#or almost any character/ship honestly LMAO
tellie-vision-art · 1 year
Wanting more Priyaxel content but also knowing if I want it that badly I will have to make it myself bc it feels like no one actively ships it/makes content for it anymore 😭
I feel like a loser here in my corner hyped up over something no one else cares about and I’m kinda embarrassed about it 😩 like I have thoroughly convinced myself now that I am dumb for shipping it bc no one sees it like I do and people are perceiving me as weird and overdramatic about it 😔
#top ten saddest moments in history number one#sorry if you followed exclusively for Priyaxel content this might be the end of the road tbh#I still really like the ship obviously but I feel like no one cares and my hype over it is cringe to see#honestly I’m almost finished with the thing I am writing but#I might not even post it bc there’s no audience for it so what’s the point /:#and I feel like people wouldn’t like it anyway tbh that’s always what happens#maybe the world is not ready for my Axel has BPD/Autism combo headcanon#but also idk maybe I should post it and get told it sucks before I give up on it#I guess the real con here is if I don’t post it then I can’t post/finish the PMV either#but I could also post that in its unfinished state?#anyway sorry if I never post any of this stuff I really am not sure if there’s a point#if there is someone out there in the void you’re free to try and convince me but idk /:#when I started writing this thing it was a different world where Priyaxel looked like the most popular ship#and now it seems like everyone dropped it for Ax*lle 💔#see and Idek if I could just do a big text post with my thoughts on them either bc they’re so specific which was the point for writing 😭#lmao I’m the meme of that ant packing up and leaving#ok but for real if I don’t finish the PMV I WILL post the unfinished version in the tag bc that took effort#sorry this is so gloomy I just feel kinda sad and demotivated#like it was so exciting when I first watched the season and discovered a ton of people shipped it and now…#alas I can always recycle my ideas for OCs that never fails me just fails everyone around me that wanted the canon characters#but damn it I am disappointed too when I go in the TD tag and all I see is Ax*lle#I have spoken too much you get the point by now I just feel /:
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ecogirl2759 · 10 months
Kiyotaka & Mondo <3
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All of these photos are from the Danganronpa 4コマ KINGS series. I do not own any of the drawings, but these photos are mine. All credit goes to Spike Chunsoft for the characters and the books themselves.
This part of my 4コマ KINGS series is request-based. If you'd like to see two characters together, let me know and I'll find those pictures! There won't always be enough to fill the image cap, but there are definitely some for everyone!
Time for me to show you what these goobers are up to :D
(Longer post than last time lol)
This is my favorite picture now :)
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Lol they're either at each other's throats or besties, there is no in-between
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The before and after ft. Makoto's amazing reactions that I couldn't bring myself to crop out
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The power couple XD
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Bro :D
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Friendly competition!
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They literally share one brain cell
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Wonder how it broke hmmmmmm
(Mostly just including this one because LOOK AT TAKA OMFG--)
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It's so funny how Taka is almost always positioned in front of Mondo. To me that just screams that Taka's the extrovert in this relationship lol
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Mondo and Commander Ishimaru don't get along very well =w=;
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I'm sure everyone's seen this iconic image already
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Your honor, honestly shut the fuck up because you weren't even there
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Everyone loves to harp on how dumb Taka can be when Mondo's just as bad lol
He took one look at Taka's color pallet and immediately thought he was the mastermind
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what is this
no really what is happening here 0.0
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They're going back to their dorms now, goodnight everyone :D
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They're himbos, your honor
It's so obvious that I have favorites lol
I just think that their relationship (whether you ship them or just see them as friends) has so much comedic potential that everyone is sleeping on. Well, everyone except the fanfic writers lol
Let me know who you want to see next!
Next up: Sakura & Aoi!
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helphelph · 5 months
Rating pjo ships because I've seen a good amount of people doing it lately and it seems fun. But there's a twist!! I used the wackiest rating system imaginable because I'm insane. Have fun.
Percabeth: a hundred hearts out of five blue cookies.
Their dynamic is not only incredibly fun but also they complement each other very well. Honestly, when I first read the books, I didn't really want them to get together because I didn't want another "main guy gets main girl" situation, but they're honestly made for each other.
Jiper: five daggers out of ten great canyons
They were incredibly forced, but honestly not that bad of a ship. They were really cute but I dont have much to say about it.
Valgrace: fifty festus heads out of ten college aus
One of my favorite Jason ships ever. I love me some tragic gays.
Pipabeth: Two goddesses out of fifteen owls
I will ALWAYS support a good wlw ship. And Piper defo had a microcrush on Annabeth while they were on the Argo II. Plus the fanart of them is SO good.
Jercy/Person: twelve riptides out of ten horses
I like reading about it and it's quite fun to think about. Nothing much to say honestly.
Perachel: Ten prophecies out of nine pancakes drowned in syrup
They could have been cute. I dont really ship them though.
Annrachel(is that the name?): three prophecies out of five spiders
Korrasami vibes lmao. I think they're better off as friends but I will read a fanfic if I find an interesting one.
Solangelo: twenty-six skulls out of ten doctors notes
They were written for each other. As in Rick made sure that they were written for each other. I havent read tsats yet and im still on the first toa book so I don't have much on their dynamic. Still I like them and they visually look good together.
Valdangelo: ninety-four automatons out of six pomegranate seeds
They would have been unstoppable I tell you! Unstoppable!! Or maybe I'm biased. Either way they would have been an amazing couple together but Rick was too much of a coward to let them be (boy)friends. (Can you tell I'm biased?)
Jeyna: One bad father out of two older sisters.
UPDATE!!1!1!1 It has come to my attention that Reyna is canonically aroace with no romantic or sexual interest whatsoever so this ship is out of the window.
Jasico: 3/10
Personally I've never seen the hype for them. I like their dynamic a lot but not really in a shipping way. Sorry pjotumblr😔
Pernico: One bathe in the river styx out of thirteen hades figurines
The angst of Nico having a crush in Percy is a good concept to explore. Both in relationships with other characters and Nico's character development. But them being in a relationship together just irks me. It's not entirely problematic(at least i dont think it is? Correct me if im wrong), but still, the age gap makes me uncomfortable.
Ruegard: thirty-seven drakons out of one patrochilles parallel
Like I said, I love me some wlw ships. And while I've never really been a diehard fan of them, the fanart is amazing, so of course i ship them.
