fracto · 5 years
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#paradigmasemergentes #modelosdisruptivos #desarrollosustentable #mapasmentales #imaginarioseco #ecohabs #greenliving #elementalgreenliving #fractalab #corex #coresofexchange #openlivinglabs #openinnovation #i+d+i #upcycling #metabolismodeciudad #greencities #orangecities #ciudadesverdes #ciudadesnaranja #ciudadescreativas #smartcities #ciudadesinteligentes #ciudadessensibles #estadosdeflujo #ecoeficiencia #resiliencia #ecodiseño #alteridad #cohabitabilidadentremodelosdedesarrollo https://www.instagram.com/p/B526MvSnnAv/?igshid=151dx76pnqwr2
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rollinbrigittenv8 · 7 years
The C2 Conference Is a Billboard For Montreal as a ‘Smart Living Laboratory’
The mobile interview bike at C2 Montreal was one of many creative elements spurring spontaneous networking this year. C2 Montreal
Skift Take: While everyone is talking about the industry-leading creative conference design at C2 Montreal, the big story is how the 6-year-old event has evolved as a platform for the region's innovation economy to co-create the future of cities and collaborative urbanism.
— Greg Oates
The annual C2 Montreal conference every May is widely considered to be the benchmark for corporate event design in North America, but it’s actually much more than that.
Inside Montreal’s sprawling Arsenal contemporary art gallery this year, as reported last week in Skift, the show floor was filled with dozens of creative activations, such as networking experiences in trapeze chairs suspended from the ceiling. In a high point for the event, attendees booked more than 3,000 face-to-face meetings with each other to discuss topics of common interest via E-180’s Braindate platform.
Outside, a pop-up big top circus tent with 360-degree ceiling projection hosted the keynote sessions. Surrounding the tent, stacks of brightly painted shipping containers served as outdoor corporate VIP suites overlooking the dock and restaurant floating on a channel connected to the St. Lawrence River.
In 2012, the Sid Lee ad agency and Cirque du Soleil — both headquartered in Montreal — launched C2 to engage a broader spectrum of potential partners for their respective companies. They also wanted to position Montreal as a wellspring of business and social innovation, with creativity celebrated as the connectivity tissue that links communities. In 2013, the French Le Nouvel Observateur media group called C2 “The Davos of Creativity,” and the unofficial tagline stuck.
C2’s programming and content highlight innovative trends springing from the convergence of “commerce and creativity,” which gives C2 its name.
Sample sessions this year included “Rethinking The City of Tomorrow” with speakers from the Brookings Institute, MIT, New Cities Foundation, and the City of Montreal; and “The Social Economy: Driving Innovation For a Thriving City,” presented by the City of Montreal and local startups active in social innovation sector. There was also a series of dedicated tracks and workshops diving into themes such as artificial intelligence, startup accelerators, small business development, and diversity.
In the big scheme of things, however, C2 is a postcard for the future of Montreal, and by extension, the future of collaborative urbanism.
The conference is basically one big billboard designed to promote Montreal’s evolution as a smart and highly livable city to entice international companies to invest in the region’s startup and academic sectors. Since the recession, the City of Montreal government, the region’s four major universities, and the local startup community have been working together to develop Montreal as an “open-air smart living laboratory,” and C2 is positioned as the front door of that urban engineering experiment.
“C2 Montreal is a unique platform that explores the trade-creativity dynamic through a variety of experiences and rich programming,” said Montreal Mayor Denis Coderre during C2. “The influence of this world-class event reinforces the image of our metropolis internationally as a creative and innovative city. C2 Montreal also contributes to propelling our businesses by putting Montreal’s talent and know-how to the forefront.”
Central to the smart living laboratory strategy, the downtown core and university campuses have been packaged and branded as the Montreal Innovation Quarter. The Quarter was launched in 2013 by McGill University, Concordia University, and École de Technologie Supérieur to capitalize on the complementary capacities among the academic institutions and area startup companies in research, education, innovation and entrepreneurship, as well as their regional and international networks.
