#or a like $7 box of White Castle sliders and I am not that desperate for a burger
televinita · 3 years
I have been craving a burger (ideally with fries, but not imperative) for THREE DAYS. There are Burger King coupons just sitting here, taunting me. There are also turkey burgers in the freezer. Unfortunately,
a) I am simply too afraid of high heat + potentially setting off a smoke alarm to cook burgers myself
b) I am also afraid of drive-thrus and cannot do them because I cannot fathom how you geometry your car in such a way as to not hit the building, but also be close enough to actually reach through the window to the worker. (I broke a headlight on my dad’s car once by pulling in too close to the gas pump and knocking into one of those low cement...barriers? boundary markers? in front, so although I have more or less mastered gas stations I am still scarred for life about doing anything new.)
c) husband is afraid of neither A nor B, but alas, he is sick and not up to going places or doing things at the moment
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