#or a red deer. I think it would be fun for him to have flowers in his antlers since he’s got such significant floral motifs as is
kelppsstuff · 7 months
I NEED part two of that cheating Adam fic
That actually made me cry and I desperately want that asshole to get what he deserves
..but what if Lucifer got to wife? Obviously, our dear ruler of hell seems to still be attached to Lilith, considering the ring he's still wearing, so what do you think will happen if he meets reader?
Omggggg, I’m so glad you enjoyed it! And yes Adam shall get what’s coming! And I hope you enjoy this chapter as well! Make sure to take care of your self and have a good day! 💛
“How long.” Part two
Part One | Part Two | Part Three | ALT ENDING
Taglist: @leathesimp @need-a-life-or-grass @biggdaddylonglegs @lululucii @pawstrey @lanny-fanny223 @goseew @adamsfavoritesinner
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You had spent the five months crying at Emily home. Lilies would show up, your favorite flower. It made your heart ache even more. No matter where you go you couldn’t get far enough away from him.
Sera walked into the guest room you were staying. She looked over you as she thought of her next words. She was sure you would take the job, but would this be better for you? She didn’t know.
“Adam gave the go ahead of princess morningstar’s hotel.” You looked up from under the covers, interested in what she had to say. “We will need someone to overwatch the hotel. No one wants to go and I thought I would ask you.”
You took a breath, but even that felt caged. You were happy Sera gave you this choice of a job. “I’ll do it. Thank you Sera.”
You packed all the necessary things, and waited for the portal to hell to open. When you did walk through the portal you looked up at the red sky. As if the clouds were full of blood.
You extended your wings and started to take off where you could see the ‘Hazbin Hotel’ stand. You didn’t want to walk and risk anything bad. Sure you can hide your wings, but not your halo.
When you landed in front of the door, you admit you did feel nervous. You knocked on the door and a woman who had blonde hair and pink rosy checks opened the door. “Uhhh Vaggie!” Her voice was light but strong. Very admirable it felt like.
“Yes?!” Another stern female voice called out through the hotel. “There’s a angel at out door.” She looked to be panicking, so you smile I hope it’ll ease her nerves. I heard running before I saw her face. “What do you want Extermination isn’t for another month.”
“I suppose I should explain now. Adam.” Fuck saying his name hurt. “Has given the hotel a go ahead. The head seraphim sent me to overlook it.”
(Your pov)
The blonde grew stars in her eyes. She grabbed my wrist and immediately started to pull me throughout the entire hotel. “I have to give you a quick tour for now unfortunately. But my dad’s on the way and when he gets here I’ll give you a better tour with him.” She showed me the bar, and lounge that was pretty much it until there was a knock on the door.
“Okay that’s my dad everyone!” Everybody started to get in formation it seemed like. I leaned over to the deer who started to walk into the entry way. “Who’s that girls name?”
He smiled wide and me. “Why Charlie my good fellow.” Charlie? As in Charlotte. As in Morningstar. AS IN LUCIFER?! Oh my god. Before I could panic the doors opened and a shorter man gave Charlie a hug.
“Oh Charlie it is so good to see you!” He spoke with a smile as he let her go. He smiled at him and showed case the entrance. “Welcome to the Hazbin Hotel!” Confetti flew and conveniently it got all over me. Great. Charlie looked panicked for a second, but I payed no mind and I snapped my fingers, carefully getting rid of all of it.
Lucifer looked to the cat that was purring and walking through his legs. He bent down and had a baby voice. “Oh hey little Kiki.” Cute. He then looked to the two flying lambs. “Razzle n Dazzle. Aweee look how much you haven’t grown. Still fun size.” Can he be talking?
I turned my attention back to the deer who smiled menacingly towards the king of hell. I walked up to him and Lucifer started to check out the place. I placed my hand out to him and smiled. “My names Y/N.” The deer turned his head away from Lucifer and turned his smile to me, though it was less terrifying. “Alastor! Quite a pleasure darling, quiet a pleasure!” Maybe it wouldn’t hurt to have a few friends down here?
“I like your voice.”
“Yes, it’s quite perfect for my rad—“
“WHAT IN THE UNHOLY HELL IS THAT?!” I see our king has found the bar. Alastor smile tightened and he teleported through the shadows to where Lucifer was standing. “Just some of the renovations we had done. As a little color don’t you think?”
Lucifer eye brow rise as he asked, “and you are?” I walked over to one of the cookies as Alastor responded. “Alastor, quite a pleasure. You are much shorter than I expected.” I started to choke on the cookie. Bringing attention to me. “I-I’m fine.” I saw Lucifer eyes widen in panic. But he ignored me. For now.
“Is this the bellhop?” He pointed to the deer. “Of course not, I’m the host. You probably heard of me through my radio broadcasts.”
He put his hand to his chin and said “NOPE! I guess that’s why Charlie called in the Hazbin hotel. Ha! Ha! Ha!”
“Ha! Ha! Ha! It was actually my idea.”
“Ha! Ha! Ha! Well it’s not very clever.”
“Ha! Ha! Fuck. You.”
This is exactly what I needed. Pure entertainment.
As we started to get our hotel tour, Alastor got held up by some cat, and Charlie got distracted with Vaggie. Giving Lucifer the perfect time to talk to me. “Why are you here? Are these people so dense they can’t tell your an angel?”
I raised my brow, I see why Adam said he was a dick. “If you must know, Heaven gave the go ahead to the hotel just today?” Lucifer eyes widened. “What? How?”
“I believe it was your good friend Adam who gave the order.” His eyes narrowed as he looked at me.
“And are you one of his exterminator pet?” Asshole. “No I’m his wife. Well actually I don’t know? Am I still his wife?” I started to go off, talking to myself completely blocking out Lucifer. A habit I’ve always had.
“Adam re-married?” Now I seemed to have a bit more of his interest. “Why do you care? Trying to go 3 for 3?” I said sarcastically.
“Would you like me too?” We both stopped walking. My eyes widened and when I slowly turned to look at him I noticed his did as well. “I’m sorry I didn’t mean that! Well like not in a like ‘that would never happen way’ but more like ‘it came naturally and unintentionally way.’ And fuck I should stop talking now shouldn’t I—?”
“Yes.” I could feel blood rising to my cheeks, giving me a golden glow. His eyes narrowed to my golden hue cheeks and for a moment I swear his eye had a sparkle, even just a second.
“You bleed gold.” He spoke after a long silence.
“I do.” I am an angel.
“I did too, look at that, we have something in common!” I raised my brow, it was the same tactic he gave his daughter.
“Like how you and your daughter both like girls?” Now it was my turn to see his golden hues.
Lucifer had decided to stay in the hotel to grow closer to Charlie. During the duration of the last three weeks we had also gotten closer. I had explained to him that Adam and I were no longer together even though I still wore our wedding ring.
It had been three weeks since I had been in heaven. Three weeks since I entered this hotel. I hadn’t thought too much about Adam in my stay here. Though it appeared today was the day I broke tradition.
Me and Adam had spent years on years on years together. I missed his golden eyes, and I missed his stupid humor, and I had missed him. That made his betrayal all the worse. Every-time I missed him, the memory of him and Lilith came. It wasn’t fair to me. Why was I tormented because I was a faithful wife?
I suppose my saddening thought were clear on my face. “What’s wrong?” Lucifer asked, sitting on the bed next to me. We were in his room, he was making ducks while I became self-depressed. “It’s a long story.” He smiled in understanding, “good thing I have an eternity with nothing better to do.”
“You know me and Adam are no longer together.” He nodded his head at the un-new information. “But you don’t know why.” I cleared my throat and began to tell him. “Adam had cheated on me with Lilith for seven years. And he talks about how sinners could never come to heaven, and yet he let her through the gates himself.” I rushed out the words, but as Lucifer’s eyes widened I knew he heard me.
“Lil-Lilith is in heaven?” His voice broke. “Didn’t you know?” The whole reason I never mentioned her was because I had thought he knew all this time.
He shook his head as tears began to form in his eyes. He loved Lilith and he still does. I didn’t doubt for a second he needed comfort.
I wrapped my hand around him and brung him in for a hug. He clung to me and cried. The only word he spoke was ‘why?’. The same question I had asked since the minute I found out.
“DAD?!” Charlie knocked on the door frantically. We immediately situated ourselves and when he opened the door, we look good as usual. “Yes, Charlie?”
She was panting but her words came out clear as day. “The extermination is still on, and it’s happening next week!”
What the actual fuck?!
We got a meeting set up with Heavens high court the next day. I was surprised they allowed Lucifer through the gates as well. The only rule was people of heaven couldn’t know it was him, so he couldn’t go introducing himself as, ‘hi I’m Lucifer, ruler of hell. Your are?’
We walked behind Vaggie and Charlie as Emily and Saint Peter showed everyone around heaven.
Lucifer looked around all the building and shined a big bright smile my way. It was nice to see that sparkle in his eyes, especially when it was so rare too. I was to busy talking with Lucifer I hadn’t even noticed we passed Adam and Lute.
(Third POV)
Adam spat out his drink as he saw Y/N and Lucifer walking smiling at each other. The fuck was HIS wife doing walking that fucking duck-Imp face?
“What the fuck is he doing here?” He asked Lute as if she had all the answers. “I don’t know what they’re doing here sir.”
“It doesn’t even matter, I’m fucking ending this shit now. No way is he getting her.” Adam went to go after them but Lute grabbed ahold of him. “Do you want a fight between first man and the devil in the middle of heaven?!” Adam didn’t even need to think about it the answer was yes.
“Better than waiting for the fucking extermination.” Lute was quick to sush Adam. “What was the extermination one rule?” Adam grounded out like a child. “No one but the exterminators can know about it.” He took a long sip of his drink before speaking up again. “Don’t fucking sush me bitch.”
A light formed behind him, revealing Sera. “You should listen to her more often Adam, maybe then you’d still have your wife.” Sera didn’t know the details only that Adam cheated and Lute tried to stop him. “Fuck Sera you can’t sneak up on a guy like that. Also don’t bring her into this.”
Sera rolled her eyes. “Lucifer set up a meeting for his misguided daughter. I want you to put an end to her silly beliefs.”
Adam shook his head to the taller angel. “No can do, I don’t want Y/N mad at me for the rest of eternity.” Sera glared down at the first man. “You’ll do this unless you want Y/N banished. With Lucifer.”
Rage came across Adam eyes at Sera’s threat, but his mask did a good job in hiding it. “I’ll handle it.” His voice was so cold, even Sera got nervous. She obviously didn’t mean she would actually banish Y/N but it was one of the only ways to get Adam to do his work.
— (Y/N pov) —
I laid on the bed as me and Lucifer walked in our shared room. We had gotten to rooms in the hotel. One for Charlie and Vaggie. The other for me and Lucifer. We wouldn’t be staying the night, so it wasn’t like we were sleeping in the same bed.
“She’s here, Y/N.” Lucifer voice filled the silence. “What should I do?” His voice was soft and his expression was delicate.
“You should go see her.” I may not like the woman but he still does love her. “If you don’t you may regret it.” His eyes drifted away from me and to the window. “Everything is so much different now. I wouldn’t even know where to look.” I couldn’t help him. I didn’t know where she lived. The only reason I knew Adam was with her was because of Lute. Though I swore I wouldn’t sell her out.
“Do you miss it here?” Dumb question, but a reasonable one to ask. “Yeah. I miss seeing the good.” I turned his head to me and looked into his beautiful crimson eyes. “You see it everyday in the mirror.”
I don’t know who leaned in first. I don’t know who kissed who first but I knew we were kissing. And I knew I liked it.
A knock pulled us away from each other I hurried to open the door, thinking Charlie needed something. But my suspicions were wrong as Adam walked past me and into the room. He looked to me and even with his mask on I could see the fury in his eyes. He turned to Lucifer and that when I saw it. My lipstick had smudge on his lips. My eyes widened as Lucifer stood up. Adam gave him one more glance, and I for sure thought he was going to try and kill him, but he didn’t. Instead he gave him a little paper as he turned his body to me and kept his eyes on me the whole time he spoke.
“That’s the address you’ll find Lilith.” Lucifer was about to speak up but Adam cut him off. His voice still calm as ever, but I knew the wrath behind his voice. “You don’t have long until court. I suggest you get a move on while I have a talk with my own wife.”
Lucifer looked to me and I nodded my head. He needed to see Lilith, to at least get closure. He gave one last glance to Adam and walked out the door.
“What do you want?” My voice was shaky even though I tried to harden it. “What do I want?” His voice still calm as he started to walk to me. “I want you back home. I want you back in my bed when I wake up. I want you at my concerts cheering me on again. I want your smile. I want every part of you.” He backed me into the wall and put his hands on my cheek. “And trust me my love. I will have what I want.” I closed my eyes as he rested his head against mine.
“Why are you here. I said I needed time and space.” My voice still in a whisper.
“I gave you six moths, and as for space, you want to hell. Not sure you can get farther than that.” He did have a point, but I still didn’t know how I felt anymore. “I came to tell you, that Sera wants me to end this hotel. At any cost.” The one thing I asked for is what he’s about to end.
“And you’ll just do it no questions asked? Of course.” I scoffed, rolling my eyes. I tried to move my head out of his hands but they tightened.
“Yes. No questions asked, because it’s your banishment on the line. I will face god himself for you. I would do anything to keep you happy and safe, so if I have to make you hate me while doing so? So be it.” He says sternly making sure to look in my eyes. Good talk for someone who cheated.
“You cheated. You don’t get to act like you care now.” I pushed him away and started to walk to the window looking out it, rather than him. “I do care. More than anything.”
“And while I’ve been away? How many vista have you given Lilith? Or any other girl for that matter?” He couldn’t go one day without getting his dick wet.
“Unless I went to the office, I’ve been at home. Ask Sera.”
“You cheated. YOU CHEATED! How am I supposed to forgive you for that?” Adam slowly shook his head. “And while you’ve been away, how many visits have you given Lucifer?” He had a right to assume considering my lipstick was still smudged, I’ll admit that.
“He treats me good!” He had became someone I could rely on. “I treat you good. Yes I fucked up. Not a day goes by that I don’t hate myself for it. And even if you do forget and forgive, I’ll still hate myself. I promise you, I feel more disgusted than you ever could.” He grabbed my hand and showed me my wedding ring. “But you see that babe? we promised through lows and highs we’d make it through. Together.”
I felt like crying, he had a point. We vowed to be together no matter what. But he was unfaithful, he broke those vows first. I couldn’t forgive that. Ever.
“We’ll talk again. I promise. I’ll see you in court.” He kisses my hand with my ring finger. “I love you.” And he walked out. Leaving me alone with nothing but my thoughts.
Why did I miss Adam already?
How is Lucifer doing with Lilith?
Me and Lucifer kissed.
How will court go?
Can we win the trial?
Fuck what now?
HIIIIIIIII! So I will say that the first time writing this it got deleted. Sooo I’m sorry if it feels a little rushed. I had also gotten another request so I may come out with that one before the next and final part, or I may not. I really hope you enjoyed this part as I had a lot of fun writing it.
- kelp 💛
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ddejavvu · 2 years
Hi Mei!
Let me just say you’ve probably seen me liking literally every piece of fluff you’ve ever posted with this man’s name on it in the last few days and I’m obsessed
I might have already missed mvm but otherwise could I ask to see dbf!hotch showing up for you when the actual family in question doesn’t? Like reader is really really excited for an event/milestone and only hotchy knows how much you care and shows up?
