#opp: jake fitzgerald
wildcherie · 2 years
closed starter for @tuserfox​ + jake fitzgerald
It didn’t take long for the two of them to eventually fall asleep. Brooke had been both physically and mentally drained from the previous night’s events that, she immediately crashed the second her head hit the pillow, only to wake up the next morning to find Jake snoring in her bed. Shirtless. But, with his pants still on.
Wiping the grogginess from her eyes, Brooke quietly snuck out of bed and into the kitchen where breakfast was already waiting. Quinn called it in and had it delivered just under an hour ago, while he and Tyler took a long drive elsewhere.
On the table, wedged between a stack of pancakes and fresh fruit was a note.
It read: Sorry I missed your call last night, kitten. I was all tied up. Took a drive this morning with a friend, we should be back home in time for lunch. Have a good day. Love U. - Dad.
Brooke crumpled the note and immediately whipped her head around when she heard the shuffling of someone’s footsteps behind her. “God dammit Jake! Don’t sneak up on me like that.” Using her left  hand, Brooke slapped Jake’s chest. “Daddy bought us breakfast. Help yourself, because I can’t eat.” She was still too stressed and worried about Tyler, that she had no appetite. “Afterwards, can you give me a lift to the studio? We have rehearsals today and Raquel will kill me if I’m late.”
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tuserfox · 2 years
christmas starter for @wildcherie​ / stu macher 
Jake was excited about the holidays. His parents were back home for the holidays, snow found its way onto the ground, and wrapped presents were brimming beneath the Fitzgerald Christmas tree. His mother wasn’t very happy to find out that Stu had been crashing at their house though, or the fact that he doesn’t know how to sit properly on the couch, or own a pair of socks without holes in them. “Yo, check it out, dick breath.” Jake sprinted into the living room and stood in front of Stu, modeling his new accessory. On his belt was a mistletoe charm sitting just above his groin. “Was this not a brilliant idea?” 
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carlsonyoungs-a · 3 years
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ssweeneys · 4 years
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Jake Fitzgerald, Scream “Aftermath” 1.04
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lostmorals · 3 years
things have been STRAINED between the crowned jokester and unattainable hottie for some time now. after an epic summer of romance and a shaky senior year they were forced into a LDR. brooke got into the college of her choosing while jake hit a few speed bumps along the way. “YO, guess who ?!” closing her eyes from behind, he felt her body tense. he wanted to know where she’d been but was still in a very play mood; especially after all the shots he’d taken. / @freakfangs​
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dcvilsnightmare · 3 years
It’s been a week since Tyler’s been at school. No one has seen or heard from him since he left the north side after his breakup with Brooke. Go be a normal teenager was the last thing he said before vanishing. Mostly because he knew he couldn’t (be a normal teenager). The Vipers had other plans for their little cobra. It was either he stay around town and watch them tear it apart, or he returns home to the southside where he belongs. 
While he couldn’t step a physical foot pass enemy lines, Tyler had been keeping a virtual finger on his twitter since he left. It was a way for him to keep in contact with Brooke without actually talking to her. He’d read her tweets, see what see’s up to, then move on. Somehow that was enough comfort to get him through his nights. But tonight things were different. Tyler couldn’t believe it when he read something about Quinn’s model homes being burned down. It had to be the Vipers, but why? “Did you guys go to the north side to start trouble anyway?” Tyler stood up from a bar stool, visibly angered by this. (feel free to respond as anyone you want: remy, nina, a viper, etc)
Across town, at school, Jake crept behind Brooke and laid a hand on her shoulder. He wanted to show some concern after seeing her family’s name trending. A lot of people were whispering around the hallway and courtyard and he could tell she wasn’t having the best day because of it.
“Yo, how you holdin’ up?” Jake was still pissed off about their abrupt breakup but what could he do about it? Stay mad forever? Technically, he did cheat on her (so it was deserving) but only because their relationship had been in ruins for way longer than his recent indiscretions. 
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murderselfies · 5 years
“What do you mean? Of course I do. Look, I don’t like Tyler much, but he has good taste.” There was no two hotter girls in Lakewood than Riley and Brooke. Sarah was hot, but Jake didn’t want to hook up with her just because she reminded him of Brooke. Riley, however, she was her own person. She didn’t look or sound like anyone else, but herself. Though she despised his wicked ways, Jake had somewhat of a crush on her. She was loyal, brave, and social. All things Jake could admire and appreciate in a person. Especially since true ride or dies were almost impossible to find in the small town of Lakewood.  
“Dude, what the hell was that? Blowing rings? I didn’t know you smoke. I had Brooke take a hit and she coughed up a fur-ball.” He laughed, before dropping Riley’s foot to lay down on the lounge chair beside her. She was small enough for him to squeeze in beside her without squishing her. “We’re really going to talk numbers?” Jake smirked, before taking the joint back for a puff. Like Riley, he blew circles above their heads. “I slept with five. But yo, before you judge. I turned down Nina. So, let it be known, the Jake does have standards.” He laughed, handing the joint over. “What about you? What’s Riley Marra’s body count? Let me guess. Uhm. I’d say 3? You seem preserved but not prudish…”
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tuserfox · 2 years
HALLOWEEN . starter for @wildcherie​
     Frustrated by what Brooke told him, Jake searched the gym for Stavo. Unfortunately, he couldn’t find him, but stole his gym bag from the locker room and tossed it in the back of his truck before meeting Brooke outside her dormitory. After turning the music down, Jake pokes his head outside the window with a big grin plastered across his face. “Looking good, as always.” He didn’t mean that in response to the nude pictures but thought it might rub her the wrong way considering everything they discussed over text. “Hop in. I have a present for you in the back.” Maybe she’d be able to find some dirt on Stavo? Something she could hang over his head. Revenge was Jake’s middle name. He never lets anything slip and wasn’t planning on letting Stavo off the hook just because Tyler hacked him. “It’s the creep’s gym bag. You might be able to find something good. I know he’s using enhancers.” 
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tuserfox · 2 years
     After countless laughs and eye rolls at the mall, Jake took Brooke to the party at Nina’s house. Her parents were out of town so she had the entire estate to herself. There were so many people outside the gated mansion that Jake had to hold Brooke’s hand so he wouldn’t lose her in the waves of the crowd. For just an instant, Jake spotted Tyler’s face in the sea of Halloween costumes. It was like Brooke’s eyes were a second source of sight for Jake. One of his most impressive talents was also one of his biggest curses in life. That being his spiritual connection to Brooke. He could feel her heartache, see the pain on her face, even without looking at her. There was something going on that they haven’t fully discussed. She said Tyler helped her with Stavo’s malware, but at this moment, he could tell there was more to the story. “Let’s keep walking, babe.” Despite their inclusive relationship, Jake’s nickname would forever stick. Brooke Maddox was a babe through and through. And if she didn’t walk away soon, she’d see Tyler be circled by slutty costumes. Everyone wanted to know where their resident hacker has been for the past year. Jake liked to dream he was the center of attention, but it was always Tyler, Nina’s second-in-command, who kept everyone’s curiosity alive. @wildcherie​
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carlsonyoungs-a · 3 years
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ssweeneys · 4 years
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ssweeneys · 4 years
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ssweeneys · 4 years
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ssweeneys · 4 years
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ssweeneys · 4 years
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ssweeneys · 4 years
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