#ooop i forgot which ep this is from so its anothers Guess the Ep
castielfucks · 5 months
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summerseachild · 5 years
Summersea’s GoT Season 4 Rewatch 2019
Otherwise known as: “The Long Slow Slide to D and D Running Out of Material from the Books”
1. The visuals of Ice getting melted down are SO PRETTY (while RoC plays on the background 😎 living my best Lannister Life over here.)
2. Jaime getting the sword and trying NOT to be Lord of Casterly Rock and HOLY SHIT TELLING TYWIN NO and getting away with it.
3. Tyrion is trying so hard to greet the Dornish politely... poor guy.
4. It’s pride month so I’m just pointing out that Oberyn is soooo biiiii and This Bi Girl loves him. And him playing with the flame and Ellaria trying to stop him from killing the Lannister who insulted him... I just love their dynamic.
5. Drogon is just a big happy dragon-Cat and in Dany’s first appearance of this season. He PURRS.
6. I love Jaime and Cersei’s scene with Jaime’s new hand. They snipe at each other, but it is SO how they interact.
7. Jon and Sansa reacting to Robb’s death :(
9. TREAT THAT BOOK MORE CAREFULLY JOFFREY YOU LITTLE SHIT and treat your uncle more nicely too. Jaime looks a little taken aback at what a little turd his oldest has become, but handles it well I think.
10. Jaime and Brienne trying to sort out how to keep his vow to Catelyn 🤣
12. Sandor Clegane saying FUCK THE KING gives me such satisfaction
13. I should not be so happy about Arya re-enacting the time when Polliver
14. But I am happy that Sandor got his chickens
1. So I had forgotten that the girls who were in the scene where Theon gets cut are Myranda and the girl Ramsay is hunting later. I remembered how much I hate the Myranda thing real quick, though.
2. I love Tyrion being understanding of Jaime’s disability because HE WOULD BE. Also Tyrion pouring wine on the table to be like “look spilling is no big deal” is PRECIOUS.
3. Bronn knocking Jaime around while sparring is a great source of joy to me.
4. Theon finds out that Robb is dead when he’s got a RAZOR TO RAMSAY’S THROAT I can’t with Alfie’s face.
5. Every time I see Joffrey chop that book in half I want the purple wedding to be right now.
6. Tyrion trying to make Shae leave :...(
7. KEEP AWAY FROM SHIREEN, RED WOMAN, said Davos probably a lot
8. Question: why don’t the direwolves being food BACK to the hungry humans? Especially when Bran can warg into them?
9. So I want to go through every frame of that vision Bran has with the weirwood because the one we haven’t seen before is a Dragons over King’s Landing. Those ARE THE ROOFS YOU SEE IN THE NEXT SHOT FOR THE WEDDING.
10. Haha oh right this IS the purple wedding ep ooops I’d almost forgot. Not sorry for wishing death on Joffrey but sorry for Cersei’s sake and everyone else it fucks over.
11. Loras having eye sex with Oberyn cracks me up I mean they both have eyes and good gaydar... (bi-dar? queer-dar?)
12. Is Margaery... flirting with Brienne? Or is that just Margaery’s personality?
13. JAIME’S FACE when he sees Brienne and Cersei talking is SO FUNNY he’s like shit shit shit DANGER
14. What did Qyburn DO for Cersei that she is recommending to other women? She told him symptoms were gone in a previous ep in a weird mysterious way... did he help her end a pregnancy?? How long has it BEEN since Blackwater? This never comes back again but I’m super curious. 
15. Oberyn has zero chill around Tywin and I love it.
16. Margaery looking like she is is going to murder someone during the war of the five Kings show is A Mood. (I mean... there IS about to be a murder.)
17. I don’t think the Tyrells planned it but Joffrey being a shit and making Tyrion touch his wine goblet and SANSA TOUCHING IT TOO played right into their hands.
4x03: oh brother here comes altar sex
1. I want very much for Hector Barbossa to be waiting at the top of that ladder for Sansa after approaching the ship and the creepy fog. But no it’s Petyr Baelish. Ew.
2. Hello new Tommen! Good to see you again after Karstark killed your identical cousin! Also Tywin being like GOOD KINGS ARE SMART AND LISTEN TO THEIR SMART ADVISORS. (That moment when a sitting US president needs to listen to Tywin. Scary?)
3. Altar sex has not aged well for me. I’m not a J/C shipper who thinks they’ve got a healthy relationship that’s all sunshine and kitties. I know the two of them have a messed up dynamic, but this scene misses the mark in so many ways and I hate it. I wish they would have left it out rather than done it wrong. (Also I think it was a tryout for me for “can you get a valonqar scene right?” And the answer was a resounding NO.)
4. Speaking of healthy relationships though Sam and Gilly are cute and sweet and awkward and everything that is good and pure in this world.