Definitely not filling a sick little void in my own life? no?! I would never…. 🙇🏼
ohhhh to be supported by soft dbf!hotch <3
The laces of your shoes are twisted, and you're on minute three of trying to straighten them out. They're flat ones, thin, so they flip around and fold themselves this way and that when you loosen them. They look messy when tightened, and you've got nowhere to be anyways, so you sit on the back steps of your dance studio's steps and untwist them.
Your fingernails are already marred from the zipper on the back of your costume dress. Paying hundreds of dollars for an ugly outfit you only wore once on stage for an hour was not worth it, and your nails are starting to break even more against the tightly bound shoes on your feet.
You hear chatter all around, parents congratulating their kids, friends laughing with each other, but your world is silent. It's just the scrape of your fingernails against your laces, and your near-silent breathing.
You hear the scrape of rubber against rock, then a pair of black dress shoes steps into your field of vision.
You look up at whoever's standing by the stairs, ready to dart out of their way, but it's-
"Aaron!" You gush, rocketing to your feet to ram into him in a hug that nearly topples him over, "You're here!"
"I'm here," He laughs, loud and long and deep from his chest, warmth gushing out of the sound and into your chest as he squeezes you tight, "You were amazing!"
"I don't understand," You breathe, pulling back to look at him dazedly, "I didn't invite you. I mean-!" You struggle to right yourself, and his face flushes red as he tries holding in a laugh, eyes scrunched at the edges, "I mean, like, I never gave you a ticket, I- I didn't think you'd want to come. So how did you get in?"
"This is really helpful," He flashes a corner of the black leather case that you know his FBI badge is in, and your heart soars.
"Thank you for coming," You go in for another hug, spotting a group of people behind him, lingering with smiles on their faces and flowers in their hands, "Uh...?"
"My team," He keeps a hand on the small of your back as he leads you to them, where you're bombarded with bouquets, and a hug from a rather bubbly blonde, "I treated everyone to a night off tonight so that we could come and see you perform."
You're hit with a wave of emotion you're not sure you'll ever be able to properly express, probably not without getting a little too in-depth about feelings you'd rather not bring up. You choose instead to revel in the giddiness that comes from Aaron's presence, his team's sweet smiles, and his hand on your back, leading you to a black SUV where you're treated to the passenger's seat.
It means that three grown men have to sit in the middle row, broad shoulders squished against neutral, then skinny ones.
"I used to dance, too," A voice pipes up from the third row, a dark-haired woman in pretty nude lipstick, "But I got in trouble for kicking a kid in the shins, and they threw me out."
You giggle at the image, and the smile she shoots you through the rear-view mirror only makes you more giddy.
"I don't find that too hard to believe," Aaron glances back at her, a similar smile on his face that his team seems just as enamored by as you are, "Why did you kick him?"
"He made fun of my friend," She shrugs, "'Said she looked like a baby deer."
"Because of her legs?" The broad-shouldered man peers back at her, and at her nod of approval, scrunches his face into a grimace, "Man, that's harsh."
"I mean, she did look like a baby deer." The woman confirms, and a slim blonde next to her snorts, "But no one's allowed to say it, you know?"
"Don't kick anyone in the shins," Aaron's hand shoots out to brace on your knee, squeezing softly as he uses a red light to glance over at you warningly, "At your age I think it would be considered assault, and while I would rescue you from prison, I'd prefer not to."
"Don't listen to him, Y/N. Kick mean boys in the shins," The woman pipes up from the back, pretty dark eyes focused on you, "I'll come bail you out, and we can go out for ice cream on the way home from jail."
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g0ofy-g0ober · 2 months
Reader who has no Clue Alastor is Ace or a Pychopath X alastor who is manipulative about his views
Writing a manipulative power Hungry Alastor because it's fun, please don't read this as accurate to any persons sexuality, this is just my personal headcannon based on Alasrors personality while considering that he is ace, only psychopaths enjoy others weakness (or kinky people but I digress)
You clutch your sheets, hands feeling the cool expanse of the insanely expensive sateen bedclothes that grow warm under your grip. You were clearly pouting, running ideas through your mind on how you could possibly broach such a conversation with Alastor, who up until now had been the picture of a perfect boyfriend.
He was perfect, not in the modern "good morning" and "good night babe" texts, bare minimum way, but in the deep raw romantic way.
His ministrations, like laying coats over puddles or sending you bouquets of plush red flowers, and other attempts of his attentive courting sometimes left you with eerie feeling. Yet his smile stayed as consistent as his romantic displays, after a argument you'd find a vase of hyacinths on your doorstep. When you saw something you shouldn't have, he'd sweep you into his arms after you almost got hit by that broken book shelf! Things aligning in an eerie way that sometimes turned your stomach.
Sometimes you wondered if he was trying to fuck with you or fuck YOU when he would lean into the crook of your neck hot breath fanning against you, only to pick lint of your collar.
The way he'd look at you whispering how he would "join you in bed tonight" a lecherousnes in his gaze only to arrive dressed in scrooge like pyjamas at 9pm fucking sharp he would switch off the lights in the room and lay down to sleep, with an oddly adorable but also cruel "good night dear!"
You felt insane, standing infront of him in cute pyjamas, arms outstretched but he would just waltz past, sometimes planting a cold smooch on your forehead before wrapping himself up in your sheets once again, falling asleep at 9pm, like a fucking grandad.
You bit your lip, rolling it between your teeth as you thought. Are you meant to try to seduce him? is this just something you ask for outright?
You were stumped in every other relationship you have ever been in usually Sex is one of the first topics broached, and if not discussed, it usually just happened naturally after a night of alcohol and other bad decisions!
Time flew fast with alastor, especially when helping the steadfast hotelier put out various fires in the hotel, and suddenly, you were nearly a year "dating" with no signs of that kind of physical intimacy.
You resolve yourself to ask him, heading out for your usual day and eventually making the decision to ask him to come to your room early. To which he smiled, his eyes narrowing curiously despite his seemly joyous agreement.
Eventually, when the time came you were sat on your bed, picking at the skin of your hands as Alastor appeared from behind the creaking door "Hello my deer-" he said smiling bright and large as he shut the door behind him, shedding his microphone and coat at the door with his tail swishing behind as though he was about to begin his nightly routine of "pajamas, bathroom, bed".
"Honey... can we- talk?" It came out of you in a strangled anxious way, like you were wrangling the words out, cursing those darn connectives rather than having a normal adult conversation.
"Why of course! What is it you want to talk about" he grinned darkly, eyes shining with curiosity at your anxious display, his favorite thing about you was how clearly you betray your emotions, he knew it was weak of you, but he couldn't help but drink up every moment of it. Satisfied that you could never betray him.
You likely didn't think this far trying to find a delicate way to explain your thoughts feelings and desires when faced with the source of them, you panic big time "so uuh-", "basically" , "why.?" Eventually you steel yourself with a shaky breath before uttering an awkward but disponded sounding "Why haven't we slept together?"
Alastor pauses for a moment he had been avoiding your lasciviousness like the plague because, realistically, he would rather have the plague. He loved you sure, in his own strange way, but the way you looked at him so dejected, like he would be repulsed by you, made him feel powerful.
"Oh my dear-" His voice dripping with a cruel kind of sympathy as he hooked a sharp finger under your chin, the pad of his thumb dragging your bottom lip a dark blush spreading across your features for a moment before moving to caress your cheek "why in satans name would I ever dream of defiling you in such a wretched way!".
Your face fell, yet his grin never faltered as he uttered the words that made you feel like a rude, perverted, charlatan for even asking!
Your shoulders slump even as you lean into his gentle touch on your face. "I'm sorry," a confused mumble leaves your lips before you even register, wait? What are you sorry about? You consider for a moment before a gentle kiss is placed on your forehead, distracting you all over again.
If you like this concept, please feel free to play with it! I'm not really a writer, and I would love to see some reblogs or tags with better renditions of the vibe I'm Tryna give!
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eferhilda-drake · 9 months
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So. Curretly working on my own series and with the controversy of of Alastor, I thought it would be fun redesigning him as if he was in my series.
So a small summery of my mini series. I also have characters based off of deer. They were originally human, but because of the sins they committed, they were not allowed in heaven. However, with how some of their sins are not to severe, or they tried to gain salvation after years of working for themselves, they are allowed to redeem themselves in Purgatory. Purgatory also serves as getting extra workers as the grim reapers are understaffed. So the sinners how to help collect souls. The sinners get more animal features that natural born reapers dont usually show.
Of course I had to do some tweaking .with Alastor's character for him to be aloud to work in Purgatory. A sinner is put with a mentor/guide, and its usually random unless you have a certain trait. In Al's case, he was put in the group because of how he used to hunt people like deer, so it only make sense for him to be a deer. Now onto the inspiration of this design.
First off, the deer I used for him is a white tailed deer. The reason was in Louisianna, theres a few deer species. White Tail, Axis, and Fallow. I went with white tail as they are the most commonly hunted deer, which is ironic for Alastor.
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Now for the suit. I was looking for 1920s suit and decided to keep the pinstripes. For the coloring I made it a red brownish color as brown suits/vests are whats worn with the Stags and Does group hes in. I was originally gonna give him a plaid suit, but I just couldnt draw it right. And I decided to keep his bowtie. Though, this is originally the suit I based it on
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For the glasses I ditched the monocle and went with prince-nez as it was a good choice in the during the time of his death as a way to be socially acceptable to wear glasses. I also like the idea of connecting the chain to his antler.
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So this is a major thing I changed about Alastor. With him being in Purgatory, youre supposed to work on yourself to get accepted into heaven, with the mentor/guide giving you the ok. (or at least youre supposed to. Some like working as a grim reaper and want to stay).
On his suit, I added hyacinth flowers. They are used to symbolize sorrow and regret. They are often used as an olive branch to try and gain forgiveness for a mistake.  Now, we dont know who exactly he killed. It could be innocent people, or bad people like hes some vigilante. In this redesign and rewrite, I like to think he killed innocent people at first but ends up getting a pleasure of killing terrible people, as a way to knock them off a peg. Making it more satisfying for him. Him wearing hyacinths, could represent of him feeling sorry for the innocent people he killed.
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And lastly because I wanted to show hes still Alastor, I let him keep his microphone cane as he can still do a part time job being a radio host. I also tried to make him more white passing and tried to add features that he could be to show hes mixed like his wavy hair and more of thicker lips. I wanted to give him a 1930s hairstyle, but I just like the idea of hair falling on his face a bit. I was also unsure if I shouldve added a mustache for him, cause I think he'd look good as one.
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beremy-from-trigun · 2 years
If you're open to random Trigun questions:
Drop Stampede!Vash, Wolfwood, and Meryl into a nice island with non-lethal flora and fauna, how do you think they'd react? Do you think they'd like it there?
oh this is a wonderful thought experiment for me to do while im on shift at work lmao. thank u.
i feel i dont know the stampede characters personalities super well yet (since we havent had a lot of downtime to see them breath and just,,, ya know,,, exist as people not actively being traumitized)
i feel like stampede!meryl would have a response at first like we saw her having to the geoplant in episode 9 or 10 (cant remember which right now and cant check) where she has a moment of awe and curiosity. i feel she'd settle in fairly quickly into the new environment and maybe start trying to study it for reporter reasons. she'd probably love hearing the birds, but also would probably be slighlty scared by them (considering the birds we have seen in stampede have only been vulture types and those arent the friendliest introduction to birds)
this would be quickly contrasted by stampede!wolfwoods response where he'd be offput by it and not immedietely neccesarily trust that it is non-lethal. he'd probably be terrified by the fauna and most likely try to punch a deer or smth. idk stampede!wolfwoods kind of the hardest one for me to get a read of personality on for me because hes always either subdued or at 100% energy at any point. i feel like he wouldnt really be able to relax in an island like that, because hes so use to the adrenaline of his normal life. i imagine its difficult for him to unwind in general.
stampede!vash would probably get lost in the flora and fauna, most likely being drawn to the flowers (especially the red ones) and be sad because of it. he'd probably do his best to avoid harming any of the flora and fauna (and even feeling bad about stepping on grass because its so green and so alive,,) lowkey i feel he'd form a pack of random fauna too, like a snow white moment lmao
idk,, this is fun to think about im not the best at really pinpointing personalities tho. thank u for the thought experiment!!
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acacia-may · 2 years
Rill Boismortier Mixed Bouquet [Friendship, Family, & Romance HCs]
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As part of my Rose Garden Headcanons (Valentine's Day) Event 🌹, here is a bouquet of Yellow Roses (Friendship Headcanons) 💛 Pink Roses (Family Headcanons) 💗 & Red Roses (Romance Headcanons)❤️ for Rill below the cut!
Gosh, I absolutely love him so writing these headcanons was so much fun! I hope you will like them too. 🥰 Thank you so much for the ask and for reading!
Y3. Have they ever had a best friend? Was there a specific moment when they knew this person was their best friend?
Rill was a little isolated when he was growing up so as a child he used to tell Walter he was his best friend (and he genuinely meant that). When he got older and joined the Magic Knights, he built a very close friendship with Fragil Tormenta which began at their Magic Knights' Entrance Exam. They sparred against each other and, then, were both selected for the Deer. They only grew to become closer and better friends the longer they worked together until eventually they were really like brother and sister to each other, which is a very meaningful relationship to Rill who always wanted a sibling when he was growing up. Fragil can appreciate his more wild and creative moods, but she is much more practical, responsible and down to earth than he is so she often helps him keep his feet on the ground and not get too carried away when he needs it. Whereas Rill helps her to loosen up and have fun every once and a while since she can often be pretty serious.
Rill is not particularly self-aware at times so he likely had never really given much thought to the idea that Fragil was his best friend until he referred to her as such in an offhand comment one day. It just sort of slipped out without him thinking about it (something along the lines of "Oh I was visiting my best friend, Fragil..."), and afterwards when he realized what he said, he gave it a moment's thought of "Oh, yes, I guess she really is my best friend" and then carried on with whatever he had been doing before. He did, however, decide that the realization merited a painting so he made some art of them together and gave it to her. 😊
Aside from Fragil (and Walter), I also like to think that Rill and Charmy became very good friends while training together in the Heart Kingdom, though again being as oblivious as he is, Rill probably hasn't really given much thought to the concept that Charmy is also a best friend of his. He certainly considers her a friend, but he doesn't spend a lot of time thinking about those qualifiers like "best friend" versus just an acquaintance. Friends are friends to Rill, though he is closer to some than others (even if he doesn't really think about it that way).
P2. What is one of their fondest family memories?
One of Rill's most treasured memories is when his mother bought him his very first set of paints. Lady Boismortier had taken up watercolors and painted the flowers and plants in their garden, and Rill used to stop playing and running around outside just to watch her with awe and curiosity (and ask a million questions about what she was doing and if he could try too, of course) so his mother bought him his own set of paints. He wanted to use them just like his Mama so she set up an easel for him in the garden and they painted side by side. He painted a few bunches of flowers before he painted a portrait of his mother to thank her for the art supplies. Lady Boismortier was so touched and so impressed by her son's artistic ability that she gushed over Rill's painting and hung it up in the house, eventually having it framed. This instance really inspired Rill to become an artist.
P5. Do they want a family/children of their own one day? What kind of parent would they be, and how would they express love to their children if they had them?
