#open starter / immortal words
starlsssankt · 7 months
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❝ Due to personal reasons, I will be named an enemy of the state. ❞
open starter / open to ANYONE
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mythvoiced · 6 months
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"New idea: you fuck off or I'll kill you. I hate the way you smell."
#;open starter#the witch;yihwa#the witch;open#NEW FC NEW FC NEW FC couldn't find more resources for the old one plus i generally just wanted a new one lmao here she is#SO she's around 90 yrs old so fresh immortal she/her all the way and she hates people~#her 'immortality' is just her lengthening her lifespan by 'consuming' souls of the deceased#spirits yknow because if they're strong enough to stick around as spirits then they have enough life energy left#to be added to hers IT WORKED it's weird mathematics but she made it work#she's less of a witch and more of a psychic of sorts?? she doesn't really do spells she just#makes it look like it's spells when it's just her having figured out how to trap souls lmao#she's so much NOT fun to be around it's thrilling~#;queue#gosh i have to change her about doc#but hoNESTLY what with her fc change i really wanna WRITE her now LIKE DAMN#she's so muCH FUN because she doesn't mince her words and she hates everyone#OH AND ALSO she's terrified of death she will nOT die that's NOT AN OPTION#but she's also only 91 it's so funny all the shit she knows from the past is stuff your grandparent could corroborate#you should become her lil apprentice actually?? she'd HATE that but then she'd really angrily accept you after a while#and she'd turn you into a supervillain ngl or she'd try to#but you can then go around and say 'i wouldn't mess with me' bc if she starts considering you an extension of herself#or GOD FORBID care about you her deranged methods of self-protection wILL be extended onto you
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goodnightmemes · 11 months
❛ Your life will take a complete change of course. Tonight. ❜
❛ Women are the natural leaders of the species. Ancient Egypt had it right. ❜
❛ I know we haven't always seen eye-to-eye, but we have to pull together now, don't we? ❜
❛ Okay, just because the door's open doesn't necessarily guarantee you a seat at the table. ❜
❛ You're not who I thought you were. ❜
❛ I really didn't want to think it, but...you're all fucking monsters. ❜
❛ Watching you shit on your principles would have been worth every fucking penny. ❜
❛ Why, if it weren't for you, they would all still be alive today. ❜
❛ The mind of guilt is full of scorpions. And I wouldn't wish their sting on anyone. ❜
❛ I don't need nor want to humiliate you, you're doing fine on your own. ❜
❛ Smart girls are only sexy until they don't wanna fuck you, and then they're competition, and then what do you do? You take them down a peg. ❜
❛ Don't have to be smart to be dangerous. I'm not scared of rattlesnakes 'cause they're so smart. ❜
❛ I assume I'm authorized to negotiate on your behalf with this individual? Unless you object right now, I assume I'm authorized to approach these negotiations from a hostile posture. ❜
❛ You're so out of touch with your human side...you can't even listen to anything outside your own head. ❜
❛ You've got to be smart. You have to realize, you can't trust people. Not you. Not anyone. ❜
❛ I haven't seen you sleep in like...I mean, it's been a fucking long time. Like, horror movie long. ❜
❛ You are losing it, honey. ❜
❛ Or maybe I know what's actually happening here. Crazy as it sounds. If all this crazy bullshit is right, then maybe I know how to stop it. ❜
❛ Well, she's... she's quite dead. Isn't she? ❜
❛ Life is insane. It is madness. The sooner you understand that, the better off you'll be. ❜
❛ The world might not be safe but listen to me, and listen carefully. I won't let anything happen to you. ❜
❛ All these terrible things and I thought, that's when people come together. But we've never been further apart. ❜
❛ I expect he's the kind of man you call if you, I don't know, accidentally kill a prostitute and need to dismember the corpse. ❜
❛ I like to think he killed someone. I like to think he's eaten human flesh. I like to think he took a piss on the tip-top of the world. ❜
❛ Tell me it's worth it. Tell me you know the risk and I'll be there with you. I'll back you up. Just tell me. ❜
❛ Shut your mouth, get your shit together. The fuck is wrong with you? ❜
❛ Men, when they think they're immortal, all they want to do is fuck. When they figure out they're going to die, all they want to do is fuck. ❜
❛ It just makes you think, you know, life is so fucking short. ❜
❛ You don't have to be a tyrant, but if you don't want to be consistently cruel, then you have to be sufficiently brutal at least once to establish authority. ❜
❛ Why the fuck would you do that? I'm sorry. Why the fuck would you do that, sweetheart? ❜
❛ You smell like shit and you look like shit, and you're acting weird. ❜
❛ If anybody spoke to me like this, there would be repercussions! You do not get a free pass! ❜
❛ I'm afraid you're ringside for my reckoning, old friend. ❜
❛ I thought it was an act. I figured you just played the housewife so you could keep a roof over your head. Spread your legs or suck his dick twice a week and you're set. You never have to work a day in your life. And I thought, "Good for her, she found her angle," but...this is really you. Isn't it? ❜
❛ I thought you only existed in the movies. ❜
❛ Words got us into this, words can get us out. ❜
❛ You're a collection of impeccable, elaborate masks in orbit of a stunted heart. ❜
❛ There are certain things one shouldn't have to face in life. Time enough for self-reflection after. ❜
❛ You're a monster, you know that? ❜
❛ I don't normally like to get my hands this dirty, but honey, you earned it. ❜
❛ You only ever wanted to be loved by him. You only ever wanted his approval. And it's still no fucking excuse. ❜
❛ I see you now. I look at you and I see... You. The poverty of you. ❜
❛ I don't know you. The man I know, the man that I love could never… But you're not him. Are you? ❜
❛ But I didn't know! Did I? I didn't know who I was dealing with. ❜
❛ That candle will last you an hour or so, then, I'm afraid, you're in the dark. ❜
❛ I find most people have a threshold qualifier. Something or someone they'd be unwilling to sacrifice, no matter how sweet the deal. ❜
❛ The real world is Darwinian. Survival, chaos, power. Leverage. ❜
❛ You feel it. In the air. We're sitting outside of time and space. ❜
❛ This is the moment luck meets opportunity. ❜
❛ In the ancient world, we'd seal this with blood, or spit. And then later, papyrus. But, a deal's a deal all over the world. ❜
❛ We're a... virus, I think. People, I mean. ❜
❛ But everyone loves something. And in that love there's collateral. ❜
❛ I have no collateral. Collateral is leverage. And I won't be leveraged. ❜
❛ I say this with love. Let it go. Let it all go. ❜
❛ There is a lot about my job I love. But there are moments like these that bring me no joy. ❜
❛ So I say, we stand tall and proud. Bill's come due. Let's not hide here in the basement like we've got something to be ashamed of. No. Not us. You and me against the world. ❜
❛ It may not have been perfect, but you can't say we didn't change the world. How many people can say that at the end? ❜
❛ I knew I would climb to the top of the tower on a pile of corpses. ❜
❛ It don't matter in the end why you did any of it. I don't fucking care why you did it. We don't want your confession, or your rationale, or your explanation. ❜
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styllwaters · 2 years
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⚠️ Old designs and lore // Do not reblog ⚠️
Well folks, this is about as sci fi-fantasy as it gets. People have been asking about humans in Vivere 44, and a bunch of quick sketches turned into a full-on infographic, and now I have no choice but to elaborate. So! humans. (The story is set in the year 2155, and considering the lack of physical forms I suppose post-humans would be a more reasonable term...) 
Despite having changed significantly since they left Earth, humans have an established place within the Wider Galactic Community. Most of the essential info is in the image, but I’ll go ahead and slap on extra notes anyways. Long-ish post ahead!
For starters, if you want a more extensive read of humanity’s history in Vivere 44 and how exactly they came to look like that, then head on over to the google doc. Be warned, it gets a little dark at some points.
Although they might look like holograms, the human’s appearance has little to do with light fields. Instead, they are made up of millions of tiny ‘cyber-particles’, which were discovered by the **Angelum **in 2110. Their properties are still being researched, but they are known to be able to host consciousness - which has earned them the nickname ‘mind flecks’. They have been used in computers, AI, and projections, and have only recently been applied to digitized brains. 
