#or because he thought he was above consquences
The Art of Inversion
Neil x Reader
Chapter 11 - What If This Is All The Love You’ll Ever Get?
Masterlist; Chapter 10
Summary: The brief peace you experience does not last long. And this time the consquences cannot be ignored.
Warnings: Swearing; it gets quite angsty with some mentions of loss, excessive drinking and such... (I’m sorry)
Author’s Notes: Right so... this is post-Kiev, before Mumbai film-wise. It gets intense for which I’m sorry (trust me this wasn’t fun to write). I hope you enjoy nonetheless and please let me know what you think! Feedback makes my days so much better <3
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It turned out that if you and Neil were forced to cooperate (long-distantly yet still), it could work out pretty well. Kiev was a success, to put it simply. Yes, the opera house got partially blown up, and TP’s initial operation became a ‘massive fuck-up’ (as Neil put it), but the boss himself made it. You have been assured about that by some remote Tenet connections you did not even know they had. Now it was their time to step into the game. So you waited patiently for Neil’s return while keeping yourself occupied with other random small tasks for the organization. You went back to texting him rather frequently as well, having decided that friends are allowed to have little chats like that. Also, because you could not deny yourself that guilty pleasure…
He came back just as it was planned, four days after your awkward goodbye (which still haunted you at night). It was late in the evening, and you were finishing a report needed for the morning when you heard a knock on the door.
“Hey you” Neil smiled when you opened the door.
You eyed him quickly, noticing the wrinkles on his clothes, ruffled hair, and tired eyes. It became pretty obvious he came to see you straight after coming back. And that idea made you feel… strange.
“Hey” you smiled back and left the ajar for him “When did you come back?” you watched him sit down on the bed and stretch his arms elegantly.
You could not hide the small smile that showed on your face at the sight. He met your gaze with a little grin of his own before answering:
“Just arrived back from the airport. Left stuff in my room, and here I am” he opened his arms to emphasise the point, and you laughed.
“I can see that. Aren’t you tired though?” once again, you warily searched his face.
But apart from being shocked at how beautiful he was, you got nothing concrete.
“I’d rather talk to you than sleep” he shrugged as though it was obvious. You blushed and looked down at your lap before closing the documents. The report would have to wait.
“How was the mission?” you turned back to him and watched, mesmerised, as he rolled up the sleeves and leaned back on his forearms.
Having Neil chill on your bed was certainly not an image you expected to see this evening.
“Well, you were there in spirit, so you probably know” he grinned “But if you want details…” he trailed off to gather his thoughts, “It was surprisingly easy to enter despite the ongoing siege with two different groups fighting inside. Then all I had to do was wait and try not to draw attention to myself”
“Where did you wait in the end?”
You have discussed the different options he had a day before the attack.
“A lovely storage room backstage” his eyes sparked “Would’ve been more fun if you were there with me” he smirked.
So nothing’s changed then.
“Did you find TP with no problems?” your swift change of topic did not go unnoticed.
But this time, he obeyed.
“Once shit started going off, I went back into the concert hall, and there he was. Trying to save all those civilians from being blown to pieces” Neil looked pensive for a moment “But then just as I thought that I would not be needed there, I saw movement near him. Someone has shot an inverted round there” he met your gaze “So I collected the bullet, making sure it went through whoever that was threatening TP and left just as quickly” he took off the shoes and went back to relaxing on your bed.
“He noticed you?”
“Probably yeah. But to him, I was just a handy help in a rather messy situation” he smiled “Enough about that. How have you been?” this time it was his turn to search your face.
You wondered what he found there.
“Alright, I guess” you smile lightly “When I wasn’t busy helping you, I was mostly working on some boring reports”
“Sounds fascinating” he grinned “Anything fun happened while I was away?” now he was lying on his side with head propped on the elbow.
For a second, you thought about the fact that your pillow might smell like him over night.
“Apart from Anna nearly slamming the door in my face yesterday… not really” you frowned at the memory.
“What?!” Neil’s eyes widened in shock.
“Yeah, well… think she just didn’t see me following her through the door, but I almost ended up with a concussion”
“That doesn’t sound like her but, then…” it was Neil’s turn to frown.
“After everything, I wouldn’t be surprised” you murmured and met his gaze with a weary smile.
You probably had to get used to the rush of butterflies you felt every time your eyes met. He stared at you with an inquisitive look. You were acutely aware that you were both probably recollecting the events from a few days ago. To stop the flood of images from making you do something stupid, you got up:
“Do you want a tea?” you busily stared at the kettle.
“Yeah sure” you could hear the self-satisfaction in his voice.
While you got busy with preparing two cups of tea, you could feel his eyes on you. Then a text alert broke the silence that fell. You turned to see him type an answer. For an absolutely unknown reason, you wanted to know who was messaging him. And why. But instead, you had to try not to pour boiling water all over your hand. At which you failed.
“Fuck” you hissed on reflex and hoped he has not noticed.
But nothing seemed to go past those deep blue eyes.
“Are you alright?” he sat up and watched you from across the room.
“Yeah, just clumsy as fuck” once the tea was brewing, you could assess the damage.
Apart from a little sore skin, you should live. When you turned to give Neil his mug, you were faced with a very smug grin.
“Don’t tell me you got jealous over a text from TP” he pushed his phone into your hands.
You stared blankly at the recent texts. The last one was his response to The Protagonist. One before that was to you. And nothing more remarkable after that. You felt very stupid. But thankfully, Neil was done with taunting. At least for the moment.
“It’s okay” he took his phone back and then gently cradled your hurt hand “Swear I won’t mention this again”
“If you will, I’ll shoot you” you glared at him, trying to ignore the waves of shame threatening to spill from your system.
“Now that’s quite dramatic, don’t you think?” he looked up at you and grinned.
Then he kissed your knuckles and released his hold on your hand. You were finally free, and you were not going to waste that.
“I’ll… I’ve got to go the bathroom for a sec… sorry” you bolted to the door with newly found energy.
Just before you locked the door, you heard him say:
“I’ve missed you”
Fuck. You pressed your back against the closed door and took a deep breath. The sting of the burn was nearly gone, but the shame burned just as strongly through your body. Now you understood why Jasper called you pathetic. That was probably the best adjective to describe your behaviour. Slowly, you calmed down the racing heart and opted to take off make-up as a relaxing task. It worked, and soon you also decided to change into some nightclothes. It was late, and it was safe to assume that Neil would leave for the night in the not too far future. Finally, you took long fifteen minutes to coach yourself to go back out into the room. It was a rather difficult task as you had enough humiliation for the day. But at the same time, you wanted to spend as much time as you could with him. 
