#op thank you sm for this question you asked the right bitch
lemmetreatya · 2 years
So how big do we think Reiner's dick actually is? We know Eren's a nine incher, so Rei's gotta be in that ballpark. Ten inches? Mayhaps eleven?? 😗 What is the girth??
Reiner’s got that stupendous 10 inch weapon which slightly curves at the tip with a thin vein that runs up the side but it’s sensitive when you touch it. He’s circed — which is good — because it means you get to see his perfectly My Melody’s hat pink helmet which reddens when he’s embarrassed surprisingly enough! But what’s even better is that when he’s hard, his rock solid cock grows even more! (Even at 10 inches, he’s still a grower) and that shit hurts, no matter how stretched you are, because he’s girthy. And when I say girthy, I mean phat. Big Poppa. He’s disgustingly too big for him to be wielding that around, so much so that he can’t just curl it up all the time. Sometimes, just sometimes, he’s gotta let his third leg hang. When he’s at home? Expect it to say hello throughout the day because it WILL be leaking out even through his breathable lycra boxers.
But I could be wrong 🤷🏾‍♀️
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aigoo2 · 5 years
Next Day
I overslept. Shit. I completely forgot about the tutoring for Baek-Hyun. I got up and dressed quickly and just wanted to run library, suddenly I got a call. It was my boss, he wanted me to come to work now because my colleague got sick. Out of stress I had forgotten to write Baek-hyun a text message, which said that i won’t be coming to the library today. I ran quickly to work.
At work~
"Well then you just have to go right and there's the jewelery," I said with a smile to a customer.
"Thank you," she said and left. I relaxed, it was a good day I could feel it. I looked at my documents. "Sorry," said a male voice. I raised my head and saw an attractive student in front of me
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"Oh, hello," I said and smiled. "Do you happen to have a charger cable here, my phone died," he said and smiled at me. He was really attractive. I got a little nervous. "Oh yes, I have it here, I'll plug it in to you here," I said and plugged his cell phone. "Now we just have to wait," he said and laughed. "Haha yes. I see you're a student because of the uniform. Which university are you going to?" I asked interestedly. "Oh to Seoul University," he replied. I was surprised. "Omo really. I also want to go to Seoul University," I said and sighed, "Why don't you just go to Seoul University," he asked astonishedly. I waited a moment and showed him to come closer. He leaned towards me. "The costs are too high for me at the moment," I whispered. He looked at me and suddenly got an idea and whispered: "I'm meeting some friends in a Soju bar today, they can reduce your costs. Do you want to come with me," he asked. I looked at him happily and said: "Yes, please, but I can only do it after work". "Yes perfect, just come to this address, there is the Soju Bar, tonight. Ah thanks for charging," he said and I gave him his phone again and he left.
Is this just the beginning of a campus relationship? Omo omo! I'm getting all red! I'm not going to Seoul University yet and I'm already part of a campus relationship. Today is a really good day, Mina.
After work~
I looked at my phone and saw all the calls from Baek-hyun, shit! I had totally forgotten about him, I texted him:
"Sorry, I had to work earlier today. Sorry~~~!"
He texted me back " YAA! Where are you?"
Pff.. what’s with him. mmmhm.  I mean I could brag a bit about my new campus romance. I laughed.
I wrote him an SMS : " I'm going to drink Soju with my campus romance boyfriend~~ Do not call me!
He wrote right back " WHERE?????!!". What is his problem? Tztz.. I didn’t respond back.. I changed my clothes and went to the Soju Bar and I already saw the guy from today, my campus boyfriend, and two others.
"Good evening, Mina. Feel like drinking Soju with us," said the guy from this morning's work. I hesitated because I wasn't allowed to drink legally yet, but I couldn't miss the chance. "Sure," I said and smiled and sat down with them. I must say I had never drunk so much in the afternoons. I felt already how I became a little tipsy. But I wanted to keep talking to the students. "Mina, I think you've drunk enough for the night. Let me be your black knight and drink your glass," said one student. The other one talked him in between and said "No let me be your knight and I'll take you home". Today's student at work said, "No, give me the drink, and I'll walk you home". All three looked at me and I said, "What have you all got? I don't need protection," and drank the glass. "But I have a question, who would you choose between the three of us, Mina?" one student curiously asked. All three looked at me curiously. I felt a little uncomfortable and answered: "I have to go to the toilet". I got up and went to the toilet. After washing my face several times, I went out again and saw that the three students went out to the parking lot. I wanted to and suddenly I listened to the three of them talking among themselves: "So for the one who first gets them into bed 100€. Cool," said the one student. " For how cheap she looks we'll make 200€ out," said the guy from this morning. "Agreed", said all three and laughed. I was shocked and took my phone out and called Baek-Hyun.