Rill would like to have a family of his own one day. It's not a deal-breaker for him or something he thinks about too much, but he does have a paternal streak and could see himself as a father someday. Unlike most heirs to noble houses, Rill has never really viewed having children as a duty or obligation and, to him, the idea of having a family one day has always been synonymous with falling in love. Rill's parents, the Lord and Lady Boismortier, had a genuine love and affection for each other and were very happy together, so Rill's mother has always hoped for the same kind of experience for her son and made sure that Rill understood even from a young age that he should aspire to marry for love rather than for diplomatic, financial, or inheritance reasons. (This is the main reason why Rill has not been promised in an arranged marriage as well). As the House of Boismortier is towards the middle to lower class of Clover Kingdom nobility (A/N: there is definitely a caste system of noble families too), Lady Boismortier is (reasonably) imagining that Rill will meet someone in the magic knights (most likely a fellow noble around their family's same level of prestige and influence), fall in love, and get married to someone he has chosen for himself. [A/N: She would likely be accepting of anyone Rill loved, even if he decided to marry someone below his social station. She really just wants him to be happy like she was with her husband before he passed away].
Since Rill has never really felt that pressure to make an advantageous match and to have an heir to continue the noble line of Boismortier, having children is very much a wish for him (especially when he falls in love and imagines spending his life with his beloved). He would be a wonderful father who is extremely supportive of his children and all of their interests. For instance, Rill is definitely the sort of dad who would ooh and ahh over his toddler's scribblings like he was in a fine art gallery and hang them up around the house to show his friends. I can also imagine that he probably cheers louder and more boisterously than most of the other parents (luckily none of his children are of the personality that would be embarrassed by this). Rill is a very involved and hands-on parents as well so he always makes a point to spend time with his kids, participate in what is important to them, and show up to their events (even if they aren't supposed to have spectators, he will find a way to be there to cheer them on). He definitely falls under that "fun parent" umbrella so he can struggle a bit at disciplining sometimes, but he cares very much and is always looking for fun and creative activities his family can do together (including multiple games that he has invented himself). His children never doubt that their dad is their number one fan and biggest cheerleader and that he will be there to support them no matter what.
R1. Are they a particularly romantic person? What do they consider to be the ideal romantic gesture?
Rill can definitely have a romantic streak at times--maybe not in the more classic flowers and chocolates sense, but he does want to make things very special for his beloved so he always tries to come up with very elaborate and creative date and present ideas. Naturally, most of Rill's grand romantic gestures involve art--if Rill is in love with you, you will become his artistic muse and the subject of many, many paintings (and possibly some life-sized murals if Rill can find a free wall somewhere 😁). However, he has been known to try other kinds of romantic gestures if he knows they are particularly special and meaningful to his beloved (i.e. related to personal hobbies or interests). Ultimately, any romantic gesture by Rill will be a bit over the top and probably a little out of the box as well. His ideal romantic gesture shows how much he cares while also being original, creative, and interesting (the last thing he would ever want his to bore his beloved by being cliche and/or predictable).
When it comes to romantic gestures that Rill would like to receive, he is not particularly picky (and, truthfully, is the kind of person who would rather be giving the grand romantic gestures anyway). That said, Rill loves surprises and adventures so planning an unexpected outing to a new and exciting place would be a great romantic gesture for him. He'd also never say no to more art supplies, particularly if his beloved suggests they use them together and make some art for each other. Even if his beloved wasn't much of an artist, Rill would treasure anything made for him. I can just picture him running around excitedly showing anyone who will listen a little stick figure drawing of him because it was made by someone he loves (i.e. "Walter! Walter! Look it's me! Isn't it wonderful? [Insert Significant Other Here] made this for me!") Everyone in the Aqua Deer has seen it at least twice, and Rill has also shown the other Magic Knight Captains, the Wizard King, every shopkeeper at the market, some of the local farmers near the Aqua Deer's base, a random man he ran into in the street... [A/N: I think in music a lot so I'm imagining it's a bit like "Everybody Knows (Except You)" by The Divine Comedy (YouTube) and he's just telling literally everyone]. He even showed Finral and had him portal him to the Heart Kingdom to show Potrof and Queen Lolopetchka. The drawing is eventually framed, and Rill shows all of his house guests too. (Hopefully his beloved is not too self-conscious...😅)
R3. What do they look for in a romantic relationship? What would make them feel the most loved and supported by a significant other?
Rill never really gave much thought to what he would look for in a romantic relationship beyond the very basic: someone he loves who loves him in return, and on that point, he is definitely the sort who just ends up stumbling his way into love somewhat on accident. He isn't fickle about it, however, and has no trouble with commitment. It's just not something he actively goes out to look for, at least at this point in his life (A/N: if that makes sense?). Since Rill isn't the most self-aware person, he doesn't have a concrete idea of the type of person he is hoping to be with either, but he does really appreciate people who march to the beat of their own drum and aren't afraid to be a little quirky, different, or creative so he would likely be hoping to find a significant other who had those traits. Also, he would look for someone he could have fun with and who wouldn't be a stick in the mud or extremely stern and serious all the time [A/N: Tying back into Y3 if anyone is curious about that, this is one of the reasons he doesn't/couldn't see Fragil in a romantic way. He cares about her very much, but she's way too serious in his opinion. The feeling is mutual on Fragil's end, but for the opposite reason (i.e. Rill struggles to ever take things seriously)]. Most important though is finding someone who he truly loves and who he loves being around and would want to spend every day with for the rest of his life. He may not be super serious all the time, but he is very sincere and would prove to be very committed to his beloved. He's very excited about the idea of getting to spend his life with someone he loves [A/N: Am I allowed another song? "The Idea of Growing Old" by The Features (YouTube) really reminds me of Rill's attitude in this respect💕].
Spending quality time together, especially if it involved exploring, adventuring, or showing an interest in each other's hobbies would make Rill feel the most loved and supported. He absolutely loves to spend time with the ones he loves the most, and if his beloved showed a genuine interest in the things that are important to him such as his art, Rill really couldn't be happier. He also absolutely loves thoughtful surprises "just because" (though he can be a bit dense about them sometimes--bless his heart). (A/N: But I suppose that just makes him especially easy to surprise so maybe that isn't a bad thing...)🥰
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Humans are Space Orcs, “Unlikely Friends.”
Wrote this this morning and thought of my friend Nora :)
I hope you all like it. 
The GA Biological Exploration team had not expected to have humans along for their expedition, but then again, they had hardly expected to have large carnivorous worms attack them the last time, so they supposed that extra protection was worth it. But the humans were really just there for protection, so the team mostly ignored them meandering around in a wide circle with their weapons ready.
Everyone knew that humans weren’t exactly the smartest species in the galaxy, somewhere above Drev and below Tesraki, so they were really only good for protection most of the time, or at least that is how many of the team saw it, none of them having ever really worked with a human closely before. The foliage on this planet happened to be a strange sort of blue violet color, and the sky above also tended more towards purple than it did towards blue.
There were plenty of large and unusual looking flowers, mostly red in color, though, when seen under UV light they glowed in many colors unseen by those who could only view on the visible spectrum.
The head scientist was just beginning to sample one of the flowers, when he noticed one of the humans out of the corner of his eye crouching next to one of the plants. His hand was completely uncovered, it turned out that humans were perfectly fine in the atmosphere, and it looked like he was preparing to touch the plant.
“What do you think you are doing!” He screeched, and the human drew back slightly. The head scientists wasn’t used to humans and so did not really understand the expression on it’s too- mobile face. This particular specimen of a human covered one of its eyes, and looked slightly familiar though he could not have placed it. All humans looked the same to him.
“I uh…. Well nothing.”
“You were going to touch that, weren't you!”
“Well I…”
“Because you better not try that again. We just landed on this planet and we have no idea what kind of affects the flora and fauna can cause.” He turned away before quickly spinning back in place glowering at the human, “Actually, on second thought, a warning isn’t enough for you, you have already proven that you cannot be trusted.” He pointed towards a little clearing not far off, “Go sit down and keep your hands to yourself until we are done here.”
The human went to protest, but he did not allow for that.
He had no time for people who could not follow proper safety protocols. The human looked about ready to argue with him, but one stern look sent the human slouching off.
He nodded rather pleased with himself. That is how you dealt with humans properly, a firm hand was what they needed. They were kind of slow so you had to repeat yourself a few times, but they responded well to a frm no nonsense hand.
Admiral Vir sat in time out.
His hands were neatly resting in his lap as he sat criss cross on an alien planet staring up at the sky. A few times the other marines would pass by and grin at him and he would smile sheepishly back. He had been put in time out for touching the local wildlife. Believe it or not, his mother used to hate taking him shopping as a kid because he just had to touch everything. He was also the reason that his father had forbade them from putting their hands, tongues, or feet, don’t ask, against the window.
There had even been a rule in museums that he had to be holding his dad or his mother’s hand while they walked around to avoid him embarrassing them by touching something that he wasn’t supposed to. He had always loved those interactive museums for kids. 
Apparently this habit had not exactly gone away into his adult life.
And now here he was Admiral Adam Vir, Armada commander of the GA and UNSC combined forces….. And he had been put in time out so he wouldn't touch anything. He took it with good humor though. By all rights he should have learned his lesson by now…. Considering the incident….
He shook himself and leaned back in the alien flora, resting his head back on a big flat mushroom that was pleasantly spongy and acted as a great pillow so that he could stare up at the sky. At some point he accidentally took a bit of a nap, and when he woke up next the voices had faded as the scientists wandered off into the forest, and he was left alone with only the shuttle sitting and twinkling with metallic light.
He frowned, someone could have told him they were moving on, but that was ok.
He sat up legs still crossed and rested his chin against his hand in boredom.
He picked at the dirt below him, and then prodded one of the strange mushrooms. 
Adam was bored.
He stood glancing around and walked to the edge of the clearing where one of those red flowers was sitting and, looking over his shoulder again reached down to touch it making a face in the direction that scientist had gone off.
It's not like he was hurting anything.
The flower petals were soft, and felt almost like velvet below his fingertips. 
He sniffed a it to find that it smelled oddly like…. Bleach? Though he could completely have been wrong about that.
Walking over, to the nearest tree-like structure, which was very tall and thin with an umbrella like apparatus overhead, he found the bark of the tree to have a bunch of small berry like structures on it in a light blue color. He reached out and picked one. It came off with a sort of soft popping noise, and he rolled it around between his fingers leaving behind a purplish residue.
He squeezed it, and berry juice came out.
It smelled sweet, though even he wasn’t stupid enough to taste it.
He dropped what remained of the berry t the ground and was just rummaging through the foliage when…. A sound, the snap of one of those mushrooms, pulled him from his reverie. Like a deer in the headlights he jerked quickly upright and looked around his heart already beginning to hammer.
He turned his head, looking into the bushes where he had heard the sound, and as he did, he thought he caught a strange flicking sort of movement. It was low to the ground, and as it moved it seemed to… slither through the underbrush.
Adam lowered himself slowly to the ground reaching behind him and drawing his handgun.
There was a strange noise, like more of those berries popping off the tree, and then the slithering moved on.
He couldn’t help but be interested, and followed the sound to where it had been last, finding that all of the berries had been stripped from the trunk of the tree.
“Huh, you like berries do you.” He said to himself wandering over to the next tree and scraping off a handful into his palm. He could still hear the creature moving ahead of him through the brush, and he followed after it, tracking it’s movement with his ears more than his eyes. He would have used his thermal vision, but decided against it. It was much more fun this way. Of course a part of him knew that this was a horrible idea, but Adam had never really been known to listen to his own common sense, especially when it came to meeting new aliens.
A segment of dirt showed below him, and he bent down to examine the track.
It wasn’t a footprint, but a long drag mrk through the soil.
How interesting.
He heard more of that popping noise up ahead and followed after it.
When he got closer there was a sharp sound as if something was drawing back on itself.
The creature had noticed him.
He crouched down in the bushes eyes forward to where he knew the alien was.
He dropped some of the berries onto the ground leaving a trail back to his hand where he waited.
Of course he expected to see some sort of creature.
What he did not expect was a massive purple viper with a head as big around as a football if not bigger peeping through the bushes
He froze in place blood running cold.
It had one large eye in the middle of its face and weird protrusions along the side of it’s head which looked to act like whiskers as they trembled in the breeze.
It rose up slowly from the ground lifting its head into the air and then opening its mouth. Its face was segmented into three, so when its mouth opened its face became twice as large, opening sort of like the hood of a cobra. It didn’t have a tongue but many small undulating follicles across its mouth stained with purple juice.
Its mouth closed and its head lowered as it looked down at the berries he had let out.
He stayed stock still as the creatures slithered closer lowering its head and lapping the berries off the ground.
Its body was smooth, not completely like that of a snake but similar, ad strange protrusions stuck up from it’s back rising and falling as it slithered forward.
It followed his little trail of berries until finally it was not inches away from his hand.
I lifted his head again, and from where he crouched, he started the creature right in the face. One eye to one eye.
It made a sort of rattling noise ad opened its mouth again.
He imagined it striking at his face latching onto him and sucking his life out through his eyes.
But instead the creature closed its mouth again, and the tendrils moved forward at the side outfits head, almost like it was sniffing at him.
It lowered it’s head 
And opened its mouth and he felt the hot humidity of it’s mouths. The creature sucked the berries frm his hand. Each of the little saccules felt like suction cups against his hand. It curled into a large coil against the ground and lifted its head again to look at him almost expectantly. He raised his hand slowly and it shied away.
He made no sound as he reached out and pulled some more of the berries from a nearby tree before slowly proffering them to the creature who sucked them up from his han.
He did that a few more times until, reaching out, he let the creature eat from his hand before gently stroking it along its underbelly. He had a feeling those protrusions on its back were sensory, and he didn’t want to overload it. The creature pulled back in surprise at his touch, but not entirely,and as he continued to stroke down itt’s neck, it seemed…. To enjoy it, pressing into his hand and making that strange noise again.
He smiled giddy and scared at the same time.
This was so cool!
He coaxed the creature with him as he went around pulling berries from trees and feeding it from his cupped hands.
The sake thing slithered at his side, and on one occasion even began to slither up his body.
He let it and it used him as a staging ground to lift it’s head into the trees and suck the larger berries from higher up in the tree. He rewarded the snake thing with more belly rubs with his hands now stained purple.
Eventually voices floated to him through the forest.
The snake thing rested its chin on his head sunning itself on top of him like he was a tree.
He walked back towards the shuttle pleased to show the others his new friend.
*** The head scientist was pleased with the samples he had taken. He had started with the ground plants and was likely to work his way up. He had been careful not to touch anything, and hadn’t seen any native wildlife so far. It would take some time for them to get to know the planet like they really wanted to, but that's how these things worked, science was slow an they had to be careful-”What in the FUCK is that!”
The human’s cry of alarm jolted him from his thoughts and he looked up in stunned shock to see the human from earlier, walk forward cradling a large alien creature in his arms.
“SHHH, the human hissed, Don’t scare Jeffry.”
“Who the Fuck is jeffrey.”
The alien creature lifted it’s head and opened its trihinjed mout.
He rubbed it’s chin, “it’s okay Jeffrey, they are being very rude.”
The aliens stood on in shock, as the human patted the alien creature like… like well like nothing they had ever seen. He was just sitting there, cuddling an unknown alien.
“W-what did I say about TOUCHING things he hissed with a squeak.”
The human lifted it’s shoulders, “Well…. About that. I sort of, got bored, and then I saw Jeffrey and I thought why not try to make friends.”
“You tried to make friends with a giant alien snake?”
“Well I would rather not have made enemies with him.’ He rubbed “Jeffry’s chin and the snake thing rattled.
The other humans gathered around in shock and awe.
“What are you doing!” He hissed, “That thing could be dangerous.”
