#or fen for short
accelldraws · 2 years
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he is a meow
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hwashitape · 5 months
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good news Tan has a friend now??
his name is Ciramet and he's very sorry about letting Tan get snatched by a giant bird that one time
he was orphaned and raised by regular tallmen, so most of his magic is self taught from books and trial-and-error (lots of error), he's recently interested in the effectiveness of different materials in channeling magic
very bad at maintaining his appearance
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fenfyre · 6 months
Forbidden Fruit - Part X
Part I
A strong arm came to wrap around his back, pulling him close and into the kiss. The pain from the split in his lip was sharp and throbbing and when Laios' pushed a tongue into his mouth a moment later Chilchuck could taste copper as he met it with his own.
Down where Laios was still stroking them both, tight and quick, he could feel the tallman's cock jump against his own as they deepened the kiss and Laios groaned into his mouth.
If Chilchuck was not careful he might end up devoured whole. If he was not very careful, he might even want to be.
But as charming as Laios was, growing increasingly more unhinged for him, and as nice as that hand felt, squeezing and stroking them, Chilchuck wanted more and he was done being distracted.
One hand still buried in blond hair he reached down with the other to grab a diligently working wrist. Laios whined a lost noise of protest into his mouth but he still let go when Chilchuck made him. Did not part from the kiss when instead Chilchuck wrapped his hand around Laios' length. Stroking it once, twice, to make sure the oil was well spread. That cock was slick and hot and perfect and Chilchuck was done waiting around for it. So he took back control. Something that never should have been wrenched from him by calloused hands and burning eyes.
Their kiss was broken as he rose up onto his knees, golden eyes fluttering open where they had been lost in pleasure.
"Are you sure?" The question was stupid and too close to patronising, his touch docile as large hands came to rest on narrow hips. But something about the way Laios looked at him made Chilchuck swallow the sharp reprimand already prickling on his tongue. Instead he gave a grin that was just as sharp.
"Let me show you how sure."
He held stubborn eye contact as he got into position, shifting his hips and using his hold on Laios' cock to angle it just right. Despite the bravado Chilchuck's heart was hammering inside his chest, both with excitement and nerves, as that slick, broad tip brushed up against his opening. Aligning it was simple enough, barely more than a teasing push, a gentle hint at what was to come.
Once he had found the right angle Chilchuck slowly, very slowly, began to lower his hips.
Despite all their preparation, despite Chilchuck's deft fingers and Laios' excited ones, despite the copious amounts of oil and all the time they had taken to get here, the breech was not simple. Laios was large, his tip wide and unforgiving and Chilchuck had to force it in against the protest of his softened muscles and the dull pain he felt as it speared him open.
When it finally popped inside Laios let out a wild, bitten back groan, hips trembling where he tried so diligently to hold them still. Those strong hands grabbed his hips harder, holding on tight without pushing him move. Good. Laios probably knew if he tried anything like that Chilchuck might just end up killing him.
Chilchuck took a moment to breathe and will himself to relax. The pressure was already intense and he had only just taken the very tip of that impressive cock. Yet it was also immensely satisfying and he already wanted more.
So when his breathing was steady and the pain just a dull throb, Chilchuck continued.
Closing his eyes he took his time. Sinking lower, then stopping again. Breathing, relaxing. Sinking. Finding into a patient but consistent rhythm that allowed Chilchuck to lose himself to the sensations. To the feeling of being filled and stretched further and deeper. The feeling of blond hair between his fingers. Hungry lips against his own as he strained back into another kiss.
This time Laios was much less feverish, much less aggressive. Instead their kiss turned almost ... gentle. Softly sliding lips and playfully flicking tongues. Quiet moans. Only the barest hints of teeth. All while Chilchuck let himself sink deeper and deeper, back into Laios' lap.
He was not sure how much he had already taken, only knew he was not close, when a large hand cupped the back of his head and Laios pulled away from their kiss. Not far, just enough to rest his forehead against Chilchuck's.
"Can't believe we're doing this", he breathed, eyes hooded and fixed on Chilchuck's damp and bitten lips. "Can't believe you'd want to try. Feel so good, Chil. So tight for me. And ... and so beautiful..."
For a moment it felt like Chilchuck could not breathe as something squeezed his ribcage, his lungs, his heart.
