#or apparently it's agat now? im so confused
indigosienna ยท 2 years
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books-and-glitter ยท 4 years
You literally asked for this directly
Should be 69 of those ๐Ÿ˜š
I hate you so much. You monster. I only expressed that I was surprised and you did this to me. I didn't ask for this.
๐ŸŒป - there is a bug in the kitchen and I am now too scared to go in there.
๐ŸŒป - Harper is trying to protect me but she is frankly useless.
๐ŸŒป - it's not like a big bug but it is definitely not small.
๐ŸŒป - I saw moth put a flower before each of these and thought it was neat. So I am now doing it.
๐ŸŒป - the person who sent me this sends a "Daily dose of disappointment" in a group chat we are in. Except it is not daily. It's whenever she has one.
๐ŸŒป - Kool Aid originated in Nebraska.
๐ŸŒป - The Omaha zoo has both the largest indoor desert as well as the largest indoor rainforest. The rainforest is my favorite.
๐ŸŒป - there is a rope bridge in there though that used to scare me a lot.
๐ŸŒป - nebraska also apparently originated the reuben sandwich which is gross.
๐ŸŒป - the Ogalala aquifer is the largest underground water supply in the US.
๐ŸŒป - the 911 system originated in Lincoln so that's kinda cool.
๐ŸŒป - the largest Woolly Mammath fossil is from Nebraska. If I remember correctly it's the one in Morrill Hall. His name is Archie and I will die for him.
๐ŸŒป - speaking of Archie, he was found on a farm by chickens. The farmer got confused at why the chickens were pecking at something, went to look, found big bones and called an archeologist.
๐ŸŒป - okay the bug is still a problem but I now have you to save me when it shows it's little fucking face again.
๐ŸŒป - the word Nebraska comes from the Oto word meaning flat water.
๐ŸŒป - hell yeah we going back to nebraska facts. Next is that the goldrod is the state flower. Flower is kinda pretty but the paper color by the same name is stupid.
๐ŸŒป - blue agate is the state gem and I vibe with that. Agate is cool as fuck.
๐ŸŒป - UNL's weight room is supposedly the largest in the country at 3/4ths of an acre (32.6k sqft)
๐ŸŒป - the Nebraska capitol had a 9.8 million budget, came in under budget, was paid for by the time it finished construction.
๐ŸŒป - I think the capitol looks weird but I am also desensitized to it but objectively it is really cool.
๐ŸŒป - cliff notes was founded in Nebraska.
๐ŸŒป - unfortunately when the UNL stadium is seated to capacity it technically becomes the 3rd most populated place in the state..... It's also really loud.... And I hate it.
๐ŸŒป - Arbor day comes from Nebraska. Which is cool because trees.
๐ŸŒป - the Scotts Bluff National Museum has a section of the oregon trail wagon roadbed that you can hike. The museum itself is also kinda cool so I suggest it if you ever are in the area.
๐ŸŒป - I wish to kill you, kathryn.
๐ŸŒป - more Nebraska facts I hear you cry! No problem! Nebraska has Car Henge! So if you ever want to get the vibe of Stonehenge except stupid and made of antique cars in a field in the middle of fucking nowhere you're in luck.
๐ŸŒป - Runzas are the official state food and I hate it. Runza makes decent chicken strips but Runzas are gross. Yes handover that cabbage meat bread ๐Ÿคข
๐ŸŒป - Nebraska has a navy apparently. I know this but I cant tell you what the fuck they do since we are like the most landlocked state in the country.
๐ŸŒป - That one president, Gerald Ford, born in Nebraska. That's kinda neat. (I know nothing else about this man or his presidency except he is the only one not nationally elected.)
๐ŸŒป - Fred Astaire, Marlon Brando, and Johnny Carson (I think, or he just went to UNL, the media arts building is named after him) are all from Nebraska.
๐ŸŒป - getting sick of nebraska facts? Suffer. Nebraska has more miles of river than any other state, which is weird because we were called the great American desert.
๐ŸŒป - apparently the Nebraska state insect is the honeybee!!! ๐Ÿ
๐ŸŒป - the Niobrara river is apparently really good for canoeing and has like 90 waterfalls.
๐ŸŒป - I am running low on nebraska facts.
๐ŸŒป - there is a park/reserve just outside Lincoln that has some bison in it. Do not fuck with bison. They will wreck your shit.
