#optic nerve atrophy
allkindsofadvocacy · 6 months
Find Me Friday: Woodrow & Ryan!
Logo that says Reece’s Rainbow Special Needs Adoption Support in blue, below a blue & yellow paint stroke rainbow graphic with a yellow Ukrainian trident symbol on the right half. In this series, each Friday I’m able, I want to share a different child or group of children who are available for adoption and listed through the adoption advocacy website Reece’s Rainbow. Please note, names used on…
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Optic neuritis (ON) is the annoyance of your optic nerve. It can source visualization loss and pain when you move your eyes. As the annoyance goes away, your signs will usually get better.  The optic nerve carries pictorial info from your eye to your brain. ON is when your optic nerve grows reddened.
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hillbilly---man · 11 months
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I think it's cool that my neuro-ophthalmologist added pronouns to their patient info form, but I'm not sure why they need to know this...
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stemcellcenterindia · 4 months
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Affordable Visionary Solutions : Stem Cell Treatment For Optic Nerve Atrophy In India
Affordable Visionary Solutions! ?? Explore Low-Cost Stem Cell Treatment for Optic Nerve Atrophy in India. Restore Your Vision, Transform Your Life. Start Your Healing Journey Today!
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eyestemcells · 7 months
Diabetic Retinopathy Treatment In India Find the Best Stem Cell Therapy For Diabetic Retinopathy at Eye Stem Cell Center India At Eye Stem Cell Center in India, we help the patients of Diabetic Retinopathy to get treated in a proper way. We have some of the best eye doctors who are very much skilful in administering stem cell treatment to our patients and having more than 10 years experinece Diabetic Retinopathy Treatment In India
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sanjeevannetralaya · 9 months
Optimizing Optic Health: Advancements in Atrophy Treatment
In the intricate field of eye health, where atrophy of ocular tissues presents a profound challenge, the quest for effective treatments has been met with innovative advancements at Sanjeevan Netralaya. The center's Advanced Ayurvedic Eye Care regimen has emerged as a pivotal development in optic atrophy treatment, offering patients not just management strategies but a hope for reversal and improvement of their condition.
Sanjeevan Netralaya's approach diverges from the conventional medical trajectory, instead offering a system deeply anchored in the holistic precepts of Ayurveda. This ancient practice, which views the body as an interconnected whole, informs the center's methodology in treating atrophy within the eye. By addressing the systemic imbalances that may contribute to ocular health issues, Sanjeevan Netralaya's treatment strategies aim to optimize optic health from the inside out.
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The keystone of Sanjeevan Netralaya's protocol is its custom-tailored treatment plans. Recognizing that ocular atrophy does not present uniformly across all patients, the center designs its therapies to align with the individual's unique body constitution, lifestyle, and dietary habits. This level of customization ensures that treatments are not only effective but also resonate with the patient's overall well-being, thus optimizing the potential for recovery and health restoration.
Embracing a holistic perspective means that treatment at Sanjeevan Netralaya extends beyond just medications and surgical options. It involves a comprehensive lifestyle and wellness regimen that incorporates Ayurvedic nutrition, therapeutic exercises, and mindfulness practices. This integrative treatment philosophy is aimed at nurturing the body's natural healing processes, which can be particularly beneficial for patients suffering from atrophy-related vision loss.
Safety and efficacy stand as the twin pillars of Sanjeevan Netralaya's treatment philosophy. In an area where many conventional treatments come with a risk of side effects, the center’s reliance on natural, plant-based preparations offers a safe alternative. These Ayurvedic treatments are formulated to deliver therapeutic effects without the adverse side effects often associated with synthetic drugs.
The success of Sanjeevan Netralaya's Advanced Ayurvedic Eye Care is not anecdotal but is rather reflected in the experiences of a multitude of patients who have undergone treatment. The center's commitment to research and patient care has culminated in a track record of effective treatment outcomes, contributing to its reputation as a leader in the field of ocular health.
