#opossums are perfect creatures
dogwithglasses · 2 years
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Bear and I saw an opossum under the moon tonight
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Some Prometheus Shit
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Xavier pulled his muddy new twin out of the mud. He’d been copied down to his clothing choice for the day, donning the same old shirt, same old shorts and brand new sneakers under all that mud. It would have been awkward for the two if the other guy had been formed as if he was actually born a minute ago, like a body horror film.
The man was the image of him, smiling lazily as if Xavier digging him out was a favor. If they were anyone else, they’d surely have a reaction to this shit. Xavier was chill though, and so was this guy apparently.
“Thanks for the help, Xavier” the guy said, talking in the same slowness that Xavier always heard from videos. Other people would cringe at the sound of themselves, but Xavier was pretty fine with it. Not exactly orgasming over it, but comfortably neutral. It fit him pretty well, not too low, not too high.
“No problem, Xavier” he said in the same candor, fully detaching the guy from the sticky mud. It was funny to treat this guy as if he hadn’t just formed out of his backyard. Xavier, the original, didn’t mind. He’d been the one to feed the mud with his DNA, straight from his morning jacking off. He’d supposed there was likely other ways to get your DNA, but anything else felt too much like he was actually experimenting. A scientist would probably work themselves up to human testing after seeing an opossum duplicate in their backyard.
Xavier wasn’t a scientist, he was just opportunistic. First thing he’d done after seeing that second creature emerge from the rainy dirt, he’d done a little science. Watched those opposums scurry away as his spunk sunk in and the mud began to clump together. A solid body forming beneath the puddle of muddy water as Xavier waited with two beers. Figured he’d supply the other guy with a drink after the process of being born. Seemed tiring.
They’d shared their beers, both relaxed as they mindlessly kicked mud back into the pit. Xavier had been half sad for the other guy, with his own sneakers so dirty, but that resolved itself. Whatever leftover mud present on his clone seemed happy to sink into him, leaving the man spotless unlike Xavier, who still had dirty hands from pulling his twin out of the muddy womb.
He needed to wash this shit off of him before he could get to their plans. They had a lot considering the short time between watching a creature duplicate and watching his own clone form.
“I’ll inform the boys of the success while you clean up, Handsome” his clone sad, smacking his butt as he pulled out his perfect duplicate of Xavier’s phone. It really was a perfect recreation, both the phone and the way the guy pushed him towards their backdoor and felt him up.
“Tell them to use the less muddy patch” he said, intending to give the others an easier time with getting their own clones out. Mud, it turns out, acted just like quicksand when you were pulling a guy out of it.
“Yeah, already figured. You looked like you were going to shit yourself” the other said, as if he hadn’t just stood there like a limp princess. If Xavier had been in the guy’s place, he would have done the same, lazy fucks as they were. Wasn’t his fault that he got a little turned on when other folks were in control, like his clone now, who probably had access to all his contacts and accounts from his mud phone. It was maybe too hot, watching the guy type away to Xavier’s friends as a perfect little imposter.
His dick was already a stiff rod, happy despite the fact that he’d jacked off just under fifteen minutes ago. His duplicate’s was much the same, twinned tent in his shorts. Xavier was confident to say that they could let the others do their shit on their own time, whilst they got on to some more important things.
He loved his buds, but sometimes a little alone time really hit the spot.
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Thomas saw Xavier’s text and couldn’t even really tell if it was a joke. The man was aloof and often a little weird, but he never pulled good pranks. Xavier was also dogshit at photoshop, so the image Thomas had been sent of himself with an identical twin certainly hadn’t been anything the guy could accomplish. The man refused help too, so it wasn’t like he’d commissioned it.
Thomas found himself at the guy’s front gate, reading two texts from Xaviar on the group chat, sent at the same time.
busy with myself. Just come in if yur bored.                         busy having sum alone time. Go wild boys
Another text came in a second later, just as Thomas slammed the shitty gate open.
Oh lol, we tried being sneaky about texting. Clone shit. Don’t bother us, clone yourself.
Thomas was impressed by this whole thing if it was true. Far above the effort that Xavier typically put into a prank.
Thomas was hoping this wasn’t a prank though.
He had two dates next week, both at the same time with two absolute killers. Hinge had caught some pretty big fish this week and he was beyond greedy. He was just too romantically horny for one man. A clone sounded perfect.
Xavier and the other guys would tolerate how much he talked about his dates, but they really couldn’t give half a shit. Another him though would bring a whole new world to his dating game. Two Toms playing the field, they could probably get through entire towns if they tried hard enough.
He wasn’t even that worried about jealousy. If they wanted to both make out with the same person, he’s sure they’d just switch out halfway through. Pretend like he had unreal stamina. Or just woo someone as a pair of twins, call one of them tommy or something.
Xavier had sent a text with instructions and they were odd for sure.
DNA I think. Just wacked it haha. Possums didn’t do that tho, I think. Not like I watched a Possum jack it. Can they do that?
Throw in dirt (avoid lots of mud) and bake.
Clone. Love mine. No duplicate murder pls. Won’t help you bury it, sounds messy.
Go home. I’m busy.
Thomas decided to just spit into the least muddy area he could find. Seemed better than jacking himself off in case that Xavier was filming this.
It was faster than he expected. The saliva sunk into the still quite muddy dirt and immediately churned into it. A shape was sculpted out of it, rising from a growing water filled hole in the earth as the mud removed itself. Texture phasing across the surface of it until it became familiar. Muscles and dark hair, sprouting across the body. The jeans shorts, tank top and sneakers he’d worn on the off chance the rain would let up enough for some hoops.
Thomas would be able to play two on one now.
He helped the forming man remove himself from the sticky mud, pulling an arm and a leg free as the guy drank him in.
“This is so cool” the new Tom grinned. Thomas couldn’t help but say it back to him, already feeling his mind switch from hesitating, to the idea of who they would take home tonight. Imagining himself kissing this other self just so he could see the face on the shmuck who’d swiped right, probably cumming at the mere sight of their twin act.
“We are going to slaughter Grindr tonight”
“Yeah we fucking are”
“Can I pretend to be the little brother?”
“You’re the clone so it’s not wrong”
“You’re the clone!”
They cackled to themselves, deciding to leave the backyard without telling Xavier. He was probably “busy” fucking himself, that loser. They didn’t even need to ask each other about their plans, one of them already on the task of searching out some poor boy to blow the mind of. The other had his foot on the gas, speeding away to the park. They could shoot some hoops while they let their lure catch some minnows.
It was going to be good having a partner in crime.
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Zeke wasn’t a freak like his two friends. He had a good job, a good personality, a good life. None of Xavier’s goblin ways and none of the overpowering horniness that Thomas spent his life embarrassing himself with. Zeke was charming when he wanted to be and successful when he needed to be. An ideal tradesman, earning way more than he’d ever expected he would
Zeke was helping his other self dig up their third though, so maybe he wasn’t perfect. He’d come here just to see if Xavier had a gas leak again. It had happened once and the man had done some truly crazy shit high on it, so Zeke was just trying to prevent that.
Xavier hadn’t opened the door and at some point Zeke had decided to humor the guy. Stuff a single pulled hair into the drying dirt and then text Thomas to see what he was up to. Maybe break into Xavier’s to make sure he hadn’t died.
The soil had come alive and then there were two of him. Their brains both seemed to break.
Two hadn’t seemed like enough. Zeke didn’t know which damaged part of his psyche said that, but suddenly he couldn’t be twins. That was oddly ridiculous. Twins seemed so boring, there were thousands of them.
An odd number seemed better, so one of him had pulled out a hair from the other and stuffed it inside all the same. Living churning dirt and then there were three. A smiling face looking up at the both of them, making his heart clench as his mind screamed.
He was lucky that the newest of their band wanted all their attention, else he would’ve ripped out a few more hairs to get to the next odd number. Their truck would’ve definitely failed in that.
Something about the sight of himself in those boots and camo shorts felt like crack. He’d bought them enjoying them in the mirror, shamelessly checking himself out. It was hotter in 3D though, the full definition making his body want to launch at them, just so he could feel what was under all those shorts. Objectively, he’d seen it all, but not like this.
Zeke wanted to watch these boys fuck or fight each other, wrestling in some way to make his brain chill out with enough to at least make him finish. It wouldn’t end there, he was well aware. He could feel the rest of his life lay out from here, everyday a struggle to not come back here and add another to the group. He could hardly feed an army, but right now his brain shrugged off those thoughts like logic and his dick were oil and water.
One of them was making out with the other in the back and their imaginations were s vivid that the one driving could practically feel the others tugging on his dick, his eyes barely on the road as he watched the show play out behind him. It was unbearably incredible, studying each and every way two identical objects to confuse the hell out of his eyes as they devoured each other.
He was going to punch Xavier and his stupid clone for doing this to him. The shit would probably laugh at him too, happy to see Zeke fall from his tower down into the depths of whatever this was. Zeke wouldn’t even have anything to say to that, especially if the other Zekes came with him. His mind would be puddy. How was he going to get any work done like this?
The future was horrible and Zeke was fucked. In more ways than one.
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cryptids-of-spielzeit · 6 months
Spielzeit Bestiary #8: The Sun Dog
Nature. Every tree, plant, and animal. It is all around us, and it is a very big part of the forest town Spielzeit's identity. The townsfolk and the surrounding forest have been in kahoots with one another ever since it split from the now defunct Playtime toy company. And now, their relationship with nature has seemingly grown stronger, due in part to a new creature said to roam the woods. They call it the Sun Dog.
Said to be the most benevolent of Spielzeit's ever growing roster of "cryptids", the Sun Dog is described as being a giant Cocker Spaniel with dark orange fur. It gets its name from what locals describe as a pendant, shaped like the sun, that it wears tightly around its neck.
It is said to be missing the lower half of its body, resulting in it crawling around wherever it goes. Those who have caught a glimpse of the Sun God report it being followed by a group of animals. The animals within said group vary, but the most common group is said to be that of a red fox, a whitetail deer, and an opossum.