“We have the most university students of any city in Canada, so we have to have a playground to give them the possibility to play and use their know-how,” says Damien Siles, managing director of the Montreal Innovation Quarter.
Siles explained at C2 that many cities and companies approach innovation with a siloed mindset. To transcend that, the Quarter outlined four pillars of innovation at its inception that guide overall strategy for the future development of the city. The pillars are: education/research, industrial, social/culture, and urban.
The Quarter’s website also posts a wealth of content highlighting specific companies, research, and case studies relating to those four themes.
Siles said that all of those spheres of innovation need to be integrated in Montreal, and every community needs to be involved in their development, for the city to assert itself authentically as a smart living laboratory. That spirit of convergence and collaborative development, he added, is also attractive to outside companies.
“When you’re speaking about innovation, you’re not speaking about the special sectors in one industry or another,” Siles said. “You’re speaking about how it’s possible to humanize innovation when you connect everyone in the city. You can’t just keep it in a laboratory. You want the population to participate, not like a guinea pig, but like part of a new collaborative vision for what’s best for Montreal.”
Humanizing Innovation
“Humanizing innovation” has become something of a public mantra in Montreal.
Driving that forward last year, Concordia launched the first OpenLivingLab Days in the city, organized by the European Network of Living Labs and the locally based Communautique community participation platform. The mission was to create an open-source online and offline engagement ecosystem for community members to meet with industry leaders in different sectors.
That concept is now being scaled inside a series of venues that will make up Montreal’s open-air smart living laboratory, which will begin to open later this year in the Montreal Innovation Quarter. Visiting and local professionals will be encouraged to meet with area leaders developing new systems around 5G technology and the Internet of Things. Those technologies will also be tested in the student dorms at École de Technologie Supérieur to help local startups iterate products and bring them to market.
Collaborative events, facilities, and platforms like these are spawning across Montreal to engage more locals and visitors in co-creating the future of Montreal and new research-driven, user-centric thought leadership around urban user experience.
The Faire Montreal online portal, for example, is a “collaborative platform for anyone to discover innovative projects, contribute to their development, and monitor their evolution.” And this month, Montreal’s first Fab Lab (fabrication space) opened where the public can visit to learn about advanced manufacturing technologies and robotics design.
Speaking about the new 12,000-square foot Espace Fabrique facility, Mayor Coderre said, “This unique, creative space of production will foster the creation of direct and indirect employment and help reduce costs related to the development of new manufacturing products.”
Tourisme Montreal has expanded its role considerably to help conference organizers plug into the rise of public-facing developments in the local innovation economy. For Pierre Bellerose, VP of research at Tourisme Montreal, the C2 experience presents the best time to introduce the world to Montreal’s knowledge base.
He explained that the tourism marketing agency has always leveraged the event’s success and media popularity to show outside companies how the city works together to organize conferences beyond the ordinary. Now, their responsibility is evolving to promote the city’s innovation economy and startup community more aggressively, and work more closely with partner organizations like the Montreal Innovation Quarter.
“As a convention and visitors bureau, we’re creating a showcase of innovation to present to potential clients, because Montreal offers such a large ecosystem of creative companies and creative people,” said Bellerose. “C2 is that kind of business activity in action. It humanizes innovation, which we can show to international business leaders to prove that Montreal is the place to be.”
The ROI of Innovation Events
Presently, Montreal and the province of Quebec are peaking. According to Bloomberg in January: “Quebec added 85,400 full-time jobs in 2016, more than the other nine provinces combined, and growth in its labor market accounted for 42 percent of the Canadian total.”
Technology, digital media, and other advanced industries are driving much of that growth in Montreal. Therefore, the local government wants to build on that momentum, and Canada’s national government wants to scale it across the country. So both governments are supporting C2 to capitalize on the event’s proven ability to attract foreign capital and talent from more than 60 countries around the globe.