In conclusion, Sanjeevan Netralaya stands at the forefront of optic health optimization, spearheading advancements in the treatment of ocular atrophy through its Advanced Ayurvedic Eye Care. By fusing age-old wisdom with contemporary treatment modalities, Sanjeevan Netralaya offers a unique, safe, and personalized path to vision health for those affected by ocular atrophy, marking a new chapter in the annals of ophthalmic care.
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hanszoe · 2 months
researching eye injuries
it seems like as far as penetrating eye trauma goes, the injury can cause the eye to deflate or not. we have an interesting comparative case. levi's eye is injured by shrapnel, which appears to have grazed his iris.
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important is that this injury did not appear to immediately deflate his eye. his iris is still visible, however the injury likely caused massive trauma to it.
we don't see levi's eye again until the epilogue and he appears to have no iris at all, as if his entire eye was just sclera. this is not really possible if it weren't a fake eye, as the structures that comprise the cornea, iris and lens are fixed in place. severe trauma to this area resulting in loss of the iris and lens will result in that part of the eye appearing clear. depending on the extent of trauma scar tissue will also form.
since levi lost his iris, it seems likely that the shrapnel injury actually caused a dislocation of it and the lens into the vitreous cavity, which developed some time after the initial injury since it wasn't surgically stabilized. the part of his eye where his iris was should still appear slightly discolored with noticeable scar tissue. it's also possible that only part of his iris was dislodged, in this case the remaining parts of it would still be visible.
assuming the retina and optic nerve are still intact, levi should still be able to sense light from that eye, and especially without an iris would be very sensitive to it. since he's not wearing an eyepatch, we can assume most of it is covered by scar tissue. alternatively, levi could have developed phthisis bulbi, which is when the eye becomes completely non-functional and begins atrophying. this can cause a similar appearance when the eye structures calcify and become opaque. however his initial injury does not seem bad enough to cause that and his eye does not seem shrunken in the epilogue, so i'm not sure what to make of it.
in contrast, hans' eye injury appears to have been much more destructive.
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i've spent more time researching this injury and won't go into as much detail, but the shards of glass likely caused immediate traumatic deflation of their eye and severed their optic nerve. this would cause instant total blindness, as corroborated by the POV shot in the anime that depicts them as totally blind on that side. hans is actually really lucky that the glass only damaged their eye, as it could have reached their brain or severed their ophthalmic artery.
this is where we get into what is honestly really terrible stuff skipped over for plot convenience. hans presumably still has shards of glass in their eye that would need removal. in a modern setting they would need surgical removal of their entire eye. if not operated on, the remaining eye structures would atrophy after time. the body is able to heal itself, but the glass would prevent tissue from healing around it. i really hope hans was able to get some kind of medical care when they returned to at least remove the glass.
either way, hans' reason for wearing an eyepatch is likely to prevent debris from entering the remaining orbital tissue of their eye socket.
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troxlerfx · 6 months
hello!! i am troxler (trox if you're nasty) and you might know me from my xwitter @ broadcastrelay or my old experimental art blog @hand-in-hand-again .
this blog is sfw. i have a more reblog-heavy nsfw sideblog, @heartshapedsignal , where i can place aesthetics, rb art that i like, Cronenbergpost & generally toss up more intense horror things & keep this one somewhat more tidy + personal-art-oriented. follow my alt if you please; although it's unlikely i'll ever post anything too explicit, there is nsfw/🔞 potential, so again, heartshapedsignal is 🔞 just to be safe!!
i have a throne account here if you'd like to support my work by helping with supplies & thereby earn my eternal gratitude:
commissions are currently closed & i will update here & on xwitter if that changes!!
i do have discord if you'd like to chat, you can DM me for my username. i'm vision impaired & it's a little easier for me than tumblr DMs (scalable font. properly mapped keyboard that allows me to hit the right keys occasionally. you know 👁️)
i am sometimes slow to respond to messages, but i don't expect you to be available all the time either--i answer things when i have a moment, & i assume others do too ✌️ i have the temperament of a displaced 11th century anchorite, am simply not adapted to the tone & pace of centralized social media.
