#oouuigh i need to draw lute
theyapper0 · 5 months
How does Lute feel about what happened between her and Vaggie in your AU?
Lute is a commander dedicated to her cause, dedicated to Heaven, everything she knew and believed in was taught to Vaggie by HER. Vaggie was practically an EXTENSION of herself (both literally and figuratively)
I DO think that Lute cared for Vaggie, I think before Vaggie fell, they both cared for each other IMMENSELY. They literally did everything together even outside of training and stuff. BUT.....
My Lute is a very................. unemotional person. Like, she's cool to hang around with and stuff but, she's kinda like your emotionally distant dad. Her and Vaggie were close and I think Vaggie's 'betrayal' (that's how she sees it) really did hurt but since she's not one to want to or even have TIME to think about those feelings, Lute on the outside is cold and unaffected.
Okay this is long so rest is under the cut 😋
I think she tried reason with herself that this was BOUND to happen. 'Vaggie has always been too nice', 'she was never cut out for this anyway', 'She only got as far as she did by sheer dumb luck', stuff like that.
She tells herself this but on the inside, this shit hurts like a BITCH!!!!!!! Because FUCK!!!!!!!! They were each others' everything at one point!!!!! (In a familiar sense) Lute literally taught her eveything she knew!!!! She was her mentor!!!!! They LOVED EACH OTHER!!!!!!! And it fucking HURTS to know Vaggie had gone against Heaven and had broken one of their rules that Lute KNEW that she ALWAYS followed.
I imagine that sometimes, during the RARE instances that Lute finds herself with nothing to do, she thinks about Vaggie. She would wonder what made that Extermination Day any different from the THOUSANDS they've done before? What about one child made Vaggie do a complete one 180? What made Vaggie spare a Sinner?
(What would have happened if Lute pretended not to see Vaggie do it?)
But it happened and it was done. Lute HAD to de-wing Vaggie, she HAD to leave her in Hell. It was punishment. Heaven doesn't do second chances when it comes to the exorcists, it just doesn't work like that (Lute never questioned why).
And you can totally skip this part if you didn't read my fanfic (I wouldn't blame you for not LOL)
Towards the 2nd of the fic, during the Extermination when Vaggie and Charlie reunite and Lute approaches them, Lute has on full Exorcist Angel armor obvi so the others can't see her face or how she's feeling IT'S A METAPHOR BC IM SO ARTSY FARTSY!!!!!!
Lute puts up these walls so no one, not even Vaggie, knows how she truly feels, she does this because of her position, so it makes sense for her walls to personify in her ARMOR!!
In the fanfic, the entire scene, Lute is paying NO MIND to Charlie, her attention is on Vaggie the whole time, which should be concerning as she's a literal exorcist and the princess of Hell is standing right in front of her.
It's a moment of weakness for Lute. She doesn't say anything but it was important that she saw Vaggie. She knew Vaggie would survive in Hell, not just because (at that point, what they all still believed) Angels couldn't die, but also Because, despite all the things Lute tried to convince herself about Vaggie after she was banished, she knew that Vaggie was tough, that she could handle anything.
The surprise wasn't seeing Vaggie, it was seeing Vaggie, narrow eyed (single eyed, because of her), and with her spear pointed at Lute.
Lute was now an enemy to Vaggie.
So Vaggie was an enemy to Lute.
TLDR; Lute did and STILL DOES care for Vaggie and she was SUPER upset about Vaggie sparing a Sinner and she does wish things turned out differently but has repressed her emotions so much that all she could reason within herself is that Vaggie got what was coming to her for betraying Heaven and after seeing her fight on the side of Hell, she understands that they're enemies for all of eternity
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