Was addiction to Neil a thing? Because you might have just diagnosed yourself with it, you mused while exiting the bathroom. Outside, you were faced with a surprising yet adorable sight of the man himself curled up on your bed and snoring. His face was relaxed with no frown lines visible, and the abandoned mug of tea steamed on the bedside table. You noticed that he took your blanket and covered himself with it. You could not stop the smile that showed on your face when you took in the image. However, that also left you with a rather difficult decision… He certainly left enough space for you on the bedside facing the wall. But also, that was a bit risky… was it not? You contemplated taking a spare pillow and nodding off on the floor. But as soon as that thought entered your mind, the pathetic side decided to object. Friends are allowed to share a bed right? You sighed, switched off the lights, and carefully stepped over Neil’s form to lie down. You made sure to leave all the space you could before you turned to the wall and let the tiredness take you. As a parting thought, you realised that his presence next to you felt right somehow.
*** Waking up to the sound of your alarm was a harsh experience. Unconsciously, you reached out to turn off the brutal device and sighed with happiness when you succeeded. Only then, your brain began to catch up with reality. And especially with the fact that there was an arm draped over your stomach, with fingers touching the bare skin where your top rode up. The alarm has woken him too as you felt him hug you closer to his chest. You felt a warm breath on the back of your neck.
“I could get used to waking up like this” you shivered at the way his voice reverberated through your chest.
Before you could react, he pressed a kiss to the nape of your neck and followed it with a trail of pecks down your spine, as far as your shirt allowed. You squeezed your eyes shut, trying to level breathing. His fingers softly caressing the strip of skin just above the hemline of your trousers made your brain short-circuit. It was all too much. You had to move, or else you could not be responsible for anything that would happen.
Quickly you turned in the embrace to face him. The closeness made your breath hitch. Neil stared at you with a small smile on his lips. You knew that the innocence was nothing but a façade. You had to distract yourself and him, so you scrambled for anything to say. Glancing down at his shirt collar, you found the words:
“Maybe you should stop falling asleep in suits” you aimed for a neutral tone, but the moment his eyes lit up, you knew it was pointless.
“If you wanted me to undress, all you had to do was ask” he smirked when seeing your mild panic.
Bloody fantastic.
He was still too close. And the way he glanced down at your lips for a split second did not help the situation either.
“Right… I’ve had that alarm set for a reason” you rushed to get up and climb over him.
But naturally, Neil had other ideas. When you leaned over him to push yourself up, he took your hands in his, forcing you to lie partially on top of him. You stared in shock, suddenly overwhelmed by the situation. His blue eyes stared back at you with that unreadable expression you have seen before. You took the time to look at him, his wild bed hair and two-day stubble on the chin.
If you were allowed, you could get used to this…
“Is this one of those moments when I should be the voice of reason?” when you found your voice again, it was weirdly hoarse.
“Maybe…” he grinned and squeezed your hands “How’s your burn?”
Only now you actually remembered about your embarrassing moment from the previous night. At the reminder, you felt your face grow warm. The moment was gone.
“It’s fine” you muttered and moved to get up.
This time he let you go, but you were sure you saw a brief look of disappointment on his face.
“What is your plan for today?” he asked while reaching for yesterday’s tea.
You frowned at that.
“Sure you don’t want a new one?” you gestured towards the mug.
“Nah, don’t want your martyrdom to go wasted” he winked and finished the cold drink.
“You really want to get shot, my dear” you mused while eyeing him sharply.
“My dear?” he sat up and looked at you with one eyebrow arched curiously.
You shrugged, feigning nonchalance. It was so much easier to talk with him like that when you had a little bit of space preserved.
“You don’t have a monopoly on nicknames”
“Of course not” Neil got up and folded the blanket he used “But it’s nice to hear that you consider me ‘yours’ in any way, my dear” he winked and crossed the room “I’ll see you around later” he kissed you on the cheek and was gone before you could process anything.
In the end, you never got to tell him what your plan for the day was.
*** The next three days went in relative peace. You started to build a pleasant routine in the organization, and ever since he was back, you could incorporate time spent with Neil into it. Every morning you would attend a sparring session (with Ives or whoever was handy), then a shooting training to keep yourself in shape. After that, meetings and missions briefings where you would help with the logistical side of the operations. In the evening, you ate dinner with Neil in the dining hall. Undoubtedly that was a highlight of the day for you when you could use the hour and a half window to get to know him better. Apart from that first blunder in your attempts at friendship-like behaviour, it all went rather smoothly. Neil did his best to cooperate. The only times when he was proving to be difficult were the goodbyes during which he made it his goal to make you flustered. The kisses on the cheek became a routine thing. And so did his tendency to gaze into your eyes for extended periods of time. You did not mind either of those things.
The lack of concrete news about the unfolding plan sometimes made you almost forget about it. But you did not dare relax, remembering TPs words about the upcoming events. And so, you waited patiently, preparing in any way you could think of.
The fragile peace got disrupted during one of your evening meals. You were mid-conversation concerning Neil’s past experiences in the Navy when Ives approached your table:
“Evening lovebirds” you grudgingly accepted the nickname he chose for you both.
“What is it?” Neil instantly sensed trouble, judging by the frown that showed on his face.
“TP is calling us to the US. Urgently” Ives looked at you apologetically “Just me and Neil, sorry love”
“That’s okay” you met Neil’s gaze over the table “You two are more crucial to the whole organization than I am” you shrugged.
Neil looked as though he wanted to argue but chose not to. Luckily.
“When do we have to leave?” he asked Ives.
“Ideally in an hour”
“Shit” he took a moment to gather his thoughts “Okay, I’ll meet you in the reception in 45mins”
Ives only nodded and left without a further word. You stared at Neil, who eyed his half-full plate mournfully.
“At least you’ll get some nice food on the plane” you offered upon seeing his internal debate.
“But the company won’t be as good” he looked up and smiled sadly.
“That’s quite harsh on Ives” you joked, trying to ignore the inexplicable sinking feeling in the pit of your stomach.
Neil laughed, but you could tell that he was worried too. Using the only way you knew to assure him, you reached out across the table and squeezed his hand.
“You should pack” you brushed your thumb over his knuckles “I’ll see you when you’re back”.
He entwined his fingers with yours and met your gaze for a moment. You could see that he was hesitant, as though he wanted to say something you would not like. Then he made up his mind because he released his hold over your hand and got up to stand next to you.
“I’ll miss you” he leaned down and pressed a kiss to the top of your head.
Before you could answer, he left the hall. You took a deep breath, aware of the strange feeling creeping into your brain. Hopefully, it is nothing but anxiety, you sighed and went back to eating, acutely aware of the loneliness.
*** The peace you got when Neil and Ives left lasted for about twelve hours. A good night text from Neil calmed your nerves slightly as it meant he made it safely to the HQs. You tried to get an early night, but it did not happen. Instead, you spent three hours staring at the ceiling in the dark, trying to convince your stubborn brain that it worried for nothing. After all, urgent missions happened all the time, right? Well, your logic was desperately trying not to fail while faced with an irrational voice that never seemed to shut up. In the end, you resorted to taking a sleeping pill and hoping to catch at least 5 hours long nap.
That plan was cut short by a sharp ringing at 7 am coming from your phone resting on the bedside table. You looked at the display to see Ives as the caller ID. This could not be good. A sudden shock made you sit up and pick up the phone despite being barely able to open your eyes.
“Yes?” you cleared your throat when you heard your raspy voice.