"What...?", he wheezed, unable to form any smart reply. This was surreal. Nobody had ever called him beautiful before. Saying it was not the first thing that came to mind was probably an understatement. But Laios would not be Laios if he were physically able to leave it at that.
"You are", he breathed, moving his hand to cup Chilchuck's face instead. "Look so beautiful ... taking my cock..."
"Laios..." Chilchuck was not sure if it was supposed to be a warning, a threat or something else entirely. But as he said the tallman's name that cock inside him gave a heavy throb and the grip on his hip tightened.
"Chil", he sighed in return and those hips canted upwards just slightly, pushing just a bit deeper and leaving Chilchuck reeling with more than just compliments.
Part XI
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anarzaabloodladen · 9 months
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Is it too late now to post cringe.
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spid3r-trans · 1 year
PLEAAASE write something for prowlerbyte 😭🙏🏽
a/n: i was so excited to get this message omg. This one is directly based off of this art work by @bubblypinkfreak !! i love these kids
“We’re just going in and out, got it?” Miles Morales of Earth-1610 tells him. “C’mon, are you even listening, man?” 
He’s not listening. His eyes are fixed on the portal that appeared in front of him, watching it distort and spin with a burning intensity. If the place they’re headed to can make hundreds of watches that can do this, well, Miles of Earth-42 can’t imagine what other tech they have there. Tech he can use. 
“I hear you, I hear you,” he tells his doppelgänger, his mask sliding over his face and distorting his voice. “Let’s do this.”
His first experience with interdimensional travel reveals that it is as strange as it is unpleasant— almost like he’s free-falling, but directionally. He’s not usually one to get queasy, but Miles’ stomach flips with the sensation. He can’t help but be grateful when his feet connect to solid ground. 
The group of spandex-wearing teenagers he’s accompanying are unphased, talking in low voices about their big plan—ignoring the way the ground shifts below them— the panel they’re standing on beginning to rise. 
Miles isn’t sticky like the rest of them are. When the elevator panel starts to rotate, flipping the group of teenagers upside down, he doesn’t bother trying to hang on. He drops back to the ground below, the shock absorbers in his shoes reducing the worst of the fall, and tries to take in his surroundings. 
The place is huge, that’s for sure. There doesn’t seem to be anyone in his immediate vicinity, but getting around unnoticed isn’t going to be easy. His suit is particularly lacking in the spandex department, and even if he were to take his mask off, he happens to share a face with the universe’s most wanted teenager. Plus, the band of spider-delinquents he’s supposed to be with will surely come looking for him when they realize he’s missing. He needs to move quickly—and he needs to move now. 
Miles was right about the tech here. Screens beep and buzz down every corridor he turns, holographs appear with no clear point of projection, gravity is casually defied—even the ringing sound of the alarm comes from all around despite there not being a speaker in sight. 
Those idiots. Miles presses himself into a corner as a group of Spider-People rush past. He knows he should probably go help his pseudo-team, but the room is clear now, and something catches his eye. 
There’s a flash, and a giant metal spider crawls back into its home on the ceiling. Or at least, he hopes it’s a robot. He can’t really tell from here, he needs to get closer. 
His mask disengages as he inspects the equipment— he can’t get close to the spider creature— but the scanner itself moves around like it’s…animate. Miles’ curiosity makes him careless. He doesn’t notice she’s there until she’s behind him. 
“Let me guess,” She says, her voice clear and amused, unphased by how quickly he whirls around with his claw raised. “You’re Miles, right?”
He stares at her and squints— until she smiles. 
He can’t help the way his guard lowers.
“I’m Margo.”
He’s heard that name before. She’s on their side— the “inside man—” as the others had called her. She’s the one keeping an eye on the situation inside of HQ, providing them with the opportunity that let them get here undetected. It hadn’t really mattered to him before, but now that he’s face-to-face with her, it’s no longer something he can ignore. 
Just like he can’t ignore the erratic beating of his own heart.  
She’s undeterred by his lack of response— or the way his mouth hangs slightly open as she inspects him. 
“I like your braids, they look really nice on you.”
God, his mouth is so dry. He has to swallow, trying to push down the red that he can feel rising to his cheeks. 