At the local level, the City of Montreal granted $200,000 (US$151,000) in funds to C2’s operating budget on a yearly basis from 2014 through 2016, and increased that to $250,000 this year.
On the national front, Canada Economic Development for Quebec contributed $1.5 million in non-repayable funds to C2 Montreal for 2016 and 2017 to support small business development programming at home and expand marketing overseas. The payoff: According to the Quebec Institute of Statistics, C2 has generated economic impacts of more than CDN$250 million for the province.
The innovation and economic development continues to grow. Montreal-based Element AI, which hosted the C2 Artificial Intelligence Forum this year, announced today that it has raised US$102 million, representing the largest Series A funding round for an artificial intelligence company in history.
“Artificial Intelligence is a must have capability for global companies,” said Element AI CEO Jean-François Gagné in today’s release. “Without it, they are competitively impaired if not at grave risk of being obsoleted in place.”
That sums up the mission of C2 Montreal, where you can feel the energy and commitment to co-create new community platforms that hope to change the world.
The event isn’t really about people sitting in the circus trapeze chairs hanging from the Arsenal’s towering ceiling. But that type of creative conference design, and the big buzz surrounding it, gets people in the door. Montreal’s creative ecosystem is taking over from there.
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touristguidebuzz · 7 years
The C2 Conference Is a Billboard For Montreal as a ‘Smart Living Laboratory’
The mobile interview bike at C2 Montreal was one of many creative elements spurring spontaneous networking this year. C2 Montreal
Skift Take: While everyone is talking about the industry-leading creative conference design at C2 Montreal, the big story is how the 6-year-old event has evolved as a platform for the region's innovation economy to co-create the future of cities and collaborative urbanism.
— Greg Oates
The annual C2 Montreal conference every May is widely considered to be the benchmark for corporate event design in North America, but it’s actually much more than that.
Inside Montreal’s sprawling Arsenal contemporary art gallery this year, as reported last week in Skift, the show floor was filled with dozens of creative activations, such as networking experiences in trapeze chairs suspended from the ceiling. In a high point for the event, attendees booked more than 3,000 face-to-face meetings with each other to discuss topics of common interest via E-180’s Braindate platform.
Outside, a pop-up big top circus tent with 360-degree ceiling projection hosted the keynote sessions. Surrounding the tent, stacks of brightly painted shipping containers served as outdoor corporate VIP suites overlooking the dock and restaurant floating on a channel connected to the St. Lawrence River.
In 2012, the Sid Lee ad agency and Cirque du Soleil — both headquartered in Montreal — launched C2 to engage a broader spectrum of potential partners for their respective companies. They also wanted to position Montreal as a wellspring of business and social innovation, with creativity celebrated as the connectivity tissue that links communities. In 2013, the French Le Nouvel Observateur media group called C2 “The Davos of Creativity,” and the unofficial tagline stuck.
C2’s programming and content highlight innovative trends springing from the convergence of “commerce and creativity,” which gives C2 its name.
Sample sessions this year included “Rethinking The City of Tomorrow” with speakers from the Brookings Institute, MIT, New Cities Foundation, and the City of Montreal; and “The Social Economy: Driving Innovation For a Thriving City,” presented by the City of Montreal and local startups active in social innovation sector. There was also a series of dedicated tracks and workshops diving into themes such as artificial intelligence, startup accelerators, small business development, and diversity.
In the big scheme of things, however, C2 is a postcard for the future of Montreal, and by extension, the future of collaborative urbanism.
The conference is basically one big billboard designed to promote Montreal’s evolution as a smart and highly livable city to entice international companies to invest in the region’s startup and academic sectors. Since the recession, the City of Montreal government, the region’s four major universities, and the local startup community have been working together to develop Montreal as an “open-air smart living laboratory,” and C2 is positioned as the front door of that urban engineering experiment.
“C2 Montreal is a unique platform that explores the trade-creativity dynamic through a variety of experiences and rich programming,” said Montreal Mayor Denis Coderre during C2. “The influence of this world-class event reinforces the image of our metropolis internationally as a creative and innovative city. C2 Montreal also contributes to propelling our businesses by putting Montreal’s talent and know-how to the forefront.”