5. And so is Davos telling Shireen about his smuggling adventures.
6. Oberyn sat his beautiful self right in the middle of the Kinsey scale and said THE VIEW IS GREAT HERE. What an icon. Also offering Tywin fricking Lannister a seat on the bed where you were just having sex with like FOUR DIFFERENT PEOPLE was A Move.
7. Tywin TELLS OBERYN ABOUT DANY and Oberyn looks like this is the first he’s heard of it.
8. Tyrion saying goodbye to Pod gave me a decent sized lump in my throat.
9. Daario taking down the Champion Of Meereen with one thrown dagger and one slash of a sword is sexy as fuck and I don’t care who knows I think so.
1. Missandei teaching Grey Worm and just hanging out with him is so important to me this time around.
2. Jaime and Bronn are weird friends and I kind of love it.
3. The Kingslayer Brothers: coming soon to a stage near you. I’d buy that band’s shirt.
4. Olenna Tyrell is a STONE COLD LADY and I love that about her. She protected her granddaughter and I respect that.
5. That is A LOT OF WINE IN THAT GLASS Cersei my love. Also Jaime TRYING to convince her Tyrion didn’t do it hurts me. He loves them both so much, but they all hurt each other.
6. Ser Pounce is a big fluff like my Freya!
7. OATHKEEPER AND THE WHITE BOOK AND THE ARMOR. Brienne’s face is so pure when he gives it to her.
8. I had near forgotten all of this stuff at the wall with Olly and Jon and the cannibals and the mutineers at Craster’s and waiting for Mance’s army. (We know where my heart is though, don’t we...)
9. SIT DOWN LOCKE. I forgot that human shitstain showed up at the wall looking for Bran.
10. We didn’t need the mutineer plot. What did it add? What did we learn about the world or its people? Nothing we didn’t already know. What. Was. The. Point. We’d already seen the walkers and knew about the babies, we knew the world was violent and classist. WE KNEW.
11. I love when Summer is like HELLO BROTHER GHOST OH NO A TRAP
12. The white walker riding across the frozen lake... what a gorgeous image, and the ice henge...
1. I’d say long live King Tommen, but I’d cry.
2. Cersei is beauty she is grace she wants to punch Margaery in the face. (But actually is acting like she might need Margaery to help Tommen? That scene was hard to read.)
3. Meereen has a lot of cool geometrical carvings.
4. Dany thinking about what kind of ruler she wants to be and what responsibilities she has to the people she freed? THAT IS WHO SHE IS, D AND D YOU DICKS.
5. Sansa’s like “greeeeeaaaaat another creepy little kid” when she meets Robin.
6. And Lysa lets it ALL OUT about what Petyr has had her do... wow.
7. Cersei is going along with the Tyrell marriages way too easily what is her game.
8. Tywin is... almost treating his daughter like someone he can trust and have a conversation with? What is this?
9. And then there’s the stupidity about the mines running out. Wtf.
10. Arya is a little drama queen with saying the Hound’s name last while HE WAS LISTENING.
11. Lysa is SO DAMAGED. Poor Sansa.
12. Aw Brienne you don’t know what a loyal kid you’ve got in Podrick give him a chance.
13. Arya practicing water dancing is so cool.
14. Cersei and Oberyn talking is actually really interesting. And they talk about Myrcella :....( and Oberyn is TELLING THE TRUTH about her being happy.
15. Cersei got her A BOAT for her birthday because she LIKES THE OPEN WATER I had forgotten that and I am freaking out for fic reasons because of fics I haven’t written yet that involve Myrcella being good at boats.
16. Geez Pod I don’t know how to skin a rabbit but I know you need to before you cook it. And... does Brienne actually need help with that armor, or does she realize Pod needs to feel useful? I’m going with the second.
17. I had forgotten how creepy Jojen’s visions were.
18. Bran warging into Hodor and killing Locke is... problematic, but Bran had every reason to think Locke was going to kill him. Good fucking riddance.
19. Jon being happy to see Ghost XD
20. So... there’s just a troop of Crasters daughters out there still? Idek.
4x06 the laws of gods and men (and by men we mean Tywin)
1. Braavos is so pretty! I love her. I love her canals, I love the Titan, I love the domes, I just love her.
2. I remember when people lost their shit over Mark Gattis being in this episode. He is quite good here, and Davos is quite clever.
3. Salador’s joke about the red shirt is FUNNY and I’m not afraid to say so.
4. No one wants to see Ramsay having sex.
5. EVERYONE wants to see Yara giving a great speech.
6. She... ran from some dogs when she was burying her axe in dudes’ GUTS five seconds earlier? LAAAAAAME. Yes yes she also saw how fucked up in the head Theon was (more awards Alfie deserved and didn’t get), and she did want to lose any more people when he wasn’t willing to come but the way this was cut it reads like she was all OH NO DOGS which is the stupidest thing ever. 