Stories and sightings of the Sun Dog portray it as a protector of nature, caring for wounded and abandoned animals and helping any that cross its path. It is said to be incredibly docile, even helpful, towards humans, with one witness, Jeremy Hill, 23, describing as such.
"I was taking a walk through the woods. It was a nice day, nothing out of the ordinary. So, I'm walking, and I notice this tree, looked perfect for climbing. I get to the top of the thing, the view was really nice. Then, I heard something, sounded like, I don't know, giggling? Startled me so much that I fell off the branch, broke one of my legs. I screamed put for help for what felt like forever. Then I heard someone, they sounded like he was in his 50s, he told me not to worry, that'd he'd get me back home. That's when I saw him. We were at level with one another, he had a fox, deer, and possum at his side. Now, I've heard other people talk about this guy like he was the second coming, but actually being in his presence, I don't know, it made me feel safe. He had that look in his eyes, you know? I passed out afterwards, but when I woke up I was in town square. I won't forget that day."
The Sun Dog's contributions have not gone unnoticed. For instance, since his arrival, illegal hunting in the Spielzeit area has dropped tremendously, something that Ranger Angelo Floros has taken note of.
"Now, I'm not sure a giant, orange dog is the reason all of these hunters have went away, but regardless, this is great news. And if you want to thank this 'Sun Dog' for it, be my guest."
Many residents do, in fact, thank the Sun Dog, particularly those with some background of religion. They believe in the Sun Dog's existence so much that they have made it the central figure in their annual Summer Solstice festival. Here, there are Sun Dog themed games, food, and even stage performances about its contributions. Something notable is that during the festival, there is a chance that an animal will show up, requesting food, in which they always recieve it, yet they never immediately eat it. It is said that they bring it to the Sun Dog, who watches in the distance on the Licht hillside, where the sun shines brightest.
Is there a protector of nature living in the forests of Spielzeit? Or has Lady Luck just grazed the town with a great ecosystem? Do you believe?
(A major thank you to @abugcalledtoken for writing a greater part of the Sun Dog's lore!)
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What’s so neat about opossums? I don’t know much about them…
They are the best creatures on the planet!!!
My favorite facts:
- They are perfect little angels.
- North Americans only marsupial.
- They rarely carry rabies due do their low body temperatures.
- They help humans by eating bugs like ticks.
- They use their tails to carry around things.
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scary-lasagna · 2 years
What would happen if Toby found this cute ball of fluff of a mystery creature and took it home because he that it'd probably die without help. Then as it grew older it started to learn how to talk, hunt for its own food, ect. Then Slender realized it's actually a super powerful demon, but Toby was already kind of like it's daddy and it loved the proxies like family?
“New pet :)”
“..Toby, no.”
It’s incredibly risky to have this cute call of death and destruction hobbling around the manor on Toby’s shoulders
As much as he is notorious for bringing home things he shouldn't bringing home a creature of death is certainty around the top of the list.
there are more Beasts of the Black Forest than one would assume. It's one of the first things that Toby learned about when he arrived at the manor.
Not only do other beings pose a risk when out on the field, but Beasts are dangerous to encounter depending on which kind you are dealing with.
The one that Toby has brought home is unidentified, which makes Slender think it's nothing but bad news. Every time Toby steps into the room, something bad happens.
Now, that's usually the norm for Toby, but he should at least be interacting with something or someone first.
Just the near presence of that creature has almost cost Slender death by bad luck. A knife falling, nearly tripping into the open loaded with steak knives dishwasher, almost dropping Mother's prized vase (she would have had his head on a stake).
He's fully convinced that the creature promotes Murphy's Law (added with some spice of near-death experiences as well).
Toby's new pet, who is now named Murphy who overheard Slender's complaints, had to be kept outside in a makeshift dog house that it will certainly grow out of in the future.
Toby spends all of his time with it, finally getting the dream of playing with his own 'dog' since he was little.
So perhaps Slender can make arrangements for the new family pet.
"You want me to w h a t?" Mrs. P merely glanced at the creature and furrowed her brow at Slender.
"Uncursify it, if you can. All it's good for is bringing bad luck and stealing food from dinner plates."
"Slender, darling, I'm not even sure if that's possible if it was born with it, but I suppose I can try to do some work on the poor thing."
And so, Mrs. P. took Murphy for a few days inside her little cottage on the cliff. She avoided and miraculously survived falling bubbling potions, burn marks, a pack of rabid opossums, and even Eyeless Jack falling through her chimney.
Although she was unsuccessful, Mrs. P managed to find a loophole around this mysterious force residing inside little Murphy.
Slender came with Toby that day to pick him up, and the inside of the cottage was in near shambles but Mrs. P looked pleased with the result of the beast.
"Oh you put bling on him." Toby laughed and held both of the beast's paws to admire the sparkling necklace around his companion's neck.
"It's a charm blessed with luck and whatever handful of crystals and luck-based artifacts I could get my hands on in three days. And since he's had it on, I haven't been attacked by a single opossum. In fact, they all mysteriously fell asleep in the fire pit."
"Why do you say possum like that?" Slender squinted.
"Like what? I say it just how you say it except I write it with an 'o' on paper."
And with that note, they left for home, and Murphy was allowed to eat off Toby's plate once more. Murphy will continue to grow into the size of a large dog, but he's content being the perfect size to nap across Toby's shoulders for now.
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artificialflav · 3 months
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Pocketkins Eco Opossum - Wild Republic
“Experience the eco-conscious charm of the Pocketkins Eco Opossum by Wild Republic! This adorable plush toy, inspired by the resilient Opossum, is perfect for both kids and adults who appreciate softness and sustainability. It retains all the appeal of the original Pocketkins while championing eco-friendliness.”
“Embrace the Pocketkins Eco Opossum and embark on a woodland adventure of eco-conscious play, learning, and the delightful companionship of a creature that epitomizes the adaptability and charm of the natural world. It's the natural choice for those who value our planet's future and cherish the joy of plush, nature-inspired companions.”
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glitchbirds · 11 months
while i have always had a deep and earnest love for miniatures, and watching people make miniatures, and diorama building,
ive never really made the first timid step towards the mortifying notion of "trying something new and being completely unable to make something perfect first try" and seriously tried my hand at it. but as of late i finally have begun to at least dabble with polymer clay. i havent done much with it yet, but just beginning to make that step has lit a spark in a dim lightbulb in the back of my head, and ive started writing down potential future ideas and sketching out rough dimensions and concepts. this is a very welcome reprieve of feeling like any creative outburst is brief and must be frantically collected as quickly as possible (before it fizzles out and i am left deeply frustrated).
anyway with that said. for whatever reason the main things ive made so far (and kept, instead of squishing back into a ball of clay) have all been... fleshy, fetal, pathetic wailing creatures. just tiny pink things writhing around. neither of the current... "projects"? ive been dabbling with are finished, but i do want to talk about what i started with yesterday. because i like them.
i decided i wanted to make a bunch of newborn opossum joeys. started off by making three "prototype" ones of differing sizes, so i could get some sort of feel for the process and know how small i could realistically go. actual newborn opossums are smaller than dimes, and i wasnt sure if i could manage something that tiny just yet, so i made one bigger than that, one pretty close to dime-sized, and one even smaller.
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and here they are in their current state after the rest of the detail i was willing to do at the time-
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im hoping to paint them, at the very least im going to slather them with gloss at some point. i think im tentatively going with Baby 2's size and will try to sit down tomorrow or this weekend and just make a bunch of them
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cryptids--hands · 2 months
Morning With the Kremreshks
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Summary: It's your typical summer morning. Kakeryn has a few things to take care of before heading to work, and all is well in his corner of the world.
Tags: Fluff galore! Found family, married life, petnames, retired, domestic, adopted children, the kids are mostly alright, proud dads, they're so gay your honor, pets
Word Count: 3,712
Notes: With my first dnd campaign (a lovely netherdeep campaign ran by @phantomfay) coming to an end this weekend, I thought I'd post a short prequel story I wrote for my PC Kakeryn before the horrors of the campaign ensued. Tada!! Bone apple teeth
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 Warm all encompassing comfort cradled him, not as tenderly as his husband, but it was a solid eight out of ten. Still, why would he ever purposefully part from this heaven? Seems like madness to him. He was going to state his case and, if whoever was trying to interrupt him had an inkling of rationality, why they should find a nice pile of blankets and get cozy. Unfortunately, it seemed that his facial muscles were also lost in the sauce of contentedness and turned his words into a bland slurry of sounds. 
 “Gulerak, c’mon and wake up my dearheart.” 
 Seriously, what is their problem? I mean, it's one thing to try rousing someone, realize your foolishness, and then go about your day, but to repeat it? Unforgivable. His husband will be hearing about this abhorrent intrusion. The nerve of some people, he’ll have to be firmer on his stance, if only this pillow wasn’t so perfect for nuzzling his face into. Ah well, ‘c'est la vie. 
 "Gulerak." This time a hefty, calloused hand gripped his shoulder and gently jostled him. 
 Oh, oh, this meant war. What a heinous slight, what madman would be so cruel as to literally shake a fellow from his slumber? This was a matter beyond words now, he’d been charitable enough thus far, but now he needed to take action. He brought back one of his arms, rearing to strike down his new mortal enemy with every ounce of might, he thrust his hand forward and- 
 Kakeryn stayed perched on the edge of his shared bed, performing his part in a dance that has been muscle memory for years -with some recent alterations, but that’s life-. Gulerak’s sleepy delirium presented itself in a myriad of ways, though it seemed that this morning he chose violence, and with no one else around Kakeryn would have to suffer. He watched Gulerak’s arm struggle to rise into the air before lamely plopping down against his snout. He was half tempted to lick it and make Gulerak squirm, but he’s feeling merciful this morning. 
 Not bothering to pry the hand from his face, Kakeryn shook the slumbering giant, "Gulerak, my love, my sweet, my bastard. Get up and take care of the goats." 
 Gulerak’s chest slowly ballooned, barely able to gather the breath necessary for the agonized groan that resounded from him. For a moment, they were caught in a standoff as they anticipated each other's next move. Gulerak had apparently worked up the nerve to act first, flipping over on his other side, leaving Kakeryn with a solid wall of back to talk to. 
