. You turn around to see none other than Rafe himself standing proudly. You rolled your eyes before turning back around, walking towards the fire once again. Despite you usually being excited to see him, tonight really put things into perspective for you.
You really were just a ‘dirty pogue’ to these guys, nothing more. There was no point to continue entertaining the thought of anything ever happening between the two of you. You were enemies, and that was all you’d ever be.
“I just came to get something Rafe go away” You huffed out.
“Oh you mean this?” He yelled out , making you stop in your track. You turned around to see Rafe holding your phone up, a wide grin plastered across his face.
“Give me that” you demanded, reaching your hand out, but Rafe pulled back, pulling it out of your reach.
“Rafe!” You yelled out with anger. “Give me my fucking phone dude” You spat out , reaching out again.
“Well what’s in it for me?” he asked , that smirk still obvious on his face.
“Rafe , please” You sighed out, dropping your shoulders slowly giving up. Between the alcohol and it being so late, you didn’t have any energy in you at this point to argue and you were just ready to go home and crash. Rafe noticed the body change in you, his grin falling from his face.
“I’m sorry” he said softly as he held out your phone to you. You were shocked. Rafe apologizing? Nobody but his father had ever heard those words coming from him so for him to say this to you really took you by surprise.
You slowly took the phone from him, your brows furrowed together in confusion.
“uhm,” you said as you pulled your arm back towards yourself. “thanks” you mumbled before turning on your heels making your way back to your friends.
“Y/n stop arguing and just do it!” Your mom yelled at you as she pushed the cleaing cart your way. You had to work with your mom today at the country club unfortunately and you were not even the slightest bit happy about it. She needed help and ‘You teenagers don’t do anything for yourselves’ as she would say, so you were stuck cleaning the floors while she did whatever it is that she does.
“Okay!” you huffed out as you picked up the broom off of the cart, aggressively beginning to sweep against the floor. You rolled your eyes as she mumbled something else to you before walking away, leaving you to clean the room alone.
It wasn’t long after that you heard some familiar voices walking down the hall way towards the room you were in. It most definitely sounded like the horrible three, Topper, Kelce and Rafe. You quickly turned your back towards the door, hoping none of them would notice you since you were alone and you against 3 just didn’t sound like a good time. You continued sweeping as you heard the group laughing as they passed the room you were in, not even paying you no mind. You sighed with relief as you realized they hadn’t noticed you and continued back to sweeping the floors.
“Hey” you heard from behind you. You jumped up gasping loudly as you turned around quickly, only to see Rafe himself standing there .
“God – fuck Rafe you scared the shit out of me. “ You breathed out, your hand over your chest as you tried to calm your heart beat down.
“sorry” he responded. There was that word again that didn’t exist in Rafe’s dictionary. You caught yourself staring before you quickly snapped yourself out of your trance, placing your hand on your hip.
“What do you want Rafe?” You scoffed out. He smirked before walking over to one of the Desks that sat in the room. You watched as he sat down on the edge, grinning as he stared over at you.
“ Never seen you here before.” He stated. You rolled your eyes before you propped your elbow up on your broom, sighing heavily.
“my mom works here. I’m just helping” You exclaimed, not that it was any of his business anyway.
“Huh” He responded nodding his head. He kept quiet once again, leaving the room silent and you beyond confused. You eventually shook your head at him, indicating for him to continue, but he didn’t.
“Look Rafe “ you started, standing yourself up straight. “I have to get back to work so unless you’re here for something important, you can go the fuck on” you finished. Rafe hopped off the edge of the desk, taking a few steps towards you , his body now hovering over yours. You began to feel your heart pound again, this time from the nerves as he stood so close to you. The smell of his cologne, grass and sweat from his Golfing lingering in your nose. you felt your hands begin getting clammy as you tried to hold your composer, your breath hitched in the back of your throat.
Rafe slowly lifted his hands, placing it under your chin, his blue eyes focused on yours. You didn’t know what to do at this point. You’ve had one on one Arguments with rafe before but none where he stood this close, and this quiet with you.
“Rafe” You breathed out as he lifted your chin, your face close together. He grinned once again, leaning in closer to you.
“You’re so beautiful” He said softly. You stared back into his blue eyes for a second before leaning in slightly. You were taken back though as he let go of your face , taking a step back and putting his hands in his pockets.
“ see ya” He responded calmy before walking back out of the room, following back to his friends.
You stood in shock, confused by Rafes actions. You were for sure positive that he was going to kiss you but he didn’t.
“what the fuck?” you mumbled before shaking your head in confusion at Rafe’s actions. You sighed heavily before sweeping your broom across the floor again, trying to regain your compose.
Most of your day went on like normal. You finished work with your mom, your mind only focused on your brief conversation you had with Rafe earlier.
It sucked because you had feelings towards Rafe, and you couldn’t tell if you were overthinking his actions or if he actually was in to you as well.
You had come to a conclusion though- it was one of two options. He was either fucking with you, or he wanted to fuck you. And you were determined to find out by tonight.
“Here goes nothing” You sighed to yourself as you stood outside TannyHill, the outside lights lighting up the big white house. You quickly jumped over the concrete fence, your feet landing in the wet grass.
Your eyes roamed the balcony, trying to remember which area you had seen Rafe standing at before. You bit your bottom lip as you concentrated, only to see Rafe himself walk by one of the windows.
“gotcha” You spoke softly before crouching down some, doing a quick jog across the field in hopes no one would see you.
You quickly managed to climb your way up the house onto the balcony you had just recently seen Rafe at. This was one of the pro’s of being a Pogue. You guys were very athletic and could always find your way to anything no matter the obstacles. You stood catching your breath as your feet finally landed on the wooden floor, the area barely lit by the light from the windows.
“What the fuck am I doing?” You said to yourself as you stood in the dark outside of what looked to be Rafe’s bedroom. You ran your hands through your hair, turning back around to face the field.
“What the fuck am I doing?” you said to yourself again as you began pacing. This is Rafe we’re talking about. Of course this man is just fucking with you. He’s been nothing but a dick to you and your friends for years. why in God’s name would he want you now? You knew you weren’t’ ugly. You were in shape, had decent hair (Even though you probably smelt like sweat sometimes because of how much you spent outside with the gang) But for the most part you cleaned up well.
Plenty of guys wanted you- but you looked nothing like any of the rich girls Rafe hooked up with. Why would he ever want you? It was clear that he was only acting this way towards you so him and his friends could have a good laugh later.
You shook your head in disbelief that you even had the balls to climb this guys house and actually think you could even ask him if he was interested in you. You began to climb back over before you heard a door open. You froze instantly, hoping they wouldn’t see you in the dark but that was just wishful thinking.
“Y/n?” You heard someone say. You mumbled a ‘ fuck’ as you recognized the voice to be Rafe.
“Uhm” You replied awkwardly as you climbed down, turning towards him to face him.
“Care to explain?” He asked throwing his hand up in your direction.
“Uhh” You said awkwardly as you ran your hand through your hair before placing them down your side.
“Y/n what the fuck are you doing climbing up my house at fucking 11 at night” he spat out. You flinched slightly at the harsh tone of his voice, your eyes roaming everywhere but his face , afraid to look at him in humiliation.
“okay so” you started, looking down at your feet. You stood for a second, wondering how you were going to explain yourself without sounding like ta total creep.
“Alight fuck it. “ you breathed out, looking up at Rafe. “You’ve been acting weird towards me, and being all like nice and flirty one minute and a complete ass the next and like – I just need clarification “ You exclaimed before you took in a deep breath, staring at Rafe as you waited for a response. You bit your bottom lip as he continued staring at you with a blank expression.
“Well?” You repeated, but he stayed quiet. You rolled your eyes, annoyed with the mind games he continued to play. “Rafe what is it? You like me or are you like fucking with me?” You spat out in frustration.
He finally changed his expression, this time a cocky smirk forming on his face. He reached out, grabbing one of your hands before walking backwards, leading you to follow him into his bedroom.
“uhh Rafe?” You questioned, confusion written all over your face as his eyes continued staring into yours.
“I’m not explaining myself” He finally spoke, his hair draped over his eyes as he looked down at you. You scrunched your face up as he reached behind you, closing the patio door. He chuckled slightly at your confusion before taking a step back away from you. “I’m just gonna show you” He exclaimed before pulling against your arm, leading you towards the bed before pushing against your shoulder, making you flop down. Your eyes widened as he walked over towards you, a smirk never leaving his face as his hand reached up, pushing away the stray hair in your face.
“You know, I’ve wanted to fuck you for quite sometime” He stated, leaning forward. “I mean look at you,-“ his eyes looked down and then back up your body, landing back onto your eyes, “You’re hot as fuck” He responded. You didn’t have a clue on what to say, so you continued in the same spot , sitting on his bed propped up on your hands behind you.
“You know for a pogue,” He finished, chucking as you rolled your eyes at his comment.
“Why didn’t you say anything ?” You finally spoke, looking up at him through your lashes. His cocky smirk left his face, only to return shortly after.
“Had to make sure the feelings mutual.” He replied , standing back up straight.
“and Who said it was?” You asked , trying to build your confidence back up. Rafe’s smirk widened before he let out a chuckle, his finger pointed out towards the balcony you were just climbing a few minutes ago.
“You did” he replied . you lowered your head some without responding, knowing he wasn’t wrong. HE stared down at you for a few seconds before he leaned in, the tip of his nose touching yours.
“Rafe” You breathed out as he stayed teasingly close.
“Hm” he hummed, not moving his face.
“Just fucking kiss me already” You demanded. Rafe happily obliged, his lips colliding with yours. Your hands immediately made their way to the back of his head, tugging on his hair.
“You wanna lay down for me ?” He asked after a few minutes of your tongues fighting for dominance. You didn’t respond other than nodding before you slowly laid yourself down, your eyes not leaving Rafe’s. Rafe grinned before unbuttoning your shorts, tugging on them. You lifted your hips up from the bed, helping him slide your shorts down as your teeth clamped down around your bottom lip. He stared at your hot pink panties, seeing the darkened area as you were already soaked.
“Soaking wet and I haven’t even touched you” He indicated. You felt heat rise to your cheeks as attempted to lower your head in embarrassment even though he could see you. Your mouth flew open as Rafe leaned down, pressing open-mouthed kisses against your damp panties, applying friction against your clit. You moaned out, leaning your head back as he placed the palm of his hand against you, rubbing up and down at a slow pace.
“Does that feel good?” He asked, his voice low and deep. You bit your bottom lip before nodding your head. Rafe grinned before he tugged on your panties, pulling them down to your ankles.
“Spread your legs open baby” He demanded , his voice calming but deep and intimidating.
You grinned before slowly spreading them open, his eyes focused on your heated core the whole time.
You laid your back flat against his bed as he got down on his knees, pulling you by your hips down to the edge of the bed, your bottom hanging off directly across his face .
“Rafe” You moaned out as you felt his warm tongue glide along your slit, his tongue stopping against your clit before he enclosed his lips, sucking slightly. He wiggled his tongue back and forth as his inserted his two index fingers into you, curving upwards. You gripped your hands against his navy blue sheets, gasping loudly as his fingers hit against your g-spot, sending tingling feelings through your body.
Rafe took one of his hands and trailed it up your stomach under your crop top, his hand groping around breasts.
You continued moaning loudly as his finger tips swirled around your nipples while his other hand continued moving rapidly against you, his eyes looking up at you in admiration.
Rafe lifted himself up, his face close to yours as his fingers continued moving inside you.
Y/n” he called out softly causing you to open your eyed and look over at him.
He placed his lips against yours as he slowly grinded himself against your side, pushing his rock hard shaft against you.
“You wanna do this?” He breathed out as he looked down at you, the pace of his fingers slowing down. You nodded looking up at him, your heart nearly pounding out of your chest.
“Yes Rafe” you practically whined out. Rafe moved himself to where he was hovering over you, his lips placed against your neck as he pulled his joggers down some, his member popping against his abs. You breathed out deeply as you watched him line himself up before slowly sliding himself in.
“ fuck” He groaned out as he felt your walls wrap tightly against him. Rafe was not only long, but he was thick all the way around, filling you more than anyone had ever done before. You placed your arms around his neck, holding him close as he began moving his hips against you.
The room was silent, only the sounds of your deep breathing and small groaning from Rafe as he continued rocking his hips in you at a steady pace, one hand placed above your head as the other gripped tightly under your thigh to hold your leg up.
“Rafe go harder” You pleaded. Rafe instead stopped his movements completely before rolling you over onto your stomach. He pulled slightly against your hips causing your bottom to stick up in the air as your face was pressed into the bed.
You gasped loudly as Rafe inserted himself into you again from behind, the new position giving him access to going deeper in you, which was exactly what he did. You felt his hand land on the back of your head, pressing you deeper into the bed as he began grinding his hips deep into you. He began slow at first but then began giving you exactly what you wanted , slamming himself into you over and over again.
At this point the pleasure was overwhelming and you couldn’t hold the moaning in as he continued rocking his hips into you, the sound of skin slapping echoing the room.
“Fuck im gonna cum” Rafe groaned out deeply in your ear, the feeling of your tight warm walls around him bringing him close to his own climax. He began placing sloppy kisses on your back, his pace speeding up. You arched your back feeling yourself clench around him as you orgasmed, your clit pulsing. You whined out, tugging on his sheets as Rafe continued to pound into you, riding out your high.
“Fuck y/n “ Rafe groaned out as he quickly pulled out, pumping himself off shooting his load on your back.
You both stayed in the same position for a few more minutes as you tried catching your breath before Rafe grabbed a napkin from his nightstand, wiping your back off.
You rolled over, laying on your back as Rafe put his bottoms back On before looking back over at you out of breath. You grinned as your eyes roamed his glistening body, his abs very prominent and his hair stuck to his forehead from sweat.
“ You should’ve definitely came to me sooner” you finally spoke out with a giggle. He sat down on the edge if the bed chuckling slightly.
“Yeah, that was nice. “ He responded. The room became silent, you both just sitting awkwardly while you laid on his bed still naked. After a moment of silence, you finally sat up, pulling his top sheet with you while getting up off the bed.
“Soo” You said awkwardly as you wrapped the sheet over your sweaty body.
“you can use the front door ” He responded looking up at you. You almost wanted to slap him at this point, realizing he was indicating for you to leave. You scoffed while rolling your eyes before turning away, picking your clothing up off the floor.
“What?” He asked as he continued sitting on the edge of the bed, noticing you aggressively picking your clothes up in anger.
“Nothing Rafe” you mumbled as you pulled your shorts back up up your legs, turning your back towards him.
“Hey” He responded standing up, grabbing your hand after you pulled your top over your head.
“What” You replied back, looking up at him with anger.
“I wasn’t saying you had to leave now I was just saying you didn’t have to climb down the house again” He exclaimed. You stood for a second before shaking your head.
“I should go anyways, it’s late” You replied before walking over towards your shoes, sliding them on over you feet. “but don’t worry I’ll take the balcony so no one sees me”. Rafe wanted to reply to your comment but instead he stayed quiet as he watched you make your way back to his balcony before stopping, leaving your hand on the doorknob.
“Uhm” You spoke , causing him to look up at you. “I’ll see you later?” You stated, more like questioned just for your own clarification. He grinned before nodding his head, walking towards you. He walked you out to the balcony, helping you over the edge before watching you climb down to the ground to make sure you made it down safely.
You did a light jog back towards the concrete wall before turning around, looking up at the balcony. You grinned when you saw him still standing there watching you. You gave him a wave before turning on your feet, climbing back over the fence and going home.
Sorry I’ve been incognito for a while but ya girl is back 🥲
✨As always feedback, like, and a reblog is always appreciated ! ✨
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zealoushound · 3 years
My Hero
Summary: You and Kal have a movie night!
Pairing: Henry x reader, Kal & reader
Word Count: 1,300
Warnings: RPF All fluff! Scary movie, mentions of horror movie monsters.
A/N: @iaalien asked for more Kal content so of course I had to provide! Hope you enjoy it babe!
Disclaimer: This is purely fictional. I don’t own Henry Cavill or Kal, which is really sad if you think about it. Do not copy any part of my material to use as your own. Do not repost my work, or any portions of my work on any site and claim it as your own. Like all my other fics, this was written on my phone and not beta’d.
(pic from @kalcavill-fanblog)
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You only started watching this because your best friend, who had just finished it, told you it was such a good movie. You had wanted to wait, and watch it while Henry was home so you wouldn’t be as scared, but he was away for the weekend on business and wouldn’t be home until tomorrow night.
Against your better judgement, you decided not to wait on his return. Patience never had been your strong suit. You settled in on the couch beside Kal, who had stayed behind instead of going Henry.
Albeit, a considerably hairier replacement, Kal makes the perfect movie companion. He never complains about watching a chick flick, makes you watch any boring documentaries or hogs the popcorn like his human counterpart. Pulling your blanket up for extra security, you wrapped an arm around the gentle giant to your left and hit play.
Thirty minutes later you had gotten so interested in the movie that you were on the edge of the couch, unable to look away even as it got scarier, and scarier. With widened eyes, you leaned closer as if somehow leaning forward would help you see what was coming.
“Oh, Kal! This is too scary.” Putting your hand over your heart, “how did I let you talk me into this?” Looking away for a send to glance at your furry companion. Kal looked up at you, giving you a little head tilt.
Something crashed down then a loud scream ripped out of the television. “OH! No. I’m turning this off!” You said defiantly as someone was killed on screen.
As you were picking up the remote again someone else came into view on screen. “Oh, don’t go in there! Don’t do it!” You looked down at Kal, “She’s about to get it!” You stated matter of factly. Kal’s tongue lolled out of his happy mouth as you scratched his head, more for yourself than him. Touching him grounded you in the present. You weren’t as scared then. It also helped that touching, petting, playing with him made you feel closer to Henry.
As you looked back, the killer jumped out at the woman on screen. “Ahha! See! I told you! I gotta turn this off before I pee my pants.” You paused it. “Ok, a quick bathroom break and then we’ll restart... maybe.” You were a glutton for punishment, of course you’d come back! “I’ll be right back buddy.” You patted Kal on the side as you got up to run to the bathroom.
Opening the door you looked down, “Honey you didn't have to get up!” Of course Kal had followed you down the hall to the restroom. “Come on, baby boy, let's finish this.” You wiped your clean hands off on your pants. I’ll get you some snacks. How about that, huh? Yeah, is that my good boy? Yes sir, you are!” Kal pranced around loving all the praises from his mumma, as Henry had begun calling you.
You pulled a few Milk Bones out of the box in the kitchen, tossing one to him as he caught it midair. “Good boy!” You exclaimed excitedly. He crunched on it all the way back into the living room as you resettled onto the couch with your favorite pillow, just in case you needed to cover your eyes.
Kal hops up right next to you letting you drape an arm over him again while you rub the soft, fluffy fur on his chest. “Ok, now. Where were we?” You hit play, jumping right back into the story. Kal eyes the treats in your other hand. Seeing him in your peripheral vision, you put the bone shaped treat out in front of him for him to take from your hand while not looking away from the film.
Forty five minutes later, you’re so involved in the twisted story you don’t even realize that you’ve sunk down so much that you’re all but lying on Kal. He’s raised up, but still seated beside you, sensing the fear in you and keeping a vigilant eye on the monsters that intend to do you harm.
“Oooohhh nooooo,” you whisper, hiding your face in Kal’s fur as the music begins to swell. Henry cautiously walks into the living room, then stands perfectly still, watching you quietly. He’s careful not to make a sound; convinced that he would frighten you to death if he so much as breathed too loudly right now.
Just as you look up from your furry shield the beast leaps into view, growling, snarling, covered in carnage, looking like something straight out of your worst nightmare. You jump a foot off the couch, and let out a terrified scream. Kal springs into action.
He’s instantly up off the couch, and down to stand in front of the tv. Feet planted, ready to attack, fur bristled, growling at the beast that scared his mama so badly that she’s crying now.
He begins to bark until Henry’s soft soothing voice picks up from the kitchen behind him. “Easy boy, good boy. Relax buddy.” Kal backs down, walking over to see his dad. “That’s a good boy. Good work protecting mama like that.”
You’ve huddled into yourself, crying on the pillow waiting for the coast to be clear so you can dive on the remote, and turn the tv off. Then suddenly you hear Henry’s voice behind you. He’s home early. Oh, thank God!
Henry walks around the couch with your scary movie partner-in-crime following close behind him. He sits down behind you. Kal comes to check on you sitting beside the couch, watching you intently.
Henry picks up the remote, looking at you while he holds his hand up to point it to the tv as he turns it off. You’re still hiding behind the pillow you’d grabbed earlier, taking in the blissful silence that falls as soon as he shut off the tv. See? You knew you’d need that pillow.
“You ok?” Henry asks quietly, running his huge, warm hand up your thigh, his fingertips resting just underneath the hem of the shorts you’re wearing.
“Yeah,” you reply sheepishly. “I’m sorry.” You sit up, sniffling. Your face red, and streaked with tears. You only glance at him, ashamed of how he’d found you.
“Why are you sorry, my love?” He opens his arms for you. You pounce on him like if you didn’t he would disappear; float away like a beautiful, soothing, dream.
“I knew better than to watch that dumb movie while you were gone.” You mumble into his soft, grey MuscleTech shirt, breathing in his scent. His scent, his arms, his voice, they always calmed you. Instantly. He had some sort of power over you, not that you would ever complain about it.
“You would have still been just as scared if I had been here.” he said, rubbing your back just the way you liked. He could have sworn he heard you purr.
“Yeah... I’m just embarrassed now though,” you spoke so softly he almost hadn’t caught that last part.
“It’s ok to be scared, darling.” He assured you.
“I know it's just... when I screamed I know I scared poor Kal.” You looked over to him sitting in between Henry’s feet.
Henry laughed. “Honey! You did not scare Kal. He was protecting you! He stood between you, and that thing! He was ready to destroy it!”
“Oh buddy, you did?” He sat up taller, and looked to be puffing out his chest like a superhero. “Oh, Kal! You’re my hero! Thank you buddy! You’re amazing, you know that?” You petted him all over while praising him. He blinked his eyes slowly, panting softly as he let his tongue wag, along with his tail! “Kal you are the BEST!” He was in absolute Heaven!
Tag list: (As always if you want on or off please let me know!)