7. NOOOO POOR GOATS. I get that dragons have to eat though...
8. I cannot believe Dany didn’t take the time to FIND OUT WHICH MEEREENESE WERE LESS TERRIBLE. They would have been fucking allies. BUT NO LET’S JUST CRUCIFY PEOPLE WITH NO IDEA OF THE NUANCES OF THE LOCAL SITUATION. What stupidity.
9. At least she’s trying to learn??? She’s so small on that throne in a huge room. What a great shot.
10. Oberyn is a bisexual who CANNOT SIT IN A CHAIR NORMALLY. I am not complaining.
11. I cannot see the scene of Jaime and Tyrion walking down into the courtroom for the trial without giggling at the memory of the outtake where they dance like dorks into the room and down the aisle.
12. Jaime looking at Tyrion like YOU ARE NOT HELPING YOURSELF is a mood.
13. How did they get the poison necklace? Didn’t Littlefinger throw it in the Blackwater FAR off shore? A bit AFTER he killed Dontos? How does Pycelle have it here? Maybe they washed up together? Maybe D and D forgot Petyr tossed it in the bay? WHO KNOWS???
14. Jaime trying to convince Tywin one last time and offering to leave the kingsguard in exchange for Tyrion HOLY SHIT I FORGOT HE DID THAT. Cersei never would have spoken to him again if he’d left her and married and gone back to the Rock and given Tywin what he wanted. Jaime KNEW he was screwing over a relationship that means SO MUCH TO HIM but it’s TYRION’S LIFE we’re talking about here. That’s how much he loves his little brother. 
15. Tywin is like DONE so fast Jaime barely gets the offer out lol
16. And it all would have worked if Shae hadn’t walked through those doors.
17. Do we know WHY Shae agreed to testify to this? What did Tywin offer her or threaten her with?
18. WHAT ARE YOU DOING LITTLE BRO WHY ARE YOU SAYING THIS?! is Jaime’s face all the time this scene.
19. Tyrion’s “confession”is such a piece of acting wow Peter enjoy your Emmys.
1. Jeez Tyrion didn’t know Jaime COULDN’T save him. He had no idea that losing his hand had affected his abilities that badly. That... hurts.
2. Arya, Sandor, and the dying farmer is such a great scene... And Arya only killing that asshole only after Sandor learns his name for her so she knows the name of the man she’s killing.... A++ would watch again.
3. Everyone LISTEN TO JON he has seen things none of you have.
4. Tyrion finding out Bronn has been bought is so very upsetting but I love this scene.
5. But really though once Tywin named The Mountain champion, anyone who Tyrion asks to be his champion at this point he’s basically asking to die.
6. Dany’s like “well I guess fucking Daario isn’t going to cause a political disaster at least.”
7. I had forgotten how fascinating Selyse and Melisandre’s interactions are.
9. Dany is capable of nuanced thought when it comes to innocence and guilt of whole groups of people and WE JUST SAW IT with how Jorah changes her mind and I’m JUST SO ANGRY.
10. That is the only time we get the story of Sandor and the fire from his own mouth and I did not mean to be this moved.
11. Hot Pie talking about food (oh yeah and Arya) is so precious. And now I want steak and kidney pie. With gravy.
12. “Using honest feelings to do dishonest work is one of her greatest talents.” The truest thing Tyrion has ever said about Cersei.
13. What a great snow castle. Too bad Joffrey part 2 knocked it down.
14. Ew ew ew Petyr kissing Sansa is so skeevy and gross.
15. “A great deal might change between now and never” is a great line though.
16. I hate Petyr but it’s good he pushed Lysa out the Moon Door before she killed Sansa.
1. Jon and Co all reminding Sam that Gilly is a survivor is so great. Brotherhood at its best.
2. Missandei and Grey Worm are young people with old souls and their relationship is precious to me.
3. Alfie is SO GOOD at showing how deeply Ramsay has him under his control even when he’s alone with the Ironborn.
4. Petyr is part Braavosi? Fascinating.
5. Sansa TOLD the Lords of Vale who she was??? Her testimony is such a good bit of acting on Sansa’s part. It’s a lie hidden in a lot of truth, and she was QUICK to think it through and come up with it.
6. Jorah telling Dany about the pardon is a scene that breaks my heart. 💔 She is HARSH here but I love the full blown Targaryen on display.
7. Roose being like TELL ME WHAT YOU SEE like the Lion King cracks me up so hard.
8. I will never give Ramsay the Bolton name in anything I write as long as I am a fan of this show out of pure hatred. He is Ramsay Snow forever and always.
9. I remember I was so worried that they were going to have Petyr try to sexually assault Sansa. OH I WAS A SWEET SUMMER CHILD.