Frazel: 6/10
Rick try to make a girl and a boy stay friends challenge(impossible). But jokes aside, the 13-16 gap makes me annoyed. Three years isn't much but it matters in this situation. And it annoys me bacuse I want to like them. They have a cute dynamic but the maturity gap between them kinda gets in the way. That said, I would probably have liked them a lot better if they just stayed friends.
Valzhang: Nine eagles out of twenty hidden bunkers
Like I said before, I will consume almost every ship in a fandom. And if I find good fanfics of them, I will read it because I like exploring different characters' dynamics with each other. It's fun and I honestly think the pjo fandom should chill out a little. The amount of people who put others down for shipping something that isn't canon is way too much. Just let people enjoy their ships.
I think that's all? I didn't include Grover and Juniper because I honestly don't really have any opinions on them. They just exist and it's kinda like Rick just made them canon because he didn't want grover to feel left out. Let me know if there's other ships you'd want me to rate!
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dapper-lil-arts · 6 months
So, what are your favorite MLP ships? I don't know if you've already been asked this before, but meh
less about being asked, more about me posting them nonstop lmao;
#1 Sunlight - (Sunset Shimmer and Twilight Sparkle) Number one and two are interchangable due to my mood, because theyre both incredible, and easily fit on a "favorite ships of all time" list i could make for myself. Sunset and Twilight shipping is to me in general all about potential. And if im talking endgame, the show would have ended so, so much better, if there were two lesbians inheriting the night and day. These two are it, with flying colors. Going from rivals to friends to close friends to lovers that would do anything for eachother, to ruling the world in a golden age together, my goodness, this ship is like the chef's choice at a menu. I also may have written a large fanfic of how i would write an entire season of the show with Sunset on it, heheheheheh. Also worth stating, i concider Sunset x Scitwi To be on the same level, if not being the same ship, even if Scitwi is a diffrent character, if someone loves Twilight Sparkle, they would love her in all her versions. #2 Rarijack - (Rarity and Applejack) Did i say sunlight is the chef's choice at a menu? Rarijack is the whole fucking menu. What more can be said about the legend of how the most beautiful Unicorn and the strongest Earth Pony fell in love? The City girl x Country girl vibes are incredibly strong, the opposites attract is at it's PEAK, and both of these girls can easily concider themselves the luckiest women in the world for having the other. It was the first couple i shipped on the show when i watched passively, 'cause i instantly noticed their potential, and c'mon how couldn't anybody. They're the hydrogen bomb of mlp ships, and they could easily sustain an entire season on their back if it was about their love story, which is, painfully, not canon, like any of these ships. Also i'm literaly writing a fic that takes Shrek 1 and makes it about Rarijack and it's as dumbly amazing as it sounds #3 Startrix - (Starlight Glimmer and Trixie Lulamoon) Honestly this one is easy to ship because it's just endlessly funny. The biggest fail girl that almost destroyed the world falls for the only girl thats a bigger loser than her, and that is endlessly entertaining; specialy because compared to trixie, Starlight is the baddest bitch lmao, and they would hype eachother so much. (insert that post of loser ass gf being hyped up by other cool gf) And there's just an appeal to two unhinged women finding eachother and making eachother... better? worse? I think theyre both at their best when traveling together. #4 Flutterdash - (Fluttershy and Rainbow dash) Fun fact, i didn't ship this until i wrote "the return of midnight sparkle" i just had to write scenes with certain themes, and i realised it would be helpful to further the themes and plot and character development of the protagonist if Rainbow and Fluttershy were macking on eachother. And it grew on me! Daredevil girl and shy girl lift eachother up and improve eachother. Honorable mention: That one ship with with Cadance, Shining armor, and Chrysalis; because it is honestly funny as fuck; no matter how you spin it, be it cadance and chrysalis mack on eachother and shining tolerates it, or the Princess and the Queen have a silent rivalry as they try to be with their himbo, or even if the three of them gross together. it's always funny. (queue chrysalis with the "im not the stepdad im the dad that stepped up" shirt while playing with flurryheart)
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im-out-of-it · 3 months
I just have some thoughts since I’ve watched the first three episodes now. some things I’m glad the show did and also the things that irritated the fuck out of me so let’s go 👏🏼
1. aging the characters up. I think this is smart to do and there’s more you can do with the rest of them if they’re in their early twenties instead of being teenagers. sorry not sorry but I’m not interested in seeing teenagers being chased by grown adults
2. Clary is still beyond annoying. I know she’s traumatized by losing her mom and not understanding this new world but literally coming in “I don’t care about the clave, about your rules, I just want to find my mom.” yeah ok we get that but there are still rules that need to be followed. you’re out here almost getting people killed and it’s all in the name of your mom. and I’m not saying the clave is trustworthy because they’re massive dicks but you can’t go around running and doing whatever you want lmao
3. please give Alec a raise or a year vacation. the amount of shit he deals with having to be jaces parabatai is too much. honestly, Alec deserves better. Jace takes advantage of Alec and I would have loved to see Alec have another parabatai, one that cares for him. I know you can only have one BUT CUT THE FUCKING CORD PLEASE
4. Magnus is fucking perfection
5. Izzy is perfection too 🔥 I do not blame Simon losing his tongue over her. my bisexual mind was like OOOOO ALEC NO MAGNUS NO IZZY NO RAPHAEL NO MAIA!!!!!!! NO ALL OF THEM
6. Clary and Jace are very cringe and I’m not sure if that’s on the acting or the writing but it makes it hard to believe they’re “in love.” I felt more connection with Alec and Magnus meeting for a second than I did with jace and clary in three episodes. even Alec and jace have a bit more chemistry than he does with clary. and that is something I DO NOT ship
Jace: I would die for you
Clary: but jace we just met
Jace: I don’t care if I throw all my friends and family away clary. we’re destined to be together
7. superb acting from Matthew Daddario. he’s absolutely wonderful and he really captured Alec’s angst in my opinion. you can see why he’s on guard not only because he likes jace (ew my man Alec WHY) and because he’s worried about the safety of his people. I feel like Matt captures the emotion without saying a thing so well. as does Harry. I think they’re both great at this
8. “This would be bad for clary.”- (talking about the cup and valentine) Simon “it would be bad for all of us”-Izzy. of course in Simon and clary world, everything is all about clary. I get simon is worried about his bff but this affects EVERYONE
9. if Simon was my bff and someone as jace talked to my friend that way, ABSOLUTELY FUCKING NOT. she doesn’t really say much, she’s all like “we’re a package deal.” honestly clary and jace belong together because they both take advantage of their friends. they’re both so self centered so let them run away as far as possible together
10. Alec is big sad now but you will have better, just you wait. also want to add, I enjoy season one for the build up Alec and Magnus but man do I hate Alec pinning after jace 🤢 but if there isn’t any incest, it’s not a proper CC story
11. Im just here for the Malec content. stuff that show did well: Alec and Izzy’s sibling relationship. I love these two so much. Clary actually being nice to izzy and being her friend, and not being mean to her cause she’s jealous. Magnus’s whole attire. I love this bi king so much. I love magnus, I love his sass, his makeup, his clothes. I LOVE HIM. I wish they would’ve changed his hair and makeup more in the last two seasons. kinda feel like they thought oh he has mascara on, that’s good enough. that pink hair is truly one of my favorite Magnus looks.
