#or b a horrible person irl
whatohitsonfirewelp · 4 months
Oh some of you are actually fucking horrible people.
In what world is it okay to degrade someone for their looks???
If you don’t like a character, an actor, a writer, anyone, fine.
But you don’t fucking degrade them for their looks???
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andthebubbles · 9 months
tfw you're deliberately making yourself so attached to your fictional characters to combat loneliness
anyway i miss them. i was just writing them yesterday lmao
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opens-up-4-nobody · 1 year
#focus who? i dont kno her#its so bad. i csnt focus at all. and ive got way too much to do. take me back to last week where i spent hours reading papers#annoying. also possibly lack of sleep cstching up with me#do u ever get very little sleep and not miss it at all? yea bitch all the time. then i get depressed and its sleepy time#and by sleepy time i mean i get like 8hrs of sleep lol#maybe ill just do nothing and completely fuck over my sunday lol#maybe i should go run up thr mountain rn before im stuck in a car for 2 hrs#bc im getting spikes of being insane. unfortunately i have no emotional object permanence so when i feel crazy its like#ive always felt like this ans its terrible forever. and then immediately afterward im like lol wot? nah im fine. ive always been fine#shout out to mood swings ✌️ like bro im trying to get materials together so i can teach a class. can u shut the fuck up? and focus?#well see how i do today with a ton of socializing. itll b fine. im normal i can b normal#or i can b endearing quirky. or whatever i usually i am. i dont think i have conversations like a normal person but i cant tell bc im not#there for conversations im not in. whatever everyone else has conversations in a way thats boring. i just wanna grill ppl til i understand#how they work. and then feel like im gonna die if im in a group conversation 🙃 let me study thr ppl around me#bc im very normal. god. i promise irl im not that weird. ppl think im nice and cool and successful#ok maybe not cool. but i think i can get away with being interesting. i got at least a lil charisma. im only a bit horribly awkward ;-]#but i try to own it. wtf was i saying. jesus. i cant with my brain rn. i shoulf have gone for a run this morning#being social just makes me anxious so im babbling i guess. but itll b fun. and itll b pretty im sure#maybe ill try to draw my ocs while im not paying attention. ive neglected them for so long 😭#unrelated
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soliddaddy96 · 1 year
i think every trans poc person should be allowed to get treats whenever they want and be able to kill 1 person free of consequences a year
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devildomwriter · 5 months
*TW*- i*cest, r*pe, g*re, p*dophilia, some general discourse
Ok so I am trying to ask this in the most respectful way because I don't wanna snowball this into a huge discourse; but I wonder if you've been seeing the Dark Content Discourse here on Tumblr?
It basically entails that despite your personal preferences, attacking/ demeaning other ppl who create/ consume dark content is a big no no because it's their safe space to be able to explore these topics. This includes all sort of stuff like i*cest, r*pe, g*re and even p*dophilia. Now you may not agree with any of these things, most ppl don't, and they might disgust you; which is totally fine. But there is a huge leap b/w something that is fictional and something that is real.
Fictional characters are literal lines on a paper. Doing anything with a fictional child does not mean you are harming a REAL child. This might still disgust you and that's fine too. You can block that person so you don't have to look at it again but to call everyone like this and start a campaign against them is well...
I just want you to know that I am not defending that person. I didn't even know them at all before this...Neither I am advocating for anything they are saying or confirming/claiming that they are good irl. I don't know them.
I just want you look at this from a different perspective and know your thoughts about this ordeal. Like for one moment step away from your pre-existing feelings and bias and look at this objectively. Everyone likes something that's even a lil problematic, so if we went on these campaigns every time, literally no one will be left in fandom. I don't agree with p*dophilia but I don't agree with this either...AGAIN THIS IS NOT MEANT TO CONDONE ANY OF THIS BEHAVIOUR! But to paint someone as a bad person for things they do in fiction in their safe space no matter how problematic, is somewhat disconcerting.
I again wanna say that this is not any hate against you or anyone else. I don't want to cause any discourse myself . I think you are an amazing writer and a valuable member in our fandom. Which is why it's important to me to hear your stance on this. But if you'd rather not answer this at all that's fine too! :>
I appreciate your perspective and I sometimes enjoy certain dark content as long as they warn others but pedophilia— fictional or not— should never be written/glorified/accepted. If it’s written as a horrible incident or traumatic backstory (like Lolita) then I understand why it’s written but glorifying or romanticizing it in any way is unacceptable.
If no one is left in the fandom after going on these “witch hunts” then the fandom is toxic, preditory, and unsafe.
As for the huge leap between fiction and reality, everything starts as a thought or fantasy. The more you think about it the more likely you are to commit or watch such an act.
Tumblr should under no circumstances be a safe place for pedophiles.
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I didn't realize the Gotham Knights a) had Carrie Kelley, and b) Carrie Kelley was Black.
So uhm...
I love Black-Cantonese Tim, but I prefer Tim's canon Origin story a lot.
I also like Carrie's canon origin story.