“Y/N…” you have never heard Ives’ use your first name.
Fuck… The world went black for a millisecond. You felt lightheaded. Something was terribly wrong.
“What’s going on?” panic was creeping into your voice.
“Neil… he found TP in his room…” his voice was breaking “He’s gone” you heard him take in a shaky breath “TP is gone”
Your heart skipped a beat. Your vision blurred as you reached out to touch the wall to feel something steady beneath your fingertips. For a short second, you forgot how to breathe. Then as you started to struggle for the oxygen, you took greedy breaths, hoping to calm down. It was not working.
“Are you there?” Ives’ panicked voice broke through the paralysis.
“How did it happen?” you choked out the question, feeling tears well up in your eyes.
“He…” Ives stifled a sob “He took a cyanide pill”
You could not stop the sobs that came then. Only after you could take in a full breath, you spoke again.
“No one knows. He saw Neil and me when we arrived. Then I went to sleep, and Neil woke me up” you could hear the strain in his voice.
“How’s he?” you feared the answer to the question.
Somehow you knew there was a reason why it was not him calling you. But the explanation for that was too terrifying to be admitted aloud.
“Bad” the grave tone made you panic again.
“Fuck” you inhaled sharply.
“You should come via the next plane. He has to be in Mumbai by the twentieth, and I don’t think we can sort him out without you”
You winced at the serious tone.
“Okay, I’ll try to get there as soon as I can” you bolted up from the bed “Please try to look after him” you hated the pleading tone.
“I’ll try though it’s hard to do when he’s locked himself in his room and isn’t letting anyone in”
Shit. The dizziness returned, and you leaned on the wall for support. To say that you were worried would be an understatement. Everyone knew how much Neil cared about TP. The helplessness was frustrating. You wanted to scream and let it out.
“Just do what you can” you sighed “Stay strong, Ives”
“Don’t hang up yet”
“Why, what’s wrong?” his sudden change of tone made you even more concerned.
“Nothing, it’s just that I think you should know about something… about Neil”
“He should be the one telling you but fuck that” he sounded hesitant.
“Ives” the agitation won over any other emotion “Please”
“Neil lost someone very important to him nearly two years ago during a mission. It was an accident, but Neil blames himself for what happened as he was leading the attack”
“Okay…” you needed a moment to process the information.
“I just wanted you to know in case it mattered”
“Thank you… What was their name?” that was the only question you could think of.
“Alex. He was an agent and joined Tenet at the same time Neil did. They were together”
The only immediate thought was that you wished you knew before. Maybe then you could have been a better friend. However, Ives’ took your silence as something else.
“Is that okay?” he sounded genuinely worried.
“Of course, I don’t care who he was with. Only that he’s hurting right now” you glanced at the watch “I should start packing. I’ll see you soon, I hope” you hung up.
You tried your hardest not to breakdown while throwing random clothing articles into the bag. You tried calling Neil, but he has not picked up. You just sent him a message:
“I’m sorry. I’ll try to get there soon”.
There was not much else you could do. Apart from trying to preserve sanity.
*** The plane journey to Boston was a blurry memory. You spent the 8 hours trying not to cry publicly and ignoring the temptation to get drunk to numb the pain and worry. Once you landed, the anxiety got worse. With shaking hands, you went through the customs and into the arrivals hall. All the while, you tried not to think too much about the last time you visited the airport and about Neil’s steady hand guiding you. He still has not responded to your text, and that made you think about the worst. You calmed down your anxious stomach just enough to get into the car sent by the HQ and relaxed into the leather seat. Just twenty minutes now.
But before you could reach any mental clarity, your phone buzzed. You took it out of the pocket and nearly dropped it onto the car floor upon seeing the text. It was from TP. You gasped and unlocked the device to read it.
“When this reaches you, you most likely know what happened. I’m sorry, but there was no other way. I wouldn’t have done it if I didn’t know that you, Neil, and the rest are ready. I trust you, Y/N, and that’s why I have decided to make you responsible for the logistical side of the plan. Once you’re ready, materials are waiting for you in the inbox. Please take care. I know I don’t have to ask you to help Neil but make sure he doesn’t blame himself”
It was clear that he scheduled the messaged to come through after he was gone. And you had a feeling it was only the first one of many. You only had time to wipe the tears from your eyes before the car parked in front of the Tenet building, and you were forced to get out. Once you got through the security booth, you spotted Ives waiting in the reception hall. He had his head bowed, staring at the floor. None of his usual confidence was there. Once you approached, he sensed company and looked up. You were struck by the dark circles underneath his eyes.
“Hey” suddenly you did not know what to say.
“Thank god you’re here” Ives shook off the hesitation and hugged you tightly.
You returned the embrace, feeling tears well up again. You stepped back and sniffed, accepting the offered tissues. Only now you noticed how quiet and empty it was in the building despite the hour.
“How is the situation?” you did not even know how to ask any specific questions.
“Very bad” Ives frowned, and you felt like he was holding back.
“Take me to him, please” you shivered involuntarily.
He did not need more convincing and started leading you through the corridors.
“He hasn’t left the room since midnight when I last saw him” Ives started speaking, “I’m pretty sure he’s drinking” he stopped in front of a regular door in yet another corridor.
“Right… Has he let anyone in?” you strained to hear any potential sounds from within, but there was nothing.
“No” Ives shook his head.
You could tell that he was incredibly tired and worried. You had to be the strong one this time.
“Why do you think I’ll be different?”
You placed one shaky hand on the surface of the door.
“Because it’s you” you could tell he was barely restraining the urge to roll his eyes “You’re probably the only person he cares about”
Despite the gravity of the situation, you felt your face grow warm. You took a deep breath to calm down and raised a fist to rap on the door. At first, there was nothing. The panic kept rising.
“Neil, it’s me” you leaned your head against the door “I’m sorry…” with tears streaming down your cheeks, you tried to find the right words “Please let me in. I just want to see you…” you glanced at Ives who looked almost uncomfortable.
Suddenly you heard faint sounds coming from the room. Rustling, the unmistakable clang of an empty glass bottle hitting the floor and the footsteps stopping just by the door.
“Please go” you mouthed at Ives, who only nodded and rushed down the corridor.
You took a step back and waited, with the heart in your throat. After agonising few seconds, the lock clicked, and the door opened. Nothing prepared you for the sight you saw.
Neil’s hair was sticking out in every direction. His eyes were red-rimmed and paired with dark shadows underneath. He still wore the clothes you saw him in the day before. But probably the worst was how obviously drunk he was, barely able to stay upright by the door. When his unfocused eyes landed on you, he attempted a smile. It ended up looking like a tragic scowl. He opened the door wider for you and went back inside. You took a second to gather your thoughts and followed him, shutting the door behind you.
Once inside, you took the time to scan the room and analyse the situation. Neil sat down on the edge of the bed, which was entirely unmade. The floor was covered in random bits of paper he must have tossed from the table. You counted at least two empty bottles of alcohol lying amidst the mess as well. Taking a deep breath, you faced Neil. He was looking at you, but his eyes lacked their usual spark.
