#or Butler!Nagi would be hot too
mo2k · 1 year
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featuring. isagi, bachira, chigiri, kunigami, nagi, reo, sae, rin, barou, shidou
warnings. bad grammar, cracks, little cursed words, kinda suggestive in shidou’s
bam’s note. this weird pleasure while writing this, my oh my <3
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isagi. you were resting on a bench when he offered to go buy you ice cream. as he walked back with the cones in his hand. he suddenly stumbled on an unknown rock and faceplanted. he also got nosebleed, by the way.
bachira. is one to jump the last few steps of the stairs. it is just today there is some malfunctions. he haphazardly slip and instead let his lower back & butt slide down the steps. it swells and hurts like shit.
chigiri. can’t go on a day without biting you. from your lips, fingers, waist, to thighs. he claims he just can’t resist the urge to sink his teeth in your squishy flesh. now this is your sign to buy a muzzle.
kunigami. is toned with sexy muscles. and he always throws his clothing so carelessly. one day after practice, he threw his shorts and they strike into your face mightily causing you to almost fall on your back.
nagi. it’s the new attack movement that was updated in his game. and he was obsessed with it. in his dream he was rampaging some monsters’ camp and accidentally pulled that move in real life. his elbow bumped vigorously straight into your nose. critical hit, nagi.
reo. it was your anniversary. before you come back, he wants to surprise you in the most romantic way a man could do. he tried to set up the candles and rose petals. however, it looks more like he was about to set your apartment on fire. (he ended up calling his butler)
sae. you were watching his practice so he tryna look hot. running his hand from his chin to his beautiful hair, that was his plan. but boy forgot he’s been practicing for hours. and when the sweats touched his eyes, he cried in pain.
rin. he works really hard when he practices. which more often than not left him beyond exhausted each day. and you offered your shoulder for him to take a nap on the ride home. after a while, your shoulder felt somewhat wet. yes, he drooled your shoulder. he almost pull his hair out when he woke up. (a stream of saliva still pour from his mouth)
barou. couldn’t accept the sight of your room. you just invited him for a sleepover and cuddle. though it turned into him rearranging / cleaning every corners of your room anew whilst rapping moody complaints and instructions on how to properly tidy up one’s house.
shidou. has a habit of groping / slapping your ass. either he’s pissed or jealous or whatever he would reach for your butt. he does it too often and does it too shamelessly. even in front of the audience before his game starts or amidst his teammates. a smug smirk on his face, always.
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like heart, love reblog <3
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serenity-writes · 6 years
Liar! Scheming Socialites - First Impressions
I only recently picked up Liar! and was blown away by how much I liked it. Sassy MC with eyes, check. Many hot guys all vying for my attention, check. So, I jumped on Scheming Socialites as soon as it came out. Here are some of my thoughts on what I’ve played so far! *Spoiler alert for the prologue*
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Full disclosure: I’ve only played Uncover the Truth, not Office Deception so I don’t know how good this one is compared to OD.
The MC (MC3): We play as an incredibly rich student (she has a BUTLER) in her last year of college. She has mostly absent parents who work overseas. She’s a closet anime otaku, and a part-time model. She doesn’t seem spoiled though she has every opportunity to be, so I quite like her. She’s a lot like MC1, unafraid to give a few hits when deserved, but she’s less aggressive in her speech pattern, etc.
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(Sorry, could only find the Japanese version) 
The backstory: MC’s parents are setting her up on an arranged marriage with… Her boyfriend, Koh! What luck! Except he’s a cheating bastard. And he’s also been playing with her, swapping with his twin brother Yu in order to gather data on MC to use her as the model for their android harem (what the hell lol). So, she kicks them to the curb. But… That makes her parents’ business deal fall through, and they’re left without an heir. MC promises to find a suitable partner to replace Koh, or else she has to marry him (them?)!
The potential liars are:
Mio Takanashi
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Sosuke Suo
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Shotaro Suzumiya
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Hayato Sumeragi
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Kyoko Kuramochi
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Senrii Hiragi
(Picture TBA)
Kaname Todo
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Shunya Tsukino
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Nagi Arisugawa
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My thoughts / hopes: I like that they have a mix of both genders again, except I feel like all the women have to be liars because the premise of the story is to find a husband to marry. Unless there’s a huge plot twist somewhere, haha. So far, I’ve finished three Liars (I have no self control), and they’ve been pretty solid so far! They’re not as difficult as UTT I feel, but that may change as I get deeper into it. I love that it’s set in the same universe so familiar characters from the previous two seasons come back.
All the characters are pretty interesting, and I’m curious to see who makes it into the final rounds. The ones I like most are Sosuke and Nagi. I’m immediately suspicious of Mio, Kyoko, and Kaname, though I’m not sure why haha; it’s a real gut feeling there.