The humans ignored him.
“Yeah just get some of those berries, and I bet he’d eat right out of your hand, and then maybe you can pet him.”
The humans wandered off to find berries coming back with their hands piled and their skin stained purple.
“Don’t Touch it!” he squalled, but the humans were hearing none of it. The snake thing leaned down and slurped berries from cupped hands before stretching its neck upwards to enjoy pats from the other humans.
The aliens stood there in shock as the humans gathered around.
He had ordered the human not to touch anything, but instead he had gone off into the forest and pack bonded with some unknown alien creature.
He would have to write to his superiors about this.
He would not be working with humans in the future.
Annoyingly, humans had to make friends with everyone. 
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lyranova · 2 years
Hello again Lyra~! I, uh, might have another request. 😅
I would like to make a bouquet request with the flowers Red Catchfly and Varigated Tulip. If at all possible, could it be done for Morgen x Josele (pre Morgen being unalived of course 😆)? If you’re unsure about writing for Josele, an x reader is perfectly fine! 💖
Thank you for you time and hard work, Lyra! I look forward to whatever you come up with because it’s your writing and also Morgen content!
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Erikaaa 🥰!! No worries, I’m glad you sent in another request hehe it made me happy 😁! You’re welcome and thank you for the kind words you’re so sweet 🥺💕💕!! Ahwjs of course I hope you enjoy this, and I hope I portrayed Josele properly (I always worry if I portray OC’s properly or not 🙈!), but I had fun writing it. Although I’m not sure if I captured the “Youthful Love” enough lol 😅.
Word Count: 865
Warnings: None
“ Aah it’s so nice up here, don’t you think?” Morgen asked as he and Josele walked across the rooftop of the Grey Deer’s base. The two had just gotten back from a mission as the sun was beginning to rise over the horizon. Morgen had remembered her saying she liked sunrises and sunsets, so he asked if she at least wanted to see it before she went to sleep.
“ Mhm, it’s really perfect.” Josele agreed as she walked over to the edge and sat down, throwing her legs over the side and she swung them back and forth gently.
“ I’m sorry the mission took longer than expected, I was hoping we’d have finished it before morning.” Morgen apologized as he sat next to her, the dark haired girl just shook her head.
“ It’s alright, whenever we go on missions with Yami and Nacht I always hope for the best but expect the worst.” She said with a soft laugh, whenever those two went on missions with Josele and Morgen they always tended to run late as those two tended to cause a lot of damage and mayhem while trying to complete said mission. Morgen nodded in agreement and the two sat silently together as the sky began to gradually brighten.
Morgen glanced over at her, he could tell she was exhausted, and he felt bad for asking her to stay up for a little longer. The truth was, he wanted to spend just a little more time together, without Yami and Nacht being around. He knew it was selfish, but the two of them hadn’t really been able to spend much time together lately.
Suddenly, Josele gently rested her head on his shoulder. Morgen instantly, and somewhat awkwardly, tensed at the action. He looked down and saw her fighting to keep her eyes open and a pang of guilt hit his heart.
“ I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have suggested this, come on let’s go inside.” Morgen said as he began to stand up, Josele immediately shook her head as she grabbed his hand.
“ No, I want to stay like this for a few more minutes. Just until the sun comes up.” Josele said, her voice starting to slur a bit from fatigue. Morgen sighed and muttered something about her being stubborn before he relaxed.
“ Why do you want to stay up? You’re exhausted.” Morgen asked softly as he gently moved a piece of her hair out of her face, Josele suddenly turned her face to look up at him and gave him a shy smile.
“ Because you have beautiful eyes, and when the rising sun hits them just right, they become even more beautiful. Although I’m not sure how that’s possible.” Josele said, her face suddenly turning a bright red at the confession, Morgen’s face also turned red. He began to stammer slightly, his usually calm and cool composure suddenly disappearing.
“ You don’t have to say anything,” Josele told him softly as she closed her eyes once again. “ I just…wanted you to know that…” she trailed off as she began to fall asleep, Morgen let out a soft sigh. She didn’t even stay awake long enough to see the sun fully rise.
Morgen gently moved to pick her up and he carried her through the Grey Deer base, luckily no one else was awake so he wouldn’t have to explain what happened and no weird rumors would surface. He managed to open the door as he still held the girl in his arms, he walked across Josele’s room and gently laid her down onto the bed.
He crouched down beside her and pulled her blanket up to cover her, he watched as she grabbed it and pulled it closer. He chuckled, she could be really really cute sometimes.
“ You know, my eyes are nowhere near as beautiful as yours. Your eyes always look so warm and comforting, whereas mine, well, they seem cold and distant.” Morgen thought for a moment. “ Or maybe I’m just overthinking it, maybe it’s just because Nacht and I share the same colored eyes as our father.” He added quietly as he began to get lost in his thoughts.
“ Ah I’m thinking out loud again, I’m sorry.” Morgen said with a small laugh before he quickly stood up. “ Sleep well Josele, I hope you have nothing but good and sweet dreams.” He added softly, he then walked out of the room and quietly closed the door behind him.
Josele slowly opened her eyes. She had woken up when Morgen had placed her in the bed, and she heard everything he said. It made her heart flutter when he said her eyes were more beautiful, but then it sank as he described his eyes as cold and distant. As she sat there and listened to him describe how he saw his eyes, she could feel that those were his genuine feelings. At that moment Josele made the decision to let him know exactly what she thought about his eyes.
So for the next few weeks Josele would give him a compliment here and there about his eyes and how she saw them and she would continue to do that until Morgen believed her.
Thank you all so much for reading and I hope you all have a good day/night 🥰!
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ironunderoos · 3 years
Dark! King tony wants someone to be with by his side and chose witch! peter from the forest, who has nothing to do with him. So peter escape
Hi there anon, thank you for the request. 🥰 I had fun doing it but at the end I was unsure how to proceed. Maybe I'll do a second part with the escape... 🤔
Caged I
Peter held his breath, trying to control his shaking hands. He waited in the shadows of the archway that led into the church's nave. The white veil covering his face made it hard to see but he could make out the candles and blossoms which had been used to decorate the pews. The way to his doom. He would have mourned the slowly dying flowers in their arrangements, but too much was his mind occupied with his own misery.
He missed the woods, the open sky and the weather's touch on his skin already. Inside this stone building he felt trapped and caged. But that was what his life would be henceforth, wouldn't it?
"You come with me. Or you see burn what you love!"
The music changed and the knight next to him placed his hand on Peter's elbow, starling him out of the memory. He steered Peter along the aisle, holding him upright as much as keeping him from running away. Strangers looked at him from both sides and Peter felt his heart in his throat. Noone seemed sympathetic for his helpless struggles, his soundless pleading.
At the end of the aisle he raised his gaze and there he was. The man who caught and bound him. The man he was supposed to marry. King Anthony Stark. The Iron Man.
He awaited him, clad in dark red and black, adorned in gold and iron. A bright blue gem stone on his chest reflected the candle light in a way that made it seem to glow from within.
Peter couldn't read his face, his expression betrayed nothing. No triumph or satisfaction, just a silent determination.
It didn't matter. Peter had no choice but to comply with what was happening.
The knight led him to the king's side and both of them turned to the priest who started a sermon on obedience and love and togetherness.
Peter's thoughts fled to the past and the place where he belonged.
He was walking the wood's paths on bare feet, feeling the moss and leaves under his soles. The sun fell through the branches, painting cool shadows on his naked skin when he stepped down to the water. Peter greeted the little creatures by the stream and thanked the forest for his overflowing care before he slowly made his way into the water. It was cold on him, making his nipples draw tight and his skin become flushed. It felt so good on a warm afternoon so he started to splash water over his arms and chest, enjoying the silvery droplets glistening in the sun. Small fish played around his feet and birds sang to him. Little insects danced in the shadows. It was peace.
Then something changed.
Subtley at first. A strange sensation made Peter look up. The absence of sound.
The birds were quiet.
A predator in the woods.
Peter turned his head, listening. No animal would even think about attacking him he knew. And still… the sense of nearing danger grew around him. Sharp. Unknown. His heart beat faster.
Then he heard it. Twigs breaking and dry leaves crunching. Stomping hooves and heavy breathing accompanied by metallic clatter!
A deer sprang out on the embankment, froth on its snout, its flanks shining with sweat.
It saw Peter and stopped, his muscles twitching with the strain of the hunt. Red blood seeped through it's fur. It's expressive eyes rested on the boy in the water.
The hiss caught Peter by surprise, drilling an arrow through the animal's neck. It fell into the stream, rolling its eyes and died.
Peter stared down at the poor creature in shock. Forgotten was the sun and the shadows and the cool water. He turned to the place where the deer had come from and there was a human. A man on a horse, as black and mighty as a dragon. The man's eyes and hair were black too, but his robes as red as the blood in the water. He lowered his bow and his eyes locked with Peter's. They were burning.
Peter was pulled back into the present when King Anthony took his hand. He flinched but the king didn't let go. He pulled Peter closer and slipped a ring over Peter's finger. The boy felt the metal burning cold on his skin. Against his will he turned to the man. Strong hands lifted the veil, uncovering his pale face. He felt his lips tremble in the same rhythm as his rabbit beating heart when the king slowly came closer. His eyes were so firm, his face set, as if he himself was made of iron.
King Anthony's hand lifted Peter's chin and then their lips touched. It was chaste at first and Peter tried to pull back after the first peck but a second hand on his back kept him close. The king's kiss grew more demanding, his tongue seeking entrance between Peter's lips and he only stopped assaulting when the boy relented with a sigh. Peter felt weak and shaky when the king turned, holding his hand while he walked next to him down the aisle, his head lowered and unaffected by the cheering crowd.
To be continued?
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youarejesting · 3 years
Sly like a...? Part 9
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[Master list] [Sly Master List] Beta: n/a (at the moment) Rating: All Pairing: Hybrid!BTS x FailedHybrid!Reader Genre: Hybrid au, fluff, action, adventure, angst, drama, slice of life. Some marked chapters will contain mature/smut scenes, BUT they will not have plot in those scenes and are 100% skippable without losing your place in the story. Words: 1.5k
Summary: Human’s strive to be better, faster and stronger looking to animal DNA. Thus Hybrids are born. As the rise for designer and Pedigree Hybrids increase, so do the failed attempts. There is one species scientists are unsuccessful in creating, but, folklore says they have been here all along, hiding and blending in with the humans for many millennia. How clever they are.
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Tonight you had decided to ask Hoseok what he wanted to eat for dinner. A quick knock on his always-open door and a peek inside showed him sitting on his bed. With his arms wrapped around his legs and his chin resting on his knees he looked young. He was staring forlornly at the wall, perhaps you thought he was feeling a little homesick. The city was much different from what he was used to. 
“Hoseok, hey?” You sat beside him the scent of fresh pine on his warm-toned skin. Waving your hand within his line of sight in an effort to gain his attention. The deer blinked, giving you a bright smile and a cheery laugh. 
“Sorry, I was lost in thought?” He straightened out his legs. You patted the soft comforter in front of you. 
“Shuffle your butt over here,” you spoke softly. He continued to face the wall and shuffled over, you pulled him to lay back against you, “Are you feeling homesick honey?”
“Yeah, I guess I miss nature. It’s just, it’s so bare” he muttered looking around his room, a desk with a laptop, a bed, and bedside tables he sniffed wiping his eyes on his sleeve. “I miss it.”
“How about we get you some plants as many as you want, to fill the room, if you really want we can tear up the carpet and lay down grass instead,” Hoseok laughed as you described a tall plant by his desk flowers on his bedside tables and hanging pots from the ceiling. “You can call them, that’s why I got you this,”
He nodded taking the phone you held out to him, he dialed a number and placed it to his ear. “Hello?” 
“Hello my sister,” he said, relaxing as he heard the familiar voice. 
“Hobi!” She called through the phone, which seemed to cause a commotion on the other end of the phone as many voices could be heard, “what is it like in the city? Are they treating you nicely? Have you been eating?”
“It’s really nice and everyone is so fun and nice and we eat lots of food together,” he cheered. The family was talking happily and you grinned scratching Hoseok's head happily laughing with him. 
“We are going to decorate his room with plants,” you assured his family that he was being treated well, “oh! tonight is your choice for dinner so what would you like?”
“Unnie, Hobi likes Japchae and meat,” his sister giggled over the phone and you leaned around Hoseok and grinned. 
“What you think Hobi-ah? Sounds good?” You used their nickname teasingly but in hopes, he would feel more at home and at ease around you. 
“Mm, Hobi wants japchae!” He said cutely, making you laugh, you gently pushed his firm and warm body until he was sitting up enough to slip out from behind him. 
“Alright, you keep talking I will round up Jin and Yoongi and we will get to work cooking,” bidding your goodbyes to Hoseok’s family, you headed out to the kitchen. Yoongi was tying up his apron and Jin was playing video games with the youngest of the group. 
You decided against asking Jin as he seemed truly engrossed in playing his video games. Sorting out ingredients and finding a recipe Yoongi and yourself shuffled around the kitchen. There were moments where you reached over where he was cutting vegetables and your shoulders would brushed and just for a second you would hear a small purr. 
Jin lost to Jungkook and pouted, scuffing his slippers as he entered the kitchen, “Ya! The game likes Jungkook better!” He whined, with a grin on your face you pulled him into a hug. Arms wrapping around his tiny waist as you buried your face in the soft sweater he was wearing, it smelt sweet like figs and his ears twitched. 
“I am just happy you tried your best,” you praised him, as you felt the vibrating chittering in his chest almost like a purr but more like a rattle. He nuzzled your hair breathing in your scent. You got him to join in with the cooking. Your instructions interrupted by Taehyung who was complaining about being hungry.
Sliding between the two hybrids to get past, you got some ingredients from the fridge. You sat at the breakfast bar mixing the ingredients in a big metal bowl. Taehyung had been your neighbor for at least five years now and you knew his favorite foods. 
“Try this and tell me how it is?” you held a ball of rice out in a plastic gloved hand and he leaned in eating it. His eyes lighting up. He gave a deep mmh-mm of approval and his tail was smacking Jungkook in the thigh, the young boy looking at the offending appendage and swatted it away.
“Me too, noona” He smiled pointing to his mouth and you popped one of the Jumeokbap onto his tongue. He chewed it happily his cheeks puffed full, a purr filling the room loudly. You turned to Jin offering him a taste, he praised it with a thumbs up.
Carrying the bowl around to Yoongi you smiled, “You want to try one Yoongi?” He didn’t reply but leaned his head towards you eyes on the food mouth opened.
He let you put one in his mouth, and you pressed your ear to Yoongi’s shoulder, his purrs were definitely the quietest out of all the felines in the house, they were ones that vibrated deeply in his chest but didn’t make too much noise unless it was really quiet and you listened intently.
“I smell tuna!” Jimin grinned bounding over his long legs barely touched the ground and he smiled, “Me love, one for me”
You were trying to roll one but he had started rubbing his face on your jaw and neck impatiently, as he purred sweetly, “I am making it as fast as I can,” the words barely came out through your giggles his soft hair tickling your neck, his ears twitching at the sound.
“Here try this one,” he leaned in wrapping his mouth around the rice ball his eyes never leaving yours. “Is it good?”
“Mm very good” he hummed standing behind you his hands wrapped around your waist as you made one for Namjoon. He held out his hand and ate it, nodding before awkwardly shuffling around waiting for the food to finish. Hoseok exited his room smiling brightly, it seemed the conversation with his family had eased his loneliness.