Through these mind flecks, a human can shape their appearance however they please, however it relies heavily on individual brainpower and how clearly one can visualize an image. For this reason, young children often have difficulty with clear forms and are more inclined to look like vague shapes (or their default form). They learn by mimicking others. Fun fact, It’s also easy for experienced individuals to lose clarity in their form when experiencing strong emotions. Thus, the word ‘distortion’ has been used as a substitute for losing one’s composure.
Unfortunately in spite of their unique shifting abilities, humans have difficulty interacting with the non-digital world. Luckily, the Angelum are known for their expertise in machinery, so together they developed mech suits that allow people to walk around and pick up stuff and whatnot. Some people like the convenience, but others hate the restrictive feeling of the suits and opt for gloves instead (I’ll draw them one day). This embedding of intelligence systems in machines meant jobs like spacecraft intelligence (as opposed to spacecraft artificial intelligence) became quite prevalent among humans. 
Humanity’s new configurations also mean that they no longer have the need to eat or drink. Yet, unlike an AI they still need to sleep every now and then. And unlike an AI, humans are not immortal. The particles begin to deteriorate after about 160 years, and at 200 years will have completely disappeared. Still a pretty impressive lifespan. I should also note that once a person’s mind is transferred to cyber-particles, they are stuck like that. No changing hosts or returning to a body.
The first generation of post-humans is still around today, but since then two more have arisen. Artificial chromosomes and a form of gene swapping were developed in the early days allowing humanity to continue its legacy. There is a bit of controversy as to whether these new generations count as ‘true’ humans since they never had an organic body to begin with, but they certainly aren’t robots either. The new generations think, act and live just as the originals did, if not more progressively.
That’s about it for now! This concept has been bouncing around in my head for a while now so I’m glad to finally have the chance to put it somewhere. As always, open to questions!
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bittwitchy · 1 year
Melanie Martinez - PORTALS - Sentence Starters
Change pronouns as necessary. Feel free to combine or separate as needed. Content Warnings for: Death, afterlife, reflections on negative past relationships, period talk and kinks (moon cycle), guns, sexual situations, drowning, etc.
“Death is life.” “They’re carving my name on the grave again.” “Their flowers are fresh and their faces wet.” “My body has died but I’m still alive.” “Look over your shoulder, I’m back from the dead.” “Sayin’ all the same things.” “I’m gone this time.” “Your words mean nothing, so take them back.” “Meet me here across the plain.” “The other side, I’m not far.” “When you aren’t around I sink into the ground.” “I try to pretend I’m closer to you.” “Never understand it.” “You’re always on my mind.” “I cannot help it.” “I don’t wanna be carrying the weight on my shoulders.” “Death has come to me.” “Kissed me on the cheek, gave me closure.” “Immortal by design.” “I’ll be meeting you here every time.” “Back from the dead.” “They’re saying my name in their prayers again.” “I flicker the lights so they understand.” “I won’t say goodbye, I’m right by your side.” “We’re screaming and pleading this separation ends.” “Doing all your witchcraft to pull me in.” “Burning all your sage to connect our line.” “I show my presence, you run away in fear of ghosts.” “I try to talk, the barriers are too strong.” “Please don’t ever worry.” “I know it’s morbid.” “But we all die one day.” “I’m back from the dead.” “I’m back.”
“In the void.” “I’m spinning around the corner.” “I’m tasting kind of lonely.” “My mind wants to control me.” “There’s rotten things left in me.” “Injected by society.” “No one here but me to judge me.” “Pipe down with the noise.” “I cannot bear my sorrow.” “I hate who I was before.” “I fear I won’t live to see the day tomorrow.��� “Someone tell me if this is hell.” “I got to escape the void.” “There is no other choice.” “Tryna turn down the voices” “The void ate me.” “Look at the mess I’ve done.” “There is nowhere to run.” “Holding a loaded gun.” “Like a priest behind confession walls, I judge myself.” “My eyes are staring at me, they seem so damn unhappy.” “Collect my fickle insecurities.” “Turn them into beauty.” “Alchemize the dark within me.” “Kneeling on a metal grater.” “Bloody like a body that has died.” “Tangled in my own intestines.”
“Follow the tunnel into the portal.” “Lay all your burdens to rest.” “Drink from the fountain, death’s holy water.” “Watch as you’re put to the test.” “I make them panic.” “It’s satanic how I bend my body.” “You can look, but you can’t touch.” “I’m not just anybody.” “Caught in a haze and hypnotized.” “You’re too thirsty.” “Open your view and you will find.” “Stop searching.” “Eyes on the prize.” “Thought the cherry would be better than the pie.” “You like that.” “That’s your demise.” “You hold me like you’re rushing to my thighs.” “Too fast.” "But your focus is empty.” “Tunnel vision, then dead me.” “Honeysuckle and fresh meat.” “But I’m more than that, more than that.” “Playing house to distract me.” “You’re no good at acting.” “Obvious what you’re after.” “They always hustle for the pussy, so they’ll never get it.” “I’ll make them tumble down the hill they climbed.” “I don’t regret it.” “I saw that trick fall out your sleeve.” “I’m so certain.” “You hum a tune I don’t believe. It ain’t working.” “Crossing my heart.” “I’d rather die than be the needle in your eye.” “Show me how far obsession goes.” “Could’ve been more, now we’ll never know.”
“The blue stars running down my forehead.” “Cold wings flutter when they’re moving.” “Mushrooms everywhere I’m turning.” “Laced with love, intensive grooving.” “I know how to make you go crazy every day.” “Tease your mind and trick you, you really wanna stay.” “I know a way to make you lose your pace.” “If you wanna run with the magic, lose sight of the gravity of weight.” “Lips of sugar.” “I’m breathing the pheromones again.” “Hands are tied and miranda rights mean nothing.” “Led me astray to the faerie soirée.” “Now I wanna run with magic.” “Lose sight of the gravity of home.” “Somewhere on venus, they’re searching for me.” “While I’m covered in the muck of the earth and the sea.” “Scratching my carcass like dogs with fleas.” “I keep leaning to dying in all of my dreams.” “Gather me, all of we, everyone.” “I’ve been the boys and the girls, and everyone in between.”
“You are the light I’ve been searching for forever.” “I’ve really never felt the rain.” “Buried in the desert, didn’t think I’d push through the dirt.” “You just cleansed me like a waterfall.” “I’m screaming like a kettle on a stove.” “You cranked the heat up, I was cold.” “My past grew mold around my heart.” “All my anger, sadness, regret disappeared, it’s madness.” “I’m not used to all this water love, it’s true.” “But you made me want to plan out my last days on earth eating you.” “The tips of your teeth fit perfectly in me.” “You’re a shower of light I’d devour any day of the week.” “Baby, cleanse me.” “I was surprised to see heaven in your eyes.” “I never once was treated right.” “You’re what I’m missing in my life.” “As bright as the sun.” “Let’s run into another dimension.” “You make me feel like I’m on drugs.”
“I move like a moth or a butterfly.” “Craving a change in the wind.” “I swirl by all the insects and the flies.” “Watching the cycle they’re in.” “Better off dead than wasting my hours flying where I shouldn’t be.” “Flexing like pricks with their stolen power.” “They’re just who the spider will eat.” “Spinning all your silk and moving all your eight legs.” “To build a web that’ll spread through the world.” “Feeding off your highs and lows.” “Curious to see us struggle.” “No one can leave once they merge.” “I’m hiding myself from the enemy.” “I wish to not be perceived.” “Didn’t ask for this dangerous ability.” “I’m feeling too scared to sleep.” “Better off dead than stuck in a maze.” “The center may seem like a gift.” “Big bite, they liquify the insides first.” “Wrap them tight, securing their spot in the spider web.” “Up all night, bound to their addiction to it.” “Lifeless eyes, they die in the pit of the spider’s web.”