@foodieforthoughts @wendimydarling @littlefreya @nuggsmum @killjoy-assbutt-1112 @summersong69 @oddduckthatgirl @winter2112rose @ysmmsy @christhickevans @ladycavillry @mary-ann84 @twhstuckylover @cavills-little-princess @luclittlepond @beck07990 @eldarwen333 @littlebirdofrivia @themaskismyface @enchantedbytomandhenry @supermamabear123 @diegos-butt @atomicsoulcollecto @alexakeyloveloki @kebabgirl67 @cynic-spirit @cavillsharman @littlewrenofrivia @viking-raider @iaalien
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ofstarsandvibranium · 3 years
How do you feel about chubby!bucky who is your bestfriends older brother?
Oooohhh i love this trope
So Rebecca Barnes is your best friend
And ever since you guys were like 12, you've had a crush on her older brother, Bucky
You've seen him grow up from the annoying older brother to the cool and popular high school athlete to a successful businessman.
hes gained weight over the years, but that doesn't mean he isn't just as handsome
You dont see him much when you see Becca since they live in different parts of New York, so its been a while
But then you're invited to Mr. and Mrs. Barnes' 50th Anniversary dinner and thats when you see Bucmy again
Hes sporting a light grey suit with a blue tie and he had a full bear that covers his plump cheeks
He looks so handsome and when he looks your way, you suddenly feel like that shy 12 year old again
Bucky asks you for a dance and you two sway to the live band playing, his hands on your waist and yours on his shoulders
"I don't think I told you how beautiful you look."
"Thanks. You look beautiful too."
Bucky blushes and murmurs a thank you back.
Over your shoulder, Bucky spots Becca and Steve looking at you two, giving him a look and mouthing "kiss her"
"You okay?" You ask him when you see his eyes widen.
"Oh, um, well, its getting a bit warm in here. Would you like to join me outside?"
So you and Bucky exit the venue and let the cool breeze air you two off.
"So, um, Y/N?"
"Can I...tell you something?"
"Sure, Buck."
And its there that Bucky confesses that he's always had a thing for you, but it felt wrong because you're his sister's best friend. But Bucky and Becca have talked several times and she's okay with you two being together. That is, if you want it to happen.
You laugh in disbelief, "You're telling me we could've been dating for how many years by now? Maybe even married?"
Bucky looks at you, surprised, but then relieved when he realizes that you feel the same way just as him.
He just gives you a chuckle and murmurs, "I suppose so."
"Alright, Bucky, lunch tomorrow. You and me."
He laughs and says "It's a date." And then leans in, pecking your cheek, "I'm glad you came tonight, Y/N."
You slip your hand into his and reply "Me too."
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fiddlepickdouglas · 4 years
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Viva Las Vegas, Pt. 1 - Ribbit
Summary: Sunset Curve Alive AU, Willex, THE meetcute of meetcutes. 2.1k
Edit: thank you so much @trevor-wilson-covington for the pretty edit!! I'm in love with it!
Alex drummed his fingers on the armrest of his seat in the van. The drive from Los Angeles to Vegas was just short of four hours, but it had been an early morning and it was going to be a long day. He was feeling the carsickness sit just under the threshold of dangerous and rolled down the window.
“Whoo! Twenty miles boys!” Luke called out as they passed a sign on the freeway, clapping Bobby on the shoulder from behind.
“Woohoo!” Bobby responded in excitement.
“Think you’re gonna make it, buddy?” Reggie looked over at Alex. Alex turned only a fraction of the way toward his friend and gave a half-hearted nod.
“Hey man, let us know if we gotta pull over,” Luke said.
He simply nodded. Next time he wasn’t going to sit in the back.
The other three were jamming to whatever Luke was riffing on his guitar. Bobby thankfully drove at a slower pace as they approached the final stretch toward their destination. The ache in his stomach didn’t get better, but it also didn’t get worse so he was banking on it calming down once they stopped.
“Hey, guys, we wanna stop somewhere and get breakfast first?” Bobby called out to the rest of them.
“Oh yeah!” Reggie said. “I think I could go for some pancakes.”
“Oh, pancakes sound real good right now.” Luke echoed.
“Alex?” Bobby peeked into the rearview mirror at him.
Looking up from the view outside, he just shrugged. It didn’t matter. He wasn’t sure he could handle food no matter what it was.
Eventually they pulled off the freeway and kept their eyes peeled for an open restaurant.
“I see pancakes!” Reggie cried, pointing at his target.
“They’ve got an arcade next door, I second that vote!” Bobby said.
As they parked and clambered out of the van, the boys stretched and shook their limbs. They entered the diner and found a booth, practically collapsing together on the table. Alex placed his face in his hands and tried taking in deep breaths to calm his stomach. A sudden voice was heard beside the table.
“Good morning starshines, the earth says hello! How are we doing today?” Sounded like a waiter. Alex felt rude, but didn’t bother to look up. He felt Luke nudge a menu under his elbow.
“Oh, we’re hungry!” Reggie responded.
“Awesome, guys,” the waiter said. “Anything I can get started for you?”
“We’ll go with water,” Luke spoke for everyone at the table. “And, sorry about him, he’s not feeling good.” Alex assumed this was about him and sighed.
“Okay, so water for everybody? Alright, I’ll just grab those for you while you prepare your orders.”
As the waiter left, Luke tapped Alex’s shoulder.
“How you doin’, Alex?”
“Not blowing chunks, I guess,” he groaned.
“Hey, guys,” Bobby started saying. “How about we pick what we wanna eat, and then I want to check out the arcade while we wait for our food.”
“That’s a good idea,” Reggie said, perking up. “I hope they have Galaga.”
“I’m down,” Luke said. “Alex, you wanna wait here for us? You can give the guy our orders and then just chill.”
“Maybe that stomach will settle down,” Reggie added.
Alex lowered his hands and rested them on the table.
“Yeah,” he replied. “I need the space anyway. Thanks.”
“Cool,” Luke hopped up from his seat. “Uh, I’ll just do the buttermilk pancakes.”
“Make that two buttermilk pancakes!” Reggie said, holding up his fingers.
“Eggs and sausage,” Bobby told him. “And buttermilk pancakes.” He patted Alex on the back as the three of them ventured next door.
At least they were easy to remember. Alex looked around the restaurant as he kept breathing in and out slowly. He was the only person there. That was surprising for a diner just outside of Vegas around ten in the morning. He didn’t mind the quiet, though. Having all this space to himself was already helping him feel better.
A guy with long dark hair approached him with a tray carrying glasses of water. Alex gulped as he watched, his breath catching in his throat. He took in the tie-dye shirt, the ripped jeans, and puka shell necklace and guessed he was probably from California as well.
“Whoa, where’d they all go?” the waiter asked, smiling a little in confusion.
Alex blinked.
“They, uh, they went to the arcade,” he managed to get out. He couldn’t help it, this guy had a nice smile.
“Ah,” the guy raised his eyebrows and began placing the water on the table. “And they left you behind? That sucks.”
“I’m okay,” Alex said. “We’ve just been on the road for a bit and I got kinda carsick, so I needed some space anyway.”
“I’m sorry, man,” the waiter said. “Did they decide what to eat before they bailed?”
“Uh, yeah,” Alex shifted to face him better. “They all want buttermilk pancakes and then one guy also wants eggs and sausage.”
“Three buttermilks…” the guy muttered as he wrote them down. “Eggs and sausage. And do you know what you want?”
He looked directly into Alex’s eyes as he rested the tray under his arm and it took everything Alex had not to melt right there. Don’t look at his lips, he thought. He was pretty sure his eyes had betrayed him but he forced his gaze downward as a cover.
“I’m sorry,” he said, flustered. “I actually forgot to look at the menu.”
“Right, ‘cuz you were carsick, sorry” the waiter chuckled, running a hand through his hair. Alex bit his tongue.
“I should probably get some food still,” he managed to say. “We’ve got a long day ahead of us.”
“Right on. I could recommend some toast - that’s always easy on the stomach. That comes with eggs, and I could add in some banana for you.”
“That actually sounds great,” Alex told him. “I’ll just do that, then.”
The waiter smiled and bit his lip.
“‘Kay!” He lifted the tray from under his arm and headed back toward the kitchen, doing a little skip before disappearing inside.
Alex felt his hands shaking and he sat on them for a minute. Looking around the empty diner, a thought occurred that somehow with just him and the waiter it had seemed full. The strange feeling crept all over him, like a new exhilarating energy, and he moved his hands back up. The waiter popped back out of the kitchen and came back toward Alex in a cavalier fashion.
“Mind if I join you?” he asked. “I don’t exactly have other people to help and I feel bad leaving you all by yourself in here.”
“Make yourself at home,” Alex said, gesturing to the seat across from him. Make yourself at home? What is that? he berated himself.
The guy extended a hand for him to shake. “I’m Willie, by the way.”
“Alex.” As he took it, Alex returned the firm grip he received and they both chuckled a bit at noticing each other’s strength. Willie sat down and immediately grabbed a napkin from the dispenser.
“So you said you and your friends have a long day ahead of you?” he asked.
“Oh right,” Alex couldn’t believe he had forgotten about the guys for a minute. “We’re a band, so we’ve got a gig opening for Julie Molina tonight.”
“Wicked,” Willie smiled and nodded, folding the napkin into something Alex wasn’t sure what it was supposed to be. “Who’s Julie Molina?”
“Oh, she’s just a good solo artist - does a little bit of everything. My buddy Luke is really into her.”
Willie nodded some more, continuing to fold the napkin.
“And who are you guys?”
“We’re Sunset Curve,” Alex said. “I’m the drummer.”
“Right on! You guys just becoming a thing?” Willie raised his eyebrows.
“I mean, I guess so,” Alex hadn’t exactly thought about it. “Opening for Julie is a big step for us.”
He watched Willie’s hands work until he finished. It turned out to be an origami frog.
“Ribbit,” Willie said, pressing on the top to make it look like it was moving. The napkin material didn’t exactly lend to bouncing up and down, which made them both giggle. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to be distracting.”
“I don’t mind,” Alex said. “It’s entertaining.”
He realized how widely he was smiling and laughed to himself.
“What about you?” he asked.
Willie straightened his posture and ran a hand through his hair again. He flailed his arms and blew out his cheeks before holding one arm with the other and leaning on the table.
“Making it on my own for now. I just do whatever feels good, you know? Make a few bucks, get out and enjoy what I find. Don’t need a whole lot to be happy.”
Wow, Alex wanted that kind of chill. He picked up the origami frog.
“What do you do when you’re not here? Besides these, of course.”
Willie shrugged.
“Skate. Be free.” He smiled, but sighed heavily. Alex saw a distant look in his eyes, but knew now wasn’t a time to address it. “I see Vegas in all its glory. You should see the lights at night.”
“Won’t I see them tonight?”
Willie shook his head.
“Not the right way,” he told him. “Not at the right angle. I would show you, but you’ve got your gig and everything.”
Alex opened his mouth to reply, but a head stuck out of the kitchen door. A man with dark hair and chiseled features looked at Willie and all he did was glare authoritatively.
“I’m - coming,” Willie stammered, rising from his seat.
Alex realized his mouth was still open and he shut it, unhappily swallowing what he’d wanted to say.
“That was my boss,” Willie said, already in a hurry. “I’m sorry, I’ll be back when your food’s ready.” He rushed off and the diner felt empty and cold again.
As if on cue, Luke, Bobby and Reggie burst back through the door. Luke and Reggie were celebrating while Bobby seemed a little less enthusiastic.
“Dun-geon slay-er!” Reggie proclaimed in a mock deep voice. “Too bad we can’t stay longer and go for that tournament today; I would have whooped everyone.”
They all sat and immediately gulped down their waters. Bobby remained quiet.
“How was the arcade?” Alex asked.
“It was sweet,” Luke reported. “Bobby’s mad because Reggie mopped the floor with him.”
“The joystick wasn’t working right, it wasn’t a fair outcome,” Bobby defended.
“Oooohhh,” Reggie made a silly face and wiggled his fingers. “Bobby only loses when the game doesn’t work, ooohhh!”
Alex shook his head and laughed mildly. He only noticed then that his stomach had stopped bothering him completely. He hadn’t even felt it when he’d been talking with Willie. He finished his own water, and was happy not to feel anything as it went down. The origami frog was still on the table.
“Hey, Alex,” Reggie said, picking it up. “Did you make this?”
“Oh, no, Willie did,” he told him.
“Who’s Willie?” Luke asked.
Speak of the devil - the kitchen door opened and Willie came out carrying their plates.
“Alright, we got pancakes, pancakes, more pancakes,” he said, placing them where they belonged. He glanced at Alex quickly, but it was too quick to read. “Who had the eggs and sausage?”
“That was me,” Bobby said, raising his hand.
“Okay,” Willie passed it over to him. “And toast and eggs with a banana.” He smiled as he set it down before Alex. “And it looks like you all need more water, I’ll be right back!” He was gone too quickly again.
The change in his mood unsettled Alex, but maybe it was because Willie was working. As he saw Willie returning with the water pitcher he had an idea.
“Hey Luke,” he said. Luke turned to him expectantly as Willie silently poured water in their glasses.
“Where are we playing again?”
Luke looked confused. Willie was listening intently.
“The Pearl, why? How could you forget?”
“And what time do we play?”
“Eight o’ clock. You sure you’re feeling better?”
“Yeah. I was… I was just testing you, cuz sometimes you don’t remember.”
Luke looked around the table defensively.
Reggie shrugged. “He’s right. But you remembered this time!”
Alex felt bad about starting Luke in an argument as he listened to them continue, but he knew it would blow over quickly. He caught Willie looking back at him and nodding as he walked away. As he returned to his food, Bobby smirked at him and shook his head. Heat rose in his cheeks and he focused on his toast.
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Do you have any headcanons for Makoto interacting with class 77??
oh bOY DO I-
Makoto interacting with class 77
(AH i started typing out his interaction with the remnants + post sdr2, but then I thought maybe you meant something more like the literal class + their school days/pre-despair? so here's that, sorry if it's not what you meant-)
(Also I got a bit excited and this ended up being less so headcanons and more like- how Makoto befriended the entirety of Class 77-B and then some, and because it’s long af, I decided to put it under the cut for the sake of both mine and your sanity, anon)
Makoto Naegi and class 77 (and Hajime Hinata because I just want to include him ok-)
• Chiaki Nanami- honestly I think him and Chiaki would get along well. She wants to make friends, and he's extremely good at it- I can imagine him walking up to her one day whilst she's alone and shyly asking if she'd want some company. I think he'd probably be a big help in her trying to befriend the rest of her class, and I think she'd probably come to him for advice/to complain. She'd probably look up to his outgoing and extroverted nature, and try to apply that to herself. He probably gives her some suggestions on how to get everyone closer. I also like to think she'd come to him when she needs a break from the rest of them too- she loves them, but they're a handful, and Makoto is sweet and soothing to be around, he's very open and easy to read, which can be comforting. Makoto and Chiaki are the “glue” of their friends, they help keep everyone connected (after all, it’s only when those two ‘die’, that everyone completely falls into despair). Whilst I think they enjoy and are proud of that responsibility, the expectations might get a bit much sometimes, understandably so, and they’d need to let it out to someone who feels the same. They both cherish their friends a LOT, and it’s sweet to imagine them gushing about it how awesome everyone is and how much fun they have spending time together. Chiaki and Makoto will be seen playing video games together to blow off steam from time to time.
• Hajime Hinata- he probably gets introduced to Makoto through Chiaki, and the two bond, if not instantaneously. Hajime and Makoto are VERY similar, in that they're both "normal". Hajime straight up doesn't have a talent, and Makoto only kind of does? He got into the main course through a lottery, and his luck is nowhere on the level of Nagito's- he's just as "ordinary". I think Hajime would be jealous of Makoto at first (after all, they're not that different, and yet it was Makoto who got to be part of the "special" group), but that would quickly turn into being comforted by him. Makoto also believes in everyone's potential, and whilst he admires talent and Hope's Peak, he doesn't believe that only the talented are worthy or capable of producing hope. I like to think Makoto harbours a little bit of an inferiority complex, being surrounded by talent all the time, and Hajime can definitely understand that. I think the two of them could form a strong bond, and a close friendship, due to their similarity. It's one thing to hear about your worth from someone 'better' then you, it's another when they're on your level. Makoto is very humble, and that's what Hajime needs- someone on his level to get real with him and be a friend. Additionally, Hajime is someone Makoto could maybe confide in about his own insecurity- lord knows he couldn't with his own class, or any of the other Ultimates really, but Hajime gets it. The two could bounce off each other well. I know a lot of people joke about them being ‘brothers’, but I can really see them forming a close, caring bond. Hajime doesn’t really have friends, and whilst he might be prone to bitterness and agression, he’s also got a good heart and cares about doing what he feels is right (dr3, when he tries to befriend the Kuzuryu sister and demands to see Mahiru (I believe it was). They both have an advocacy for justice, but a self-sacrificing nature too. They’re similar but yet also opposites in a way. They’re perfect as each other’s support and as their mirror perspective. 
• Nagito Komaeda- oooohhh boy. We all know how Nagito thinks of his own talent *wheeze*, let's just say at first he's not- the kindest to Makoto. He doesn't understand why Makoto is so carefree and friendly when he's so 'worthless'. He sees Makoto as being overly confident and cocky (when the opposite is true), and almost finds it insulting that he can just casually walk up to the others and act like they’re ‘equals’. However, as time goes on, he comes to realise that Makoto's attitude and approach to life is truly extraordinary, and that he has a way of inspiring hope in others that Nagito has simply never seen before. I think Makoto would be a little hurt at first by the harsh treatment, but would continue in his endeavour to reach out to and connect with Nagito (and Nagito would find that persistence astonishing- no one has ever tried that hard with him). Unlike the others who either ignore or are irritated by Nagito's continuous self-deprecation, I think Makoto would instead be primarily concerned and do what he always does- try to help. Makoto is an excellent people-reader, and he'd be able to tell that Nagito's hostile and antagonistic attitude towards him (and other "normal" people) comes from a place of self-loathing and a twisted admiration for hope (a feeling he's admitted isn't entirely foreign to him). I think Makoto could grow close with Nagito, and maybe help him to see his own worth. After all, if someone as "talentless" as Makoto could be (what Nagito considers) the Ultimate Hope, what's to say Nagito doesn't also have worth? I think Nagito would go fanboy once he figures out Makoto's true talent though (maybe not as hardcore as dr3 lmao) and Makoto maaay have to reel him in a little (it's definitely jarring to see Nagito jump from disdain to total adoration towards him in the span of like- half a week). Makoto probably wouldn't like being idolised (he's definitely not used to it), but he wouldn't put Nagito down or push him away because of it either- he recognises that it's not, well, the healthiest, but he also knows it's not from a place of malice or impure intent. He thinks that Komaeda's outlook on life is similar but different to his own, and respects him for making him consider hope from a new viewpoint- and the same for Nagito. Makoto admires that Nagito chose to turn to hope instead of despair, despite the hardships he's endured. I also like to think Makoto (alongside Chiaki, probably) would play a pretty important part in getting Nagito to interact more with his classmates (he has a tendency to just... watch from afar), and open up more to people in general.
• Also on the note of Nagito- I've seen people suggest that Makoto could cancel out Nagito's super luck with his own- making them both just average. It's definitely interesting to consider! I believe somewhere Nagito stated that he just wanted a normal life and that he resents his luck for making him endure such suffering? (His poor dog ;-;). I'm going off into my own little Komaegi world at this point I'm sorry sjjdjssjdh but if that's the case then Nagito would be extremely comforted in Makoto's presence, finally not having not worry about something extremely bad happening to someone else due to his luck. He gets to feel what it is to be "talentless", and to his surprise- he enjoys it. It’s not so bad being ‘normal’. (secretly it’s all he’s ever wanted).
• Kazuichi Soda- Kazuichi seems to really crave friendship and connection with others. (I don't know a lot about him, but apparently he had a real tough/abusive childhood, and a bad experience with his peers lead to him developing trust issues) He puts on a façade, but we all know he's really soft underneath. I think someone like Makoto, who's very open with his feelings, honest, and naturally friendly, is the kind of person Kazuichi would appreciate. Makoto has a LOT of patience, and he could deal with Kazuichi's antics and goofiness a lot better then the others. Kazuichi is one of the more "normal" characters (personality wise anyway), as he acts a lot like you'd expect from a teenage boy. He's relatively carefree, he's talkative, he likes girls, etc- Kazuichi and Makoto would have a very typical "bromance"- they both offer a bit more of a typical friendship then their classmates. Kazuichi can be pretty clingy, but I don't think Makoto would mind too much. It probably feels nice having someone actively seek out his company and companionship instead of the other way around. Kazuichi could also teach him some stuff about mechanics- which comes in usual for anyone, really. (Once Kazuichi finds out about Makoto cancelling out Nagito’s luck, he insists that Makoto accompany him whenever he knows he has to be close to him for too long- he always seems to get the brunt of it around that guy...)
• Gundham Tanaka- Gundham can be very... enthusiastic, sure, but Makoto is used to the overabundance of energy from his own classmates already. At this point I feel like he's started to be able to read in between the lines when people talk to him, and he'd be able to see Gundham's gentle and caring nature, espeically when it comes to his furry friends. He'd see that Gundham probably craves company and connection, but due to his fear of intimacy, covers that up with an appearance of self-grandeur. In actuality, Gundham appreciates the time Makoto spends with him. I feel like Makoto understands that Gundham struggles with conveying his emotions and thoughts, and instead communicates his own feelings of friendship through Gundham's own love language- his animals. Makoto probably even goes out of his way to learn more about hamsters just so he can show he's made an effort- something Gundham is extremely grateful for. Makoto helps him with coming out of his shell a little, and Gundham helps Makoto learn to appreciate life a lot more when he's not cleaning up animal poop haha.