“I’m sorry” he breathed out, and your eyes widened.
“What for?” you were not expecting that.
“They sent you to get me sorted” you did not like the dark look in his eyes “That can’t be an ideal job. Even for you”
“Neil” the stern tone made him focus on your words “I’m not here because they asked me to come. I’m here for you” you took a step closer and knelt to be levelled with him “I was worried” you admitted finally.
“Fuck… I’m sorry, I didn’t mean…” his slightly slurred rambling made you even more acutely aware of his state.
“No, don’t apologise” you interrupted him; TP’s text message fresh on your mind “None of this is your fault. And my job here is to make sure you understand that” gently, you reached out to brush the hair away from his eyes.
You did not know whether it was what you said or what you did, but at that moment, he seemed to break. Before you could react, he slid down onto the floor and started crying with heart-wrenching sobs. It took you a second to change position and put your arms around him. He leaned into the embrace.
“He’s gone” he choked out after a few seconds of silence.
“I know” you run a hand along his back in a soothing motion “But you don’t have to tell me more. It’s alright, I’m here” you whispered, feeling him shake.
At that, he just started sobbing more violently. You could only sit there, holding him and letting your own tears fall silently. You will be okay someday. You hoped.
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lucidskittler · 3 years
"Will You?"
***Chapter 1***
After some time and a LOT of persuading, Armin and the gang's long sought-after peace is finally within grasp. After countless meetings and peace talks for the past month, both sides have come to an apparent middleground, the tension has now started to simmer down and understanding finally at an all time high. No longer the traitors of Paradis but rather, the accepted saviors of the new world, They are finally welcomed home and free to roam their city once more.
The abandoned barracks where they were assigned to within their final year of residence at Paradis years ago was completely untouched since the war. It was almost all gone anyway because of all the damage sustained during battle. There were countless wholes in the walls, shards of glass from broken windows in almost all the rooms, and large parts of the floors were ruined too because of the rain water seeping through cracks of the walls and ceilings, but even so they all walked back there solemnly remembering their fallen comrades. There were a couple of small smiles and glints of tears here and there whenever a recollection of a memory surfaced. Honoring comrades was one reason for coming here but Armin had another reason for asking to see their old quarters.
People went in to their respective quarters after going through the common rooms and salvaging things left behind, but Armin, skipping his shared room with Jean, was in a hurry and decided to walk ahead of the others. He turned left at the next corridor and there, just two doors down... was the commander and captain's shared office. People knew this wasn't just their office, though. Armin thought to himself. They rarely stayed in their separate quarters so this was where they spent most, if not all, of their time.
Their office was a fairly large windowless room filled with all sorts of books, all but one side was covered with bookshelves, the barren side of room was where the sofa and the passage to the adjacent bedroom was, and lastly, in the center of it all was a desk.
Levi Heichou's reputation as an insomniac was just as widely known as him being humanities' strongest soldier. The origin story was never known, all that was said was that he could only sleep a few hours at a time, so it didn't bother him so much to sleep sitting up, Armin considered this and theorized that he'd probably been the one to sleep on the couch. And, danchou even before becoming danchou was well-known to have a tendency to overwork to the extent of even not sleeping and/skipping meals days at a time. She did neglect herself a lot, more so when she was still mainly focused on studies and the sciences. And although there was an improvement in her overall health when she got promoted, simply because she understood the need to take care of herself first if she was to take care of an entire organization, but even then, as Armin recalled, until our last days in this residence, I could clearly remember that whenever their door hung ajar you'd could sometimes catch a glimpse of danchou working until late at night and if she did decide to fall asleep, it was only for a couple of hours and only on the desk.
No one really gave much thought of them sharing a room, and truth be told even if both did share a bed it still wouldn't be any of Armin's or the rest of the 104th cadets' business. Whenever he had suspected his superiors of being together in that way, he'd quickly try to remove it from his thoughts. He didn't want to pry, it was the private lives of his officials whom he regarded greatly and respected deeply. They were both effective and efficient leaders afterall, and if they were ever in some sort of a relationship it never stood in the way in any of their missions. He could vouch for that himself just by citing his appointment as the 15th commander, in that moment in the face of life and death both were willing to face the consquences all for the good of humanity. Duty was above all else for them both, he knew, but... Why was he still at this. I don't have the right to let my thoughts wander there. He snapped back to reality.
Now let's see. Where was it. He walks towards three identical book cases in the far corner of the room. There was no other chair in the room so he pulls the sofa and puts it in front of the middle of the three and used it for leverage. Then, at the top most shelf he reached out his hand behind the books and began to feel around for it, when he got a hold of something cold and solid he yanked it out not caring that the books covering it would fall. Numerous thuds echoed in the room, even through the long hallway he supposed, as more than half a dozen books fell to the sofa and the ground beneath him, raising dust clouds from where they landed.
"Ah here it is." He says quite pleased with himself.
Chapter 2
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fyi, elemental ex is now referred to as Z in certain fics before a certain point in time. So in this fic, he will be referred as Z!
[1.1k words]
[Evil Xisuma/Z, With minor mentions of: GoodtimeswithScar, Joe Hills Xisuma]
Z has starting to become more and more comfortable with the hermits after finally settling in. However. The universe has other plans for him. 
A breeze brushed through the morning air.
It has been a long time ever since Z has appeared on this timeline.
He became friends with everyone; he knew everyone. Almost just as well as his old friends. Boo followed him closely behind, her tail dragging along.
Z took a step-
Z took a-
He lagged backwards, almost falling back onto his newly adopted cat. He catched himself against a tree, breathing heavily.
That was definiately not intentional.
The wind was suddenly blowing the wrong way for a few short seconds, before it returned to it’s formal calmness.
He gripped against the tree’s bark. Boo ran up to him, meowing, almost as if she was asking if he was okay. Z felt like he was suddenly emptied from the inside out. Hollow.
Z touched his chestplate, he knows he exists, but it just felt... Wrong.
Like the universe itself was attempting to erase him.
He slouched down the naturally spawned oak tree, breathing heavily. The gray cat jumped into Z’s lap, asking to be petted, meowing.
Z sighs. It must be great to be a cat, isn’t it Boo?
He reached for Boo’s head, but only a part of his hand to phased through her, the cat jumped in surprise, as if a chill went through her.
The man stared in shock. He could have sworn his hand was not this transparent before--
He reached for Boo again, she hesitately approached, and licked at his hand, now this time it was back to it’s original state.
Z groaned. Finally when he thought he has left the consquences behind. It comes right back.
He might have an idea of what’s happening here. But he did not like it.
One bit.
It might be trying to erase him again.
This feeling of sudden hollowness has only came back recently-- when he had gone into the void to save his counterpart, he must have triggered something for the universe to suddenly remember that he is here.
It’s out to get him. It remembers.
He should have not interacted with the void. He was basically asking for the universe to notice him by going in there. But? He still did it anyways, just because he had not want another person to experience the same thing he did. Now he is facing the consquences.
Without realizing it, Boo was next to him again, lapping at the hand he had placed on the ground.