“Leeches surrounded, conscious is throbbing.” “They can’t sleep at night, hold their pillows tight.” “Caught in the river of tears I cried.” “Bountiful harvest, they flock to my garden.” “Push their way inside, I go run and hide.” “They lift all the covers, pull me into their sight.” “Slimy and superficial.” “Straining their yapping to seem official.” “Making it beneficial to their cause.” “How much blood can you draw with your claws?” “From a flesh that’s not yours?” “My hands aren’t yours.” “Gnaw on my bones, no marrow.” “Left to keep you enthralled.” “I guess that is the luck of the draw.” “Let all their friends in, the enemies present.” “They don’t think too hard about your fragile heart.” “They eat off the table you set so you starve.” “Stop all your breathing.” “No, don’t let them see you.” “They find any way just to make you stay.” “Right where they want you, in their piss colored games.” “
“Falling asleep by the arcade.” “Liquor it jumps off your tongue.” “You used all your words for a quick game.” “Blew it all before you won.” “There’s musical chairs in my teeth.” “Poke me to battle, I’ll jump on the saddle.” “I’ll smile as you fall to your feet.” “And they talk without thinking.” “They bark while they’re shaking.” “Teeth that are round and dull.” “And they yell while they’re chasing.” “I’m steady pacing.” “My syllables hit the floor.” “How stupid, selfish baby.” “Don’t you battle with my larynx tonight.” “I’ll wreck you if you chase me.” “But I’ll be silent til you cross the line.” “So crude and selfish baby.” “Call all your guys in the dive bar.” “They’ll give you the validation your daddy could never bestow you.” “While bloody, They’ll tell you’ve won.”
“Twisted all my limbs for you.” "Two of them in knots and two of them in loops.” “Ribbons tied around like a noose.” “Wonder if I’ll ever get it loose.” “I don’t wanna bruise for you.” “Holding my words back until my face is blue.” “I don’t really care about your crew.” “You can tell them what you wanted to.” “Bones are crushing.” “Pushing me.” “Body’s touching.” “Loving me.” “Blood is pumping” “Pulling me.” “Feeling nothing.” “Fucking me.” “Crushing me.” “Touching me.” “I’m done.” “Done doing backbends, I break and I snap, it’s no fun.” “Pushed myself into a box while you held out a gun.” “Twisting all my bones like screws.” “Stretching my self worth just like you usually do.” “Caught you like a cold or the flu.” “Praying that I’ll some day be immune.” “Got me like a bad tattoo.” “Always under skin, even when it gets removed.” “Never got a chance to undo.. positions that you forced my way into.”
“Why you always act so serious?” “I said, baby boy, you know I’m on my period.” “He bit the cherry down, he’s delirious.” “Seeing red figures in his mirrors.” “Acting like a real tough, furious.” “Blood swimming, turn him amphibious.” “Says he doesn’t care that he’s into this.” “It happens every time a new season hits.” “Getting ready for my heavy daily creme.” “Keep it handy, womb shedding.” “Any lessons making room for blessings.” “Juice melting like raspberry, pomegranate, it’s so scary.” “My aura got him howling at my moon cycle.” “Now he kissing on the ground that I walk on.” “Tryna get another taste, but I’m all cramped up.” “Pain like a blade on a front lawn.” “But I don’t give a fuck cause I’m so strong.” “I don’t gotta act, I’m a theorist.” “I could win a fight on my period.” “Matter of fact, right now, I could build a pyramid.” “You messing with my cycle, that’s dangerous.”
“Call my your nymph.” “Praise me for martyr, praise me for sin.” “Call me your muse.” “A sprite or an elf you cry to then use.” “I will not suffer.” “Cry under covers.” “I’m not your mother.” “It’s nymphology, not psychology.” “Be the manic pixie dream girl that you fucking ought to be.” “Damaged oddity, bought by sothebys.” “Auctioned to a selfish man who thinks he’s the prophecy.” “You can’t even spell but you’re an ‘expert’.” “It’s not fiction, I’m not fae.” “I won’t lick your wounds today.” “But I’ll throw you in the ring.” “Get you with my suffering.” “I’m not crazy, I’m not wild.” “You’re just stupid, little child.” “Get your image off my back.” “I’ll give you a heart attack.” “Don’t treat me that way.” “You’re acting like a wannabe.” “I won’t be ashamed for loving you so honestly.” “You’re in the spell and it worked.” “Did not return in the hurt.” “I’m kicking your ass out.” “Flutter my wings while I pout.” “Push your penis into your mouth. I’ll make you choke on your doubt.” “Cut you off, watch you die. Just a fairy with the knife.” “Diamonds and rubies, the stars in all the movies.” “I am her favorite locket.” “Their semi-precious stones ain’t as cold and luxurious.” “Where did I get refined, get my cuts and my polishes?” “I am too many karats for your budget.” “Your boyfriend tried me on, wore me out, made him cooler.” “Like moldavite or emeralds.” “It will be the brightest, brightest green you’ve ever seen.” “Ancient and it’s protective.” “So rare it is offensive, I think you will agree.”
“You called the other day, I stayed away.” “I left your shit on read four times today.” “It felt like bliss, used to miss your kiss.” “Now I’m hop, skip, jumping over narcissists.” “Throwing all your stuff into the abyss.” “Now the role is reversed, told you I’m a switch.” “How’d you like my spit?” “That’s for all the pits that you left me in.” “See the horns on my head? They’re from goddesses.” “No, I never knew what it meant.” “What it meant to be content with you.” “Everything I expressed, I professed, it never quite made it through.” “Said it’s all in my head, all in my head, whenever I spoke my truth.” “No! I won’t defend you to all my friends, this time I refuse!” “If you bite my hand again, I will never feed you, you can call me evil.” “Take it to the grave, if you wanna play pretend.” “I won’t be mistreated, please call me conceited.” “Took me way too long to put this to bed.” “Loving you was lethal, guess that makes me evil.” “Remember when you smiled right to my face?” “All of my little tears of oxalate.” “They made a shape, revealed a snake.” “Now I’m stop-drop rolling over all your jokes.” “Everytime you lie, I’m praying that you choke.” “Should’ve listened to the signs and the horoscopes.” “Hope you never cope, hope you slip on soap.” “Crack your head like an egg, wanna see the yolk.” “You’re such a hoax.”
“I see the mother in the chosen space for me.” “Little does she know it’s free.” “I’m undercover, as they wait for joy I cry.” “On a mission in the dark.” “I know my brother, he’ll make the journey later on.” “Conversations in the cosmos.” “It’s all a game now.” “Once I’m in the world, it’s lost.” “Memories gone to evolve.” “Merging cells and flesh.” “I’m baby building all my insides, bright to see the future.” “Right before my eyes, I know.” “In the womb, let me out, not safe but I’m sound.” “Cut the cord, I’m coming.” “Got the blue belly button, too hard to pull through with it.” “All I know she’s birthin’.” “Feeling alive, the closer I get to my life.” “I’m pushing through the center, the core.” “I’m sweating through the flower no more.” "All of the planning.” “Yet I still feel unprepared.” “Kick and screaming, cause I’m scared.” “And I know she suffers, contractions with howling death.” “Eyes are bloody, screaming out.” “Merging spirit, mind and body.” “Bright to see the future.”
"Don't wanna know where you're going when you aren't alone" "You'd rather stay the night, too much to believe" "Blood falling out from your nose and I'm wonderin' how." "You glamorize your pain, wear it on display" "And I know it's a cry for help, boy, help yourself" "I opened a million doors, you never go" "It's past point of no return, when will we learn?" "Alert me when this shit is over" "Lying loud, Through it all." "Cut your face from the fall." "When you're hurt, who'd you call?" "I can't answer now." "Confidence from up high." "One way street to the stars." "clean it up, watch you die." "It's yours to decide." "Show me a picture you paint of someone else." "Lived a double life, wish I was surprised" "Eyes rollin' back to your head" "I recognize our faith, put it all to waste"
"I'm hauling an outdated show" "The walls around me are so close, caving in, oh no" "Some other friends that I thought were forever" "And now wanna sever the ties" "The seats have been spotted, I'm no longer doubting" "I think that it's finally time" "Pluto destroy me, kill me off slowly" "I'll bathe in my ashes, rise like a phoenix" "Show me who I am becoming" "Pluto, transform me, turn off my lonely" "I'll sit with my silence, fix all my conflict" "Show me the demons I'm hiding" "I'm turning to expired routes, help me move on" "There's nothing in this tired town for me, no more" "What once was a home is a hell I can't manage" "So send me out, I'm packin' it up" "Everything's blurry, I don't wanna worry" "The pain from this growing is rough, oh"
"Drink from the leche of sirens" "Summon the sailors in town" "Strangle the fear of deciding" "Which one's deserving to drown" "Engraved in our memory, the harm that was done" "Our mothers, the witches they banished and burned" "All of our sisters were killed and abused" "By sword-swinging men who would always accuse" "The worst of a woman who fights for our right" "To be where we belong at the front of the line" "Tired of silence and being polite" "Your legs turn to shimmering scales in the night" "Don't feel bad when these fuckers all drown" "Tenderness worn on the skin like a dress" "Nurture these men, pull them out of their mess" "They steal the resources, destroy all the land" "Belittle the power of the feminine hand" "The milk from the rivers of every moon" "Cradle you tight like you're back in the womb" "Bury their souls in a cove by the light" "Celestial dip all that ego and pride" "Nothing wrong with a little havoc" "It's fun when shit hits the fan" "So guillotine their heads by shouting" "Cut 'em off, leave waters red"
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bepenised · 24 days
my left piss sentence starters
feel free to replace any words in these if these if necessary!