• Peko Pekoyama- Makoto is definitely no stranger to strong female fighters, especially the quiet and reserved type, so he'd be able to click with Peko. Whilst I think he’d be a little intimidated at first, he'd soon see past that icy exterior and realise that Peko isn't necessarily cold or emotionless- she just doesn't show her emotions visibly much. He'd learn to recognize that she speaks more with her actions then her words or even her face- as she often will do subtle things (such as buy him a drink or offer up her own time to talk with him) to communicate their friendship, something people don't realise at first. Peko has a lot of trouble communicating her feelings to Fuyuhiko in particular, and thus Makoto is more then happy to help her "practice" her communication, not just for Fuyuhiko's, but for her classmates' sake too. (Also it's mentioned that she likes cute animals and I just- imagine her struggling so hard not to reach out and ruffle his hair because omg he’s literally just a pupPY-)
• Akane Owari- Akane is a basically the lovechild of Sakura and Hina lmao. She's this wonderful mix of Sakura's strength and Hina's personality- I think Makoto might be a little intimidated by her (especially as she can be... aggressive at times), but he'd quickly warm up to her and vice versa. I think it was mentioned that Akane likes "small hungry things"? She'd definitely feel protective when it comes to Makoto, since he's so small and sweet- and not outwardly the strongest. I like to think he might remind her of her little siblings, who she adores and almost misses looking after. Whenever they hang out, it's normally at lunch, and Makoto will always make an effort to bring her some kind of food or snack if he knows he'll see her, a gesture she's extremely grateful for. Akane is great company on days where Makoto wants to be active, since she's like a big ball of energy. She's also laid back and carefree, and sometimes they'll sit in the grass and just eat and talk about stuff. Akane doesn't like to bother herself with complicated thoughts and feelings, so she's great to spend lazy days with too.
• Nekomaru Nidai- (apologies I don't know a lot about him but-) like Akane, Nekomaru is quite protective over Makoto. We've seen that he's got a righteous heart and strong protective streak, and he's unafraid to show his emotions, even if it gets him mocked by others. He's very passionate, much like Makoto. Makoto is very honest too, and I think the two of them would click over that. Nekomaru could act as support and encouragement for Makoto, as well as help him with organisation (he IS the ultimate (team) manager after all). I think Nekomaru would recognise that Makoto's talents lie elsewhere then his physicality, and instead of mock or belittle him for it, acknowledge that proudly.
• Teruteru Hanamura- ah yes, the little perv. Much like everyone, Makoto would probably be annoyed by Teruteru's... suggestive-ness at first, but I think after they spent some time together, Teruteru would ease up on the perviness, and treat Makoto with a bit more respect. Seeing as he's bi as hell, I can definitely see him developing a little crush or infatuation with Makoto (at the very least find him hot lmao). Makoto definitely wouldn't be used to someone expressing their attraction towards him so forwardly, and he'd be a little flattered (if not also rather disturbed-). Teruteru has been shown to have a real soft spot for his mama, and him and Makoto could definitely bond over their deep love for their families (the Naegi sibling relationship is so cute gah-). Makoto would learn to see past Teruteru's persona and recognise that underneath, is a boy who loves him mama and cooking food for people to enjoy more then anything. (Teruteru will complain at him for his "trash junk food" prefences, but Makoto will pretend not to notice when he secretly sneaks a bite because he knows it reminds him of his mom's cooking).
• Sonia Nevermind- Sonia is definitely a bit overwhelming at first. Makoto struggles a bit to not treat her as an figure of authority (she is royalty after all, it feels weird to treat her like a close friend right off the bat), but he soon gets over it. Sonia has expressed she wants to live like a "normal Japanese highschool girl", and I think Makoto would understand that, doing what he can to make her feel comfortable. He might find her obsession with Japanese culture and general misunderstanding things a tad off-putting (having her stare at him for 15 minutes straight while he slurped up some instant ramen was... an experience) but he understands it comes from a place of curiosity, and chalks it up to her being a foreigner. He actually finds it very sweet that she's trying to learn about different cultures and educate herself, and he's the last person to judge for it. He doesn't mind sitting and explaining things to her, and it's also interesting to learn about her life too, as vastly different as it may be from his own. She doesn't have to worry about him treating her badly or trying to take advantage of her occasional naivety. (He also recognises that she's a lot smarter then she may first appear, having in-depth knowledge of warfare, economics, and the complex hell that is international politics-). Her love for the occult and spooky stuff would remind him of Komaru- he makes a note to set up a ouija board session for the two of them someday.
• Ibuki Mioda- Ibuki is definitely an interesting person! She's very upbeat and friendly, and whilst it throws Makoto off a little at first ("M-m-makoto-chan?!") he gets used to it. After all, it's not like the others aren't also... quirky. It's stated that Makoto likes pop music (probably a result of his friendship and early feelings for Sayaka), so he'd probably be pretty fond of/interested in Ibuki, being a musician. She'd probably help him branch out into some more...*ahem* niche music tastes, and to his surprise, he actually ends up liking some of it (the absolute whiplash his own classmates get when one of them accidentally rips out his earphones and intense heavy metal comes blaring out-). Ibuki isn't exactly book smart, but she has a lot of emotional intelligence, like Makoto. Unlike Makoto, whose empathetic (or I suppose sympathetic) and caring nature is pretty obvious at a first glance, Ibuki isn't as much so, which is why Makoto finds it interesting how her outward punk appearance doesn't match her inward very caring side. She really values individualism, and encourages him to be himself, thinking it's dumb that he feels inferior for his "talent"- she thinks it's cool that he doesn't have an obvious focus or persona like everyone else puts on, that he gets to explore his personality and expression for himself, and she tells him as such. Makoto is grateful for this- he worries that he's too bland or doesn't have a ‘real’ personality and isn't special, and Ibuki is quick to refute him, pointing out all the little quirks and aspects of his personality she finds super duper cute (to his embarrassment)! Like with her music, Ibuki is able to find the beauty in places one typically wouldn't look, and Makoto admires that about her. Ibuki is pretty good at reading the mood, and if she senses something is off, will do her best to lift up Makoto's spirits without needing to outright confront him about it- similarly, Makoto will happily listen to her rant or gush about things without judgement- she knows that her interest and personality isn't what people typically expect from her, and he doesn't care. She doesn't feel like she has to hide her emotions or put on a mask to make him feel better, like she might with others. She knows her negative feelings won't bring him down, so she feels comfortable expressing herself around him, even when it's not always happy. They appreciate each other's honesty in being who they are. They bounce off each other's energy well, being such optimistic and enthusiastic people.
• Mikan Tsumiki- Mikan is a very, very vulnerable person. She's nervous and insecure and has some very obvious self-esteem issues. Unlike Komaeda however, she isn't *confident*, and is therefore very meek and timid and easy to take advantage of. Girl's got a lotta issues (i just read through her page on the fandom wiki and- man-), and someone gentle and understanding like Makoto would be really good for her to form a healthy relationship with (hopefully just the start of one of many). Unlike others, Makoto wouldn't want to take advantage of Mikan, and I think he'd genuinely want to help her improve herself, both in becoming more assertive and also in learning to have a little more faith in people, not always assuming the worst from them. He'd help teach her that there are good people in the world too, and that by learning to view herself with more respect, it will be easier for her to (rightfully) demand respect from others too. I honestly don't want to go into the more *unhealthy* sides of Mikan's potential for obsession, but as with Nagito, I can see her developing a bit of a crush on Makoto. (Whether or not that goes anywhere is up to you of course.) I think Makoto, whilst understanding that it stems from an unfortunate past, would appreciate Mikan's sweet and helpful personality. Makoto is very clumsy, partly due to his fickle luck, so I can see him getting bruises and minor cuts and stuff often due to it- Mikan ends up being the first person he goes to when this happens, and she doesn't say it to his face, far too shy, but he knows she's grateful to be considered a help to him.
• Hiyoko Saionji- Hiyoko is definitely... a tough one. She's very openly hostile and aloof, and she has no problems bullying others. I think a lot of Makoto's experience from dealing with Byakuya, Toko and Celeste would come into play here, as he's used to dealing with the openly mean, dismissive and arrogant types. A lot of Hiyoko's hostility comes from her past, and being treated cruelly herself, leading her to develop a harsh exterior as a coping mechanism. I think she'd be kind of jealous of how Makoto can roll with the punches so easily- I think she'd start to feel kind of bad about saying mean things to him. He would be patient with her, but would also call her out on her behaviour (without being dismissive or cruel himself) something I'm sure she didn't have people do before. She might not consider him to be like an "older" brother, but she'd respect him as an equal (since she deeply loves her father, I think she'd want a genuinely kind, good male figure in her life). Makoto is an older brother to a younger sister- I'm sure he's had to deal with Komaru being a bit of a brat before haha (am older sibling myself, can confirm). Hiyoko really appreciates traditionalism, and knowing this, Makoto might try to learn more or engage with that side of her- she acknowledges that her interests and attitudes are out-of-fashion, so she'd appreciate the effort made to understand her. Makoto might help to get her to be more sympathetic towards others. She'd offer a different perspective of their country and it's beauty to him.
• Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu- ah yes, the irl boss baby- as with everyone, Fuyuhiko would be short-tempered and aggressive towards Makoto. He'd eventually come around though. Makoto is pretty used to dealing with tsunderes, and takes it all in stride. It's a little to surprising to Fuyuhiko at first to see someone who isn't as easily deterred by his attitude as the others, and he admires that. Fuyuhiko has quite the inferiority complex, and part of that comes from his short height and youthful appearance (babyface-). It's nice to see someone like Makoto who isn't really that affected by his own appearance, and doesn't let it affect how he sees himself (Fuyuhiko is actually a little shorter even pfft). Fuyuhiko seems to want company, but has trouble initiating friendships and conversations (think back to the party from chapter 1), due to keeping up his lone wolf persona. Makoto recognises this, and will instead take on the role of instigator, which Fuyuhiko is thankful for. Though you wouldn’t expect it, he's actually also a Good Boi, and has a certain respect for rules and order (he's against underage drinking, smoking and sex, can you believe it?). Because of that, he'd respect Makoto for being the obedient student he is. I think Fuyuhiko would like Makoto's sincere and honest nature, especially considering he's not someone who's easily trusting- the Yakuza don't take friendship lightly, and once Fuyuhiko takes a liking to someone, he'll become fiercely defensive, protective of, and loyal to them to a fault (of course that doesn't entirely stop the jabs or insults- hey, he's trying). I think eventually Fuyuhiko would confide in Makoto about his own feelings of inadequacy and insecurity when it comes to honouring his family name- Makoto would be able to relate. He'd be able to reassure Fuyuhiko of his strengths, whilst also providing him with chance to experience a more typical, playful highschool boy's life. (He'll drag Fuyuhiko along with him to hang out, and although the other will complain and scoff at him, he'll enjoy it). He gets to be a bit more laid back and amiable, and less snappy or snarky. Makoto won't judge or embarrass him for letting loose a little, and vice versa.
• Mahiru Koizumi- Mahiru and Makoto are very similar, in that they both take on a friendly and optimistic attitude. They both tend to be the "caretakers" of their groups, and like to help others. Mahiru is the closest thing to a "makoto" class 77 has. They're both very kind and caring, and don't hesitate to offer their assistance and support. At the same time, they aren't doormats (well, Makoto is a bit of a pushover, but not to the level of characters like Mikan or Hifumi). Whilst I feel like Makoto is a bit more- restrained (he's seriously sarcastic and sassy, he just keeps it to himself most of the time), both he and Mahiru won't hesitate to point out when they don't agree with something. Mahiru's treatment of him due to him being a "boy" might be a little irritating, but it's not like he hasn't heard it before- (kyoko's "after all, you are a boy, aren't you?" comes to mind). He understands that she's probably had to deal with a lot of crap from guys, and doesn't take it to heart. It's been mentioned that Mahiru likes to take pictures of smiling faces? Well, I think Makoto would find that beautiful. Whereas others chastise her for it, and urge her to take pictures of other things, like objects for example, he instead encourages her to pursue what she's passionate about- after all, a talent is a gift, and you deserve to enjoy it. So what if it's "generic"? If it's what she likes, he sees no reason why she shouldn't continue to do it. He thinks her work is lovely regardless. (This is more of a personal interpretation, but Makoto gives off very foresty, natural imagery, and I think he'd maybe like that kind of thing, so maybe she'd find inspiration through his likeness to it?) Due to his innocence and pure nature, she starts to see a bit more of the appeal in nature. His smiling face is one of the first pictures of a boy she genuinely likes (though, it's not as if she'd ever tell him that).
• Ryota/Imposter- well, Imposter would probably act the same way around Makoto as whoever they were impersonating, though Makoto would probably be able to tell something was... off (though he just wouldn't be able to put his finger on what, exactly). If Imposter ever did reveal themself to him, he'd make sure to let them know that it was ok, and that he'd support their journey to reclaiming their identity however they wanted. Ryota (if he ever left his room and actually made connections with his classmates hsshhsh) would probably be the same as he was in dr3? He'd probably be a little inspired by and hold admiration towards Makoto, seeing him befriend all of his classmates, before that started to slowly turn into resentment and envy- animation is a wonderful thing, I'll be the first to defend, but Ryouta basically uses it to fill the hole in his heart that really, can only be filled with genuine human connection. Makoto could act as a stepping stone for this, much like Imposter, and act as support- him and Ryota are similar in firmly believing in and wanting to spread hope more then anything. Makoto would also genuinely take an interest in and admire Ryota's talent, giving him well-deserved validation for his efforts.
• Chisa Yukizome- news of the remarkable underclassman who managed to miraculously befriend all her beloved students reaches her, and she can't be more ecstatic! She takes whatever opportunities she can to invite Makoto into her classroom, under the guise of "important faculty stuff". Makoto's talent (luck, as they haven't yet fully realised his potential of hope) is a lot harder to cultivate then the norm (they're almost scared to experiment- the LAST thing they need is another Komaeda incident), so it's best to just- let him be most of the time. His schedule is a lot more flexible because of this, and you BET Chisa takes advantage of this whenever she can. She's extremely grateful to the young boy for uniting her class, and finds it simply wonderful how so much potential- so much hope can reside in someone so young. She makes sure to let Makoto know how much she appreciates his help, and will often leave him little gifts, like sweets and handmade arrangements, to show her gratitude. (Makoto doesn't really understand why this one teacher in particular seems to have taken a shine to him, but he doesn't mind- he finds he actually really likes having people place their trust in him- he enjoys spending time with class 77, and finds it both extraordinary and humbling that they seem to reciprocate the feeling).
• Izuru Kamukura- he doesn't understand why Makoto Naegi has had such an effect on the others. He's so unremarkable it's almost special. His talent is hardly enough to be considered "ultimate", especially not compared to someone like him, who has more talent then all of them combined (which isn't arrogance, merely undeniable fact). Someone like him, the 'ultimate hope', should be utterly bored and disinterested to the brink of tears with someone as mind-numbingly normal as Makoto Naegi and yet-
He isn't.
Perhaphs because unlike everyone else, Makoto doesn't consider him any more "worthy" then the rest of them. Unlike everything Izuru had been taught, had understood as soon as he'd opened his eyes for the first time, had known since the moment of his conception, Makoto didn't believe talent was all that was needed for hope. He believed everyone and anyone was equally capable of it, of becoming hope-
Makoto Naegi is-
Very interesting.
Aaaand there you have it, anon! ahdgjdsfhs I’m sorry it took so long. It kind of turned into more potential relationship analysis then actual headcanons oops- I might make a follow up to this that’s a bit more general-hcs style haha. I hope if anyone actually read this they enjoyed it! lemme know what you think!
tl;dr makoto is an angel and class 77 will happily steal him away hehe
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clare-with-no-i · 3 years
What do you think of the idea that James and Lily moved in together for a bit before getting married? I think it’s pretty cool, but not sure if that was accepted in the 70s...?
hi! thanks for asking! 
hmmmmm. I’ve thought about this a fair bit and don’t have a solid headcanon for it, because every time I think I have one I’ll read another person’s fic and be like “oooohhh that works so well!” but I’ll bat around some possibilities below:
so, I think it’s a pretty reasonable assumption that Lily didn’t move home after Hogwarts.  Even if we’re running under the headcanon that her parents are still alive when she graduates, she’s enlisted herself to fight in a war that would ostensibly put them directly in harm’s way if she were to stick around.  I think she would have tried to eliminate any risk to them, and therefore probably put as much distance between herself and her family as possible (now with Tuney, that wasn’t especially challenging). so we’ve got one pretty solid argument that she has to live somewhere else than her family home.
this could mean a bunch of things: I tend to think that she probably got a flat with some of her friends right out of school, because (unlike some people, AHEM) she didn’t have generations of wealth to fall back upon, so roommates were a necessity.  so I’m thinking that from 1978-1979 at least, she didn’t live with James.
in terms of James: I think he either would have gotten a flat with the boys (maybe not Peter, due to reasons I’m not sure about but I just feel like that would have been another reason he felt ostracized even though it wasn’t anyone’s fault) or moved back into Potter Manor.  now, we know canonically that his parents died from Dragon Pox in ~1979, so he was definitely out of Potter Manor by then, IMO.  I honestly think that that might have been (if anything) the event that would have pushed him and Lily to move in together.
to directly address the question: I tend to think that social conventions were thrown a little out the door due to the circumstances J and L lived in. I mean, they’re getting married at 18, fighting in a war, and it’s pretty certain that both sets of their parents are not alive by the time they have Harry.  So I think it’s absolutely possible they moved in together, if not because living together would be the only way they could spend any significant time together while going on separate missions and fighting Death Eaters.
one thing I used to really like the idea of was that maybe all of the Marauders and the girls got a house or a flat together, but I had to amend that because of various logistical points.  for one, I’m pretty sure Marlene canonically lived with her family until she died. two, it would have been a pretty bad idea to keep so many of the Order members in one household - like, hello, unless it’s under the Fidelius, they’d be sitting ducks.  I think that as much as anything could have contributed to the Marauders splitting up in housing and James and Lily moving in together - pure safety concerns.
so, yeah - this is all a bunch of speculation and jumbled nonsense, but honestly I could go on about fifteen different tangents on this topic.  thanks so much for such an interesting question! I’d love to hear others’ thoughts on this too. xx
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stereksecretsanta · 4 years
Merry Christmas, sparkandwolf!
For @sparkandwolf, who asked for kid!fic, fluff and established relationship. Hope you enjoy reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it!
Read On AO3
The Kids are Not All Right
"I won't eat with him!"
Startled by the simultaneous outbursts, Stiles looked at Derek and saw the same panic he was feeling.
"Excuse us," Derek said calmly, pushing his daughter back out the door. "We'll be outside for a moment." Derek took his eleven-year-old daughter out of the restaurant and Stiles saw them sit on a bench outside the door.
Stiles moved them to the far side of the lobby and squatted down to be able to look his son in the eye. "Ben. Talk to me."
"That's the know-it-all Harpy from math class," Ben said derisively. "I hate her!"
Stiles wanted to bang his head against the wall, but he knew that wouldn't be a good example. He had ignored Ben's grousing about one of the students in his advanced math class, assuming it was an academic rivalry. He should have asked for details. Or at least for a name other than 'Harpy.'
"Okay, buddy, this is what we're going to do," Stiles said. "If they come back in, I need you to be polite. You don't have to say anything other than please and thank you. If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all. Got it?"
"Yeah, if I have to," Ben replied sullenly.
"Yes, you have to," Stiles said firmly.
"Geez, dad!" Ben sighed.
Stiles stood and ruffled Ben's hair. Ben ducked away from his hand and ran his hand through the hair to smooth it out. He looked out the window to see Derek still sitting on the bench with his daughter. He sighed.
"Wait here," Stiles said. He went to the door and poked his head out. "Do we need to re-schedule?"
"No," Derek said firmly. "We'll be fine."
The huff from the girl next to Derek let Stiles know Derek was in the same position he was in.
"I'll get a table?" Stiles asked.
"That would be good," Derek nodded. "We'll be in in a minute."
Stiles went back inside and collected Ben before going on to the hostess station. "We're four people and can we get a table?" He figured it would be better than a booth. "The other two are just outside."
"This way." The woman let them to a table in the center of the room. Luckily, the restaurant was slow and the table was big enough to let them sit two to a side.
"Sit there," Stiles pointed to a seat. He sat next to Ben. They ordered drinks and Stiles didn't protest when Ben ordered a milkshake, something that was usually a treat.
Derek came in and guided his daughter to the chair opposite Stiles. Derek sat across from Ben.
"Hi, I'm Stiles," he said. "Good to meet you, Erin."
"Hello." Erin didn't look up from her lap.
Stiles looked at Derek helplessly. He forged on. "Ben, this is Derek."
"Hello." At least Ben looked up at Derek.
The waitress came by with their drinks and took Derek and Erin's drink order. The waitress pointed out the list of specials on the wall and left. They sat in silence.
As Stiles took a breath to say something, he saw Derek shake his head.
Fortunately, the waitress came by with the rest of the drinks and they ordered food.
"Ladies first," Stiles said cheerfully. "Erin, what would you like?"
Ben fidgeted but didn't say anything when Erin ordered the bacon cheeseburger that Stiles knew Ben preferred. Ben ended up ordering the exact same thing and Stiles was pleased that Ben was pleasant to the waitress.
The meal was mostly silent although Erin did say unprompted, "Thank you for dinner Mr. Stiles," when Stiles took the bill for the group from the waitress.
"You're welcome, Erin," Stiles said softly.
"I'll call you?" Derek said as they were leaving.
Stiles nodded. "Yes." He looked down at Ben. "Later?"
"That works," Derek nodded.
In the car, Stiles said, "Can it wait until we get home. Please?" Ben was just under the height to be able to sit in the front seat of the car and Stiles didn't want his son shouting at the back of his head. Stiles had been short at that age, so he understood Ben's unhappiness with sitting in the back seat and on a booster seat. At nine, it was undignified.
"Yeah, I guess," Ben grumped and then crossed his arms.
Fortunately, it was a short ride home and Stiles had them seated at the kitchen table with milk and cookies.
"Okay, tell me about Erin," Stiles said.
"She's such a pain," Ben complained. "She's a know-it-all in class and she constantly tells me I'm stupid."
"What does the teacher do?" Stiles asked.
"Tells her to stop, and she does for a while, but then she does it when the teacher isn't around," Ben said waved his arms. "Or she does it at lunch since we're in the same lunch period. She and her friends laugh at me all the time. But that's the only time I see them."
"And what did you do?" Stiles asked. He knew very well Ben was no saint.
Ben crossed his arms and got a mulish look on his face.
"Come on kid," Stiles coaxed. "I know you and you can give as good as you get."
"Well, maybe I gave her the wrong answer when she asked me for help," Ben admitted.
"Benjamin Marek Stilinski!" Stiles sighed gustily.
"She called me shorty. And she was showing off, saying she was better than me," Ben defended himself. "She should have checked it herself."
"Maybe she could have, but was that fair?" Stiles asked.
Ben slumped in his chair and stuffed a cookie in his mouth. "No," he mumbled.
"Okay, kid, enough for tonight," Stiles said. "Bath night."
"Yeah, I know," Ben admitted.
"Got everything ready for school in the morning?"
"I have to get my gym clothes out of the dryer," Ben admitted.
"Get that first, so you don't forget."
