#op this is magnificent
ariadne-mouse · 1 year
Matt: it's like a giant elk, but with no face and tangled glinting horns. It makes bellowing noises. It has 8-10 elk legs and also two massive humanoid arms that drag behind it unless it's using them to drag itself forward-
Aabria: I'm allergic to whatever the fuck this is
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lunarriviera · 6 months
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dear dmbj fandom, don't say i never gave you anything. this joke will be funny to approximately ten people but ngl, everytime i see it i laugh my whole entire face off. making it was the best possible use of my birthday this year, so i invite you to obtain a sticker or t-shirt off red/bub/ble (or, for a lower-quality but cheaper shirt, tee/pub/lic).
also, i gave you the tiniest markup allowed, because i love you. as the obnoxious drinks machine says in hitchhiker's guide, share and enjoy! (ETA please be aware that the tall mug distorts the graphic, and they won't let me change/fix it. but the regular-degular mug is fine!)
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ovrgrwn · 2 years
If ya think about it... rocks are just inaccessible nutrients that water helps break down over time, which then can be accessed by plant roots and the delivered to us or other animals as edible nutrients.
Plants are just catalysts to help us eat rocks.
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spicypussywave · 7 months
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riewiggles · 1 year
Remember when Markiplier broke Twitter because he pooped?
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Theyre teen royalty. If 16th century Europe was Us Weekly they would always be on the cover.
I got Some Responses so I thought I'd post the drawing on the back cover 💅💅
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hurremsultanns · 11 months
Yikes more discourse on the way the MC handles the system and the Sultanate I see.
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i like how hannibal is all like “you know what would solve my problems? murder, mystery, manipulation, mayhem, cannibalism, lies, deceit, fucking with the fbi, and feeding my dinner guest human meat while i sit there and laugh”. and it really does solve a lot of his problems.
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cerimarii · 10 months
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4 years later, I'm still here~ It's thanks to him.
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yumedoca · 6 months
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septic-dr-schneep · 2 years
Are you still taking requests for the 100 word whump drabbles? If so, could I request either number 92 (terror) or 96 (forced to watch) featuring Anti and your choice of alter(s)? I was thinking maybe Henrik being forced to watch one his brothers being punished if you went with 96?
“Nein, nein, nein! Hurt me instead, I beg, please! D-Do what you must to me but let him go!” Henrik choked out, not even bothering to stifle his tears or the terror shaking his voice.
“Really? Tha͡t ̴s̢urp͝r҉ìses ͠me̷!̨” Anti remarked, letting Marvin’s limp form tumble to the floor with a wet thud. Blood began to pool. “I͘ ͞҉thoug͝ht y͘ou wan͞t͠e̵d more t҉han ͠a̢ny̨th̷i͏ng f̷o͞r͟ someo͠ńe to try and carry yo̴u ͡a̸way̨ fr̷om ͘my͠ cl͡ut̵ches̕!͘ ͠No̴w h͠e’͡s̴ here, r͟e҉a͡d͢y an͜d wi͜l̵li͏ng to joi̷n͡ th͘e͠ ͜game for you!͟ ̵ A̷llo̷w ͟m̷e to͡ entertai͜n͡ yǫu this tim҉e, d̷oc̨tor…Wa̴tch̷ ̴me str͡in̨g͠ him ͏u͡p.”
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ariadne-mouse · 10 months
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Percy as portrayed by a very serious method actor in Wildemount who's trying to get his big break via his local community theater's run of the latest hit play: The Terrible Tinkerer of Tal'Dorei
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healerelowen · 1 year
Consider: "Pet" challenger that just yells in the factory for fun because silly echo in big building (inspired by my friend's cat LMAO)
It’s dead silent in the factory, the bots just doing their thing when the silence is suddenly broken by the Challenger yelling that just echos through the halls of the factory. Which is then followed by the subtle sound of giggling.
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did you know audacity can view midi piano rolls. well now i do
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hurremsultanns · 7 months
OK this edit hurts
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i feel like people don’t realize how hard it is to make cool looking gifs until they’ve tried to edit gifs. if you see a colorful gif edit with eye catching text and go “oh wow, that’s beautiful” you should be bowing down at op’s feet because it’s not easy
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