superwholock fans, grab your ballsack!
i suffered through the daddy wars of 20whatever.
suck my fat penis, boys! i've had it!
he's got it worse than cancer. he's got dead.
hey girl your vagina is oil, and baby? i'm fracking tonight!
i'm superior to you but my penis doesn't work.
it's yaba fucking daba fucking doo!
i don't think i would want to be immortalized as a crotch tattoo.
don't him anything!
don't me anything.
shits out a visionary.
imagine you like men and you zip open his pants and there's just a toe down there.
it's okay, you can pin this one on schmerlbely.
thank you for fucking my birthday.
you'll never what happened!
what in the toilet state charming person fat ass is that?
i may have believed it. sounds like a guy who could be dead, i don't fucking know!
he chose to sit in the hotel cuck chair by himself, this has nothing to do with you.
maybe they still have nipples.
i'll let you know when the monkeys are over.
abortion blast!
enjoy being an orphan.
i don't think we're allowed to hear this.
he doesn't deserve to be blown up he's not the one with the erectile dysfunction.
are you implying everyone with erectile dysfunction should be blown up?
my name is oldmanhandles. i'm in your shower.
what's happening to my gimp?!
don't mind that, that's just my monkey.
i'm having a weird glitch where jason derulo won't leave.
he would look so cute in his abortion shirt!
tomorrow, the italian roleplay begins.
he looks like a gentle orc.
did he get into a fight with his penis and lose?
you increased me.
no, i don't wanna see your fucking monkey!
he's not allowed to cry, just like sonic.
let me rearrange the mist into a penis again.
can you get physical therapy for one toe?
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stlispenard · 3 months
if everything is broken, then something must be broken open. / nicolas
     mechanical laughter. nicolas’ throat produces the sound, but he is barely conscious of it. he remains as he was when armand entered, slouched over in his chair, fixating on a peeling piece of wallpaper. the only difference is the rattle. nicolas ponders the coven master’s words and silently chews on each syllable. he might have enjoyed a riddle once, a good analogy, but he’s got no patience now. still he lets minutes pass with nothing. 
     “everything is broken. the world, its people, its devils…” nicolas hums like he is reciting the beginning of a hymn, “a strange place, the world.” he rolls back his eyes and produces another defiant sound, “ha! well, an ancient vampire should know this.” 
     finally he cranes his neck to look at the other properly. he no longer makes his body seize with fear, in fact, he feels nothing. plain indifference. if he’s threatening him he does not value his immortal life enough to care, “pry me open if you think that will solve your problem. i am broken to a point where there is no use in trying to do the repair. you’d be wasting your time.” he’s grown accustomed to having armand as a shadow hanging over him and being watched has become an agitating part of his existence. a disobedient pup abandoned by its master and left to be watched over by a fiend. 
     “besides i have no plans of recklessness tonight. i will be a perfect saint — that is, if saints needed the blood of humans to exist.”
sentence starters / @lamourstre
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mundmutter · 11 months
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A Guide to Shipping
as a disclaimer: this is a comprehensive guide to how to form a bond with my muse. Including relationships of all types ; friendship, friendships of need, work related, familial, unrequited, purely sexual, or completely romantic. Such relationships are not limited to these listed, but they are the 'easiest' to dive into.
as a second disclaimer: Qistina is not a character who will change for another person. She will remain as ruthless and monstrous as she so desires, changing only by her own volition. She is rotten and wicked, and depending on the verse, highly murderous. With that being said, let's begin.
trigger warnings for: Machiavellianism, literal witch hunting, death and resurrection, horror elements, and traditionalist views.
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For starters, her availability depends upon the verse she's in. Her past is the same spiritually, but its aesthetics and alchemys' rules will vary. I'll be focusing more on approaching her and learning her love regardless.
|| Traumas and Aversion to Bonds ||
Without diving too deeply into her history, as you can read that on her carrd, to put it simply Qistina is a troubled woman who does not open her heart easily. She retains the demeanor of a pleasantly delighted woman who happily makes conversation and will show much interest in your thoughts, ideals, and ethics. Qistinas heart is wounded and bleeding, unable to heal completely from the betrayal of her fellow village folk.
There is a good and compassionate heart deep down, but it is behind a murky ocean of thorns. To traverse this ocean, you have to understand something KEY to her heart : Her alchemy takes priority over everything. Her work is her treasure trove, like a dragons dream, and it can't and won't be placed behind anyone or anything. . . in special circumstances, your importance can be very subtly placed to the forefront of her obsession. There is also the high probability of her deadly attachment to your muses life. She exhibits highly manipulative tendencies, as part of her survival methods ; questioning and remembering any talks of your muses likes and dislikes, friends and family, and even your muses enemies.
Though she will not intervene, she will take careful consideration of these parts and remember your muse when certain elements crop up. She remembers birthdays, and even the most minute details ― it's a part of her love language, in a way. Her misunderstandings of how love works and how such feelings are leading to being in love with a person. She finds disappointment in inaction, contradiction, and laziness - so if your muse is highly susceptible to such bouts, they'll certainly see how far her cruel words will take her.
Though it is verse dependent that she is essentially immortal, Qistina still retains a deeply cosmic view of life and death. her connection to the soul of the earth through her alchemy, she looks at both on both technical and spiritual levels, to a point where it could possibly make your muse uncomfortable ― though, ( in some verses ) only when such a topic makes itself known. She is also openly willing to mock the more religious views of people, highly preferring more logical approaches to the human experience. What is dead is dead. When the soul is gone the soul is gone and only possible to retrieve by an extreme transmutation of value of importance by the of her person. She is highly stubborn and will 99% of the time never EVER budge.
Qistina carries herself with a sense of regality that borders on narcissism. The lightly drawn border is made by her openness to her mistakes, flaws, and ignorance of other topics ( not related to alchemy, modern people, technology, etc etc )
|| To Build a Bond of Any Sort ||
It truly does not matter to her where your muses alignment lies, Qistina can form a bond with just about anyone if her interest is there. Any sort of personality, background, or profession could potentially catch her eye - keeping in the same path of her own narcissism, Qistina will simply view her own alchemy as superior to anything. She must be interested in your muse to form any sort of bond whatsoever ( yes, this includes enemies ) it's part of the reason she can be so difficult to get under her skin or form bonds at all. She doesn't hate, but she doesn't openly love either.
|| Physical Affection ||
She has no boundaries when it comes to touch or touching your muse. She will stand nose to nose with your muse, take hold of their face or hands, and not really pay any mind to any boundaries unless she cares about your muse enough to take into consideration their feelings. As for her, when in a romantic relationship, she becomes even more invasive and snuggly. Much like a kitten in need of warmth. A safe space to be sleeping. The moment your feelings of romance are known, she'll quite quickly shift into such a state.
Perhaps her favorite form of affection is playing with hair. Petting, smelling, resting her head against ― indeed, it may just become a security blanket for her. She also greatly enjoys both the idea and the action of washing their hair and combing through the strands with a finely-smelling oil or tonic. A head in her lap or sitting closely in front of her.
|| Romance ||
The likelihood of her revealing her romantic intentions is slim to none. In any verse, she will resolve to torture herself in the one area in which she is sorely lacking ― love. Her heart has been terribly burned and torn from that centuries-old wound of being hunted as a witch, so naturally, there are significant hurdles you must climb to reassure her that you love her. That you want her. That you care. She is naturally mistrusting to her own romantic feelings and will surely put herself down regardless of how obvious your muse is.