12. last thing to add that I like what the show did. I love that Alec actually knows how to fight. it never made sense in the books that he’s never killed a demon, especially since he’s a Lightwood. never made sense to me. I’m glad they allowed in the show for Alec to actually be able to fight 🏹
that is all for now until I watch actually one of the best episodes of season one. Magnus and Alec meeting 🥰
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thedarkzyxabyss · 9 days
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Here’s a set of characters I created a few years ago for a small kingdom I made!
It’s a coastal kingdom which is famous for its large colosseum!
King Carrion
Seventh in line for the throne, Carrion was a mistreated, sickly prince (so much so that his family literally named him something that means carcass 💀). Looked down upon constantly, this guy wasn’t really guaranteed any future of any kind.
When a pandemic swept through his kingdom, however, he found himself as the only survivor due to living in a separate place (due to being ostracized) which saved his life. Now finding himself as the ruler of his small nation, he tries his best to keep his kingdom afloat despite being very unqualified for the task…
His face (along with parts of his body) is disfigured from abuse and mistreatment. He hides it behind a mask/prosthetic.
He’s incredibly shy and self-deprecating, but he is trying his best for his people.
Tries to keep up airs of a “competent and mysterious” ruler, but he’s really having a panic attack on the inside lol
Collected his guards with the help of Nexus. Honestly is like one of those dads that gets bullied by his kids
Nexus (guy with large star blast on his face)
A skeleton of unknown origin. He applied to be a knight at an early age and worked his way up to be King Carrion’s personal guard. A extremely skilled and capable knight despite his origins and disability.
His right arm is actually missing! He doesn’t talk about how he lost it often.
A super chill guy, almost like nothing bugs him at all.
He doesn’t tend to have any presence whenever in a room full of people, and kind of doesn’t speak much unless spoken to.
Married his war buddy for tax benefits
Genuinely cares for Carrion despite everything the king has been through. Very loyal to him.
Neutral towards the other guards, but likes to mess with Soup a little lmao
A descendant of a sub species of skeletons that originate in one of the most unloveable, hostile places on the continent. Built to survive and adapt, these people were referred to as “the warrior tribes”, known for their immense strength, keen instincts, and violent behavior.
Works as one of King Carrion’s Guard, has a special role as a “Royal Executioner”
Part-Time works at the colosseum as a gladiator (although he dresses closer to a show pony 💀)
Currently in a situationship /lh
Annoyed with Nexus but he’s his superior sooooooo
Trains Caviar but also just likes fighting them lol
Steals Muffin’s food 60% of the time
A young sea beast that has the capability to shape shift into a massive leviathan, known for causing typhoons and sinking countless of ships.
Works as one of King Carrion’s guard, usually works as a speedy alternative to sea travel.
Was mistaken as a merfolk by an underground business and was taken from her mother. She later bonded with a few other kidnapped children at their facility located in the middle of the ocean. She ended up single-handedly destroying half of the compound, and escaping with most of the other children to the nearest kingdom (which happened to be Carrion’s kingdom).
Loves to swim around and eat lots of fish, as well as caviar (lmao)
Likes to bug Muffin for snacks
Play fights with Soup lots
A living suit of armor. Well, more technically, he’s a spirit that inhabits a suit of armor (kind of similar to/inspired by Mad Dummy in Undertale)
Works as one of King Carrion’s guard, less so actually doing his job and more so being a glorified cook.
A gentle giant, would rather not want to fight and instead resolve things peacefully
Loves baking
Gets bullied by Soup a lot lol
Dotes on Caviar
( also minor liatris jumpscare in the last image grgrgrrrhgghghgrrghgh i love my boy but i wanna gatekeep him but i wanna share him oughhhhh)
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I'm aroacespec (and honestly confused about where I fall on that spectrum, but I do know I'm sex/romance favorable) and tbh my relationship with shipping is weird.
There are some ships I look at and I'm like "how can you see this as anything but romantic" and there are other ships where I'm like "okay but why do we have to ship them, can't they just be friends?" and it's almost always the total opposite of what the fandom majority's view is. For example, my Sonic "how can you see this as anything but romantic" ship is Espilver, and my "okay but why do we have to ship them, can't they just be friends?" ship is Silvaze.
I will say that something I've noticed is there tends to be a double-standard with allo people (specifically cishet people) when it comes to ships. You get a ton of "why can't they just be friends" with slash and femslash ships, but then those same people will ship a het pairing that look at each other in a single frame. I don't know if it's something that's more obvious to me because I'm gay myself (or even if it's more obvious because I'm aroacespec specifically), but it's weird to me. I choose to look at it this way: if this was a het ship with the same character dynamic, would people still say "why can't they just be friends?"
That's not to say aroace people are in the wrong for looking at a pairing and saying "can't they just be friends? Why do we have to ship them?" but with a lot of cishet people specifically, it feels like there's a lot of people perpetuating a borderline homophobic double-standard. I get it when it's something like Scott and Jay from Ninjago, but so many masc characters' dynamics are canonically given homoerotic or even just romantic undertones (a good example of this being, in my opinion, Sonadow; there's not an almost 3 and a half hour long Sonadow iceberg video on YouTube for no reason. As far as I'm aware it's the longest Sonic-related iceberg video on YouTube that covers exclusively official content) which is why people tend to gravitate towards those ships. I could do an entire analysis on why gay ships tend to have bigger followings than het ships but if I did this would get too long lmao. I will once again point to the Sonadow iceberg video though.
