#oop just checked and it is WEEEE
ihatebnha · 2 years
I COME BACK TO YOU TALKING ABOUT BARBARIAN BAKUGO AND AOHDKABD yeah he’s the guy who’s just almost nakey a lot of the time. Reminds me when i sent my first ask to you and it was barbarian bakugo 😭 im having a brainrot about him again
CAITIEEEEEEE hello beloved :D hru??
OMENNNNN I'VE BEEN MISSING U SO HARD LATELY, where has my baby been? u don't have to be on tumblr ofc but are u taking care of urself??? eating and sleeping????
i would love to talk about nudist bakugo some more but it would take up so much time and space here that i'd rather just save my thoughts... HOWEVER i think i still have ur first ask to me (at least, i never remember deleting it)... so maybe i should find it again and finally give it to the world.
*eyes emoji* dunno!!! but really, i'm glad to see u <333 *pleading eyes @ u*
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mermaidsirennikita · 2 years
What was the Hello, Stranger controversy?
Hello, Stranger (or as I just found out despite owning this book in paperback, "Hello Stranger", comma is needed imo) is a Ravenels book that I honestly think is my least favorite Kleypas book I've read... which sucks! Because the heroine has an amazing name! (Garrett Gibson. God I love it. If I had a daughter I'd name her Garrett, but if I play my cards right my womb will be forever empty, so we've gotta just not do that.)
Anyway, Garrett falls in love with Ethan Ransom (another fun name, but honestly, this being a Ravenels book was soooo tangential... *SPOILER ALERT* he is a Ravenel bastard--I forget if he was West and Devon's brother or cousin, it seriously didn't check for me) who is a detective. I'll be frank. If this book was *better* I don't know if people would've clocked the issue as much. Which isn't right. But I know the romance community. They're clocking shit faster than they used to, but I think the combo of this being Lisa Kleypas and this being a weak Lisa Kleypas is what got it called out.
Smart Bitches, Trashy Books published this review which basically sums the issue up. Ethan talks to Garrett about an Indian woman he fucked while he was training to be a spy. She was a woman from Calcutta that taught him about sex and desire ("Kama".... I don't think he actually says AND THEN WE READ THE KAMA SUTRA, but anyone read this would think of it when "Kama" is mentioned) and allll the sexy shit that Exotic Women know. It's gross. It's flippant. It's dumb as shit.
Lisa then apologized publicly and pretty quickly that passage was erased from all digital copies of the book. I happen to own a (secondhand) paperback of the book that still has that scene, but from what I understand all subsequent printings have deleted it as well.
Since then (I mean, I think it's since then?) Lisa has made an effort to edit a lot of her older works. Most notably, It Happened One Autumn, which does have a scene that, yes, is genuinely problematic--but tbh, I blame her a lot less for that than I do the Hello, Stranger thing. In part because of how romance functions, and in part because of how long ago the book was published compared to Stranger--Stranger was a 2018 release while It Happened One Autumn is a 2005 release. As much as people want to pretend that we hit 2000 and everyone knew what was right and wrong in terms of sexual mores... I was 10/11 in 2005. That's not how I remember it. So Lillian getting blackout drunk and a sober Westcliff having sex with her and her being like "weeee, what a fun dream, oops it was real, oh well"... and neither Lisa nor the editor, both of whom were presumably women my mom's age clocking that as rape? Tracks. Personally, I enjoy the scene as is--I know what it is, and I'm not saying it's morally correct or anything we should do in real life, but I enjoy it as a flawed, dated piece of literature. I also think people should be able to access both the original text and the corrected version. However, Lisa and her publisher have basically been attempting to delete this kind of content--and the scene in Secrets of Summer Night when Simon kisses Annabelle without asking (just kisses!) in the dark. She has no question of who is kissing her lol. It's not a crazy scene. Similarly, the scene where Kev "kidnaps" Win as a sort of marriage ritual thing (she's totally into it) in Seduce Me At Sunrise has been edited.
What I find interesting is that all of this sexual content has been edited... But I have yet to hear anything about the problematic, fetishizing shit surrounding Cam and Kev as heroes in The Hathaways being edited. I wouldn't know--I own paperbacks of their books, and I haven't been able to read more recent paperbacks or digital copies. I actually think that Mine Till Midnight and Seduce Me At Sunrise (especially Sunrise) are, aside from that fetishistic shit, super strong romances. Like, I won't lie about that. So idk. Why hasn't that been discussed?