Central to the smart living laboratory strategy, the downtown core and university campuses have been packaged and branded as the Montreal Innovation Quarter. The Quarter was launched in 2013 by McGill University, Concordia University, and École de Technologie Supérieur to capitalize on the complementary capacities among the academic institutions and area startup companies in research, education, innovation and entrepreneurship, as well as their regional and international networks.
“We have the most university students of any city in Canada, so we have to have a playground to give them the possibility to play and use their know-how,” says Damien Siles, managing director of the Montreal Innovation Quarter.
Siles explained at C2 that many cities and companies approach innovation with a siloed mindset. To transcend that, the Quarter outlined four pillars of innovation at its inception that guide overall strategy for the future development of the city. The pillars are: education/research, industrial, social/culture, and urban.
The Quarter’s website also posts a wealth of content highlighting specific companies, research, and case studies relating to those four themes.
Siles said that all of those spheres of innovation need to be integrated in Montreal, and every community needs to be involved in their development, for the city to assert itself authentically as a smart living laboratory. That spirit of convergence and collaborative development, he added, is also attractive to outside companies.
“When you’re speaking about innovation, you’re not speaking about the special sectors in one industry or another,” Siles said. “You’re speaking about how it’s possible to humanize innovation when you connect everyone in the city. You can’t just keep it in a laboratory. You want the population to participate, not like a guinea pig, but like part of a new collaborative vision for what’s best for Montreal.”
Humanizing Innovation
“Humanizing innovation” has become something of a public mantra in Montreal.
Driving that forward last year, Concordia launched the first OpenLivingLab Days in the city, organized by the European Network of Living Labs and the locally based Communautique community participation platform. The mission was to create an open-source online and offline engagement ecosystem for community members to meet with industry leaders in different sectors.
That concept is now being scaled inside a series of venues that will make up Montreal’s open-air smart living laboratory, which will begin to open later this year in the Montreal Innovation Quarter. Visiting and local professionals will be encouraged to meet with area leaders developing new systems around 5G technology and the Internet of Things. Those technologies will also be tested in the student dorms at École de Technologie Supérieur to help local startups iterate products and bring them to market.
Collaborative events, facilities, and platforms like these are spawning across Montreal to engage more locals and visitors in co-creating the future of Montreal and new research-driven, user-centric thought leadership around urban user experience.
The Faire Montreal online portal, for example, is a “collaborative platform for anyone to discover innovative projects, contribute to their development, and monitor their evolution.” And this month, Montreal’s first Fab Lab (fabrication space) opened where the public can visit to learn about advanced manufacturing technologies and robotics design.
Speaking about the new 12,000-square foot Espace Fabrique facility, Mayor Coderre said, “This unique, creative space of production will foster the creation of direct and indirect employment and help reduce costs related to the development of new manufacturing products.”
Tourisme Montreal has expanded its role considerably to help conference organizers plug into the rise of public-facing developments in the local innovation economy. For Pierre Bellerose, VP of research at Tourisme Montreal, the C2 experience presents the best time to introduce the world to Montreal’s knowledge base.
He explained that the tourism marketing agency has always leveraged the event’s success and media popularity to show outside companies how the city works together to organize conferences beyond the ordinary. Now, their responsibility is evolving to promote the city’s innovation economy and startup community more aggressively, and work more closely with partner organizations like the Montreal Innovation Quarter.
“As a convention and visitors bureau, we’re creating a showcase of innovation to present to potential clients, because Montreal offers such a large ecosystem of creative companies and creative people,” said Bellerose. “C2 is that kind of business activity in action. It humanizes innovation, which we can show to international business leaders to prove that Montreal is the place to be.”
The ROI of Innovation Events
Presently, Montreal and the province of Quebec are peaking. According to Bloomberg in January: “Quebec added 85,400 full-time jobs in 2016, more than the other nine provinces combined, and growth in its labor market accounted for 42 percent of the Canadian total.”
