#ooos forgot to put the warning at the end so edit
meanferalbutch · 2 years
I can’t stop thinking about a pretty little femme who tries to tame a butch werewolf in both of her forms.
She comes across this giant dog stalking by the edge of the woods one day after work, and she watches it closely. It clearly distrusts humans, as it won’t take the hamburger she had left over from lunch, even after she leaves it 30 feet away. She’s not sure what type of breed the dog is, maybe a husky? What’s that big one, a malamute? (Listen, she’s never met a wolf before!) With a coat so soft and shiny looking she doubts it’s a stray, but the skittish behavior towards humans and the goosebumps that raise on her neck to warn her of danger whenever this dog meets her eyes makes her doubt this could ever be someone’s domesticated pet.
So she starts to come by every day with a hamburger to try and catch it. She learns the dog is very standoffish, and picky. She didn’t know this was possible for a dog, but it somehow knows when she hasn’t taken the pickles off. It also seems to eat much quicker, come much closer when she puts an effort into the presentation of the meal.
She talks for hours to her butch coworker about how she started with plain Tupperware, now the spoiled thing requires her to plate the dish and take the pickles off. Her coworker just shakes her head and asks why she keeps making hamburgers alongside her regular lunch if it’s so much effort. She replies that it’s not really about the effort, it’s about teaching this wild thing that not all people are bad. That there’s kindness in the world, too. The femme explains that she’s actually not a big fan of hamburgers, but she is great at making them, in fact, would she like for her to bring an extra one for the butch to eat tomorrow? Her coworker nods very enthusiastically, so enthusiastic she could have sworn she saw her start to salivate.
“No pickles, please”, the butch says.
“Just like the dog!”
“Just like the dog.” The butch smirks back.
She can tell they are both opening up, even if it is slowly. To be honest, it seems like neither of them have really been shown much kindness. That’s a real shame, the femme decides, so she starts religiously packing her coworker a pickle-free hamburger every day, with one kind note in the bag of each one. The dog also gets its own hamburger, of course. So they carry on like this, one hamburger for the butch, one for the dog after work.
Until one day the dog doesn’t show up. The coworker is also out sick that day, so the femme asks around for her address to bring her some chicken noodle soup (but she also packs a hamburger, just in case). When the butch opens the door for her she’s clearly been hurt.
She’s got her right leg bundled up and she keeps dismissing questions about it. “Hunting accident.” Is about the only details the femme gets out of her. Says she will be back tomorrow, not to worry about her. Thanks her kindly for the soup and hamburger and when they get to the door to say goodbye she hugs her, even though she winces a bit when her leg shifts.
The femme tries to find the wolf that same day with no luck. At least, she thinks it’s a wolf. she’s done some research by now and is pretty certain that her “husky” isn’t some house pet. It might be dangerous and stupid to feed a wolf, but she can’t stop herself, she has to pet it, she has to show it how soft the world can be.
A few days later, after her coworker had returned to work, the wolf comes back. It slinks out of the tree line, and for a second she thinks that it can’t possibly be, but she can see the wolf is also limping on her right leg. It looks slightly healed up, but clearly the poor thing stepped in a trap at some point. She disappears for a few moments to her car, and comes back with some minor first aid supplies. She didn’t have vet wrap, but maybe if she moved very slowly and carefully she could at least try to clean it and put some gauze over it.
The wolf is shockingly calm and peaceable about the process. Of course, she starts slow, placing her hands ever so gently around the back paw. She pours some alcohol over the wound, which the wolf winces at but astonishingly does not bare her teeth or show any aggression. When she gets to the end, she struggles with how to wrap and secure the wound. The bandaids won’t stick to fur, and her gauze isn’t self adhesive. She tries in vain for a few moments before the wolf stills her hand, licking her palm and then her forearm to get her to stop.
“I’m so sorry baby, I know it hurts, I’m trying to take care of it for you” the femme explains gently
Then suddenly, she no longer is holding a big burly wolf in her lap. In a bright flash, she is now instead holding her big burly butch coworker in her lap. While her brain struggles to catch up, the butch reaches up to hold her cheek.
“It feels alright, but i figured you might find this process easier with some skin to work with” the butch smirks, like all of this is completely obvious and a giant wolf didn’t just turn into a woman in her arms. The butch giggles at her expression and gives her a big, wet kiss only slightly reminiscent of the licks she got on her hand earlier.
“Sorry to surprise you, but thanks for all of the hamburgers!”
The femme takes a beat before replying
“…Have you been tricking me so you can get two hamburgers this whole time?!”
And they both collapse onto the cool forest ground to laugh in each others arms.
This is about lesbians and my blog is nsft so men minors and terfs dni
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Can you do like tommy was streaming and like y/n’s mom called and then told him that y/n was in a car accident and is in the hospital?
Sorry if it's a bit shitty, i can barely write angst and please just pretend that Tommy can drive
I also made this have a happy ending since i don't want Y/n to die in every single angst y story i write
Key words: y/n - your name ; y/m/n - your mum's name
Tommyinnit x reader (readers gender not mentioned, but there may be a few she bombs dropped accedntaly)
Warnings: angst, mentions of a car accident
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It was a normal day for Tommy, he was streaming with his friends, the chat was quoting memes and or sending stickers, when his phone rang
He looked at it to see 'Y/n's mom calling' he picked up the phone
"Ohoho chat, Y/M's mum is calling, seems like she can't get enough of me." He said as he let out his signature laugh and muted himself
He picked up the phone as he wiggled his eyes at the camera
"Oh Tommy! In so glad you picked up, you need to get to the hospital, now." Her mom said, it sounded like she was crying
Tommy's face quickly changed from happy to concerned
"Oh, in sorry but may I ask why?" He questioned as he looked at chat for a split second, seeing the chat was spamming thins like: 'what'd she say?' of 'Ooo Tommy speaking to a woman!', whilst some were concerned of his sudden change of expression
"I-its Y/n... They has been in a accident." Her mother said as she held back tears, his eyes widened, but he continued to listen, thinking it was a joke since Y/n's mom was the type to joke around like a teen, he was hoping it was a joke
"I- i just got a call from the hospital saying she got in an accident, and... And." She sobbed as Tommy herd her trying to muffle her cries
Tommy not knew she wasn't kidding, his hand slapped on his mouth as his eyes began to tear up
"I'll be right there." He said as he hung up, he quickly un-muted his twitch and with a cracked voice he said
"I-im sorry guys i have to cut this stream short." Without saying anything else he ended stream and left the discord call
He put on a jacket as he took the keys to his car and quickly ran outside his apartment, brining his phone with him
A couple of tears slipped from his eyes as he quickly whipped them off
Hopping inside his car he quickly turned it on and started to drive towards the hospital, tears were pouring down his face right now, and he had to continuously wipe them off as too see the road up ahead
He looked to his phone and tracked Y/n's mother's phone as to not call her to ask which hospital Y/n's at
As soon as he arrived at the hospital he parked to the nearest empty parking space and ran to the hospital, he saw Y/n's mother sitting on one of the chairs as he approached her and sat down
Y/m/n looked up, her eyes were red and the tear stains on her cheeks couldn't go unnoticed
"Oh thank God you're here." She said as a nurse walked towards them
"Ma'am, your child is awake now, you may go see them, but please go one at a time, we don't want to overwhelm them in such a state." She said as she calmly walked away, y/m/n let out a released breath, as she stood up and walked in to Y/n's hospital room, while Tommy just sat there, he was so scared for them, a tear escaped his eye as he quickly whipped it away, wanting to stay strong for Y/n
When Y/m/n left the room, Tommy quickly entered to see a warm smile on his partners face
"Hello Tommy, how've you been, as you can see I've been great." They joked, wanting to make the atmosphere a little less tense, it worked as Tommy laughed lightly and sat down next to their bed, he didn't want to hurt them so he only held their hand, as he kissed their knuckles lightly
"You have no idea how worried i was." He said, letting out a shaky breath
"Nah you don't need to worries about me, I'm only seriously hurt." They said, Tommy laughed quietly as he squeezed their hand gently
"Glad to see your hunter hasn't disappeared, thought you would be brain dead after the accident." He said
"Nah, I'm just more funnier after the accident, plus i was brain dead already." They joked, earning another laugh from Tommy
He sighed as he put a hand underneath their head and kissed their forehead
"I love you." He said
"Wow, you're so cheesy." They said playfully as there rolled their eyes, Tommy rolled his eyes back with a smile as he pulled out his phone, he raised his eyebrows at the notifications
"What's up?" Y/n asked, looking towrds Tommy
"The ceiling." He replied as he scrolled through Twitter
"Haha very funny, now let me see." They said as they lifted their head to look to Tommy's phone
"Twitter blew up by my sudden end of the stream." He said, "Look."