“Also that suit is fire! Did you make it yourself?” 
Miles can barely nod, trying to force words out of his mouth with little success. “You gotta show me the sketches for it sometime.”
The alarm changes, getting shriller and more urgent— demanding their attention. She raises an eyebrow at him. 
“Lemme guess, that has something to do with you.” 
He barely has time to give a sheepish shrug before the large bay doors slide open, a hoard of spider-themed ‘heroes’ push their way through. 
Miles sees his opportunity and takes it, sliding his ungloved hand into Margo’s—trying not to think too hard about the way their fingers lock perfectly. 
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grokebaby · 10 months
Nan remembers what it was like having siblings.
Her brother - once the smallest daughter, is now old, fat and handsome, and integrated himself into the village. Finding two husbands, and by extension gaining a wife in law. He has lots of children and grandchildren. Siru babysits the lot of them.
Her sister, tall and clawed, never knew when to be quiet. Their father hated this. She never knew when to be quiet, until she slipped out in the heart of night, and was never seen from again. Their father hated this even moreso. He never called their sister by her first name again. Nan always wished he was mourning in secret. Or at all.
She always felt like the last person remembering her sister - though to be fair, her brother was much easier to remember by comparison. He was still here. Visible. She didn't like the siblings separating, but couldn't have left her father and brother behind in pursuit of the lost chickling. And Father Yngve, well.. He was done running after, when someone in his life went.
This all ran through Nan's mind, as she packed a fourth sandwich into the shoulder bag. It was.. Something akin to 3am - She thought, glancing at the grandfather clock in the livingroom. That clock stopped years ago. Siru used to crawl inside it when she was a wee peep. Nan smiled, but it dissolved. Yes, Siru.
She'd always compared her runaway sister to Lassi. Fair comparison, really, even though Lassi made his departure very loud.. Nan stopped to hold herself. But thinking about it now, the circumstances matched Siru better. The oppressive silence around it all. Really, the two women even looked like each other - all thanks to Old man Yngve's genes, most of which Nan hadn't gotten herself.
She heard shuffling. Siru was getting ready to leave again. So Nan had been on time with the preparations afterall. She'd always thought of herself as adaptable. She could hear her daughter trying her damnest to sneak past the kitchen - usually she was good at it, but unbeknownst to Siru, she often got away because Nan let her..
This time would be different.
"Rise and shine Siru darling. I made you some ehh, let's say early breakfast!" Nan said, barely turning back to spot Siru frozen by the doorway, gobsmacked to have been noticed. She didn't reply anything. But Nan was used to that by now.
"You could have one sandwich now or we can just hit the road. I already ate." Nan said, before she could slip away again, walking up to Siru with her bag slung over her shoulder.
".. Huh"
"Ykno.. Get going? Wherever it is you're going - I'm coming along." Nan clarified. Siru still looked a bit flabbergasted, creasing her brows. "No way."
Nan crossed her arms. "Yes way. You just show me where to." Siru's presence tightened at the words, and Nan could tell there was slight panic swirling within her, trying to come up with some excuse to leave her home.
See, Nan had done all this thinking. Unlike back then, now, she could afford to follow when someone was going. She'd let her sister walk out and slip away, same with Lassi. But really all that was left to stay for was the house. Siru of course still came back after her little trips, but really, why not go see where it took her?
Siru opened her mouth after a second of feverish thinking, but Nan stopped her. "Now firstly, I've taken time off work, and secondly if you dare say it's too dangerous for me, you underestimate your old hen!" she proclaimed, tapping the old gash on her jawline. Siru promptly shut her mouth. Nan walked up to the front door with a certainty and confidence, that could not have communicated how deeply she didn't know what might be in store for them. And how deeply she truly worried for her daughter. Speak of whom, was still stalling behind, barely ready to open the front door.
"Guessing you.. don't trust me..?" Nan let out, gaze falling to the floor humbly. Siru scrambled up to her, voice getting caught in her throat. "I-I do, I just.."
"I do trust you. But.." Siru trailed off. But not whatever we're going to run into out there - was the implication. Nan tightened the grip on her bag for a bit, leveling her anxious mind. She sighed and took Siru's hand into hers, giving it a squeeze.
"Well, whatever is going on.." Nan looked up to her eyes. "It can't be worse than not having you around anymore. I love you, Siru. No matter what."