Technology, digital media, and other advanced industries are driving much of that growth in Montreal. Therefore, the local government wants to build on that momentum, and Canada’s national government wants to scale it across the country. So both governments are supporting C2 to capitalize on the event’s proven ability to attract foreign capital and talent from more than 60 countries around the globe.
At the local level, the City of Montreal granted $200,000 (US$151,000) in funds to C2’s operating budget on a yearly basis from 2014 through 2016, and increased that to $250,000 this year.
On the national front, Canada Economic Development for Quebec contributed $1.5 million in non-repayable funds to C2 Montreal for 2016 and 2017 to support small business development programming at home and expand marketing overseas. The payoff: According to the Quebec Institute of Statistics, C2 has generated economic impacts of more than CDN$250 million for the province.
The innovation and economic development continues to grow. Montreal-based Element AI, which hosted the C2 Artificial Intelligence Forum this year, announced today that it has raised US$102 million, representing the largest Series A funding round for an artificial intelligence company in history.
“Artificial Intelligence is a must have capability for global companies,” said Element AI CEO Jean-François Gagné in today’s release. “Without it, they are competitively impaired if not at grave risk of being obsoleted in place.”
That sums up the mission of C2 Montreal, where you can feel the energy and commitment to co-create new community platforms that aspire to change the world.
The event isn’t really about people sitting in the circus trapeze chairs hanging from the Arsenal’s towering ceiling. But that type of creative conference design, and the big buzz surrounding it, gets people in the door. Montreal’s creative ecosystem is taking over from there.
0 notes
fracto · 5 years
En el año 2015, el grupo constituido Los Lopezinos realizó el laboratorio viviente Lago Map: Cartografía Audiovisual Parque El Lago Pereira @lago_map, proyecto de ciudad producido para la Beca del Programa Municipal de Estímulos Culturales de Pereira 2015 (En aquel momento manejado por el Instituto de Cultura & Fomento al Turismo, actualmente operado por Secretaría de Cultura Pereira), en la categoría Coproducción y Cocreación de Contenidos Audiovisuales Digitales). Tras aquella primera iteración, en 2015, ahora se viene prototipando una nueva fase de incepción ágil mediante la aplicación a una plataforma internacional basada en crowdunding (Posteriormente activaremos campaña de generación de expectativas con información estratégica acerca de la plataforma, con los intervalos de tiempo que permanecerá este proyecto abierto a la recepción de inversiones ($) a través del sistema de captaciones respectivo; en su debido momento, además, se expondrá el protocolo de crowdfunding con el procedimiento a seguir para hacer efectiva la inyección financiera desde cada persona natural, grupo de interés y demás agentes de apuesta {Stakeholders} con convicciones en este laboratorio vivo ó living lab de ciudad. Pd. Nuestro propósito hoy consiste en escalar este proyecto de impacto hacia un Living Lab de Cuarta Generación [4G: Empresa / Universidad / Estado / Sociedad Civil Organizada + Colectivos Emergentes]. ---•--- Lago Map Living Lab • Parque El Lago * Comuna Centro Pereira * Área Metropolitana Centro Occidente * Risaralda * Ciudad Región Eje Cafetero * Triángulo del Café * Paisaje Cultural Cafetero de Colombia PCCC Unesco #openlivinglabs #cartografíasdeciudad #laboratoriosdeciudad #ciudadesinteligentes #ciudadessensibles #industriasnaranja #ecourbes (en Pereira Parque El Lago) https://www.instagram.com/p/BvyHP0TBUnl/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=16lvb7z3liqcx
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fracto · 7 years