To me... Idk, I think that romance as a genre has a wide range of sexual content, and it should, because the genre deals with the romantic and sexual fantasies of readers, which are WIDE RANGING. I think that dark romance should be allowed to exist, and if people want to read out their rape fantasies in a safe space, then have the fuck at it. I think that I should be able to read The Fires of Winter by Johanna Lindsey, in which the hero repeatedly rapes the heroine, and say "yeah, this is bad, but it's also a part of the sexual history of the genre and I do enjoy this book".
In terms of race, the genre has a whole other thing to reckon with, and imo the power dynamics of the genre being one that has been dominated by white women for decades make it different. We as women can pick and choose what we are comfortable with in terms of the sexual content of this genre, whereas people (primarily women) of color have not been able to safely read it, for the most part. So I'd like to see people like Lisa Kleypas reckon more with things like the Hello Stranger controversy, versus people complaining about a scene in It Happened One Autumn that sure, is now recognized as problematic, but at the time was very *normal*. I honestly don't really blame her for writing that scene in 2005--there are plenty of authors that write that shit today, and the only difference is that they slap on a TW for dubcon or noncon (I'm very pro trigger warnings in romance). Her writing the fetishistic shit in the Hathaways and Hello Stranger... is a different issue. And that's what I'd like to see the whoooooole genre focus on. I honestly feel like (my fellow) white people in romance focus so hard on what is "problematic" in terms of sexual content ("I don't like dubcon! I don't like dom daddies!") that they totally gloss over the shit that is done to make authors and readers of color feel fetishized and alienated on a daily basis in the genre. And then they beat the drum and go "romance is so maligned" lmao.
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radioactvunicorn · 3 years
I’m the homestuck anon, I was big into hs when I was twelve and having just seen some fucking *incomprehensible* posts about the dreamsmp just cross my dash I think I understand. I’m still incredibly interested in the implications that this could be the new homestuck because that’s funny as hell. Not going anywhere near it though, that’s the 12 year old’s problem now. Godspeed, nerds.
weeee i didn’t see this until now cause i forgot to check my inbox oops. i have unfortunately now seen so many comparisons between the two that i don’t understand at all. and you know what? i am so okay with not understanding. godspeed anon <3
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crzcorgi · 7 years
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Negan’s Rose ~ part two
A Negan CGL story
Read part one here!
Negan x Delilah Rose ~ for the beautiful @peacocksocls
1400 words
Negan language
Thank you for reading and leaving feedback!
 “You’ll protect me, right?”
 “I most certainly will sweet girl.”  I placed my arm around her, pulling her tightly to my side. I don’t have a fucking clue what’s come over me. But I just want to take care of this little doll. She seems so lost, so out of place. And I doubt those Alexandrian fuckwads were doing right by her. She’s definitely different, but I’m fucking different too. Maybe we were meant to be together.
 As we passed through the gates, and a bit away from the chained up walking dead, Delilah-Rose loosened her grip on me.
 “Do you think they hurt?”
 “Hurt? Who sweetheart?” I hadn’t the fucking foggiest who she was talking about.
 “The zombie people. The have chains wrapped all around them, some even have poles stuck through them. Does it hurt them? They’re still people, right?” She looked over at me with those big innocent eyes.
 Sighing, I answered her the best I could. “You’re right sweet thing, they are people, but not like you and me anymore. They are controlled by only their basest instincts, need to feed, nothing else.”
 She looked away, I could see her glancing back at the fence, taking in what I said to her.
 “I hope they don’t feel pain, because that would be sad.” She was now picking at a string hanging from her skirt.
 I felt bad for her, caring for those fucking undead creatures that way. You can’t survive in the world like that. How the fuck did this little doll come this far, this long, from the end?
 “How long you been with those Alexandria assholes, sweetheart? Since the beginning?”
 “No, I was with another group before.” She seemed to almost zone out when she spoke. I thought she would expand on her answer but suddenly she swung around her seat a big smile on her face. “Can we go inside now?”
 I wasn’t going to push her, she obviously didn’t want to talk about it, I understood. “Sure Delilah-Rose, let’s head in.” I offered her my hand, taking it she slid across the seat as I opened the door. As I stepped out, I turned to help her down and was fucking surprised to have her jump into my arms.
  “Weeee!” She giggled into my ear.
 “You kinda scared me there, little girl.” I adjusted my grip so as to not to drop her.
 “A big strong man like you,” she took a hold of one of my arms, squeezing it. “Scared? I don’t think so, silly!” She then let go of my arm, taking both hands and placing them aside my face, leaning in to kiss me.