 Long overdue, Kakeryn sighed as he trudged forward with his mission, "Lemongrass won't stop staring at me through the windows, and I'm certain it's your blood she's calling for if you don't get up and feed her!" 
  In his many years of life, Kakeryn had come across creatures of all types, but at the moment werewolves were on his mind. He’s heard there are plenty of sub-types of were-creatures -wererats, wereboars, werebats, wereraven-, though he didn’t recall ever hearing about wereopossums. Maybe this would be the first of its kind, he’d have to get a second opinion, but he was fairly convinced with Gulerak’s resemblance to the opossum he had to remove from the chicken coop last winter. Deathly still, drooling, morning breath, the list goes on. He’d have to pull out the big guns to bring him back from the edge of sleep. 
 "And the girls are gonna finish your portion of breakfast if you don't get your lazy ass out of bed." 
 Gulerak huffed like an old dog before finally propping himself up on his elbows, blearily squinting at Kakeryn, "What'd'ya make?" 
 "Remember how you took the girls fishing a few weeks ago?” Gulerak nodded, “And you brought back all that salmon? I got up early to finish smoking it,” He pursed his lips at that, “And there's some fresh bread rolls, chevre, your scrambled eggs with fixings, and loads of huckleberries that the girls picked. I was waiting for you to get up to brew your tea." 
 Gulerak furrowed his brow, hands steepling like a king deliberating the most important of decrees for his council, "Can't miss your cooking." 
 "You better not. It's why you ran off with me, right? For my incredible cooking skills." Kakeryn waggled his brow, his smirk bleeding into his words. 
 "As I recall it, you ran off with me. And, uh, amongst other things..." he let the words fall from his mouth with a lazy drawl. 
 "Oh, I'm certain- hey!" Kakeryn's train of thought aborted when he felt a warm, calloused hand slide across his stomach before grasping at his hip. He opened his mouth to speak, only for a pair of lips to muffle him. "Gule-" smooch, "-rak," he tilted his head up hoping for room to speak, only for the ceaseless attack to continue down his neck, "You cheeky fucker, I'm not on the menu!"  
 Gulerak shifted closer, leaving a mountain of blankets in his wake, "You aren't?" 
 "No, but you're about to be if you don't hurry up." Though Kakeryn made no effort to part from him. 
 "I can make it quick." He wasted no time in pulling Kakeryn down with him, wrapping his arms around his husband’s waist. 
 "You… you-” Kakeryn glanced across the room as he tried to find his words, eyes suddenly landing on something that made him gasp, “Oh gods, she's here." 
 An electric jolt of panic shot down Gulerak's spine as he flung himself up to look at the doorway, no sign of anyone. He was about to get back to teasing his husband when he locked eyes with a figure in the window. Her beige face firmly pressed against it, breath fogging up the glass as soulless, vertically pupiled eyes stared into -no, through- him. It was as if time itself froze, everything trapped in an icy veneer of terror. 
 Lemongrass bleated, a harrowing rumbly sound that made Gulerak jump. 
 "Fuck’s sake!" He pressed a hand to his pounding chest, "Where did she learn to do that?"  
 Kakeryn sat upright and shrugged, "No clue, but she's been looking for you all morning. She was screaming at me when I went out to pick berries with the girls." 
 "We ought to get her a blindfold." He huffed, burying his face into the crook of Kakeryn's neck. 
 "She'll find a way to haunt you,” he brought a hand up to Gulerak’s back, clawed fingers tracing shapes against his skin, “she's determined like that." 
 Gulerak mumbled something indistinguishable under his breath. 
 "What was that?" Kakeryn made a show of listening, tilting his head as he pressed closer. 
 "One of these days I'm going to make Lemongrass meatballs." 
 "You'd burn them, my dearheart. Now c'mon, you don't want to leave her waiting, do you?" 
 Gulerak was raised a warrior, and a true warrior knows when to admit defeat, but he also knew how to commit to a bit. The theatrics he put into the exhausting tedium of tearing himself from Kakeryn’s embrace and lethargically gathering his outfit flew right over Lemongrass' head at speed that could kill twenty times over, unfortunately for Kakeryn who was also witness to it, he was not a goat. 
 By the time Gulerak had been led by Kakeryn to the kitchen, the girls had already scampered out to play in the pasture, faint wisps of giggles carried through an open window. Gulerak sagged against his husband as Kakeryn put the kettle on the stove the second time that morning, between his warmth and the small fire in the stove, Gulerak was almost ready to find a new excuse to drag them both back to bed. He took a moment to rub the remaining sleep in his eyes with the heel of his palm before softly murmuring, “How’d the kids sleep? I felt you get up again last night.” 
 “Faye had another nightmare. Still don’t know what they’re about, though. Like usual, she just clams up every time I try to figure out what’s going on.” He sighed, Gulerak could feel Kakeryn’s shoulders hunching as he spoke. 
 “She just needs time, she’ll tell us when she’s ready.” 
 “I know, I know. I just… I want to help her." Kakeryn paused, pulling in a breath, "Shima came and got me, scared me half to death when I woke her staring at me in the dead of night.” 
 Gulerak chuckled, “She got it from you, I bet.” 
 “Oh hush, you jerk.” Playfully smacking the back of Gulerak’s hand where it played with the hem of Kakeryn’s work pants. 
 "I remember those nights on the road when you couldn't sleep. I'd wake up to try and take a piss only to practically piss the bedroll." 
 Kakeryn groaned, snout scrunching as he dragged a hand down his face, "Don't remind me." 
 "I can't believe I didn't realize sooner,” a sly grin split his face, “you love sick lizard." 
 Kakeryn scoffed, poking Gulerak’s nose for emphasis, "Like you were any better, how many times did you try and serenade me?" 
"Okay, enough! I concede!" Gulerak’s surrender making them both burst into a fit of laughter, though he waited a beat after the quiet crept in before getting back on track, “They could sleep in our bed again, I think her nightmares happened less when they did.” 
 Kakeryn slouched as if granted salvation, “Please. Their beds are so tiny, I always end up falling on the ground when I stay with them.” 
 “Aww, poor baby. How will you ever survive?” Sarcasm dripping from his words. 
 “Oh, dearie me! I need a hero to recuse me, I don't think my dainty ol’ self will make it another day!” Kakeryn flung his head back, batting his eyes at Gulerak and subsequently falling into hysterics at the look of disdain coating his face. 
 He stared blankly at his husband, “And who’s the hero?” 
 “Oh, well, he’s marvelous really,” Kakeryn twirled a strand of hair that didn’t exist, “He has these broad shoulders, and these cute pointed ears-” 
 “Cute?” Gulerak deadpanned. 
 “Absolutely! His cheekbones always catch the light at just the right angles, and he has the softest hair I've ever touched.” Kakeryn’s grin was full and toothy as he talked, “Oh, and his lips, so pouty and full, they’re perfect.” 
 “Does this hero have a name?” 
 “But I haven’t even gotten to the best part! Don’t you want to hear about his perky bu-” a hand slapped over Kakeryn’s snout, only for Gulerak to recoil with a squeak when a warm, wet tongue tickles his palm. 
 “You stinking nub butt.” He wiped his hand off on Kakeryn’s pants, faux glare on full display. 
 Kakeryn rolled his eyes, slinging his arms around Gulerak and bringing them chest to chest, "You adore me." 
 "Till the day I die." He killed the feud in favor of sharing a tender kiss with Kakeryn. Another, and another. One more? Okay, just one more I swear- 
 The kettle's squeal queued Kakeryn back into the task at hand, reluctantly parting with Gulerak to pour the water into a wobbly clay mug, then moving to scoop dried ginger and herbs into a tea strainer. "Go sit, love, I'll have it ready in a moment." 
 It was an easy thing for Kakeryn to fix his plate; not to mean that he didn’t do it beautifully, he's turned the simple act of eating into an art form, over a decade of working at Marnie’s Inn only honing his skill to a deadly point. The way he waltzed about the kitchen was always hypnotic to Gulerak, it felt right the same way birdsong in the woods did. Peaceful, irreplaceable, home. 
 If Gulerak could live his life over, he would find Kakeryn as quickly as possible so he wouldn’t waste so much of his life not eating his cooking (and the dozen other things he should have done sooner, but that's besides the point). He was torn between stuffing everything in his mouth as quickly as possible and savoring every bite, though Lemongrass' distant screams made a compelling argument. 
  As soon as the food was served, Kakeryn's hands were running through Gulerak’s silky tresses, pulling apart tangles with ease. "How do you want it today?" 
 “Nothing too fancy for today,” he said between mouthfuls of bread, “Gonna be doing lots of work today.” Warm butter and honey oozed over it, amplifying the flakiness tenfold.  
 “Ah, you busybody, what have you got planned?” His claws gently scratching at Gulerak’s scalp before splitting a part down the center. 
 “The hens need new bedding, so I gotta get the old stuff into the compost.” The salmon was a rich pinkish-orange, notes of hickory wafting up as he dug his fork into the tender flesh. 
 Hair glided over Kakeryn’s fingers as he gently tugged at them, guiding over and under, fast yet meticulous, “What a shit chore.” 
 “Quite. Then I have to check on Bable again,” Gulerak paused to scarf down his eggs, fluffy and spiced with diced peppers and shallots, “Poor girl, I think her back hoof is acting up again.” 
More loose strands were being brought into the mix, gathering into something fuller, “Should I stop by Lithefoot’s and send him over?” 
 “If it isn’t a bother,” his thumb swiped at a stray crumb clinging to his lip, tongue darting out to quickly clean it off. 
 He found his rhythm, weaving like they were strands of fire. "Never. Besides, I gotta stop by the bookshop and snag that recipe book I ordered, they’re basically next to each other." 
 “Mmh!” Gulerak needed another moment to finish chewing the sweetly tart huckleberries before asking, “Could you see if there’s more of that Waggit series Fayeryn likes? She was asking me about the sequel when I put them to bed last night.”  