He turned the phone to Y/n, they just laughed
"What! Chats worried about you." He said
"Yeah, hey you know what would be funny-"
"No i will not post that you died." He said
"Aw c'mon, it'll be funny." They pleaded
"Fine." he said as he gained an idea
He typed something on his phone but didn't let Y/n peak untill he sent the post, he showed Y/n the post as it wrote 'Y/n said to me to tell you guys that they're dead :)'
"This makes it ten times funnier." They said as they laid back down
"Welp i think it's time for me to go." He said as he got up
"Nooooo, stay, i need company." They pleaded as they stretched their arms, doing a grabby hands motion
"I would love to, but i need business to attend to.' he said as he flattened his shirt
"Are you just gonna watch Schlatt?" They questioned
"Yup." He said
"Okay have fun! Oh and I'll maybe call you when I'm bored." They said as they waved tommy goodbye he waved back and went outside to his car, turning it on he drove to his house
For the resto of the day, Tommy watched Schlatt's videos, as Y/n died of boredom
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feelingofcontent · 2 years
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Date video was published: 12/07/2020 (X)
DNP Main Channel Rewatch: 428
There was a bit of warning for this video, with this Insta poll. And then Phil promoed this one SO MUCH for some reason - including an Instagram grid post and a link in his Instagram bio. Also he shared these outtakes, which 😂
0:00 - no hello, just jumping straight into this one. also, the shared denim jacket!
0:07 - he doesn’t know what to think about the edits of himself. I love that he doesn’t seem to find the fact that there are edits strange
0:09 - “work that beard, dad” alrighty
0:19 - I’m just going to say now that I am not on team beard
0:42 - that emoji was very useful for this video
0:47 - he knows this video is going to be ridiculous; so many little laughs at himself
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0:51 - it does! that one looks pretty realistic though
1:00 - they’re getting progressively more disturbing
1:18 - I love all the title cards he uses in this
1:32 - I can’t not laugh
1:38 - Phil’s descriptions 😂 he’s inventing a whole character for mustache-him
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1:46 - this in-between footage is a treat. also he’s put it on so crooked
2:01 - the on-the-spot comedy while filming combined with the editing comedy...Phil is so great
2:06 - “I’m the gay police” 😂 I forgot how funny this video is
2:12 - I would love to see a top ten list of what Phil thinks is a “cool” name. at least he’s expanded from “Zack”
2:22 - he is really ripping those off intensely
2:35 - his eyes look slightly scared
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2:43 - “do you wanna scratch my knees” Phil why
3:03 - already regretting this
3:11 - so much laughing at himself. I love giggly Phil
3:18 - oh I would say it looks pretty bad...
3:20 - slightly scared that he was into that one, though it is the one that matches his hair best
3:24 - where did that even come from
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3:31 - for some reason I immediately thought of (and the bottom half of this beard is somewhat like) the character “Philip” from the board game Guess Who
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3:42 - I did start to get used to his one as he kept talking and I don’t know what that says
3:50 - those were a lot of noises
4:05 -  not sure any fake beard can be described as “sophisticated”
4:13 - “maybe these two could be friends...now kiss” um.
4:32 - ooo this one is not good
4:34 - 😂 he must have given up and had Dan help him take the photos afterwards, for the one he posted and such
5:07 - he had posted that back in May 2019, but only in black and white
5:19 - opening every package with his teeth
5:35 - we have gone beyond the realm of anything that looks realistic
5:40 - could have lived without hearing Phil say that 😳
5:51 - if he can actually see with his glasses here, does that mean he was filming without contacts or glasses?
6:11 - 😂😂 oh Phil. the annotation self-call out
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6:38 - he’s very into that one hahaha
6:48 - I feel like he has that one up too high on his face
6:56 - king of comedy. Phil wins
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7:14 - I feel like he half-assed the clipping there. also, flashback to the hair lights from 6 Things I Regret Buying
7:42 - he needed to think a bit more about the glue placement first
8:10 - I would imagine just having glue on your face like that would feel strange
8:26 - if he was a little neater about it it would
8:50 - waiting to see if he does ever attempt it for a while...I feel like it would end up annoying him but who knows
8:53 - “don’t do too much...beard application” and the little eyebrow raise. 😳 in hindsight this feels like a precursor to the chaotic-Phil of the stereo show era and some of his 2021 videos
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9:02 - Phil had released his winter merch the week before this
9:42 - and he really does mean “very” soon this time
In Answering Questions I Would Usually Avoid, Phil showed his “script” for this video, which is hilarious and accurate. He ended up doing the viking beard before the grey beard though. And he didn’t note the beard lights on there, so maybe why he forgot during filming too!
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Definitely a ridiculous (in a good way) and also hilarious Phil video. I forgot how funny he was in this one.
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serotapes · 3 years
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OVERVIEW; y/n and her friends stay the night in sero's room for a movie night.
GENRE; fluff
A/N; second post! hopefully i can get the time to write more so i can post way more fics because i have so many ideas!