 “You shouldn’t go around giving kisses to strange men, doll. It’s dangerous.” I gave her a stern look.
 Patting my cheek, her gorgeous eyes looking into mine. “You’re not strange, Negan, you’re just a big sweet softie!” She snickered, her arms wrapping around my neck, her head coming to rest on my shoulder. As I carried her inside I noticed all the strange looks aimed my way. Fuckers have nothing better to do.
 I carried her all the way to my room, only putting her down to unlock the door. She didn’t step far away, keeping her tiny frame against me.
 After unlocking the door, I placed my hand on her back, gently nudging her inside. I watched as she quietly took in her surroundings, her mouth in a silent “O”.
 “Wow, this is all yours, Mr.Negan?” She bounced back over to me, both hands taking a hold of my arm.
 “Sure is sweetheart, do you like it?” I looked back down at her, her eyes as big as saucers.
 “I do. You’re so lucky to own all of this. I’ve never seen such luxury since, you know, the end.”
 I took a hold of one of her hands, leading her over to a sofa. “Sit doll.” She sat, never letting go of my hand. She was still looking all around, her face and demeanor so fucking childlike. I realized she was quite dirty, her legs darkened from old dirt, her skirt a bit grungy. I tried to think of how to approach her about a bath without sounding like a fucking pervert.
 Clearing my throat, I just asked. “Uh, darling, would you like to take a bath? I have a great big tub, a jacuzzi, I can even add bubble bath. What do you think?”
 She was now playing with my hand, running her fingers up and down mine. “I’m kinda scared of water, bad things happen in the water.”
 Bad things?
 “Don’t you bathe doll? I mean, everyone takes a fucking bath once in awhile, right?”
Don’t they?
 “I just wash myself with towels.” She continued with her movements, just fucking bobbing her head from side to side. “You use a lot of naughty words, don’t you?”
 I couldn’t help the snicker from escaping me. “Yeah, Delilah-Rose, I guess I do. Does it make you f- uh, uncomfortable doll?”
 She nodded her head. “I don’t like bad language. Can we get something to eat? I’m really hungry!” She rubbed her stomach.
 I stood up, moving towards my closet. “I tell you what, if you take a nice warm bubble bath, I’ll get you anything you want to eat. Deal?”
 Looking at me with those bright brown eyes, she spoke softly. “Anything?” She was running her hands up and down her exposed legs.
 “Anything dollface.” I stepped into my closet, grabbing a pair of sweats and a tee. “They’ll definitely be too fucking big for you,” I couldn’t finish as she was making the funniest face at me. “What’s wrong sweetheart? What’s that face for?”
 “You used the nasty word again.” She crossed her arms, sticking her bottom lip out in a pout.
 “Uh, sorry Delilah-Rose, I’ll try to uh, do better with that.” I headed towards the bathroom. Looking back over my shoulder, I waved her over to me. “Why don’t you come over here and help me fill the tub. This way you can tell me what temperature you’d like, okay?”
 She stood, holding the edges of her skirt in a nervous fashion. She started towards me, very hesitantly.
 “It’s okay sweetheart, nothing bad is going to happen to you.” I wasn’t sure what was going on in her mind. Why did water fucking scare her? Was she afraid of me? Did she think I’d fucking hurt her? Fuck.
When she reached me, I took her hand and led her into the bathroom. I stepped over to the counter placing the clothes I was holding down. Looking down at her I saw the look of awe once again.
 “This sure is a fancy bathroom, Mr. Negan.”
 “You like it doll?”
 “I sure do, it’s so pretty.”
 I started walking to the tub, as I started to lean down to turn the water on I felt her pull her hand from mine. Turning I see her stepping back.
 She spoke in an almost silent whisper. “Can’t I just use a towel, Negan?” She was grabbing at her skirt again, chewing on her lip.
 “Come ‘ere sweetheart, the water isn’t scary at all. We won’t fill it, but put just enough for you to wash up, okay?”
  I don’t know why, but I felt this great need to take care of this sweet creature. She seemed so out of place in our world now, and she needed someone to fucking stand up for her, care for her the way she needed to be.
 Hesitantly, she tiptoed over to the tub side. “Can I still have some bubbles?” Her beautiful eyes blinking rapidly from her nerves. I reached out with the hand that wasn’t checking the water temp, gently taking one of her hands, afraid of spooking her.