 “I take it she liked it?” He reached the base of Gulerak’s head, pulling the remaining hair into low bun. 
 “Oh, she loved it. You know how she is with books, she doesn’t read it unless it's about an animal. All the stray dogs come together and become a found family, heartwarming stuff, she devoured it. Good thing we got her a new sketchbook for her birthday, the one she’s using is filled to the brim with dogs.” He winced after a premature tasting of his tea rendered his taste buds senseless. 
 "Done," he said as he finished tying a red hair ribbon into a neat bow, "I'll keep an eye out." 
 Gulerak leaned back, looking up from where he rested against Kakeryn’s stomach, "Thank you, love." 
Kakeryn’s hands found their place on Gulerak’s cheeks, his world in his palms, "I'm gonna say goodbye to the girls before I head out, don't forget to wash up." 
Gulerak let out an undignified guffaw, "You wound me! When have I ever forgotten to do the dishes?" Kakeryn barely raised his brow before he amended himself, "Don't answer that." 
 "Whatever you say." He lingered on Gulerak for another moment before heading to the door, the ghost of his warmth still alive on his skin. 
 The second he stepped outside, he was overcome with the understated beauty of the forest, lush layers of vibrant blooms danced in the early morning breeze, scored by songbirds crying out with competing melodies. To his right, a stone pathway that lead past their eclectic garden and towards a bubbling brook, to his left, another pathway that forked. The shorter path curled further left towards a wooden pen, the longer one disappeared behind a dense patch of trees, offering them some privacy from the well worn walkways into town. Kakeryn had barely closed the door behind him when Lemongrass caught wind and wasted no time in making her complaints known. 
 She clambered over to the gate, nearly standing upright with how she propped herself against the fence, and began bellowing. If she was human Kakeryn bet she would have been an internationally famous opera singer, too bad she’s horribly tone deaf. 
 She could listen to reason, right? “You have the wrong person, dear.” 
 Her head tilted to the sky as she continued to sound her apocolyptic siren. Clearly, she was not in a listening mood. 
 “Gulerak will be out soon, give him a-” 
 The lack of food in her stomach proved to be a more pervasive problem than he had initially given credit for, she was clearly of the verge of starvation with how she screamed. 
 He tried to raise his voice over her wailing, “Lemongrass, please-” 
 Her hoof clacked against the hard wood as she kicked, emphasizing her argument. 
 “I can give you some scratches, how does that sound?” He pleaded. 
 She finally wavered, mouth agape as she observed him. Her ears flicked as the tense silence stretched, before deciding she’d rather not and sauntering back to where the rest of her herd layer in a patch of sun warmed dirt.  
 “Really?” He sighed, then turned onto the garden path as if he hadn’t been bested by her once more. “Figures, of course you’re only after my grain.” 
 He had only gotten a few feet down the path when noise yet again cut through the calm morning. 
 "Dad!" A bubbly shout came from beyond the garden beds, rapid footsteps thumping against soft earth crescendoed as Shima appeared from around the crops, pale yellow dress smeared with dirt and barely halting in time to not crash into him, "Dad, I found a worm!" 
 Shima's face was flushed from the expended effort, cheek splitting grin and soft eyes on display as she shoved her hands forward. As forewarned, a dirt speckled, slimy noodle squirmed fervently in her tiny palms, threatening to spill over with each thrash. 
 "Oh, what a lively guy, how'd you catch it?" He kneeled, clothed knees drinking up the remaining dew from the grass. 
 "Faye and I were looking under the stepping stones for snacks!" Kakeryn raised his brow, "For the flock! The kept flapping an' going "ba-bawk, ba-bawk" an' I felt bad. But Papa told me not to mess with the feed, so I got them a snack! Even though snacks before food is bad for your atti- apb-," her nose scrunched up, huffing in concentration "Arp- no, apri-. Help."  
 "Appetite?" He offered. 
 "Yeah! It's bad for appetites, so you're not supposed to eat before food, even if the good smells make you really hungry. But they looked sad! Their mohawks were extra floppy an' stuff too! So I went "ok, but only a little nibble", and then they got really happy, and that made me really happy! And I remembered bugs like rocks, and the stepping stones are just fancy rocks, so I flipped them over like "wa-bam" and I found lots of bugs!" 
 "Hey! I flipped them over, you just poked at stuff." Fayeryn tucked one of her loose curls behind her ear as she rounded the garden, basil green tunic rolled up to the elbows. 
 Shima twisted around to retort, almost dropping the worm, "Poking things is very important. That's how we got Dirtface!" 
 Fayeryn stared blankly, "Who?" 
 "Dirtface!" She hoisted the worm over her head, flopping somewhat less frantically now, "He's the king of dirt and he likes strawberries and he's my best friend." 
 "I thought we were gonna give him to Gerty." Ah yes, as if the roundest hen to ever roam the land could be in such desperate need for food that she needed their assistance. She truly embodied whatever feral beast chickens derived from every time a scrap of food made the mistake of being within sight. Poor Dirtface.  
 Shima whipped her hands away, holding them as far from Fayeryn as she could muster when she whined, "No! But he just became king, that's not fair." Her bottom lip jutted out, perfectly exaggerated. 
 Kakeryn cleared his throat, drawing their attention before continuing, "What if we put him in the garden instead? Then you both can help Papa feed the flock something extra tasty." 
 "Okay!" She chirped, dumping His Sliminess into Kakeryn's open palm and wiping her hands on his work pants -blissfully ignorant to his grimace- before running up to where Gulerak now stood, nursing his mug in the doorway.  
 "You going to Marnie's?" Fayeryn asked, walking up and falling into her habit of poking at the spiked scales adorning his shoulders. 
 "Yup," He spread his unwormed arm out, Fayeryn quickly nestling into the crook of his neck with practiced ease, "If you bring some huckleberries during lunch, I can make them into a sauce, it'll go well with the grilled chicken you usually get." 
 She hummed at the suggestion, Kakeryn could feel her agreement as her curls tickled his cheek. He let his thumb trace soft circles onto her shoulder as she soaked him in, birdsong and pulse acting as soundtrack until she got her fill.  
 "You raise hell for Papa while I'm out, alright?" He joked as she pulled back. 
 She nodded, a lopsided smile on her face as she fidgeted with her sleeves, "Love you." 
 "Love you too, Faye." He pressed a kiss into her crown of hair before standing, stretching his back out with an exaggerated groan as he went.  There was one last thing he had to take care of before he could set out. 
 “Gulerak, dear?” He walked over to where Shima dangled from his bicep, legs swinging midair as she giggled. 
 He perked up, taking a final sip from his mug before responding, “Yeah?” 
 “Congratulations, you’re now the head of the royal guard.” Kakeryn unceremoniously draped the exhausted worm on Gulerak’s shoulder, rubbing the grime off onto his shirt, “Don’t kill him.” 
 His face warped, caught between vague dismay and a smile, “Oh. Do I get a hiring bonus?” 
 “Sure, here,” Kakeryn leaned in, leisurely pressing a kiss to his husband’s lips. 
 Horrified squawking filled the air as Shima reacted to the rapid cootie contamination, “Ew! That’s gross.” 
 “We’re all gross.” Kakeryn grinned as he sauntered off, leaving Gulerak to handle their rebuttals, “I’ll see you all at lunch!” 
 A chorus of farewells followed him as he turned onto the packed dirt path of the town’s streets. The fresh morning sun pleasantly warm as it beamed down on his scales, egging him on for the day ahead. 
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golden-risuto · 8 months
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CW: This particular character is mentally unstable. I will do my best to make her realistic, but please let me know of any flaws. I would appreciate it very much.
Delilah Mun-Ime the Tlacuache
“It's still a dream worth keeping.”
Gender: Woman.
Orientation: Straight.
Nicknames: Del, Luna, Yuè (Father and brother).
Species: Fairy Opossum, part moon creature (Normal form showed).
Physique: Chubby, less than average height (4'11")
Occupation: Art teacher, artist.
Neurotype: Autistic and BPD.
Elemental Alignments: Water and Dark.
Song: A Dream Worth Keeping · Sheena Easton (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I61G6qPM_yQ)
A 34 years old Tlacuache who lives the dream that many would like to have: A powerful husband, living off her art, a good reputation within her village, and two fantastic children... If only that reflected reality. Her life is far from perfect, since Delilah has been the victim of a forced marriage at the age of 19 to the son of the previous chief of Sigilla Village, Zechariah Demirkan, whom she detests with all her being. A fate Del wouldn't wish even on her worst enemy.
She hasn't had peace since her childhood, after that fateful day where her older brother, Stanford Mun-Ime the Coyote, ran away from home to save himself from a terrible future. Certain superior figures have been and continue to be very strict on her so she never thinks to almost go out of line again, against her wishes. Delilah, due to her reserved nature and fatigue at this point, avoids conflict to maintain the little inner peace she maintains... Although, sometimes, that flame that existed in her youth is fanned, seeking justice in short-lived explosive ways.
Despite all the bad things in her life, Delilah finds passion in her work as an Art Teacher in Sigilla Village, as well as in artistic, alchemical and gardening hobbies at home. She feels a lot of appreciation for her students and some members of the community, who see her as a stubborn, yet wise woman for her choices. However, she finds greater satisfaction in the relationship she has with her father and firstborn, Delilah wouldn't know what to do without them.
Special Info:
- A little known talent, inherited from lunar ancestors, is her ability to absorb moonlight and transfer it to a liquid as a potent ingredient for potions. The residents know of the existence of those potions and buy them to cure their illnesses, but they do not know the true origin of some components.
- Feels a huge emptiness for what could have been if the first escape plan had worked out, her life would have taken a big turn and perhaps Delilah would be very happy, even though she'd had little. However, it is still a dream worth keeping, even if the years have gradually diminished hopes.
- Delilah was in love with another man when she got married and Zechariah, at the beginning of the marriage, tried to make her fall in love with his qualities, but time proved that it would never happen between them and they currently live together like two strangers who detest each other.