"Y/n will you please come watch movies with us? You can help convince the guys to watch the movies I want to watch!" Mina hops next to your desk.
"I don't know if I want to go though. There is so much studying I have to do." You sigh and look at your best friend.
"Come on Y/n! You are one of the smartest in our grade. I am sure one night of not doing homework will be a bad thing." Kirishima says from behind you. "I got Bakugo to come."
"What? That's supposed to be the person to convince me?" You smirk.
"Shut the hell up extra. Besides, It's only because Kirishima said we will watch the new action movie that was released." Bakugo huffs.
“What other movies are you guys planning on watching?” You ask, grabbing your books from your bag.
“I dunno. Probably just a random movie we find on netflix or something.” Mina shrugs. “I would love to watch a rom-com, but the boys wouldn’t let me.”
“Yeah, no thanks. Those movies suck.” Bakugo says. Mina frowns and leans close to you.
“If you go, that means you’ll sleep in Sero’s room.” Mina winks at you and whispers. “I know you’ll like that.”
You look at your best friend confused. “Wait. What?” Your cheeks feel hot on your face.
“Oh shush. You know I know you better than you know yourself. Just come tonight please? I don’t want to be the only girl again.”
“Fine, I guess I’ll come. Stop by my room before you go to his. We can walk together.” You look at Mina, who is grinning.
“I’ll stop by earlier and help you pick out a cute outfit!” Mina heads over to her seat and the rest of the boys find their way to their desks before Mr. Aizawa comes in.
Sitting on your bed, you wait for Mina to knock on your door. You couldn’t help but think back to what Mina had said before. Why would it matter that it was Sero’s room. You are friends with all the guys and it totally has nothing to do with the fact you blush every time Sero looks at you when talking to your group of friends.
A knock on your door brings you out of your thoughts. “Come in”
Mina walks into your room with a large smile. “Now, where are your pjs?”
You point to the dresser drawer and Mina opens it. “I don’t have cute sleep outfits. Most of them are just sweatshirts and gym shorts.”
“Ooo, Wear this.” She pulls out a yellow sweatshirt and black shorts.
“If it’s just a sleepover, why does my outfit matter anyway?” You ask her as you change into the outfit she had picked out.
“No reason,” she smirks. “I just didn’t want you to show up with something that isn’t cute.”
“Okay?” You chuckle and pull the sweatshirt over your head.
“Great. Now we can head over there. The guys should all be there.” Mina stands up off your bed and the two of you walk down towards Sero’s room.
Mina walks in and the boys all give a quick ‘hey’ as Sero messes with his remote. The two of you sit down on his bed, with your backs against the wall. Bakugo, Kirishima and Kaminari sit on the floor with snacks spread out on the floor.
“Alright. Movie is all set up. You guys ready?” Sero looks around at the group before giving you a smile.
“Yes, let’s start the movie already.” Bakugo says, grabbing his phone from Kaminari.
“You’re welcome for charging it.” Kaminari huffs.
“Whatever,” Bakugo shrugs.
Sero sits down on his bed, on your left side. The movie begins and includes multiple explosions in the first five minutes. Mina falls asleep not long after and takes up most of the room on the bed. Kaminari falls asleep quickly after.
The movie ends with a loud explosion that you were sure would wake the two of them up, but when you looked over at Mina, you only noticed that she had taken up even more the bed.
“Dammit Mina,” You sigh as you look away from your best friend. Sero chuckles next to you.
“She really spreads out when she’s sleeping, huh?” Sero looks over at Mina.
“Right? How is she even comfortable?” You laugh.
“Want to watch another movie?” Sero asks your friends.
“Doesn’t matter to me, i’m probably going to head back into my room in a sec, this floor is not comfortable at all.” Bakugo stretches.
“I could go for another movie. I will probably fall asleep during it though.” Kirishima answers, looking at his phone for the time.
“Y/N, you want to pick?” Sero offers you the remote. You take the remote and begin to scroll through netflix in search of a movie. You look through his list of movies to watch and choose a random one.
“Have you seen this one?” He asks you, seeing your choice.
“No, but it was a movie that looks like you want to watch, so I just turned it on. Besides, i’m really tired.”
“I would offer you the bed, but looks like Mina took claim of the whole thing. Do you want to sleep in the hammock?” He points at it.
“But you shouldn’t sleep on the floor in your own room. I’ll just sleep down with Bakugo and Kirishima.” You argue.
“No, you aren’t going to sleep on the floor.” Sero looks at you.
“I’m not taking the only other furniture so you can sleep on the floor.” You whisper.
“Well… why don’t we share it?” He whispers back.
Your cheeks heat up and you know for sure he can see that in the dark room.
“I mean, it would save us the argument.” He smiles and turns towards the tv.
Halfway through the movie, he stand up and turns to look at you. He holds his hand out to guide you up. As soon as you stand up, Mina spreads out even more on the bed. Fully solidifying the bed was her space.
You giggle at your best friend as Sero gets into the hammock first.
“It is kind of tricky. Just climb onto me first and then get comfortable.” He whispers, not wanting to wake your other friends.
“Okay.” You blush and begin to get in as well. When you do get in, you are pretty much fully laying on top of him. “Sorry.” You say as you begin to move around. He keeps his arm under you as you find a comfortable spot.
“It’s alright.” Once he sees that you are comfortable, he uses his tape to grab a blanket. He puts it on top of the two of you.
“Goodnight Sero.” You whisper and smile over your shoulder.
“Goodnight Y/N.” He whispers back.
“Shhh. Don’t wake them up just yet.” Whispers through the room bring you away from the most peaceful sleep you have had in a while.
“God, you guys are weird.”
“Shush Bakugo. It’s cute.”
“What are you guys doing?” You ask, turning your head around. Once you do, you are met with a phone flash and Mina’s large grin.
“I was going to warn you that I spread out when I sleep, but i guess I forgot.” She smirks.
You start to get up but you are unable to. You look down at what was keeping you down and realize in your sleep you had fully moved onto of Sero and he had wrapped his arms around you.
“Mina.” You whisper. “Do not send this photo to anyone,”
“Too late. It’s already posted to instagram and snapchat.” She giggles and falls down on the bed.
“Well, good morning Y/N.” You hear Sero say from under you.
You turn towards him and smile.
“Was this comfortable?” He asks you.
“It was surprisingly comfortable.” You laugh softly.
“That’s good.” He offers you a smile.
“So are you going to let me get up now?” You smile back.
“Depends. Want to go on a date with me?” Your face heats up again.
“If I say yes, will you let me get up?”
“Maybe.” He smirks.
“Then yes, I will.” He grins up at you.
“I just want to stay like this for a few moments.”
“That’s okay.” You bury your head into his shoulder and close your eyes with a smile.
A/N - I wrote probably 85% of this like 2am and I’m too lazy to edit. I’m sorry if there are some spelling/grammar mistakes.