Namjoon at dinner was a little scary all he could see was food and his deep purrs were so loud that it almost sounded like thunder rumbling outside. You brought up the question at dinner and watched them all choke on their food. 
“It is only natural, I am just wondering when and if you know your rut schedule so I can put it on the calendar and if you need any assistance during this time we can look for a suitable companion or items that can relief your needs.”
Jungkook was bright red and Jimin thought honestly, “I don’t need assistance but if when I am not in my room we could cuddle,”
“I also do not require assitance I will just be in my room,” Namjoon said with a small reassuring smile.
“I have never had a rut,” Jungkook said his cheeks never losing their rosey colour, “They gave us a hormone blocker every six months so we would behave, we just got really annoyed”
You nodded they all seemed to agree that they would be fine on their own in their room but you thought you would look into somethings as a fail safe. After your goodnights to each of the boys giving them a sweet kiss on their foreheads, you sat on Jungkook’s bed and told him more of the stories of the fox.
“In Korean legends, the Kumiho is often described as a terrifying and sad creature that strives to become a real human. It is said that a Kumiho can turn into a real human by eating 100 human livers or by marrying a human and living with them for 100 days without their true identity being discovered. There are many more theories on how they came to be but they…”
Once everyone was tucked in, you spent the night in the lounge. Searching the web for eligible companions and items that could assist the seven young men. You hoped they were all settling in nicely. A figure appeared in the hall, ringing his tail in his hands, you gave a soft smile, surprised as the figure came closer.
It wasn’t Jimin as you had first thought, it was Jungkook, you walked him back to bed and he whispered, “I am nervous what if I do something bad during my rut?”
“I know your true nature Jungkook, I know you don’t want to hurt any of the boys or even myself and when the rut passes well then you will be back to the old Koo we know and love.”
“Can you sleep in my room tonight?” He said and seeing your apprehension he added, “Just until I fall asleep?”
“Alright just until you fall asleep.” Not knowing how exhausted you were and how the bed was so soft and enticing. You had fallen asleep almost instantly, letting Jungkook pull you into his arms and nuzzle your shoulder.
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dawns-beauty · 3 years
Hi it’s me again, it’s not about fenn this time but khajiit. Aside from khenarthi who was depicted in a tapestry, what do you think the rest of the khajiiti pantheon would look like though khajiit depictions. Would love to hear your thoughts
Ohhh this is such a fun ask, thank you!
Also, I hope you're ready for a lot of thoughts lol.
So the Khajiiti pantheon is organized a little differently than the Imperial one, so I'll go by UESP's lineup, with different kind of classifications of Spirits. Also, huge disclaimer, I’m not the most well-versed in the actual Pantheon Lore ™, so definitely take these as headcanons instead of anything actually lore-compliant.
I imagine that each god can take any of the forms of Khajiit, so they are often accompanied by symbols to make it clear who is who. I also headcanon that gods are predominantly displayed with all their claws unsheathed and always five on each hand/forepaw (being depicted as five-clawed is a form of honor.)
Sky Spirits
Azurah- she has two canonical depictions- a tri-faced goddess (with a Khajiit, human, and elf face) and a star-eyed cat. I think the latter is the older, pre-Imperial depiction. She is always seen with stars (later depictions can include a moon as well.)
Jode and Jone- I think they're pretty straightforwardly moons.
Khenarthi- I really love her Spynx-like form from that tapestry, though I kinda lean towards her face being more obviously Ohmes (elfish ears, cat-like markings) before the Imperials arrived (it seems weird that Khajiit would include a human-faced deity in their pantheon, right?)
Magrus- usually depicted as the sun, but for more illustrative works, he could mostly be seen as a Dagi or Alfiq, wearing a crown of sunrays.
Wordly Spirits
Hermorah- I'm not sure his depiction really changes from Hermaus Mora (though he could look a bit more trippy, as if influenced by Skooma?)
Hircine- pretty much the same, though Khajiiti. Perhaps most often seen as a Suthay weaing an animal skull mask- pre-Imperial it was less likely to be a deer and more likely to be some fauna native to Elsweyr like a terror bird, antelope, etc.
Nirni- a slumbering Alfiq, curled into a ball. Her markings are the continents of the world, making her depictions are easy to date, as they follow the Khajiit knowledge of the world layout. It's pretty common for fancy Khajiit world maps to have the world to be depicted as Nirni.
Sagiin- a pale cat of any furstock, with a red-stained chin as if he just consumed wine or blood.
Y'ffer- depictions vary, sometimes he's a Khajiit, sometimes a Bosmer, but he's always crowned with branches growing directly from his head. Sometimes shown holding out the first flower that he created for Nirni when he's in Khajiit form.
Wandering Spirits
Ahka- I'm not really sure on him, he's considered the First Cat, so perhaps a large Senche-type cat with a regal mane?
Alkosh- golden dragon, but with distinctly catlike feature (after all, what is a dragon but a real big cat?) Something kinda like:
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Alkhan- similar to Alkosh, though with darkened scales and larger
Boethra- often seen as an Ohmes/Ohmes-Raht, but can and will take any other form
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Mefala- a cat with many eyes to see and many hands to guide
Dark Spirits
Namiira- one of the most fearsome Khajiit spirits, her depictions are shrouded in darkness. As all Khajiit can see in the dark, the thought of something that's so dark even they can’t see it is terrifying... but also compels them, like any curious cat, to want to investigate. For Khajiit musical traditions, she has her own leitmotif to represent the infectious beat of the Bent Dance.
Noctra- a cat with pitch-dark fur and raven-like wings which she used to flee from Azurah into the Void.
Varmiina- a dark catlike shape made of mist, accompanied by a snake
Adversarial Spirits
Merid-Nunda- a blindingly bright light orb with eyes of many colors and bird wings
Merrunz- a Khajiit toddler with an extra set of arms, adorned with a crown of fire and blazing eyes
Molagh- not much differently than Molag Bal’s usual depictions, as even Khajiit consider him a demon
Orkha- a hulking, furless, deformed cat with teeth protruding from its mouth like tusks
Sheggorath- I can’t add to this purrfection
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jordanstrophe · 3 years
meee again...(((i might as well give myself an anon name at this point))) but i was wondering if i could...have some cin content...he’s one of my favorites...and i find myself projecting onto him a lot...so could i please have some miscommunication with him and richard??? i hope this doesn’t...bother you cuz it feels like i ask you...for stuff a lot...
Why hello there! Not bother at all! I completely agree on the anon name, It would be fun! Miscommunications happen all the time between Cin and Richard, mostly because he’s is still leaning how to be a functioning human of society. 
Just like me
CW: Conditioned whumpee, accidental trigger, emotional/angry reaction, defiance, offering themselves for punishment, overptorective caretaker
Richard slapped his alarm quiet and threw on his fluffy robe and slippers. He gripped the handle before hesitating, his brain finally remembering he no longer had a normal home. Who knows what Cin could be up to this morning, every day he found more triggers that would snap his conditioning into survival mode. He took a deep breath as he pushed the door open, hoping for the best that the young man would just get some much needed rest and- ....
The house was spotless, the floor was stained with way too much cleaner and every decoration had been adjusted to be symmetrical.
"Oh, good morning Mister Richard." Cin grogled, creeping into the kitchen while hugging a rather large vase. He was still wearing his pajamas, shorts and an oversized t-shirt. His legs trembled as he struggled to hoist the vase onto the table.
"Cin..." Richard put on his parent voice as he crossed his arms. Cin instantly froze like a deer in headlights, you could almost see his hair standing on its end. "Darling, we talked about this. When it's night time, it's sleep time, remember? How long have you been awake?"
Cin didn't answer, he didn't even turn around. "I-... Am just doing my duty as a guest in this house." He quietly murmured.
Richard let out a groan as he held the bridge of his nose. "What duty?! Cin, you don't have to do all of this! I keep trying to take care of you, and you keep jumping up in the middle of the night and-... Cin... You need to rest. You need to recover. I don’t think you understand how much you’re hurting yourself when you do stuff like this! This has to stop, today.”  He grabbed his shoulders, turning him around to find tears pouring down his face, his eyes blank. 
“Oh Cin-....” 
“Well ho-how am I s-suppose to pa-pay you back then? After everything you-you've done for me, I just can't keep up with you! I don’t want the payment to be taken in b-blood anymore!” He sobbed, burying his face in the palms of his hands. 
“No, no no no, that’s not what's happening, Cin please!” Before he could calm him down, Cin turned around and shoved the vase to the floor. The shatter blasted through the room, causing both of them to cringe. 
“Th-th-there! Is that what y-you want-t-ted? You sh-should have just s-said so!” He sobbed, collapsing to his knees dangerously close to the shards. “Cin, get up! You’re going to hurt yourself!” Richard shouted. 
Cin’s eyes went wide with confusion, his head slowly cranking up until their eyes meant. “But... Isn’t that the p-point?” 
Richard was far past the stage of calming him down. Right now, he was just trying to keep him from hurting himself. He ignored Cin offering up his scarred arms for punishment, instead, grabbing them and pulling him around his neck bridal style in his arms. He yelped in surprise, but instantly latched on.
“M-mister Richard I do-don’t underst-stand!” He sobbed into his neck. “I know, sweetheart... It’s okay. I’m sorry.” He whispered, sitting down on the couch with him on his lap, brushing his hand down his hair. Cin just kept begging ‘I’m sorry, I’m so sorry’ over and over again as Richard let him cry it out. 
Eventually, he laid slack against his chest, occasionally sniffling with a tiny whimper.
“Mister Richard?” He rasped. “Yes dear?” He took a shaky breath, knowing Cin could probably feel it from his position. “...Why are you crying?” He asked. 
“What?” Richard blinked, realizing a cheek was wet with tears. His face went red when he noticed Cin had poked his head out, staring up at him with wide concerned glossy eyes. Richard quickly wiped the tear away, nervously chuckling. “I um... I’m fine, I’m just..." He stuttered, finding it hard to look into the man's eyes that watched expectantly.
"Well I’m scared. I’m scared that I’m doing the wrong thing, and I’m hurting you more than I’m helping you.” He sniffled, having to wipe another tear that came.  
Cin got quiet as he cuddled back up against his shoulder. “I’m scared too. ...  I’m scared that being in your life, I'm nothing but trouble for you. A burde-” - “-NO! No, Cin, don’t you even think like that.” Richard instantly pulled him tight against his chest, holding him protectively like the world itself was a threat towards him. 
“You’re so precious to me, more than anything in this world.” His voice cracked at the end, the first time he had ever broke in front of him. He realized at this moment, there really was nothing he wouldn’t do for him. He knew him best and he wouldn’t dare trust anyone with even a hair on his head.
“Uhh, M-mister Richard?” Cin muttered.
“You’re suffocating m-me.”
“OH! I'm so sorry!” He gasped, instantly letting loose as they both couldn't contain their laughter. 
@milk-carton-whump @whumpasaurus101  @happy-whumper @as-a-matter-of-whump @alien-octopus @unicornscotty  @yesthisiswhump @flower-whump @whitebluebell @shokuhoemisaki @thewhumpwolf
ʕっ• ᴥ • ʔっ  Thank you for reading!
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1kook · 4 years
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SUMMARY So now there’s a present for him under the tree, but none for you. Apparently that’s up to Jungkook to purchase, which leads him to this dilemma: what did you want for Christmas? WARNINGS alien!jk, tentacle mention hehe, and uhhh nothing else its just dorky n sweet :( RATING e for everyone <3 WC 1.2k 
NOTES hello the other day i said something abt explorer jk not rlly understanding the concept of gift giving so here it is more in depth <3 just 1k of dorky alien boy trying to impress his human gf !! 
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Jungkook thinks this Santa Claus fellow is quite possibly the oddest figure on your planet. A man who single handedly visits the home of every single child across the globe on a flying sleigh pulled by flying deer? Ridiculous. It’s even more ridiculous when you honor this man with a plate of cookies in the living room. 
“It’s just for fun,” you tell him, wobbling dangerously on a step stool in front of this massive tree you killed and then hauled inside to decorate its rotting carcass. The ornaments aren’t even placed in the most aesthetically pleasing pattern, a fact that greatly displeases Jungkook and his perfectionist mind. (You don’t see his extra arms slip out and rearrange them.) “It’s cute, isn’t it?” 
In all his time traveling the galaxy, Jungkook has had the honor of studying many foreign races. He’s learned the intricacies of their societies, the mechanisms of their anatomy, and the beauty of their cultures. Yet he does not recall ever seeing a society where one bearded man— who apparently gorged himself on cookies year round —held such superiority. The concept of gods isn’t exclusive to your planet, but from what Jungkook understands, this Santa Claus fellow is not a god at all. 
Oddly uniformed beings aside, there’s another thing Jungkook doesn't quite understand about this celebration, and that’s the bright red box beneath the dead tree with jungkook♡ written on the corner. It’s a gift, that much he gets, but he’s not sure what. Or why. You don’t tell him much either, simply warning him not to touch it until Christmas. 
Jokes on you, because Jungkook is no ordinary being. He knows how to gather resources from his surroundings and put them to use, an ability that is very valuable when visiting foreign planets such as your Earth. The projection box plays a variety of movies surrounding this Christmas event in the days leading up to it. It’s a festive day, primarily for large corporations to profit off of holiday cheer and convince people they, for some reason, must participate in the act of gift giving. And the thing about gift giving, Jungkook learns, is that it is reciprocal. 
So now there’s a present for him under the tree, but none for you. Apparently that’s up to Jungkook to purchase, which leads him to this dilemma: what did you want for Christmas?
The projection box says Humans similar to you enjoy being presented with jewels and clothing, occasionally electronic devices that are apparently ‘new’ for you Humans. 
But the jewels displayed are practically worthless in Jungkook’s eyes— a diamond ring? As far as Jungkook and the rest of the Sixamians were concerned, the sole purpose of a diamond was for recreational sports. Anyone could get a diamond in Sixam, they were as common as the avian beings on your planet were. But you and the rest of the Humans obsess over them, retail them for ridiculously high prices. 
Diamonds are out of the running, which leaves Jungkook with clothing or electronic devices. Similar to the diamond dilemma, the electronics don’t convince him much either. Smilodon had gotten into your room one day, completely knocked everything off your desk. While Jungkook had been able to revive your PC box, the cracked screen of your monitor was irreparable. Jungkook’s first trip to the city was that day, your visit to a Best Buy his first real outing. (You had sat him down in the kitchen and dabbed warrior paint, called concealer, over his facial markings.) The complete wonder he felt at seeing the city for the first time was shattered upon entering this Best Buy and seeing the horrendous quality of your electronic advancements. 
Needless to say, electronics are also out. 
By then, Jungkook can’t even fathom searching for clothing as a present. What did you like? He’s not sure, your preference in clothing varied everyday. Some days you enjoyed being bundled up in thick, cozy sweaters, but at night you would strip down to the thinnest materials. Did you like thick clothing or light? What was the most appropriate clothing for this season? Was there a specific size chart he had to refer to, or did Human clothing abide by the same form configuring rules that Sixamian clothing did? 
Christmas is tomorrow and Jungkook has not found a suitable present for you! His head hurts, but more importantly, his heart hurts. The projection box says Humans are greatly dissatisfied when they are forgotten in the gift-giving tradition, and Jungkook does not want that. He wants you to smile at him like the figures on the projection box do— maybe kiss him under the viscum album, or ‘mistletoe,’ plant —and just genuinely enjoy yourself. 