"I won't."
Stiles knew he wouldn't forget. For a kid, Ben was pretty fastidious. He never shied away from getting dirty, but he hated grimy gym clothes and brought them home to wash after no more than two wearings. Stiles remembered his gym clothes that had stayed in a locker for weeks on end, so he was faintly appreciative that Ben liked clean clothes. Ben had asked to learn how to do laundry and Stiles let him do most of his own clothes and the towels.
It took another hour and a half before Ben was in bed and Stiles could call Derek.
"What a mess," Stiles sighed.
"I know," Derek replied.
"I didn't even think they'd know each other," Stiles said. "Ben's two years behind Erin in school, except for that math class."
"He must be pretty good in math to be in that class," Derek said.
"He is!" Stiles had to smile. "Takes after his Aunt Lydia. She encouraged me to have him test into that class."
"Erin was happy to be asked to be in that class," Derek said. "It's pretty much all she talks about. Although, now that I know more, she was talking about Ben."
"And now they're at each other's throats," Stiles said. "And, hey, Ben's no saint and admits to adding to the feud."
"Erin admitted to the teasing," Derek replied.
"Now what do we do?" Stiles asked. "Do we force them together?"
"I don't know," Derek said. "Erin's normally a good kid. I don't know why Ben set her off like he did."
"Same here," Stiles agreed.
"I was going to see if you guys wanted to come with us for Christmas," Derek admitted. "We go to my mom's and I know your dad isn't too far away. Two, or three with your dad, more at the party won't make a difference."
"Ben and my dad would have loved that," Stiles replied wistfully.
"Umm... maybe we can do it anyway," Derek said. "I think traveling together may be too much to ask, but if you stay at your dad's then we can meet up at the party, at the very least. There'll be enough other kids that Erin and Ben don't have to play together."
"And we can spend some quality time together!" Stiles cheered. "I know my dad would love to have Ben to himself. Maybe we can plan a day with just us."
"Would your dad keep Ben for the night?" Derek asked.
"Definitely!" Stiles promised eagerly. He loved his kid, really. But he was tired of being cock-blocked by a nine-year-old.
"Let me double check with what my mom has planned and I'll make arrangements for a hotel room," Derek said. "Mom or Uncle Peter will keep Erin for the night, with no problem."
"Perfect!" Stiles smiled.
"Should we talk to that math teacher?" Derek asked. "According to Erin, she's been getting away with a lot in that class."
"And Ben's been egging her on," Stiles nodded. "It's only a couple of weeks to the Christmas break. I suspect things will be calmer for a bit. Let's see how the holidays go and if we have to, we can meet up with her after the first of the year."
"That was my thought," Derek agreed. "Just wanted to be on the same page with you."
"Always want to be with you," Stiles teased.
"Brat," Derek said softly.
"Your brat," Stiles replied. "Okay, let me call my dad and make sure he's available. Christmas is a Friday this year, so Monday or Tuesday night will probably be best for us to get away."
"Mom will probably do most of the party things through the weekend, so that should work," Derek replied. "You know what, I'll make a reservation for the two nights and we'll see what happens."
"You don't have to do that!" Stiles protested.
"It'll just be easier," Derek replied. "And if we spend Monday night, we don't have to hurry out on Tuesday."
"Oooohhh... early morning blow jobs!" Stiles grinned.
"Breakfast in bed," Derek said.
"You twisted my arm!" Stiles agreed.
"We still on for this Friday?" Derek asked.
"Okay, see you then!"
Stiles looked at a clock and it was still relatively early. He texted his dad. You available to talk? We'd like to come for Christmas.
The phone rang not five minutes later.
"Hey, daddio!"
"You're always welcome to come for Christmas," John said. "What's the occasion?"
"Can't I come home to see my dad?" Stiles asked.
"I know you better than that," John said.
Stiles laughed. "Well, of all the people in this world, I'm dating Derek Hale."
"Really? How did that happen?"
"Yeah, I don't believe it either," Stiles admitted. "We ran into each other at a work conference, remember when I went to Sacramento a couple of months ago? The supernatural conference where I picked up a couple new clients? Well, the next thing I know he's been stealth-dating me for a month."
"Only you!"
"Oh, don't worry, I took care of that!" Stiles promised. "Anyway, we've been dating long enough and, well, it looks kinda serious. So we thought we'd get our kids together."
"I know you don't let too many of your dates meet Ben, so I wouldn't be surprised to know Derek does the same with his kid," John replied. Stiles knew that, as Sheriff, his dad knew more about Erin's mother than he did, but that wasn't -- yet -- any of his business and Stiles didn't ask. He also rarely talked about Ben's mother, so there was that.
"It turns out that Ben already knows Erin from school," Stiles went on. "They're both in that advanced math class that Ben is taking."
"And they hate each other," Stiles sighed. "They've been picking on each other in class. Name calling, teasing, a bit of bullying, that sort of thing."
"What about the teacher?" John asked.
"Evidently she's aware but some of it happens outside the classroom. Like the lunchroom. That's the only other place they'd be together," Stiles sighed. "Erin's two years ahead of Ben in school, so Derek and I were both surprised they knew each other."
"Almost reminds me of you and Lydia," John laughed.
"I never hated her," Stiles protested.
"Ah, but there's a thin line between love and hate, sometimes," John said.
"Well, at their ages it better not be love," Stiles groused.
"I don't know, that's about the same age you fixated on Lydia," John reminded him.
"Oh my god!" Stiles rolled his eyes. "Okay, back to the real reason I wanted to call. Derek's inviting us to the Hale Christmas party. I suspect his mom invites you and you just never go."
"True," John admitted.
"Well, if you and I and Ben go together, then, well..."
"You and Derek can have some canoodling time together," John said. Stiles could hear the smugness over the phone.
"Okay, we'd like some adult time together," Stiles admitted. "We know enough to behave at the party, but maybe Monday night, you could take Ben for the night so Derek and I can... canoodle."
"I should be able to do that," John agreed. "I have to check the schedule, but since I'm working Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, I should be able to have Monday night off..."
"And Tuesday?" Stiles put in quickly.
"And Tuesday," John laughed. "I'll think of something Ben and I can do together."
"Ben will love to spend time with his Pops," Stiles said. "So you won't have to do anything too special."
"I'll spoil my grandson any way I want," John declared.
"Yes, you will," Stiles agreed, not wanting his dad to change his mind. "If Monday doesn't work, Tuesday night works but just not as well."
"Got it," John agreed.
They worked through some logistics and moved on to more general topics before they hung up.
Dads pretty sure he can watch ben monday -- will let me know if he cant Stiles texted Derek, not knowing if he was up or possibly online with an overseas client. Derek's work managing archives for other packs had him working with clients all over the world. Although they worked odd hours, they found they both worked their schedule around the school day so they could be available for their kids.
Good Derek texted back as Stiles was crawling into bed.
Stiles made a deliberate effort to check in with Ben about his math class over the two weeks before the Christmas holiday. Erin had stopped teasing and had decided to ignore him completely, which Stiles had to consider a win. He went out on one date with Derek, getting the high school senior from down the street to watch Ben. They talked and texted regularly, and Stiles was really looking forward to the holidays. He and Derek both had their hands full, planning to finish up projects so they could be on holiday for the entire Christmas break.
"POPS!" Ben shrieked as he tumbled out of the car.
"Hey, kiddo!" John picked up Ben for a hug. "Good to see you!"
Stiles got their bags out of the car and called, "Ben, take your bag up to your room, please."
Ben ran back to Stiles, grabbed the bag and ran back to John. He grabbed John's hand, babbling away. Stiles could see John leaning in to listen. It was a good sight.
Stiles grabbed his bag and the bag with presents, following them into the house.
Ben and John were in the room Ben used when they stayed with John. When Stiles poked his head in, he pretended not to notice the new stack of books that 'innocently' sat on the bookcase against one wall. Ben had already pulled one down and they were sprawled on the bed, reading together.
Stiles went down to the kitchen to get something to eat. It had been only a two hour drive, so they hadn't stopped to eat on the way. Stiles eyed the food in the fridge, wondering how much was for them and how much of it his dad ate. But he and his dad had reached a more-or-less compromise on Stiles monitoring his dad's food -- as in, Stiles would stop -- when he went away to college. So Stiles ignored it and started to make himself a sandwich. He thought about it for a minute and made a plateful.
"You two want some food?" Stiles asked. John had Ben propped up in front of him on the bed as they read together.
Ben looked up. "Sure!"
"I made some sandwiches," Stiles said.
"That's what I planned for tonight," John admitted. "It was easiest if you got a late start or stuck in traffic."
"Ben, wash your hands before you come down," Stiles directed. Ben was good about the hand-washing in general, but Stiles also knew that being around his grandfather was exciting enough to make him forget.
"Okay!" Ben bounced off the bed and dashed into the bathroom. John got up slower and followed Stiles down the stairs.
"Grab something to drink," Stiles directed. "I poured some milk for Ben."
"You want a beer?"
"Sure, that would be good," Stiles nodded.
Ben came thundering down the stairs and Stiles shared a look with his dad. Yeah. Now I get it. Ben dropped into a chair and took a drink of the milk.
Stiles dropped a sandwich on Ben's plate.
"Can we go out for ice cream later?" Ben asked, taking a bite of his sandwich.
"I don't know, can we?" Stiles teased.
"D-a-a-a-d," Ben whined.
"I think ice cream is an excellent idea," John grinned.
"I should make both of you walk," Stiles play-pouted. "It would serve you both right."
"I suspect you want ice cream as much as your kid," John teased.
"Hey! Don't give away all my secrets!" Stiles protested.
Ben giggled.
They went to the local ice cream stand that re-opened for just the Christmas holidays. They had a variety of holiday flavored ice cream, as well as hot cocoa. There was a small line in front of the ordering window.
"Mint chip!" Ben requested.
"Just vanilla," John said.
"Okay, get a table and I'll wait for the cones," Stiles directed.
Stiles hadn't been in line too long when he saw Derek and Erin join the other line. Stiles waved at Derek, who smiled and waved back. Erin ignored him, but Stiles counted that as a minor win. He wanted to say 'join us' but he wasn't sure if the kids were quite up to that yet.
Stiles got their cones and took them over to the picnic table area off to one side.
"Did I see Derek in line?" John asked. "You could have invited him over."
"I almost did, but he had Erin with him and I wasn't going to force the kids together," Stiles said.
"Makes sense," John nodded.
Ben craned his neck, looking around. "She is here?"
"Erin is here with her dad and they're enjoying their own ice cream," Stiles said patiently.
"Okay." Ben went back to his ice cream.
John had to work the next day, so Stiles and Ben settled in front of the television, each with a book. They were eating lunch when Stiles knew he had to talk to Ben.
"Tomorrow night is Christmas Eve and we're invited to a party at the Hale house," Stiles said. "There will be lots of people, both humans and 'weres. There will also be a bunch of kids of different ages. Which means Derek and Erin will also be there. You are not required to play with Erin but you are required to be polite. You can leave the room if you need to and come and find me or your Pops. No magic, no matter what. You're old enough to control that and you will be expected to do so."
Ben's magic was still intermittent. He couldn't always control what happened, so Stiles had worked with Ben in funneling it into something benign -- like sparks or a bright light. Ben was pretty decent at simply not doing anything, which at his age was a good thing. Stiles did not want to see what his teen-age years would bring.
"Can't I just stay here?" Ben whined.
"No, you cannot, since your Pops will be coming, too," Stiles said. "He won't be able to stay long since he has to work because he didn't know we were coming until the last minute. If he stays home, it's not fair to the people who planned to have off."
"Geez," Ben sighed.
"There will be enough kids that you won't have to spend any time with Erin," Stiles said.
"I guess," Ben reluctantly agreed.
"And on Monday, I'm going out with Derek, so it'll be you and your Pops all night," Stiles said.
"Really?" Ben brightened up.
"Yes, really," Stiles replied.
Ben threw his arms around Stiles. "Okay, I'll behave at your stupid party."
"There will be lots of good food," Stiles tried.
"There better be," Ben muttered. "Wait, do I have to get dressed up?"
"Okay, for that I have a surprise," Stiles said. "Come on." He took Ben upstairs and Stiles brought out a package he had placed in the closet. "For you."
"Christmas isn't until Friday," Ben said suspiciously.
"Open it," Stiles said.
Ben carefully unstuck the tape and unwrapped the box. He shook it for a second but it didn't make any noise. "This better not be underwear," he muttered.
Stiles bit back a snicker. That was in a different box.
Ben dug through the tissue paper to bring out... a relatively tasteful, deep blue Christmas sweater. He looked at it, puzzled.
Stiles reached into the closet and brought out the adult version of the sweater on a hanger, this one in bright red. "This is mine and I got the same thing in green for your Pops."
"Come on, humor your old man," Stiles teased. "Besides, you don't want your Pops to be the only one with a snazzy Christmas sweater."
Ben looked at the sweaters. "It could be worse, I guess."
"That's the spirit!" Stiles cheered. "Come on, let's make Grandma's meatloaf for dinner to surprise Pops."
"Okay!" That Ben could get behind.
John was pleased to see the meatloaf, since he rarely made it for himself. After dinner they made popcorn and watched the first Home Alone movie. At Ben's bedtime, John and Ben read a couple of chapters of the book they started the other day.
"Don't think I didn't see all those new books on the bookcase," Stile said when John came back downstairs.
"He's a kid," John laughed. "He's your kid and he reads as much as you did... do. It's not a big deal."
"I know, just saying," Stiles replied. "Don't want you to think you're getting away with anything."
John just laughed.
Stiles had Ben give John the wrapped sweater as they were getting ready for the party. Stiles knew his dad had to work later, but could change in the locker room at work. John gave a grin when he saw the deep green sweater.
"Pops! See! Your sweater matches mine and dad's!" Ben pointed out the obvious.
"That's pretty cool," John said. "We're going to be the best looking people there!"
Ben nodded.
John took the cruiser since he'd have to leave earlier than Stiles planned to leave. There were already a number of cars in the extended driveway and John parked closer to the street so that he would be sure to get out. Stiles found a spot in the middle of the set of cars and he and Ben waited for John to join them.
"Welcome!" Cora Hale met them at the door. "Come in!" She pointed. "Coats can go there, if you need. There are snacks and things everywhere. Drinks are in the den. There will be a buffet set up out back in about an hour and a half." She looked down at Ben. "There's a group of kids playing board games on the back porch that might be about your age. Enjoy!"
"Thanks," Stiles nodded. "Want to check out the board games?"
Ben shrugged. "Sure. I guess."
John laughed. "I'm going to see who else is here so I can get that out of the way."
"Good enough," Stiles said.
There were nine or ten kids about Ben's age playing a couple of games on the back porch. There was a table in the corner with a small variety of snacks and bottles of water. A group of three boys were playing Yahtzee, of all things, and Ben gravitated toward that table. "You okay here?" Stiles asked.
Ben nodded.
"Okay, I'll be around somewhere," Stiles promised. "Come find me if you need anything."
"Okay," Ben said.
Stiles grabbed a handful of mixed nuts from a bowl on a table in the hall. He never had nuts in the house since he knew he'd eat the entire container, no matter the size, in essentially one sitting. And have the stomach-ache to prove it.
Talia Hale was in the living room and Stiles made a point of stopping and saying hello and thanking her for inviting him to their party.
"If I knew inviting you would get your father to come, I'd have asked you years ago!" Talia laughed.
"You know dad, he has to work later," Stiles grinned. "Working overnight means we've cut his afternoon nap shorter."
"Ah! That makes sense," Talia nodded. "We'll have to hope for a quiet night for him."
"Now you've jinxed it!" Stiles laughed. "Although he has said Christmas Eve really is quieter. People tend to stay closer to home, and the weather looks to be decent. So quiet is the goal."
"Good to know," Talia said. "I hear you're dating Derek."
Stiles knew he blushed with that. "Umm... yeah. We met a while back and, well, seem to hit it off." Stiles shrugged. "He's a good guy."
"And you have a... son?" Talia persisted.
"Yes, Ben. He's nine. He's on the back porch playing Yahtzee. He likes dice games or games of pure chance, so that was good to find. He'll be happy all night if someone will play with him."
"Interesting," Talia murmured, almost to herself. "Well, I'm glad to meet you. Bring Ben by at some point, I'd like to meet him."
"I will," Stiles replied. He excused himself and went off to the den to get a drink. While there were options for 'adult' beverages, he never indulged when he would have Ben in the car. He grabbed a cherry flavored seltzer and moved on to the kitchen.
"Smells good in here," Stiles said. Derek turned around and smiled at him. Stiles smiled back.
"Pay attention!" Peter barked at him. "You can make heart-eyes at Stiles later when nothing's going to burn."
Derek grimaced and turned back to what he was doing on a stove. Stiles perched at the breakfast bar and watched Derek as he alternately stirred three pots and worked on something in the huge skillet in front of him. Stiles snacked on the appetizers placed on the bar.
Stiles saw Peter carving a huge roast of beef off to one side.
"Anything I can do?" Stiles asked.
"Thank you, not right now," Peter said. "But you can help with carrying things in about fifteen minutes."
"That works for me," Stiles agreed. He watched Peter move on to a huge ham and then to a turkey. Damn! He'd come here for Christmas all the time.
Peter peered into the pots on the stove and had Derek take a couple off the heat and start pouring them into bowls and serving dishes.
"Okay, it's nice enough that the food is going outside," Peter said. "The cold dishes are already out there. Here are some pot holders and you can take this tray of meat outside. You'll see a place to put it." Peter pushed the pot holders toward Stiles.
"Got it," Stiles nodded. He took the tray and went out the side door. The buffet table was close by and there was, as Peter said, an obvious place for his tray of meat.
They spent the next fifteen minutes getting the food outside. Peter leaned over and said, "I'm going to let everyone know, but you and Derek can go ahead and get started. You'll be ahead of the crowd and thank you for helping."
Stiles juggled two plates, one for himself and one for Ben. Ben would wander by at some point and nothing on the plate desperately needed to be kept hot. So lukewarm would be fine.
"Hey! Where's mine?" John said from over Stiles' shoulder.
"That's for Ben," Stiles defended the plate. "I helped, so you have to get your own!"
"Oh, that's the way it is!" John laughed.
"It is!" Stiles grinned.
It took a bit before John was able to get a plate and join him at the table he had staked out. That was when Ben came running up. "Did you get me a plate?"
"Yes, I did," Stiles said. "Eat what you want. There's plenty."
"Can I... can I go and eat with the guys?" Ben asked.
"Sure," Stiles nodded.
"Thanks, Dad. See you, Pops." Ben grabbed the plate and ran off to sit with the boys Stiles assumed he had been playing games with.
"So it starts," Stiles sighed. "I get left alone for 'the guys'."
"Yeah," John grinned.
"What goes around, comes around," Stiles grinned.
Peter put a plate on the table. "Is this seat taken?"
"Please, join us," Stiles said. "This is excellent food!"
"Glad you like it!" Peter smiled.
"It is good," John added with a smile toward Peter. "You made my favorite potato dish, too."
Peter smiled back. Wait. What? Stiles looked between the two men, who were sitting closer together than strictly required.
"Umm..." He waved a fork between them, then put it down. "You know what, I don't want to know."
"Good choice," John said. But Stiles could see he was blushing.
Derek came over and sat next to Stiles. Stiles leaned into Derek and asked softly, "Are they dating or something?"
"I can hear you, you know," Peter said.
Derek leaned back. "I think more something, but I also think you don't want to know."
"Okay, I can work with that," Stiles laughed.
There was a separate dessert buffet but John would have to leave before that was set up. Peter promised to bring desserts to the station later, supposedly for everyone who was working the overnight shift.
"La la la la," Stiles sung. "I don't want to know anything!"
Peter grinned.
Stiles pitched with several others to help pick up after the meal. Peter set up a small buffet in the kitchen for late-comers. Or anyone that wanted to snack. Stiles knew 'wolves could eat their weight in food on a regular basis.
"Go away," Peter shoo'd them out of the kitchen. "You're here to enjoy yourselves."
Derek took Stiles' hand and started to take him outside.
"Oh, look!" Derek pointed up, trying to look innocent. "Mistletoe."
"Isn't that poisonous to 'wolves?" Stiles was puzzled. Then he looked closer. "Ah. It's plastic."
"It's still mistletoe," Derek pointed out hopefully.
"It is at that!" Stiles grinned. "And you're standing underneath it. I guess I have to kiss you."
Derek nodded solemnly, eyes dancing. "It is a tradition!"
Stiles leaned in for a soft kiss. Derek wrapped his arms around Stiles and deepened the kiss.
"Dad! Gross!" That was Ben.
"Dad! Yuchh!" And Erin was on the other side of them.
Stiles could feel Derek laughing in the kiss. Stiles broke the kiss and rested his forehead against Derek's. Stiles could see Ben's horrified face and he turned slightly to see the same look on Erin's face.
Derek drew Stiles back in for a quick kiss.
"Dad!" Erin protested.
"That is so gross," Ben muttered.
Stiles deliberately gave Derek a small kiss. "Is this gross?"
Ben groaned. "Yes!"
Catching on, Derek gave Stiles a soft kiss on one cheek. "How about this?"
Erin hissed.
Stiles pretended to consider. He leaned over and rubbed his cheek against Derek's. "Is scenting like this okay?"
"No!" Erin protested.
Derek placed a hand on the side of Stiles face. He leaned in firmly kissed Stiles. "What about that?"
"Da-a-a-a-d-d... Stop it!" Ben whined.
Stiles leaned into the kiss and opened his mouth, tangling tongues with Derek.
"No! I won't stand for it!" Erin said. "I'm leaving."
"Yuchh... I can't watch any more!" Ben muttered. There was some not-so-subtle stomping of feet that Stiles ignored, since he was busy kissing Derek.
Derek ended the kiss softly, nuzzling into Stiles' hair.
"I think they left together," Stiles whispered.
"They did," Derek nodded.
"Not sure it solves the problem, but it's a start," Derek agreed.
"It is," Stiles agreed. Since they had the hallway to themselves, he went back to kissing Derek.
Christmas was relatively quiet, since his dad had to work. Stiles and Ben slept in and Stiles made pancakes for them both to watch in front of the television. Stiles threw together an 'egg pie' for his dad to have when he got home. Stiles had called a quiche an 'egg pie' at one point when he was younger and the name had stuck. But John appreciated the food after the long Christmas Eve shift. Tonight's shift wouldn't be quite as long, but he ate quickly and went off to sleep.