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drawlfoy · 4 years
Mirror, Mirror P.5
masterlist (<- to read parts 1-4) request guidelines want to be tagged? 
pairing: draco x ravenclaw!reader
request: nope!
summary: y/n has admired draco from afar for a hot minute. what will happen when they’re finally paired up to do rounds together and run into the mirror of erised?
warnings: language, mentions of being very very ill, my terrible editing skills, way too much dialogue
a/n: here it is :) it’s been a bit. the finale will hopefully be posted this tues! i hope all of you guys have been continuing to social distance and i hope everyone reading this is healthy! also, important update: the first part of just a call away has been postponed until this monday (i originally expected it to be posted tomorrow but i’ve hardly been able to work on it at all). enjoy!
word count: 2.3k ;)
music recs:
permanent tags:  @gruffle1 @missmulti @cleopatera @hahaboop @accio-rogers @geeksareunique @eltanin-malfoy @war-sword @cams-lynn
tags for mirror, mirror:  @theres-a-dog-outside-omg​ @mey-rapp @kaibie @blackpinkdolan @sugarbby99
“Rena, I am going to kill you!” 
Y/N’s roommate looked up, the fear of Merlin struck into her eyes. The Transfiguration study guide in front of her lay entirely forgotten as she watched her friend slam the door and flop on the bed. “Oh?”
Y/N flung off her robe and tossed it on the floor. “When were you gonna tell me that you talked to Malfoy about me?” 
Her roommate narrowed her eyes, leaning forward in her chair and propping her chin up on her hand. “What are you talking about? He approached me and asked if you knew what the mirror was. I said you did. That was it.”
The venom seeped out of Y/N’s expression as the realization crept in.
“Oh. Oh, Rena, I’m sorry. I had no idea. He told me that you told him ‘everything’.”
“And you took a Slytherin’s word? Malfoy’s word? Honestly, Y/N, you give me a headache.” Rena sent a gentle smile her way. “What happened? Did you tell him?”
A sour feeling crept into Y/N’s chest as the memory she had suppressed on the walk to her dorm surfaced like bile in her throat. The rest of their shift was tense at best and downright agonizing at worst. Malfoy was uncharacteristically quiet, wringing his hands over and over again and scratching the back of his neck when he exhausted his wrists. Y/N knew that she was bright red by the time that they said their goodbyes--which really wasn’t much of a goodbye, just an uncomfortable nod before they parted ways to their respective dormitories--and cursed the fact that their ending spot was right under a torch. 
She would much rather prefer him to just straight up tell her he wasn’t into her; however, she supposed he technically did, that week or so ago in the Great Hall when he had told her he wasn’t into Ravenclaws.
Maybe I’m the one that needs to pull back. Maybe I’m actually the git in this situation and I’m making Malfoy feel uncomfortable.
“Yeah. I did.”
“That’s it. He doesn’t feel the same way.” The words left her mouth feeling like heavy lead, weighing her breath down.
Rena stood up from her chair, her face softening. “He said that?”
“He didn’t say anything, really.”
“Well that doesn’t mean he doesn’t feel the same way,” said her roommate. Her voice was painfully cheerful for Y/N. “Maybe he’s just nervous.”
Y/N offered a weak smile as she pulled her hair out of her ponytail and got up to rifle through her drawers to find something to sleep in. “It’s over, Rena. I don’t know why I’ve entertained this for so long. It wasn’t even a thing to begin with. I just want to go to bed.”
“All I’m saying is that he’s Malfoy, Y/N. I’ve literally never seen him flirt before in his life. I don’t think he knows how. Maybe he’s just being mean because he doesn’t know any other way?”
“I think I just want to stop thinking about it.” Y/N began changing into her nightclothes quickly with her back to Rena. “I want to go to bed and forgot about it and get my O on the Transfiguration exam tomorrow and just never think about rich daddy’s boys again. No matter how cute they look!”
Y/N tossed her old robes in her hamper, turning to Rena one more time with a blazing expression on her face that said I dare you to disagree.
“All I’m saying,” Rena said slowly, “Is that Malfoy didn’t seem like a total rat when he came up and asked me about you. It just seems strange that he would do that if he had no interest in you.”
“The only interest he has is in antagonizing me,” Y/N snapped. “He’s a class A git and I hate him.”
Rena raised an eyebrow, her expression slightly amused. “Whatever you say, Y/N. We can talk tomorrow morning. I think you need some sleep.”
Y/N’s dreams were torturous--just a loop, replaying over and over again, of her interactions with a certain Slytherin. She was dragged through her memories against her will, feeling the initial admiration of seeing him read in the courtyard for the first time, crumbling under the anxiety of their shift assignments, suffocating through the tension of their final meeting, reeling at the way his hair looked under the torch lights…
It was too much. She awoke with a pounding headache and a throat so sore that she may as well have swallowed a healthy spoonful of fire over the night. Her eyes hurt to open, like the edges of her eyelids had been lined with Dittany. 
“Merlin, Y/N, you look like shit.” A voice that sounded suspiciously like her roommate wafted from her right side, but she couldn’t be sure. “I’ve gotta get you to Madame Pomfrey.”
If she hadn’t felt like she was toeing the line between the dead and the living she would’ve been sure that the tone in her roommate’s voice was tinged with amusement. She tried to croak something more out.
“Don’t worry, Y/N,” Rena cut in before she could try any harder. “I’ll be back in just a minute. Don’t try and get up, alright? You need your strength.”
Y/N nodded--or at least, she tried--and turned back into her pillow to sleep. A part of her mind registered that she had a Transfiguration exam today and then rounds that night with Malfoy, but as a cold bead of sweat ran down her spine, the thoughts were pushed to the back of her mind. He could wait. He’d already taken up her entire night by filling her dreams and she was not eager to see him again any time soon.
“Y/N?” The door creaked open and her roommate’s voice dragged her back to lucidity. “Hi girly. Can you walk?”
Y/N forced her eyes open and winced at the light filtering through the curtains. It was hardly light out, but the weak morning light sent pangs through her head. The heavy quilt that she had been burrowed under was lifted up off of her...and the shivers started.
Her entire body began shaking, her teeth clattering together so hard that she was afraid she would break them. She wondered if anyone had ever chipped their teeth from fever chills.
“Just swing your legs around the edge...yes, just like that…”
Rena’s hands held her shoulders with a firm grip as she shakily made her way to her feet, swaying slightly. 
“Fuck, Y/N, you’re absolutely shaking…”
“Mmmhmmm” was all Y/N had the sense to use as a reply.
“All you need to do is make it down the stairs. I can put you in a wheelchair and push you the rest of the way.”
“Love you,” Y/N mumbled as her friend guided her down the stairs. Even though she’d been walking up the stairs to her dorm for years, everything felt oddly foreign to her through her feverish haze.