Time is running out and Jungkook doesn’t know what to do. Smilodon is giving him a rather disappointed look from the windowsill that Jungkook does not appreciate. It’s as he’s huffily shooing the creature away that he sees it. And by it, Jungkook means the flowerbed on your windowsill. The dirt is cold, the plants practically near death. But Jungkook knows you like flowers, these flowers in particular, because you spent all summer watering them and tending to them. You’re one of the finest botanists Jungkook has ever seen— and that’s saying a lot, considering Jungkook also considers himself an amazing botanist. Surely you like flowers?
He hurriedly gathers the last of the plants, hands shivering from the cold. He isn’t sure how to present them, how to wrap them like the Humans on the projection box do, so he’s left awkwardly hovering by the window with the dead flowers in his hand. He can’t set them down either because then they will unravel from the careful bouquet Jungkook had organized in his haste. 
You have extra limbs for a reason, his brain just about screams, and Jungkook snaps into action. Just as the tip of his limb touches your laptop, ready to watch as many instructional videos as possible, you come strolling into the living room. 
Jungkook can’t even play it off, he’s got one tentacle stretched over the entire length of the living room. 
“What are those for?” you ask curiously, casually stepping over his extended arm on your way over to him. 
Jungkook sighs, slowly retracting his limb until he can feel it slide naturally beneath the skin of his back. He wonders if his markings are that shade of pink again, the one that makes you kiss him and coo at him. “Felicitations on your Christmas,” he murmurs, handing you the bouquet of half dead, half frozen flowers. Your mouth forms a little circle, surprise and confusion painting your features. Jungkook hopes you are not as disappointed as he is in his atrocious attempt at gift giving. 
But Jungkook should know better; your Human heart is nothing like his. You’re not raised on perfection like he is, don’t even think there is such a thing as ‘the perfect gift.’ The flowers are taken from his trembling hands, clutched to your chest dreamily. “Did you pick these?” you sigh dreamily, gazing down at the dead bouquet like it’s the most beautiful thing in the universe. 
Jungkook doesn’t understand. Maybe it’s better this way. “Merry Christmas to you, too,” you beam, on your tippy toes to plant a kiss on his lips. “I love them.”
And he loves you.
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Copyright © 2020, 1kook on tumblr. absolutely NO reposts allowed.
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I just really think Remus Lupin is a ballerina okay AU
Remus Lupin has been doing ballet since he was four. He was exuberant and flashy at first, but after his first teacher, Greyback, molested and abused him, he is quiet and reserved. He prefers to dance by himself and does not speak to anyone inside or outside of the class. He wears pink material and is the best dancer in the school, but everyone is more terrified of him than they are jealous. He has sad eyes and soft hair, but prominent scars (both self-inflicted and from Greyback and accidents) cover his freckled skin. He’s a mystery, but no one wants to solve him.
He lives with his roommate and only friend, Severus Snape, who is a writer. He spins out films and novels and poems by the hundreds, especially inspired by the rain. Remus and Severus will often spend rainy days together in their apartment, with Severus typing furiously and scribbling while Remus dances to Hozier and Lana Del Rey off to the side. Sometimes when Remus will have nightmares, Severus will hold him and sing Russian lullabies until he falls asleep. Severus smokes lazily and wears subdued flower and gothic dresses that show off his jutting hips and collar bones. Having escaped an abusive father and a dead mother, he and Remus bond over their shit parents, with Remus’ father being neglectful and his mother kind but catatonic. Their neighbors think they’re witches, but they’re alright with that.
They both have to work to pay the bills, so while Severus works with preschoolers, Remus works as an assistant for a terrifying professor named Grindelwald at the university. He’s a reformed felon who’s always glowering, and there are rumors he’s Dumbledore’s husband, who is Remus’ mysterious ballet teacher with the twinkling eyes. But no one has the guts to ask him - it’s unknown what he was locked up for, and nobody wants to risk that it was irrational homicide. He mostly ignores Remus though, and doesn’t mind if Remus reads or dances while he works, so Remus doesn’t think he’s too bad.
One day Remus is grading some papers for Grindelwald when Lily Evans walks in, a vision in a white floral lace flowing vest and an across-the-shoulders dark blue dress, a brown belt around her waist and matching ankle boots coming up over creme knee-high knit socks, a black hat on her head. There’s a camera around her neck and her smile is beautiful, surrounded by her freckles, and she and Remus hit it off immediately. She asks if he can spare some time to be her model for the day, and he agrees. They’re hanging out in the park and laughing when Severus walks over, having finished work. The moment he and Lily lay eyes on each other, something happens, something magical, and Remus can see it in both of their smiles as they exchange shy hellos.
Lily starts to hang around them, her and Severus teetering on the edge of something. Remus nudges Severus until he’s brave enough to ask her out, and their first date is in the park where they met, sitting on a bench in the rain and watching the birds. Remus is pretty sure they’re gonna get married one day.
To keep himself busy while his two friends fall in love, Remus escapes to the dance school, dancing alone to Lana Del Rey in an empty room when the door creaks open and he hears, “Wow.” He turns around and smiles, taking in the sight of James Potter, an old school friend who left for Julliard and he hasn’t seen in years. James laughs, pulling him into a hug, and Remus lets him, tangling his hands in James’ curls and grinning when James presses a kiss to the corner of his mouth. James tells him he’s been enjoying a gap year before going to search for a job as a back-up dancer for Taylor Swift, to which Remus giggles and tells him he’ll be great. James beams, and pulls Remus along, saying he has to meet James’ best friend-partner-person. Remus agrees, and changes back into his flowing white dress decorated in bees and black flats, tucking spruce leaves in his hair before taking James’ hand and following him out.
At James’ apartment, he calls out, “Babe! I’m home!” Remus watches as Sirius Black comes skidding down the hall, dazzling in a sparkling black croptop with gold touches and a raggedy sheer maroon skirt that falls just above his spiky combat boots. With white and gold dahlias in his hair, he’s the most beautiful thing Remus has ever seen, and he stares as James pecks Sirius on the mouth, coming away with dark red lipstick stains. When Sirius looks up at Remus, his eyes twinkling, and Remus reaches out a hesitant hand, which Sirius takes. “Hi,” he breathes, and Sirius laughs, loud and bright. He leans in and kisses Remus’ cheek. “Hello, beautiful,” he says sweetly, wrapping an arm around Remus’ waist. “James has told me all about you, love.” Remus blushes, unable to stop smiling even as Sirius pulls away at James’ indignant “Oi!” and doesn’t touch him again. Sirius is the love of his life - he doesn’t know how, but it’s something he just somehow knows, the feeling taking root in his chest and sprouting flowers.
Sirius, as it turns out, is James’ roommate and queerplatonic partner. He ran away from his abusive home and is taking commissions as an artist. Mostly he draws wolves, dogs, rats, deers, doves, snakes, and cats. He affectionately calls Remus Moony, insisting his scars look like something were bit him and his eyes are the fierce amber of a wolf’s. Sirius in turn is called Padfoot, for his doglike energy and loving nature, while James is dubbed Prongs for being a dumbass who continually forgets he’s too big to fit in small spaces and gets lost in the woods almost every weekend. Remus never wants to stop hanging out with them, and learns to spend hours shopping at the vintage shop where Sirius works, the two of them falling for each other fast while James reclaims them as his partners in love as in life. And Remus is so, so happy.
While he’s busy falling in love with Sirius, Lily has moved in with him and Severus. Remus doesn’t mind, and tells Severus he’s thinking of making a home with Sirius and James. Severus hugs him and tells him he’s proud of him, suggesting they hang out that day just the two of them, like old times. Remus agrees, and lets Severus take him to the cafe where Lily works. In the corner of the shop is Regulus Black, a boy drenched in hoodies and coats that Remus and Severus buy free food and drinks for. Regulus thanks them profusely, and they all make small talk until Remus makes a comment that Regulus looks like Remus’ boyfriend Sirius, to which Regulus starts crying, explaining that Sirius is his older brother and he’s been trying to find him for years but gave up looking when their shit parents died and Sirius was nowhere to be found at the funeral. Remus offers to take him home, and Severus kisses Remus on the forehead before heading off to find Lily.
On the way there, they stop at the bakery and accept some free cupcakes from Peter Pettigrew, who owns the bakery with his elusive partner. Regulus, as it turns out, is homeless, and has been trying to make it on his busking money alone. But while he’s fairly lovely at singing, it’s not enough to buy anything concrete. As they eat, Regulus also tells Remus about Amir Levis, a librarian who lets him stay at the library. Remus exclaims that he already knows Amir, who helps Remus remember his pills and doctor’s appointments and always has a spare wheelchair and some tea for him just in case. Regulus admits to having a crush on Amir, but he’s too scared to do anything about it. Remus assures him he and Sirius will help him with it, and just like that they’re on their way.
At home, Remus smiles softly at the sight of Sirius and James entwined on the couch and says, “Look who I found.” At the sight of Regulus, Sirius shoves James to the floor in his haste to stand up, taking Regulus’ face in his hands and searching his eyes for answers. “You got out?” He says, breathless. “Really? You’re alright?” Regulus smiles sheepishly. “Of course I did, Siri,” he whispers. “You think I was gonna let you have all the fun?” Sirius tears up and tugs him close, rocking back and forth as the two of them mumble apologies and love confessions into each other’s necks and shoulders and hair. Remus gravitates towards James, kissing him with a smile before pulling him out of the apartment, saying they should leave the brothers alone.
Remus takes the opportunity to introduce James to Severus and Lily, who are immediately taken with him. They offer to watch him for the afternoon while Remus goes to therapy with Maxwell Needles, a counselor with magenta hair who talks to Remus about life, his accident, his trauma, Greyback, his suicidal tendencies, anxiety, PTSD, and depression. Remus also takes the chance to pick up Sirius and James’ ADHD medication, Peter’s OCD prescription, Lily’s bipolar medication, Severus’ schizophrenia suppressors, and a few books on autism (for Severus), Tourette’s (for Lily), and eating disorders (for James and, Remus suspects somehow, Regulus). Max is delighted to see him with so many friends, and says they’ll bring Peter over sometime for dinner. Though he’s not sure where that would happen since he’s torn between two homes right now, Remus agrees with a smile and bids the skater kid in the checkered jeans goodbye.
Back at school, Remus spends his afternoons in conversation with Mcgonogall, the waltz teacher who takes care of him. She’d adopted him when his parents died and he tries to stick around, asking advice about Sirius and James and whether moving in with them is a good idea. Mcgonogall says she thinks it is, and that she knows Sirius is a kind young man. As it is, he calls her Minnie, and knows her as a friend and a grandmother of sorts, since she helped him when he first ran away to James’ house. Remus is content with continuing the conversation but is interrupted by a phone call telling him Sirius, James, and Regulus have been jailed for a fist fight on the street.
Remus goes to pick them up, where he meets Bellatrix Lestrange, an abusive cousin of Sirius and Regulus who took particular joy out of torturing Sirius, who she almost killed once. She’s also been known to abuse children, especially those of the poor. Also in jail are Lucius and Narcissa Malfoy, a couple married only in spirit who keep having miscarriages and take their abusive anger out on each other and strangers. Their landlord, Voldemort, had demanded unconventional payments and they’d been essentially enslaved to him for years, only escaping his cultist grasp by means of murder, which is why they’re here now.
Remus sees James holding Regulus close and whispering to him as he kisses the cuts and bruises on his face in the corner of the cell, but says nothing about it, kissing Sirius hello. The four of them go home together, and as soon as Regulus is asleep Remus tells James and Sirius that he wants to make a home with them someday, just not right now. They laugh and smile and tell him they’re ready when he is and that they love him, and Remus thinks, Things are good.
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arcane-apathy · 3 years
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F Drider X F Reader
AN: Welcome to a new little mini-series of mine. I have been dying to write a drider story for the longest time now. This story is the first of my high fantasy genre, all my other stories have been modern fantasy or sci-fi. But this one is pure fantasy. I’m very slowly trying to make my content applicable for a wider audience as well. Anyways... Thank y’all for your support, and I hope you’ll enjoy! 
Warning(s): Swearing, Violence, Injuries, Mention of Sexual Assault, Death, Alcohol, Brief Mention of Nudity
  The Bloodroot Forest was the last place you expected to make camp in. When you first saw it on the map you tried everything to avoid it. But, the forest was massive and would take weeks for you to circumvent. Upon arrival you discovered the name of it is scarier than the actual forest. Simply named after the dark red sap that flowed from the otherwise normal trees. The forest was calm, the paths well worn and old, and the deer were brave. 
  Your camp was measly and made of the bare necessities, product of a rushed escape. War has ravaged your community, forcing everyone to seek refuge in new places. You have yet to find a suitable home, one far enough away so you wouldn’t need to flee again. For now you lived out of your bag, foraging for food, and with a stiff back. But, whenever you wanted to complain, you had to remind yourself of what your fate would’ve been if you hadn’t left home. 
  The forest was peaceful at night as you laid on your makeshift bed, tightly wrapped up in your cloak. The wind gently tosses the branches above you and the occasional noise of an animal. Just as you were about to sleep, the noises changed. The nocturnal birds stopped chirping and you could hear the animals running further away from you. And you didn’t dare to move. Animals only left when they were scared and if the deer that were brave enough to mosey into your camp earlier were scared, something big was coming. 
  Very slowly you sat up, straining your ears for any hint as to what was coming. The silence was bone chilling. Then there was a rustle. You couldn’t tell exactly where it was coming from, which didn’t put you at any ease. Slowly your hand landed on the blade at your waist, a gift from your uncle after coming of age. 
  “Well, what do I have here?” You quickly cover your mouth to keep from screaming, turning around to look behind you. Yet no one was there. “Look up.” Out of sheer curiosity you obeyed, your eyes quickly met with large pure black eyes and pincers. You try to scramble away from them, only to find yourself hitting the tree behind you. Driders were a force to be reckoned with, most of them being mercenaries or guards to those of importance. But, encountering one in their natural habitat was another story. Here they were territorial and followed no laws. 
  The Drider smirks as he hangs above you, his black and white legs twitch in anticipation as he watches you, “I knew I smelt something off earlier. Now I know what it is.” His pitch black hand reached out to touch you, “and you do smell divine.” Normally when a scent-sensitive person no matter what race they were compliments you on your scent, it would fill you with a sense of pride. But this just felt wrong on so many levels. “So girly, what are you doing in my territory?” 
  You shy away from his hand, glancing up and the red and black abdomen above you, “just passing through, I promise to be gone by morning.” 
  He clicks his tongue disapprovingly, his pincers rising as he frowns, “see I can't just let you through without any way to pay." You could now feel the heat of his breath fanning over you as he gets even closer. Sadly with his advantage of four arms he managed to grab a hold of your wrist. "But, I can easily think of a way for you to pay." 
  Now it was your turn to frown, "I don't think so." His grip tightened, promoting you to tighten your grip on your blade. Thankful it was hidden within your cloak. 
  "You don't have a choice", he hisses and tries to pull you off of the ground. You pull out your blade as fast as you could, using the momentum to slice his arm. The Drider hisses in pain as you scurry out from underneath him, bolting into the foliage not even bothering to look back. If you were lucky you'd be able to return for your things at a later time. But your safety was more important than your measly possessions. 
  You knew it was crazy to try and outrun a being with eight legs and the instincts of an apex predator. But it was all you had. It didn’t take long for the muscles in your leg to start to burn. The cool night air felt like freezing on your skin and like a fire in your lungs. And you could hear him gaining on you. 