She is completely ignored by her stoner parents (it was the Reagan era), and is later attacked by a former Robin angry at being replaced who now resembles the Joker. She also saved Batman's life (literally) in the aftermath of his grief over Jason's death.
I've always thought, since I got into Batman stuff in 2014, that they had a lot of parallels. And I've always wanted to do a "Carrie in canon Batfam" AU. And I'd already decided that if I ever do a longer fic again, Black-Cantonese Tim is so canon.
So like, hear me out:
Tim is upset about being replaced, and Red Robin starts to get more aggressive, after that and Bruce's disappearance. Carrie seeing Robin and the New Vigilante being violent, tries to be Robin herself as what Robin should be. Tim and her meet, and aside from hitting it off, Tim has one of his "this is so fucking insane and would not work irl but this is comics" ideas. Carrie hasn't gone into puberty yet, and he hasn't had his growth spurt yet. And their faces are mildly similar. Similar enough for Gotham's 80% white population to not notice (both of them find this upsetting and hilarious) when they begin switching the suit. While Tim is Red Robining, Carrie is wearing the exact same Robin suit he did, and no one even knows its her.
Carrie also moonlights as Catgirl under Selina, just like Tim used to as Stray. When Tim comes back, she becomes his personal Robin. Under the name: Orange Robin (keeps up the Tim Drake tradition of horrible hero names).
Then, when Tim turns 18, he fosters her.
It all just...fits together so perfectly.
I really...really....really might sit down in do this, once I finish some other creative projects. Like...man.
(added Bonus of Tim teaching Cass Mandarin, the language of her Mother, who Tim also has a mentorship under. Making Cass and Tim siblings on 2 bases) (Cassie uses slingshots in comics. Maybe...she asks Jason for help with her aim? He gives her one of those crossbows that looks sort of like a gun?? Alfred helps too?? There's a whole lot of possibilities here and I keep thinking of other bits to add. We'll see)
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dwter · 2 years
hey everyone, so ive had a lot of time at this point to ruminate and have had conversation after conversation about everything going on and i truly and genuinely mean this when i say i think so much of my thinking and immediate reactions were entirely based in fear, anxiety and grief that i didn't give myself the ability to view the situation as it is.
ill say from the beginning ive always chosen to view this in a worst case scenario perspective. not just for myself, but also i think dismissing the victim ESPECIALLY those using anything to dismiss her literally instantly is really icky and so ive always looked at this with the perspective of everything (more or less) being true. now with that in mind--i dont think this entire thing was nearly as black and white as i initially thought it was. im saying it straight to save everyone the time to try and figure out my perspective, but after talking with people and thinking about real life, how people irl would view this and DO view it and other instances of this exact scenario happening both online and in real life: this is truly just not the horrible morally bankrupt incident i thought it was.
i thought a lot about how i wanted to go about explaining my perspective or if i even wanted to bc i really didnt want this to he seen as "dream defense" or align myself with the people who have had that stance since the absolute beginning bc they are srsly insane, but this is more for myself and for anyone who felt like they didnt have a perspective they resonated with throughout all of this. this is one of the first instances where i felt a genuine dissonance between my thoughts and feelings and my friends in the community whose thoughts i have always always valued above anything else, often even my own, especially when i was struggling with feeling conflicted out of fear and grief. i always clung to the people whose opinions i trusted (and still do trust dont get me wrong) because it felt easier than having to sort my guilty and scared conscience into rationality that could possibly oppose the people ive always looked to for guidance in discourse. just that fear on being on the wrong side of history and such. but like i said, this long winded and horribly overserious essay is for me more than anyone else--if not for people who have struggled with the exact same shitty time.
ill say the absolute first thing: it was not grooming. i held this opinion literally the entire time and people calling it grooming are not only using the term wrong but genuinely causing harm to such a serious topic. we are talking about two adults in a relationship with an age difference of four years like holy shit. when the first girl dropped her story, almost everyone came to the conclusion that it just wasnt that serious because he thought she was 18. with the second girl, she was one month from 18 and the dms from before turning such were genuinely the driest conversations in the world that he never initiated or made any notion of pursuing. this isnt to say you cant be icked out--the point of me talking about this isnt to make you suddenly change your views on anything but to try and claim that it was grooming or a crime took place is just wrong and dishonest of everyone. this is such a large part of where my personal dissonance with everyone's takes came from bc the way people were trying to claim that liking an 18 year old as a 22 year old was something akin to literal pedophilia (<- bc people WERE genuinely saying this) made me feel confused but also deeply guilty because i really just did not understand. and now that im less miserable, i can recognize that that confusion wasnt just linked to parasocialism or whatever deep twisted thing i thought was in my soul, it was literally just not the big insane evil everyone made it out to be. again, this isnt to try and say you individually cant be like "i dont like this" or "this is icky to me" or "this was bad judgement on his part" (<- which is my personal view btw) but to pretend it is some strange insane act of an active predator genuinely boggles my mind. i dont want to chalk everything up to being covidbrained but i think its a huge part of where this dissonance to real life comes from because i really do think if most of you sit down with genuinely and utterly normal people, they will not give a fuck about this. ive SEEN people have conversations about this with noemal people irl and have them literally laugh in their face bc of how deeply unserious it is. and again, i want to reenforce that doesnt mean YOU dont have to care, but to act as if this isnt an objectively undeep incident between two people is odd, especially to the degree ive seen.