“Love you t--whoa! Easy.” Rena caught Y/N from near demise as she almost missed a stair. “You’re almost there, doll. Just hold on a bit more.”
“I need you to....” find someone to cover my rounds tonight she tried to say, but the words caught on what felt like daggers in her throat as she felt the wall. 
“Focus on getting down the stairs,” Rena interrupted. “You can tell me once we’re on the way to Pomfrey’s.”
Finally, she made it down onto the last step and allowed herself to be guided into a seat. Exhausted from her trip, she slumped back in the chair and forgot about her request as she drifted back off into her feverish dreams.
This time, they were different. Instead of interactions that had actually happened, her brain took her through a different whirlwind of events. A flurry of sensations met her--a thumb dragging across her slightly parted lips, a chaste kiss placed on her neck, a hand softly squeezing hers, a warm breath fanning across her cheek, a pair of just barely blue eyes staring down at her with so much affection that her heart skipped, a rough hand shaking her shoulder, the sting of something pressing into her wrist (a wand, she thought absently), voices around her calling her name…
Her eyes shot open as she recoiled from a burst of unbearable cold across her chest. The ceiling of the infirmary wing greeted her. Her torso was wet, and once she cast her eyes down to the end of her bed, she could see why.
Madame Pomfrey stood next to Professor Trelawny and Headmaster Dumbledore, brandishing an empty bucket in her hand. 
“Thank goodness! She’s awake!”
Pomfrey sent Trelawny an irritated look as she rushed forth, muttering incantations and running diagnostic tests on Y/N’s body. 
“What...what happened?” she managed, trying to sit up.
“Stay down,” Pomfry commanded, turning to her nightstand to mix a concoction of various potion ingredients. 
“I just had the flu.”
Trelawny moved to the side of the bed to clasp her hand firmly in hers, a kind look in her loony eyes. “Miss Y/L/N, I’m afraid that wasn’t the case. You had an acute case of Dream Sickness. We’re lucky that you were able to wake up when you did. You’re even luckier that your roommate noticed and brought you down here.”
Y/N knitted her eyebrows together. “I’m sorry. Dream...what?”
“Dream Sickness,” the headmaster finished. “A very rare affliction that primarily affects the overthinkers in the wizarding community. Naturally, you Ravenclaws are at a higher risk than other students.”
“So who gave it to me?”
“No, dear,” said Trelawny. “It’s not contagious. It can happen to anyone, but it’s more common if you spent time around powerful magical artifacts. Have you?”
Y/N cringed at the thought. 
“Er...yes, I guess I have. I ran into the Mirror of Erised on one of my prefect rounds. I never lingered, though.”
“That would do it,” Dumbledore mused. “The mirror has a tendency of...inflaming emotions. I ought to locate it and put it in a safer place.”
“So I’m okay? I can go back to classes? I have a Transfiguration exam today, and I’d really like it if I could make it.”
“McGonagall’s Transfiguration exam, I presume?” he asked. 
“Yes. It’s later in the afternoon. I promise I’ll be careful!”
The adults beside her shared uncomfortable glances.
“Dear,” Trelawny began, “You’ve been here for two days.” 
The air was sucked out of her lungs as the realization kicked in. “But that’s impossible! I was only sleeping for a little bit. And I had rounds! How did I miss my rounds?”
Pomfrey seemed mildly sympathetic as she emptied the mixture she had been stirring into a crystal goblet and offered it to her. “It’s normal to be disoriented after a bout of Dream Sickness. Professor Flitwick is sure to understand the situation, and if he does not, I am willing to vouch for you. Now drink. You have some recovering to do.”
Rena Severjyn was always the confrontational type. It had been a shock to her as well as her family when she’d been sorted into Ravenclaw (with all the bookworms and the teachers’ pets, as her older brothers said to her) instead of Gryffindor, but she’d grown to love her house. Studying came more naturally than cliff-jumping, or whatever it was that Gryffindors did, but when it came down to it, she had no problem with telling someone off.
So when she ran across a deliciously alone Draco Malfoy reading in the courtyard, she had no trouble walking right up to him.
“Hey, arsehat.” She plopped down next to him as he started, nearly dropping the book on the gravel walkway. “We need to talk.”
“Severjyn,” he greeted, his tone even but his eyes flickering nervously. “Do you know where your roommate is? I had to do my rounds alone last night.”
“She’s in the hospital wing. But no matter. I want to know why you’re being such an intolerable prat to her.”
His mouth opened and closed a few times, clearly trying to cope with the fact that he was at a loss for words.
“Spit it out, Malfoy. I don’t have all day.”
“Is she okay? Did something happen to her?”
Rena rolled her eyes. “No, she just decided to spend more of her time around Pomfrey. Yes, something happened to her. She’ll be fine. You’re not answering my question.”
“I don’t understand.” The crease between his brow deepened with worry.
“She said she told you how she felt and you didn’t say anything about it!”
“I’m sorry. I just got nervous.”
“Are you dense?” Rena’s voice became shriller. “You told me yourself you fancied her, and you can’t even manage a measly ‘me too’? Even though you had the whole of fucking two hours to do it?”
A blush spread across his fair cheeks as he slammed his book closed and stood up. “It’s not that easy. You know it isn’t.”
“It’s never that easy. But she was able to do it, and you even told her that you weren’t into her! Honestly, I cannot believe you.”
“Please just…” Draco evaded eye contact, dropping his eyes to the floor and grinding his toes into the gravel. “Just leave me be. I promise I’ll talk to her once she’s better. Just don’t tell her, okay? I want to do this myself.”
Rena rolled her eyes. “You better.”
final a/n: finale is coming out soon! let me know what you thought :)
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canyouhearthelight · 5 years
The Miys, Ch. 46
I’m on a roll!  Yet another chapter beta’d by @parisconstantine (in which I learned about French terms of affection), and I’m already 1600 words into chapter 47.  I’m not sure if the next chapter will be a long one or if I’ll end up splitting it into two parts. Time will tell on that front.
Oh! Oh!  Sam and Simon both get last names in this chapter!
This covers the first six hours of the Food Festival, so minor mentions of food.  I can’t think of any other warnings beyond that, but if you find something please shoot me a message so I can update it.  I’m learning every day about things that trigger people, so sometimes I miss things that aren’t glaringly obvious.  However, I’m always willing to learn.  At the end of the day, this is very slice-of-life, after all.
Edit:  I am reposting this, for 2 reasons.  Most importantly, I included some characters in this chapter who I need to attribute to their rightful creators.  So, Thank you @charlylimph-blog for Ivan Thorson and Coffee Williams.  You are an incredible writer, and I didn’t want these two to languish in obscurity after all the hard work you put into submitting them for the last contest.
The second reason is just because I posted it too early and wanted to put it out there for the people who look for my chapters on Tuesdays.  I love you all!
“Okay, everyone for Alpha Shift, sound off.”
“Tyche Reid, Admin Observation, is online.” I could hear the smirk in my sister’s voice.