“Come here you sweet kitty…” Z picked her up, earning a small hiss from Boo and placed her on his lap. And petted her, watching the clouds past by above…
And under the warm sun. He drifted to sleep.
It had gotten worst.
He had thought that it will go away if he just gave it time.
It did not.
His whole body is transparent now.
Even picking up items is becoming a chore, he had to focus mental energy to just pick up a block, especially Boo.
Z was starting to phase through things by accident. He was leaning against a fence post just this morning, and had somehow ended up falling through it.
The other hermits are starting to remember him less and less.
He was talking with Scar this morning, about some funny things their cats were up to. And Scar just walked away from the conversation as if they never had one in the first place and he wasn’t there.
It was getting cold.
And lonely.
It was just like the void.
The thing that hurted the most, was that Joe had forgotten about his session with him. He never forgets, hell, he is the one that constantly reminded Z to come to those therapy sessions.
It was only one session, but it did not feel good.
He didn’t like being forgotten.
He was currently sitting in the corner of his old bedroom again. Behind Xisuma’s storage system.
He hasn’t been in this room for a long time, he had moved out of it pratically, with him being so much more active and all. But now?
Z just feels like he should just stay in here for the rest of eternity.
The universe is going to rid of him one day.
No one would care.
It would be better if he just didn’t exist.
He falls asleep agian. Without warmth this time.
He wakes up in the void.
Well. Not really.
He woke up, but everything was so dark.
He can barely see himself.
The fact that he is so transparent is probably not good for his sight.
Z’s thoughts are getting even more clouded as time progresses, he could not focus on anything, his sheer mental force was all focused on keeping himself in a phyiscal form. He was afraid that he would just slip into the void if he wasn’t careful enough.
Now he has been using a salmon head as a mask, to just simply make a statement that he exists, and he is here.
He could no longer speak.
Z now spends his day walking along the HRN railway, almost as if he was cursed to haunt that place for an eternity. It was attracting him to it. Probably because a majority of the hermits are currently at the HRN the most.
He paces around the rails, placing down pickles. It was the only way he could communicate.
He wants attention.
He wants aknowledgement.
At least… Boo is still here for him, but he could no longer pick her up. She would follow him around, sniff at him, and sometimes just sits down and watches him.
Something was going on with Boo.
Scar doesn’t know what’s wrong- Boo was found randomly in Xisuma’s base one day, in a backroom that neither him or Xisuma knew existed. Nothing was in that room other than Boo and a white bed, along with a picture of Xisuma and everyone, that he himself has no memory of ever being taken.
The man with the cowboy hat did not think much of it, X had told him to not worry about it, and it was probably just a starter base someone had probably built. So he has pushed it into the far reaches of his mind.
He had brought Boo home, and put her back into the pen along with the other cats. But Boo had tried to escape on multiple occassions now, and even had successed sometimes, to only be found later either in that backroom or somewhere in the HRN, just staring at… Something. Who knows what.
Cats are just weird, y’know?
He cried in fear, but listen dear;
The world will not be fair.
The tense and trembling, left broken to the void.
Fate is not to be toyed.
The sickening smog, the suffocating fog.
He cried for an answer, but the void did not respond.
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foruneyti · 7 years
As much as I want to ask about 48, I’ll restrain myself and ask for 49 instead.
Haha good call, I wouldn’t have been able to answer 48 truthfully (or at all). 49. Writing advice.Of course advice is only a guideline, and it is different for everyone, but I will start with some basics that I think will help almost anyone out: 1. Read a lot, build a vocabulary. The bigger your vocabulary the more interesting and accurate scenes you can write. It doesn’t mean you should use difficult words for every small thing, of course; it just means that you won’t be stuck with words such as sad, happy, and angry. Someone who has lost a loved one isn’t just ‘sad’, after all. They are devastated, full of sorrow; their heart is shattered and they will mourn for perhaps a very long time - just ‘sad’ won’t cover the intensity of their emotions. 2. Make sure your grammar and spelling are correct; practice if necessary. Incorrect spelling and confusing grammar can often throw a reader from the scene you have put them in. You want them to forget the outside world, to forget that they are reading something instead of seeing it happen; and mistakes can pull them from the story and back into reality. Always check your writing after you’ve written it, before you upload it, and preferably twice after uploading it. It is okay if typos slip through your fingers every once in a while, things like that just happen. 
3. (And this is one I see quite often)  Do not use more than three successive periods (ellipsis). More than the standard three can greatly disrupt the flow of the story and makes it seem unprofessional, especially when done multiple times in the same chapter. Please, just use three; and even then, use them sparsely. 4. That doesn’t mean you can’t use other punctuation marks, however. Use dashes ( - ) semicolons ( ; ) and colons ( : ) to influence the length of your sentences. Know when they should/can be used and try not to use too many of the same in rapid succession, but look closely at how your writing flows and adjust it with these if necessary. 5. Make sure your reading flows like music. This is one I personally find one of the most important ones. Switch between longer and shorter sentences, don’t only use tiny ones or extremely long ones as it becomes repetitive and annoying to read. For example: I was walking through the woods. It was dark. There was no one else outside. The cold made me shiver. I pulled my cloak further around my body. My shoulders kept shaking. I hated the cold.While the scene may be well-described with observations, actions, and feelings, it isn’t very nice to read. Try to mix it up with a few longer sentences.  - Then here are a few of my personal ones. - 6. Don’t only use actions to write your scene. He did this, she did that, then that happened - sure, all that happens is clear, but it isn’t interesting. Describe the environment, or the weather, or the clothes they were wearing, or what they looked like, or /how/  they did it. And, if you’re writing from a perspective that allows for feelings, use them! Let the reader know how they were feeling, let them know their thoughts and their fears and their hopes. This of course depends on the scene itself. If it should be fast paced, keep the environmental descriptions to a minimum and focus on actions, feelings, and perhaps thoughts. 
7. In my opinion, you can use ‘said’. You can also use others like ‘sighed’ and ‘groaned’ if you want. In any case, don’t use them too often, and especially not after every spoken sentence. I personally like to avoid them all together and instead describe the look in their eyes or the badly hidden sarcasm lacing their words; how they moved a hand through their hair in exasperation or how they clenched their fists so tight their nails left crescent moons in the palm of their hands. 
8.Don’t say they are angry but describe it; describe how their eyes grew dark and their shoulders locked, how their fingers curled into fists as the urge to punch someone rose within them. Convey their emotion, try to let the reader feel the same. My personal fave is to try and make my readers cry when the main character does so as well  -   this is tricky and a bit difficult sometimes, but it gives a much more intense experience. So don’t just let the character cry, but describe the actions and feelings and maybe even use similes! 9.  Pick your words with care, especially if you need to foreshadow stuff or if you need to be secretive about things still to come. 