  “Get back here you little bitch,” he hissed. Which only prompted you to run faster, despite how much it hurt. You could hear that he was taunting you, but you didn’t bother to actually listen to what he was saying. All you focused on was the ground in front of you, avoiding the tree roots at all costs. But what you didn’t account for was webbing. The silk was basically invisible in the dark, and thick enough to trip you. 
  You fall onto your shoulder with a cry, pain blossoming along your left-hand side like a spiteful flower. The branches and roots doing little to cushion your fall. Desperately you crawl to your hands and knees. Doing everything in your power to keep any semblance of distance between you and the Drider. But his laugh was already too close for comfort. Before you know it, you're grabbed by the hair and lifted off the ground. You couldn't help but scream as he pinned you to a nearby tree. His two pairs of arms being a natural advantage, "got you now."
  You kick at his chest, using every ounce of strength to push him away. But it just wasn't enough. You couldn't reach for your blade, and any attempt to wiggle out if his grasp was in vain. "Let me go!" 
  "Yeah right, after you've cut me with your blade. Nice try you little wench, but I'm going have fun with you until you take your last breath," his grip on your arms tightened to emphasize his point.  
  “Put her down brother,” a more effeminate voice calls out to him. Your breath catches in your throat as the source of the voice steps out of the shadows. The male Drider was large in comparison to you, but the female that entered the clearing made him look small. Much like the male, her skin, eyes, and hair were a pure black. Instead of a red and black abdomen, her arachnid body was pitch black. As she got closer the more the male dwarfed in comparison. 
  “The bitch was in my territory and she cut me.” 
  “And now you’re in my territory and I don’t care, let her go.” 
  The male looks at you, then back to the larger female with a frown, “fine.” Then he literally dropped you. You fall to the ground with a whimper, using your good arm to sit yourself back up. “Why even bother protecting her? She’d make a better meal than friend.” You struggle to get up, only realizing you were caged in by his legs and the tree. 
  “It doesn’t matter. My territory, my rules,” she slowly walks closer. “Step away from her.” Nobody moves, especially not the male Drider. All you heard was her sigh, heavy with disappointment, then all hell broke loose. The two Driders charge at each other, the male desperately trying to claw at her before she pushes him away. You watch in fear and awe, scrambling back into some bushes for safety. The male notices you moving and tries to lunge for you, but the female beats him to it as she stands over you. 
  “You really want to fight your own family over a pathetic human?” 
  “My morals mean more to me than you ever will.” She charges him again and picks him up before slamming him onto his back. Her pincers rise as she lets out a bone-chilling hiss of anger. With ease she climbs atop him, using her weight to hold him down. Her hands swiftly find their way around his throat. His legs flail and try to push her off, and he claws at her arms. But she did not let up. Instead you heard a sickening crunch, and his legs and arms fell to the ground. 
  Silence surrounded the two of you as she stood up and backed away from the lifeless Drider. Her chest heaving from the action and her hair in her face. You couldn’t help but stare at her in the moonlight. She sighs and looks at you, “I promise I won’t hurt you.” You watch her legs curiously as she steps closer to you. “You are hurt, please let me help you.” 
  You look back to the body and ask meekly, “he was your brother?”
  She nods, “one of thirty.” 
  Your eyes widen at the number, yet it made sense. Spiders lay a ridiculous amount of eggs, so Driders must do the same. You look back up to her as you try to stand up, “I think I dislocated my shoulder.”  
  “I have medical supplies back in my burrow, and light,” she smiles a little as she lowers herself down to look at you. “Can you walk?” 
  “I believe so, but it’s hard to stand up with one working arm.” She nods and grabs onto your good arm, gently pulling you to your feet. “Thank you.” 
  “Your welcome,” she smiles and gently holds your hand, “the forest will get darker the closer to my burrow we go. The trees are really thick over here.” You nod a little and let her guide you through the trees. Every time there was a log or boulder in your way she would pick you up and carry you over it. Her strength, agility, and endurance were nothing but impressive. No wonder why Driders are so sought after to be guards for nobility. Soon the opening of her burrow was in sight, a pair of bushes strategically planted alongside the opening to give it a little bit of cover. 
  The burrow was cozy to say the least, and was bigger than it looked on the outside. It was cool inside due to being underground, yet it was bright with the help of oil lamps and candles. The walls and ceiling were smoothed down and holding shape with the help of webbing. “Sadly I don’t have any furniture for you to sit on cause… well,”she motions to her abdomen before going to a large trunk. She pulls out a large blanket and leaves it folded up so it was like a pillow, “but this will be better than the floor.” 
  “I’m plenty used to sitting and sleeping on the ground by now. But thank you,” you sit down and wince as you bump your shoulder into the wall. You watch as she digs through a different trunk, reading the bottles and containers. 
  She walks over to you and sits on the ground in front of you, her legs sprawled out all over the place. Even without the added height of her legs she was still a few feet taller than you. If you had to guess, she looked to be around nine feet tall when she stood at her full height. “I don’t have many pain killers, but I do have a bottle of brandy if that will help.” 
  You chuckle as she hands you the bottle, “anything is helpful at this point.” 
  She motions to your cloak, “may I?” 
  You nod, “of course.” Her fingers were nimble as she undid the pin that held the garment closed. The cloak fell to the floor around you as she gently ran her hands along your shoulder. 
  “You’re right, it’s dislocated,” she offers a small smile, “but, I can easily put it back in.” 
  You sigh and take a swig of the brandy, “that would be greatly appreciated… After a few more sips.” 
  “Of course,” she chuckles and watches you drink. “I suppose I should introduce myself. My name is Lalia.” You smile a little and introduce yourself as she watches you curiously. “So, what are you doing in the Bloodroot at night?” 
  “I was trying to sleep.” 
  “So you’re a traveler?” 
  “I’m trying to find refuge,” you wince as she lifts your arm straight. “I had to flee home because of war, and I’m just trying to get as far away as possible.” 
  “I’m sorry to hear of your loss.” 
  “It’s fine, I’m safe and that’s all that matters to me.” 
  She smiles a little and slowly lifts your arm, “this will hurt.” 
  “I fully expect it to,” you nod and close your eyes. The brandy only helps so much, even if you got wasted off of it. She notices your determination and nods. One of her hands gently resting on the back of your shoulder as she guides your bone back into the socket. You bite back a scream as you feel the bone pop back into place, then the pain immediately subsides. Simply an annoying buzz versus the piercing sensation that it was before. You let out a breath that you didn’t notice you were holding while Lalia tied something behind your neck. 
  She was using a scarf as a makeshift sling, “you should keep your arm like this for a couple days at least. So, it doesn’t pop out of place again.” 
  “Thank you Lalia, you truly are a lifesaver.” 
  She waves a slender hand dismissively, “it was nothing.” You glance at the claw marks that her brother had left along her forearms, the wounds already clotted. “Don’t worry about it, it’ll take a lot more than some claws to hurt me.” She gets up from sitting down and goes to put her supplies away. Now that your pain was gone, you finally got a chance to fully take in the woman in front of you. 
  Even in the lighting of the cave she was entirely black. Her skin, eyes, hair, and arachnid body were the color of ink. The light only reflecting off of her arachnid body made her look like she was made of velvet. Her face, just like her body, was slender and angular in nature. Then you also noticed she was completely bare, her lengthy hair being her only modesty. She was as beautiful as she was intimidating. And you couldn’t help but stare. 
  “Are you alright,” she tilts her head.
  “Uh yeah,” a little bit of heat rushes to your face, “just the brandy is starting to catch up with me.” 
  “Oh,” she looks around her living space before going to a shelf. She brings back a pitcher and a cup, “water from the nearby spring.” You smile as she hands you the cup, taking a large drink out of it. Not only was your pain dying down, so was your energy. Your exhaustion from traveling the woods all day and from running for your life. Lalia chuckles as you loudly yawn, her  legs making their way back to one of her many chests. She pulls out a bed roll and another large blanket from it, “I’ll make you a bed real quick.” 
  “I can make my own bed, it’s fine.” 
  “You have one working arm, I have four. I’ll make your bed.” Her tone left no room for arguing, so you simply sat and watched as she laid out the roll and the thick blanket atop of it to make it more plush. “Then you can use your cloak and the blanket you’re sitting on to cover up with.” 
  “Thank you, again… I don’t know how I’ll ever repay you.” 
  “There’s no need hun, I’m just doing what’s right.” You couldn’t help but feel a little flustered by the pet name, but you didn’t let it show. Instead you got up from your spot and made your way to the bedroll. Using your good hand to pick up your cloak. You kick off your boots, something you usually didn’t do while on the road. Then made yourself comfortable on the makeshift bed. Lalia brought over the blanket you were sitting on and gently laid it down around your feet. “Do you think you’ll need anything else?” 
  You arrange the blanket and your cloak to your liking, “I don’t think so.” It took you a little bit, but you were finally able to lay your head on the bedroll’s built in pillow. Which was hard with only one working arm. While you try to get comfortable, Lalia is walking around the main area of her burrow. Turning off the oil lamps and blowing out the candles, leaving only one lit so you weren’t drowned in darkness. You silently yawn as she moves about the burrow with ease. Making you wonder if it was purely by memorization or if she had enhanced night vision. 
  “I can feel you watching me.” 
  You blush as you were caught red handed, “I’m merely curious… You’re only the second Drider I’ve ever talked to.” 
  “I hope my brother didn’t make too bad of an impression.” 
  “There have been worse.” 
  Lalia slowly makes her way closer to you, her voice slowly becoming quieter, “I will have to go back out soon… To hunt and to claim my new territory…” 
  “I see, are you nocturnal?” 
  “Not exactly, but it’s easier to hunt at night. I’ll be sure to find your things as well.” 
  “That would be greatly appreciated. It’s all I have.” Her smile falters a little at your words, “no pressure though.” 
  She scoffs a little, “that’s not what I’m sad about.” 
  “Please don’t be sad for me. Like I said earlier, I’m alive and that’s all that matters to me.”  
  She comes closer to your bed and crouches down. Her warm and slender fingers gently brushing your hair off your face. "That is quite the noble thing to say. I don't know many people who would say that." 
  You couldn't help the heat that rushed to your face, "I'm nothing special." 
  "I would say otherwise,” her kind smile illuminated by the distant candlelight. You return the smile before having a jaw splitting yawn. She chuckles and gently pets the top of your head before standing up again. “You should sleep hun, it’s been a long day.”
  “I suppose you’re right,” you sigh and you try to get comfortable. “Good luck hunting.” 
  “Thank you, I’ll be back before morning.” You nod and watch as she walks towards the mouth of her burrow. Your need for sleep makes your eyes too heavy to hold as soon as you lose sight of her. Despite being alone within the burrow of a Drider, all you felt was comfort.
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lune-hime · 3 years
Garden of Tulips (Levi/Reader) Chapter 9
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~Click me for more chapters~
“What did it look like?”
“Hmm?” Levi looked up from his place next to your sleeping form. “The titan that tried to snack on my darling granddaughter.” “Ugly as fuck.” “Aren’t they all?”
Levi recounts memories of the reader and their shared life together while she recovers from a serious injury.
!!WARNINGS!! - Violence, gore, smut, wholesome content ;)
Tulipa gesneriana ~ Commonly called the Garden Tulip. A lovely flower with cherry red petals that is never seen cultivating by itself.
“Now that we’ve had our pity party, how about I act like a proper grandmother and show you some photos.” Oma smiled and rose to grab a weathered tin and a photo album from the bookshelf. Levi felt like the couch was engulfing his form with its soft cradle. When Oma turned around she was met with his body half eaten by the overly plush material; his shoulders hunched and tea propped up against his chest as his body reclined even further inward. He looked pleasantly comfortable and stiff at the same time.
As she plopped the two memory vessels on the coffee table, Levi’s features hardened akin to the rusted box now in front of him. The foreign lettering connected in geometric shapes that he recognized but could not decipher. They left remembrance teetering on the tip of his tongue.
“That’s my father’s cigar box.” Oma explained when she noted his fixation on the object. Levi heaved himself out of the couch’s embrace and propped his elbows on his knees, still fixated on the memento.
“The writing on the side…” Levi let his sentence flit away on his breath as his brain delved deeper into the patterns.
“Writing? What makes you think its writing?” Oma pursed her lips and picked up the weathered box to give it a closer examination. “Looks more like a decorative design.”  
Oma shrugged and passed the box to Levi. It felt cold on his freshly tea-cup warmed palms. Flashbacks of loitering about the weathered guard posts, frosted cabins, and Utgard Castle drew back vivid images of the strange symbols. They sparked his curiosity enough to imprint within him, but he didn’t care enough to debate with the old woman.
It would be a memory put on hold for another time.
“I’ve seen something like it at one of the outposts on old crates of supplies and alcohol.” He stated, placing the box down in resignation.
“Hmm.” Oma gave one final acknowledgement before popping the top open. She lifted the haphazardly stacked photos out of their resting place with a gentleness that cradled each precious paper.
As she flipped through them, Levi felt like he was gaining memories of a childhood... a family ...that he never had. It was like observing someone’s entire life through a looking glass. These pictures were of Oma; of her and her husband, of her and their children, of her and you and Petra.
Levi’s brow knitted when she came to a photo of a spry, young version of herself embracing a familiar face-only with a full head of lucious locks.
“You and- Pixis ?” Levi said in exasperation and squinted at the photo as if that would make his shock dwindle.
Oma couldn’t have been much older than you; her statue was slight but her physique was robust. Her hair cascaded from her bun and softly framed her face that smiled wryly at the camera. She was arm in arm with Pixis; his eyes crinkled with happiness and hair (comically) blowing in the wind.
“Ah yes. Dot and I were both squad leaders and grew very close.” Oma sighed with a nostalgic glow. “That man truly had a way with his hands. The last time I saw him Ymir knows I couldn’t restrain myself-”
Levi inhaled his tea so furiously that it seared his throat with the same passion Oma gave off for the garrison commander. She looked on in amusement as he collected himself and cleared the assault on his lungs.
“You mean, you two-” Levi started, mentally wiping away the unwanted visual before it left a permanent stain in his cranium.
“Oh yes. As casual and dedicated as friends but as steaming as this kettle.” Oma’s youthful vigor radiated extra brightly as she reminisced.
“Why didn’t it work out?” Levi asked.
“My husband snatched me away.” She winked and continued on her trip down memory lane.
“Ah! Now that one of you is here…” Oma began excitedly as the next photo was unveiled. “You can tell me all about this one.”
“You have this photo?” Levi’s voice was barely above a whisper as he relieved the corporeal memory.
“Yup, she sent it to me for safe keepings. Said in her letter that she saw your face enough everyday that she didn’t need the photo right now.”
Levi felt the familiar feeling of his heart expanding when he set his eyes on your elegant beauty. The photo in question was taken at the last Royal Gala after everyone had swapped their military uniforms for evening wear. He always secretly wished he had more excuses to see you in a gown such as that one; the smooth fabric billowed gracefully from your hips, accentuated your curves, and pushed upward the swell of your breasts that were cradled in a lining of lavish lace trim. It would be eternally alluring to him, partially from the lavish overstimulation of the elite banquet and because it was-well- you. He remembered the insatiable feeling of the stark and sudden transition of having absolutely nothing to his name, to being flushed with an abundance of everything in that moment.
You were beaming, a brilliant smile outshining the flashy festival mask that you adorned. Levi...not so much. He gazed into the viewfinder with features hard but eyes delicate in a way that demonstrated he was putting up with your antics. The two of you were pressed into each other's sides as the decadent swirling of the wealthy framed your faces.