Understand, because of her evil nature and how open she is with her intentions and wants, she has a deeper acknowledgment of how the world or a potential romantic partner shall think of her. Most good-natured persons, for example, could probably speak to her plainly as more friendly bonds ― but she does not fool herself into daydreaming of becoming closer to such people. She knows her nature is deplorable to the wider world, and that while others may be cordial to her there is little chance of love blooming within the hatred for her actions in their hearts.
Therefore there will be absolute honesty from her. She tells no outright lies because she simply has nothing to lose.
|| Sex and intimacy ||
As a woman who had been born in the 1400s she had been raised with a stern and strictly misogynistic hand, which attributes greatly to the lack of pursuing any relationship at all. It is simply 'not what women do'. For her, the mother chose a family to marry into. A dowry is given to the husband's family. She is married and raises children and cares for the home and the money coming in. Etc. Etc. Highly old and traditional, and she will mention such things ( the severity of this mindset is dependent on the verse itself, as in most alternate verses, she is not immortal ).
Even if she is feeling romantic toward a muse, she will sit and wait to be approached. If she isn't approached, she will simply think that your muse is not interested in her romantically. If your muse discovers her feelings and questions her, she may even apologize and act as if she's already been rejected. In terms of a dating sim, Qistina's path is the rarest and most difficult path to take. but once you've arrived at your destination, she will hold fast to your arm and help you even further down that path to understanding your love together.
She needs patience and passion. Open completely to give body and soul to her partner. Slowly, worshiping, gentle. Every part of her lovemaking is contradictory to the wickedness she proudly displays. Once blasphemous is now holy, once hellish is now heavenly, and other such examples. She is tender in her care of her partner, and her hands will never stray from their side. As if it weren't obvious, she will be very unlikely to have one-night stands or casual flings. She values the privacy of her body, and wouldn't want just anyone to look at her.
|| preferences ||
She is demisexual, so she doesn't have a strict preference for gender. However, she does gravitate more toward male-presenting muses. More traditionally masculine, muscular, and strong. Outward appearances rarely hold any importance to her at all, but she will appreciate a well-groomed muse. A sloppy dresser may turn up her nose, but if their personality is strong enough she may just overlook it. It's not impossible, but good luck with that.
|| Friendship ||
To be frank, true friendship with her is just as difficult as romance. She does not trust, she does not presume, and she does not expect you to stay. Those who manage to form that bond of friendship however are and always have been a certain class of muse: the unconventional. Muses who mirror her personality or murderous intentions, or muses who are simply beyond human intentions. The otherworldly, gods, demons, or other 'evil' muses. It's not impossible to truly befriend her if your muse is of the lawful good, but it could prove a task if your muse cannot withstand the onslaught of her disregard for morals and laws of nature and her openness to it.
It is much easier to be her 'friend' if you are of the same mindset as herself. . . or if you are an animal.
|| hard stops ||
aside from the triggering tags in my rules, there are threads and types of relationships I will not be a part of. Essentially, these will kill the ship faster than anything else. Any mention of cheating, noncon, treating her like a lesser being, or belittling her work in any way ( including insults to alchemy itself or even worse - insults toward her chimera Basker ) will effectively end the ship. I will not write cheating or noncon threads, and she will not tolerate being spoken down to. She would rather kill your muse for it. Period.
|| children ||
I am fine with her having biological children, as in her main verse she is several hundred years old with a husband and they have many, but I rarely write pregnancy-related threads in excess. Perhaps a drabble here or there, but I will never discuss it too often as I know many people do not wish to think about it.
When in doubt, let me know. As I've said before, she's more 'traditional' and is still within the mindset that she 'must have children with her partner' so the topic will pop up for her. Again, when in doubt just ask me about it.
|| musical undertones ||
deep cellos, weeping violins, solo six-string guitars, and sincerely resonating pianos. A dark, frightening performance with the subtly of sorrow when listened to closely. Music associated to her romances has a whistful feel to it. Something classical goth.
|| gifts ||
A simple alchemist living her life in the deep deep woods, there is not much she wants for that she cannot make for herself. Depending on the verse, she may not even see it as a 'gift', however, there are particular things that she does appreciate and will certainly endear your muse to her heart.
Handmade gifts in particular show not only a thoughtfulness to her, but show her a creative side that she may have overlooked before. It's important to her to watch creativity of some kind. Giving her something flowery that she has perhaps never seen before is also a good deal.
By far the best is gifting her new bits of information or books. Introducing her to new animals, flowers, clothing, or even quality of life upgrades to her everyday tasks that she's been doing the old fashioned way for so centuries! It's appreciated, and she'll think of you far more than usual.
|| as for me ||
I require communication and heavy plotting, so expect it to be a very long slow burn.
I have a tendency to draw our ship and throw out many, many different ideas and verses for our muses to exist in together so don't be shy about sharing your own.
the ns.fw I write for her focuses more on the emotional than the physical act of it all, and if it does happen, I prefer to have longer threads. Either on tumblr or on discord, but I am fine with implications alone and it's not a requirement of shipping with her.
Trying to make her jealous will have the opposite effect you want.
I am positive that there may be things I miss, and if so, I will add it to my carrd when necessary.
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starlsssankt · 2 years
open / anyone
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𝐇𝐈𝐒 𝐌𝐎𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐑’𝐒 𝐖𝐎𝐑𝐃𝐒 𝐒𝐄𝐄𝐌 𝐓𝐎 𝐄𝐂𝐇𝐎 𝐈𝐍 𝐇𝐈𝐒 𝐇𝐄𝐀𝐃 𝐀𝐓 𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐈𝐑 𝐖𝐎𝐑𝐃𝐒. Over and over, she’d told him the same thing. So he repeats them, even before he realizes he’s doing so. 
❝ It’s safer, it’s better, to be feared, than loved. ❞ Because love fades. Love only lasts as long as one’s fickle emotions, one’s fickle heart. But fear? Power? It is what grants a person safety. A murderer doesn’t stay their hand out of love. But because they fear the retribution. 
If there is one thing he will admit, it is that she was right. All those times, all those years, she was right in at least that much. 
❝ Time is the death of love, but never of fear. ❞
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deathleadsarc · 2 years
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A Guide to Shipping
as a disclaimer: this is a comprehensive guide to how to form a bond with my muse. Including relationships of all types ; friendship, friendships of need, work related, familial, unrequited, purely sexual, or completely romantic. Such relationships are not limited to these listed, but they are the 'easiest' to dive into.
as a second disclaimer: Qistina is not a character who will change for another person. She will remain as ruthless and monstrous as she so desires, changing only by her own volition. She is rotten and wicked, and depending on the verse, highly murderous. With that being said, let's begin.
trigger warnings for: Machiavellianism, literal witch hunting, death and resurrection, horror elements, and traditionalist views.
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For starters, her availability depends upon the verse she's in. Her past is the same spiritually, but its aesthetics and alchemys' rules will vary. I'll be focusing more on approaching her and learning her love regardless.
|| Traumas and Aversion to Bonds ||
Without diving too deeply into her history, as you can read that on her carrd, to put it simply Qistina is a troubled woman who does not open her heart easily. She retains the demeanor of a pleasantly delighted woman who happily makes conversation and will show much interest in your thoughts, ideals, and ethics. Qistinas heart is wounded and bleeding, unable to heal completely from the betrayal of her fellow village folk.
There is a good and compassionate heart deep down, but it is behind a murky ocean of thorns. To traverse this ocean, you have to understand something KEY to her heart : Her alchemy takes priority over everything. Her work is her treasure trove, like a dragons dream, and it can't and won't be placed behind anyone or anything. . . in special circumstances, your importance can be very subtly placed to the forefront of her obsession. There is also the high probability of her deadly attachment to your muses life. She exhibits highly manipulative tendencies, as part of her survival methods ; questioning and remembering any talks of your muses likes and dislikes, friends and family, and even your muses enemies.
Though she will not intervene, she will take careful consideration of these parts and remember your muse when certain elements crop up. She remembers birthdays, and even the most minute details ― it's a part of her love language, in a way. Her misunderstandings of how love works and how such feelings are leading to being in love with a person. She finds disappointment in inaction, contradiction, and laziness - so if your muse is highly susceptible to such bouts, they'll certainly see how far her cruel words will take her.