i also unfortunately cannot voice call or stream/screen share because i am a millennial (just kidding, it's because my phone is almost 9 years old & it overheats when i check my e-mail)
learn a bit more about me under the cut ✂️
i was dropped into this simulation in the early 80s, i'm a disabled artist (vision impaired - [ask me about my atrophied optic nerves] - & have some other physical Issues so i use a cane) & my wife and i host two black cats, roughly 35% of a mannequin, and a whole lot of dolls.
all my art is trad/physical media (haven't figured out a way to make digital art accessible yet. maybe someday!!) i like to sculpt in epoxy, plastilene, polymer & stone clay, i like to mold & cast in resin, make & customize various types of dolls, & build puppets; i do custom framed work, mixed media & textile stuff like sewing & embroidery; i paint in oil, acrylic, watercolor, gouache & water soluble graphite & i love ink, markers, crayons & whatever cheap & weird stuff i can get my hands on.
i have a particular affection for props, prop replicas & hypothetical in-universe items, & i like things that are handsome, durable & believable. i'm versatile & innovative, & i'm at my happiest when i'm exploring technical processes. i have quite a bit of knowledge about techniques & materials. i love a challenge!! currently all my sewing is done by hand, i have trouble controlling pedal-operated machines.
my favorite thing is horror coated in a fine layer of nostalgia & sprinkled with history. that seems highly specific, but you'd be surprised how many things fit the criteria. i tend to fixate on characters & concepts & do a lot of art about it - a habit i developed while i was re-teaching myself to draw after the changes to my eyesight. my output is largely therapeutic. sometimes people like it. maybe you will too!!
a good amount of my work is fanart & will be tagged as such/otherwise linked to the appropriate project, original work will be specified & have its own tag.
at the moment i make a lot of work related to the independent psychological horror unfiction project Welcome Home, created by ' partycoffin ' here on tumblr.
that's all for now!! 👁️‍🗨️📺
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ladyarjuna · 16 days
"Still, I'm not sure-- Iren, what did you mean when you said that we might not all be alive?"
Iren put his head in his hands. He'd known all along that it was a distinct possibility he wasn't going back to his own body. "Think about it. We've been here for two weeks as it stands. If it was a neurohelm malfunction... Then our bodies are still back home, asleep. Now, there's been some major advances in medicine-- but thehuman body has a very strict set of needs. Three days for water. A month for food. And that's if our bodies don't atrophy to nothing. Right?"
"... Right." Rose was contemplative, as they headed back to Fort Cragg for the night.
~ ~ ~
"-- Speaking of... You mentioned neurohelm malfunctions, earlier, Iren. How much do you know about how they work?" Rose was two cups in and her eyes were already starting to slump right along with herposture. Might as well tell a bedtime story, then.
Still, Iren pondered where to begin when it came to Neurohelmets and the interface and routing. "Well, let's start with a riddle: How fast is the Sun, as Io sees her?"
One of teh people they'd rescued, Meredith-- fellow Adventurers, all of them-- was the one who hazarded a guess. "-- The speed of light? 186,000 miles per second."
"Good. That's how fast light pulses through a fiber optic cable. And if the cable were perfectly straight, and had no attenuation, we could run them across the world and communication would still be a quarter second each way," Iren said, sketching in the air with his hands. "Of course, nothing's as fast as that. The world isn't flat, light cables don't have zero attenuation and need to repeat their signal, and all signals need to reach the correct destination. This is the source of lag."
As expected, Rose had already started to doze off.
".... Then how do VRMMO's work?" Meredith asked, knotting her brow. "I'm pretty sure plugging that much lag into your brain is not a good idea."
"You're right. early VR had a lot of problems, not least of which was that they didn't hook directly into the nervous system and therefore had serious problems with motion. Neurohelms solved that part," Iren continued. "And we came up with regulations about what Neurohelms were allowed to do after.... a lot of history and safety regulations I SUPER don't want to get into right now. If it weren't for the Plagues it probably never would have been done.