I generally use shipping to explore my own relationship with my aroace-ness, and usually I do that using characters I either headcanon as aroace in some way or who are canonically aroace, because I can relate to those experiences. It's kinda weird to me to see other aroace people acting like doing that is bad or wrong, because usually that's what people are doing, and even if that's not what's going on, fanfiction doesn't affect canon.
There is no right or wrong way to participate in fandom (unless you're harassing people and/or actively putting people in danger), no matter what you identify as.
Basically: People should be allowed to do what they want, if something bothers you that bad there's nothing wrong with blocking a person or tag.
(I might've gotten off subject a few times, sorry lol)
Okay, that thing about blocking tags inspired me to look through my blocked tags to see what ships I've blocked and here's my petty aroace thoughts on all of them without naming names lmao
Fanon het ship. They've never given any indication that they know of each other's existence. Her girlfriend is right there.
Canon het ship. Had the chemistry of two wet paper bags. Literally just shoehorned in there because god forbid any story exist without a romance subplot.
Semi-canon het ship. I'm mostly neutral about them. Just unnecessary.
Fanon mlm ship. Literally brothers?? I don't care that one of them is adopted, they grew up together?? As brothers??
Fanon het ship. I don't care what you call their relationship. You can call it professional, platonic, familial, just please don't call it romantic.
Semi-canon het ship. Again, completely unnecessary. God forbid a man convince a woman to become a villain without there being ~attraction~
Fanon het ship. She is 14?? And he is like 30??
Semi-semi-canon het ship. He did have a crush on her when he was, like, 14 but he's a grown adult now and she's the most lesbian-looking woman to ever exist and they're the most found family siblings to ever find a family
Fanon mlm ship. I personally see them more as brothers. But whatever floats your boat.
Semi-canon het ship. Just really shoehorned. I don't like the woman very much. I liked her more when she was allowed to be a badass without being a ~flirty badass~
Fanon mlm ship. Again. Adopted brothers. Gross.
Canon het ship. I've seen many things from this director. He's a creative man. He couldn't think of a way to move the plot forward without a smooch?? He couldn't create a series that didn't have an unnecessary love triangle??
Semi-canon het ship. The man isn't coming back for S2 and boy folly gee am I glad
Fanon het ship. Not my cup of tea. Just let them be friends
good lord I have a lot more ship tags blocked than I thought
anyway, this is your daily reminder to just block stuff you don't want to see and move on
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rius-cave · 2 months
How do you think Adam and Lucifer started sleeping around?
You mean in like, a canon compliant universe? I'll assume you did mean it that way lol
Honestly?? There are infinite possibilities, the beauty of it is that depending on what kind of story you want to tell, there are a lot of ways for them to start a relationship and they can all be in character!
That being said, I do have some "basic beats" I usually like to see, they've become kind of cliche for me almost. Not in a bad way, but just like they're starting to become tropes for this ship that I really love seeing even if it's the same, you know what I mean?
So my "classic" flavor of adamsapple is this: Adam falls, and after much denial and failed bargaining, he finally makes a deal with Lucifer to protect his soul. I mentioned in some of my first asks that I think Adam would go through something similar to the five stages of grief after realizing he's a sinner now. Anyway, his and Lucifer's relationship is sour, obviously, Adam hates the situation he's in and actively makes everything harder for everyone, including himself. Lucifer is the one tasked to deal with him on a regular basis, and he's not as kind as his daughter lol so there are a lot of "lessons" and "punishments" and the like. Thanks to that, and because they're in hell, obviously a lot of jokes are made about them having a master/pet thing, about completing the set, etc etc. Lucifer finds this amusing even if he's never really been interested in Adam in that way, but it seems to piss him off, so he plays along and even teases him every once in a while as well.
It makes Adam furious and that's what makes Lucifer keep making jokes and teasing him, etc etc. Until eventually, Lucifer keeps escalating the jabs, and not even he realizes when it went from "I'm doing it to make him angry" to "you know? Given the chance? Sure I'd tap that". At one point the idea was seeded in his head so much, that subconsciously he started... NOT being opposed to the idea. There was the aspect of putting Adam in his place and taming the brat, which was particularly appealing to Lucifer whether he realized it or not.
Meanwhile Adam absolutely despises the teasing, and everything involving Lucifer in general, but it can't be denied the sheer amount of sexual tension between them (by that point other Hazbin members will have noticed lol especially Angel), and some of the things start getting to him, until he absolutely can't deny that he's THOUGHT about it.
All this tension and pining and will they won't they goes on for a while. It takes some time, but not really that long until something happens that makes the sexual tension finally snap. There's probably some coercion from Lucifer's part, and Adam acts like he doesn't want it and hates it but he also..... Doesn't make any REAL attempt to stop him, you know? Lol Lucifer was definitely pushing him but if Adam had really shown he didn't want it, he would've stopped. Obviously, that didn't happen, and they end up having sex that Adam obviously freaks out about right after it. To Lucifer it's not really that big of a deal (he doesn't hate Adam as much as Adam hates him) but Adam is absolutely freaking out. He yells and says it can't ever happen again and there's tension for a bit before... Well, it happens again lol, and despite Adam swearing it's the last time,,, they keep doing it over and over and yada yada.
Soooo yeah. A bit long lmao. Honestly the details and stuff can change, hop around and/or expand here and there, this is just like the basic storyline and dynamic I tend to imagine when I think "regular adamsapple"
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johaerys-writes · 1 month
i just read someone blaming madeline for patrochilles as a couple existing and telling people to write/read apollon x hyacinthus… as if aeschylus, one of the most influential names in greek literature, did not literally write them as a couple back in ancient greece… but it was certainly madeline who came up with the idea!! plus apollon and hyacinthus do not have the same dynamic as patrochilles, acting like apollon and hyacinthus is a substitute for patrochilles is stupid. it makes it seem like you think the person just likes the couple because they're m/m and therefore any m/m couple works for them. i honestly consider this almost something at least slightly motivated by homophobia… something like damn these people should restrict themselves to this ship that I chose because I know what an acceptable queer ship is and, anyway, since they only like queer things without any other personality factor any couple consisting of two men will be their otp! that's not even as complimentary to apollo x hyacinthus as they think it is, it's basically throwing them in the shadow of patrochilles. people really show that they do not read the ancient sources while complaining endlessly that people do not read the ancient sources….