๐ŸŒป - I don't know if he is still alive but there used to be a bald eagle in the same park that only had one wing. (Actually I think he was missing half of one but still)
๐ŸŒป - the cottonwood tree is awful and on a bad year can look like a light snow if too many trees are nearby.
๐ŸŒป - the ashfall fossil beds are where you can go to see an active archeology site with the fossils of tons of animals killed by a volcano 12 million years ago.
๐ŸŒป - Nebraska has a unicameral. Which is basically instead of a state house and state senate we have one legislative body that is elected on a non-partisan ticket.
๐ŸŒป - it is illegal to fish whales in Nebraska. Once again we are completely land locked and there are no whales but.. its still illegal.
๐ŸŒป - I am dying here. Kathryn I will punch you.
๐ŸŒป - Morrill Hall also has elephant hall which is the main hall right when you pass the entry desk. It has like 15 (?) fossils in it and apparently it's the largest collection of elephant fossils on display.
๐ŸŒป - speaking of Morrill Hall, it only displays about 1% of it's collection. The rest is stored at Nebraska Hall nearby.
๐ŸŒป - I think the cranes in North Platte are lame.
๐ŸŒป - nebraska furniture mart in Omaha is apparently the largest in the country. Which I can believe. I went to the discount part and it was a giant warehouse. I don't know what the actual sale floor is like.
๐ŸŒป - cherry county is bigger than Connecticut.
๐ŸŒป - O street (highway 6) is the longest straight main street
๐ŸŒป - Nebraska has a testicle festival. It's probably exactly what you think it is. Too many fried cow balls is what it is.
๐ŸŒป - there is a really cool church between Lincoln and omaha called the Holy Family Shrine. Its got massive arches and is mostly glass. Im not catholic so it's not really a religious thing but a bitch can appreciate some cool architecture.
๐ŸŒป - the Hall brothers who made Hallmark (card company) are from Nebraska.
๐ŸŒป - UNL's Love library has a Shakespeare Folio. Its in the Special Collections and Archives' vault. I want to see it so bad and one of the archivists told me she would show me it next time they opened the vault but then corona... :(
๐ŸŒป - UNL's library also has like 5 million+ physical items in it's collections.
๐ŸŒป - the serial killer Charles Starkweather is buried in Wyuka in Lincoln.
๐ŸŒป - Kearney, NE is dead center geographically between Boston and San Francisco.
๐ŸŒป - 92% of the state is farmland/ranches.
๐ŸŒป - if you have made it this far I am sorry.
๐ŸŒป - Nearly every fun facts about nebraska page has mentioned that the food stuffs Spam is manufactured in Fremont. So I'll mention out of peer pressure.
๐ŸŒป - the bug is still in the kitchen. Kathryn has foresaken me. I may perish in the night.
๐ŸŒป - 10 more. There is a roller skating museum in Lincoln. It's at 48th and South streets. Has largest collection of historical roller skates.
๐ŸŒป - Larry the Cable Guy I'd from Nebraska and he has recorded narrations for some exhibits in the Lincoln children's zoo. Or he used to it's been awhile.
๐ŸŒป - going back to UNL stuffs. Morrill Hall is a pretty cool museum and you should definitely go there. If only to say hi to Archie.
๐ŸŒป - the bronze Archie that is outside the museum is currently sporting a fashionable face mask set both over his trunk and his actual mouth.
๐ŸŒป - there are a couple dino fossils in that museum and if you step over the barrier and onto the decorative rocks an alarm will go off. And staff will be pissed because now they have to tell at you.
๐ŸŒป - said museum also has a lot of cool rocks on the third floor.
๐ŸŒป - and the bottom floor has like a hall of nebraska animals where you can hit buttons to listen to animal sounds.
๐ŸŒป - aaand a room with a plesiosaur embedded in the floor which is really cool.
๐ŸŒป - there is also a cool museum in Nebraska called the SAC. Which is the museum for Strategic Air Command. It has a lot of planes and some stuff from moon missions and air force stuff. When I was little some oil from the big plane in the entrance leaked onto a pillow I had when I was sleeping under it on a trip.
๐ŸŒป - nebraska is better than iowa but nebraska kinda sucks too so it's not like it matters truthfully.
๐ŸŒป - Nebraska has a lot of weather like giant hailstones and tornadoes but Lincoln doesn't get much because it is in a geographic dent so weather tends to weaken over the city. Which is lame. I want lots of snow.
And there we are folks. 69 fucking facts. 58 of which are about Nebraska purely out of spite. I counted.
I am now off to murder my roommate.
(jk but you should expect to be quizzed)
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