now i cant just say this and be done so lets talk about the next part that people had an issue with: fan and creator power dynamic. ill also say this very straight: when the stuff came out with both girls i had a much larger issue with the "age gaps" than i did this for so many reasons. ive always, even before all of this, had my own opinions and such about ccs and fans ever having relationships and it usually along the basis of "as long as there is consent and mutuality, i have no real issue." its not strange to me that people want to be with people they like and idealize and vice versa. to keep this as objective as i can with this perspective, i wont get into thoughts that for dream specifically it especially doesnt surprise me in the sense that his past relationship + facing vitriol from every corner of the internet but fans + overall paranoia could have absolutely reenforced the normalcy and reasoning in this judgement call but i digress. i mean just obvious examples of people wanting to get with celebrities, or groupies or even in platonic ways where fans become genuine and actual friends of creators--ccs having relationships with fans was never a big deal to me personally. and since its relevant to mention in this case, ESPECIALLY online ones. im not saying there cant be power imbalances among a fan and a cc/celebrity, but to get like theyre all inherently like that again just makes zero sense to me and never has even before dream. this applies especially online where power dynamics are significantly dampened from what they can be and just i mean logically, dream has been a full blown cc for like a little less than 3 years and only at this level for maybe 1 or 2 without experiencing it in real life too. the idea that he himself would not see an issue with this, especially because it was a mutual exchange of company, is so completely unsurprising. and at its core, there really is no real issue in it of itself. a bad judgement call from dream? yes and ill stand by that since he shouldve been better safe than sorry. morally bankrupt and manipulative? 😭 no, not after really assessing shit rationally. i also want to add that it was a mutual thing. i know people are really trying to tear everything amanda says apart (<- which is incredibly strange btw, especially if that was your instant reaction and you were doing it publicly too), but taking everything shes saying as true, we know that there was a MUTUAL exchange of things of a sexual nature and this wasnt some manipulative one-sided exchange where dream controlled everything and gave nothing in return. this isnt to say that amandas feelings are entirely invalid or anything along those lines, but those feelings stem from miscommunication and not morally bankrupt predatory behaviours. like seeing all of the info and looking at the situation as it is, its very clear dream saw and believed this to be a mutual relationship. i was so confused and scared and panicked seeing words like "groomer", "innocent", "guilty", "predator" and others being thrown around i didnt even want to try viewing it for myself. but now that i have and now that ive talked to others, this entire situation reads as a bad break up more than anything else, not a strange manipulative abuse of power where mutuality is nonexistent.
overall this entire situation was framed so horrifically and i was tearing myself apart so much about feeling confused, it genuinely did not hit me the extent of just how deeply unserious it was until a friend of mine told me how they went out with their normal, most unchronically online friend, told the situation in the most objective way possible, and they literally laughed in their fucking face 😭 i also started thinking about real life instances of this happening like if it was another cc, a random tiktoker, an actor and realizing i literally would not care--and significantly less people who are as up in arms as they are would care too. and that ignores the fact that it was ONLINE, compared to in-person where whatever power dynamic could exist would be amplified by a thousand.
this entire thing is just so entirely subjective and if your personal opinions and values find this all shitty, absolutely no one is going to try and say to feel otherwise, at least not me. but to completely ignore that its just that--personal--values and opinions that determine how you view this, and act as though it is objectively some morally bankrupt, impossible to understand, predatory situation just feels reactionary and disconnected from real life at best and just shitty and even virtue signalling at worst. and also dont get me started on what some of you twisted that charity event in technos memory into because fucking shame on you, but ill make a separate post on that later maybe.
this really isnt meant to be a form of "dream defense" because if i was taught anything this past week it was that the way i connected so much of my own conscience to my ability to defend dream and his pr was and is entirely unhealthy, and it was all a wake up call--just not towards dream. the level of miserable agony i experienced, not even mostly because of what dream did, but because i felt like i couldnt DEFEND it, was dangerously all consuming and i dont want that anymore. its just not a healthy way to engage with any media, the need to constantly justify it in every single instance, and especially not with a cc. i want to be able to just see drama and controversy ride out and not have it feel so utterly all consuming, even if i do choose to comment on it. im making this statement bc like i said, it really sucked to feel like there was no public voice i completely agreed with and i realized that i could do that role if i wanted. and honestly, its just been very cathartic for me to write all of this out after feeling like an echo chamber of other peoples thoughts and my own grief the last week.
this community disappointed me in many ways, both the freaks who jumped on any baseless thread disproving amandas claims, dissected her behaviour, was very strangely dream defensive and chose to do all that shit PUBLICLY too. but also the people who chose to use this as an opportunity to act in the most reactionary strange ways that felt so virtue signal-y it was nauseating. i know the people who held/hold the views i did also dealt with the guilt and fear i did too, and thus no one was willing to so deal with the mortifying ordeal of a) sorting through these thoughts and b) saying them in any kind of public space even with just close friends, but ESP on a public blog. i mean, that was literally me. but it really fucking sucked to have just these two extremely polarizing and extremely isolating opinions be the only available voices 😭 my thoughts are getting very rambley now and i apologize, but i hope my points are getting across.