Ah but of course, why don't you ditch your current blonde x brunet pairing and embrace this new and shiny blonde x brunet pairing? After all, they have so much in common.... featuring one blonde and one brunet character 🙄
Honestly, I used to be moderately interested in apollo/hyacinthus, I even enjoyed some art here and there, but the way so many people on tiktok/instagram/tumblr etc recently seem to be trying to push Apollo/Hyacinthus as the new "it" thing, or seem to be in a race to publish the TSOA version of the pairing while simultaneously shitting on tsoa is just.... lmao.... and, you know, that's perfectly fine. Whatever gets people writing and creating is fine by me but why do you need to bash another pairing in order to uplift your own? There's room for everyone here. But a lot of people don't seem to get that. Trying to bring current fandom fuckery and discourse into millenia old ships is at least laughable to me. Like please, I beg you, find another hobby.
(Also, re: the whole "madeline miller invented patrochilles" thing, I just have to quote what a mutual told me recently: when will those ancient Greeks (Aeschylus, Plato, Pindar, Sosias, among others) stop taking inspiration from TSOA for their patrochilles fanfic and fanart???? 🤨 Enough is enough!!)
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lovingherwasgay · 1 year
I'm genuinely afraid that once the movie comes out and it inevitably doesn't "make trobed canon" people will be quick to criticize its quality for it and dismiss it as a whole. like it's a fatal flaw and bad writing. like the whole movie is shit because of it. It's not. we can love trobed all we want but it isn't owed to us and it doesn't mean the character arcs are BAD just because they don't turn out the way WE would like them to. It's not the only valid outcome.
and we haven't been queerbaited ffs. Does community really look like a show that gives a shit about what the popular audience thinks? do you seriously believe Dan Harmon and the writers would write anything into the show with the sole purpose of gaining the viewership of some specific audiences? LMAO go watch the show again. this show barely scraped by enough to get its 6 seasons because they DID NOT COMPROMISE artistic integrity, ever, they always made the show they wanted to make even at the cost of near cancellation and viewership loss. if they wanted to 'bait' any audiences into watching they could've made a more digestible, less fucking insane tv show my dude.
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and not to be that person but Yes, if you only think their relationship is worthwhile if they're canonically confirmed as romantic/sexual you are SO missing the point of what already makes them special in the first place. They're soulmates they're best friends they love each other more than anyone else and all this CAN be platonic/queerplatonic. You can dislike the writers' decision on that, you can disagree with them, but it does NOT mean it's queerbaiting or that the writers are making it a gay joke/trying to bait gay audiences. It just sounds like you're channeling your old wounds with past truly queerbaity shows into this situation when it does not apply at all, this isn't that kind of show and it never was nor will be.
And honestly, on another note, just take a look at how Dan Harmon writes relationships in general. No ship in community is meant to last. Every time he uses them it's there to show the character's FLAWS and why the relationships suck (jeffannie, jeff/britta, britta/troy, annie/troy...). He has NO INTENTION of writing a relationship that WORKS, that stays together for good, it doesn't interest him. If it appears in the show it's doomed to fail.
"Uh why don't they make trobed canon but we have to see these shitty straight ships that don't even work together :/" gee I wonder WHY. almost like it was written that way intentionally or something. With this in mind, him not making trobed explicit is honestly a GOOD thing and I am glad it's something just for us to dream about, because relationships in Community's universe just don't last. Friendship and found family are the things that prevail forever, as the 6 seasons kept proving again and again. You can dislike this about his writing, you can think it's a bad take, but it does not mean you can accuse him of queerbaiting just because he doesn't wanna write what YOU wanted to see onscreen. That's not on him or the writers.
TL,DR: we are not entitled to canon trobed and if you'll trash talk the movie just because it doesn't go through with it you're missing the whole point of the show you supposedly love and understand
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trinkerichi · 10 months
What is your oppion on ribbun?
OOOH that's Jax/Gangle right? Oh boy you probably aren't asking for this but I feel like doing a big ramble and this is gonna be a long one. CHARACTER ANALYSIS INCOMING!
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I'll preface this by saying I don't usually get too invested in shipping. I really like drawing interesting character dynamics tho, so I'll play around with the ships I see without really sticking to one. It's why I tend to draw a LOT of different ships only a few times each.
I'll ALSO preface by saying I really uh. Don't like Jax very much lmao I'm sorry. I'm not opposed to jerk characters in general, but I just didn't think any of his lines were funny. BUT I think that comes down to the fact that we only have a pilot and haven't seen much of their personalities yet. My favorite jerk characters, (Osomatsu, Bender, etc) all balance out their jerkiness by being dorky insecure losers that almost never win in the end so you kinda feel bad for them. I think if Jax ends up being written that way I'll become endeared to him. And goose has revealed before that none of the others actually like Jax so I kinda want to see that.
On the other hand, Gangle is my favorite character. She has barely 2 minutes of screen time but I love her concept so much. A friend called me out for this recently lol but all my BIG FAVS are characters that are themed around strong divided emotions. Pretending they're happy even when they're not, and having a hard time controlling their emotions as a result. (The latest ENA episode was a great example of this. Anyway.) Gangle being a sensitive flimsy pile of ribbons with a literal mask for a face? The fact that the tragedy mask seems to be her REAL face, while the comedy mask is so fragile that breaks if you so much as breathe on it too hard? I find that COMPELLING I want to see a whole series about her honestly.
Pairing her with Jax was inevitable, as is any fandom ship where the characters hate each other in canon. I usually hate this kind of pairing but this time I found it kinda fascinating! I think it's cause we don't really know a whole lot about either one of them so there's a lot of room to explore their characters through it.
I really do feel like Jax could hold a specific resentment towards Gangle. He's obviously not handling being stuck in the circus well, and he's bullying easy targets. He plays dirty. A person with high self esteem doesn't do that. Maybe he takes it out on Gangle because he hates how open she is about her feelings. He's putting on a tough and uncaring front, trying to pretend nothing bothers him, and she's out here being sensitive and fragile? How dare she! He's pushing her to her limits and she still won't harden herself. She doesn't have the energy to! Maybe she feels like she doesn't deserve to defend herself. It's so unhealthy! It's horrible!... And uh, sometimes horrible things are fun to write! DON'T JUDGE ME.
(And just so nobody accuses me of being insensitive here, without revealing too much, I've been in Gangle's place before. That's all I'll say.)
So with relationship stuff oh boy. We can take all those toxic traits to their extremes. But who would be the instigator?
What if Gangle coped with Jax's bullying by becoming more clingy. Becoming used to it.. Seeking him out. After all, he's paying attention to her right? Her warped self image being depressed and isolated in this circus for years would drive her to wanting any kind of stimulation.. does she realize this is self harm? What's it going to take for someone to step in before it goes too far?