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#coolhuntingdeciudad #potencialesdistritosnaranja #prospectivasestratégicas #ejesestructurantes #zonasálgidas #centralidades #zonasderenovaciónurbana #fragmentaciones #fractalidad #fisuras #fracturas #rupturas #economíasdeaglomeración #comercioinformalenespaciopúblico #imaginariosdeconsumo #visionesfractales #tendenciasdedesarrollo #ecosistemasurbanos #ecosistemasverdes #ecosistemasnaranja #ecosistemasdeinnovaciónabierta #ecosistemasdeemprendimiento #valorescompartidos #valoresdealtoimpacto #comunidadescreativas #planificaciónintermedia #ciudadesregión #ciudadesintermedias #ciudadescreativas #ForodeCulturadePereira #áreasmetropolitanas #ÁreaMetropolitanaCentroOccidente #corredoresculturales #corredoressociales #corredoresturísticos #corredoresecológicos #derivasdeobservación flotante #laboratoriosdeciudad #openlivinglabs #opencitylivinglabs #laboratoriosvivos #laboratoriosvivientesabiertos #laboratoriosvivientesdeciudadesabiertas #CiudadVictoria Tópico clave de tendencia: Colisiones armónicas entre dinámicas informales inmersas en el folk y actividades formales, con impactos de ciudad en múltiples sectores (Económicos; sociales; ambientales; turísticos; culturales; institucionales; espaciales; arquitectónicos; etc.), con multiplicadores de las diversas cadenas de valor gracias al poder pivotal que reside en las industrias creativas y en el emprendimiento innovador. La zona Ciudad Victoria sirve de enlace y, paralelamente, configura una plataforma de transición entre los patrones de desarrollo de la zona Centro Tradicional y la zona rosa Avenida Circunvalar, entre otras zonas especiales como la micro-ciudadela universitaria de la Comuna Universidad y la vía Dosquebradas - Pereira, generándose con ello conexiones entre fragmentaciones {En las fragmentaciones emergen potenciales factores ocultos de desarrollo y en las conexiones se consolidan centralidades urbanas}. Zona de Renovación Urbana Ciudad Victoria * Inmediaciones del parque lineal Egoyá * Comuna Centro * Pereira * Área Metropolitana Centro Occidente * Risaralda * Ciudad Región Eje Cafetero * Triángulo del Café * Paisaje Cultural Cafetero Unesco Colombia (en Pereira, Risaralda)
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fracto · 7 years
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Algunas exploraciones de nuestros laboratorios en torno a posibles analogías entre los procesos neurosinápticos en el ser humano y las rutas estratégicas del ser social, nos han redireccionado hacia contenidos basados en conocimiento de disciplinas en cuyos nodos de convergencia detectamos conceptos como la 'homeostasis', las 'conexiones', los 'enlaces', etc. Estos mapas mentales nos incitan a concebir escenarios de desarrollo entre agentes activos de cambio cuyas cocreaciones de modelos de ADN se recombinen en plataformas de laboratorios vivientes abiertos I+D+i de cuarta generación helicoidal {Sinergias entre cuatro (4) hélices: Estado / Empresa / Academia / Comunidades + Colectivos + Organizaciones de la Sociedad Civil + Ciudadanías Activas + Personas} con propósitos de innovaciones societales abiertas. #homeostasis #autoregulacionescolectivas #célulasgliales #sinapsis #enlaces #conexiones #rutasestratégicas #innovacionesabiertas #innovacionessociotecnológicas #cibernética #innovaciónsocial #innovacióntecnológica #colaboración #cocreación #sinergiasdistribuidas #redesdistribuidas #transferenciasdeconocimiento #analogías #laboratoriosvivientesabiertos #openlivinglabs #openinnovationlivinglabs #laboratoriosvivientesdeinnovacionesabiertas #opencitylivinglabs #laboratoriosvivientesdeciudadesabiertas Fuente web de las imágenes provenientes de capturas de pantalla: https://www.vix.com/es/btg/curiosidades/7721/que-importancia-tienen-las-celulas-gliales-para-el-organismo Tomado de vix.com Artículo publicado por: Ruth Lelyen Créditos de las imágenes: SELVANEGRA/ISTOCK/THINKSTOCK