this is already insanely long, but ill start wrapping up. if you disagree with me, obviously thats fine. like i said, this was never made with the objective to change peoples minds which arguably was what my usual dream discourse essays was meant for sometimes. this was made for me and for this specific perspective to have light for anyone who wants or needs it. all i hope is that if you do come out of this with anything, is some form of awareness. of either real life, your opinions or even just yourself i dont know.
i really did love my time on tumblr so so fucking much. and i loved the people here even more so. i think i owe it all to you guys and just my blog itself to say my thoughts on shit, no matter if any of you agree or not. plus i mean if this flops i surely never have to face the consequences if im leaving anyways so peepoClap. thank you all so much for everything, and if you made it this far, thank you so much for taking the time to read my bullshit. i dont know if after this ill still leave, but regardless, it feels wrong to not make some homage to such an impactful place in my life. impactful people too :)
thank u all for reading again, and good fucking night !
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Not really an ask, but I just wanted to thank you and all the other critics that speak about how much of an actual shitshow SPOP was when dealing with C*tra.
For the longest time, I shipped C*tr*dora because I was an impressionable kid who saw them kiss and didn't realize that Canon ships can suck and still be Canon. I didn't Stan C*tra or anything, but I did try defending her one time to my irl friends and my only arguments were that:
A) She's Adora's girlfriend so there has to be good in her (yeah no)
And B) She was "redeemed".
But what actually got me second-guessing C*tra and her fans was when I saw a post about the S4 Glimmadora argument and saw hundreds of comments going; "Glimmer is so selfish!" "Glimmer is a horrible person!" "This is why C*tra is better than Glimmer."
And I was and still am the biggest Glimmer fan, and it made me upset. I mean, Glimmer literally lost her mom and was given basically no time to grieve. It didn't excuse her actions, but everyone kept talking about her like she was a villain trying to destroy the world. And then I thought;
'Didn't C*tra actually destroy the world?' And that got me in this deep rabbit hole of realizing C*tra and C*tr*dora is abusive in so many ways and telling myself I was crazy because so many people were defending her. But then I saw one of your posts, scrolled through your blog and realized; 'Oh, I'm not crazy. C*tra is a horrible person and her stans are just delusional.' It even made me realize how fucked up the show was in so many other aspects; The incest, the leash, the fact that the only enby character was a lizard, and so much more.
So thank you and all the other critics out there that might help give people validation or help people open their eyes.
Thank you. 💙
i'm glad you found my blog and other critic blogs helpful! i know that anti blogs generally have a reputation for nitpicking on unnecessary details and ruining the fun, but that was never what i wanted to do with mine. i didn't expect all of c//a stans to immediately understand my point and stop shipping c//a (most of them don't even pay attention to what we're saying, let alone try to understand) but getting asks like yours really renews my faith in humanity.
i try not to judge what other people ship or to project my moral compass too much into fiction but the problem with c//a isn't that it's toxic, it's the fact that it's heavily romanticized. if they merely wanted to explore an abusive relationship in fiction, that's not a problem. it's quite healthy, actually. but the fact that they imply that this is a healthy relationship and a lot of the fans defend this ship to hell and back is really concerning.
and yes, like you said, it's really hypocritical of fans to villanize glimmer so much for two mistakes that the narrative held her accountable for, while coddling catra who had to face exactly zero consequences for her actions.
i completely understand how you felt, it can often be daunting to be the only one to actually see things as they are, instead of blindly believing what the writers say because the rest of the fandom does. i didn't ship c//a at all but i felt the same way you did, seeing everyone praise the ship and wondering if i'm just being overdramatic.
it's only after i found an anti c//a account on instagram (@anticatradora ; they go into detail with a lot of the scenes in the show, if you want to check out their account!) that i realized that i was right, and this is actually a really weird and problematic ship that people are worshipping just because they're starved of queer representation. i understand wanting to see people like you represented in media, but there are a lot of characters and ships who are much better written and better developed than c//a.
anyway all of this to say, i'm proud of you for realizing the nuance of this situation in this hivemind of a fandom. it's always better to be open to criticism than to blindly defend a show just because you like it. thank you for this ask, it made my day! 💙
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AITA for faking my ex-"girlfriend" and i's relationship?
Context: I (nb) became friends with someone I'll call B (f) back in late 2019. we were online friends until start of last year, and to say just online friends is a (partial) lie. we were in what could only be described as a very codependent relationship.
The Event : The problems started in early 2022, when i came out as trans to our shared friend group. she reacted a light negative way, and continued to use the incorrect pronouns for me, and my username instead of my new chosen name. this is when shit started to hit the fan.
A month or so goes by, and she says some vaguely veiled homophobic shit along the lines of "can you stop talking about *insert celebrity name here* ? i dont need you to shove that stuff in my face. (the stuff in question being the fact that i am nblw)"
I of course, told her that came off homophobic,and to not say stuff similar to it. This made her see red. She started yelling about how she was doing so much hard work by respecting my identity and to give her a break, and that if anything I was the one making a big deal out of nothing.