Or on the other hand, what if Jax's fixation on bullying Gangle got mixed up in some more complex feelings.. If he really wanted to, I can see him manipulating her into a relationship just to see how many boundaries he can cross. He could have her wrapped around his little finger. Literally. He DOES have some misplaced affection for her deep down. He won't let himself think about it long enough to understand it, he's acting on impulse. She's uncomfortable but thankful for the seemingly lessened cruelty, so she puts up with it. And sometimes, rarely, between the thinly veiled insults disguised as compliments, he says something truly genuine and vulnerable. She can see it. He needs help. He needs love. But they're both hurting each other even more. It's wrong, but they're stuck now.
And now.. for the drama. Nobody can be pushed that far before snapping. As is the usual trope with soft spoken pushover characters, Gangle is a ticking time bomb. And I don't think she'd be willing to abstract entirely because of Jax, at least without clawing her way down.
Here's a fun fact. Have you seen that walk cycle video? Jax is tall, sure, but Gangle is PRETTY DARN TALL TOO. and she slouches. With her ribbons stretched to their full length she would tower over everybody. I want to see her get angry and be SCARY. I want her to stand up to Jax and lash out and scream and see him Genuinely Terrified. Everyone else caught in the crossfire too, covered in ribbon slashes. It wouldn't last forever. If the tension doesn't cause her to abstract she'll calm down eventually, or someone will be forced to break her mask to snap her out of the tantrum. Jax would pretend it didn't shake him at all, but would be noticeably quiet afterwards. Kinda shifting uncomfortably, they both avoid eye contact for as long as possible. His teasing towards Gangle never goes beyond slight ribbing again.
Ok uh if you read this far, I don't LIKE the ship but it's a great character exercise! Hah I've thought a lot about it clearly. That being said, i usually prefer sweet cuddly ships myself. I think my favorite is Gangle/Pomni. I haven't seen this one around much, but those two are my favorite characters in the show and I'd love to see them interact! I think they could help each other with their anxieties and it'd be really cute. I don't even necessarily need it to be romantic I just think they'd have a sweet little dynamic together.
Surprisingly I've seen Gangle shipped with Zooble the most even though they haven't talked at all either and Zooble has like.. 2 lines. It might be cute but I wanna know more about them first.
As for Gangle n Kinger, I prefer them to have more of a father daughter type dynamic.
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sagurus · 5 months
Sure! When you have time I would love it if you any interactions between Saguru and any of the Gosho girls. It doesn't have to be shipped or whatever, but it's just because I've read so many of his interactions with the Gosho boys and I feel like the girls are underrated in that sense. I love crack and I love Saguru and I adore your writing and edits :)
Hey anon from 2018, lmao. You're right, there really do need to be more interactions between Saguru and the girls. I have a WIP I started recently that I feel really shows Aoko's acuity. It's not crack, but instead a tense interaction between two friends.
Eventually this'll make its way to AO3, but for now, here it is:
“So, Saguru-kun…”
Saguru finds himself bracing. Aoko has seemed to be in a strange mood the entire evening. He’d almost wondered if she was irritated with him at first, or maybe just more disappointed about Kuroba’s last-minute cancellation than she wanted to let on. But their plans had gone as expected otherwise; they studied, watched a show Aoko had been excited to show him over some reheated leftovers, all without incident. Now they’d settled in the living room, occupying themselves with their own activities.
But now, as casual as she was trying to seem, Saguru detected an underlying tension.
“Yes, Aoko-san?” He kept his eyes on his book.
“Did you know that Aoko’s dad thought Kaito was KID once?”
Saguru’s entire train of thought stuttered to a halt. Every thought vanished — and then his mind raced with questions. For what reason was she bringing this up? What kind of reaction was she expecting?
Her gaze was drilling into him, he could tell. She hadn’t turned away from her video game, but she had to be concentrating on him in her periphery. The sensation of it raised the hair on the back of his neck..
He turned the page, but wasn’t reading anymore.
“Did he? I’ve never heard anything about that,” Saguru said mildly. His heart rate was elevated. He focused on breathing normally.
“Yeah!” Aoko said, and she said it with a giggle. A feint. “He told me that and I thought it was so strange. Sure, he’s obnoxious, but he’s not stupid Kaitou KID.”
It was best to leave space in the conversation. He didn’t say anything, waiting for Aoko to continue.
“Anyway, Dad got a look at him at one heist, and he was sure he looked like Kaito. So to prove him wrong, I asked Kaito on a date!”
“A date?”
“Yep! I mean, thinking back that was pretty silly, but it got him to come. But isn’t that so weird? That he’d even think for a second that Kaito was KID?”
She sounded so cheery. The version of herself she put on in class when she was getting along with everybody. Masking away her acute intelligence and calculations. He used to think she wore her feelings on her sleeve - and to an extent she did. But these days he knew that there was plenty she kept under wraps. She and Kuroba were truly quite the pair.
“It does seem like a strange conclusion for the inspector to come to.” He tried to keep his voice neutral as he could. “How did the date go?”
Aoko stuck her tongue out, and for the moment turned her eyes back toward the screen, organizing her character’s inventory. “Oh, you know. Bakaito. He was his normal annoying self, but he showed up on time. We met up at Tropical Land and had a lot of fun! We saw a 3D movie and everything.” She paused, then added, “Actually, I even handcuffed us together. Which was probably overkill, honestly.”
Great minds think alike.
“And the heist?” Saguru asked.
“Oh, the heist still happened. And Kaito was with me the whole time.”
“Well, I imagine that remedied the inspector’s suspicions?”
“Yeah. Dad never said anything about it again.”
The conversation lulled into silence, but the tension in the room was palpable.
“It’s just weird. That’s the only time Dad has ever had a suspect. Honestly, I don’t get why he’d even entertain the idea.”
Saguru hmmed, hoping it sounded like agreement.
“I mean, Kaito is way too young to be KID. Everyone knows Kaitou KID has to be in at least his forties.”
“That does seem to be the most prominent theory,” Saguru said neutrally. It wasn’t the most satisfactory response, he knew. But he could toe this line, if he focused on the commonly-held beliefs and not his own hypotheses and opinions.
“I wonder who Kaitou KID actually is. Whoever it is, I really can’t stand him. I’d like to give him a piece of my mind for all the trouble he’s causing everybody.”