- The abandonment of two significant figures has triggered an intense fear of being abandoned again, regardless of whether it is real or imaginary. She's even tried to convince herself not to have connections with others to avoid the pain... If only she didn't crave it at the same time.
- Has a hidden fairy form, but she prefers to stay normal for comfort and not to attract so much attention when it's already combined with her lunar form, whether good or bad.
- Cannot control her emotions and impulses a lot of times, the most benign of all being buying a lot of art supplies and one of the most harmful being alcohol, especially wine.
- After a long day of being overloaded with stimuli, there is nothing better for her than eating comfort food, cooking, reading a book or taking care of the garden. Likewise, she teaches her child Bastion the magic of art and do activities together.
- A faithful follower of the fairy demigod, Faunus, Delilah has felt their presence so many times that she cannot help but feel excited for his return and it's one of the few things that keeps her sane. She was proud of Bastion the day they decided to serve as an assistant in the Church of the Sacred Fruit.
- Her parents are recognized figures, she had a childhood free of economic worries thanks to the work of her father and his puppet... Enchanted shows and her mother, attending to the needs of the place. Delilah has a huge collection of books ranging from books from her childhood, art, culture, alchemy, outer space and even forbidden books on moon magic.
- Has a complicated relationship with her second child, Zebereo Demirkan the Red Panda, since he has a very similar attitude to his father. She loves him, but at the same time she finds it difficult to connect with him, which adds seeds of resentment between the Demirkan siblings.
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irl-morros-account · 1 year
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it is outside of my house !!! deer :)
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OH! Perfect! A creature to research in person this time. It's so cool, I haven't seen a deer for years, I just see foxes all the time.
And raccoons. And opossums. And cats. But those are recent developments
More importantly: did you name the deer.
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squids-comics · 3 months
Leon Nightshade Chapter Two: Graveyard Shift
The two men walked through the dark cemetery towards the distant metal gate. Leon led the way, with Greg following sheepishly behind. Greg nervously glanced every which way, doubting everything he saw. He swore he could see several of those little creatures looking at him as he went by. Leon had called them ghouls, said they were no real threat, though they didn't look like no threat. Their ghastly appearance sent a shiver down his spine every time he saw one. They were visible only for a split second, before they'd run and hide in the enshrouding darkness, lost in the night. They were almost as sheepish as he was in that way. He tried his best to ignore them and follow Leon.
The forest loomed large above the graveyard walls. They towered up into the sky, blocking out most of the horizon ahead. The dark green foliage of the trees, swayed in the breeze. It almost seemed as if the trees were beckoning them forward, urging the two men to come closer, ever closer, to a place they would never return from.
By the time the two had reached the gate, the sun had almost completely set. Greg grabbed two items from the belt around his waist; a ring of keys, and a flashlight. The flashlight was nothing out of the ordinary, just a good quality metal one. Looked durable and probably cost a pretty penny. It was a cold silver, with the word Greg scrawled across it in black sharpie. Greg clicked the flashlight on and used the ring of keys to open the gate. Leon smiled at the sight of the flashlight, seemingly relieved.
"I'm glad you have one of those," Leon smirked, his suave composure mostly regained. "Makes my job easier."
"Y-yeah?" Greg stammered out, clearly uncomfortable outside the cemetery walls. "Why don't you have a f-flashlight then?"
"I'm a light mage. It's bad form to rely on artificial light. I can create light from my very fingers! Uses a lot of energy to create it though. Much easier to use already existing light."
Leon reached into the beam of the flashlight and pulled out a handful of light. With a quick flick of his wrist, the ball of light changed to the shape of an arrow and flew into the side of a nearby tree, as if it had been fired from a bow. The arrow sat there, glowing softly in the darkness. It was an easy use of magic, a simple party trick. Greg was amazed. 
Leon had lied to Greg, as naturally as he breathed. It was actually quite common for mages (especially wizards like Leon) to carry a piece of their element around with them, to help them create more if they needed. They called them talismans. A flashlight would be a perfect talisman for a light mage, but Leon didn't use one. He was never worried. He was never in danger. He didn't need a talisman. Plus, the clients loved his little light tricks. He could recall several instances of a client paying a bonus specifically for his "magical skill". Why would he bother investing in a flashlight?
The forest stretched out before them as far as they could see. Every inch of the flashlight's warm light was soaked up by the cold foliage and the dark dirt of the trail they were following. The summer air that seemed to envelop them mere minutes ago had quickly lost its comfort, leaving them both feeling a little chill. It felt like going out in early autumn without a sweater, not enough to worry about, but enough to leave you uncomfortable. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary. Not at first. The forest was quiet. There were no sounds, save the rustling of leaves and the pair's own footsteps. Leon paused, freezing in his tracks.
"There's no animals."
"W-what do you mean?"
"This is a big forest," Leon looked from branch to branch, inspecting it all carefully. "It should be full of animals. Squirrels, opossums, rabbits, birds, bats, hell probably even a few deer! But we haven't seen anything."
Leon's cool demeanor had slipped yet again. He seemed nervous, almost afraid. Greg quickly picked up on this, his fear doubling.
"Y-you're right. T-there is n-normally at least s-some activity in here..."
Leon squatted down. He examined the dirt near him. 
"There's no tracks, no dropping, not even any noise," Leon observed. His voice quivered slightly, like he was hiding panic. "There's no signs of life at all..."
The two continued down the dirt trail, both unnerved. Leon joined Greg in the frantic search for something, anything, lurking in the darkness around them. The two pairs of eyes darted back and forth, up and down, weaving through the trees and the branches blocking the sky. The only light came from Greg's flashlight, making it difficult to search. Leon didn't want to waste any energy on a search light, as even holding light from Greg's flashlight would quickly burn through his precious mana. 
The forest remained completely silent, except for the sound of wind rustling through the leaves above them. Its sound, twisted and distorted by the knots in the wood, sounded almost like the whispering of voices. This did not do anything to help calm the two men's nerves. Leon was afraid. Not anxious or nervous, afraid. Afraid for his very life. For the first time in his career, he doubted his abilities. He wasn't sure what they were up against, and he wasn't sure if he'd be strong enough to stop it. He staggered towards the base of a particularly thick oak tree and sat on its roots. Slowly, Greg followed him. The two sat, collecting their thoughts and catching their breath. Their eyes continued scanning the forest the entire time. They were resting, but they dared not retire their vigilance. 
Leon was just starting to regain his composure when he heard it. Or, perhaps heard wasn't the right word. It was a low and deep sound that ran through very quietly, however it left a shockwave in its wake that could be felt by anyone with at least one foot on the ground. It was like the deep roll of a thunder cloud, but magnified, causing a more intense tactile sensation. It wasn't a constant vibration, it came and went, reoccurring in regular, distant intervals. The leaves flew into a frenzy, shaking to and fro with violent fervor, before ceasing, pausing until the next tremor. The two men held their breath, looking at each other. Both were pale in the face. Both had wide eyes. Both were terrified.
"T-that's what I felt! That's the monster!" Greg screamed into the night.
"Keep your voice down!" Leon hissed back. 
"Oh what does it matter! It's coming for us already! It knows where we are!"
The intensity of the footsteps grew, as did their frequency. The monster had started moving faster. The very trees around them began to bend and sway with the shockwaves presented in each new step. They couldn't tell which direction it was coming from, but it was approaching rather rapidly. What had started as a low rumbling sound was now closer to a full percussion orchestra. The thunderous footsteps were almost deafening as they raced through the dark. The echo bounced off every tree, every branch, and every leaf, surrounding them with a wall of sound. It was as if a stampede was coming for them, from every direction. If the noise continued growing in intensity, the two men would have to scream to talk with each other.
Leon got up from the tree. Greg followed him. The rumbling made it hard for them to stand, but they continued forward. Leon moved in the direction they had come in. Greg cut him off. 
"WHERE ARE YOU GOING?!" Greg yelled to Leon. The footsteps were too loud to talk at a normal volume.
"WE NEED TO GET OUT OF HERE!" Leon shouted back, over the thunderous symphony surrounding them.
"NO! YOU'RE NOT GOING ANYWHERE!" Greg shouted, significantly louder in the seemingly serene forest. "YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO KILL IT! YOU- Hey! It got quieter! Maybe we scared it off!"
Greg smiled jovially, thrilled with the idea he had driven the monster back with his loud shouting, as one would when encountering a bear. His joy quickly turned sour when he saw Leon's face. Leon wasn't smiling. In fact, he had gone even paler than he was before. He was frozen in his tracks, completely shaken to his core. He couldn't move even if he wanted to. His blood had run cold, turning his limbs to ice and covering him in a wide stretch of goosebumps as his hairs all stood on end. He attempted to swallow, to clear his throat, but it was dry and felt like sandpaper. He couldn't speak. Slowly, shakily, he lifted his right pointer finger into the air. It twitched as he did so, as if it cost an enormous amount of effort to move in the presence of whatever he was pointing at. He pointed at the air just above Greg's left shoulder.
Greg turned around and pointed his light down the forest path behind him. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary, except for two particularly thick tree trunks on either side of the path. They were wide, wider than any other tree in the forest. They were pale, like birch. But they didn't have the texture of birch. No... Greg looked closer, squinting his eyes. 
They weren't trees at all, but rather giant mounds of bone. Just about any bone you could name, human or animal, was present in the two towering trunks. Femurs, tibias, spines, ribs, they all came together, bound by some unseen force, forming unholy spires of yellowing white. The bones were mismatched, clearly not connected by any joints or united by function, but bound together nonetheless. It almost gave the impression of a patchwork quilt. Greg carefully panned the beam of his light up, slowly, deliberately, scared to move, as Leon had been with his pointer finger.
