#oooooohhhhh nooooooooo
thequietmanno1 · 4 years
Thelreads, Vigilantes 24, Replies Part 2
1) “And we’re really at the end of the road for her, and since she didn’t tried to jump over that wall she’s either too exhausted to keep going, or the story  forgot she could do that.”-Most likely the tiredness thing, since knuckle seems to have calculated everything about Kuin, to the point that he even mapped out a likely dead-end area he could herd her toward when she started flagged from exhaustion, but it could also be Kuin realising that she can’t shake off knuckleduster by running, no matter how hard she tries, so she decides to use what strength she has remaining to turn the tables against him on one last attack right when he’s certain his victory is assured.
2) “Alright, Knuckle is just gloating a little on how this is all according to Keikaku, but because it is him I’m sure he won’t give her a chance to pull any funny shit.”-Or he genuinely didn’t see her being able to pull a quirk mix-n-match move to pull a sudden joker out on him when he thought he’s forced her to play all her available cards- just because he can predict a lot of things about her, doesn’t mean he can predict everything, though he sure came close
3) “OH NO
That’s- That’s trigger- Oh god oh fuck I forgot for a moment that was something she still had with her. I wasn’t expecting HER to be using that thing- Ooooohhhhh nooooooooo”- Of course, given the nasty side-effects of some of the stronger and more experimental doses kuin’s been using- and given she mixed in some samples from Teruo’s batch into her bloodstream, she’s taken a weakened dose of the Potent stuff- it’s also not a move Kuin would make normally under any other circumstances, especially given the hints that the chemicals stand the risk of permanently warping the host’s body into the mutated form, but given her situation, it’s the lesser of two evils for her preferred outcome of walking away from this fight alive.
Oh fuck- Well, I suppose that knuckles probably took this in consideration while planning, he probably is ready to deal with a super-powered teenager trying to murder him…. hopefully…”- Knuckle having planned ahead so extensively, enough to sort out the worst-case outcomes to the fight and rank them in acceptable order, means he’s always seeing the silver lining to whatever move Kuin makes to turn the tables on him. Emergency transformation into a combat form? No problem, it’ll just mean that if she can’t take him out with it, she won’t have the energy to escape properly anymore, so that’s good news for him!
5) “EErrrrrmmmmmm…. What? I mean, I suppose there is a connection between the bees, since we know the queen can give orders to them, not to say that damage to a single worker affects the host but… the way this is phrased makes it seem like this is a true hive mind, the kind that shares the processing and decision making between all members instead of having a “central unit”, it’s almost like the Geth from ME.”- It’s unclear, but it seems like there is a central ‘queen’ bee that helps birth the solider bees and such that Kuin can use for combat and reconnaissance, hence why Kuin shrugs off the damage taken by the soldiers but genuinely panics at the thought of Knuckle getting his hands on her, and her ‘central processing bee’, but since their insectile minds aren’t capable of processing advanced information needed to control and move a human body, the load gets ‘shared’ between all members of the swarm, with the host’s brain and personality used as the groundwork, to create a new personality that’s a fused, corrupted version of the old host’s, subservient to the queen’s will, such as it exists within their twisted consciousness. 
I guess this need to share information through many ‘minds’ might be why the bees tend to swarm together in clumps- they’re not capable of handling the full strain of Kuin’s commands through their minds on their own, but it becomes easier to do so when many minds are in close proximity to share information between each other.