I hope the butler Haruki also has a role in this game... They made him way too attractive for him not to have a bigger part, haha. I wish they would bring back “lovers” routes, but seeing as even the Japanese vers. doesn’t seem to have it, it’ll just be a pipe dream of mine!
Final conclusion: I like SS, but so far, not as much as UTT. I like the university setting, and the writing is quite good, but it’s just not as memorable in my mind. We’ll see if they can change my mind!
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All Meals are Mandatory here in Nobel Michel
Everyone had gathered in the dining room for breakfast, as always.
But today brought an unappetizing tension for all attending.
Today marked the start of a competition none of the princes present wished to compete in.
And frankly, their guest had little tolerance for it either.
Keith snorted impatiently.
“Doesn’t matter how much the rest of you try to persuade her, Green’s still a Libertean down to her bones. Even if she does give a thought to lending her skill to anyone else, I’ll make sure she remembers just who she’s dealing with!”
Glenn and Joshua shot defiant glares at the proud prince, while Edward and Roberto shared mutual looks of unease. Wilfred just observed everyone else with a blank face.
It was then Altaria’s heir piped up in disagreement.
“That’s too brutal, even for you Keithster! She seemed so frustrated when Lord Michel convinced her to stay here with us. We should at least make her and Din feel more comfortable before asking for her help.”
“Yes, both her and Din are guests of Nobel Michel, much like we are Prince Keith. It would do well to show some decorum around them, especially with what little we do know about what they had to suffer through. Demanding our visiting flower to bloom immediately will only cause her to wilt,” Edward chimed in.
Howls of laughter broke through the air.
“Hah, Green, a flower?! Maybe, if she’s the stubborn weed you hire the gardener to pluck!”
“...Is that your own way of complimenting your citizens, Keith?”
“Keep out of this, Prince Wilfred!”
With his patience thinning from hearing such small talk, Prince Joshua turned to his butler Jan – standing by behind him as the other butlers did with their respective masters.
“Go ask Zain where Green and Prince Saladin are and why they haven’t come to the dining hall yet. It’s against societal standards to keep a prince waiting.”
“Of course, Prince Joshua.”
Jan bowed neatly before slipping out the door.
Glenn smiled appreciatively. The sooner the tactician-for-hire appeared, the sooner he could start his work in ensuring his country’s safety in the brewing war. And it meant a bit of extra time to plan ahead, if he managed to convince her quickly.
“-I swear, she’s the opposite of her brother, always wearing a dour expression on her face instead of Sage’s dopey smile. If she’s going to work for me, she should at least entertain me instead of dampening the mood every time she comes in-”
“With that attitude, are you sure she won’t find me more charming to work for, Keithster?”
“You take that back, Roberto!”
“That’s so mean~, to do this on my birthday!”
“...Well, happy birthday to you, but the spoils still go to me in the end.”
“Huuuu, Albertooo~”
Said butler drilled a proverbial hole in the prince’s head.
“That is not how you address your servant in the company of others, Roberto. Try again.”
“Nonverbal begging does not count.”
“Fine. When is Greenie coming? Zain said she’d join us for breakfast last night.”
“Greenie?! You already gave her a nickname?!” Keith interjected.
Roberto smiled jovially in response before turning back to his butler.
“About that...”
It was then the servants quietly came in to serve the food, tailored specially for each diner; this caused both butler and prince to snap their attention to the entrance.
“About time,” Joshua muttered to himself.
Zain came in soon after with Lord Michel in tow to seat him at the head of the table, the former looking rather flustered. Jan tailed behind them to slip back into position, using the time to inform his master about what he learned.
“Hohohoho, thank you for joining me for breakfast, young ones. However, with regards to our newest guest...”
Michel looked over to Zain, who nodded slightly before addressing the table.
“I’m afraid Lady Green was not found in her room at the time; his royal highness, prince Saladin, informed me earlier she might have gone out riding her griffon. It’s apparent I haven’t been specific enough with her about what is expected of her as a guest of Nobel Michel. On behalf of my master, please forgive us for this oversight.”
Zain bowed deeply.
Keith’s figure started to quiver from irritation at the news, while his butler Luke tried in vain to calm him back down.
One of the maids tugged lightly at Zain’s wrist cuffs to catch his attention; as she whispered in his ear, his eyes became more grave.
“Excuse me, I’ll go look for our guests-”
Wilfred, quiet for the majority of the conversation, coughed, then pointed to the curtains. Two silhouettes, one of a child and another of a youth, could be made out sitting in a tree just outside. Both seemed to be enjoying some kind of hot drink.