They waited for dinnertime, when John was finally up, to open presents. Ben had out-grown Santa early, so opening presents didn't need to be done at the crack of dawn.
John had given a book of magic that Stiles had been looking for. "Oh, you had Peter find this, didn't you?" Stiles asked.
John shrugged. "It's something you wanted, isn't it?"
"He tell you what he paid for it?" Stiles knew how much this specific book was worth, so he frowned at the thought of what his dad paid.
"I repaid him, don't worry," John grinned.
Stiles thought he detected a small blush. "Okay, I don't want to know," Stiles decided.
Ben was enthusiastic about his own books and video games but did groan at the box of underwear from Stiles. Especially since some of it was fandom related. The Iron Man briefs and the Wonder Woman t-shirt were Stiles' personal favorites. (He may or may not have looked for the same items in adult sizes.)
They ate too much food and stayed up too late but that made it a fun holiday. The rest of the weekend passed similarly.
"Okay, you be good for your Pops," Stiles said to Ben. "I'm not going far away but Derek and I are going to do some adult things together."
"Like kissing?" Ben was horrified.
"Yes, like kissing," Stiles grinned. And more...
"Then go away and do it," Ben said, making a face.
Stiles laughed. "I'll have my cell phone but you should be fine," he said.
"Pops can take care of anything," Ben said staunchly.
"Yes, he can," Stiles nodded. "Don't have too much fun."
"We won't," Ben rolled his eyes. "Just go."
Stiles ruffled his hair and laughed as he left the room. Derek was picking him up shortly.
"Safe, sane, and consensual," John said.
"I should be making sure you're doing the same thing," Stiles retorted.
John grinned.
There was a knock at the door and Stiles went to answer it. Derek looked good in well-fitted jeans, a sweater with snowflakes and a leather jacket. Stiles grabbed the backpack he was using as an overnight bag. "Ready!"
"Don't have too much fun!" John said as they went out the door.
Stiles laughed. "I just told that to my kid! So, where are we going?"
"I figure I could woo you with curly fries," Derek grinned.
"My hero!"
"Thought a meal would be good," Derek said. "I have a room at Flanigan's B&B for tonight and tomorrow. So we can stay as long as we want tomorrow."
"Ooohhh... fancy!" Stiles teased. He leaned in and kissed Derek. "But very nice."
They got to the diner and Stiles ordered a basket of curly fries before the waitress got to take their drink order. "What? You promised me curly fries!" Stiles said when Derek sighed at him.
"Erin asked about kissing," Derek said.
"I told Ben we were would be doing adult things tonight, and he asked if we'd be kissing," Stiles admitted. "He was properly horrified."
"So was Erin," Derek nodded.
"I don't know how to deal with this," Stiles said. "I thought maybe they'd be stand-offish or cool, which I could see with the age and gender differences. But I really don't know how to address this."
"Well, I'm thinking we just make them deal with it," Derek said.
"Of the 'if you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all' dealing?"
"Exactly," Derek nodded. "At some point, either they'll bond over being horrified by the kissing or they'll at least be polite in front of us. And we come down hard on both of them if there's any bullying."
"That's reasonable," Stiles said. He took Derek's hand. "I was going to wait until later but I wanted to ask if you would consider moving in with me? I have room for both you and Erin in my house, and I can partition off a room in the basement so we each have an office."
"I'll see your moving in together and raise you one," Derek got a small, crinkly package out of his jacket pocket and put it on the table in front of Stiles. "Marry me?"
The waitress put the first basket of curly fries down -- Stiles had ordered another with is dinner -- and their drinks.
"See? There is a perfect moment in life!" Stiles gushed. He leaned in for a kiss. "Yes, I will marry you. I promise to be properly enthusiastic later, but... well... hot curly fries!"
"You dork," Derek smiled.
Stiles reached for the unbox-like package and unwrapped it. "A ring pop! Oh, that's perfect!" Stiles slipped it on his thumb.
Derek blushed. "I thought maybe we'd look for something we like together. But, well, I didn't want to wait any longer."
Stiles had to kiss him again. "Perfect. Now, hot curly fries wait for no man!"
It was late Tuesday afternoon before Derek took Stiles back to his dad's house. Stiles felt properly exhausted and loved, and he thought Derek looked the same.
They parked in the driveway and Stiles leaned if for another kiss. "Want to come in or should you get home?"
Derek debated but decided, "I should get home. I promised Erin we'd go for pizza tonight."
"Not a problem," Stiles nodded. "I'll talk to Ben tonight and call you later?"
"That works," Derek agreed.
Stiles sappily watched Derek pull out of the driveway and pull away.
He went into the house and Ben charged down the stairs. "Dad! You're home!" He leaped into Stiles' arms.
"Oof! You're getting kinda big for that," Stiles said as he hugged Ben firmly. He had taught Ben the 'Stilinski hug' from the very beginning and Ben gave great hugs.
"Have a good time?" John asked as he came out of the kitchen.
Stiles nodded, smiling. "The best!"
John looked at him. "Umm... looks like a very good time."
Stiles knew he had a love bite on his neck but he was kind of proud of getting Derek to lose control enough to give it to him. Stiles grinned. "It was!"
"Pops said we could order pizza tonight!" Ben said.
"He did, did he?" Stiles teased.
"He did." John said firmly. "And I've already put in the order, so you can't mess with it."
"Too happy to care," Stiles sighed.
"I know that look," John said, frowning.
Stiles grinned then put Ben down. He knelt to be at eye-level with Ben. "I know you won't be happy about all of this, but Derek and I have decided that we're getting married and moving in together."
"More kissing?" Ben rolled his eyes.
Ben sighed. "Pops and I talked about it and, well, I guess it's an adult thing I don't understand yet." Then he paused and his eyes went wide. "Erin will live with us?"
"Yes," Stiles said. "She'll get the guest bedroom and Derek will sleep with me."
Ben mulled that over for a bit then shrugged. "Okay."
Stiles was surprised. "Just okay?"
He got a sly look. "Pops said that might happen, although he didn't think it would happen like right now, so I've had a chance to think about it. At least she's smart."
Stiles shook his head. "Thanks, buddy. I appreciate that."
"Come here, kid," John hauled Stiles up and drew him into a warm hug. "Congratulations!"
"Thanks," Stiles replied into his shoulder, inexplicably overwhelmed by emotion. He drew back. "Just a small thing with friends and family. Probably closer to Easter break so we can take the kids with us on a vacation. They can afford to miss some school, but we're not going to abuse that."
"We get to go?" Ben asked, surprised.
"Sure," Stiles promised. "You won't get to go with us all the time, but we've already decided the first vacation includes you and Erin."
"I can live with that," Ben nodded.
After Ben went to bed, Stiles sat down with his dad. "I know we didn't get to do this with Ben's mom. That was so different..."
"I know," John nodded. "Neither of you expected Suzanne to get pregnant and then not telling you that she was engaged to someone else wasn't fair to you."
"That was a hard moment, but it was harder when I finally realized she didn't want Ben at all," Stiles said softly. "I've toned that down for Ben, but he's going to ask some tough questions about his mom some day. I'm not looking forward to that discussion."
"He knows how much you love him," John assured him. "Just keep at it and it'll be okay in the end."
"Thanks," Stiles replied softly.
"So, wedding plans?" John asked.
"Oh, I'm just going to throw it all at Lydia and let her have her way with it," Stiles laughed. "But we want to keep it simple and just the immediate family will be there. If we start inviting pack or our friends it'll be huge. And we'll come back here for the ceremony. Derek did admit he'd like to have the ceremony in the Preserve."
"Sounds like a plan," John nodded.
It wasn't necessarily easy, but Stiles and Derek made it work. Ben and Erin were polite at first but mostly ignored each other. By the time of the wedding, they were reasonably friendly, which as much as Derek and Stiles could ask for. They were already house-hunting since Stiles' house was okay but they agreed that more space would be better.
At the reception, Stiles heard a familiar groan of gross from Ben and he had to see what that was all about.
Stiles caught his dad and Peter snickering while kissing in a small alcove near the kitchen.
"Ewww.... gross," Stiles teased as he shook a finger at them. "Come on kid, Derek and I can do better than that!"
"Aww, dad, do you have to?" Ben protested.
Stiles caught Derek looking at him with a promise of more than kissing in his eyes.
"Oh, yeah! I do!" Stiles smiled.
28 notes · View notes
chicago-reeed · 4 years
Detroit Evolution
These are some notes that I took while I watched DE for the first time. It’s a lot. Like, six pages, a lot. I decided I should probably spare everyone’s dashboards and put it under a cut.
Warning: overuse of the fuck word because I am a dramatic little shit who gets overwhelmed easily
- Alright here we go. I don’t know if I’m mentally prepared to go through this hhhhh
- fuck he smellin the flowers good
- “hey tin can :P” “good morning gavin :P”
- “I don’t need to breathe” BAZINGA
- *slaps my face repeatedly* keep it together bitch
- “I like the way you look<3” aaaaaaaaannd here I go again
- oh god oh god witty banter WITTY BANTER I CANT FUNCTION
- detective motha fuckin chris I don’t need to see any more I got what I came for
- Honestly all they need to do to calm down the protestors is get nines out there so he can say “please stop you’re being very mean >:/“ and they would probably just go home ngl
- “I’ve never been intimidated by people who hate androids” OH MY GOD NINES WITH THE BAZINGA’S TODAY WHAT A LEGEND
- can I just say the white jacket is such a power move I can’t believe nines invented fashion
- Gavin bein soft and reaching back for Nines in the crowd🥺homygod
- Gavin “no one calls him plastic but ME” Reed
- The only time I will support police brutality™️
- Gavin is so OP we stan
- Nines “you raise a fist, then I get PISSED😡” RK900
- “y’all have a nice day” Protect Detective Chris Miller at all costs
- Nines sees Gavin’s scars as charming PUT ME TO DEATH
- Okay I need to pause and breathe again the cinematography got me chokin
- Uh ooohhh someone is jeeaaalouus😛
- Nines really said “no worry fam I’ll airdrop the case files to u”
- Ada: *exists*
- me: I hope this doesn’t awaken anything in me
- And nines back at it again with the sass I AM LIVING
- Chris and Gavin’s reactions to Nines imitating Ada is the best thing I’ve seen all year
- oh ;-; shit Michael really finna make me cri
- God damn the intro credits are so beautiful
- Real coffee hours with the sharktreuse mug🦈
- Tina knows Gavin was absolutely feral before Nines appeared at the DPD
- Half An Asshole squad please stand up we ride at dawn
- Gavin with the knockoff timbs WE STAN😎
- maybe “thank god, I hate you, you love me, move your feet, oop” will be our always
- I’m living for the whole “criminal minds” vibe goin on here
- Bruh Gavin got the hook-ups fr fr
- The level of reed900 is staggering
- I’ve had to pause and breathe so many times it’s pathetic I’m not even 15 mins in
- 850% godt damn Nines got that IOS 50 update
- maybe “our calendar” will be our always
- Chris “wingman of the year” Miller
- Who’s that Pokémon??? It’s JEALOUS GAV
- The way Nines said “I don’t feel anything for her.” I see you bud
- insecure Gavin needing reassurance™️
- Im fucking dying I fucking died bro BRO WE ALL KNOW WHO YOURE TALKING ABOUT, NINES, WE ALL KNOW
- Asexual Nines FTW👊😤👏👏👏❤️He gives zero fucks of ANY kind
- BREAKING NEWS: affection-starved Gavin™️ is literally begging for love
- “But there’s much more to admire about you than to detest, I think.”<333
- JJ not being suspicious at all nope no way Jose
- Lazzo has said two words and I love him already
- I don’t think I’ve seen this episode of COPS before🤔🤔🤔
- We all know Nines secretly wants to wear those fun glasses
- “Officer I swear I’ve never seen that arm in my life, it’s my friend’s he just asked me to hold it for him, Android arm what android arm heh”
- “Like robot arms, not gun arms.” You’re doing great sweetie🥰
- Chris “the interrogator” Miller😎
- soft n sleepy gav™️ is soft n sleepy
- You can wear my😋😘sweeaatshiiiirt😝😁🤗 (I’m sorry I had to)
- inconspicuous loving glances™️
- #GiveAndroidsFuckinHealthcare2K20
- Gavin has not slept in 80 years
- He really said “I’m fine” BITCH
- Bed time for brats™️ no later than 8:30pm
- hell yeah sleepover time
- “stop lookin at my insides n shit” I want that on a t shirt
- Nines is so soft I might die
- But he’s somehow equally suave as fuck how is this fair
- Oh my god dream!gavin is like Nines’ conscious this is so presh
- dream!gavin you sly dog
- Nines being insecure™️
- Listen to dream!gavin, Nines, he has big brain
- The fact that Nines subconsciously KNOWS that irl!Gav “just wants someone that doesn’t hate him” but he’s STILL like alas, I can never be what gavin needs :’(
- nu babie don’t be sad🥺
- oh my god they’re both train wrecks protect them at all cost
- c r i p e s❤️the reed900 hurt/comfort we all needed
- Concerned boyfriends™️
- Maybe “I’m fine” will be our always
- GAV🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺💔💔💔💔💔💔
- Insecure boyfriends™️
- Nines “I’m not going to get any closer to Gavin because I can’t help him but also I want to cuddle with him because he had a nightmare” RK900
- did someone say  c a t
- dumb babie gav jus spoon the dumb android so you both feel better
- Me: *rubs evil hands together* aha here comes the angst
- cue tragic backstory
- oh
- tragic backstory indeed
- Gavin is so desperate for anyone to care about him I’m crying tears
- Alexa this is so god damn sad play despacito
- Oh shit it’s about to get domestic I don’t think I’m mentally prepared
- YOU CAN WEAR MY😝💪SWEEAATSHIIIIIIRT🤪🔥🔥🔥 (I’m never letting the sleeveless sweatshirt thing go)
- Uh oh NO FUCK I’ve read enough fan fiction to know that this is where Gavin’s fucking trust issues kick in and he decides pushing nines away is safer than getting closer to him SHIT
- I feel angst in this Chili’s tonight
- “I need you to leave” aaaaaaahhhhhhhh here come a whole different kind of tears
- frick dude that ouches
- Insert sad babie noises
- Oml the tension☠️poor Chris and Ada are like😑😑
- Chris could solve this case all by himself change my mind
- Gavin and Nines = (ò///-///ó)
- Chris = :D~oblivious~
- reed900 who??? I don’t know her. I only know ❤️valerina❤️
- I can’t believe Gavin and Nines invented angst
- I went and got blue gatorade just so I could pretend I was drinking thirium like Nines
- #DetectiveChen2K20
- real sad gavin hours
- Ruh roh Gavin bouta die from the ‘rona virus because rat man smokes hella
- my entire aesthetic in a single shot jfc
- Aaaaahhhh Nines trying to be a supportive bf just makes me ;-; [takes damage]
- HES ACCEPTED GAVIN AS MORE THAN A PARTNER🥺that, my friends, is what we call character development
- We stan the otp aggressively talking about their feelings
- “I’m not going anywhere.” FUCK™️
- Aaaaand they’re back at square one. It’s cool it’s fine it’s all good we can work with this.
- Gavin: I don’t need you ò-ó
- Gavin: *immediately after Nines leaves* fuck ó-ò
- “It’s fine”™️
- I love Ada so much hhhhhh she said 🤨
- “Basic Instinct” TINA WITH THE HEAT OMG
- *nervous laugh* haha Ada sis maybe chill a little bit ha ha
- oh no I have a not good feeling
- 😖x1000000
- Oh my god this is so fucking sad Alexa play The Sound of Silence
- Nines got fucked up and Gavin is CONCERNED
- aayyyyy bro Nines full on nakey
- Tina and Gavin sad bro huggin👊😔
- Uh oh Nines is fckn PISSED
- he MAD mad
- Tina speakin straight facts I love her
- f u c k  right in the heart
- I don’t want to attempt writing any notes at this moment because my thoughts are completely incoherent I am a MESS
- “I need you to come back, Nines.” DONT PLAY W ME LIKE THAT
- Did Gavin really almost bring Nines back through the power of love I am SHAKING
- Dream!Gavin speaking truth as ALWAYS
- These damn flashbacks making me feel some type of way
- that actually low key jump scared me
- God damn these sets are so fucking pro, I’m so happy
- Tina really say “Chris ;) ;) lets go get some ;) coffee ;) ;) ;) ;)”
- You Undead Asshole™️
- Gavin: ( ⚆ _ ⚆ ) fuck he actually heard me talk about my feelings n shit
- Nines: You literally told me you fucking needed me like five minutes ago
- Gavin: huh weird that doesn’t sound like me I actually hate you
- ooOOHHH  S H I T
- woah shit sorry I blacked out for a second what happened
- holy shit I actually gave myself a bloody fucking nose because I smacked my face too hard in excitement
- ❤️💘🧡💞💕💘💓💚💛💘💞💓💛💛💞💘❤️💚💘💜💕💖❤️❤️💕💓💗💘💖💚💝❤️
- “What dipshit programmed you to do that?” 🥺🥺🥺❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️FUCK
- My aunt came in and told me she heard me shouting then asked why I was crying
- shit I need to like..,,,,physically recover from that
- whew okay break time is over let’s fucking go
- Nines in the cheeky turtleneck I SEE U
- Gavin: I’m ready to take this hoe DOWN
- Initiate protocol: SAVE ADA FROM HERSELF
- I could listen to Tina talk to dispatch for hours🥰❤️❤️❤️
- Gavin being hella concerned boyfriend™️
- omfg that crowbar really went *CLANG* when it hit Ada’s steel fkn abs what a legend💪😎
- Hell yeah epic Nines gif moment
- no Ada don’t choke Gavin it only makes him stronger
- CHRIS THE MOTHER FUCKIN GOAT😎👏👏👏he really said “fuck ur monologue I’m here to get shit done”
- That character development godt damn
- I might be reaching but Gavin is now wearing a white/off-white shirt/gray that kINDA RESEMBLES DREAM!GAVIN’S SHIRT. Coincidence? I THINK NOT. THATS SYMBOLISM IF I EVER DID SEE IT.
- “buyer’s remorse, huh?”
- “I can’t be everything you need.”
- That awkward moment when you realize the person you were hiding your feelings from has also been hiding their feelings from you.
- “a year of that fuckin’...Ken Doll face smirkin’ at me every day” BE CUTER GAVIN, I DARE YOU.
- naked hand = love
- So my review of this film could be summed up by saying that I basically cried for an hour and fifteen minutes.
- Holy damn
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birth-fic-lover · 5 years
A snowstorm baby
For Kim it has been the coldest winter she had exprenced for a long time, she cursed herself for staying in this old flat. It’s single glased windows held no heat and the boiler was always breaking, it happened once again one day as she was getting ready to pick her daughter Mia up from school. Kim called the plummer, but unfortunatly she couldn’t get here till tomorow. 
As Kim walked she worried what she would say to her daughter, there was snow due and she didn’t want her daughter to get ill from the cold. As Kim waited for the kids to be let out she saw Alexia, the mother of her daughters best friend. Kim had known her since the girls started school together, they had natrally got on like a house on fire. Kim actualy didn’t mind picking her daughter up from Alexia’s house for playdates or when took forever to get ready as her and Alexia had some great chats about life.
Alexia is the known lesbain but Kim never see’s her part of any of the school’s LGBTQ+ groups or with a partner, which some may find suprising considering she has a daughter and was also heavly pregnant at the moment. As they waited they casualy chatted, Kim decided not to metion about there lack of hot water. She didn’t want Alexia to feel like she has to take her and her daughter Mia in, especally in Alexia’s condision. 
Alexia stroked her mountious belly as the children were releaced into the playground, “have a good evening” Alexia said.
As Mia joined Kim, she explained that the hot water was out again this evening. “Oh no” Mia said loudly “but what about my shower? I don’t wanna be all wrapped up all evening!”
Kim was about to reason with her when Mia’s best friend ran over to ask about the homework, of course little girls beimg little girls Mia instead told her best friend about the heating who ran to her mummy. Alexia then came over, “would you like me to take Mia for the evening? She’s due a sleepover at mine anyway, it may be her last chance to sleep at my house for a while”. Alexia held her belly as if to highlight the reason why.
Kim felt bad but Alexia made a good point, “well if it’s no trouble. You take the girls, I’ll drop by with Mia’s stuff.”
The girls cheered and Kim smiled to herself, she was glad her daughter wouldn’t be suffering tonight afterall. She put together a bag with a fresh uniform for the next day, as well as wash stuff and pj’s. She decided she would sort herself out once she returned home.
When Kim rang the doorbell she was greeted by Alexia who was covered in little flour handprints all over her belly, she just laughed. “Come on in, the girls were making mini pizzas and as you can see they got distracted when the baby kicked.”
Kim couldn’t help but smile, “I should get going, I still need to make dinner for myself and wanna get home before the snow gets thick”. It had been snowing since she had left her house with Mia’s belongings.
“I was thinking about it and you might as well stay over too, save you having to come back here. We all just got an email, school is closed tomorow as the snow is going to be so heavy. I’ll be honest I’d be suprised if your plummer comes tomorrow”.
Kim was tempted, “I’d have to go all the way back for...”
“You can borrow some of my stuff, you look like my size.. pre pregnancy of couse. It will be nice for that stuff to be used again haha” Alexia said winning Kim over.
“Okay, okay you win” Kim said coming inside, she joined the girls who were eatting there pizzas. Mia enjoyed her evening having a sleepover whilst Kim and Alexia had a nice pasta dish and chat, both single parents apprecated the grown up time. “I assume I’m in the guest room like I was for new years?” kim asked before blushing, that new years had been fun. The girls enjoyed counting down and Kim had been taken aback when Alexia gave her a bit more then a peck on the lips but never questioned it. 
“Oh unfortunately this little guy has already moved his stuff into that room, but you don’t mind bunking in with me do you? I don’t have any spare blanket and anyway you don’t wanna be on the sofa” Alexia said smiling.
Kim nodded and maybe it was her imagination but at that point it seemed to be Alexia goal to get the girls washed, teeth brushed, story read and tucked in for the night. Soon we were sitting on top of the covers of Alexia’s bed watching tv, Kim was suprised how normal it felt. It was so nice as Kim would occationally watch Alexia’s shirt ride up as she lazy rubbed her globe like belly, at one point Alexia caught her and smiled. “Sorry, this time of night I love how calm he is. Have a feel” she offered Kim, “He will spend the rest of the night wide awake keeping me up with him”.