10. If you’re not sure about the flow of your story, read it aloud to yourself - this also helps with taking out the typos and finding weird sentences. 11. Find a place you can write without distractions. I personally like it best to write when I am completely alone and the only sound is either the rain tapping on my window or the music I have in the background. I prefer to write on a laptop, but when inspiration strikes and I haven’t got it with me I write in the notes of my phone. 12. Install a program on your phone in which you can write stuff. I write in a program simply called ‘notes’, as I mentioned above. This way you can always write when you feel like it! 13. Edit your writing until you feel like it is as good as it will get. 14. I don’t believe in Mary Sues as almost all female characters will be called a Mary Sue at least once, but there are a few things I must ask of you to avoid: 1. Talking and acting like a very, very stubborn teenager. A stubborn character can be fun, but don’t let them go against everything and everyone just because they can or because they don’t feel like complying. Even teenagers have a sense of duty sometimes, or realise it is smarter to just go along; and not all teenagers were stubborn rebels. And even stubborn rebels have feelings. 3. Worthless or not being able to do anything themselves. (underpowered?)Every person has their skills and worth. If they need another character to do everything for them, every reader will get fed up with the character. And if they truly can’t do anything, let them hate it, or let there be consquences. Don’t let them wallow in self-pity for too long, either. 2. Overpowered. And even if they are overpowered, let there be consequences. Let their powers drain their energy until they almost die, let them have vulnerabilities. Make it hard for them. They have cool and dangerous powers that can defeat any enemy? Make their family afraid of them, make no one dare to go near them. Let them struggle with keeping it under control (but avoid the wallowing in self-pity without taking action). Let them lose it all, and show how they suddenly need to adjust to a life without all that power. Let someone accept them for who they are, until they become a victim of the powers, too. I can’t stress it enough: consequences. 15. Check whether things are possible. Fifteen stabwounds to the chest? No, unless they aren’t human or overpowered or have some special gift or object that allows them to survive it. Being hit by lightning? They can definitely survive! It just adds more realism to your writing. 16. If you’re writing a multi-fic, it is really useful to have a separate document with a timeline and the trivia you need to remember. Everything that could be important: names of villagers and their professions, specific powers, titles, the amount of money a character possesses, things that happened in their past and have had a great impact; things like that. 17. Know your characters. Know everything about them. Let them grow throughout your story, too! I think I could go on for a long, long time; but this should be enough to help you out! If you have any specific questions, for example about world building or character design or character building, feel free to send an ask! 
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eurazia · 7 years
What do you think about the reason for nina's transformation??? Like, why handsome men remember her of her dad. Is being handsome the real reason. If not then, what do they have in common apart from it??. Or maybe her mom is just speculating about it? I really want to hear your thoughts!! 😊😊 sorry for my bad english
* v * Oh my! No need to be sorry, your english is totally ok! And thank you for your question, I’m happy you want to read my speculations awww o(*>ω
This is definitely an interesting question, and I’ve been wondering about that too, so let’s see what we’ll be able to find out with this analysis of mine:
I’m going to add pictures of all the dangerous guys Nina’s met until now.
These’s who she was looking at whenever she’s feeling all toki doki in Anatea:
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And when she was younger:
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It’s clear now that I can’t blame her. Everyone here stands for what we could call a handsome man, straight out from the “what do you need to be a hunk 101″ book.
That said, I can’t immediately realize what do they have in common, if not… eyelashes? Height? Maturity? Goatee The smirk maybe? I’m not sure, as the only thing they all share is - in fact - being good looking and in great good shape. 
That’s what makes me think at least Nina’s father had to be good-looking and a sneering guy. Also, the lively and smiling kind. Gawd I love him already, but he’s gone ; A ;
But anyway, we have to keep in mind that 
if her dad died while protecting the dragon village from Bahamut’s rage, Nina was only six years old.
the first guy ever who gave her the toki doki trigger was the guy above 
That could mean that, if Nina’s mom is right and the trigger is there for Nina to run away from traumatic memories, there’s the high possibility his dad resemble him more than anyone else. Or maybe, you know, that plus puberty and all its consequences.
I do wonder if Nina’s mom is right, or she’s just speculating about that as we’re doing now. She said Nina reacts to handsome guys becuase they remind her of her dad, and honestly, it could make sense. I think every little kid idolize their parents, thinking about them as heroes and the most beautiful people out there. don’t judge me ok? plzBesides, she was only six when he died, still a naive kid, so that would also go along with explaining why she instinctively acts like that. That’s sadly a trauma consquence.
Lastly, just because I want to say this at least once (and spare you all from my charinina essays) Nina may have felt the toki doki with basically any kind of men, but the only one who was able to turn her back into a human was Charioce (or at least, that’s what I read into the scene in episode 13 :3c)
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It looks like she’s waiting for him to release the dragon form, I can’t.
But yeah, I’m adding this just to say I think he’s the one who she definitely doesn’t see as a father figure ;)
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saccharinerose · 8 years
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I finished Tenka’s profile so if you wanna read it, look under the cut~
Biographical Information
Name: Hijiri Tenka
Kanji: 日知人 天火
Name meaning:
   日 means day, 知 means knowledge and 人 means person
   天 means heaven  and 火  means fire
Nickname(s): Ten-chan, Angel
Alias/Hero Name: The Glorious Hero, Ophanim
Personal Description
Birthdate: 29th September
Star Sign: Libra
Age: 17 years
Gender: female
Species: Human
Height: 161cm | 5'6''
Weight: 52kg | 114 lbs
Hair colour: Light blonde
Eye colour: Light turquoise
Skin colour:  Pale
Quirk: Halo
Quirk type: Mutant
Quirk range: All ranges
Status: Alive
   Hijiri Kazue (mother, deceased)
   Hijiri Taiki (father, alive)
Affiliation: Yuuei
Occupation: Student
Department: Heroics
Class: 3-? (same class as Big 3)
Voice Claim:
   Tōyama Nao (Japanese)
   Brianna Knickerbocker (English)
Tenka is a girl of slightly below average height with a moderate built. She has pale skin, wavy light blonde hair that reaches to her waist and light turquoise eyes that often seem out of focus. She has a halo levitating above her head that usually gives off a faint yellow glow but can shine very brightly depending on her emotional state.
She wears the standard Third Year's Yuuei uniform consisting of a grey vest, a white short-sleeved shirt, a red tie and a layered dark blue skirt. On her feet she wears black socks that reach about midway up her lower leg and the typical brown penny loafers.
Tenka is a careful person. She is not the kind of girl who does things without thinking about them and would rather take her time to make decisions when given the opportunity. She is put off by people who just rush in without thinking and not caring about the consquences. She greatly dislikes recklessness and even more when people reward it.
She is driven more by emotion rather than reason and is a hopeless romantic. Her emotions can be a great motivator for her, but also a hindrance. If an accomplishment means something for her emotionally she will put her heart and soul into reaching that accomplishment.
Making other people feel good and secure also makes Tenka herself feel good and she greatly enjoys helping others out. She wants to have a good influence on the world and people around and accomplish something lasting in her life.
She can be very self-conscious about some things and will be quite hurt if those are made fun of. She tries to keep herself calm and collected at all times but doesn't always succeed. She often looses her composure and is easily embarrassed. When embarrassed she often gets her thoughts in a jumble and starts babbling nonsense, repeating herself over and over again until her babbling eventually turns into quieter mumbling.