A towering titan stood before him, made entirely of bone. It was a good thirty feet tall, and close to ten wide. The bones the creature was composed of all seemed to be different ages. Some were old, some were not. Some were white, some were starting to grow yellow, looking sickly in Greg's golden flashlight beam. Its body was made up of many different bones of differing sizes. Some were small enough to have come from birds or squirrels, some were large enough to be human, some were larger. Its center was plated with dozens and dozens of scapulae. They were linked closely together, causing it to appear a little like the shell of an egg. Above this eggshell armour sat the skull of a deer, its hollow eye sockets looking down at the two trespassers. Tall antlers hung proudly in the sky above it, poking the tree canopy above. This head was crowned with an ornate headdress, made of the fragile bones of birds. Large deer rib cages made up the beasts shoulders, posed high above its lumbering arms. The arms themselves were a mash of anything the beast could find, the same as its legs. All sorts of little off-shoots branched off the main body, random limbs in random positions reaching out, clawing the air, trying to grab something. Each limb was adorned with some different appendage. Some had hands, some had hooves, and there were the numerous skulls of many of the forest animals Leon found missing. Some of these appendages had old blood caked around their fingers and teeth.
Greg couldn't bear what he was seeing. He had completely frozen. He couldn't talk. He couldn't move. He couldn't think. He could barely breath. It took everything he had in him to keep from passing out. He stared into the soulless eyes of the creature before him, imagining what unholy pit it had crawled out of. 
The creature stared back, its empty eye sockets fixated on him. It shifted its head to the side, studying the two men. Slowly, carefully, deliberately, it inched closer to Greg, taking small, careful steps, as if to not scare him away. These steps were much calmer, withholding the thunderous roar it's previous steps had had. It was about fifteen feet away. Then ten. Then five. Finally, it had made its way directly over Greg. He was tiny next to it, like a squirrel next to a human. It looked down on him, surveying him from above. Neither Greg or Leon dared to move. Both men were terrified, more so than they had ever been before. 
A loud sound echoed through the forest, like a soft crack, or a crunch. The plate on the beast's stomach had begun peeling back, the various shoulder blades moving away from its chest. Its eggshell-like appearance cracked, giving life to new horrors before their very eyes. Behind the plate wall were dozens of limbs, like the ones spotted across the outside of the creature. Each one was caked with blood. Some of the blood was old, dried, more brown than red. Other limbs were painted a rich crimson, still wet. This thing before them had killed, many times. It had killed recently, and it looked as if it would again. The limbs reached down, reaching towards Greg, clawing at the air as if trying to pull him closer.
Greg suddenly snapped back to reality. His head spun with adrenaline as he turned on the spot. He began running, off into the forest. Greg was fast, but the beast was faster. Significantly so. It no longer gave thought to the quietness of its footsteps, choosing speed over stealth. The whole forest shook once more as it gave chase. It caught Greg in as little as three paces. 
Greg dropped his flashlight on the ground, casting its rays against the beast's monstrous frame. The arms and legs and mouths of the beast lifted him into the air. They held him with his limbs extended, looking almost like a starfish as he floated up into the sky. He had at least four of the beast's limbs on each one of his own. They began their work as they carried Greg into the air. The digits of each limb dug into his flesh, ripping it, tearing it in any way they could. Teeth bit, hooves scraped, claws dug. A bird's talon tore skin off his left calf. A dog's paw scraped the flesh off his left forearm. A human skull bit into his right bicep, separating the muscle from the bone. Greg's wails of pain and terror filled the forest as his blood painted the dirt floor. 
Leon stood in shocked silence. He couldn't believe the horrors he was seeing. He was expecting a few troubled teens, maybe a ghoul or two. But this? How could anyone confront this and stay sane? It didn't seem like anyone could. Not anyone human at least. 
Greg was carried into the creature's chest cavity, where it continued scraping and clawing at him. New limbs reached out from the inner walls of the creature's body. Greg was still screaming, but Leon couldn't hear him over the pounding of his own heart. Greg was going pale again, not from fear this time, but from a lack of blood. The plates pulled back in front of the monster, sealing Greg inside and muffling his screams. Leon almost felt a slight sensation of relief as Greg's fate was hidden from him.
The monster began lumbering towards Leon. It was slower than before. It was eating. But still, it was much too fast for Leon to outrun. He had only one chance of survival, and it was lying on the ground between the monster's feet.
Leon gathered a large percent of his remaining mana, concentrating it in his hands. A glowing ball of golden light formed in his right hand, before molding itself into the shape of a saber. The feeling of expending so much mana in the span of such a short time was similar to walking for hours in the peak of summer heat. Leon could feel the very energy being sapped from his body. His limbs felt heavy, like they were made of lead. He felt slow, sluggish, but he'd need the sword desperately if he wanted any hope of survival. 
Leon dashed forward, towards the creature. It couldn't peel its shell back fast enough to get it's inner arms on Leon. He only had to worry about the ones between its legs. As he approached the beast, he threw his weight behind him, falling onto his back and sliding through the beast's legs. He grabbed the flashlight as he passed it, clutching it tightly in his left hand. Three limbs reached out for him. He could only see the two on his right. He slashed them quickly, causing them to fizzle and disappear in a haze of orange smoke. He had broken the necromantic spell holding the bones to the body. They had reverted to mana, to energy, and dissipated into the surrounding air. Leon, however, did not see the arm on his left. It was a small claw, like the kind you'd find on a small house cat or an abnormally large squirrel. It sank into his arm, his momentum pulling it through his skin, slicing it apart. 
Leon climbed to his feet on the other side of the monster. It began turning, slowly spinning to face him. He was bleeding rather profusely from his arm. He looked down at the Jack-o'-lantern tie he had worn. It smiled at him, its usual cheerful smile. He hated it. He hated himself more for ever wearing it. He ripped it off and quickly tied it around his arm, like a tourniquet. He looked up to find the monster facing him, staring down at him with its empty eyes.
Leon reached into the beam of the flashlight and pulled out a handful of light. He used his mana to mold it, reshaping it into a spear. He hurled the spear at the beast, stabbing it in its armoured plate. It didn't seem to notice this attack. It began shuffling closer to Leon, who began slowly inching away from it, carefully walking backwards, not daring to turn away from the creature. He threw another spear, and another, and another. None of these caught the monster's attention either. Leon reached once more into the beam of light, but  this time it flickered. The light grew weaker, then stronger, then weaker again before shutting off entirely. Leon was alone, with no weapon and very little mana left.
He continued cautiously backing away from the monster. It didn't seem interested in giving chase. It continued shuffling closer, as if deliberately taking its time, enjoying the torment Leon found himself in. Leon tried firing off a finger laser, the same he had used on the ghoul. It left a small stream of steam on the monster's cold bony surface, but left no lasting damage. Leon fired again and again and again. Still nothing. Something stopped him dead in his tracks. A root, behind his left foot. He stumbled over it, tripping and falling backwards into the trunk of a tree. He sat there, staring up at the beast, faced with the crushing weight of his situation. There was nothing he could do. He looked down at his hands. He didn't want the monster to be the last thing he saw. Liquid dripped onto his hands. Water. A tear. Leon was crying. He didn't want his life to turn out this way. He didn't want it to end this way. He felt every emotion he'd repressed the past year bubble to the surface, like some rushed attempt at closure on his life. He felt the sadness of his own perceived uselessness. He felt fear that he would never amount to anything. He felt anger at himself for conning so many people. Tears continued streaming down his face, splashing into his hands. They were soft and warm, much different than everything else in the cruel nightmare he found himself in. But then, something gave him pause. Something else had splashed into his hand. Something red.
Leon looked up to see the monster once again towering over him. Its chest cavity was open once more. He saw Greg, still suspended there, still being torn apart. He was missing both an arm and a leg. There were two new limbs inside the monster Leon hadn't seen the last time; a human hand, and a human foot. The creature had stolen Greg's bones and made them part of it. It was killing him, so that it could grow. Greg looked down at Leon. He was barely alive, but still conscious. He had stopped screaming. He no longer had the energy. His skin was the same shade of white as some of the bones surrounding him. 
"K- Kill Me..." Greg stammered. He spoke in a hoarse whisper, barely able to force the sound out of his mouth. Leon could barely hear him. "Please..."
Leon could see the pain on Greg's face. No human being should ever have to face that. Leon had enough mana for one last shot. It couldn't save him. But maybe it could help Greg. Leon lifted his arm into the air, pointing his finger at Greg's forehead. A golden light shone from the tip of his finger as dozens of limbs reached out of the monster, trying to pull him in.
A bright flash, and then Greg was gone. Leon would be joining him soon. The hands were almost upon him. He shuddered at the thought of how many bodies they'd already ripped through. And how many more they'd rip through after him. They were mere inches from his face. He could see the individual bones on the fingers, the ridges in the teeth of the skulls. He imagined what they'd feel like sinking into his flesh, not out of curiosity or a sense of wonder, but as a defense mechanism to prepare himself for the pain. 
A golden glow illuminated the forest, like the rising sun. It brought with it a tide of warmth, and an overwhelming feeling of calm. The monster froze in it's tracks. Leon stared up at it, no longer afraid of the fate he faced. But the hands refused to move. A sharp beam of light, no thicker than a ball point pen and nearly as bright as the sun, quickly slashed through the body of the monster. Its top half slid off it's bottom half as its whole body fizzled and dissolved into a cloud of orange smoke. The cloud enveloped Leon, hiding the world from his view. Leon could see nothing but the colour orange, but he wasn't afraid. He still felt the calming effects of the light. He felt calmer than he had been when he entered the graveyard. The light seemed to wipe all negative memories from his mind. He could barely even remember the monster. Or Greg. 
When the smoke cleared, Leon came to find the corpse of Greg lying at his feet. The monster hadn't fully consumed him, only his arm and leg. They had disappeared with the monster, but the body remained. He had been cut in half by the beam of light, and had a gaping hole in his head where Leon shot him. Leon should have felt grief or guilt or heartbreak or some sort of negative emotion relevant to the horrors he had unwittingly subjected that man to. But, bathed in the golden light enveloping the forest, Leon felt nothing but content. 