I explain why this isnt the case, and this results in a hour long fight which ends in her saying that she gets hate-crimed every day for "being straight and white EVERY DAY", calls me 'heterophobic', calls me a sinner, calls the other trans people in our group sinners, and gets 90% of our friends to block me.
I vent about this to my brother, to which we (as a joke) make a plan. I, for the foreseeable future, call her my ex gf. because there's nothing worse for her than being perceived as a fellow "sinner".
I have done this for 1 1/2 years now, and have told one of my old online friends about it, to which they said i was a horrible person for this, and that she had done nothing wrong in the first place. AITA?
TLDR: homophobic and transphobic friend of 2 years called me 'heterophobic', says homophobic and transphobic things to me, and the other trans people she knows. I retaliate by calling her my ex-girlfriend online and to my irl friends, and have been doing this for ~1 1/2 years.
What are these acronyms?
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bree-cheesy · 1 year
Can I please have a submissive!insecure!schlatt x service dom!reader!! 🙏
Like, I want to see schlatt crying about his chunkiness (I’m also a chubby!schlatt enjoyer if you couldn’t tell) due to him comparing himself to his 2019 pics (ether brought on by him or the 12 y/o’s on twitter/X) and y/n is just like ‘Fuck no! You’re so fucking beautiful that I could write like 10 novels about your beauty alone!!!’ and then proceeds to give him the best head in his entire life (immediately shattering his tough guy mask, turning him into literal putty) then it’s followed with the best pegging session in his entire existence (any coherent thoughts is gone by this heavenly experience alone) meanwhile y/n’s just kissing his face and bare body and worshiping him and his body as if he’s some sort of deity and it’s end with schlatt being a blubbering, crying, whining, moaning mess.
It’s followed by a bath aftercare, and whilst y/n’s laying on his bare chest schlatt asks y/n why they’re doing all this for him, he’s feels he doesn’t deserves it (he does!) and they reply with this absolute banger: ‘it’s because you’ve done so much of the same thing for me time and time again… without even asking anything in return… and I’m just now returning the favor.’
-🍰 anon.
🍰 Anon, I hope I haven't let you down with how long this has taken. I hope I did this amazing request justice. 🙏🙏Tried to keep it any gender kind of thing because you requested pegging so it could be a someone with a dick or someone using a strap on. Whatever you wanna imagine! :)
I haven't ever written anything like this so I'm nervous about how people will like it. :(
Word Count: 1044
Jay had always been insecure of his body. Horrible self image from things people would say online and just his own thoughts. He always thought he was so ugly compared to you. He hated being out in public with you because he felt so unworthy. You were the most beautiful person to him in the world and he hated how he looked standing next to you.
Today had been a particularly rough day for him. He had just gotten done with his first stream in months and some of the things people were saying about him really got to him. He was standing in front of the long mirror you guys had leaned up against the wall in your bedroom with his shirt off, his hands on his belly, tears welling up in his eyes.
You walked in, not knowing what was going on. "Hey, Jay, did you see where the-" You looked over and your mouth shut when you saw the slight in front of you.
It broke your heart instantly. You knew he struggled with his self esteem, but you didn't know it was this bad. "Hey, what's goin' on?" You walked over and hugged him from behind, burying your face in his shoulder. He let out a sob and you squeezed him tighter, felling your heart break even more.
"W-Why am I so ugly? God, I look like a fucking ogre." He let go of his belly and you felt his shoulders drop. You moved to stand in front of him and gently held his face in your hands. "Why are you even with me? You deserve someone who is as beautiful as you. You deserve someone who isn't fat."
You frowned and ran your thumb over his jaw. "Why do you think that? I love you, Jay! I don't like that you think you're fat. There's nothing wrong with being a little chubby. I could write novels on how beautiful I think you are!"
He shook his head and sniffled, wiping his tears away. "You're just saying that to make me feel better." He pushed your hands away and you scowled. "Don't lie to me, it's just gonna make me feel worse."
You put your hands on your hips and looked up at him, frowning. "Do I need to prove it to you or something?"
He cocked his head to the side in confusion and a soft frown formed on his face. You got down on your knees and instantly saw a blush form on his face. You pulled his now hard cock out of his shorts and pressed a soft kiss to the tip. He let out a little whine and bit his lip.
You started off slow, teasing him a little, savoring his soft moans and whines. Slowly taking it deeper into your hot wet mouth and down your throat. Your hands found their way to the back of his thighs and you started bobbing your mouth up and down his length, sucking in cheeks just enough to make his knees weak. "B-Babe... s'too much..." He whined and pawed at your hair softly, panting heavily.
You started going a little faster, taking him deeper and relishing in the feeling of his fingers tightening in your hair, not guiding your head, just holding. You pulled off and stroked him up and down, twisting your wrist as you went up. "Feel good, baby?" He moaned, sounding a little nasally and nodded, thrusting into your hand in time with your strokes.