“Antoine Costa, Support Personnel, online.”
“Sophia, do I really have to do this?” a familiar voice wheedled.
“Yes. I need to know who is my eyes and ears on the ground.”
“Ugh. Zach Khan, Support Personnel, online.”
“Derek Okafor, Civilian Observation, online.”
“Sam Richardson, Civilian Ob-observation, o-o-online.” I couldn’t help grinning that Sam agreed to help out.  Usually, he kept out of any operations on the ship, but he was the original tester for Antoine’s project, so he had just assumed he would be part of today’s actions.
“Maverick Okima, Support Personnel, online.”
“Alistair Worthington, Resource Adjunct, online,” my assistant dutifully called off in a bored tone. Only I could see the sardonic look he shot me.
“Sophia Reid, Resource Command, online,” I breathed in relief.  “Thank you, everyone. You have two objectives today: first, a general assessment of the low-stim session so that we know what we did right and what we can improve on in the future; second, getting feedback on how Mr. Costa’s dampening and proximity updates to the translation chips are working, again with a goal for future enhancements.  Tyche Reid has graciously volunteered to be our control on the chip project, so she will be providing only a baseline evaluation of the low-stim session and the quiet rooms.”  In reality, my sister wasn’t volunteering so much as refusing to get the upgrade until I agreed to do the same.
“Soph, if you are going to keep being so formal, we may as well shut this down now,” my sister huffed. “Mr. Costa my foot.”
“I’m trying to be professional,” I grumbled back. “This is an official Council operation, to be saved for posterity.”
“Do you truly believe that Xiomara will tolerate being referred to as ‘Miss’ or ‘Councillor Kalloe’ for six hours, Sophia?” Antoine asked smoothly.
Fighting back a chuckle, I refused to concede his point. “That’s Simon’s problem, not mine. She and I are on shift in the festival at the same time, so Simon will be running the show from here.”
“And you have deluded yourself to believe that Mr. Rodriguez will continue to address everyone formally?” Alistair scoffed. Et tu, Brute? I had argued with him for weeks to call me Sophia.
“If you start calling me Mr. Okafor, I’m going silent until this is over, Sophia,” Derek threatened.
I threw my hands up defensively, even if most people couldn’t see me. “Fine! I get it, I get it. I’ll chill out with the names, but I am going on record that it was under duress and threat of operative failure.” I shook my head and took a deep breath. “Okay, so, back to the point.  Tyche, your job is providing an assessment of the low-stim Festival session, as it appears to someone without the implant upgrades.  Derek and Sam, your jobs are to evaluate the session with the upgrades.  I need all three of you to report back two specific things: what worked better than your past experiences, and what still sucked.  Maverick, Zach, and Antoine: you are there both in your capacities as support personnel in case something goes horribly wrong, and to make sure I hear about anything they don’t realize shouldn’t be happening.  Everyone clear on your jobs?”
I got six affirmative answers before continuing. “Okay, other than that – have fun!  Try new foods, let me know what to try when it’s my turn, just enjoy yourselves as much as possible!”  With that, I left the group channel open and watched the map of the festival.  The three teams were entering from different points to ensure that, between the six of them, everything could be evaluated. In theory, everything should go off without a hitch.  The vendors were already briefed to be prepared for attendees during this session to provide a list of flavor and texture aversions, and Miys was already stationed in security alcoves to ensure that the vendors were complying and attendees weren’t abusing it.
It was only fifteen minutes before we got our first update.
“Team Try New Foods, reporting early success,” Zach Khan’s voice broke in. “Kosher food stall was an overall hit, the Jainist stall admitted they had nothing that Derek could like except papadums, and Derek tried both falafel and chicken tikka masala.  Jury’s out on the masala, but he likes falafel.”
“I really thought falafel would be too squishy,” I admitted.
“Apparently not,” Zach chuckled. “He said it’s like a meatball, but no meat.”
“I mean, yeah,” I agreed, still dazed. “That’s cool, though.  And the Jainist vendor didn’t give him a hard time about the list?”
“Nope,” he popped the last letter, something he tended to do when he was really excited. “Just smiled, read it, and apologized that everything he had was either spicy, sour, or squishy.”
“How did the Kosher and Halal vendors react to the list?”
“Thoughtfully,” Derek interjected. “The Kosher vendor clarified if I like onions, and the Halal vendor just wanted to know if I meant pepper-spicy or herb-spicy.”
Awesome. “Good job, guys. And congrats, Derek, on the new foods.  Keep it up and let me know.”
Thirty minutes later, not everything was sunshine and rainbows, though. Sam and Maverick had so far reported three vendors whose stalls were too pungent to approach, and Alistair was already in contact with and arguing about the need to keep the dishes covered during the low-stim session. “I understand that the smell is what draws people in, usually, ma’am, but you agreed to keep all smells to a minimum for the first six hours. That includes keeping the atmospheric scrubbers engaged and keeping the dishes sealed.” When the woman on the other end started to argue, he swiftly cut her off. “When you signed up to be open during this session, you were given a list of the restrictions, and you signed off on it. Low Stimulus, and that includes stimulating the nose. You can either seal the food, as you agreed, or we can have your stall closed down for the remainder of the Festival, per the agreement you signed.” With that, he disconnected sighed before turning to me. “So rude,” he informed me with a shake of his head.
“Which stall was that?” I asked, wrinkling my nose in dread.
“Fortunately, just the seafood stall,” he explained. “Along with the Cajun and Jamaican stalls.  So, pungent, but no one has reported nausea as of yet.  Miys is already in the area, trying to dissipate the odor.”
“As long as it isn’t the Japanese stall,” I gulped. They had insisted on serving natto, but explained that it would be sealed in individual portions throughout the festival, and only opened by the person eating it.  While I couldn’t exactly argue, I didn’t have to be happy about it.
I heard from Tyche right at one hour into the event.
“Soph,” my sister practically shouted at me. “Do you want to explain to me why one of the Quiet Rooms looks like you robbed my quarters?”
Oops.  Forgot about that. “Tyche, they’re designed to be relaxing, quiet, and provide low stimulation.  I can’t help it that your quarters are practically a smooshy cave.” Three, two, one…
“A hammock!?” she demanded. “Why don’t I have a hammock?”
“Make up your mind, Tych. Are you offended that the room looks like your quarters, or jealous that it’s better equipped?”
“Both. Definitely both,” she asserted. “Ooo, you included the sound scrubbers we had installed in your quarters, didn’t you?”
“I knew it!” I almost shrieked. “I knew it sounded muffled in my quarters since I got back!  That was completely uncalled for, you brat.  You know I’m hard of hearing!”
“You also have an implant in your brain that directly translates language into your auditory cortex, so it’s not like you couldn’t hear us,” she pointed out. “And all your alerts and alarms were already calibrated for you to see them as well as hear them. What I don’t understand is why you never had Miys fix your hearing.”