6) “WHAT
NOW THEY ARE SAYING THAT TAMAO IS STILL ALIVE IN THERE? EVEN THOUGH WE SAW AAAAAALL THOSE BEES LEAVING HER SKULL? YOU KNOW THE FREE SPACE YOU HAVE INSIDE OF YOUR SKULL? IT’S NOT THAT MUCH BECAUSE THERE’S A BRAIN IN THE WAY, AND MOST CERTAINLY IT WOULDN’T ALLOW FOR THAT MANY BEES TO BE INSIDE OF IT”- You’d be surprised at how many people can move and think normally despite taking massive damages to their grey matter- you can even slice the brain in two vertically and it’ll still work, so even if Tamao’s brain has been hollowed out, it’s presumably an on-going process, as the hive ‘expands’ within her cranium by carving out new portions to birth bees within, said bees taking the place of the missing grey matter in processing information and stimulus and allowing ‘Kuin” to maintain control over Tamao, even gradually reducing her ability to be herself as the hive continues to devour her mind-literally- until the only remnants of Tamao exist within the bees birthed inside her head.
SO SHE WAS A MUSICIAN, WITH IMMEDIATELY MAKES ME THINK ABOUT KNUCKLE LOOKING OVER POP, AND APPARENTLY SHE HAD A FIGHT WITH HER PARENTS, LEFT THE HOUSE AGAINST THEIR ORDERS, AND THAT’S HOW SHE GOT CAUGHT BY THE PARASITE”- Despite the nightmarish existence that Tamao now shares with Kuin, it’s gotta be worse from Knuckle’s end- he was apparently too strict or not attentive enough to his daughter’s needs, and eventually that drove her away from him and into the hands of some bad people, who have now twisted and warped his daughter with permanent scars, to the point that recovery is an unclear option for her at best. Knuckle’s doggedly persistent in chasing after ‘kuin’ and letting her know he won’t let her escape, because he already didn’t hold onto Tamao hard enough and it got her hurt badly, something he blames himself deeply for, and also why he’s had such a clam and understanding attitude throughout the fight- he’s a father letting his little girl know that he doesn’t blame her for the bad stuff that happened, that it was himself in the wrong for driving her away, that he’s sorry and wants to apologise and make up with her, no matter what, become he loves her so much, that even with everything that’s happened, he forgives her and will stand by her, because he understands that she needs his help, even if she won’t ask for it. 
It’s a messed up take on a child running away from home and falling into a bad crowd, and knuckle’s just experiencing a more extreme version of the fear every adult feels in that situation- that his mistakes may have driven away something precious from him that he can never get back. Of course, this is a story about heroes, so even if the idea that he can ‘save the day’ and get her back is just a fantasy, he came here precisely for the very reason of turning that fantasy into reality, come what may.
8) “Another option would be that her personality was rewritten, the original one erased, and this one, although still being controlled, is not Knuckle’s daughter, and therefore isn’t be forced to commit evil as much as being pointed towards doing it.
Knuckle’s daughter would never be able to do it, but this one isn’t her, it’s only a different person using the same body, and this one pretty much has potential to do evil.”- It’s unclear, since we don’t have a mental viewpoint inside Kuin’s noggin to tell us how things stand, but from outside inference, it seems like the queen bee basically overwrote Tamma’s mind and rebuilt itself a personality based around her wants and desires, albeit with an inborn sadistic/ maniacal streak that seems to come from the Queen. It’s like, Tamma would be thrilled to go see the concert, but the queen doesn’t like the idea of a concert that just has fun, and can only find the idea appealing if there’s potential to be had to turn the venue into one of murder and mayhem. 
This makes me wonder about how exactly they managed to create a conscious mind within what is technically an insect with a quirk- or at least that’s how I’m choosing to interpret the idea of the queen bee- especially since it seems to be an artificial creation, since the only other animal we know of with a quirk, Nezu, is capable of talking precisely because his quirk’s all about enhancing his brainpower. In contrast, the queen bee seems to have some inbuilt psychotic tendencies programmed into it, despite lacking an overall conscious mind of its own, hence why it has to ‘meld’ with its hosts to form one, hence why the current host seems to be crazy underneath a veneer of normalcy- because the crazy is the actual mind puppeteering the bodies.