10. Arya laughing at the news of Lady Arryn’s Death is an immensely human reaction and I love that she just CANNOT STOP.
11. I know people hated that scene with Jaime and Tyrion talking about beetles but I have two takeaways: first, a septon tried to touch Jaime once???? Headcanon: Little Jaime looked that septon dead in the eye and said “my father wouldn’t like that” and it never happened again. The septon was summarily replaced. Second: Jaime has never thought about ANYTHING in his whole life as deeply as baby Tyrion thought about beetles.
12. Oberyn is so fun to watch fight and Jaime agrees with me.
13. You don’t need him to confess Oberyn really you don’t you GOT HIM my beautiful prince.
14. How did the Gods make their will known if BOTH champions killed each other dead, huh Tywin? (The Mountain is... less Dead?)
1. Sam mulling over the legalistic interpretation of their vows and Jon trying to explain what sex and love are like are both SO CUTE.
2. I love that everyone around that fire has heard the “Tormund fucked a bear” story and I’m kind of sorry Ygritte didn’t let him finish.
3. Maester Aemon revealing his Targaryen identity was lovely. Also Sam Cussing to get Gilly in the gate= AMAZING
4. Alliser Thorne ADMITTING HE WAS WRONG? I am dead of shock.
5. Sam and Pyp talking about fear and bravery is... so darling.
6. They have A GIANT RIDING A MAMMOTH and I will forgive a small amount of nonsense for giving me that image.
7. See Alliser looking at the horn blower like REALLY? IN THE FUCKING MIDDLE OF MY SPEECH? Before they realize it’s the horn at Castle Black is PRICELESS.
8. Speaking of which I may not like Alliser but he gives a good “let’s not die” speech.
9. Bless Grenn for getting Janos Slynt off the wall.
10. Pyp dying in Sam’s arms was not something I was ready for.
11. You’ve heard of horsepower... now get ready for MAMMOTH POWER (wildling used mammoth salesmen probably)
12. Sam remembering that being NICE to Olly when asking to go up the wall rather than just screaming at him is... telling.
14. Ghost is going to EAT SOME WILDLINGS
15. Ygritte :...(
16. How is Tormund even ALIVE??? He’s like a frickin PIN CUSHION.
17. “They held the gate” is a line that will make me cry now. Grenn and co. Didn’t let that giant through :...(
3x10: back when D and D remembered the Children existed that one time
1. Jon deciding single-handedly that he’s going to KILL Mance Rayder. Boss move.
2. Oh FFS. Pull the stick out of your ass Stannis and let Mance be.
3. Qyburn is like “out of my way bitch I’m doing necromancy”
4. Cersei telling Tywin the truth to get out of Marrying Loras is... still... making my jaw drop and I KNEW SHE WAS GOING TO DO IT. And there’s ACTUAL EMOTION on Tywin’s face and EVERYTHING SHE SAYS ABOUT PAYING SOME REAL FUCKING ATTENTION TO HIS FAMILY IS TRUE
5. Ah yes “Jaime writes his family’s dialogue” part one. I CHOOSE YOU OMG AND SEX IN THE LORD COMMANDER’S OFFICE I CANNOT BELIEVE WE GOT THAT. Even if I’m still on the fence about whether Jaime would be ok with doing it THERE I’m mostly on board because she JUST TOLD DAD THE TRUTH AND TOLD HIM HE WAS THE ONE SHE WANTED AND I DON’T KNOW WHO LET THE SHIPPERS WRITE THIS SCENE BUT YAY.
6. Dany is still learning all kinds of nuance... I feel like the year contract thing was an attempt to balance her need to be a liberator and the reality on the ground?
7. You are telling me that the Dany who was that upset at Drogon eating ONE child let him burn a WHOLE CITY? I call bullshit.
8. Also this is a CLASSIC example of “one sibling does something wrong and the other two get punished for it” poor Viserion and Rhaegal.
9. Maester Aemon knows how to give a mass eulogy.
10. MEANWHILE NORTH OF THE NORTH HI BRAN meet the hugest weirwood in Westeros AND SOME ICE ZOMBIES
12. If the children can do that WHERE ARE THEY LATER
13. holy shit bloodraven is creepy
14. Arya and Brienne meeting :) so cute
15. And Sandor being like YOU ARE TOO NAIVE TO PROTECT HER is cute in its own way.
16. Wow Brienne and Sandor really knock the shit out of each other how are they still alive.
17. Sandor saying awful things to Arya to make it easier for her to kill him was tragic and you can see the desperation in his eyes even as he says the worst of it.
19. I Had forgotten how rough that last conversation between Tywin and Tyrion was and how devastating those performances are.
20. Varys being like oh fuck those bells I’m going too... prescient.
21. Love the music with Arya on the ship to Braavos!
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