When getting lost in her emotions she also tends to loose control over the luminosity level of her halo, which she greatly dislikes. She can, however, calm down rather quickly from these moments and regain her composure and even quicker if other people stay calm and give her security.
But she has a more stern side to her as well and when she is absolutely required to be more serious she can usually pull it off. When pushed into an unexpected situation where things are at stake she manages to keep her head cool but is somehow not able to do the same in a casual, every day situation. When not faced with immidiate threat she can not take things as serious.
Tenka is easily scared. But her go-to reflex when suprised is to punch instead of running. She has more than once punched people on accident so she really wants to get rid of that reflex. But she just can't seem to get rid of it.
She does not like being told what she can and can not do when she thinks otherwise. She is very understanding though and can listen to and recognize different points of views but stands firmly with her opinions. She is unmoving in her decisions once she made up her mind. It's very hard to change her opinion once that happened but not impossible if she is presented with good enough reasoning.
Tenka is a very independent person with a charming and communicative nature. She works good with routine but is not thrown off by unexpected situations either. She can be in charge when necessary but would often prefer not to.
While extroverted, she is not exactly a social butterfly. She usually has no problems with social interactions but also has times when she'd prefer to be alone. She has a generally mild mannerism unless startled or embarrassed.
She can read emotions really well, especially of people she knows. Although it's also easy for her to read people she met a short time ago. However her perception concerning other people's emotions can be clouded by a variety of factors, first and foremost her own feelings towards a person.
   Fish and other marine creatures
   Cream puffs/Profiteroles
   Careless heroes and people
   Loosing her composure
   Haunted houses
Baking and Cooking
Tenka's cooking and baking hobby started early on in her childhood where she'd often take care of preparing the meals each day because her father went to work too early and came home too late to properly take care of it. She likes to try all sorts of recipes but her speciality is baking pastries. The process is soothing for her but the best part, in her opinion, is giving the things she made to the people she loves and seeing them enjoy eating.
Her Fish
Tenka has a tank with freshwater angelfish that she takes care of and likes to watch. She has a Silver Angelfish named Uoza [魚座], two Sunset Blushing Angelfish named Kon [昬] and Sho [曙] and a Marble Angelfish named Haku [璞]. She loves her fish just like any dog owner loves their dog, a cat owner loves their cat and so on. She prefers to take care of them herself and is aversed to letting others handle them. Ever since she has gotten her first fish, which was Uoza, she hasn't been on vacation, not even once. She even almost skipped school excursions and was only reluctantly convinced to let her aunt take care of them. She called her aunt very often to make sure they were alright.
An expected hobby for someone who spends large amounts of time at home completely alone. Tenka reads in bed before going to sleep, she reads while waiting for the food to cook or bake and she reads in the living room on the couch right next to her fish tank. As a hopeless romantic she likes romance novels the best, provided they are decently written, but she also likes the odd fantasy story, a good romance in such stories is like a neat bonus for her. On good days she can get through a 300-page book in one night.
Halo [ 暈 - Kasa] Her Quirk gives Tenka a halo above her head, the luminosity of which she can freely control. The halo is usually fixed in its place above her head but it can be moved by force. However, when loosing the momentum that pushed it from its usual place, it will immidiately return there. The halo is physical and can be touched, but it can be very hot, depending on its luminosity. The luminosity of the halo can range from a dim glow to emitting the heat of a nuclear explosion (but she rarely goes to that extreme).
+ Tenka's halo can get so bright it scorches everything in her surroundings + She is resistent to intense heat + Her eyes can not be blinded by bright light + Due to Tenka being resistant to her halo's heat she can grab and throw it like a frisbee
- The heat and light from her halo affect everyone: Villains, allies and civilians - When overwhelmed with emotions she may accidentally blind/burn friends with the light from her halo
When Tenka was three years old her mother Kazue was fatally injured in a fight between a villain and a hero. The area was not evacuated properly and she was caught under falling debris. She later died in hospital because of her injuries. Her father Taiki was very distraught after his wife's death. He neglected his work to take care of Tenka. Since her Kazue was the main money earner they were a bit short on money after her death. So her father had to work very hard to get a raise at his job so he could earn more money for Tenka to live a better life. Her aunt, her father's sister, often helped out and took care of Tenka when Taiki was working.
Her Quirk manifested at the age of 4. Her father was very suprised to see her with a Halo above her head when he came home from work. He started crying because it was the same Quirk Kazue had. Tenka was confused why her father just started crying but he could not tell her what happened to her mother yet.
Tenka started becoming independent very early in her life. She cleaned the house, did the laundry and learned how to cook. She'd often suprise her father with meals she cooked herself when he came home from work. She even took a part-time job when turning 14 to earn money too. When she was old enough her father told her what happened to her mother. It changed her outlook on heroes drastically, but mostly on the ones known for being careless and doing collateral damage. Taiki managed to get a job with much better pay after a few years of hard work. However this job required him to work a lot overseas so he had to leave Tenka home alone for prolonged periods of time. He didn't like the idea of leaving her alone for so long but he eventually accepted it after Tenka assured him that she could take care of herself. When her father is away she speaks to him over video-chat every evening. It was during one of his work travels that she told him she wanted to become a hero. Her father vehemently tried to convince her not to but Tenka was unwavering in her decision.
She told him she wanted to become a hero that does not endanger civilians and that limits collateral damage. She hopes to inspire others to become heroes like her and keep civilians safer than ever. She successfully enrolled in Yuuei in the same year as Amajiki, Hado and Togata. She befriended the three of them, as well as several other students during the next years.
Hijiri Kazue - mother
Since Tenka was only 3 years old when her mother died she barely remembers anything about her. She only knows what her mother looks like (and that they look quite similar) thanks to old family photos that were taken in the 3 years her mother was there. On the days where she feels lonely, with her father overseas, she sometimes wishes her mother was still there.
Hijiri Taiki - father
Taiki became very protective of her after Kazue died and this has continued to the present. He is very proud that she can take care of herself but is very worried about her becoming a hero. He wishes she would have chosen a safer career after what happened to his wife but knows that Tenka is unwavering in her decision. He is always happy to come home from work and seeing her again, especially after being away for long. Tenka worries a lot about her father too. She always reminds him to not overwork himself, to take frequent breaks and to sleep well. She wishes her father could be at home more often but she also knows that he needs to do this work to earn money. She makes sure to call him over video chat every day, tell him all about her day and ease his worries.
Canon Characters
Amajiki Tamaki - boyfriend
Tamaki and Tenka were in the same class since 1st year. She first saw him in the Entrance Exam, befriended him during the 1st year and developed a crush on him by the end of it. She kept silently pining until halfway through the 2nd year.
She was so worried that Nejire might tell him that one day after school she confessed to Tamaki on impulse. When he just stood there in shocked silence for a few minutes she got so embarrassed that she ran away without waiting for his answer. They awkwardly avoided each other for half of the next day before Tenka got a prep talk from Nejire who encouraged her to go talk to him. And she did.