Though it is verse dependent that she is essentially immortal, Qistina still retains a deeply cosmic view of life and death. her connection to the soul of the earth through her alchemy, she looks at both on both technical and spiritual levels, to a point where it could possibly make your muse uncomfortable ― though, ( in some verses ) only when such a topic makes itself known. She is also openly willing to mock the more religious views of people, highly preferring more logical approaches to the human experience. What is dead is dead. When the soul is gone the soul is gone and only possible to retrieve by an extreme transmutation of value of importance by the of her person. She is highly stubborn and will 99% of the time never EVER budge.
Qistina carries herself with a sense of regality that borders on narcissism. The lightly drawn border is made by her openness to her mistakes, flaws, and ignorance of other topics ( not related to alchemy, modern people, technology, etc etc )
|| To Build a Bond of Any Sort ||
It truly does not matter to her where your muses alignment lies, Qistina can form a bond with just about anyone if her interest is there. Any sort of personality, background, or profession could potentially catch her eye - keeping in the same path of her own narcissism, Qistina will simply view her own alchemy as superior to anything. She must be interested in your muse to form any sort of bond whatsoever ( yes, this includes enemies ) it's part of the reason she can be so difficult to get under her skin or form bonds at all. She doesn't hate, but she doesn't openly love either.
|| Physical Affection ||
She has no boundaries when it comes to touch or touching your muse. She will stand nose to nose with your muse, take hold of their face or hands, and not really pay any mind to any boundaries unless she cares about your muse enough to take into consideration their feelings. As for her, when in a romantic relationship, she becomes even more invasive and snuggly. Much like a kitten in need of warmth. A safe space to be sleeping. The moment your feelings of romance are known, she'll quite quickly shift into such a state.
Perhaps her favorite form of affection is playing with hair. Petting, smelling, resting her head against ― indeed, it may just become a security blanket for her. She also greatly enjoys both the idea and the action of washing their hair and combing through the strands with a finely-smelling oil or tonic. A head in her lap or sitting closely in front of her.
|| Romance ||
The likelihood of her revealing her romantic intentions is slim to none. In any verse, she will resolve to torture herself in the one area in which she is sorely lacking ― love. Her heart has been terribly burned and torn from that centuries-old wound of being hunted as a witch, so naturally, there are significant hurdles you must climb to reassure her that you love her. That you want her. That you care. She is naturally mistrusting to her own romantic feelings and will surely put herself down regardless of how obvious your muse is.
Understand, because of her evil nature and how open she is with her intentions and wants, she has a deeper acknowledgment of how the world or a potential romantic partner shall think of her. Most good-natured persons, for example, could probably speak to her plainly as more friendly bonds ― but she does not fool herself into daydreaming of becoming closer to such people. She knows her nature is deplorable to the wider world, and that while others may be cordial to her there is little chance of love blooming within the hatred for her actions in their hearts.
Therefore there will be absolute honesty from her. She tells no outright lies because she simply has nothing to lose.
|| Sex and intimacy ||
As a woman who had been born in the 1400s she had been raised with a stern and strictly misogynistic hand, which attributes greatly to the lack of pursuing any relationship at all. It is simply 'not what women do'. For her, the mother chose a family to marry into. A dowry is given to the husband's family. She is married and raises children and cares for the home and the money coming in. Etc. Etc. Highly old and traditional, and she will mention such things ( the severity of this mindset is dependent on the verse itself, as in most alternate verses, she is not immortal ).
Even if she is feeling romantic toward a muse, she will sit and wait to be approached. If she isn't approached, she will simply think that your muse is not interested in her romantically. If your muse discovers her feelings and questions her, she may even apologize and act as if she's already been rejected. In terms of a dating sim, Qistina's path is the rarest and most difficult path to take. but once you've arrived at your destination, she will hold fast to your arm and help you even further down that path to understanding your love together.
She needs patience and passion. Open completely to give body and soul to her partner. Slowly, worshiping, gentle. Every part of her lovemaking is contradictory to the wickedness she proudly displays. Once blasphemous is now holy, once hellish is now heavenly, and other such examples. She is tender in her care of her partner, and her hands will never stray from their side. As if it weren't obvious, she will be very unlikely to have one-night stands or casual flings. She values the privacy of her body, and wouldn't want just anyone to look at her.
|| preferences ||
She is demisexual, so she doesn't have a strict preference for gender. However, she does gravitate more toward male-presenting muses. More traditionally masculine, muscular, and strong. Outward appearances rarely hold any importance to her at all, but she will appreciate a well-groomed muse. A sloppy dresser may turn up her nose, but if their personality is strong enough she may just overlook it. It's not impossible, but good luck with that.
|| Friendship ||
To be frank, true friendship with her is just as difficult as romance. She does not trust, she does not presume, and she does not expect you to stay. Those who manage to form that bond of friendship however are and always have been a certain class of muse: the unconventional. Muses who mirror her personality or murderous intentions, or muses who are simply beyond human intentions. The otherworldly, gods, demons, or other 'evil' muses. It's not impossible to truly befriend her if your muse is of the lawful good, but it could prove a task if your muse cannot withstand the onslaught of her disregard for morals and laws of nature and her openness to it.
It is much easier to be her 'friend' if you are of the same mindset as herself. . . or if you are an animal.
|| hard stops ||
aside from the triggering tags in my rules, there are threads and types of relationships I will not be a part of. Essentially, these will kill the ship faster than anything else. Any mention of cheating, noncon, treating her like a lesser being, or belittling her work in any way ( including insults to alchemy itself or even worse - insults toward her chimera Basker ) will effectively end the ship. I will not write cheating or noncon threads, and she will not tolerate being spoken down to. She would rather kill your muse for it. Period.
|| children ||
I am fine with her having biological children, as in her main verse she is several hundred years old with a husband and they have many, but I rarely write pregnancy-related threads in excess. Perhaps a drabble here or there, but I will never discuss it too often as I know many people do not wish to think about it.
When in doubt, let me know. As I've said before, she's more 'traditional' and is still within the mindset that she 'must have children with her partner' so the topic will pop up for her. Again, when in doubt just ask me about it.
|| musical undertones ||
deep cellos, weeping violins, solo six-string guitars, and sincerely resonating pianos. A dark, frightening performance with the subtly of sorrow when listened to closely. Music associated to her romances has a whistful feel to it. Something classical goth.
|| gifts ||
A simple alchemist living her life in the deep deep woods, there is not much she wants for that she cannot make for herself. Depending on the verse, she may not even see it as a 'gift', however, there are particular things that she does appreciate and will certainly endear your muse to her heart.
Handmade gifts in particular show not only a thoughtfulness to her, but show her a creative side that she may have overlooked before. It's important to her to watch creativity of some kind. Giving her something flowery that she has perhaps never seen before is also a good deal.
By far the best is gifting her new bits of information or books. Introducing her to new animals, flowers, clothing, or even quality of life upgrades to her everyday tasks that she's been doing the old fashioned way for so centuries! It's appreciated, and she'll think of you far more than usual.
|| as for me ||
I require communication and heavy plotting, so expect it to be a very long slow burn.
I have a tendency to draw our ship and throw out many, many different ideas and verses for our muses to exist in together so don't be shy about sharing your own.
the ns.fw I write for her focuses more on the emotional than the physical act of it all, and if it does happen, I prefer to have longer threads. Either on tumblr or on discord, but I am fine with implications alone and it's not a requirement of shipping with her.
Trying to make her jealous will have the opposite effect you want.
I am positive that there may be things I miss, and if so, I will add it to my carrd when necessary.
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eendtiimes · 5 months
@viltrumtraitor / Red Rush starter .
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❝ a word of FRIENDLY ADVICE — ❞
Josef’s smile is relaxed, open as he was with any of the guardians . some of the others found themselves more TENSE with Nolan — Immortal and War Woman in particular come to mind — but Josef had tried to make it a point to treat him the same as any other teammate . after all, they were all FRIENDS here, right ?
❝ — having a child to look after with SUPERPOWERS is not all it’s cracked up to be . give Mark time . he’ll be fine . ❞ Josef didn’t make it a point to pry too deeply into Nolan’s personal life, hell, he forgot he HAD a son half the time, but anyone could tell there was an expectation for the son of OMNI-MAN to be just like his father .
❝ I can only imagine what you got up to when you were younger, eh ? and I know my parents were grateful I didn’t have POWERS then . ❞ though the advice came from a genuine place of worry ( and he spoke from experience — a nephew with superspeed was a lot . ) but he would be remiss if he didn’t throw in a joke .