"Just wanna make you feel good, hun.... My best boy, huh?" You kitten licked his tip while stroking and he moaned louder, not even being able to speak at that point. His words coming out like a blubbery mess. You sucked lightly on the tip while stroking him with one and hand and lightly massaging his balls with the other.
"I-I'm gonna..." He moaned and gasped, his voice whiney and needy. You could tell he was close. His eyes were squeezed shut, eyebrows furrowed and a slight pout formed on his lips.
"Cum for me, baby.... Wanna see it." He let out a loud moan and came hard in spurts on your hand, whining and pitifully bucking his hips into your hand. "Good boy..." You cleaned it all up and pushed him back on the bed, pulling off the remaining of both of your clothes. "Gonna make you feel so good, baby.... I promise."
After carefully making sure he was completely prepped and ready, you had him on his back, legs up and you slowly slid inside him. He moaned and bit his lip hard, squeezing his eyes shut. You leaned down and gave him small kisses all over his face and lips while slowly thrusting in and out of him.
"F-Fuck..." He gasped and choked on his words, locking his ankles around your waist. You went a little faster after he got used to it and he let out sounds you didn't even know could come out of him. "R-Right there... Fuck, don't stop..."
You breathed heavily and kissed him deeply while hitting that perfect spot inside him that made him melt into the bedsheets. Not able to form words and he moaned and whined loudly, probably making the whole neighborhood hear him. "So perfect.... Fuck you're amazing." He groaned out as you stroked his cock in time with the thrusts.
After a few more thrusts, he came all over his belly without warning and you slowly pulled out of him. Kissing him softly through his orgasm, you reached over to the tissues on the nightstand and cleaned him up gently. You turned on the bath while he slowly started to relax and got in with him, pressing your back against his chest and cuddling softly into him.
"Why did you do all of this? I didn't deserve it." He asked softly, stroking a hand up and down your belly.
"You're always doing the same things for me. Helping me through my bad days and just being the best person I've ever known and you never ask for anything in return. I wanted to make you feel the same way you always make me feel because I love you."
He smiled and kissed your forehead. "I love you, too."
-- Bree <3
Any good? Finally cleared out my asks so hopefully I'll get the motivation to start some Kinktober stuff. Toodaloo!
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Not stans saying stop comparing Sjm who writes MaStErPiECeS to stupid ass CoHo who only writes toxic relationship
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What masterpieces 😭😭😭😭 point me in that direction pls 🥹🥹🥹🥹
Both CoHo and Sjm gained popularity by aiming their badly written toxic books to underage children. Both gained popularity because of the brainless twats on booktok who only read "for the aesthetic" both write toxic TOXIC and abusive relationships and glorify men who shud be behind bars as HAWT AND SAINTLY name one and I mean ONE Sjm or Coho male who isn't toxic as fuck who doesn't have a single red flag and I'll go touch some grass. Tryna be "woke" and writing for publicity is why they got popular in the first place (except for the selling porn to children thing) I can assure u both of them are horrible authors
Idk much about CoHo books cause yuck but what I do know is 19 y/o fcking a 16 y/o; saying the wrong name in bed; cheating on ur bedridden wife; wanting to push the girl down on floor to keep her from leaving; etc etc and then?? BOOM! past trauma makes it justified and the actual Main Character does the mental gymnastics to manipulate even the reader into thinking the Love Interest is the BEST BOYFRIEND IN THE WHORLD. Sound a little familiar?
Rhys sexually assaulted his soulmate. Enters into her mind tells the room her personal thoughts threatens to crack her mind? He murders ppl and throws a head into ur backyard for fun?? Hides information about his wife's pregnancy that cud KILL HER?! And that's not even all of it
B-but he has trauma 🥺🥺🥺🥺
So what? That's supposed to completely justify the trauma he's caused the main character???
The way these authors have no respect for their own main character??? They're just a mouth piece for them to admire the Male Character. They have no agency. Their entire validation comes from the male love interest?? And uk what u want to write dark romance?? Be my guest?? Write dark romances idc but admit that it's a toxic relationship admit and tell ur readers that NO this is not what u shud look for irl but for God's sake STOP glorifying abusive men and toxic relationships and marketing it to young women
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What kind of motherfucking gotcha bs-? The Joker is okay because he A) had his unspecified mental issues caused by some mysterious chemical that doesn’t exist irl and B) is portrayed with other mentally ill villains who actually get better and have redemption arcs. Unless we’re talking that one movie Joker, where every mentally ill person was both diagnosed and a shitty person, making it all horrible rep for the mentally ill. Either way, the Joker is in no way comparable to Nexus’s villain arc.
What they said. Again can’t add to the convo on joker cause I know nothing about him but it seems legit
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kharmii · 26 days
Bear with me. I've got to piss about something again and do a long post ripping on left wing culture in fandom. Ever since my adorable guy Geten got his event in Ultra Impact, I've been seeing tweets all over Twitter along this line:
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(Just look at this chibified version of Geten. OMNOMNOM....)
Anyway, people keep posting tweets like, "I forgot about Geten! Wasn't he the guy with the INCESTUOUS and RACIST family!?"