She apologized for running away before he could reply. Tamaki also began apologizing for taking so long with his answer that she got embarrassed but Tenka assured him that he was absolutely not at fault for this. When she begins her typical embarrassed babbling Tamaki calmly interrupts her  to tell her that he feels the same and Tenka gets even more embarrassed but this time she doesn't run away. Though her halo starts glowing intensely. Tamaki (successfully) attempts to calm her down by hugging her. Their moment, however, is interrupted when they spot Nejire who saw the entire conversation happen. But after being spotted Nejire quickly leaves to give them some privacy.
When Tamaki got famous in Yuuei as one of the Big Three Tenka'd always be right behind him to have his back if he ever needed it. Tenka is a very supportive girlfriend for Tamaki. She always interferes and tries to divert the attention to her when he is bothered by large groups of people and gets anxious. She can read Tamaki exceptionally well so she always knows when he can't stand to be in the center of attention anymore. Whenever Tamaki has bouts of self-doubt, whatever it may be about, Tenka is ready to reassure and encourage him at any time. When they go out on dates she always makes sure he feels comfortable and that they can enjoy their time together. When she tries out new recipes she always saves some for him to try.
Tamaki also tries his best at being a good boyfriend. He often takes Tenka on dates to the aquariam, knowing how much she loves seeing all sorts of fish. Seeing the smile on her face and her amazement from watching the fish and other marine creatures is worth it, even if he doesn't really care that much about aquariums himself. He often comes to her home to keep her company when Tenka's father is away or invites her to spend time with him and his family instead. Tamaki is very happy to have her at his side and have her support. He also gives it his all to encourage Tenka whenever she might feel unsure.
Hadou Nejire
- close friend
Tenka and Nejire are very good friends. They became friends during their 1st year. They often hang out together outside of school. Going shopping, watching movies or learning together for exams. Tenka often feels the need to apologize for Nejire's abundance of curious questions whenever she is there to witness it.
She knew about Tenka's crush on Tamaki and always gave her knowing looks when she was making heart eyes at him. It embarrassed her to no ends and she made her swear to not tell Tamaki. But Hadou always made an effort to be the best wing(wo)man for her friend. For example making them hold hands when they visited a haunted house together under the pretense that it will keep Tenka from accidentally punching the actors or animatronics. When Tenka just ran away after confessing to Tamaki she came to Nejire for advice who encouraged her to go talk to him
Togata Mirio - close friend
While Tenka would consider Mirio a good friend of hers they are not as close as she is with Nejire or Amajiki. But the two of them connect through their desire to support Tamaki and have occasionally joined together to encourage him. When Mirio found out that Tenka and Tamaki are dating he congratulated both of them rather enthusiastically and reminded them to be good to each other. He is very supportive of their relationship and is happy that Tamaki found a girlfriend who loves him the way he is and supports him how she can. When Tenka wants to suprise Tamaki with a gift she always goes to Mirio with her ideas or for advice, knowing how long they've known each other and how close they are.
Other acquaintances: Kirishima Eijirou, Ryukyu, Fatgum
Kobayashi Misato (by libertylibra)
Misato and Tenka met through Nejire, who has been a friend of Misato since middle school and who befriended Tenka at the beginning of their 1st year at UA. Nejire introduced them to each other in class, before that they have only taken notice of each other's presence but not really interacted. They get along pretty well as they have similar personalities, both being kind, calm and having a desire to help people. Though Tenka lacks the composure Misato has, which Misato tries to help her with. Tenka is infinitely thankful for Misato's help even if it's only a mild success so far. Perceptive as she is, Misato also noticed Tenka's very obvious crush on Tamaki. Now that they are dating she is very supportive of their relationship, just like Nejire and Mirio.
Himura Akihiko (by zariyen)
Akihiko first heard of Tenka as someone who is very closely acquainted with the Big 3. He tries to befriend her to get close to the Big 3, seeing her as an easy target due to her gentle mannerism and appearance. Tenka, being used to people trying to befriend her to get close to the Big 3, suspected that Akihiko approached her because of this. But she gave him the benefit of the doubt. She also knows how unapproachable they seem, especially to underclassmen, so she doesn't take it that much to heart. Akihiko is initially cautious towards her but he eventually begins to genuinely like her after getting to know her better. He admires her rational nature since it's much like his own and finds comfort in her compassionate side. Since Akihiko is very insecure he'll often depend on Tenka whenever he is down, however he will be very discreet about it. Akihiko likes to mess with Tenka and tease her and, at times, she even attempts to tease him back. But Aki finding her embarrassed blabbering hilarious and trying to mess with her till she does it frustrates Tenka to no end. Through sheer spite alone Tenka manages to become more collected and calm just to not give him the satisfaction. He also sometimes scares her, but because of Tenka's punch-reflex, always goes to sulk whenever he took a jab to the face. Tenka always runs after him, apologizing profusely.
Itoh Saori (by zariyen)
Saori and Tenka met through Akihiko. Saori always watches out to make sure Akihiko doesn't go around causing trouble and stumbled upon the two of them one day. Thinking that Aki was stirring trouble again, she rushed over to them to stop him. After the misunderstanding has been cleared up, Saori and Tenka became better acquainted. They had a bit of a rough start with Tenka being somewhat intimidated by Saori's initial stiffness but she warmed up to her rather quick as Tenka knows not to judge people based on first impressions. And since Saori obviously approached her not because of her connection to the Big 3 Tenka was able to become closer to Saori faster than to Akihiko. Saori loves how compassionate and genuine Tenka is and is also very interested in Tenka's Quirk. Tenka in return admires Saori's collected and serious nature and in a way looks up to her, despite her being an underclassmen. Saori often feels a sense of protectiveness over Tenka because of her height. Tenka often offers Saori advice and help regarding class president tasks, even if she herself isn't the most authoritative person out there. Saori is very grateful for Tenka's support as she is used to being depended on and reluctant to seek help. It's a nice change for her to be able to depend on someone else.
Her eyes are almost always out of focus
天火 (Tenka) is also the name of an atmospheric ghost light from japanese folklore
She has a tank with various kinds of Angelfish at home
When she decided to become a hero she started taking Judo classes which she still continues. 
She told her father it was for self-defense as she didn't want him to know about her career choice at that time
Her Hero Name comes from a class of celestial beings called Ophanim/Ofanim, which are usually depicted as wheels
The glorious in her Alias comes from the fact that a halo can also be referred to as 'glory' and is called 'gloria' in Latin
During the 2nd year at UA she tried to learn how to move the halo from its position over her head with her mind but eventually realized that it needs too much concentration and time to do so. 
After that she focused on honing her skills to accurately throw her halo. (Imagine it like Captain America but instead of a big shield it's a small halo that can glow with the intensity and heat of a nuclear explosion)
Her favorite animals are pidgeon and sheep
Her favorite colors are apricot orange and teal
Her favorite flower is the lily of the valley
Her birthday, September 29, is also the name day of the names Michael, Gabriel and Raphael wich are the names of three of the archangels 
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