Siru seemed struck by her words. Torn, disbelieving even. "No matter what..?" she asked, almost a whisper. It felt gravely serious. Nan patted the back of Siru's palm with her other hand, putting a smile on her face. "Well of course, if you're up to something nefarious, I'll steer and scold you however needed, but that don't mean I wouldn't love you all the same! Quite the contrary, even, wouldn't you say..?"
And wasn't that fair?
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fanfarress · 9 months
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Original poetry by me (because I haven't written any in a hot moment lol)
Also posted it on my Instagram which I have recently gotten up and running!
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heartsofhounds · 1 year
long runs the fox
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…but at last, he is caught.
(Click for better quality!)
PLEASE DO NOT REPOST! Reblogs appreciated!
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muthaz-rapapa · 2 years
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God, where do I start with this? The first episode has so many things to talk about that I can probably go on for twelve or more pages just to get to them all? 😅
But you can just go watch it yourself then, lol
Seriously, though. The animation is gorgeous 🤩, a lovely OP theme sung by Minori Suzuki (Minoringo), the lore is very intriguing...
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Anne as a heroine is so incredibly endearing. With her big heart, determination to make her dream come true and never hesitating to do what she feels is right in spite of being that one unpopular opinion. She's quite brave and I already wanna protect her with everything I have. <3
And Shalle (Challe??) is our resident emo boy with a sad past. Background still shrouded in mystery so that you'll continue to keep an eye on him to see what he's all about...
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But yea, clearly there's going to be romantic development between these two and the whooooole time, poor Anne is gonna suffer for it cuz Shalle takes advantage of her inexperience to annoy her with all his shameless flirting 😂
Joke's on him, though, since he does not realize he's the male lead in a story with a female demographic and that Anne can have other options and...that she's quite dense when it comes to that, too, it seems.
He is another sour puss who's fated to become the protector of his sunshine. 🤣🤣
This should be fun. So please give Sugar Apple Fairy Tale a try! 😁🍎✨
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iijadraws · 2 years
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This is so quickly drawn but hey, look, wip DA fanfics! In a way. Sofie and Fenris trying to talk things through near the end of the second act.
(Click the image for good enough quality to read my handwriting)
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socialprawn · 2 years
Fenris had a tie of people wanting him being short, and average. I voted tall but I can explain the whyyyy
In my head, Fenris is not massively tall, he's around 6'1 with a slouching posture. It's like he is aware that he is tall and doesn't want to be seen, or he does it psychologically. I imagine that after Danarius he would start slowly slouching less and the crew would be like... huh... Fenris is kind of tall actually...
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acolyterose · 10 months
@fennharel location: the STREETS notes: she's a runner she's a trackstar
Running had started when he was in middle school, he'd done it a lot so joining track had been the natural outcome. Being an athlete had done nothing to mitigate the bullying, but it had formed the habit. Most mornings he went running, even mornings like this one when he'd dragged Fen around to every bar in a thirty block radius of the pyramid. "Five more kilometers." Atlas said as the two jogged together side by side, there was an end goal in mind and that was making fun of all the people at the park who looked like their dogs.
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into-the-feniverse · 11 months
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Tristamp Fen 🏜️✨
Template: bit.ly/trigunresources
More character info under the cut:
DISCLAIMER: BG art is not mine, it’s scenery from the show.
Full Name: Marlowe Fenley Holloway
Nicknames: Fen (preferred), MarMar (family), Intern/Kid (Roberto) Curls (Wolfwood)
Species: Human
Gender: Female (cis)
Pronouns: She/Her
Age: 20
Birthday: Jan 17
Height: 5'3" (159 cm)
Affiliation: Bernardelli Communications
Occupation: Photography Intern
Interests: photography, drawing, nature, travel
Background: comes from a small nondescript town on Nomans Land, but left to attend university at the nearest city. As part of her university coursework she was required to take up an internship, which happened to land her at Bernardelli Communications and under the mentorship of Roberto De Niro. Which in turns gets her pulled into Meryl's mad goose chase to track down and interview the Humanoid Typhoon.
Personality: generally pretty quiet/fairly timid person, a "doesn't speak unless spoken to" type. But otherwise a very compassionate and mindful person. Optimistic realist.