Kim hesitated and Alexia not wanting to push the matter continued talking, “I can now feel the head right in my pelvis, makes climbing those stairs”. To Alexia’s suprise Kim nodded and found herself rubing Alexia’s low hanging belly gently. At first running her hand along the bottom, then slowly pushing her fingers back up along the top near her breasts. She stopped as she realised what she was doing, this was not meant to be getting aroused as she felt for the baby. But to Kim’s suprised Alexia said softly “oooohhh that really felt lovely”, Kim suposed both of them must not get much attention. 
Kim was right, Alexia practically had to hold in a moan of delight. She hadn’t been touched for so long, so just that touch made her nipples became hard beneath her maternity bra. When she noticed they had risen and could be seen though her shirt Alexia then got up to use the bathroom. 
She got changed and on her way back passed Kim some clothes to sleep in, as she goes and gets changed in the bathroom Kim takes the chance to take a breather. She knows that she has always classed herself as straight but she can’t stop thinking about Alexia, but she assumes that Alexia wouldn’t be sharing these feelings. Alexia has a daughter and a unborn child to think of, Kim has her daughter. Kim puts the soft nightdress on, she is suprised that Alexia would pick this for her. 
As Alexia waited for Kim to return she felt an as an odd sensation within her womb, but she put that down to the arousal she was feeling for Kim. She knew that Kim was a forbidden fruit and she knew better the to go after a straight girl, but this was all just a bit of fun. She couldn't help image those were blushes of attraction.
While in the bathroom Kim notices all the birthing supplies, from the look of it Alexia was having a home birth. Even a clamp for the cord and a at home fetal heart monitor. Kim tried to remember how far along Alexia was, would she be due soon?
But as she joins Alexia in the bedroom Alexia seems to be taking her all in, before hiding her glance and looking down. Alexia turns off the light as soon as Kim is in the bed, after a moment she asks “mind if I remove my nightdress, I’m not used to all this body heat in my bed” dispite it being the middle of winter.
Kim is glad for the darkness as she blushes, “of couse, this is your home”.
Alexia clicked her lamp on and took off her clothes, Kim couldn’t help rolling over so she could catch a glance of Alexia’s naked chest. Her firm milkfilled breasts hung from from her chest like 2 ripe fruits, her nipples were erect Kim assumed from the slight chill in the air. Without any clothes Kim could see her orb like belly in it’s full glory, she thought about the donor who didn’t even know how lucky he was to have such a beautful woman carrying his seed.
Kim then wondered if it was an anonymos donor or someone Alexia knew, maybe Alexia used the same donor as last time. Suddenly Kim was wracking her brain to work out if Alexia ever mentioned using a known donor or not. But then Kim caught herself not liking how much she suddenly cared. 
Still she found herself watching the rise and fall of Alexia's breasts, she had forgotten to rub lotion over the curve of her bump so was now doing so. Kim wondered if Alexia knew what she was doing to Kim as she feely lay there naked stroking her soft skin. As Kim shuffled she realised she was wet between her legs, again she blushed. 
She looked over and Kim saw hard her nipples were, she wondered if it ment Alexia was aroused too. "You don't have to be embarrassed" Alexia said "we don't have to do anything if you don't want to, but if you would like to have a bit of fun... then".
"I can't" Kim said "I don't want things to get awkward if I'm.... I don't want the girls to not be affected by my.."
"Relax Kim, it's a snow day. A one off day, I know that because we are not used to the snow we may find it an exciting adventure and I won't judge how you play in the snow". 
As she finished talking Alexia felt a tightening inside her womb stronger then before, but just wrote it off as a braxton hick. She thought about telling Kim but just then Kim sighed,"what if I don't want it to be a one off?"
Alexia leaned over and kissed Kim on the lips, "why don't we see how you feel after the snow day before you think about moving to colder climates."
"Stop saying your snow when you are actually so hot" Kim said before kissing Alexia, both ladies slid down the head board and Alexia lay on the mattress Kim on top. They passionately kissed, Kim's free hand exploring Alexia's belly. The baby kicked against Kim's palm, awoken by it's mothers racing heart. Kim's hands explore further down the sides of her body, stroking her butt there breasts pressed against each other. As they sat up Alexia removed Kim's nightdress, then moved her hand downwards. "Oh wow you were wet".
"Yes" Kim whispers "I'm wet for you". She started kissing her neck then down to her heavy sensitive breasts, she slipped her lips over one of her nipples. Alexia let out a soft moan, spurred on Kim swelled her tounge around. Whilst she put her hand over the other breast squeezing the nipple between 2 fingers and pulling at it. Kim found it wonderful she swapped to the other breast, Alexia's moans increased.
After a while she moved her mouth away from her breast, Kim started kissing her way down to her belly. She made a fuss of Alexia knowing that she would appreciate soft kisses across her gravid belly. "I thought this belly would make me less sexy" Alexia moaned, "but thats certainly not the case".
In response Kim slide her hand down and started to stroke Alexia's folds, she then slide a finger tip inside her. "May I?" Kim asked.
"Ohhh" Alexia moaned "you may". Kim then slide two fingers inside, she had always had a fantasy of pleasuring a woman the way she had never been. She started pumping slowly at first, then sped up feeling Alexia’s inner walls react. "Ohhhhh" Alexia moans holding her belly. "No no carry on, it's just been so long" Alexa reassured. But she felt the tightening again, she knew it wasn’t a ushal sensation for her. But this may be her only chance and tried to hide the ache she felt.
"I could always use my mouth?" Kim offered lowering her head and licking and sucking her clit, Alexia moaned and her hips thrusted along her breasts beating her belly like a drum with each thrust that Kim's fingers were still doing. Both ladies felt Alexia building up, her walls contracted and she gave a long moan her belly hardening as she came.
As Kim removed her fingers Alexia pulled her closer still on her back, she held Kim close no words spoken between them. Alexia put her hand on her belly, Kim joined in caressing the mountain that was now her belly. It was so full of life, she knew it shouldn’t but it turned her on. “Do you want me to...” Alexia started to offer but Kim shook her head, all this was turning her on enough. Alexia caught on and said “do you want to feel me down there again?”
Kim didn’t need to be asked twice, she slipped her hand between Alexia’s thighs reached down and began massaging the clit slowly but with lots of pressure this time.
"Gaaaaaah hoo hoo" she moaned unsure if it was from the plesure or another tightening, her breasts rise and fall as she tries not to explode from the sesations. But then suddenly the sensation grew into something worse and a contraction gripped her hard. “Gaaahhhhhhhh ohhh stop stop” she said cluching her belly. 
“Oh my god are you okay? Did your waters break?” Kim asked looking for fluid.
“No hoo hoo but I’m in labour” she still felt the pain, Kim held her until Alexia relaxed, she remebered that Alexia had looked like she was having a homebirth from the stuff in the bathroom.
"Do you want to call your midwife?" Kim asked her. Alexia nodded and Kim got her phone to her, but the snow had got heavyer. Alexia could tell that her midwife was doubtful she could make it, and said she should go to the hospital once she was more dilated. 
Alexia agreed but knew she wasn’t going anywhere, the snow wasn’t safe to drive in. Plus she wanted a homebirth, so that was what was going to happen. She climbed off the bed and made her way to the bathroom, Kim followed "is there anyone you want to call, I’m happy to watch your daughter.”
“Let the girls sleep, hopefully when they awake there will be a new member of the household to enjoy” Alexia said as she started filling up the birthing pool she had already set up in her on suite bathroom.
“You’re not thinking of doing it by yourself?” Kim asked wondering how much she could convince Alexia this wasn’t wise.
“My midwife won’t come because it’s not safe on the roads and it’s gonna take forever, I’m not risking my unborn child by going outside” Alexia said simply. She wondered how much Kim would fight her, but Kim seemed to just take a second and then started helping her set up and fill the pool.
Alexia then felt her next contraction, she tried to hold it in not wanting to wake the children. “What do you need?” Kim asked both about the pool and the pain Alexia was in.
“Gaah just stay by my side” she said reaching out to her, Kim was more then happy to do so. Over the next 2 hours Alexia contractions got worse, but Kim was there holding her and swaying the pain away when needed. 
“Who would of been here if I wasn’t?” Kim asked couriously.
“The midwife, I kinda only have my daughter and my son when he arrives” she said softly, Alexia rubbed her belly whilst Kim was silent. She started to sway again trying to get the pressure off her hips, but then her grip on Kim tightened her other hand supporting her belly. “Naaaaggggghhhhh hee heee naaaaaghhhhhh” she groaned as her contractions were getting more intense, she just wanted to start pushing. 
Alexia’s laboring belly was so tight, it looked like it was about to burst. Kim was shocked how watching Alexia go though such a moment made her so attractive, but she was so powerful going though this without even gas and air.
Alexia found herself wanting to sqaut, Kim got on her knees to join her. Alexa’s belly hung low, heavy with her unborn child who’s head was pressed right upto the entrance to Alexia’s birth canal. Alexia could feel it, she checked her dilation wishing her water would break soon. “I’m at 8cm, 2 more till I can push”. But the sqauting did help at least.
Kim held her, “your my hero, I was a wussy when my mia was born”.
“hooooo I bet you were” Alexia teesed as a contraction hit and she held onto Kim. She then finally felt the pop she had been waiting for and her water broke, as the fluid hit the floor she felt the urge to push. “Naaagggghhhhhhhh” she moaned, she was not wasting any time.
“Should I help you in the pool?” Kim asked, but Alexia ignored her. As she pushed she felt the head begin to move down into the birth canal easily. She could tell here body was ready to eject her son. 
“I can’t move outta this sqaut” Alexia said once the contraction was over. Kim nodded and comforted her, until Alexia felt the urge to push again. “NAAAGGGGHHHH” Alexia moaned loudly, she was glad they had closed the door to both the bedroom and the en suite so hopefully they wouldn’t wake the girls. As she pushed Alexia felt herself progressing, she spread her legs wider to componsate for her son being fully in her birthcanal.
Kim moved her position so she would be able to guide the baby out, on Alexia’s next push her folds parted and a tear drop gap was present. As the baby decended out of her Alexia was sure this baby dispite being early was huge, she felt the buldge between her legs growing. “Gaaaahhhh nnnaaaggghhh” she moaned as the baby crowned, she thought she was going to die from the pain. “ohhh god OHHHH I’m so scared”.
“No you got this Alexia, come on you are so close” Kim encoraged, and with that Alexia kept pushing till the head popped out. Kim thought she was going to rest but Alexia kept pushing till the shoulders popped out and the baby felt into her hands.
But at first the child didn’t cry, Kim saw the cord round his neck, with quick shaking hand she removed the cord from her neck. The colour flooded back into the baby’s face, then he let out a cry. Alexia put the baby though her legs and onto her deflated belly. She looked up at Kim and something in them both knew this wouldn’t be the first birth they would expreience together.
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lighthausen · 4 years
tma 191 liveblog below cut feat. lots of pauses and daydreaming about a sitcom starring martin and melanie
omg are they waking up? aw is that martin waking up?
Aw did he have a bad dream?
Oh shit sleeping with his eyes open 
Not really sleep? Oh his he actually disconnected from everything? I guess he’s sort of in the eye’s range. I hope so 
edge of sleep that sucks tho
“god forbid the creepy ever stops entirely” “thank you” lmao
No dreams at Salesa’s aw
Recognizing Celia! Oh! Martin does know her but he can’t quite remember it!
Oh no, he can’t remember it down here. Oh no he’s not gonna remember when he comes out
Ask if she remembers
“and you are” “nope”
“is that so” wowwww
Names are how they see you? Oh. 
The labels that cut you ooof. 
Who doesn’t like fae logic
oh thanks for apologizing Jon that’s nice.
Georgie and Melanie are out
cool black beans.
No statement? 
Getting Jon food :)
I’m glad Martin’s nice about Arun...
Oh, he also walked through it, sharing their power.
“Yes, you are...” oooohhh
“i don’t know what I see when I look at you”
LMao martin, “rude”
“i’m a poet! i speak the truth” AFDJLKSDAFJ
*sadly kicks away the arun having a crush on martin fanfic i wasn’t ever actually going to write* 
Arun’s right tho, they are mysterious
and , okay okay, pausing
Does Arun see something different because they saved him or is there actually something different there?
Melanie and Georgie are unharmed by the whole world. Jon is only harmed by things in a dream logic manner. But Martin... he almost got trapped in a lonely domain. 
So. He’s different.
I get Georgie, no fear, can’t get caught. But why Melanie?
And JOn said he couldn’t quite see them at the beginning of the season right? They’re described as a blind spot? Why??? 
Is it because Melanie removed her eyes? Shit, is this gonna be like... birdbox or something?
Unless Georgie’s just been protecting Melanie. Does Melanie have a domain?
Okay okay here are the facts as I see them: The Eye is fond of Martin, gave him his own domain. Jon is able to See Martin. 
He is unable to See Melanie and Georgie. They go out often so it’s unlikely it’s just because they’re in a blind spot all the time. They must be a blind spot. 
Georgie is probably unable to be seen because her fear was removed. 
Melanie is either like Martin (eye is fond of her) she has her own domain... or... Georgie could be looking out for her. Or both. But why wouldn’t Jon be able to see her?????? Is it because she severed her connection with the institute? 
And, are they actually immune? Did Martin only get pulled into the lonely because of dream logic but he’s usually safe? Jon’s described as the only one who can walk, so I assume other avatars can’t travel either???
FUck! Fuck,, i don’t know time to play again.
They’ve been gone a while
Locals getting restless? Oh no, they don’t like them :(
Fuzziness comes and goes? 
the simultaneous “i don’t remember”
Are they gonna help? Help with what. saving the world
a bit too much pressure lol
Makes sense if they don’t help bc if it fails...
Layouts different?
Oh? Things wandering about? 
wait rewind lemme look at the episode
ok Mag53
Ohhhh ohh okay so my takeaways from reading the wiki are 1. there are multiple archives. or other past archives anyway. and 2. Eye monsters. spoooky. 
alright time to play again
oohhohnoh not the first archivist
some lingered?
the panopticon calling? Oh shit 
we’re gonna meet more beholding avatars!!
Oh, wait what about the travelling thing? I guess they can travel then, huh. *shrugs*
If- when we defeat the eye :’0
we’re having this conversation D:
maybe he’ll survive? best case scenario
auuuuuuuuuuuuuughhhh auhghh 
If they find a way to destroy them 
*crossing fingers and holding out hope for a combo of ending 1 and 7* fuck fuck fuck fuck
i keep having to fucking pause
“martin when the time comes i need you to promise me you won’t try to stop me” oh god oh god D’:
“I promise. I love you Jon.” “I love you too”
*crosses off an I love you exchange off the bingo card* fuck, that’s a bit early hope it happens again
“But i’m not going to doom the world over it” ahfhhf,
that’s not what you said to that manifestation of yourself in your own domain, Martin.....
oh no
Bad end number 320235: Martin selfishly dooms the world to save Jon
fuck i hate that nooooooooo
oh i shouldn’t of paused there lol
promise me you’ll do everything in your power to live oh my god,, </3
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa “i promise”
fuck “I promise” exchange
i hate these conversations, me too,
talk about the weather, aww,ww,w
i couldn’t understand that last line i’ll have to relisten
Georgie and Melanie time!
Really sets the mood
Mood for private contemplation??
Who? WHo’s HEE?
Oh it’s the Admiral
ohhhhhhhh okay
Pull him out like the others?
Dream of a giant muderous tunnel cat
uh oh... getting involved will only make things worst.............
I just don’t like him lmfaoooo
rought ime of it
HONEY? HONEY?????????????? AAAAA :D
you’re actually quite similar lol
hate consistantly
pausing again to dream about an au where martin and melanie are roomates in a sitcom and martin is pining over jon and melanie fucking hates jon and she’s like “you have such shit taste in men,” 
Meanwhile, Melanie has a crush on this podcaster and Martin makes fun of her constantly for it until my gosh, they meet! In real life! And hit it off!
And they work together for a bit and become close friends. And then one time Melanie works up the courage to ask Georgie for coffee. Georgie is ecstatic but she desperately needs moral support so her friend and ex Jon goes with her. And Melanie needs moral support so Martin goes with her. And they show up, and due to sitcom shenanigans Martin and Melanie think that Jon and Georgie are a couple, while Jon and Georgie think Martin and Melanie are a couple and everyone is extremely upset about it. Maybe they try and make each other jealous.
Then everything clears up and they all laugh about it. But will they find out about each other’s real feelings? Find out in the next episode!
okay okay okay back to the episode lmfao
What can they do for them? OKay can’t find a way 
Things down near the stairs?????? THe what??
Doing it again??? Doing what? 
Overcompensating, ahhh!
Not even if it was just the two of us aww
Oh, Melanie, even a small change aww
nightmare zone of shitty ad reads
plot twist, georgie caused the apocalypse with that script
bully arun time
jon and martin unsupervised lol
i want my cat back aww
well that’s it. The magus archives is a podcast. 
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jackiejacks923 · 4 years
A Story to Tell the Kids
Prompt: “It’s the wrong color.” - @challengingwords​
Pairing: Shownu x reader feat. Minhyuk, Hyungwon & IM
A/N: So I somehow accidentally made a series without even realizing that I did...lol. My brain surprises me sometimes. In this story, we revisit the world of the Chang siblings that were introduced in an earlier fic. Check the masterlist for the corresponding stories. I’ll be updating that soon. I hope you enjoy <3
“Uncle Min!” you heard ChangMi exclaim from the patio facing the beach, “It’s the wrong color! The sky is not purple!”
You and Hyunwoo laughed from the kitchen as you prepared the meat and side dishes to cook on the grill of the vacation home you rented. ChangMi was painting a landscape side by side with her Uncle Minhyuk and ChangGun was on the beach burying a sleeping Uncle Hyungwon with the assistance from his Uncle Changkyun. You were glad that at least a few of your husband’s brothers could join you and the kids on this short summer getaway.
“ChangMi, it’s called ‘creativity’,” you heard Minhyuk explain to your daughter as you and Hyunwoo brought out the food and he started up the grill. “It doesn’t have to be exactly like what you see with your eyes. It could be what you see in your head and heart.”
ChangMi tilted her head in thought as she continued to paint her light blue sky. “So you have purple skies in your head?”
“Yup,” Minhyuk answered, “And yellow whales, and pink water, and a blue sun.” He painted such a picture as he described it and he was rewarded with a giggling ChangMi.
“Uncle Min,” she said as she put down her paintbrush and stood to wrap her arms around her uncle’s neck as he painted, “you have a pretty happy place.” Minhyuk smiled as he placed a kiss on the little girl’s cheek.
You walked to look over the balcony and check on ChangGun with his uncles since it was unusually quiet. Years of experience has taught you that quiet is not always a good thing. You discovered the small mound of sand on top of Hyungwon had taken a different shape. You quickly took out your phone and snapped a picture of the turtle shell in the sand that Changkyun helped design with ChangGun. How Hyungwon stayed asleep through it all astounded you, but for as long as you had known him, you knew this wasn’t unusual.
Knowing that your kids were thoroughly preoccupied with different activities and bonding with their uncles, you went back to Hyunwoo’s side at the grill to help him cook.
“It’s nice to know this place hasn’t changed much, right?” Hyunwoo commented as you were making skewers to place on the grill.
You nodded in agreement. “We have a lot of memories with this place, don’t we?”
You felt Hyunwoo’s arm wrap around your waist and pulled you in to place a kiss on your temple. “We do.” You smiled up at your husband before he turned his attention back to the grill.
The smell of the meat grilling soon spread and moments later a laughing ChangGun in the arms of an equally laughing Changkyun came up the steps to the patio followed by a sandy Hyungwon which made everybody laugh.
“I’m gonna go take a shower,” he said as he dragged his feet across the patio and into the house.
“Uncle Hyungwon dirty,” ChangGun laughed.
“I think he’ll think twice about sleeping around us, right Gunnie?” Changkyun said as he tickled the little boy’s tummy, who laughed and happily agreed with his uncle.
The pair then began to take their seats at the table you began to set with ChangMi and Minhyuk joining shortly after. Hyunwoo brought the cooked meat over right on time for Hyungwon to return from cleaning up and joining the rest of the family.
“We should plan for a whole reunion here next time,” Minhyuk suggested as you all ate.
“It has been a while since the whole group was here together,” you added.
“Have you been here before Uncle Min?” ChangMi asked as she took a bite from her plate.
Minhyuk nodded. “Your dad and your other uncles and your aunties and mommy would come out here every summer in college.”
“Oooohhh,” the little girl replied.
“This is a special place for mommy and daddy, too,” Changkyun revealed.
“Why is it special?” ChangMi asked curiously.
You and Hyunwoo then looked at each other as the events of that fateful summer came back to you as vividly as it was yesterday.
You found yourself around the beach bonfire. Your sorority sisters had given you a makeover after finding out some info that one of the guys you invited from the fraternity, MuChi, actually harbored a crush on you. They were determined to find out who. Unfortunately, the outfit Dasom and Bora had picked out wasn’t very warm.
“You look cold,” Hoseok commented as he offered you his hoodie. You started thinking that maybe the outfit was strategically planned after all.
“Thank you,” you said as you pulled it over your head. As you were putting your arms through, you pondered over the thought you didn’t even notice he had a hoodie with him to begin with. He took the seat next to you and you felt a nudge from Soyou from your other side. You began some small talk with him since you didn’t want to be stuck in awkward silence for the rest of the night.
“Shall we start some games?” Hyolyn then loudly suggested. The group was in agreement and started to form a small circle next to the bonfire that was keeping you all warm from the ocean breeze. Hyolyn started with the word association rhythm game and each person that messed up would have to do a penalty. You all laughed as each loser executed each penalty, whether it be a shot of soju or some other ridiculous penalty request the group agreed upon.
Then came the moment where you messed up the rhythm and had to execute your penalty.
“Aegyo!!!” Hyolyn yelled out before bursting into a fit of laughter and the rest of your sisters betrayed you by agreeing this would be your penalty. So much for solidarity.
You looked around as you reluctantly stood up to see all eyes eagerly set upon you. You closed your own and took the deepest breath you could while quickly executing the best aegyo you could muster in 5 seconds and promptly pulled the hood of your borrowed sweatshirt over your head and tied it closed. All you could hear were the group’s giggles and exclamations of “how cute” from all angles around you. You took a deep breath from inside the hoodie and took in the woodsy scent it held. You had never pegged Hoseok to be a woodsy type guy with his cologne scent, though. You became attached to this scent the more you breathed it in. It had such a calming effect on you.