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voidtouched-blue · 1 year
Starter for @myrkt
There it was...the mother crystal of Ash. The marked bearer had never been close enough to see it before. She drank in it's majesty, her gaze tracing every shape of it until her eyes caught the stone structures that were gathered around it. The castle was likely made from the same stone as the one she called home, and as her lord and master had promised, they would be making this brilliant city their own. The self-proclaimed Lord of Ash was an arrogant idiot with a talent for warfare. Well, much less on the talent and more along the lines of brute force. His methods were simple: he was a savage leader. The conquered villages or neighboring lords would submit to him, or he would show them no mercy. With the threat of the blight creeping ever closer to his territory, he decided the only place suitable for a man of his stature was the heart of Ash itself. Any other warlord would have tossed his plan to siege the castle of Waloed outright. And they would be right to. However, the "Lord of Ash" believed himself a God with his special prize at his side. He had proven himself a beast in countless battles in the previous years. Holding his own castle against a company of orcs, and men alike, as well as expanding his territory through conquest after conquest. With every successful annexation through battle, his name became more well known among the southern coast. Eventually, the name his mother had given him had been replaced with "Lord Ash" as word of his immortality began to spread across the region. The man was a demon in battle. Even with a slave chained to his belt, he could survive what most would consider a fatal blow. Survivors had seen him fall on the battle field many times, but all it took was a brief flash of light and he was back on his feet. He became so confident in his immortality that he purposefully left openings in his guard. Every wound he suffered was miraculously healed, and he would continue fighting.
"Quit gawking." Lord Ash grumbled at the creature he dragged along behind him. A bearer for sure, but rather than walking beside him freely, a thick metal collar jerked her forwards when the knight yanked the chain. She coughed, sputtered, and fell to her hands and knees at the sharp tug. Wordlessly, she pushed herself up to her feet and tugged the hood close around her face. The poor girl had been covered from head to toe in various bits of clothing to keep her appearance concealed. Lord Ash did not want his precious little secret grabbing attention on the battlefield. He even commanded her to conceal most of her face in cloth bandages in hopes that a sickly visage would prevent enemies from targeting her. The only part of her that saw the light of day were her hands. Those he would need easy access to if he were injured. This shrouded bearer was his secret to his unnaturally maintained life. Founder preserve me. Another battle, and I pray that I live to see the moon at least one more time. She thought. Her emaciated hands clasped together as he leaned around the large man to peer at the host of soldiers in front of him. Their numbers severely eclipsed theirs. She wasn't good with math, but the quantity alone frightened her. If she wanted to live, she would have to focus and hopefully find an opportunity to escape in the chaos. Maybe she could slip out of the fighting and into the nearby forest. But first thing's first, she had to survive reaching the battlefront first.
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hfjfotjihii · 1 year
sentence starters taken from ludo's album "you're awful, i love you"
"High-maintenance means you're a gluttonous queen."
"Kill me romantically."
"You're awful, I love you."
"You suck so passionately."
"You're a parasitic, filthy creature finger-banging my heart."
"You call me up drunk, does the fun ever start?"
"You're hideous and sexy."
"How's your new boy? Does he know about me?"
"You're born of a jackal, you're beautiful!" DRUNKEN LAMENT.
"You said "Forever." Tell me, why can't you stay?"
"Say the word and I'll change."
"Tell me "Forever." Tell me you'll come back to stay." PLEASE.
"I'll come back for you, love, I promise to."
"I'll be gone by first light, last chance, hold tight." TOPEKA.
"Do you think you'll get away from the past?"
"Every saint has a past, every sinner has a future." LAKE PONTCHARTRAIN.
"It was the kinda night that makes you think the whole world's goin' to hell."
"That's how it happened, why would I lie?"
"There were no bodies; I've got nothin' to hide." SUCH AS IT ENDS.
"I've been losing sleep for days."
"Into the flames we'll start again, and in the end I'll be with you." MUTINY BELOW.
"But you're here now, can you come in?"
"You made me feel alive again, I wish we'd never met."
"I finally let go and learned to live without you."
"Just one more night."
"I can't hang on, let me go." STREETLIGHTS.
"Against our two rooms, I'll see you tonight." GO-GETTER GREG.
"Hi. You must be new, I guess at least you're new to me."
"Saw you unpacking your car, so I said to myself, "Maybe I should help them out," since we're neighbors now."
"By the way, I live in 207, my name is _____."
"Wherever are my manners? Let me get that heavy box!"
"Didn't mean to sneak up on you there. I looked downstairs and saw you leaving, so what's up?"
"I haven't seen you at the pool since the barbecue. Not that I've been checking."
"Here's the deal, I've got this thing for work this weekend and I was wondering if you don't have anything going on, then maybe-"
"Okay, hey, that's cool, you're busy."
"I've given it some thought and I really think that you could use a guy like me in your life."
"I'll leave it there. Call me back. Call me back." THE HORROR OF OUR LOVE.
"I've murdered half the town, left you love notes on their headstones."
"I'll fill the graveyards until I have you."
"I'm your servant, my immortal."
"There's catastrophe in everything I'm touching."
"You die like angels sing."
"Oh, the horror of our love, never so much blood." SCREAM, SCREAM, SCREAM.
"Would you ever stop and listen?"
"Would you open up your eyes?"
"Would you scream with me?"
"There's nothing catchy 'bout the life of a saint."
"Say goodnight, goodbye, love. In the morning you will see."
"I'd rip my eyes out for you!"
"It's so dark tonight, I don't know why."
"Would it make you cry?"
"Would you finally see that all your lives are moments?"
"All your words and closeness keep you here and human."
"Do you think they'll ever care?" IN SPACE.
"No celestial body could compare to you."
"I can't wait for gravity to bring you close to me."
"I bet the leaves are changing there again."
"I hope this message finds you and you won't feel so alone, even if I never make it home."
"All I think about is you and me."
"Your picture's all I look at."
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shreddedleopard · 1 year
Chapter 2: Act One
✨ Fandom - Yuukoku No Moriarty / Moriarty The Patriot
✨ Pairing - William Moriarty/ Sherlock Holmes
✨ Rating - Mature
It's been two years since the incident on Thames bridge.William is very much alive, and still learning to navigate a new sort of existence with his flatmate, partner and best friend in New York City. When a new case with The Pinkerton Detective Agency takes an unexpected turn, William's metal is put to the test. Freshly haunted by the demons of his past and still grappling with an answer to the question of his own atonement, he's forced to consider what it really means to take a life, and in doing so, he and Sherlock must finally confront the depths of their feelings for one another.
'My thoughts go out to you, my Immortal Beloved I can only live wholly with you or not at all -  Be calm my life, my all. Only by calm consideration of our existence can we achieve our purpose to live together. Oh continue to love me, never misjudge the most faithful heart of your beloved.  Ever Thine, Ever Mine, Ever Ours.' -- Beethoven
Read on AO3
Extract under the cut ~
“You look … nice.” Liam’s brow quirked as his gaze landed on the strips of material hanging limply at either side of Sherlock’s open collar. 
Sherlock grinned, stumping out the butt of his cigarette. “And you look too nice.”
Liam’s eye returned to his. “Oh?”
Sherlock sighed. He slid another smoke from his pack. “Remember how I said to leave all the set up to me; all you gotta do is show up and perform?”
Liam folded his arms, knuckle resting against his chin as he watched Sherlock light up. “I do.”
Sherlock hummed before taking a drag. He rose from the chair, stepping up to Liam with his cigarette balanced in the crook of his mouth. “Le’s jus’ say …” He looked Liam up and down again. He really did scrub up so beautifully. But Sherlock couldn’t deny the fact that he was looking forward to transforming Liam into the leading role he had in mind. He took his cigarette between his fingers. “You’re not quite in character enough, looking like that.”
“Well, best you revamp me suitably to fit the vision of your leading man, then.” 
Sherlock licked his lips. The cigarette was slid back into his mouth as he reached for the buttons of Liam’s dinner jacket. He undid all three, one by one, until it hung open. 
“Say, wanna play a game?” He asked, the words distorted around his mouthful. 
Liam plucked the cigarette from him, holding it aside. “How many of these have you smoked already?”
“Today, or ..?”
He received a pointedly arched brow at that, and it made his stomach flutter in the most delicious manner. He chided himself inwardly for chasing the feeling.