I get it. I can see why people would think his family was incestuous. Perhaps they practiced Habsburg level inbreeding? I tend to believe this 'village headman' theory from Japanese culture, (since My Hero Academia is a Japanese franchise and not Austrian, but whatever.....) but it's too bad we don't get lots and lots (and lots and lots) more Geten content to prove or disprove any horrible takes. Maybe they'll flesh him out during the prison scene with Mr. Compress if they make it into future episodes?
Anyway, I'm lol-ing at the 'RACIST' accusations. I guaran-damn-tee those are all coming from college aged white girls who have had the guilt beaten into them from 'white girl boot camp' in our culture. Seriously, Geten's family was prejudiced against heteromorphs. -Like who wouldn't be though? Tell me the truth.....if you lived in the world of My Hero Academia, would you want to marry a guy with a St. Bernard head or a woman with huge damn walrus tusks? Maybe a heteromorph that looked like a normal woman with cat ears would be appealing, but would you be into the cat faced police officer? Maybe Hawks is pretty hot with his red wings on a normal guy body, but would he be as popular with an actual hawk face with a huge ass pointed beak?
Then again, I encountered that clique of a/b/o werewolf enthusiasts thirsty for dog-ass in Submas, and they'd totally get with someone with a full-on animal head if they lived in the world of My Hero Academia. The Himuras might have been a bunch of skeevers who sold their relatives into marriage, but at least they told Rei she could do better than a farting neckbeardy warthog or guy with a Windex bottle spray nozzle for a head, and so she ended up with normal looking hottie pro hero Endeavor.
I could see woke leftist corporations in the MHA world putting up billboards full of hot blondes with guys with coffee cup heads. What?! You don't think a guy with a coffee cup head is attractive, you BIGOT!!1! What if coffee cup head guy has a good personality?
Also, admit that people are prejudiced against heteromorphs irl, like they recently did the episode focusing on Spinner and the Octopus arm guy, but they never place in the popularity contests. The weirder characters don't make good fan service. I diagnose all the heteromorph characters with a bad case of 'gets no bitches', comorbidity 'lack of hoes'. Anyway, the point of this rant is to say that people shouldn't inject their smarmy chicken-shit left-wing values in a fantasy world where people walk around with washing machine bodies and seal heads. The Himuras were FINE with rejecting certain types of people. The problem came when they went too far with it to the point they scattered to the winds.
Anyway, I'll admit I'm wrong if I ever see these hot bitches in the tags:
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spectralsleuth · 1 month
Don't know if you're still accepting asks about LSoW, but you mentioned once that all of the turtles in your au are intersex, except Mikey. Can I ask why you made them so and why Mikey is the exception?
I'm always accepting asks about LSoW! :D I'm not the best about answering them because I have crippling anxiety, but I love getting asks. ;-;
Disclaimer first: Genuinely no disrespect to any intersex people, because chromosomal differences and IRL intersex conditions have near next nothing to do with (I cannot exaggerate this enough) TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA TURTLES, the depiction of the Turtles in LSoW, or honestly, half the AU's with the same sort of headcanon. So keep that in mind. I strongly encourage people to do some research into actual intersex people and characteristics, because it isn't my intention at all to represent very normal people with (STILL CANNOT EXAGGERATE THIS ENOUGH) TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA TURTLES. (Although if there IS an intersex person who reads LSoW and is like, hell yeah ninja turtles are just like me, more power to you brother. I wrote it for you and you only, I am kissing you gently on the head like a benevolent patron.)
That being said, 'intersex' was the best term I could come up with for this head canon, and fits so.
Reason 1: It's funny.
I am making Leonardo ninja turtle deal with turtle equivalent of periods, that is the funniest shit I will ever do. The idea that A: Raph dealt with it first, B: Leo was a smug shithead about it and then dealt with it a year after, and then C: Donnie was SMUGGER THAN HIM, and also dealt with it the NEXT WEEK? Hilarious. I am a comedy god.
Also I think I headcanoned Raph as having CJ with Casey a long time ago because Casey and Raph are soulmates in every universe. But problem is I headcanon Casey as TRANS, so how did they have Casey? Adoption is also great, but you know what would be FUNNIER-
(egg babey)
Reason 2: Mikey's personality. (Also, it's funny again.)
When Draxum was making the turtles in LSoW, he gave them all the bits and pieces he needed in order to make them effective yokai super soldiers. Man literally said 'I'm making a turtle that can hold a sword and do backflips, I'm gonna give it all this other stuff too, OBVIOUSLY.' But box turtles are already pretty territorial and aggressive? I think the reason I gave at the time was Draxum literally said, 'Michelangelo is already so territorial if I gave him estrogen he'd have killed the others.' (Which is a gross oversimplification of how turtles split gender in the egg, herpetologists pls don't @ me they're ninja turtles I am sorry.)
Also it's funny again because Mikey is also smug down the chain of brothers from oldest to youngest with not having to deal with this embarrassing problem, but then DOESN'T get whacked with the egg whammy stick like the others?? Smug youngest sibling?? Mikey asking Leo with fake sympathy, 'Oh, is it your troubles again?' and Leo is forced to try and kill him with a rock.