9) “Okay… seems like they are pointing more at the “erased personality” angle, but with some lingering preferences and reactions from the previous one; or it could be that the thing in there is trying to imprint its own preferences on that almost blank slate, and this girl is just trying to connect the dots and figure out what she’s supposed to be.”-More or less a mix of both- it does seem like they both have separate minds of a sort, but the parasite inside her mind is the overall dominant one, yet the one we mostly see when talking to ‘Kuin’ seem to be tama filtered through the queen’s preferences. Like, I wonder if the queen could honestly talk normally if it assumed direct control over her body, or if it would be some kind of organic version of SHODAN with the stuttering and slurred speech, hence why it lets the original mind run things on a day-to-day basis so as to better fit in. 
Like, I get the impression that Tamao would fight back if she could, but the parasite’s control is so intertwined inside her head that she can’t even formulate the idea of fighting back against the queen, because it won’t allow her to even think along those lines in the first place. The missing grey matter might also be another angle, as by this point, if any part of Tamao is aware of her predicament, she could be afraid of getting the parasite removed- if it’s become too deeply ingrained into her, she might die anyway, even with the possibility that the parasite will eventually kill her down the line.
10) “Oh I should’ve expected this one coming from the moment that they said Pop would be performing… Oh lord, this is going to be a really horrible day for all of them, isn’t it?”- Well, if by ‘them’ you mean, Tamma and her passenger, then yep, papaduster’s come for some disciplinary action. I wonder if Kuin’s focus on attacking Koichi and such might come from suppressed jealousy or such from Tamma seeing her dad hanging around this kid as her ‘replacement’ and wanting to tear the ‘faker’ down, even if she can’t fully process why she wants to ruin best boy’s happy-go-lucky lifestyle.
11) “WAIT…
THEY DIDN’T FOUND HER BODY ON THE ALLEYWAY? OH GOD, DOES THAT MEAN THEY HID HER, OR THAT SHE’S STILL BEING USED SOMEWHERE?”- It’s… unclear. I don’t think they ever mentioned what happened to Bi after she was revealed to be a hidden bomb for soga, in the vein of marguerite from RE7. The kid himself didn’t have time to clean up the mess and it’s unlikely the bees would have returned to her body after they got incinerated and poisoned, but the fact her fate is never really clarified is kinda horrifying.
 I mean, we see that there was another young host for the queen before Tamao here, so presumably, for whatever reason, the queen isn’t concerned about leaving the hollowed-out bodies of its hosts behind every time it needs to ‘jump ship’. Heck given the quantity of bees inside her, it could be that Kuin was planning to jump into Bi once she was done with Tamao as a host, only for Soga to interrupt that and force her to use her ‘spare vessel’ early as an improvised assassination method.
12) “Coldplay put it better, that the king is just a puppet on a lonely string, because they are really implying that she’s not in control of her actions, or that potentially its not even the person that Knuckle used to know. Both are horrifying in their own ways, she either was forced to do all those things and will have to come to terms with it when she gets saved, or she has been dead all along and knuckle will have to put her down to save her…
God fucking dammit Furuhashi, this is the type of messed up that I’m okay with, what took you so long to actually start it?!”- That’s not even counting the fact that outside eyes won’t see things from her perspective as a victim of knuckle’s enemies, and will judge her by the villainous actions she’s committed under duress, meaning Knuckle not only has to stop her, he can’t let other heroes know about her actions or see them fighting, lest she get arrested as a criminal and deal with the stigma the label of ‘villain’ brings with it for the rest of her life. We say how messed up Twice’s life became once he had a minor criminal record, getting labelled as a full-time villain would probably destroy a girl who just needs to recover from a horrific ordeal where her own identity has been under assault and warped for the trigger ring’s uses.