"So how do we do it? We cheated."
Now, Marin Malakh, a self-admitted native to Mundus, but familiar with its magic, spoke up. "...my first thought is to imagine some kind of spatial magic. Shorten the distance between two points, somehow. But... you all didn't have breathworking as we know it, did you?"
Iren nodded. "You're absolutely correct, Marin. On all counts. There's only a few ways to cheat space 'back home'. And one of them is what's called a 'quantum router' or 'quantum tunnel'-- you convince two small pieces of the world that they are the same piece, and so long as you have the...
Iren paused. "The correct environment, and nothing comes around to ask them who they are, they don't question it. No matter how far away those pieces turn out to be. It's that 'correct environment' that's the real bastard.
"I don't know all the details myself, I never made one. But it's the foundation of modern connection." Iren paused again, letting his nerves stop jangling. He hadn't tried to recall it for weeks, and now he was being asked while drunk-- though not as drunk as all that, Flamma hath her gifts-- to recall all of it in a coherent manner, and he was always a nervous speaker. "Even then, it's lying on top of a backbone of fiber-optic cable and routers. The stuff I did work with.
".... Considering that. There should be lag, but there isn't.
"That's very important.
"I just wish I knew how it was important."
Marin steered the conversation back around, and Iren let sier do it. "...you mentioned, before, that these 'neuro-helms' came with warnings about how to use them."
"Yes. Disconnecting them manually has a tendency to render the user..." Iren paused. With Marin being a native, and most of this explanation intended to be followed by a native, merely saying 'brain-dead' is not the right kenning. "It severs body and mind. The heart ticks, the lungs breathe, but they never wake again and waste away."
"The psyche (and aura?) removed from the anima and pneuma...." Marin paused, head low to the table a moment in thought. Iren still had trouble reading Koboldt expressions, though given he had literally spent all his life among what here would be called 'Andrax' it was likely unsurprising. "Then... wouldn't that the 'neuro-helm' is somehow transporting the psyche out of flesh and blood and breath? And removing it improperly somehow prevents its return? But that sounds like astral projection. Magic, again."
There was a long moment of silence as Iren pondered the riddle, or at least, as silent as it ever got in the inn since they'd arrived-- plenty of people streaming in and out of the place and having their own conversations filled the gap.
Finally, he said, ".... I'm going to preface this by saying that this is so far out of my expertise that I might as well reach to catch the moon in my hand."
Marin grimaced, but let Iren speak first.
"But at home it is known that the same signals we use to create the pulses of light on that fiber-optic cable are mimicked in extremely minute amounts in our bodies-- a reaction that creates what here is termed the psyche." Iren took a draw of his pearry and sighed. "So far as I know, no one has ever managed to take all those disparate signals, the maintaining of body and breath, the seat of thought and volition-- and transfer them any distance at all from the flesh.
"I can't say for sure it's impossible, but... It's far-fetched. It would require... A lot of work, and a lot of mediation, and if any of the hundreds of thousands of messages were mislaid or ruined...
"I don't want to be the entity that would have to handle those errors." The thought drove Iren to have the rest of the bottle.
Marin let out a hiss at that last sentence. "...I have my own suspicions. My own... fears.
"Your neuro-helms allowed the psyche to somehow transcend the limits of space. But the miracle has been, somehow, disrupted." Marin also pointed to the jewel on Iren's ear. "Something's also gone wrong with the Sendjewels. Again, magic that was meant to achieve locality where there was none. They still work, but they no longer transcend the limits of space.
"There's an old saying: once is bad luck, twice is worse luck, thrice means it wasn't luck at all."
Iren set down the bottle rather harder than he had originally intended. "And we already know the Webways are dead. May I have another, please?"
Marin watched Iren, carefully. "...when you invoke the Fourteen, do you ever get the sense that they're looking back at you? The gods, I mean."
Iren rubbed his face in contemplation and creeping exhaustion. For all he'd been ready to hit the road again, maybe the old Orukh had had the right of it. "... A few times. Mind you, being of Flamma means I usually have to take something suspicious to really get going."