Reason 3: Draxum (Also STILL YET ANOTHER reason to be funny.)
Draxum figures in the far off distant future if his supersoldiers DO make nests and eggs, a very territorial and family oriented guard that DOESN'T nest would be super effective.
Imagine the post apocalypse future where Raph and Casey have CJ, and you are a simple resistance soldier. You are minding your business surveying Krang tunnels after a delicious breakfast of beetle protein bar shaped into dino-nuggie form courtesy of Donatello Hamato, and Mystic Master Michelangelo appears out of the shadows in a side tunnel and tries to skin you with a fork because you got within a half mile of his expecting brother and his ninja girl friend.
(The only Y/N fic I will ever write.)
I hope that answers the question!! Also reminder to everyone that even though I am taking a little break from TMNT, my fics are far from abandoned and I have them cooking along in the background. Most of the writing I get done is in spite of horrible unmedicated ADHD, anxiety, and being 30 years old with a very tiring job and increasingly troubling disability. That's not me complaining, but I think a little reminder that a lot of fic writers do this as a hobby. The second I feel the slightest bit of pressure I crumble away from fics like I've been cursed by a mummy, because feeling pressure from something so silly is wild to me.
This ask actually I think is a perfect way to show how to support your fave fic authors, and encourage them to continue writing! I actually had to sit down and think about my own notes, and talk over my reasoning with The Council in dm's (@/tangledinink and @/heck lol). So thanks!
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afrenomes · 10 months
Major trigger warning for rape denial:
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I don’t follow the op, but up until just now I was following someone who decided to reblog this post without comment. I’ve been desperately trying to keep on following people who hold differences of opinion and perspectives than me on I/P, to keep on following them for what I originally followed them for (like art, fandom, miscellaneous stuff) and hear what they have to say so that I don’t go down the rabbit hole I feel myself getting pulled towards, but then people go on to uncritically reblog shit like this and I just can’t. I’m beyond my limit here. I don’t know what to do anymore. There are so many things that are horrible and wrong about this post that I don’t even know where to start.
Additionally, this is one of the more heinous tags I saw in the notes of this post:
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Not only is that incorrect, but also the reason why more women haven’t come out to say this is a) it’s incredibly traumatic and may take a long time for victims to process what they went through enough to actually speak out if they ever even get to that point, and b) MOST OF THE VICTIMS ARE FUCKING DEAD!!!
I don’t know what else to do or say here. In the past, I’ve called people out directly on their antisemitism, but I got so burned by it - I got called names and slurs and accused of things that I never said or did, and that’s impacted how I’ve interacted with this website as a whole for YEARS. Plus I’m just a stranger on the internet - sending a message out of the blue to someone describing why what they posted is awful will more likely than not have them get defensive and start attacking me in response. That’s not productive at all. I don’t know what else to do though other than block, unfollow, disengage, and if I really need to vent, then post it on my own blog away from the original post, like I’m doing right now. Obviously doing things in person, like talking to others face-to-face, going to irl rallies, talks, and events, and donating to causes are probably the most impactful, but online rhetoric can and does bleed into real life, and so I don’t think I can just ignore this either.
Anyways, Hanukkah is starting soon, so maybe the best thing to do for now is to log off.
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f0point5 · 11 months
Hey whoah slow down people. She's not painting Mexico in a bad light. It is genuinely based off what's going on. Did you not see that Max has extra security?! The interviews that are all about support the drivers and be respectful... There is a reason for all of this and to have a person not feel safe while working and succeeding at his career is not fine. Not that the whole county of Mexico is to blame for that, the same happens in places that is predominantly rooting for one driver like Silverstone, Monza and even Zandvort for other drivers. All of them have to deal with it and fans shouldn't be disrespectful towards someone who's just doing what he was payed to do.
This ⬆️
I take it on the chin that compared to how much this has been talked about irl (aka F1 media kind of refusing to mention it), I’m dramatising it slightly. But a) this is a fictional plot, not a newspaper and b) it’s based on real things that have happened and are happening. Max and his family are regularly subject to the kind of threats and comments I’m talking about, he was booed in Mexico yesterday during his post quali interview (crowd was chanting Checo at him) they just muted it on Sky but you could still hear it.
And it is the same at Monza, as we know, because Charles was filmed telling the crowd not to do that. We heard it on the podium. We heard it at Silverstone. I discussed earlier in this Smau about the Monza booing and it was meant to be a larger plot point given the horrible behaviour from last year with the chanting about Max’s mother, but I didn’t end up using it because of the Mick storyline at the time. But canonically Y/N stayed away from cameras in Monza because of the hate, same as in Mexico.
The real life hate Max is receiving is not specific to Mexico, nor have I ever said it was, but this fictional plot based off things that are really happening, is.
This is probably the last I’ll say on this because it’s just such an asinine discussion. If the fictional plot is really bothering anyone, I apologise, and feel free to come back on Tuesday when there is no more Mexico content, or not at all if you feel genuinely offended.
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