13) “Your daughter is not there anymore, Knuckle. This thing wearing her face has nothing to do with the person you lost, and, unfortunately, you may need to put her down.”-Seems to be a half-and-half thing. ‘Kuin�� seems to be based most of her likes and personality traits from Tamao’s own, but it also seems her id is either devouring or assimilating with Tamao’s, suppressing it and trying to assert its own existence separate from the girl it’s merged with, resulting in Kuin utterly rejecting Knuckleduster’s presence, given Tamao’s deep emotional connection to him means that she’s starting to ‘wake up’ a little from the inside, especially as the fight drags on and Knuckle keeps backing Kuin into a corner, making her lose control literally and figuratively.
14) “DON’T SHOW SYMPATHY TO HER KNUCKLE, SHE PRETTY MUCH MADE KOICHI DOUBT HIMSELF HIS WHOLE LIFE, REPRESS HIS OWN POTENTIAL, THEN BERATED HIM FOR WASTING HIS TIME TRYING TO BE A HERO, SOMETHING THAT HE WOULD’VE BE NOW, IF SHE HADN’T ACTED”- All true, but it also hints that Knuckle, despite being a better paternal figure to Koichi now, was similarly protective and restrictive with his own progeny, and regrets some of his attitude now that it ended up pushing her away from him and into the arms of villains who proceeded to warp her mind and body. Knuckle might not have been as strict as Momchi, but he does seem to have had difficulty relating to his kid properly, and regrets that inability even now, given what resulted from it.
JESUS FUCK”- Cruel, but it’s also a hint that this was not just a random attack that Tamao happened to run victim of. If the queen just wanted a new host, she already had that in Tamao, and there would have been no reason to return home and, presumably, try to infect Mommaduster was well, especially since it seems the queen can only be in one body at a time. Given the state of Mommaduster, it seems that there’s an issue of compatibility between hosts that affects whether or not the queen can successfully integrate, which resulted in mommaduster’s comatose state and failing health from her body so violently ‘rejecting’ the foreign invader and the damage it caused to her. Good thing too, or it’s possible that the queen would have left Tamao as a hollowed-out body behind in the family house. 
There was no reason to go and infect mommaduster as well if all the queen needed was a new body, so this duel assault upon both members of his family- in a fairly horrific and damaging matter for the pair of them, even if both survive- was clearly meant to be an indirect attack on knuckleduster himself.  For whatever reason, the trigger ring wanted to send him a message through his family, and they didn’t hesitate to make it hurt.
16) “I THOUGHT IT WAS GOING TO BE THE FACE-TO-FIST TYPE OF TALK, I WASN’T EXPECTING HER TO EVEN BE ALIVE BY NOW. NOW THIS MAKES THE HEARTSTOPPER THERE TO BE A REALLY TERRIFYING MOVE, I DON’T KNOW IF YOU WOULD BE ABLE TO BRING HER BACK IF YOU USED IT.”- Well, if he doesn’t use it, Tamao might even up even worse off that mommaduster’s current state, given the implication that the parasitism is an on-going and long-term damaging process to her health, and spending too long with the queen in her brain will push Tamao beyond the point of recovery, even with the parasite out of her head. Dammed if he does, dammed if he doesn’t- Knuckle’s only hope for a happy ending is to roll the dice and pray it gives him what he wants.
17) “OH WHAT, DON’T TELL ME YOU WEREN’T READY FOR THE SPEED BOOST SHE WAS GOING TO GET FROM THE DRUG, WHY ARE YOU SURPRISED KNUCKLE?”-Close combat isn’t her forte, and given his is, he’s actually surprised that she’s willingly engaging him in it- it’s not like the concept of temporary quirk-transference via mutation was something he could see her pulling off when chasing her down in his prepared scenarios- heck, I don’t think Kuin herself seriously considered doing that as an escape plan until knuckle left her without any other options.
18) “CHRIST THAT’S HORRIFYING SHE STABBED HIM WITH HER NAILS OH LORD WHAT THE SHIT IS HER BODY MUTATING INTO?”-Given her theme, it seems like her nails evolved into ‘stingers’ capable of injecting venom straight into the victim’s body- only in Kuin’s case, the ‘venom’ is a blast of bio-electricity transferred from Teruo’s body to her own, so perhaps an ‘Electric Bee’-or, since the electricity seemed to only come from that one bee injecting her with Teruo’s sample, a ‘humanoid bee’ form, like the initial stage before further doses of trigger really start mutating her body, like something out of the fly.