"You're not the only one." Marin paused, pulling back, and then said-- "I should be clear: The Fourteen, and the other one, are not native to my own homeland. We don't worship them there, for the most part. But, in this... more-connected age, their influence has begun to be felt.
"I came to this land, originally, to understand them better. To figure out if I could trust them or not. But I did not expect them to notice me as it seems they have." Marin looked among the troupe as she stood, and hummed. "I am beginning to wonder whether our new friend Morriss has felt the hand of Io, as you have of Flamma, or I have of Inpew, since this began."
"... I see." Iren paused, and then snorted. "What was it that Winter Court fellow said to me?"
He imitated the tone perfectly. "'At last, sport worthy of the name!' Fine set of hounds all of us make, eh?"
"Hah!" Marin's slight opening of the mouth and pulling of the eyes was at least obvious enough. "Let's not be hasty. I still do not know if I'm the hound or the pigeon. What does it mean for California, if Io has chosen to withdraw its grace?"
Iren closed his eyes, and tried to recall what he knew about Io, just like he had with the Seedlings a scant day or two before. "Io handles space-- not just the distances, but the-- the connections... oh.
"oh dear.
"I see why you're worried even more now."
"The other option is hardly better," Marin noted.
"Ah, but at least gods can come back from the dead." Iren paused. "And while I'm wishing..."
Marin shrugs. "In the end, we still only have a few pieces of the puzzle."
"If it was Io's choice, what motive?" Marin moved his hands like the arms of a scale. "If it was unwilling, who could force the hand of a god, and to what end? But in a way, it's the same question I came here to answer in the first place:
"Can I trust them?"
"Only many more lives rely on it." Iren paused, and cracked another grin. "No pressure."
"That's the spirit!" Marin nearly shouted. "And thank you for the... context. This 'California' of yours certainly sounds like an interesting place."
"I just wish I didn't have to live through all this history, you know?" Iren says, clearly making a joke.
"Ah, but once again: it beats the alternative, eh?" Marin winks.
Iren winks back. "That it does."
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timogsilangan · 1 year
shoutout to my fucking grade 9 pe teacher who, upon being presented with a note from my mom asking that i be excused from sports requiring depth perception due to a history of being Hit In The Fucking Face by all kinds of balls, a doctor confirming that i am fucking blind and incurably so, and literal pictures of the INSIDE OF MY FUCKING EYEBALL SHOWING CONGENITAL RETINAL DAMAGE AND MY ATROPHIED OPTIC NERVE, proceeded to disregard all of it entirely and just told me to "do my best"
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confuseddipshit · 2 years
sorry for the lack of a cut, mobile tumblr isnt as fancy.
as promised, here it comes
⚠️tw: gore; mentions of death and decaying; mentions of body fluids and body horror; unhealthy relationship with emotions.
⚠️cw: proposital grammar inaccuracies (use of "its", "ones" instead of "one's", etc; use of lower case in beginning of phrases/ paragraphs)
-> let me know if i missed something.
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within the confinement of a ribcage, deep down inside the flesh and blood and bones, emotions are laid down, left to rot. the entire purpose of this abandonment was to be able to think properly, freely from the influence of feelings and their fangs, biting and scraching for crumbs of attention, while reason is torn to shreds under its claws.
of course, how wrong could one be to leave the decaying residues, with its pungent smell and gooey texture, inside ones own cage, and hope for it to go away? hope for the maggots to not find their way through ones chest, right into ones heart and, consequently, thoughts.
nothing is created, nothing is destroyed; everything is transmuted.
the once tamed and controlled emotions, now seem to crawl their way from their grave, digging up like the goddamn devil, skin raw in the places where it still clings to its torn, atrophied muscles; eyes bloodshot, at least the ones that are still inside its socket or swinging from its optical nerve; tongue out, swollen and green-tinted, collecting the yellow infection and dark, rotten blood that flow from its wounds.