 “You most certainly can doll. I have some pretty floral smelling shit, oops, sorry!”  I realized my mistake when her eyes went wide. “Um, I also have a fruity one, what’ll it be sweetheart?”
 I could see her thinking, fucking cute.
 “I do love flowers.” She smiled a big fucking gorgeous smile. Shit Negan.
 “Flowers it is! Help me pour it in sweetheart?”
 She took the bottle, delicately pouring some into the running water. As soon as there was enough water to let her bathe comfortably, I moved towards the door.
 “I’ll be right outside. Do you f- need anything else?”
 “You’re leaving?” She looked genuinely surprised.
 “Well, Delilah-Rose, you need privacy.”
 “Okay, but you’ll hear me if I call you, right?”
 I stepped out into my room. “Yes, I’ll be right by the door.” I started closing the door.
 “Not all the way closed, okay Negan?”
 I sighed. “Okay doll.” Closing the door, I left a small opening, knowing she needed some privacy.
 Negan, what the fuckity fuck are you getting yourself into?! This sweet thing is a fucking riddle, and a hard one at that.
 Was I going to be able to give her what she needed, whatever the fuck that might be? Or would I fail her like I’m sure others had before?
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icebluecyanide · 3 years
RQG 216
Alternative title: The Return of the NPCs
WHAT AN EPISODE!!! I’m still so hyped and I’ll almost certainly forget to mention something because !!! so much happened!!!
Alex’ ‘weeee’ cracks me up
Resist Energy for Hamid!!! good!!! also I freaked out when Hamid rolled poorly on the fly check but at least it’s still better than Guivres \o/ bryn pls stop talking about wanting Guivres to want you dead tho!!
Wilde being all ‘yeah the first one was me idk about the second’ !!!!
GOOD OLD JEFF CHAUCER!! I know it’s probably not quite as effective but I like to think the army of the dead is like that scene in ROTK when Aragorn shows up with reinforcements
‘Wait till you see the blue of their veins’ is a v. good line. also yay for Prayer and Wilde’s humming!! ‘I love this game, i love it so much’ at the bonuses ahsdfhsfdj SAME BRYN i love the numbers
THE VENGEANCE IS HERE!!! And does a good hit against Guivres! The way everyone was all ‘it was so spiky’ ‘yeah it was so spiky’ in mournful tones right before the break cracks me up tho
Also ashdflhsf the crew of the Vengeance jumping off with parachutes, gently drifting down... into the swarm of blue veined people who are apparently just about everywhere by now, oops
Hamid fireballing the root creatures bless I hoped he might because honestly the area effect thing would help a lot there
not a big fan of the tower being on fire tbh but ‘ i wonder if it was the marbles’ ahsldfhsfs
oh god i forgot the root creatures could infect people, at least they aren’t exploding??? but also Zolf with a vine on his leg yikes. I love Zolf referencing his habit of throwing away weapons and equipment tho lmao it’s a nice call back to s1
also APOPHIS WAS REAL!!! DRAGON BRAWL!! I completely misinterpreted Alex’s description of him swerving to the side and thought he was an illusion but AHHHHH I CAN STILL MY DRAGON TALK AFTER THE BATTLE! I will be honest, I hope Guivres survives to get de-blue-veined because I want to see that conversation
HAMID ISN‘T LOSING AZU AHLFDHFLHSDF 😭😭🥺🥺 i’m feeling things,,, i love the protectiveness,,, Hamid racing over to be close to her to protect her from possible infections 🥺
Lydia joking that from hamid’s perspective he hadn’t seen Cel do anything ahsldfhds Cel got like two nat 20s this eps tho!!! they should have gotten a crit 😔
Absolutely delighted to see Brutor, that is hilarious, and also ED MY LOVE 🌞 when alex mentioned all of them appearing on the already unstable tower I did have a sudden mental image of it just crumbling under their feet ahsldfhs
... Alex’s brought in the cavalry because he’s going to throw a bunch of planar weirdness creatures at them, hasn’t he 😭
anyway, all PCs are alive which is great, but I am devastated that the ‘death from above’ didn’t refer to Skraak because I need a sign of life from him 😭
also love that Alex apparently just went ‘okay you need to fight the dragon until like round 3 of the countdown, then we can give you reinforcements and bring in some new enemies’. The addition and removal of new elements feels quite deliberate & planned, which I guess makes sense because there are beats he wants to hit. I’m impressed that he actually brought in all the NPCs tho and super excited to see what else will happen, it’s definitely feeling like the climatic final battle!
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