“That’s fair of you.” Saguru wouldn’t condemn KID himself. But he’s already made clear to her that he doesn’t share the same hostility. “What with KID’s talent, I wouldn’t be surprised if the public never comes to know his identity.” After a moment, he amended, “Not to imply the task force is lacking in talent or capability. Your father has prevented many thefts from coming to fruition.” Never mind the fact KID so far still hadn’t truly stolen anything regardless. “But no matter how successful plans are on this side, KID has still proven successful as an escape artist, if nothing else. We’ll just have to see if ever he’s caught, or we get a hint.”
“It would be nice, though,” Aoko said, and Saguru had a hard time reading her tone. “To know who it is.”
What was she trying to accomplish here? It felt like she was fishing. Like she wanted a specific response from him. She might want him to agree that it was a ridiculous idea, confirm that the suspicions were completely unfounded. But he couldn’t imagine lying to her outright. But on the other hand…
“Have you ever suspected anyone of being KID, Saguru-kun?”
“Well,” he said.
He couldn’t bring himself to lie to her, but he certainly couldn’t tell the truth. Saguru wouldn’t betray Kuroba like that; Kuroba may not trust him, but Saguru wasn’t going to confirm Kuroba’s own impressions.
And it wouldn’t just be betraying Kuroba. It would be a betrayal of one of Aoko’s closest friends.
No winning. Catch-22.
He forced himself to turn the question over in his mind, as slowly as he could allow without seeming as if he took too long. It wasn’t like he’d obtained any real proof. Other than observable evidence that Kaito wasn’t KID. And the DNA proof he’d destroyed. Of course, Saguru knew, but technically he’d proved the opposite.
“You’ll laugh, but I actually suspected Kuroba once myself.”
Aoko paused her game. “You did?”
And now the tension amplified exponentially. Did she know? He’d suspected before that she might. With how perceptive she was, how could she not have at least considered it?
Even then, that didn’t mean he could confirm it. Kuroba was the only person who could do that.
Steady. “Yes, well. I did test the theory, and my suspicions were proven false.” Based on the happenings, anyway.
“How did you test it?”
Saguru crooked a slight smile now. Casual. Easy. Amused. “Much like you, I handcuffed myself to him just before the heist began.”
She still didn’t say anything.
“So, in both of our cases, the heist still went on. So that would appear to clear Kuroba’s name on two different accounts,” he said lightly.
“Yeah, I guess it does.”
She’d slipped a little, seemed more pensive than casually amused. She recovered quickly. “It’s so funny that both of you thought it was Kaito.”
The way she continued circling, the way she persisted… on some level, she must know.
Aoko asked, “What made you think it was him, anyway?”
At least the capacity of the labs was something he wasn’t at liberty to discuss. “Probably proximity bias,” Saguru said. It wasn’t entirely untrue. “KID has a tendency for elaborate magic tricks, and Kuroba is certainly the most talented magician I’d ever met.” And then, after a beat: “But there’s plenty of talented magicians out there.”
Aoko hmmed, and fell silent again. Saguru imagined her putting him under a microscope, considering everything he said. Everything he didn’t say.
She unpaused her game and resumed playing. “Yeah, Bakaito could never be KID,” she said.
But all Saguru could think was that there was no way she didn’t know how false that was.
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orangeejuice · 8 months
“Canon Ships” in One Piece
I actually hear some discussion of this quite often… even on here, the idea that One Piece is going to have some endgame romances or something like Naruto did, is a topic I see talked about a lot. Personally, I find this hilarious since Oda almost never writes requited romantic interactions, much less one-sided romantic ones which are usually just Sanji.
One Piece is a story about friendship and families of choice. Looking at almost any character, especially the Straw Hats, makes that abundantly clear. This ties back to the theme of being free in my opinion. You aren’t bound by your biological family. It’s who you consider to be your actual family that matters.
We have Luffy, whose only present biological family member is Garp and instead finds his family in Ace and Sabo. Zoro’s family is never mentioned yet he had his bond with Kuina. Nami’s family is dead but her family is Bellemere and Nojiko. Sanji’s family are assholes but he has Zeff. Chopper with Doctor Hiriluk and Doctorine, Robin with the scholars and Saul, Franky with Tom, Kokoro, Iceburg, and the Franky Family, and Brook with the Rumbar Pirates and Laboon. Usopp is the only one that doesn’t really fit as both his biological parents are known and his mother was actually a good parent, Yasopp is questionable though. Still, he did have the Usopp pirates. Jinbe’s a bit tricky but I’d definitely count the Sun Pirates.
Romance has never really played a part in the story beyond Sanji being… Sanji. Obviously people are free to ship what they want but when I see people say stuff like, “look how Nami looks at Luffy… they’re canon," dead seriously, it’s funny as hell to me. She looks at him like that because they're friends/family.
Of course there's still a chance we’ll get canon pairings, but I honestly feel like Sanji would be the only one to end up with someone. Literally no other straw hat actually has had any romantic development in the story, and people really want canon romantic pairings? At least in Naruto there was romance throughout the actual story... but if One Piece actually ended up pairing off its main cast I think it would be such a huge fumble and poor writing choice. Plus no one wants that discourse lmao.
Also, I am aware of what Oda has said in interviews, but I feel like even without that, it's still easy to infer that One Piece isn't a story that will end up with canon pairings.
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dapper-lil-arts · 12 days
Is it just me or did the writers seem to have a thing for problematic ships, particularly Fluttercord and Sparity? Like, I can remember one of the writers (I believe it was Meghan McCarthy) completely debunking the Sparity ship and yet they seemed to keep adding to it instead of just throwing it away. Don't even get me started on Fluttercord!
Honestly it was kind of brainless at times, yeah. Thing is, the spike thing can be done well (even if its not prefferable) just looks at gravity falls, with dipper crushing on wendy pointlessly and growing out of it as a part of an arc. I still would have preffered none of that, frankly. Rarity is the defacto gorgeous girl in the show, and the ONLY one in the entire main 6 that has ever shown interest in romance. Her failed crush on blueblood could have even been a fun arc progression of hers where she raises her standards and keeps her cards closer to the chest, and rethinks her idealistic view on romance... ...But nope, instead they didn't do anything, and just kept her somehow leading on A CHILD Spikey wickey my fuckin ass man. Rarity could be with literaly any pony in equestria and the only character that lusts after her is a child, what is WRONG with these writers, really.