You then felt a pat on your head and a voice close to your ear as you continued to hide. “That was really cute,” the soothing voice had told you. You eventually came out of your makeshift hoodie tent to see who it belonged to, but someone started the music and so dancing and drinking around the bonfire began and the owner of the voice was no longer at your side.
The ratio of guys to girls was off so you were all just aimlessly dancing. Until a song came on the speaker that you knew the choreography to and so you busted out in the dance moves. The group then began cheering for you. When you turned your head, you discovered you had a dance partner in this impromptu performance after all. You and Hyunwoo kept in sync through the whole thing which made you smile. The song ended and your friends applauded the two of you. You smiled at each other, but before either of you could say anything, you were pulled away in different directions by your friends dancing to the next song on the playlist.
After another hour or so of more bonfire celebrations, you excused yourself back to the beach house to call it a night. You were starting to feel the effects of the soju and were aware you were close to your limit and would eventually fall fast asleep.
“Y/N!” a voice called out to you. You turned around and saw Hyunwoo catching up to you. “I’ll walk you back.”
“Daddy then told me that the hoodie belonged to him and not Uncle Hoseok,” you told your daughter.
“And I built up the courage to finally ask mommy out on a date,” Hyunwoo added.
“A few years later we came back here for another summer celebration with everybody,” you continued.
“And that was the trip your uncles and aunties helped me plan my proposal to mommy,” Hyunwoo concluded.
“Wow,” your daughter eventually said as she leaned against her Uncle Minhyuk’s arm attentively listening to her parents' story.
Hyunwoo took your hand and brought it to his lips and placed a kiss on your knuckles. You smiled lovingly at him.
“Does that mean I might find the man I marry here, too?” ChangMi innocently asked. Her dad and her uncles focused their attention on her with shocked looks.
“Maybe one day, my darling,” you answered her.
“Not for many, many years though,” Hyunwoo added.
“When you’re 30,” Hyungwon suggested.
“Why 30?” Changkyun asked, “I say 40.”
“ChangMi,” Minhyuk said, “You don’t need any other guys. Just daddy and your uncles.” You and ChangMi laughed at the ridiculous responses her overprotective bodyguards had to her question.
You smiled at your daughter and prayed that maybe one day, this beach will hold a special meaning for her as it did for you...when the time was right.
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ruthoakenshield · 4 years
The Lady in the Black Leather (Ch 20)
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catch up here: [chapter 19]
Richard X reader , Aiden X Scarlett X Reader
Morning came all too soon for you. Aiden & Scarlett woke you up knocking on your door at 8am. The officer from last night looks up at them then over to you. You grin and nod and he motions for them to enter.
Scarlett comes in and plops on the bed and hands you a hot cup of coffee. You thank her and sip on it. The officer stands and tells you that he will go out in the hallway and let you have some time with your friends and to call for him if you need anything.
You thank him and he heads out to the hall.
Aiden wandered in and plopped down on the floor and petted Phantom. “So, how’s it going with Rich?” he asks. “Good.” You reply with a smug grin.
“You two getting pretty close? He looked so worried about you yesterday after you had been shot. It really scared him, Harley. I think more than he wanted to let on.” he tells you.
You nod. “Yeah, we have talked a lot and are getting close. I have never been treated the way he treats me. All my prior boyfriends were jerks compared to him. They never treated me with kindness and only manhandled me roughly.” You tell him. Scarlett rolls her eyes and says, “Now that’s and understatement if I ever heard one!”
You glare at her and continue, “Richard makes me feel safe and loved. It’s still hard for me to get used to. It helps though that he always has a hand resting gently on me. Either on my back or around my waist or on my arm, or just holding hands.” You reply.
Scarlett and Aiden grin. “Yeah, we noticed he can’t seem to keep his hands off of you.” They both giggle. “He can be quite possessive, but it’s always in a good way, don’t worry.” Aiden tells you.
“Chivalry certainly isn’t dead with him!” Scarlett giggles.
You giggle. “Well, I don’t want a knight in shining armor.” You reply as you raise the bed up more so you’re more in a sitting position. You wince and adjust your weight, so it isn’t on your left leg as much.
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Aiden looks at you confused. “I thought that was what all women wanted, a knight in shining armor to come rescue them and take them to the castle to live happily ever after. Why don’t you want that?” he asks.
You chuckle. “Thank You Disney for giving young impressionistic women such a dangerous ideal! I much prefer Tolkien’s version of Knights/warriors and royalty. If I’m gonna have a knight come and rescue me, I want him in dented and dinged up armor. A knight in shining armor means he hasn’t seen battle and never waged war. You don’t know if he’ll stick around when the battle gets intense, or if he’ll tuck tail and flee, leaving you to fend for yourself.
Whereas a knight in dented and dinged up armor shows he HAS seen battle and had his mettle tested. It means he has fought, defeated and survived what the world has thrown at him. And not fled when the going got tough. He stands and fights to defend what he loves and cares about.” You giggle. “He’s a real warrior!”
Scarlett nods. Aiden just smirks and grins widely. “I guess I never thought of it that way, but I get what you’re saying. It makes sense.” He tells you as he takes a bite of his breakfast sandwich.
“So, speaking of knights, what are your plans for today? Isn’t Sir Guy working all day today?” Scarlett asks.
You giggle and nod catching her Robin Hood reference to Richard. “Yeah, he’s workin’ all day today. He asked Graham if he’d stay with me today and meet with the attorney that Rich hired for me.
I guess I have to appear before the judge to tell him my side of the story. Then I have to appear before him again as my ex stands before him and explains himself. After that, the judge will make his ruling on the restraining order being made permanent or temporary.” You explain.
“How are you going to appear before a judge when you’re in the hospital?” Aiden asks.
“I guess Alex was going to try to set something up using the internet and video calling.” You explain. “I am not entirely sure.”
“Ah, that would make sense then.” He replies.
You nod and are quiet for a few minutes. “Thank you for the flowers and balloon, you two.” You tell Aiden and Scarlett.
“Glad you like them, Hun.” Scarlett says. “You seem pretty quiet this morning. Didn’t you sleep very well?” she asks.
You shake your head. “No, the nurses were in and out a lot checking on me every hour. The officer assigned to guard me ended up telling them to let me sleep and to leave me alone for a while.” You tell her. “I’m just tired and been thinking about a lot of stuff.” You reply.
(You spent a lot of last night thinking of all the people who have helped you and wondered how you can thank them for everything. Saying ‘thank you’ just doesn’t seem to be enough.
You decided to do something nice for each person who has helped you through this. Starting with Richard and Graham. You make a note to ask Graham what you could do for something special for Rich.
You thought about Graham and how far away his family is. You wish you could meet them and say “Hi” so they can put a face with a name. You decide to ask him about his family today and ask him what their names are.)
You ask Aiden how long he has known Graham and Rich. He replied they all met on the set of the Hobbit films. You ask him what kinds of things does Rich like. You explain that you realized you didn’t know much about him, he always turns the conversations to be about you.
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Aiden chuckled. “He always does that. And it can get to be annoying. He hates talking about himself. I’ve learned most of what I know just by watching him & listening & observing.” Aiden explains. “He likes to read, and has several Lego sets of the Hobbit. He’s just a big little kid at heart. He likes a good wine, chocolate ice cream, and good coffee, and was pretty good at horse riding and sword fighting. He is frugal with his money, but isn’t afraid to splurge on those he loves. He did mention one time that his Mom used to help him answer fan mail and it meant a lot to him. He really misses her, she passed away a few years ago.
He doodles, and dances, and tends to write back stories for his characters he portrays.” Aiden tells you.
“So, if I wanted to do something super special for him as a ‘thank you’ for all the help he has been, what would be something meaningful for him?” you ask.
“Hmmm. I don’t know. Maybe a nice journal for him to do his writing in, or taking him to a winery for a private tour? I guess it depends on what you want to spend. He really just seems to cherish spending time with you, Harley.” Aiden tells you.
You nod.
“Well, I need to get ready. I’m supposed to spend the day with Graham. I have no idea what we are going to do other than meeting with the lawyer. He said to let him know when I was up and ready to go.” You tell them.
“Ok.” Aiden says as he stands up. “If you want some company, let us know. We can meet up with you later on.”
“Thanks, Aiden, I’ll let you know.” You tell him.
“I’ll head out and get us some breakfast while you get ready. What do you want, Scarlett?” He tells her with a kiss to her cheek and brushes a strand of her curly, red hair off her face.
“I’ll eat whatever you find, Sweetie.” She tells him.
“What about you, Harley?” he asks.
“Thanks, Aiden, but Graham is picking up breakfast for me on his way here.” You tell him.
Aiden nods and heads out to get himself and Scarlett breakfast.
You grab your phone and text Graham. “Morning Pops! What’s the plans for today besides meeting with the attorney?”
He texts back “Morning Sunshine! Not sure what we’ll end up doing. We can figure that out when I get there. Still want breakfast? How’d last night go?” he replies.
“Ok, Yes, can you pick up something for breakfast, please? Didn’t get much sleep. Nurses kept me up checking on me every hour till the officer told them to leave me alone and let me sleep.” You text him. “When ya coming up to see me?”
“Be there in about an hour, Sweetie.” He texts back. “Finishing up some stuff here before I go.” He replies.
“Ok Pops, see ya soon! 😊”
Scarlett grins and shows you that she brought up some of your tops and corsets. “So you feel a little more comfortable.” The nurses said you can put the tops on but want you to wait with the corsets till later.” She tells you.
Scarlett helps you find something to wear and you end up putting on a long sleeved black peasant top with the shorts the hospital provided. A nurse helped with the ports, disconnecting them long enough for you to put the top on and then re-connected the iv’s to the ports.
Scarlett helps you with washing your face and helps with your hair and the two of you have fun playing around with a few different hair styles for your incredibly long hair. The two of you settled on a 5 strand Dutch French braid.
Aiden comes back in after a bit with breakfast for him and Scarlett and said, “Oooohhh! I like the hair!” as he comes over and admires your braid hanging over your shoulder. “Your hair is SO long, Harley! How long did it take to grow it out like that?” he asks.
You giggle. “10 years!” you reply and laugh as Aiden’s jaw drops.
“What?!?! Did you just say 10 years?!?!?!” he asks.
You nod.
“Wow!” he replies as he runs his fingers along the braid. “How do you keep it so soft and nice looking?” he asks.
You chuckle. “Hair oil, and I get it trimmed regularly to control split ends. I also try to keep it in some kind of braid or updo so it’s not just flying all over and getting all tangled up.” You reply.
He nods. “I can’t imagine having hair this long. We thought the long wigs we had to wear for The Hobbit were annoying. They kept getting in our faces and making it hard to see. When we weren’t filming, they were all tied back so it was out of our faces.” He tells you.
You giggle. “But you all looked so damn sexy with long hair!” you tease. He blushes and grins.
Scarlett digs through the bag of food Aiden brought and hands him a breakfast sandwich, “Here, Aid. Sit and eat.” She tells him as she pulls out one and a container of tater tots and sets them on the bedside table.
You giggle and snitch a few tater tots and pop them in your mouth. Grinning wickedly when Aiden says, “Hey! You said you didn’t want anything!”
Scarlett smacks him on the arm. “Oh hush! She can have a few of the tater tots to hold her till Graham gets here!” she scolds.
Just then you get a text from Rich. “Hey Love! Am just taking a break on set and thought I’d say, ‘hi and love you!’ How’s it going this morning?”
You reply back, “Hi Hon! The morning’s going good. Just getting ready for the day. Aiden and Scarlett are here now & Graham will be here in an hour. He had to run some errands before we meet with the attorney.” You message back.
He sends you a thumbs up emoji and ‘Have fun, sweetheart! See you after work. Xoxo’
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bssaz97 · 5 years
Fun Times #1
*Atlas Academy, Recreation Room*
The RWBYNOR group have been experiencing a problem that many Huntsmen experience from time to time....boredom. They had no missions as of late and everything else was pretty much run of the mill errands to do. Something that they all either didn’t want to do or found too tame. The door to the rec room opens and comes in Jaune Arc with frizzed hair and a ‘STOP’ sign he got from his babysit- er, primary school voluntary work. He took a look at the room around him and found a spot to sit at on the end of a couch, in between RWBY and NOR. He sat down and sets the sign on his lap.
Yang: ....Ok I’ll bite, what happened to you Vomit Boy? Did those kids become rascals and tried to climb you like a tree?
Jaune: Pff, I wish, the kids were fine. It’s the mothers of those kids that I had to ward off.
Ruby: Wait what? Those ladies are still giving you trouble?
Jaune: (Rubs his face) No, it’s not that, they’re actually very friendly. A bit too friendly. I swear I had so many of them trying to ‘thank me’ for taking care of their kids that it’s really starting to get on my nerves. I think I’ve been given so many casseroles from Mrs. Lars that it’s starting to pile up in the fridge faster than we can get rid of.
Ruby: Well have you tried I don’t know......telling them to back off or that you’re not interested in their advances.
Jaune: I’ve thought about doing that but I’m worried that if I do that and they take it the wrong way, or maybe they aren’t trying to flirt with me and were just trying to be nice in a over friendly way and they’ll look at me like I’m the one getting the wrong idea.
Nora: Mmm. That’s a good point, a lot of ways they could spin it to make it seem you’re the bad guy. Thirsty moms are a scary thing.
Ruby:(Murmurs) I’ll give 'em something to be scared about....
Jaune: What was that Ruby?
Ruby: What? I didn’t say anything. I was....thinking about that casserole that you mentioned. I’m gonna go get some! (Saying the last statement very tightly then left for the kitchen)
Oscar: So, I’m gonna assume we’re going to be having casserole again for dinner?
Nora: Looks like it. I gotta say, I loved the idea of you getting more attention from the ladies because of the new haircut, but now it’s starting to become old. I miss eating other food!
Blake: Maybe we can go out somewhere to eat so that we have something to do.
Weiss: Actually that does remind me of something. Winter said that the academy was going to be holding a ceremony for a class reunion for older Atlas graduates that she’s going to be attending this evening. Perhaps we can go there.
Oscar: Wouldn’t you all need clearance for that from Ironwood?
Weiss: Nonsense, the event is open to all the Atlas students and hunters, besides it more of a formality for old friends to reacquaint with old peers.
Blake: Well that could be fun. What do you think Yang? ....Yang?
She turned to see that her partner was locked on to her scroll and was having a content smile. Yang looked to be texting someone when all of a sudden she feels a nudge on her shoulder. Yang looks away from the screen and sees everyone’s eyes looking at her inquisitively.
Yang: (Closes her scroll) Haha! Sorry guys you were saying?
Nora: Well.~ You seemed in a good mood, who were you texting?
Yang: Hmm. Oh! I was just reading a message from a pen pal of sorts.
Weiss: Pen pal? I wasn’t aware you had kept in contact with any social relationships outside the rest of us.
Yang: Well Weisscream, I’m sorry to disappoint but I do have a life outside of you all and saving the world. Plus you can’t tell me talking to the same people everyday doesn’t sometimes get on your nerves.
Weiss: Hmm. Fair point. So who are they?
Yang: Oh they’re called Nunya.
Weiss: ‘Nunya’? That’s a interesting name.
Yang: Yeah and their full name is Nunya Business!
Weiss: What kind of name is.....Hey wait a minute!
The other remaining friends starts to laugh at the expense of former heiress. While on of the more intellectual of the group, slang was still foreign to her.
Weiss: Alright! Alright! I get that I walked myself into that one. Sense you are not willing to reveal the identity of your friend Xiao-Long, I will not pry any more.
Yang: Great. Glad to hear Weisscream. Now if you’ll excuse me I’m gonna go to the dorm.
Blake: You’re not going to the ceremony with us?
Yang: Sorry Blakey but I’m gonna be flying solo tonight. Miss me too much you guys!~
With that Yang left the rec room and was out of sight from the group.
Jaune: Well sense she’s gonna be doing her own thing, maybe we should try going out someplace fun. Be nice to spend with people my age than moms and kids. By the way is Ruby back yet? She’s been in the kitchen for awhile.
Ren: I’ll check. (Walks from couch to rec room Kitchen) Ruby were you able to-
Ruby is seen looking at a burning pile of what smelt of casseroles in a trash bin. She looks at Ren and they make eye contact for a brief moment before he slowly backtracked his steps and made his way back to the couch.
Ren: Just checked with Ruby, turns out we’re out of casserole. Went bad.
Jaune: Dang it! I knew we wouldn’t be able to finish them before they spoiled.
Ruby:(Coming back from kitchen) Welp! Since we’re out of food, I vote we go do something fun! Maybe we could get Penny to join along.
Weiss: I think she maybe too busy attending the ceremony with Winter as she’s a Atlas representative.
Ruby: Oooohhh yeah. Bummer.
Jaune: Hey Ruby how about we all go see that new movie that we’ve been seeing on the posters lately?
Oscar: Can I come along?
Ruby: Oh, sure I don’t see why not? Jaune?
Jaune: Yeah that’s sounds good the more the merrier!
Oscar: Yes!
Nora: Well you can count us in too! Beats going to a snore fest like a social event. (Grabs Ren and wrapped her arm around him)
Weiss: Well I guess that just leaves you and me Blake.
Blake: You know actually I noticed that the Atlas library had a book that really seemed interesting to read-!
Weiss:(Grabbing her via summon arm) Oh no you don’t! I refuse to attend this event by myself, and you’re the only one singled out by everyone here. So dare try to weasel your way out of this!
Blake: But-! Books!
Weiss: (Dragging her friend to the exit of the rec room exit) They aren’t going to grow legs and run away, they’ll be there when we return.
Soon both W and B of team of their group left the rec room leaving only five of the eight friends by themselves.
Jaune: Guess that just leaves us. Kinda funny, this may be one of the first times we’ve had a chance to hang out as team RNJR.
Ruby: Wait really?! ....oh yeah! Oh this’ll be great then, this will be just like when we had time to relax during our time in Anima!
Nora: Oh yeah Team RNJR is back baby! Wait a minute, we have Oscar with us so that does kind of chance the name a bit.
Ren: So what should we call this arrangement then?
Jaune: Guys we don’t need necessarily a new name for the group, we’re just going to see a movie, not fight a final boss Grimm.
Ruby: Besides, it’s just like Jaune said, doesn’t matter what we’re called. As long as we’re together. (Smiles)
Nora: Yeah you’re right. I’ll think of something later. Anyway let’s make this night a killer!
Ruby/Jaune: Yeah!
Ren/Oscar: Yeah.
*RWBY Dormitory*
Yang entered the room and sighed. That was a close one, she almost didn’t think they would let her leave that easily. Before she could think about the matter further she felt her scroll vibrate as her friend had messaged her once more. She opened the scroll to view the message.
White_Knight: Are you still up for tonight? I didn’t rush you too soon did I?
White_Knight: I could always reschedule!
Sun_Dragon: Nah . You’re good, just my friend was trying to be nosey.
Sun_Dragon: Anyway, you still want to go see that new horror flick that’s out now? Heard it’s supposed to be intense.
White_Knight: Most definitely. I’ve reserved private seats for us on top where we won’t have anyone being ‘nosey’ as you say it.
Sun_Dragon: Really?! Dang I thought reserving a seat was hella expensive on primere night!
White_Knight: Never to fear, I have good connections so the seats are very much legit.
Sun_Dragon: ....bet?
White_Knight: On everything.
Sun_Dragon: Geez Knight, keep tryin’ to impress me and you might get yourself a girlfriend by the end of the night cutie~ ;-)
White_Knight: I like to impress my dear. But let’s keep it slow before we start talking about relationships. Or you might come off as desperate ;-)
Sun_Dragon: Ok see you tonight <3
White_Knight: Can’t wait! <3
Yang smiled after the chat with her pen pal. She originally started talking to Knight after download Instaspam on her scroll when she took that selfie with Blake. Originally she got a lot of likes for how the two looked like a cute lesbian couple but she put a plug on that real quick. While she and Blake we’re getting back to better times, she wasn’t really interested in starting a full on relationship with her partner. Kind of brought bad thoughts about her own family dynamic so that was a no-no. Of course she did lose a few subs for the apparent ‘queer baiting’ from some of the ruder people on the app, but others were actually glad that she made the clarification early on so that people wouldn’t make inaccurate assumptions.
It was actually how she met Knight, through a personal message saying how brave she was to tell the truth and not to take the fake friends words seriously. Yang was a bit suprised about the message so she thanked him later and one thing lead to another and they were talking almost everyday whenever she wasn’t on missions. She got a look at his profile and it looked like he was a music enthusiast and played multiple instruments like the piano and violin. She of course teased him of being a nerd for apparently liking classical music for being a young man. However to her suprise he sent her a link to one of his tracks of his music and while not of fan of classical, he was very good at playing piano covers. He didn’t have a profile picture so she asked if she could send her a picture, she had to be sure he wasn’t a creepy old man or something. To her suprise he did send a picture. Granted he was wearing a hat and a pair of glasses but he definitely looked young. Maybe a bit too young. She was a bit uncomfortable about this little tidbit about Knight, but she knew he was definitely only two years younger than her.
Yang’s sisterly instinct was too let Knight know that he shouldn’t try to flirt with girls older than him but the more she thought about it....it couldn’t be that bad. They stayed only as friends and besides casual teasing it wasn’t anything excessive that would send people the wrong message. So she kept in contact with him. Besides her own sister had a massive crush on a guy two years her senior so it wasn’t that bad. Besides Knight was a nice guy, always polite, never vulgar or tried to ask for body shots of her. What really got her was his respect for women. He apparently had a family mostly consisting of women so that put some insight. So Yang was very glad that Knight didn’t turn out to be a creep. Who knows, maybe she might give him a reward if this first outing goes smoothly.
Yang: Guess I’ll see you tonight Mr. Knight.~
*Schnee Manor*
Whitley has been rereading the chat for the past two minutes and couldn’t believe how far Sun_Dragon and him have come from complete strangers to good friends. He originally gotten Instaspam as a way to entertain himself and share his musical taste to other musical enthusiasts. When one of his recommended came up one day and he saw a picture that immediately took his breath away. That was when first was introduced to Sun_Dragon. He saw at the time how people were bashing her for the honestly miss assumptions about her relationship with a friend. He couldn’t believe how others could be so ignorant and uncouth behavior they were treating the poor dear. He normally doesn’t try to engage in these types of topics but he knew he needed to say something that would let her know that not everyone was like these wolves who just enjoyed to harass her. From their their interactions developed then blossomed into the first genuine relationship he’s ever had.