The light grew stronger as a small, disheveled looking man hobbled over to Leon. The man seemed to be glowing, as if the light was emanating from his very skin, as if he had saved Leon, and put everything right once again. He was enveloped in dark black robes, as dark as the night sky. He smiled a bright and welcoming smile on his mouth, wearing it beneath dark, soulless eyes. His eyes were bloodshot and surrounded by bags as dark as his robes. He looked like he hadn't slept in at least a decade. His skin was pale and sickly looking. The light made it look as if it had a slight yellow twinge to it. At least, Leon thought it came from the light. The man was mostly bald, with only a few strands of hair remaining in odd spots on his head. The hair was long, hanging well past his shoulders, but was shriveled and burnt, taking on the colour and complexion of charcoal. His back sat with a large hunch, nearly halving his height. Despite this, he was still a good four feet tall. Underneath his frail appearance and sickly demeanor, the man was in rather good shape. His arms, though hidden by the robes, were large enough to have a good amount of muscle on them. The way the man teetered forward seemed to support this idea. Although he could barely walk on his own, he had come out to the forest on a cold night with no mobility aid, not even a walking stick. He was confident in his ability to move. His steps wobbled with an eerie rhythm, a pattern, as if it was a deliberate effort the man had practiced before.
"W-Who are you?" Leon blurted out, stumbling to his feet.
"I am Constantine," The old man spoke. His voice was harsh and ragged, like his throat was made of sandpaper. Each word almost seemed to cause him a slight twinge of pain. "The Lord of Light."
"You're a light mage?"
"Yes!" Constantine seemed excited. He inched closer to Leon, who would have been unnerved if not for the warm glow he was blanketed in. "As are you!"
Leon paused. He didn't know this man, or anything about him. How did the man know him?
"How do you know that?" 
"I watched your fight," Constantine spoke with a grin.
"You what?"
"I watched you fight the bone golem," Constantine said, stepping closer once more. He was mere feet away from Leon. "I watched you with that other man. I watched you enter the forest."
Leon felt the twinge of fear return to his chest. The man continued smiling, seemingly unwise to Leon's sudden unease. 
"You watched the fight?" Leon yelled, a little angry. "You could have stepped in sooner! You could have saved Greg!"
The smile faded from Constantine's face, as he too began growing annoyed. "The guard? Bah! He was unimportant! He doesn't matter!"
"What are you saying?"
The man stepped closer, close enough to touch Leon. "He was a dead end man in a dead end life. He left no impact. He won't be missed?"
"How dare you!" Leon screamed, his blood boiling. "That man-"
Constantine circled behind Leon, placing a hand on his shoulder. Leon could feel the golden light penetrate his every pore. It was a warm and cozy feeling, like soaking in a warm bath, or eating hot soup on a cold day. All the anger melted out of Leon almost instantly. Leon felt a light buzzing in his head. It almost felt like he was slightly intoxicated. The words Leon shouted drifted from his mind, as he suddenly lost his train of thought.
"That man was unimportant," Constantine restated, calmer this time. His smile returned when he saw Leon's face calm. "But you! The universe has grand plans for you!"
"Me?" Leon stammered, his fuzzy head spinning slightly. "I'm important?"
"Yes you are my boy!" Constantine cheered. He jumped up with the volume of his words, his back straightening slightly as he did so. He was taller than Leon, with a much more muscular build to match. "I have been searching for someone like you for a long time. You are destined for great things."
"What kind of things?"
"I shan't say!" Constantine chuckled to himself. "Would a painter paint if he knew what the final picture would be? Would a poet write if his rhymes were preordained?"
"I'm not sure I follow..."
"Art is a great thing," Constantine replied, circling Leon like a shark. His smile grew wider with each word. "It requires talent and power yes, but also passion! Feeling! To see the future is to remove the stakes! Nothing great can happen under such circumstances."
"So I'll make art?" Leon said, spinning himself to follow Constantine's movements. It made him feel even more dizzy and disoriented. "When?"
"In time my boy. In time."
Constantine stopped circling Leon. He stared at Leon for the briefest of moments, studying the details of his face. After he had sized Leon up, he spoke once more.
"I must go. I have business. A new class has entered Oakheart, I must see if any notable faces are present. One day, you will need me. You will know when. Come seek me out. At the great Alamonar's tower."
"Alamonar? Chronnus?" Leon recoiled at the name. The shock was almost enough to wake him from his trance. He had heard myths and legends of Alamonar. He was one of the greatest sorcerers to ever live. Just who was this man, living in Alamonar's old home?
"The very same," Constantine spoke with a soft nod. 
"Who are you?"
Constantine laughed a hearty laugh, much to hearty for someone as seemingly frail as he. "I told you already boy. I'm the Lord of Light!"
And with that, a bright, golden flash filled the forest. When it faded, Constantine had vanished without a trace. The golden glow was gone, as was the calming feeling it brought with it. The inky black darkness of the forest returned, enveloping Leon and hiding everything from his sight. Leon immediately came back to his senses. He found himself alone in the dark, cold woods. Alone, save for the two pieces of Greg's body. Greg, the unimportant man. The dead end man. The man who left no impact on the world. The man Leon had killed.
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possqueen · 9 months
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lucou worldbuilding drop: the actual gods of the universe (responsible for creating the aelo and oneh as well as having control over time and space) are possum dragons known as "angels of creation"
canonically opossums ("patsun" in otiri) were created in their image by the aelo and are the most perfect little creatures
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birchbow · 2 years
Ok so I had a thought.
The way you design your version of the characters, they clearly age into their blood color’s equivalent of age appropriate body types - not weakening with age but experiencing healthy aging none the less.
And The Empress is, inherently, seen as physically perfect - as in, she does not need to fit a standard of beauty; beauty keeps its standard by fitting the Empress. The empress who is in your style very Retired Mom/You Can’t Even Tell She’s Actually 65 bod. Between this and the fact lowbloods have the whole ‘live fast, die young’ schtick they’re stuck with due to being casually murdered or thoroughly exploited as a matter par for the course…
Rather than being similar to our universe where youthfulness is built into beauty standards, I think in your universe signs of maturity are actually considered more attractive. Not so much ‘look at those liver spots, hubba hubba’ but more like ‘I’ve seen the universe, looked into the eyes of every type of person and creature that exists, made it my bitch, and now I will sit in my seat at the top of my field drinking wine until I see something interesting. Let’s see if you can add even a single gray hair to my collection.’
Just imagine Troll movie stars doing their makeup to achieve sharper cheekbones, people faking having crows feet/eye creases the way people fake double eyelids, popular celebrities going to salons to bleach their temples or tint their hair so it shines silvery…
Like? How did hell universe get the good healthy beauty standards??? I feel like this is that post about Opossums in Australia vs Everywhere Else all over again.
I do dig that! Plus in a society where it's common to die early/young, being visibly older is a sign that you're both strong enough to survive in combat and sexy enough to live through multiple drone seasons, haha. You look like the empress and ALSO you look like somebody very capable and badass in a society that is actively trying to kill you from the moment you crawl out of the brooding caverns.
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serpentmessmer · 1 year
🎉If you get this, answer with 3 random facts about yourself and send it to the last 7 blogs in your notifications, anonymously or not! Let's get to know the person behind the blog.
i waited til today to answer this so that i'd have some added notif diversity so lets GOOOO
i love live music, it's WEIRD for me to not see at least a couple shows a year because i love the whole atmosphere SOOOOOO MUCH
american opossums are my favorite animal in the whole world, i think those are gods most perfect creatures
i have an ass tattoo that i got in my friend's living room in exchange for a gram of weed
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carnivorerclowncore · 1 month
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i love him opossums are perfect creatures. also might make i partial of him but i prob need a name first
also do i need to tag this as g00r I'm new to tumbler
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amazinganimalsfacts · 2 months
Did you know there are over 70 kangaroo-like marsupial species in Australia and New Guinea? They are all part of Phalangeriformes. These marsupials are diverse and have adapted well to their environments. They can live up to 15 years in the wild and weigh from less than an ounce to over 20 pounds. Unlike opossums in North America, Phalangeriformes live in various environments. They have unique traits that help them survive. Their nocturnal and tree-dwelling ways make them key to their ecosystems. This shows why we need to understand and protect these amazing creatures. Key Takeaways Phalangeriformes include over 70 species primarily found in Australia and New Guinea. These marsupials can live up to 15 years in the wild. Weight can vary significantly among species, from under an ounce to over 20 pounds. Your average Phalangeriformes is arboreal and has unique adaptations for tree-dwelling life. They play a vital ecological role, contributing greatly to biodiversity. Introduction to Phalangeriformes The Phalangeriformes, also known as possums, are a diverse group of marsupials. They live mainly in Australia and New Guinea. There are about 70 species, from small to medium-sized, living in trees. Their history goes back to the Oligocene period. This shows they've been around for a long time. They can be found in forests, shrublands, and even cities, proving they can adapt. These marsupials have a rich variety, with many families and genera. The smallest is the Tasmanian pygmy possum, just 70 mm long. The bear cuscus can weigh over 7 kg. About two-thirds of Australian marsupials are in the Diprotodontia order, showing how important Phalangeriformes are. They eat leaves, fruits, and insects, making them omnivores. They are mostly active at night, which helps them live in different places. Sadly, many are threatened, with some at risk of disappearing, showing we need to act fast to protect them. Learning about Phalangeriformes helps us understand these interesting marsupials. It also shows how important they are in Australia and New Guinea. The Unique Characteristics of Phalangeriformes Phalangeriformes show how adaptable and diverse marsupials can be, especially those living in trees. They include families like Petauridae, Pseudocheiridae, and others. Each family has special traits that help them survive in different places. One key feature is the prehensile tail of brushtail possums. It helps them hold onto branches and stay balanced in the trees. Their teeth are also interesting, big and varied, perfect for eating many foods like fruits, bugs, and small animals. They are also known for their unique way of communicating. The common brushtail possum, for example, can make over 18 different sounds. These sounds help them find a mate or mark their territory. Some species, like the yellow-bellied glider, use special calls when they glide through the air. Phalangeriformes can live up to 15 years and vary greatly in size and weight. They can be as small as an ounce or as heavy as over 20 pounds. This size range helps them live in many places, from Australia to New Guinea, even near human settlements. Their special traits show how well they've adapted to life in trees and with other animals. https://youtube.com/watch?v=Fg-q5DDkWmg Habitat and Distribution The habitat of Phalangeriformes is key to their survival and adaptation. They live in various places across Australia and New Guinea. Each species has adapted to different environments. Regions of Australia In Australia, you can find them in cities, woodlands, and temperate forests. Brushtail possums are great examples of their adaptability, living in both rural and city areas. About 30 species of possums call Australia home, each with its own special place to live, from eucalyptus forests to shrublands. Some, like the common brushtail possum, even live in cities, showing how well they can adapt to human environments.