Call with Baek-Hyun:
Baek-Hyun:YA!Where are you?
Me: Hey. Pick me up.
Baek-Hyun: Why should I?!!
I stood still for a moment and said with a trembling voice: "Just come. Ah it's too humiliating (*I held back my crying*) to go out alone, so just come.”
Baek-Hyun: "Ya! Am I a taxi or what? why do you call me now after you've been ignoring me all day? (*he stopped talking for a moment*)What's wrong with your voice? Is something wrong?" he asked worriedly. "Can't you speak clearly?" he shouted angrily. "Where are you?" he shouted. I told him the address and he said: "Understood, I'll be right there", and hung up.
I left the Soju Bar and went to the parking lot, the students saw me. "Ah Mina, so I'll take you home," said one, "No, I'll go home alone," I said and turned my eyes away. "Mina, I have a new car over there, I'll take you home," said the other one. "No, no, look at my car, that one over there," said the other one. "Mine looks best back there," said the guy from this morning. I clenched my fist and got angry. "So three cars," I said and cracked my neck. I walked up to one car and destroyed the rearview mirror. "Ah what are you doing," shouted a student being shocked and went to his broken car. I went to the other two cars and did the same. I calmed down and shouted out "Listen, you bastards. IM going to say this just once. Women are not objects. We can actually kick your asses." I turned my eyes away and wanted to go. When suddenly the guy from today grabbed my arm and shouted angrily: "You crazy bitch! Where are you going! What 200€, it would be a waste to sleep with you for even 10€" "With a scum like you I wouldn't even sleep for 2 Mio€", I said and looked angrily and pulled my arm out of his grip. "You bitch", he screamed angrily and slapped me, so strongly that I fell to the ground. “Argh", I let out of pain. He took me by the collar and wanted to slap me once again when I suddenly heard someone scream: "YAAA!
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It was Baek-Hyun. Me and the three students looked at him. He looked very angry and slowly came towards us until he started running. My campus boyfriend let me go and Baek-Hyun kicked him away. He fell to the ground, stood up again and gave Baek-Hyun one, Baek-Hyun laughed and punched him in the face several times. The guy was lying on the ground. “Why did you hit her, you bastard”,he screamed. He took him by the collar und wnated to punch him again. I knew the police were coming soon and I didn’t want Baek-hyun to be in problem, so I quickly rant to him and took him by the hand. He let go of the guy. The guy fell to the ground in pain. I looked at Baek-Hyun and said: "Come, let's go before the police come". I dragged him away.
In the park~
Baek-hyun sat on the bench and I went to the store and bought orange juice and Band-Aids.
"Here," I said and gave Baek-hyun a bottle of orange juice and sat beside him.
"Thank you," he said. "You bleed, wait," I said and took a handkerchief and moved closer to him and wanted to wipe it off when he suddenly swerved and shouted, "Y-ya what-". "At least let me fix you up, you stubborn punk," I said seriously and took his face in my hand and wiped off his blood and took a band-aid and put it on the wound. "Argh," he suddenly shouted. "Oh, that hurts, sorry I didn't mean that," I said being sorry. "Just kidding," he said and laughed. I hit him on the shoulder. "Argh! that hurt," he shouted.
"Tztz', I said and averted my gaze.
"Sorry for blowing you off today," I said and looked at him apologetically.
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“Ya! Just promise me to always take my calls and tell me where you are”,he said and looked at me seriously.
“What are you? A Stalker”,I sighed and looked at him with a grin. “Ah no. Are you my Oppa?”,I teased him.
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“O-op-oppa?YA! You better stop”, he shouted annoyed.”Oppa~ Oppa~ Oppa~”, I said with a smile and pushed him with my shoulder several times. I liked teasin him. He laughed. “Aish you are so annoying!”,he said and looked away with a grin. I stood up from my seat and I looked at him and I said “Come, drive me home”.
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He sighed loudly and shouted annoyed: "Ya! I'm only being exploited here!: He got up and he drove me home. We said goodbye and I wanted to go into the house when Baek-hyun took my hand.
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Anon: Mod what's going on? Has something happened with the DK crapfest? Why are people acting like it's confirmed they are together? I thought everything was still speculation?? He still put out that denial. I can't believe he would lie and then risk getting caught 2 weeks later, it's not even like he could hide in Barcelona with the media circus going on so why deny it to make himself look the worst he could look?
--mod-- Nothing new has happened. Still just speculation and theory right now.