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fracto · 7 years
La observación flotante para el análisis de tendencias {Idea adaptada hacia un coolhunting de ciudad} detecta patrones emergentes de diversos modos en apropiaciones de los espacios compartidos. Para el caso actual de nuestros laboratorios basados en el mapeo sociocognitivo de escenarios potenciales y actuales de desarrollo local entre comunidades emergentes y comunidades universitarias situadas en zonas de influencia y alto impacto del campus UTP, y los efectos de borde en sus áreas translimítrofes con los barrios de la Comuna Universidad que le rodean, las múltiples dinámicas de interacción de personas y grupos sociales con el hábitat de los lugares generan corredores de enlace y microcircuitos de cocreación de imaginarios, con sus resignificaciones implicadas, refejándose ello en valores, indicadores y niveles de capital relacional sociotecnológico {Noción de minería social de datos para el análisis multicriterio de variables continuas, desde las percepciones autónomas de cada individuo ó grupo, entre muestras aleatorias y muestras por conveniencia} cuyos campos de iteraciones deberán ser catalizados mediante innovaciones abiertas de laboratorios vivientes u open living labs gracias a las observaciones participantes de las mismas comunidades involucradas, los nodos I+D+i, las empresas concientes, las instancias gubernamentales de injerencia (En un primer nivel de incidencia institucional) y las organizaciones de la Sociedad Civil, con especiales pivots en la Academia y en los diversos grupos de interés ó stakeholders en estas tendencias de la innovación ciudadana. #derivaslab #CampusUTP #ComunaUniversidadPereira #CorredorCircuitoCampusUTPComunaUniversidadPereira #popularecycled #fractalab #innovaciónabierta #openinnovation #openlivinglabs #laboratoriosvivientesabiertos Zona interfluxus del campus UTP y Comuna Universidad * Pereira * Área Metropolitana Centro Occidente * Risaralda * Ciudad Región Eje Cafetero * Triángulo del Café * Paisaje Cultural Cafetero Unesco Colombia (en Universidad Tecnológica De Pereira)
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fracto · 7 years
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#opentechnologies #bigdata #coolhunting #trendlabs #advancedtrendlabs #patronesdeconsumo #patronessociales #patronestecnológicos #patronesdedesarrollo #openlearninginopentechnologies #bigdataandanalyticsforsmartcitiestraining #deeplearning #patternrecognition #trendandlearninglabs #arquitecturasocialdelterritorio #openlivinglabs #openinnovationcitytrendlabs #opencitylivinglabs #openinnovationlivinglabs
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fracto · 7 years
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#opentechnologies #bigdata #coolhunting #trendlabs #deeplearning #patternrecognition #trendandlearninglabs #arquitecturasocialdelterritorio #openlivinglabs #openinnovationcitytrendlabs #opencitylivinglabs #openinnovationlivinglabs
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fracto · 7 years
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Mapeando próximas iteraciones {Captura de pantalla} Fuente de la imagen: sigper.pereira.gov.co/visor/ #análisisespacial #openlivinglabs #opencitylabs #openinnovationlabs #laboratoriosdeciudad #laboratoriosdeciudadesabiertas #laboratoriosdeinnovacionesabiertas #cartografíassociales #resignificaciones #imaginarios #impactos #valoresdeimpacto #comunidadesemergentes #sinergiasterritoriales #comunas #barrios #observacionesdeciudad #observacionesentiemporeal #rupturas #efectosdeborde #fragmentaciones #capitalsocial #metodologíasdisrruptivas #metodologíascolaborativas #cocreaciones #metodologíassocialesemergentes #participaciónsocialciudadana #metodologíasalternativasdeparticipaciónsocialciudadana #cartografíasocialesparalaciudad #corredores #corredoresecológicosurbanos #corredoresculturales #fronterasinvisibles #convergenciasterritoriales #zonasdeinfluencia #encuentrostransfronterizos #diálogosdeciudad #landart #artedelatierra #arteurbano #urbanart #redes #conectividades