Thing is, I love rarity. But because of this specifically, I cant say shes a perfect character. this is like the defining worst aspect of both hers and spikes character and that is insane; the writers kept it up for 9 fucking seasons. Yeah and the thing is that the fluttercord insanity is just another thing in the long string of insanities the writers just collapse into. Stuff like making the princesses always useless, making friendship blasts the solution to everything, cozy glow somehow outsmarting everyone in the world, etc etc. Making discord into a character that never ever helps and yet somehow everyone forgives feels almost reactionary writing, like, fans love this guy so lets keep him around. And then they needed at least one of the mane 6 to tolerate him, annnnnd fluttershy drew the short straw. what a disaster. They put a child in hell but the chaos god gets to walk away lmao
Timber spruce is the diet version of this, in which the sheltered vulnerable girl falls for the camp councelor, its kinda creepy.
And the show was never really good at romance, lets face it, they peaked with applejacks parents.
Timber spruce is the diet version of this, in which the sheltered vulnerable girl falls for the camp councelor, its kinda creepy
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fahbev · 8 months
Hi! Saw you jumped on the tim hate train, welcome to the club! Aplarently you're Damian fan, which is good bc hes also one of the characters who's hit by tim's..woobification? Victimization(???) while simultaneously being the bestest, most competent batfam member. You Damian fans honestly have my respect for the pure amount of shit Damian gets because of tim.
hi lmao. Thanks xD. I usually try to keep all my negativity off of the internet, but last night I was going the anti Tim drake tag bc my frustration was flaring up. At first i was collecting posts by liking them instead of rb, then I was replying, and then at some point... “Fuck it. I want this on my blog.”
(This is gonna be a ramble btw, I don’t care abt making a good post rn.)
I used to be fine with Tim! I think the whole thing was a lot less prominent in the dpxdc fandom bc DANNY was the fan favorite/community elected woobie, but then I kinda moved out and... well. It still took awhile for this issue to seep in bc those Tim fans (you know the ones) are certainly a minority, but I just don’t think you can be a Damian fan for longer than a few months without getting frustrated.
Nowadays I refuse to read anything tagged with any variation of “Tim Drake angst” that features the batfam. Timkon fics are usually just fine though.
Actually— recently? Shit’s been bothering me so bad that I don’t wanna risk reading fics that have Tim in the first relationship tag at all. He’s gotta at most be in the second one. Ship fics are again an exception, but I don’t tend to seek out ship fics much anyway.
But, like I said, I usually keep it to myself. Every time i catch myself venting in the tags I either screenshot the tags and delete, or I delete and retype them. I put them into a private notes document. I also journal in there a lot instead of posting it.
That document is pretty long.
I do wanna say that there’s nothing wrong with what tim fans are doing. It is fun to woobify your fave. It’s fun to prop them up and tear others down and make everything about your blorbo and it is harmless. I do it too (usually in my daydreams). It’s a fantasy, and that’s what fanfiction is for. People who act like it’s “problematic” are wrong. That doesn’t mean it’s not annoying. Because it is. It’s annoying as all fuck.
Also wanna mention that I once read a damian fic that like... started off with some delicious whump, but then it turned into a whole Damian pity party and it guilt tripped all his friends and family. Damian IS my blorbo and I couldn’t read that. I didn’t even know who Maps was at the time but it seemed so bizarre to throw her under the bus. Anyway I feel like that’s what a quite large portion of Tim fic is like except a bit less extreme.
I used to tell myself that “ohhh it’s just a rivalry. I’m sure Tim fans get the same shit in reverse all the time” but I literally NEVER see it in the other direction and spend the most of my time in Damian circles. The only time I see tim hate from damian fans is frustration at those particular fans in response to it or in response to favoritism of authors.
I mean i saw a good chunk of it last night, but what else can I expect from the anti tim drake tag?
It’s actually funny how most of the stuff in anti tags is polarized hate shitting on the character with a lot of bad takes, but in tims anti tag it was almost exclusively frustration from Damian and Jason fans, and usually pretty mild takes. Also people calling Tim boring.
Ngl, Idk much about Jason. I’m familiar with his fanon, but the only comic i’ve read that featured him in a major way was Gotham War. I don’t know him well, and I don’t have too much interest in him. However, I hate “Jason falls over in guilt and kisses Tim’s fingers begging for forgiveness” type posts in solidarity. It’s yucky.
Anyway, I didn’t even mean to get on this anti tim train you speak of, It just sorta leaked out of my vent doc. Don’t expect me to keep posting about it.
but also... don’t not expect it. It might happen.
Even so, my dms are absolutely open for Timothy Drake related frustration! I’m pretty tired of being nice to him.
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nestastits · 24 days
“Emerie was the only reason the Valkyries won the Rite yet their fans only seem to remember her existence when it's time to hate on Feysand and Mor or when it's time to treat her as the supporting background character to Nesta and Gwyn's duo. Wonder why that is...”
Nesta fans, Gwyn fans, and Gwynriel fans have always talked about Emerie. There are many headcanons, theories, and fanarts of her. They only bring up Emerie when it’s to put down Nesta and Gwyn. Most of them were silent when Emerie week was announced. And they also called the Valkyrie plot stupid and “power of friendship”, so that doesn’t seem very supportive of Emerie to me. It feels so performative from them. I honestly feel like when the next book comes out (az’s), they’re going to do “#antiaco••” and talk about how it was so awful, and full of fan service.
I honestly fear what that side of the fandom are gonna do when the next book is released.
EMERIE MY DARLING. I love em so much. I definitely do think she needs to be talked about more as a whole BUT the Nesta/gwyn/gwynriel side are the main ones who always speak about emerie! We all love her 😭! How could you not love her? It’s the Nesta side who have made almost all of the fanfics/fanarts for emerie.
I believe I know the op where you got that saying from about us just using emerie to shit on others. I personally can promise I have never used any character to take down another. I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone use emerie to take down Feysand/rhys either lmao. Now the op if it’s who I think it is, only likes em out of the speculation that she will end up dating Mor lmao. If it’s the person I’m thinking they hate Gwyn/gwynriel, hate Valkyrie friendship and say it’s toxic, have reblogged a post shitting on emerie for telling Nesta she has nothing to apologize for, and all of their emerie posts include her being wrote into the ic/a relationship with mor. And I’ve seen all of this simply cause it was tagged wrong and it was during my early stages of being in the fandom lmao.
Literally the anti Nesta side really only like emerie when she’s being shipped with a character they personally like 😑
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