If you squinted closely, and looked past the grainy texture and into the background, one would be able to observe Hange swinging Moblit wildly in circles among the party-goers.
“Why not?” You prodded, arms crossed in defiance at his rejection of your proposition.
“I’m not going to wear some gaudy mask that most likely has the sweat stains of hundreds of people on it.” Levi stated with sharp disgust. His eyes nearly rolled out of his skull when you began childishly tugging on the sleeve of his tailcoat.
That tailcoat was the precise reason why you desperately needed to get in line for this photo. It was hard enough to see Levi out of anything but his scouting uniform or his everyday combo of a long sleeved button down and trousers. Both options were easy on the eyes but tonight he looked ravishing. The tailcoat was expertly tailored and clutched the curve of his slim waist and the expanse of his toned arms close to the obsidian fabric.
He was always clean, but cleaned up -so to say-he was absolutely divine. You would never tell him this but his fox like beauty paired with the fancy dress endowed him with the grace of a prince.
“You don’t have to wear the mask! Although that would make it less fun…” You mumbled in a last ditch attempt, hoping he would take pity for you on this special occasion.
“Great now that we’ve established it’s not fun, let’s go get another drink.” He replied, unfazed and unwavered. He began turning towards the outer end of the ballroom where waiters danced with shining trays instead of partners.
“No!” You yelped, scampering as hurriedly as your heels would allow you to stand in front of him. Your chest was heaving in excitement for the extravagant evening (and by the walls was that corset tight). Your heels increased your already apparent height difference and made your very... perky breasts at eye level with his gaze. Levi coughed to rebuild his crumbling composure. He kindly reminded himself he was at a government sponsored event and that no matter how desperately he desired to let his eyes wander this was not the time and place.
“You said I look beautiful tonight, right?” You quipped with a pointed glare.
“Of course.” His lack of hesitation in his answer made the alcohol content in your blood skyrocket as you became drunk on him even more than you already had.
“Well if you would take 5 minutes to take this photo with me that’s 5 minutes until I’m willing to sneak out of here with you. Then you can see this beautiful gown on your chamber’s floor.” Your eyes sparkled with mischief akin to the iridescent pearls that were nestled into your ears.
Levi’s brow quirked in intrigue and you were a deer caught in the sly beams of his eyes.
“What a wonderful gala that was. I usually despise such events but I gotta examine you in person for the first time, no matter how brief our encounter was. I got to see my girl in such a lovely gown, and I got to absolutely feel Dot-”
“I don’t need a narrative.” Levi intercepted quickly with a sharp tinge of annoyance that sent Oma into a mess of snorts and laughter.
That strange sensation washed over him once more. The pleasantly warm bubble that made him feel like he was home but standing on the outskirts of the precipice all at once.
“Is that why we didn’t get to actually meet?” Levi trailed off as realization snapped him like a taut rubber band. While he was forced to blandly entertain the higher ups and delegates your grandmother was snogging a commander.
“Oh hush, you’re an adult, stop acting like a teenage boy.” She playfully chided with a glint in her eye that made Levi take step closer to that tempting bubbling feeling.
A gentle knock on the wood paneling caused Oma and Levi to raise their heads to meet Felicia’s gaze.
“I’m going to head home now, Frau Vogel.” She said with a tired smile as she poked her head around the living room archway.
“Damn, it really has gotten dark hasn’t it?” Oma mumbled as she took in the waning light.
“My dear, it’s much too late to be walking back by yourself. You can stay in your old room.” Her response was a medley of chastising and fondness.
“O-oh, no. I mean-how kind of you-but I don’t have a change of fresh clothes and these ones have bits of blood and schnitzel on them…” Felicia sighed with a whine. Oma was about to interject her dramatic behavior when Levi’s voice filled the space instead.
“I’ll walk you home.” He offered, tone as smooth and calm as the golden liquid in his cup. He placed his cup on the saucer with a small clank and rose from the couch. Felicia bristled in bashful gratitude as he quietly padded over to the front door and began lacing his boots.
Oma gave Felicia a wink and nestled further into the couch, letting the cushions cradle her old bones and the aroma of the tea lull her into relaxation.
“The kitchen is clean, I folded all of the towels-” Felicia hurriedly explained when Levi held the door open for her.
“Yes, yes, thank you. Now off you go, I’ll come fetch you tomorrow.” Oma shooed the jittery girl out of the house with a wave of her hand.
“Oh, Felicia-” She interjected. The young woman poked her head back into the archway.
“If I hear one peep out of you about not paying you for looking after Y/N this next week I will have to start cooking the schnitzel myself.”  
Felicia gasped in betrayal as the fireflies that worshiped the porch flowers sent she and her companion off on their moonlit walk. The grit of shoes against the pebbled road took over the silence which Levi observed Felicia desperately wanted to fill. She seemed to feel pressure to speak, to offer something other than the emptiness of the countryside. Levi, on the other hand, was completely content with bathing in the blissful numbness of the cricket symphonies and the wind kisses of the path.
“How does our village compare to where you’re from?” Felicia barely overpowered the whistling of the grass with her slight tone. Her question was an innocent one. One with good intent that Levi didn’t dare spoil given the past two days of anguish.
“It’s...definitely more colorful.” He let the sweet air fill his tired lungs. He had seen a larger aurora of colors in these past 48 hours than he reckoned he had ever seen in his monochromatic existence. Going from the diluted underground to the emerald green seas and burnt brick of the walls didn’t leave much room for hue.
“So you’re from an urban area then?” Felicia continued, enthused that Levi had picked up her conversation.
“You could say that.” His reply was vague but left no room for further explanation. Truthfully, he felt as much from that festering tumor as a migratory bird feels for its winter home. It was where he was birthed, raised, existed . But he didn’t truly live until he rid his mouth of the dusted, stale air and crumbing ceilings of the underground.
Felicia’s mouth hung open with an incoming response when a screech erupted in its place. Levi grunted as she jumped sideways right into him, colliding into his sore shoulder. He just barely caught her as he staggered backwards. She stumbled against his chest before he propped her back up straight by her underarms.
“What the fuck just happened?” He asked with an irritation he couldn’t restrain. Felicia’s bodyweight had punctured his shoulder with sharp needles that disturbed the dull hum of his pain.
“Oh walls, I’m so so SO sorry sir-I MEAN LEVI!” She babbled as she floundered to eject herself from his support so as to not burden him any more.
“I-I, something moved in the bush right next to me!” Felicia’s tone wobbled just as her legs did. Levi followed her trembling gaze and prepared himself for a feral dog or a wild boar. If it was anything bigger than that, like a bear, they were absolutely fucked.
The snort that erupted from the bush elicited another shrill scream from the maid. Levi’s muscles tensed in the realization that he would have to fend off the beast with his bare hands in his absence of weapons. He brought up a protective arm in front of Felicia when a pawing in the foliage neared the paved pathway. The thick anticipation mingled with the drumming of hearts was the soundtrack to the animal moving into the lamplight.
Levi’s muscles instantly relaxed. All except his chest. It shook with candid chuckles that materialized as a small hum and blossomed into a full blown laughter.
“Hello Big Shit.” Levi’s smile was radiant against the artificial lighting as Puddle aparated out of the bushes, his form now fully visible in the dim illumination. “He must have followed us.”
“B-big shhhh?” Felicia stammered, eyes wide with embarrassment. She was too polite to finish the last word.
Then he did it again.
He laughed so freely it put the crickets to shame. Felicia pursed her lips awkwardly and smoothed her nervous hands along her apron.
“He’s Y/N’s.” Levi cooed , reaching a delicate hand out to the horse and letting him press his plush nose to his knuckles. Felicia’s jaw went slack once more. She felt like she was regarding a completely separate individual she had previously been acquainted with. His cicada shell had been discarded on the path with the others and now only tenderness enveloped the man’s being.
“He is quite terrifying.” Levi teased gently as Puddle extended his neck to nuzzle hot breaths into his cheek. Felicia flushed at her overreaction. Levi turned from the horse to her with a glow that made her swear he was a tranquil forest spirit rather than the man who was walking her home. At her shock he immediately reigned himself back in, clearing his throat and partially crawling back into his cicada skin.
“If he’s followed us this far he’ll keep walking with us.” Levi said, the brief bloom of outward happiness coming to an end.
After a few minutes of only the comets’ luminous words trickling through the sky and the occasional snort, Felicia spoke up.
“It’s nice to see you happy.” She commented bashfully.
“It’s not like I haven’t been happy before.” He huffed, unsure of where to place her heartfelt compliment among the ever turbidness of his mind.
“I didn’t mean it like that! It’s just-I’ve never seen you smile before.” She cringed as she said it and Levi’s snort mimicked the horse behind them. He let her observation marinade under the moonlight.
“Happiness shows itself in different ways.” He mused and the corners of her lips upturned smally at her silliness.
“I just can’t imagine what you and Y/N have to go through.” She said with the careful articulation of a confession.
“D-did you see it happen?” She asked apprehensively. The nightmare scape tore through his cornea and implanted itself as if he was seeing it vividly again.
“No.” He exhaled.
The mass of flesh reeked of steamed rotted meat in the background of your shuddering form blanketed in torn cloth and soaked in sticky blood. His feet were caught in a time loop, too slow to reach you but too fast to wrap his mind around the potential discovery of your demise. His knees burned against the fabric of his trousers as they slid on the viscous ground to you. Your eyes were open wide and even though they were looking right at him, they went right through him like he was transparent against the skyline. The titan and you shared a bed of grass but by the walls not a resting place.
“But I saw the one that did it to her.” He continued as he blinked away the flash of mental scar tissue. “Her blade was lodged into its neck and it was bleeding profusely from its eye.”
Felicia winced at his description.
“She’s grown so strong.” Her whimper got lodged in her throat.
Little lanterns perched on the exterior of modest cottages floated into existence on both sides of the road as they neared Felicia’s neighborhood.
“How long have you known Y/N and Oma?” He asked to change the conversation for the sake of both their emotional turmoil. Felicia brightened up a bit at his term for her mistress.
“Since I was very young.” She smiled the weight right off of Levi’s shoulders. “My parents worked for Oma and her husband. I became Y/N’s babysitter or sorts, and by default many times Jean’s too, then the housekeeper to make some money.”
Levi recounted her reaction to the photo of Jean earlier and decided to attempt to lighten the mood like the wispy moss that dangled over their heads.
“Jean is single.” He revealed and eyed her in muted amusement for her reaction. Felicia turned beet red, the statement adding an extra sheepish pop to her step.
“O-oh, that’s hard for me to believe.” She laughed awkwardly.
“Really?” Levi replied without a drop or sarcasm. He understood why you put up with the boy because you had been friends for so long. But he would forever wonder how mentally stable the person who would willingly date him was.
Felicia gulped as his question hung out to try on the overarching maple branches.
“W-well, I mean-he’s funny, considerate, determined-”
“Determined to keep his long face up my asshole.” Levi finished her musings, dodging a moth as it flew too close to his nose. Felicia giggled at his half-assed insult.
“Determination, no matter what the kind, is a handsome quality.”
Levi hummed at her sincere answer. Her excitement over the boy rubbed warm circles into his chest. It reminded himself of his blooming feelings for you.
“When was the last time you saw him?” He asked as Felicia led him down a left fork in the road.
“Oh, a little less than a year ago? He and Y/N don’t get to come home a lot, you know.”
Their conversation was concluded in the middle of the road when Felicia halted in front of a beige cottage.
“This is me.” Her grin pushed up the apples of her cheeks and she cheesily pointed to the home. Levi nodded once and watched as she delicately climbed up the steps, deftly avoiding the garden rocks in the darkness until she reached her porch.
“Thank you for walking me here. You’ll be okay finding your way back?” She affirmed as she turned her key into the lock. Levi nodded once more and she breathed out a timid laugh.
“Alright, good night Levi.” She smiled sweetly.
“Goodnight Big...um.” She turned to Puddle and wrinkled her nose.
“Shit.” Levi finished with crinkled eyes.
“Sh...shit.” She blurted and danced in place as if she had uttered a tremendous sin. Levi waited until she was halfway inside when she surprised him by returning to his presence. She paused, the light emanating from the open door allowing them to see each other clearly. She threw him a genuine smile that made him feel naked in the pale night.
“You know, you fit in really well here.”
Levi twirled the circlets of metallic promises between his fingers as he let the warmth of this evening’s reactions carry him home.
Fuck, did he just think home ?
In such a short amount of time, these gardens of tulips and those that harvest them had uprooted the numbness he had trained himself to harbor. He’d now gotten a sickeningly sweet taste of life and it was going to be hard for him to not grow addicted to it. The rings began to feel too heavy for him to carry and he placed them securely back in his pocket as he neared the estate.
With Puddle contained for the moment, he tapped his dirtied boots against the doormat and stepped into the living room. His feet sank deep into the fertilizer as he looked upon Oma. She had fallen asleep curled into the sofa, her empty tea cup cuddled into her embrace and the photo album discarded on the adjacent cushion.
He felt oddly like an intruder as he gingerly released the cup from her grasp. Felt the peculiar stab of domestic alienation when he draped the crocheted blanket over her. This was what home was supposed to resemble. Not a sullen room with a single bed and a mother called upon only to come home a wilted flower with her petals torn. Levi was knee deep in the garden soil now and he dove further and further into the dirt every passing day he spent here.
He tiptoed up the creaky steps, shed your father’s clothes in exchange for more appropriate sleepwear, and gravitated to your room. The armchair screeched dully against the flooring as he brought it closer to your bed. And he allowed himself to dream of living for once instead of just existing.
You fit in really well here.
Morning arrived on the chaotic wings of angry sparrows and a pleasant plush heat on his back. Levi groaned as he felt his back scream at him for his hunched over position. He clutched the blanket to his body as he stretched out the kinks. He rubbed the fluffy material between his fingers as he groggily recalled that he definitely didn’t go to sleep with this. As he sat up a light fluttering fell to the ground from his shoulder. Looking to the floor he noticed a note. He bent down to retrieve it and held it close to his sandy eyes.
I let you sleep in today because you need it-don’t deny it.
I’m off to get Felicia and we’re stopping by the apothecary on the way home but we shouldn’t be too long.
Here’s a blanket.
You don’t want your body to be as cold as your heart <3.
Levi rested his head on his blanket covered palm, nuzzling into the softness as he sighed in mild contentment.
“I lied-I understand how the two of you are related.” Levi whispered lightly towards you, the sounds as airy as the birds tapping at the glass.
It was another beautifully scenic day dressed in another of your father’s outfits babysitting another kettle of tea. Levi peeked out the kitchen window and wondered if everyday in this countryside was euphoric. But rather than basking in the lovely weather he opted to spend his morning tea with the one whose absence left this house just short of paradise.
He was careful to not clank the tray around as he reentered your room and spread open the curtains. However, the moment his fingers pulled the fabric apart the little winged rats announced their presence rather aggressively.
“Fuck off.” Levi threatened with a flick to the glass. His finger came back coated in dust.
"Felicia is a fucking disappointment of a cleaner."
And so the morning was spent sipping on temporary relief and gazing at the embodiment of comfort in your bed until his cup grew vacant. His chair creaked with age as he abandoned his post to refill his energy source.
Time slowed as it did two days ago and it was a miracle he avoided burning his fingers. They froze on the hot kettle as he was electrocuted by a weak gasp.
“Lee-” A desperately familiar voice with the body of a crumb murmured. He whipped around to see his most treasured blend of colors open up into his being.
Looking at him.
Actually at him.
The china fell from his petrified fingers and hit the rug with a bounce.
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