“S’my fourth, since I’ve been waiting here.”
Liam made a face at him. He reached aside to set the smoke in the groove at the ashtray lip. “You can at least wait for the rest of it until you’re done with me, then.”
Sherlock began to protest, but he was promptly silenced by Liam’s hands at his neck. He was fastening Sherlock’s bowtie.
“Your game?” He prompted, single eye fixed on the deft movements of his fingers at Sherlock’s collar.
“Ah, yeah. ‘Course.” Sherlock lifted his chin, staring down his nose. “How about we see if you can guess the sort of character you’re playing by the time I’ve finished doing you over?”
Liam secured the bow neatly at Sherlock’s throat and tilted his head, as though considering. It was a wasted effort; Sherlock could see right through him. He knew that this was the sort of game Liam would never pass up. 
“Alright, then.” He let go of the tie, brushing Sherlocks shoulders down, before gesturing to his own open jacket. “For starters, I might be an easy going sort of gentleman, to show up to wherever it is I’m headed with my jacket unfastened. Perhaps I prefer not to be constrained, and the loosened buttons were a conscious choice. Or perhaps even, I have donned my jacket in a hurry, in which case, I’m disorganised more than I am conscientious, and the choice was not a choice at all.”
Sherlock smirked. “Interesting.”
The smile Liam offered in return was coy, with a hint of the devilish. He gestured about his person. “Please, by all means, continue.”
It was all the invitation Sherlock needed to carry on with his excuse to dishevel Liam. He took Liam’s sleeve between his fingers, pulling his wrist upwards so that he could unfasten his cufflinks. 
“I’m not saying these aren’t very nice, but … they don’t quite fit.”
“Hm.” Liam watched Sherlock remove both sets of links, depositing them in his own pockets. “Interesting,” he parroted back, glancing at Sherlock beneath an arched brow.
Sherlock simply held his gaze as he reached for Liam’s lapels, sliding his fingers upwards, and the jacket was pushed from Liam’s shoulders altogether. “You can lose this,” he muttered.
“Ah.” Liam relaxed his arms under Sherlock’s touch, allowing himself to be undressed. He took the garment and hung it over the back of the kitchen chair. “Not a decision at all, then, and not for lack of manners. My jacket and cufflinks were too proper?”
“Just a little.” Sherlock winked.
Liam’s smile grew wider. “I might have an idea of where this is going.”
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botticellibitch · 8 months
(This is a starter I’ve done for my writing partner @gothreginageorge . Going to be some Devil’s Minion fun and thought I might share it 🖤)
It was a delightful game of cat and mouse. And the delightful part was how they switched from time to time. Weeks might go by with Armand not bothering Daniel, only to find the other at his front door, demanding to know where he had been, and why he hadn't come to find him. And, other times, Armand chased Daniel from state to state and country to country. This song and dance going on for several years after Daniel's initial interview. He had wanted the dark gift from Louis, and, instead, had found himself the sometimes unwilling companion of Armand.
They were, without a doubt, obsessed with each other in the most damaging of ways. Armand knew it. Even as they grew closer, and then separated over and over again, Armand knew he was driving Daniel mad. Mad with want and need and the desire to be immortal like him. Armand had never worked the dark trick, and he had no plans to. But, Daniel threw a wrench in that, as the youth say, and from time to time Armand thought 'what if?' But, what ifs can lead one down a dangerous path. And Armand knew, oh he knew well, the curse of makers and their fledglings. And he would not do that to himself or to Daniel.
And his denial and refusal sent Daniel to drink and addictions of various kinds. Armand had stopped more than a few overdoses. But, Daniel was addicted to more than the drugs and alcohol. He was addicted to Armand. To his presence, his blood, his everything. If Armand were wise, he would have stepped away. Forgotten his Danny and went about immortality. But, Armand was addicted to. He craved Daniel like no other. Every part of him. Wanting and needing him as a constant lightning rod in his life. Something that would pull him back when he needed to. Something that would keep him from going mad himself. 
It had been a month, perhaps their longest time being apart since coming together. Armand had seen no activity on the cards and things he had given Daniel for emergencies , and he should be worried. But, he wasn't. He could hear Daniel, and if Daniel were in danger he would know it. He was stubborn and might run off to live on park benches and under over passes from time to time, but Armand always knew if he were in danger. And he didn't sense any at the moment. Sitting in the New York penthouse, relaxed back on a lounge in the living room. Fingers flipping through the pages of his books. He wanted for Daniel to reach out. Ask to come to him. Beg even. But. he heard no word from his wayward lover and had to wait.
When the knock came to the door, Armand found himself confused. Who would come to his door, and this late? Even for him it was easing into the early hours of the morning, he could almost see the sun peeking up over the horizon outside the windows. And, had the knock not come, he would have been up to close the blinds. 
He swiftly crossed the room, trying to think of any deliveries or anything he had coming as he opened the door. And who should greet him but his beloved Danny, looking a little worse for wear. A black eye, busted lip, and torn clothes adorned him. "Were you mugged?" Armand asked, almost shocked. He knew it hadn't been a vampire. The vial of blood around Daniel's neck kept him safe from that. He knew it had to be some mortals who roughed him up, and he quickly wrapped an arm around his shoulder's to bring him into the penthouse. "You didn't use the blood to heal yourself? Danny ..." His voice was full of concern.
He took Daniel into the bathroom, sitting him on the toilet seat as he went about running some water, and getting the first aid kit. Searching Daniel's mind for mental images of the attackers, a fine feast they would make for the next evening. "You should have called for me. I would have come to get you, Danny, you know that. Oh ..." Fingers reached out to gently touch the swollen eye. "Oh, lover ..."
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Chapter 2- Part 4
My favorite Pokémon of all time, the very first one I ever chose when I played the opening minutes of Pokémon Silver so many years ago…
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Now, are there objectively better options of starter Pokemon to choose, from, even among the Water-types exclusively? Maybe, maybe- but Totodile is my favorite, so I’m choosing it. Maybe if I do a second playthrough of this game I’ll go with, I dunno- Mudkip or Popplio? But right here, right now, we’re following the immortal words of Karen Elite Four:
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There he is, my beautiful boy…! And I’ve already decided on a name for him, too-
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Henceforth, you shall be known as Riptide!
And now with Riptide with us, our party’s not looking so empty anymore! We can actually use the Pokémon tab in the menu now! Let’s take a closer look at Riptide here-
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Mm yes, this Totodile is made of Totodile, very good.
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HUH?? It has Sheer Force as its Ability!? But that’s the Totodile line’s Hidden Ability, isn’t it?? I mean, I like it very much, but I’m just- kinda in shock, I’m so used to seeing Torrent on these guys??
I’m sure it was programmed intentionally to give Totodile its Hidden Ability, I don’t think it was luck or anything. Maybe the same is true for all the other starters as well, like- if I’d chosen Oshawott, it would’ve had Shell Armor instead of Torrent, maybe. It’s an interesting choice is all I’m saying, and again- not one I’m complaining about.
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And it looks like you can see the Pokemon’s EVs and IVs on this tab, but uuuuh- I don’t care about any of that, so we’re just gonna ignore it!
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And…yeah, standard moveset for a Lv. 5 Totodile, wasn’t expecting much else there.
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And with that, we go with Ame back downstairs to see Victoria again.
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You know, part of me wants to say that’s a little jab at the idea of the rivals for a majority of the series thus far choosing starters that were specifically stronger against yours, and then at a lot of people getting mad when Hau was the first rival to do the opposite. But like…yeah, this game features Gen VII stuff now, but this game was first made and its first episode released…I wanna say in 2014 or 2015? In other words, before Sun and Moon (i.e. Gen VII as a whole) came out, in 2016.
So- who knows, maybe I’m just reading too much into the dialogue here.
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Ah, Victoria, also already having her intended starter planned out- truly a woman after my own heart, it sounds like. But still, that makes me curious- which one did she have her own eyes on?
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And up they go, leaving Xera to vibe and…
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…say hello to this purple-haired person, I guess.
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Oh dear, this is gonna go swimmingly-
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Whoever you are, you need to stop-
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Sir I do not swing that way and I’m making the executive decision to say neither does Xera, so you’re barking up the wrong tree both within and beyond the fourth wall.
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Excuse me? Was he gonna say “resign” or something? And even outside of that, to “start over”...what could he mean by that?
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