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fracto · 7 years
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#instalaciones #luces #jardines #antejardines #jardinesverticales #corredores #corredoresbiológicos #corredoressociales #corredoressocioculturales #ecosistemasestratégicos #conectividadecosistémica #resiliencia #biodiversidad #ecourbes #ciudadessensibles #ecosistemasnaranja #ecosisemasverdes #ciudadesinteligentes #simbiosis #mutualismo #hosting #openlivinglabs #laboratoriosvivientesabiertos #coolhunting #cartografíacognitiva #cartografíasdeimaginarios #cartografíasderesignificaciones #greenmaps #mapasverdes Mediatorta Sector UTP - Canaán - Barrio San Luis - Barrio La Terminal - Barrio Los Álamos - Barrio Ciudad Jardín • Comuna Universidad * Pereira * Área Metropolitana Centro Occidente * Ciudad Región Eje Cafetero * Triángulo del Café * PCC Paisaje Cultural Cafetero Unesco Colombia (en Pereira, Risaralda)
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fracto · 7 years
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#jardines #antejardines #jardinesverticales #corredores #corredoresbiológicos #corredoressociales #corredoressocioculturales #ecosistemasestratégicos #conectividadecosistémica #resiliencia #biodiversidad #ecourbes #ciudadessensibles #ecosistemasnaranja #ecosisemasverdes #ciudadesinteligentes #simbiosis #mutualismo #hosting #openlivinglabs #laboratoriosvivientesabiertos #coolhunting #cartografíacognitiva #cartografíasdeimaginarios #cartografíasderesignificaciones #greenmaps #mapasverdes Mediatorta Sector UTP - Canaán - Barrio San Luis - Barrio La Terminal - Barrio Los Álamos - Barrio Ciudad Jardín • Comuna Universidad * Pereira * Área Metropolitana Centro Occidente * Ciudad Región Eje Cafetero * Triángulo del Café * PCC Paisaje Cultural Cafetero Unesco Colombia (en Pereira, Risaralda)
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fracto · 8 years
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InTopic {Catálogo/Reporte de Tendencias aplicado en eventos de ciudad. Iteración 2015 - 2016} #SunshinePiknik #FêtedelaMusiquePereira #Ciudad_Es #coolhunting #festivalescolaborativos #innovacionesabiertas #laboratoriosconinnovacionesabiertasdeciudad #opencitylabs #openinnovationcitylabs #laboratoriosvivientesabiertos #openlivinglabs #laboratoriosdeciudad #eventosdediálogosciudadanos #colisionadores #colisionessinérgicasdetendencias #rugosidadesentrepatrones #disruptividades #fragmentacioneseficaces #efectosdeborde #bordesculturales #camposculturales #capitalsocial #valorescompartidos
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fracto · 8 years
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#InTopicenYocreoMiMundo #YoCreoMiMundo #InTopic #AlianzaYoCreoMiMundoInTopic #ActivacionesYoCreoMiMundo #coolhunting #coolhuntingdeciudad #ColisionadoresdeTendencias #ColisionesdeCiudad #socialtagging #marcadoresdetendencias #coolhuntersdeciudad #opencityinnovationlabs #laboratoriosdeinnovacionesciudadanasabiertas #opencitylabs #laboratoriosdeciudadesabiertas #openinnovationlabs #laboratoriosdeinnovacionesabiertas #openlivinglabs #laboratoriosvivientesabiertos
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fracto · 8 years
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InTopic {Catálogo-Reporte de Tendencias} #coolhunting #festivalescolaborativos #innovacionesabiertas #laboratoriosdeinnovacionesabiertasdeciudad #opencitylabs #laboratoriosvivientesabiertos #openlivinglabs #laboratoriosdeciudad #eventosdediálogosciudadanos #colisionadores #colisionessinérgicasdetendencias #rugosidadesentrepatrones #disruptividades #fragmentacioneseficaces #efectosdeborde #bordesculturales #camposculturales #capitalsocial #valorescompartidos
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