Regions of New Guinea New Guinea is different for these animals. Species like the cuscus live in tropical and subtropical forests. These forests are full of resources and shelter they need to survive. The diverse environments of New Guinea affect their behavior and way of life. The bear cuscus, the biggest possum, lives here, showing the variety in size and adaptation among Phalangeriformes. SpeciesHabitatDistributionBrushtail PossumWoodlands, Urban AreasAustraliaCommon Ringtail PossumForests, ShrublandsAustraliaCuscusTropical ForestsNew GuineaTasmanian Pygmy PossumForests, LowlandsAustraliaBear CuscusTropical and Subtropical ForestsNew Guinea Types of Phalangeriformes The Phalangeriformes group is diverse, showing many adaptations and behaviors. It includes brushtail possums, ringtail possums, and cuscuses. Each has unique traits that help them survive in different places. Brushtail Possums Brushtail possums live alone and are known for their bushy tails. They can grow as big as domestic cats. The Common Brushtail Possum is the second biggest in Australia, living in cities and the bush. The Northern Brushtail Possum is a bit smaller, measuring 35 to 45 cm. The Mountain Brushtail Possum is found in Queensland and Southern Victoria. Ringtails Ringtail possums like to live together. They have long, thin tails that help them hold onto branches. The Ringtail Possum is well-known for its nests, called dreys, made of leaves and twigs. Ringtails are smaller than brushtails and are more social. They often live in groups. Cuscuses Cuscuses are a big part of the Phalangeriformes group. They are among the largest species, with a strong, sturdy body. You can find them in New Guinea and nearby islands, where they live in dense forests. They eat leaves, fruits, and flowers. Their climbing skills let them reach food that others can't. TypeSizeHabitatBehaviorBrushtail Possums35-45 cmUrban and bush environmentsSolitaryRingtail Possums28-35 cmForestsCommunal livingCuscuses60-70 cmDense forests in New GuineaSolitary Behavior and Lifestyle Phalangeriformes show us how unique marsupials live. They are mostly active at night. They look for food and find places to stay, which is key to surviving in the wild. Let's explore their night habits and how they live in trees. Nocturnal Habits Phalangeriformes have special night habits that shape their lives. They move around at twilight, using the dark to find food and talk to each other. Their big eyes help them see in the dark, spotting dangers and finding their way through trees. This way, they stay safe from threats during the day. Tree-dwelling Adaptations Phalangeriformes are well-suited for living in trees. They have many features that help them: Specialized Feet: Their feet have strong, curved claws for climbing and holding onto trees. Prehensile Tails: Many have tails that can hold onto branches, giving them more balance in the trees. Body Structure: Their bodies are made for quick movements through thick foliage. These traits are key to their survival. They help them find food and stay safe from predators. AdaptationFunctionCurved ClawsAid in climbing and grippingPrehensile TailProvides stability in treesStreamlined BodyFacilitates agile movement Phalangeriformes show us the amazing ways animals can survive in tough places. Their behaviors and body traits are a lesson in adaptation. Dietary Patterns of Phalangeriformes Phalangeriformes eat a variety of foods, making them omnivorous marsupials. They can live in different places because of their flexible diet. They eat fruits, insects, and even small animals, showing how well they adapt. Omnivorous Diet What they eat greatly affects where they live and their health. Their diet includes: Formicidae (whole): 29.17% Insecta (whole): 23.81% Magnoliopsida (fruit): 11.55% Magnoliopsida (leaf): 11.43% Termitidae (whole): 8.33% Vertebrata (whole): 6.90%
Insecta (larvae): 5.95% Magnoliopsida (exudates): 2.86% Special Feeding Adaptations Phalangeriformes have special ways to eat that help them survive. These ways let them eat plants that are poisonous to others. Their diet is rich in nutrients, supporting their varied eating habits. NutrientPercentageCrude Protein (CP)41%Ether Extract (EE)16%Nitrogen-Free Extract (NFE)29%Crude Fibre (CF)10%Ash Contents (ASH)4% This ability to eat a wide variety of foods helps them thrive in different environments. It shows how well they have adapted over time. Mating and Reproductive Systems Phalangeriformes show a wide range of mating strategies. These are shaped by their environment and social life. They go from simple pair bonds to complex polygamy. The males start by making sounds to attract females during mating season. Diverse Mating Strategies Different species of Phalangeriformes have unique mating behaviors. The female opossum has a 28-day estrous cycle. Her estrus lasts 36 hours, making mating brief. The gestation period is short, lasting 11 to 13 days. After birth, the young are tiny and underdeveloped, weighing about 0.13 grams. They must find their way to the mother's pouch. There, they stay for about 2.5 months. The number of teats in the pouch affects their survival. Mother’s Pouch in Young Development The development in the marsupial pouch is key to the young's survival and growth. Once they leave the pouch, they are weaned at three months old. They stay dependent on their mothers for a while. They become independent at around 4.5 to 5 months old. By then, they are about 7-9 inches long, not counting the tail. Young opossums can start reproducing just a few months after leaving their mothers, continuing the life cycle. These reproductive traits and mating strategies show a complex system that ensures the species' survival. CategoryDetailsBreeding SeasonDecember to OctoberLitter Size1-3 litters; average 8-9 infantsWeight at Birth0.13 gramsGestation Period11-13 daysEstrous Cycle Duration28 days; estrus lasts 36 hoursPouch Duration2.5 monthsWeaning Age3 monthsIndependence Age4.5-5 months Conservation Status of Phalangeriformes The conservation status of Phalangeriformes varies a lot among its 70 species. Some species are doing well, but others are in big trouble. It's important to know these challenges to help protect them. We need to understand the threats and what we're doing to save these unique animals. Threats to Survival Many things are causing Phalangeriformes to decline. Logging, bushfires, and climate change are big risks. Urban growth also creates problems, leading to conflicts with humans and wildlife. Invasive species add to the danger, upsetting the balance in their homes. The Western Ring Tailed Possum and the Leadbeater possum show how some marsupials are in serious trouble. Current Conservation Efforts Many efforts are underway to help Phalangeriformes. We're working on restoring habitats and protecting important places for these animals. Groups are also tracking the health of different species to see if our plans are working. Working together, governments and non-profits are key to saving the unique world of Phalangeriformes for the future. SpeciesConservation StatusPrimary ThreatsConservation EffortsWestern Ring Tailed PossumEndangeredHabitat loss, bushfiresHabitat protection, monitoringLeadbeater PossumCritically EndangeredLogging, habitat fragmentationReforestation programsCommon Brushtail PossumLeast ConcernUrban conflictPublic education, coexistence strategies The Importance of Phalangeriformes in Biodiversity Phalangeriformes are more than just unique animals. They are key to keeping their habitats balanced. They help by spreading seeds and pollinating plants, which helps forests grow. Their role in biodiversity is huge, supporting a wide variety of life in ecosystems. Ecological Role in Ecosystems Phalangeriformes play a big part in linking different species together. As night animals, they do important jobs like:
Pollination: They eat nectar, which helps plants reproduce. Seed Dispersal: Their eating habits spread seeds, helping new plants grow. Prey for Predators: They are food for bigger animals, keeping the food chain balanced. Contribution to Biodiversity Phalangeriformes add to biodiversity by taking part in many interactions. Their sounds help them talk to each other and keep their numbers in check. This helps other animals like gliders and possums live together better. They also change how predators and prey interact, making their homes richer in life. The health of forests depends on these marsupials, showing how vital they are for biodiversity. Conclusion Phalangeriformes are a special group of marsupials found in Australia and New Guinea. They are crucial to their ecosystems. Their ability to live in trees and their varied diets show how important marsupials are for keeping nature in balance. There are over 330 species of marsupials, including Phalangeriformes. Their evolution is complex and shows their key role in biodiversity. But, these amazing animals face big threats like losing their homes and climate change. Saving their homes and the animals that live there is vital. We need to work together to protect them and their homes. Keeping Phalangeriformes safe helps their ecosystems stay healthy. By understanding their role and working to save them, we learn more about life in their natural world. FAQ What are Phalangeriformes? Phalangeriformes are a group of marsupials, also known as possums. They live mainly in Australia and New Guinea. There are over 70 species, known for living in trees and being active at night. They have many different adaptations. How do Phalangeriformes differ from North American opossums? Even though they share a similar name, Phalangeriformes and North American opossums are quite different. Phalangeriformes have special traits for their Australian and New Guinean homes. North American opossums live in North America. What is the typical habitat of Phalangeriformes? Phalangeriformes live in many types of forests, like rainforests and temperate woodlands. Some even live in cities. For example, the brushtail possum can be found in both rural and urban Australia. What are the primary types of Phalangeriformes? There are three main types of Phalangeriformes. Brushtail possums like to be alone and adapt well to different places. Ringtail possums live in groups. Cuscuses are the biggest in this group. What dietary habits do Phalangeriformes exhibit? Phalangeriformes eat a mix of fruits, leaves, insects, and small animals. Some can even eat plants that are poisonous to others. This shows how well they have adapted over time. How do Phalangeriformes reproduce? Phalangeriformes have different ways of mating, from being with one partner to having many. After a short pregnancy, the babies go to the mother's pouch for safety and food. What threats do Phalangeriformes face? Logging, climate change, and wildfires are big threats to Phalangeriformes. These threats destroy their homes and make it hard for them to survive. Some species are in danger of disappearing. What role do Phalangeriformes play in their ecosystems? Phalangeriformes help keep ecosystems balanced. They spread seeds, pollinate plants, and are food for bigger animals. This helps forests stay healthy and diverse.
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