“Are you kidding?” I scoffed. “Loud noises are bad enough as it is.  I can’t imagine how it would be if I could hear them better.”
“Aaannnnnnd that’s why we put the scrubbers in your quarters,” she finished. Well, walked right into that one, I admitted to myself. “This room is nice, by the way, once I got over the shock. Quiet, relaxing on the eyes and ears. How buff are the atmo scrubbers? It’s like my nose just quit working, but I can still breathe.”
“Really buff,” I clarified. “I’m not sure how many food and personal odors are going to be at the main event, so I erred on the side of overkill.”
“Do all the quiet rooms look like this?” Antoine asked, his tone full of curiosity.
“They do not,” I grinned. “Antoine, you’re going to love this, I think.  There are five different themed quiet rooms, and two of each for a total of ten. You two are in one of the Dark Rooms.  The Green themed rooms are furnished with plants and small fountains.  Medium theme looks more like my quarters, with lighter grays and some purples thrown in. Cool theme is mostly blues, with diffuse light to give an underwater or polar night kind of feeling.  Finally, the Light themed room is whites and pale yellows, with indirect light to create a feeling like a sunny day.”
A hum of approval. “I think that makes the most sense,” he agreed. “Not everyone finds the same things soothing, but I think you created enough variety to cover everyone.”
“So, how is the event going for you guys?”
Tyche sighed. “It’s going okay, but I’m not entirely certain that’s not because of who I am.  I haven’t seen any flashing lights, no loud music is playing, so that’s good.  The vendors have been very deferential, which I didn’t think to expect, honestly.”
“I don’t think that’s because of you,” I hummed. “Derek is having a similar experience, honestly.  Sam has reported some vendors with fragrant stalls, but that’s been addressed.  Alistair, anything else?”
Without glancing up from his data screen, he shook his head. “Other than the incident with the smells, nothing negative reporting yet. Derek and Zachary have dutifully sent in additional reports regarding the reactions of each vendor to the food preference lists, so far the balance is in the positive. Samuel and Maverick are reporting similar responses.”
“And the upgrades?” Antoine asked hesitantly.
“So far, nothing major…” Alistair trailed off.  “Support personnel are reporting receiving proximity alerts from non-clients, and I’ve received several queries regarding if that is normal?”
“It’s expected,” Antoine sighed. “We are working on an algorithm that would reduce the alert volume for support personnel who are on duty and in the presence of their respective clients, but it wasn’t ready in time for this event.  But, yes, it is normal and to be expected.”
“Understood. Request approval to release a mass communication to all registered support personnel?”
“Approved,” Antoine and I answered immediately.  I continued. “Alistair, do we have any reports regarding the effectiveness of the dampeners?”
“Yes and no,” he stated. “General reports indicate conditions that are difficult to separate from the intended atmosphere of the event.”
“Tyche, are you still on Level Fourteen?”
“Yeah, why?”
“If we send you the reports from any participants in that area, do you have time to corroborate?”
“I mean, I do, but I thought I was supposed to be participating?”
“Sorry,” I winced in contrition. “You’re right. I just… got ahead of myself. Yeah, it can wait until after your shift at the event.  Just make sure you’re recording your observations so you can do an accurate comparison later, okay?”
“We’re both recording full video, Soph,” she assured me, a rustling noise in the background. “I’m about to head back out into it, but I promise to keep my eyes peeled.  I’ll keep shooting reports to you as I make my way through the vendors, okay?”
“Sounds good,” I exhaled, leaning back in my seat as she disconnected.  Watching the map for a few more minutes, I saw all three teams circulating through the event.  Sometimes a team would stop at a Quiet Room for several minutes before continuing.  Small reports were trickling in, some from the three teams, some from vendors, and others from support people who were simply attending the event in a professional capacity.  However, no further urgent matters were reported aside from Derek and Sam finding a handful of new foods each.
Finally, we were approaching the end of the low-stim session.
“Alpha Shift teams, relief teams for Beta Shift are on their way,” I notified them once we were fifteen minutes out from the end. “Beta Shift teams, please report when you are online.”
“Amelie Marechal, Crowd Control, reporting online and heading to rendezvous with Derek and Zach,” a cheerful voice chirped not two minutes later. I managed to smother a chuckle as Alistair scowled at me, remembering our conversation the day before.
“Coffee Williams, Crowd Control, reporting online and arriving to relieve Costa and Reid” came the next, this time a smooth baritone.  I hadn’t spent much time around the man, but Antoine assured me that he was perfect for diffusing difficult situations.
“Ivan Thorson, Crowd Control, online,” followed quickly after.  “Heading to meet with Amelie and relieve Tyche and Antoine.”
The next two Beta Shift members left me speechless. “Conor MacMaoilir, Crowd Control, online and relieving Maverick and Sam.”
“Grey Hodenson, Crowd Control Command, online. I’m with Conor and we are relieving Okima and Richardson.”
Alistair managed to sneak in a couple surprises of his own, apparently.  When I glared at him, he merely smirked at me before tipping a non-existent hat towards me.  I barely caught Mr. William’s teammate checking in before I managed to recover. “Sophia Reid, Alpha Shift Resource Command, reporting for hand off to Crowd Control Command. Grey, confirm handoff?”
“Handoff complete, Sophia,” came the familiar, neutral voice. Finally, they cracked and I could hear a smile in their next words. “Please take care to get some rest between now and Delta shift.  We expect that shift to be crowded, and you will be Resource Observation. Also, I would like to request that you do not allow Xiomara to kill Simon?”
“Hey, that’s a tall order!” I objected, only half-joking. “I’ll try, no promises. And I promise to get some rest.  First, I need Alpha shift teams to come debrief in my office, then I’ll take a rest interval for Gamma.  Deal?”
“Mr. MacMaoilir and I agree that is sufficient.”
“Maverick, make sure she gets some sleep, or I’ll let Tyche give you what for,” Conor interjected. I didn’t even try to suppress the groan that followed.
Introducing the two of them had turned out to be a terrible idea on my part.
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casseythebee · 6 years
“You look so sexy when you’re ignoring me.”  Destiel one shot
Prompt: “You look so sexy when you’re ignoring me.” Summary: After Castiel catches Dean flirting with a, quite frankly gorgeous, girl at a bar he tries to give him the silent treatment, for the first time. Pairing: Dean x Castiel (Destiel) Words: 1.2k-ish Warning: language, mostly fluff, and my shitty writing like usual A/N: I kind of added myself into the story, but with a bit of a name change, whoops. This is a prompt for “Elliana’s 400 Followers Fanciful Fluff Challenge” @thehoneybeecastielfollows hope I win *crosses fingers* 
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(this is not my gif) 
Dean whistles walking up to a gorgeous brunette. “Somebody call the cops because it’s got to be illegal to look that good!” he proclaims. 
She lets out an adorable giggle. “Dude this must suck for you!” 