no longer tamed, no longer soft; now, those emotions come in waves, angry, with bloodlust stares, gnarling at ones attempt to run and hide, teeth bare as they get closer; one cant hide from what is inside one.
the pale greenish tone covering their gums is noticeable, to this distance. the more one runs, the closer they get, loose limbs eventually dropping to the ground from the force they use to keep chasing, to stay on the hunt.
if the effort was made, their helplessness would be seen; "why did you abandon us", "why did you wound us", "why did you leave us to rot". like children in the absence of a responsible adult, the translucent eyes silently begged for answers; comfort, at least.
theres no comfort in the face of a creator that runs from its creation; theres no peace in knowing your monster is free, let out by your own hands, except from the relieve of not holding it back anymore, not burning your hands in the rough rope and chains anymore.
when your hands are no longer sore, remember; you are the one to deal with the destruction they left behind.
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hope you enjoyed, feedbacks and notes are appreciated; see you next time.
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Optic nerve transplant stem cell therapy represents a paradigm shift in the management of vision impairment and blindness. With its ability to restore vision, minimize invasiveness, ensure long-term efficacy, enable personalized treatment, and address various eye conditions, this innovative approach holds tremendous potential to improve the lives of countless individuals.
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quicksillver · 2 years
i've said this before but it is so frustrating when medical "professionals" don't know how to handle disabilities, conditions, disorders, etc!!
i had an eye appt today and it was all around so messy. first they put me on the wrong visual field machine. it's in my notes that i cannot do a certain one because i literally cannot see it. next the nurse or optometrist or whoever sees me before my actual doctor did my vision and color vision test and was confused. she had to call my doctor over because "their vision is 20/40 and they're having problems with color vision can you check their pupils" so my doc checked my pupils and was like "it's fine". so i asked the nurse / optometrist what my vision was last time i was there and she's like "i don't know i'd have to look it up" then did that and was like "oh it's about the same" yeah hello i haven't been able to see for years.
then since she brought up i was having trouble with color vision my actual doctor redid the test and was like "yeah you have optic atrophy that's normal your optic nerves aren't swollen you look fine to me. i'll put another note in your file about the visual field test see you in 6 months" and that all took 2 1/2 hours.
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supremeuppityone · 2 years
Klaroline fanfic update: Perhaps One Day
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Working on a new one-shot in my Klaroline series, Perhaps One Day. Here’s a quick look:
A Caroline Up Your Sleeve
           The cyber worm was relentless, burrowing into the optic nerve and inserting the virus that would blind the eye permanently. Caroline held her breath as she watched the brutal process on the wall screen, trying to ignore the pitiful screeches of the gambler who’d bet more than he could afford to lose. Everyone knew you didn’t cross the Mikaelsons in their saloon. Especially after the Brotherhood of the Five tried to run that database cure scam. She’d seen biolinks severed before, but never by claws ripping them out through vocal chords.
           The tables were packed with takers for all the usual games — bloodstream coding, digital skinning, bone splinter CPU, etc. — some even had appetite to try their hand at the antique card games from centuries ago.
           A small group of Travelers from the Qetsiyah planetary system were grumbling over their bad luck, eyeing the server bot staff and making jokes that were surprisingly funny given their reputation for a rudimentary understanding of AI. In the far corner, a couple of Heretics from the Gemini Exoplanet chattered away excitedly when one of them put up a Phoenix Stone as collateral. Stifling a yawn, Caroline’s blue gaze swept the enormous gaming floor, listening in on conversations when they seemed interesting. It was nice to know her universal linguistics skillset hadn’t atrophied completely.
           When Stefan tensed beside her for the fourth time, she nervously touched her lips. Dread filled her as she realized Stefan no longer could meet her gaze. He had lost.
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Optic Nerve Atrophy and the Revolutionary Landscape of Stem Cell Treatment in India
Visionary Healing! 👁️ Explore the Revolutionary Landscape of Stem Cell Treatment in India for Optic Nerve Atrophy. Transform Your Vision, Transform Your Life!
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