19) “GOOD LORD, THE STRENGTH SHE PUT INTO THAT ONE. DOESN’T KNUCKLE USE BOY ARMOR AS WELL? JESUS SHE PIERCED RIGHT THROUGH IT WITH HER GODDAMN NAILS WHAT THE SHIT”- Difference between piercing force and blunt force- a bullet fired into body armour is a conical shape, so it’s capable of being stopped by something that spreads the impact rather than drills through it, but Kuin’s nails, boosted by her own enhanced strength, maintain their strength and piercing power to punch through- maybe not enough to actually tear through Knuckle’s armour entirely, but Kuin only needs the tips of her nails to enter his body and deliver the electric payload.
20) “OH FUCK NO, IS TRIGGER SOME SORT OF CHEMICAL COMPOUND THAT ALLOWS QUIRK TRANSFER, AT LEAST IN MINOR SCALE?! IS THIS WHAT GOT AFO INTERESTED IN IT? SHE JSUT GOT A SMALL SHOT OF HIS DNA AND SHE GOT A SMALL SAMPLE OF HIS POWER”-It’s possible, though unclear exactly. It seems that Kuin didn’t mutate entirely into producing the electricity on her own- rather it seems the sample the bee took from Teruo contained the ‘charge’ from his electric DNA, and Kuin used said charge alongside her own mutation to create an improvised one-use biological stun-gun of her own. It’s unlikely she could generate the electricity herself, even after injecting Teruo’s DNA into herself, but he can seem to ‘channel’ it by temporarily mutating her body to withstand the strain of two different quirk types for a single second. 
However, it seems dependant on Kuin having access to Teruo’s body to replicate the attack again, and given she’s also presumably not mutated to withstand the damage that comes from producing bio-electricity, pulling the same trick twice would only damage herself more. It seems like you can temporarily get somebody to produce different quirk types by mixing their DNA together, but if you’re not the original holder of the quirk, the effects are temporary, and likely to result in damage from using powers your body isn’t naturally adapted to handle. That said, it’s also unclear exactly how AFO’s own quirk transference works in comparison. From the imagery used with him and Izuku, it seems that AFO is able to see quirks as ‘balls of light’ or something within people, and can draw these ‘cores’ out and store them within himself merely through touch. 
As the flashback showed, this also instantly undoes mutations provided by these quirks or inflicts corresponding mutations into any he bestows the quirks to, without the need for any injections or transference of DNA. It seems there’s some kind of mystical aspect of quirks that AFO, and correspondingly OFA, can tap into, given how Izuku could somehow interact with the previous holders despite them being long dead, and AFO can transfer quirks through contact, without using any kind of scientific means to pass something from one individual to another. However, at the same time, there also seems to be a scientific principle to quirks as well, given how DNA can carry the chance of a child inheriting their parent’s quirk, as well as how transferring Teruo’s DNA sample to herself let Kuin use his electric quirk for s second. It seems that Trigger can result in what initially looks to be the same effect, but as long as it’s not true quirk transference like AFO and OFA can do, then it’s merely a surface level imitation of the phenomenon, and is limited by the amount of substance that is taken from one person as ‘fuel’ for another using their powers, even temporarily. @thelreads
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alloverthegaf · 7 years
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bucketsofgiggles · 7 years
another fake spoiler pile
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low-key had to look up who he was to jog my memory it’s always the quiet, sweet ones...
oooooohhhhh nooooooooo, hughes!!!!!!!!! wait, does that mean he now has a metal arm and long hair?
Hail Homunculi
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that would explain why he’s so short
okay, but i would actually be 100% happy with that ending. you go Pinako!
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