Dean leans onto the bar lifting an eyebrow. “What?” 
“Because if I were looking for someone tonight, that totally would have worked!” 
Dean drops his head so it hangs low in defeat and lets out an overdramatic, yet pretty funny, sigh. “Well, I guess tonight isn’t my lucky night, huh?” He looks up his eyes lighten up. “Can I at least buy you a drink?” 
“Oh, I don’t drink.” She holds up her glass of water. “Designated driver and all.” She shrugs happiness twinkling in her large, blue eyes.
“What’s wrong Cas?” Sam asks. He had just gotten back from the bathroom, Dean was gone, and Castiel was staring daggers at the bar. 
All Sam got as an answer from Cas is a grunt. So Sam tries to investigate by following his line of vision. He is staring at Dean and girl. She is totally Dean’s type, she had long brown hair, large blue eyes, a pair ripped black jeans, and- if he could see right from here- a form-flattering Black Sabbath shirt. “Just go up there, plant a big kiss on his cheek, and put an arm around his shoulders. Stake a claim. Make sure she knows that ‘This is my man and you need to step the fuck off.’” 
Cas goes over there with the intentions to be subtle about ‘staking a claim’ but when he sees her touching his arm, Dean subtly moving in closer, them laughing it up over some private joke, it doesn't really work out the way he wants it to. He lets those blasted human emotions get the best of him. 
“Dean? What are you doing? I thought you were going to get the drinks and come right back,” Castiel demanded, a little more aggressive then he intended it to be. 
Dean looks up not noticing the pure rage in his Angel’s eyes. “Just talking to Athena over here. She is really nice. I think-” 
He was cut off by Castiel throws Dean’s drink in his face. 
“I hope you two are fucking happy together!” Cas exploded before stomping off toward Sam sitting at a table gawking at the whole ordeal. 
“Come on he can get a cab home,” Cas fumed grabbing Baby’s keys and stomping out the door - Sam following close behind not sparing a glance for his brother - and leaving Dean sitting drenched in beer with a dumbfounded look on his face. 
“I uh don’t really know what in the hell that was about,” Dean sputters trying to dry himself off.  
“Hey it’s okay, I overstepped my bounds. It’s clear he likes you, you should go after him,” Athena adds insightfully.  
“I… I guess so. He did take away my only way home though.” Dean chuckles under his breath imagining Sam driving them home with a grumpy little Cas sulking next to him. “I’m just going to call a cab.”
“Son of a bitch!” Cas exploded slamming the passenger seat door. “Just go straight home, no stops!” 
Sam got into the 1967 Chevy Impala and started it without a word to the fuming angel sitting next to him. As soon as the car started Castiel turned the music up as loud as he dared without breaking the speakers. Once again, though Sam hated having loud music playing, he knew how angry Castiel was.
After a few minutes of no talking just blaring music and Cas staring out the window, Castiel finally turned down the music and said, “Look I know I’m overreacting, but I’m just pissed. Your brother is a jackass who makes me melt every time I look at him. And… I just don’t want to have to share him with anyone else. Do you know what I mean?” 
“Yeah, when it came to… to Jess, I could get a little paranoid that she was trying to leave me for other people.” There was a pause as Sam remembered Jess and all the heartbreak that came with it. “I guess growing up in the situation I did, Dean was the only person who would love me no matter what, so when Jess showed me love from a person who wasn’t part of my family it was new. I wasn’t used to it, Dean and I were always together so I had no one else to compare our relationship too. So if we weren’t together thing just felt… odd, I guess.”  
Cas took a few moments to contemplate this before answering, “Yeah, I guess I have no other romantic relationship to compare this to as well. Not many relationships to period. ” 
They spent the rest of the car ride listening to the music in a much quieter manner, each lost in thought about the roller coaster that is their pasts.
Cas’s stomps echoed off of the bunker's walls as he stormed to his room. 
Sighing, Sam realized that he hadn’t eaten anything at the bar and he was quite hungry. Grabbing a glass from the cabinet in the kitchen he pours himself some water and takes a leftover slice of pizza from the fridge, not bothering to heat it up. As he climbs up on the counter he sees Dean rush by holding something brightly colored. 
“Cas! Come on, my Angel Love. Let me in,”  Dean begs rapid-fire banging his fists on their bedroom door. 
Without an answer, Dean defeatedly trudges to the kitchen. “You’ve been in a semi-healthy relationship, right? Tell me what to do, please, Sammy I need you.” 
It’s not every day that you see the Dean Winchester begging for help. It’s also not very common that you see Dean with a sad look on his face holding the most colorful bouquet of flowers in one hand and a Kit Kat, Reese’s, and a Snickers in the other. 
“I don’t know man. I’ve never been in a situation like this. Just try him one more time, and if he still won’t budge just go to bed and hope for the best in the morning,” Sam offered. “Sorry man.” Sam halfheartedly pats Dean’s shoulder on the way out. 
The sound of Dean rummaging through the kitchen drawer is the only thing to be heard in the giant lonely bunker. Dean scribbles out a note to put next to the flowers and candy so Cas would see it in the morning. Dean decides to sleep on the couch tonight, despite the fact that there are so many other bedrooms he could have fallen asleep in.
“Pancakes, Sam?” Cas asks a groggy Sam with messy bedhead. 
“Sure,” Sam runs a hand through his hair, instantly smoothing it out, “what about Dean?” 
“I guess I forgot to make him some, oh well. There’s always next time,” Castiel deadpans with an unamused shrug. 
“Ooo! Cas are those your pancakes I smell?” Dean asks with a twinkle. 
“No,” Cas snarled bumping Dean’s shoulder on his way out of the kitchen.
“By the way,” Dean calls out, “You look so sexy when you’re ignoring me.”
With a sigh, Dean looks over to see that the chocolates are moved and the flowers are in a more interactive vase than what Dean chose last night. 
Dean walks into the library of the bunker to see Cas curled up in one of Dean’s flannels reading a book Charlie had recommended, it was Fault In Our Stars. 
Without another word Dean turns on one of the old twenties records turns it down low sits down in the chair opposite of the couch Castiel is sitting at and picks up where he left off in the third Divergent book, also courtesy of Charlie.  
Every few minutes Dean looks up from his book - checking to see if Castiel is still okay with him being there - only see the angel engrossed in his own book.
Eventually, on the next check, Castiel is crying softly.
Padding over Dean asks, “May I sit?” 
With only a sniffle in response, Dean takes it as a yes and plops down, wrapping his arms around his angel. Castiel is now sobbing into the crook of the hunter’s neck. 
“Cancer! Really? Of all things! Look at all he accomplished! Oh, Augustus!” Castiel wails. 
“Shhh, it will be okay.” Dean is stroking the angel’s tousled hair. “It will end soon, my Angel Love.” 
“I love you, Mr. Cutiepie.”
Edited by @justluciferr
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