Misc notes:
• She's the youngest of 4 in her family, and the rest of her siblings are adopted
• Worried for her safety and the idea of her traveling on her own, her parents gave her 2 parting gifts before she left for the city: a tactical knife and wrist tech (wrist device that acts as a gps and communicator. While at uni a friend added to it so it has a mini low impact force field as well. Good for blocking bullets)
• In her bag she carries her knife, a first aid kit, the camera, a canteen, and other essentials. She like to be prepared and doesn't go anywhere without it
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winters-tales · 2 years
Blood On My Name
The last of the Sun’s rays were still warm as the dregs of the days reluctantly slunk over the horizon.  He pulled the curtain back slightly, shifting gently up from the rumpled bedding to peer outside, and smiled as he caught the skies changing from pale blue to fiery reds and deep purples. “Laz?” The blankets besides him shifted slightly, and a dark arm emerged, clumsily patting and flailing at the spot he’d been lying in moments before. “Baby, you up?” He caught the questing hand easily and pressed his lips to the knuckles, relishing the heat against his skin. “I’m here, Elsie,” he murmured, sinking back down gently. He pulled the blanket back slightly, snorting at the disgruntled face that peered up at him. “You want some coffee?” Elsie just nodded in response, tilting her face for him to brush his lips against her cheek before burrowing back down into the blankets. He laughed softly, clambering out of the bed over her slight form.
Do you have any idea how long this has been stuck in my head, patiently waiting for me to write it?
Inspired by Blood On My Name by The Brothers Bright
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ziracona · 2 years
Even Fenris stans can acknowledge that that's mainly a trauma response on his part, like it's not his fault. And yet Sebastian Stan's just fly off the handle at a simple joke? Damn they need to chill...
Yeah. There’s nothing to gain from arguing bc it’ll just go in circles, but I am very tired of people coming into my own spaces to bother me or friends. I think that difference is cause they came from different places. Like sure Fenris and Sebastian have some overlapping opinions, but not all, and Fenris has character beyond his politics is the thing. Like. Usually Fenris stans either liked him because he’s hot (neutral motive), he’s edgy (neutral), he’s a minority (positive), he has an interesting arc (positive), or he’s got trauma backstory (positive). Usually Sebastian stans like him because he’s a Catholic Trad Husband (negative), he stans the religious oligarchy and their oppression (extravagantly negative motive), he’s a basic straight white boy who thinks minorities are dangerous and his religion and culture are better than them & they should convert (very very negative), and has a tragic backstory for which he undergoes basically no character growth after but uses to act entitled to judge everyone else’s reaction to their own (also very negative). So the stans are very different types of people.
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liquifiedfurby · 1 month
literally giggling and kicking my feet rn from researching birds.
#a post i actually wrote myself instead of reblogging? on MY fenblog? its more likely than you think. idk man someday ill post my insane wof#this post is sponsored by the website penguins international because they seem reliable(i hope. please be reliable) and have all the pengui#s! all of them.#did you know there are 18 kinds of penguins. smallest is fairy penguin slash little penguin#biggest is emperor penguin DID NOT REALISE HOW BUG THEY WERE#like you are telling me. this man. is 1.2 metres tall. short for a person but tall for a silly little guy#idk ifa penguin walked up to me id be so nervous. like. intimidated. in a “im a big fan” way but also “wow youre so tall”#we love birds#should i make a tag for original posts? maybe. will i? depends on if i can think of one in the next 10 seconds#sorry in advance if youre reading through all of these tags i got carried away#the way tags work here is simultaneously so good and so bad for me#i can just talk so sos o much and it doesnt distract from the main post unless you want it to and its tucked away in its own little corner#sorry wait what was i talking about#yeah#birds#fenbuhhh how can i combine my name into a word related to talking#google says synonym for talks is chew the fat#fen chews the fat#hm.#what are these synonyms#fenparley#fendialogue#calamitalks#idk in the mood for fen fenby the fen not calamity#do you guys ever get that where sometime you are more in the mood for one name than another#who am i talking to. this is what happens when i never post ig. well tune in next time for uh#im just going to leave actually ALSO EDIT THIS BITCH WEBSTIE DELETED HALF OF M YTAGS
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