A wee bit creepy how someone follows his friends and family on sm so closely don't you think so? Specially the mother of his child. Maybe her way to show she stalks his relationships

The thing about believing Norman and Diane have been "just friends" for 2 years is that even though they barely spend any time in the same city, she's the only one he's been romantically linked to in tabloids. So if "just friends" is true then seemingly norman hasn't been in any relationship since late 2014? Possible, but pretty unlike him, hasn't he been a serial dater since the 90's? Unless he's hiding a Secret Girlfriend in GA 8 months/yr, Diane is the only one ever spotted with him, so... --mod-- He's been spotted with lots of ladies but since she's famous people notice her more, people here have speculated about him being with a bunch of different women in the last year or so, but again since non were famous the public at large never took notice. It also depends on what your definition of relationship is, I mean he could have a few relationships where they sink each other's battleships but it's nothing serious.

I know DK is off topic and I have no agenda here since I really don't care about the DK/NR thing but just wanted to share that this whole time I kept hearing her name and that she was the girl in Inglorious Basterds I assumed she was the character Melanie Laurent played (since that was the blond I remembered). My mind is now blown that I was remembering the wrong blond female character the whole time and they aren't the same person. LMAO. --mod-- 🤣🤣🤣

Wow. Helena has been posting pics of her Ukraine trip and now DK posts what I assume is her grandfather in the same black and white style as Helena. I predict her IG will now change to mirror Helena's. It is so obvious. I wonder if DK will get a dog soon and post about social causes. I bet she's just hoping HC or N will like her post. She's so transparent.
--mod-- To be fair black and white photos are pretty common.

I see DK is emulating HC's posts. The only good thing is that she may actually be in Germany now.
--mod-- Not sure how 1 b&w is emulating.

Im new to tumblr sorry if im sending this in the wrong way but I do think its a little weird HC followed DK on Instagram. I always got the feeling she didn't like her (thankfully she has a brain) sorry but I hate to think N would be that stupid to get hooked up with someone like DK. I think he is wrapped up in her for the wrong reasons. She wants kids (I always thought N still does) and she's convenient. Assuming he is with her. Hes just a little blinded. We all know how that is. Right?

Expect some sort of DK stunt or pap shot right before Norman's appearance on Fallon. She'll try to force his hand again.

Can't wait to see DK incognito hanging around Fallon's studio on Friday. It's too good an op to pass up. She'll just happened to get "caught" waiting for her "rumored" boyfriend in that black hoodie. 😂 I kid, but I still wouldn't be surprised.

I wouldn't be surprised if Fallon asks about his love life just so Norman can say he's single. --mod-- I feel like Jimmy Fallon is more of a good time fun show and he really doesn't ask those types of questions. Also I hope they pretend the couch is a motorcycle again.

Notice how DK followed HC so she could "like" her humanitarian work? Hmmmm Also, notice how Norman hasn't liked any of DK's photos since before Spain. Hmmmm again ....

I wouldn't be surprised if that DK movie with Susan Sarandon falls through. Right now, DK is not exactly a hot commodity and the garage pics and Spain mess have put a black mark on her name making her look like an obsessed woman stalking her man. She's not a big star and can easily be replaced. I wouldn't be surprised if she "pulls out" i.e. they cut her loose. They don't need her drama which is why she seems to work only with her friends who are producers and directors.
--mod-- 😶

I think it's really odd that DK has been unseen since she hastily left Spain. I think she knows this whole thing blew up in her face and she's embarrassed. You know she'd be gloating if things went well. Also, interesting choice posting a 9-1/2 weeks video. Isn't that movie about someone who has asexual only relationship (despite her being consumed with him) with a guy that it turns out she knows nothing about? Sound familiar. --mod-- I've never seen that movie

Mod: Thank you for allowing us to discuss DK on the mod blog. I am sure many of us want to discuss it. Thanks for giving us a safe, unbiased place to do if.
--mod-- Ya welcome 🤗

Anon:Interesting how N has not liked 1 post of DK's since Barcelona. He was liking them regularly after the garage thing. Maybe he is not playing nice this time.

Want to make a bet that DK just happens to be photographed near the Jimmy Fallon's studio on Friday?

So DK followed HC, N followed HC and the HC followed DK. Could be that N and HC have made it known they are watching DK's shenanigans. Maybe DK followed HC (that happened first) to keep tabs because she is Not in contact with N right now. I doubt people in their 40s are announcing or condoning relationships on IG. --mod-- I think I've gone cross eyed 

Can i ask a question? Why do so many people believe that DK calls the paps? Is there any prove of that? She doesn't look very happy in the pictures from barcelona. Maybe she got hate for nothing. --mod-- Sure. It's well known that she pays for play, mostly from the Daily Mail and a few other outlets. She's not as popular as she was awhile ago, paps usually won't take pictures of someone that they aren't going to make money from. Celebs sometimes hire paps to set a certain narrative, totally not saying this is what she did in Spain, whether it's the happy family or the heartbroken lover. Does that make sense 

Anon: Hey i'm not american and i'm not into the whole usa's fandons and artists, so i really don't understand why the people calls Diane Kruger "bitch" or "atention needed"(?) Can you explain for me PLEASE? I just know her from tarantino's movie and it's all 😂😂😂 (Sorry for the english)
-mod-- She pretty notorious for being extremely difficult to work with and outright rude to people she thinks she's better than. A lot of people that have come across her say she not a nice person. 

I guess it isn't SO strange that HC followed DK back after all, they are both former models, about the same age as well. But seriously, I doubt that there is anything else than publicity hunger and lust for intrigue behind DK's intentions. Why both Norman and now HC agrees to the charade I will never get
--mod-- Not sure they agreed to anything

Anon: I tried but DK is just so fake. She cares more about how photos look to everyone then about real people in them. Just like when she went to a charity event &left so quickly after it was over and then snarked a person on her IG for being sad they didn't get a pic with her since she was gone. Sorry but if Norman is really with her it does change what I think about him. It makes me think he's just as fake as she is on top of him lying about it and UGH. I can't support him knowing that. Heartbroken
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