Zain sped elegantly to the curtains and pulled them back, right as the sound of palms hitting the table hit everyone’s ears.
“Oh dear.”
“So she thought to ditch us at breakfast?!”
“Prince Keith, please-!”
“No Luke. I’ll teach her as the crown prince of Liberty what happens when you defy your own royal!” Keith bellowed, storming to the glass doors.
Both tree dwellers stared back into the room, caught in the middle of enjoying hot drinks.
“...Looks like we’ve been found out, Din.”
“Awww...I wanted to stay here a little longer”
Zain walked up crispy and started gesturing at them to get down and sit for breakfast.
However, the two had already disposed of their manners from two years of rough travels as mercenaries. By now, it was more natural for them to eat only when needed. Formalities be damned.
“By the orders of your crown prince, I command you to join us for breakfast!”
    Din sidled up closer to Green, nuzzling close as though to hide. Green downed the rest of her coffee before stashing it away in a small pack at her hip; she calmly stroked Din’s silky down locks, a guilty smile forming on her lips. Liberty’s royal windpipes always made for a spectacle back home: annual conferences at the capitol would have it reverberate down the halls. Both she and her brother Sage had that memory burned cleanly into their minds.
But the young Libertean kept defiant.
“I can easily converse with all of you from this vantage point, your highness. I just don’t have much of an appetite today, so excuse me if I prefer the company of the birds when enjoying my morning roast.”
“Gwendoyln Drake Astora, would you prefer I accuse you of treason?!”
“At this rate your making a better case for the others, Prince Keith.”
“Rrrgh! You ungrateful little-”
“Your highness!”
“Don’t let her get the better of you.” Luke softly chided, slanting a glare her way.
Keith only mimicked Luke’s action, and soon Green mirrored their expressions. The resulting triad of ire choked the air around them.
And Zain would have none of it.
“Lady Green, may I ask that both you and Prince Saladin join Lord Michel and your fellow guests in the dining room? I’m afraid your actions are only serving to spoil everyone’s appetites.”
“...Maybe, if you can seat the lion.”
It was then Roberto walked up.
“Greenie, is the view up there nice?”
“Wha-? Yes? You can make out the entire pattern in the courtyard from here, along with a general scope of the inside of the castle.”
    He jumped onto the nearest branch, scratching his cheek as he climbed through the tree to where Din and his retainer sat. Green reeled in shock from the move. It had been enough to break her contest with Keith and Luke, and it left her staring, mouth open and eyes wide at his carefree demeanor. Nearly every aristocrat she met avoided dirtying their outfits, let alone revoke manners to climb trees. Just...how is he justifying this? She flinched at the groaning of the branches as Roberto made her way over to her. Clearly, the branch couldn’t handle three bodies lying on it all at once. Din’s and her morning alone had ended. It was time to resign. Pursing her lips, she patted Din on the shoulder, flashed a sorry smile, and addressed her new neighbor on the tree.
“Prince Roberto, please stop.”
Suddenly, Roberto’s bouncing strides deflated into a halt.
“Huh, why? I only w-”
“We’ll be coming down now. My apologies for all the trouble.” she replied stiffly.
Roberto looked slightly crestfallen at her words.
“But Greenie-”
“The branch can’t handle all three of us together, your highness...But I can show you the view from a better vantage point later on, provided there’s no strict schedule to adhere to.”
Despite staring him head on, fearful hesitation wavered in her eyes. Something she hoped the crown prince wouldn’t notice, or at worst ignore.
“Oh, well in that case you can sit next to me!”
Din perked up soon after. “Can I sit next to you too, Prince Roberto?”
“Yeah Din! I’ll have much more fun with you and Green to chat with.”
“Nagi help me...” Green muttered under her breath.
All three made their way back into the dining hall one by one, where Lord Michel rose to greet her.
“Ah, finally. I’m happy to see you join us Miss Green, Prince Saladin. Please, be my guest and help yourselves to some food. I personally recommend the beignets or the berries and clotted cream. It should be light enough for your reduced appetite and go well with either tea or coffee.”
Din made a break for the beignets.
At Michel’s gentle tone, Green let out a relieved breath. Yet soon he moved behind her seat, making her flinch with his hand on her shoulder.
“But remember that throughout your stay, you will be joining us for all meals from here on out. Am I clear on this?” he whispered into her ear.
He received a resigned nod in response.
“Thank you. I hope you get along well with the princes. They may be overwhelming at first, but they all have good intentions at heart. No matter your decision, everyone prefers to avoid long-term conflict. Please keep that in mind. Now, if you mind me. We have a birthday to celebrate, despite the circumstances.”
That morning, Prince Roberto had his fill of well wishes and cake.
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