Truthfully if he had to say, Sun_Dragon may have been his only friend. A friend that he had grown especially fond of. Whitley tried to reason that he was only had a small crush because of her majestic beauty, but soon he began to realize that he found everything about her wonderful, her personality, her casual attude and her plain honesty she told. He had never met a more genuine person than Sun_Dragon. The only problem he was worried about was if his age had worried her some, because being a underage minor made some who were female admirers scared off because of fear of being called a pedophile. However she seemed not too worried about the age gap as she was only two years older than him. That made his whole day when she told him that. Whitley was content for the most part with the screen conversations they had but soon he desired to step up the pace, to meet in person. Whitley was sure she would turn down his advances but surprisingly Sun_Dragon favored the idea as well and now brought him to this moment. In a mere few hours he will meet the woman of his dreams. So naturally he only had one response.
Whitley: YES!!! Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes yes, yes! Whitley you’re a genius! Oh my gods! Thank you! Oh......this is officially the best day of my life.
So yes, he was excited.
*Trying something different just a bit of a side story, not canon to anything just a spoof or omake if you will. More for comedy than anything. Hope you all enjoy!*
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tarotdeckshuffle · 5 years
Hi! Been really loving your poly stories. Could I request a solo poly of the Chocobros x female reader fic? S/o was really really dense that she didn't realize she was dating all 4 of her boys until the boys think it's a good time to take things to the next level (maybe NSFW?) Please and thank you~~
I’ve had to think about his one for awhile…
So, I’m going to alter your request, just a little bit, to make it something I’m more comfortable writing. Maybe this is how you meant it and I wasn’t reading it correctly, but hopefully it’ll still satisfy: Let’s instead say that S/O didn’t know she COULD date all four of the guys.
 And it’s only beginning on NSFW, because I’m still figuring out how to write poly stories…I hope this is ok. Enjoy!
Taglist: @idiotflowerex, @laststory1013, @sayaoqueen, @jophinabean​
If you like what you read, please consider supporting me on Patreon or buying me a Ko-fi!
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Many plants don’t have a single flower on a stem, opting instead to bloom in bundles. It would be ridiculous to think that these plants are inferior to others, based upon some arbitrary standard that flowers should bloom on single stems.
So why had you been so dense to think love was so singular?
It had all started simply: friends. You loved spending time with your “boys.” They offered to bring you along for the trip and you had readily agreed, not knowing what you could possibly want more.
Along the way, you all became so much closer. You learned so much about each other.
The boys found out how easily you blush. You were certain they were messing with you! They had begun a game, kissing your cheek at random times, just to see your face turn red. Each asked if it was ok, you stammered that it was ok but weird but nice but…laughter always ensued.
Then the game escalated, due to Gladio, kissing you in front of the others. You almost screamed. All the men had laughed at how flustered you were by it all. You admitted that you liked it. After that, the game became more open. Then, you took it upon yourself!
Ignis had been trying to get Noctis to eat his veggies. Deciding to play into the game, he comments, “Well, [Y/N] doesn’t have a problem with vegetables, do you?” He smiles coyly at you. He raises a fork with a piece of carrot on it to your lips.
“No, I really don’t like cooked carrots, but I do know what I like…” You’re blushing as you dodge the fork, raising from your chair to kiss Ignis’s surprised lips.
It’s soft, short, but sweet. You swear the heat from you face transfers to him, as he’s blushing, too, now.
Everyone sits stunned for a moment. Gladio’s great laugh breaks the silence.
“It’s about time!” He practically yells.
“No fair! I want a kiss, too!” Prompto adds.
“Don’t leave me out!” Noctis stands from the table.
“That was…unexpected.” Ignis pulls away, smiling.
Before you know what’s happening, all the men are around you.
“Wait…what? ” You’re starting to think you shouldn’t have kissed Ignis.
Prompto kisses your cheek before Gladio sweeps you off the ground.
“Do I get my turn now,” He asks. His chest is warm and the feeling of being in his arms is intoxicating.
But what is going on?! This is all a bit sudden for you.
“STOP!” You yell. Gladio looks stunned, but sets you down. You need answers.
“What is going on?!” You demand. The men look at each other.
“We’ve all been teasing you because…well…” Prompto rubs the back of his head.
“Because we all love you,” Noctis finishes his sentence, not wanting to drag this out.
You’re stunned. “All of you?” You point to each man individually. They all nod. “How does that even work?”
Ignis smiles, adjusting his glasses. “Together, that’s how.”
Prompto smiles in a cute and bashful way. “We were going to ask if you wanted to date us…”
“US?” You ask.
“Yeah, relationships don’t have to be just two…” Noctis says matter-of-factly.
“Oooohhh.” You had been taught all your life about monogamy and a relationship only being two people. But this made sense.
“Get it now? We all love each other.” Gladio added.
You nodded in response.
“So, what do you say,” Noctis asks, holding out his hand to you.
You smile. It was like finding a different way to answer a math problem. The world had only taught you one way to do it all your life, branding every other way as taboo. But this, this method worked, possibly better than the original for you!
“I could get used to this…” You reply, taking Noctis’s hand.
He pulls you close, kissing your lips. His lips are soft and cool, leaving you breathing softly.
Prompto comes behind you, hugging both you and Noctis. You turn your head to his eager lips. His are warm and wet, leaving a feeling like electricity running through you.
Gladio picks up the three of you, just to show off, resulting in laughter. Setting you down, you looked up into his eyes. “Your turn,” you say, pulling his chin close.
His kiss is rougher than the last. His lips are chapped. But it is warm and supremely gentle.
Ignis comes to the group last, wrapping one arm around Noctis and creeping the other into the tangle to hold you. You look up into his eyes. This time, he leans in to kiss you. It is warm with a hint of desperation, leaving you wanting more.
Your romance continues, sweet and constant like the road before you. You get individual moments with each man, but it is the moments together that are your favorite.
You wake up early one morning, rain beating the roof of your tent. You can feel the chill air on your face, but your body is warm, wrapped up in the love around you. Prompto is on your left, Gladio on your right.
You stretch out your arms, bringing them from the sleeping bag. Prompto stirs in his sleep, rolling over to cuddle up against you. His face is against your neck, warm breath tickling every nerve.
You smile at him and let out a soft giggle. It’s enough that Gladio wakes. He rolls over, admiring the view of you and Prompto. A sweet smile lighting his face. The distance between you closes as he kisses you, warm and deep, gentle in the morning air. His lips part yours and your tongues dance lazily. Both of you want more, but take things at the pace of the rain.
You pull apart, hearing Prompto moan. He’s smiling at the two of you. Gladio smiles back, lifting his chin to kiss him. You’re pressed tight between the two of them.
Ignis stirs, sitting up to look over Gladio’s back at the scene, smiling at his loves.
Prompto pulls from Gladio, wanting to address you. His lips are warm on yours before moving down your neck, sending sparks through your body. His hot breath is desperate, nipping at your chin, gaining energy with each sound you make.
Ignis softly lays a hand on Gladio’s arm, bring the shield’s attention to his need for a kiss. The two men are wrapped together while Prompto warms your entire body.
Finally, Noctis awakens to the commotion. Everyone laughs at his sleepy face.
“Good morning, sleepyhead.” You sit up, gently pulling from Prompto’s grasp. You take Noctis’s chin, guiding him to your lips. You kiss him, long and passionately, sending embers into his veins. You take the lead, banishing sleep from his features, until he is awake enough to return the gesture.
As you pull away, Prompto takes your place, biting at Noctis’s lip to wake him further. Ignis clears his throat, “I believe I’m missing out.”
“Then get over here, Specs,” Noctis replies, pulling from Prompto.
Ignis smiles, slowly climbing over Gladio. He sits on his knees between your legs, pulling you up and into his embrace. His kiss doesn’t wait, your lips are parted with his almost instantly. His arms wander your back. His desperation for your skin grows as he begins to lift your shirt.
The morning air runs her icy fingers over your bare skin before being brushed away by a strong touch. Gladio is behind you, kissing your neck and pushing the neckline of your shirt away.
You gasp as your ribs are met with soft kisses; Prompto has staked his claim. His warmed hands make for your breasts.
Noctis joins in. He pulls Ignis in for a slow kiss while his cold hands make their way to you pantline. His hands wander your bare skin.
Moans spread like the clothes discarded around the tent. Desperate kisses join warm skin. You all fall together, desperate to plunge into the love you share. There is no space between you as the rain covers spring flowers.
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the-fiction-witch · 5 years
Girl Nextdoor P2
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I yawned as I gently woke up the birds tweeting outside and the warm cosy covers keeping me in my sleepy state, I sat up having a stretch feeling the familiar stiffness in my boxers. I could hear my parents and Ava downstairs yelling at the TV and having there breakfast so I smirked a little laying down and cuddling with the other pillow the one y/n snuggled with yesterday slipping my hand under my waistband and pumping fast and hard "uhhhh... Uuuuuhhh.... Y/n! Y/n!" I moaned as I got closer and closer before finally "uuh uh- uuuuuhhhhh!" I moaned as I finished it sounding so raspy with my throat this morning, ummmm I can't wait to go over to hers today, I wonder what she has planned for us, so I got up having a nice long bath making sure I was squeeky clean and I looked nice for her wearing the jeans I normally where when I wanna fool around with myself, as they are easy to get undone and comfy to have my hand down so if... Y/n wants to do anything with me it won't be complicated for her making sure everything was perfect and going downstairs to the door "Where are you off to?" My dad asks quickly before I left "Y/n's?" I answered pointing to nextdoor "Why?" He asked "To finish watching our movie we started yesterday?" I lie "How long you gonna be at y/n's?" He asks "Uhhh all day probably" I answered "Come on" he says going off to his office so I sighed going inside "I don't want to pry... But are you and y/n?" He began "Are we what?" I ask "Thomas, you and y/n have been best friends since we moved here, is there something going on between you two now that your... Both... Older" he says and I couldn't stop some blush flooding to my cheeks "Maybe" I shrug "Do whatever the two of you want" he smirked "but whatever you do, you keep your doors shut, close Windows, Don't do stuff like in a living room or kitchen because that's just dam discussing" he says "and whatever you do with each other, do it safely" he says handing me a condom from his draw I smirked taking it and putting it in my pocket "don't go brining home no babies Thomas" he warns "Got it" I laughed "I don't want to be a grandfather" he warns "Okay okay dad I get it, no babies" I laughed "Go on then, she'll be waiting for you" he says so I happily left the house and went out to the street and over to y/n's knocking on her door and her mum opened it "Oh hello Thomas, she's upset go on up" she smiled "were off out in a minute so I'm sure we'll see you later" she smiled as I went in "Yeah see you" I smiled before rushing up the stairs and across to her room opening her little door and quickly shutting it again locking it behind me as I looked into her room, I like y/n's room something about it always feels so cosy, but the room looked empty, the TV off and the curtians still drawn even the light off, till I spotted the unbrushed mop of beautiful y/h/c hair just poking out the top of the purple duvet I smiled going over and sitting on her bed and pulling the purple duvet and little blanket down to see her sweet face still sleeping she groaned a little her nose wrinkling up before she tugged the duvet back up covering most of her face again I laughed at her a little and pulled the duvet down and gave her lips a kiss making her stur "Good morning" I whispered "Ummm no" she grumbled turning away from me "Awww y/n, Don't you wanna wake up?" I ask "Thomas" she whines "come sleep" she says so I smiled and undid my jeans and climbed into her bed with her pulling her close and giving her a kiss which she sleepily returned I loved cuddling with her when we sleep we laid like this for a while until I heard her bedroom door open but if I moved I would wake y/n so I stay still "Aww look at them?" Her mother smiled "Should we wake them?" Her father asks "We really should" she says "but they look so cute and happy together" "Ughmmmm" y/n sleepily moans shuffling closer nuzzling into my neck and I smiled nuzzling close to her little head "There so sweet, let's leave them alone, let them sleep" he says they shut the door and left I heard there car pulling off he drive and when it did she sat up and yawned with a little stretch "Humm good morning" I smiled "Hello" she smiled giving me a kiss "what are you doing snuggled in my bed?" She asks "You wanted me to" I smiled "I did?" She yawns and i laughed and nodded "You told me to come sleep with you" I laughed "So I did" she smiled nuzzling closer again so I hugged her tight "So? What do you wanna get up to today?" I ask her "Lots of things" she smiled "Yeah? Like what?" I ask "Well... Much more then some make outs Thomas" she giggled slyly Running her fingers down my chest "More then a make- ooh! You you mean..." I stuttered "If you wanted to of course" she smiled "Of course I want to" I blushed "I just I'm just.... I'm still a virgin y/n" I admit slightly pushing her away from our cuddles "I know Thomas" she smiled "I live nextdoor I know your a virgin," she laughs "How do you know?" I ask "Well I've never seen you have a girl in your room other then me...or Ava" she laughs "I could have at someone else's house?" I argue "And being your nextdoor neighbor and best friend, don't you think you would have told me" she laughs "Yeah good point" I nod "Plus it's not very common for boys who aren't virgins to have to work out how to jerk off Thomas" she laughs "You- you heard that!" I complained "You should shut your windows more often" she smiled getting out of bed she only had her little nightie on a little strap night gown with a sloth on the front "look away I wanna get dressed" she complained "Do you have to?" I ask her as I got up from her bed doing up my pants and cuddling her sweet waist "I think you look pretty like this"
"Okay" she smiled taking us both back to the bed
"so... how do we start?" I blushed
"You'll find out" she smiled Moving my hands back to her waist and kissing me I kissed back happily rubbing on her dress a little with my thumb as I felt her hands what had been on my shoulders move down to my chest and then down again to my stomach I froze unable to concentrate on anything but whatever her hands where up to she moved them again gently tugging in the buttons of my jeans I gripped her tightly in shock making her pull away and giggle
"Uhhh uhh Y/n I Uhhh" I stutter
"Is something the matter thomas?" She asks Running her fingers along the waist band of my jeans
"Uhhhhh Y/n what what what are you doing?" I stutter
"Heheheh, just playing" she giggled
"Playing?" I asked
"Playing with you" she smiled as her hand gently began to rub on me
"Uhh! Y/n!" I moaned in shock
"That nice?" She asks still not stopping doing it and I nod my hand where shaking and I was struggling to think straight all I could think about was that gentle rubbing,
The palm of her hand gently cupped me though the rough fabric of my jeans her hands gently moving counterclockwise every so often her fingers would brush against me too I had a choak down moans and groans trying to stay quiet I tested the waters by slipping a hand down and gently having a grip on her soft squishy arse she giggled moving a little closer kissing my neck, I blush as she bit down on my neck sucking hard on the skin "Uuuuhh Y/n!" I groan but she moved away getting up off the bed I was confused sitting up but she sat on the end of the bed and moved to be over me her legs either side of my hips
"Oohh thomas" she giggled
"What?" I ask "what is it Y/n?" I asked worried something was wrong
"Nothing thomas, I'm being impaled that's all" she laughs gently moving her hips onto mine
"Oooohhh my god! Y/n!" I screamed grabbing hold of her bedsheets my eyes rolling back it felt so good I couldn't express how amazing it was to have her doing this to me she giggled a little and her hands slid up my chest until she reached the buttons I didn't stop her I didn't want to my sweet little Y/n getting my clothes off I was having to hold myself back so much if I didn't I would have flipped her over ripped her dress to sheds and made passionate love to her all night long as soon as it was undone she tugged it so I put my arms up letting her slip my shirt off me and throw it to the floor I was breathless already and desperate but I think she knew that as she gave my lips a gentle kiss
"You want me to stop? Just say so okay?" She asks and i nod giving her a kiss she smiled continuing the kisses down my neck I happily moved giving her more space as she kissed down my chest
"Uhh Y/n i-" I stuttered in shock as she kept getting lower and lower kissing my stomach a little before she got even lower again kissing my jeans her hand going to undo them "Y/n stop" I told her pulling her head up as I sat up
"What's the matter?" She asks holding my hands
"Uhhh Y/n... Just uhh just so you know I umm in getting kinda close to not knowing what to do" I blush "I mean I've never done this before and all.... I'm nervous"
"I haven't before either thomas" she smiled "we'll take it slow" she smiled pushing me back down flat on the bed and she climbed off me "you get those off and get cosy I'll be back in a moment" she says giving me a kiss so I smiled kissing her back she stood and she went off somewhere else in her little house so I did as she asked and got my jeans off kicking them to the floor and laying all bundled up in her soft duvet completly naked I waited a little while Y/n got under the covers before I could really see her she popped her cute little head from under the covers and I smiled
"Hey" I smiled
"Hey" she giggled "we'll take it as slowly as you want, as fast as you want, you can touch whatever you like provided your not hurting me, if you want to stop at any time just tell me" she explained moving my hands to her waist as she did I noticed she was naked under here too
"Okay... I already told you before, you can do whatever you want to me, I'm all yours my sweet Y/n" I remind "it's okay I'll be slow, I'm as new to this as you are" I laughed "Y/n... I love you"
"I love you too thomas" she smiled pulling me close so I pulled her close too as we began to kiss
I slipped my hand down from her waist to her thigh she smiled into the kiss slipping her hands down my bare chest slightly Rubbing on my skin, I too rubbed my thumb across her silk skin until she pulled away
"Over me or under me?" She asks
"Uhh under please Y/n" I blushed "but before we... Do that, Could I touch?" I ask but she shakes her head moving to sit on my thighs I froze looking at her completely naked.
Her soft y/h/c hair, settled on her bare skin with its normal curl and wave in. Her eyes looked down at me sweetly. Her cheeks flush with a pink tinted blush. Her little nose wrinkled where she was smiling at me. Her lips curled into this sweet smile. Her neck graceful and posted. Her shoulders broad with some moles and freckles across them. My eyes slipping down her body as her sweet chest exposed those perfect breasts, perfect for the size of her not to big and not to small ever so slightly over at the bottoms a few little marks in her skin over years of growth. Her nipples hard to the cold a light brown that stood out from her pale skin. Her waist small and tight from her dresses. Her little stomach so happily sat there with a few of the marks same as her breasts. The mound I could see it bare surprisingly, she must do something with it the skin slightly darker there then elsewhere all I could see was the beginning of her lips. Her thighs around my legs her knees pressed tight to the bed as she smiled at me blushing more.
She took my hand and gave it a kiss nuzzling close to my hand as she pulled it to her face, I smiled my fingers grazing her hair and caressing her cheek "so?" She asks
"So?" I ask
"What do you think?" She asks and I smiled more sitting up in my elbows a little running my hand down her face and neck
"I can't explain it" I answered "you're more then a word, more then anything I can say" I told her "your more then beautiful" I smiled kissing her cheek "more then sexy" I answered slipping my hand down her chest between her breasts "more then gorgeous" I answered kissing her neck as my hand slipped to sit on her waist "you're so much more then that, like seeing you... Makes me want to tell you how much I love you, with words that Don't exist" I explain
"Then imagine one" she answered
"You're Y/n" I answered "my sweet, beautiful, georgous, sexy, irriestable, perfect Y/n" I explain
"Oww thomas" she cooes
"I just hope I don't disappoint you my love" I tell her
"You won't" she smirked looking at my cock "your a very big boy thomas" and I blushed hard trying to almost avoid her eyes she smiled at me giving me a kiss as she did I slipped my hands up to her breasts taking one in each hand, skin on skin contact her nipples hard against my hand as I gently felt them giving them a grope she laughs a little at me till I moved my hands away
"All ready now?" she asks and I blushed sitting my hands on her hips
"Ready" I nod
"Alright thomas" she smiled moving to be sat over me I froze holding he tight a little scared my overwhelming excitement turning to concern of how it would feel? what would happen? If she'd like it? If I'd like it? "I love you thomas" she smiled
"I love you too Y/n" I told her looking at those emerald eyes my fears melting away again I loved her and she loved me "make love to me Y/n"
"Of course thomas" she smiled kissing my lips softly "can you uhh?" She asks
"Ohh right yeah" I laughed holding my base giving it another couple pumps to make sure it was good enough for Y/n I kept my eyes on hers even if it was hard not to look away she rested her forehead in mine as she gently moved her hips forward I could feel the heat of her body a place so intimate so close to my own.
It was sudden. The feeling of having just the first inch, the head of my cock inside her, it was so warm, so wet, so silky, like being surrounded on all sides with the most amazing blanket I bit my bottom lip to stop me screaming if nothing else but in shock I looked at Y/n and she looked in pain I was so worried I didn't want to be hurting her as she slipped down further so even more of me had this amazing feeling I moved my hand away putting it back on her waist but she looked worse
"Y/n please if it hurts then stop, I can't bare to see you in pain" I told her
"It doesn't hurt..." She says
"Then why do you look like that?" I ask just as I did she slipped down the rest her hips hitting my own as every inch of me was inside of her I froze my mouth open my eyes almost back into my head she clenched and moved a little on me getting comfy she moved back sitting up straight on me as I got my breath back from the shock and soon enough the rocking began her gently and soft movements of rocking back and forth and up and down, I was lost for words it felt so good I didn't ever want it to stop
"Ooh thomas! It feels amazing!" She moans
"Umm ummmm, Y/n, Y/n my love I'm not sure how much longer I can last, it feels so good I can't-" I began as she got a little faster
"Then let it go thomas" she says
"No, not till you have too" I told her moving a hand to gently rub my fingers in her clit and she squealed throwing her head back as she bounced her insides tightening on me when she squealed
"thomas! Faster faster please" she begs "I'm close"
"I'm trying Y/n, I'm close too" I told her getting faster on her and not even a few seconds later she sqeualed alot squirting onto me a little as she tighten almost impossibility tight which got me there too moaning and screaming her name as I pushed her hips back pulling out and finished in my stomach once we got our breath we blushed hard looking at what we had done to each other she gave me a kiss and laid on the other side of her bed tucking the covers around us as we got our breath back "I love you so much Y/n" I smiled fixing some hair from her face
"I love you too" she smiles resting her head on my stomach, I tried my best to comfort her, stroking her hair but I was struggling to get my composer back after all that and she laughs sitting up, "Your struggling more then I am" she laughs sitting up and making he sit up with her she smiled giving my lips a soft kiss so i gave her a kiss too before she sat up in her bed with her covers around her she pulled me so we could cuddle my head in her lap, I smiled widely resting close to her as she plaid with my hair
"Dam it" I laughed
"what?" she asks
"I had a condom in my jeans pocket, I forgot about it" I laughed
"You idiot" she laughs
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